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Impact of Autonomous Maintenance on a PIM Production Line


Abstract and Figures

To increase the competitiveness of their products, companies have sought to identify and eliminate losses in their production processes to reduce production costs. One of the six major process losses established by the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy is related to equipment downtime in the production environment. This paper analyzes the impacts of the implementation of autonomous maintenance through the eight-step analysis implemented by a project developed in line 3 of the welding sector of a factory located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazil. To this end, the indicators were evaluated, establishing the solution priority, defining the necessary actions and implementing them. Upon completion of the project, there was a 39% increase in operators' knowledge of machines and autonomous maintenance procedures, as well as a 75% reduction in line equipment downtime, increasing the availability from 94.9% to 98.7%, allowing to verify the effects of the execution of the autonomous maintenance activities.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Keyword: TPM; Autonomous Maintenance; Equipment Availability;
Published Date: 12/31/2019 Page.385-398 Vol 7 No 12 2019
To increase the competitiveness of their products, companies have sought to identify and eliminate losses in their
production processes to reduce production costs. One of the six major process losses established by the Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) philosophy is related to equipment downtime in the production environment. This paper analyzes the
impacts of the implementation of autonomous maintenance through the eight-step analysis implemented by a project
developed in line 3 of the welding sector of a factory located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazil. To this end,
the indicators were evaluated, establishing the solution priority, defining the necessary actions and implementing them.
Upon completion of the project, there was a 39% increase in operators' knowledge of machines and autonomous
maintenance procedures, as well as a 75% reduction in line equipment downtime, increasing the availability from 94.9%
to 98.7%, allowing to verify the effects of the execution of the autonomous maintenance activities.
Impact of Autonomous Maintenance on a PIM
Production Line
Aglei Duques Maciel Filho;Dr. Jonas Gomes da Silva;Dr. Mariana Sarmanho de
Oliveira Lima
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Vol:-7 No-12, 2019
International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 385
Impact of Autonomous Maintenance on a PIM Production Line
Aglei Duques Maciel Filho (
Dr. Jonas Gomes da Silva (
Dr. Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira Lima ( )
Federal University of Amazon (UFAM) – Faculty of Technology
Department of Industrial Engineering
Eureka Laboratory
Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil
To increase the competitiveness of their products, companies have sought to identify and eliminate losses
in their production processes to reduce production costs. One of the six major process losses established
by the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy is related to equipment downtime in the production
environment. This paper analyzes the impacts of the implementation of autonomous maintenance through
the eight-step analysis implemented by a project developed in line 3 of the welding sector of a factory
located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazil. To this end, the indicators were evaluated,
establishing the solution priority, defining the necessary actions and implementing them. Upon completion
of the project, there was a 39% increase in operators' knowledge of machines and autonomous
maintenance procedures, as well as a 75% reduction in line equipment downtime, increasing the
availability from 94.9% to 98.7%, allowing to verify the effects of the execution of the autonomous
maintenance activities.
Keywords: TPM; Autonomous Maintenance; Equipment Availability;
1. Introduction
The most competitive market has led companies to reinforce philosophies or projects that increase the
competitiveness of their products through direct and indirect cost analysis, actions that contribute to the
quality and productivity indices of manufacturing processes. These two indicators are directly linked to the
policies of company X which is the case study of this research.
Company X will thus be designated by the privacy policy of the organization, is a company that operates
in the two-wheel pole, located since 1985 in the Industrial District of Manaus. The survey was conducted
in 2012 when the company was facing a drop in market share and a significant reduction in annual sales
volume. Given this scenario, the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy was used to implement
projects to identify opportunities and consolidate improvements in production processes through
continuous activity planning, resulting in cost savings and optimization of its facilities and facilities.
available labor force.
One of the methodologies developed in the TPM philosophy, called Autonomous Maintenance, acts on the
diagnosis of equipment conditions, optimizing the skills of employees who operate the machines
throughout the production shift. Thus it is possible to identify possible changes in the equipment's operating
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Vol:-7 No-12, 2019
International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 386
routine, anomalies that may lead to interruption and consequent production shutdown.
This research focuses on the maintenance sector of Company X, which ended the first half of 2012 with a
breakdown rate of around 23% above the target, with a mostly corrective action being observed, with an
ineffective preventive plan, which does not have been prioritized by expert maintenance. Besides, there
was a lack of predictive planning for equipment, as well as low interaction between the productive and
maintenance sectors, making the monitoring of machinery and equipment situation more complicated.
In this sense, the definition of the most critical sector of Company X was based on a survey of downtime
due to equipment failures in all sectors of the plant, from July 2011 to June 2012. As illustrated by Figure
1, the welding (Solda) sector was considered the most critical with 43% machine downtime in this period,
being this the sector chosen to carry out a pilot test of implementation of an autonomous maintenance
Figure 1 – Machine Downtime per Sector
Source: Company X Maintenance System
Given this context, the general objective of the research is to evaluate the impacts of the implementation
of autonomous maintenance in the welding sector of company X.
The research is relevant to the company because of the potential to improve the skills of machine operators,
as well as reducing the average downtime on the production line defined as a priority by the pilot project.
Also, it is worth noting that conserving machines, equipment and facilities is a principle that should be seen
as a strategic function in achieving the organization's results and should be directed towards supporting
management and solving production issues, launching the company at competitive levels of quality and
productivity (KARDEC and NASCIF, 2001). Thus, the maintenance policy must be defined by the
company according to its organizational objectives, presenting itself as a determining factor of the success
of production planning and, therefore, of process productivity (WIREMAN, 1998).
For the academy, research can serve as a study in the classroom, as well as generate discussion and new
research for those interested in the subject.
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 387
2. Theoretical Referential
Maintenance is a relevant factor to increase productivity and contribute to quality assurance. A high rate of
equipment failure leads to production losses, as current inventory policies have eliminated standby products
between processes, so any interruption in the manufacturing flow leads to a reduction in the quantity
Kelly (KELLY and HARRIS, 1978; KELLY 1984; 1989) has conducted maintenance studies and consulting
for many years and has written books on maintenance function management. This author considers
maintenance as the control of reliability, using an approach with the following steps:
1) defining the function of the maintenance system in the enterprise; 2) define the objectives; 3) establish
the maintenance strategy; 4) predict how the equipment will be used; 5) define the maintenance workload;
6) indicate the structure of resources, including labor; 7) establish the planning and task control system; 8)
establish the influence of the administrative and decision-making system; 9) control maintenance to ensure
that the system works to achieve its objectives; 10) establish a documentation system.
Brazilian Standard NBR 5462 (ABNT, 1994) points to maintenance as the combination of all technical and
administrative actions, including supervisory actions, designed to maintain or relocate an item to a state in
which it may perform a required function.
Moubray (2000) argues that maintenance aims to ensure that physical items continue to do what their users
want them to do. According to Smith (2004) maintenance aims to preserve the functional capabilities of
the equipment and operating systems.
Maintenance is a branch of engineering that consists of preserving the productive means (machines) that
the company owns so that the operation of the process is guaranteed in the parameters of lean production
and does not influence the deadlines of meeting the demand. Performing maintenance activities means
acting in a preventive and non-corrective manner (BRANCO, 2008).
This article will be based on the maintenance concept defended by Gusmão (2003), as the set of activities
aimed at ensuring, at the lowest possible cost, the maximum availability of equipment for production, at its
maximum capacity, preventing the occurrence of failures, and identifying and solving the causes of poor
equipment performance.
2.1 Maintenance Evolution
The authors Kardec and Nascif (2001) believe that the maintenance had three stages of development, the
first took place before 1940 focused on the failures concert, as the second phase took place between 1940
and 1970 focused on ensuring greater availability of equipment, focused on its life, while the third phase
happened after 1970 with the search generate greater availability and reliability of equipment, worrying
about the quality of products and the environment.
Slack (1999) reports that until the 50s, productivity was directly affected by the maintenance break, which
operated in the correction of production equipment when were defective. However, the need for reliable
processes and greater consistency in quality maintenance led to a level of more preventive action, acting in
cleanup activities, lubrication, replacement parts, and checks. In the 60s, maintenance activities become
predictive, ending the emergency interventions, making it possible to predict the stops machines, adjusting
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Vol:-7 No-12, 2019
International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 388
production to avoid lost productivity.
2.2 TPM Philosophy
In pursuit of process optimization, Toyota Motor Company developed in the late twentieth century in Japan
a philosophy that aimed at reducing process waste and quality assurance, called Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM). One of the focuses of the Japanese technique was to invest more resources in the
maintenance area, aiming at reducing the failure rate and downtime of the production line equipment.
According to Suzuki (1994) TPM's objectives were defined by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
<>: (a) to maximize the efficiency of production systems; (b) minimize losses
by setting targets for zero accidents, zero losses and zero defects throughout the life cycle of the productive
elements; (c) involve all departments in deployment, including new products, sales, and administration; (d)
involve all employees from senior management to shop floor operators; and (e) act for small group activities.
For Takahashi and Osada (1993), TPM is a company-wide campaign, with the participation of the entire
staff, to achieve maximum utilization of existing equipment, using the equipment-oriented management
Nakazato (1998) pointed out the three meanings of the word TPM:
a) Total: means the overall efficiency or life cycle of the production system as it aims to constitute a business
structure with the maximum efficiency of the production system. It seeks the participation of everyone
from senior management to front-line workers, involving all departments, starting with the production
department and extending to the development, sales, administration, etc.
b) Productive: seeks the maximum limit of the efficiency of the production system, reaching zero accident,
zero defect and zero breaks/failure, ie the elimination of all types of loss. In other words, it does not simply
mean the pursuit of productivity, but to achieve true efficiency through zero accidents and zero defects.
c) Maintenance: is the maintenance in the broad sense considering the total life cycle of the production
system and defines maintenance that focuses on the single process production system, the factory, and the
administrative production system. Maintenance of the production management system means the
preservation of this system in its ideal condition through the continuous formation of a business structure
capable of surviving the new times through a constant search for the efficiency limit. Maintenance is
defined to adapt to changing circumstances.
According to Singh et al. (2013), TPM has eight pillars: pillar 1) individual improvements; pillar 2)
autonomous maintenance; pillar 3) planned maintenance; pillar 4) training; pillar 5) initial control of the
equipment; pillar 6) quality maintenance; pillar 7) TPM in offices and pillar 8) safety and environment.
2.3 TPM and autonomous maintenance
One of TPM's focuses is autonomous maintenance, whose techniques allow operators to keep equipment
in the best possible condition, with only occasional participation from the maintenance and equipment
development sector, which only provides operators with support and support in maintenance activities of
their machines (GOMES et al., 2012). Autonomous maintenance helps operators maintain their machines,
supported by the central maintenance department (TAKAHASHI and OSADA, 2000), which contributes
to increasing motivation and commitment to the equipment status of operating teams (GRAISA and AL-
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 389
HABAIBEH, 2011).
For Nakajima (1989), the implementation of autonomous maintenance can be performed in the following
Step 1: Initial cleaning to combat dirt sources;
Step 2: Measures to combat problem sources and hard to reach places;
Step 3: Develop inspection standards, lubrication, cleaning, etc .;
Step 4: Inspection to develop operators capable of understanding basic equipment functions, identifying
defects and making repairs;
Step 5: Autonomous inspection with a process analysis of inspection, cleaning, lubrication, and retightening
Step 6: organization and order (organization and care of the work environment);
Step 7: Consolidate autonomous maintenance with previous step checks and perform equipment efficiency
Similar to Nakajima (1989), Imai (1997) proposes 8 steps for implementing autonomous maintenance
(Figure 2) ranging from equipment preparation and cleaning to autonomous management, which is the
approach to use in this case study.
Figure 2 – Autonomous Maintenance Deployment Steps.
Source: Imai (1997).
According to Takahashi and Osada (1993), autonomous maintenance is one of the most effective means of
transforming a factory into an equipment-focused operation, providing reliability, availability, productivity,
and operational safety characteristics that are important for quality, lead times and production costs.
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 390
A case study by Biehl and Sellito (2011) concluded that TPM, and in particular autonomous maintenance,
can increase maintenance efficiency as a strategic factor and, consequently, can increase the manufacturing
competition of an industrial enterprise.
2.4 Equipament availability
To analyze the impact of equipment on productivity, we use the availability indicator, defined by the
percentage of time that a device is available for the performance of its nominal function, i.e. the time that
the equipment is available to operate in its fullness, disregarding all the time that it was stopped under the
responsibility of the maintenance area.
The analysis time ∆t of given equipment can be defined as the sum of the time portion ∆t DISP
corresponding to the period in which the equipment was available for operation and the time portion ∆t
INDISP corresponding to the period when the equipment was unavailable. With these two values, the
Average Equipment Availability is then defined by the expression (1) below:
Article template presentation
Theme presentation
Introduction: contextualization, problem, justification,
objectives, and proposal of the topics for the literature
Development: presentation and discussion of the
bibliographic review
Data collection and analysis
Discussion of Results
Final Considerations and advisor analysis
Essay and review of the article
Improvement and delivery the final version
Article defense
Chart 1 – Research Methodology Schedule.
Source: Author
3. Methodology
The research is applied since the knowledge generated will be used by Company X. Regarding the
objectives, the research is descriptive, since it will be described through the variables involved in the sector
without interference on them.
Data were collected and analyzed using a combined (qualitative and quantitative) approach through the
case study and bibliographic research.
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 391
The implementation of the case study happened between july/2012 and feb/2013, but the research started
in the second semester of 2012 and was concluded in the first semester of 2013 as part of UFAM Industrial
Engineering Course, as described in Chart 1.
Then, the data were digitized and graphed for discussion of results and construction of the article that was
defended for an examining board of the Production Engineering course of UFAM's Faculty of Technology.
4. Case Study and Results
4.1 Pilot line definition
The analysis of the impact of autonomous maintenance was performed by collecting data regarding the
pilot line defined by company X.
As shown earlier, a large downtime rate was detected in the Welding sector from July 2011 to June 2012.
For the same date range, a more stratified data study was performed to define one of the sector production
to start the project, as shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3 – Machine downtime by production line.
Based on the data collected, it was defined as a priority, the implementation of the autonomous maintenance
project in the fork 3 (Garfo 3) line, due to its high rate (37%) of equipment breakdown stops.
After defining the pilot line, the analysis of its structure began. Production operates in the first shift and
has 13 operators and the support of a production leader. In all there are 13 machines in the fork 3 line, being
11 MIG welding machines, a CNC machining center, and a boring machine, as follows:
● MIG welding machines: equipment that performs, with the aid of gas, the welding process of the fork
● CNC Machining Center: machine intended for the initial removal of material from the fork through the
machining process;
● Boring machine: responsible for completing the machining process, ensuring that the workpiece
measurements conform to specification. It is the last stage of the part within the welding industry.
According to Nakazato (1998), it is essential for the success of the project that everyone is involved in the
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 392
implementation of autonomous maintenance. Based on this, a team was defined for direct activities,
consisting of the production, maintenance, engineering, warehouse and production planning, and control
4.2 Steps for Implementing Autonomous Maintenance
Based on the definition of the project implementation steps, a schedule was prepared for the completion of
all activities, starting stage 0 in July 2012, concluding stage 7 in February 2013, totaling 8 months of
Step 0) Preparation: At this initial moment, the objective was to motivate the team involved, composed of
13 line collaborators, 2 production collaborators, 2 maintenance collaborators, and one engineering
collaborator. To this end, instructions were given regarding the purpose of the project, work methodology,
implementation steps and operation of the equipment and process. This led to the development of awareness
among operators of the need for the TPM system and the importance of performing autonomous
maintenance to ensure productivity.
Step 1) Initial cleaning: This was the stage where the first contact was made with the 13 machines,
performing total cleaning of dust and dirt, performing lubrication and retightening, and the detection and
correction of minor defects. Unnecessary materials were also removed around the equipment, facilitating
access to parts. The activities created conditions for the general inspection, raising deficient or broken
points for repairs and eventual improvements. The objective was to correct or program the equipment to
be repaired to restore its original operating conditions, advising operators on the importance of maintaining
the machines in their state of repair.
During the survey of equipment problems, cards were created to signal them. Figure 4 shows the
stratification of the problems raised, according to the sector responsible for correcting the irregularity.
Figure 4 – Number of problems found by sector.
After this study, the activities that remained pending were included in a schedule, following up on the
resolutions according to the established deadline.
Step 2) Elimination of sources of dirt and hard to reach places: Refers to the fight against dirt and defects
found in the first step. It is necessary to identify all possible points likely to accumulate dirt and to
implement defensive measures against dust sources and to prevent spills or leaks. Improvement measures
were implemented regarding the difficulty of access to cleaning and inspection areas.
This facilitated cleaning and inspection of equipment, improving maintenance conditions, enabling
activities defined to maintain optimal equipment conditions to be part of the operators' routine.
Step 3) Elaboration of verification standard: consists of mapping all machine points that require inspection,
retightening, cleaning and lubrication. With this data collected, the check patterns were elaborated to be
performed by the operators daily, allowing him to follow the equipment state, detecting any abnormalities.
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Also, the standard includes checking, performing lubrication and periodic retightening. Proper execution
ensures the three basic components of equipment maintenance: cleaning, lubrication and retightening.
Figure 5 (next page) illustrates the elaboration of the verification standard for the CNC machine, observing
the content:
• Check Component: defines the item of the machine that should be undergoing operator intervention;
• Standard: the ideal situation of the checking component;
• Method: establishes the activity that the operator must perform in the checking component;
• Tools: defines the support tools for carrying out the activities described in the method;
• Component illustration: demonstrates by the image the ideal condition of the check component;
• Time: for each autonomous maintenance activity a default execution time is defined, indicated in this
Frequency: the autonomous maintenance intervention should be performed according to the frequency
indicated in this field, and could be daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Figure 5 – Equipment Check Standard.
Source: Company X
Step 4) General Inspection: conducted 17 training sessions on mechanical, pneumatic, basic electricity,
retightening of bolts, belts and chains and general inspection.
The effective qualification of the operators was fundamental for the continuation of the activities since the
acquired knowledge will be essential for equipment monitoring and fault detection, besides the small
repairs that must be performed correctly, avoiding the aggravation of the situations.
With this knowledge, the checker will have a better foundation for autonomous maintenance.
In this step, the content of the checking standard was revised and training on inspections was reinforced,
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assessing the need for items and the frequency of checks, adjusting to the way the operator best adapted.
Step 5) Autonomous Inspection: At this time, the activities performed and the results of the inspections
were monitored.
It is important to maintain a cycle of improvements that cover both equipment and process, reviewing forms
and visual controls, verifying the need for the activities performed.
In this stage, the operators were internalized for the autonomous maintenance activities, verifying that each
one was taking responsibility for their equipment and performing their lubrication, cleaning and inspection
activities. The result was obtained by massifying the importance of developing the maintenance performed
in the previous stages.
Step 6) Standardization: Given the reviews already undertaken and the follow-up of the activities already
achieved, it is time to establish the definitive standards for checking, cleaning, and lubrication. The
improvement activities and the operators’ autonomous maintenance routine were consolidated in this stage.
Step 7) Autonomous Management: This is the phase to help fix operators with the techniques and skills
needed to autonomously perform minor repairs, breakdown data analysis, and machine upgrades.
The main objective of this step is to ensure that the activities become routine of the operators, who will be
able to perform the activities autonomously, even after the completion of the implementation project. It
was important to make them aware that TPM activities are endless and that improvements must constantly
be made so that gains in equipment availability never cease.
4.3 Operator Skills Evolution
Autonomous maintenance focuses on employee accountability for the equipment they operate, working on
the qualification of the workforce, providing technical knowledge to ensure the proper execution of the
activities described by the TPM methodology.
A knowledge and skills survey was conducted individually with each operator and Figure 6 shows the
consolidated evolution of operators' knowledge of machines and autonomous maintenance procedures,
comparing the situation before and after the project.
To this end, four levels were evaluated, level A at which the operator becomes able to multiply the skills,
level B considered qualified in the skill, level C which only has theoretical knowledge and level D which
does not has the needed knowledge about autonomous maintenance.
From Figure 6 it is possible to observe that the two highest levels of knowledge “A” and “B” had an
evolution from 52% (Before = 27% + 35%)) to 91% (After = 65% + 26%), showing the effectiveness of
the training offered during project development.
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 395
Figure 6 – Operator skills evolution before (antes) and after (depois) project implementation
Source: Author
4.4 Impacts
To assess the impact on the availability of pilot line equipment, a survey was conducted for one year before
project implementation, obtaining the following graphical representation for equipment availability (Figure
Figure 7 – Line availability index one year before the project.
Source: Author
Then, the same survey was performed for the months after the project implementation began, maintaining
the availability calculation formula, as can be seen in Figure 8.
By comparing the data collected about line availability before and after the implementation of autonomous
maintenance, it was possible to make a comparison of the monthly availability indicator average, to
evaluate the impact of the project implementation.
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International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 396
Figure 8 – Availability index after starting the project concerning autonomous maintenance
Source: Author
Figure 9 shows that the average monthly downtime of equipment before the project was 562 minutes,
leading to an availability rate of 94.9%, a loss of over 5%.
With the beginning of the implementation of the autonomous maintenance program, there was a reduction
in the average monthly downtime to 139 minutes, a decrease of over 75% compared to the previous
situation, increasing availability to 98.7%.
Figure 9 – Comparison of equipment availability index
Source: Author
5. Conclusions
The article analyzed the impact of the eight stages of a project developed in fork 3 line in the welding sector
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Vol:-7 No-12, 2019
International Educative Research Foundation and Publisher © 2019 pg. 397
in a two-wheel pole factory located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazil. To this end, the
indicators were evaluated, the solution priority established, the necessary actions defined and implemented.
Upon completion of the project, there was a 39% increase in operators' knowledge of machines and
autonomous maintenance procedures, as well as a 75% reduction in line equipment downtime, increasing
the availability from 94.9% to 98.7%, allowing to verify the effects of the execution of the autonomous
maintenance activities.
The impact assessment of the implementation of the autonomous maintenance project was released within
company X, to share the work developed and encourage the implementation of autonomous maintenance
in other areas of the company. New research can be conducted to verify the effectiveness of project results
in the sector studied, as well as in other sectors of the company, and also may focus on the level of employee
satisfaction with the changes brought about by autonomous maintenance.
6. References
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We would like the Company X managers for their support and also Doctors Nilson Rodrigues Barreiros
and Msc Leandro A. Leite for their contributions during the Industrial Engineering Course Examining
Board when the article was defended in the first semester of 2013.
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... These tasks include keeping the equipment clean, lubricated and with all components properly secured to reduce deterioration and prevent equipment failures. To achieve the goals of autonomous maintenance, it is necessary to involve production and maintenance personnel in daily activities to maintain the state of equipment, training to improve operator skills, and participation of production personnel in the maintenance process [24][25][26]. ...
... Thus, the fundamental objective of AM is to avoid, in the day-to-day production, the deterioration of equipment by detecting and treating its anomalies at an early stage before they develop and result in more serious failures [24][25][26]. ...
... The machine operator becomes the key element, as he will be responsible for carrying out small maintenance activities (cleaning, tightening screws and lubricating). The operator having this attitude will feel like another important element, which will help in his development and taste for the job, as well as helping to create more time for the maintenance team, leaving more time for more time-consuming and complex tasks, make improvements to the machines contributing to increased productivity [24][25][26]. ...
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For companies to be able not only to survive, but also to differentiate themselves in the current global market scenario, all their functional areas must be in line with short, medium, and long-term management objectives and policies. The performance and competitiveness of companies depend on the behaviour of their production system, so an ambitious and adequate maintenance management is necessary. In this way, companies seek to adopt new methodologies and approaches to maintenance management that allow them to prepare maintenance for the challenges of Lean Philosophy and Industry 4.0. The Lean philosophy aims to do more and more with less and less, that is, using less equipment, less human effort, less space, and time, trying to offer customers exactly what they want, at the right time. On the other hand, Industry 4.0 is based on intelligent factories with production processes with a computer interface between people, machines, and resources, through extensive communication networks that combine the virtual and the real world, to obtain all integrated processes generating thus a real-time information system. Thus, an adequate maintenance management system contributes not only to improve maintenance performance as well as the production system. The maintenance management system, when combined with Lean Philosophy and Industry 4.0 concepts, makes it more efficient and effective. To improve maintenance performance, a system that combines these three concepts is proposed.
... AM key importance for TPM and its success necessitate training, especially training of operators (Mad Lazim and Ramayah, 2010;Kulkarni and Dabade, 2013;Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, 2014;Workineh and Iyengar, 2014;Po or et al., 2015;Molenda, 2016;Rukijkanpanich and Pasuk, 2018;Braglia et al., 2019;Lima, 2019). ...
... The preparation phase technical training includes AM operations (including safety aspects) and methods training. AM operations trainings include basic equipment care of cleaning, lubricating and tightening (Mad Lazim and Ramayah, 2010;Mukaddes et al., 2010;Dogra et al., 2011;Min et al., 2011;Chandegra and Deshpande, 2014;Gupta et al., 2014;Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, 2014;Kedaria and Deshpande, 2014;Musa et al., 2015;Joochim and Meekaew, 2016;Lima, 2019). The latter trainings are 5S (with actual practice) (Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, 2014;Workineh and Iyengar, 2014;Musa et al., 2015;Morales M endez and Rodriguez, 2017); RCA (Min et al., 2011;Morales M endez and Rodriguez, 2017); "failure modes" (Chen, 2013); problem-solving (Azizi, 2015;Musa et al., 2015); Pareto and fishbone analysis (Morales M endez and Rodriguez, 2017). ...
... The preparation phase soft skill training includes awareness (know why) (Min et al., 2011;Ab-Samat et al., 2012;Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, 2014;Miranda and Lopes, 2015;Lima, 2019). ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to support total productive maintenance implementers by providing a roadmap for autonomous maintenance (AM) preparation phase. Design/methodology/approach The authors use the axiomatic design (AD) methodology with lean philosophy as a paradigm. Findings This is an exploratory research to find the most important factors in AM preparation phase. A decoupled AD design ensures an effective usage of training within industry (TWI) and the introduction of standardized work (SW). TWI provides value in importance it assigns to leaders, with its “train the trainers” approach and in preparing a training program. Besides being an effective training method, TWI job instruction (TWI JI) provides needed information infrastructure to front load operators SW and equipment trainings. Research limitations/implications Although AD, TWI and lean artifacts are generally field proven, the research is limited due to the lack of an industrial application. Practical implications In many real-life projects, companies do not know where to start and how to proceed, which leads to costly iterations. The proposed roadmap minimizes iterations and increases the chance of project success. Originality/value The authors apply AD for the first time to AM preparation phase despite it is used in the analysis of lean manufacturing. AD permits to structure holistically the most relevant lean manufacturing solutions to obtain a risk free roadmap. TWI has emerged as a training infrastructure; TWI JI-based operator SW training and the adaptation of JI structure to equipment training are original additions.
... It requires operators to take responsibility of their equipment and its working area [29]. The two core principles for autonomous maintenance are increasing the operator's knowledge of the equipment they are using and keeping the equipment in the default state: lubricated, cleaned and ready for operation [30], [31], [32]. For Skilled maintenance team need to invest heavily in training and developing. ...
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O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever um caso de aplicação de manutenção autônoma em uma área-piloto de uma empresa da indústria metal-mecânica. O método de pesquisa foi o estudo de caso. A TPM – Total Productive Maintenance, Manutenção Produtiva Total, é uma tecnologia gerencial que pode auxiliar as empresas na redução de ocorrência de falhas e quebras de máquinas. Um dos mais importantes aspectos da TPM é a manutenção autônoma. Um programa de doze pontos foi estruturado e adotado como guia de implantação da manutenção autônoma. O programa iniciou por uma área-piloto, incluindo três centros de usinagem. Os principais resultados do programa-piloto foram o aumento em mais de 700% no tempo médio entre falhas, a redução de mais de 40% no tempo médio até o reparo, o consequente aumento de mais de cinco pontos percentuais na disponibilidade das três máquinas e a redução de quase 60% no custo de materiais de manutenção. A principal conclusão foi que a TPM, e em particular a manutenção autônoma, pode aumentar a eficiência da manutenção como fator estratégico, aumentando a capacidade de competição da manufatura em empresas industriais.
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Quality and Maintenance of manufacturing systems are closely related functions of any organization. Over a period of time two concepts have emerged which are Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) along with other concepts to achieve World Class Manufacturing system. In this paper experience of implementing Total Productive Maintenance is shared and investigated for a company manufacturing automotive component. Concept is implemented in the machine shop having CNC turning centers of different capacity. Overall Equipment Effectiveness is used as the measure of success of TPM implementation. The losses associated with equipment effectiveness are identified. All the pillars of TPM are implemented in a phased manner eliminating the losses and thus improving the utilization of CNC machines.
Reliability-Centered Maintenance provides valuable insights into current preventive maintenance practices and issues, while explaining how a transition from the current "preserve equipment" to "preserve function" mindset is the key ingredient in a maintenance optimization strategy. This book defines the four principal features of RCM and describes the nine essential steps to achieving a successful RCM program. There is an easy to follow example illustrating the Classical RCM systems analysis process using the water treatment system for a swimming pool. As well as the use of software in the system analysis process, making a specific recommendation on a software product to use. Additionally, this new edition possesses an appendix devoted to discussing an economic model that has been used successfully to decide the most cost effective use of maintenance. Top Level managers, engineers, and especially technicians who rely on PM programs in their plant operations can't afford to miss this inclusive guide to Reliability-Centered Maintenance.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate maintenance and production problems in the cement industry in Libya, with particular emphasis on future implementation of total productive maintenance (TPM). Design/methodology/approach The paper presents the use of case study approach of production data and history, field visits, a survey methodology using a detailed questionnaire with employees and interviews with top and middle managers in four cement factories. Findings It has been found that the four factories under investigation have low productivity and production levels when compared with the design values. There is no clear TPM strategy and also it has been found that the lack of training and personal development is the main cause of this problem. In addition, employees are found not to be motivated as a result of the lack of a management strategy and reward structure. Research limitations/implications Based on the findings, a new framework for TPM has been developed. This TPM strategy could be implemented in other Libyan factories as a result of the potential similarities in the cultural and environmental aspects. Practical implications The current challenges have been identified and comparative analysis is developed into a model for the implementation of TPM. Originality/value The paper highlights limitations in some of the cement factories in Libya in relation to TPM and production strategies. The importance of adopting a realistic strategy and framework by managers is discussed. This work is developed as collaboration between academia and one of the Libyan cement companies to solve productivity problems and develop a strategic framework of TPM for improving Libyan industry.
Confiabilidade e manutenabilidade: NBR ISO 5462
  • Associação
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  • Técnicas
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Confiabilidade e manutenabilidade: NBR ISO 5462. Rio de Janeiro, 1994.
Management of Industrial Maintenance
  • A Kelly
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KELLY, A. e HARRIS, M.J. Management of Industrial Maintenance, Butterworths, Oxford, 1978.
  • Maintenance Management
_________, Maintenance and its Management, Conference Communication, London, 1989.
Introdução ao TPM -Total Productive Maintenance
NAKAJIMA, S. Introdução ao TPM -Total Productive Maintenance. São Paulo: IMC Internacional Sistemas Educativos Ltda., 1989. Vol:-7 No-12, 2019