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Abstract and Figures

Type is not expressive enough. Even the youngest speakers are able to express a full range of emotions with their voice, while young readers read aloud monotonically as if to convey robotic boredom. We augmented type to convey expression similarly to our voices. Specifically, we wanted to convey in text words that are spoken louder, words that drawn out and spoken longer, and words that are spoken at a higher pitch. We then asked children to read sentences with these new kinds of type to see if children would read these with greater expression. We found that children would ignore the augmentation if they weren’t explicitly told about it. But when children were told about the augmentation, they were able to read aloud with greater vocal inflection. This innovation holds great promise for helping both children and adults to read aloud with greater expression and fluency.
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Ann Bessemans, Maarten Renckens, Kevin Bormans, Erik Nuyts, Kevin Larson
Type is not expressive enough. Even the youngest speakers are able to express a full
range of emotions with their voice, while young readers read aloud monotonically as if to
convey robotic boredom. We augmented type to convey expression similarly to our voices.
Specifically, we wanted to convey in text words that are spoken louder, words that drawn out
and spoken longer, and words that are spoken at a higher pitch. We then asked children to
read sentences with these new kinds of type to see if children would read these with greater
expression. We found that children would ignore the augmentation if they weren’t explicitly
told about it. But when children were told about the augmentation, they were able to read
aloud with greater vocal inflection. This innovation holds great promise for helping both
children and adults to read aloud with greater expression and fluency.
1. Introduction
Reading is magical. It allows us to communicate over unlimited time and distance.
More immediately, when we read, we need to convert the letters into sounds. Successfully
making this mapping is key step in learning to read. Once the alphabetical code can be
cracked, a child is able to independently decode words (Stanovich, 1986; Rayner & Pollatsek,
1989). Once individual words can be read aloud, it takes another step to read in a way that
sounds natural. Beginning readers often struggle to read aloud in a fluent, expressive
manner. Reading fluency is defined not only by speed and accuracy but also by proper
expression and the naturalness of reading (NAEP, 1995; National Institute of Child Health &
Human Development, 2000). Expressive oral reading can be quantified in terms of prosodic
variation in pitch, duration, and volume (Patel & Furr, 2011). These features can be of crucial
importance in understanding exactly what the speaker or narrator is trying to tell us.
Expressive reading is an increasingly valued component of literacy. The first focus of
reading must be on speed and accuracy of decoding. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the
reading levels are expressed by the AVI-levels (abbreviation of ‘Analyse van
Individualiseringsvormen’, translated as ‘Analysis of forms of individualization’). This kind
of standardization makes it possible to judge the reading level of the child, but these tests are
measured on reading speed and orthographical errors only. Techniques that are aimed at
improving expressive oral reading should be an integral part of reading fluency for ultimately
reading success (Hudson et al., 2005; Rasinski, 1990; Samuels, 1988; Schreiber, 1980).
There are several reasons why children’s prosodic oral reading fluency is important (Duong
et al., 2011; Gussenhoven 2004). Prosodic readers are not only easier to understand, but they
also have the ability to improve decoding, word recognition, reading accuracy, reading speed
and comprehension skills as they are able to segment text into meaningful units (Dowhower,
1991; Miller & Schwanenflugel, 2006; Ashby, 2006; Binder et al., 2013; Young-Suk Grace,
2015). Better prosody correlates to greater reading achievement.
In the Netherlands reading aloud competitions are a tradition for almost 22 years
(Stichting Lezen, 2016). Their most important reasons of being are encouraging children to
read and awaken their enthusiasm for literature. Reading aloud competitions’ main focus is
on the pleasantness of listening to reading aloud. Although there are many criteria which
judges look for, an important one is the use of the own voice (without using artificial voices).
A good reader is able to make use of small changes in tempo, can use a change of pitch and
can read louder and softer to convey a mood or emotion (Stichting Lezen, 2016).
The speech of beginning readers appears flat and laborious when reading aloud
(Miller & Schwanenflugel, 2006; NIH, 2000). Earlier approaches to aid children’s prosodic
reading aloud have focused on repetition and imitation of an adult-repeated-reading model
(Read Naturally, 2015) and guided oral reading (Kuhn & Stahl, 2003; Playbooks, 2013;
PROJECT LISTEN, 2009; Beck & Mostow, 2008). And while beginning readers typically
employ prosody in conversational speech, written text does not provide information about
the intended prosody. Nonetheless, text could indicate prosodic variations by means of the
typeface. We call this visual prosody.
The most well-known ways in which prosody is visualized in typography is in the
punctuation of normal typefaces, and in the phonetic transcriptions in comic books (i.e.
BAM!). Comic artists take into account a visual form of prosody to liven up the text.
However, the text accompanies the image that is rudimentary. It is through the image that
the meaning of the visual text can be determined and understood. Some experimental type
projects have explored the use of phonetic qualities. The acclaimed poet Paul van Ostaijen
made use of visual poetry in his ‘sound poems’. His ‘ritmiese typografie’ was designed by
artist Oscar Jespers. The poem Boem Paukeslag (1921) is probably the most well-known.
There also were more artistically inclined type projects which incorporated facets of spoken
language, such as the ‘New Alphabet’ by Tschichold (1930). These typefaces were developed
based on an idealism, dogma or philosophy, in this case during the Bauhaus. Conceptual type
projects in which aspects of phonetics form the foundations of the typefaces are seen in the
work of Kurt Schwitters ‘Systemschrift’ (1927) and more direct relations to the language itself
in the various projects of the French/Italian type designer Pierre di Sciullo.
Researchers have also thought about introducing visual prosody within text. Both van
Uden (1973) and Patel and Furr (2011) treat visual prosody by adding a second layer to the
text. Van Uden does this in the form of melody bows. Patel and Furr (2011) used two
methods to improve visual prosody: manipulated text cues and augmented text cues. In the
manipulated text cues they shift letter placement horizontally to indicate duration and
vertically to indicate pitch and used grey level to indicate loudness. In the augmented text
cues, they add graphs, lines and vertical bars behind the text to indicate the visual prosody.
They found that both methods are effective, but that the manipulated version is harder to
read, especially by shifting the words vertically. Both van Uden’s and Patel & Furrs forms of
visual prosody show additional information on top of the text, which reduces the legibility of
the text.
It is also worth looking at the intuitive character of visual prosody. It is not
unreasonable to assume that children intuitively, without additional explanation,
spontaneously interpret certain adjustments as intended by the designers. Evidence for a
common sense or intuitive feeling presented within type design can be found in research
(Shaik, 2009; Lewis & Walker, 1989). For example, a bold or black typeface is perceived
louder against a lighter or greyer one (Shaik, 2009). The intuitive character also gives us
information about het learnability of visual prosody.
The goal of this project is to help children read aloud with more expression.
Specifically, we want to show with type the three main components that people already use
in spoken language: volume, duration or word length and pitch (Sitaram & Mostow, 2012;
Peppé, 2009; Schwanenflugel et al., 2006; Cutler et al., 1997; Dowhower, 1991; Bollinger,
1989; Lehiste, 1970). We want to do this without reducing legibility and in a way that will be
easy to learn. To explore whether it is possible to make prosody visible in type to guide
children’s reading aloud, we formulate four research questions:
A. Will children read text aloud with greater expression with text that is designed
to show the components of prosody?
B. Will children read the cues as intended: the volume cue read with greater
volume, the pitch cue read at a higher pitch, and the duration cue for a longer amount
of time?
C. Will the children intuitively understand the visual prosody or is instruction of
the visual cues needed?
D. After using the visual prosody, will the children be able to correctly describe
what each of the components of visual prosody mean? What does visual prosody tell
us about its learnability?
2. Methodology
118 children participated in the study. No participants were disqualified. The
participants in this study were Flemish children aged eight to ten years old and were enrolled
in regular elementary school. All children were reading normally for their age (reading level
of at least AVI 5). The tests were conducted at the elementary school ‘Sint-Rita’, located in
Sint-Truiden, Belgium. The children’s parents were informed about the research by a formal
letter. After the parents’ insight into the research, a written approval was asked if their child
was allowed to participate in the test. The children were randomly divided into two groups,
an information group (61 children) and a no-information group (57 children).
The typeface Matilda was selected because its legibility has been extensively studied
for use with normal and low vision children (Bessemans, 2012). 8 new versions of Matilda
were designed for this study to show the volume, duration, and pitch features of prosody. All
conditions were shown at a sufficiently large 18 point size.
The boldness of letters was modified to indicate that a word should be read with
increased volume. Figure 1 shows a word with the normal Matilda font, a half bold font, and
a full bold font.
Figure 1: from top to bottom: ‘beer’ in the normal variation, ‘half bold’ and ‘full bold’. The Dutch sentence translates
to “The bear is in the garden.”
The width of letters was modified to indicate that a word should be read slower, or for
a longer amount of time. Figure 2 shows the normal Matilda font, a half wide font, and a full
wide font.
Figure 2: from top to bottom: ‘alleenin the normal variation, ‘half wide’ and ‘full wide’. The Dutch sentence translates to “The
poor man was left alone.”
Visually describing pitch was the most challenging aspects of prosody. Two attempts
were made in order to test if one would work better than the other. In a first version of pitch,
letters were raised above the baseline to show that pitch should be raised. Figure 3 shows the
normal Matilda font, a half raised font, and a full raised font. In second version of pitch,
letters were stretched vertically to show that pitch should be higher. Figure 4 shows the
normal Matilda font, a half stretched font, and a full stretched font.
Figure 3: from top to bottom: ‘op’ in the
normal variation, ‘half raised’ and ‘full raised’.
Figure 4: from top to bottom: ‘ezel’ in the
normal variation, ‘half stretched’ and ‘full
In total 9 fonts (variations on one typeface) were used in the study, namely the
normal Matilda (n) and its 8 prosodic type design parameters aimed at influencing volume
(‘half bold’, ‘full bold’), duration (‘half wide’, ‘full wide’) and pitch (‘half raised’, ‘full raised’,
‘half stretched’, ‘full stretched’).
5 unique sentences were examined in this project, each with a key word that would
appear in the studied conditions. The reading level for the sentences were slightly below the
reading level for the children. This was done in order to assure that the measurements could
be focused solely on the children’s reading aloud and not on reading difficulties of words that
otherwise might have occurred. The creation of these sentences were done in collaboration
with the teachers of the respective classes. Each of the 5 sentences was repeated 9 times,
once in each of the conditions. This made the pronunciation of each of the conditions directly
45 sentences in total were presented in A5 size booklets with 5 sentences per page on
slightly off-white to yellow paper. Figure 5 shows a sample page in one of the booklets.
Figure 5: An example of how the sentences are presented to the participants in the booklet.
The participants were told that we were investigating ways of making reading easier and
more fun. The study was conducted one participant at a time in a quiet, familiar room. The
participants were assigned to either the information group or to the no-information group.
The no-information group received no introduction to the volume, duration, and pitch
conditions they were asked to read, while the information group was shown the different
conditions and was given examples of reading the sentences with increased prosody. These
instructions were taught in a playful manner, where the child had to effectively look at the
testing material and search for prosodic cues. The children discovered the prosodic cues and
were taught the envisioned way to read them out aloud.
Figure 8A: A child pointing to noticed parameters in the sentence during the talk before or after the test.
Figure 8B: The actual reading test in which the child is reading after getting used to the microphone and
the design researcher pointing at the sentence that the child should read.
Each participant was then given a booklet with the 45 sentences presented in a
different random order. Their task was to read the sentences aloud the best way they could.
Only after a participant showed understanding of the task, the test was started. Some shy
children in the information group which were afraid of pronouncing the parameter clearly,
were asked to exaggerate a little the pronunciation. If during the reading session, a
participant in the no-information group asked about the conditions, he/she was told we were
making changes to the text but nothing could be said about it until the end of the
experiment. During the test, in order to ensure all sentences were read, the administrator
indicated the sentence the child had to read by pointing at it. This was also done to ensure
that, during the recordings, there were pauses to indicate clearly the start and ending of
every sentence. The participant read all sentences in the book in his/her own pace and was
allowed to correct when desired. If deemed necessary, a break in the middle of the book was
taken. For the youngest children this break was necessary, as more children than expected
lacked the concentration to read 45 sentences consecutively.
At the end of the first day of the experiment, each participant was debriefed. The no-
information group received information about the prosodic cues in the same way as the
information group got the clues. The purpose of the experiment was explained, and the child
was given the chance to ask questions about the study.
One or two days after each participant read the test sentences and was debriefed, the
participants were given a questionnaire as a whole class assignment. There were four tasks as
part of the questionnaire. The first was to look at prosody marked sentences and identify
which words have special prosody. The second task was to write down how they would
pronounce the prosody marked words. The third task was to state a preference between the
two kinds of pitch conditions. And the fourth task was an open-ended request for feedback.
Digital audio recording was done with the Neumann U87ai microphone, designed for
voice recording. The digital processing and saving of the audio file was executed via the
program Praat, developed at the Department of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam
(Boursma, 2001; Boursma & Weenink, 2016). All data was collected on the most important
vowel of the test word. This is in line with Moneta et al. (2008) who focussed only on the
vowels to measure voice quality, emotions, in terms of amplitudes and frequencies.
With X as the volume, duration or pitch, results are calculated as {average X of one
vowel of one specific word} divided by {average X of all the same vowels of the same word of
the same child}. E.g. the average pitch of the ‘ee’ in the word ‘beer’ written in vt_f, compared
with the average of {all the average pitches of all the ‘ee’ of all the words ‘beer’ the same child
has pronounced}.
The impact of a learning effect was avoided by following procedure. (i) There are 5
sentences and 9 fonts, resulting in 45 sentence-font-combinations. Every booklet has exactly
these 45 sentences. (ii) These 45 sentences were randomized. After this randomization, the
order was manually adapted (with as minimal changes as possible) in such a way that the
same sentence was presented maximally twice immediately after one another. Also the same
font was presented maximally twice after one another. (iii) By the combination of this
randomization and the limited manually adaptions, sentences nor fonts were too much
clustered in the beginning, the middle or the end of the reading task. (iv) This procedure was
done 20 times. Hence, there were 20 different booklets with each an unique order of
sentence-font-combinations. Every child read one booklet. (v) Since the statistics are
performed on these 20 different booklets, that are quite equally spread in the data set, in the
overall dataset sentences and fonts are even more equally spread over the beginning, the
middle or the end of the reading task. (vi) It is assumed that the learning effect hardly differs
between the fonts. By the steps described in the former steps, all fonts were equally spread
over the order of the 45 sentences, and thus the learning effect is measured in all fonts in a
same way. (vii) By calculating statistics on a ratio: {average of a vowel in a specific
font}/{average of this vowel of all fonts} the impact of the learning effect disappears as it is
both in nominator and denominator.
The effect of the fonts on the parameters of visual prosody is measured using a
Generalized Linear Model with repeated measures in SAS, procedure mixed. This procedure
includes adapted Tukey post hoc comparisons that takes the Bonferroni correction into
account to test simultaneously the set of all pairwise comparisons {μi−μj}. A Generalized
Linear Model is an extension of the classical ANOVA, but it has the extra options (repeated
measures, Tukey, Bonferroni correction) required for this dataset. For the present paper,
only the comparisons of the different fonts with the normal font are used.
3. Results
81 out of 5310 sentences were not processed due to an unknown error from the
speech recognition application. The error happened mainly in one sentence, resulting in a
highly underrepresentation of this sentence in the sample. The other 44 sentences were
equally spread in the sample (average 359 ± standard deviation 12). Not all words recorded
could be used, e.g. if a child stuttered the automatic data recognition program could not
recognize the word. In total 14457 words were included in the analyses.
The no-information group
The no-information group showed little difference between the nine fonts (see table 1
and graph 1 till 3).
full bold
full raised
full stretched
full wide
half bold
half raised
97% **
half stretched
half wide
Table 1: Average of one condition divided by the average of the normal condition for volume, duration and pitch
when no instructional information was provided to the participants. *’s indicates significant difference from normal font:
*=p<0.05; **=p<0.01; ***=p<0.001
There are no statistically significant differences between the fonts for volume, nor for
duration. For pitch, only ‘half raised’ differs statistically significant from the normal font
The information group
In the information group, all fonts differed significantly for all three measures with
the normal font (table 2).
example dB
example Hz
example sec
full bold
103% ***
134% ***
107% ***
full raised
103% ***
135% ***
111% ***
102% ***
133% ***
106% ***
full wide
103% ***
149% ***
106% ***
half bold
103% ***
129% ***
108% ***
half raised
102% ***
116% ***
103% **
101% *
118% ***
103% **
half wide
102% ***
117% ***
103% ***
Table 2: Average of one condition divided by the average of the normal condition for volume, duration and pitch
when instructional information was provided to the participants. *’s in the 3 first columns indicate significant difference from
normal font: *=p<0.05; **=p<0.01; ***=p<0.001.
To have a feeling of the impact in a realistic situation, we added for each component
an example in the last three columns of table 2. E.g. assume for volume a word which is
spoken, when using the normal font, with a volume of 70 dB (which is very near to the
average of the volume measured in this experiment). In the condition full bold, this can be
on average multiplied with 103%, hence the volume of the pronunciation would be 72dB. For
duration a word of 0.14 seconds and for pitch a word of 240 Herz are given as examples. Also
these absolute values are very close to the averages found in the dataset when normal font
was used.
Children in the information group read words louder when presented in 7 of the fonts
compared to the normal font see graph 4). Volumes of all fonts differed statistically
significant from the volume of words in the normal font. The largest effect on volume was for
the full bold, full wide, half bold, full raised conditions, an increase of 3% over the normal
font. The following graph represents the effect of font the volume on a word spoken by a
Graph 4: Visualization of the effect of the font on a word that, with a normal font would be expressed with a volume of
Children in the information group showed a statistically significant increase in
duration of reading time for all test fonts compared to the normal font (see graph 5). The
Information group, impact of font on loudness
largest increase in duration was for the full wide font, which was read 49% longer than the
normal font. The full wide font was read statistically significant longer than all other fonts.
Graph 5: Visualization of the effect of the font on a word that, with a normal font would be expressed with a duration
of 0.14 seconds
Children in the information group showed a statistically significant increase in pitch
for all the fonts compared to the normal font (see graph 6). The largest increase in pitch was
for the full raised font, which had vowels spoken at a 11% higher pitch than the normal font.
Full raised was read at a statistically significant higher pitch than all other fonts.
Graph 6: Visualization of the effect of the font on a word that, with a normal font would be expressed with a pitch of
240 Hz.
Information group, impact of font on duration
Information group, impact of font on pitch
Two days after the test, participants were asked to identify words that should be spoken
differently and to say how they should be spoken. The half bold and full bold fonts were
correctly recognized 99.2% of the time. 81% of the participants said they should be read loud,
louder, or harder. Only 7% gave no answer or a very unclear answer. The half wide font was
recognized 55% of the time and the full wide was recognized 78% of the time. 93% of the
participants correctly said they should be read long or longer. The half raised font was
recognized 22% of the time, while the full raised font was recognized 99% of the time. 83% of
the participants correctly said that they should be read high or higher. 7% of the participants
incorrectly said they should be read louder. The half stretched font was recognized 49% of
the time and the full stretched font was recognized 99% of the time. 61% of the participants
correctly said they should be read high or higher. 15% of the participants incorrectly said
they should be read longer.
Graph 7: The proportion of words containing a specific parameter that are marked within a sentence, two days after
the test.
full bold half bold full wide half wide full
proportion of marked prosodic parameters
Pie Chart 1: The answers that the children gave on the question ‘how to read the given prosodic parameter?’ two days
after the test.
At the end of the questionnaire, the participants were given an opportunity to provide
their opinions about the fonts. As design researchers, we believe that these rather subjective
increase intensity
decrease intensity
increase duration
decrease duration
increase pitch
decrease pitch
increase pitch and duration
do nothing
no anwer or very unclear answer
increase intensity
decrease intensity
increase duration
decrease duration
increase pitch
decrease pitch
increase pitch and duration
do nothing
no anwer or very unclear answer
(when compared to the statistical output) opinions from the participants are of great
importance in determining whether or not the test material has an actual chance of being
used in real reading material for children, which they find pleasing to use. The reactions were
generally positive with the participants enjoying the increased variety in the text and the
additional support to help reading aloud. One participant said that it was “easier for reading
because you don’t have to read on the same tone and then it does not become boring.”
Another said that reading was “easier because you know if you have to read longer, higher or
louder.” Yet another one described the experience as if you were communicating in real life
instead of reading.
4. Discussion
The goal of this project was to help children read aloud with more expression. We
focused on the prosodic components volume (louder pronunciation), duration (slower
pronunciation) and pitch (higher pronunciation). While we hoped that the cues would be
understood without any explanation, we found that the children who received no explanation
choose to focus on reading the sentences quickly instead of with greater expression. Reading
for speed is the most common form of reading assessment, so it’s not entirely surprising that
the kids attempted to read quickly (Mostow & Duong, 2009). It was predicted by some of the
teachers that children, due to the intensive testing for measuring their reading level based on
speeds and accuracy, would interpret the test in this way and thus read as fast and correct as
possible, while ignoring prosody. Consequently, no statistically significant differences in the
prosody measures were found.
The children who were given an explanation of the prosody conditions read them
aloud quite clearly. Interestingly, prosody marked words tended to be spoken with increased
amounts of all kinds of prosody. For example, the words marked with increased volume were
read with statistically significant higher volume, but were also read slower and at a higher
pitch. The same was true for the other conditions.
All of the conditions caused the children to read the target word louder. The effect
was strongest for the full conditions and both full and half bold. Patel and Furr (2011) found
no effect of using grey levels to change kids’ volume. But in our study, we found a reliable
increase of volume for the same conditions that increase pitch reliably (changing the x-
height). Pitch and volume are strongly related as usually people speak louder when they raise
their pitch. This relationship was not intentional as we hoped to typographically convey each
prosody factor independently.
Widening the letters in a word was effective for getting the kids to pronounce a word
for a longer amount of time. This is in line with the findings of Patel and Furr (2011). But in our
study we found that all conditions increased duration statistically significant, though not as
dramatically as wide letters. It is surprising that the other conditions also led to increased
durations. This might have happened because the children needed additional cognitive
resources to correctly pronounce all of the prosody conditions, causing an increase in
duration. We observed this most clearly with the stretched and raised conditions (meant to
increase pitch) as the children found raising their pitch effortful.
Both the full raised and full stretched pitch conditions caused a statistically
significant increase in spoken pitch. The half raised and half stretched conditions did
increase pitch less. The fact that the higher voice is more difficult to understand may be
comprehended out of practice. Children do learn the difference between low and high in
nursery school, however this is treated as a spatial phenomenon. It was often seen that when
children needed to go higher in voice, they moved their body upwards. Because of the way
high and low is taught, they often didn’t know what to do with their voice. When a child had
almost no problems in the pronunciation of a higher voice he was asked afterwards if he had
a musical background. Often this was the case.
The half wide, half raised and half stretched font may be too subtle. Two days after
the test with the explanation, they are recognized in less than 75% of the situations.
5. Conclusion and further research
Only the data of the information group show differences in recordings of those words
that were highlighted with the prosodic cues. We believe that the no-information group
experienced this test as a regular reading test for measuring their reading level. This test
evaluates the child only on its reading speed and accuracy.
Within the information group, the analysis of the reading tests proves that the
prosodic design parameters have the intended effect on the oral reading of children.
Reading aloud of a single prosodic component hardly happened without an
interaction with the other prosodic components. However, when isolating each parameter
regarding their hypothesized effects, all parameters differed statistically significant from the
normal condition for pitch, volume and duration of speech. For each comparison with ‘n’, the
full variation of the intended parameter gave the most significant results for the intended
prosodic component. Thickening increased volume the most, widening the duration, raising
x-height increased the pitch the most. The effect of ‘full raised’ on pitch was an average
increase of 9%. The effect of ‘full bold’ on the volume was an average increase of 2%. The
effect of ‘full wide’ on the duration was an average increase of 37%. The effects of parameters
on the prosodic cues that were not intended were lower, and not always significant.
Based on the findings we recommend type designers to implement a thickened font
when they would like children to guide in their speaking aloud with a louder voice by means
of a typeface. Both ‘full bold’ and ‘half bold’ are good references for designers when they
would like to implement a volume parameter within their typeface. Type designers involved
in visual prosody are advised to widen the font, like our parameter ‘full wide’ when children
should be guided to read with a slower voice. From a designer’s point of view, we question if
it would be possible to design an even more extended type that is still aesthetically justified
in terms of letter shapes and text color. When type designers want to implement a design
parameter to guide the children in reading aloud with a higher voice, they can raise the x-
height, as in ‘full raised’.
The hypothesis that visual prosody in type is able to influence children’s reading
aloud with more expression is confirmed by this study. However, based on this research we
can not conclude whether visual prosodic cues are sensed in an intuitive manner. Thus,
instruction is needed. It is important to note that this research was conducted by Belgian
children and that in general, Belgians are known to be rather reluctant when it comes to
trying out things differently and rather do it in ways that are familiar to them (Hofstede,
2001). For example, when compared to the Dutch, Belgians are in general more introvert
(Laurent, 1973; Portzky et al., 2008; Gerritsen, 2014). This characteristic may attribute to
the fact that without instruction, the children may have seen the prosodic cues, but didn’t
execute them when reading aloud. There is a chance that, when other nationalities conduct
the same test, results may differ regarding the intuitive reading aloud of the parameters.
All in all, these type design parameters have the potential to influence the reading
aloud of children, and can therefore assist type and typographic designers to create new
typefaces and educational materials that aim to influence expressive reading. Within the new
technology of OpenType Font Variations (introduced in 2016) these parameters can be more
easily applied by typographers and usable by type designers.
Furthermore, the research to visualizing prosody through text proves to be promising
for further research, not only on printed matter but also in digital reading. There is a great
deal of enthusiasm for this work by publishing houses as it has the potential of making text
more expressive and can teach children more consciously reading aloud skills. Expressive
type may reduce the cause of confusion in written communication and might improve
reading comprehension. Additionally, prosody also has a diverse range of other uses
including making expressive captioning for the deaf community and teaching expression for
the autistic community.
We would like to thank Wouter Vanmontfort for the adaptation of Praat; Tom
Wollaert for optimising the audio recordings and Microsoft Advanced Reading Technologies
for the grant.
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... Previous research has highlighted the adverse impact that this absence of paralinguistic cues has on the viewing experience of captioned content among dhh individuals [24,32,39]. Addressing this, different researchers have explored approaches to convey paralinguistic information through stylistic modulations in typography [9,22,23,62,79]. Much of this prior work has focused on conveying aspects of speech such as pitch, rhythm, or loudness, i.e., prosody. ...
... These alterations include adjustments in letter forms and typesetting parameters [14,59,79], as well as the incorporation of complementary visual elements. Research in this field has shown that readers can effectively assimilate some of these changes into their reading patterns [9], suggesting that these modulations can be a useful approach to overlay meaning on written text. A recent study proposes two models of speech-modulated typography aimed at allowing the conversion of expressive speech into written text. ...
... The font-weight, baseline-shift, and letter-spacing typographic parameters (shown in Figures 3d, 3e, and 3f, respectively) have been used by various authors to represent elements of prosody, such as loudness, pitch, and duration [9,14,22,23,59,61,79], or arousal and intensity of valence [32]. ...
Conference Paper
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Affective captions employ visual typographic modulations to convey a speaker's emotions, improving speech accessibility for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) individuals. However, the most effective visual modulations for expressing emotions remain uncertain. Bridging this gap, we ran three studies with 39 DHH participants, exploring the design space of affective captions, which include parameters like text color, boldness, size, and so on. Study 1 assessed preferences for nine of these styles, each conveying either valence or arousal separately. Study 2 combined Study 1's top-performing styles and measured preferences for captions depicting both valence and arousal simultaneously. Participants outlined readability, minimal distraction, intuitiveness, and emotional clarity as key factors behind their choices. In Study 3, these factors and an emotion-recognition task were used to compare how Study 2's winning styles performed versus a non-styled baseline. Based on our findings, we present the two best-performing styles as design recommendations for applications employing affective captions.
... " Visual prosody adds prosody to text in a visual way using prosodic cues. There exist several di erent approaches to visual prosody, both for reading a text with more speech variations and for reading comprehension (Renckens et al., 2021;Bessemans et al., 2019;Rude, 2016;Patel & McNab, 2010). ...
... The existing prosodic cues within the typeface Matilda were used for this study. The relation of these prosodic cues with prosody in speech (according to Bessemans et al., 2019) and the components of sign language (according to the suggestions of Brentari, Falk & Wolford, 2015) is described in Table 1. april . ...
... This table is not a full summary of prosody: the opposite cues for the opposite direction of each speech variation exist: for example, a softer voice instead of a louder voice. However, a study does not have to include all possible cues to prove the e ectiveness of a subset of cues (as in, for example, Patel & McNab, 2010, Patel, Kember & Natale, 2014, or Bessemans et al., 2019. To reduce complexity of this test for young readers, these additional cues were not applied in this study. ...
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Type enriched with visual prosody is a powerful tool to encourage expressive reading. Visual prosody adds cues to text to guide vocal variations in loud-ness, duration, and pitch. More vocal variations result in a less monotonous voice and thus more expression. A positive e!ect of visual prosody is known on the voice of normal hearing readers and of signed bilingual deaf readers who developed signed language and spoken language. These deaf readers rely on speech as well as sign language and both modalities can be used interchangeably to compensate each other. This preliminary study explores visual prosody in text in relation to Flemish Sign Language to see if sign language can be used to explain prosody. We asked deaf readers between 7 and 18 to relate prosodic cues to videos presenting prosodic components of Flemish Sign Language. We found that those readers connect the prosodic cues with the components in Flemish Sign Language as intended. Larger word-spacing cor-relates with a pause between signs, a wider font with a sign with ‘longer du-ration’, a thicker font with more ‘displacement’ in the sign, a raised font with a ‘faster velocity’ in the sign. However, some confusion occurred as participants seemed to extract only two prosodic components in the sign language: both the ‘faster velocity’ and ‘longer duration’ were referred to in terms of 'speed' and were not perceived as separate prosodic components. Participants were confused about why there were three cues in the text. Therefore, it is advised to re-evaluate and to re-design visual prosody for sign language with only ‘displacement’ and ‘speed’ in mind.
... Attempting to tackle the known issue that children who read aloud in a monotonous tone of voice are more likely to become poorer readers later in life, Bessemans et al. [31] tested ways of directly representing prosody in typography. They were able to teach these visual cues to children, who were then able to use them to read aloud more expressively. ...
... We were still left with having to find a typographic modulation to represent the duration of syllables. While W€ olfel et al. [39] and Bessemans et al. [31] explored using letter width to echo speech's rhythmic patterns, de Lacerda Pataca and Costa [44] points that it, along with slant, are not ideal modulation candidates -they were rarely chosen over font-weight and baseline shift and, when they were, they served more as a way to represent a voice that was flat, i.e., inexpressive, than prosodic variations per se. ...
Whether a word was bawled, whispered, or yelped, captions will typically represent it in the same way. If they are your only way to access what is being said, subjective nuances expressed in the voice will be lost. Since so much of communication is carried by these nuances, we posit that if captions are to be used as an accurate representation of speech, embedding visual representations of paralinguistic qualities into captions could help readers use them to better understand speech beyond its mere textual content. This paper presents a model for processing vocal prosody (its loudness, pitch, and duration) and mapping it into visual dimensions of typography (respectively, font-weight, baseline shift, and letter-spacing), creating a visual representation of these lost vocal subtleties that can be embedded directly into the typographical form of text. An evaluation was carried out where participants were exposed to this speech-modulated typography and asked to match it to its originating audio, presented between similar alternatives. Participants (n=117) were able to correctly identify the original audios with an average accuracy of 65%, with no significant difference when showing them modulations as animated or static text. Additionally, participants’ comments showed their mental models of speech-modulated typography varied widely.
... Attempting to tackle the known issue that children who read aloud in a monotonous, non-natural tone are more likely to become poorer readers later in life, [31] tested ways of directly representing prosody in typography. They were able to teach these visual cues to children, who were then able to use them to read aloud more expressively. ...
... 4 We were still left with having to find a typographic modulation to represent the duration of syllables. While [39] and [31] explored using letter width to echo speech's rhythmic patterns, [44] points that it, along with slant, are not ideal modulation candidates -they were rarely chosen over font-weight and baseline shift and, when they were, they served more as a way to represent a voice that was flat, i.e., inexpressive, than prosodic variations per se. ...
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Whether a word was bawled, whispered, or yelped, captions will typically represent it in the same way. If they are your only way to access what is being said, subjective nuances expressed in the voice will be lost. Since so much of communication is carried by these nuances, we posit that if captions are to be used as an accurate representation of speech, embedding visual representations of paralinguistic qualities into captions could help readers use them to better understand speech beyond its mere textual content. This paper presents a model for processing vocal prosody (its loudness, pitch, and duration) and mapping it into visual dimensions of typography (respectively, font-weight, baseline shift, and letter-spacing), creating a visual representation of these lost vocal subtleties that can be embedded directly into the typographical form of text. An evaluation was carried out where participants were exposed to this speech-modulated typography and asked to match it to its originating audio, presented between similar alternatives. Participants (n=117) were able to correctly identify the original audios with an average accuracy of 65%, with no significant difference when showing them modulations as animated or static text. Additionally, participants' comments showed their mental models of speech-modulated typography varied widely.
... They found that "participants' responses are highly consistent, indicating that it is indeed plausible to use typographic modulations as a way of representing speech expressiveness, or simply prosody". Bessemans et al. [13] investigated how visual coding of prosody (bold if louder, squished-what we refer to as narrow-if faster, etc.) can help children to improve reading prosody. They found that coding verbal information can create an intuitive representation of speech's expressiveness. ...
... Traditional captions and subtitles are limited to telling the audience what is merely being said instead of how it is being said [19]. These methods do not present information beyond verbatim dialogue such as emotional expressions [20] and can lead to communication problems for the receiving audience [13]. Many studies assert the benefits of captions for the viewers, to make the material more understandable to them [21]. ...
Conference Paper
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Diversification of fonts in video captions based on the voice characteristics, namely loudness, speed and pauses, can affect the viewer receiving the content. This study evaluates a new method, WaveFont, which visualizes the voice characteristics for captions in an intuitive way. The study was specifically designed to test captions, which aims to add a new experience for Arabic viewers. The results indicate that our visualization is comprehensible and acceptable and provides significant added value—for hearing-impaired and non-hearing impaired participants: Significantly more participants stated that WaveFont improves their watching experience more than standard captions.
... For functional readability the performance of a text is examined with Tracy's understanding for easeincluding how typographic variables such as typeface, size, space (horizontal and vertical), and layout interact but is expanded to incorporate how external environmental factors and differences across individual readers and their expectations and goals, might impact the reading action. It considers how emphasis, grouping or visual cueing is interpreted (Dyson and Beier 2016) but might also include less traditional typographic applications such as those that signal to readers appropriate vocal expression when reading out loud (Bessemans et al. 2019) or how easily additions like hyperlinks used to enhance text meaning through hidden layering are understood. In short, functional readability evaluates text typography and speaks to how well that text supports comprehension and how appropriate it is for the specific task, context, environment, and reader. ...
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Recent debate has seen the proposition that difficult to read, or disfluent, typefaces can improve certain learning conditions. This is counterintuitive for typography where it is the aim to support reading acts by creating texts that are as clear and as easy to read as possible. We explore recent literature on the disfluency effect in an effort to contextualize the results for typography research that is grounded in functional readability. What is evident is that the discussion about whether or not disfluent reading materials support learning is far from resolved. Further research is needed in key areas such as those related to the typographic principles of visual cuing and emphasis as well as other broader areas such as how we may be able to determine threshold for disfluency, benefit over time, and what impact environmental distractions have on the disfluency effect.
Conference Paper
Speech is expressive in ways that caption text does not capture, with emotion or emphasis information not conveyed. We interviewed eight Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) individuals to understand if and how captions’ inexpressiveness impacts them in online meetings with hearing peers. Automatically captioned speech, we found, lacks affective depth, lending it a hard-to-parse ambiguity and general dullness. Interviewees regularly feel excluded, which some understand is an inherent quality of these types of meetings rather than a consequence of current caption text design. Next, we developed three novel captioning models that depicted, beyond words, features from prosody, emotions, and a mix of both. In an empirical study, 16 DHH participants compared these models with conventional captions. The emotion-based model outperformed traditional captions in depicting emotions and emphasis, with only a moderate loss in legibility, suggesting its potential as a more inclusive design for captions.
More and more educational institutions are making lecture videos available online. Since 100+ empirical studies document that captioning a video improves comprehension of, attention to, and memory for the video [1], it makes sense to provide those lecture videos with captions. However, studies also show that the words themselves contribute only 7% and how we say those words with our tone, intonation, and verbal pace contributes 38% to making messages clear in human communication [2]. Consequently, in this paper, we address the question of whether an AI-based visualization of voice characteristics in captions helps students further improve the watching and learning experience in lecture videos. For the AI-based visualization of the speaker’s voice characteristics in the captions we use the WaveFont technology [3–5], which processes the voice signal and intuitively displays loudness, speed and pauses in the subtitle font. In our survey of 48 students, it could be shown that in all surveyed categories—visualization of voice characteristics, understanding the content, following the content, linguistic understanding, and identifying important words—always a significant majority of the participants prefers the WaveFont captions to watch lecture videos.
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Recent eye movement experiments offer preliminary evidence that skilled readers activate word-level prosodic information when silently reading sentences. This paper reviews the role of eye movements during reading as well as the preliminary evidence for prosodic processing. A new experiment examines whether prosodic processing differs for high and low frequency words. Readers' eye movements were monitored while reading target words presented in sentences preceded by parafoveal previews that either contained the exact initial syllable of the target (i.e. the congruent preview condition) or the initial syllable plus the next letter (i.e. the incongruent preview condition). Reading times on high frequency words did not differ in the congruent and incongruent preview conditions, but reading times on low frequency words were faster in the congruent condition. The implications of the present result and previous studies are discussed in terms of phonological hub theory, which is a production-based theory of word recognition during skilled silent reading.