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Journal of Network and Systems Management (2020) 28:340–366
1 3
Enabling Multi‑segment 5G Service Provisioning
andMaintenance throughNetwork Slicing
RafaelMontero1· FernandoAgraz1· AlbertPagès1· SalvatoreSpadaro1
Received: 29 July 2019 / Revised: 29 November 2019 / Accepted: 17 December 2019 /
Published online: 3 January 2020
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
The current deployment of 5G networks in a way to support the highly demand-
ing service types defined for 5G, has brought the need for using new techniques to
accommodate legacy networks to such requirements. Network Slicing in turn, ena-
bles sharing the same underlying physical infrastructure among services with dif-
ferent requirements, thus providing a level of isolation between them to guarantee
their proper functionality. In this work, we analyse from an architectural point of
view, the required coordination for the provisioning of 5G services over multiple
network segments/domains by means of network slicing, considering as well the use
of sensors and actuators to maintain slices performance during its lifetime. We set
up an experimental multi-segment testbed to demonstrate end-to-end service pro-
visioning and its guarantee in terms of specific QoS parameters, such as latency,
throughput and Virtual Network Function (VNF) CPU/RAM consumption. The
results provided, demonstrate the workflow between different network components
to coordinate the deployment of slices, besides providing a set of examples for slice
maintenance through service monitoring and the use of policy-based actuations.
Keywords 5G· Network slicing· Network monitoring· Sensors and actuators
* Salvatore Spadaro
Rafael Montero
Fernando Agraz
Albert Pagès
1 Optical Communications Group (GCO), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 31,
08034Barcelona, Spain
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