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Abstract and Figures

Background: The open Latarjet procedure is a standard surgical treatment option for anterior shoulder instability in patients with a high risk of failure following soft tissue stabilization. The arthroscopic technique has potential advantages of minimal invasiveness, reduced postoperative stiffness, and faster rehabilitation but is regarded as technically challenging with concern over surgical risk during the learning curve. The aim of this study was to undertake a multisurgeon, large-volume learning curve analysis of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure using continuous learning curve analysis. Methods: Individual patient data from 12 surgeons across 5 countries were retrospectively reviewed. A total of 573 patients undergoing the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure were included. Outcome measures of learning were collected, including operative time, computed tomography (CT) bone-block positioning, complications, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). A segmented linear regression modeling technique was used for learning curve analysis. Results: High-volume surgeons converged to an operative time steady state after 30-50 cases. Surgeons completing fewer procedures demonstrated a constant reduction in operative time without reaching a plateau. Low-volume surgeons completing fewer than 14 operations did not demonstrate a reduction in operative time. Accuracy of bone-block positioning on postoperative CT demonstrated constant improvement without reaching a plateau after 53 cases. There was no change in PROMs or complications with increased operative volume. Conclusion: Specialist shoulder surgeons require 30-50 arthroscopic Latarjet procedures to attain steady-state operative efficiency, during which there is improvement in bone-block positioning. Only surgeons expecting to undertake the arthroscopic Latarjet in high volume should consider adopting this procedure.
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The arthroscopic Latarjet: a multisurgeon
learning curve analysis
Epaminondas M. Valsamis, MB BChir, MA(Cantab), MRCS, PGCert Med Ed
Jean Kany, MD
, Nicolas Bonnevialle, MD, PhD
, Roberto Castricini, MD
Alexandre L
adermann, MD
, Gregory Cunningham, MD
, Daniel G. Schwartz, MD
George S. Athwal, MD, FRCSC
Joideep Phadnis, FRCS(Tr&Orth), Dip Sports Med, MBChB
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK
Shoulder Department, Clinique de l’Union, Saint Jean, France
Trauma and Orthopaedics Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Maria Cecilia Hospital, GVM Care and Research, Ravenna, Italy
Division of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland
Division of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, La Tour Hospital, Meyrin, Switzerland
Shoulder Center, Hirslanden Clinique la Colline, Geneva, Switzerland
The Polyclinic, Seattle, WA, USA
St. Joseph’s Health Care, Western University, Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Center, London, ON, Canada
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, UK
Trauma and Orthopaedics Department, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton, UK
Background: The open Latarjet procedure is a standard surgical treatment option for anterior shoulder
instability in patients with a high risk of failure following soft tissue stabilization. The arthroscopic tech-
nique has potential advantages of minimal invasiveness, reduced postoperative stiffness, and faster reha-
bilitation but is regarded as technically challenging with concern over surgical risk during the learning
curve. The aim of this study was to undertake a multisurgeon, large-volume learning curve analysis of
the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure using continuous learning curve analysis.
Methods: Individual patient data from 12 surgeons across 5 countries were retrospectively reviewed. A
total of 573 patients undergoing the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure were included. Outcome measures of
learning were collected, including operative time, computed tomography (CT) bone-block positioning,
complications, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). A segmented linear regression
modeling technique was used for learning curve analysis.
Results: High-volume surgeons converged to an operative time steady state after 30-50 cases. Surgeons
completing fewer procedures demonstrated a constant reduction in operative time without reaching a
plateau. Low-volume surgeons completing fewer than 14 operations did not demonstrate a reduction
in operative time. Accuracy of bone-block positioning on postoperative CT demonstrated constant
Institutional Review Board approval was not required for this methodology
*Reprint requests: Epaminondas M. Valsamis, MB BChir, MA(C-
antab), MRCS, PGCert Med Ed, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford OX3 7LD, UK.
E-mail address: (E.M. Valsamis).
J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2019) -,18
1058-2746/$ - see front matter Ó2019 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
improvement without reaching a plateau after 53 cases. There was no change in PROMs or complications
with increased operative volume.
Conclusion: Specialist shoulder surgeons require 30-50 arthroscopic Latarjet procedures to attain
steady-state operative efficiency, during which there is improvement in bone-block positioning. Only sur-
geons expecting to undertake the arthroscopic Latarjet in high volume should consider adopting this
Level of evidence: Educational Methodology Study; Learning Curve
Ó2019 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shoulder surgery; arthroscopic Latarjet; learning curve; anterior instability; coracoid process
transfer; surgeon experience
The Latarjet procedure is an established surgical treat-
ment option for anterior shoulder instability with bone loss
or other risk factors for failure following soft tissue
The procedure has classically been an
open technique with excellent long-term functional results,
low rates of recurrent instability, and high rates of return to
A drawback to the Latarjet technique is its more
serious complication profile including nerve injury,
nonunion, implant failure, and glenohumeral arthritis to
name a few.
The expansion of arthroscopic shoulder
surgery has led to some authors developing and switching
to an all-arthroscopic technique. The proponents of an
arthroscopic technique cite minimal invasiveness, ability to
assess and treat concurrent lesions, reduced postoperative
stiffness, and faster rehabilitation and return to sport as
potential advantages.
However, the arthroscopic tech-
nique is regarded as technically challenging, with concerns
raised regarding the potential for increased surgical risk and
less accurate graft positioning, particularly during the
learning curve.
A learning curve is a graphical representation of the
relationship between learning effort and learning
Several statistical methods have been used to
analyze learning curves in surgical practice, but these have
been mainly descriptive and have lacked mathematical
The most common technique is the ‘‘split-group’
method: data are chronologically split into 2 or more
consecutive groups, and the means of the groups are
compared using ttests (or equivalent tests). This technique
is prone to bias, including but not limited to the arbitrary
selection of group size that may obscure change.
et al
found that all studies that have investigated the
learning curve of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure to
date have used rudimentary statistical techniques (the
group-splitting method in particular) and called for future
studies using continuous case data to ‘‘characterize a true
learning curve and identify the number of cases that
represent the inflection point,’’ that is, the point at which a
surgeon reaches a steady-state level of performance.
The primary aim of the current study was to undertake a
multisurgeon, large-volume learning curve analysis of the
arthroscopic Latarjet procedure, employing a segmented
linear regression modeling technique to allow continuous
case data analysis. By comparing the fit of multiple
learning models, this method can reliably provide a simple,
quantitative description of the learning curve.
The num-
ber of cases required to attain proficiency in the arthro-
scopic Latarjet may thus be estimated. The secondary aim
was to compare the learning curve between multiple
surgeons and to identify trends that are applicable to those
considering adoption of the arthroscopic Latarjet.
Materials and methods
Surgeon and patient data
Individual patient data from 12 centers across 5 countries (Can-
ada, USA, Italy, France, and Switzerland) were retrospectively
reviewed. The arthroscopic Latarjet procedure was performed in
573 patients by 12 shoulder surgeons between 2008 and 2019. The
first and all subsequent consecutive procedures for all surgeons
were included. None of the surgeons had prior real patient clinical
experience using the arthroscopic Latarjet. All surgeons were
fellowship-trained shoulder or sports surgeons performing the
open technique before their transition to the arthroscopic tech-
nique. The median number of previous open Latarjet procedures
per surgeon was 100 (range, 10-500). Each surgeon is identified
here on with a letter from Ato L.
Patients were selected for the Latarjet procedure based on in-
dividual factors, including age, type of sport, level of sport, bone
loss, and previous instability episodes.
Institutional research board and ethical committee approval
was undertaken for all data collection in the individual centers.
Surgical technique
There was some variation in the exact surgical technique between
surgeons but not within the same series of patients collected by
each surgeon. Two surgeons (surgeons Aand B) used the original
arthroscopic Latarjet technique as described by Lafosse
et al.
Five surgeons (surgeons C,D,E,F, and G) used a modified
Lafosse technique.
Surgeon H further modified the Lafosse
technique using 5 portals instead of 7 (posterior, anterolateral,
anterior, suicide and superior to access the superior
Four surgeons (surgeons I,J,K, and L) used a double-
button fixation method and a guided approach to transfer the
coracoid through the subscapularis muscle as described by
2 E.M. Valsamis et al.
Dedicated instruments (Latarjet Guiding System;
Smith & Nephew Inc, Andover, MA, USA; or Latarjet Disposable
Kit, DePuy Mitek, Raynham, MA, USA) were used by all
Outcome measures
The primary outcome measure was operative time, defined as the
time from incision to skin closure, and was recorded by all 12
surgeons. The operative time for each of the 5 successive steps
(joint evaluation and exposure; subscapularis split; coracoid graft
harvesting; graft transfer; graft fixation) of the procedure was
recorded by surgeon B.
Secondary outcome measures included bone-block positioning,
complications, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs).
Postoperative computed tomography (CT) scanning to assess graft
positioning was undertaken by 5 surgeons for a total of 201 cases
(surgeons A,I,J,K, and L).
CT scan analysis was performed
with OsiriX imaging software (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland),
allowing for multiplanar reconstruction from the original
Surgeon Aevaluated bone-block positioning in accordance
with Burkhart et al.
Four surgeons (surgeons I, J, K, and
L) evaluated the position of the bone-block in accordance with
Kraus et al.
The same technique for CT analysis was used for all
cases within a surgeon’s data set.
Six surgeons (surgeons C,D,E,F,G, and H) collected
complication data, including but not limited to graft fracture,
nonunion, nerve and vessel injury, subscapularis rupture, early
recurrent instability, hematoma, infection, and metalwork-related
Surgeons B(n ¼30) and H(n ¼28) collected PROMs data
preoperatively and postoperatively using either the Rowe score
or Walch-Duplay scores.
Surgeon Bevaluated postoperative
patient satisfaction using a Likert-type scale.
Segmented linear regression technique
A validated segmented linear regression modeling method was
employed as previously described by Valsamis et al.
technique uses progressively more complex models consisting of
combinations of linear segments with variable adjoining points.
The models consist of the following:
1. Plateau: This is a single average value of the data set. A
‘‘plateau’’ indicates no learning has taken place.
2. Line: This is a single line of nonzero gradient. A ‘‘line’’ in-
dicates that learning is taking place at a constant rate.
3. Line-plateau: This is a line that is followed by an adjoining
plateau. A ‘‘line-plateau’’ indicates that learning is taking place
at a constant rate, but that a steady state is subsequently
4. Line-line (a line followed by an adjoining line): This is a line
that is followed by an adjoining line of different slope. A ‘‘line-
line’’ indicates that learning is initially taking place at a con-
stant rate up until a point where the rate changes. This accounts
for the possibility that the rate of learning changes but does not
reach a steady state as in the ‘‘line-plateau’’ model.
5. Line-line-plateau: This is a line-line that is subsequently fol-
lowed by a plateau. It may identify more complex trends that
demonstrate more than 2 phases of learning.
6. Line-line-line: This is a line-line that is subsequently followed
by a line. It may identify more complex trends that demonstrate
more than 2 phases of learning.
To select the best model, all models are fitted to the data and F
tests are mutually conducted between models on the basis they are
nested models (Fig. 1).
The model that prevails is the simplest
one, unless a more complex model offers a significantly better fit,
as tested and confirmed by Pvalues through a tabular method
(Table I). We assume a significant Pvalue when P<.05. A
dedicated MatLab program (Mathworks Inc, Natick, MA) was
used for this analysis.
Operative time
Surgeon Awho completed 288 cases demonstrated a line-
line-plateau in operative time with experience. There was
a decrease in operative time of 1.2 minutes per case for the
first 43 cases, followed by a decrease of 0.17 minutes per
case for the next 91 cases, after which a plateau of 62.5
minutes was attained (Fig. 2).
The line-plateau model fit best for 2 surgeons
completing 30 (surgeon B) and 50 (surgeon I) cases. The
operative time for surgeon Bdecreased by 4.2 minutes per
case for 16 cases, reaching a plateau at 99 minutes (Fig. 3).
The operative time for surgeon Idecreased by 1.8 minutes
per operation for 28 cases, reaching a plateau at 78 minutes
(Fig. 4).
The line-line model fit best for 2 surgeons completing 50
(surgeon C) and 16 (surgeon F) cases. For surgeon C, the
operative time decreased by 3.2 minutes per case for the
first 17 cases, followed by a decrease of 0.7 minutes per
case for the next 33 cases (Fig. 5). For surgeon F, the
operative time decreased by 9.3 minutes per case for the
first 8 cases, followed by a decrease of 1.7 minutes per case
for the next 8 cases.
The line model fit best for 5 surgeons completing 28
(surgeon H), 26 (surgeon E), 24 (surgeon J), 24 (surgeon
D), and 14 (surgeon G) cases. The rate of decrease of
operative time was 4.7, 1.4, 2.5, 1.8, and 5.6 minutes per
case, respectively, without reaching a plateau.
Two surgeons who undertook 10 (surgeon L) and 12
(surgeon K) operations each showed no evidence of
learning. The plateau model fit best at 97.5 and 150 mi-
nutes, respectively.
Analysis of the operative time for the 5 individual steps
of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure for surgeon B(n ¼
30) demonstrated the following results:
Step 1 (joint evaluation and exposure): The line-line
model fit best with a reduction in operative time of 7.4
minutes per operation for the first 4 cases and 0.3 mi-
nutes per operation for the next 26.
Step 2 (subscapularis split): The line model fit best with
a constant reduction in operative time of 0.7 minutes per
Arthroscopic Latarjet learning curve 3
Step 3 (coracoid graft harvesting): The line model fit
best with a constant reduction in operative time of 0.6
minutes per operation.
Step 4 (graft transfer): The plateau model fit best with no
change demonstrated.
Step 5 (graft fixation): The line model fit best with a
constant reduction in operative time of 0.3 minutes per
CT-guided bone-block positioning
From surgeon A’s data, the accuracy of bone block posi-
tioning in the sagittal/oblique and coronal/oblique planes
and joint violation by the screw showed no change with
experience over 89 cases, the plateau model fitting best for
all measures.
The rate of accurate subequatorial coronal posi-
tioning of the bone-block improved for 4 surgeons at
0.004 per case for 53 cases (0.4% improvement per
The rate of complications was unchanged with
experience for 6 surgeons, the plateau model
fitting best for all surgeons. The overall
Figure 1 All models fit to the same data (surgeon A), after which the best model is chosen using the tabular method (see Table I). Plateau:
y¼71.06. Line: y¼0.1373xþ90.90. Line-plateau: line of y¼–1.165xþ129.1, plateau of y¼65.05 joining at k¼55. Line-line: 1st
line of y¼1.286xþ131.2, 2nd line of y¼0.0548(x55) þ72.04 joining at k¼55. Line-line-plateau: 1st line of y¼1.210xþ
130.1, 2nd line of y¼0.1702(x43) þ78.02 joining at k¼43, plateau of y¼62.53 joining at k¼134. Line-line-line: 1st line of y¼
1.211xþ130.1, 2nd line of y¼0.1691(x43) þ77.99 joining at k¼43, 3rd line of y¼0.0011(x134) þ62.6 joining at k¼134
(virtually indistinguishable from line-line-plateau).
Table I Tabular method using Pvalues of mutually conducted Ftests between models: Example using operative time data from
surgeon A
Plateau Line Line-plateau Line-line Line-line-plateau
Line <.0001
Line-plateau <.0001 <.0001
Line-line <.0001 <.0001 .0003
Line-line-plateau <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 .0035
Line-line-line <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 .0140 .961
The best model is found as that model whose row featuring a contiguous set of significant Pvalues extends furthest to the right. Significant Pvalues are
shown in bold. When 2 such rows tie (as in this example), select the simplest model. In this example, the line-line-plateau is the selected model (shown
in italic).
4 E.M. Valsamis et al.
complication rate for the 242 cases included was
12.4% (Tab l e I I).
There was no change in the preoperative to postoperative
improvement in Walch-Duplay scores or Rowe scores, or
patient satisfaction with experience. The plateau model fit
best for all surgeons.
This multicenter, large-volume study investigating the
learning curve of the arthroscopic Latarjet using segmented
linear regression identified that between 30 and 50 cases are
required to reach a steady state in operative time for
experienced shoulder surgeons. There appeared to be an
improvement in the accuracy of bone-block positioning
with experience, although no plateau was reached after 53
cases. During this period, there was no significant evidence
Figure 2 Learning curve of operative time in minutes for sur-
geon Acompleting 288 consecutive arthroscopic Latarjet pro-
cedures. The line-line-plateau model fit best. y¼1.210xþ
130.1 for the first 43 cases, y¼–0.1702(x43) þ78.02 for the
next 91 cases, and y¼62.53 for the plateau after 134 cases.
Figure 3 Learning curve of operative time in minutes for sur-
geon Bcompleting 30 consecutive arthroscopic Latarjet proced-
ures. The line-plateau model fit best. y¼4.179xþ165.9 for the
first 16 cases and y¼99.05 for the plateau.
Figure 4 Learning curve of operative time in minutes for a
surgeon Icompleting 50 consecutive arthroscopic Latarjet pro-
cedures. The line-plateau model fit best. y¼1.758xþ127.1 for
the first 28 cases and y¼77.83 for the plateau.
Figure 5 Learning curve of operative time in minutes for sur-
geon Ccompleting 50 consecutive arthroscopic Latarjet proced-
ures. The line-line model fit best. y¼3.236xþ142.6 for the
first 17 cases and y¼0.725xþ97.32 for the next 33 cases.
Arthroscopic Latarjet learning curve 5
of learning based on PROMs and complications, indicating
that surgeons gained operative efficiency in completing safe
When analyzing surgical learning curves, operative time
is the most commonly investigated learning outcome
measure and provides some information about surgical
In isolation, however, it is a weak proxy of
learning, and therefore we analyzed several other secondary
learning outcomes to investigate the relationships between
learning outcomes and to draw conclusions that are as
robust as possible.
Operative time
Previous studies suggested that 15,
or 30
cases are
required to attain an operative time plateau, whereas our
study found that this number may be substantially greater.
The number of consecutive cases for the highest-volume
surgeon in this study (n ¼288) is considerably greater than
those included in other studies (n ¼104). Indeed, surgeon
A, who undertook the greatest number of procedures (n ¼
288), completed a rapid learning phase after 43 cases but
continued to demonstrate improvement at a much slower
rate to attain a plateau after 134 cases. Surgeon B, who
reached a plateau of 99 minutes after 16 cases, reports that
after completing more than 100 cases (a datum that was not
available for this study) his operative time varied between
70 and 80 minutes. This suggests that if data from all his
cases were available, he may have reached a lower plateau
much later. Surgeon Cmay not have attained a plateau after
50 cases but demonstrated a decline in the rate of learning
after 17 cases, suggesting an impending plateau.
Analysis of the operative time for the 5 individual steps
of the procedure could be undertaken for only 1 surgeon
(surgeon B), and suggested that apart from graft transfer,
the operative time for all steps shortens with surgeon
experience. Joint evaluation and exposure demonstrated the
greatest improvement (7.4 minutes per operation) over the
first few cases and appears to be the rate-limiting step for
the procedure early in the learning curve. The subscapularis
split had the second greatest rate of reduction in operative
time of 0.7 minutes per operation. An adequate surgical
approach is indeed both demanding and important to allow
subsequent accurate bone-block positioning.
Our finding that surgeons who completed fewer than 14
cases showed no learning may have been due to the large
variability in operative time between cases, meaning that
more cases are required to confidently conclude a
decreasing trend. The other explanation is that a low
operative frequency does not allow for learning over a
small number of operative cases.
Secondary outcome measures
Bonnevialle et al
found that the accuracy of subequatorial
bone-block positioning improved after 30 cases, and the
current analysis confirmed a steady improvement of 0.4%
per case for all 53 cases. This finding suggests that accu-
racy of bone-block positioning may continue to improve
after operative time reaches a plateau, and a greater number
of consecutive data are required to determine the level of
experience where positioning plateaus. However, this
improvement in bone-block positioning is small and,
although statistically significant, its effect on clinical
outcome is not known.
We did not find a significant effect of surgeon experi-
ence on complication rate. However, the overall rate of
complications was 12.4%, meaning a change in this
outcome measure may have been undetectable with our
sample size. Reassuringly however, the rates are low
enough to not be a major concern for surgeons adopting this
procedure. In agreement with Castricini et al,
we found no
change in PROMs with surgical experience.
Learning curve methodology
All previous studies
used the group-splitting method
to analyze the learning curve of the arthroscopic Latarjet.
This method splits the data chronologically into arbitrarily
sized groups that are then compared using ttests. Although
popular, the technique does not provide any information
about the shape of the learning curve or the precise number
of procedures required to attain a steady-state
Bonnevialle et al
also used a Spearman corre-
lation to analyze the learning curve. Although this does add
an element of continuity to the analysis, it does not test the
significance of the correlation against other learning models
or allow for a change in the rate of improvement to be
Our method for learning curve analysis uses segmented
linear regression techniques testing multiple different
Table II Complications
Complication Number (%) of patients
Graft fracture 10 (4.1)
Early recurrent instability 4 (1.7)
Hardware removal surgery 4 (1.7)
Screw backout/bending/failure 3 (1.2)
Delayed failure 2 (0.8)
Nerve injury (transient) 2 (0.8)
Excessive fluid extravasation 1 (0.4)
Infection 1 (0.4)
Mal-positioned screw 1 (0.4)
Nonunion 1 (0.4)
Vascular injury 1 (0.4)
Nerve injury (permanent) 0 (0.0)
Complications for the 242 cases where complications were recorded
and subsequently analyzed. The overall rate of complications was
6 E.M. Valsamis et al.
learning models. This allows the best model to be chosen,
an inflection point to be identified if present, and an ac-
curate, robust conclusion to be drawn about the learning
curve of the procedure. Segmented linear regression has
been previously used to evaluate the learning curves of
imageless navigation total hip and total knee re-
and to evaluate change in retrospective
Furthermore, although other studies have grouped sur-
geon data in their analysis,
we analyzed each surgeon’s
data individually, allowing trends for each surgeon to be
revealed. Analyzing data from several surgeons allows the
identification and comparison of individual trends between
surgeons working at different centers, allowing a pragmatic
description of learning.
Although the multicenter design of this study allows a
pragmatic conclusion to be drawn about the learning curve
of the procedure, it does present a limitation. The different
clinical setting in each center may mean that the absolute
operative times are less comparable from surgeon to sur-
geon, and the learning curve may have been influenced by
the operating room team’s expertise and other external
factors. Therefore, when comparing surgeons, we placed
greater emphasis on the model choice and timing of a
plateau as opposed to absolute operative time values. Data
collection techniques including the choice of
PROM instruments varied between centers, although these
were consistent throughout the study period within each
center. Not all surgeons undertook the same number of
procedures, and the frequency of procedures also varied.
This may have contributed to the variable rate of decrease
in operative time observed between surgeons. Finally, there
was some variation in the exact surgical technique used by
each surgeon, and although the main steps of the procedure
remained identical, these differences may have influenced
the data.
Surgeons must be aware that for experienced, specialist
shoulder surgeons with prior experience of the open
Latarjet technique, 30-50 cases are required to achieve a
steady state in operative efficiency. This has implications
for patients in the early phase of a surgeon’s learning curve
who are exposed to longer operative times. Therefore, we
feel that only surgeons expecting to undertake the arthro-
scopic Latarjet in high volume should consider learning this
procedure, and that measures such as cadaveric training,
joint-consultant operating, and surgical visitations should
be mandatory prior to adoption. During training, there
should be an emphasis on mastering joint exposure and
graft placement, which were found to be the rate-limiting
steps and main technical factors for improvement.
Specialist shoulder surgeons should expect to complete
30-50 arthroscopic Latarjet procedures to attain steady-
state operative efficiency. Shoulder surgeons must be
aware of this considerable learning curve before
deciding to introduce this demanding arthroscopic
technique into their practice.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Charlie
Getz, Dr. Robert Meislin, Dr. Paul Favorito, Dr. David
Weinstein and Dr. Charles Edouard Thelu for providing
operative data.
Nicolas Bonnevialle reports personal fees from Smith &
Nephew, during the conduct of the study.
Alexandre L
adermann reports royalties from Wright
and consultancy fees from Arthrex, Wright, and
George S. Athwal reports other from DePuy Mitek,
other from ConMed Linvatec, outside the submitted
work; in addition, Dr. Athwal has a patent Coracoid drill
guide and method of use pending.
The other authors, their immediate families, and any
research foundations with which they are affiliated have
not received any financial payments or other benefits
from any commercial entity related to the subject of this
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... 6 However, it is technically challenging due to concerns about potential surgical risks during the initial phase of the learning curve. [7][8][9] Thus, this study aimed to analyze the learning curve for performing arthroscopic Latarjet surgery. ...
... These findings corroborate the fact that the arthroscopic Latarjet technique can show favorable clinical results, even better when performed by experienced surgeons. 6,9 As previously discussed in the literature, 12,13 the technical challenges recurrent during a surgeon's first cases operating via arthroscopic Latarjet surgery should be noted and include the subscapularis split and the preparation and proper positioning of the coracoid graft. 11 These challenges can be attributed to the inadequate placement of the portals. ...
... For example, while the midsub portal exposes the entire extension of the subscapularis muscle, facilitating a proper split, and the pectoral portal, also known as the "suicidal portal," provides a good view for positioning the coracoid on the glenoid, these are details that require training and careful attention of the surgeon performing these operations. 9,11,14 According to Kany et al., 50% of open Latarjet procedures evolve with poor positioning of the bone graft. They also state that, after conducting surgical planning using computed tomography of the shoulder, 81% of the patients who underwent arthroscopic Latarjet had good positioning of the coracoid, which corroborates the fact that graft positioning may be related to surgical planning and adequate reproduction of the arthroscopic Latarjet technique. ...
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Objetive: This study aims to analyze the learning curves in performing the arthroscopic Latarjet surgery. Methods: This was an observational, retrospective, single-center study. All cases of arthroscopic Latarjet performed in this institution from 2016 to 2021 were included. The data analyzed were surgical time (of the chief surgeon alone and the group of surgeons), complications, and time until the return to sports activities. Technical observations about the learning process were also reported. Results: In total, 50 consecutive cases were included (93% retention of the initial sample identified at the institution). The decrease in surgical time was presented logarithmically and showed a decrease in time both for the individualized analysis of the senior surgeon (r = −0.67, p < 0.001) and for the surgical group (r = −0.476, p < 0.001). Mean operating time (and standard deviation) dropped from 235 minutes (73) in the first 10 cases to 156 minutes (34) for the subsequent cases (p < 0.001). In the first 20 cases, five intercurrences were recorded and three reoperations were performed, whereas subsequent cases presented only one intercurrence requiring surgical intervention (p = 0.032). The median time to return to sport was nine months for the first 20 cases versus six months for subsequent cases (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The learning curve for the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure showed a progressive decrease in operative time, complications, and time to return to sports activities. This suggests that the surgeon developed the necessary skills and confidence to reach a plateau of expertise to perform the surgical procedure. Level of evidence IV, Observational retrospective. Keywords: Instability; Shoulder; Surgeon Experience; Learning Curve
... Gerade in der frühen Lernkurve der Operation sind Operationszeit und Komplikationsrate erhöht [45], und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich dies erst nach der Durchführung von mindestens 30 Operationen reduzieren lässt. Hiermit kommt die arthroskopische Durchführung der Latarjet-Operation nur für arthroskopisch erfahrene Schulterchirurgen mit entsprechend hoher Fallzahl in Frage [67]. ...
Coracoid transfer is still an extremely reliable method for the treatment of ventral shoulder instability. It combines the soft tissue intervention of a Bankart operation via the refixation of the capsulolabral complex with the augmentation of glenoid bone defects. Since the first description by Michel Latarjet in 1954 the procedure has undergone many modifications. Since its description by Boileau and Lafosse arthroscopic coracoid transfer has become increasingly more popular but due to the complexity of the procedure it belongs in the hands of experienced arthroscopists in specialized shoulder centers. Selective literature search. Both arthroscopic and open coracoid transfer achieve satisfactory long-term results with low rates of recurrent instability. The complication rate could be reduced due to improved instruments and the increasing experience of surgeons. Injury to neurovascular structures can be prevented by consistently observing the anatomical proximity. Due to implant-associated complications there is a strong drive towards innovation in fixation procedures. Screw fixation and suture button fixation are already established, while further research is needed into the use of anchors and suture cerclages. The Bristow, Latarjet-Patte and congruent arc transfer methods also require further comparative studies. Current research focuses on Bankart surgery with remplissage of Hill-Sachs lesions for the treatment of patients with a glenoid bone loss of more than 15%. Despite promising results in the short-term follow-up, this procedure should be indicated with caution until long-term studies are available.
... In 2007, an arthroscopic approach to the Latarjet procedure was described, with favourable clinical outcomes compared with the open technique. It is, however, considered by many to be a technically challenging procedure with a significant learning curve for the surgeon [14,15], which holds true even for experienced shoulder surgeons [38]. Nevertheless, critical glenoid bone lesions are commonly considered an absolute indication for open surgery [43]. ...
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Purpose Recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability (RASI) is commonly treated with arthroscopic techniques, though their effectiveness in providing stability may diminish in cases of critical glenoid bone loss. This study aimed to compare the stability outcomes and range of motion (ROM) associated with an arthroscopic subscapular sling procedure (SSP), first introduced in 2015. Methods Sixteen fresh‐frozen human cadaveric shoulder specimens were biomechanically evaluated in four conditions: native, injured, post‐SSP and post‐LP. Glenohumeral translations were measured under anterior, anteroinferior and inferior loading, while external rotation ROM was assessed in neutral and abducted positions. Testing was conducted using a robotic system for precise force and torque application. Specimens were prepared with a 20% glenoid bone defect and subjected to stability testing sequentially. Results The SSP significantly reduced glenohumeral translations compared to LP, particularly under anterior loading in neutral (p < 0.001), external rotation (p = 0.007) and abduction (p < 0.001) positions. Although the SSP demonstrated superior stability in these key positions, it did not consistently outperform the LP across all scenarios, as stability was similar between the two in the abducted and rotated position under anterior loading (p = 0.379). Under anteroinferior loading, the SSP showed comparatively better stability at neutral (p = 0.003) and abduction (p < 0.001), whereas the LP led to greater anteroinferior translations in these same positions (p = 0.002 and p = 0.014, respectively). The SSP outperformed the LP under inferior loading in neutral (p = 0.005) and abduction (p = 0.02) positions, though it did not fully restore stability to native shoulder levels. The SSP maintained ROM similar to native shoulders. LP allowed greater ROM, potentially compromising stability. Conclusion The SSP provided greater stability than the open Latarjet in most positions and did not limit ROM, suggesting it could be a viable, less invasive option for managing shoulder instability. Level of Evidence Not applicable.
Purpose Adequate position of the bone block during arthroscopic Latarjet procedure is critical for an optimal functional outcome. However, this procedure is complex with a long learning curve. Our aim was to compare the bone block position between a dedicated glenoid posterior instrumentation and suture button fixation versus an anterior screw fixation, on a postoperative computed tomography (CT) scan. Method Seventy‐nine consecutive patients operated on for an anterior shoulder instability were included in this retrospective study. The same surgeon performed arthroscopically the Latarjet procedure either with an anterior drilling and screw fixation (Group A), or with a specific posterior glenoid guide pin, a posterior drilling, and a suture cortical button fixation (Group B). Evaluations were made by two independent observers. The position was evaluated by CT scan in the axial and sagittal planes. Learning curves with operative time, complications and clinical outcomes were assessed at a minimum of 2 years of follow‐up. Results Thirty‐five patients were included in Group A and 44 in Group B. In Group A, 27 bone blocks were flush (87.1%) and 38 in Group B (92.7%) ( p < 0.01). In Group A, 72% of the bone block height was below the equator and 76%, in Group B (ns). The mean operating time was 123 ± 32.5 min in Group A and 95 ± 34.1 min in Group B ( p < 0.0001). At the final follow‐up, the mean aggregate Rowe score was respectively 94.6 ± 10.4 and 93.1 ± 9.8 points in Groups A and B. The mean aggregate Walch–Duplay score was respectively 94.2 ± 11.6 and 93.4 ± 10.6 points in Groups A and B. There were 11 complications (31.4%) in Group A and five complications (11.3%) in Group B (ns). Conclusion The arthroscopic Latarjet procedure with a posterior drilling guided system and suture‐button fixation allows more precise positioning in the axial plane than with anterior drilling and screw fixation. This posterior‐guided procedure could reduce intraoperative and short‐term complications. Level of Evidence Level IV.
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Introduction: In healthcare, change is usually detected by statistical techniques comparing outcomes before and after an intervention. A common problem faced by researchers is distinguishing change due to secular trends from change due to an intervention. Interrupted time-series analysis has been shown to be effective in describing trends in retrospective time-series and in detecting change, but methods are often biased towards the point of the intervention. Binary outcomes are typically modelled by logistic regression where the log-odds of the binary event is expressed as a function of covariates such as time, making model parameters difficult to interpret. The aim of this study was to present a technique that directly models the probability of binary events to describe change patterns using linear sections. Methods: We describe a modelling method that fits progressively more complex linear sections to the time-series of binary variables. Model fitting uses maximum likelihood optimisation and models are compared for goodness of fit using Akaike's Information Criterion. The best model describes the most likely change scenario. We applied this modelling technique to evaluate hip fracture patient mortality rate for a total of 2777 patients over a 6-year period, before and after the introduction of a dedicated hip fracture unit (HFU) at a Level 1, Major Trauma Centre. Results: The proposed modelling technique revealed time-dependent trends that explained how the implementation of the HFU influenced mortality rate in patients sustaining proximal femoral fragility fractures. The technique allowed modelling of the entire time-series without bias to the point of intervention. Modelling the binary variable of interest directly, as opposed to a transformed variable, improved the interpretability of the results. Conclusion: The proposed segmented linear regression modelling technique using maximum likelihood estimation can be employed to effectively detect trends in time-series of binary variables in retrospective studies.
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Introduction: In retrospective studies, the effect of a given intervention is usually evaluated by using statistical tests to compare data from before and after the intervention. A problem with this approach is that the presence of underlying trends can lead to incorrect conclusions. This study aimed to develop a rigorous mathematical method to analyse temporal variation and overcome these limitations. Methods: We evaluated hip fracture outcomes (time to surgery, length of stay, and mortality) from a total of 2777 patients between April 2011 and September 2016, before and after the introduction of a dedicated hip fracture unit (HFU). We developed a novel modelling method that fits progressively more complex linear sections to the time series using least squares regression. The method was used to model the periods before implementation, after implementation, and of the whole study period, comparing goodness of fit using F-tests. Results: The proposed method offered reliable descriptions of the temporal evolution of the time series and augmented conclusions that were reached by mere group comparisons. Reductions in time to surgery, length of stay, and mortality rates that group comparisons would have credited to the hip fracture unit appeared to be due to unrelated underlying trends. Conclusion: Temporal analysis using segmented linear regression models can reveal secular trends and is a valuable tool to evaluate interventions in retrospective studies.
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Background Anterior shoulder instability, including recurrent instability, is a common problem, particularly in young, active patients and contact athletes. The Latarjet procedure is a common procedure to treat recurrent shoulder instability. Purpose To identify the reported learning curves associated with the Latarjet procedure and to determine a point on the learning curve after which a surgeon can be considered to have achieved proficiency. Study Design Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. Methods Three online databases (Embase, MEDLINE, PubMed) were systematically searched and screened in duplicate by 2 independent reviewers. The search included results from the inception of each database to January 23, 2017. Data regarding study characteristics, patient demographics, learning curve analyses, and complications were collected. Study quality was assessed in duplicate. Results Two level 3 studies and 3 level 4 studies of fair methodological quality were included. Overall, 349 patients (350 shoulders) with a mean age of 25.1 years (range, 14-52 years) were included in the final data analysis. Patients were predominantly male (93.7%). After 22 open and 20 to 40 arthroscopic Latarjet procedures, surgeons achieved a level of proficiency as measured by decreased operative time. For open procedures, complication rates and lengths of hospital stay decreased significantly with increased experience (Spearman ρ = –0.3, P = .009 and Spearman ρ = –0.6, P < .0001, respectively). Conclusion With experience, surgeons achieved a level of proficiency in performing arthroscopic and open Latarjet procedures, as measured by decreased operative time, length of hospital stay, and complication rate. The most commonly reported difference was operative time, which was significant across all studies. Overall, the Latarjet procedure is a safe procedure with low complication rates, although further research is required to truly characterize this learning curve.
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Introduction: Imageless navigation has been successfully integrated in knee arthroplasty but its effectiveness in total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been debated. It has consistently been shown that navigation adds significant time and cost to the operation. Further, the relative success of traditional hip replacements has impeded the adoption of new techniques. Methods: We compared the operative time between fifty total hip replacements with and without the use of imageless navigation by a single senior surgeon in a retrospective study. We employed standard statistical tools to compare the two methods. A correlation-based analysis was used to delimit the “learned” phase of imageless navigation to make comparisons meaningful. Results: Contrary to what has previously been reported, there was no significant difference between operative time in navigated, when compared to traditional operations (p=0.498). Only fourteen operations were required to delimit the learning phase of this operation. Discussion: This is the first study that demonstrates no added operative time when using imageless navigation in THA, achieved with an improved workflow. The results also demonstrate a very reasonable learning curve.
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Background: The arthroscopic Latarjet with double-button fixation is a guided procedure recently proposed to treat anterior shoulder instability with glenoid bone loss. The goal of this study was to report intraoperative and early postoperative complications and to analyze the learning curve. Methods: This was a prospective, nonrandomized study that included 88 patients. Intraoperative or postoperative complications as well as adverse events and operative time were recorded. Clinical outcomes were evaluated at 2 weeks, 1.5 months, and at the last follow-up. Radiologic analysis was based on an immediate postoperative computed tomography scan. Results: The intraoperative complications or adverse events rate was 3.3%: 1 conversion to open surgery, 1 bone block fracture, and 1 instrumentation problem. The postoperative complication rate was 6.8%: 4 coracoid migrations, and 2 subluxations. None of these complications occurred beyond the 10th case performed. The average operative time significantly decreased with surgical experience (r = -0.8426; 95% confidence interval, -0.9074 to -0.7384; P < .0001) to reach 76 ± 12 minutes (range, 62-95 minutes) at 30 cases. Radiologically, 90% of the bone blocks were flush and subequatorial beyond the 30th case. At a mean follow-up of 12.6 months (range, 6-24 months), Walch-Duplay and Rowe scores were 80 and 81 points, respectively. Conclusions: At short-term follow-up, the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure with double-button fixation exhibited a low complication rate. Operative time significantly improved with surgical experience and was optimized after 30 cases. Early clinical results confirmed that this procedure can be safe and reliable.
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Objective Methods that model surgical learning curves are frequently descriptive and lack the mathematical rigor required to extract robust, meaningful, and quantitative information. We aimed to formulate a method to model learning that is tailored to dealing with the high variability seen in surgical data and can readily extract important quantitative information such as learning rate, length of learning, and learnt level of performance. Methods We developed a method where progressively more complex models are fitted to learning data. These include novel models that split the learning data into 2 linear phases and fit adjoining lines using least squares regression. The models were compared and the least complex model was selected unless a more complex one was significantly better. Significance was tested by Fischer tests. We applied this method to total hip and knee replacements using imageless navigation, analyzing the operative time for a surgeon׳s first 50 and 60 operations, respectively. This method was then tested against 4 sets of simulated learning data. Results The proposed method of progressive model complexity successfully modeled the learning curve among real operative data. It was also effective in reducing the underlying trends in simulated scenarios, created to represent atypical situations that can practically arise in any learning process. Conclusions The novel modeling method can be used to extract meaningful and quantitative information from learning data displaying high variability seen in surgical practice. By using simple and intuitive models, the method is accessible to researchers and educators without the need for specialist statistical knowledge.
Purpose: To analyze the learning curves of 5 experienced, fellowship-trained shoulder surgeons and their respective 25 first arthroscopic Latarjet cases in regard to surgical time, graft placement, complication rates, and recurrent instability. Methods: The first 25 arthroscopic Latarjet procedures of 5 surgeons were retrospectively analyzed in an international multicenter setting, and thus 125 patients were included in this study. The surgical time, intraoperative and postoperative events out of the ordinary, and graft positioning were examined. Results: The 125 patients consisted of 16 women (12.8%) and 109 men (87.2%). In 81.6% (n = 102), surgery was undertaken as a first-line procedure, whereas 18.4% (n = 23) were revisions. Surgical time decreased significantly from an average of 123.8 minutes (range 70 to 210) to 92.6 minutes (range 50 to 160) from the first 5 cases to the last 5 cases of each surgeon within a period of <2 years. Overall, 22 events in 21 patients requiring additional treatment were reported (17.6%). Five (4%) were unlikely to affect final outcome and did not require revision surgery. Twelve (9.6%) required revision surgery that was not trauma related yet was prone to affect outcomes. Five events were trauma-related (4%), 4 requiring revision surgery and 1 treated conservatively. Overall, 6 patients (4.8%) had recurrent shoulder instability, 3 as a result of a traumatic event. Conventional radiology showed the bone-block in ideal positioning in 93 cases (74.4%), flush with the glenoid in a true anteroposterior view. In 3 cases (2.4%), it was considered too high, 15 too low (12%), 5 too lateral (4%), and 15 too medial (12%). Some patients had combinations of the above. Conclusion: This analysis shows that surgical time in arthroscopic Latarjet can be significantly reduced after only 20 cases. However, complication rates did not decrease over this time. The authors believe that the arthroscopic Latarjet is a challenging yet viable technique to treat anterior shoulder instability, achieving results equal to the open technique with advantages of the arthroscopic setting. Level of evidence: Level IV, retrospective cohort study.
Learning curves graphically represent the relationship between learning effort and learning outcome. Learning curves are increasingly used in research, the design of randomised controlled trials, the assessment of competency, healthcare education and training programme design. In this review we have outlined the principles behind plotting learning curves, described the common methods used to analyse learning curves, how to interpret learning curves, the multitude of learning models, their applications and potential pitfalls, and the importance of a mathematically rigorous approach to learning curve analytics.
Arthroscopic Latarjet procedure has shown satisfactory clinical outcomes in the treatment of anteroinferior shoulder instability. Although as of today there is no proven advantage of the arthroscopic procedure over an open one, it is too early to give up. At the same time, crucial to understand the causes of failure, to find the solutions to every single difficulty to simplify this surgery and to make it as accessible as possible.
Purpose: To determine the location of the subscapularis split during arthroscopic Latarjet created by an inside-out technique passing a switching stick from the posterior portal across the glenohumeral joint. Methods: An inside-out technique was used to arthroscopically create a subscapularis split in 20 fresh-frozen human cadaveric shoulders. The distance between the exit point of the switching stick and the upper border of the subscapularis and the anterior circumflex vessels was measured arthroscopically and after open dissection. Results: Twelve splits were in the upper third of the subscapularis, 3 were at the junction of the upper third and the middle third, and 5 were in the middle third. None were at the junction between the middle and lower third as desired. Conclusions: Using the inside-out method during arthroscopic Latarjet may produce a high subscapularis split if it is performed from with a switching stick that is inserted through the posterior approach, and passed across the glenohumeral joint at the level of the inferior glenoid. Clinical relevance: This study analyzed the relative risk of high subscapularis split during the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure.