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Resiliency in Performativity: A Shared Vision with Sustainability

  • Toronto Metropolitan University
Resiliency in Performativity
A Shared Vision with Sustainability
Terri Peters
Resiliency is often dened as the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after a mishap,
or to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressured, or bent by external forces.
Many dierent disciplines are exploring aspects of resiliency. In ecological systems, resilience relates to
the capacity of a system to withstand change (Holling, 1973). In urban studies, resilience is studied in
a range of disciplines and studies, such as urban ecological resilience, urban hazards and disaster risk reduction,
resilience of urban and regional economies, and promotion of resilience through urban governance and
institutions (Leichenko, 2011). In architectural design research and practice, the term is normally used to
describe strategies of minimizing environmental impact to achieve better building performance to address
climate change and extreme weather (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2018). The term resilience
could be more focused on making better use of resources we have, maximizing the positive impacts of
design, and doing more with less.
The concepts of resilience and sustainability are often used interchangeably in architecture, but this
tends to minimize the needs of people and our future needs in considering performance-based design. In
the push for new buildings being green, the human dimensions are often neglected, despite the fact
that strategies for designs for human wellbeing and enhanced architectural quality are often compatible
with designs for reducing negative environmental impacts (Peters, 2017). The United Nations
Environment Programmes new report on global warming states that staying at or below 1.5°Cof
warming requires slashing global greenhouse gas emissions 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 and reaching net
zero by 2050 (UNEP, 2018). Research has shown that overwhelmingly it is the operation of build-
ings how, when, in which ways they are used and by whom that most aects the environmental
performance and impacts of buildings (Janda, 2011; Architecture 2030, n.d.). In fact, for typical standards of
building construction, the embodied energy used in the construction of a building and its materials is
equivalent to only a few years of operating energy. There is a need for studies that investigate the culture
around resilient design strategies in buildings to understand resilient design as a process, not an end goal.
This means engaging with those that design, use, and maintain buildings in order to understand not only
how to make buildings more energy ecient, but also better for people.
There is little doubt that in the future, we will see the impacts of climate change and extreme weather
built all around us. In architecture, there is a growing acceptance of the importance of addressing
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
extreme weather, energy use, and climate change but few benchmark built projects that are
addressing multiple scales of resilience. There is a rising sentiment in the profession that resilience
is the new green(Archdaily, 2013), and the building industry is responding to the evidence that
buildings in use account for 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions (UNEP, 2018). But the qualities
of resilient design are rarely explicitly dened or conceptualized. Typically, resilient design is
thought of as related to more established parameters in sustainable design, which focus not only on
economic and environmental aspects but also on people and social needs. There is a need for more
design oces to explore the qualities of architecture that can develop in the context of resilient
design and at scales of the room, building, neighborhood, and city. There is generally a need for
a stronger conceptual framing of resilient architecture. For example, what could be made more
resilient by redesigning the built environment, the building or the occupant? Our behavior in
buildings greatly impacts building performance. Similarly, the qualities of our built environment
have been proven to impact our moods, wellbeing, and experiences, and how we behave
(McGraw Hill Construction, 2014). Studies show some people are more psychologically resilient than
others, and this is in part due to the protective factorspeople have around them that decrease the risks of
them being negatively impacted, and promotive factorsthat actively promote their wellbeing to enable
them to be more resilient (Patel and Goodman, 2007). Designers believe that our design decisions have the
ability to positively impact peoples wellbeing, so it would be interesting to know what would be protect-
ive factorsin architecture? Integrating nature and biophilic design are proven to reduce peoples stress
and promote wellbeing (Kellert, Heerwagen, and Mador, 2013) so perhaps foregrounding these
aspects could be eective in assisting people in our adjustment to the realities of a changing climate.
The nature-based urban interventions proposed for a number of resilient neighborhoods in Copen-
hagen are examples of how some design studios are rethinking resilient design to maximize the social
impacts of resilient design strategies.
This chapter highlights resilient urban design examples that respond to the Cloudburst Management
Plan in Copenhagen. These use nature-based design approaches to better connect people and
environmental performance with the goal of resiliency in the face of extreme weather and climate
change. This chapter foregrounds how resilient designs can benet people and our environment, shape
our attitudes to the natural world, and amplify our sensory experiences of spaces and places.
Research and practice in architectural design is beginning to reframe the focus of resilience as having
a shared vision with sustainability, towards a more performance-process-based approach. Three examples are
examined: Tåsinge Square by GHB Landscape Architects (completed 2014), Sankt Kjelds Square
and Bryggervangen Road by SLA (completed 2019), and Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade by SLA
(starts construction 2019). Each climate-adapted renovation addresses multiple parameters of ooding and
extreme weather, by providing socially sustainable environments with new green leisure spaces in the city.
Cloudburst Copenhagen: Performative Design for People
Denmark has a rainy climate, with residents experiencing about 121 days of rain per year. But on 2nd
July 2011, more than 150 mm of rain fell in Copenhagen in only two hours, causing serious ooding
in basements, roads, and parks, and overwhelming the sewer system. This was a particularly damaging
extreme weather event in a series of serious cloudburst storms that impacted the city, causing an estimated
1 billion damage (American Society of Landscape Architects, 2016). This particular event was highly
dramatic given the short length of the cloudburst, and it became a catalyst for change, sparking renewed
public debate and creating important political and economic support for the development of an ambitious
climate adaptation strategy for the city. Later that year, the City of Copenhagen adopted the Climate
Adaptation Plan (City of Copenhagen, 2011) which incorporated three levels of climate adaptation
based on risk. For example, the Plan requires that if the risk of damage is high, proactive
Terri Peters
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
measures like expanding the capacity of sewers and increasing local management of rainwater
should be undertaken; if prevention is impossible then the damage must be minimized in various
ways, including by adapting areas where rainwater can be redirected and stored; and the lowest-priority
measures are those that reduce vulnerability to ooding, such as having pumps ready for use in
basements and other clean-up measures. The Climate Adaptation Plan explicitly states (p. 6) that
interventions to address the cloudbursts must focus on both the local environment and the aesthetics
and benets to people:
In Copenhagen we will focus on climate adaptation measures also representing an asset in themselves,
regardless of the extent of the expected climate change. In this connection we will work in particular
on the use of blue and green elements in the urban space, which will make Copenhagen an even
more attractive city.
The Plan also details that Copenhageners should expect to have to deal with a 1-meter sea level rise
over the next 100 years (City of Copenhagen, 2011). To begin to address the current and future threats
to quality of life, specic urban renovation projects were outlined in the Cloudburst Management Plan
(City of Copenhagen, 2012). In the next 1020 years, 300 small urban design transformations will be
implemented around the city, to respond to local needs and current and projected ood events (City of
Copenhagen, 2012).
The Danish oce TREDJE NATUR was part of the team that designed the 1 sq km neighborhood
masterplan for the rst Climate Neighborhood in 2012 and this masterplan of Østerbro has informed the
climate-adapted renovations, including Tåsinge Square, Sankt Kjelds Square and others (City of
Copenhagen Klimakvarter, n.d.). As a key principle the masterplan reclaims 20% of the current
road area (50,000 sq m) for pedestrians, bikes, and parks, by optimizing the road infrastructure and
parking lots (City of Copenhagen with SLA, n.d.). The masterplan introduces bicycle paths that
act as storm water channels, plus water towers, green roofs, urban gardens, greenhouses, and canals
that carry water out from the neighborhood to the harbor. These strategies simultaneously give
rise to greater biological diversity in the city. TREDJE NATUR are known for their multi-scale
approach to resilience, and their ideas extended beyond neighborhood regeneration. They also proposed
the concept of using controlled ooding of underground parking structures as temporary water storage, and
new materials for sidewalks that cope with rainwater and smaller-scale material and component design. For
example, their Climate Tileis a rainwater management strategy but also a tactile and modular
material system that improves the sidewalks in the city. When sidewalks are demolished for
infrastructure works or to widen the sidewalk, then these permeable, modular, sidewalk pavers
for absorption (TREDJE NATUR, n.d.).
Nature-based Adaptation of Tåsinge Square, Copenhagen, by GHB Landscape
Within this masterplan, the rst completed climate-adapted urban renovation in Copenhagen is
Tåsinge Square, designed by GHB Landscape Architects in 2014. The project is intended to have an
educational value and a focus on community consultation, to set the tone for the more than 300
planned small interventions in the city. A signicant emphasis was placed on designers working in
close consultation with local residents, to encourage people to be engaged in the process and to support the
larger goals of the project. The square is a demonstration project for the rainwater systems: rainwater
captured on neighboring roofs is collected into large sculptural collection areas in the square, in containers
shaped like giant raindrops. These raindropshave a mirror nish, reecting the sky and
Resiliency in Performativity
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
inviting people to climb on top and play. People can use handpumps to release some of the
water from the raindrops to water the vegetation. Large black tilted umbrella-shaped sculptures
mark the new public spaces, providing shelter and directing rainwater. The squares water-themed
sculptures are playful and functional.
The new Tåsinge Square is designed to give more space for pedestrians and public space, with enhanced
green spaces for recreation, and better street-level quality of life for residents. By narrowing the space for
cars and removing on-road parking to reclaim space for pedestrians and public space, the project increases
the amount of permeable surface, and so the site can better accommodate heavy rains. By reducing the
paved areas, the cars that use the roads around the square are fewer, and moving at lower speeds. The
existing local conditions had a sloped site, which is rare for Copenhagens urban spaces. The sloped
site has been redesigned to improve water management, with permeable spaces and slopes in parts of the
site to carry the water away from the nearby apartment basements to reduce ooding. The project
transforms 1,000 sq m from asphalt to green and garden spaces, lowering surrounding air temperatures,
reducing the urban heat island eect, absorbing rainwater, and creating more visually engaging surroundings.
The cloudburst projects can be seen as a benchmark in performance-driven urban design as
each embrace both sustainability and resiliency while allowing for exibility and creativity in balancing
competing variables. Each of the cloudburst renovations has a dierent way of meeting specic
goals. This allows for solutions that are attuned to particular conditions, as they vary over time.
This strategy of being able to refocus and adjust as needed over time is central to performative
Renovation of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road, SLA Architects
SLAs climate-adapted renovation of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road was completed in
early 2019 (Figures The name of their competition-winning project is Use Nature in
the Cityand their project aims to improve the social and ecological functioning of the neighborhood.
SLAs design decisions were guided by the aim of making the area more beautiful and useful to residents
by integrating trees, plants, walking paths and green space into this streetscape, previously dominated by
hard, non-porous surfaces and a very wide circular roundabout (City of Copenhagen Klimakvarter,
n.d.). The space devoted to cars was made more ecient and reduced in size, and the area now has
a variety of spaces and microclimates. In February 2019 the last stage of the construction, the planting of
586 trees and plants, took place, and the designed network of green rainwater beds became functional.
The trees were chosen specically to be 48 dierent local tree species, such as willow, oak, and
coniferous trees together with selected exotic trees. Together, the trees, plants and rain beds cover
2/3 of the areas original asphalt, which gives a strong nature injection to the neighborhood,
explains Stig L. Andersson, partner and design director in SLA (SLA Architects, n.d.). The projects
goal is to encourage residents to spend more time outside and to engage with nature by having areas
for outdoor dining, benches between the trees, and large tree trunks that children can play and
climb on. During an extreme cloudburst, rainwater will be led to the rain beds, where it will slowly
be absorbed and sink down locally or drain further away to the Copenhagen harbor via a cloudburst
line. The area now achieves a much higher biodiversity.
There is no doubt that retrotting Sankt Kjelds Square with so many trees will positively impact the
health of residents. Climate change is having numerous negative impacts on human health, and research
has found that numerous complex and urgent health research areas relate to climate change, including
asthma and respiratory allergies, foodborne diseases and nutrition, and mental-health- and stress-related
disorders (Watts et al., 2018). The trees will also likely improve property values in the area, and the studies
show urban trees contribute positively to quality of life for residents (Kardan et al., 2015).
Terri Peters
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade, SLA Architects
Following on from the success of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road, the climate-adapted
renovation of Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade (a street) in the Nørrebro district of the city started on
site in 2019 (Figures 15.2.415.2.6). SLA won the competition with Ramboll (engineers) and the
focus is to work in collaboration with local residents to create a blue-green environment that focuses
on social and ecological improvement (SLA Architects, n.d.).
SLA called their project The Soul of Nørrebrorather than a name that focused more on the
locally specic climate goals of the project, which are to lter and purify the rainwater entering the
citys lakes and also to use the parks terrain to slow and direct the ow of rainwater during a storm
event towards Korsgade, where it will drain into the lakes. The designers aimed to make the ecological
functions like water absorption and water purication into practical and beautiful aspects of the
neighborhood. Andersson explains that these climate projects can make more of the extra benets
we get from climate adaptation: The blue, the green, the health, the active and the social. In
short: All what makes life in the city worth living(Peters, 2017). The design of the park and
improvement of the street will better connect local residents to nature, using rainwater not only as
a force to be controlled, but also as a potential resource as a habitat for plants and animals and as
a focus for a series of interconnected public spaces. Hans Tavsens Park will function as a large
rainwater catchment basin during storm events, creating a sculptural circular pool. The pool is
a striking landmark and symbol for the park and a way of making water a part of the city.
SLAs design improves the spatial qualities and materials of the sidewalks and pedestrian areas along
Korsgade. The redesigned street has been narrowed with reduced space for cars and has been
Figure 15.2.1 Climate adaptation of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road, SLA Architects,
Copenhagen, Denmark, completed 2019. Before and after drawings of Sankt Kjelds
Square, which now offers better connected spaces for pedestrians and bikes, and urban
nature with new green recreation areas, paths, and trees.
Drawings courtesy SLA
Resiliency in Performativity
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
redesigned with permeable paving materials and patterns. The street will have vegetation to absorb
excess rainwater, and channels of irrigation to focus the water away from the local site to the lake.
The planting of grasses and trees to lter and absorb rain also increases biodiversity and improves the
experience of the street for residents. With fewer hard impermeable surfaces, the city noise will be
dampened, the new greenery will improve biophilia, and birds and pollinators will be attracted to the
site. Combined with environmental and ecological benets, there are a number of social sustainability
features that incorporate active design principles, including new bike lanes and multi-functional mini
gardens to get people outside playing, tending to nature, and walking along the new streetscape
(Peters, 2017).
Multi-functional, Local, and Process-Based Approaches to Resiliency
The encouraging examples of the rst climate-adapted urban renovations in Copenhagen share resilient
and sustainable aspects. In each case, the focus has been on multi-functional design features that have
many functions and that are open to peoples customization and residentsinput, and can accommodate
changes in how people use them, depending on the season or weather. Each project is designed to
address specic local conditions, whether that is making the most of a change in slope, or a location
Figure 15.2.2 Climate adaptation of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road, SLA Architects,
Copenhagen, Denmark, completed 2019. The climate adaptation reduces the area of
paved roads for cars and provides more permeable areas for absorbing rainwater to
reduce ooding.
Photo courtesy SLA. Photographer: Magnus Klitten
Terri Peters
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
where it makes sense to decrease the amount of parking, or provide shade. In each, the process-based
approach has contributed to the overall sustainability of the project. Resilient architecture is a process
that is inuenced by peoples expectations and how people use buildings, not an end goal with clear
boundary conditions. The design of resilient environments requires a deep understanding of the specic
uses, local needs, and possible stress scenarios, and then devising design strategies that could enable
stressed environments to bounce back. Therefore, resilient design is always locally specic. For
example, in these areas of the city, the context of climate change and extreme weather is a focus, but the
designers take into account that water imposes varied environmental challenges throughout the year.
Not just ash ooding but a number of unusual weather events are impacting Copenhagen, including
storm surges, blizzards, and summer dry spells. Resilient buildings and landscapes in this region must plan
for all these events, in addition to the day-to-day stresses of signicant precipitation or high
humidity, or the contrast between high exterior humidity and dry interiors. A strong feature of
the urban interventions is that rather than a singular climate change vision for the city, there has
been a neighborhood-scale approach that has been carefully planned by TREDJE NATUR, with
numerous specicdesignsbydierent designers for dierent needs, in dierent areas.
The solutions to extreme weather and to successful resilient design responses generally are
culturally specic in how they are realized by designers. Denmark is a unique context and the
Figure 15.2.3 Climate adaptation of Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen Road, SLA Architects,
Copenhagen, Denmark 2019, completed. The climate adaptation by SLA improves
peoples connection to nature, offering residents new urban nature experiences and
health and wellbeing benets from having nature so conveniently located to home.
Photo courtesy SLA. Photographer: Magnus Klitten
Resiliency in Performativity
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
Figure 15.2.4 Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade, SLA Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark. In progress,
started 2019. SLA are considering the ecological functions like water absorption and water
purication as practical and beautiful aspects of the neighborhood. The street design also
incorporates channels of irrigation (not visible in this rendering) to focus the water away
from the local site to the lakes.
Rendering by Beauty and the Bit, courtesy SLA
Figure 15.2.5 Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade, SLA Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark. In progress,
started 2019. Hans Tavsens Park will function as a large rainwater catchment basin for the
neighborhood during storm events. The sculptural circular pool is a striking landmark and
symbol for the park and a way of making water a part of the city.
Rendering by Beauty and the Bit, courtesy SLA
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
cloudburst solutions are designed for this particular cultural, political, economic, and ecological setting.
For example, the integration of urban nature is made in connection with the mid-rise apartment
housing buildings lining the streets that tend to look inward around a central courtyard behind.
Increasingly there is a focus on how these buildings can integrate more with the city, and how to
make the most use of the fronts of these buildings facing streets. There is a strong cycling culture
in Denmark, and a shift towards more active living in the city, and there have been numerous
initiatives for narrowing urban roadways in the last few years. The cloudburst renovations respond
to a clear desire by residents to reclaim space from cars and create more amenities for residents in
front of the buildings. Many urban dwellers have had their basements ooded in storm events, so
there is an existing political will for creating stormwater management features in the city. The
combination of these specic cultural and political factors has meant that the cloudburst renovations
are specic to the needs of residents and are able to be implemented and funded with support
from residents and stakeholders. The cloudburst renovations are designed to work with this specic
context, and these were not designed to be resilient design strategies that could be replicated
around the world in other social or ecological contexts.
Conclusions: A Shared Vision with Sustainability
The challenges of climate adaptation must do more than create buildings that can withstand climate
change and extreme weather; the social, political, economic aspects must also be considered. Sustain-
ability is often dened in architecture as the need to manage resources to allow for wellbeing and
equity now, and for current and future generations (Brundtland et al., 1987). The current ways of
discussing and evaluating the multidisciplinary concept of sustainability in design tends to rely on the
three-pillar model of environment, economy, and society. Of these, the social pillar has been largely
neglected and remains poorly dened as the wider debate has prioritized environmental concerns
(energy use, climate change) and economic considerations (cost savings, speed of construction, short
life spans for buildings) (Littig and Griessler, 2005; Davidson, 2009). Still, the concept of sustainability
must be interwoven into resilient design through performative solutions.
Figure 15.2.6 Hans Tavsens Park and Korsgade, SLA Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark. In progress,
started 2019. The renovated park and redesigned streets work together to create an inte-
grated stormwater strategy in the city, moving water along to the lakes while providing
urban nature amenities and green surroundings for people.
Drawing courtesy SLA
Resiliency in Performativity
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
While current debates around sustainability could be considered to focus more on balancing needs and
multiple priorities, resiliency is often dened as the capacity of a system to absorb disturbances and reorganize
to sustain the same function, structure, feedback, and identity (Walker et al., 2004). This can be hard to
translate into architectural design, which has many performance criteria, often with conicting goals. Too
often in resilient design, the social and human dimensions are ignored and possible synergies are overlooked.
A shared concept with both sustainable and resilient design is the notion of time. For example, the cloudburst
interventions are designed to be sustainable, long-lasting, and adaptable to change over time. The focus on
people and the need to oer tangible benets to inhabitants as well as, and as part of, the environment, are
what sets these projects apart from other green infrastructure projects.
The future of resilient and sustainable environments will likely incorporate a wider denition and
connect to concepts beyond architecture and design. Building on theories exploring environment
and behavior, resilient design should take into account relationships between the scale of the individual,
community, built environment, landscape, neighborhood, city, country, and ecosystem (Stokols, Lejano,
and Hipp, 2013). Resilient design strategies must address the tradeos between design decisions
and consider how buildings can improve peoples quality of life. The Cloudburst Copenhagen
urban design interventions oer positive examples of resilient design that embody a holistic understanding
of sustainable design. If resilient design should better consider building performance and social benets of
proposals, there is an opportunity to consider the direct human health and wellbeing extra benetsto
constructing more resilient buildings, and foregrounding the social opportunities of creating more resilient
and sustainable built environments can be achieved using performance-based strategies for the built
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McGraw Hill Construction. (2014). The Drive Toward Healthier Buildings: The Market Drivers and Impact of Build-
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Terri Peters
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
Created from ryerson on 2020-10-07 07:31:20.
Copyright © 2019. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.
National Institute of Building Sciences. (2018). Whole Building Design Guide Resilience,Washington, DC, www.
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Change: Shaping the Health of Nations for Centuries to Come, The Lancet 392 (10163): 24792514.
Resiliency in Performativity
Kanaani, M. (Ed.). (2019). The routledge companion to paradigms of performativity in design and architecture : Using time to craft an enduring, resilient and
relevant architecture. ProQuest Ebook Central <a'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'></a>
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Is minimising the negative effects of human activity on people and the planet enough, or can we aim even higher? Guest-Editor Terri Peters introduces the concept of superarchitecture: architecture that is not merely sustainable, but offers positive benefits for both human wellbeing and the environment. As demonstrated by the three international case studies she presents, it is applicable not only to healthcare architecture, but also to the spaces in which we live and work, and the wider urban realm. At its heart is a deep connection with nature.
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Studies have shown that natural environments can enhance health and here we build upon that work by examining the associations between comprehensive greenspace metrics and health. We focused on a large urban population center (Toronto, Canada) and related the two domains by combining high-resolution satellite imagery and individual tree data from Toronto with questionnaire-based self-reports of general health perception, cardio-metabolic conditions and mental illnesses from the Ontario Health Study. Results from multiple regressions and multivariate canonical correlation analyses suggest that people who live in neighborhoods with a higher density of trees on their streets report significantly higher health perception and significantly less cardio-metabolic conditions (controlling for socio-economic and demographic factors). We find that having 10 more trees in a city block, on average, improves health perception in ways comparable to an increase in annual personal income of 10,000andmovingtoaneighborhoodwith10,000 and moving to a neighborhood with 10,000 higher median income or being 7 years younger. We also find that having 11 more trees in a city block, on average, decreases cardio-metabolic conditions in ways comparable to an increase in annual personal income of 20,000andmovingtoaneighborhoodwith20,000 and moving to a neighborhood with 20,000 higher median income or being 1.4 years younger.
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Resilience studies build on the notion that phenomena in the real world should be understood as dynamic social-ecological systems. However, the scholarly community may not be fully aware that social ecology, as a conceptual framework, has a long intellectual history, nor fully cognizant of its foundational theory. In this article, we trace the intellectual roots and core principles of social ecology and demonstrate how these principles enable a broader conceptualization of resilience than may be found in much of the literature. We then illustrate how the resulting notion of resilience as transactional process and multi-capital formation affords new perspectives on diverse phenomena such as global financial crises and adaptation to environmental stresses to communities and ecosystems. A social-ecological analysis of resilience enables the study of people-environment transactions across varying dimensions, time periods, and scales. Furthermore, in its openness to experiential knowledge and action research, the social ecology framework coheres well with participative-collaborative modes of inquiry, which traverse institutional, epistemological, and scale-related boundaries.
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The notion of resilience is gaining increasing prominence across a diverse set of literatures on cities and climate change. Although there is some disagreement among these different literatures about how to define and measure resilience, there is broad consensus that: (1) cities must become resilient to a wider range of shocks and stresses in order to be prepared for climate change; and (2) efforts to foster climate change resilience must be bundled with efforts to promote urban development and sustainability. Emerging issues for future study highlight some of the challenges associated with practical application of resilience approaches. These include responding to equity concerns associated with uneven patterns of resilience both within and across cities, assessing the costs of implementing resilience strategies, and identifying options for harnessing the innovation potential in cities as a means to foster resilience and sustainability.
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Reducing energy use in buildings is a critical component of meeting carbon reduction commitments. There are several ways of accomplishing this goal, each of which emphasizes actions by a different set of stakeholders. This article argues that building users play a critical but poorly understood and often overlooked role in the built environment. In the face of climate change, the article finds purely architectural solutions, such as those proposed by the Architecture 2030 Challenge, to be necessary but not sufficient to achieve climate change mitigation targets. To fully address the task ahead, it argues that architects need to develop their professional expertise to improve buildings and seek ways of integrating user involvement in building performance. Moreover, it is argued that from a professional standprint, it may be wise for architects to develop a leadership role in this area given the lowest scope of their profession. Yet this must sit within a broader group of building professionals.
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"The concept of resilience has evolved considerably since Holling's (1973) seminal paper. Different interpretations of what is meant by resilience, however, cause confusion. Resilience of a system needs to be considered in terms of the attributes that govern the system's dynamics. Three related attributes of social-ecological systems (SESs) determine their future trajectories: resilience, adaptability, and transformability. Resilience(the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing change so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks) has four components-latitude, resistance, precariousness, and panarchy-most readily portrayed using the metaphor of a stability landscape. Adaptability is the capacity of actors in the system to influence resilience (in a SES, essentially to manage it). There are four general ways in which this can be done, corresponding to the four aspects of resilience. Transformability is the capacity to create a fundamentally new system when ecological, economic, or social structures make the existing system untenable. "The implications of this interpretation of SES dynamics for sustainability science include changing the focus from seeking optimal states and the determinants of maximum sustainable yield (the MSY paradigm), to resilience analysis, adaptive resource management, and adaptive governance."
Over the past decade, social sustainability has progressively permeated metropolitan politics as part of a wider sustainability agenda. In doing so, “the social” has reappeared from within a neoliberal context that has ideologically had preference for the individual (Harvey, D., 2005. A brief history of neoliberalism. Oxford University Press). This paper explores the politics bound up in this recent embrace of social sustainability. It claims a key political distinction lies between a policy emphasis on either the “social” or “sustainability”. Through a consideration of the social, it is argued a potential site of progressive metropolitan politics can emerge, although the context of sustainability brings with it particular challenges. In conclusion, the paper considers how social sustainability debate at the metropolitan scale might be made to reflect a site of politics (Badiou, A., 2002. Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil (Wo Es War). London: Verso; Zizek, S., 2006. Against the populist temptation, Critical Inquiry, 32 (3), 551–574).