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Bangladesh Power System Peak Demand Shaving through Demand Side Management of the Battery Operated Easy Bike Load


Abstract and Figures

Electric vehicle (EV) charging is an important contributor to the peak load of a power system. A survey carried out by the author shows addition of significant load to the grid during peak hour due to the plugging in of battery operated three-wheel ‘easy-bike’ for their charging. Demand side management involves changing energy use habits of consumers, and this can be adopted to shift pattern of connecting EVs to the grid so that no vehicle is connected and charged during peak hours. The other way to solve the issue is to use technology to compel the EVs to be charged during off peak hours. In this paper a suitable technique of Demand Side Management has been proposed to mitigate the problem.
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4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 20-22 December 2019, Khulna,
Bangladesh Power System Peak Demand Shaving
through Demand Side Management of the Battery
Operated Easy Bike Load
Md Rezaul Awal,a,* A K M Nazrul Islam,a and Md. Ziaur Rahman Khanb
a Department of Electrical Electronic and Communication Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka-
1216, Bangladesh
b Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1205,
Abstract— Electric vehicle (EV) charging is an important
contributor to the peak load of a power system. A survey
carried out by the author shows addition of significant load to
the grid during peak hour due to the plugging in of battery-
operated three-wheel ‘easy-bike’ for their charging. Demand-
side management involves changing energy use habits of
consumers, and this can be adopted to shift pattern of
connecting EVs to the grid so that no vehicle is connected and
charged during peak hours. The other way to solve the issue is
to use technology to compel the EVs to be charged during off-
peak hours. In this paper a suitable technique of Demand Side
Management has been proposed to mitigate the problem.
Keywords—Bangladesh National Grid, Daily Load Curve,
Demand Side Management, Easy Bikes, Electric Vehicles, Timer
Electric vehicles (EV) such as motorized three-wheelers
vehicles and rickshaws, commonly known as Easy Bikes
(EB), have started to dominate the transportation sector of
Bangladesh in recent past. These vehicles were first
introduced in 2004 and were fully marketed by 2008. Most
of these vehicles are either locally assembled or bought from
china. In many major cities, they are serving as the major
intra-city transport system. These vehicles are rapidly
increasing in number, starting from a few and now there are
about 1 million [1]–[3]
Electric vehicles are equipped with five batteries of
different sizes depending on the type of the vehicle, which
needs to be connected to the grid for charging. Lead-acid
batteries are used as the energy storage device and over 1.9
million batteries are used all over the country every year [4].
Easy Bikes are usually connected overnight and require a
large amount of electrical power to charge, thereby is likely
to have a negative impact on the grid due to its high demand.
Average power consumption of a battery-operated auto-
rickshaw is about 8 - 11 kWh per day [5]–[7]. These vehicles
are interfaced to the grid as active loads in an uncontrolled
way. No specific measures are taken to ensure the vehicles to
be appropriately connected to the electric grid.
Due to the rapid economic growth the electricity demand
has increased significantly in recent time. This has put
pressure on the distribution network which has been the
major contributor in load shedding [8], [9]. The Government
has taken massive plan to expand the distribution network.
The demand for electricity in the system varies throughout
the day and night with maximum demand occurring from 5
pm to 11 pm as `peak load`. The Easy-bike charging
generally starts during peak hour, thus it affects the peak
demand significantly. The amount of peak load can be
shaved up through demand side management for better
capacity utilization of the power grid [10], [11].
A survey on Easy Bikes has been carried out by the
authors in different cities of Bangladesh to investigate
various technical and economic facts. The impact on
Bangladesh national grid due to energy requirements of an
increased number of unexpected and unaware load of Easy
Bike and its Demand Side Management has been studied.
This paper presents the analysis of the survey, the results of
the study of the effects of EV on national grid and the
technique to manage these load with the timer control
A field survey on Easy Bikes has been carried out by the
authors physically in different cities of Bangladesh to get
proper view of its impact on the daily load curve of national
grid. More than 200 Easy Bike was surveyed. Most of the
vehicles surveyed belong to the first owner, i.e. they are
procured as new vehicles. About one-fourth of the samples
were second-hand vehicles.
The life of a flooded Lead Acid battery depends on the
depth of discharge (DoD) of the battery. As the easy bike
batteries generally has a very high DoD value the cycle life is
considerably lower. The survey shows that majority battery
banks have a life less than 9 months as shown in fig.1.
Fig. 1. Life of Easy Bike Battery.
Fig. 2. Warranty of Easy Bike Battery.
Most of the local battery manufacturer do not offer any
warranty for their battery if used for easy bikes. This may be
due to the inefficient charger and high DoD of the system.
According to the dealers outside Dhaka, some Chinese
manufacturer offers warranty. The survey results show that
majority of the vehicles have battery warranty in the range
of 4 to 8 months as shown in fig. 2. About 55% of the
sample does not have warranty for their battery bank.
Though the dealers offer a warranty, the users also
expressed that it is very difficult to get replacement during
warranty period. The dealers try to repair the used battery
instead of replacing it. Because of the large number of
vehicles, there is a huge demand for battery in the market.
The batteries are of 180AH in capacity according to the
nameplate data and each Easy Bike has five of them. The
cost of five batteries is around BDT 40,000.00 to 60,000.00.
There is a value of the old or damaged battery and generally
the value of such battery bank ranges from BDT 15,000.00 to
20,000.00 and they can be sold directly to the battery seller.
In this section, a detailed analysis of the field survey is given.
A. Battery charging and Charger Analysis
Most of the vehicles are charged in the garage. This may
be because of the convenience of the whole system. The
garage does not only provide the charging connection but
also ensure the security of the vehicles. Most of the home in
the rural area does not have sufficient space to store the
vehicles securely. Additionally the guard/caretaker of the
garages also can attend the vehicle in case of some
emergency. The excessive gassing of the battery during
overcharging also makes it inconvenient for charging at
home. The charging cost of the vehicles varies from garage
to garage. Most of the user need to pay BDT 100.00 to
125.00. But the charging rate can be higher than BDT 150.00
as shown in fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Charging Cost of Easy Bikes.
Fig. 4. Easy Bike plug-in time.
The cost is not only for charging the vehicles but also for
ensuring security. The easy bike has a range of more than
100 km in single charging. There are two types of charger
available in the market, one with copper transformer and
another with aluminium transformer. The copper one costs
more. The chargers sometimes get damaged due to
overheating caused by overcharging. The survey data also
shows that a substantial amount of the vehicles need to
procure the chargers separately from the market. Depending
on the quality of the system, the cost of a battery charger
varies from BDT 2500 to 5000.
The current three-wheeler charger technology is very
simple consisting of few power-electronic components. The
charger should be most reliable and long-lasting for them. In
the field of power electronics simplicity begets reliability.
This charger is very simple and reliable, though it suffers
from few problems like overcharging, wastage of energy,
environmental hazard etc. One of the major difficulties of
this charger is that it takes 8 to 10 hours to charge the battery
fully which affects the plug-in and plug-out time.
B. Existing Connecting Pattern (Plug in and Plug out Time)
of Easy Bike
The vehicles are charged overnight, starting to get
connected to the grid by 7 pm and all vehicles connected by
11 pm. From 7 pm to 6 am the next morning a high load is
observed in recent years due to easy bike charging. Most of
the vehicles are plugged out from the grid between 6 am to 7
am. Whereas almost all the vehicles are disconnected by 8
am. Fig. 4 and fig. 5 shows the plug-in and plug-out time of
easy bikes respectively. Table I shows the percentage of
vehicles plugged in to and plugged out from the grid for
charging purpose.
Fig. 5. Easy Bike plug-out time.
Status Time Percentage of
Plug-in EVs
7 pm to 8 pm 20
8 pm to 9 pm 20
9 pm to 10 pm 50
All connected 10 pm to 6 am 100
Plug-out EVs 6 am to 7 am 60
7 am to 8 am 30
Not connected 8 am to 7 pm 100
A. Electric Grid Scenario of Bangladesh
Electricity plays a vital role in the economic growth
through sustainable structure as well as poverty eradication
and security of any country. Future economic growth
crucially depends on the long-term availability of electricity,
which is affordable, available and environmentally friendly.
In line with this, Bangladesh is moving ahead extensively to
create sustainable growth of power sector for overall
development of the country economy. Present installed
generation capacity in public, private & import sector is
15,953 MW [12], [13]. Up to date, maximum generation
achieved is 10,958 MW on May 28, 2018 [12]. At present,
90% of the total population has access to electricity and per
capita generation has increased to 464 kWh (including
The change in the vital parameters of the electrical grid -
installed capacity, maximum demand, maximum peak
generation and maximum load shedding from 2005 to 2018
have been pictured in fig. 6. It is observed that over the last
ten years installed capacity and generation has been
increased. At the same time demand has been increased
significantly. As such, load shedding has never been reduced.
B. Load Curve Analysis
A load curve shows the variation of load on the electrical
power station with respect to time. The generation (in MW)
at every hour can be extracted from the load curve.
Fig. 6. Power and energy generation scenario of the Bangladesh electrical
grid from 2005 to 2018.
Fig. 7. Daily load curve of a day in August 2018.
Important parameters such as average load, maximum
demand, size and the number of generating unit and
operating schedule can be determined from the curve.
Fluctuations in load curves are observed during holidays or
certain circumstances like change in weather or natural
disasters. Fig. 7 shows a daily load curve of a day in 2018.
The daily load curve of a day in 2018 has been plotted for
study and analysis where the peak generation load is 10,862
MW. It is observed that the difference between peak and off-
peak load is almost 3500 MW, which is a large variation.
The load curves are available in Bangladesh Power
Development Board (BPDB) website [14].
There are many reasons for the increase of peak load but
an increase of easy-bikes and motorized rickshaws connected
to the grid for charging is one of the main reasons for raising
peak load. These loads in the system during peak hour can be
avoided or minimized by the consumers if the demand Side
Management is exercised by the authority. In order to shift
these kinds of loads from peak hour to off-peak hour
appropriate authority can motivate, formulate and apply
regulation and introduce mechanism.
C. Load Factor and Load Management
The demand for electricity in the system varies
throughout the day and night. The maximum demand occurs
from 5 pm to 11 pm which is termed aspeak hour’ and
another part of the time is termed as off-peak hour. The
extent of this variation is measured in terms of Load Factor,
which is the ratio of average and maximum demand. For
economic reasons, it is desirable to have a higher Load
Factor, as this would permit better utilization of plant
capacity. Moreover, the cost of energy supply during peak
hour is higher, because some relatively more utility appliance
is required to put in operation during the peak hour. For these
reasons, load management is essential throughout the year
for better capacity utilization of power plants and minimum
generation cost.
There are some loads in the system which can be avoided
or minimized by consumers during peak hour. In order to
shift these kinds of loads from peak hour to off-peak hour by
introducing some mechanism is termed as load management.
From the viewpoint of load management, (i) Two-part tariff
is introduced for 3-phase consumers (LT & HT) where peak
hour price is much higher than the off-peak hour that
motivates consumers to avoid or use less in the peak hour;
(ii) Market & Shopping malls are kept close after 8.00 PM;
(iii) Holiday staggering is implemented to keep industries,
markets & shopping malls close on area basis holiday
marked day; (iv) Consumers are encouraged to use energy-
efficient bulb, electric appliances, pumps etc; (v) Consumers
are encouraged to keep their air-conditioners temperature at
25 degrees and so on. These measures also minimize load-
shedding across the country.
D. Demand Side Management
Demand-side management (DSM) modifies energy use to
maximize energy efficiency. DSM tries to get the maximum
benefit out of existing energy generation. DSM involves
changing energy use habits of consumers and encouraging
them for using energy-efficient appliances, equipment etc. at
their premises. To keep load shedding at a minimum level,
BPDB has taken a number of steps for demand-side
management, which are as follows:
To shift irrigation load from peak hour to off-peak
hour, BPDB has started a campaign through
electronic and print media. In the last few years, it is
estimated that about 500 MW irrigation load was
shifted from peak hour to off-peak hour.
BPDB has taken motivational programs to enhance
awareness of the consumers during peak hours.
Consumers are being urged through electronic and
print media to be rational and economical in
electricity use during peak hour by switching off
unnecessary loads like extra lighting, ironing, pumps,
air conditioners, welding machines etc. As part of the
demand-side management program, BPDB has taken
steps to use CFL in BPDB's offices and also trying to
motivate consumers to use Energy efficient lamps.
Industries operating in two shifts are being requested
not to operate during peak hours. Holiday staggering
for industries has been implemented, which
contributes about 200 MW load shifting.
Load Management Committee has been formed in
every distribution zone/circle/division to monitor the
proper load distribution during irrigation. As part of
DSM, BPDB is monitoring shop/market closure time
at 8 p.m. It is estimated that this measure contributes
about 400 MW [12], [13]. Load shifting from peak
hour thereby reduces load shedding. Table II shows
total load shift from peak to off-peak hour by the
process of DSM.
Item Irrigation
Shifted 500 200 400 1100
BPDP is unaware of a load of approximately 700 MW
which is connected to the grid during peak hour due to the
charging of EVs mostly by Easy Bike. If this load is shifted
from peak to off-peak period than peak load period will be
considerably relaxed.
Due to the addition of unplanned low priority load, the
peak load has become unmanageable. Demand-side
management is one of the important tools to manage energy
during peak and off-peak hour. If 70% Easy Bike is
connected at a time to the grid out of one million it will add
more than 700 MW of load to the system. It remains unaware
of the authority and needs proper management. As a part of
motivation or regulations BPDB can take a step to shift
pattern of connecting EV to the grid so that no vehicle is
connected and charged during peak hour. The other way to
solve the issue is to compel the vehicles to be charged with
control using technology. Both the solutions are discussed in
this section.
A. Suggested Pattern of Connectivity of EV to the Grid
Most of the vehicles are plying in urban areas and most
of the drivers complete their trips by 7 pm. Thus vehicles are
connected to the grid for charging as soon as they return to
the garage. The government may formulate regulation to
restrict connecting this EV to the national grid during peak
hour. Table III suggests percentage of vehicle to be
connected to the grid to eradicate the problem. In this process
it is assumed that 90% vehicles will be connected by 10:30
pm. Since charging period is almost 8 to 10 hours and due to
the habit of the driver it is expected that 60% vehicles will be
plugged out from charging by 7 am. 30% vehicle may be
plugged out by 8 am. There are some Auto drivers who come
for charging or topping up even in day time, thus provision
to be kept to connect during off-peak hour till 5 pm.
Authority may motivate drivers and encourage them to plug
in their vehicle for charging at off-peak hours and facilitate
in terms of reduced charging cost.
Status Time Percentage of
Plug-in EVs 10 pm to 10:30 pm 90
10:30 pm to 11 pm 10
All connected 11 pm to 6 am 100
Plug-out EVs
6 am to 7 am 60
7 am to 8 am 30
8 am to 5 pm 10
connected 5 pm to 10 pm 100
B. Controlling the Charging System using Timer Circuit
The timer circuit can be incorporated into the Easy Bike
charging system to limit the charging start time. Easy Bike
drivers after completion of their duty can plug in the vehicle
in their respective garage as usual but timer circuit will
decide the start time of charging. Considering the off-peak
hour and charging period of the charger, start time of timer
circuit can be maintained from 10 pm. In this system there
will be a provision to allow the charging station to plug in
the vehicles during daytime till 5 pm. A restriction will be
imposed for charging between 5 pm to 10 pm.
The timer-circuit can be incorporated in three ways, (i)
Central system with one timer-circuit at the charging station,
Fig. 8. Controlling the Charging System using Timer Circuit.
(ii) Central system with one timer-circuit at the charging
station and individual relay coil at the charger (iii)
Staggered system with individual timer to the charger. There
are advantages and disadvantages of all the three systems. If
the system is centrally controlled all the vehicle will be
charged simultaneously creating huge imbalance in load. To
Fig. 9. Charging System Control Algorithm.
minimize this, individual relay coil may be introduced to the
chargers. In this case control is dependent on charging
station as well as individual charger. If the timer circuit is
set to individual charger with random generation number
then the load can be staggered and controlling will be easier.
It will be programmed to add all the vehicles to the charger
within 15 to 30 minutes from start time to facilitate
generating random number and connect the vehicle in
staggered time. In this case authority will have to ensure that
drivers purchase charger with timer circuit. Fig. 8 and fig. 9
shows the timer circuit and the algorithm of the timer circuit
for staggered connection respectively.
The electrical grid of Bangladesh needs to adapt to
address the effect of electric vehicles. According to the
analysis of the pattern of connection, if all the EVs are
connected to the grid after 10 pm a significant reduction in
peak load can be ensured. It is expected that 70% of the total
Easy Bike is connected to the grid and with average
consumption of 1 KW by one Easy Bike highest 700 MW
load can be shifted from peak hour to off-peak hour in this
process. By controlling the charging system with the timer
control circuit the load shifting amount can be estimated
using the data in table I and table III. Table IV shows
percentage and total load shifted from peak to off-peak hour.
Time Load, % Total Load
Load shifted from 7 to 8 pm 20 140
Load shifted from 8 to 9 pm 40 280
Load shifted from 9 to 10 pm 90 630
Load shifted from 10 to 11 pm 50 350
Load added from 6 to 7 am 20 140
Load added from 7 to 8 am 40 210
Load added from 8 to 9 am 40 210
The analysis shows that the peak load has been shifted
significantly from peak hour to off-peak hour. Fig. 10 shows
Fig. 10. Load shifted from peak to off-peak hour using Timer Circuit.
the graphical representation of load shifting due to timer
control management. It can be observed from table IV as
well as from the graph that maximum 630 MW of load has
been reduced in the time range of 9 pm to 10 pm due to the
shifting of the charging load using timer control system. It is
also observed from the graph that the peak load has been
reduced significantly using timer control system. The load,
which has been added to the off-peak hours due to the
shifting of charging load using timer control system, mostly
from 6 am to 9 am does not pose any negative effect to the
power grid.
Since charging will start at 10 pm, as such, drivers can
plug out the vehicle in the morning in a convenient time,
thus overcharge will not create overheat and gassing of the
battery can be avoided. Again, due to the control charging
system, safety and security can be better maintained.
In this paper, an inclusive study has been carried out on
the effect of EVs on the Bangladesh national power grid. A
huge load is consistently observed at night from 7 pm to 6
am the next day due to the integration of a dominant load
like EV charging, which is approximately 700 MW during
peak hours. A physical survey has been carried out for an in-
depth analysis of the effects of Easy Bikes. Various
important technical facts and problems were discussed,
especially on Easy Bike battery charger and charging system.
Demand-side management was addressed to find out the
peak demand shaving of the load. To reduce the impact of
the battery operated vehicle on power grid a timer control
mechanism has been developed. A substantial amount of
load was considered can be shifted from peak to off-peak
hour if the mechanism is executed.
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... Underlining the importance of LEV charging patterns for Bangladesh's national grid peak loads, Awal et al. (2019) argue that the additional load required due to LEV battery charging coinciding with household-driven energy demand peaks in the evenings may reach up to 700MW. 7 In major cities outside Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, LEVs are widely used to render transport services and therefore put particular strain on local electricity grids of up to 10% of consumption (Ahmed et al., 2015). ...
... On charging cycles, Ahmed et al. (2015) and Awal et al. (2019) point out that about eight hours are required to fully charge lead-acid batteries when new. However, toward the end of a battery's life-cycle, up to 12 hours may be required. ...
... To illustrate the scale at which direct benefits may accrue to Bangladesh's energy sector, consider that based on an estimate of 1m LEVs plying Bangladesh's roads, (Awal et al., 2019) assume an additional load of 700MW being added to peak electricity demand during evening hours. With around 2.5m vehicles estimated to be circulating at present, this additional load may reasonably be estimated to stand at about 1,750MW, which may still constitute an underestimate. ...
Full-text available
The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide has shone a spot light on a range of carbon-intensive industries. Though much of the attention is focused on the energy sector, hard-to-decarbonize industries such as transport require urgent attention too. Whereas globally the movement of goods and people on land relies mostly on internal combustion vehicles, much of the local transport services in Bangladesh's rural and semi-urban areas are rendered by around 2.5 million Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). This large fleet of battery-run LEVs avoids sizable direct carbon emissions and air pollution. However, given Bangladesh relies on fossil fuels for more than 98% of its energy production, there remains ample scope for greening this localized transport industry. Not only is the electricity consumed by Bangladesh's LEVs anything but green, these three-wheelers furthermore run on lead-acid batteries. This battery technology comes with a host of advantages, such as cost, ease of maintenance and (limited) recyclability. On the downside, the legacy technology limits vehicles' speed and range due to batteries' weight, which also increases LEV body wear-and-tear, requires disproportionately much energy, and is slow to recharge. In addition, lead-acid battery recycling constitutes one of the biggest sources of chemical pollution in the Global South. Newer technology, primarily lithium-ion batteries, provides a remedy for all these shortcomings. However, their relative novelty on markets in the Global South, paired with high upfront cost, mean that both maintenance and financing bottlenecks hamper the technology's widespread adoption. This paper explores the incentives required to reap posited advantages of lithium-ion battery adoption in Bangladesh's LEV fleet. These upsides primarily relate to lower energy and maintenance cost to LEV-owning garage enterprises, peak electricity demand as well as overall load reduction for electricity utilities, in addition to substantial environmental benefits relevant to policy-makers. To quantify the magnitude of policy support required for lithium-ion battery technology adoption at scale, we employ a nested optimization problem parameterized with two years worth of data from 13 LEV garages across rural and semi-urban Bangladesh. Based on our findings, we propose a staggered subsidy for each lithium-ion battery introducable over a five-year horizon of USD 68.38 to USD 102.60, or 5% and 7.5%, respectively, of the total purchase price at current market prices.
... The availability of gas filling stations enables the CNG auto rickshaws to have a comparatively higher range than E3Ws. E3W energy consumption is about 14 km/kWh (e.g., maximum range 150 km [14] with an overnight charge of 11 kWh [20]. However, CNG auto-rickshaws and E3Ws are mainly used as intracity transportation media and travel almost identical distances on average. ...
... Therefore, the higher mileage of the CNG auto rickshaw does not have a significant advantage over E3Ws. As the transport demand is significantly high from day to evening time, E3Ws can conveniently meet the demand from day to evening time while overnight charging [20,25]. Moreover, the batteries of an E3W can be used as a power supply to meet emergency demands. ...
... E3Ws are imported from China or locally assembled with imported or locally manufactured parts in Bangladesh [20]. China is the largest manufacturer of E3Ws and associated parts of these vehicles. ...
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With rapid urbanization and population growth, there has been a significant increase in the demand for public transport. Fossil-fuel-based internal combustion vehicles are increasingly fulfilling the transport demand and are creating negative impact on the environment. Electric three-wheeler (E3W) vehicles have better prospects in public transport in Bangladesh. The demand and usage of E3W vehicles are increasing rapidly because of their pollution-free and passenger-friendly services. However, there are many challenges, including vehicle stability, regulation, energy supply, battery disposal, etc. This paper discusses the prospects and challenges of the E3Ws in Bangladesh in terms of technological and environmental aspects. The paper addresses the issues of E3W, such as existing structural problems, inherent limitations, consequences of uncontrolled battery charging, and improper battery disposal. Potential solutions to tackle these challenges have been suggested for future sustainable transport in Bangladesh. An overview of existing policies regarding E3W in Bangladesh has been presented, and some recommendations have been made to facilitate the integration of E3Ws in the public transport domain. A review of the technologies can provide a base for strategic E3W policy for the next generation of sustainable transport policies and can help policymakers to frame strategies aiming for clean technology and sustainable development of the transportation system in Bangladesh.
... In the study by Awal et al., they presented the total load-shifted percentages from peak to off-peak hour, and the illustration of load shifting on account of timer control management, which shows a reduced peak load after applying the timer control system. [46] Besides, the shifted charging load does not show any bad impact on the power grid. The overheating and the gassing of the battery may also be prevented by this system. ...
... The overheating and the gassing of the battery may also be prevented by this system. [46] Another work by Verilli et al. implying a direct load control DSM algorithm for peak shaving is carried out by considering the time-varying renewable generation (consists of two hydropower generators and PV panels), and thermal comfort of the buildings from residential heating system involving 50 buildings in Norwegian living lab in Steinkjer. The presented algorithm demanded a side operator that regulated the consumption by tracking the temperature using smart thermostats/controllers. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems are the case of shiftable loads which can be either shifted in time and can be reduced based on factors such as ambient conditions, energy prices, user preferences, and occupancy among others. ...
... In the study by Awal et al., they presented the total load-shifted percentages from peak to off-peak hour, and the illustration of load shifting on account of timer control management, which shows a reduced peak load after applying the timer control system. [46] Besides, the shifted charging load does not show any bad impact on the power grid. The overheating and the gassing of the battery may also be prevented by this system. ...
... The overheating and the gassing of the battery may also be prevented by this system. [46] Another work by Verilli et al. implying a direct load control DSM algorithm for peak shaving is carried out by considering the time-varying renewable generation (consists of two hydropower generators and PV panels), and thermal comfort of the buildings from residential heating system involving 50 buildings in Norwegian living lab in Steinkjer. The presented algorithm demanded a side operator that regulated the consumption by tracking the temperature using smart thermostats/controllers. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems are the case of shiftable loads which can be either shifted in time and can be reduced based on factors such as ambient conditions, energy prices, user preferences, and occupancy among others. ...
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In this review paper, a considerable discussion and details on peak shaving strategies involving incorporation of the electric vehicles to the grid, integration of energy storage system, demand‐side management, and renewable energy sources have been presented. Three types of peak shaving using energy storage systems which are the battery energy storage system, supercapacitor energy storage system, and flywheel energy storage system have been explained with the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches. In one of these studies, the integration of renewable photovoltaic source with battery energy storage in peak shaving has successfully produced an annual savings of 155,675.00.Theintroductiontothecostbenefitandsustainablesecondlifebatteriesenergystorageandtheirrelationshipwithelectricvehiclesisalsodescribed.AnotherstudyinvolvingelectricvehiclesBYDe6,whichhavethecheapestenergystoragecostof0.1208155,675.00. The introduction to the cost‐benefit and sustainable second‐life batteries energy storage and their relationship with electric vehicles is also described. Another study involving electric vehicles BYD e6, which have the cheapest energy storage cost of 0.1208 /kWh and participated the most in peak shaving, obtained the most significant individual net income compared to other vehicles. Different demand‐side management practices and their advantages are thoroughly discussed. Finally, this paper also includes the challenges, importance, perspectives, future work suggestions and improvements on peak shaving performance, such as implying the smart grid energy storage technology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 7. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The major components of an E3W drivetrain are a battery, traction motor, motor controllers, and differential, as shown in Figure The E3W batteries are generally charged with off-board chargers, and they consume a significant amount of power from the national grid, as presented in [22] in light of Bangladesh. Demand management can be employed to facilitate the grid to sustain the charging load, as discussed in [23]. Incorporating renewable energy to facilitate the charging infrastructure has been discussed in [24]. ...
The design of a 1 KW PM BLDC motor for compact-sized electric three-wheelers (CE3Ws) has been presented here. The C-E3Ws primarily operate in the cities, especially Dhaka, and they are more suitable for congested city roads than other E3W variants. Few works have been reported on the design of PM-BLDC motors for E3Ws. However, none of them addressed the BLDC motor's performance in C-E3Ws. This work addresses this research gap. Three real-time driving profiles of C-E3Ws have been recorded from three different areas of Dhaka City. These driving profiles have been analyzed to determine the prospective motor peak torque, rated speed, and continuous torque region for the motor design. The primary motor design goals have been set based on motor efficiency, speed, and torque. A mathematical equation-based analytical sizing model has been developed for the motor design. Practically measurable parameters are chosen from a commercial C-E3W motor, and others are selected for effective design consideration. A 2-D finite element (FE) based electromagnetic model of the PM-BLDC motor has been developed in Ansys Maxwell with the values obtained from the analytical sizing model, which is optimized to achieve the design goals. The magnet dimensions and motor stack length are considered as the optimized design variables. From FE analysis, motor torque and different types of losses are determined. The results show that the designed motor has achieved the design targets. A lumped parameter-based thermal model has been developed in Ansys Motor-CAD to evaluate the motor's thermal performance over the recorded driving profiles and the motor's continuous operation region. The necessary parameters are appropriately calibrated for the thermal analysis. The performance of a commercial C-E3W motor is evaluated with experimental set-up and compared with the designed BLDC motor. The designed PM-BLDC motor displays better performance in terms of efficiency and power factor than its commercial counterpart.
... As a result, the industry will need to continue to evolve and adapt to ensure that it can meet the ever-changing needs of its users while also minimizing its impact on the environment. Previously electric power vehicles and Photo-voltaic batteries are used for peak shaving purposes [1,2]. Indeed, newly developed 5G systems will require an ample amount of extra power, contributing to conventional connectivity as well as adopting newly updated services. ...
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Power consumption by telecommunication industrial loads is increasing day by day as the user of this technology is on the rise. Telecommunication base station towers are consuming twice or more energy than in the past for the implementation of high-capacity devices to serve more users. As a result, there is an extra power requirement for the telecommunication loads which can cause an inadequate power supply and lead to the implementation of additional infrastructure in the power industry. Powering these resources will demand more energy production and introduce various types of new problems in the grid network. The impact analysis of the effect of this extra demand in a regular network system has great interest. Also, most of the base stations are equipped with a backup battery as an essential need in third-world country grids and contribute a portion of the load demand of a power distribution system. All telecommunication industrial towers are considered under industrial load and have a special industrial tariff imposed by the power supply authority. This paper utilizes the optimal power flow method to calculate a proposed schedule base demand-side management system adopted to shift the pattern of charging batteries along with temperature control loads in the telecommunication towers and outlines an analytical study on a test power grid network. To determine the best electricity flow, generation, and locational marginal prices for each hour, an algorithm is created. Following careful evaluation of the appliance status, the constraint and condition are then applied to the load curve. This study indicates there is energy-saving and both supplier and consumer sides can minimize the operation cost.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.
... Second-best year ever, lagging only by 1.8 percent behind the record Depending on the model, electric vehicles are furnished with five batteries of varying sizes that must be charged via a grid connection [7]. This vehicle needs to be powered by electrical energy that is kept in a 60 volt battery bank. ...
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In order to reduce vehicle emitted greenhouse gases (GHGs) on a global scale, the scope of consideration should be expanded to include the manufacturing, fuel extraction, refinement, power generation, and end-of-life phases of a vehicle, in addition to the actual operational phase. In this paper, the CO2 emissions of conventional gasoline and diesel internal combustion engine vehicles (ICV) were compared with mainstream alternative powertrain technologies, namely battery electric vehicles (BEV), using life-cycle assessment (LCA). In most of the current studies, CO2 emissions were calculated assuming that the region where the vehicles were used, the lifetime driving distance in that region and the CO2 emission from the battery production were fixed. However, in this paper, the life cycle CO2 emissions in each region were calculated taking into consideration the vehicle’s lifetime driving distance in each region and the deviations in CO2 emissions for battery production. For this paper, the US, European Union (EU), Japan, China, and Australia were selected as the reference regions for vehicle operation. The calculated results showed that CO2 emission from the assembly of BEV was larger than that of ICV due to the added CO2 emissions from battery production. However, in regions where renewable energy sources and low CO2 emitting forms of electric power generation are widely used, as vehicle lifetime driving distance increase, the total operating CO2 emissions of BEV become less than that of ICV. But for BEV, the CO2 emissions for replacing the battery with a new one should be added when the lifetime driving distance is over 160,000 km. Moreover, it was shown that the life cycle CO2 emission of ICV was apt to be smaller than that of BEV when the CO2 emissions for battery production were very large.
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A brief overview of current electricity generation status and energy scenarios in Bangladesh has been presented in this paper. Being a developing country, the electric energy demand in Bangladesh has been increasing at a significantly high rate. This demand is fuelled by the sustained growth in GDP in recent years. Bangladesh Government has undertaken various projects to meet this rapidly growing demand. New policies have been drafted to cope with the challenges in the energy sector. These policies are also briefly discussed in this paper. The energy pricing issues are also touched. These policies will play a major role in ensuring energy security and in turn sustainable development of the country.
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Bangladesh is one of the under developing third world country. Power crisis is one of the major problems in the country. As a division Rajshahi city plays a vital role in the developing of the country as well. It is a big city with almost 8 lacks people. In recent days battery driven auto rickshaw become the main transport for communication in Rajshahi. According to our research there are more than 15 thousands auto rickshaw are available in the city. But only around 10 thousands have valid license according to (RCC). To drive these auto rickshaws they need to charged everyday which consume a lot of power. For this reason there occurs serious power cut almost every day. Most of these auto rickshaws do not have valid licenses. As a result there is no accurate data about the consumption of electricity which cause a huge system loss of total electricity. The system loss fluctuates between 13 to 15 percent during the month of March to August. According the report of Bangladesh Power Distribution Board (BPDB), the total power requires for Rajshahi city is around 250 MW. But the auto rickshaws consume around 20 MW, which is about 7 to 9 percent of total amount.
Bangladesh is a hugely populated country in South Asia. The country produces its electricity mainly from natural gas followed by liquid fuels. Although the installed electricity generation capacity of the country has been increased to 12,261 MW, there is scarcity of electricity in the hot summer season which is a barrier to industrial development as well as socio-economic development. Combustion of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere which causes global warming. Bangladesh can be badly affected by greenhouse effect and global warming. These problems can be mitigated by incorporating renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydro, biomass, etc.) to the country's electricity generation. Renewable energy resources are considered as clean and can serve the electricity demand in the remote areas where grid connection is not possible. The potential of solar energy and biomass is enormous in Bangladesh and people have already started to harness energy from these sources. The government and the policy makers should come forward to encourage the people of rural areas as well as urban areas to use renewable based electricity. The government of Bangladesh has set up a plan to generate 5% of the country's total electricity from renewable sources within 2015 and 10% within 2020. However, within 2015 the country has been able to generate only 3.5% of the total electricity from renewable sources. This paper presents a thorough review of the current status and future potentials of renewable energy sector in Bangladesh. In this paper the updated information is provided for the overall renewable energy sector of the country.
Study on Power Consumption and Social Aspects of Battery Operated Autorickshaw
  • Z Rian
  • A N M M Rahman
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