Content uploaded by Mehrad Amirkhosravi
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All content in this area was uploaded by Mehrad Amirkhosravi on Jan 13, 2020
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AIP Conference Proceedings 2205, 020032 (2020); 2205, 020032
© 2020 Author(s).
Accurate characterization of fiber and void
volume fractions of natural fiber composites
by pyrolysis in a nitrogen atmosphere
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2205, 020032 (2020);
Published Online: 10 January 2020
Mehrad Amirkhosravi, Maya Pishvar, Youssef K. Hamidi, and M. Cengiz Altan
Influence of reactive melt mixing on mechanical behavior of chain extended PLLA/
thermoplastic polyurethane blends
AIP Conference Proceedings 2205, 020026 (2020);
Magnetic hydrogel based shoe insoles for diabetics
AIP Conference Proceedings 2205, 020027 (2020);
Investigation of shape memory behavior and physical properties of crosslinked low density
polyethylene/OvPOSS/TAIC composites
AIP Conference Proceedings 2205, 020029 (2020);
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Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-35)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2205, 020032-1–020032-5;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1956-8/$30.00
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