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Dynamic Orchestration of Security Services at Fog Nodes for 5G IoT


Abstract and Figures

Fog Computing is one of the edge computing paradigms that envisages being the proximate processing and storage infrastructure for a multitude of IoT appliances. With its dynamic deployability as a medium level cloud service, fog nodes are enabling heterogeneous service provisioning infrastructure that features scalability, interoperability, and adaptability. Out of the various 5G based services possible with the fog computing platforms, security services are imperative but minimally investigated directive. Thus, in this research, we are focused on launching security services in a fog node with an architecture capable of provisioning on-demand service requests. As the fog nodes are constrained on resources, our intention is to integrate lightweight virtualization technology such as Docker for forming the service provisioning infrastructure. We managed to launch multiple security instances configured to be Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPSs) on the fog infrastructure emulated via a Raspberry Pi-4 device. This environment was tested with multiple networks flows to validate its feasibility. In our proposed architecture, orchestration strategies performed by the security orchestrator were stated as guidelines for achieving pragmatic dynamic orchestration with fog in IoT deployments. Results of this research guarantee the possibility of developing an ambient security service model that facilitate IoT devices with enhanced security.
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Dynamic Orchestration of Security Services at Fog
Nodes for 5G IoT
Vashish N. Imrith, Pasika Ranaweera, Rameshwar A. Jugurnauth, Madhusanka Liyanage§
∗‡ Department of Electrical and Electronics, University of Mauritius, Mauritius
†§ School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
§Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland
Email:,, , §,
Abstract—Fog Computing is one of the edge computing
paradigms that envisages being the proximate processing and
storage infrastructure for a multitude of IoT appliances. With its
dynamic deployability as a medium level cloud service, fog nodes
are enabling heterogeneous service provisioning infrastructure
that features scalability, interoperability, and adaptability. Out
of the various 5G based services possible with the fog computing
platforms, security services are imperative but minimally inves-
tigated direct live. Thus, in this research, we are focused on
launching security services in a fog node with an architecture
capable of provisioning on-demand service requests. As the fog
nodes are constrained on resources, our intention is to integrate
light-weight virtualization technology such as Docker for forming
the service provisioning infrastructure. We managed to launch
multiple security instances configured to be Intrusion Detec-
tion and Prevention Systems (IDPSs) on the fog infrastructure
emulated via a Raspberry Pi-4 device. This environment was
tested with multiple network flows to validate its feasibility. In
our proposed architecture, orchestration strategies performed by
the security orchestrator were stated as guidelines for achieving
pragmatic, dynamic orchestration with fog in IoT deployments.
The results of this research guarantee the possibility of developing
an ambient security service model that facilitates IoT devices with
enhanced security.
Index Terms—IoT, Fog Nodes, IDPS, Security Services, Scal-
ability, Performance, Orchestration
The Internet of Things (IoT) emergence made a big impact
on daily life with the arrival of micro and nanodevices. These
devices inheriting autonomous intelligence are used to simplify
personal lives by improving the efficiency of digital infrastruc-
ture. The extent of IoT applications ranges from households,
business environments, agricultural sites, sporting events to
automobiles [1]. Typically, IoT systems consist of sensors,
actuators, networking nodes, intermediary data storage, and
processing centers, interfacing devices, and remote clouds.
Most of the IoT devices are miniature and battery energized
appliances that embed low-level processing and memory com-
ponents [2]. Thus, reliable and highly scaled service functions
cannot be guaranteed by them. Such appliances are employed
as remote sensory devices and wearables that are commis-
sioned to extract data and monitor the subjected entities.
Extracted data from these sensors are imperative for not
only immediate decision making but for identifying patterns,
predictive analysis, and forecasting solutions to improve the
effectiveness of the smart services [3].
Typically these sensory devices are connected to an IoT
gateway that forms a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). A
number of connected gateways depend on the extent of the
smart environment/system. As these WSNs are exerting an
enormous amount of critical data from the smart environments,
securing the transmission channels is in the best interest
of achieving an accurate and seamless smart service. The
resilience of these devices, including the gateways, however, is
lesser for different types of security attacks due to their remote
nature. IoT sensors could be tampered by physical means.
There is a higher tendency for the injection of malicious
nodes among sensors in WSNs. The household components
such as CCTV cameras and doorbells are hackable for gaining
habitual and personal information [4], [5]. Botnets are the most
recent threats that emerged for emanating Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) attacks on WSN based IoT gateway nodes
for disrupting their services [6].
These vulnerabilities in IoT sensors are creating different
security requirements that could not be mitigated by a singular
security function. Launching diverse security functions in a
WSN composed of IoT devices and a gateway is questionable
due to their resource constraints. However, with edge comput-
ing initiatives such as fog computing, an edge infrastructure is
envisaged to deployed among the IoT systems [7]. Thus, this
research is intending to explore the possibility of launching
multiple-security services at a resource-constrained edge node.
A. Contribution
In this paper, we aim to investigate the feasibility of
launching multiple Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
(IDPS) tools at a resource-constrained edge node. We are
proposing an architecture suited for provisioning security ser-
vices for IoT devices, centralized by a fog node. This approach
enables a user to acquire a preferred security service that is
capable of ensuring security and privacy aspects regardless
of the service which was originally subscribed to. Moreover,
the dynamic nature of the service provisioning fog based
platform improves the scalability of IoT applications. The
main contribution is the orchestration strategies proposed for
managing the security services in the edge node. In order to
implement multiple security services, light-weight virtualiza-
tion techniques are followed. Moreover, state-of-the-art IDPS
tools are configured with the edge device to form the testing
environment. We are validating the proposed structure by
emulating malicious traffic flows and testing the performance
of the edge node.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II elabo-
rates the background technologies used for this investigation.
Prevailing literature are summarized in Section III. Section IV
and Section V are proposing and validating the IoT dynamic
security architecture. Section VI concludes the paper.
A. Fog Computing Edge Nodes
Introduced by Cisco in 2012, Fog computing is a major edge
computing paradigm that augments cloud computing services
to mobile devices through a decentralized service platform [8].
In this approach, an edge node, referred to as a fog node, is
dispensing resources that are limited to the main cloud with
proximate accessibility. The fog concept is formalized with
the three functional planes of cloud, fog, and IoT/user levels
[9]. Unlike other edge computing paradigms, fog network is
extended from fog-to-fog connections. Thus, latency endured
with fog applications is very low [1]. Service deployment at
the fog infrastructure is achieved by virtualization technolo-
gies. Due to the proximate placement of fog nodes to the
IoT nodes restricts the resources available for them. Thus, fog
nodes that are localized to IoT stratum are typically considered
as resource-constrained edge nodes.
B. Docker
Docker is a prominent light-weight virtualization technique
that is capable of launching at computing platforms with
alleviated resources [10]. Its ability to execute multiple service
instances with minimal resources enable its integration to
emerge virtualization-based systems. Docker is formed as a
client-server model, where docker daemon is handling the user
requests interfaced by a docker client. The extracted images
from the docker registry are executed as containers within the
docker host. Each container is given an ID and is capable
of committing the status of the container as a newly forged
image. These containers are connected with a default bridge
network. The overhead is remarkably lesser as 70 MB for a
Ubuntu-based container. Thus, deploying multiple containers
at an edge device is no longer an arduous task.
C. System on Bare Metal (SoBM) Vs. System on Docker
Containers (SoDC)
SoBM is a situation that particular software or a tool is
directly running on the edge device. In contrast, the SoDC
concept allows running the tools in Docker containers where
the Docker engine is orchestrating the light-weight virtualized
entities. The wide adaptability of docker as means of launching
diverse services with miniature resource-constrained devices,
IDPS systems are one such service that researches have
considered to embed into containers. Experiments conducted
by [11] clearly shows that, apart from network utilization,
other factors such as packet processing speed, prompted se-
curity alerts, and RAM utilization resembles in both cases.
CPU utilization and a number of dropped packets are lesser
with SoDC compared to SoBM. Thus, utilizing the SoDC
approach for launching diverse functions with fog nodes would
allow the entire edge system to control resources optimally.
Moreover, as the dockerized environment is operating in the
application level, the flexibility, scalability, adaptability, and
interoperability attributes are guaranteed.
Boudi et al. in [11] contributed towards the verification
of feasible deployment of resource-constrained edge devices.
Their assessment of validating the SoDC systems at edge
nodes was the foundation for this research initiative. In this
paper, a performance evaluation was conducted employing
a Raspberry Pi3 model as an edge device measuring the
processed packets, network utilization, CPU load, RAM uti-
lization, number of security alerts, and number of dropped
packets when suricata [12], [13] was operating. Though the
authors conclude that overhead on the Docker platform is very
light, only one docker container was tested with this approach.
Islam et al. in [14], the author, experimented in regards to
one issue face, which stated that several IoT devices in use
caused high amounts of data where critical system functional-
ities must be ensured during the access of network. The paper
brought edge functions to the local level as virtualized and
dynamically deployed components utilizing local hardware
capacity. They implemented a local edge networking proto-
type based on local microservices, called nano-services. The
latter was implemented using Docker container and deployed
using Docker Swarm-based orchestration. They focused on
the optimization of resources of the proposed nano-services.
They noticed that multi-stage builds based images show the
best performance for the reason that it includes only run-
time dependencies. The paper was based on the feasibility
study of the virtualized nano-services at the local level of
the IoT edge network. The reduction of resource consumption
was due to the replacement of base image sizes with multi-
stage builds which actually reduced from hundreds of MB’s
to tens of MB’s. They used Alpine image through a run-time
container size that was squeezed to a few hundreds of kilo
byes with the cost of larger unique container sizes. Due to
the multi-stage containers, they were able to reduce the nano-
services deployment time, which also resulted in the reduction
of initiation time.
Sfirzin et al. in [15] focused on provisioning virtualized
security service in resource-limited edge nodes by leveraging
lightweight virtualization technologies. The analysis of the pa-
per gave an overview of the container-based security solutions.
Thus it provided viable guidelines towards the orchestration
of security at the edge. According to the results, the overhead
introduced by the containerization for security functions is
very light. The Docker container had 100 percent control over
the network interface even though only one Docker container
was running the performance evaluation.
Tripathi et al. in [16] investigated the possibility of employ-
ing Raspberry Pi as an Intrusion Detection System against
cyber-attacks at home environments. The security functions
of the proposed model included a honeypot, packet analyzer,
and a firewall. The tools Snort [17], Barnyard2, Pulledpork,
MySQL, Ruby, Apache2, Cowrie, and Tshark were configured
to form the testing environment.
Fig. 1. Dynamic Security Provisioning Architecture for Resource Constrained
Fog Nodes
In this paper, we intend to propose an architecture to
resource constraint edge nodes, as depicted in Fig. 1. Various
security functions hosted as containers are running in the
dockerized environment of the edge device. Docker engine
is responsible for the creation, retrieval, and termination of
containers as in a typical docker implementation. Security
Orchestrator (SO), however, is capable of auto-configuring
containers in accordance with the intrinsic security service
type. Thus, SO acts as an autonomous entity that instructs the
Docker engine on running, committing, and stopping security
service containers based on the demand. Besides, service
and performance statistics of the dockerized environment is
monitored by the SO.
It is obvious that the heterogeneous IoT based devices
connecting to a fog node require diverse security functions.
According to the OpenFog reference architecture presented in
[18], a separate layer exists for node management or orches-
tration. This layer is consisting of hardware virtualization, se-
curity, and node management in terms of network, computing,
storage, and accelerator resources. Thus, our proposed solution
is adhering to the OpenFog architecture (i.e. node management
layer) that presents a way to implement orchestration along
with security assurance. In our proposed architecture, we are
focusing on IDPS systems that are capable of monitoring net-
work intrusions. When multiple devices require provisioning
of security services at the same time, it is imperative to dis-
tinguish the virtual security instances for efficient processing.
Thus, we are proposing to establish a container network that
is capable of forming an Internet Protocol (IP) based network.
The exiting docker bridge network is limiting its scalability
and interoperability. Therefore, we intend to employ Open-
VSwitch (OVS) [19] as a virtual router for the fog node. The
OVS is creating its bridge network that assigns IP addresses
for each container. The security services are distinguished by
their assigned IP addresses thereon. Moreover, OVS is auto-
configured by the SO for updating the list of security service
containers and their IPs. An Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW)
[20], [21] function is deployed at the network interface of the
fog node. This UFW restricts unauthorized intrusions towards
the system.
A. Security Orchestrator (SO)
As explicated earlier, SO is the main entity that manage
the processing in the edge node. However, this edge node is
performing other services apart from facilitating IDPS based
security services. Thus, a maximum amount of resource limit
should be maintained by the SO for security service related
provisions. In addition to orchestrating docker containers, we
propose the following strategies to be governed by the SO.
1) Multiple Device Support: In a circumstance where mul-
tiple devices are to be dispensed with security services at the
same time, fog node should differentiate the ingress traffic
flows. It would be an arduous task to achieve this with a single
IDPS instance. Thus, multiple instances of IDPS tools should
be launched in parallel to serve the varied flows directed to
the fog node. The SO is autonomously tunneling the distinct
traffic towards the IDPS containers. The IDPS tool running
on the container would be based on the user preference
and requested security level. However, in a situation where
resources are limited, SO will assign a low resource consuming
tool overriding user preference for seamless operation.
2) Performance Optimizing: As an orchestrator, optimiz-
ing the resource utilization for maximizing the output is an
imperative requirement. Since our fog based edge nodes are
provisioning multiple security services in parallel, monitoring
the performance metrics in correlation to resource utilization
is a task for the SO. SO should include a mechanism to thresh-
old the affordable resource limits for particular containers/
instances based on their performance. If the performance of
the particular service instance is weak (i.e., packet drops are
higher), service should be assigned to a different tool intending
better performance metrics. Moreover, if the ingress data rates
are higher and the fog node is on the brink of overloading,
SO should transfer the security service to a light resource-
consuming service instance.
3) Classification of Ingress Traffic: The emerging diversi-
fied services and applications are conveying different types
of traffic through edge devices. These traffic types represent
Ultra High Definition (UHD)/HD/ CCTV, Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP), Augmented Reality (AR), massive Machine
Type Communication (mMTC), and Industrial IoT (IIoT)
applications that require fog nodes to manage their remote IoT
work sites. Each traffic type demands different security levels
and responsiveness in terms of alerts. Therefore, classifying
the traffic according to their service would lead to better
heterogeneity at the fog node. One way of achieving this is
to classify the traffic according to their Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)/ User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port numbers.
Once the classification is pursued, different traffic classes
represented by the port numbers could be forwarded to either
single or multiple security instances, chained following the
Service Function Chaining (SFC) approaches [22].
4) Dynamic allocation of resources for service instances:
In our architecture, service instances are launched as docker
containers. These containers could be allocated with a con-
trolled limit of the host system processor and memory. If
the existing resources are inadequate for completing the ex-
ecuting process, resources of the subjected container could
be improved without running an additional security instance.
This scenario would be a lesser resource pruning than running
multiple instances.
A. Experimental Test Bed
Fig. 2. Experimental Testbed
The testbed was developed with a Raspberry pi 4 Com-
puter model B and a laptop having an Ubuntu 18.04 OS.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, Raspberry pi was connected to the
traffic emulating laptop with a CAT 5e Ethernet cable. Both
devices were operated in offline mode to restrict the packets
flowing from other sources to the shared interface. To enhance
the accuracy of the experiment, the above practices were
maintained throughout the experiment. The TABLE I shows
the specification of the testbed appliances in terms of hardware
and software. Note that the Raspberry pi uses the USB bus
2.0 chip and the LAN chip with a network interface card. The
maximum achievable rate for the USB console is 100 Mbps.
B. Network Traffic Emulation
The alerts were generated from pcap files that were publicly
available from [15]. The 1st pcap file contained larger files [23]
Laptop Raspberry pi 4
CPU core i3 2.2GHz Quad Core Cortex A72
OS Ubuntu 18.04 Raspbian Debian Buster
Connectivity 100 Mbps Cat5e
where the 2nd pcap was containing small packets [24]. These
pcap files were inclusive of malware and possible viruses. The
intention was to check the rules of Snort and suricata and
the number of resources that were being consumed. The pcap
files have a more significant impact on the CPU. The pcap
file that contains small packets will cause the CPU to have
a higher workload compared to one that has larger packets.
Small packets have the benefits of better response time and
less error rate. Though, the overhead is higher and causes more
CPU usage. If the number of packets per second is high, the
receiver has to work a lot to accept all of them. Since the latter
needs to work quickly, it produces CPU interrupts. Therefore,
using two different sized pcap files, we expect to get different
C. IDPS Rules
Rules play a vital role in an IDPS. The most crucial part
comes when the user has to choose the number of rules that
are required. The rules are available on the snort websites. The
registered rules contain around 12,000 rules. The number of
rules used here was kept as default for the registered rules.
We did not want to have the set of rules edited since our goal
was to test the maximum resource usage of snort and suricata.
We have used suricata 5.0.0 and snort 2.9.15 with registered
D. Testing Scenarios
Testing scenarios were designed to validate the orchestration
strategies of the SO. In this scope of the research; however,
we are verifying the multiple device supporting strategy only.
1) Performance of NIDS tools with data rate of traffic:
In order to identify the optimum performance of the two
tools, they were exposed to an incoming emulated traffic flow
that ranges from 10 Mbps to 80 Mbps. Results for Snort
and Suricata are displayed in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively.
According to the results, optimum data rates for snort and
suricata are 55 Mbps and 30 Mbps, respectively.
2) Comparing the performance and resource utilization
with multiple instances of the same IDPS tool: In this testing
scenario, the effect of running multiple containers in parallel
with the same IDPS is experimented to determine the perfor-
mance and resource metrics for suricata and snort.
a) suricata: According to Fig. 5, CPU and RAM utiliza-
tion are accumulating gradually. The alert percentage and drop
rate do not vary significantly. The metric performance changes
in Fig. 6 is also insignificant. However, resource parameters
are incrementing with the data rate.
Fig. 3. Snort Performance compared to Data Rate
Fig. 4. suricata Performance compared to Data Rate
Fig. 5. Statistics with different suricata instances at 60 Mbps
Fig. 6. Statistics with 4 suricata instances with varied data rates
Fig. 7. Statistics with different snort instances at 60 Mbps
b) snort: Fig. 7 depicts the statistics with multiple Snort
instances. Even though the CPU and RAM are conspicuously
incremented over data rate, alert percentage reduces while the
drop rate is approximately consistent. This shows different
results than suricata’s performance. Thus, we can observe that
detection of malicious alerts with snort is highly reliant on the
CPU allocation. Fig. 8 shows that alerts are reduced with the
increasing data rate.
Fig. 8. Statistics with 4 snort instances with varied data rates
In this paper, we proposed a novel architecture adaptable
for launching dynamic security services at the edge. The edge
infrastructure was launched as a fog node where multiple
security services were able to launch simultaneously. The
orchestration strategies stated in the paper holds the most
significant contribution to the research community, as such
a scheme was not yet published for resource-constrained edge
devices. We propose the orchestration strategies of multiple
device support, performance optimization, classification of
ingress traffic, and dynamic allocation of resources for service
instances. We have managed to validate the first strategy by
running multiple security services in a light-weight virtualized
environment. Our strategies are ideal for optimizing any edge
infrastructure that provisions not only security services, but
also the other types of service that can be launched for a re-
mote work-site. Use cases such as smart agriculture, IIoT, and
intelligent transportation systems require edge nodes deployed
at distributed and remote locations. In such circumstances,
our approach of launching multiple services dynamically via
a light-weight virtualized environment that attribute various
orchestration strategies for enhancing the service execution
would be vital for realizing them pragmatically. However,
the functions and capabilities of the orchestrator (i.e. SO) are
dependent on the nature of the service type. Though, the four
governing strategies proposed in this paper are applicable for
all the use cases. We are intending to develop and validate the
other orchestrating strategies in our future work.
This work is party supported by European Union in RE-
SPONSE 5G (Grant No: 789658) and Academy of Finland in
6Genesis Flagship (grant no. 318927) projects.
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... Regarding SRQ2, a visual representation in Figure 4 displays the various application domains chosen from the primary studies, demonstrating a significantly wide and expansive range of fields. For example, it ranges from cyber physical systems [20], [33], [34] to cognitive manufacturing [35] and security services [36]. Nevertheless, efforts have predominantly targeted IoT, UAVs, optimization, and healthcare across various domains. ...
... WoT users 1 [48] Unspecified 21 -UAV users 6 [13], [40], [43], [49]- [51] Security users 1 [36] Robot users 1 [52] Physicians 1 [47] Mobile users 3 [53] [54], [55] IoT users 4 [19], [56]- [58] Front-end users 1 [33] End users 5 [34], [35], [38], [59], [60] Emergency response team 1 [39] Application users 2 [61] D. GOALS Investigating SRQ4, we gathered and categorized the objectives outlined in the primary studies, as illustrated in Figure 6. ...
... [41] Introduce dynamic multi-swarm particle swarm optimiser. [36] Use fog nodes with lightweight virtualization technologies to establish the infrastructure for service provisioning. [55] Establish data locality, response latency, reliability tolerance, and minimum security satisfaction levels. ...
Full-text available
In its dynamic evolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, ranging from domestic appliances to industrial robots. This integration brings together people, processes, data, and devices, prompting new types of interactions among them. Besides acquiring data, these devices also have actuation and processing capabilities, making them susceptible of becoming autonomous entities with coordination potential. Given the inherent limitations of storage, power, or computation of IoT devices, delegation and cooperation strategies, including intermediary nodes in the network, can significantly optimize the usage of resources. Hence, this type of node can rely on swarm-inspired intelligence to orchestrate edge nodes, possibly with semantics-enabled behaviors. This study proposes a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) investigating different solutions and approaches for the orchestration of edge devices powered by declarative and semantic models of their affordances, goals, and capabilities. The SLR explores different aspects of the literature, including demographics, application domains, goals, requirements, scope, services, frameworks, and technologies, as well as challenges and future directions in the field. The purpose of this SLR is to provide software engineers, researchers, and innovators comprehensive insights into the present status of advancements in this area and a discussion of the unresolved issues and opportunities.
... Imrith et al. in [12] investigated the viability of launching several security instances comprising IDPS tools such as Snort and Suricata in a fog node, managed by a Security Orchestrator to enhance privacy and security services. To overcome the resource scarcity in the fog nodes, Docker as a lightweight virtualization technology was employed. ...
... Experiments on performance and resource utilization of multiple instances of deployed IDPSs were performed, with different ranges of traffic data rates; depicting the difference in characteristics between these two IDPS tools, while proving the feasibility of multiple service support at the resource constrained fog nodes. This paper can be considered as an extended research to [12], where SFC is utilized as an orchestration strategy to optimize the service flow. ...
... The fog node has started to drop the packets at around 7500 pps, which is around 50-60 Mbps for a packet size of average 358 bytes. It should be noted that packets exceeding 800 bytes in size exhibit lesser packet drops on the fog nodes as seen in [12]. Thus, small sized packets were employed to run the experiments on the drop rate. ...
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Fog computing is an edge computing strategy which fuels adaptation of Internet of Things (IoT) in many domains. The decentralized and dynamically deployable features of the fog nodes are useful to satisfy the service requisites of IoT nodes. However, security is a prime concern for both fog, and IoT deployments; where their inhibited limited resources are expanding the threat landscape for the malicious adversaries towards resource exhaustive attempts. Despite the available security servicing tools being effective, a singular service is not adequate to address all the intricacies of the contrived threat landscape. Hence, the requirement of multiple security services to operate in a cooperative domain is an obvious fact. However, integrating multiple security services in a resource constrained fog node is a challenge. Thus, in this research, we are leveraging Service Function Chaining (SFC) concept as a method to deploy multiple security services/ tools in a resource constrained edge node (i.e. Raspberry Pi), while evaluating its adaptability in a developed experimental virtual platform. The implemented SFC strategy on the fog node is compared with a resourceful virtual machine to understand the performance issues.
... (viii) Execution of security orchestration plans corresponding to security events under investigation. An architecture for provisioning security services and managing security data at edge nodes have been proposed in [23]. ...
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A Software Reference Architecture (SRA) is a useful tool for standardising existing architectures in a specific domain and facilitating concrete architecture design, development and evaluation by instantiating SRA and using SRA as a benchmark for the development of new systems. In this paper, we have presented an SRA for Security Data Orchestration, Analysis and Reporting (SecDOAR) to provide standardisation of security data platforms that can facilitate the integration of security orchestration, analysis and reporting tools for security data. The SecDOAR SRA has been designed by leveraging existing scientific literature and security data standards. We have documented SecDOAR SRA in terms of design methodology, meta-models to relate to different concepts in the security data architecture, and details on different elements and components of the SRA. We have evaluated SecDOAR SRA for its effectiveness and completeness by comparing it with existing commercial solutions. We have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed SecDOAR SRA by instantiating it as a prototype platform to support security orchestration, analysis and reporting for a selected set of tools. The proposed SecDOAR SRA consists of meta-models for security data, security events and security data management processes as well as security metrics and corresponding measurement schemes, a security data integration model, and a description of SecDOAR SRA components. The proposed SecDOAR SRA can be used by researchers and practitioners as a structured approach for designing and implementing cybersecurity monitoring, analysis and reporting systems in various domains.
... In order to ensure any heterogeneous service provision infrastructure with a scalability, interoperability, and adaptability in mind, fog nodes have to be dynamically deployable [3]. These fog nodes also use constrained resources [1] if they are compared to a cloud infrastructure. ...
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Fog computing is meant to deal with the problems which cloud computing cannot solve alone. As the fog is closer to a user, it can improve some very important QoS characteristics, such as a latency and availability. One of the challenges in the fog architecture is heterogeneous constrained devices and the dynamic nature of the end devices, which requires a dynamic service orchestration to provide an efficient service placement inside the fog nodes. An optimization method is needed to ensure the required level of QoS while requiring minimal resources from fog and end devices, thus ensuring the longest lifecycle of the whole IoT system. A two-stage multi-objective optimization method to find the best placement of services among available fog nodes is presented in this paper. A Pareto set of non-dominated possible service distributions is found using the integer multi-objective particle swarm optimization method. Then, the analytical hierarchy process is used to choose the best service distribution according to the application-specific judgment matrix. An illustrative scenario with experimental results is presented to demonstrate characteristics of the proposed method.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed every aspect of our lives and has become universal in multiple fields from personnel to government and military applications. However, IoT suffers from the inherent limitation of latency and high computational costs, which can be effectively overcome by using a fog computing framework. However, the key challenge in fog computing is to address the problem of service placement among the nodes, thereby providing optimal utilization of resources and minimizing service time. This research work presents a novel service placement technique, by considering the service placement issue as a multi‐objective optimization problem. Here, a two‐level fog computing network comprising a fog master node and fog cells is considered. The master node is responsible for the service placement of the fog nodes, and the service placement is carried out using the Adam‐Ladybug Beetle Optimization (ALBO) algorithm. Further, multiple objectives, like resource utilization, makespan, response time, service time, cost, and energy consumption are considered to enhance service placement. Moreover, the efficiency of the ALBO for service placement (ALBO_SP) is examined considering service cost, energy consumption, and service time and is found to attain values of 19.009, 73.581 J, and 4.854 s, respectively.
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Edge computing is a novel computing paradigm moving server resources closer to end-devices. It helps unleashing the full potential of high-performance access networks with respect to ultra-low latency and transfer rate and improve resilience to problems at core networks and data centers. Multiaccess Edge Computing (MEC), is a standard solution by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) for access network-level edge computing. Whereas MEC operating at access network level is an ideal solution for most cases, there are still some challenges to address: first is related to the vulnerability to access network problems and the second is related to the high load inflicted to access networks and MEC servers. This is a particular issue in several Internet of Things (IoT) use cases, where different sensors may produce high amounts of data or where critical system functionalities must be ensured during access network problems. In this paper, we study the feasibility of bringing some edge functions to local level as virtualized, dynamically deployable components utilizing local hardware capacity. For the study, we have implemented a local edge networking prototype based on local microservices, called nanoservices, implemented using Docker containers and deployed using Docker Swarm-based orchestration. Since IoT networks typically consist of constrained-capacity devices, our focus is in optimizing the resources of the proposed nanoservices.
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Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G are emerging technologies that envisage a mobile service platform capable of provisioning billions of communication devices which enable ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence. These novel approaches are guaranteeing gigabit-level bandwidth, ultra-low latency and ultra-high storage capacity for their subscribers. To achieve these limitations, ETSI has introduced the paradigm of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) for creating efficient data processing architecture extending the cloud computing capabilities in the Radio Access Network (RAN). Despite the gained enhancements to the mobile network, MEC is subjected to security challenges raised from the heterogeneity of IoT services, intricacies in integrating virtualization technologies, and maintaining the performance guarantees of the mobile networks (i.e. 5G). In this paper, we are identifying the probable threat vectors in a typical MEC deployment scenario that comply with the ETSI standards. We analyse the identified threat vectors and propose solutions to mitigate them.
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Accounting for the exponential increase of security threats, the development of new defense strategies for pervasive environments is acquiring an even growing importance. The expected avalanche of heterogeneous IoT devices which will populate our industrial factories and houses will increase the complexity of managing security requirements in a comprehensive way. To this aim, cloud-based security services are gaining notable impetus to provide security mechanisms according to Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) model. However, the deployment of security applications in remote cloud data-centers can introduce several drawbacks in terms of traffic overhead and latency increase. To cope with this, edge computing can provide remarkable advantages avoiding long routing detours. On the other hand, the reduced capabilities of edge node introduce potential constraints in the overall management. This paper focuses on the provisioning of virtualized security services in resource-constrained edge nodes by leveraging lightweight virtualization technologies. Our analysis aims at shedding light on the feasibility of container-based security solutions, thus providing useful guidelines towards the orchestration of security at the edge. Our experiments show that the overhead introduced by the containerization is very light.
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The growth in the prevalence of the plethora of digital devices has resulted in growing volumes of disparate data, with potential relevance to criminal and civil investigations. With the increase in data volume, there is an opportunity to build greater case related knowledge and discover evidence, with implications at all stages of the digital forensic analysis process. The growth in digital devices will potentially further contribute to the growth in big digital forensic data, with a need for practitioners to consider a wider range of data and devices which may be relevant to an investigation. A process of data reduction by selective imaging and quick analysis, coupled with automated data extraction, gives potential to undertake analysis of the growing volume of data in a timely manner. In this paper, we outline a process of bulk digital forensic data analysis including disparate device data. We research the process with a research data corpus, and apply our process to real world data. The challenges of the growing volume of devices and data will require forensic practitioners to expand their ability to undertake research into newly developed data structures, and be able to explain this to the Court, judge, jury, and investigators.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently advanced from an experimental technology to what will become the backbone of future customer value for both product and service sector businesses. This underscores the cardinal role of IoT on the journey towards the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication systems. IoT technologies augmented with intelligent and big data analytics are expected to rapidly change the landscape of myriads of application domains ranging from health care to smart cities and industrial automations. The emergence of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) technology aims at extending cloud computing capabilities to the edge of the radio access network, hence providing real-time, high-bandwidth, low-latency access to radio network resources. IoT is identified as a key use case of MEC, given MEC's ability to provide cloud platform and gateway services at the network edge. MEC will inspire the development of myriads of applications and services with demand for ultra low latency and high Quality of Service (QoS) due to its dense geographical distribution and wide support for mobility. MEC is therefore an important enabler of IoT applications and services which require real-time operations. In this survey, we provide a holistic overview on the exploitation of MEC technology for the realization of IoT applications and their synergies. We further discuss the technical aspects of enabling MEC in IoT and provide some insight into various other integration technologies therein.
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IoT has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. In fact, the number of connected devices has already surpassed the total population on Earth. Current developments in various technologies have paved the way for many IoT services that are now being deployed in different sectors. IoT can extend its scope and service provisioning capabilities with the integration of the cloud computing paradigm. Similarly, cloud cannot only access underlying IoT nodes and provide them with cloud services, but can also create further enhanced services based on the data collected from IoT nodes. However, IoT and sensor networks on the ground are often far from the cloud, which is normally accessible via the Internet. Some services require fast response and a great deal of pre-processing and filtering, and may also have security and privacy requirements. For all such cases, middleware, also known as fog, is required between the cloud and IoT devices. We present cloud-IoT integration issues followed by a comparison between fog and cloud computing. We evaluate the performance of fog computing using performance metrics such as processing delay, processing costs, and processing power, and derive the performance gains obtained in comparison to a cloud computing only approach. Finally, we identify some future research directions for fog computing.
The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of the countless physical devices that have the possibility to connect and exchange data. Among the various security requirements, authentication to the IoT is the first step to prevent the impact of attackers. IoT Security offers an important guide into the development of the many authentication mechanisms that provide IoT authentication at various levels such as user level, device level and network level.
The last two major releases of SQL Server have focused heavily on providing capability to install SQL Server in a variety of nontraditional environments. In this chapter, we will explore how to install SQL Server on Linux and how to build and run Docker images and containers that include SQL Server.
The first comprehensive guide to the design and implementation of security in 5G wireless networks and devices. Security models for 3G and 4G networks based on Universal SIM cards worked very well. But they are not fully applicable to the unique security requirements of 5G networks. 5G will face additional challenges due to increased user privacy concerns, new trust and service models and requirements to support IoT and mission-critical applications. While multiple books already exist on 5G, this is the first to focus exclusively on security for the emerging 5G ecosystem. 5G networks are not only expected to be faster, but provide a backbone for many new services, such as IoT and the Industrial Internet. Those services will provide connectivity for everything from autonomous cars and UAVs to remote health monitoring through body-attached sensors, smart logistics through item tracking to remote diagnostics and preventive maintenance of equipment. Most services will be integrated with Cloud computing and novel concepts, such as mobile edge computing, which will require smooth and transparent communications between user devices, data centers and operator networks. Featuring contributions from an international team of experts at the forefront of 5G system design and security, this book: Provides priceless insights into the current and future threats to mobile networks and mechanisms to protect it. Covers critical lifecycle functions and stages of 5G security and how to build an effective security architecture for 5G based mobile networks. Addresses mobile network security based on network-centricity, device-centricity, information-centricity and people-centricity views. Explores security considerations for all relative stakeholders of mobile networks, including mobile network operators, mobile network virtual operators, mobile users, wireless users, Internet-of things, and cybersecurity experts. Providing a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art in 5G security theory and practice, A Comprehensive Guide to 5G Security is an important working resource for researchers, engineers and business professionals working on 5G development and deployment.