This research paper in its first part focuses on the theoretical concepts of “innovation”, “innovation Management”, and “ICT innovation management”. The second part of the paper aims to follow results of the survey (research methodology) in determining whether
the innovation is of interest to the participants of the survey. It questions whether ICT innovations are the key for economic development
of the country, or if the interviewees own their (patented) ICT innovative product. It questions where the interviewees find motivation for
creation of ICT innovation and if the managers consider opening vacancies for ICT innovation development. It questions whether they are
familiar with the Strategy of Innovation Incentives in the Republic of Croatia, in the period 2014-2020, or whether the interviewees believe
it was real and achieved. Did the interviewees know that the Republic of Croatia was behind Slovenia, Hungary and Bulgaria according to
the Index of Innovation, and if they agree with the statement that innovations are the source of real competitive advantage of individual
business, and one of the most efficient ways for sustainable prosperity. Are the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) the cornerstones
for development of modern economy?
Knjiga ima deset poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju objašnjena je osnovna svrha i zadatak marketinga, kao i njegove aktuelne promene i perspektive. U drugom poglavlju objašnjeno je interno i eksterno marketinško okruženje i glavni akteri u njima. U trećem poglavlju objašnjen je marketinški informacioni sistem kao sastavni deo ukupnog upravljačkog infor-macionog sistema organizacije i glavna uloga istraživanja marketinga u njemu. U četvrtom i petom poglavlju objašnjeni su svrha i proces segmentacije i izbora ciljnog tržišta, kao i kreiranje marketinških planova i strategija za uspešniji ulazak i opstanak na ciljnom tržištu. U šestom, sedmom, osmom i devetom poglavlju objašnjene su strategije upravljanja osnovnim elementima marketinga – strategije upravljanja proizvodom i asortimanom, cenama, marketinšim komunikacijama i distribucijom. Konačno, u desetom poglavlju, predstavljene su perspektive marketinga, iako su one kroz sva prethodna poglavlja bile adekvatno integrisane u tekst.
Menadžeri i izvršioci u oblasti marketinga, kao i u ostalim poslovnim fukcijama, nastoje da kreiraju uspeh i profitabilnost svoje organiza-cije. Firme u kojima svi zaposleni znaju značaj marketinga i svoju ulogu u njemu, najčešće ostvaruju bolje tržišne rezultate od firmi koje imaju slabiju marketinšku kulturu. Kada svi zaposleni ostvaruju deo svoje marketinške uloge u organizaciji, ona će biti uspešnija u takmičenju na sve konkuren-tnijem domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu. Ukoliko ova knjiga može makar malo da pomogne u tome čitaocima, njena osnovna svrha biće ispunjena.
This paper presents a new adaptive square-root unscented particle filtering algorithm by combining the adaptive filtering and square-root filtering into the unscented particle filter to inhibit the disturbance of kinematic model noise and the instability of filtering data in the process of nonlinear filtering. To prevent particles from degeneracy, the proposed algorithm adaptively adjusts the adaptive factor, which is constructed from predicted residuals, to refrain from the disturbance of abnormal observation and the kinematic model noise. Cholesky factorization is also applied to suppress the negative definiteness of the covariance matrices of the predicted state vector and observation vector. Experiments and comparison analysis were conducted to comprehensively evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm exhibits a strong overall performance for integrated navigation systems.
Management and planning of electric power distribution systems have changed dramatically in recent years due to regulatory, structural, ownership and technological changes. While the new system organization has brought numerous advantages both to customers and Distribution System Operators (DSO), a number of challenges remain yet to be solved. One such a challenge is a connection of Distributed Generation (DG) in remote areas with low energy consumption. This paper is inspired by some practical problems related to DG connection approval in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main objective of this paper is a calculation of the electrical energy loss variations caused by DG. Calculations are performed on a realistic middle voltage (10 kV) network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with realistic system load data obtained from the AMI. The novelty of this approach compared to the exiting energy loss quantification methods is the use of Distribution Loss Factor (DLF) concept and its allocation to each DG connection node. It is expected that this paper will make a contribution towards investigation of the extent to which renewable sources contribute to the overall cost of the network. The obtained results are useful to both the DSO, for distribution network and DG planning purposes, and to the Regulators for energy policy and tariff design purposes.
The paper describes the design procedure for a finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) of brushed permanent magnet DC (PMDC) machine supplied from DC-DC converter. Full order linear Kalman filter is used for estimation of an unmeasured load torque and reduction of speed measurement noise. A new cost function has been introduced with a feedforward dynamic current component and a feedforward static load current component. The performance of the proposed control strategy is compared to the conventional PI-PWM cascade speed control through the experimental verification on the 250 W laboratory prototype. Obtained results show excellent dynamic behaviour and indicate possible energy savings of the proposed speed control.
This paper proposes a novel modification to the predictive functional control (PFC) algorithm to facilitate significant improvements in the tuning efficacy. The core concept is the use of an alternative parameterisation of the degrees of freedom in the PFC law. Building on recent insights into the potential of Laguerre functions in traditional MPC (Rossiter et al., 2010; Wang, 2009), the paper develops an appropriate framework for PFC and then demonstrates that these functions can be exploited to allow easier and more effective tuning in PFC as well as facilitating strong constraint handling properties. The proposed design approach and the associated tuning methodology are developed and their efficacy is demonstrated with a number of numerical examples.
Many effective robot-manipulator control schemes using a disturbance observer have been reported in the literature in the past decades. Besides, the disturbance observer combined with the Kalman filter has attracted the attention of researchers in the field of motion control. The major advantage of a motion control system based on the Kalman filter and disturbance observer is the realization of high robustness against disturbance and parameter variations, effective noise suppression and wideband force sensing. This paper presents a survey of motion control based on the Kalman filter and disturbance observer, which have been previously introduced by the authors. Several control schemes, as well as formulations and applications of the Kalman filter and disturbance observer, are described in the paper. The performance and effectiveness of the control schemes are evaluated to give a useful and comprehensive design of the Kalman filter and disturbance observer in various motion control applications.
This paper describes use of Legendre orthonormal functions for representation of the control trajectory in discrete model predictive control, precisely, above mentioned functions are used for efficient parametrization of the difference of control signal. When high demands, fast sampling or complicated dynamics are present in the design, classical approach is not computationally efficient and can lead to poorly numerically conditioned solutions as noted in [1]. Using orthonormal functions, moreover Legendre functions, described in this paper, number of parameters used for description of future control trajectory is reduced and the trajectory itself becomes smoother, with control signal being of smaller amplitude then in the Laguerre case.