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Bots for Language Learning Now: Current and Future Directions



Bots are destined to dominate how humans interact with the internet of things that continues to grow around them. Despite their still budding intellectual capacity, major companies (e.g., Apple, Google and Amazon) have already placed (chat)bots at the center of their flagship devices. Chatbots currently fill the internet acting as guides, merchants and assistants. Chatbots, designed as communicators, however, have yet to make a meaningful contribution to perhaps their most natural vocation: foreign language learning partners. This review engages in three questions that surround this issue: 1) Why are chatbots not already at the center of foreign language learning(?)? 2) What are two key developers of chatbots working towards that might push chatbots into the language learning spotlight? 3) What might researchers, educators, developers together do to support chatbots as foreign language learning partners right now?
Language Learning & Technology
ISSN 1094-3501
June 2020, Volume 24, Issue 2
pp. 822
Copyright © 2020 Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, & Diana Lăpușneanu
Bots for language learning now: Current and future
Luke K. Fryer, University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education (CETL), Hong Kong
David Coniam, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Rollo Carpenter, Cleverbot, UK
Diana Lăpușneanu, Mondly, România
Bots are destined to dominate how humans interact with the internet of things that continues to
grow around them. Despite their still budding intellectual capacity, major companies (e.g.,
Apple, Google and Amazon) have already placed (chat)bots at the centre of their flagship
devices. (Chat)Bots currently fill the internet acting as guides, merchants and assistants.
Chatbots, designed as communicators, however, have yet to make a meaningful contribution to
perhaps their most natural vocation: foreign language learning partners. This review engages in
three questions that surround this issue:
1. Why are chatbots not already at the centre of foreign language learning?
2. What are two key developers of chatbots working towards that might push chatbots into
the language learning spotlight?
3. What might researchers, educators, and developers together do to support chatbots as
foreign language learning partners right now?
Keywords: Bots, Chatbots, Conversational Agents, Language Learning
Language(s) Learned in This Study: All spoken languages are addressed
APA Citation: Fryer, L. K., Coniam, D., Carpenter, R., & Lăpușneanu, D. (2020). Bots for language
learning now: Current and future directions. Language Learning & Technology, 24(2), 822. Retrieved
(Chat)Bots are now in a position to radically change how we interact with our growing digital
world (Dale, 2016), from reading and writing to listening and speaking. One of the many
revolutions that chatbots will kick off is how (and in many cases whether) we learn a new
language. In this review, it is argued that chatbots will eventually be the perfect language-
learning partner, potentially enabling us to learn multiple languages anywhere, anytime and at
our own pace.
Despite this eventual reality being clearly on the horizon for more than a decade (Fryer &
Carpenter, 2006; Coniam, 2004), there is little direct evidence to indicate that a golden age in
language learning opportunities is upon us. Other areas where chatbots are destined to dominate,
however, have been gathering substantial momentum. Simple internet searches show that
adjusting ones home environments (i.e., heat, light, etc.), and navigating ones media (music,
movies, etc.) are all becoming seamless interactions with one of a handful of established
Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, and Diana Lăpușneanu.
conversational agents (chatbots) such as Google, Siri or Alexa. In addition to the ubiquitous use
of chatbots within e-commerce and website support, chatbots have also made inroads into
increasingly specific areas such as formal (Cameron et al., 2017) and informal counselling on
sites like Replika, specifically in areas such as smoking cessation (Dubosson, Schaer, Savioz, &
Schumacher, 2017); broader health care issues (Shah & Philip, 2019); supporting students in
course choices (Fleming, Riveros, Reidsema, & Achilles, 2018); educating sensitive populations
about sex, drugs, and alcohol (Crutzen, Peters, Portugal, Fisser, & Grolleman, 2011); as well, of
course, as personal assistants (Daniel, Matera, Zaccaria, & DellOrto, 2018). And yet, in spite of
these advances, chatbots are still, at best, weak, supplemental language learning partners (Fryer,
Nakao, & Thompson, 2019).
The present prospective review begins by discussing what has changed over the past decade: the
user and the interfacing technology supporting interaction. The review will then proceed to
discuss two cutting-edge chatbots from the developers own perspectives: one, Cleverbot, with
more than two decades of developmental history and another, Mondly, which was founded in
2014 and designed specifically to support language learners. These chatbots will be discussed
with a focus on their current usefulness in the area of language learning and where they are
heading in the next few years. The final component of this prospective review will discuss
directions forward. It acknowledges the fact that the technology will continue to grow. However,
it notes that we need to start using the tools we haveand, in some cases, fully developed
chatbots we already haverather than waiting for a major breakthrough in AI communication
thinking and language skills. In this section, research in the area of multimedia learning generally
and chatbot interaction specifically will be discussed, finally indicating how we might get started
and steadily build on the still-developing tools at hand.
Where We Are
Users and Technology
Where Elizas (Weizenbaum, 1966) early users might have found communicating through
typed text novel, todays users are thoroughly primed to communicate with an online entity
(Jiang, 2018). During the past three decades, communicating online has gone from the fringe to
the norm. To suggest that the present generation is comfortable with online synchronous and
asynchronous communication via text or speech, is an understatement (Vogels, 2019).
Chatbots are already readily available online within most messaging applications and many
information-orientated websites (e.g., universities, libraries, and museums). The tremendous
popularity of two recent chatbots, one in Mainland China XiaoIce (Zhou, Gao, Li, & Shum,
2018) and one in California, Facebook’s M (Simonite, 2017) have removed any questions
regarding readiness on the part of users to use and trust a chatbot.
During the past five years there has been huge growth in the language learning online software
sector with a host of language learning applications, such as Duolingo and Mondly, joining
more traditional applications like Rosetta Stone in recruiting huge user populations. This
suggests that despite the frequent heralding of a future where machine translation will make
learning a new language antiquated, there is still a strong appetite for learning languages.
However, it is clear that it is not potential users who are impeding progress toward a chatbot
language learning future. It must therefore be weaknesses in the technology itself. Identifying
Language Learning & Technology
these weaknesses and how they might be overcome, or at least ameliorated, is the natural next
step toward a chatbot language learning future.
Working our way back from the advances that have been made during the past decade, it is
important to highlight significant and still rapidly improving speech recognition software.
Speech recognition software has made it possible to make everything from short dictations to a
broad array of commands and requests to conversational agents. Most online agents have both
input and output speech functions, which has enabled the agents to move from being solely
text to aural communicantsand with relatively high reliability. Speech recognition and the
increasing ubiquity and power of mobile devices are key factors supporting chatbots use as
language-learning partners. Despite these apparent affordances, and the plethora of ways in
which speech recognition is already changing how we engage with media (Howell, 2019),
embarking on the challenging path of chatbot-centred language acquisition is not a particularly
popular venture. This is demonstrated by the scant number of companies building their
language learning teaching approaches firmly around this budding area of artificial intelligence
(see Mondly and Duolingo for two interesting examples of companies breaking ground in this
Chatbots and Conversational Agents
Chatbots have been around for decades. The idea of chatbots as language learning partners is
more recent, but is slowly gathering momentum. As far back as the early 2000s, Coniam (2004)
reviewed two chatbots with potential as language learning partners. The first was the ALICE
Artificial Intelligence Foundation sites Dave, which they claimed to be the “perfect private
tutor, since he replied “in perfect English, just like a private English teacher. (Coniam, 2004, p.
160). Attempts at conversing with Dave indicated, however, that while many of Daves
conversational strategies had quite a natural feel about them, there were syntactic infelicities and
conversational glitches which indicated that the program was unlikely to pass the Turing Test in
the near future.
The second chatbot reviewed by Coniam was Lucy chatbot (now defunct). This chatbot had
support for beginners, where incorrect input by L2 learners was manually corrected, so that Lucy
was at times able to suggest corrections to certain grammatical errors. The online Lucy chatbot
was developed into a standalone piece of software, Lucys World: Smallt@lk. This reworking
utilised the speech and interactive elements of the Lucy chatbot, but controlled the situation in
that topics and situations that Lucy was able to converse about were restricted. Since these early
steps toward chatbots supporting language learning, both potential users and chatbots have
substantially changed. Users willingness to engage in online communication and language
learning have become commonplace. Yet, despite the fact that the tools necessary for easy aural
communication with digital agents are quickly becoming normal, chatbots are still not
dominating or even meaningfully infiltrating how we learn languages. To a reader considering
this idea for the first time and having little experience conversing with chatbots, the reason for
this gap might not be apparent. Millions of people have spoken with one of the major
conversational agents (Alexa, Siri or Google) and perhaps been surprised at their ability to be
helpful with straightforward tasks. If these users have ever tried to push the boundaries, however,
they know that, despite the name conversational agent or chatbot, these digital personas can
rarely get past a conversation that includes more than two exchanges. The fact is that despite
advances in Natural Language Processing (Hirschberg & Manning, 2015) and Deep Processing
(Kriegeskorte, 2015), each considered to be crucial to advancing AI technology, major
Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, and Diana Lăpușneanu.
breakthroughs in chatbots communication skills have not been forthcoming (Dale, 2016). This
has pushed researchers to work towards compensating for AI gaps (Meszaros, Chandarana,
Trujillo, & Allen, 2017).
With these issues in mind, it is worth briefly reviewing two chatbots and their developers:
Cleverbot and Mondlys chatbots. These two chatbots are from two ends of our current spectrum
of free-to-use chatbots. Cleverbot has a considerable history and has had success in competitions
(e.g., winning the Lobner Prize) and with users (it has had millions of exchanges with interested
online users). Cleverbot was not designed as a language-learning tool, but has seen considerable
incidental use as a language learning partner. The second chatbot is brand new and was
specifically designed from the ground up to support language learning. The Mondly chatbot was
developed to make the most of the affordances of cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented
and Virtual Reality (AR and VR).
Two Chatbot Developers, Where They Are and Where They Are Going
As far back as 1988, on a tiny computer with just 1K of RAM, Rollo Carpenter created a
program that was able to talk back. In 1996even before the founding of GoogleCleverbots
predecessor Jabberwacky went online and started talking to and learning from visitors. Over the
past 20 years, and with no marketing, millions of people have been talking to
Like many of the chatbots that have followed in its wake, Cleverbot and its precursors learn from
their users language. To date, Cleverbot has had more than 10 billion user communications, on
nearly every imaginable topic. If it has not experienced a subject or a context, it will not initially
know how to handle it. In this, it is a little like a person interacting socially, who is constantly
adapting. Cleverbot was not designed to be useful, but rather to keep people company and to
entertain. Cleverbot knows language only in the form of text-based communication. It has never
learned anything directly from the world, or from its creators; only from the responses given by
its users. It was not designed to support second or foreign language learning, but its abilities to
engage and amuse users in a language and on a subject more or less of their choosing, has made
it an unintentional digital island for human language learning. Like all chatbots, Cleverbots
strength comes in part from the fact that it is always there, and always replies. Cleverbot may
argue with its users, but it is also infinitely patient and non-judgmental. Reviewing its endless
stream of interactions with people the world over suggests that there are far fewer social
constraints when talking to a machine than is the case with human-human interaction (e.g., see
conversation extracts). It is filtered automatically to ensure it does not repeat the inappropriate
language some of its users communicate, but from the perspective of a person learning a
language, freedom to communicate at any time, without restraint or social pressure makes it
closer to the ideal conversational partner.
Cleverbot has its own brand of Artificial Intelligence software, a key concept of which is
context. While the Cleverbot AI outputs sentences said to it verbatim, the manner in which it
selects what to say is complex. It considers the last 50 interactions of the current conversation,
where available, comparing these non-precisely to millions of past conversations, looking for
equivalent contexts, or the optimal summation of small clues as to what might be the most
conversationally appropriate next response in the conversation. In January 2019, Cleverbots
pool of potential responses passed 500 million, yet it is still the case that almost every
Language Learning & Technology
conversation is unique. Approximately 50% of its data is in English, the remainder mostly
representing a range of other European languages.
Carpenter and colleagues at Existor are working on a new version of Cleverbot that will
understand the similarity of words, phrases, sentences and wider intentions at a deeper level,
entirely independently of the letters of the words themselves, and that will construct outputs
more in the manner that humans compose sentences (Carpenter, 2016). While most chatbots
currently available have specific purposes, are limited in scope, and are not able to learn,
Cleverbot aims to be general, to be a different conversational partner to each user, and to
genuinely engage users in conversation.
Using Existors tools or others tools, it is technically possible to purpose-build a bot for
language teaching, talking people through known learning sequences, correcting errors and more.
The problem with such an approach is that no companyeven using the latest Machine Learning
techniqueshas actually resolved the language problem: The ability of the machine to truly
understand. If the machine cannot truly understand, such language teaching modules have to be
constructed, or programmed, by handa never-ending task that would remain forever
incomplete. With billions of user inputs to work with, Carpenter and colleagues are well-placed
to create new tools and new machine language understanding. In the meantime, people around
the world already do talk at length to Cleverbot for language practice, and are incentivised to do
so by its engaging, humorous and always-available presence.
In contrast to Cleverbot, whose history stretches back to before chatbots were widely
recognised as the future of the internet, the Mondly chatbot is only four years old. Mondly
chatbotslike an increasing number of such chatbotswas developed as part of a language-
learning platform, rather than as a means of entertaining human users as was
Jabberwacky/Cleverbot. In step with todays users, it operates as smartphone-centred software,
and has been downloaded by 40 million users in over 190 countries. When Mondly was
launched in 2016, it was the first of its kind in the language learning niche. One year later,
Mondly began implementing chatbots with other new technologies (VR and AR]) as well.
From the very beginning, the Mondly chatbot was designed to interact with users, understand
voice input, and reply with a human voice. The chatbots goal was (and still is) to be engaging
and fun. However, at the same time, the Mondly chatbot aimed to provide adaptive lessons
(i.e., encourage learning through play; Smith & Pellegrini, 2008) that encourage users to
practice the language they are learning in everyday scenariossuch as ordering in a restaurant.
Mondly recognizes millions of inputs and creates an adaptive visual response when it
recognizes a word or phrase that the user has said, providing feedback that can support users
The initial Mondly chatbot software expanded to include 27 new languages (with six initial
languages and a final total of 33). Apart from personalized scripts for all its languages,
Mondlys most crucial advance has been the development of a key phrase database. This
database represents the chatbots brains. The focus of ongoing work now is machine learning,
with the companys aim being to make Mondlys chatbot appear smarter and feel more like an
autonomous conversant. Adaptive learning is another frontier Mondly is seeking to push;
chatbots need to be able to create specific learning patterns for groups of learners that share
certain traits. For example, if a user tends to forget a wordhow to say shark in Spanish for
Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, and Diana Lăpușneanu.
examplethe chatbot needs to know that it should ask the user that word more often to help
them retain the information.
Digital Assistants (such as Google, Siri and Alexa) are slowly enabling humans to control and
communicate with our intelligent houses, cars, and the wider world that surrounds us. Mondly
developers are operating on the belief we will be able to interact with assistants as intelligent
as Joi from Blade Runner 2049. While this may seem like a faraway dream, Joi is nothing
more than chatbot technology with speech recognition combined with mixed reality and
artificial intelligence. Mondly has already created something not too far from this fictional
scenario. Mondlys language learning assistant from the AR module uses augmented reality
and a chatbot with speech recognition that has the ability to do things like make planets,
animals and musical instruments magically appear into a learners own environment, creating
an environment where people can walk up and around these virtual creations and even interact
with them. This spatial interaction creates a truly immersive one-to-one experience and is the
future of language learning for Mondly.
Currently, the chatbot experience in Mondlys AR module aims to be the closest thing to a real-
life interaction. Mondlys chatbot understands spoken language, replies with a human voice,
changes outfits to match the topic of discussion, and uses gestures and facial expressions to
create dynamic dialogues. All in all, the ultimate goal of chatbot technology is to be as real as
possibleto keep memories, think, and speak exactly as a human beingand replicate neural
networks that resemble the human nervous system. Mondly is striving to create a chatbot that is
our confidant and friend, one that can help and teach us whatever we need, whenever we need it,
and to make us feel emotionally connected to it.
Steps Forward
Both of the chatbots discussed here have the propensity to be useful language partners: Cleverbot
as a standalone conversant and Mondlys chatbot as part of a broader platform for language
learning. Despite their budding usefulness, neither of themmuch like chatbots more
generallyhave yet to make a substantial impact.
As noted, this is in part due to chatbots still-developing skills for sustained conversation. Given
many users willingness to chat with bots (Hill, Ford, & Farreras, 2015), their potential
motivational benefits (Fryer & Carpenter, 2006; Fryer et al., 2019), their budding skills for
engaging exchanges (Coniam, 2008, 2014; Fryer & Nakao, 2009; Fryer, Nakao & Thompson,
2019), and increasing opportunities to engage users visually via AR/VR, it is the position of this
review that there are as yet still untapped opportunities for developers to make the best of the
technology we currently have. Building on the stated directions of the Cleverbot and Mondly
developers, the remainder of the discussion will focus on how current chatbots might be
structured to make the technology more useful to language learners and meaningfully start us
down a road toward the golden age in language learning to which we (i.e., researchers and
developers) aspire.
Learning in Digital Environments
Prior to discussing specific strategies for how currently available chatbot technology might be
used, a brief highlight first needs to be provided regarding what is known about learning from
digital media and agents to ensure that a sound foundation is being set. This field has rapidly
grown over the past two decades, maturing into a valuable, but often under-utilised, resource for
developers, educators and students. Mayer and colleagues extensive programme of research in
Language Learning & Technology
this area has perhaps made the single largest contribution, with Mayers extensive set of outputs
broadly summarising the state of the field. Many of the findings presented in Mayers reviews
(e.g., Mayer, 2017) are directly relevant to the development and effective use of chatbots as tools
for language learning.
The majority of the findings from Mayers reviews relate to supporting learners cognitive
processing of media delivery via digital means. Cognitive processing refers to how learners
process and thereby learn new things in these environmentshow these processes are interfered
with. This body of work has established that people learn better from words and pictures than
words alone. Supporting learning in employing dual channels of learning can be a strong support
for acquiring new concepts and this might also support language acquisition and fluency
development. As outlined below, Mayer (2017) presents five effective means of reducing
extraneous processing (not overloading the user with extraneous information that does not
support the learning goal) and three means of supporting learners in learning with multimedia
Reducing extraneous processing:
1. Coherence: Individuals learn better when extraneous material is excluded
2. Signalling: Individuals learn better when material is highlighted
3. Redundancy: Individuals learn better from graphics and narration than from graphics,
narration, and text
4. Spatial contiguity: Individuals learn better when corresponding words and graphics are
5. Temporal contiguity: Individuals learn better when corresponding narration and graphics
are presented at the same time
Managing essential processing
1. Segmenting: Individuals learn better when a multimedia lesson is presented in small user-
paced segments
2. Pre-training: Individuals learn better when they learn key terms prior to receiving a
multimedia lesson
3. Modality: Individuals learn better from multimedia lessons when words are presented in
spoken form
The reader is referred to Mayer, 2017 and Clark & Mayer, 2016 for greater detail and examples
of applications in this growing field. Mayer and colleagues (see Mayer, 2017 for an overview)
also established three specific guidelines that are directly relevant to chatbot development and
implementation. Mayer refers to these as fostering generative processing in e-learning:
1. Individuals learn better when the words are presented in a conversational style
2. Individuals learn better from a human voice than a machine voice
3. Individuals learn better when an onscreen agent uses humanlike gestures and movement
Some of Mayer and colleagues recommendations will be revisited in the section below, which
focuses on directions for enhancing the usefulness of current chatbot technology. In the context
of broad principles for supporting e-learning, the key factors that Mayer and colleagues isolate
would, if addressed, support developers in both reducing extraneous processing as well as
supporting learners in managing essential processing. All of these strategies have been rigorously
tested, often in both natural and experimental settings, and have been found to substantially
Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, and Diana Lăpușneanu.
enhance learning outcomes (Mayer, 2017). Present and future chatbot developers should
consider addressing these multimedia learning related issues, particularly for chatbots with
educational aims.
Adjusting How Chatbots Are Used and Organised
Mayers Principles for Generative E-learning
The first guideline (i.e., Individuals learn better when the words are presented in a conversational
style) is common sense for developers seeking to create a natural conversant, but it also suggests
that chatbots whose development is powered by input from learners might have the upper hand
over those that are programmed more explicitly. It seems reasonable to assume that there is a
middle ground. Mayers finding that users learn more when interacting with a natural voice lends
support to developers creating their own voice synthesis rather than relying on those built into
platforms such as Android and iOS: Mondlys chatbot is a good example of positive initial
development in this area. Natural (i.e., consistent with human interaction) can be taken further
than simply sounding natural, as it might be important for chatbots to have distinctive voices that
suit their age and character. This is an unexplored area of development, but one that has enough
general evidence to support further innovation and testing. Mayer and colleagues final
suggestion the importance of human-like chatbotsis key to supporting generative e-learning
experiences: The chatbot should utilise non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures
and movements. This indicates that animated chatbots (with arms) should be developed and
improved alongside the verbal communication software. This is an area in which Mondlys
VR/AR ambitions might excel given time, but one that any chatbot developer might include by
integrating additional animation into its current avatars.
Multiple Chatbots
Commentators on the current communicative ability of chatbots regularly agree that chatbots
have not graduated to coherent communication beyond a few exchanges (Danilava, Busemann,
Schommer, & Ziegler, 2013; Höhn, 2017; Knight, 2017), and often only to a single exchange
of question-answer. When the chatbot fails to reply clearly or continue along a line of thought,
user interest can quickly drop off (Fryer et al., 2019). The obvious solution to this issue (i.e.,
more robust chatbots) is certainly coming, but until it does, using multiple chatbots
simultaneously might fill the gap (Candello, Vasconcelos, & Pinhanez, 2017). Multiple
chatbots, each providing different answers, and asking different questions might help learners
get enough input to ensure that they persist (which is essential for language learning). One key
to making such an approach successful is utilising the right balance of chatbot personalities
and working out a clear mechanism for interacting with the group successfully. This is one
straightforward addition to how current technology might be used more effectively right now.
Chatbots for Specific Audiences
At the moment, most chatbots are designed to communicate with more or less any kind of user.
While current chatbot technology might not be sufficient to develop these kinds of broad,
seamless communicators, narrowing the focus to specific kinds of learners could substantially
strengthen their usefulness. It is an area that language learning applications like Duolingo and,
to a greater degree Mondly, are already exploiting.
Language Learning & Technology
For standalone chatbots not part of language platforms, a simple option to enable the chatbot to
focus on linear questioning might be of direct benefit to some learners. While simple question-
answer interaction might bore adults, it could be a useful tool for children, both learning a new
language and developing their native language (Tewari, Brown, & Canny, 2013).
A second line of development has already been explored (Nguyen, Morales, & Chin, 2017),
that is, celebrity chatbots. A major issue with educational technology in general (Chen et al.,
2016) and language learning situations specifically (Fryer et al., 2017; 2019), is catching and
holding learners interest. The danger of novelty effects and language learners losing interest
quickly is a serious issue. If learners can learn about and even be able to imagine they are
talking to their favourite celebrity, they may well be more likely to get the language practice
they need (Nguyen et al., 2017). Related to this line of chatbot incentives are chatbots with an
extensive knowledge of very specific topics that might be important to the user. These topics
might be specific sports, countries, movie genres, health or cars. Learners are more likely to
forgive a chatbots weaknesses if they are talking about (and perhaps learning about) topics
that they themselves are interested in.
Finally, two important areas that research on chatbots has identified as particularly powerful
are language skills confidence (Fryer & Carpenter, 2006) and perceptions of chatbots as an
opportunity to practice aspects of language that classroom human partners cannot or will not
engage in (Fryer et al., 2019). The preference many language learners have for practising with
a chatbot instead of a human partner has its source in the fear of making mistakes and
appearing less than competent. The benefits conferred by the fact that chatbots are not humans
is supported by early empirical research with language learners (Fryer & Carpenter, 2006) and
more recent representative surveys of chatbot users on a broad array of platforms (Brandtzaeg
& Følstad, 2017). The second, related area of chatbots being a strong language-learning partner
is that the chatbot is willing to participate in endless practice, giving learners the chance to try
out new language and solidify newly-acquired vocabulary and grammar. Another positive
difference that even most current chatbots bring to language learning situations, which many
classroom learning human partners do not, is a wide variety of language. Classroom
communication practice is a powerful and important tool, but limited by the fact that generally
all of the students are at a similar level and therefore have little new language to contribute to
the learning process of the partner (Haines, 1995). Learners facing the communication issues
that inevitably arise when seeking to practice their L2 with many current chatbots are far more
likely to persist if they see the chatbot as a unique opportunity to learn things they could not
learn otherwise (Fryer et al., 2019). Both of these implicit chatbot strengths might be drawn
upon, even accentuated, in specific chatbots aimed at supporting learners who lack confidence
or need an opportunity to practice more than a classroom partner can or is willing to do.
Similarly, specific chatbots as tools for expanding learners vocabulary and chunked language
is another very specific area for development in the short-term.
Chatbots Potential Role in Supporting Critical Components of Interactional Competence
As increasingly powerful language partners, the long-term aim of chatbots will be to support
users broader interactional competence (IC; Kramsch, 1986), which is an umbrella term for a
very broad set of communicative competencies. Another critical, but less often discussed, hope
for educational technology (for important exceptions see Chun, 2011), are some of the more
nuanced skills beneath this umbrella, such as pragmatics.
Luke K. Fryer, David Coniam, Rollo Carpenter, and Diana Lăpușneanu.
The premise for the kinds immersive experiences which might support such subtle skills (i.e.,
VILLAGE; Virtual Immersive Language Learning and Gaming Environment) has been around
for a few decades (e.g., Hamburger & Maney, 1991). Research regarding the potential role of
chatbots in these environments is more recent, but early signs are positive (Wang, Petrina, &
Feng, 2015). Chatbots can improve the user experience, making it more immersive as well as
setting the scene for the kind of interactions that might support pragmatics development. The
visual environment and how a specific chatbot looks are easy gateways to enabling the kinds of
culturally contextualized exchanges necessary for language students to progress in the fuzzier
areas of communication (i.e., beyond basic vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation).
As reviewed already, Mondlys VR capable chatbot creates similarly immersive experiences,
but in a straightforward one-on-one manner. As chatbots like Mondlys become more
sophisticated, they will make gestures and facial expressions a clear part of the learning
experience. The environment of the chat will be flexible, allowing simulations that make the
connections between context and speech clear. Recent evidence suggests that even simple
simulations (without chatbots) designed to enhance students pragmatics can be powerful
(Sydorenko, Daurio, & Thorne, 2017; Sydorenko, Smits, Evanini, & Ramanarayanan, 2019),
setting the stage for chatbots to potentially dominate this aspect of language learning in the
near future.
Preliminary Conclusions
During their first three decades, chatbots grew from exploratory software, to the broad cast of
potential friends, guides and merchants that now populate the internet. Across the two decades
that followed this initial growth, advances in text-to-speech-to-text and the growing use of
smartphones and home assistants have made chatbots a part of many users day-to-day lives.
Users have been trialling well-established chatbots like Cleverbot for language learning
purposes for decades. Despite research pointing to the strengths (Fryer, 2006; Hill et al., 2015;
Fryer et al., 2019) and weaknesses (Coniam, 2008; 2014; Fryer & Nakao, 2009; Fryer et al.,
2017) of casual chatbot conversation partners, scant progress towards chatbots as substantive
language learning partners has been made. In the past three years, companies like Mondly and
Duolingo have been working to fill this gap by placing chatbots at the center of their online
language learning platforms.
The golden age for language learning that chatbots promise is still on the horizon. We
(learners, educators, and developers) should not, however, wait for a paradigm shift in machine
or deep learning to herald its arrival. Alongside the efforts of current general chatbot and
online language-learning-specific developers, there are opportunities for more effective use of
what we currently have through innovative arrangements such as multiple simultaneous
chatbots (Candello et al., 2017) and celebrity chatbots (Nguyen et al., 2017). Developers might
also fruitfully collaborate with researchers in the broader area of digital multimedia learning,
which has established a number of small, but impactful measures by which media, generally,
and conversation agents, specifically, can be enhanced.
Chatbots are a new, revolutionary stage for foreign language learning. They are currently a
useful tool that continues to grow and develop. This review proposes that chatbots can be used
more effectively right now with relatively small adjustments and the application of research from
the broader field of educational technology. Developers who can work with researchers and
Language Learning & Technology
educators, while listening to learners needs and experiences will find fertile ground for
innovation and impact.
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About the Authors
Luke K. Fryer is an Associate Professor, Faculty of Education (CETL), HKU. His research
addresses motivations and strategies for learning on and offline. A considerable portion of his
recent work is focused on interest development within and across formal education. He has a
longstanding, personal interest in the potential role of Bots within student learning.
David Coniam is Research Chair Professor and Head of Department of the Department of
Curriculum and Instruction in the Faculty of Education and Human Development at The
Education University of Hong Kong, where he is a teacher educator, working with teachers in
Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. His main publication and research interests are in
language assessment, language teaching methodology and computer assisted language learning.
Rollo Carpenter is the creator of Cleverbot, AI that engages millions of people around the world
in conversation. Cleverbot started years earlier than bots like Siri and Alexa, and talks not to
Language Learning & Technology
assist but to entertain. British born, Rollo has an MA from Oxford University, and to 2003 was
founder and CTO of a startup in California
Diana Lăpușneanu is a Content Writer at Mondly. She has a bachelor's degree in Advertising at
the University of Bucharest where she created a paternal leave promotional campaign for
Romanian dads; and a master's degree in Image Campaign Management. Her greatest passions
are film, creative writing, and classical mythology.
... Adopting a narrative review approach, Kim, Cha, and Kim (2019) examined various types of chatbots, providing a historical account of developments in this field and summarising individual studies' findings regarding specific types of chatbots. Fryer et al. (2020) presented insights on two existing developers of chatbots, (i.e., Cleverbot and Mondly), offering recommendations on how the structural design of these specific chatbots could be enhanced to maximise their utility for foreign language learners. However, with the rapid advancements in chatbot systems, there is a critical need to shift the focus from historical summaries and recommendations pertaining to specific chatbot types. ...
... These discussions led to the generation of two sets of keywords based on the prior research on chatbot applications. The first set consisted of the term chatbots and associated terms being conversational agents, digital assistants, pedagogical agents as they are interchangeably used in the relevant literature (Dizon 2020;Fryer et al. 2020;Huang, Hew, and Fryer 2021). The second set included the terms language combined with the words education, acquisition, teaching, learning, classroom, foreign and second to contextualise the search within the field of language education. ...
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Background The rise of intelligent chatbots powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning has ignited interest in their potential for revolutionising second language (L2) acquisition and foreign language learning (FLL). While their potential seems vast, understanding their actual impact on learning outcomes requires comprehensive analysis. Also required is the continuous evaluation of this technology due to the rapid pace of advancements in chatbots, highlighting the need for a fresh look using the latest research. This systematic review aims to address this need by investigating the effectiveness of modern chatbots in L2 learning and FLL, offering valuable insights for language educators and researchers. Objectives This study systematically reviews existing research to assess the usefulness of chatbots in L2 acquisition and FLL, identifying key areas of improvement and future research directions. Methods Following the PRISMA methodology, 33 relevant studies published between 2020 and May 2024 were analysed. Thematic analysis was employed to identify key themes related to chatbot applications, language skills impacted, and learning outcomes achieved. Results The findings clearly reveal specific language skills (i.e., speaking) and language knowledge (i.e., vocabulary) that have a significant impact on enhancing students' learning outcomes by using chatbots, while pointing out insufficient research in this area. The results also show major benefits of chatbots for FLL, such as individualised learning, immediate feedback, enhancing willingness to communicate, and increased interaction. Conclusions This systematic review highlights specific practical implications and suggestions that have a direct impact on the usefulness of chatbots in FLL and L2 acquisition, and a need to investigate further variables such as age, language skills, personality traits, or teacher's role with respect to the use of chatbots in foreign language classes. Further implications are also raised in terms of learning design considerations when such a technology is incorporated in the FLL classroom.
... As suggested by Bai et al. (2022), Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in Education (AIEd) are a trending research topic. ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversations based on large amounts of digital content (Boa Sorte et al., 2021;Pavlik, 2023;Fryer et al., 2020). It can compose texts in a variety of written genres, including articles, social media posts, essays, and emails, all generated in a conversation-like style (Boa Sorte et al., 2021). ...
... Yet ChatGPT is having a significant impact on language education research, particularly in second language (L2) writing (Artiles Rodríguez et al., 2021;Barrot, 2023;Baskara, 2023;Dergaa et al., 2023;Han et al., 2023;Warschauer et al., 2023). Four major advantages of ChatGPT as a writing assistant tool have been considered: i) providing instant and realistic interactions with learners; ii) designing personalized learning materials based on different proficiency levels; iii) stimulating learners' interests; and iv) providing timely and adaptive feedback and assessments (Barrot, 2023;Fryer et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2022;Kuhail et al., 2023). While ChatGPT has been shown to be a productive tool for students whose English is not their first language (L1), a few scholars have argued against it because it will either cut down on the practice of good writing demands or hinder creative or critical thinking skills (Liang et al., 2023). ...
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This study explores the efficacy of ChatGPT-3.5, an AI chatbot, used as an Automatic Essay Scoring (AES) system and feedback provider for IELTS essay preparation. It investigates the alignment between scores given by ChatGPT-3.5 and those assigned by official IELTS examiners to establish its reliability as an AES. It also identifies the strategies employed by ChatGPT-3.5 in revising essays based on the four IELTS rubrics: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, and grammatical range and accuracy. Based on pre-rated essays from an official IELTS preparatory book as a control measure to ensure objectivity, the findings indicate a discrepancy, with ChatGPT-3.5 typically assigning lower scores compared to official raters. However, ChatGPT-3.5 shows a robust capability to revise essays across all four descriptors. In addition, the effectiveness of ChatGPT-3.5 as a feedback provider may be attributed to the essay type and its widely accepted rubrics. Our study contributes to the understanding of the application of AI tools in second language writing and suggests that future studies should focus on evaluating the capacity and effectiveness of such tools in pedagogical applications.
... I can leverage Gen AI to support students by developing scaffolded resources, by facilitating greater comprehensible input or by using Universal Design for Learning frameworks. This has allowed me to concentrate my time on more individualised instruction across year levels by reshaping pedagogical materials and redesigning the manners by which I conduct formative assessment (Fryer et al., 2020;Haristiani, 2019;Zhang & Aslan, 2021). For example, I have constructed tiered Latin readers for students of different abilities, structured pedagogical Latin texts into new formats, or used Gen AI to brainstorm thematic extracts of Latin texts for unseen translation or to curate extended response stimuli, which are new for the IB Diploma Latin syllabus (International Baccalaureate, 2022;Shah, 2023). ...
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The place Generative AI (Gen AI) has within education and schooling has been subject to much scrutiny. Its ever-evolving and growing nature has left many educators and other stakeholders scrambling with questions about how to adapt its approach, methodology and place within the classroom. Gen AI has also been shown to have particularly efficacy in the area of Classical languages teaching. It also has challenges (Ross, 2023). The following paper explores a proactive approach to utilising Gen AI technology and programs within a Latin classroom NESA Stage 4-5/ MYP Years 1-3 in Australia (ages 11-16) (NESA: New South Wales Education Standards Authority. MYP: Middle Years Programme). It also develops some approaches to facilitate students’ reflection so as to improve their understanding of the uses and abuses of Gen AI platforms in their own learning.
... Language educators and scholars in Arabic studies have long demonstrated enthusiasm for AI applications. Their primary focus is chatbots and digital writing assistants, as these technologies facilitate Arabic language acquisition and learning (Fryer et al., 2020). Early chatbots for the Arabic language were simple programs with set rules, that could only give pre-programmed answers. ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) models struggle to reach performance levels due to the complex nature of Arabic grammar and diverse regional dialects. This study investigated how generative AI (GenAI) functions as a teaching assistant in Arabic language classrooms. Using qualitative methods, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 instructors; the data was then analyzed using thematic analysis. Results revealed that instructors used GenAI to create material, assess students' work, and create personalized learning plans. Instructors struggled, however, with AI accuracy in dialect processing, cultural authenticity, and ensuring accurate assessment methods. The analysis raised significant gaps in teacher training, assessment strategies, and institutional guidelines. Instructors found it challenging to evaluate AI-generated Arabic content across different dialects and maintain academic integrity in student assignments. This study recommends developing instructor training, specifically on using GenAI tools for Arabic dialect variations and creating culturally appropriate Arabic language learning materials.
... The introduction of machine learning (ML) techniques marked a turning point, transforming chatbots into more sophisticated systems capable of generating spontaneous, human-like responses. An early example of this shift is Rollo Carpenter's Cleverbot, launched in 2008, employing pattern recognition techniques to generate innovative, spontaneous replies (Fryer et al., 2020). Subsequent research illuminated the technological progression and potential to harness larger datasets, as demonstrated in the pioneering study by Vinyals and Le in 2015, which involved designing a chatbot that generated responses based on movie subtitles databases (Vinyals & Le, 2015). ...
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The development and deployment of chatbot technology, while spanning decades and employing different techniques, require innovative frameworks to understand and interrogate their functionality and implications. A mere technocentric account of the evolution of chatbot technology does not fully illuminate how conversational systems are embedded in societal dynamics. This study presents a structured examination of chatbots across three societal dimensions, highlighting their roles as objects of scientific research, commercial instruments, and agents of intimate interaction. Through furnishing a dimensional framework for the evolution of conversational systems, from laboratories to marketplaces to private lives, this article contributes to the wider scholarly inquiry of chatbot technology and its impact in lived human experiences and dynamics.
... Moreover, the perceived value of AI-based chatbots in language learning could influence learners' emotional experiences as well. Chatbots that offer meaningful and relevant learning opportunities are more likely to evoke PEs and engagement among learners (Fryer et al., 2020). In contrast, chatbots that appear disconnected from learners' goals and interests may lead to disengagement and negative emotions. ...
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The integration of AI‐based platforms, such as Poe and Gemini, into language instruction has garnered increasing attention for their potential to enhance writing skills. Despite this interest, little is known about their effects on EFL learners' positive emotions (PEs), academic self‐efficacy and boredom in writing. Addressing this gap, the present study investigated the effectiveness of Poe and Gemini in developing writing skills and explored their impact on learners' PEs, academic self‐efficacy and boredom among learners at the upper‐intermediate level. For this purpose, a total of 519 Japanese upper‐intermediate EFL learners were randomly assigned to three groups: (1) Poe‐assisted writing instruction; (2) Gemini‐assisted writing instruction; and (3) a control group (CG) receiving traditional instruction. The study employed a mixed‐methods design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection. Writing development was assessed through pre‐ and post‐tests, while learners' emotions, boredom and academic self‐efficacy were measured using validated scales. Additionally, qualitative data were gathered through interviews and analysed using coding and thematic analysis to understand learners' attitudes and perceptions. Quantitative data were analysed using ANOVA and MANOVA to compare the outcomes across the three groups. The findings revealed that both Poe and Gemini significantly improved learners' writing skills compared to the CG, with no substantial differences in effectiveness between the two platforms. Participants in the Poe and Gemini groups reported heightened PEs and increased academic self‐efficacy, alongside reduced boredom during writing tasks. The qualitative findings corroborated these results, highlighting the platforms' role in fostering greater enthusiasm, engagement, autonomy and motivation in English language learning. The study concludes by offering a range of implications for different stakeholders.
... The seamless and user-friendly design of these chatbots ensures consistent opportunities for learners to enhance their communication skills in diverse contexts.These bots offer numerous advantages in EFL teaching and learning, including conducting conversations via text and audio, generating intelligent responses, engaging actively, providing pronunciation feedback, and fostering understanding and insight (Walker & White, 2013). Consequently, EFL learners possess the potential to achieve improved learning outcomes (Walker & White, 2013;Fryer et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2022), bene t from increased convenience and autonomy in their learning processes (Walker & White, 2013), experience reduced anxiety and elevated comfort (Kim, 2016), enhance their engagement and con dence, and overcome psychological and transactional barriers in foreign language acquisition (Men et al., 2022). ...
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AI-powered platforms for dynamic writing present transformative opportunities to enhance English language acquisition and actively engage learners in writing tasks. However, the role of artificial intelligence in improving writing proficiency and fostering motivation among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners remains an area that has yet to be thoroughly investigated. This research endeavor seeks to address the prevailing knowledge gap in the field by exploring the influence of AI-powered writing platforms on the writing skills of EFL learners. The study's objectives encompass the assessment of the impact of these platforms on coherence, vocabulary usage, grammatical accuracy, task accomplishment, and learner motivation. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study examined 65 intermediate EFL students from the Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva branch, who were divided into two groups: one employed AI-powered tools, while the other followed traditional classroom-based writing exercises. Quantitative data were gathered via IELTS-based assessments and motivation scales, while qualitative insights were derived from semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed substantial enhancements in the AI group across all measured dimensions in comparison to the control group. Additionally, the AI group demonstrated a significant surge in motivation levels. Learners in the AI group reported positive attitudes toward AI-based instruction, citing improvements in engagement, autonomy, and confidence in their writing. The platform also fostered greater self-regulation and personalized learning experiences, which participants found effective and enjoyable. The findings emphasize the efficacy of AI-based writing platforms in enhancing linguistic proficiency and motivational levels among EFL learners. The study provides practical insights for incorporating AI technologies into writing instruction, encouraging educators to leverage such tools for more effective and engaging language learning practices.
The integration of design thinking with extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI) offers transformative potential for second language (L2) learning by providing immersive, interactive, and personalized experiences. Despite significant advancements in XR and AI technologies, their practical integration within formal language education remains underexplored. This conceptual paper introduces an innovative “design-to-deployment” framework that combines design thinking with task-based language teaching (TBLT) principles to guide the creation of XR and AI-enhanced learning environments. The model highlights interdisciplinary collaborations among computational designers, software engineers, applied linguists, and instructional designers to integrate XR’s immersive capabilities with AI-driven conversational agents that enable adaptive feedback and authentic language interaction. This study demonstrates how design thinking informs the iterative development of instructional content and immersive XR environments, addressing gaps in the literature related to the practical deployment of immersive technologies in intact classroom settings. The proposed framework emphasizes learner-centered design, facilitating authentic language production, cultural understanding, and personalized learning pathways. By showcasing a structured, research-informed approach to integrating XR and AI, the model provides evidence-based strategies for creating task-based L2 learning experiences that transcend traditional classroom methods. The article further highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in designing and deploying technology-enhanced learning solutions. It lays a foundation for further research on immersive language learning technologies and offers a flexible framework adaptable to diverse educational contexts. Through this approach, the study advances the field of L2 education by demonstrating how theoretical and technological innovations can converge to create impactful, real-world learning experiences.
Background Artificial intelligence (AI) social chatbots represent a major advancement in merging technology with mental health, offering benefits through natural and emotional communication. Unlike task-oriented chatbots, social chatbots build relationships and provide social support, which can positively impact mental health outcomes like loneliness and social anxiety. However, the specific effects and mechanisms through which these chatbots influence mental health remain underexplored. Objective This study explores the mental health potential of AI social chatbots, focusing on their impact on loneliness and social anxiety among university students. The study seeks to (i) assess the impact of engaging with an AI social chatbot in South Korea, "Luda Lee," on these mental health outcomes over a 4-week period and (ii) analyze user experiences to identify perceived strengths and weaknesses, as well as the applicability of social chatbots in therapeutic contexts. Methods A single-group pre-post study was conducted with university students who interacted with the chatbot for 4 weeks. Measures included loneliness, social anxiety, and mood-related symptoms such as depression, assessed at baseline, week 2, and week 4. Quantitative measures were analyzed using analysis of variance and stepwise linear regression to identify the factors affecting change. Thematic analysis was used to analyze user experiences and assess the perceived benefits and challenges of chatbots. Results A total of 176 participants (88 males, average age=22.6 (SD 2.92)) took part in the study. Baseline measures indicated slightly elevated levels of loneliness (UCLA Loneliness Scale, mean 27.97, SD (11.07)) and social anxiety (Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, mean 25.3, SD (14.19)) compared to typical university students. Significant reductions were observed as loneliness decreasing by week 2 (t175=2.55, P=.02) and social anxiety decreasing by week 4 (t175=2.67, P=.01). Stepwise linear regression identified baseline loneliness (β=0.78, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.89), self-disclosure (β=–0.65, 95% CI –1.07 to –0.23) and resilience (β=0.07, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.13) as significant predictors of week 4 loneliness (R2=0.64). Baseline social anxiety (β=0.92, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.03) significantly predicted week 4 anxiety (R2=0.65). These findings indicate higher baseline loneliness, lower self-disclosure to the chatbot, and higher resilience significantly predicted higher loneliness at week 4. Additionally, higher baseline social anxiety significantly predicted higher social anxiety at week 4. Qualitative analysis highlighted the chatbot's empathy and support as features for reliability, though issues such as inconsistent responses and excessive enthusiasm occasionally disrupted user immersion. Conclusions Social chatbots may have the potential to mitigate feelings of loneliness and social anxiety, indicating their possible utility as complementary resources in mental health interventions. User insights emphasize the importance of empathy, accessibility, and structured conversations in achieving therapeutic goals. Trial Registration Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS) KCT0009288;
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p>'Chatbot' programs are pieces of software that can hold a conversation, or interact, in English. This paper explores the potential of chatbots for ESL (English as a Second Language) learning from a pedagogical perspective. From the command-line days of Eliza, chatbots have matured considerably – to the point where many chatbots now involve an avatar interface, with speech recognition also becoming available as a feature. The paper evaluates six chatbots currently available either online or for purchase. The evaluation examines chatbots from the perspective of their interfaces as a human-looking or sounding partner to chat with, as well as their usability as pieces of software suitable for ESL learners. To put some of these issues in perspective and provide insights into their use, the paper also reports on the use of some chatbots in the ESL classroom. The paper concludes with an analysis of chatbots currently available, noting that while chatbots have matured considerably since the early days of Eliza, they still have a long way to go before they can interact with students in the way that researchers such as Atwell (1999) envisage.</p
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This article describes the development of Microsoft XiaoIce, the most popular social chatbot in the world. XiaoIce is uniquely designed as an artifical intelligence companion with an emotional connection to satisfy the human need for communication, affection, and social belonging. We take into account both intelligent quotient and emotional quotient in system design, cast human–machine social chat as decision-making over Markov Decision Processes, and optimize XiaoIce for long-term user engagement, measured in expected Conversation-turns Per Session (CPS). We detail the system architecture and key components, including dialogue manager, core chat, skills, and an empathetic computing module. We show how XiaoIce dynamically recognizes human feelings and states, understands user intent, and responds to user needs throughout long conversations. Since the release in 2014, XiaoIce has communicated with over 660 million active users and succeeded in establishing long-term relationships with many of them. Analysis of large-scale online logs shows that XiaoIce has achieved an average CPS of 23, which is significantly higher than that of other chatbots and even human conversations.
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To provide real time responses to online student enquires using AI
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Conversation practice, while paramount for all language learners, can be difficult to get enough of and very expensive. In this mobile age, chatbots are an obvious means of filling this gap, but have yet to realize their potential as practice partners. The current study was undertaken to examine why chatbots are not yet a substantial instrument for language learning engagement/practice, and to provide direction for future practice and chatbot development. To this end, building on a recent experimental study examining chatbot novelty effects, students undertook a pair of conversation activities: human-human and human-chatbot (via speech-to-text software). Immediately following the practice conversations, students' interest in the two partners was surveyed and open- ended textual feedback was collected. With these data sources and prior standardised test results, regression and content analysis of the data was undertaken. Findings indicated: 1) prior interest in human conversation partners was the best single predictor of future interest in chatbot conversations; 2) prior language competency was more strongly linked to interest in chatbot than human conversations; 3) that the qualitative experience of having "learned more" with the chatbot was strongly connected to task interest, even when reporting communication difficulties. Implications for practicing languages with currently available chatbots, for chatbots and related educational technology as sources of student interest and directions for chatbots future development are discussed. -----------> FREE COPY UNTIL FEB 2019 -----------------HERE----------------------->
Conference Paper
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Chatbots, i.e., conversational software agents able to interact with users via instant messaging channels like Messenger, WhatsApp or SMS, have the power to substantively simplify human-computer interaction thanks to their natural language paradigm. While this certainly helps to lower barriers, state-of-the-art chatbots prevalently provide access to generic, non-personalized features with relatively little usefulness. This may hinder adoption. To provide users with real value, we envision a kind of chatbot that is personal and helpful by providing services that are chosen and configured by the users themselves, for themselves. As the development of a one-size-fits-all, yet flexible and customizable bot is hard, if not impossible, we discuss requirements and design options that directly put the user into control of their own personal bot.
Recent CALL technology reviews cover a plethora of technologies available to language learners to improve a variety of skills, including speaking. However, few technology-enhanced self-access tools are available for pragmatic development, especially in oral modality. Recognizing the benefits of structured practice for second language development, we demonstrate how such practice can be incorporated into three recently developed simulated speaking environments that vary on the targeted L2 (French, English), domain of use (academic or everyday interaction), emphasis on higher-order and/or lower-order skills, and accommodation of multiple L2 varieties. In the spirit of finding synergies and learning from each other's experiences in specific local contexts, we address the following research questions: (1) How does the local context, researcher and learner goals, and technological possibilities influence the design of each computer application? (2) Based on the examination of the three programs, what can we learn in view of redesign options and suggest to future developers of such programs?