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Strong negative relationship between population-level general intelligence and ADHD genetic factors inferred from allele frequencies

  • Ulster Institute for Social Research
  • Ulster Institute for Social Research

Abstract and Figures

ADHD and general intelligence are negatively correlated (within populations) and this correlation is driven by common genetic variants shared between the two phenotypes. This paper analyzes the population frequency patterns of alleles associated with ADHD and intelligence in two samples of 26 and 50 populations (1000 genomes and ALFRED). Factor analysis of allele frequencies was used to estimate the strength of natural selection on the two traits. The two factors, indicating selection for general intelligence and ADHD, show strong negative correlations in both 1000 Genomes and ALFRED samples (r= -0.93 and -0.90, respectively). Alleles with lower p-values would be less likely to be false positives, so the more significant ADHD GWAS hits are expected to be more strongly negatively correlated with the general intelligence SNP and the ADHD SNP factors, which were also found (r=-0.26 and 0.37, respectively). The ADHD factor predicted national IQs also after accounting for a measure of population structure (Fst). Results are interpreted in a framework based on evolutionary convergent selection pressure for higher general intelligence and lower ADHD.
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June 10, 2015
intelligence, adhd, polygenic
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having trouble
concentrating and impulsive behavior. Prevalence depends on specific criteria used (e.g. self-report
vs. clinical diagnosis) but is around 5-7% (Willcutt, 2012). Genetically informative designs find high
heritabilities of ADHD. One review of 20 twin studies found a mean heritability of 76% (Faraone et al,
2005). ADHD is related to many other psychiatric problems such as bipolar disorder and drug
dependency (Kessler et al, 2006). More importantly, ADHD is negatively related to general intelligence
(GI; Kuntsi et al, 2003) and learning ability (Mayes et al, 2000). The correlation with GI is about -.3.
This may seem small, but in practice it means that the ADHD group has an IQ about 9 points below
the non-ADHD group (see Frazier 2004 for a meta-analysis of ADHD x IQ correlations). Moreover,
Kunstsi et al. (2003) found that the genetic overlap between ADHD and GI was 100%; the same genes
have an influence on both traits.
Martin et al. (2014) found that a genetic composite risk score, based on a case-control genome-wide
association study (GWAS) for clinical ADHD (Stergiakouli et al., 2012), was independently associated
with lower IQ. However, the association was rather weak (beta = -.05). On the other hand, the
discovery sample was quite small for a GWAS (700 with ADHD, 5100 controls), so the association will
Strong negative relationship between population-level
general intelligence and ADHD genetic factors inferred
from allele frequencies
ADHD and general intelligence are negatively correlated (within populations) and this correlation is driven by common genetic
variants shared between the two phenotypes. This paper analyzes the population frequency patterns of alleles associated with
ADHD and intelligence in two samples of 26 and 50 populations (1000 genomes and ALFRED). Factor analysis of allele frequencies
was used to estimate the strength of natural selection on the two traits. The two factors, indicating selection for general intelligence
and ADHD, show strong negative correlations in both 1000 Genomes and ALFRED samples (r= -0.93 and -0.90, respectively).
Alleles with lower p-values would be less likely to be false positives, so the more significant ADHD GWAS hits are expected to be
more strongly negatively correlated with the general intelligence SNP and the ADHD SNP factors, which were also found (r=-0.26
and 0.37, respectively).
The ADHD factor predicted national IQs also after accounting for a measure of population structure (Fst).
Results are interpreted in a framework based on evolutionary convergent selection pressure for higher general intelligence and lower
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 1
credited. likely be larger in a better powered GWAS.
Molecular genetic studies of height, general intelligence and educational attainment
Over the last few years, researchers have started moving away from the study of genetic evolution
using a single-gene, Mendelian approach towards models that examine many genes together
(polygenic). The more genes are involved in a given phenotype, the more the signal of natural
selection will be “diluted” across different genomic regions (because each gene accounts for a tiny
effect) making it difficult to detect it using approaches focused on a single gene (Pritchard et al., 2010;
Piffer, 2014; Davies et al, 2011; Groen-Blokhuis et al, 2014). A first attempt at empirically identifying
polygenic selection was made by Turchin et al. (2012) on two populations (Northern and Southern
Europeans), providing evidence for higher frequency of height-increasing alleles (obtained from
GWAS studies) among Northern Europeans. A drawback of that study was the reliance on populations
from a single continent and that crude pairwise comparisons (e.g. French vs. Italian) were used without
correlating frequency differences to average population height. Moreover, the strength of selection was
not determined.
Rietveld et al. (2013)’s meta-analysis found ten SNPs that increased educational attainment,
comprising three with nominal genome-wide significance and seven with suggestive significance. A
recent study has replicated the positive effect of these top three SNPs, rs9320913, rs11584700 and
rs4851266, on mathematics and reading performance in an independent sample of school children
(Ward et al., 2014).
Two different approaches to identify selection based on the correlation of allele frequencies across
different populations have been recently developed by Piffer (2013) and Berg & Coop (2014).
Piffer (2013) obtained two samples comprising 14 and 50 populations (1000 Genomes and ALFRED
databases, respectively) and applied principal components analysis to the frequencies of the ten
alleles reported in Rietveld et al. (2013). The alleles loaded highly and in the expected direction
(positively) on a single factor accounting for most of the variance. The factor scores were correlated to
indexes of country educational achievement (PISA) and IQ, producing high correlations (r’s around
0.9). This factor was interpreted as indicating the strength of polygenic selection. This was the first time
that genetic frequencies had been used from a cross-racial sample and an estimate of selection
strength was provided, thus correlating it with measured average phenotypic scores.
The genetic correlation between ADHD and GI within a population makes it plausible that the same
pattern will be found across populations (Jensen, 1998, “default hypothesis”). Based on the above, we
formed the following hypotheses:
1. If the ADHD SNPs are true positives and have been selected for or against, then there should be a
general ADHD SNP selection factor across populations.
2. There should be a negative correlation between the ADHD SNP general factor and measures of
national GI, as well as with the previously reported GI SNP selection factor.
3. There should be a negative correlation between the p-values of ADHD SNPs and their relationships
with the GI/educational attainment SNP genetic factor and the ADHD SNP general factor because
SNPs with higher p-values are more likely to be false positives.
IQ/educational attainment-increasing alleles: Piffer’s factor, extracted from 4 SNPs affecting general
intelligence, was used (Piffer, 2015a). The top three SNPs (not in LD), were obtained from the most
recent GWAS of cognitive function (Davies et al., 2015).This study focused on fluid intelligence.
ADHD risk alleles were obtained from the largest GWAS to this date, including 5,621 clinical patients
and 13,589 controls (Grohen-Blokuis et al., 2014).
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 2
National/Ethnic IQs were obtained from Lynn and Vanhanen (2012). The IQ for Tuscany was obtained
from Piffer & Lynn, 2014, as the IQ of Central Italy. There were 3 missing cases (Chinese Dai, Gujarati
Indian, Indian Telegu). See suppl. material (“gadhdfactors” spreadsheet).
As previously done, we conducted the analysis on two independent databases of population genetic
data: 1000 Genomes (, comprising 26 populations, and
ALFRED(., comprising 50 populations after list-wise deletion of missing
Since the analyses were generally identical in both databases, we go through the first in detail and
mostly summarize the results for the second.
STUDY 1: 1000 Genomes (phase 3)
Factor analysis of GI-increasing alleles including the latest three GWAS hits (Davies et al.,
Factor analysis was on the three new hits and the four SNPs (Piffer, 2015a) minus one SNP
(rs9320913) which was in strong LD with one of the three new hits (rs10457441).
Table 1. Factor loadings of 3 “new” SNPs
Chr. # Gen. region SNP Factor loading
6 98678841 rs10457441.C 0.83
14 32372633 rs17522122.G -0.76
19 50098513 rs10119.G 0.39
Table 2. Factor loadings of 4 SNPs minus overlapping one.
Chr. # Gen. region SNP Factor loading
1 204576983 rs11584700,G 0.83
2 100818479 rs4851266.T 0.91
1 94059554 rs236330.C 0.83
The two factors were strongly correlated with each other (r=0.79, N=26, p<0.0001).
A factor analysis was then carried out on the 6 SNPs together. 5 of 6 had strongly positive loadings,
but one SNP (rs17522122) loaded in the wrong direction (-0.55).
Table 3. Factor loadings of 6 GI SNPs.
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 3
Chr. # Gen. region SNP Factor loading
6 98678841 rs10457441.C 0.69
14 32372633 rs17522122.G -0.55
19 50098513 rs10119.G 0.76
1 204576983 rs11584700.G 0.82
2 100818479 rs4851266.T 0.92
1 94059554 rs236330.C 0.85
The correlation between the 6 SNPs GI factor and national IQs was r=0.87 (N=23, p<0.0001). Factor
scores are reported in Table 4.
Table 4. Factor scores for two GI SNP sets and total set of 6 SNPs.
3 “new” snps 3 old snps (4 minus 1 in LD) 6 SNPs IQ
ACB -1.20 -1.22 -1.28 83
ASW -1.10 -1.23 -1.24 85
ESN -1.21 -1.43 -1.47 71
GWD -1.03 -1.38 -1.41 62
LWK -1.71 -1.47 -1.77 74
MSL -0.38 -1.29 -1.16 64
YRI -1.00 -1.46 -1.47 71
CLM -0.08 -0.25 -0.26 83.5
MXL -0.30 0.05 0.06 88
PEL -0.86 0.08 0.12 85
PUR 0.73 -0.17 0.04 83.5
CDX 0.94 1.06 1.14 N/A
CHB 0.18 1.31 1.22 105
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 4
CHS 0.27 1.24 1.22 105
JPT 0.01 1.22 1.07 105
KHV 0.63 1.45 1.40 99.4
CEU 1.12 0.52 0.51 99
FIN 1.27 0.47 0.56 101
GBR 0.88 0.60 0.55 100
IBS 1.39 0.33 0.46 97
TSI 1.41 0.29 0.52 99
BEB 0.24 -0.09 0.08 81
GIH 0.25 0.56 0.51 N/A
ITU -0.20 0.31 0.29 N/A
PJL -0.18 0.34 0.21 84
STU -0.07 0.14 0.08 79
Factor analysis of ADHD risk alleles (1000 Genomes)
Analysis including linked loci
Since the probability that an SNP is a true positive depends on its p-value, only alleles with a p-
value<5*e-5 were included. This is already a very liberal threshold, because the conventional threshold
to be considered significant is 5*10-8 after correction for multiple testing issues (Clarke et al., 2011).
However, the SNPs with the lowest p-value in this study were only <2*e-6, so we chose as a-priori
convention to include all SNPs with a p-value of an order of magnitude lower. This resulted in a set of
42 SNPs. For allele frequencies, see the supplementary material. The set of SNPs (N=42) included
many hits within the same genomic region (500Kb). To avoid redundancy, linked loci were not counted
more than once and, in order to reduce noise, if two or more SNPs were in linkage, only the one with
the best p-value was included. Since having a case-to-variable ratio of at least 2:1 is recommended for
factor analysis (Zhao, 2009) and there were a total of 17 SNPs, we created two sets of 9 and 8 SNPs,
ordered according to their p-value (i.e. the first set comprising the half with the lower p-values).
A factor analysis using minimum residuals was carried out and factor scores saved with the Thurstone
method. Other extraction methods were not used as they produced nearly identical solutions. The
same factor analytic procedure was used throughout this paper.
Most of the alleles’ loadings (11/17) were in the right direction (positive), p=0.166. These are reported
in Tables 5 and 6.
The two factors (obtained from the two separate and unlinked SNP sets) were highly correlated with
each other (r=0.96) and with the genetic population GI SNP factor (from the 4 alleles) (r=-0.90 and -
0.89, respectively).
Table 5. First set of ADHD risk SNPs.
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 5
Chr. # Gen. region SNP Factor loading
18 64443239 rs17232800.C -0.76
5 78146288 rs6453417.T 0.93
19 8675892 rs301407.T 0.45
11 120025839 rs4245040.G 0.74
2 232026998 rs16828074.G 0.89
14 96126480 rs7160641.T 0.95
4 97191397 rs7674977.G -0.59
20 6624355 rs6038589.C 0.97
8 24338666 rs7012077. -0.26
Table 6. Second set of ADHD risk SNPs.
Chr. # Gen. region SNP Factor loading
9 133903199 rs10512416.A 0.7
1 203260558 rs2802837.C 1
7 85478161 rs17160554.C 0.52
6 40761488 rs9471400.C 0.67
3 62876746 rs4635724.G -0.9
17 85123530 rs17712565.G -0.73
12 33865802 rs12582885.T 0.33
22 36781026 rs8142185.C -0.21
Factor scores for GI and ADHD alleles are reported in Table 7.
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 6
Table 7. Factor scores: GI-enhancing and ADHD risk alleles in 1000 Genomes.
Population ADHD SNP
second order
ADHD unlinked
first set, SNP
ADHD unlinked
second set, SNP
GI 4
GI 6
Afr.Car.Barbados 1.53 1.17 1.43 1.30 -1.26 -1.28
US Blacks 1.21 1.12 1.05 1.09 -1.21 -1.24
Esan Nigeria 1.93 1.69 1.65 1.67 -1.45 -1.47
Gambian 1.47 1.48 1.53 1.50 -1.45 -1.41
Luhya Kenya 1.50 1.47 1.63 1.55 -1.54 -1.77
Mende Sierra
1.71 1.64 1.65 1.65 -1.24 -1.16
Yoruba 1.66 1.66 1.70 1.68 -1.46 -1.47
Colombian -0.32 -0.78 -0.46 -0.62 -0.12 -0.26
Mexican LA -0.42 -0.58 -0.57 -0.58 0.02 0.06
Peruvian -0.46 -0.69 -1.07 -0.88 -0.30 0.12
Puerto Rican -0.32 -0.41 -0.17 -0.29 0.01 0.04
Chinese Dai -0.82 -1.05 -0.96 -1.00 1.18 1.14
Han Chin. Bejing -0.65 -1.06 -0.80 -0.93 1.40 1.22
Han Chin. South -0.83 -0.80 -0.97 -0.89 1.30 1.22
Japanese -0.25 -1.32 -0.90 -1.11 1.23 1.07
Vietnam -0.77 -0.91 -0.83 -0.87 1.60 1.40
UtahWhites -0.57 -0.75 -0.77 -0.76 0.76 0.51
Finns -0.63 -0.30 -0.98 -0.64 0.71 0.56
British -0.66 -0.46 -0.58 -0.52 0.85 0.55
Spanish -0.55 -0.75 -0.68 -0.71 0.60 0.46
Tuscan (Italy) -0.66 -0.70 -0.44 -0.57 0.57 0.52
-0.68 -0.06 -0.22 -0.14 -0.26 0.08
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 7
Gujarati Ind. Tx -0.51 0.22 -0.24 -0.01 0.47 0.51
Indian Telegu UK -0.71 0.18 -0.06 0.06 0.02 0.29
Punjabi Pakistan -0.54 -0.11 0.23 0.06 0.19 0.21
Sri LankanUK -0.67 0.11 -0.18 -0.03 -0.61 0.08
Given the high correlation between the factors extracted from the two sets of unlinked alleles, a
composite factor was obtained as the mean of the two vectors, to make the analysis more
parsimonious and less erroneous.
Figures 1(a,b) shows a scatterplot with the factor scores for the ADHD (composite) and GI SNP
factors. The correlations between the two variables were r= -0.91 and -0.93 for the 4 and 6 SNPs
factors, respectively.
Figure 1a. Regression of ADHD SNP factor on the 4 SNPs GI SNP factor.
Figure 1b. Regression of ADHD SNP factor on the 6 SNPs GI SNP factor.
Visual inspection of the plot revealed that the African groups were outliers. After removal of the African
groups, the correlations between the ADHD SNP composite factor and the 4 or 6 SNPs GI factors were
still negative and significant (respectively, r=-0.64 and r=0.61, N=19, p<0.05). This indicates that the
relationship also persists across the other continents.
Method of correlated vectors
The method of correlated vectors consists of correlating the factor loadings of indicator variables with
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 8
the correlations between each indicator variable and the criteria variable (see Kirkegaard, 2014). The
method was employed to test the hypothesis that SNPs with higher p-values would be more likely to be
false positives, hence if there has been natural selection, less selection signal would be detected. The
composite ADHD factor (Table 10, 5th col.) was a criterion variable and the unlinked SNPs were
correlated with it. Spearman rank-order correlation was slightly negative (in line with predictions) but
nonsignificant: r= -0.26 (N=17, p=0.31). Using all the 42 SNPs, the Spearman rank-order correlation
was r= 0.37 and significant (p= .015). This relationship is plotted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Regression of ADHD risk alleles’ correlation with ADHD composite genetic factor on
alleles’ p-values.
Correlation of population genetic factors with aggregate phenotypic measures
A systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that “the large variability of ADHD/HD prevalence
rates worldwide resulted mainly from methodological differences across studies” (Polanczyk et al.,
2007). Since prevalence rates do not reflect an underlying phenotype, correlating them with genetic
scores would not be useful. However, since there is a genetic correlation between GI and ADHD, and
natural selection has stronger effects upon higher-order constructs with pervasive effects on life
outcomes and survival, such as GI (Jensen, 1998; Gottfredson, 1997; Gordon, 1997; Gottfredson,
2004) we expect to find a correlation between population-level ADHD genetic scores and aggregate
measures of cognitive capacity.
The correlation between country/ethnic phenotypic IQ and the ADHD genetic factor was highly
negative (r=-0.91, N= 23, p= <.001).
STUDY 2 (ALFRED dataset)
The 4 SNPs influencing general intelligence used by Piffer (2015a) were searched on ALFRED. When
a SNP was not found in ALFRED, the SNP in close linkage disequilibrium (r>0.8) was used. Linkage
calculator ( based on 1000 Genomes phase 1, CEU data.
Corresponding SNPs are in brackets in the spreadsheet file.
None of the 3 new SNPs was found in ALFRED with this method, apart from the one loading in the
wrong direction (rs17522122) in the 1000 Genomes analysis. Thus, analysis of ALFRED was limited to
the 4 SNPs.
Table 8 shows the factor loadings of the 4 GI-related SNPs in ALFRED.
Table 8. Factor loadings of 4 GI-related SNPs in ALFRED.
SNP Factor loading
rs9320913 A 0.43
rs11584700 G 0.70
rs4851266 T 0.84
rs236330 C 0.72
Factor analysis of ADHD risk alleles
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 9
In total, 13 (out of the 42) SNPs were found in ALFRED (including those in close LD). Results of factor
analysis are reported in Table 9.
Table 9. Factor loadings of 13 ADHD SNPs in ALFRED.
SNP Factor Loading
rs507533.G -0.22
rs6453417.T 0.89
rs7160641.T 0.81
rs4936536.G -0.31
rs10026084.A 0.63
rs4673145.A -0.24
rs2206922.T 0.72
rs1982863.T -0.48
rs2841633.T 0.72
rs12668989.T 0.32
rs4635724.G -0.79
rs4580847.G 0
rs3026685.T -0.40
The factor was negatively correlated to the GI SNP factor (r=-0.81, N=50).
Since the method of correlated vectors showed an abundance of noise in the SNPs with lower
significance, another factor analysis was carried out including only the SNPs with the p-value in the top
half of the total 13 (N=6). Results are reported in Table 10.
Table 10. Top 6 ADHD SNPs loadings.
SNP Factor Loading
rs507533.G -0.28
rs6453417.T 0.90
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 10
rs7160641.T 0.75
rs4936536.G -0.30
rs10026084.A 0.65
rs4673145.A -0.28
In accord with the hypothesis of stronger selection signal among the genuine hits, the correlation
between the extracted factor and the GI SNP factor slightly improved over the all-inclusive factor
analysis (r= -0.9 vs -0.81). Factor scores are reported in Table 11.
Visual inspection of the regression plot suggests that the distribution of scores is not driven by outliers
as in the 1000 Genomes database but is fairly uniform across continental clusters and populations
(Figure 3).
Figure 3. Relationship between 4 GI SNP factor and ADHD (top 6) SNP risk factor, by ethnic
Table 11. Factor scores for ADHD risk and GI-related alleles in ALFRED.
Continent Population ADHD factor ADHD top 6 4 GI factor
Africa Bantu 1.88 1.66 -2.13
Africa San 2.52 2.58 -1.85
Africa Biaka 1.91 1.83 -1.48
Africa Mbuti 1.90 1.76 -1.68
Africa Yoruba 1.86 1.35 -2.07
Africa Mandenka 1.66 1.14 -1.70
Africa Mozabite 0.49 0.51 -0.67
Middle East Bedouin 0.15 -0.12 -0.43
Middle East Druze 0.01 0.31 0.10
Middle East Palestinian 0.47 0.36 -0.14
Europe Adygey -0.01 0.08 0.37
Europe Basque -0.06 0.16 -0.27
Europe French 0.02 0.08 0.06
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 11
Europe Italians -0.17 -0.14 0.23
Europe Orcadian 0.06 0.00 0.63
Europe Russian 0.32 0.43 -0.32
Europe Sardinian 0.20 0.64 -0.36
C Asia Burusho -0.05 -0.24 0.06
C Asia Kalash 0.36 0.50 0.33
C Asia Pashtun 0.49 0.55 -0.36
C Asia Balochi 0.37 0.30 0.29
C Asia Brahui 0.26 0.26 -0.17
C Asia Hazara -0.42 -0.15 0.64
C Asia Sindhi 0.80 0.79 -0.35
E Asia Mongolia -0.90 -0.81 1.27
E Asia Dai -0.29 -0.30 0.65
E Asia Daur -1.21 -1.21 1.15
E Asia Han -0.48 -0.24 0.87
E Asia Hezhe -1.29 -1.80 1.18
E Asia Japanese -1.01 -0.96 0.59
E Asia Koreans -0.89 -0.80 0.93
E Asia Lahu -0.67 -0.81 0.71
E Asia Miao -0.73 -1.19 0.62
E Asia Naxi -1.07 -0.92 0.05
E Asia Oroquen -0.68 -0.68 0.75
E Asia She -1.07 -1.27 0.62
E Asia Tu -0.50 -0.14 0.61
E Asia Tujia -0.64 -0.61 1.42
E Asia Uyghur -0.38 -0.33 0.66
E Asia Xibe -1.04 -1.13 1.04
E Asia Yi -0.76 -0.45 0.98
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 12
SE Asia Cambodians -0.84 -0.24 0.13
Oceania Papuan N.G 1.12 1.06 -1.16
Melanesian Melanesian 1.74 1.77 0.26
Siberia Yakut -0.84 -0.95 0.54
America Pima,Mx -0.21 -0.21 -0.25
America Maya,Yuc -0.79 -0.71 -0.70
America Amerindians -0.29 -0.18 -1.33
America Karitiana -0.70 -0.88 0.07
America Surui -0.60 -0.67 -0.40
Controlling for migration and drift
Piffer (2015c) developed a method to assess the impact of population structure on estimates of
selection inferred from allele frequency patterns.
The correlations between IQ distances and Fst, ADHD factor distances were, respectively: r= 0.588,
Accordingly, Fst distances published by Piffer (2015c) were used in a multiple linear regression with
ADHD factor distances to predict IQ distances between populations. After list-wise deletion there were
253 caes (NA=72). Standardized Betas were 0.168 and 0.483 for Fst and ADHD factor, respectively.
4 and 6 SNPs g factor distances were also employed as dependent variables to assess the predictive
power of ADHD distances net of population structure. Fst and ADHD had similar Betas (0.409,0.443),
(0.5,0.429) for the 4 and 6 SNPs factors, respectively.
Factor analysis of allele frequencies obtained from GWAS hits by independent studies on different but
partly overlapping phenotypes (ADHD and GI) shows that they follow an inverse spatial distribution.
Robustness (reliability) of the findings was provided by the internal consistency of the measures: factor
analysis of two sets of unliked ADHD risk alleles (using 1000 Genomes) located on different
chromosomes yielded two very similar factors (r= 0.96). Moreover, most of the factor loadings (11/17)
were positive (in the right direction), (p= 0.17). Rietveld’s and Davies’ three top hits were related to two
distinct phenotypes (educational attainment and fluid intelligence, respectively), yet the two sets of
alleles produced similar frequency patterns (r=0.79). Moreover, the effect on educational attainment of
a genomic region on chromosome 6 was replicated by Davies for fluid intelligence.
Validity was confirmed by the strong negative correlation of the factor of ADHD SNPs with a factor
extracted from an independent set of 6 GI SNPs produced by several studies, with frequencies
obtained from the ALFRED and 1000 Genomes datasets, comprising 50 and 26 populations
respectively. GWAS hits with a lower p-value had a stronger relationship with the ADHD SNP factor,
PIFFER & KIRKEGAARD The Winnower MARCH 11 2015 13
confirming the hypothesis that a stronger signal of selection would be found in alleles that are likely to
be true positives. Moreover, the factor was negatively related to average phenotypic country/ethnic GI.
The 6 GI-related SNPs were not in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the 17 unlinked ADHD alleles, so
the correlation between the two factors is not confounded by LD. However, two of them (GI-related
rs11584700 and ADHD risk rs2802837) were in nearby genomic regions (around 1.2 Mbp apart), on
chromosome 1.
Another noteworthy finding is that groups which are the most distant genetically (Africans and
Oceanians) appear to have the most similar genetic scores for cognitive traits, whereas genetically
similar groups (East Asians and Native Americans) differ by almost a standard deviation (Tables 15
and 16). This fact is hard to square with an explanation of the results in terms of genetic drift and
instead favours a model of differential selection pressures faced by isolated populations living in
different environments.
We controlled for the effect of population structure using the method outlined by Piffer(2015c). This
showed that although the ADHD factor was a stronger predictor of IQ distances between populations
than Fst, as indicated by Fst, it lost part of its predictive power (Beta= 0.483). Moreover, it did not have
more predictive power of GI factor distances than Fst. These results together are weaker than what
found by Piffer for the 4 SNPs g factor(2015c), which retained all its predictive power on IQ distances
when regressed with Fst.
We see at least two possible explanations for the general results: 1) The SNPs found by the ADHD
GWAS are in reality GI-increasing alleles and have no specific effect on ADHD. 2) ADHD and GI have
undergone opposite selection pressure, that is ancestral environments that selected for higher GI also
selected against behavioral predispositions to ADHD, such as inattention and impulsivity. In such a
hypothetical scenario, harsher environments could have placed more demands on focused attention
and problem solving skills that resulted in survival and fitness differentials among carriers of different
Obviously, a third possible explanation is that the ADHD hits were not under selection and represent
population structure just as any other random set of SNPs. The not entirely satisfying results of
regressing these with Fst distances does not allow us to rule out this possibility.
Another limitation of this study is that ADHD prevalence rates are too affected by different diagnostic
criteria to provide a universal measure that can be used for a cross-cultural comparison.
Future research
Future studies should replicate the present analysis when new GI and ADHD SNPs are reported.
Benyamin, B., Pourcain, B.St., Davis, O.S., Davies, G., Hansell, N.K., Brion, M.-J.A. et al. (2013).
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... Historic, biological, genetic, and evolutionary variables associated with national and regional racial differences in measures of cognitive ability IQ and edu. attainment associated SNP frequencies Piffer (2013; Cognitive functioning associated SNP frequencies Minkov et al. (2014) Genomic racial admixture (across the Americas) Fuerst and Kirkegaard (2015) Racial classifications (based on genetic clusters) Christainsen (2013) Genetic proximity Becker and Rindermann (2014) Genetic proximity Piffer and Kirkegaard (2015) Genetic distance from native South Africans León and Burga-León (2015) Genetic distance from the U.S. and the U.K. Kodila-Tedika and Asongu (2015) Spatial proximity of nations to each other Gelade (2008) Haplogroups Rindermann et al. (2012) Haplogroups Rodriguez-Arana (2010) Cranial capacity Meisenberg and Woodley (2013) Nasal Index Templer and Stephens (2014) Time since the origin of agriculture Meisenberg and Woodley (2013) Technological development in 1000 B.C. ...
... Historic, biological, genetic, and evolutionary variables associated with national and regional racial differences in measures of cognitive ability IQ and edu. attainment associated SNP frequencies Piffer (2013; Cognitive functioning associated SNP frequencies Minkov et al. (2014) Genomic racial admixture (across the Americas) Fuerst and Kirkegaard (2015) Racial classifications (based on genetic clusters) Christainsen (2013) Genetic proximity Becker and Rindermann (2014) Genetic proximity Piffer and Kirkegaard (2015) Genetic distance from native South Africans León and Burga-León (2015) Genetic distance from the U.S. and the U.K. Kodila-Tedika and Asongu (2015) Spatial proximity of nations to each other Gelade (2008) Haplogroups Rindermann et al. (2012) Haplogroups Rodriguez-Arana (2010) Cranial capacity Meisenberg and Woodley (2013) Nasal Index Templer and Stephens (2014) Time since the origin of agriculture Meisenberg and Woodley (2013) Technological development in 1000 B.C. ...
... Reference IQ and edu. attainment associated SNP frequencies (Piffer, 2013(Piffer, , 2015a Cognitive functioning associated SNP frequencies (Minkov, Blagoev, & Bond, 2015) Immunology associated SNP frequencies (Woodley et al., 2014) Immunology associated SNP frequencies (Fedderke et al., 2014) Racial classifications (based on genetic clusters) (Christainsen, 2013) Genetic proximity (Becker & Rindermann, 2014) Genetic proximity (Piffer & Kirkegaard, 2015) Genetic distance from native South Africans (León & Burga-León, 2015) Genetic distance from the US and the UK (Kodila-Tedika & Asongu, 2015) Spatial proximity of nations to each other (Gelade, 2008) Haplogroups (Rindermann, Woodley, & Stratford, 2012) Haplogroups (Rodriguez-Arana, 2010) Cranial capacity (Meisenberg & Woodley, 2013b) Nasal Index (Templer & Stephens, 2014) Time since the origin of agriculture (Meisenberg & Woodley, 2013b) Technological development in 1000 B.C. (Lynn, 2012) Skin color (Templer & Arikawa, 2006) Skin reflectance (Templer, 2008) Temperature: annual mean (Vanhanen, 2009) Average winter temperature (Meisenberg & Woodley, 2013b) Latitude (Dama, 2013) Discussion of differences is also semantically complicated because "race" in the form of self/socially-identified race/ethnicity (SIRE) often does not correspond well with race in the biological sense of divisions delineated by descent (or now by ancestrally informative molecular markers). This is particularly true for populations with long histories of admixture. ...
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We conducted novel analyses regarding the association between continental racial ancestry, cognitive ability and socioeconomic outcomes across 6 datasets: states of Mexico, states of the United States, states of Brazil, departments of Colombia, sovereign nations and all units together. We find that European ancestry is consistently and usually strongly positively correlated with cognitive ability and socioeconomic outcomes (mean r for cognitive ability = .708; for socioeconomic well-being = .643) (Sections 3-8). In most cases, including another ancestry component, in addition to European ancestry, did not increase predictive power (Section 9). At the national level, the association between European ancestry and outcomes was robust to controls for natural-environmental factors (Section 10). This was not always the case at the regional level (Section 18). It was found that genetic distance did not have predictive power independent of European ancestry (Section 10). Automatic modeling using best subset selection and lasso regression agreed in most cases that European ancestry was a non-redundant predictor (Section 11). Results were robust across 4 different ways of weighting the analyses (Section 12). It was found that the effect of European ancestry on socioeconomic outcomes was mostly mediated by cognitive ability (Section 13). We failed to find evidence of international colorism or culturalism (i.e., neither skin reflectance nor self-reported race/ethnicity showed incremental predictive ability once genomic ancestry had been taken into account) (Section 14). The association between European ancestry and cognitive outcomes was robust across a number of alternative measures of cognitive ability (Section 15). It was found that the general socioeconomic factor was not structurally different in the American sample as compared to the worldwide sample, thus justifying the use of that measure. Using Jensen's method of correlated vectors, it was found that the association between European ancestry and socioeconomic outcomes was stronger on more S factor loaded outcomes, r = .75 (Section 16). There was some evidence that tourist expenditure helped explain the relatively high socioeconomic performance of Caribbean states (Section 17).
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An index of population structure (Fst) is used to test the null hypothesis that the genetic factor extracted from GWAS hits represents differences between populations due to migrations and drift. Employing the 1000 Genomes data, a regression of average IQ distances on the general intelligence genetic factor and Fst distances shows that the former is the only significant predictor of IQ distances(Beta= 0.82), whereas the population structure has no independent predictive power (Beta=-0.05). This result suggests that the null hypothesis can be rejected.
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General cognitive function is substantially heritable across the human life course from adolescence to old age. We investigated the genetic contribution to variation in this important, health- and well-being-related trait in middle-aged and older adults. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of 31 cohorts (N=53 949) in which the participants had undertaken multiple, diverse cognitive tests. A general cognitive function phenotype was tested for, and created in each cohort by principal component analysis. We report 13 genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations in three genomic regions, 6q16.1, 14q12 and 19q13.32 (best SNP and closest gene, respectively: rs10457441, P=3.93 × 10−9, MIR2113; rs17522122, P=2.55 × 10−8, AKAP6; rs10119, P=5.67 × 10−9, APOE/TOMM40). We report one gene-based significant association with the HMGN1 gene located on chromosome 21 (P=1 × 10−6). These genes have previously been associated with neuropsychiatric phenotypes. Meta-analysis results are consistent with a polygenic model of inheritance. To estimate SNP-based heritability, the genome-wide complex trait analysis procedure was applied to two large cohorts, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (N=6617) and the Health and Retirement Study (N=5976). The proportion of phenotypic variation accounted for by all genotyped common SNPs was 29% (s.e.=5%) and 28% (s.e.=7%), respectively. Using polygenic prediction analysis, ~1.2% of the variance in general cognitive function was predicted in the Generation Scotland cohort (N=5487; P=1.5 × 10−17). In hypothesis-driven tests, there was significant association between general cognitive function and four genes previously associated with Alzheimer’s disease: TOMM40, APOE, ABCG1 and MEF2C.
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I present new predictive analyses for crime, income, educational attainment and employment among immigrant groups in Norway and crime in Finland. Furthermore I show that the Norwegian data contains a strong general socioeconomic factor (S) which is highly predictable from country-level variables (National IQ .59, Islam prevalence -.71, international general socioeconomic factor .72, GDP .55), and correlates highly (.78) with the analogous factor among immigrant groups in Denmark. Analyses of the prediction vectors show very high correlations (generally > ±.9) between predictors which means that the same variables are relatively well or weakly predicted no matter which predictor is used. Using the method of correlated vectors shows that it is the underlying S factor that drives the associations between predictors and socioeconomic traits, not the remaining variance (all correlations near unity).
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Background: The genetic architecture of ADHD is complex, with rare and common variants involved. Common genetic variants (as indexed by a composite risk score) associated with clinical ADHD significantly predict ADHD and autistic-like behavioural traits in children from the general population, suggesting that ADHD lies at the extreme of normal trait variation. ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders share neurocognitive difficulties in several domains (e.g. impaired cognitive ability and executive functions). We hypothesised that ADHD composite genetic risk scores derived from clinical ADHD cases would also contribute to variation in neurocognitive abilities in the general population. Methods: Children (N = 6,832) from a UK population cohort, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), underwent neurocognitive testing. Parent-reported measures of their children's ADHD and autistic-like traits were used to construct a behavioural latent variable of 'neurodevelopmental traits'. Composite genetic risk scores for ADHD were calculated for ALSPAC children based on findings from an independent ADHD case-control genome-wide association study. Structural equation modelling was used to assess associations between ADHD composite genetic risk scores and IQ, working memory, inhibitory control and facial emotion recognition, as well as the latent 'neurodevelopmental trait' measure. Results: The results confirmed that neurocognitive and neurodevelopmental traits are correlated in children in the general population. Composite genetic risk scores for ADHD were independently associated with lower IQ (β = -.05, p < .001) and working memory performance (β = -.034, p = .013), even after accounting for the relationship with latent neurodevelopmental behavioural trait scores. No associations were found between composite genetic risk scores and inhibitory control or emotion recognition (p > .05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that common genetic variants relevant to clinically diagnosed ADHD have pleiotropic effects on neurocognitive traits as well as behavioural dimensions in the general population. This further suggests that the well-recognised association between cognition and neurodevelopmental behavioural traits is underpinned at a biological level.
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The north–south difference in Italy in PISA 2006 scores in reading comprehension, mathematical and science abilities of 15-year-olds has been attributed by Lynn (2010a) to a difference of approximately 10 IQ points in intelligence and by critics to differences in educational resources. New evidence for differences between north and south Italy in the PISA 2012 Creative Problem Solving test as a measure of fluid intelligence shows a 9.2 IQ point between the north–west and the south and confirms Lynn's theory. New data are presented for genetic differences between the populations of north and south Italy.
Objective: Despite growing interest in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), little is known about its prevalence or correlates. Method: A screen for adult ADHD was included in a probability subsample (N=3,199) of 18-44-year-old respondents in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, a nationally representative household survey that used a lay-administered diagnostic interview to assess a wide range of DSM-IV disorders. Blinded clinical follow-up interviews of adult ADHD were carried out with 154 respondents, oversampling those with positive screen results. Multiple imputation was used to estimate prevalence and correlates of clinician-assessed adult ADHD. Results: The estimated prevalence of current adult ADHD was 4.4%. Significant correlates included being male, previously married, unemployed, and non-Hispanic white. Adult ADHD was highly comorbid with many other DSM-IV disorders assessed in the survey and was associated with substantial role impairment. The majority of cases were untreated, although many individuals had obtained treatment for other comorbid mental and substance-related disorders. Conclusions: Efforts are needed to increase the detection and treatment of adult ADHD. Research is needed to determine whether effective treatment would reduce the onset, persistence, and severity of disorders that co-occur with adult ADHD.
Factor analysis of allele frequencies was used to identify signals of polygenic selection on human intelligence. Four SNPs which reached genome-wide significance in previous meta-analyses were used. Allele frequencies for 26 population were obtained from 1000 Genomes. The resulting factor scores were highly correlated to average national IQ (r=0.92). A regression of IQ differences between subcontinental groups on the 4 SNPs g factor and an index of genome-wide genetic distances showed the former was an independent and significant predictor (Beta= 1.14), whereas genome-wide distances lost all predictive power. This finding suggests that the relationship between the 4 SNPs g factor and IQ is due to natural selection on a specific phenotype and not the result of a spurious correlation arising from genome-wide evolutionary processes such as random drift or migrations. A regression of IQs on genetic factor scores of developed countries was used to estimate the predicted genotypic IQs of developing countries. The residuals (difference between predicted and actual scores) were negatively correlated to per capita GDP and Human Development Index, implying that countries with low socioeconomic conditions have not yet reached their full intellectual potential.
Objective: Clinically, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention and is among the most common childhood disorders. These same traits that define ADHD are variable in the general population, and the clinical diagnosis may represent the extreme end of a continuous distribution of inattentive and hyperactive behaviors. This hypothesis can be tested by assessing the predictive value of polygenic risk scores derived from a discovery sample of ADHD patients in a target sample from the general population with continuous scores of inattention and hyperactivity. In addition, the genetic overlap between ADHD and continuous ADHD scores can be tested across rater and age. Method: The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium has performed the largest genome-wide analysis (GWA) study of ADHD so far, including 5,621 clinical patients and 13,589 controls. The effects sizes of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) estimated in this meta-analysis were used to obtain individual polygenic risk scores in an independent population-based cohort of 2,437 children from the Netherlands Twin Register. The variance explained in Attention Problems scale scores by the polygenic risk scores was estimated by linear mixed modeling. Results: The ADHD polygenic risk scores significantly predicted both parent and teacher ratings of attention problems in preschool and school-age children. Conclusion: These results indicate genetic overlap between a diagnosis of ADHD and Attention Problems scale scores across raters and age groups and provides evidence for a dimensional model of ADHD. Future GWA studies on ADHD can likely benefit from the inclusion of population-based cohorts and the analysis of continuous scores.