
Exploring film marketing in the new age digital era. Four cases of marketing European art house film productions.

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New age media platforms have for long been embraced in film marketing activities as new means to reach an audience, build product awareness and create audience anticipation. However, current research on transmedia film marketing concerns mainly Hollywood film products destined to a wide audience and orchestrated by colossal marketing firms. In this article, all four new age media marketing activities represent low budget European films that attempt to exploit the new opportunities offered in the new digital environment. Our analysis reveals how in the case of independent film marketing the use of transmedia activities builds new narratives that adds to the story and communicate the key values of the film. However, in order to establish a deeper interactive relationship between film directors, producers and their niche audiences, a clear understanding of the targeted audience’s online behavioural pattern should be considered in the marketing actions design and implementation.

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... Στην περίπτωση του Νέου Κύματος από τα προαναφερθέντα εργαλεία αξιοποιήθηκαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό τα τρέιλερ στο you tube και οι διαδικτυακές επικοινωνιακές πλατφόρμες. Μάλιστα, τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης αξιοποιήθηκαν με διάφορους τρόπους, όπως, διάδραση με το κοινό, διαγωνισμοί και διάθεση πληροφοριών για την ταινία και την πορεία της σε φεστιβάλ (όπως παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά στην ενότητα 5.2) προκειμένου να προωθήσουν τις εκάστοτε ταινίες και να διευρύνουν το κοινό τους (Sifaki & Papadopoulou, 2020). ...
... 19). Τα οφέλη για την προώθηση της ταινίας είναι πολλαπλά, με κυριότερο εξ αυτών τον ενεργό ρόλο του χρήστη στην προώθησή της, διαδίδοντας τις πληροφορίες στο διαδικτυακό του περιβάλλον ή επικοινωνώντας τες σε άλλες διαδικτυακές πλατφόρμες, επεκτείνοντας και ενισχύοντας την προωθητική εκστρατεία (Sifaki & Papadopoulou, 2020). Επίσης, παρέχεται η δυνατότητα προσέγγισης διαφορετικών κοινών μέσα από διαφορετικές επικοινωνιακές πλατφόρμες και υπηρεσίες (Yang & Zisiadis, 2014, σελ. ...
... Μέσα από την έρευνα, ωστόσο, εντοπίστηκαν ορισμένες προωθητικές δράσεις στις οποίες οι χρήστες συμμετείχαν σε επικοινωνιακά παιγνίδια, όπως διαγωνισμούς με κάποια ανταμοιβή (Chevalier), κουίζ (Ο Αστακός) και διάδραση με τον πρωταγωνιστικό χαρακτήρα της ταινίας (Η αιώνια επιστροφή του Αντώνη Παρασκευά). Στόχος ήταν αφενός η μεγιστοποίηση του όγκου και της ταχύτητας διάδοσης πληροφοριών για την ταινία, αφετέρου η αύξηση της επιρροής της γενικότερης επικοινωνιακής τους εκστρατείας μέσα από τη δημιουργία θετικού λόγου (positive word of mouth) πριν αλλά και μετά την πρεμιέρα της ταινίας (Sifaki & Papadopoulou, 2020). Διαγωνισμός Instagram: Chevalier. ...
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This book is about the birth of a new, dynamic and innovative cultural phenomenon - associated with a generation of talented Greek filmmakers and independent film producers - and the conditions that fostered its emergence in 2009. The New Wave or “Greek Weird Wave” (as it was originally named by the Press), despite emanating from a period of domestic economic and social hardship, managed, not only to attract attention beyond Greece and become critically acclaimed at international festivals, but also to catch the eye of the media, researchers and cultural managers globally. Is it, indeed, a New Wave in contemporary Greek cinema? Which factors contributed to/or favored its emergence? How did the critical and scientific discourse affect the cultural evaluation and the legitimization of this new wave in the art world? In what way did certain marketing practices and strategies contribute to its development and promotion? To this end, a collection of Greek and foreign journalistic and scientific texts, as well as, a study of marketing media practices for selected films published between January 2009 and September 2016, has been collated and examined. The analysis is based on a combination of qualitative research methods; such as, discourse analysis, content analysis, visual analysis and semiotics. Previous research in the field of the sociology of culture and film studies has proved that the legitimization of cultural products and movements occurs, within a complex framework of intermediary factors, between the cultural creators and the audience. This book takes it a step further, to prove, through a thorough and extensive study, that the contribution of critical and scientific discourse, when combined with well-orchestrated marketing practices, can have an enormous impact in the cultural evaluation, legitimization and promotion of a cultural product in the cinema world.
... Research on independent films has explored various areas, particularly in terms of marketing strategies and audience targeting. In 2022, Sifaki and Papadopoulou examined independent films' marketing strategies in the digital age, focusing on how digital platforms improve film visibility [3]. Briggs applied the theory of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) to analyze how independent films can expand their market reach by integrating traditional and social media advertising [4]. ...
... A24 created a highly interactive community atmosphere on social media using tools such as hashtags, making the film's promotion feel more like a cultural discussion than a traditional ad campaign. This approach aligns with IMC theory, which emphasizes delivering consistent messages across multiple channels to create a seamless brand experience [3]. Real-time interaction and audience feedback allowed A24 to adjust its messaging promptly, ensuring the marketing content remained relevant and engaging throughout the campaign. ...
This research examines the strategies utilized by A24 to effectively merge conventional advertising with social media to promote the independent film Moonlight, attaining both economic and artistic success. In the modern digital media landscape, marked by swift changes, independent films often face challenges in achieving prominence in the mainstream market. This is mostly attributable to constrained resources and specific target demographics. This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of A24’s marketing strategy, emphasizing the company’s innovative integration of traditional media, such as cinema trailers and television advertisements, alongside social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, aimed at expanding audience reach. This study, which combined current literature and a case study analysis, determined that A24 successfully combined the extensive influence of conventional media with the individualized, interactive characteristics of social media. This strategy markedly improved audience engagement, fostered cultural relevance, and optimized market visibility. The study indicates that the amalgamation of conventional and digital marketing tactics might effectively assist independent films in surmounting resource constraints, offering a significant framework for future independent film marketing strategies and industry practices.
... The purpose of this study is to look into the variables that affect a movie's box office performance in 2023. We gather information about films from a variety of secondary data sources using a linear regression ana lysis technique [7], a company with headquarters in the West that manages production, content creation, and international distribution for the film and television industries The relationship between a number of variables, including distributors, theater count, and movie ratings, will be investigated in this study [8], utilizing gross total income. As a result, our research advances knowledge of the dynamics of the film industry as a whole in addition to offering insight into the elements that affect film performance. ...
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The film industry plays a crucial role in the global economy and popular culture, realizing creative outcomes through complex processes involving production to marketing. This research analyzes the factors influencing the success of the top 200 films at the Box Office in 2023 using linear regression. Independent variables such as film ratings, number of theaters, and distributors are examined in relation to total gross revenue. The dataset processed for this research consists of 200 data points specifically for the year 2023, sourced from Kaggle and processed with Python in Google Colab. The analysis revealed that films with a rating of 7.0 and above averaged a total gross revenue of approximately 100million,whilethoseratedbelow7.0averagedaround100 million, while those rated below 7.0 averaged around 50 million, indicating a negative correlation between film ratings and gross revenue. Additionally, films shown in an average of 2,000 theaters grossed approximately 150million,demonstratingapositivecorrelationbetweenthenumberoftheatersandgrossincome.Theanalysisalsoindicatedthatfilmsdistributedbymajorcompaniestendtohavehighergrosses,withthetopdistributorsachievinganaveragegrossof150 million, demonstrating a positive correlation between the number of theaters and gross income. The analysis also indicated that films distributed by major companies tend to have higher grosses, with the top distributors achieving an average gross of 120 million compared to $70 million for smaller distributors. Nonetheless, this analysis highlights the complexity of other factors influencing a film's success. Further research is needed for a better understanding. The relevance of these findings for the film industry lies in supporting strategic decision-making and the development of more sophisticated analytical methodologies.
... Interacting with fans on social media has given birth to new media marketing methods, namely" cross-media" and viral marketing. They emphasize that the audience plays a more or less positive role in the marketing process, and a more interactive relationship between filmmakers and audience users can be established by using social media [4]. Viral stealth marketing strategy aims to stimulate consumers' communication about brands or products, and consumer communication is the leading force in spreading the information created by advertisers [5]. ...
Combining new media and film marketing means has become an indispensable part of today’s film industry. This study focuses on the influence of the popularity of new media on film marketing. With the popularity of the internet and the rise of new media, film marketing is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. New media platforms, such as social media and video-sharing websites, provide a wide range of communication channels for movies, making movie trailers, posters, and promotional activities spread to the audience quickly. Targeted advertising and precision marketing enable filmmakers to target audiences and improve marketing efficiency and return rate accurately. However, new media marketing is also information overload: fierce competition and user privacy. Combining the definition of new media and specific cases, this paper discusses the optimization function of new media on film marketing strategy. By exploring the relationship between new media and film marketing, this paper analyzes the characteristics of new media and its role in specific film marketing success cases and draws the reasons and strategies for using new media in film marketing to achieve good results at present.
... πρόσβαση σε εξοπλισμό). Με τους περιορισμένους προϋπολογισμούς συνδέεται μεταξύ άλλων και η διόλου στοχευμένη προσπάθεια από τις εμπλεκόμενες εταιρείες παραγωγής να αξιοποιήσουν τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης σχεδιάζοντας μια στρατηγική προώθησης και αξιοποιώντας παραδοσιακά και σύγχρονα εργαλεία marketing, όπως η έρευνα κοινού, ώστε να προσδιοριστεί με σαφήνεια το κοινό-στόχος (Sifaki and Papadopoulou 2020). ...
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Κατά την προηγούμενη δεκαετία, μεσούσης της πρόσφατης οικονομικής κρίσης, ο ελληνικός κινηματογράφος παρουσίασε ιδιαίτερη δυναμική και ορμή με την εμφάνιση μιας σειράς art- house ταινιών που καινοτομούν ως προς την αφήγηση, τη θεματική, τη γλώσσα και τους τρόπους σκηνοθεσίας και παραγωγής, γνωρίζουν διεθνείς διακρίσεις σε κινηματογραφικά φεστιβάλ και πυροδοτούν ποικίλα σχόλια σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Μέσα από μια ανάλυση περιεχομένου δημοσιογραφικών κειμένων που δημοσιεύτηκαν την περίοδο 2009 – 2016 σε ελληνικά και ξένα ΜΜΕ το κείμενο αυτό επιχειρεί να ανιχνεύσει τις απόψεις Ελλήνων και ξένων κριτικών και δημοσιογράφων αναφορικά με τη σχέση του Νέου Κύματος και της οικονομικής συγκυρίας και κρίσης. Η πολιτισμική θεωρία παρέχει το ερμηνευτικό πλαίσιο ως προς τις επιμέρους διαδικασίες ανάδυσης και τις μετασχηματιστικές δυνάμεις του ευρύτερου κοινωνικού και οικονομικού περιβάλλοντος. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, η σχέση αυτή αναγνωρίζεται άλλοτε ως αιτιώδης, άλλοτε ως ερμηνευτική, άλλοτε ως συγκυριακή, ενώ κατά ορισμένους κριτικούς κινηματογράφου εντοπίζει παραδοξότητες. Σύμφωνα με τα κείμενα του Τύπου, οι σκηνοθέτες σε πολλές περιπτώσεις εμπνεύστηκαν από την κρίση ή ανέδειξαν πτυχές και επιδράσεις της στην κοινωνική ζωή της χώρας, σε άλλες περιπτώσεις επιχείρησαν να εξηγήσουν τα αίτια της εμφάνισής της και σε άλλες περιπτώσεις «εκμεταλλεύτηκαν» τη δυναμική της στο δημόσιο λόγο και το διεθνές ενδιαφέρον για την Ελλάδα
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In this study we investigate and expand agenda setting theory in the context of the market for art-house films. First, we test first and second-level agenda setting hypotheses, according to which higher media visibility and favorable media valence of a particular film are expected to have positive effects on public salience. Second, we expand agenda setting theory by adding critical valence as an important influence of public salience within cultural contexts. Our findings suggest that while higher media visibility, favorable media valence, and critical valence have positive effects on public salience, they are also independent of one another in carrying salience over to the public.
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The question of whether art film lovers have different movie consumption patterns than commercial film audiences is examined in this study. Art film audiences are found to warrant marketing attention because they are more committed to movie attendance, have a more favorable attitude towards movies in general, and are more tolerant towards movie theater conditions than commercial film audiences.
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Digital media have distorted the relations between all actors in the tradtional media and advertising market. The personal and interactive nature of new media such as the internet, interactive digital TV and mobile devices seem to be attractive for both consumers as well as advertisers. Despite their present limited succes, these new media are becoming a serious threat to the advertising revenues of the traditional mass media. Although television remains the main advertising medium worldwide, its market share is declining significantly. The efficiency of its most popular advertising format, the 30 second spot, is fading due to a large amount of on screen clutter. Personalized advertising and branded content are two popular strategies to break through the clutter. Interactive digital television offers broadcasters opportunities to reconnect with their audience and attract new advertisers. Unfortunately, for several reasons advertisers are rather conservative and reluctant to invest.
In the digital era, marketers increasingly use storytelling techniques to narratively transport and persuade their customers. This paper pursues three primary objectives: (1) to integrate three digitally relevant moderators of the narrative transportation effect into the marketing literature, (2) to empirically assess the integrated model with a quantitative meta-analysis of extant research, and (3) to provide directions for marketing managers to enhance the narrative transportation effect in an evolving technological environment. The paper contributes to the field by means of a meta-analysis of 64 articles featuring 138 narrative transportation effect sizes. The research shows that the narrative transportation effect is stronger when the story falls in a commercial (vs. non-commercial) domain, is user (vs. professional) generated, and is received by one story-receiver at a time. The study concludes with implications for research and practice and directions for future research.
Opinions published online about a given experience are known to influence consumers’ decisions. However, such opinions reflect different degrees of engagement which may affect the decisions in different forms. The aim of this study is to analyze the dimensions of online customer engagement and associated concepts (involvement, emotional states, experience and brand advocacy) in customers’ online reviews through text-mining and sentiment analysis trends. The current study focuses on comments and includes a random sample of 15,000 unique reviews of restaurants, hotels and nightlife entertainment in eleven cities in the USA. A customer engagement dictionary is created, based on previously validated scales and extended using WordNet 2.1. The research findings reveal a high impact of the engagement cognitive processing dimension and hedonic experience on customers’ review endeavor. Results further indicate that customers seem to be more engaged in positively advocating a company/brand than the contrary. Companies that listen to such feedback may be more able to align with consumers’ expectations and, therefore, have a better competitive advantage in the market.
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of social media communication in luxury brand advertising from a narrative persuasion perspective. Specific purposes are to examine how characteristics of a message giver (i.e. comprehension fluency, imagery fluency) and message receiver (i.e. transportability, need for affect) influence the narrative persuasion process which further affects consumers’ subsequent responses (i.e. positive affect, brand social networking services [SNS] attitudes and intentions) within the luxury hotel industry. Design/methodology/approach An online survey was performed via Amazon MTurk. A total of 193 usable responses from SNS users were obtained. The structural equation modeling approach was used to test the proposed model. Findings Results show that comprehension fluency and imagery fluency as message-giver factors and transportability as a message-receiver factor positively affect narrative transportation. In addition, narrative transportation leads to positive affect, brand SNS attitudes and visit intentions, while positive affect also influences brand SNS attitudes and visit intentions. Furthermore, additional analyses indicate that narrative transportation mediates the effects of comprehension fluency on affect and brand SNS as well as the effects of transportability on positive affect, brand SNS attitude and visit intention. Originality/value Characteristics of a message giver and message receiver altogether are not well understood in the current literature. Empirical evidence in this study contributes to the social media marketing and brand advertising research fields.
Although the engagement with social media in the production of Hollywood films has been described in the literature, understanding whether social media has been adopted in the giant screen industry is unexamined. Giant screen film producers have an existing participatory relationship during film production with their “consumers”, which includes both the institutions that screen their films and the audiences who watch their films. Given that the advent of social media has created the opportunity for new ways for filmmakers to interact with consumers during film production, this research examined the role of social media in the production of these immersive films in light of the existing giant screen collaborative environment.
Purpose The purpose of this conceptual paper is to review a typology of branding that identifies four perspectives on branding: corporate perspectives, consumer perspectives, cultural perspectives and critical perspectives. This typology helps organise and synthesise the growing interdisciplinary literature on brands and branding, and sheds light on the various ways corporate brands work. Design/methodology/approach A brief synthetic review of branding is offered, along with contemporary examples of emerging aspects of the four branding perspectives. Findings The four perspectives demonstrate the growing interdisciplinary interest in brands. They also signal a move away from a focus on the brand-consumer dyad, toward broader social cultural, and theoretical concerns. Studies that extend brand research into cultural and historical realms may provide an essential bridge between our understanding of, on the one hand, value residing within the product or producer intention, or on the other, value created by individual consumers or brand communities. Research limitations/implications The insights from this review may shed light on a number of branding research areas, including studies on corporate marketing, cultural heritage brands, and strategic brand communication. Practical implications The paper illustrates how complex branding has become, and offers conceptual tools to think about and guide branding from multiple points of view. Originality/value This paper provides a selective overview of important recent developments in corporate marketing and brand research over as well as a look at visual aspects of four perspectives of branding as a complement to corporate branding research. The typology of brand perspectives helps organise and illuminate a burgeoning brand literature.
- This paper describes the process of inducting theory using case studies from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Some features of the process, such as problem definition and construct validation, are similar to hypothesis-testing research. Others, such as within-case analysis and replication logic, are unique to the inductive, case-oriented process. Overall, the process described here is highly iterative and tightly linked to data. This research approach is especially appropriate in new topic areas. The resultant theory is often novel, testable, and empirically valid. Finally, framebreaking insights, the tests of good theory (e.g., parsimony, logical coherence), and convincing grounding in the evidence are the key criteria for evaluating this type of research.
We develop and describe a framework for research in digital marketing that highlights the touchpoints in the marketing process as well as in the marketing strategy process where digital technologies are having and will have a significant impact. Using the framework we organize the developments and extant research around the elements and touchpoints comprising the framework and review the research literature in the broadly defined digital marketing space. We outline the evolving issues in and around the touchpoints and associated questions for future research. Finally, we integrate these identified questions and set a research agenda for future research in digital marketing to examine the issues from the perspective of the firm.
Although selfies may appear to be the latest fad, their popularity has had a transformational influence on contemporary culture. Selfies invoke important issues in communication, photography, psychology, self-expression, and digital media studies – as they bring up a host of concerns about identity, privacy, security, and surveillance. This article provides an interdisciplinary overview of the selfie as both an object and a practice, and offers theoretical reflections on how the selfie can be seen as an important commodity form and consumer behaviour. The selfie is connected to concepts of authenticity, consumption, and self-expression, as well as practices of art history, media forms, and self-portraiture. Strategic use of the selfie reveals shifts in the traditional functions of the advertising photograph, from sources of information, persuasion, and representation to emblems of social currency. We position the selfie not as a postmodern anomaly but as a type of image with a history.
This article probes into the visual discourse expressed in a selection of advertising posters designed to promote the ‘Turner Prize’, a contemporary art award organized by the Tate Gallery in London. Four posters were chosen from 1994 to 2011, a 17-year period in the history of the prize that was marked by controversial candidate choices, polarizing critical reviews by art critics in the media and the seemingly deliberate fostering of an audience comprised of ardent fans and detractors. Through a semiotic deconstruction of the visual images and textual messages employed, with an emphasis placed on their multidimensional structure and its intersection with the social context of viewing, this article provides a critical analysis of the role played by visual design of the posters’ potential for boosting audience development and the effectiveness of the communication strategies put in place by the Gallery. The analysis reveals that the posters’ effectiveness on specific target groups cannot be overshadowed by more up-to-date means of communication. Nevertheless, the Tate’s persistence in focusing on media attention as an advertising practice leaves other aspects of the institution’s identity unexplored.
Mental simulation has been defined as the cognitive construction of hypothetical scenarios, which are usually in the form of stories or narratives. The experiment in this paper examines the favorable effect of ad-encouraged mental simulation on ad attitudes and brand evaluations. A model is developed wherein mental simulation persuades via narrative transportation, defined as immersion into a story (Gerrig 1994; Green and Brock 2000). Transportation includes strong affective responses and low levels of critical thought, which, in turn, affect ad attitudes and brand evaluations.
Many concepts have been developed to describe the convergence of media, languages, and formats in contemporary media systems. This article is a theoretical reflection on transmedia storytelling from a perspective that integrates semiotics and narratology in the context of media studies. After dealing with the conceptual chaos around transmedia storytelling, the article analyzes how these new multimodal narrative structures create different implicit consumers and construct a narrative world. The analysis includes a description of the multimedia textual structure created around the Fox television series 24. Finally, the article analyzes transmedia storytelling from the perspective of a semiotics of branding.
Word of mouth (WOM) is an important component of a complex and dynamic marketplace environment, and as such, WOM research is best undertaken as part of a holistic research program. Five principles describing the operation of WOM are discussed, supported by data, and examples drawn from recent research studies. Complexity science modeling is introduced as an effective method for simulating the real-world operation of WOM in a given market category and identifying ways in which marketers can influence it to their advantage. Key business issues where WOM research can inform decision making are listed.
The study of private emotional experiences reveals that an emotion is typically followed by social sharing. Additionally, the target's responses stimulate the sharing person's emotional expression. The reciprocal stimulation of interactants favors empathy and emotional communion. Consequences are two-fold: (1) the sharing process reactivates emotional arousal in both agent and target, and (2) it strengthens social bonds. Sharing targets also share what they heard with others, who then experience a similar need. Social sharing also develops when an emotional event strikes collectively. In this case, however, the propagation consequences are geared up in a spectacular manner both because there are as many sharing sources as there are members in the community and because every sharing reactivates felt emotions among interactants, thus reloading the propagation flow. It is argued that such chain reactions contribute to construct an emotional climate in the concerned community. It is predicted that emotion sharing would impact (1) on emotional climate in general; (2) on group cohesion and solidarity, with positive consequences for emotional climate; and (3) on collective memory, with potential consequences for emotional climate in the long run. Each of these predictions is detailed and illustrated with available empirical evidence.
This paper uses actual WOM information to examine the dynamic patterns of WOM and how it helps explain box office revenue. The WOM data was collected from the website of Yahoo! Movies. The results show that WOM activities are the most active during pre-release and the opening week, and that movie audiences tend to hold relatively high expectation before release, but become more critical in the opening week. More importantly, WOM information offers significant explanatory power for both aggregate and weekly box office revenue, especially in the early weeks after opening. However, most of this explanatory power comes from the volume of WOM, not its valence as measured by the percentages of positive and negative messages.
In this article, we identify that successful viral marketing campaigns trigger an emotional response in recipients. Working under this premise, we examine the effects of viral messages containing the six primary emotions (surprise, joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust) on recipients' emotional responses to viral marketing campaigns and subsequent forwarding behavior. According to our findings, in order to be effective, viral messages need to contain the element of surprise. By itself, however, surprise is not enough to guarantee message success; therefore, it must be combined with other emotions. The effectiveness of the viral message is also moderated by gender, with disgust-based and fear-based campaigns being more likely to be forwarded by male recipients than female recipients. To ensure forwarding behavior, the message must capture the imagination of the recipient, as well as be clearly targeted. Moreover, achieving fit between a campaign and the featured emotions is important, as this ensures an increased chance of forwarding. In addition to relaying these and other findings, we share and discuss the managerial implications of using different emotions in viral marketing campaigns. Finally, culture is recognized as an influencer.
The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companies that provide them. Thus, the impact of consumer-to-consumer communications has been greatly magnified in the marketplace. This article argues that social media is a hybrid element of the promotion mix because in a traditional sense it enables companies to talk to their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to one another. The content, timing, and frequency of the social media-based conversations occurring between consumers are outside managers’ direct control. This stands in contrast to the traditional integrated marketing communications paradigm whereby a high degree of control is present. Therefore, managers must learn to shape consumer discussions in a manner that is consistent with the organization's mission and performance goals. Methods by which this can be accomplished are delineated herein. They include providing consumers with networking platforms, and using blogs, social media tools, and promotional tools to engage customers.
Managers are very interested in word-of-mouth communication because it can have a tremendous impact on a product's sales. However, there are at least three significant challenges associated with measuring word of mouth. It is our primary objective in this paper to address these challenges. First and foremost, how does one even gather the data? Since the information is exchanged in private conversations, direct observation is (or at least has traditionally been) quite difficult. Second, even if one could observe the conversations, what aspect of them should one measure? The third challenge comes from the fact that word of mouth is not exogenous. While the mapping from word of mouth to future sales is of great interest to the firm, we must also recognize that word of mouth is at the same time an outcome of past sales. Our core result is that on-line conversations may offer an easy and cost-effective opportunity to measure word-of-mouth. However, simply counting on-line conversations may not be informative. On the other hand, measuring the "dispersion" of these conversations across communities is. Specifically, we show that a measure of dispersion has explanatory power in a dynamic model of sales, while pure counts do not. As a context for our study, we have chosen new TV shows during the 1999/2000 seasons. Our source of word-of-mouth conversations is Usenet, a collection of thousands of newsgroups with very diverse topics.
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