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Ameliorating Password Security Authentication Using BCRYPT Algorithm with Dynamic Salt Generation

  • Isabela State University - City of Ilagan
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamic & Control Systems. Vol. 11. 12 Special Issue.2019
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP12/20193330 1240
ISSN 1943-023X 1234
Received: 19 Oct 2019/Accepted: 18 Nov 2019
Ameliorating Password Security Authentication using bcrypt Algorithm
with Dynamic Salt Generation
Roman Alex F. Lustro
Isabela State University City of Ilagan Campus, Philippines
Abstract - Usernames and passwords at present remain the
ultimate frequently employed and far and wide recognized
form of identity authentication. The password is one of the best-
applied techniques of authentication. While it is precisely
convenient to perform authentication using passwords, one
thing that needs to be considered is how to store them securely.
The aim of this study is to improve the existing password
hashing scheme by introducing a new mechanism that will
surely provide a more secure hashed password. Based on the
simulated results of the study the proposed mechanism
enhanced existing practice. The proposed scheme increases the
level of security by proliferating the level of encryption. Thus,
making it impossible for an attacker to break the system. Hence
the proposed system is more efficient and has unbreakable
Index terms data security, cryptography, hashing, salting.
1. Introduction
Password is one of the utmost essential elements of any
conventional security scheme intended to protect sensitive
and confidential information from falling into the wrong
hands. Generating a resilient password is the initial phase
towards safeguarding and protecting confidential user
information [1]. At present, the focus on mitigating risk of
cybercrime were central repositories now referred to as
‘legacy databases’ typically on a web application
authentication. Conventionally, the possibility of the breach
was not anticipated thus passwords are regularly stored in
plaintext [2]. It is claimed that still, a large number of these
legacy databases keep on using and still store authentication
credentials by obsolete and substandard means or plaintext
According to Erguler [4], passwords must be secured by
compelling appropriate providence and storing with their
hash values enumerated through the salting mechanism. In
addition, it must be tough for an attacker to reverse hashes to
obtain the plaintext password. Ma et al. [5] came up with a
fineness password guide, which necessitates that a strong
password should encompass at least eight characters, three
of which should be special characters. Likewise, there should
be some numbers in the password, too.
The application of hash function in storing passwords gives
the impression to be a secure mechanism. For the reason that,
even if an attacker was able to gain access to the password
database, he or she will not be able to realize the password in
plaintext format. On the other hand, as the computing power
increases exponentially, there have been a number of high
profile circumstances where large social networking sites
had seen their users’ passwords seep out to the public [6].
This is likely to happen because of an attack or technology
known as a rainbow table [7], [8] which is basically a pre-
computed hash value of potential plaintext. Concomitantly,
if the hash values of passwords are seeped out, the attacker
will only need to look up the rainbow table and locate the
equivalent plaintext passwords.
The aim of this paper is to improve the existing practice of
storing password, at present, static salting and hashing [10]
were utilized which is considered to be vulnerable to rainbow
and dictionary attack [11], [7] and [8]. This paper introduces
a random/dynamic salt generation [12] and bcryt [10], [13]
and [14] hashing function that requires specifying a
cost/workfactor in order to generate a password was utilized.
Cost/workfactor was used to generate end hash and makes
the entire process slower thus allows determining how
expensive the hash function is [10]. The use of hashing
function and salt when storing password defends against
dictionary attacks and pre-computed rainbow table attacks
[11]. Salting is the process of adding a user-specific text to
the plain text, before computing the hash.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
reviews some earlier work that is related to this research.
Section 3 describes the proposed system architecture.
Section 4 presents simulation results and discussion. Finally,
the paper ends with some concluding remarks and future
work, captured in Section 5.
2. Review of Related Literature
Maintaining a password by just using a cryptographic hash
function is not enough. A well known example is that of
LinkedIn [6] when an attacker was able to get hold of the 6.5
million SHA -1 hash values of the passwords in the social
network’s database. In order to perform an attack, the hash
values were performed through a rainbow table and were
able to found its plaintext password equivalent.
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamic & Control Systems. Vol. 11. 12 Special Issue.2019
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP12/20193330 1241
ISSN 1943-023X 1234
Received: 19 Oct 2019/Accepted: 18 Nov 2019
User and data attributes are utilized in secret key generation
which prevents user attribute leak problem [3]. A salt method
is added into the DCP ABE M to make the secret key
stronger and more unbreakable, thus the proposed system
improves the level of security by increasing the level of
encryption. Likewise, to make the password stronger and
more different from other passwords, [15] added a unique
salt value in the password, hence enhances the level of
security and is more efficient compared to the previously
existing schemes.
[16] offer a novel solution for securing authentication
databases for both pre-existing and newly created passwords
that stored on insecure systems by applying the
recommended best practices mechanism in the form of a salt,
one way encryption and iterations. The proposed holds the
possibility of improving system security, compliance,
privacy, and user protection. Similarly, [12] introduces a
dynamic salt generation and placement for secure password
storing. The way the salt value was used for each password
was unique. As a result, a more secure password technique
was achieved.
Bcrypt is a password hashing scheme that was based on
blowfish block cipher. Despite hardware enhancements, it
was intended to be resilient to brute force attacks and remain
secured [13]. Due to its expensive key set up a user-defined
cost factor setting makes this hash slow while using blowfish
variables random lookups [14].
Related works have been done on the implementation of
bcrypt as a password hashing scheme, [17] presented a novel,
flexible, high speed implementation of a bcrypt password
search system on a low power Xilinx Zynq 7020 FPGA.
The design consists of 40 parallel bcrypt cores running at
100MHz. The application of bcrypt leave behind all
presently existing applications and increases password
attacks on the same platform, computing 6,511 passwords
per second for a cost parameter of 5. In addition [18] focuses
on providing security to user’s data by saving encrypted user
data to the database by implementing bcrypt algorithm which
provides a longer encryption key and gives the hashed value
of the user data.
It is essential that a hashing algorithm is not only hard to
reverse engineer but, should also be nearly difficult to find a
collision [19]. Thus, [10] consider a different approach using
distributed processing to compute multiple hashes at a very
high speed, making one of the most widely used hashing
algorithm SHA 512 seem not that secure after all.
Concomitantly, the approach involves cryptanalyzing
bcrypt, and conclude whether it’s a good alternative.
A salt is a random string of alphanumeric characters that are
added as prefix or suffix to a password before hashing. That
is, instead of hashing just a password h(password) we add a
salt in it expressed as h(salt||password), h(password||salt) or
h(salt||password||salt). If the salt value and its position are
known for an attacker, it is still possible to use the rainbow
table to find the plaintext password. Thus, this paper
proposes for a dynamic salt generation using the php 7
function ramdom_bytes and is hashed using brcypt. In order
to generate passwords, bcrypt requires specifying
cost/workfactor making the entire procedure slower but also
used to generate end hash. Thus, allowing workfactors to
determine how expensive the hash function will be.
Hence it is imperative to safeguard the authentication and
pre-authentication scheme in order to make it more secure.
The proposed application of dynamic salt generation and
bcrypt hashing algorithm will enhance existing data security
and protection practices.
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamic & Control Systems. Vol. 11. 12 Special Issue.2019
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP12/20193330 1242
ISSN 1943-023X 1234
Received: 19 Oct 2019/Accepted: 18 Nov 2019
3. Proposed System Architecture
This study ameliorates the existing password hashing
scheme by introducing a new mechanism that will surely
provide a more secure hashed password. Figure 1 depicts the
comparison of the existing and proposed application of salt,
hashing, and iterations to the password, in order to maintain
the confidentiality and integrity of credentials. Performance
comparison for two said algorithm was executed in Intel (R)
Core (TM) i5 7200U CPU @2.50 GHz 2.70GHz, Installed
memory (RAM): 4.00GB (3.87GB usable), System type: 64
bit Operating System, x64 based processor, and 128 Solid
State Disk as the secondary storage.
3.1 Existing Application of Salt and Hashing to
With the existing practice, a static prepend and append salt
is being added to a plaintext. The salted plaintext password
is being hashed using SHA 512 as the hashing function. Salt
is a random string of letters or numbers that are added to the
beginning or the end of a password, before hashing. In other
words, instead of hashing just a password h(password), they
compute h(salt||password). The hashed password is then
stored in the database. Since the application of salt is static
wherein the same salt is being used in each hash, this is
ineffective because if two users have the same password,
then definitely they still have the same hash. Thus, allowing
the attacker to still use a reverse lookup table attack to run a
dictionary attack on every hash at the same time. In addition
to this, as a result, using a salt value as prepend or append of
a password increased the security of the password. However,
with repeated experiments, an attacker could find a fixed
point of the salt placement. Once the position of the salt was
found, the security would be drastically reduced by, again,
the use of the rainbow table [20].
3.2 Proposed Application of Salt, Hashing, and
Iterations to Password
In order to effectively secure password, the input plaintext
password is being salted using php 7 function random_bytes
with 2 parameters (length, booleancrypto_strong).
Random_bytes generate an arbitrary length string that is
suitable for cryptographic use, such as when generating salts,
keys or initialization vectors [21]. After this, the salted
password will be hashed using a hashing function called
bcypt. BCRYPT is currently the security standard for
password hashing [18]. It’s derived from the Blowfish block
cipher which generates the hash, uses lookup tables and is
initiated in memory. This means a certain amount of memory
space needs to be used before a hash can be generated. Once
the salted password has been hashed, it will be rehashed
(iterated) again as recommended [22]. In this paper, the
output has been rehashed to 200 times before storing it in the
database. Likewise, a new random salt is generated each time
a user creates an account or changes their password as
suggested [20]. In contrary to the existing practices which
use a static salt, the proposed scheme utilizes a dynamic salt
generation. With dynamic salt generation, even if two users
have the same password still a different hash will be
generated because of different salt values which make it be
the strength of this study thus able to address the reverse
lookup table for a rainbow table and dictionary attack.
3.3 Proposed Application for Password Verification
In authenticating the integrity of an account, the user will
first key in username and password, the system will check if
the username exists in the database, after which the
password, then it will fetch and store password field in a
variable. The password will be verified using the
password_verify function of php 7 [21] with 2 parameters
(plaintext password and fetched password), then the
password will be verified.
3.4 Comparison between SHA 512 vs BCRYPT
Since SHA 512 is an inherently fast algorithm, it is possible
to compute more hashes in less time and thus bcrypt could
be a feasible alternative to improve security [10]. Based on
the literature reviewed we can say that bcrypt is better with
regard to security as the primary concern of this paper is the
security of the hashed password. Bcrypt has been well vetted
and tested and hence considered the standard for password
hashing taking into consideration its existence for around 14
years [18].
4. Simulation and Discussion
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamic & Control Systems. Vol. 11. 12 Special Issue.2019
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP12/20193330 1243
ISSN 1943-023X 1234
Received: 19 Oct 2019/Accepted: 18 Nov 2019
Table 1 shows the amount of time it took to hash a password.
The passwords were obtained from [23], [20] which are
considered to be weak and strong passwords respectively. As
reflected, SHA 512 performs faster in hashing passwords
which means that a fast hashing algorithm can be easily
broken. Since the idea is to make the hash function very
slowly, so that even with a fast GPU or custom hardware,
dictionary and brute-force attacks are too slow to be
worthwhile. The objective is to make the hash function
laborious enough to delay attacks, but still hastily sufficient
not to cause an obvious delay for the user [20].
As depicted in Figure 3, by adjusting the cost, the time it
takes to hash a password increases. With faster hardware, by
merely increasing the cost, makes the hash secure thus
abiding Moore’s Law [14].
With static salt generation (see Table 2a), if two users have
the same password then definitely the same hash values will
be provided which is considered to be ineffective as an
attacker can still use a reverse lookup table attack to run a
dictionary attack on every hash at the same time. As
compared to dynamic salt generation (see Table 2b) if two
users have the same password, different hash values will be
generated using php 7 function random_bytes, therefore,
making it be strong and more secured.
4. Conclusion and Future Work
The password is one of the best-applied techniques of
authentication. While it is precisely convenient to perform
authentication using passwords, one thing that needs to be
considered is how to store them securely. This study
improved the existing password hashing scheme by
introducing a new mechanism that provided a more secure
hashed password.
Based on the simulated results the proposed mechanism
performs better than the existing practice. The proposed
system increases the level of security by proliferating the
level of encryption. Thus, making it impossible for an
attacker to break the system.
Tougher security measures could be easily integrated, on the
other hand, improved security may result in latency. There
will be higher demands on system resources because of
increased salt bytes, longer hashing functions, and additional
iterations. Salt concatenation and iterated hashing are critical
in placing large demands on the resources of an attack system
and complicating the reverse engineering process. In theory,
the attacker could spend lengthy periods trying to reverse
engineer these individual strings by way of rainbow table
attack; but this would be impossible, as the inserted strings
were randomly generated.
In the future, the researcher will consider password
stretching during login so as to address shoulder surfing.
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Conference Paper
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Information systems in the digital age have become increasingly dependent on databases to store a multitude of fundamental data. A key function of structured databases is to house authentication credentials that verify identity and allow users to access more salient personal data. Authentication databases are frequently a target of attack as they potentially provide an avenue to commit further, more lucrative crimes. Despite the provision of industry standard best practice recommendations from organisations such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI-SSC), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), often practical security implementations within industry flounder. Lacking or substandard implementations have cultivated an environment where authentication databases and the data stored therein are insecure. This was demonstrated in the 2016 exposure of a breach experienced by Yahoo where approximately one billion user credentials were stolen. The global technology company was found to be using obsolete security mechanisms to protect user passwords. Dated implementations such as these pose serious threat as they render authentication data highly vulnerable to theft and potential misuse. This paper offers a novel solution for securing authentication databases on non-compliant Apache servers. The method applies the recommended best practice mechanisms in the form of salt, one-way encryption (hashing) and iterations to both pre-existing and newly created passwords that are stored on insecure systems. The proposed solution can be implemented server-side, with little alteration to the existing infrastructure, unbeknownst to the user. It possesses the potential to improve system security, aid compliance, preserve privacy and protect users.
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Cryptographic hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 are the most popular functions used for storing passwords. The main problem is that they were not designed to serve such purpose. Therefore, using them for storing passwords has generated a vulnerability. An attack using a rainbow table is possible. In order to counter this type of attack, a salt value has been introduced. However, attaching a salt value to a password is still found not to be enough. This research, therefore, proposes a method that helps generate and place a salt value into a password dynamically. After the implementation and mathematical analysis, the results show that if our method is applied, passwords will become more tolerant to the attack, which makes it more difficult to compromise.
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Using passwords for user authentication is still the most common method for many internet services and attacks on the password databases pose a severe threat. To reduce this risk, servers store password hashes, which were generated using special password-hashing functions, to slow down guessing attacks. The most frequently used functions of this type are PBKDF2, bcrypt and scrypt. In this paper, we present a novel, flexible, high-speed implementation of a bcrypt password search system on a low-power Xilinx Zynq 7020 FPGA. The design consists of 40 parallel bcrypt cores running at 100 MHz. Our implementation outperforms all currently available implementations and improves password attacks on the same platform by at least 42%, computing 6,511 passwords per second for a cost parameter of 5.
Conference Paper
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Bcrypt is a password hashing scheme based on the Blowfish block cipher. It was designed to be resistant to brute force attacks and to remain secure despite of hard-ware improvements [13]. Expensive key setup with user-defined cost setting makes this hash slow while rapid ran-dom 32-bit lookups using Blowfish's variable S-boxes require 4 KB of local memory per instance. This mem-ory access pattern makes bcrypt moderately unfriendly to parallel implementation on modern CPUs, where on one hand gather addressing is required in order to exploit the CPUs' SIMD capabilities, and on the other even when gather addressing is in fact available the L1 data cache size becomes the limiting factor. Despite of this (and due to it), it is possible to achieve much better perfor-mance per Watt with bcrypt implementations on homo-geneous and heterogeneous multiprocessing platforms: Parallella board with 16-or 64-core Epiphany accelera-tor and ZedBoard with Zynq reconfigurable logic [16, 2]. Proposed implementations were integrated into John the Ripper password cracker resulting in improved energy efficiency by a factor of 35+ compared to heavily opti-mized implementations on modern CPUs.
World Wide Web has become a popular medium to search information, business, trading and so on. Various organizations and companies are also employing the web in order to introduce their products or services around the world. E-commerce is any type of business or commercial transaction that involves the transfer of information across the internet. A huge amount of information is generated and stored in the web services. This document is intended for System endusers, System architects and System developers and Software Testers. This project focuses on providing security to user's data by using Salted Password Hashing Technique. Shopping Online can be so vulnerable, since the user information are saved as a plain text in their database. To overcome this scenario hashing is used. This project focuses on saving an encrypted user data to the database rather their saving as a plain text. To provide more security to user data Bcrypt algorithm is implemented. Bcrypt algorithm can encrypt the data up to 512bits which provides a longer encryption key and give hashed value of the user data. Hash functions are primarily used in hash tables, to quickly locate a data records.
Recently, Juels and Rivest proposed honeywords (decoy passwords) to detect attacks against hashed password databases. For each user account, the legitimate password is stored with several honeywords in order to sense impersonation. If honeywords are selected properly, a cyber-attacker who steals a file of hashed passwords cannot be sure if it is the real password or a honeyword for any account. Moreover, entering with a honeyword to login will trigger an alarm notifying the administrator about a password file breach. At the expense of increasing the storage requirement by 20 times, the authors introduce a simple and effective solution to the detection of password file disclosure events. In this study, we scrutinize the honeyword system and present some remarks to highlight possible weak points. Also, we suggest an alternative approach that selects the honeywords from existing user passwords in the system in order to provide realistic honeywords - a perfectly flat honeyword generation method - and also to reduce storage cost of the honeyword scheme.
Recently, there has been much discussion about new advancementsin processor technology that promise huge performancereturns for a small investment in cryptography .Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), cell processorsand graphics processor units (GPUs) are all the rage. Weinvestigate the implementation and performance of SHA-1using them, with the view of comparison their salient features.Our results showes that the implementation on FPGAcould achieve the smallest performance-to-price ratio.Butit cost lowest energy, had the smallest area and very stable.GUPs’ performance-to-price ratio is biggest.But its poweris very big around 400-600W and less stable. We can get almostof throughput of GPU using cell Processors and usedless power than GPU around 135W. But its price is higherthan GPUs.
Conference Paper
Passwords are the first line of defense for many computerized systems. The quality of these passwords decides the security strength of these systems. Many studies advocate using password entropy as an indicator for password quality where lower entropy suggests a weaker or less secure password. However, a closer examination of this literature shows that password entropy is very loosely defined. In this paper, we first discuss the calculation of password entropy and explain why it is an inadequate indicator of password quality. We then establish a password quality assessment scheme: password quality indicator (PQI). The PQI of a password is a pair λ = (D, L), where D is the Levenshtein's editing distance of the password in relation to a dictionary of words and common mnemonics, and L is the effective password length. Finally, we propose to use PQI to prescribe the characteristics of good quality passwords.
Conference Paper
In 1980 Martin Hellman described a cryptanalytic time-memory trade-off which reduces the time of cryptanalysis by using precalculated data stored in memory. This technique was improved by Rivest before 1982 with the introduction of distinguished points which drastically reduces the number of memory lookups during cryptanalysis. This improved technique has been studied extensively but no new optimisations have been published ever since. We propose a new way of precalculating the data which reduces by two the number of calculations needed during cryptanalysis. Moreover, since the method does not make use of distinguished points, it reduces the overhead due to the variable chain length, which again significantly reduces the number of calculations. As an example we have implemented an attack on MS-Windows password hashes. Using 1.4GB of data (two CD-ROMs) we can crack 99.9% of all alphanumerical passwords hashes (2 37 ) in 13.6 seconds whereas it takes 101 seconds with the current approach using distinguished points. We show that the gain could be even much higher depending on the param-eters used.