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A Comparison of Two Pair Programming Configurations for
Upper Elementary Students
Jennifer Tsan1, Jessica Vandenberg1, Zarifa Zakaria1, Joseph B. Wiggins2, Alexander R. Webber2,
Amanda Bradbury1, Collin Lynch1, Eric Wiebe1, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer2,,,,,,,
1North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
2University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
As computer science education opportunities for elementary stu-
dents (grades K-5) are expanding, there is growing interest in using
pair programming with these students. However, previous research
ndings do not fully support its use with younger learners, and
some researchers have begun to examine whether introducing a
second computer with a shared coding workspace can provide
important benets. This experience report describes a series of
classroom activities in the 4
and 5
grades (ages 9-11 years old)
with two dierent pair programming congurations: one-computer
pair programming, in which both students share a keyboard, mouse,
and monitor; and two-computer pair programming, in which each
student has a separate computer but coding workspaces are syn-
chronized over the web. In both cases the students sat next to each
other and engaged in face-to-face conversation. We found that
students largely preferred two-computer pair programming over
one-computer pair programming. We conducted focus groups and
transcribed collaborative dialogues to gain more insight into this
preference. We learned that students felt more independence in
two-computer pair programming, although they struggled with
coordinating their edits with their partner. In one-computer pair
programming, students reported not wanting to wait for their turn
to drive, but feeling as though they communicated more with their
partner. Both congurations can be productive for students, but
the tradeos described in this experience report are important for
CS educators and researchers to consider when determining which
collaborative conguration to use in each K-5 classroom context.
•Social and professional topics →K-12 education
computing →Collaborative learning.
Pair programming, K-5, collaborative learning
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SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
©2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6793-6/20/03. . . $15.00
ACM Reference Format:
Jennifer Tsan
, Jessica Vandenberg
, Zarifa Zakaria
, Joseph B. Wiggins
Alexander R. Webber
, Amanda Bradbury
, Collin Lynch
, Eric Wiebe
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer
. 2020. A Comparison of Two Pair Programming
Congurations for Upper Elementary Students. In The 51st ACM Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’20), March 11–14, 2020,
Portland, OR, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
Pair programming, a conguration in which two programmers work
on one computer while taking turns at the controls, has been used
in introductory computer science courses and in the programming
industry for over two decades [
]. Typically, in this conguration,
the person controlling the keyboard and mouse acts as the driver
making all code changes, while the other person acts as the navi-
gator and is tasked with planning ahead and looking for mistakes
]. Both programmers are expected to engage with each other
continuously as they work, to solve problems collaboratively, and
to switch roles after a set amount of time or a set portion of the task
has been completed. We refer to this conguration as one-computer
pair programming because both programmers share one computer.
There is a growing interest in using pair programming with
younger students to build strong, early foundations in computer
science (e.g., [
]). Although one-computer pair program-
ming has been shown to be benecial for older novices, studies
indicate that this collaborative conguration may not be suitable
for younger learners [
]. This may be due in part to the fact
that cognitive, learning, and communication capabilities essential
to eective pair programming are still developing for students at
this age and show wide student-student variance [17, 18, 24].
In our work in elementary school classrooms, we initially used
one-computer pair programming. However, we noticed the students
sometimes struggled to regulate control of the keyboard and mouse,
leading to conicts. We turned to the literature where we found
examples of alternative pair-programming congurations. CS Edu-
cation researchers have investigated collaborative congurations
such as “intermittent collaboration” [
] or “side-by-side program-
ming” [
], in which two programmers work on independent
computers and can work on separate coding assignments or divide-
and-conquer joint tasks as they deem appropriate. Multi-user input
with a shared computer has also been explored, such as giving each
programmer a separate mouse or other independent input device
[12, 16, 26].
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
Inspired by that work, we decided to investigate an alternative
to one-computer pair programming by providing each child with a
computer and synchronizing their workspaces over the web using
the NetsBlox programming environment [
]. In this paper will re-
fer to this conguration as two-computer pair programming. While
prior researchers have sometimes referred to this model using other
terms such as “intermittent collaboration” [
], or “side-by-side
programming” [
] we believe that two-computer pair programming
best describes our approach. In our view “collaboration” can en-
compass any number of participants, but our work focuses on pairs.
Additionally, “side-by-side programming” can imply any type of
interaction including work on separate projects, but our students
share a single task. This structure leads to dynamics that are similar
to a one-computer condition with students communicating about
their work, oering suggestions, and exchanging control of code,
even though the driver/navigator roles are not strictly enforced.
We use the term two-computer pair programming to refer to con-
texts in which each of two programmers has a computer and 1)
each has full, parallel input control and viewing; 2) they are in
close physical proximity so that they can talk and gesture, includ-
ing pointing at each other’s computer screens; 3) they work in a
synchronized, shared development environment (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Pair Programming Congurations [32]
We have used both a one-computer and two-computer congu-
ration with 4th-5th grade students in the southeastern US over the
past two years as part of a project to integrate CS into elementary
school classrooms. This experience report describes the trade-os
that we observed between those two congurations. For brevity, we
refer to one-computer pair programming as
and two-computer
pair programming as
. We observed that students generally
preferred 2C because they felt that it gave them more hands-on
experience and independence. Some students felt that they learned
more in 1C while others felt that they learned more in 2C. Students
also found that it was easier to coordinate and keep track of what
their partners were working on in 1C. The lessons learned from this
experience report can inform future classroom eorts involving
pair programming with upper elementary learners.
Pair programming began as an industry practice and has since been
shown to improve adult programmers’ eciency, satisfaction, and
condence [
]. Additionally, Nosek found that developers who
used the pair programming conguration created code that was
more readable and functional than individual programmers [
Not long after pair programming was introduced, postsecondary
faculty began exploring this conguration in introductory computer
science classrooms. Studies at the undergraduate level showed
that students who engaged in pair programming had a higher rate
of earning a C or better in their classes, and performed better
on tests and projects than students that worked individually [
Course retention and major retention have also improved with pair
programming, along with condence, especially for women [29].
Compared to a sizeable body of research ndings on the ef-
fectiveness of pair programming with adult developers including
undergraduate students, the study of pair programming with K-12
students began more recently. Denner et. al. found that middle
school students who engaged in pair programming did better in
computational thinking post-tests and had a greater increase in Al-
ice knowledge than individual programmers [10]. In a sixth grade
coding camp, Lewis collected collaboration data to understand
which collaborative conguration was better for younger students
solving computer science problems: pair programming or “inter-
mittent collaboration” [
]. In the pair programming condition, the
students were required to switch roles every ve minutes. In the
“intermittent collaboration” condition, participants worked next to
each other without a synchronized workspace and were required
to discuss their progress and challenges every ve minutes, and ask
each other for help before they could ask an instructor. Lewis found
that students in the “intermittent collaboration” condition had more
positive responses to continuing Scratch and programming in the
future, and completed activities in less time.
Side-by-side programming is often conceptualized as two pro-
grammers working in close proximity to each other, on their own
computers, but with the ability to complete shared tasks [
Cockburn [
] surmises that side-by-side programming is an appro-
priate alternative to pair programming, which often leaves program-
mers feeling that they are being monitored and with little time to
work on other projects. Side-by-side programmers typically cease
independent work to talk with their partner about work strategies
or next steps, to share knowledge, to debug the code, or to combine
their work [25].
Distributed variants of side-by-side programming have also been
proposed [
]. In this conguration, programmers can work re-
motely, but each has an awareness computer that displays the work
their partner is completing in real-time. Programmers working in
this conguration structure their time in varied ways; they work
independently without talking, they work on sub-tasks and speak
when needed, they pair program, one programs while the other
browses, and they jointly browse. The authors maintain the su-
periority of distributed side-by-side programming because of the
exibility with which the programmers could engage in joint and
independent work.
In our examination of the literature for guidance on how to
support pair programming with elementary students, we did not
nd any studies that examined two-computer pair programming
with this young student population. This experience report aims
to shed light on the tradeos involved between the one-computer
and two-computer programming congurations.
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
White Latinx Black/Afr.
Asian Multi. NSLP*
Clark 51 27 14 3 5 44
58 19 16 1 4 42
Greg 64 3 22 3 8 63
Table 1: Demographics of the schools by percentage.
*National School Lunch Program - free/reduced lunch
In this experience report, we detail a series of CS learning oppor-
tunities that we brought to 4th and 5th grade students. In these
learning opportunities we had students try 1C and 2C pair pro-
gramming as they developed code in NetsBlox [
], a block-based
programming platform that permits students to invite collaborators
to help create content. The code is synchronized over the web as
each coder makes edits.
The rst classroom experience (State 1) used a science-based
curriculum. The remaining two classroom experiences and focus
groups (State 2) used a computational thinking/computer science
curriculum. The demographics of the students are listed in Table 1.
The states and names of elementary schools have been anonymized.
Informed consent was obtained for all students whose data are
analyzed here according to an IRB-approved protocol. For each
classroom experience, we made observations and developed ques-
tions based on the observations. This required us to take on dierent
annotation schemes to analyze the data from each experience.
3.1 Classroom Experience 1 - Science
3.1.1 Curriculum. The curriculum for this classroom experience
was designed and taught by the authors. We collaborated closely
with our partner teacher to plan, create, and revise these tasks. It
covered not only the computational thinking concepts, but also
science concepts surrounding the classroom’s science focus prior
to our classroom experience, pollination. The experience spanned a
three-day period in a 4th grade science class, each lesson designed
to last 45-50 minutes. The learners in these classes had participated
with our team in a previous learning experience within the same se-
mester, during which they learned fundamental block-based coding
concepts, including message passing, conditionals, and loops.
On day 1, we led an overview of a computer science concept,
nested conditionals, which built upon the lessons students had
completed in the previous experience. On days 2 and 3, students
worked in pairs to complete learning tasks focused on the science
concept of pollination using nested conditionals. Student pairs were
created by the teacher prior to our classroom experience (randomly
or by who would work best together). The morning class rst
experienced the 1C conguration and then the 2C conguration on
the following day. The afternoon class experienced the conditions
in the opposite order.
3.1.2 Demographics. This experience was oered at a public school
with 38 fourth grade students. Participants included 16 girls and 22
boys between the ages of 9 and 11. The students attended one of
two science classes (18 in morning, 19 in afternoon), each instructed
by the same teacher. The classes were both 50-minute sessions.
3.1.3 Observations. The 4th and 5th grade students at Greg Ele-
mentary had previous experience with our group and were excited
to work with us again. As they were already familiar with the block-
based language, we gave them a minimal overview of the material.
Our student population was split between two distinct class groups,
one in the morning and one in the afternoon with no participant
overlap. We observed that students in the 1C conguration for both
classes experienced more interpersonal conict than the days in
which they worked in 2C. However, we also noticed some students
in the 2C conguration were not contributing to the solution and
did not seem fully engaged in the learning process.
We were interested in how conversations unfolded in the two
dierent congurations since this is an indicator of the depth of
collaboration and learning. A preliminary analysis focused on the
ways students asked questions of each other, labeling eight question
types: description (e.g., What’s the stage?), method (e.g., How do
we get out of this?), explanation (e.g., Why do you have to go to
motion?), rationale (e.g., What are you doing?), comparison (e.g.,
Should we shorten it up?), preference (e.g., Do you want to read it
better?), binary (e.g., So red or yellow?), and status (e.g., What did
I do?!). These question types are taken from a widely used question
taxonomy for learning [14].
To label these questions, two researchers independently reviewed
two videos in order to nd occurrences of question-asking behavior.
Each researcher transcribed each instance, which included the start
and end time of each question episode and the reason for includ-
ing the event as a question. Disagreements in transcription were
resolved through discussion and iterative renement. For the be-
ginning and end time of each question, we added 5 seconds before
and after the timestamps labeled for each question. For example,
if the question asking behavior episode began at the timestamp
of 00:55 and ended at 01:00, we stamped the episode to start at
00:50 and end at 01:05. After the instances of question asking were
extracted, the two researchers discussed each instance. Cases of
disagreement were resolved by either reaching consensus that a
question-asking episode had occurred, or removing that instance
if it was not agreed upon. Once the discussion period for each
transcribed question episode concluded, we completed the same
process for annotating each question.
We found no signicant dierences in the number of any ques-
tion type across 1C and 2C congurations. The most frequent ques-
tion types were explanation questions and status questions. An
explanation question asks for the clarication of the causes, con-
text, and consequences of facts, such as “Why do you have to go to
motion?”. A status question refers to the current condition of the
program as produced by a partner or the self, such as “What did I
do?!” Although further analysis is needed, these initial results indi-
cate that there may be no signicant dierences in question-asking
frequency across 1C and 2C congurations.
3.2 Classroom Experience 2 - CT 1
3.2.1 Curriculum. The curriculum for this classroom experience
was designed by the authors and taught by the school media center
teacher. Each lesson was intended to last an hour.Students were
rst taught about programming and algorithms before they were
introduced to the block-based programming environment. On day 2,
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
(a) 1C Poster (b) 2C Poster
Figure 2: 1C and 2C Posters.
students were introduced to the categories of blocks and practiced
their use. Day 3’s lesson consisted of three activities on conditionals
and conditional trees, culminating in an activity in which students
created their own idea for a program that would require condi-
tionals, draw the conditional tree, and then program it. On day 4,
students learned about repeating patterns and loops. They worked
in pairs to identify a program they could write that needed loops
and then implemented it. On day 5, students learned about taking
in user input and adapting program behavior based on input, while
on day 6 they learned about broadcasting and receiving. Finally, on
day 7, students created a game that brought together many of the
concepts covered previously.
At Clark Elementary, the students were in the class for 45 min-
utes; therefore, the lessons had to be reduced to t in that time
slot. The course was taught by the media center specialist who had
some experience teaching block-based programming. In addition
to shortening the lessons, the teacher decided to cover conditionals
and loops for two days each after seeing the students struggle with
the concepts during the rst day of each lesson. The nal lesson
the teacher taught was loops.
As part of this curriculum, the students were taught about both
1C and 2C pair programming. They were introduced to the roles and
responsibilities of the driver and navigator and they were taught
about the importance of talking through their decision making
process. The teacher shared digital posters for both 1C (Figure 2a)
and 2C (Figure 2b) and reminded students of how they should work
in each conguration. She did not, however, remind the students to
switch roles in 1C. The rst and third programming days were 1C
and the second and fourth were 2C.
3.2.2 Demographics. At Clark Elementary, the three 5th-grade
classrooms in which the experiences occurred contained approx-
imately 28 students each and were representative of the overall
population of the school. 68 students participated in the study (29
girls, 39 boys). The students were paired by their homeroom teach-
ers based on their prior collaborative behaviors; the pairs remained
the same over the course of the entire experience.
3.2.3 Observations. The students at Clark Elementary had minimal
experience with coding and were excited to spend their media center
time engaged in this opportunity. After receiving instruction from
the teacher, we noticed that some of the students jumped right into
the coding task, whereas others took time to plan. Moreover, we
observed that the ways the students talked to each other seemed
to change depending on whether they were using one computer
or two. Based on these experiences, we wanted to explore more
deeply how students interact in 1C and 2C pair programming.
All 68 consenting students across the three classrooms were
video recorded as they worked together on one or two computers.
Videos were transcribed verbatim of each day the students pro-
grammed. We annotated the transcripts according to which task
phase they were in (planning, monitoring, or evaluating) and how
their language indicated they were working together (collabora-
tive, agreement, tutoring, disagreement, confusion, or individualis-
tic). We analyzed annotated transcripts from four pairs (four girls
and four boys) in which the students participated in all four pro-
gramming lessons, described previously. Moreover, we calculated
frequencies of each type of talk each student used each day.
In general, for both conditions, the analysis found that students
rarely planned before starting their work, nor did they reect on
their work after completing a task. Regarding dierences in 1C and
2C, we noticed there was more disagreement-annotated conversa-
tions on 1C days and more collaboration-annotated conversations
on 2C days. Of note, when the task became more challenging—
on the nal two days—the conversations shifted to become more
individualistic, and to reect more disagreement and confusion,
regardless of whether the students were in 1C or 2C.
3.3 Classroom Experience 3 - CT 2
3.3.1 Curriculum. We modied the original curriculum to t the
requirements needed for the 5th grade classes at Frederick Ele-
mentary. On day 1, students learned conditionals and completed
two programs where the sprites acted dierently based on certain
conditions. On the next day, students learned about variables and
completing debugging activities. On day 3, students learned about
loops and on day 4 students were given starter code and instruc-
tions for programming four games, and chose which one(s) they
wanted to make. On the fth day of instruction, we conducted focus
groups with the students to explore how they felt about 1C and 2C
pair programming. There were three to four students in the focus
groups. We divided them up randomly. The questions we asked
were: 1) Which way did you prefer? 1C or 2C? 2) What were some
things that did not go well during 1C? 3) What were some things that
did not go well during 2C? 4) Do you feel you learned more of the
programming concepts using one setup over the other? Why? 5) What
did you like about 1C? Do you have any specic examples? 6) What
did you like about 2C? Do you have any specic examples?
One of the authors taught the class, and each lesson lasted one
hour. Similar to the Clark Elementary curriculum described previ-
ously, the students were taught about both 1C and 2C pair program-
ming. They were introduced to the roles and responsibilities of the
driver and navigator and they were taught about the importance
of talking through their decision-making process. We had printed
versions of the posters that were placed in front of the students. At
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
Cong. Challenges
1. Problems with Turn Taking
2. Challenging to Wait for Turn to be the Driver
3. Poor Communication: Arguing and Not Listening
to Partner
4. Physical Setup Was Too Cramped
5. Lack of Hands-on Experience
6. Navigator Not Paying Attention
1. Technical Issues
2. Working Independently: Poor Coordination be-
tween Partners
3. Can’t See What Partner is Doing
Cong. Benets
1. Learn More from Watching Partner
2. Easier to See What Partner is Doing
3. Easier to Find Mistakes
1. Chunking
2. More Independence and Control
3. Learned More
4. Less Cramped
5. More Hands-on Experience
Table 2: Benets and Challenges of 1C and 2C.
the beginning of each class, we reminded the students about 1C
and 2C pair programming. Another dierence between this imple-
mentation and the previous one is that during 1C days, we set a
timer for the students and announced when it was time to switch.
3.3.2 Demographics. Frederick had 11 participants, 33.33% were
girls. These students participated in the ve-day curriculum with
each lesson spaced a week apart. The students were randomly
paired by their teacher every lesson.
3.3.3 Observations. The Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG)
students were excited about the programming experience where the
teacher would quiz them on the roles of driver and navigator (in 1C)
or the function of certain blocks. The children would talk among
themselves about their plans for the day, deciding who would be
responsible for which component of the task or how they might
change what they had previously completed. The students were
enthusiastic but we were unsure of the quality of their collaborative
conversations. This led us to look at how the kids critically talked to
each other, how they were positive towards each other, and how the
students pushed each other’s thinking to higher levels. Literature
shows that conversation is considered productive when individuals
are critical of each others’ propositions by challenging and explain-
ing themselves along with oering alternative ideas (Exploratory
conversation) [
], and less productive either when students un-
critically converse with intention to avoid conict (Cumulative
conversation) or when they tend to have unsolved disagreements
(Disputational conversation) [21].
We used video recordings of student conversations during pair
programming to examine the types of conversations that they par-
ticipated in throughout the activities. We watched 20 minutes of
concurrent video with transcripts of students’ collaboration to qual-
itatively annotate the three categories of conversation mentioned
above. Video recordings were divided into 120 ten-second intervals
and we annotated each interval exclusively to one of the three
categories (Exploratory, Cumulative, or Disputational).
We found that overall, students used Cumulative conversation
more than the other two categories in both 1C and 2C conditions
]. There were no signicant quantitative dierences in types
of conversation between 1C and 2C, however, we had three in-
teresting qualitative observations: First, in 1C, challenging ideas
resided primarily with the driver while the navigator was left de-
fending their ideas. Second, instances of Exploratory conversation
were often preceded or followed by Disputational in 1C, whereas, it
transitioned into Cumulative conversation in 2C. Finally, evidence
suggested that 2C has the risk of dissipating the collaborative rela-
tionship by turning into a cooperative one, where students worked
in parallel rather than focused on the same immediate task [
Nonetheless, even when the students worked more cooperatively
in 2C, partners had consulted each other regularly and had a bal-
anced opportunities to challenge and explain their thoughts to each
One of our goals in these classroom experiences was to better
understand how the students felt about 1C and 2C. We asked the
students at Frederick Elementary about what they liked and disliked
about each experience (described in Section 3.3). When asked which
method they preferred, twelve out of fteen students stated they
preferred 2C over 1C [5].
We then asked the students about challenges they ran into while
using the methods (Table 2). For 1C, students stated that a partner
could monopolize the driver role (which we observed on many
occasions). The students preferred the driver over the navigator
role and did not enjoy waiting their turn to be the driver again.
They found that in 1C, communication was less eective because
of arguing and partners not listening (which we also documented).
Additionally, there were fewer opportunities for hands-on experi-
ence in 1C. Since each student had a computer, the students felt that
there was not enough space to sit comfortably. The students stated
that the navigator was not always attentive to what the driver was
doing. For 2C, students mostly spoke about technical issues such
as latency issues with NetsBlox in which the programs did not
synchronize quickly. As the students were not able to easily see
their partners’ actions in real time, these issues often led to students
working in parallel and not fully coordinating their work.
Finally, we asked them about positive aspects of each method
(Table 2). For 1C pair programming, some students felt they were
able to learn more because they could see what their partners were
doing, and as a result, they could see their partners’ mistakes more
easily. For 2C pair programming, the students felt that they were
able to chunk the work into sub-tasks and work in parallel. They felt
that they had more independence and control in 2C. Additionally,
since there was only one computer per pair, it was less cramped than
in 2C. On the other hand, the students believed that 2C allowed for
more hands-on experience. Additionally, there were some students
that thought they learned more in 2C than 1C.
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
After observing students in the three schools try both 1C and 2C
pair programming, we began to reect on how those experiences
went. Overall, the students expressed greater satisfaction with 2C,
but they were able to identify benets and challenges of both. We
summarize a set of takeaways for practitioners to consider when
deciding between using 1C and 2C pair programming.
Students mentioned that they could work more
eciently in 2C with independence and control over the task. While
working independently may be desirable in some contexts, we no-
ticed that the students often worked on dierent parts of their
program while talking to each other about the code, which could be
considered cooperative work instead of collaborative work [
]. Al-
though the students’ process may resemble cooperative work, Class-
room Experience 1’s question-asking analysis suggests that students
may ask a similar number of questions regardless of whether they
were in the 1C or 2C conguration, indicating that meaningful dia-
logue is still occurring. Additionally, as suggested by the analysis
of Computational Thinking 2, students had an equal number of
Cumulative, Exploratory or Disputational statements in 1C and 2C.
Therefore, we recommend the use of 2C when practitioners would
like to provide more agency to their students and when there is
less concern that imbalance of ability or motivation would lead to
one student doing a majority of the work.
We also noticed an interesting pattern as stu-
dents negotiated over the task. The students felt there was often
poor coordination between partners when using 2C. One student
stated, “you’re both kind of doing your own thing, so it just kind
of jumbles up.” Moreover, in 1C, students found it hard to wait
for their turn, leading to problems with fair turn-taking as most
students wanted to be the driver. Tension over who controlled the
code led to poor communication methods such as arguing or the
driver ignoring navigator suggestions. Many navigators chose not
to pay attention to the driver’s work because they did not think
their role was important, and when they oered suggestions, the
driver often ignored them. We have observed this pattern many
times where some students remain the driver the entire session.
Practitioners who use either method should be aware of the need to
scaold eective communication practices, specically turn-taking
in 1C and task coordination in 2C.
Students stated that they “learned more” in both 1C
and 2C; however, the reasons they oered as explanation diered
between the two congurations. Students suggested 1C allowed for
more partner-to-partner learning (“you can learn from what your
partner is doing”), whereas 2C enabled learning via more hands-on
experience. Students mentioned preferring 2C as they found this
conguration provided more agency than 1C (“learn more because
you had more of a chance to experiment and learn more about what
each thing did.”). This is not surprising given that the setting of 1C
permits only the driver to control the input devices. Although we
do not have evidence of students learning more in either condition,
students’ perception of how much they learn can aect their self-
ecacy [
]. Practitioners should monitor this aective dimension
as dierent students pairs may respond dierently to 1C and 2C.
There were important, though subtle, dier-
ences in the patterns of conversations between the two conditions.
We noticed that conversations turned into unresolved disagree-
ments more in 1C than in 2C. In addition, we also observed that as
the diculty of tasks rose, the students disagreed more. Practition-
ers should be alert that when the task diculty rises, they need to
be attuned to increases in disagreement, especially in 1C.
Some students expressed that they enjoy the 2C
conguration because they could divide the tasks and complete the
subtasks in parallel. One student stated that this was “because one
person can work on one thing and another could work on the other.”
This is an important practice in computer science, “At any grade
level, students should be able to break problems down into their
component parts” [
]. Practitioners can support this by teaching
the students how to chunk their tasks in 2C. However, they also
need to be aware that a higher level of coordinating communication
will be required of the students.
Other Logistical Considerations.
Physical comfort of students
is an important consideration. In our experience, some desks were
too full with one device per student, while other desks had plenty
of room. Device size is also important: devices with smaller screens
create scenarios in which students had to sit quite close to each
other or staggered so the navigator sat looking over the driver’s
shoulder. 2C would require classrooms to have a sucient number
of devices for each student to have an individual computer.
When teaching computer science, it is important to consider the
social and learning needs of all students and choose appropriate
methods to support learning. Pair programming is often used to
facilitate communication and collaboration in classrooms, although
its eectiveness with dierent age groups is still under investigation.
Our observations from classroom experiences are consistent with
the suggested conclusions from prior research, that elementary-
aged students have vastly dierent cognitive and communication
capabilities than adults, and that these dierences need to be taken
into account when designing pair programming activities.
To help inform solutions that address these dierences, this expe-
rience report has compared a one-computer (1C) and two-computer
(2C) conguration for pair programming with these young students.
Among other ndings, students felt that they had stronger com-
munication with their partners while using 1C, whereas students
felt they were getting better hands-on experience while using 2C.
Although students reported better coordination while working on
the same task in 1C, they frequently argued over who should be in
control of the computer and, once in control, would be resistant to
considering input from their partner. While using 2C, students feel
more ecient, dividing and conquering parts of the code, though
disconnected from what their partner was doing.
We are only at the beginning of understanding elementary-aged
students’ perceptions and experiences during pair programming.
While our experiences point to benets and challenges of both
congurations, it is critical that we observe how partner collabo-
ration unfolds out over longer periods of time. The CS Education
community needs to continue to investigate how students come to
develop a sense of identity toward computer science, the language
that unfolds between pair programmers, as well as other factors
that drive classroom pedagogy.
Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation through
the grant DRL-1721160. Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
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Paper Session: Novice Programmer Behaviors
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA