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ISSN: 1412-033X
Volume 20, Number 8, August 2019 E-ISSN: 2085-4722
Pages: 2340-2347 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d200832
Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp. in Yogyakarta, Indonesia based on
morphological and anatomical characters
1Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Tel.: +62-274-580839,
Fax.: +62-274-6492355, ♥ email:
2Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
4Laboratory of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sleman 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Tel.: +62-274-580839, Fax.: +62-274-6492355, ♥♥ email:
Manuscript received: 2 April 2019. Revision accepted: 26 July 2019.
Abstract. Sungkawati M, Hidayati L, Daryono BS, Purnomo. 2019. Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp. in Yogyakarta, Indonesia based
on morphological and anatomical characters. Biodiversitas 20: 2340-2347. Curcuma spp., also known as ginger (Zingiberaceae), has
economic value in traditional medicine. However, its many morphological variations cause difficulties in identification and
classification. Therefore, observation of its morphological and anatomical characteristics, and of the phenetic relationships between
Curcuma species, is important. This research aims to determine the specific characteristics of Curcuma spp. and to examine its phenetic
relationships based on morphological and anatomical characteristics. The research was conducted in July 2018-February 2019 in the
Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman and Karanganyar regions. Observation of the anatomical characteristics was conducted on the leaves and
rhizomes and the data analyzed according to descriptive and quantitative/numerical methods. Clustering analysis with the Gower
General Similarity Coefficient and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to determine the role of each character in
groupings. The results of the research found seven species from 23 OTUs observed (C. aeruginosa, C. domestica, C. manga and C.
xanthorrhiza, each with four OTUs; C. soloensis and C. zedoaria, with three OTUs each; and C. heyneana with one OTU) and showed
that specific morphological characteristics were found in the flesh color rhizome, pseudostem color and midrib color. Specific
anatomical characteristics were evident in the secretion cell color and the presence of trichomes on the leaves and rhizomes. The
dendrogram shows a 0.70 phenon line consisting of two groups, group A (C. soloensis and C. domestica) fused in a 0.760 similarity
index, and group B (C. aeruginosa, C. mangga, C. heyneana, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza and C. zedoaria) fused in a 0.654 similarity
index, which means that C. soloensis and C. domestica have a close phenetic relationship. The 0.80 phenon line consisted of five
groups: C. domestica, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza, C. zedoaria-C. mangga-C. heyneana and C. aeruginosa.
Keywords: Curcuma spp., morphology, anatomy, phenetic analysis
Curcuma spp., commonly known as ginger
(Zingiberaceae), has high value economic. The genus is
distributed in Southeast Asia and China, Australia and the
South Pacific. The highest diversity of Curcuma L. is in
India and Thailand, each with around 40 species, followed
by Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Indonesia (Leong-Skornickova
et al. 2008). Rhizomes of some species of the genus are
utilized for food and medicinal purposes, and are widely
cultivated as trade commodities. In Kerala, Indian dried
turmeric powder, rice powder, and several other plant-
derived powders are used as coloring materials in making
and decorating. Curcuma species such as C. longa, C.
aromatica, C. caesia, C. zedoaria (India, China, Thailand,
Vietnam, etc.), C. kwangsiensis, C. wenyujin, C. phaeocaulis
(China) and C. comosa (Thailand) have been used in a
variety of human and veterinary medicines. For example,
turmeric paste is smeared topically on the head for vertigo,
body sprains, swellings, cuts, wounds, injuries, skin
infections, poisonous insect/snake/scorpion bites, pimples,
and foul ulcers, and is also used to treat common colds,
bronchitis and internal fevers (oral), flatulence, indigestion
and diarrhoea (oral), biliary and hepatic disorders, anorexia
and diabetic wounds (external or internal) in the Indian
countryside (Sasikumar 2005). However, the correct
identity of many species is often ambiguous, as different
types are traded with same name (Roemantyo 2000).
Backer and Bakhuizen van den Brink (1968) classified
the Curcuma genus into three groups: C. aurantiaca van
Zijp, C. zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe and C. viridiflora Roxb.
In an earlier period, C. zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe was known
to have infraspecific taxa, namely C. phaeocaulis Val., C.
xanthorrhiza Roxb., C. aeruginosa Roxb., C. heyneana
Val. and v. Zijp, C. mangga Val. and C. sylvatica Val., while
Curcuma viridiflora Roxb. had infraspecific taxa of C.
domestica Val., C. purpurascens Bl., C. colorata Val. C.
euchroma Val., C. brog Val., C. soloensis Val., and C. ochrorhiza
Val. Later, on these were declared as separate species.
Curcuma spp. has similarities and differences in its
characteristics, which can describe the relationship between
each individual or species. Morphological characteristics
which can be used for identification are often not fully
available, and hence supporting data are required to
strengthen the classification. Specific morphological and
anatomical characteristics have been considered to be
SUNGKAWATI et al. – Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp.
important data for ascertaining the phenetic relationships
between species in a genus. The many morphological
variations of Curcuma spp. pose difficulties in its
identification and classification of. This research aims to
determine the specific characteristics of Curcuma spp. and
to examine the phenetic relationships amongst it based on
its morphological and anatomical characteristics.
The research was conducted during July 2018-February
2019 in Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman regions of
Yogyakarta, and Karanganyar region of Central Java,
Indonesia. Observation of the anatomical characteristics
was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Structure and
Development, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta. The study began by sampling the forms
of rhizomes, pseudostems, and leaves in the field,
documenting the field data by recording the location,
habitat and morphological properties of the plants that
could not be taken away or represented by samples,
together with photographic documentation of the plants.
Samples were collected and all accessions of Curcuma
plants found were identified using Backer and Bakhuizen
v.d. Brink’s (1968) guide Flora of Java. Observation of
morphological and scoring characteristics The samples
were taken then observed for morphological characteristics,
which were then scored following Sasikumar's (2005)
descriptors in the modified Plant Genetic Resources. A list
of the morphological characteristics observed is shown in
Table 1. Anatomical preparations for Curcuma spp. used
the rhizomes and leaves, together with the free method
hand section. Data analysis was performed using
descriptive and quantitative/numerical taxonomy.
Clustering analysis with the Gower General Similarity
Coefficient and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was
conducted using the Multi-Variate Statistical Package
(MVSP), version 3.22.
Morphological characterization of Curcuma spp.
Morphological characterization of the seven Curcuma
species was conducted based on rhizome and leaf
characteristics, the species being Curcuma aeruginosa
Roxb., Curcuma domestica Val., Curcuma heyneana Val.
& v. Zijp, Curcuma mangga Val., Curcuma soloensis Val.,
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., and Curcuma zedoaria
(Berg.) Roscoe, with varying morphological characteristics.
The habit of Curcuma spp. is herbaceous, with the
formation of rhizomes on the roots. Curcuma consists of a
pseudostem derived from the leaf midribs and has wide
leaves (Tjirosoepomo 1994). Its underground morphology
consists of rhizomes and fibrous roots, with some species
having a stipitate tuber. Primary rhizomes are ovoid and
round in shape, while generally, the secondary rhizomes
are elongated, with multiple branching, as in C. mangga, C.
heyneana and C. domestica (Sukarya and Daniek 2013).
Each species has a different color rhizome flesh, which is
one of the characteristics that can distinguish them. Based
on Figure 1, C. aeruginosa has two different color patterns
in the cortex and stele. In the cortex, the color pattern is
light yellowish-green, and light greenish-blue in the stele.
In C. domestica, the color is almost similar, but the stele is
darker. C. heyneana and C. mangga have similar colors,
namely a brilliant yellow cortex and vivid yellow stele.
Table 1. Scoring and coding of morphological characteristics
based on the descriptors of Curcuma spp. in Sasikumar (2005)
Scoring and coding
1= small (height < 0.5m), 2= medium (height
0.5-1m), 3= high (height > 1 m)
Leaf shape
1= eliptical, 2= lanceolate, 3= oblong-
lanceolate, 4= ovate
Leaf apex
1= acuminate, 2= acute
Leaf margin
1= low wavy, 2= medium wavy
Midrib color
1= green, 2= brownish red, 3= brownish purple
Leaf base
1= rounded, 2=acute, 3= cuneate
Leaf upper
1= glabrous, 2= hairy
Leaf lower
1= glabrous, 2= hairy
Color of blade
1= green, 2= dark green
Number of
1= 2-4, 2= 5-7, 3= 8-10
Leaf vein
1= pinnate, 2= arcuate
Color of
rhizome flesh
1= brilliant yellow (Rhs20159C) 2= vivid
yellow A (Rhs201512A), 3= light yellow green
(Rhs20155D), 4= strong orange B
(Rhs2015N25B), 5= strong orange yellow
(Rhs201517A), 6= vivid orange yellow
(Rhs201523A), 7= pale greenish yellow
Color of
rhizome flesh
1= strong orange A, 2= light greenish blue, 3=
vivid yellow C, 4= strong orange yellow, 5=
strong orange C, 6= vivid yellow A, 7= light
yellow green
1= absent, 2= present
1= strong, 2= low
Rhizome skin
1= brown, 2= brownish orange
Rhizome node
1= clear, 2= not clear
Petiola texture
1= glabrous, 2= hairy
1= green, 2= brownish red
Leaf length
1= 15-40 cm, 2= 41-66 cm, 3= 67-92 cm
Leaf width
1= 5-13 cm, 2= 14-22 cm, 3= 23-31 cm
Table 2. Scoring and coding of anatomical characteristics
Scoring and coding
Vascular bundle type
1 = close collateral, 2 = open collateral
Stomata type
1 = paracytic, 2 = tetracytic
Trichome in leaves
1 = absent, 2 = present
Trichome type
1 = glandular, 2 = non-glandular
Secretion cell shape
1 = round, 2 = Oval, 3 = Polihedral
Cell secretion color
1 = brownish yellow, 2 = yellow, 3 =
pale yellow
Trichome in rhizome
1 = absent, 2 = present
Trichome type
1 = glandular, 2 = non-glandular
1 = visible, 2 = not visible
20 (8): 2340-2347, August 2019
Figure 1. Rhizome flesh of Curcuma spp.: A. C. aeruginosa Rhs20155D; B. C. domestica Rhs2015N25B; C. C. heyneana Rhs20159C;
D. C. mangga Rhs20159C; E. C. soloensis Rhs201517A; F. C. xanthorrhiza Rhs201523A; G. C. zedoaria. Note: cr (cortex), en
(endodermis), st (stele)
Figure 2. Pseudostem color of Curcuma spp.: A. C. aeruginosa, brownish-red; B. C. domestica, green; C. C. heyneana, green; D. C.
mangga, green; E. C. soloensis, green; F. C. xanthorrhiza, green; G. C. zedoaria, green. Note: ps (pseudostem)
SUNGKAWATI et al. – Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp.
The pseudostems of C. domestica, C. heyneana, C.
mangga, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza, and C. zedoaria
are green, while that of C. aeruginosa was brownish-red
and green (Figure 2). This color is caused by anthocyanin,
which is a natural dye in plants. The presence of
anthocyanin is influenced by several factors, especially
light intensity, air temperature and soil pH (Pebrianti et al.
The leaves of all the studied Curcuma spp. had a
glabrous texture on the upper and lower surfaces, pinnate
veins, acuminate or acute leaf apex, and elliptic leaf shape,
with some species having oblong-lanceolate, ovate and
lanceolate leaves. C. aeruginosa had a lanceolate and
elliptical shape, with a length of ± 15-66 cm and a width of
± 5-22 cm, 2-7 leaves, acuminate apex, low wavy margin,
cuneate leaf base, the surface color of the upper green and
dark green, leaves spreads over the color of the midrib. The
color of the midrib is a specific characteristic of C.
aeruginosa which can distinguish it from other species.
According to Singh (2012), C. aeruginosa has a leaf
texture on both sides and a dark maroon color on the upper
midrib. C. domestica has ovate-and oblong-lanceolate-
shaped leaves, with a length of ± 15-40 cm and width of ±
5-13 cm, 2-7 leaves, acute and acuminate leaf apexes,
amedium wavy margin, rounded base, and green surface.
C. heyneana has an elliptical leaf shape with a length of ±
15-40 cm and width ± 5-13 cm, 2-4 leaves, an acuminate
leaf apex, low wavy margin, and acute leaf base. C.
mangga has an elliptical leaf shape with a length of ± 15-
40 cm and a width of ± 5-22 cm, 2-10 leaves, acuminate
leaf apex, low wavy leaf margin, and cuneate leaf base. C.
soloensis has an elliptical leaf shape with a length of ± 15-
40 cm and a width of ± 5-13 cm, 2-10 leaves, acuminate
leaf apex, medium wavy leaf margin, and acute and
cuneate leaf base. C. xanthorrhiza has an elliptical leaf
shape with a length of ± 15-40 cm and a width of ± 5-13
cm, 2-10 leaflets, acuminate leaf apex, low wavy leaf
margin, acute and cuneate leaf base, green surface color,
and green or dark green leaves with a brownish-red color
in the midrib. This midrib color is a differentiator from
other species. C. zedoaria has an oblong-lanceolate form
with a length of ± 15-66 cm and a width of ± 5-13 cm, 2-4
leaves, acuminate leaf apex, low wavy leaf margin, and
cuneate leaf base. This morphological variation may have
occurred due to environmental and genetic factors. The
sample obtained from different places with different
environmental conditions may also have affected the
plants morphological characteristics (Syahid and Heryanto
Anatomical characteristics of Curcuma spp.
With regard to the rhizome anatomical characteristics, it
had transverse rhizomes consisting of epidermis, cortex,
and stele. The endodermis clearly comprised more than one
layer. Vascular bundle was spread in the cortex and stele,
being a closed collateral type (Trimanto et al. 2018). Each
species had secretion cells; C. aeruginosa, C. heyneana, C.
mangga, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza and C. zedoaria had
round cells, while in C. domestica these cells were
Figure 3. Leaf morphology of Curcuma spp.: A. C. aeruginosa, B. C. domestica, C. C. heyneana, D. C. mangga, E. C. soloensis, F. C.
xanthorrhiza, G. C. zedoaria. Note: md (midrib)
20 (8): 2340-2347, August 2019
Generally, the color of the secretion cells was yellow,
but in some species, it was brownish yellow and pale
yellow: pale yellow in C. zedoaria and C. aeruginosa;
brownish-yellow in C. aeruginosa and C. soloensis; and
yellow in the remaining species studied. Trichomes were
found in the rhizomes of C. heyneana, C. domestica, C.
mangga, C. aeruginosa, C. zedoaria, and C. soloensis,
while they were absent in C. xanthorrhiza (Figure 4).
The leaf anatomy was composed of three types of
tissue: the epidermis, mesophyll and vascular tissue
(Soediarto et al. 1991). The Curcuma epidermis consisted
of one cell layer; in C. domestica accession Sleman and
Gunungkidul, and in C. xanthorrhiza Bantul and Sleman
accessions were found to be non-glandular unicellular
trichomes in the adaxial epidermis, whereas trichomes were
not found in other species. The use of trichomes in
taxonomy is well known; some families can be easily
identified by the type and shape of these, while in other
cases trichomes are important for the classification of
genera and species (Soediarto et al. 1991). The mesophyll
observed was composed of parenchyma-parenchyma and a
transport beam. Undifferentiated mesophyll becomes a
palisade and spongy tissue. Bundle vascular is closed
collateral, with an air duct between the vascular bundles
on the abaxial side. Paradermal incision of the adaxial
epidermis showed paracytic stomata in all the species
observed. Tetracytic and paracytic stomata are mostly
found in Zingiberaceae, Commelinaceae, Cyperaceae, and
other families (Scotland and Pennington 2000).
Figure 4. Rhizome anatomy of Curcuma spp.: A. C. aeruginosa; B. C. domestica; C. C. heyneana; D. C. mangga; E. C. soloensis; F. C.
xanthorrhiza; G. C. zedoaria. Note: ep (epidermis), cr (cortex), en (endodermis), st (stele), sc (secretion cell), tr (trichome)
SUNGKAWATI et al. – Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp.
Figure 5. Paracytic stomata type of Curcuma spp.: A. C. aeruginosa; B. C. domestica; C. C. heyneana; D. C. mangga; E. C. soloensis;
F. C. xanthorrhizha; G. C. zedoaria
Figure 6. Dendrogram of Curcuma spp. based on morphological and anatomical characteristics, with UPGMA, and the Gower General
Similarity Coefficient formula
Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp. based on
morphological and anatomical character
Based on the dendrogram (Figure 6), it can be seen that
the 23 OTUs have several similar morphological and
anatomical characteristics, fused in a similarity index value
of 0.654. The similarities in anatomical characteristics
include the glabrous upper and lower leaf surface texture,
the glabrous petiole texture, pinnate veins, visible
endodermis, tetracytic stomata type, and close collateral
bundle vascular. The dendrogram is divided into two large
clusters, A and B. Cluster A consists of seven OTUs and B
16 OTUs. Cluster A comprises C. soloensis and C.
domestica, while cluster B consists of C. xanthorrhiza, C.
zedoaria, C. mangga, C. heyneana, and C. aeruginosa.
Cluster A is fused in a 0.760 similarity index value, and
cluster B in a 0.756 similarity index value. The two clusters
are grouped based on leaf margin, rhizome nodes, leaf
trichome type, and rhizome trichome type.
Cluster A has two small clusters, a1 and a2. Cluster a1
consists of three OTUs (C. soloensis of Bantul,
Gunungkidul and Karanganyar regions) fused in a 0.881
similarity index value. The a2 cluster consists of four
20 (8): 2340-2347, August 2019
OTUs (Curcuma domestica from the Bantul, Gunungkidul,
Sleman and Karanganyar regions) fused in a 0.853
similarity index. Cluster B has two small clusters, b1 and
b2. Cluster b1 consists of four OTUs, C. xanthorrhiza
(from the Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman and Karanganyar
regions), while the b2 cluster consists of C. zedoaria
Karanganyar, C. mangga and C. aeruginosa (from the
Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman, Karanganyar regions), and
C. heyneana from the Bantul region. Purnomo et al. (2012)
also classified Dioscorea alata based on morphological
characteristics, and its anatomical character in gembili
(Purnomo et al. 2013) in infraspecific classification of
gembili (Dioscorea esculenta) based on morphology
(Purnomo et al. 2017). Purnomo et al. (2018) classified
forest potatoes in Yogyakarta based on their morphology
and anatomy.
Based on the dendrogram, the 0.70 phenon line consists
of two groups: the A group (C. soloensis and C. domestica)
fused in a 0.760 similarity index, and the B group (C.
aeruginosa, C. mangga, C. heyneana, C. soloensis, C.
xanthorrhiza, and C. zedoaria) fused in a 0.654 similarity
index, which means that C. soloensis and C. domestica
have a close phenetic relationship. Fairuzi (2016) analyzed
the phenetic relationships of Curcuma spp. based on
morphological and secondary metabolites characteristics;
the results of the study showed that C. heyneana, C.
mangga, C. aeruginosa, and C. xanthorrhiza were in the
same group, and C. domestica a different group. The 0.80
phenon line consists of five groups: C. domestica, C.
soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza, C. zedoaria-C. mangga-C.
heyneana and C. aeruginosa. Generally, the dendrograms
show a phenon line that reflects the distance of the phenetic
relationship between the study objects. This determines that
the threshold value for species is a 85% phenon line, for
genus a 65% phenon line, and for family a 45% phenon
line (Singh 1999). If some individuals species have a
similarity index value of 70% or more, this shows that they
could be considered as a group at the 1% significance level
(Goodall 1966).
The results of the Principle Component Analysis
(Figure 7) suggest that characteristics such as the color of
the inner and outer rhizomes, leaf shape, rhizome node,
presence of trichomes in leaves and rhizomes, and the color
and shape of cell secretions greatly influence grouping in
each species.
In conclusion, based on the research, it can be
concluded that specific morphological characteristics relate
to rhizome flesh color, pseudostem color and midrib color,
and specific anatomical characteristics to secretion cell
color and the presence of trichomes in leaves and rhizomes.
The dendrogram shows a 0.70 phenon line consisting of
two groups, the A group (C. soloensis and C. domestica)
fused in a 0.760 similarity index, and B group (C.
aeruginosa, C. mangga, C. heyneana, C. soloensis, C.
xanthorrhiza, and C. zedoaria) with similarity index of
0.645, meaning that C. soloensis and C. domestica have a
close phenetic relationship. The 0.80 phenon line consists
of five groups: C. domestica, C. soloensis, C. xanthorrhiza,
C. zedoaria-C. mangga-C. heyneana and C. aeruginosa.
Figure 7. PCA of morphological and anatomical characteristics of Curcuma spp.
SUNGKAWATI et al. – Phenetic analysis of Curcuma spp.
This research was supported by the Laboratory of Plant
Systematics, and the Laboratory of Plant Structure and
Development, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah
Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Special thanks to
PUPT UGM for funding the research through Hibah Biovir
PUPT UGM year 2018, No.: 1984/UNI/DIT-LIT/LT/2018.
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