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Linear Programming Approach- Application in Agriculture

  • St.Xavier's College Jaipur


In real scenario farm planning in terms of water management, the type of crop to be grown, the crop combination and different agricultural techniques applied to increase the farm production are the challenges faced by decision makers. These challenges are further being associated with socio -economic development and the scarcity of resources in particular region. To overcome these problems faced by farm linear programming technique is applied in order to optimize the farm’s returns by allocating the available farm resources optimally. The aim of the study is to develop a farm model for Jaipur District of Rajasthan by using linear programming in order to determine the feasible optimal crop combination and how these crops will be allocated to increase the production
© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Linear Programming Approach- Application in
[1]Mahak Bhatia, [2] Prof. G.M.J.Bhat
[1]Research Scholar, [2] Professor of Mathematics
Abstract In real scenario farm planning in terms of water
management, the type of crop to be grown, the crop
combination and different agricultural techniques applied
to increase the farm production are the challenges faced by
decision makers. These challenges are further being
associated with socio -economic development and the
scarcity of resources in particular region. To overcome
these problems faced by farm linear programming
technique is applied in order to optimize the farm’s returns
by allocating the available farm resources optimally. The
aim of the study is to develop a farm model for Jaipur
District of Rajasthan by using linear programming in order
to determine the feasible optimal crop combination and how
these crops will be allocated to increase the production.
Index Termscrop combination, farm planning, linear
Agriculture sector plays a vital role in social and economic
development of India. The overall development of a sector
depends on available land and water resources. Proper
utilization of land and water resources is very important for
optimum agricultural production. This requires proper
allocation of resources in a farm. Farmers have to take a
complex decision as to what to grow, suitable season,
available farm techniques and the required quantity.
Decisions are made subject to the prevailing physical and
financial farm conditions but an uncertainty still prevails in
a planning horizon ahead in this sector. Uncertainty may
arise in the yield, cost of resources such as labor, seeds,
manures and fertilizers. Due to the complexity of the
agricultural sector a mathematical programming approach is
applied to develop a farm model that represents complete
farm subject to the constraints in terms of mathematical
equations. Farm planning can assist the farmers in
allocating the available resources in an optimal manner.
Management of water resources and allocation of land
under limited resources such as labor, fertilizers, seeds, one of the major issues in farm model that needs to be
optimized. Generally, allocation of land under each crop is
based on the land area that is used to be cultivated in
previous season, depending on the availability of resources.
Hence, both land and water resources for different crops
needs to be optimized by allocating the resources efficiently
to obtain the maximum production. But maximization of
production does not guarantee the maximization of profit
Thus, it can be concluded that linear programming approach
is one of the tools to optimize the decision variables that
provide us with the combination of farm enterprise that is
feasible with respect to the set of fixed farm constraints.
Fig1: Farm Model
Linear programming is an optimizing technique which is
widely used to allocate the resources optimally in order to
increase the production. Pap Zoltan [1] [2008] Developed a
linear programming model for an agricultural farm to
maximize the total gross margin by adopting crop rotation
policy The results of the study reveals that the income obtain
by applying linear programming model is more than that
obtain by binary crop rotation model. Raniraghavay & Dr.
Rao Tirupathi P. [2] [2012] develop three multi objective
mathematical model for two seasons depending upon the
availability of water resources and the results reveals that
optimization approach improves the annual net benefits of
the farm under study. [3] [2013] develops a
linear programming model to overcome the problem of
allocation of resources faced by the resettled farmers in
Bindura, Zimbabwe in order to enhance the farm’ income.
Sofi, N. A. [4] [2015] use simplex algorithm to determine
the solution of a linear programming model developed to
determine the allocation of land to optimise the farm
productivity. A linear programming crop mix model for a
finite time planning horizon under limited available
resources such as budget and land acreage, acrop-mix
planning model was formulated in order to maximize the
total returns at the end of planning horizon
[5] [Mohamad Hj. Nordin and Fatimah Said]. Kulshrestha
S.K [6] observes that the growth of cereals depends on the
wheat. The wheat production in Rajasthan is double than
the cropped area shows that the yield had improved over
a time.
Jaipur District is located at 26°55′10″ N to 75°47′16″ E Total
geographical region of the state is 1106148 ha .Most of the
people are engaged in primary sector especially those that
resides in rural regions. Net sown area of the district is about
663167 ha and gross sown area is about 848313 ha. Major
Kharif crops of the region includes Groundnut, Bajra, Kharif
Pulses and the crops cultivated in Rabi season are Wheat,
Mustard, Barley & Gram.
Tomato, Pea, Chili, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower etc. are
Farm model
Crop Allocation
Water resources
© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
cultivated. Ber, Aonla, Bael, Guava, Lemon etc. are important
fruit crops of the district [7].
Jaipur has a semi-arid climate. Temperatures vary in different
seasons. In the summer months of April to June, average
daily temperature of around 35oC. May and June are the
hottest months in Jaipur. Temperature reaches up to 40-45oC
in these months. Annually the rainfall is concentrated in the
monsoon months between June (Last of June) and September.
It receives over 500 mm (approx 20 inch) of rainfall an
average. The winter months of November to February are
mild and pleasant, with average temperatures in the 15-18oC
range and little or no humidity. December and January are the
coldest months in Jaipur. Temperature varies between 5-10oC
in these months. There are however occasional cold waves
that lead to temperatures near freezing [8].
Table 1: Area, Production and Productivity of major
crops cultivated in the district [7]
A Linear programming problem with “n “decision variables
and “m “constraints is formulated as:
Max.Z=∑ cixi i=1,2,3,…,n
s.t. ∑ ai xi bj j=1,2,3,…,m
xi 0
xi= represents the decision variables (to be determined by
policy makers)
ci= represents the cost vector
ai= represents activity coefficient
bj= represents the available resources
The objective function is:
Max.Z = 3190 x1+ 1023 x2 + 2139 x3 +726 x4
Subject to constraints:
Land: 157649 x1+ 114503 x2 + 9064x3 +118627 x4 ≤ 663167
Seeds & fertilizers: x1+ x2 + x3 + x4 ≤ 100000
Labor: x1+ x2 + x3 + x4 ≤ 200450
Non-negativity conditions:
x1, x2 , x3 , x4 0
x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the decision variables for wheat,
rapeseed & mustard, peas and gram respectively .
Mathematical Formulation
The objective of the study is to maximize the farm returns by
allocating the resources optimally. Only the crops grown in
Rabi season i.e. wheat, rapeseed & mustard, peas and gram is
considered for the study. The problem is to determine the
suitable crop combination in order to get maximum profit.
The land available for cultivation is 663167 hectares. Proper
allocation of crops and the available resources is very
important in order to increase the productivity and also for the
efficient utilization of resources as Jaipur district of Rajasthan
receives erratic rainfall. Therefore, the variation in cropping
pattern is observed within district depending upon the
availability of water resources. Farms with sufficient water
prefer to cultivate peas and wheat more whereas the farms
with less availability of water grow mustard and wheat as a
major crops. Moreover, in order to increase the production
farmers adopt different farming patters such as crop rotation,
inter cropping and mixed cropping. It is observed that there is
increase in production to about 25% by adopting theses crop
policies Farmers especially the small farmers prefer to adopt
mixed cropping that includes both livestock as well as
cultivation of crops within the same farm. Livestock rearing
contributes to increases the farm returns to great extent.
© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Fig2: Process of Linear Programming
Kulshrestha, S. K. (2017). An Analysis of Growth of
Area, Production and Yield of Wheat Crop in
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chomu (Jaipur), VPO Tankarda,
Dist - Jaipur (303 702) - (Rajasthan) INDIA Retrived
Jaipur geography and climate Retrieved From:
Taha A. Hamdy (2014) Operations Research an
Result of the developed linear programming farm model is
obtained by using EXCEL. Result of the problem shows that
farmer can get a profit of 15,6499 Rs. The solution of the
problem yields the following results:x1= 0, x2=0, x3=
73.164938 and x4=0
Pap, Z. (2008, September). Crop rotation constraints
in agricultural production planning. In Intelligent
Systems and Informatics, 2008. SISY 2008. 6th
International Symposium on (pp. 1-5). IEEE
Rani, Y. R., & Rao, P. T. (2012). Multi objective crop
planning for optimal benefits. International Journal
of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA), 2(5), 279-287.
Majeke (2013) “A Farm Resource Allocation
Problem: A Case Study of Model A2 Resettled
Farmers in Bindura, Zimbabwe”.International
Journal of Economics and Management Sciences
Vol. 2, No. 7, 2013, pp. 01-04.
Sofi, N. A., Ahmed, A., Ahmad, M., & Bhat, B. A.
(2015). Decision making in agriculture: A linear
programming approach. International Journal of
Modern Mathematical Sciences, 13(2), 160-169
Mohamad Hj. Nordin and Fatimah Said (2011) “A
mathematical programming approach to crop mix
problem.”African Journal of Agricultural Research
Vol. 6(1), pp. 191-197.Retrieved from: DOI:
Introduction .Ninth Edition. United States. Dorling
Kindersley Pvt. Ltd
... To boost crop yield, Meselu Tegenie et al. 32 recommended linear programming-based crop land allocation for small farm holders. Mahak Bhatia et al. 33 employed a linear programming approach to determine the best crop combination for the large farm owner in Jaipur in order to increase productivity. Since most farm planning issues are multiobjective in nature and LP is a single-objective optimization technique, the goal programming (GP) technique, one of the popular tools for multi-objective decision analysis, is used to solve the problem of land allocation planning for the optimal production of a variety of crops. ...
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In agriculture, crop planning and land distribution have been important research subjects. The distribution of land involves several multi-functional tasks, such as maximizing output and profit and minimizing costs. These functions are influenced by a variety of uncertain elements, including yield, crop price, and indeterminate factors like seed growth and suitable fertilizer. In order to address this problem, other researchers have used fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy optimization approaches, which did not include the indeterminacy membership functions. However, the neutrosophic optimization technique addresses the problem by using individual truth, falsity, and indeterminacy membership functions. So, to improve the optimal solution, the Neutrosophic Goal Programming (NGP) problem with hexagonal intuitionistic parameters is employed in this study. The membership functions for truth, indeterminacy, and falsity are constructed using hyperbolic, exponential, and linear membership functions. Minimizing the under deviations of truth, over deviations of indeterminacy, and falsity yields the NGP achievement function, which is used to attain optimal expenditure, production, and profit under the constraints of labour, land, food requirements, and water. Bio-inspired computing has been a major research topic in recent years. Optimization is mostly accomplished through the use of bio-inspired algorithms, which draw inspiration from natural behaviour. Bio-inspired algorithms are highly efficient in exploring large solution spaces, and helps to manage trade-offs between various goals, and providing the global optimal solution. Consequently, bio-inspired algorithms such as Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Social Group Optimization (SGO), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are employed in the current work to determine the global optimal solutions for the NGP achievement function. The data for the study was collected from the medium-sized farmers in Ariyalur District, Tamil Nadu, India. To illustrate the uniqueness and application of the developed method, the optimal solutions of the suggested method are compared with Zimmermann, Angelov, and Torabi techniques. The proposed technique demonstrates that the bioinspired algorithms’ optimal solution to the neutrosophic goal is superior to the existing approaches.
... Mahak Bhatia and Prof. G.M.J. Bhat [2019] [1] developed Linear Programming Approach to allocate the resources optimally in order to increase the production K. Pushpavalli, Dr. P. Subasree & Dr. S. Umadevi [2018] [2] framed LP model for land allocation to the four major cereal crops in agriculture. The solutions are obtained by Simplex Algorithm. ...
... Γραφική σύγκριση περιορισμών στην υπολεκάνη GR1801 Γράφημα 11 Γραφική σύγκριση αποδόσεων καλλιεργειών στην υπολεκάνη GR1801 Γράφημα 12 Γραφική σύγκριση περιορισμών στην υπολεκάνη GR1802 Γράφημα 13 Γραφική σύγκριση αποδόσεων στην υπολεκάνη GR1802 Γράφημα 14 Γραφική σύγκριση περιορισμών στην υπολεκάνη GR1803 Γράφημα 15 Γραφική σύγκριση αποδόσεων στην υπολεκάνη GR1803 Γράφημα 16 Γραφική σύγκριση περιορισμών στην υπολεκάνη GR1804 Γράφημα 17 Γραφική σύγκριση αποδόσεων για την υπολεκάνη GR1804 Γράφημα 18 Γραφική σύγκριση περιορισμών στην υπολεκάνη GR1805 Γράφημα 19 Γραφική σύγκριση αποδόσεων στην υπολεκάνη GR1805 Γράφημα 20 ...
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ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Η κατανομή/διαχείριση των καλλιεργειών ( crops distribution/management) αποτελεί σημαντικό πρόβλημα στον πρωτογενή τομέα, κάτι που οδηγεί στην αύξηση της παραγωγής και συνεπάγεται την αύξηση του κέρδους. Έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί αρκετοί τρόποι κατανομής, πολλοί από τους οποίους παρουσίασαν σημαντικά αποτελέσματα. Ο γραμμικός προγραμματισμός (linear programming) ή αλλιώς γραμμική βελτιστοποίηση, είναι μέθοδος για την επίτευξη του καλύτερου αποτελέσματος (πχ. μεγιστοποίηση κέρδους) σε ένα μαθηματικό υπόδειγμα, του οποίου οι προϋποθέσεις (περιορισμοί) είναι ένα σύνολο γραμμικών σχέσεων των μεταβλητών του. Στη παρούσα μελέτη γίνεται χρήση του γραμμικού προγραμματισμού για μεγιστοποίηση της απόδοσης των καλλιεργειών σε μία αγροτική περιοχή προς βελτιστοποίηση. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, χρησιμοποιείται το εργαλείο solver του excel που επιλύει γραμμικά προβλήματα, ώστε να πραγματοποιηθεί κατανομή των καλλιεργειών στην περιοχή μελέτης (ΛΑΠ π. Σπερχειού) κάτω από περιβαλλοντικούς περιορισμούς, με σκοπό τη βελτιστοποίηση της παραγωγής. Πριν αναπτυχθεί η μεθοδολογία και προκύψουν τα αποτελέσματα, γίνεται εκτενής μελέτη για το πως μπορεί να συμβάλλει ο γραμμικός προγραμματισμός στην αγροτική ανάπτυξη. Διεξοδικότερα, αναφέρονται χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα που μας οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα, ότι η επιλογή της συγκεκριμένης μεθοδολογίας είναι άκρως επιτυχής. Η βιβλιογραφία που αναφέρεται στο τέλος, περιέχει σημαντικά άρθρα που αξιοποιήθηκαν, ώστε το αντικείμενο μελέτης να γίνει πιο σαφές και κατανοητό. Επιπλέον, γίνεται πλήρης περιγραφή της περιοχής μελέτης με προσδιορισμό των καλλιεργειών που απαντώνται, καθώς και αναφορά στους υπόλοιπους τομείς οικονομίας. Τεκμηριώνονται πλήρως οι περιορισμοί που λαμβάνονται υπόψη και τα δεδομένα αξιολογούνται και διασταυρώνονται από αξιόπιστες πηγές (πχ. ΕΛΓΑ, ΟΠΕΚΕΠΕ, Περιφέρεια Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Corine Land Cover 2018 κτλ.). Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από την εφαρμογή του γραμμικού προγραμματισμού στην περιοχή μελέτης – εφαρμόστηκε 23 φορές η μεθοδολογία στη λεκάνη απορροής του π. Σπερχειού, καθώς και σε κάθε μια από τις 22 υπολεκάνες του – δείχνουν ότι οι περιορισμοί είναι αυτοί, που καθορίζουν τα αποτελέσματα της μεθοδολογίας. Είναι προτιμότερο για πιο ορθά αποτελέσματα, το μοντέλο γραμμικού προγραμματισμού (με τη χρήση του εργαλείου solver) να εφαρμόζεται σε μικρές γεωργικές εκτάσεις. Έτσι, καταλήγουμε σε σημαντικά συμπεράσματα έπειτα από τη σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων που προκύπτουν για τη σωστή κατανομή των καλλιεργειών στη συγκεκριμένη περιοχή μελέτης. Αυτό καταλήγει στην αύξηση της παραγωγής κάτω από ορισμένους περιβαλλοντικούς περιορισμούς, τους οποίους θα δούμε εκτενέστερα. ABSTRACT In agriculture, the production structure of farms can be highly diversified to reduce risk and uncertainty related to unsealing the products. To determine the optimal structure of crops, different methods which take into account the income and expenditure of crops per acre are used.As a result, the area of each crop is identified, so that, in combining them to derive maximum profit level. In this study, linear programming method is used for optimizing profit, investigating whether, after applying the econometric model, the profit increased or not. This study investigates the economical activity of Sperchios river basin and to optimize its profit using linear programming method. The research question is whether after applying the econometric model the returns of the economical activity is higher or not. Excel's solver tool was used to overcome the research question as it solves linear problems. The limitations that have been taken into account have helped to make the crops' distribution environmentally conscious. Cross-data was used to give the best possible results. The study area has been fully developed with its crops as well as the other sectors of the economy.
... They concluded that livestock decreases production costs by providing natural fertilizers and improving soil fertility. [28] used the LP method, which is one way of optimizing the farms' productivity and providing a model for determining the appropriate crop combination to optimize benefit under a fixed limitation. The problem has benefited the farmer of 15,6499 Rs when plant peas instead of a mix of wheat, grape, and mustard. ...
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Quantitative methods help farmers plan and make decisions. An apt example of these methods is the linear programming (LP) model. These methods acknowledge the importance of economizing on available resources among them being water supply, labor, and fertilizers. It is through this economizing that farmers maximize their profit. The significance of linear programming is to provide a solution to the existing real-world problems through the evaluation of existing resources and the provision of relevant solutions. This research studies various LP applications including feed mix, crop pattern and rotation plan, irrigation water, and product transformation; that have the main role to enhance various facets of the agriculture sector. The paper will be a review that will probe into the applications of the LP model and it will also highlight the various tools that are central to analyzing LP model results. The review will culminate in a discussion on the different approaches that help optimize agricultural solutions. Index Terms: Linear programming, productivity, optimum, plan, crops pattern, land allocation, optimization.
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Food security is a major global challenge due to population growth, resource constraints, and the threat of climate change. In addition, the agricultural sector offers low profitability for the farmers that plant and harvest the crops. The net worth of a region’s agricultural output depends on the constant fluctuations of farmgate prices and costs associated with planting and harvesting. In order to maximize the profit and crop value of an area, it follows that production should be profit-oriented and ensure harvest and selling when prices are high. To optimize this scheduling problem, mathematical problems are discussed. In this study, a linear programming model is designed to identify profitable seasons for harvesting crops to aid in the scheduling of farmers and agricultural offices. To demonstrate, a case study on the rice and maize output of the Philippines’ Cagayan Region is conducted, as the region is a major producer of these two crops. The resulting solution translates to a 13.8% increase in the region’s profitability. With the flexible structure of the developed model, researchers and agricultural planners can identify optimal harvesting strategies for any location.
In this paper, a Linear Programming model is developed to obtain a land allocation plan that can yield the optimal profits and is applied to a set of parameters in a small-holder production farm. The objective of the model is to maximize the profit. The limited resources—Land, fertilizers, irrigation water, labor, and fuel—are transformed into constraints in the model. It is found out that the plan obtained by the LP model is more profitable than the original plan of the farm, which presents that the LP model can help the farmers to make better production plans.KeywordsLinear programmingLand allocationSmall-holder production
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Overall development of the Country depends on Agriculture which in turn depends on Water and Land resources. The supply of land & water for irrigation in right time and right quantity for various crops is the key for the optimum agricultural production. This requires proper planning and management process of water resources projects and appropriate technology for optimal utilization of available resources. Also Keeping in view of socio economic conditions, the present study makes an attempt to develop different Crop Planning strategies which increases the productivity with minimum input cost with the constraints of available resources like water usage and also labour, fertilizers, seeds, etc., and ultimately getting maximum net benefits. Multi objectives are framed by formulating three single objective functions for Multi crop model and for two seasons are formulated in LP for maximizing the net benefits, minimizing the cost and minimizing the water usage by keeping all other available resources (such as cultivable land, seeds, fertilizers, human power, pesticides, cash etc)as constraints. RDS Rajoli Banda Diversion scheme area, Mahaboobnagar, AP, India is taken as a case study and solved through optimization techniques linear programming and is solved with Lingo student solver version 12, Lingo software. The results reveal that optimization approach will significantly improve the annual net benefits with optimal crop areas allocation.
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Problems normally faced by farmers include what to plant, how much to plant and when to plant. In this study, a linear programming crop mix model for a finite-time planning horizon was proposed. Given limited available resources such as budget and land acreage, the crop-mix planning model was formulated and transformed into a multi-period linear programming problem. The objective was the maximization of the total returns at the end of the planning horizon. The model was applied to selected single-harvest crops and solved by LINDO, a linear programming package. The results were analyzed and discussed.
Small-scale resettled farmers are often faced with the problem of how to allocate resources. The objective of the farmers is to generate maximum income for their households subject to resource constraints. These farmers often solve this problem using traditional methods like trial and error methods, instinct and past experience. This does not guarantee optimal solutions. In this paper linear programming is applied to address this problem. A linear programming model is developed. Optimal crop patterns and optimal number of breeding sows are determined. The results obtained from using the linear programming model are compared with the results that are obtained from the traditional methods of trial and error used by the farmers. The strategies obtained by using linear programming yields more income than strategies obtained from trial and error methods. Results obtained so far reveal the optimal strategies that the farmer could have considered to realize more income.
The solution of the problem yields the following results:x1= 0, x2=0, x3= 73
  • Rs
Rs. The solution of the problem yields the following results:x1= 0, x2=0, x3= 73.164938 and x4=0
Decision making in agriculture: A linear programming approach
  • N A Sofi
  • A Ahmed
  • M Ahmad
  • B A Bhat
Sofi, N. A., Ahmed, A., Ahmad, M., & Bhat, B. A. (2015). Decision making in agriculture: A linear programming approach. International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, 13(2), 160-169