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Predictive Policing for Reform? Indeterminacy and Intervention in Big Data Policing



Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence are applied widely across law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system. Despite criticism that such tools reinforce inequality and structural discrimination, proponents insist that they will nonetheless improve the equality and fairness of outcomes by countering humans’ biased or capricious decision-making. How can predictive analytics be understood simultaneously as a source of, and solution to, discrimination and bias in criminal justice and law enforcement? The article provides a framework for understanding the techno-political gambit of predictive policing as a mechanism of police reform—a discourse that I call “predictive policing for reform.” Focusing specifically on geospatial predictive policing systems, I argue that “predictive policing for reform” should be seen as a flawed attempt to rationalize police patrols through an algorithmic remediation of patrol geographies. The attempt is flawed because predictive systems operate on the sociotechnical practices of police patrols, which are themselves contradictory enactments of the state’s power to distribute safety and harm. The ambiguities and contradictions of the patrol are not resolved through algorithmic remediation. Instead, they lead to new indeterminacies, trade-offs, and experimentations based on unfalsifiable claims. I detail these through a discussion of predictive policing firm HunchLab’s use of predictive analytics to rationalize patrols and mitigate bias. Understanding how the “predictive policing for reform” discourse is operationalized as a series of technical fixes that rely on the production of indeterminacies allows for a more nuanced critique of predictive policing.
Shapiro, Aaron. 2019. Predictive Policing for Reform? Indeterminacy and Intervention in Big Data
Policing. Surveillance & Society 17(3/4): 456-472. | ISSN: 1477-7487
© The author(s), 2019 | Licensed to the Surveillance Studies Network under a Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license
Aaron Shapiro
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence are applied widely across law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system.
Despite criticism that such tools reinforce inequality and structural discrimination, proponents insist that they will nonetheless
improve the equality and fairness of outcomes by countering humansbiased or capricious decision-making. How can predictive
analytics be understood simultaneously as a source of, and solution to, discrimination and bias in criminal justice and law
enforcement? The article provides a framework for understanding the techno-political gambit of predictive policing as a mechanism
of police reforma discourse that I call predictive policing for reform.Focusing specifically on geospatial predictive policing
systems, I argue that predictive policing for reformshould be seen as a flawed attempt to rationalize police patrols through an
algorithmic remediation of patrol geographies. The attempt is flawed because predictive systems operate on the sociotechnical
practices of police patrols, which are themselves contradictory enactments of the states power to distribute safety and harm. The
ambiguities and contradictions of the patrol are not resolved through algorithmic remediation. Instead, they lead to new
indeterminacies, trade-offs, and experimentations based on unfalsifiable claims. I detail these through a discussion of predictive
policing firm HunchLabs use of predictive analytics to rationalize patrols and mitigate bias. Understanding how the predictive
policing for reformdiscourse is operationalized as a series of technical fixes that rely on the production of indeterminacies allows
for a more nuanced critique of predictive policing.
A Techno-Political Gambit
Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are now used regularly across criminal justice institutions
and law enforcement agencies. Judges, parole boards, police commanders, and patrol officers make
assessments, evaluations, and allocations every day that have profound impacts on the lives of those caught
up in the systemsuspects, defendants, parolees. Automated data analysis promises to make such
institutional decision-making more objective, consistent, and rigorousneutral and value-free.
Critical investigations of these systems, however, show that fairness claims do not hold up under scrutiny
(Angwin et al. 2016; Lum and Isaac 2016). Julia Angwin et al. (2016) famously found that an algorithm
used to determine bail was more likely to flag African American defendants as high risk than white
defendants. The idea that machine learning algorithms and AI inherit the biases of their makers or even
society at large now appears regularly in mainstream news (e.g., Crawford 2016; Lohr 2018; Wachter-
Boettcher 2017). In the context of law enforcement and predictive policingapplications, the focus has
been on the data used to train predictive algorithms. Data that are limited, incomplete, inaccurate, or biased
due to discriminatory policing practices stand to reinforce disparate treatments for already marginalized
communities (Brayne, Rosenblat, and boyd 2015; Ensign et al. 2017 Jefferson 2017; Lum and Isaac 2016).
Predictive Policing for Reform? Indeterminacy
and Intervention in Big Data Policing
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In 2016, the ACLU (2016) issued a statement of concern, co-signed by several civil rights organizations,
about applications of AI and predictive analytics in law enforcement. The statement argues that [t]he data
driving predictive enforcement activitiessuch as the location and timing of previously reported crimes, or
patterns of community- and officer-initiated 911 callsis profoundly limited and biased,concentrating
law enforcement in already over-policed communities while ignoring underlying causes of crime
structural racism, systemic disinvestment, and poverty.
Despite these powerful critiques, proponentscomputer scientists, technology vendors, and
policymakersnonetheless insist that predictive systems not only improve efficiency in the criminal justice
system but will ultimately make the legal system fairer(Siegel 2018). In an article for Scientific American
titled How to Fight Bias with Predictive Policing,Eric Siegel (2018) describes predictive policing as an
unprecedented opportunity for racial justiceandthe ideal platform on which new practices for racial
equity may be systematically and widely deployed.A New York Times op-ed reaches similar conclusions.
While the authorscomputer scientists and computational social scientistsacknowledge the need for
checks and balances to avoid disparate outcomes in algorithmic decision-making systems, they ultimately
conclude that well‐designed algorithms can counter the biases and inconsistencies of unaided human
judgments and help ensure equitable outcomes for all(Corbett-Davies, Goel, and González-Bailon 2017).
How can predictive analytics be understood as both the source of and solution to discrimination and bias in
criminal justice and law enforcement? This article provides a framework for understanding the techno-
political gambit of predictive policing as a mechanism of police reforma discourse that I call predictive
policing for reform.Understanding this discourse allows for a more nuanced critique of predictive policing
and of advocatesclaims that it leads to equitable criminal justice outcomes. I focus specifically on
geospatial or location-based predictive systems (forecasts of where and when crimes will take place) and
argue that predictive policing for reformshould be understood as a flawed attempt to rationalize police
patrols through an algorithmic remediation of patrol geographies. As I show throughout the article, the
attempt is flawed because predictive systems operate on the sociotechnical practices of police patrols, which
are themselves contradictory enactments of the states power to distribute safety and harm. As Lucas Introna
(2016: 20) argues, algorithms must be understood in situated practicesas part of the heterogeneous
sociomaterial assemblages within which they are embedded. The patrol is an assemblage of socio-
technological mediations that enact urban geographies of authority and legitimacy, risk and danger (Merrill
and Hoffman 2015; Nail 2015; Reeves and Packer 2013). The patrol also serves as a primary space for the
managerial oversight of police officers in the field (De Lint 2000). Patrol technologies have thus historically
been linked with efforts toward police reform and increased professionalism (see Manning 2008; Sklansky
2014). Predictive policing performatively embeds data-driven decision-making systems within these
sociotechnical and institutional practices. It enrolls patrol officers into the predictive data structure as
imperfect instruments of measurement and observation, through which reform efforts are imagined to take
The argument builds on ethnographic research conducted with the product team at HunchLab, a geospatial
predictive policing software suite used by several law enforcement agencies across the US.
The article
details three incongruities that result from the complex and imperfect embeddedness of data-driven
predictions with the sociotechnical practices of patrol: indeterminacies, trade-offs, and unfalsifiables.
Understanding these incongruities and how they are strategically deployed by HunchLab illuminates
fallacious assumptions baked into the logic of predictive policing for reform.The article concludes by
discussing two incommensurable views of police patrolas a distribution of public safety and a distribution
of harmto highlight the role of indeterminacy in legitimating intervention.
Azavea sold HunchLab to ShotSpotter in October 2018, after the manuscript was accepted for publication. The
findings reflect the version of HunchLab used up until that point.
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The Patrol as Medium
The future-oriented risk management strategies of predictive policing are less novel than many observers
would likely concede (e.g., Mantello 2016). Modern liberal consent policinghas always involved
geographies of preemption and anticipation (Anderson 2010; Massumi 2007) as a means to prevent crime
and to govern racialized populations (De Lint 2000; Hartman 1997; Wood 2009). As Markus Dubber and
Mariana Valverde (2006: 45) argue, the science of police, developed from the seventeenth through the
nineteenth centuries, served a hinge function for the burgeoning liberal state, linking otherwise
incommensurable and temporally disjointed logics of power: the backward-looking criminal law, which
punishes crimes ex post facto and the future-oriented logics of prevention, which intervene before any
infraction or crime has been committed.
The blurred line between prevention and punishment becomes especially problematic when the power to
policeis translated into actually existing police forces (Dubber and Valverde 2006). In the US and other
colonial contexts, prevention has been intimately tied to violence and the racialization of enslaved bodies
through the spectacle of state terror. The first town watch systems in the American colonies were organized
in the seventeenth century to prevent slaves from running away or revolting (Beutin 2017; Williams 2015;
Wood 2009). When the first professional municipal police forces were established, prevention was
incorporated into founding charters (Dubber and Valverde 2006; De Lint 2000). The first of Robert Peel’s
(1829) famous Nine Principles of Policing,” issued at the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police
in 1829, reads: The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. It is no
coincidence that former Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and outspoken
proponent of predictive policing, William Bratton (2014; New York Times 2014), refers nostalgically to
predictive policing as a technologically motivated return to Peels basic tenets of policing. Situating
algorithmic prediction within these historical legacies helps explain why advocates can argue for predictive
policings capacity to improve fairness in law enforcement (by preventing crime and disorder) in the face
of mounting critiques that the use of algorithmic systems in law enforcement will exacerbate racial and
socioeconomic disparities.
The most elemental crime prevention technology is the police patrol beat. The police beat conceives [of]
policing as a question of the allocation of men to territorialized (or spatialized) jurisdiction(De Lint 2000:
64). The patrol operationalizes the preventive function of the police. It creates spatial and temporal schema
to distribute mobile police officers throughout uneven landscapes of anticipated risks, hazards, and
environmental conditions, which are evaluated as more or less conducive to criminality. For example, early
police experts (e.g., Colquhoun 1800) argued that patrol resources should be allocated based upon the
mobility demands of the fleeing criminal and the communication imperatives of a responsive/preventive
police apparatus(Reeves and Packer 2013: 363). The police patrol is thus an innately anticipatory spatial
technology. It reconfigures urban landscapes in order to deter aberrant and deviant activity, preempting the
flight paths of suspects and establishing the polices logistical control over patrolled jurisdictions.
Following anthropologist William Mazzarella (2004) and media theorists Sarah Kember and Joanna
Zylinska (2012), the patrol can be productively theorized as a social mediation—”a reflexive and reifying
technologythat makes society imaginable and intelligible to itself (Mazzarella 2004: 346). Media are
the material and technological frameworks that performatively enact societal relations; they enable and
constrain social practices. Like other media technologies and techniques, the police patrol is inseparable
from the movement of social life and yet removed from it . . . at once obvious and strange, indispensable
and uncanny, intimate and distant(ibid.: 346). The patrol-as-medium is a concrete manifestation of the
abstract state power to police (Dubber and Valverde 2006). It provides a pragmatic link between the power-
knowledge of population statistics and territorial cartographies (Foucault 1980, 2007) and the sovereign
authority to interveneto stop, search, and seize; to make move. But the patrol also provokes extreme
ambiguity. Relative to other social mediations (e.g., collective actions, social movements, religious or
national ceremonies, riots and mobs; cf. Mazzarrella 2009; Shapiro 2017), the patrol-as-medium is shaped
by the tensions of liberal consent policing” or policing by consent”: a delicate balancing of respectful
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protection and intrusive penetration(De Lint 2000: 55). The patrol embodies the states monopoly on the
legitimate use of violence while also having to perform a laissez faire liberalism. According to Jacques
Rancière (2010: 36), the power to policeto partition the social world
is always an ambivalent
intercession: it separates and excludes while enabling participation and inclusion. The patrol enacts
legitimacy and authority by carving geographies of risk and danger (Lianos and Douglas 2000; Marcuse
1997): certain social behaviors and environmental conditions are normalized, while others are marked as
suspicious, deserving of inspection, intervention, or violence (Garland 2001; Harcourt 1998, 2001). By its
very design as a spatial economy, the patrol endorses a distribution of both public safety benefits and state
According to Thomas Nail (2015), the patrol achieves these outcomes through a number of mediating
functions. First, patrol is preventive and circulatoryit deters crimes before they can take place by
oscillating its presence to and fro(ibid.: 121). Patrols do not police crime per se, but rather the potential
for criminal activity (Garland 2001). They not only stop and inspect (and search and seize), they also make
movethey conduct traffic to foster optimum conditions for transportation while providing dromological
support for their own efficient circulation (ibid.: 128). Additionally, the police patrol is kinoptic and
kinographic. The patrols kinoptic function describes a surveillant mobility that sees and is seen in the same
instant, watchfully making its presence known. Its circulation is designed as a moving image of perfection
and order”—or what early police theorist Edwin Chadwick called an ambulating lighthouse(quoted in
Nail 2015: 122). The image of the lighthouse is especially evocative of the kinoptic function. The patrol
illuminates and makes visible, while simultaneously making itself visible. And this kinoptic apparatus is
enacted according to rational schema, that is, the kinographic function. Kinography is the inscription of
movement and geography, the patrols mapping of urban space. Patrols establish the most efficient routes
and routines for their double optic, often by mapping criminal potentialitiesthe most efficient routes of
flight (Reeves and Packer 2013). This rationalization requires a sprawling cartographic and documentary
assemblage to identify patterns of movement and behavior, not only of the citizenry and potential offenders,
but of the patrol officers themselves: commanders and district captains synchronize patrol routes and
circuits, creating a mesh of ubiquitous presence, spatially and temporally.
As new technologies of mobility and communication become embedded within the sociotechnical
assemblage of patrol, they also remediate it (Byrne and Marx 2011; Manning 2008). Joshua Reeves and
Jeremy Packer’s (2013) concept of police mediadenotes the suite of communications and transportation
technologies that police use to amplify their presence in urban environments and to maintain a logistical
monopoly over circulation. The police, according to Reeves and Packer (ibid.: 378), maintain their authority
not simply through a monopoly on the use of violence, but by creating a monopoly on the use of logistical
media. Police media are logistical media insofar as they create new capacities for manipulating the
time/space axis”; used in practice, police media conceive of the city as a technological and infrastructural
problem dealing with how best to organize and regulate flows of people, commodities, and risks (ibid.:
35960). This has included technologies from police callboxes, introduced in the 1880s to establish lines of
communication between patrols and district headquarters, to the police cruiser and two-way radio introduced
in the 1910s and further propelling the mobility and communicative reach of police patrols, and on to mobile
onboard computers, CAD (computer-aided dispatch), and MDTs (mobile data terminals), which connect
officers in the field with real-time dispatch and departmental records on suspects and specific
neighborhoods. We could add to this list reformist managerial programs like CompStat (computerized
statistics), which leverage crime data to increase accountability in police command, as well as various
intellectual technologiesthat sociologist David Garland (2001) identifies with a shift from rehabilitative
goals to risk management in applied criminology, including environmental theories of criminogenesisthat
is, the Broken Windowstheory (Kelling and Wilson 1982)that motivate geographic profiling and hot
spot policing(cf. Byrne and Marx 2011; Ferguson 2011; Harcourt 1998, 2001; Jefferson 2017; Manning
Rancières (2010) notion of police exceeds the narrow definition of law enforcement, but nonetheless articulates
the ambiguities of liberal consent policing under consideration (cf. Nail 2015: 116).
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What Reeves and Packer do not account for with the concept of police media,however, are the ways that
communications and transportation technologies also expose officers in the field to their superiors
managerial scrutinythe institutional impacts of the kinographic function. Police historian Willem De Lint
(2000) argues that new patrol technologiesnovel logistical affordancestheir capacities for manipulating
the time/space axisalways involve a double-edged outcome. New technologies may improve patrol
mobility and surveillance capabilities, but they also invite new forms of supervisory co-presence,linking
officers in the field with their commanders or staff sergeants stationed at the precinct or station. With each
new technology, a fuller and more penetrating gaze has been envisioned, both of the police into the polity
and of police supervision on police officer mobilization. These technologies structure the decision-making
of individual officers on patrol to organizationally vetted formats(De Lint 2000: 70). MDTs and onboard
computers may enable officers to run license plate checks, but they also create the possibility for superiors
to monitor officers activity and penalize idleness. On one hand, this increased supervision responds to
external community or political demands that officers be kept in check and the public protected from police
abuses of power. On the other hand, such oversight also responds to the managerial problem of officer
autonomyfor instance, by ensuring that officers in the field are positioned to respond most efficiently to
situations demanding intervention or emergency response (De Lint 2000; Sherman 2013).
Predictive policing embeds algorithmic decision-making systems within the sociotechnical and institutional
assemblage of the patrol. As I argue in the next section, predictive policing functions similarly to other
police media: it rationalizes the surveillant and visible presence of the patrol in urban spaces while fostering
an algorithmic supervisory co-presence” that more tightly integrates managerial imperatives about where
and when officers are to patrol. Through this embedding, however, predictive policing also introduces new
incongruities that provide the basis for the predictive policing for reformdiscourse while simultaneously
undermining foundational claims to objectivity and neutrality.
Predictive Policing for Reform
Predictive policing is somewhat unique among other contemporary technologies associated with police
reform (e.g., body-worn cameras; see Beutin 2017). Predictive algorithms are not themselves overtly
panoptic in the same way that prominently placed surveillance cameras might be (McGrath 2004).
predictive policing coopts the patrols established surveillance mechanisms (e.g., the beat, the uniform, the
prominently placed marked vehicle) while algorithmically remediating its geographies: data analytics
determines optimal locales and routes for patrol circulations.
Law enforcement agencies have turned to predictive policing in the wake of major incidents of police
violence or federal court-monitored consent decrees following civil rights lawsuits.
As Andrew Guthrie
Ferguson (2017: 29) writes, the adoption of Big Data policing strategies grew out of crisis and a need to
turn the page on scandals that revealed systemic problems with policing tactics.For example, the $6 million
predictive policing experiment underway in Chicago is part of broader reform efforts resulting from a DOJ
investigation triggered by widespread protests that followed the release of a video depicting a police officer
shooting teenager Laquan McDonald (McLaughlin 2017). Or consider the St. Louis County Police
Departments adoption of predictive policing system HunchLab within a year of the massive protests in
Ferguson, MO, which likewise followed the shooting death of black teenager Michael Brown by officer
Darren Wilson (Chammah 2016).
In response to demonstrated human bias,Ferguson (2017: 26) writes,
In fact, police departments tend to be extremely opaque about their use of predictive policing (Brayne, Rosenblat,
and boyd 2015). For example, the NYPD was sued after they failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests
for information on its testing and deployment of predictive systems (e.g., Levinson-Waldman and Posey 2018).
The consent decree is the de facto mechanism for federal enforcement of police reforms in the US (see Ross and
Parke 2009).
Although Darren Wilson was an officer of the Ferguson Municipal Police Department, the St. Louis County Police
Department managed the aftermath of Michael Browns murder, including the ensuing protests, and was largely
criticized for its handling of the events (Serrano and Pearce 2015).
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it is not surprising that the lure of objective-seeming, data-driven policing might be tempting.
Consequently, the cycle of police violenceprotests and unrest, failure to indict or convict, further protests,
and DOJ investigationmay now culminate with the adoption of Big Data law enforcement solutions as a
means to rein in discriminatory or biased patrol practices.
Like CompStat, which incentivizes reductions in crime rates through a data-driven, chain-of-command
accountability structure, predictive policing appeals to police departments interested in extending
accountability to officers in the field. As a mechanism of reform, predictive policing is imagined to tighten
managerial supervision over patrols. In this sense, algorithmic patrol allocation systems comport with trends
in applied criminology and evidence-based policing,for which geographic information is used to track
and manage what police were or were not doing in relation to the dynamic patterns of crime and public
safety problems(Sherman 2013: 379). As Ingrid Burrington (2015) writes, while predictive policing may
do little to transform what police officers do while out on patrol, it does have the potential to increase the
power that police management has over cops on the street.The question is whether and how this managerial
control will be usedwill it rein in police abuses or will it simply create new perverse incentives, like quotas
for officers to meet? As Burrington points out, recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, . . . demonstrate [that]
the tendency toward micromanagement too often leads to more petty arrests in pursuit of revenue and
How do the producers of predictive policing systems conceptualize and operationalize reform imperatives
within algorithmic systems? To respond to this question requires grappling not only with the technical
details of the algorithms, but also with how system designers imagine predictive policing to remediate the
police patrol. How do system designers imagine end-usersthe patrol officersengaging with predictive
information? And how will officersuse of this information affect the data gathered in the field and fed back
into the system? Building on Sarah Brayne, Alex Rosenblat, and danah boyds (2015: 5) contention that
binaries like intuition-driven and data-driven policing are deceptive, I ask: How do producers of
predictive systems imagine the mutual imbrication of intuitionand data,of human and machinic
Findings are based on ethnographic research conducted with the HunchLab product team. From October
2015 to May 2016, I participated in business meetings, sat in on planning sessions, gave feedback on
webinars, met with potential clients, traveled on site visits, and attended all-staff events, such as visiting
speakers and brown bag lunches at Azavea, the company that produces HunchLab. Azavea is a Philadelphia-
based software company that focuses on web-based geographic data applications. Although the company
employs over fifty people, the HunchLab product team itself is small, consisting of Jeremy Heffner,
HunchLabs product manager and senior data scientist, and two to three full-time product specialists. The
product team collaborates with a team of programmers who work concurrently on a number of Azavea
projects and products. In addition to extensive interviews with Heffner, I also conducted interviews with the
product specialists; programmers; Azavea founder and president, Robert Cheetham; and with criminologists
that HunchLab has partnered with or hired as consultants.
HunchLab is unique within the police technology sector. Most of its competitors are brought to market by
large corporations (e.g., IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, Hitachi, LexisNexis) or by smaller companies that are
backed by venture capital, such as PredPol, or with CIA seed funding, such as Palantir (Robinson and
Koepke 2016; Winston 2018). Azavea, by contrast, is not beholden to shareholders, investors, or covert
government funding schemes. Instead, it adheres to a strict set of criteria for corporate social responsibility,
While other Big Data applications have been consideredfor example, pilot studies to use algorithms to flag officers
before they use excessive force (Arthur 2016; Ferguson 2017)departments are far more likely to adopt predictive
policing systems. For example, a 2016 survey of the fifty largest police departments in the US found that twenty
agencies had already adopted predictive analytics for crime forecasting and eleven were actively considering it (as of
August 2016) (Robinson and Koepke 2016).
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environmental sustainability, and transparency, which have earned the firm a certification as a social
benefitcompany or B Corp. HunchLab is thus also unique within the company, as the products alignment
with these values is questionable. Although Heffner and Cheetham maintain that their mission is to use the
tool to reduce harm and improve fairness and accountability in policing, at least one member of the
programmer team has opted to not work on anything HunchLab-related, a request that the company honors.
Like other predictive policing tools, the first HunchLab prototype was built with grant money awarded by
the US government, in this case through the National Science Foundation.
After founding Azavea,
Cheetham, a former crime analyst, collaborated with a team of Temple University criminologists on a grant-
funded project to evaluate applications of predictive analytics in law enforcement (see Taylor, Ratcliffe, and
Perenzin 2015). To manage the project, Cheetham hired Heffner, a mathematician and statistician, who
introduced techniques from AI and machine learning to the new HunchLab prototype. With these
techniques, the team avoided having to commit to any specific crime-forecasting approach in their design.
With enough processing power, several prediction methods could be incorporated into a single, theory-
agnostic meta-model. The machine learning algorithm parses combinations of forecasting methods to
determine the most predictively accurate model based on signals in local data. These combined methods
include an early warning system that Cheetham developed for the Philadelphia Police Department; near
repeat analysis, a forecasting technique based on the spatial and temporal distribution of crimes (e.g.,
Townsley, Homel, and Chaseling 2000, 2003);
and risk terrain modeling(RTM), a system modeling the
proximity of crimes to key urban features (bars, churches, transportation hubs, and so on) to create spatial
risk profiles (Caplan, Kennedy, and Miller 2011).
The current version of HunchLab is sold as a subscription service. Pricing is determined by jurisdictional
population size, but starts at about $50,000 for the first year and $35,000 for subsequent years (Chammah
Subscribers receive access to several algorithmic features, but the core algorithm is called
Predictive Missions.This models the different criminological approaches and generates geospatial risk
scores. HunchLab trains its algorithm on a client department’s crime data from the previous five years and
on several non-crime-related data sets: census data, weather patterns, moon cycles, school schedules,
holidays, and concerts and events calendars, all of which are mapped onto a grid of five-hundred-square-
foot cells overlaying a clients jurisdiction. A series of thousands of decision trees recursively partitions the
data set based on crime outcomes in each grid cell. If a crime occurred in a cell, then the regressions
determine which variables influenced the occasion of that crime and to what extent; variables are then
weighted accordingly, tailoring the model to the clientsdata.
The result is a hyper-localized and hyper-sensitive crime forecasting algorithm. Because it adjusts weights
according to local crime data, models for the same crime will differ across jurisdictions. And because
subscribing departmentsdata are updated daily, the weighting for each crime-type may also change over
time. For example, location could be the most predictive factor for theft from automobiles in Detroit, but in
Philadelphia it might be time of day; both models would be automatically adjusted if the crime patterns
changed. When the modeling is evaluated against ground truth data (where crimes actually occurred relative
to the predictions), the results indicate high levels of accuracysometimes as high as ninety-two percent to
ninety-seven percent, depending on the crime type.
HunchLab boasts of these extraordinary performance rates to potential clients. If crime data are publicly
available for a jurisdiction, a product specialist can create a mock-up model and present it during sales
Competing system PredPol uses a parsimonious forecasting technique that approximates the near repeatmethod
(Mohler et al. 2015; see Brayne, Rosenblat, and boyd 2015).
For a pricing perspective, HunchLabs competitor PredPol charges about $200,000 per year.
Authors fieldnotes, St. Louis County, MO, December 2, 2015. HunchLab tested the accuracy of its St. Louis County
Police Department model to be included in a presentation to departmental command staff during a site visit.
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pitches. They simply withhold recent crime events from the training data and then juxtapose those with the
models predictions to illustrate where crimes were predicted relative to where they actually took place. But
HunchLab is also quick to acknowledge that predictive accuracy can only be measured prior to a
departments adoption and implementation of the system. Once predictions are put into use and officers start
patrolling predicted crime locations, the algorithms performance can no longer be evaluated: the ground
truth data cease to be a controlled sample. When patrols are directed by predictive information, officers
visible presence in a predicted crime location affects the conditions being modeled, undermining any claims
to the models representational fidelity and predictive performance. By the same token, the officer patrolling
the grid cell produces new data. If he or she makes an arrest in the area, for example, then that arrest will be
incorporated into the model the next day. As in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and posthumanist
theories of performativity, HunchLab imagines the double optics of the patrols kinoptic and kinographic
functionsthe observable and observing position of officers in the fieldas introducing indeterminacy at
the same time that it produces new data (Barad 2003).
HunchLab product manager Heffner conceptualizes these performative effects as a paradox, animated by
competing probabilities: detection and deterrence. Detection refers to the increased likelihood that an officer
observes crimes taking place by dint of his or her being in the predicted location, while deterrence refers to
the increased likelihood that his or her visible presence will prevent crime from taking place there.
countervailing forces defy accuracy measurements, illustrating how the double optics of patrol interact with,
and potentially confound, predictive algorithms.
The result is an indeterminacy that is fundamental to prediction in general (Mackenzie 2015) but which has
largely been unacknowledged in debates about big data policing. Engaging with indeterminacy betrays the
extent to which predictive analytics is inaccurately theorized through an invisible and disembodied
measurement apparatus (Haraway 1988). As soon as an officer steps foot into a predicted grid cell, he or
she performatively shapes what takes place there. The task thus becomes capturing, measuring, and
analyzing those performative effects. As when Google tracks usersresponses to changes in the algorithm
or design, HunchLab seeks to fold the performativity of models back into the modeling process
(Mackenzie 2015: 443)to statistically represent the performative effects of prediction within the
predictive apparatus.
In predictive policing, foldingthe performativity back into the modeling can work if the desired outcomes
are observable behaviors or actions. If clients want predictions to lead to higher arrest rates, then this
outcome can be modeled because it is observable in the data. But if the desired outcome is preventionas
in Peels (1829) final principle that [t]he test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not
the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it”—then system managers are faced with a paradox:
an event deterred is by definition unobservable (as in the truism that you cant prove a negative). Of course,
prevention rates can be inferred by comparison between a treatment group and a control group (e.g., Hunt,
Saunders, and Hollywood 2014; Ratcliffe, Taylor, and Askey 2017). But even this will always be an
imperfect estimation, as no two jurisdictions, beats, or patrol shifts are identical. Further, maintaining a
control group necessarily means only partially implementing predictions, a prospect that departmental
clients may not be interested in, given that they are paying handsomely for the technology.
The result is an indeterminacy that cannot be avoided once predictive analytics are put into practice. The
HunchLab team appears to be alone among police technology vendors in acknowledging this. And,
crucially, such indeterminacy is central to HunchLabs claims that algorithmic mediation can serve police
reform efforts. Indeterminacies provide an ambiguous opportunity for intervention. They open a space in
which predicted outcomes can be thwarted and deterred, at the same time that they confound evaluative
metrics like predictive accuracy: that which is statistically unobservable may actually be the most desirable.
Authors fieldnotes, conversation with Jeremy Heffner, HunchLab offices, October 1, 2015.
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The problem thus becomes how to incorporate predictionsperformativity back into the modeling process
to exploit this confounding (Mackenzie 2015). Prescriptive analysis(rather than predictive) is the name
that HunchLab gives to its attempts to measure predictionsindeterminate performative effects and
incorporate them within the modeling process. For example, in a webinar titled Beyond the Box: Towards
Prescriptive Analysis in Policing, Heffner and former product specialist Chip Koziara intimate that
indeterminacies can be exploited to mitigate discriminatory patrol practices.
In business analytics,
prescription occupies a more complex register than prediction: rather than merely predicting an outcome
based on past events, prescription promises to account for how acting on predictions affects the conditions
modeled, the goal being to optimize trade-offs and ensure desirable outcomes (Ransbotham, Kiron, and
Prentice 2015). HunchLab seizes on the notion of prescription to position itself as disrupting entrenched
patterns in law enforcement—”reducing harm associated with over-policing, and . . . helping officers find
the best tactical solutions to improve their communities(HunchLab, n.d.).
For example, working with Temple University criminologist Jerry Ratcliffe, HunchLab is developing a
modeling system called HarmStat. HarmStat is based on the progressive notion that heightened police
presence in low-income and minority neighborhoods is not perceived as a form of protection but as a
source of harm that can be quantified and evaluated relative to crime harms through a cost-benefit analysis.
The analysis is based on an estimate that the team calls predictive efficacy,which describes the extent to
which the most harmful crimes are able to be predicted and deterred. Violent crimes like assault and
homicide may be more difficult to predict than property crimes like burglary or larceny (e.g., Ratcliffe,
Taylor, and Askey 2017), but communitiesmay find it more valuable to prevent violent crimes because
they are more harmful; efforts to thwart more easily predictable crimes may have greater success rates, but
the payoff from deterring less predictable and more harmful crimes may be higher.
This logic may make sense intuitively, but it glosses over the fact that indeterminacy remains baked into the
very essence of HarmStats modeling. Predictive efficacy is essentially an estimation of deterrence, which
is unobservable. Further, HarmStat assumes an immeasurable precision and correctness to crime
predictions, which cannot be validated after implementation due to the performative effects of the
deterrencedetection tension detailed above. After predictions have been used to allocate patrols, neither
HunchLab nor its clients can point to any evidence that the algorithm continues to accurately predict crimes.
This is especially problematic given that government-funded research has failed to uncover statistical
evidence that patrol predictions result in measurable decreases in crime (Hunt, Saunders, and Hollywood
2014; Saunders, Hunt, and Hollywood 2016). Predictive efficacy,in other words, is conceptually
fallacious. To believe that increased police patrols can serve as a source of public safety rather than harm in
a cost-benefit sense, HarmStat users would need either to ignore or deny the fundamental indeterminacy of
its own baseline metrics.
While the Predictive Missions algorithm assigns risk scores to each grid cell in the jurisdiction, the
Allocation Enginealgorithm sorts through the risk-scored cells to select which should be patrolled during
a given shift. The Allocation Engines defining feature is its selective, strategic, and explicit insertion of
randomization into the prediction process. Rather than directing patrol to the grid cells with the highest
riskhow HunchLab was originally designed and how its competitors continue to operatethe algorithm
directs officers instead to the second, third, fourth, or fifth riskiest places according to a probabilistic
selection process based on randomization.
HunchLab webinar, Beyond the Box: Towards Prescriptive Analysis in Policing. Available at
Authors fieldnotes, HunchLab offices, May 5, 2016.
The Allocation Engine involves a set of mathematical rules dictating the selection of mission areas. These rules can
be tweaked by clients to prioritize strategic goals. Risk forecasts are transformed into z-scores, which are then used to
filter out cells below a certain threshold, eliminating low-risk cells from being allocated as a Predictive Mission. Within
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The benefits of randomization are matched by an acknowledged compromise in the perceived accuracy of
deployments. That is, not selecting the highest risk cell every time means that were one to compare the
Allocation Engines grid cell outputs against (pre-deployment) ground truth, the system would be less
accurate in predicting an actually occurring crime event. This makes sense given the indeterminacies
discussed above. If were just trying to maximize our predictive accuracy,Heffner explained in a webinar
introducing the Allocation Engine, then, absolutely, selecting that [highest risk] cell every time would be
what wed do. But thats not the case here. Youre going to act on [these predictions] and so youre going
to start to skew things, displace crime, and so forth.
HunchLab invoked the benefits of randomization strategically, allowing it to appeal to both potential clients
(police department crime analysts or commanders) and to civil rights activists critical of predictive
When addressing potential clients, HunchLab referred to randomization as having a number of rationalizing
benefits: it makes patrols less predictable to potential offenders and thus avoids crime displacement, and it
keeps field officers invested in the usefulness of the system. The potential that location-based patrol
strategies might displace crime is a general concern in experimental criminology (e.g., Bowers et al. 2011;
Weisburd and Braga 2006) and has been especially problematic for hot spot policing(Braga 2005; COPS
2013). Hot spot policing is a rudimentary application of geospatial analytics to patrols, which are allocated
based on thirty daysworth of historical crime data at the ZIP or neighborhood level. Crime displacement
refers to the tendency for hot spots to become predictable to potential offenders, who simply move criminal
activities into new areas. In a sense, predictive policing is simply a more granular version of hot spot policing
and as such has raised new concerns about crime displacement. Randomization, HunchLab argues, mixes
up which grid cells are selected for patrol during each shift, avoiding saturation and patrol predictability
while simultaneously providing coverage for new areas.
Randomization is also invoked to tackle the rampant problem of officer boredom. Clients and potential
clients often raised this issue during meetings with the product team. As two former police officers put it
while consulting with HunchLab, In Seattle, they had to shelve [PredPol] within a handful of months
because the officers had no idea what to do and they were saying, ‘I’m bored.’”
If predictions send officers
to the same high-risk grid cells for each shift, this may result in doubt and undermine officer buy-in. For
example, a survey of the Burbank Police Department found that prediction-based deployments have resulted
in officer malaise (Tchekmedyian 2016), exacerbating concerns about police officer deskilling. Here,
predictive policing is but one among many augmentation and decision-support tools that experts like
criminologists Dave Allen argue may result in a move away from experience and skill development and
toward management by remote control or blindly following information drawn from systems (Allen,
quoted in Wakefield 2013).
Crucially, the problem of deskilling presents an inverse to the solution of rationalized patrol allocations. If
the predictive policing for reformdiscourse maintains that discriminatory practices are an aggregation of
individual officersmisguided discretion and autonomy, then reining that autonomy in necessarily entails a
management by remote control”—or what De Lint called supervisory co-presence.Randomization
promises to do so in a way that mitigates rather than exacerbates officer boredom and malaise.
Randomization, the HunchLab team argues, places patrol officers in areas that they may not have thought
the filtered collection of cells, weights are then used to differentiate between medium and high risk locations, and
randomization is introduced in the selection within this narrowed set.
Beyond the Boxwebinar. See footnote 11.
Heffner and product team members often attend conferences to represent the police technology sector, often
portraying HunchLab as an ethical alternative to other predictive policing products, for example, the 2015 Data and
Civil Rights conference, sponsored by technology and social justice nonprofit Data & Society.
Authors fieldnotes, HunchLab offices, December 18, 2015.
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to patrol previously because of the biases of their own on-the-job experience. Serendipitously, this also
responds to the problem of boredom. The crime analyst for HunchLab client Greensboro Police Department
has argued publicly that his departments officers enjoy the element of surprise that randomized predictions
There is a craft to maintaining officer buy-in, Heffner explained to mea delicate balancing
act to ensure that officers believe the algorithm knows what its doing,sending them to known high crime-
risk locations, and that it does something new,sending them to unexpected locales, and randomization is
the technique of choice to accomplish the balance.
When HunchLab team members addressed civil rights advocates critical of predictive policing,
randomization was framed as a mechanism to disrupt the patrols entrenched geographic biases. Speaking
at a policing and civil rights conference at New York Universitys School of Law, Heffner explained,
If youre a police department and youre not using an algorithm, youre probably using a
hot spot map . . . [which] has probably not changed very much for a long time. So what we
do in HunchLab is, we sometimes don’t send [patrols] to the highest risk places, because
then we can see what happens when we dont send them there and we send them to a lower
risk place . . . Its a bit of a randomization based upon the analysis to help us gain more
insight into what it would look like when you dont saturate an area with police. Because
maybe we dont have that in the training data, and we need to gain that knowledge.
The compromise between predictive accuracysending officers to the highest risk grid cellsand gaining
knowledge by sending officers to new places echoes well-known trade-offs in computer science, between
fairness and accuracy (e.g., Friedler et al. 2018; Zafar et al. 2017) and exploitation and exploration (Berger-
Tal et al. 2014; Slivkins 2017). The fairnessaccuracy trade-off refers to outcomes when algorithms operate
on data about people. Fairness-aware algorithms seek to ensure that outcomes do not disproportionately
impact members of a protected class (class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, religion, and so on), but in
doing so compromise predictive accuracy relative to the ground truth data (Friedler et al. 2018). In the
exploitationexploration trade-off, compromises must be made between obtaining new knowledge or
information (exploration) and using the knowledge or information that one already has to improve
performance (exploitation) (Berger-Tal et al. 2014). For HunchLab, randomization functions to introduce
fairness through exploration, in the sense that randomizing allocations sends officers to areas that are
underrepresented in the crime data because of uneven patterns of policing (that is, wealthier and whiter
Though a technical intervention, randomization provides a flexible mechanism with which HunchLab links
its rationalization of patrols with ethical concerns about biased geographic data and discriminatory patrol
strategies. Although such interventions have largely been ignored in debates about algorithmic predictions
in law enforcement, it is not enough to simply point to randomization as a universal corrective. We need to
grapple with the trade-offs that randomization introduces in order to understand who is making such
decisions, why, and with what consequences.
Beyond the fairnessaccuracy and explorationexploitation trade-offs, compromises in scientific rigor are
justified for the sake of pragmatic experimentalism. Beyond Predictive Missions and the Allocation Engine,
HunchLab subscribers can also access a feature called Advisor.In line with the vision for prescriptive
policing,Advisor provides a way for clients to experiment with different patrol tactics. On the surface,
HunchLab webinar, HunchLab Predictive Missions at Greensboro PD: Tell me what I dont know!’” Available at
Authors fieldnotes, HunchLab offices, March 26, 2015.
Heffner, presentation at thePolicing and Accountability in the Digital Agesymposium at the New York
University School of Law, September 15, 2016 (emphasis reflects speech).
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Advisor appears to merely automate the methodology of a randomized control trial (RCT): departments test
different tactical responses to crime patterns and evaluate the outcomes relative to a control group. Yet,
given the indeterminacies and trade-offs detailed above, Advisor also abandons some core tenets of the
RCT, leading to a mode of experimentation that is ultimately untethered from ground truth.
Advisor consists of three distinct initiative types: Field Test, Experiment, and Adaptive Tactics. With Field
Test, clients evaluate the effectiveness of different tactics in response to a specified crime-type. For example,
following a wave of home burglaries, a department could use Field Test to study tactics like high visibility
patrol and canvassing homes and businesses for reducing crime incidence. HunchLab offers suggestions
for potential tactics to be tested (for example, writ[ing] reports while parked in patrol cars at high risk
), but these are also customizable fields that district commanders can update according to their
own imperatives. After tactics are delineated, Field Test monitors the rate of home burglaries while a tactic
is implemented and then compares the outcome to what likely would have happened had you not been
doing the field test.
The what likely would have happened, in turn, is determined by algorithmic
predictionbut again, this can no longer be evaluated.
The second initiative type, Experiment, is similar but expands the process to the entire jurisdiction, randomly
assigning beats, districts, or precincts as control or treatment groups (essentially replicating the RCT
methodology). HunchLab maintains that Experiment promises certain advantages over traditional RCTs.
For example, because it is designed for internal tests, departments may be less concerned with achieving
proper statistical thresholds for determining significance. Experimentation can be implemented rapidly and,
with software interfaces designed to automate methodology, the barrier to entry for officers and analysts
without advanced degrees in statistics or experimental criminology is lowered.
The third of Advisors initiatives, Adaptive Tactics, is somewhat different, as it is not confined to a fixed
experimental timeframe. Adaptive Tactics involves ongoing data collection on the effects that a selection of
tactical responses will have on predicted crime rates. Like Field Test, Adaptive Tactics takes a list of tactical
recommendations developed for a specific crime problem. Every time that crime-type is predicted, Adaptive
Tactics makes a recommendation from the list and records its execution in relation to the risk profile for the
grid cell. This begins as a randomized assignment, with zero confidence in the recommendations, but over
time promises to accumulate enough data to make recommendations with higher levels of inferential
certainty. As with the exploitationexploration trade-off discussed above, Adaptive Tactics operates by a
balancing act, between resources expended to acquire new information about various tacticseffectiveness
and simply exploiting what is already known to be effective. Because the fields are customizable, however,
there are no guarantees that discriminatory tactics believed to be effective will not be imputed (for example,
a department could easily impute unwarranted stops, searches, and seizures, stop and frisk,as a tactical
The emphasis on pragmatic experimentation echoes calls from criminologists and law enforcement
intellectuals for police departments to adopt a more iterative and experimental approach to patrol. Between
2014 and 2016, for example, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) ran the Randomized Control Trial
Challenge, promising grants of $100,000 to five police departments to conduct research on police
managerial strategies.
Jim Bueermann, president of the Police Foundation, predicted that by 2022, every
police department would have a resident criminologist to test strategic efficacy (McCullough and Spence
2012). Similarly, criminologist Lawrence Sherman (2013) forecast that command staffs will be regularly
deploying technologies to test patrol efficiencies by 2025. As HunchLabs Heffner maintains, however, the
kind of experimentation that criminologists call for can be burdensome and expensive for local departments,
HunchLab webinar, HunchLab Advisor: Know What Works.Available at
HunchLab Advisorwebinar. See footnote 20.
According to former NIJ executive George Ridgeway, the Challenge was canceled as of January 2016 because no
departments applied for funding (Gregory Ridgeway, personal communication with the author, January 17, 2018).
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especially absent a grant like the NIJs.
Institutional pressures can also be prohibitive. In the era of intra-
departmental accountability demands through programs like CompStat, pressures on district commanders
to demonstrate strategic effectiveness through crime reductions can lead to a sort of risk aversion,with
commanders becoming less likely to experiment with things . . . because if we can just keep things
generally as they are, they will likely turn out the same way at the next CompStat meetingand so thats a
safe move.
Advisor is marketed as capable of overcoming these barriersthrough automation, easy-to-
use interface design, and lower thresholds for significance.
The trouble is that Advisor is also built upon the indeterminacies discussed above. When Field Test or
Adaptive Tactics evaluates the effectiveness of a specific tactic, they compare the crime outcome in that
assigned cell against predictions of what likely would have occurred there based on the Predictive Missions
algorithm. But given the performative effects of patrol on the crime, this scenario might best be understood
as a fraction without a denominator, an RCT without a control. Inferences about a tactics effectiveness are
admittedly unfalsifiable in the traditional sense of experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Scientific
rigor is sacrificed for good-enough estimations. This could mean new, less discriminatory tactics, but it
could also mean an optimized version of the same old practices; faith is simply placed in police departments
willingness to test out less harmful tacticscanvassing rather than stopping and frisking, for instance.
Algorithmic rewardsare determined, and these inform the system how to sort outcomes as positive or
negative. But if the only data legible to the system are arrests made based on predictive patrol (rather than
the unobservable prevention or deterrence of crimes), then Advisor may simply learn how to reproduce the
patterns most in need of change (Jefferson 2017; Robinson and Koepke 2016).
A Common Good or a Distribution of Harm?
Predictive policing has always been discursively supported by claims that it enhances control, certainty, and
exactitude. As Los Angeles Chief of Police Charlie Beck puts it, algorithmic allocations offer the ability
to anticipate or predict crime provid[ing] unique opportunities to prevent, deter, thwart, mitigate, and
respond to crime more effectively, ultimately changing public safety outcomes and the associated quality of
life for many communities(Beck and McCue 2009). In practice, however, it is indeterminacy, uncertainty,
and a general fudginessthat open a space for intervention. Patrol rationalizations operate on the
scaffolding of irrational assumptions such as predictive efficacyor on unfalsifiable inferences as a
criterion for evaluation. Most optimistically, these incongruities untether the predictive patrol from
routinized, discriminatory practices and patterns in policing. As with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun’s (2018)
recent work on the politics of proxies (cf. Wilk 2017), algorithmic prediction becomes an ambivalent
pharmacon”—a mode of intervening in patrol geographies through data proxies that challenge established
epistemological premises for what constitutes evidence. Although prediction is nominally about
representing and anticipating future events, it works by capturing distributions of the present. Untethering
these from ground truth creates an opportunity to intervene, to divert futures from merely reproducing the
uneven and inequitable patterns that shape policing today.
Critiques of predictive policing have largely ignored the fact that existing best practices, such as hot spot
policing, are themselves a crude algorithmic remediation of patrol geographies
that facilitate the over-
policing of poor and minority communities and expose them to police abuses. HunchLab team members are
not wrong to critique hot spot policing; it is a blunt preventive instrument that allows for biased patrols,
leaving officers plenty of space to abuse their power through an exercise of discretion. As Dubber and
Valverde (2006) note, the polices preventive power has always entailed a discretionary element, and that
discretion reflects a form of localized sovereignty and power. Predictive policing for reform seeks to
disrupt these entrenched patterns and introduce accountability for that discretion. The question that needs
HunchLab Advisorwebinar. See footnote 20.
HunchLab Advisorwebinar. See footnote 20.
An exception is Brayne, Rosenblat, and boyds (2015) primer on predictive policing, which raises questions about
the relationship between algorithmic predictions and current best practices in police patrol.
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to be asked of algorithmic interventions, however, is in what ways that discretion is distributed between
data-drivenand intuition-drivenpatrolsbetween machinic and human controlsand how these
distributions can be evaluated without recourse to unfalsifiable claims.
By the same token, indeterminacys destabilization of statistical representation should raise concernsnot
simply about scientific validity or the merit of algorithmic prediction but about ethical validity and merit.
As critical geographer Brian Jordan Jefferson (2017: 2) argues in his study of the Chicago Police
Departments use of geospatial analytics, the predictive data structure ensures that negatively racialized
fractions of surplus labor and the places they inhabit are only representable to state authorities and the public
as objects of policing and punishment (emphasis added). This narrow legibility owes to the fact that
deterrence is central to the mediations of the police patrol but not representable by measurement: the
sociotechnical and institutional assemblage of the police patrol is organized around positive(observable,
quantifiable, and optimizable) outcomespolice use of force and punishmentto effect public safety
benefits. Letting-alone, letting-be, respectingthese are statistically inscrutable.
Is it possible to expand this legibility and truly disrupt entrenched police abuses and violence? What would
it look like to view HunchLabs interventionary trade-offsbetween fairness and accuracy, exploration and
exploitationwith an eye toward remediating disinvestment in black communities, for example? Imagining
such a scenario is difficult because the ambiguities, indeterminacies, and trade-offs that plague predictive
policing are innate and defining features of the police patrol itself, not mere effects of algorithmic agency
(Introna 2016).
Ultimately, predictive policing for reformis incapable of resolving two fundamentally incommensurate
but concurrent functions of the police patrol. On one hand is a view of police patrols as distributing public
safety as a common goodan idea that traces back to early modern theorists of the state (e.g., Locke [1698]
1988). On the other is the view from marginalized communities, who experience the patrol as an enactment
of uneven geographies of legitimacy and authority, risk and danger, harm and abuse (e.g., Marcuse 1997;
Merrill and Hoffman 2015). On the first view, patrols act to safeguard the public from criminality;
accordingly, a more equitable distribution of protections can be optimized for. In the latter view, whole
communities are criminalized through location-based patrols; police operate as an occupying force in
neighborhoods isolated through histories of unjust policies, disinvestment, and urban renewal programs that
isolate and racialize surplus populations (Jefferson 2017). For these communities, optimization would
simply mean more effectivesources and distributions of harm.
That these two functions are irreconcilable is not the fault of the algorithm per se, nor can an algorithm offer
any sort of meaningful resolution. Improving public safety benefits for all communitiesenacting more
equitable geographies of risk and protectionwill require grappling with, reorganizing, or even potentially
dismantling the entire sociotechnical and institutional apparatus of the police patrol itself.
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... Nel contesto della sicurezza nazionale 64 , al contrario, ciò potrebbe tradursi in un regime di targeting -arbitrario e, come tale, illegittimo -a danno di obiettivi sovrarappresentati nei dati, con conseguente focalizzazione ristretta, nell'attività di indagine, su determinate tipologie di bersaglio, favorendo il fenomeno noto come streetlight effect 65 . Ciò giustifica le preoccupazioni che animano gli studiosi di criminologia i quali, già da tempo, vanno segnalando i pericoli insiti nell'uso dei Big Data e del processo decisionale automatizzato (Chan & Bennet Moses, 2016;Joh, 2017;Selbst, 2017;Shapiro, 2019). Il timore è che i dati relativi ai c.d. precedenti penali possano rafforzare le disparità nell'attività di polizia preventiva (Berk, 2021;Ridgeway, 2018), con conseguenti risultati distorti nella prevenzione e applicazione della legge penale (Brayne & Christin, 2021 Brayne (2017), in particolare, osserva che, se per un verso l'uso del Big Data Analytics può costituire un fattore razionalizzante -grazie al suo potenziale di incremento dell'efficienza mediante l'accuratezza dei risultati dell'analisi predittiva -per altri versi, l'impiego degli strumenti predittivi può reiterare tecnologicamente biases e consolidare modelli esistenti di disuguaglianza sociale. ...
... Successivamente, tale approccio si estese anche allo studio della delinquenza giovanile (Shaw & McKai, 1942). preoccupazioni diffuse, soprattutto da quando il processo decisionale basato sui Big Data ("big data-driven decision-making") è stato sistematicamente incorporato nelle pratiche di applicazione della legge (Joh, 2017;Selbst, 2017;Shapiro, 2019;Southerland, 2020;Završnik, 2020). La sorveglianza è sempre più mediata tecnologicamente e le tecnologie emergenti la rendono possibile su una scala senza precedenti (Ericson & Haggerty, 1997;Lyon, 1994). ...
... Ciò faciliterebbe la creazione di reti di sorveglianza secondaria a carico di ampie fasce di popolazione suscettibili di divenire, loro malgrado, obiettivi di future attività di intelligence non legittimamente giustificate (Brayne, 2017). Questi ed altri sono i timori che assillano attualmente la comunità scientifica internazionale (Amoore & Raley, 2017;Andrejevic, 2017;Brayne, & Christin, 2021;Dencik, Hintz & Carey, 2018;Lavorgna, & Ugwudike, 2021;Shapiro, 2019;Van Brakel, 2016). ...
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The "Big Data Governance and Legal Aspects" booklet delves into the governance challenges and legal implications surrounding Big Data in an era marked by the rapid evolution of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs). It highlights the essential processes for managing data throughout its lifecycle, emphasizing collection, storage, and analysis while ensuring data security and ethical usage. The text also navigates the balance between privacy and national security, exploring the necessity for ethical and legal frameworks that can address these evolving threats. The publication investigates the dual potential of Big Data: maximizing value for national security and minimizing privacy risks. It discusses the complexity of reconciling privacy with national security, particularly in the context of CBRNe threats. The book includes a comprehensive examination of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) methods and the deployment of demonstrators to monitor global asymmetric threats. By analyzing regulatory landscapes and presenting case studies, it offers an integrated approach to understanding Big Data's role in contemporary security and defense, providing a valuable resource for policy makers, researchers, and security professionals.
... The analysis revealed that African Americans were disproportionately subjected to erroneous profiling of future criminal acts, whereas Caucasians were disproportionately rendered falsely innocent. Since then, empirical investigations of algorithms designed to forecast the probability of criminal activity have been increasingly finding evidence of racial and geographical bias concerning individuals identified as "high-risk offenders", and racially and economically marginalised areas are mapped as "hot spots of crime" (Dressel & Farid, 2018;Edler Duarte, 2021;Jefferson, 2018;Shapiro, 2017Shapiro, , 2019. There is a major concern about the "dirty" data used as inputs (Richardson et al., 2019). ...
... The existing literature warns that, when approached without careful consideration, AI-based predictive law enforcement tools have the potential to reproduce existing patterns of discrimination and inherent biases from previous databases and decision makers (Barocas & Selbst, 2016;Richardson et al., 2019;Shapiro, 2017Shapiro, , 2019. These tools can also reflect the pervasive biases that exist in society at large (Edler Duarte, 2021). ...
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This article discusses the potential sources and consequences of unfairness in artificial intelligence (AI) predictive tools used for anti-corruption efforts. Using the examples of three AI-based anti-corruption tools from Brazil—risk estimation of corrupt behaviour in public procurement, among public officials, and of female straw candidates in electoral contests—it illustrates how unfairness can emerge at the infrastructural, individual, and institutional levels. The article draws on interviews with law enforcement officials directly involved in the development of anti-corruption tools, as well as academic and grey literature, including official reports and dissertations on the tools used as examples. Potential sources of unfairness include problematic data, statistical learning issues, the personal values and beliefs of developers and users, and the governance and practices within the organisations in which these tools are created and deployed. The findings suggest that the tools analysed were trained using inputs from past anti-corruption procedures and practices and based on common sense assumptions about corruption, which are not necessarily free from unfair disproportionality and discrimination. In designing the ACTs, the developers did not reflect on the risks of unfairness, nor did they prioritise the use of specific technological solutions to identify and mitigate this type of problem. Although the tools analysed do not make automated decisions and only support human action, their algorithms are not open to external scrutiny.
... As Simone Browne (2015) has described, even in cities in free states, the police enforced "lantern laws" that prevented Black people from traveling without illumination after nightfall. Such racial logics persist today with the algorithmically driven overpolicing of minority neighborhoods (Brayne 2021;Shapiro 2019); the routine police terrorization and killing of Black, brown, and gender-nonconforming individuals (Quan 2024;Wall and Correia 2018); and the hyper-incarceration of people of color (Wacquant 2009). ...
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In this paper, I explore the labor of “emancipatory collectives,” or community-based networks organized around principles of police and prison abolition, collective empowerment, and survival. Far from being passive victims, many communities that have been subject to some of the most aggressive forms of racialized surveillance and police violence have developed their own responses to mitigate harms and ensure survival. These responses can range from direct opposition to tactical avoidance, from formal to informal interventions, and from collective to individual actions. Here, I explore the work of local, US-based activist groups that are dedicated to safeguarding their most vulnerable community members and fostering grassroots resilience. Drawing upon the rich literature on the history and legacies of maroon communities of formerly enslaved people, I conceptualize these activist groups as emancipatory collectives that embody an ethic of care to guide their pursuit of social justice.
... Definitions of AI urbanism are thus concerned with the changes that this technology can bring on the urban fabric both in terms of everyday experiences and the built environment (Batty, 2023;Cugurullo, 2021;Bratton, 2021). Indeed, the radical urban impact of AI is affecting interpersonal relations, interaction with institutions and service providers, and the way in which infrastructures, buildings and neighbourhoods are planned, constructed and managed (Son et al., 2023;Golubchikov & Thornbush, 2020;Shapiro, 2019;McCarroll & Cugurullo, 2022). ...
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between AI urbanism and sustainability by drawing upon some key concepts of Bruno Latour’s philosophy. The idea of a sustainable AI urbanism - often understood as the juxtaposition of smart and eco urbanism - is here critiqued through a reconstruction of the conceptual sources of these two urban paradigms. Some key ideas of smart and eco urbanism are indicated as incompatible and therefore the fusion of these two paradigms is assessed as an unstable basis for shaping sustainable AI urbanism. The concepts in question - modernity, science and nature – are subsequently redefined following Latour’s philosophical perspective, in an attempt to define a different theoretical basis for a sustainable AI urbanism in the Anthropocene. Finally, the principles of a design philosophy shaped by Latour are used to change the design culture that informs AI urbanism towards a more sustainable practice. This paper constructs and promotes a dialogue between the disciplines of philosophy and urban theory with urban design in the conviction that the principles produced by the former and the practices carried out by the latter must start a biunivocal relationship. The paper reveals that in order to change design culture in the field of AI urbanism, it is necessary to rethink some of the key ideas that inform the Western and modern worldview through novel philosophical reflections.
... Voorstanders van predictive policing stellen dat deze technologie de efficiëntie van het justitiële systeem kan vergroten en -nog belangrijker -het justitiële systeem eerlijker kunnen maken (Shapiro, 2019). Dit omdat AI-systemen juist geen vooroordelen hebben zoals de mens deze heeft, maar puur opereert op basis van de data. ...
Technical Report
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Artificial intelligence (AI) speelt een steeds grotere rol in ons leven en wordt langzamerhand in meer branches en organisaties ingezet. Ook binnen het justitiële veld worden de mogelijkheden onderzocht om AI in te kunnen zetten. Een belangrijke verkenning hierbinnen is de mogelijke toepassing van AI binnen 3RO. Het doel van dit rapport is om voor het reclasseringswerk een ruimer begrip te krijgen over wat AI is, hoe AI ingezet kan worden binnen dit reclasseringswerk, wat de voor- en nadelen van deze toepassingen zijn en hoe reclasseringswerkers met zulke AIprogramma’s kunnen werken. Met het huidige onderzoek wordt de eerste stap gezet in het bouwen van een nieuw framework over hoe AI zou moeten worden toegepast binnen de reclasseringspraktijk evenals organisaties binnen GGZ en justitie waarin soortgelijke beslissingen worden gemaakt die direct impact hebben op cliënten, patiënten of voormalig gedetineerden. Het is duidelijk dat AI binnen het justitiële veld in opkomst is. Steeds meer AI-programma’s worden ontwikkeld en in gebruik genomen. Voor 3RO lijken er kansen te liggen in het gebruik van AI om reclasseringswerkers te ontlasten in de informatie die zij moeten verwerken. Duidelijk is dat er nog veel haken en ogen zitten aan de inzet van AIsystemen. Concreet bevelen wij aan dat wanneer men verder wil met AI binnen 3RO er (1) voorbij AI als risicotaxatie moet worden gekeken, (2) gekeken moet worden naar de continue ontwikkelingen van AI-systemen en wat er mogelijk is, en (3) de menselijke maat in het oog houden zodat AI-systemen nooit het eindoordeel geven. We zitten voor het toepassen van AI binnen het justitiële veld – en binnen 3RO in het bijzonder – nog in de beginfase. We zullen kritisch moeten blijven op AI-systemen en de inzet van deze systemen continue moeten monitoren met het oog voor de menselijke maat.
Las aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial en el ámbito del control policial han generado un enfoque dual: por un lado, una creciente fascinación y entusiasmo debido a las posibilidades innovadoras; por otro lado, un conjunto de preocupaciones y cuestionamientos profundos sobre su implementación y sus posibles implicaciones en términos de derechos y justicia social. A pesar de que ya existen investigaciones sustanciales al respecto y se han planteado diversas inquietudes, el tema sigue despertando muchas expectativas exageradas. Es esencial comprender la base de estas expectativas y su origen, ya que a menudo están enraizadas en intereses económicos y en la promesa de una aplicación objetiva y neutral de la tecnología en el ámbito policial. Aquí es donde deben entrar en juego las reflexiones de las ciencias sociales, desempeñando un papel fundamental en la reconfiguración del debate entre optimistas y pesimistas.
Les caméras corporelles sont de plus en plus utilisées par les services de police du monde entier. Grâce à une enquête menée auprès de tous les services de police fédéraux, provinciaux, municipaux et des Premières Nations du Canada, il se dégage que 36 des 172 services de police canadiens ont déclaré avoir utilisé des caméras corporelles en 2022. Le présent article propose également une évaluation, sous forme de tableau de bord, de toutes les procédures disponibles régissant l’utilisation des cameras corporelles au Canada ( N = 27), documentant la mesure dans laquelle ces procédures abordent les questions fondamentales liées à la réglementation en matière d’utilisation de ces caméras. Les thèmes clés des procédures se répartissent en six catégories générales: attentes du programme des cameras corporelles, attentes des utilisateurs de cameras corporelles, attentes des superviseurs de cameras corporelles, attentes en matière de conservation et de stockage des données, attentes en matière de divulgation des vidéos, et considérations supplémentaires. Les procédures présentent une grande cohérence. Presque toutes ces procédures fournissent des directives en matière d’activation, exigent la notification du sujet dès que cela est raisonnablement possible, ne permettent pas que les images captées par les cameras corporelles se substituent à d’autres formes de preuves, et autorisent les utilisateurs à visionner les images. Toutefois, certains sujets sont abordés de manière beaucoup moins cohérente, avec un petit nombre de procédures présentant des commentaires sur la mise en mémoire tampon de la caméra et les pratiques sensibles aux victimes, ainsi que la communication de renseignements dans l’intérêt du public. Le présent article plaide pour une normalisation continue des procédures régissant l’utilisation des caméras corporelles à travers le Canada (et les mécanismes de gouvernance policière de manière plus générale) afin d’appuyer une prestation des services de police cohérents et de haute qualité partout dans le pays.
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This article examines the “aesthetic” and “prescient” turn in the surveillant assemblage and the various ways in which risk technologies in local law enforcement are reshaping the post hoc traditions of the criminal justice system. The rise of predictive policing and crime prevention software illustrate not only how the world of risk management solutions for public security is shifting from sovereign borders to inner-city streets but also how the practices of authorization are allowing software systems to become proxy forms of sovereign power. The article also examines how corporate strategies and law enforcement initiatives align themselves through media, connectivity, and consumer-oriented opt-in strategies that endeavor to “mold” and “deputize” ordinary individuals into obedient and patriotic citizens.
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Objectives In 2013, the Chicago Police Department conducted a pilot of a predictive policing program designed to reduce gun violence. The program included development of a Strategic Subjects List (SSL) of people estimated to be at highest risk of gun violence who were then referred to local police commanders for a preventive intervention. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the pilot on individual- and city-level gun violence, and to test possible drivers of results. Methods The SSL consisted of 426 people estimated to be at highest risk of gun violence. We used ARIMA models to estimate impacts on city-level homicide trends, and propensity score matching to estimate the effects of being placed on the list on five measures related to gun violence. A mediation analysis and interviews with police leadership and COMPSTAT meeting observations help understand what is driving results. ResultsIndividuals on the SSL are not more or less likely to become a victim of a homicide or shooting than the comparison group, and this is further supported by city-level analysis. The treated group is more likely to be arrested for a shooting. Conclusions It is not clear how the predictions should be used in the field. One potential reason why being placed on the list resulted in an increased chance of being arrested for a shooting is that some officers may have used the list as leads to closing shooting cases. The results provide for a discussion about the future of individual-based predictive policing programs.
Conference Paper
Computers are increasingly used to make decisions that have significant impact on people's lives. Often, these predictions can affect different population subgroups disproportionately. As a result, the issue of fairness has received much recent interest, and a number of fairness-enhanced classifiers have appeared in the literature. This paper seeks to study the following questions: how do these different techniques fundamentally compare to one another, and what accounts for the differences? Specifically, we seek to bring attention to many under-appreciated aspects of such fairness-enhancing interventions that require investigation for these algorithms to receive broad adoption. We present the results of an open benchmark we have developed that lets us compare a number of different algorithms under a variety of fairness measures and existing datasets. We find that although different algorithms tend to prefer specific formulations of fairness preservations, many of these measures strongly correlate with one another. In addition, we find that fairness-preserving algorithms tend to be sensitive to fluctuations in dataset composition (simulated in our benchmark by varying training-test splits) and to different forms of preprocessing, indicating that fairness interventions might be more brittle than previously thought.
This paper considers the role of video footage in recent high-profile cases of anti-black police brutality in the United States. I illuminate the limits of the counter-surveillance impetus to film the police by contextualizing this strain of social media utopianism within the larger history of what I call “racialization as a way of seeing.” Racialization as a way of seeing is a historical formation that brings together the history of policing, the development of visual epistemologies, and the history of the naturalization of the criminality of blackness. I then track how the optimism of the counter-surveillance discourse has been recuperated by the state into consent for police worn cameras—reforms which threaten to strengthen a system built on structural racism, rather than ameliorate its injustices. I conclude by suggesting an emergent model for how video evidence may be paradoxically working to relegitimize the police and the state in the newest era of “21st century policing.”
While critical attention has recently turned to racialized police violence in US cities, another quiet development in urban policing is taking place. Hundreds of police departments have begun to wed database software with geographic information systems to represent crime cartographically. Focusing on the Chicago police’s digital mapping application, CLEARmap, the article interprets this development from the standpoint of racialized carceral power. It puts critical geographic information systems theory into discussion with critical ethnic studies and builds the case that CLEARmap does not passively “read” urban space, but provides ostensibly scientific ways of reading and policing negatively racialized fractions of surplus labor in ways that reproduces, and in some instances extends the tentacles of carceral power. CLEARmap’s data structure ensures that negatively racialized fractions of surplus labor, the places they inhabit, and the social problems that afflict them are only representable to state authorities and the public as objects of policing and punishment. CLEARmap is also used at police–community meetings and via the Internet to adapt public perceptions of crime to that of the policing apparatus, and mobilize the public as appendages of police surveillance. By tracing these phenomena, the article casts a heretofore untheorized dimension of the carceral power into sharp relief.