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Paper available at: Customer experience is a key marketing concept, yet the growing number of studies focused on this topic has led to considerable fragmentation and theoretical confusion. To move the field forward, this article develops a set of fundamental premises that reconcile contradictions in research on customer experience and provide integrative guideposts for future research. A systematic review of 136 articles identifies eight literature fields that address customer experience. The article then compares the phenomena and metatheoretical assumptions prevalent in each field to establish a dual classification of research traditions that study customer experience as responses to either (1) managerial stimuli or (2) consumption processes. By analyzing the compatibility of these research traditions through a metatheoretical lens, this investigation derives four fundamental premises of customer experience that are generalizable across settings and contexts. These premises advance the conceptual development of customer experience by defining its core conceptual domain and providing guidelines for further research.
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Customer experience: fundamental premises
and implications for research
Larissa Becker
&Elina Jaakkola
Received: 4 July 2018 /Accepted: 27 December 2019
#The Author(s) 2020
Customer experience isa key marketing concept,yet the growing number ofstudies focused on this topic has led toconsiderable
fragmentation and theoretical confusion. To move the field forward, this article develops a set of fundamental premises that
reconcile contradictions in research on customer experience and provide integrative guideposts for future research. A systematic
review of 136 articles identifies eight literature fields that address customer experience. The article then compares the phenomena
and metatheoretical assumptions prevalent in each field to establish a dual classification of research traditions that study customer
experience as responses to either (1) managerial stimuli or (2) consumption processes. By analyzing the compatibility of these
research traditions through a metatheoretical lens, this investigation derives four fundamental premises of customer experience
that are generalizable across settings and contexts. These premises advance the conceptual development of customer experience
by defining its core conceptual domain and providing guidelines for further research.
Keywords Customer experience .Consumer experience .Customer journey .Literature review .Metatheoretical analysis
For the past decade, customer experience has enjoyed remark-
able attention in both marketing research and practice.
Business leaders believe customer experience is central to firm
competitiveness (McCall 2015), and marketing scholars call it
the fundamental basis for marketing management (Homburg
et al. 2015; Lemon and Verhoef 2016). Such attention has also
prompted calls for research (e.g., Ostrom et al. 2015) and
special issues devoted to customer experience, with a resulting
dramatic increase in academic publications pertaining to this
concept across many different literature fields and significant
advances in scholarly understanding.
Yet this trend has also produced considerable fragmenta-
tion and theoretical confusion. No common understanding
exists regarding what customer experience entails. Some stud-
ies assert that customer experience reflects the offerings that
firms stage and manage (Pine and Gilmore 1998), but others
define it as customer responses to firm-related contact
(Homburg et al. 2015; Lemon and Verhoef 2016; Meyer and
Schwager 2007). The concept has been used to describe any-
thing from extraordinary (Arnould and Price 1993)tomun-
dane (Carú and Cova 2003) experiences. Some researchers
delimit the scope of customer experience to a particular con-
text, such as service encounters (Kumar et al. 2014)orretail
settings (Verhoef et al. 2009), and others view it more broadly
as emerging in customerslifeworlds (Chandler and Lusch
2015; Heinonen et al. 2010).
The lack of a unified view creates considerable challenges
for theory development (Chaney et al. 2018; Kranzbühler
et al. 2018). The diverse conceptualizations of customer ex-
perience mean that its operationalization differs from study to
study, creating measurement and validity concerns. Confusion
also prevails about the scope and boundaries of the customer
experience construct, its antecedents, and its consequents.
Researchers have difficulty defining which insights they can
combine, thus limiting replication and generalization across
contexts. These challenges also hinder researchersability to
Mark Houston and John Hulland served as special issue editors for this
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Larissa Becker
Elina Jaakkola
Turku School of Economics, Department of Marketing and
International Business, University of Turku, 20014 Turku, Finland
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2020) 48:630648
/Published online: 13 January 2020
disseminate meaningful implications for managers seeking to
foster superior customer experience.
To mitigate these challenges and move the field toward a
more unified customer experience theory, an integrative un-
derstanding is needed. With this article, we seek to develop a
set of fundamental premises that reconcile contradictions and
dilemmas in the current customer experience literature and
provide integrative guideposts for future research in the field.
As integrating such fragmented research requires understand-
ing the distance between the phenomena addressed by differ-
ent studies as well as the degree of compatibility in their un-
derlying assumptions (Okhuysen and Bonardi 2011), we pose
two research questions to guide our efforts: (1) What is the
nature of the customer experience phenomenon and the un-
derlying metatheoretical assumptions adopted in literature that
addresses customer experience? (2) What are the common
elements of customer experience that are applicable across
contexts and literature fields?
To address these questions, we started with a systematic
literature review to identify customer experience research in
eight key literature fields: services marketing, consumer re-
search, retailing, service-dominant (S-D) logic, service design,
online marketing, branding, and experiential marketing. We
then analyzed the compatibility of these fields with a
metatheoretical approach, which supports comparisons across
fragmented, scattered literature pertaining to a particular con-
cept (Gioia and Pitre 1990;Möller2013). On the basis of this
comparison, we integrated these eight fields into two higher-
order research traditions, defined by their approach to custom-
er experience as either (1) responses to managerial stimuli or
(2) responses to consumption processes. Through these anal-
yses, we explicate the underlying assumptions of each re-
search tradition and also provide a state-of-the-art description
of how customer experience has been studied so far.
Furthermore, we identify commensurable elements that are
applicable to both research traditions and across contexts to
define four fundamental premises of customer experience that
provide solutions to problems in the current research on this
concept. These premises provide an integrative definition of
customer experience, reveal a multilevel and dynamic view of
the customer journey, highlight contingencies for customer
experience, and determine the role of the firms in influencing
customer experience. Each fundamental premise offers guide-
lines for future research as well as managerial practice. Our
delineation of the conceptual domain of customer experience
advances research by reconciling contradictions found in the
literature and bridging different research fields and traditions,
allowing them to speak the same language, and offering a
more comprehensive view of the phenomenon (MacInnis
2011). This view complements existing reviews of customer
experience (Table 1) that tend to focus on narrowly selected
sets of articles, that seldom consider the metatheoretical un-
derpinnings of the reviewed studies, and that do not integrate
the dispersed studies. The fundamental premises proposed
herein can support more rigorous studies, whose results will
have more meaningful implications for firms.
The next section presents our research approach, followed
by the results of the metatheoretical analysis, including a de-
scription of the key phenomena and metatheoretical assump-
tions embodied in each literature field, as well as a derived
theoretical map of customer experience in marketing.
Subsequently, we develop four fundamental premises of cus-
tomer experience by integrating compatible assumptions
across research traditions. In the conclusion, we detail the
theoretical contributions and managerial implications of this
study, as well as its limitations.
Research approach
Developing an integrative view of customer experience re-
quires organizing the scattered literature into groups and ana-
lyzing their compatibility (MacInnis 2011). This analysis in-
volved three phases: (1) a systematic literature review of cus-
tomer experience that groups individual studies into eight dis-
tinct literature fields, (2) organization of the eight literature
fields into two distinct research traditions on the basis of the
customer experience phenomena addressed and the underly-
ing metatheoretical assumptions adopted, and (3) forming an
integrated view of customer experience by building on the
compatible elements across research traditions.
Phase 1: identifying and grouping relevant customer
experience research
We conducted a systematic literature review to select relevant
articles that study customer experience in marketing, accord-
ing to strict guidelines (e.g., Booth et al. 2012; Palmatier et al.
2018). A systematic literature review enables overcoming
possible biases in comparison to traditional reviews because
it uses explicit criteria and procedures for selecting and includ-
ing articles in the sample (e.g., Littell et al. 2008). We identi-
fied 142 articles that we subjected to a two-step process: iden-
tification of literature fields and classification of the articles
(see Appendix 1).
We started with four literature fieldsS-D logic, consumer
research, services marketing, and service designthat were
previously identified as relevant domains for customer expe-
rience research (Jaakkola et al. 2015). When the articles did
not fit these fields in terms of their primary research foci (the
aspects of customer experience studied), we added a new cat-
egory, ultimately resulting in four additional literature fields:
retailing, online marketing, branding, and experiential market-
ing. For example, branding emerged as a clearly distinct field
that focuses on brand stimuli, such as logo and packaging
(e.g., Brakus et al. 2009).
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 631
Table 1 Reviews of the customer experience concept
Study Goal Method Key findings Differences from the present study
To review how the concept
of service experience has
been characterized
Systematic literature
review (2005 to
2007; 30 articles and
2 books)
Three characterizations of service
experience: (a) phenomenological, (b)
process-based, and (c) outcome-based.
Focuses on service experience
Considers a narrower sample of
literature in terms of timeframe,
number of articles, and keywords
Does not seek to integrate the
et al.
To conceptualize service
experience co-creation
and examine its implica-
Selected literature
review and selected
comments from
prominent scholars
Four literature fields that study service
experience: (a) service-dominant logic
and service logic, (b) consumer culture
theory, (c) service management, and
(d) service innovation and design.
Conducts a selective literature
Focuses on a narrower set of
predefined literature fields
Does not analyze the scope of
customer experience phenomena
or metatheoretical assumptions in
the literature fields
Focuses on the co-creation aspect
of experience
Lemon and
To examine the roots and
origins of research on
customer experience and
customer journeys
Selected literature
Three research areas on customer
experience: (a) research focused on
process, behavior, and resulting value;
(b) research focused on process out-
comes; and (c) research focused on
organizational aspects of customer ex-
Conducts a selective literature
Focuses on selected research areas
that contributed to the origins of
customer experience research
Does not delineate the scope of
customer experience as distinct
from related concepts such as
satisfaction and service quality
Does not analyze the scope of
customer experience phenomena
or metatheoretical assumptions in
different literature fields
To review customer
experience formation and
its theoretical
Systematic literature
review (1998 to
2015; 163 articles)
Three theoretical perspectives that
explain customer experience formation
at the individual level (stimulus-,
interaction-, and sense-making-based)
and three contextual lenses that set the
boundaries of customer experience
formation (dyadic, service ecosystem,
and customer ecosystem).
Restricts the literature review to
articles that refer to service
Identifies a narrower set of fields
focusing on service
Does not seek to integrate literature
but suggests selected approaches
for future research
Jain et al.
To review literature on
customer experience
Systematic literature
review (1990 to
2015; 69 articles, 12
books and 1
Debate about the similarities, differences,
and relationship between service and
customer experience.
Considers a narrower sample of
literature in terms of timeframe,
number of articles, and keywords
Does not analyze the scope of
customer experience phenomena
or metatheoretical assumptions in
different literature fields
Does not seek to integrate the
et al.
To classify and examine
customer experience
research from the
organizational and
customer perspectives
Systematic literature
review (1982 to
2015; 115 articles)
Classification of customer experience
studies into two levels (static research
on touchpoints at one point in time vs.
dynamic evolution over time) and two
theoretical perspectives (consumer and
Considers a narrower sample of
literature in terms of timeframe
and number of articles
Delimits the analysis to the dyad
Proposes that literature should be
integrated but does not develop
an integrative view that
accommodates different research
To develop a set of
fundamental premises of
customer experience
Systematic literature
review and
analysis (1982 to
2016; 136 articles)
Identifies eight literature fields that study
customer experience in marketing
literature, which are grouped into two
research traditions. Through
metatheoretical analysis, develops four
fundamental premises of customer
experience that reconcile discrepancies
in extant research and offer a basis for
an integrative view.
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
We then classified the articles into these literature fields ac-
cording to three criteria: the primary customer experience stimuli
studied, the customer experience context, and the key references
used to define customer experience (e.g., citing Arnould and
Price (1993) to substantiate the definition of customer experience
indicates an article is likely to belong to the literature field of
consumer research) (Table 2).
To be classified into a specific literature field, an article had to
meet at least two of these three criteria without considerable
overlap between fields. We excluded 12 articles that did not fulfill
these criteria. However, we added 6 additional papers, identified
through a bibliography search (i.e., back-tracking) (Booth et al.
2012;Johnstonetal.2018), resulting in a total sample of 136
articles (see Web Appendix). The iterative process of reading the
articles, identifying the literature fields, and classifying the arti-
cles stopped when we reached theoretical saturation (i.e., the
majority of articles could clearly be categorized in one of the
Phase 2: Analyzing the nature of the customer
experience phenomena and metatheoretical
assumptions in the literature fields
Following Okhuysen and Bonardi (2011), we analyzed these
eight literature fields in terms of the focal phenomena
addressed and the ontological, epistemological, and method-
ological assumptions adopted (Table 3) (see Appendix 2for a
more detailed account of the analysis). Using these elements,
we compared the literature fields and sought to identify
broader groups. By situating the eight literature fields in a
theoretical map, we could navigate across them and develop
conclusions about their compatibility (Gioia and Pitre 1990;
Möller 2013; Okhuysen and Bonardi 2011). In turn, we iden-
tified two distinct research traditions that encompass all eight
literature fields.
Phase 3: Developing an integrated view of customer
To integrate the two research traditions, we used a method
analogous to triangulation (Gioia and Pitre 1990). By juxta-
posing the two research traditions from a metatheoretical per-
spective, we sought to identify customer experience elements
that are common to the two traditions, distinct yet compatible
elements, and unique elements that do not fit with the assump-
tions from the other research tradition (Gioia and Pitre 1990;
Lewis and Grimes 1999). The integration of compatible ele-
ments resulted in the development of four fundamental pre-
mises of customer experience.
Table 2 Eight literature fields that study customer experience in marketing and criteria for classification
Literature field Primary customer experience stimuli studied Context Examples of
Stimuli related to the service encounter(s) (e.g., service environment,
service personnel, and core service)
Service encounter(s) Bitner (1990)
Grove and Fisk
Stimuli related to hedonic/experiential, symbolic, and social aspects
of the consumption process (e.g., social bonding)
The entire consumption process
(not necessarily
Holbrook and
Arnould and
Price (1993)
Retailing Stimuli related to the retailing context (e.g., price and merchandise) Direct or indirect interactions
with a retailer
Verhoef et al.
Grewal et al.
Stimuli not restricted to a single firm or offering; the whole service
ecosystem affects the experience, which is intertwined with value
Service ecosystem Vargo and Lusch
(2004, 2008)
Service design Stimuli related to the design of the customer journey, its phases, and
stages (e.g., smooth transitions across multichannel touchpoints)
The entire (multichannel) cus-
tomer journey
Shostack (1982)
Patrício et al.
Online marketing Stimuli restricted to the online environment (e.g., website layout,
ease of use, privacy)
Online environment Hoffman and
Novak (1996)
Novak et al.
Branding Stimuli related to the brand (e.g., communication, events,
brand-related advertising)
Direct or indirect interactions
with a brand
Schmitt (1999)
Brakus et al.
Stimuli staged by the firm (e.g., cues, thematic content, sensorial
stimuli) that form the experience as an economic offering
Physical encounters during the
customer journey
Pine and
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 633
Results of the metatheoretical analysis
In this section, we first describe the nature of the phenomena
addressed and the metatheoretical assumptions adopted in the
customer experience literature. We then position each litera-
ture field on a theoretical map of customer experience to es-
tablish two higher-order research traditions.
Customer experience phenomena
and metatheoretical assumptions in the literature
Table 4presents the description of the key customer experi-
ence phenomena addressed and the metatheoretical assump-
tions adopted in the eight identified literature fields. A discus-
sion on the similarities and contradictions between them fol-
lows (cf. Möller 2013; Okhuysen and Bonardi 2011).
Customer experience phenomena addressed As Table 4
shows, there are considerable differences between the litera-
ture fields with regard to the scope and nature of customer
experience as a research phenomenon. The literature on
experiential marketing tends to view experience as the offer-
ing itself. However, the most prevalent view within other
fields sees customer experience as a customers reactions
and responses to particular stimuli. Some studies focus on
customer responses to stimuli residing within the firm
customer interface, with the goal of understanding how firms
can use different types of stimuli to improve customersre-
sponses along their customer journey, the series of firm- or
offering related touchpoints that customers interact with dur-
ing their purchase process (e.g., Patrício et al. 2011). For ex-
ample, services marketing focuses on service encounter stim-
uli, such as the servicescape, employee interactions, the core
service, and other customers (e.g., Grace and OCass 2004),
the retailing literature focuses on retail elements, such as as-
sortment and price (e.g., Verhoef et al. 2009), and online mar-
keting focuses on the elements of the virtual environment
(e.g., Rose et al. 2012).
We recognize that this is a simplistic division. We do not categorize re-
searchers as positivists or interpretivists but approximate researchersassump-
tions as more positivist or more interpretive to varying degrees.
Table 3 Operationalization of the elements of comparison in the metatheoretical analysis
Element Description Operationalization References
Nature of customer
The customer experience sub-phenomenon the study is
addressing or trying to explain; what researchers are
actually studying when they use the concept of cus-
tomer experience
- Stated goals, aims, or research questions in the article
- Definition of customer experience and its dimensions
- Characterization of customer experience
- The level of aggregation of customer experience (from
dyadic to systemic)
Möller and
Assumptions about the nature of the reality of the
customer experience
- Stated or implicit assumptions about the nature of
reality in the article:
Objective (realism): social world exists
independently of the individual; there is an external
reality out there
Subjective (nominalism): reality is the product of
ones mind; reality is based on individual
sense-making of the world
Burrell and
Curd and
Assumptions about what can be accepted as evidence and
how data is collected in the study of customer
- Stated or implicit epistemological assumptions in the
Positivist epistemology: knowledge is obtained by
searching for regularities and causal relationships
Interpretive epistemology: knowledge is obtained
through the viewpoint of individuals directly involved
with the phenomenon under investigation
- Data analysis technique
Burrell and
Curd and
Möller and
Tadajews ki
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
Table 4 Phenomena and metatheoretical assumptions in eight literature fields that study customer experience
Literature field
(no. of papers)
Phenomena addressed Metatheoretical assumptions Representative
Primary goal Definition/characterization of customer experience Level of aggregation Ontological
Epistemological and
marketing (31)
To improve the customer
experience through service
encounter elements
Individual assessment, response, or reaction derived from the
customers interaction with any direct or indirect contact
with a firms physical environment, employees, other
customers, core service, or other aspects related to service
Dyadic: customerexperience
emerges in the service encounter,
sometimes involving other customers.
view of
Quantitative methods
Grove and Fisk
Grace and
research (24)
To uncover the symbolic
meaning and experiential
aspects of consumption
Personal, subjective experiences that emerge from the
interactions between the consumer and objects,
environment, or other people. Experiences are emotional,
hedonic, non-routine, and sometimes transformational,
holding symbolic meaning, a sense of community, and flow.
Systemic: customer experience emerges
during the entire consumption process
(not necessarily market-related),
involving at least other consumers.
view of
Qualitative methods
Holbrook and
Arnould and
Price (1993)
Retailing (18) To improve the customer
experience through retailing
elements (i.e., the whole
marketing mix)
Subjective responses that customers have to direct (e.g.,
physical environment, merchandise) or indirect (e.g.,
communications) interactions with the retailer.
Dyadic: customer experience emerges
during the set of interactions with a
retailer, sometimes involving other
view of
Quantitative methods
Verhoef et al.
Grewal et al.
logic (18)
To offer a holistic and
consumer-centric view on
the customer experience and
emerging value-in-use
A subjective phenomenon emerging through responses to the
holistic service process. Experiences are co-created among
many actors involved in resource integration, embedded in
context, and connected with value.
Systemic: customer experience emerges in
dynamic service ecosystems, involving
many actors
view of
Qualitative methods
Vargo an d
Lusch (2004,
Service design
To improve the customer
experience through the
design of the service process
throughout the customer
Internal and subjective responses to all interactions a customer
has with a firm across touchpoints during the customer
journey. Many parties co-create the customer experience.
From dyadic to systemic: customer
experience emerges during the entire
customer journey, sometimes involving
many providers.
view of
Qualitative and
(managerial tools)
Patrício et al.
Teixeira et al.
Online marketing
To improve the customer
experience through online
Psychological state, perception, assessment, or subjective
response derived from the customers interaction with the
online object, including functional, affective, and social
attributes and responses, as well as a sense of flow.
Dyadic: customer experience emerges
during interactions with online settings,
sometimes involving other customers.
view of
Quantitative methods
Novak et al.
Rose et al.
Branding (11) To improve the customer
experience through
brand-related stimuli
Subjective and internal responses to interactions
a customer has with brand-related stimuli (e.g., brand de-
sign and identity, communications, and packaging).
Dyadic: customer experience emerges
during a set of interactions with a brand,
sometimes involving other customers.
view of
Quantitative methods
Schmitt (1999)
Brakus et al.
marketing (09)
To create an engaging
offering by staging a
memorable experience
A type of offering (memorable event or episode) that engages
the customer in a personal way. Firms stage the experience
through a theme, given life by tangible and intangible cues,
throughout a customer journey.
Dyadic: customer experience is offered
during the set of interactions in a
customer journey.
view of
Qualitative and
Pine and
Hamilton and
Wag ner
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 635
In contrast, S-D logic and consumer research consider
stimuli related to the customers overall consumption process,
encompassing factors beyond dyadic firmcustomer interac-
tions (e.g., Chandler and Lusch 2015; Woodward and
Holbrook 2013). These studies consider customer experience
to also emerge through non-market-related processes (e.g.,
eating dinner at home; Carú and Cova 2003), affected by a
range of stakeholders such as customer collectives (Carú and
Cova 2015) and even institutional arrangements such as
norms, rules, and socio-historical structures (e.g., Akaka and
Varg o 2015).
Metatheoretical assumptions In terms of the ontological, epis-
temological, and methodological assumptions present in the
customer experience literature, our analysis reveals some clear
divides (Table 4). On a general level, services marketing, re-
tailing, service design, online marketing, branding, and expe-
riential marketing assume that particular stimuli likely trigger
a certain response from customers. Thus, their view resonates
with the idea of an objective, external, concrete reality (Burrell
and Morgan 1979). Researchers employ hypothetic
deductive reasoning to study the relationship between custom-
er experience and other variables, typically with surveys and
experiments (e.g., Srivastava and Kaul 2016). In theoretical
models, contextual factors usually appear as moderating var-
iables (e.g., Verhoef et al. 2009). These fields hence tend to
adopt a positivist epistemological approach, seeking to ex-
plain an external, concrete reality by searching for regularities
and causal relationships in an objective way (Burrell and
Morgan 1979).
In contrast, consumer research and S-D logic take a sub-
jective view and adopt an interpretive epistemology. Research
in these fields sees the customer experience as embedded in
each customers lifeworld and interpreted by that customer
(Helkkula and Kelleher 2010). External reality does not exist
but instead serves only to describe the subjective reality,
which is a product of individual consciousness (Burrell and
Morgan 1979; Tadajewski 2004). Neither S-D logic nor
consumer research aims to generate universal, generalizable
laws; instead, they seek to understand how customers in their
unique situation experience an object (Addis and Holbrook
2001). Therefore, these researchers consider customer subjec-
tivity, highlight the role of contextual factors, and prefer qual-
itative methods (e.g., ethnography, phenomenological inter-
views) (Schembri 2009). Most consumer research studies em-
ploy an interpretive and inductive approach that is used to
capture the symbolic meaning of consumption experiences
(Holbrook 2006). In S-D logic, empirical studies often adopt
a phenomenological approach, aiming to understand how val-
ue emerges during service use in the customers context
(Helkkula and Kelleher 2010).
Theoretical map of the customer experience
in marketing
The preceding discussion highlights that the scope of the cus-
tomer experience phenomena addressed in the research ranges
from narrow and dyadic to a broader ecosystem view. In terms
of metatheoretical assumptions, we identify a continuum from
more positivist to more interpretive approaches.
Our compar-
isons of these elements produced a theoretical map of custom-
er experience where we group the eight literature fields into
two higher-order research traditions (Fig. 1), which we define
as groups of studies that share general assumptions about the
research domain (Laudan 1977;Möller2013).
The first research tradition combines experiential market-
ing, services marketing, online marketing, retailing, branding,
and service design. These fields view customer experience as
responses and reactions to managerial stimuli.Asnoted,each
literature field addresses different stimuli; for example, brand-
related stimuli include packaging, advertising, and logos
(Brakus et al. 2009), whereas retailing elements include price,
merchandise, and store facilities (Verhoef et al. 2009). The
general goal across this research tradition is to examine how
firms can affect customer experience by managing different
types of stimuli, typically focusing on firm-controlled
Fig. 1 Theoretical map of customer experience
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
touchpoints. To test these relationships, researchers usually
adopt a positivist philosophical positioning.
The second research tradition comprises consumer research
and S-D logic that view customer experience as responses and
reactions to consumption processes. This tradition adopts a
broad view on experience as it addresses any stimuli during
the entire consumption process, potentially involving many
firms, customers, and stakeholders, all of which can contribute
to the customer experience but are not necessarily under the
firms control. Research following this tradition tends to see
customer experience as embedded in a customers lifeworld
and interpreted by the customer, such that it reflects an inter-
pretive philosophical positioning (e.g., phenomenology).
Finally, service design lies at the intersection of the two re-
search traditions as it is inherently managerially focused but
recent studies increasingly incorporate a more systemic view
of stimuli for customer experience.
By building on the common elements across traditions and
reconciling the distinct but compatible elements, we next de-
velop fundamental premises of customer experience that pro-
vide opportunities to extend research within both traditions.
Fundamental premises of customer
Many authors highlight the need to build bridges across re-
search traditions to establish a comprehensive understanding
of a research domain (e.g., Gioia and Pitre 1990; Lewis and
Grimes 1999;OkhuysenandBonardi2011). The pivotal ques-
tion for developing a more unified customer experience theory
is: To what extent can the literature from these two traditions
be combined?
Our analysis revealed two research traditions that dif-
fer in terms of their metatheoretical assumptions, affect-
ing how customer experience is understood and studied.
A juxtaposition of these research traditions allows us to
identify common elements, distinct yet compatible ele-
ments, as well as elements that are incompatible. From
this analysis we developed four fundamental premises of
customer experience that build on the shared assump-
tions and help in solving the key discrepancies in the
extant literature. These premises may generalize across
settings, allowing each research tradition to offer com-
plementary results that collectively provide a compre-
hensive understanding of the same phenomena (cf.
Gioia and Pitre 1990). Together, these premises (P1-
P4) cover the big pictureof what customer experience
is, what affects it, its key contingencies, and the role
that firms can play in it (Fig. 2). For each of these
premises, we delineate guidelines for future research to
move the field forward.
Definition of customer experience
The metatheoretical analysis conducted revealed a myriad of
definitions for customer experience that ultimately suggest
different phenomena (see Table 4). The current literature on
customer experience does not agree on the definition of cus-
tomer experience nor on its nomological network. Confusion
prevails as to whether experience is response to an offering
(e.g., Meyer and Schwager 2007) or assessment of the quality
of the offering (e.g., Kumar et al. 2014). This means that in
some studies, customer experience overlaps with outcome
variables such as satisfaction or value, while in others it is
an independent variable leading to satisfaction, for example.
Furthermore, some studies view experience as a characteristic
of the product rather than as the customers response to it (e.g.,
Pine and Gilmore 1998),whichisindeepconflictwiththe
interpretive tradition that always views experience as a sub-
jective perception by an individual and even as synonymous
with value-in-use (Addis and Holbrook 2001).
To resolve this confusion, we suggest customer experience
should be defined as non-deliberate, spontaneous responses
and reactions to particular stimuli. This view builds on the
most prevalent definition across the two research traditions,
but separates customer experience from the stimuli that cus-
tomers react to as well as from conscious evaluation that fol-
lows from it. This view rejects suggestions that evaluative
concepts such as satisfaction or perceived service quality
could be a component of customer experience (Lemon and
Verho e f 2016).
Another conceptual confusion in the extant literature
relates to assumptions held regarding the nature of experi-
ences. As Carú and Cova (2003) note, much of the mar-
keting research assumes that good experiences are mem-
orable,if not extraordinary.The extant research tends to
treat ordinary and extraordinary experiences as different
phenomena (e.g., Arnould and Price 1993;Klausand
Maklan 2011). However, these studies typically focus on
the extraordinary or ordinary nature of the offering, such
as river rafting or experiential events (Arnould and Price
1993; Schouten et al. 2007) or routine and mundane offer-
ings (Carú and Cova 2003), rather than on the customers
response to these stimuli. As customer responses can range
from weak to strong (Brakus et al. 2009), we propose this
intensity better marks the difference between an ordinary
and extraordinary customer experience. It follows that this
classification can be leveraged as a continuum instead of a
dichotomy; the weaker the customer responses and reac-
tions, the more ordinary the experience, and vice versa (cf.
Carú and Cova 2003). A customer can thus have an ex-
traordinary experience as a response to a mundane
In sum, to reconcile confusion in the extant research, we
propose the following:
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 637
Premise 1a: Customer experience comprises customersnon-
deliberate, spontaneous responses and reactions
to offering-related stimuli along the customer
Premise 1b: Customer experience ranges from ordinary to
extraordinary representing the intensity of
customer responses to stimuli.
Implications of Premise 1 for future research Following
Premise 1a, researchers should distinguish customer experi-
ence from stimuli (e.g., the offering) and evaluative outcomes
(e.g., value-in-use). For example, when operationalizing cus-
tomer experience, researchers should not build on evaluative
scales or use satisfaction and service quality as proxies, as is
currently often done (see, e.g., Kumar et al. 2014; Ngobo
2005). Instead, the operationalization of customer experience
should focus on the customers spontaneous responses and
reactions to offering-related stimuli. The current customer ex-
perience literature offers a few solid measures that can serve as
a starting point for further development (e.g., Brakus et al.
2009; Ding and Tseng 2015). We recommend building the
measures on the most common experience dimensions used
in the extant researchcognitive, affective, physical, sensori-
al, and social responses (e.g., Lemon and Verhoef 2016;
Schmitt 1999; Verhoef et al. 2009)to facilitate the accumu-
lation of knowledge and eventually enable comparing the
weight of each type of response across different contexts.
The extant research implies that the relevance of different
types of customer responses may vary across contexts
(McColl-Kennedy et al. 2017), but a lack of a common defi-
nition and measures for customer experience has prevented
building this knowledge effectively.
Defining customer experience as spontaneous re-
sponses and reactions suggests that the issue of timing is
relevant for its measurement. According to our literature
review, most studies use research instruments where the
rience (e.g., Trudeau and Shobeiri 2016). To improve the
validity of the findings, we recommend research designs
where customer responses are captured right after the in-
teraction with the offering-related stimuli has taken place.
Some methods and technologies for capturing customers
reactions in real time have been developed, such as the
real time experience tracking method (Baxendale et al.
2015) and wearable devices for emotion detection
(Jerauld 2015). Surprisingly, none of the 136 studies in
our review used such technology to investigate customer
experience in real time. Future studies should further ex-
plore the applicability and consumer acceptance of such
methods and technologies.
Following Premise 1b, researchers should also change the
way they address extraordinary vs. ordinary experiences. The
current literature tends to assume that the higher the score on a
customer experience scale, the better the customer experience
is (e.g., Brakus et al. 2009). Future studies should address
contexts where ordinary experiences (i.e., weak or neutral
responses) are desirable in order to complement current re-
search that predominantly focuses on contexts where firms
try to strengthen customersresponses rather than to keep
Fig. 2 Conceptual framework for customer experience
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
them to a minimum (e.g., Ding and Tseng 2015). Such studies
would help firms in designing customer journeys that, at some
points, minimize certain types of responses, while increasing
particular responses at other times.
Stimuli affecting customer experience
Delineating the conceptual domain of customer experience
also requires defining the stimuli that affect its formation.
Key discrepancies in the current literature relate to the source
of the stimuli considered and the level of analysis. Our review
revealed that most studies focus on a particular set of firm-
controlled touchpoints and an integrative view is missing.
This is problematic in many respects: customer journeys in
todays markets are multitouchand multichannel in nature
with new types of stimuli emerging every day, suggesting that
firms need to understand a broad range of touchpoints within
and outside firm control, both in offline and online settings
(Bolton et al. 2018; Lemon and Verhoef 2016). Furthermore,
empowered customers are increasingly in charge of selecting
individual pathways to achieve their goals (Edelman and
Singer 2015; Heinonen et al. 2010; Teixeira et al. 2012).
This means that journeys become increasingly complex and
individualized, and the current literature silos focusing on a
selected set of stimuli and touchpoints will fail to capture what
the customer really experiences. The literature fields that con-
sider customersholistic experiences in their lifeworld take a
broader view but lack precision and insight into how experi-
ences related to particular offerings emerge.
To resolve this dilemma, we propose integrating the cur-
rently disparate perspectives into a multilevel framework that
draws on different fields of the customer experience literature
and considers the stimuli at multiple levels of aggregation:
First, cues refer to anything that can be perceived or sensed
by the customer as the smallest stimulus unit with an influence
on customer experience, such as product packing and logo
design (Bolton et al. 2014; Brakus et al. 2009). Second,
touchpoints reflect the moments when the customer interacts
with or touchesthe offering (Patrício et al. 2011; Verhoef
et al. 2009). These contact points can be direct (e.g., physical
service encounters) or indirect (e.g., advertising) and comprise
various cues (Meyer and Schwager 2007). Third, the customer
journey comprises a series of touchpoints across the stages
before, during, and after service provision (Lemon and
Verhoef 2016; Teixeira et al. 2012). Fourth, the consumer
journey level captures what customers do in their daily lives
to achieve their goals, implying a broader focus than that of
the customer journey and accommodating consumer interac-
tion with multiple stakeholders beyond touchpoints with a
single firm (Epp and Price 2011;HamiltonandPrice2019;
Heinonen et al. 2010).
The extant literature has tended to measure customer expe-
rience either in one touchpoint or as an aggregate evaluation of
the brand. However, recent research indicates a need for a
more dynamic view: Kranzbühler et al. (2018) argue that cus-
tomer experience is based on an evolving evaluation of a
series of touchpoints, Bolton et al. (2014) suggest that some
stimuli have multiplier effects, and Kuehnl et al. (2019)state
that the connectivity of stimuli across touchpoints is an impor-
tant driver for positive customer outcomes. These findings
suggest that customer experience emerges in a dynamic man-
ner and benefits from a multilevel analysis.
We present Premise 2 that addresses these shortcomings in
the existing research and integrates insights across research
Premise 2a: Customer experience stimuli reside within and
outside firm-controlled touchpoints and can be
viewed from multiple levels of aggregation.
Premise 2b: Customer experience stimuli and their
interconnections affect customer experience
Implications of Premise 2 for future research Premise 2 guides
future research to study diverse offering-related stimuli
through multiple levels of aggregation. Most of the reviewed
research has examined a narrow scope of stimuli and
touchpoints (e.g., Grace and OCass 2004)andalackofin-
sight into touchpoints beyond firm control is particularly glar-
ing. We recommend cross-fertilization between the two re-
search traditions: Researchers within the managerial research
tradition could expand their research foci by drawing from
consumption process studies that offer a broad outlook on
the various stakeholders contributing stimuli that affect cus-
tomer experience (e.g., Akaka and Vargo 2015;McColl-
Kennedy et al. 2015). The research tradition focusing on ex-
perience as responses to consumption processes could adopt
the more detailed analysis on journey composition offered by
the managerial tradition and zoom inon the journey, focus-
ing on the meanings that emerge at specific touchpoints, for
As extant studies often focus on measuring customer expe-
rience on the cue or touchpoint level (e.g., Grace and OCass
2004), the literature is unclear about how the interplay of
diverse stimuli affect customer experience. Future research
should thus study the interaction between types of stimuli
and their dynamic effect on customer experience.
Longitudinal research designs would be particularly useful
for creating new insight into the evolving effects of stimuli
configurations for the formation of customer experience as
well as the interaction between the types of customer re-
sponses at different touchpoints. In addition, future research
could investigate how the combination of responses and reac-
as satisfaction.
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 639
The effective study on the emergence of customer experi-
ence necessitates the development of more dynamic measure-
ment instruments. Current measures of customer experience
often only provide a snapshot (e.g., Brakus et al. 2009;Ding
and Tseng 2015). Considering the multitude of potential rele-
vant customer experience stimuli and the active role of cus-
tomers in forming their own journey (Edelman and Singer
2015; Heinonen et al. 2010), a possible avenue for research
would be the development of self-adaptive scales or surveys
where respondents can self-select parts of the journey that they
found relevant and the types of responses they experienced.
Research supporting the development of such instruments is
available (e.g., Calinescu et al. 2013) but has not as yet been
applied in the customer experience context. While a measure-
ment instrument that captures a complete multilevel frame-
work of the customer journey would become unmanageable,
a self-adaptive scale would allow respondents to focus on
touchpoints and even on specific cues that are the most rele-
vant for the customer experience. A more dynamic measure-
ment of customer experience would also enable analyzing
what types of customer responses emerge in different
touchpoints or phases of the customer journey.
Key contingencies for customer experience
Researchers generally agree that customer experience is sub-
jective and specific to the context. This means that contextual
variables related to the customer and the broader environment
influence customer responses to stimuli and evaluative out-
comes of customer experience. However, the current research
on these contingencies is fragmented and lacks a uniform
view. Within the managerial research tradition, the role of
contextual variables is rather peripheral. These studies often
investigate a limited number of contextual variables or dismiss
their effect altogether. Some typical contextual variables that
are studied include consumer attitudes, task orientation, and
socio-demographic variables (e.g., Ngobo 2005; Verhoef et al.
2009). The research tradition that views customer experience
as responses to consumption processes places a greater em-
phasis on the customer context, acknowledging the role of
complementary offerings and service providers, institutions
and institutional arrangements, and the customers goals in
the consumption situation (Akaka and Vargo 2015; Tax et al.
2013; Woodward and Holbrook 2013).
Again, insights across research traditions have seldom been
combined. To reconcile this shortcoming, we categorize the
contingencies used in the extant studies and identify the key
ways in which they operate. Our literature review enabled the
identification of three groups: (1) customer, (2) situational,
and (3) sociocultural contingencies. Customer contingencies
refer to the customers characteristics such as personality,
values, and socio-demographic characters (e.g., Holbrook
and Hirschman 1982), resources such as time, skills, and
knowledge (e.g., Novak et al. 2000), past experiences and
expectations (e.g., Verhoef et al. 2009), customer participation
and activities during the journey (e.g., Patrício et al. 2008),
motivations (e.g., Evanschitzky et al. 2014), and the fit of the
offering with the customers lifeworld (e.g., Schmitt 1999).
Situational contingencies are those related to the immediate
context, such as the type of store the customer is interacting
with (e.g., Lemke et al. 2011), the presence of other customers
and companions (e.g., Grove and Fisk 1992;Schoutenetal.
2007), and other stakeholders that contribute to the customer
experience, such as other firms (e.g., Tax et al. 2013).
Sociocultural contingencies refer to the broader system in
which customers are embedded, such as language, practices,
meanings (e.g., Schembri 2009), cultural aspects (e.g.,
Evanschitzky et al. 2014), and societal norms and rules (e.g.,
Akaka and Vargo 2015; Åkesson et al. 2014).
Our literature review indicates that these contingency fac-
tors can affect the customer experience through two alterna-
tive routes. First, these factors can make some stimuli more or
less recognizable; in other words, they play the role of a mod-
erator between offering-related stimuli and customer
experience (Jüttner et al. 2013). Second, such contingencies
can affect the evaluative outcomes of particular customer
responses (Heinonen et al. 2010). For example, a feeling of
fear can have negative effects in a dentist
context such as river rafting, that response may have positive
implications (Arnould and Price 1993). Therefore, any partic-
ular response to offering-related stimuli is not universally
goodor universally bad; its evaluation instead depends
on its fit with the customers processes and goals.
Altogether, this discussion organizes the fragmented liter-
ature around contingencies for customer experience, as sum-
marized in Premise 3:
Premise 3: Customer experience is subjective and context-
specific, because responses to offering-related
stimuli and their evaluative outcomes depend
on customer, situational, and sociocultural
Implications of Premise 3 for future research While the extant
literature agrees on the subjective nature of experiences and
recommends that managers ensure their customer experience
stimuli have a good fit with the customers situational context
(e.g., Homburg et al. 2015;Kuehnletal.2019), it does not
offer much guidance on the identification and role of key
contingencies for customer experience. More systematic re-
search is thus needed on the relevant contextual variables
and their effects on the strength and direction of the relation-
ships between offering-related stimuli, customer experience,
and evaluative outcomes. The extant empirical research has
addressed a relatively narrow set of contextual contingencies,
and new insights can be generated, for example, by drawing
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
from research within the interpretative research tradition that
has placed a strong emphasis on sociocultural factors beyond
the firmcustomer interface (e.g., Akaka and Vargo 2015;
Åkesson et al. 2014). In particular, researchers could study
the role of institutions and institutional arrangements, as they
direct the customers attention to particular stimuli in the en-
vironment (Thornton et al. 2012), but are seldom studied as
contingency factors in empirical research on customer experi-
ence. Future research could look beyond customer experience
research to identify potentially relevant contingencies for cus-
tomer experience formation.
Customer experience research is often preoccupied with
the question of how to provide good experiences,simply
assuming that higher scores on a customer experience scale
are always better (e.g., Ding and Tseng 2015). As Premise
3 suggests, it is more relevant to ask for whom aparticular
experience is good.Future studies should aim to identify
relevant key contingences that drive particular customer re-
sponses to stimuli and influence a customersevaluationof
their responses. This insight will aid managers in develop-
ing a more individualized set of offering-related stimuli for
their different target groups and user personas, which is
deemed important in current markets (Edelman and Singer
Role of the firm in customer experience
The fourth premise seeks to settle a seemingly profound dis-
crepancy between the two research traditions: Can firms man-
age the customer experience? Some studies refer to the cus-
tomer experience as something created and offered to cus-
tomers (e.g., Hamilton and Wagner 2014; Pine and Gilmore
1998), but others emphasize its emergence in customers
lifeworlds and suggest it cannot be managed directly
(Heinonen et al. 2010; Helkkula and Kelleher 2010). This
discrepancy can be solved by building on the common ground
of the two research traditions that sees customer experience
emerging as customer responses to diverse stimuli. As firms
cannot control customer responses, they cannot create the cus-
tomer experience per se, but they can seek to affect the stimuli
to which customers respond.
Studies within the managerial tradition provide guidance
on designing and integrating stimuli in firm-controlled
touchpoints to ensure positive customer experience (e.g.,
Brakus et al. 2009;GraceandOCass 2004;Pineand
Gilmore 1998). Although this research tradition acknowl-
edges that touchpoints outside the firms control (e.g., other
customers) might greatly influence customer experience (e.g.,
Grove and Fisk 1992), it says very little about what firms can
do regarding these stimuli.
Studies that view customer experience as responses to
consumption processes offer some guidelines for address-
ing the uncontrollable touchpoints. For example, Carú and
Cova (2015) advise firms to monitor and react to cus-
tomerscollective practices with other consumers. Tax
et al. (2013) suggest that firms should identify other firms
that are part of the consumer journey, then partner with
these organizations to improve the overall customer expe-
rience. Some authors suggest that firms should try to iden-
tify all stakeholders that influence the customer journey
(e.g., Patrício et al. 2011; Teixeira et al. 2012). Mapping
offering-related stimuli as holistically as possible helps
firms design offerings that better fit into customerslives
(Heinonen et al. 2010;Patrícioetal.2011). Thus, firms
can use their knowledge of external stimuli and contextual
factors to their advantage, even though they cannot control
such factors.
In sum, to reconcile the disparate streams of extant re-
search, we propose the following:
Premise 4: Firms cannot create the customer experience, but
they can monitor, design, and manage a range of
stimuli that affect such experiences.
Implications of Premise 4 for future research Only few at-
tempts have been made to delineate what customer experience
management entails (e.g., Homburg et al. 2015), and this topic
remains insufficiently understood despite its practical rele-
vance. The extant research offers some guidelines for well-
designed journeys(e.g., Kuehnl et al. 2019), but more re-
search is needed to specify management activities that are
suited to different types of touchpoints.
According to our literature review, a particularly critical
gap in extant knowledge relates to the firms possibilities of
affecting touchpoints outside of the firms control. Service
design research offers tools for mapping a broader constella-
tion of touchpoints, but there is scant research on how firms
can deal with touchpoints external to the firmcustomer inter-
face. Potential future research topics include, for example,
how firms can design touchpoints that are adaptive to stimuli
residing in external touchpoints and whether firms can influ-
ence how customers respond to stimuli at external touchpoints
along their journey.
We recommend that future research should ground cus-
tomer experience management models on a more nuanced
conceptual understanding of experience. These models
should not consider good experienceas the goal of cus-
tomer experience management, but instead define the con-
tent of the intended customer experience (cf. Premise 1).
In our sample, only a few studies address the specific
responses and reactions that firms want to trigger: For
example, Bolton et al. (2014) show three types of
intended experiences (e.g., emotionally engaged experi-
ences) and give suggestions on how to trigger them. By
focusing on the good vs. baddichotomy of customer
experience, studies about customer experience management
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 641
seem to skip this important step and focus directly on the
stimuli to which customers respond (cf. e.g., Lemke et al.
2011). A focus on intended responses and reactions would
complement this research and provide more precise impli-
cations on the management of firm-controlled stimuli.
Another critical gap in the research knowledge on
customer experience management relates to the issue
of contextual factors. The effect of managerial action
depends on how well it resonates with the customers,
their situation, and sociocultural context (Heinonen
et al. 2010); hence, insights into the environment where
customers interact with the offering-related stimuli are
critical. The extant knowledge on the relevance and fit
of particular management activities with particular con-
texts, situations, and types of customers is very scarce.
For example, future research could explore how custom-
er contingencies for customer experience formation (see
Premise 3) can be used in segmentation and how man-
agement processes should be adapted to ensure the de-
sired effects.
Table 5summarizes the developed premises that con-
ceptualize customer experience as well as guidelines and
suggestions for future research.
Table 5 Premises of customer experience: an integrative framework
Premises General guidelines for research Potential new research topics
P1a: Customer experience comprises customers
non-deliberate, spontaneous responses and
reactions to offering-related stimuli along the
customer journey.
P1b: Customer experience ranges from ordinary
to extraordinary representing the intensity of
customer responses to stimuli.
Customer experience should be distinguished
from stimuli (e.g., the offering) and from
evaluative outcomes (e.g., satisfaction).
Timing is relevant for measuring customer
Researchers across traditions should adopt
consistent labels for types of customer
Ordinary and extraordinary customer
experiences are a representation of customers
responses and reactions, and not of the context.
Investigating the weight of types of responses
of customer experience across different
Using technological innovations to capture
customer experience in real time.
Investigating interaction effects between
different types of customer responses to
Investigating extraordinary experiences in
ordinary contexts and vice versa.
P2a: Customer experience stimuli reside within
and outside firm-controlled touchpoints and
can be viewed from multiple levels of aggre-
P2b: Customer experience stimuli and their
interconnections affect customer experience in
a dynamic manner.
The emergence of customer experience can be
analyzed at different levels of aggregation: (1)
cues, (2) touchpoints, (3) the customer journey,
and (4) the consumer journey.
Researchers should make choices regarding the
types of touchpoints and the level of analysis
they investigate and acknowledge the
implication that only a part of the phenomenon
is addressed.
Researchers should consider interactions
between stimuli within and across levels of the
customer journey.
Expanding the types of stimuli examined
within and outside the firms control.
Investigating how the interplay of diverse
stimuli across different types of touchpoints
affects customer experience and its evaluative
Analyzing the formation of customer
experience longitudinally.
Building dynamic scales of customer
experience (e.g., self-adaptive scales).
P3: Customer experience is subjective and
context-specific, because responses to
offering-related stimuli and their evaluative
outcomes depend on customer, situational, and
sociocultural contingencies.
Studies should account for various contingencies
that may influence the effects of
offering-related stimuli on customer experience
and the effects of customer experience on
evaluative outcomes.
A particular customer experience should not be
considered universally goodor universally
badbut the dependency of this evaluation on
the context should be acknowledged.
Broadening the set of contingency factors by
drawing on supplementary literature fields or
Understanding how institutions and
institutional arrangements influence the
impact of offering-related stimuli on customer
Understanding key contingencies for the effect
of types of customer responses on evaluative
P4: Firms cannot create the customer experience,
but they can monitor, design, and manage a
range of stimuli that affect such experiences.
Researchers should acknowledge that the focus
of customer experience management is stimuli
along the customer journey to trigger intended
Researchers should adopt a more nuanced
definition of customer experience, focusing on
intended types and intensity of responses.
Stimuli vary in the degree to which firms can
control them, requiring different management
Analyzing how particular intended
experiences, i.e., combinations of responses,
Investigating how firms can understand and
affect touchpoints outside the firms control,
such as social touchpoints.
Investigating how contextual factors can be
used for the segmentation of customers who
are responsive to particular stimuli.
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
Theoretical contributions
This study undertakes a rigorous development of an integra-
tive view of customer experience, captured in four fundamen-
tal premises that can anchor future customer experience re-
search. We highlight four specific conceptual contributions.
First, this study differentiates the customer experience concept
and the bodies of research that study it (MacInnis 2011)
(Table 4). Then it defines two distinct research traditions that
study customer experience: customer experience as responses
to managerial stimuli and customer experience as responses to
consumption processes (Fig. 1). This differentiation facilitates
comparisons across research streams and creates the condi-
tions for their integration (MacInnis 2011). The
metatheoretical analysis makes different assumptions under-
pinning customer experience research visible and articulates
the key differences between literature fields and research tra-
ditions, providing a state-of-the-art description of research in
the customer experience domain (cf. Palmatier et al. 2018).
This helps researchers make sense of the conflicting research
findings in the previous literature, position their research, and
take note of the conceptual boundaries of their chosen litera-
ture field.
Second, we integrate the customer experience literature
and draw connections among entities, then provide a simpli-
fied, higher-order synthesis that accommodates this knowl-
edge (MacInnis 2011). Specifically, our analysis provides four
fundamental premises of customer experience that integrate
common and distinct yet compatible elements across the pre-
viously distinct bodies of research, solving key conflicts in the
existing research (Table 5). Previous literature reviews
(Table 1) have highlighted differences across customer expe-
rience characterizations (Helkkula 2011), contextual lenses
(Lipkin 2016), and theoretical perspectives (Kranzbühler
et al. 2018), but our study is unique in that itseeks totranscend
these individual differences and reconcile the disparate litera-
ture. The integration of extant knowledge in a conceptual do-
main is an important step for advancing science (Palmatier
et al. 2018); it is particularly valuable for the fragmented cus-
tomer experience domain hosting a great variety of defini-
tions, dimensions, and analysis levels that create considerable
challenges for researchers and hamper the conceptual ad-
vancement of the field (Chaney et al. 2018; Kranzbühler
et al. 2018; McColl-Kennedy et al. 2015).
Third, the fundamental premises we propose delineate the
customer experience concept; they describe an entity and
identify things that should be considered in its study
(MacInnis 2011, p. 144). The proposed premises serve to rec-
oncile and extend the research domain, as well as resolve
definitional ambiguities (Palmatier et al. 2018), by delineating
what customer experience is, what it is not, how it emerges,
and to what extent it can be managed. We argue that the four
premises establish the core of the conceptual domain of cus-
tomer experience and are generalizable across settings and
contexts. Few, if any, earlier studies have offered general
guidelines for the rapidly growing field of customer experi-
ence research, let alone such that are based on a systematic,
theoretical analysis of the body of experience research.
Fourth, this paper provides clear guidelines and implica-
tions for continued research on customer experience (Table 5).
Each premise explicates the constituents and boundaries of the
customer experience concept and what they mean for its study.
We also explicate how researchers within each research tradi-
tion can enrich their studies by learning from previously
somewhat overlooked experience research conducted within
the other tradition.
Applying the premises developed in this study in continued
research should facilitate the advancement of science and the
generalization of the findings by enabling the different fields
and research traditions to speak the same language and estab-
lish a more complete view of the conceptual domain.
Naturally, customer experience researchers from various fields
will continue to hold different assumptions about the nature of
reality and how customer experience should be studied; how-
ever, these differences should not mean that the concept of
customer experience means different things in the marketing
literature. The integrative understanding offered in this study
is the needed step toward the development of a more unified
customer experience theory.
Managerial implications
A better delineation and integrationofcustomerexperiencere-
search also benefits managerial practice. We determine that cus-
tomer experience comprises many types of customer responses
and reactions that can vary in nature and strength (Premise 1).
Instead of just seeking to create positiveor memorablecus-
tomer experiences, firms should define their intended customer
experience with finer nuances. Depending on their value prop-
osition, firms can determine which customer responses and re-
actions they hope to trigger. For some firms, a weak or mitigated
response will be preferable for some touchpoints, such as a
hassle-free cleaning service that the customer does not need to
think about, or a dentists office that reduces excitement and fear.
Other value propositions may aim to trigger strong, extraordi-
nary emotional or sensorial experiences, as in the case of an
amusement park (Zomerdijk and Voss 2010). Firms should thus
develop unique customer experience measures to capture differ-
ent types of customer responses. Using perceived quality or
customer satisfaction as proxies to measure customer experience
limits the understanding of the true nature of the customer ex-
perience that the offering evokes.
After establishing the intended customer experience, firms
should map the consumer journey to identify which offering-
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 643
related stimuli are likely to influence these customer responses
and reactions. We propose an integrated view of versatile
sources of stimuli along this journey, which is broader than
what any single literature field can provide. A useful starting
point would be to analyze offering-related stimuli at multiple
levels of aggregation (Premise 2). Firms should be careful not
to focus exclusively on individual touchpoints (e.g., a physical
service encounter) or cues (e.g., website functionality) but
rather should consider the multiplicity of and connectivity
between stimuli and touchpoints customers encounter along
their journeys. Such an effort may require collaborative col-
lections of customer data with partners in the service delivery
network. Ethnographic research can be used to understand
stimuli in external touchpoints, and ultimately how offerings
fits with customerslifeworlds. For example, Edvardsson et al.
(2005) describe how IKEA designers observe customers in
their houses, then create offerings that match those customers
everyday experiences.
When mapping the consumer journey, firms should be
aware that customer responses to stimuli also depend on
customer, situational, and sociocultural contingencies
(Premise 3). Therefore, customers in different situations
and positions, with different resources, will likely react
to particular stimuli in varied ways. Moreover, contextual
factors may influence the evaluative outcomes of particular
stimuli, such as the degree to which a particular reaction
leads to satisfaction and loyalty. We urge firms to conduct
customer research to learn about the connections among
customer personas, usage situations, and responses to stim-
uli. These insights can be used as a basis for segmentation
and to design different types of journeys for distinct cus-
tomer types and situations.
Firms should also consider how norms, practices, and
values in the customers context affect their experiences (cf.
Akaka and Vargo 2015). Presenting offering-related stimuli
that clash with such higher-order institutional arrangements
will likely trigger strong reactions because they deviate from
norms. The famous Benetton UnHate campaign is an example
of an advertising stimulus that triggered strong affective and
cognitive responses by creating surprising confrontations with
prevailing institutions (cf. Hill 2011).
Determining intended customer responses and rele-
vant stimuli for achieving them thus are prerequisites
for managing customer experiences (Premise 4). The
integrative view of customer experience offered in this
study highlights the importance of both controllable
stimuli (e.g., servicescape; Grace and OCass 2004)
and those that exist outside the firms control (e.g.,
customer goals, ecosystems; Akaka and Vargo 2015).
Firms should make an effort to design controllable
touchpoints to facilitate the intended customer experi-
ence, but also develop methods to understand, monitor,
and respond to stimuli their customers face in
touchpoints that are beyond firm control. Firms can po-
tentially adopt a facilitator role in some external
touchpoints, for example, by providing platforms where
customers can interact (e.g., Trudeau and Shobeiri 2016)
or partnering with stakeholders that control external
touchpoints (e.g., Baron and Harris 2010). Firms should
constantly monitor the stimuli their customers confront
in external touchpointsfor example in social media
and consider opportunities for adapting firm-controlled
touchpoints accordingly, to leverage external stimuli
supportive of the intended experience and mitigate stim-
uli causing dissonance.
The results should be understood in light of some limita-
tions. First, our systematic literature review did not cap-
ture studies that might address customer experience-
related phenomena but that use different terminology or
that focus on particular customer responses without
connecting them to customer experience. However, the
procedure of back-tracking articles reduced the risk of
excluding seminal research on customer experience.
Second, the decision to adopt strict criteria for article in-
clusion may have limited the results (e.g., excluding book
chapters or papers published in languages other than
English). Although this approach allowed us to analyze
the 136 articles with greater rigor, we also acknowledge
that the results may have differed if we had considered
related concepts or adopted looser inclusion criteria.
Despite these limitations, we are confident that the devel-
opment of these fundamental premises of customer expe-
rience and their research implications will help scholars
address this extremely important managerial priority.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the colleagues from
Turku School of Economics for commenting on earlier versions of this
manuscript as well as the Editors and three Reviewers for their highly
constructive and useful feedback.
Funding Information Open access funding provided by University of
Turku (UTU) including Turku University Central Hospital.
Appendix 1: Conducting the systematic
literature review
Figure 3presents an overview of the systematic literature re-
view process.
After reading articles about customer experience to famil-
iarize ourselves with the phenomenon and help us decide on
the methodological procedures (Booth et al. 2012; Littell et al.
2008), we established the criteria for the systematic literature
review. We searched articles in the EBSCO Business Source
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
Complete and Science Direct databases with the following
keywords, separated by the term OR:experiential market-
ing,”“service experience,”“customer experience,”“consum-
er experience,and consumption experience.One of these
keywords had to be present in the title, abstract, or keywords
(e.g., Danese et al. 2018). We conducted the search in early
May 2016 and did not set any temporal limits.
In the screening phase, we excluded all articles that were
written in a language other than English, were outside the
marketing scope, were not published in peer-reviewed
journals, and were editorials, comments, or repeated articles.
Then, we evaluated the relevance of each article to our study
according to three criteria, such that it had to (1) refer to
business-to-customer or general customer experience, (2) in-
clude customer experience (or related terms) as a central con-
cept (Danese et al. 2018), and (3) provide a definition and/or
characterization of customer experience (Helkkula 2011). In
applying these criteria, we first reviewed the title and abstract,
and, if necessary, skimmed or read the full article (Booth et al.
2012; Littell et al. 2008). These processes resulted in 142
articles to be analyzed.
Appendix 2: Metatheoretical analysis
We used content analysis to analyze the articles (Booth et al.
2012), reading them in chronological order within each liter-
ature field. The first step involved extracting material from the
articles and transferring it to a codebook (Littell et al. 2008).
To increase coding objectivity, we developed a frame of ref-
erence with explicit detailed procedures and coding rules
(Littell et al. 2008). The codebook included variables that
operationalized the key elements of the metatheoretical anal-
ysis; that is, phenomena and metatheoretical assumptions (see
Table 3). To code the articles, we constantly went back and
forth between the studies being analyzed and the frame of
In the second step, we extracted material from the code-
book to describe the phenomena and metatheoretical assump-
tions. To analyze the phenomena, we grouped similar codes to
form theoretical dimensions. These theoretical dimensions
aided our understanding of what customer experience is and
how it is characterized in each literature field. For the
ontological,epistemological, and methodological
Fig. 3 Systematic literature
review process
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648 645
assumptions, we counted instances of codes to describe the
metatheoretical assumptions in each literature field (contextu-
alizing according to the understanding obtained by reading
articles in each literature field).
Next, we developed a theoretical map, which we defined as
a spatial allocation of different literature fields according to
particular theoretical criteria. The description and comparison
of the phenomena and metatheoretical assumptions in each
literature field (i.e., the theoretical criteria) resulted in two
higher-order research traditions: customer experience as re-
sponses to managerial stimuli and customer experience as
responses to consumption processes.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if
changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the
article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
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J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2020) 48:630648
... Some studies indicate that the CX can be designed and delivered to customers (Hamilton and Wagner 2014), whereas others contend that CX occurs in consumers' lives and cannot be managed directly (Helkkula and Kelleher 2010). Becker and Jaakkola (2020) contend that the two research traditions can be harmonized by leveraging their shared understanding that customer experience results from responses to multiple stimuli. As companies cannot control consumer responses but can influence client stimuli, it can be inferred that they cannot fully manage the customer experience (Brakus et al. 2009;Pine and Gilmore 1998). ...
... This is important because the relationship between customers and businesses in the social realm can satisfy needs not only in function but also in social and psychological aspects. Because of the potential for uncontrolled interactions between these actors, companies must consider customers' social settings and expectations regarding all touchpoints that comprise an experience while designing service experiences (Arkadan et al. 2024;Becker and Jaakkola 2020). ...
... The way corporations manage touchpoints outside their control is poorly understood. Service design research maps a broader range of touchpoints, but little is known about how organizations might handle non-business-to-customer touchpoints like PTPQ (Becker and Jaakkola 2020). Interaction in the form of PTPQ can result in behaviors that yield reviews or shared evaluations of a product or a service, regardless of the setting in which they take place (Yang 2021). ...
Full-text available
Due to the current fragmentation of experiences, companies have diminished control over the experience they provide at particular touchpoints. However, customers, on the other hand, have gained enhanced power over certain touchpoints. Touchpoints can be categorized as internal or external elements of a customer's journey. Our current knowledge of how businesses might affect external factors that may influence consumers' views of their experiences is very limited and the absence of information may stem from organizations prioritizing components within their control that can be fully managed internally. Fear, anxiety, and dread play a critical role in different touchpoints, either as indications of anticipated future outcomes or as emotions felt during the interaction. The experience with a touchpoint can also be affected by the presence of other customers providing patrons with the opportunity to engage with them at random. This interaction can result in gaining knowledge from others' experiences to address their own concerns, reduce uncertainty, and decrease perceived risks. Although emotion has always been studied as an individual experience, it is important to recognize that social interactions can also influence customer emotions, potentially aiding in the resolution of difficulties. This study examines the correlation between interactions occurring in the retail setting (in the form of peer-to-peer interactions) and the sense of peace of mind experienced by Generation Z consumers and how this affects their overall customer experience. Generation Z is sometimes characterized by a high risk aversion, especially when it comes to product categories in which they have little experience. As a result, this makes these individuals more susceptible to the influence of others. A market research company was hired to collect data from customers between 18 and 21 years of age who had just completed a purchase at various retailers at different malls. Participants were approached and randomly invited to participate in a survey immediately upon exiting a retailer once age verification and informed consent were confirmed. The instrument to measure the primary constructs was developed using scales validated by prior service-marketing literature. The PROCESS Macro developed by Hayes (PROCESS: A versatile computational tool for observed variable mediation, moderation, and conditional process modelling, University of Kansas, KS, 2012) was used to test mediation and moderated mediation of the variables used for the research model. The results demonstrate that P2PQ influences the experience process as an external and uncontrollable touchpoint. The relationship between P2PQ and POM represents a departure from how P2PQ was previously analyzed within the CX context and highlights the significance of the variable within the experience design process. The results also demonstrate that P2PQ interaction predicts CX via POM and that this relationship is stronger for hedonistic services than for functional ones.
... Клієнтський досвід є результатом взаємодії з учасниками ринку, таким чином «створюючи «необроблені» дані, що лежать в основі та керують конкретними процесами, які формують поведінку споживачів» [6]. Він відрізняється від таких оціночних концепцій, як задоволення та якість обслуговування, оскільки охоплює спонтанні, ненавмисні відповіді [8]. Де Кейзер та інші автори наголошують на трьох блоках клієнтського досвіду: точки дотику (тобто індивідуальні контакти між підприємством та клієнтом), контекст (тобто час і/ або місце) і якості (тобто атрибути відповідей і реакцій клієнтів) [7]. ...
... Він охоплює численні точки взаємодії, деякі з них зовнішні по відношенню до підприємства, наприклад точки взаємодії, що належать партнерам і клієнтам [1]. Ієрархічний погляд на шлях клієнта передбачає, що він вбудований в більш широку систему різних суб'єктів і видів діяльності, коли споживачі прагнуть досягти цілей вищого порядку, пов'язаних із цілями покупки [8]. ...
Стаття присвячена питанням трансформації маркетингових стратегій у цифрову епоху, зокрема впровадження омніканального підходу як інструменту підвищення конкурентоспроможності бізнесу. Проаналізовано основні моделі організації продажів: одноканальну, мультиканальну, крос-канальну та омніканальну. Визначено сутність омніканальної стратегії, її переваги, особливості інтеграції онлайн- та офлайн-каналів продажів, а також встановлено її вплив на поведінку споживачів і бізнес-процеси, що в свою чергу дало можливість зробити висновок про те, що омніканальність забезпечує найкращі можливості для побудови довгострокових відносин із клієнтами завдяки інтеграції даних і злагодженості бізнес-процесів. Окрему увагу приділено дослідженню впливу омніканальності на клієнтський досвід. Проаналізовано ключові блоки взаємодії зі споживачами: точки дотику, контекст і якість обслуговування, які формують позитивне враження про бренд і сприяють зростанню продажів. В статті обґрунтовано значення персоналізації, зручності покупок і залучення клієнтів як основних характеристик омніканальної стратегії. Зокрема, інтеграція технологій, таких як програми лояльності, push-сповіщення та цифрові платформи, дозволяє створити персоналізовані пропозиції та підвищити ефективність бізнесу.
... This is because the memorable interactive experience created by brands using chatbot service for consumers can induce the latter to generate close connections with and positive behavioral responses toward the brand (Li and Wang 2023). This is consistent with a more dynamic view of experience, which holds the stimuli that affect customer experience are not limited to the brand's packaging, advertising, and logo, and some stimuli may also act on customer experience in a dynamic interactive way (Becker and Jaakkola 2020). Statistical analysis results also show that the parasocial brand experience mediates the relationship between ChatGPT advantages and brand equity, which means that parasocial brand experience is significantly instrumental in customers who received ChatGPT service generating positive attitudes and evaluations toward the brand (Duong et al. 2024). ...
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This study proposes a comprehensive framework with which to examine the relationships between ChatGPT service, parasocial brand experience, and brand equity, and the moderating effect of consumer innovativeness in technology. A structured web‐based survey was administered to 210 respondents who were experienced in understanding and using AI‐based technology during April–July 2023. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine the hypothesized relationships between variables. The findings show that the advantages of ChatGPT service positively affect parasocial brand experience, and the parasocial brand experience positively affects brand equity. Parasocial brand experience mediates the relationships between ChatGPT service advantages and brand equity. Consumer innovativeness in technology acts as a moderator on the relationships proposed in this research model. Given that there is little relevant research on ChatGPT marketing from a parasocial brand experience perspective, this study expands the understanding of the use of ChatGPT tools in brand marketing, and provides theoretical and practical insights for marketing academics and practitioners.
With the advent of the digital intelligence era and the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally transforming the way consumers and businesses interact, gradually becoming one of the primary tools for companies to continuously improve customer experience and maintain competitiveness. However, existing research on customer experience largely overlooked the disruptive changes brought by the widely applied AI technologies. Therefore, this paper focuses on customer AI experience in the new context, using a mixed research method combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to explore the connotation, measurement, formation mechanism, and related action mechanisms of this construct. This study finds the following: (1) the customer AI experience is an intrinsic and subjective response generated by customers after interacting with AI capabilities, mediated by AI. It specifically includes five dimensions: social experience, intellectual experience, classification experience, exploitation experience, and service experience; (2) its formation and development is a cyclical model comprising three stages: expectation, realization, and reflection, corresponding to the mechanisms of contact, interaction, and comparison; (3) the perceived innovative characteristics of AI technology help customers to have a better AI experience, thereby stimulating customer engagement behavior. This provides certain guidance and reference for enterprises to better understand and utilize AI’s innovative characteristics to improve the customer experience, promote customer engagement, seize opportunities in AI technology development, and maintain a competitive advantage.
Purpose This study aims to comprehend the impact of omnichannel strategies and customer experience on brand engagement in the banking sector. Design/methodology/approach The self-determination theory (SDT) is applied to validate its effects on omnichannel perception, customer experience and brand engagement. A quantitative research approach was employed to gather comprehensive insights, using a structured questionnaire to survey 2029 bank users in five countries: Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Mexico and the United States. Findings Research confirms the positive impact of omnichannel perception and customer experience on brand engagement. Noteworthy patterns between Brazil and Argentina reveal similarities in brand engagement behavior, with Brazil standing out as a performer. Originality/value The study emphasizes the critical importance of integrating multiple channels to optimize user experience and increase brand engagement in the banking sector. The application of SDT provides a valuable framework for understanding the motivational factors influencing consumer behavior in omnichannel environments, contributing to the originality of the research.
Purpose This study adopts the customer journey framework to investigate the role of the metaverse in the customer purchase experience. It establishes the effect of the metaverse on the three stages of the customer purchase journey, namely pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase, in the context of the fashion industry, an early adopter of the metaverse. Design/methodology/approach The research is a qualitative case study explored through consumer diaries and focus groups. The resultant data are analysed thematically. Findings Metaverse usage is the most significant at the pre-purchase stage. However, technical problems and other sources of friction negatively impact the customer experience journey, providing insight into the reasons underlying the recent decline of metaverse marketplaces. Originality/value This study’s empirical findings have theoretical and practical implications related to metaverse retailing and the customer experience journey. The study benefits metaverse designers and customers and will influence retail strategy choice. Additionally, it contributes two conceptual frameworks to the underdeveloped metaverse retailing field and extends the customer experience journey framework to the metaverse context, thus contributing to the body of knowledge on omnichannel retailing.
This qualitative study analyzes and enhances the air travel experience by integrating observations and interviews with passengers and airport staff in Europe and the U.S. Seven observers conducted semi-structured interviews with 64 participants, mapping the entire passenger journey. Four passenger personas—Business Commuter, Family Traveler, Leisure Traveler, and Senior Traveler—were identified. The study provides a framework for assessing passenger experiences, offering guidelines for airport service improvements. By focusing on touchpoint analysis, pain points, and persona development, airports can enhance satisfaction through better service design. Emerging technologies such as biometric systems and AI may transform airport operations, with a holistic approach integrating customer journey mapping and service blueprinting. The concept of “dynamic personas” that adapt to real-time data is explored, as well as strategies for seamless touchpoints and collaboration between airlines, security, and airport operators.
Combining the theory of planned behavior, anthropomorphism and affect, this study examines the role of perceived agency and affect in investigating the effects of AI-generated versus human-generated content in the context of the COVID-19 vaccine uptake. We conducted a 2 (agency: chatbot versus human) × 3 (affect: anger, embarrassment, neutral) between-subjects lab experiment. Eye-tracking was used to test attendance to the affect-inducing stimuli. Findings revealed that participants preferred human agents over chatbots to vent their anger. However, when embarrassment was evoked, they preferred chatbots to avoid being judged by others. Anger elicited significant indirect effects on vaccine intentions. The eye-tracking data confirmed the effectiveness of visual stimuli in affect elicitation. Findings contribute most directly to the emerging literature on the complexity of human-machine interactions in health marketing. Together, findings demonstrate that marketers and policymakers must consider context-matching of emotional appeals and perceived agency when designing strategic campaigns.
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Purpose: This article explores innovations in customer experience at the intersection of the digital, physical, and social realms. It explicitly considers experiences involving new technology-enabled services, such as digital twins and automated social presence (i.e., virtual assistants, service robots). The challenges and opportunities facing service organizations are significant and substantial because customer experiences arise at the intersection of the digital, physical, and social realms for each customer. Design: This paper reviews what we know, and don’t yet know, about customer experience, with a focus on connections among the digital, physical, and social realms. We view the customer experience as encompassing customers’ cognitive, emotional, social, sensory and value responses to the organization’s offerings over time, including pre- and post-consumption (Kranzbühler et al., 2017; Lemon and Verhoef, 2016; Voorhees et al., 2017). We bring together recent research concerning value co-creation and interactive services, digital and social media (augmented and virtual reality), multi-channel marketing (e.g., store beacons), service operations (e.g., leveraging AI in business processes), and technology (e.g., the Internet of Things). In doing so, our paper addresses managerial questions such as: • How do digital, physical and social elements interact to form the customer experience? • How might organizations integrate digital, physical and social realms to create consistently superior customer experiences in the future? • How do customer experiences at the intersection of digital, physical and social realms influence outcomes for individuals, service providers and society? • What are the opportunities, challenges and emerging issues in the digital, physical and social realms for organizations managing the customer experience?Future customer experiences are conceptualized within a three dimensional space −low to high, low to high physical complexity, and low to high social presence − yielding eight octants. Findings: Our paper offers a conceptual framework for analyzing the formation of customer experiences that incorporates the digital, physical, and social realms and explicitly considers new technology-enabled services. Customer experiences are conceptualized within a three dimensional space − low to high digital density, low to high physical complexity and low to high social presence − yielding eight octants. This framework leads to a discussion of specific opportunities and challenges connected with transitioning from low to high digital density and from low to high social presence environments for both B2B and B2C services. It also reveals eight “dualities” – opposing strategic options – that organizations face in co-creating customer experiences in each of the eight octants of the framework. We review relevant conceptual work about the antecedents and consequences of customer experiences that can guide managers in designing and managing customer experiences. Moreover, we identify possible future conditions that can significantly impact customer experiences identifying heretofore unanswered questions about customer experiences at the intersection of the digital, physical, and social realms, thereby outlining a research agenda. Research Implications: A review of theory demonstrates that little research has been conducted at the intersection of the digital, physical and social realms. Most studies focus on one realm, with occasional reference to another. This article suggests an agenda for future research and gives examples of fruitful ways to study connections among the three realms rather than in a single realm. Practical Implications: This paper provides guidance for managers in designing and managing customer experiences that we believe will need to be addressed by the year 2050. Social Implications: This paper discusses important societal issues, such as individual and societal needs for privacy, security, and transparency. It sets out potential avenues for service innovation in these areas.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose both a retrospective and a prospective look at one of the most powerful concepts in marketing research: consumption experience. Design/methodology/approach A historical review of the development of the concept of consumption experience is conducted from its introduction 35 years ago by Holbrook and Hirschman’s (1982) seminal paper to the most recent advances, including the articles selected for this special issue. Findings First, the authors show that the introduction of the concept of consumer experience was a major (r)evolution on the theoretical, methodological and managerial levels. Second, the authors examine the theoretical risks associated with a biased conceptualization of the consumption experience. Third, the authors highlight future avenues for research on the consumption experience from both macro- (“zoom-out”) and micro-analytic (“zoom-in”) perspectives. Originality/value This paper offers a comprehensive view on one of the most disruptive concepts in marketing theory.
Brand experience is conceptualized as sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral responses evoked by brand-related stimuli that are part of a brand's design and identity, packaging, communications, and environments. The authors distinguish several experience dimensions and construct a brand experience scale that includes four dimensions: sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral. In six studies, the authors show that the scale is reliable, valid, and distinct from other brand measures, including brand evaluations, brand involvement, brand attachment, customer delight, and brand personality. Moreover, brand experience affects consumer satisfaction and loyalty directly and indirectly through brand personality associations.
When companies fail to account for collective and relational goals in customer solutions, a mismatch can occur between firms’ solutions and those that customers envision. Understanding the integration processes of customer networks is essential to improving solution design. This investigation draws on depth interviews with 21 families, the focal customer network, to generate collective and relational vacation narratives that contextualize their accounts. The authors identify four customer network integration processes: offerings assembled around prioritized goals, alternate participation, concurrent participation, and offerings assembled around separate coalitions. The findings reveal that the resulting mix of integrated products and services, or the solution, is shaped by customer network identity goals, goal management approaches, and constraints. The authors conclude with recommendations for how firms can use this information to improve solution design, identify new network partners, and revise value propositions.
Recently, practitioners have begun appraising an effective customer journey design (CJD) as an important source of customer value in increasingly complex and digitalized consumer markets. Research, however, has neither investigated what constitutes the effectiveness of CJD from a consumer perspective nor empirically tested how it affects important variables of consumer behavior. The authors define an effective CJD as the extent to which consumers perceive multiple brand-owned touchpoints as designed in a thematically cohesive, consistent, and context-sensitive way. Analyzing consumer data from studies in two countries (4814 consumers in total), they provide evidence of the positive influence of an effective CJD on customer loyalty through brand attitude—over and above the effects of brand experience. Importantly, an effective CJD more strongly influences utilitarian brand attitudes, while brand experience more strongly affects hedonic brand attitudes. These underlying mechanisms are also prevalent when testing for the contingency factors services versus goods, perceived switching costs, and brand involvement.
For consumers, evaluation of a service firm often depends on evaluation of the “service encounter” or the period of time when the customer interacts directly with the firm. Knowledge of the factors that influence customer evaluations in service encounters is therefore critical, particularly at a time when general perceptions of service quality are declining. The author presents a model for understanding service encounter evaluation that synthesizes consumer satisfaction, services marketing, and attribution theories. A portion of the model is tested experimentally to assess the effects of physical surroundings and employee responses (explanations and offers to compensate) on attributions and satisfaction in a service failure context.
The authors address the role of marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments (CMEs). Their approach considers hypermedia CMEs to be large-scale (i.e., national or global) networked environments, of which the World Wide Web on the Internet is the first and current global implementation. They introduce marketers to this revolutionary new medium, propose a structural model of consumer navigation behavior in a CME that incorporates the notion of flow, and examine a series of research issues and marketing implications that follow from the model.