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Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have an increased risk of cognitive impairments. This narrative review of the literature discusses assessment of cognition in children with CP, presents the most salient characteristics of cognitive functioning pertaining to each subtype, and discusses the relationships between brain injury, functioning, and intervention from a developmental perspective. A search for original studies of cognitive functioning in children with different subtypes of CP was performed. The search resulted in 81 unique hits. There were few studies with a representative sample of children with CP where all participants were individually assessed. Cognitive functioning in children with the most severe motor impairments were often assumed and not assessed. Furthermore, there was a confounding of IQ below 70 and intellectual disability, possibly leading to an overestimation of the prevalence of intellectual disability. Longitudinal neuropsychological studies, including also very young children and those with the most severe speech and motor impairments, as well as intervention studies, are called for. What this paper adds Few studies have assessed cognition in a representative sample of children with cerebral palsy. Cognition in children with severe motor impairment is often assumed, not assessed. Lack of assessment may lead to overestimating the prevalence of intellectual disability. Lowered cognitive functioning in older children highlights the need for longitudinal studies.
Cognitive functioning in children with cerebral palsy
1Department of Clinical Neurosciences for Children, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo; 2Department of Educational Science, University of South-Eastern Norway,
Vestfold, Norway.
Correspondence to Kristine Stadskleiv, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Clinical Neurosciences for Children, Post Box 4950 Nydalen, N-0424 Oslo, Norway.
Accepted for publication 6th December
Published online 9th January 2020.
PVL Periventricular leukomalacia
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have an increased risk of cognitive impairments. This narra-
tive review of the literature discusses assessment of cognition in children with CP, presents
the most salient characteristics of cognitive functioning pertaining to each subtype, and dis-
cusses the relationships between brain injury, functioning, and intervention from a develop-
mental perspective. A search for original studies of cognitive functioning in children with
different subtypes of CP was performed. The search resulted in 81 unique hits. There were
few studies with a representative sample of children with CP where all participants were indi-
vidually assessed. Cognitive functioning in children with the most severe motor impairments
were often assumed and not assessed. Furthermore, there was a confounding of IQ below 70
and intellectual disability, possibly leading to an overestimation of the prevalence of intellec-
tual disability. Longitudinal neuropsychological studies, including also very young children
and those with the most severe speech and motor impairments, as well as intervention stud-
ies, are called for.
The motor impairments of children with cerebral palsy
(CP), caused by an inborn or early acquired brain lesion,
are often accompanied by impaired functioning in other
areas, such as cognition. The scope of cognitive impair-
ments varies between and within the spastic, dyskinetic,
and ataxic subtypes.
The identification of cognitive
impairments depends upon the quality of the assessments,
and the first aim of this study is to review challenges in
that regard. In this review, cognitive functioning in chil-
dren with CP will be discussed from a developmental per-
spective, on the basis of a review of the literature on
cognitive functioning in children with CP.
Assessment of cognition
Two aspects of assessment of cognition need to be
addressed: the paucity of studies where a representative
sample of all subtypes have been assessed and the chal-
lenges involved in reliably assessing cognition in children
with impairments that makes test performance difficult.
The latter is partly responsible for the former. The Gross
Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS),
point ordinal scale where level I indicates the least impair-
ment, is typically used to classify motor impairment in the
literature discussing cognitive functioning. However, classi-
fication of fine motor functioning would have been even
more relevant.
There are some epidemiological studies based on data
from CP registries
and geographical cohorts,
few where a representative sample is individually
Without assessment, IQ was estimated on the
basis of clinical judgement,
school placement,
of gross motor impairment,
or interview with parents.
Assessing cognition in children with motor impairments,
including those who are able to perform the tasks of a
standardized test of intelligence, is not straightforward.
Even small fine motor impairments might influence test
scores negatively and lead to an underestimation of IQ.
Results from timed tests must therefore be interpreted with
care, even for children in GMFCS level I. It is even more
challenging to assess cognition in children with severe
speech and motor impairments.
The result is that one-
third of children in GMFCS levels IV and V are assessed,
also in studies aiming to assess a representative sample of
children with CP.
The challenges of assessing cognition in the severely
affected group leads to cognitive functioning being
assumed. Although a correlation between severity of motor
and cognitive impairments exists, there is no absolute cor-
it is therefore not possible to draw con-
clusions about cognition from functioning in other areas.
Furthermore, it is not necessary as cognition can be
assessed using tests with a multiple-choice format and
allowing for other means of responding than pointing with
a finger. Tests of verbal comprehension, such as the Pea-
body Picture Vocabulary Test
and the Test for Recep-
tion of Grammar,
and non-verbal reasoning, such as
Raven’s matrices,
are suitable for adaptation. Alternative
response modes include gaze pointing and scanning
(Table S1, online supporting information). Comparing
standard and alternative response modes, partner-assisted
©2020 The Authors. Developmental Medicine &Child Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Mac Keith Press DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.14463 283
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
scanning with switches on a computer,
use of frames for gaze pointing,
and gaze pointing on
a computer
have not been found to influence test
results. Despite this, children with the most severe motor
impairments are described as non-assessible, or test results
are provided without information about how tests were
A systematic search of the databases PsycINFO, ERIC, and
MEDLINE (Ovid) was performed on 20th to 22nd Febru-
ary 2019. The terms (cognition OR intelligence) were
sequentially combined with AND (hemipleg* OR unilat-
eral); AND (diplegi*); AND (quadriplegi*); AND (dyski-
netic OR dyskinesia); AND (ataxi*). The search was limited
to human children (018y) and papers published in English.
All abstracts of the 525 hits were browsed. Duplicates,
papers not reporting on CP or cognitive functioning,
papers published before 1990 (when the International Clas-
sification of Diseases, 10th Revision was published), papers
where the full text was not available, literature reviews, and
case studies were removed, resulting in 111 hits (35 papers
on hemiplegia, 31 on diplegia, 16 on quadriplegia, 21 on
dyskinesia, and eight on ataxia). Some included information
about more than one subtype, leaving 75 unique hits. Two
papers, about adults, were removed. Eight papers, which
turned up browsing reference lists, were added. From the
remaining 81 papers, information about age and subtypes,
cognitive areas assessed, and main findings were extracted
(Table S2 and Figure S1, online supporting information).
Cognitive impairments can be global (expressed as a low
IQ score) or specific (pertaining to only one cognitive
Global cognitive impairment
There is wide variability in estimates on the proportion
of children with CP having an IQ less than 70, but
Western countries with national registries report about
30% to 40%.
Spastic quadriplegia, epilepsy, severe
motor impairment, and brain malformations are associ-
ated with more severe cognitive impairments.
ders of intellectual development can be considered with
an IQ less than 70, but the diagnostic criteria
that there should also be significant impairment in mas-
tery of everyday activities. Difficulties with the latter
should not be solely attributable to motor impairment,
which complicates the diagnostic process for children in
GMFCS levels III to V as there is a lack of appropriate
tools for assessing adaptive functioning.
although a full-scale IQ score might be below 70, it
would not be advisable to diagnose intellectual disability
if the profile is skewed and functioning is as expected
for age in one or more areas. In the only study differen-
tiating between IQ less than 70 and intellectual disabil-
ity, it was found that although 33% had an IQ less than
70, only 25% qualified for a diagnosis of intellectual dis-
Reporting only IQ and making assumptions
about proportion with intellectual disability on this basis
may lead to an overestimation of the prevalence of intel-
lectual disability in the population with CP.
Children with CP have an increased risk of cognitive
impairments compared with peers, but reporting only this
leaves out an important part of the picture. The find-
that children with CP can obtain IQ scores above
120 indicates that some are gifted and need follow-up
Unilateral spastic CP
Most children with unilateral CP have normal cognition:
81% to 89% are reported to have an IQ greater than
IQ is not significantly different in children with
left- and right-sided paresis, or in children born preterm
and at term.
Epilepsy is associated with lower IQ.
One-third have specific learning impairments,
impairment in visualspatial cognition,
acquisition of
visual imagery,
and executive functioning.
The language
functioning in children with right-sided paresis illustrates
the plasticity of the developing brain. Contrary to what
would happen if adults sustained similar focal brain injuries
in the left hemisphere, language is often spared
and there
is no difference in verbal IQ between children with left ver-
sus right unilateral brain lesions.
However, this right
hemispheric reorganization of language comes with a cost,
as it is associated with lower performance IQ.
Bilateral spastic CP: diplegia
Typically, 67% to 78% of children with diplegia are
reported to have an IQ greater than 70.
When the cause
of diplegia is periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), IQ is
reported to be similar in children born preterm and at
However, in children born at term and with varied
aetiology, as few as 39% have an IQ greater than 70.
Typically, children with diplegia have a skewed profile
with normal verbal comprehension and impaired visual
spatial reasoning and non-verbal intelligence.
though this profile can be observed in 3-year-olds,
difference becomes more pronounced as children enter
PVL affects the brain connectivity in the tempo-
ralparietal cortex,
is particularly frequent in children
born preterm,
and leads to visualperceptual impair-
What this paper adds
Few studies have assessed cognition in a representative sample of children
with cerebral palsy.
Cognition in children with severe motor impairment is often assumed, not
Lack of assessment may lead to overestimating the prevalence of intellec-
tual disability.
Lowered cognitive functioning in older children highlights the need for longi-
tudinal studies.
284 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2020, 62: 283289
The relationships between ophthalmological impair-
ments, the extent of white matter injury, visualperceptual
impairment, and non-verbal reasoning are difficult to dis-
entangle, and lack of consensus on definition of core con-
cepts and variability in measurement methods makes
comparison across studies challenging. Different concepts,
such as cerebral visual impairment (defined as damage to
or dysfunction of the retrochiasmatic visual pathways
and visualperceptual impairment (defined as an impair-
ment in the ability to analyse and process visual informa-
), are sometimes used interchangeably, confounding
neurological and functional levels of description.
In children with diplegia, visualperceptual impairments
have been found to be particularly pronounced in those
born preterm.
For this group, the degree of visualper-
ceptual impairment is related to white matter thinning.
However, PVL has been found not necessarily to lead to
visualperceptual impairment.
Performance IQ (which
also includes visualspatial perception, in addition to other
abilities such as non-verbal reasoning and processing
speed) in those born preterm correlates with white matter
In children born at term, full-scale IQ is
related to white matter integrity and severity of PVL;
possibly because severe cognitive impairments are more
common and thus full-scale IQ correlates with the extent
of the brain lesions. The presence of ophthalmological
impairments has been reported both to be
and not to be
associated with or fully explain visualperceptual impair-
or constructional dyspraxia.
Visualspatial impairments and performance IQ are by
far the most studied functions in children with diplegia,
but specific impairments in attention and executive func-
tion have also been reported,
especially if there is dam-
age to the anterior corpus callosum in addition to other
white matter lesions.
Verbal cognition and memory for
verbally presented materials are reported to be as expected
for age.
Bilateral spastic CP: quadriplegia
In the subgroup with spasticity there is a correlation
between degree of motor and cognitive impairment, and
up to 90% to 100% with quadriplegia are reported to have
an IQ less than 70.
However, as formal testing is often
reported to be inaccessible to children with quadriple-
this might represent an overestimate of impair-
ment. Studies in which all children were individually
assessed report lower frequencies, around 65%.
implies that there could be more children with quadriple-
gia who have an IQ in the normal range.
ing the capabilities of children with quadriplegia requires
adapted testing. It has been found that 20% had an IQ
greater than 85,
illustrating that severe motor impair-
ments can mask cognitive skills.
In this second largest subtype, constituting 6% to 15% of
the total population with CP,
wide variability in
standardized scores on tests of non-verbal reasoning (20
129) and verbal comprehension (55119) is reported.
Often 50% to 60% are reported to have an IQ less than
but it varies between as few as 25%
and as
many as 70% to 80%.
As in spastic CP, normal cogni-
tion is also found in those with the most severe motor
In children with dyskinetic CP this is to be
expected, as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies
show that lesions in subcortical areas, affecting extrapyra-
midal pathways, are common.
Studies of cognition including only children with dyski-
netic CP are rare, but show that visual perception, lan-
guage, memory, and executive functions often are as
expected for age.
Non-vocal children (i.e. children who
are not able to use speech as mode of communication)
struggle with literacy despite normal cognition.
executive functioning has been the focus in studies of the
dyskinetic subtype,
but it has not been confirmed that
they struggle more in this area than those in the subgroup
with spasticity.
Ataxic CP constitutes around 5% to 6% of the CP
and 42% to 67% are reported to have an IQ less
than 70.
No studies have focused solely on this group,
and knowledge about specific impairments is therefore
Brain lesions and cognitive functioning
Recent MRI studies, particularly those using diffusion ten-
sor imaging which allows more precise descriptions of
white matter tracts, have advanced our understanding of
the complex relationships between brain lesions and func-
An acute and severe intrapartum hypoxicis-
chaemic insult at term has been linked to dyskinetic CP,
while diplegia is often seen in children born preterm with
However, a lesion is visible on MRI in only 85%
to 90% of children with CP.
All types of lesion (brain
malformations and white and grey matter lesions) are
found in all subtypes.
In children with the same type of
lesion, cognition has been found to vary between normal
and severe intellectual disability.
Studies are mixed in
their reporting of correlations between MRI findings and
implying that cognitive functioning cannot be
confidently predicted from these scanning technologies.
Acute severe perinatal hypoxiaischaemia can lead to cog-
nitive deficits and no motor impairments.
It is well estab-
lished that in children with unilateral left hemispheric
lesions, language might be reorganized in the right hemi-
sphere and might be their strongest skill.
However, the
developing brain is vulnerable if the lesion is more exten-
sive. In a study of non-vocal children with bilateral CP,
the language tracts were visualized using diffusion tensor
imaging in the right hemisphere for all five patients
regardless of their level of verbal comprehension, but was
not visible in the left hemisphere for one child without any
Review 285
comprehension of spoken language.
Not only the local-
ization and extent of the brain lesion, but also the aetiol-
ogy, must be taken into consideration. When the cause is
cerebral dysgenesis, more have severe cognitive impair-
This might possibly be linked to epilepsy: more
children with a cerebral dysgenesis have epilepsy
epileptiform activity is negatively correlated with intellec-
tual functioning.
Preterm birth, especially if resulting in infarction, is
associated with CP and a risk of cognitive impairment.
However, in children with CP earlier gestational age does
not necessarily imply more cognitive challenges. In bilat-
eral spastic CP, the proportion of individuals with severe
cognitive impairment increased with increasing gestational
and also no relation between cognition and gesta-
tional age has been reported.
Together, this implies that cognitive functioning cannot
be inferred from MRI findings alone, nor from information
about brain lesion, epilepsy, gestational age at birth, and
motor functioning. Instead, the initial brain lesion can be
viewed as a constraint on development. Cognitive impair-
ments are the result of reciprocal and continuing interac-
tions between the child and their environment, influenced
by the child’s opportunities for active exploration and par-
Knowledge about the risk factors is important
because it can lead to awareness about the need for assess-
ment and interventions, and aid in developing follow-up
Developmental trends
The panorama of CP has changed over recent decades,
with a lower prevalence, proportion of children developing
bilateral spastic CP, and incidence of intellectual disabil-
However, knowledge about the developmental trajec-
tories of cognition in children with CP is less clear, as
there are few longitudinal studies. Of the 81 identified
studies included in this review, only nine had a longitudi-
nal design.
These studies show that measures of cognitive function-
ing at 12 and 18 months of age correlate,
that the skewed
cognitive profile of school-aged children with spastic bilat-
eral CP is observable from 3 years of age,
and that after
entering school there is an increase in verbal IQ so that it
becomes age-average while performance IQ continues to
be in the low range.
There is a differential develop-
ment of non-verbal reasoning capacity in children in differ-
ent GMFCS levels: children in level V not only show
initial lower functioning but also increase less with devel-
For children with unilateral CP, IQ was stable
from 3 to 5 years of age,
while children with the most
severe speech and motor impairments did not show the
expected increase in non-verbal reasoning from 6 to 12
years of age despite normal cognition.
The development
of expressive communication is related to the type of
motor impairment, whereas receptive communication is
related to IQ.
Following children born preterm and at
term, significantly more children with spastic diplegia born
preterm were found to develop visualperceptual impair-
Developmental model
The most troubling finding is the lack of age-expected
increases in cognitive development in children with severe
speech and motor impairments.
This might be explained
by the brain lesion, but children with motor impairments
also have different experiential backgrounds compared with
those who are not restricted in their locomotion. In chil-
dren restricted in their locomotion, both localization of a
brain lesion and restricted upper-limb functioning explain
why action-based visual perception is more demanding
than object-based perception.
In children expressing
themselves using aided communication, their instructions
on a construction task included little information about
sizes and spatial relations,
further suggesting that allo-
centric strategies are particularly challenging for severely
motor-impaired children. An interaction between the brain
lesion and lack of appropriate experiences seems likely.
Applying an embodied cognition framework, the ‘mind
must be understood in the context of its relationship to a
physical body that interacts with the world’.
supporting this position are that: (1) action planning,
which implies that we consider the end point of a move-
ment from the start, is challenging for children with CP
and does not improve with age as would be expected;
finger gnosis is important for early numeracy skills, imply-
ing that the use of hands, the understanding of numbers,
and the perception of space are related;
and (3) construc-
tional dyspraxia in children with CP cannot be related to
visual and visualperceptual impairments.
Thus, the con-
sequences of an initial impairment might be ‘wide reaching
with cascading developmental effect on other abilities’,
measures are not put in place to counteract and minimize
the developmental consequences.
Interventions for children with cognitive impairments
It is well established that early interventions are beneficial
for alleviating motor impairments in children with CP, but
the effect of cognitive training has scarcely been studied.
Also, most studies aim at improving literacy, despite
visualspatial and attentional impairments being more fre-
quent than language impairments.
In a study of executive
functioning, no effect of training was found.
This does
not imply that one should do nothing. Children with CP
attending mainstream school had significantly better pro-
gress in mathematics and reading than those attending a
special school, despite identical verbal IQ. The finding that
the groups differed in the amount of the teaching received,
with the children in the mainstream school receiving 1.7
times more, emphasizes the importance of interven-
For the non-vocal group, it is imperative to pro-
vide augmentative and alternative communication as early
as possible. Otherwise they might be seriously hampered in
their development of communication and language and
286 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2020, 62: 283289
have severely restricted opportunities for interaction and
which in turn might have negative cascad-
ing effects on their social, academic, emotional, and cogni-
tive development.
There is a wealth of studies on motor functioning in chil-
dren with CP. However, even though parents report that
learning difficulties are at least as challenging and cogni-
tion plays a greater role for communication, academic
functioning, participation, and social functioning, it has
been less focused upon.
This review illustrates that there are gaps to be filled;
few studies have assessed cognitive profiles in a large repre-
sentative population of children with CP, including also
very young children and those with the most severe speech
and motor impairments, and there is a need for longitudi-
nal and intervention studies. Some areas, such as visual
spatial abilities and language, are much more focused on,
while others, such as memory, are less well researched.
This might be because the few studies on memory have
not reported specific challenges;
however, as these
studies only include children with milder motor impair-
ments, further research seems warranted.
There seems to be an increasing focus on finding associ-
ations between extent and localization of brain lesions and
cognitive functions; however, given the evidence of early
plasticity as well as the heterogeneity of cognitive function-
ing in children with similar MRI lesions, it might be ques-
tioned whether this is the most useful path forwards. The
interplay between brain lesions, sensory deficits, experien-
tial opportunities, and cognitive functioning is complex. It
has been investigated whether developmental disregard in
children with hemiplegia, a neglect-like disregard of their
affected upper limb, is the result of injury to neural net-
works involved in spatial attention, which are connected to
areas involved in motor planning, or the result of lack of
use of affected hands during important developmental peri-
ods. Monitoring event-related potential during task perfor-
mance, specific impairments in executive functioning were
not found, but general difficulties with performing were.
This implied that the executive control processes preceding
the motor response were affected, requiring an enhanced
cognitive effort in goal-directed behaviour and a develop-
mental delay of executive control mechanisms.
The same
complexity is found when investigating the relationships
between visual perception and cognition. Visualperceptual
impairment has been reported to be associated with lower
cognitive functioning, found in children with normal cog-
nition, and unrelated to non-verbal cognitive function-
Future studies of cognitive development and the effect
of interventions should therefore take the complex inter-
play over time between body, brain, and mind into
account. Tests need to be adapted, for example using eye-
gaze technologies, so that cognitive functioning can be
reliably assessed, and not only assumed, in the most
severely motor-impaired children.
In the future,
braincomputer interfaces might gain importance both for
assessment and interventions.
Furthermore, it might be
that not only traditional neuropsychological tests and com-
puterized training tasks, but more naturalistic tests and
tasks increasing real-life abilities, such as goal-setting and
planning abilities, are needed.
The following additional material may be found online:
Table S1: Review of studies of adapted assessment of cogni-
Table S2: Eighty-one studies of cognitive functioning in chil-
dren with cerebral palsy.
Figure S1: PRISMA 2009 flow diagram.
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17. Dunn LM, Dunn DM. Peabody Picture Vocabulary
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19. Raven JC. Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices. Lon-
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Review 289
... Налице са забавеност на психичното развитие (брадифрения), бърза и лесна уморяемост, главоболие, плач и отказ от дейности при умора и напрежение (Boyadzhieva-Deleva, 2021). Често се споменават нарушения на паметта и вниманието (Ipolitova, 2011;Petrov, 1990;Simonova, 1988 и др.) Нарушенията на психичните процеси могат да бъдат глобални за когнитивната дейност и интелекта или специфични, когато се отнасят само до някои от тях (Stadskleiv, 2020;Luzanova, 2008). Във втория случай можем да кажем, че има дисхармоничност в психичното развитие. ...
... Във втория случай можем да кажем, че има дисхармоничност в психичното развитие. Въпреки че съществува корелация между тежестта на двигателната патология и съществуването на интелектуални нарушения, съответствието не е абсолютно и е невъзможно да се правят заключения за когнитивното функциониране в други области (Stadskleiv, 2020;Kuneva, 1985). ...
... Липсата на оценка при деца с по-тежки двигателни нарушения (поради невъзможност да се комуникира с тях и да се направи подробна оценка, вследствие на което се прави заключение за умствена изостаналост) може да доведе до надценяване на разпространението на интелектуалните нарушения. По-сериозни нарушения се отчитат при спастична квадриплегия, ЦП с епилепсия, тежки двигателни нарушения и мозъчни малформации (Stadskleiv, 2020). ...
... ID was identified in children aged 4 years and older, through the use of IQ tests with scores below 70 and evaluations of limited adaptive functioning. In cases where children were unable to complete standard intelligence assessments due to their condition, ID was determined through clinical observations, with only these estimations being deemed reliable (Stadskleiv, 2020). Maternal age was dichotomized into advanced maternal age (≥35 years) and no-advanced maternal age (younger than 35 years) (Attali & Yogev, 2021;Schneider et al., 2018). ...
... A previous study reported that bilateral spastic CP (including diplegia and quadriplegia) had a 3.23 times higher likelihood of comorbidities ID than unilateral spastic CP (Cummins et al., 2021). A cross-sectional, observational study based on dyskinesia CP reported that 47.7% of children with dyskinesia CP had global delay (Saini et al., 2021), and a review reported that 50% to 60% of children with dyskinesia CP have an IQ less than 70 (Stadskleiv, 2020). ...
... Due to the heterogeneous nature of these cognitive dysfunctions, it is challenging to generalize cognitive abilities across all individuals with CP, as these deficits uniquely affect learning, daily activities, and social integration. A scientifically precise, sensitive, objective, and validated scale for assessing cognitive functions in children with severe motor impairment is lacking, often leading to assumptions and limiting reliable generalizations about cognitive skills in patients with CP [12]. Lumosity software games serve as an online tool designed to facilitate the training of core cognitive abilities. ...
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Background Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neuromotor disorder that impairs a person’s ability to balance, stand, maintain posture, and walk. Research has indicated that Al Fatiha and negative air ion (NAI) are beneficial for ameliorating several behavioral, spiritual, physical, and societal issues. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of Al Fatiha and NAI interventions on cognitive skills using Lumosity software. Methods This randomized control trial was conducted et al.-Umeed Rehabilitation Association, Karachi, Pakistan, between February and April 2021, following ethical approval (Ref: IBC-2017) from the University of Karachi. CP patients who volunteered for the study were randomly assigned to either the control group or to groups receiving interventions involving Al Fatiha and NAI exposure. Due to the limited number of consents obtained, participants were selected without consideration of age, cognition level, gender, mobility, motor type, and additional impairments. While all groups continued their regular therapies, the intervention groups underwent 31 structured sessions over a period of 6 weeks. Five Lumosity games were selected to assess the cognitive performance of all inducted participants in the three groups. Statistical analysis including paired t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc tests was conducted using SPSS version 28 to compare outcomes among the three groups. Results Paired t-tests showed that the Al Fatiha intervention significantly enhanced selective attention (1133.3 ± 584.8, p < .05) and working memory (31,036.2 ± 4013.9, p < .001), while the NAI intervention resulted in improvements in information processing (31,036.2 ± 4013.9, p < .01), selective attention (1150.0 ± 705.3, p < .01), spatial fluency (6830.7 ± 4720.0, p < .01), and spatial reasoning (8719.3 ± 3499.5, p < .01). Apart from intervention groups, only spatial reasoning was improved in the control group (9068.3 ± 3450.1, p < 0.05). One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc analysis showed significant differences among the control and intervention groups at baseline in information processing, selective attention, and spatial fluency. These cognitive functions are likely attributable to increased neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex and elevated serotonin levels. Conclusion Based on the findings, both interventions are proposed as advanced, complementary, non-pharmacological, and cost-effective cognitive rehabilitation therapies for patients with CP. We recommend further research to validate these findings through second and third-phase clinical trials.
... CP involves increased risk for speech, motor, and/or cognitive impairments. Although there is an extensive literature on risks for motor and sensory impairments associated with CP, the neuropsychological risks are less well characterized, stemming in part from the difficulty associated with valid test administration in this population (Coenen et al., 2018;Laporta-Hoyos et al., 2019;Stadskleiv, 2020). This is particularly true for individuals with more severe CP who are at significant risk for cognitive impairments, yet paradoxically face barriers to participation in standardized testing due to high motor and speech response demands inherent in common assessment instruments. ...
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Objective This study examined the validity of a visual inspection time (IT) task as a measure of processing speed (PS) in a sample of children with and without cerebral palsy (CP). IT tasks measure visualization speed without focusing on the motor response time to indicate decision making about the properties of those stimuli. Methods Participants were 113 children ages 8–16, including 45 with congenital CP, and 68 typically developing peers. Measures were a standard visual IT task that required dual key responding and a modified version using an assistive technology button with response option scanning. Performance on these measures was examined against traditional Wechsler PS measures (Coding, Symbol Search). Results IT performance shared considerable variance with traditional paper-pencil PS measures for the group with CP, but not necessarily in the typically developing group. Concurrent validity was found for both IT task versions with traditional PS measures in the group with CP. IT classification accuracy for lowered PS showed modest sensitivity and good specificity particularly for the modified IT task. Conclusions As measures of PS in children with CP who are unable to validly participate in traditional PS tasks, IT tasks demonstrate adequate concurrent validity and may serve as a beneficial alternative measure of PS in this population.
... However, this same variability can also present an opportunity. In CP, the relationship between motor and cognitive impairments is complex and non-linear, with only a subset of children experiencing severe cognitive difficulties [83]. This variability, compounded by environment and family factors, allows for the exploration of factors within the relationship between motor skill and cognition that may not be as evident in older children. ...
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Background: Early motor development is fundamental in driving cognitive skill acquisition. Motor delays in children with cerebral palsy (CP) often limit exploratory behaviors, decreasing opportunities or the quality of cognitive development, emphasizing the importance of early intervention. This study aimed to assess immediate and 5-month motor and cognitive changes in infants and toddlers at risk of or with CP after participation in a community-based program. Methods: Twenty-two children (mean age: 22 ± 7 months) classified using the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and mini-Manual Ability Classification System (mini-MACS) participated in a 6-day community-based activity program, with outcomes assessed using the Developmental Assessment of Young Children (DAYC-2). Results: Participants who met their motor goals post-participation had significantly higher cognitive scores (p = 0.006) 5 months after the program. Participants with higher functional motor abilities (GMFCS levels I–II, p = 0.052; mini-MACS levels I–II, p = 0.004) demonstrated better cognitive scores at 5 months, adjusted for baseline scores, than those with lower functional motor abilities. Conclusions: This study highlights the impact of motor improvements following an evidence-based community program on later cognitive development. Prospective studies investigating the mechanisms and mediation of cognitive progress in children with CP should investigate the effects of early motor interventions on long-term developmental trajectories.
Objetivo: Compreender os efeitos biopsicossociais que as Terapias e Atividades Assistidas por Equinos (TAAE) exercem em indivíduos com Paralisia Cerebral (PC). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo, conduzido com indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, idade de 6 a 17 anos diagnosticados com Paralisia Cerebral em um Centro Interdisciplinar de Equoterapia. Os participantes foram investigados utilizando os instrumentos: Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (GMFCS), Escala de Avaliação de Mobilidade para Equoterapia (EAMEQ), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory – Testagem Computadorizada Adaptativa (PEDI-CAT), Ficha de avaliação e Diário de campo. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por estatística descritiva com o software IBM SPSS Statistics. O estudo foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: A amostra, com média de idade de 12,40 ± 4,72, sendo maioria do sexo masculino (80,0%), apresentaram outros diagnósticos associados como Transtorno do espectro autista (60,0%), microcefalia (40,0%) e síndrome de West (20,0 %). Os participantes possuem pouca independência nas atividades de montar e conduzir o cavalo. Porém, com as sessões de equoterapia desenvolveram sustentação de tronco, habilidades sociais e cognitivas. Conclusão: Conclui-se que este tipo de tratamento influencia em diversos aspectos do desenvolvimento psicomotor de indivíduos com PC.
Rehabilitation aims to increase individuals’ ability to interact with their environment. Focusing on the paediatric context, rehabilitation is likely to optimise children’s development while improving and maintaining their functioning. However, children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, often show low engagement in rehabilitation sessions. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a narrative-based training program in increasing in-session engagement for children with cerebral palsy undergoing rehabilitation (i.e. targeting affective, behavioural, and cognitive dimensions). The study was conducted in three cerebral palsy rehabilitation centres and followed a one-group double-pre-test, one-post-test design. Fifteen children with cerebral palsy participated in the training program twice a week over nine weeks. The program aimed to promote children’s in-session engagement in rehabilitation through a story tool grounded in a self-regulation theory. Current data revealed the key effects of implementation time in the three dimensions of in-session engagement. Post-hoc tests of within-subjects indicated significant differences between pre-test 1 versus post-test and pre-test 2 versus post-test in the three dimensions of in-session engagement. This narrative-based intervention was a helpful tool promoting in-session affective, behavioural, and cognitive engagement in rehabilitation for this sample of children with cerebral palsy.
Purpose This study aimed to investigate the vocal characteristics of children with cerebral palsy (CP) and anarthria using the stage model of vocal development. Method Vocal characteristics of 39 children with CP and anarthria around 4 years of age were analyzed from laboratory-based caregiver–child interactions. Perceptual coding analysis was conducted using the Stark Assessment of Early Vocal Development–Revised to examine vocal complexity, volubility, and consonant diversity. Results Children predominately produced vocalizations corresponding to the two earliest stages of vocal development characterized by vowel-like utterances. They showed a limited attainment of consonantal features with low consonant diversity and variably low vocal rates. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that underlying neurological impairments resulting in an anarthric status in children with CP affect the progression of speech motor development and their ability to advance beyond early vocal stages. These findings highlight the importance of considering alternative communication modalities for children demonstrating similar vocal characteristics beyond expected periods of development.
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Scientific knowledge has advanced in the implementation of safe and beneficial interventions for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). Although the importance of interdisciplinary interventions that integrate all components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) into family-centered practices is widely recognized, this approach is not yet widely adopted. Instead, many programs remain focused on isolated domains. This study presents the theoretical and methodological foundation of TREINI, an interdisciplinary and family-centered program developed for children and youth with CP and other neurodevelopmental disorders. TREINI incorporates intervention strategies that address all ICF domains. It is grounded in the biopsychosocial model of health and utilizes principles based on the best evidence in pediatric rehabilitation, including intensive training, task-oriented training, and a naturalistic learning environment. Unlike traditional rehabilitation approaches, the care provided by the TREINI program is delivered through an intensive and interdisciplinary approach, by a team working collaboratively in a single location. In addition to including evidence-based interventions, the TREINI program features two innovative components: the “City of Tomorrow”, a naturalistic learning environment, and the “TREINI Exoflex” therapeutic suit, specifically designed to address deficiencies in the body functions and structures of children with CP and other neurodevelopmental disorders. This program has been carefully designed to support the process of neurological re-education and rehabilitation for children and adolescents with neuropsychomotor developmental delays.
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Background: Previous research suggests that children with cerebral palsy (CP) have impairments in visual-spatial and mathematics abilities, although we know very little about the association between these two domains. / Aims: To investigate the extent of visual-spatial and mathematical impairments in children with CP and the associations between these two domains. / Method and Procedure: Thirty-two children with predominantly quadriplegic spastic and/or athetoid (dyskinetic) CP (13 years 7 months) and a group of typically developing (TD) children (8 years 6 months) matched by receptive vocabulary were given a battery of visual-spatial and mathematics tasks. Visual-spatial assessments ranged from simple tests of perception to complex reasoning about these stimuli. A standardised test of mathematics ability was administered to both groups. / Outcomes and Results: The children with CP had significantly poorer mathematical and visual-spatial abilities than the TD group. For the TD group age was the best predictor of mathematical ability, in the CP group receptive vocabulary and visual perception abilities were the best predictors of mathematical ability. / Conclusion and Implications: The CP group had extensive difficulties with visual perception; visual short-term memory; visual reasoning; and mental rotation all of which were associated with their mathematical abilities. These findings have implications for the teaching of visual perception and visual memory skills in young children with CP as these may help the development of mathematical abilities.
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Li‐metal is considered as the most promising anode material to advance the development of next‐generation energy storage devices owing to its unparalleled theoretical specific capacity and extremely low redox electrochemical potential. However, safety concerns and poor cycling retention of Li‐metal batteries (LMBs) caused by uncontrolled Li dendrite growth still limit their broad application. Herein, liquid polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) terminated by –OCH3 groups is proposed as a graftable additive to reinforce the anode dendrite suppression for LMBs. Such a grafting triggers the formation of a conformal hybrid solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) with increased fractions of LiF and Li–Si–O‐based moieties, which serve as a rigid barrier and ionic conductor for uniform Li‐ion flow and Li‐mass deposition. The grafting protected anode endows Li/Li symmetric cells with a long lifetime over 1800 h with a much smaller voltage gap (≈25 mV) between Li plating and stripping, than the naked anode. The coulombic efficiency values for Li/Cu asymmetric cells in carbonate electrolyte can reach up to 97% even at a high current density of 3 mA cm−2 or high capacity up to 4 mAh cm−2. The liquid PDMS additive shows advantage over solid siloxane additives with poor grafting ability in terms of Li surface compaction and SEI stabilization. Liquid polydimethylsiloxane is proposed as a graftable additive to reinforce anode dendrite suppression for Li‐metal batteries. Such a grafting triggers the formation of a conformal hybrid solid electrolyte interphase with increased fractions of LiF and Li–Si–O‐based moieties. The grafting protected anode endows symmetric cells with a long lifetime with a much smaller voltage gap between Li plating and stripping.
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Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have become more and more popular these last years. Researchers use this technology for several types of applications, including attention and workload measures but also for the direct control of objects by the means of BCIs. In this work we present a first, multidimensional feature space for EEG-based BCI applications to help practitioners to characterize, compare and design systems, which use EEG-based BCIs. Our feature space contains 4 axes and 9 sub-axes and consists of 41 options in total as well as their different combinations. We presented the axes of our feature space and we positioned our feature space regarding the existing BCI and HCI taxonomies and we showed how our work integrates the past works, and/or complements them.
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Background Previous research suggests that children with cerebral palsy (CP) have impairments in visual-spatial and mathematics abilities, although we know very little about the association between these two domains. Aims To investigate the extent of visual-spatial and mathematical impairments in children with CP and the associations between these two domains. Method and Procedure Thirty-two children with predominantly quadriplegic spastic and/or athetoid (dyskinetic) CP (13 years 7 months) and a group of typically developing (TD) children (8 years 6 months) matched by receptive vocabulary were given a battery of visual-spatial and mathematics tasks. Visual-spatial assessments ranged from simple tests of perception to complex reasoning about these stimuli. A standardised test of mathematics ability was administered to both groups. Outcomes and Results The children with CP had significantly poorer mathematical and visual-spatial abilities than the TD group. For the TD group age was the best predictor of mathematical ability, in the CP group receptive vocabulary and visual perception abilities were the best predictors of mathematical ability. Conclusion and Implications The CP group had extensive difficulties with visual perception; visual short-term memory; visual reasoning; and mental rotation all of which were associated with their mathematical abilities. These findings have implications for the teaching of visual perception and visual memory skills in young children with CP as these may help the development of mathematical abilities.
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Background: The aim of our study was to explore if the prevalence and clinical characteristics of cerebral palsy (CP), concomitant with perinatal health indicators in the general population, remained unchanged for children born in Norway between 1999 and 2010. Methods: This national multi-register cohort study included 711 174 children recorded in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Among these, 707 916 were born alive, and 1664 had a validated diagnosis of CP recorded in the Cerebral Palsy Registry of Norway and/or the Norwegian Patient Registry. Prevalence per 1000 live births as a function of birth year was analyzed using logistic regression with fractional polynomials to allow for non-linear trends. Chi-square statistics were used to estimate trends in proportions of clinical characteristics. Results: The prevalence of CP in Norway decreased from 2.62 per 1000 live births in 1999 to 1.89 in 2010. The reduction was most evident among children with bilateral CP, in particular those with diplegia. During the study period, the proportions of children with severe motor impairments, epilepsy, intellectual impairment and reduced speech also decreased. At the same time, perinatal mortality has decreased in Norway, along with the proportion of women with preeclampsia, children born preterm or as a multiple. Conclusion: We observed a significant decrease in the prevalence and severity of CP subtypes and associated impairments among children with CP in Norway. This coincided with improvements in perinatal health indicators in the general population. These improvements are most likely explained by advancements in obstetric and neonatal care.
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Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of motor function often accompanied by cognitive impairment. There is a paucity of research focused on cognition in dyskinetic CP and on the potential effect of related factors. Aim: To describe the cognitive profile in dyskinetic CP and to assess its relationship with motor function and associated impairments. Method: Fifty-two subjects with dyskinetic CP (28 males, mean age 24 y 10 mo, SD 13 y) and 52 typically-developing controls (age- and gender-matched) completed a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), Communication Function Classification System (CFCS) and epilepsy were recorded. Cognitive performance was compared between control and CP groups, also according different levels of GMFCS. The relationship between cognition, CFCS and epilepsy was examined through partial correlation coefficients, controlling for GMFCS. Results: Dyskinetic CP participants performed worse than controls on all cognitive functions except for verbal memory. Milder cases (GMFCS I) only showed impairment in attention, visuoperception and visual memory. Participants with GMFCS II-III also showed impairment in language-related functions. Severe cases (GMFCS IV-V) showed impairment in intelligence and all specific cognitive functions but verbal memory. CFCS was associated with performance in receptive language functions. Epilepsy was related to performance in intelligence, visuospatial abilities, visual memory, grammar comprehension and learning. Conclusion: Cognitive performance in dyskinetic CP varies with the different levels of motor impairment, with more cognitive functions impaired as motor severity increases. This study also demonstrates the relationship between communication and epilepsy and cognitive functioning, even controlling for the effect of motor severity.
Background Previous studies suggest that compromised bimanual performance experienced by children with unilateral cerebral palsy (CP) is not only due to difficulties in action execution but may also be a result of impaired anticipatory action planning. Aims The effect of age and side of hemiplegia were examined and the relationship between anticipatory action planning, unimanual capacity and bimanual performance was explored. Methods and procedures Using a multi-centre, prospective, cross-sectional observational design, anticipatory action planning was analyzed in 104 children with unilateral cerebral palsy, aged 6–12 years, using the sword task. Outcomes and results Anticipatory action planning did not improve with age in children with unilateral CP, aged between 6–12 years. No differences were found between children with left or right hemiplegia. Finally, anticipatory action planning was not related to unimanual capacity or bimanual performance. Conclusion and implications This study demonstrates anticipatory action planning, measured using the sword task, does not improve with age in children with unilateral CP and is not related to bimanual performance or laterality. Future studies of anticipatory action planning in children with unilateral CP should consider using measures that require effective anticipatory action planning for successful task completion rather than end state comfort.
Epidemiology of CP aims to describe the frequency of the condition in a population and to monitor its changes over time. Also it studies the determinants of this condition which responsible for some changes over time. Classification of CP is an important step toward describing more homogenous subgroups of persons with CP. Several classifications exist based on neurological signs and topography, on motor function loss, on associated impairments, on severity of the clinical pattern and on the neuroimaging findings. Overall prevalence of CP is around 2 per 1000 live births in developed and in developing countries, with a trend toward a decrease during the last decade, at least for the more severe subgroups and the more tiny babies. Caution should be paid when interpreting changes in prevalence rates since factors that may influence these estimates are numerous.
This introduction to the Special Issue discusses current theoretical approaches to language development and their application to aided language development. It also discusses some conceptual issues and aspects of aided language development that are relevant for the articles, and gives a short overview of the articles.
Children with severe motor impairments are restricted in their manipulation and exploration of objects, but little is known about how such limitations influence cognitive development. This study investigated visual-constructional abilities in 75 children and adolescents, aged 5;0–15;11 (years;months), with severe speech impairments and no intellectual disabilities (aided group) and in 56 children and adolescents with typical development (reference group). Verbal comprehension, non-verbal reasoning, and visual-spatial perception were assessed with standardized tests. The task of the participants was to verbally instruct communication partners to make physical constructions identical to models that the partner could not see. In the aided group, 55.7% of the constructions were identical to the models participants described, compared to 91.3% in the reference group. In the aided group, test results explained 51.4% of the variance in construction errors. The results indicate that the participants’ language skills were decisive for construction success. Visual-perceptual challenges were common among the aided communicators, and their instructions included little information about size and spatial relations. This may reflect less experience with object manipulation and construction than children with typical development, and using aided communication to instruct others to make three-dimensional constructions. The results imply a need for interventions that compensate for the lack of relevant experience.