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Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future



Many software automation techniques have been developed in the last decade to cut down cost, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce errors. Robotic process automation (RPA) has become increasingly popular recently. RPA offers software robots (bots) that can mimic human behavior. Attended robots work in tandem with humans and can operate while the human agent is active on the computer. On the other hand, unattended robots operate behind locked screens and are designed to execute automations that don't require any human intervention. RPA robots are equipped with artificial intelligence engines such as computer vision and machine learning, and both robot types can learn automations by recording human actions.
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Chapter 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1125-1.ch021
Many software automation techniques have been developed in the last decade to cut down cost, improve
customer satisfaction, and reduce errors. Robotic process automation (RPA) has become increasingly
popular recently. RPA offers software robots (bots) that can mimic human behavior. Attended robots
work in tandem with humans and can operate while the human agent is active on the computer. On the
other hand, unattended robots operate behind locked screens and are designed to execute automations
that don’t require any human intervention. RPA robots are equipped with artificial intelligence engines
such as computer vision and machine learning, and both robot types can learn automations by record-
ing human actions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the new technology that aims to create software robots (bots) that
mimic human behavior. Transitioning to RPA, enterprises aim to reduce labor costs, increase produc-
tivity, reduce error rates and improve customer satisfaction. Increasing average cost of worker around
the globe (The Biggest Cost Of Doing Business: A Closer Look At Labor Costs, 2018) (United States
Nonfarm Unit Labour Cost, 2018) enterprises adapt the RPA technology very fast in the past few years.
RPA has become one of the most trending technologies in many industries. This chapter will introduce
the RPA technology and discuss its social implications.
In general, RPA is a system aimed at automating business processes through business logic and user
inputs. RPA applications provide tools for users to define robots (or bots) that can mimic their interactions
with applications processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating
with other digital systems. (Boulton, 2018) According to a Trecent report automation technology such as
RPA are predicted to have a potential economic impact of $6.7 trillion by the year 2025. According to the
same report, the automation market will have the second largest economic impact only behind the mobile
Robot Process Automation
(RPA) and Its Future
Ozge Doguc
Medipol University, Turkey
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Internet (Ostdick, 2018) In a recent survey of 500 senior decision makers, 77 percent of respondents
believe RPA will drive productivity, through the automation of mundane, transactional tasks. In the same
survey, 56 percent of respondents indicated they are planning to use RPA to free up staff, allowing them
to focus on higher value work. (What is RPA?, n.d.) Given these statistics, RPA is expected to grow into
one of the leading technological platforms and will become a standard for performance. (Ostdick, 2018)
The term RPA can be dated as early as mid-2000s, although the underlying technologies such as
computer vision and workflow automation has been developing for some time before. While RPA is
still considered as a developing technology, it still relies on the technologies artificial intelligence (AI),
screen scraping, and workflow automation and elevates these technologies to a new level, advancing
their capabilities in a significantly improved way. Rather than being dependent on code as is required for
screen scraping, RPA software provides tools for users to build workflows in a visual way that can be
entirely independent of coding knowledge. Also, unlike many web scraping tools, some RPA software
makes use of optical character recognition (OCR) technology to adapt to changing websites without
requiring intervention from a human employee.
Deloitte suggests that RPA is the combination of AI and automation: “RPA, a synonym to AI, is
the application of technology allowing employees in a company to configure computer software or a
‘robot’ to reason, collect and extract knowledge, recognize patterns, learn and adapt to new situations
or environments.(Laurent, Patrick; Chollet, Thibault; Herzberg, Elsa, 2018) In addition, collabora-
tion between RPA and AI allows for complex capabilities to emerge. While automation mainly aims to
restructure and organize rule-based and repetitive processes; defining and handling exception cases are
still highly manual tasks. At this point, AI can help the automation software for processes that do not
require complex decision-making and analysis, such as natural language processing, (NLP) or online
customer support. Future of RPA is seen as the coordination between these technologies.
It’s recognized that AI technologies will have a significant impact on our society. What happened
in the 19th century with Industrial Revolution, a similar social change is likely to take place in the 21st
century with AI. We know from history and from what AI does that the first jobs to go are the ones that
are simple and repeatable jobs and tasks that are currently performed by people. We can be confident
that the jobs being replaced are only one very small side of what AI is really going to change for the
society. The short-term job losses and lack of laws and regulations should be a big concern to all and be
addressed at the same pace as technology is advancing. Between the job creation, reallocation of skills,
and the improved quality of life that much of society will experience as a side effect of AI, long-term
benefits to society will lift up all of society across the globe. (Kelemen, 2018)
This chapter will introduce the technologies used in RPA applications and discuss the future of RPA.
Automation is a system that functions without direct human interaction. Many automated systems have
the following in common: taking the human factor out and thus improving precision, quality, and ac-
curacy. The first idea of how to automate processes using software came in 1935, when the computer
scientist Alan Turing described how a systematical algorithm could work processes more effectively. His
ideas on algorithms and automation had a lasting impact (Middelburg, 2017) In 1965 the first Robotics
Institute was opened (Willcocks P. L., 2016), and service automation was the next wave of improvement
in automation (Middelburg, 2017).
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
(Willcocks P. L., 2016) define RPA as service automation, but other terms apply to service automation.
For example, a scripting tool, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, BPM, etc. RPA addresses the
part of service automation that automates structured processes (Willcocks P. L., 2016). Robotic Process
Automation is defined by the IEEE Standards Association as:
A preconfigured software instance that uses business rules and predefined activity choreography to
complete the autonomous execution of a combination of processes, activities, transactions, and tasks
in one or more unrelated software systems to deliver a result or service with human exception manage-
ment. (IEEE Std 2755-2017, 2017)
The term Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was first used in 2012 (Hindle, 2018). It began to gain
popularity in 2014 and 2015 when companies started to announce considerable savings due to automa-
tion. The market for RPA back-office automation was becoming more significant by early 2016, but it
was still relatively small-scale during this time (Willcocks P. L., 2016). According to Horses for Sources
Research (Fersht, 2017) and Everest Group research (Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Technology
Vendor State of the Market Report, 2017), the global RPA market which includes both RPA services and
RPA software increased by about 64% from 2016 to 2017 (Fersht, 2017) (Robotic Process Automation
(RPA): Technology Vendor State of the Market Report, 2017). HfS Research (Fersht, 2017) reported a
42% increase in the market from 2017 to 2018 and an expected increase around 94% from 2018 to 2021
(Fersht, 2017).
Just like with all automation, RPA means replacing processes previously done by humans, but this
time done by configuring a robotic software to perform the tasks, interacting between different systems
such as spreadsheets, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or Enterprise Resource Plan-
ning (ERP) software (Willcocks P. L., 2016). In short, RPA provides the tools to automate rule-based,
logical processes involving well-defined and structured data with a deterministic set of output values
(Willcocks P. L., 2016). In addition, the tasks are often repetitive and highly manual (Willcocks P. L.,
2016). Such tasks can be labelled “swivel chair”, referring to moving inputs from one side to outputs
on the other side without much need for consideration (Willcocks, Lacity, & A, 2015). However, the
robot should, if given a suitable process and well-defined working logic, outperform humans in terms
of quality, time and cost (Willcocks, Lacity, & A, 2015).
The goal of RPA is not to simply assist humans in automating the processes; instead, it aims to re-
place humans entirely (Willcocks, Lacity, & A, 2015). While applications such as Excel assist humans
in calculations, they still require human involvement. In RPA, calculations are mostly done behind the
scenes by the robot, with only input and output by a human.
Of the benefits that RPA provide, the most interesting one is that RPA does not disturb the underlying
system (Willcocks P. L., 2016). Every action a robot takes can be easily logged and audited; and thus
the risk of non-compliance is minimal (Willcocks, Lacity, & A, 2015). This is different to most classic
business process automations, which can manipulate data directly in a database.
RPA applications have been reported over the last 5 years in business process like accounts payable,
accounts receivable, travel expenses, fixed asset accounting, master data management, billing, keep-
ing employee records, among others (Willcocks P. L., 2016) (Asatiani, 2016) (Willcocks, Lacity, & A,
2015). Most of these processes are back office or support processes for services where the costumer is
not directly involved.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Case studies for application of RPA include the finance industry (Seasongood, 2016), energy and
BPO (Willcocks P. L., 2016). In addition, several studies list the main areas of RPA implementation as
accounts payable, accounts receivable, travel and expenses, fixed assets and human resource adminis-
tration. (Deloitte: The robots are coming, 2015) (Capgemini Consulting: Robotic Process Automation-
Robots conquer business processes in back offices, 2016). The Capgemini study (Capgemini Consulting:
Robotic Process Automation-Robots conquer business processes in back offices, 2016) also revealed
that the main measures for RPA success are: cost reduction, increasing process speed, error reduction
and increasing compliance.
In the last decades, revolutions in technology have led to fear of job loss and alterations of current
labor (Autor, 2015). This debate on the fear of job loss continuous due to the research of Frey & Osborne
(2017), they state that almost half of the jobs in the USA are at high risk of being replaced by comput-
erization in the coming decades. However, Arntz, Gregory & Zierahn (2017) stress the overestimation
of the research of Frey and Osbourne (2017), due to their consideration of the computerization on
occupation-level. Arntz et al. (2017) repeat the same analysis, but use a job-level approach where several
tasks within a job are taken into account, and find an automation risk of jobs within the USA of 9%.
They also state that the possibility of automation does not imply that automation will indeed take place.
Argote and Goodman (1985) address the influence of robotics on individuals and factory companies.
They focus on the displacement of employees and alterations for retained staff. In their research, they find
likewise opposing effects. Modifications of current jobs, accompanied by in-house training programs,
omit some of the potential loss of jobs for current employees. These retained jobs result in positive ef-
fects on the employee by learning more skills, performing more significant tasks, and more interaction
with colleagues. However, they find adverse effects for employees who got partly replaced by robots
but retained a part of their former job. These employees perform less significant tasks and experience
lesser control, and they also experience a decrease in interaction with others.
RPA is generally considered as an uncomplicated form of AI (Anagnoste, 2017). This form of au-
tomation is considered revolutionary due to the ease of use, the low price and the fast implementation.
Where RPA is being defined as a software-based solution for the automation of rules-based processes
that consists of repetitive manual tasks with structured data and pre-determined outcomes (Aguirre &
Rodriguez, 2017). Moreover, RPA is a software application used to interpret and capture existing appli-
cations with the goal of communication across multiple IT platforms, data manipulation and transaction
processing (Suri, Elia, & Van Hillegersberg, 2017). In this paper, RPA is defined as the latter definition.
Additionally, although the possibility of the application of AI on RPA exists, it is not included in this
paper, since the integration of AI on RPA is uncommon (Le Clair et al., 2017).
There are two main differences between the implementation of RPA and classic business automation
(Lacity & Willcocks, 2015a). Firstly, programming of RPA can be learned with a few weeks of training;
hence no extensive programming experience is needed. Which results in a cheap form of automation with
a quick way to achieve a high return on investment (van der Aalst, Bichler, & Heinzl, 2018). Secondly,
RPA automates a process with an “outside-in” approach; therefore it controls the computer on the user
interface level, which does not disturb the underlying computer systems (van der Aalst et al., 2018).
These main differences provide a significant benefit over traditional business automation, which is done
according to an “inside-out” approach. Besides the quick achievement of high return on investment, the
primary goals of the implementation of RPA are; cost reduction, quality increase and faster processes
(Anagnoste, 2017). Additionally, the implementation time of RPA has an average of eight weeks from
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
the high-level process design until the delivered benefits. Due to the fast implementation, the low cost,
and the rapid increase in productivity, RPA tends to be less susceptible to the IT paradox.
The current literature on automation in general provides different insights into the benefits and
threats of automation on employment. Since a growth of the automation market is expected, the effects
of automation on the current workforce become increasingly important. Especially, the prediction of
Frey and Osbourne (2017) that 47 per cent of jobs are susceptible to the computerization and therefore
emphasize the importance to explore the effects of automation on the current workforce.
Within the field of automation, RPA is a rapidly growing software tool within the growing market of
automation. Also, due to the novelty of RPA, there is uncertainty about the effects of RPA on involved jobs
and the affected processes. The literature indicates that the implementation of robotics in the workforce
can influence the employees both positively and negatively. Although plenty of research is conducted on
AI in general, RPA is a more straightforward version and therefore different form of automation. Since
this is a different type of automation, further research is needed to determine the effects of RPA on the
quality and the quantity of labor (Lacity & Willcocks, 2015b). Implementations of RPA within large
companies are researched to provide an answer to the following research question:
What are the effects of the implementation of Robotic Process Automation on FTE effort and the impact
on the job design of involved jobs within large companies?
This research question is formulated to explore the phenomenon of RPA and therefore contribute to
the current literature on the field of automation and the influence of robotic automation on employees.
Additionally, this exploratory study gains managerial insights into the overall effects of robotic auto-
mation on employees in practice, which is supportive of managerial decisions whether or not to apply
robotic automation within a business process.
The first question about RPA that comes to mind is where and when it is applicable. Similar to pro-
gramming, RPA robots have to be given explicit rules to follow. This doesn’t necessarily mean that non
rule-based processes are not suitable for RPA; they will be covered later in the RPA and AI section. That
being said, the best-suited processes for RPA have high transaction volume, high level of standardiza-
tion, well-defined implicit logic, and high maturity. Automating high volume and repetitive tasks can
bring high savings in working time (FTE), while maturity secures the automated processes’ presence
in the environment. Figure 2 shows the ‘automatable region’ for the processes based on their volume
and frequency Lacity et al. (2015). The region encapsulates the tasks that have the highest potential of
savings, either through high-volume less frequent processes or high-frequency low volume ones, or a
combination of both ends. The automatable region applies to all automation tools and methods, RPA
being only one of them.
Many analysts see RPA and BPM as similar tools that serve for the same purpose. However, RPA and
BPM are different in many aspects. The goal for BPM is to redesign processes for better efficiency and
effectiveness. Alternatively, for RPA the main goal is to automate what already exists with a process,
i.e. to model the existing process as is and then execute it using a robot. This makes RPA a non-invasive
technology, as no changes in the infrastructure or to the existing ecosystem is needed. On the other hand,
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
BPM usually requires and introduces new software and has deeper access to the backend systems. As a
result, BPM users usually need to have programming skills and abilities to create software and tools for
end-users. RPA developers often only need to possess basic knowledge of programming design concepts.
Most RPA software provide tools for the RPA developers to easily design workflows and implement
them with no or minimal coding. Figure 2 shows the differences between the processes that are suitable
for BPM and RPA and skillsets that are required (Willcocks et al. 2015B)) RPA is fitted for processes
that require less resources and focus more on process expertise. The chart also shows how RPA and
BPM can work together in the same environment, instead of replacing each other. Therefore, instead
of focusing on only part of the automation, BPM and RPA can be used to supplement each other. It is
more important to look at the overall automation strategy of a company and treat BPM and RPA as part
of that strategy (Willcocks et al., 2015A).
Required Skills
A notable aspect of RPA is the ease of developing and modelling processes. RP developers do not require
programming skills but should possess knowledge about business processes (Lacity & Willcocks, 2015).
They are expected the teach the robots the processes they would be automated, instead of programming
them. As this job doesn’t require the traditional software development skillset, RPA can be managed
by the business and operations teams, instead of IT and Engineering. That being said, an RPA project
as a whole would require assistance from different teams, including IT, digital operations and backend.
Figure 1. Types of processes that are suitable for RPA
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
It should be noted that roles within the RPA management team must be well-defined and all members
should receive appropriate training aligned with their roles. Operational responsibilities include excep-
tion handling, testing, system support, process support and product support.
Process Selection Criteria
The first step of automation should not be automation itself; rather, care should be taken to select suit-
able processes. To this end, the implementation should begin with questions such as should this process
exist in the first place. Process elimination, optimizing and simplifying should be the first steps; this is
done to avoid automating redundant tasks and allow focusing on the tasks that benefit most from RPA.
Lately, there have been significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI), which in long-term can
further revolutionize business process automation, and change the selection criteria for which process to
target with RPA. This is especially true with unstructured, shapeless data or processes without implicit
logic for the robots to follow. (Willcocks et al., 2015B)
An important aspect of RPA is its scalability. RPA is easy to develop compared to traditional BPM tools,
but on top of that, it is more easily scalable. This is crucial for BPO providers, who already in their busi-
ness are seeking similar strategies in their business processes – the ability to define a process and reuse
it for multiple customers (Slaby, 2012). To enable scalability, it must be included in the implementation
and development strategy (Willcocks et al., 2015B). To get the maximum out of the robots, they must
be multi-skilled (Willcocks et al., 2015A). Internal infrastructure must grow in pace with automation,
to keep up with the demand in terms of resources, and the internal technical architecture must make this
possible (Lacity et al., 2015; Willcocks et al., 2015B). This way, the software can be easily scaled up
and down to meet changes in workload (Lacity & Willcocks, 2016). The scalability must be a culture
and should be adopted throughout the organization (Willcocks et al., 2015A).
Figure 2. Distinction between BPM and RPA processes
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Generally, terms like “Digital Transformation” have been too broad and confusing, and as a result,
companies do not know where to begin, which leads to frustration and failure. However, the truth is that
a complete Digital Transformation will require more than one technology; hence the term Intelligent
Automation, which is basically the automation of the company’s processes (including general corporate-
level processes using BPM and specific task-level processes using RPA), supported by analytics and
decisions made by Artificial Intelligence.
Intelligent Automation is a term that describes a holistic solution for digital transformation, mainly
based on process management (BPM) to orchestrate users, tasks, systems and robots (RPA) depending
on the business needs at each moment. On the other hand, it also contemplates the use of analytics and
AI (especially Machine learning) to make automated and intelligent decisions, and case management to
provide processes with enough flexibility for end-to-end case management success. Finally, it is worth
mentioning that another key feature of this trend is the integration between the different systems used
in the company. Integration will prevent the duplication of data in the systems and users will need only
work on one platform.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation is a technology which aims to reduce human intervention in computer ap-
plications, especially in repetitive tasks that vary very little in each iteration.
RPA works primarily by interacting with “high level” applications, which are the software layers
at the graphic interface level, as oppose to machine language or programming code. Put more simply,
it is a type of software that emulates the real interaction that a human would have with conventional
computer applications.
This technology is suitable to replace simple and repetitive manual tasks such as data entry in appli-
cations. This means that employees have more time to focus on other branches of value for the company
such as decision-making or improving customer relations.
It is a relatively fast technology to implement and can therefore bring immediate benefits to a com-
pany through time and cost savings, especially if it can be applied in the bottlenecks of certain processes.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines.
In other words, it is the discipline that tries to create systems capable of learning and reasoning like
a human being.
Artificial Intelligence encompasses other concepts such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural
Language Processing (NLP), Visual Recognition, Big Data, etc.
Although it is a very broad concept and covers many levels (from simple automations to complex
virtual assistants), it is worth highlighting the following virtues in the current business environment:
Deciphering patterns from previous experience.
Intelligent decision making.
Prescriptive and predictive analytics.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Improving the user experience.
Intelligent Automation proposes concrete solutions; in short, it consists of a successful and intercon-
nected implementation of technologies, so let’s break them down and explain the role each one plays:
Business Process Management (BPM)
BPM is a process automation technology that includes the efficient coordination of people, systems
and data.
The objective of BPM is to ensure that the operational and business process infrastructure is solid.
Therefore, it acts as a base layer in the organization, automating the behavior of complex processes that
require people to intervene in data entry and decision making, the use of systems at specific moments
such as calculations or integrations, control of actions and data generation and storage.
In other words, BPM plays the role of “orchestra conductor” in the organization, assigning which
employee, external user or system should act at each moment, and ensuring the complete tracking and
storage of all the information that is exchanged and generated during the process, from beginning to end.
The connection and integration between systems is one of the biggest headaches for a company, since
each system or software has its own peculiarities.
They generally offer an Application Programming Interface (API) to interact with, which is usually
based on some standard such as SOAP (applied in Web Services) or REST (based on HTTP protocol),
for example. Integrations usually require code, but with a platform, in addition to managing BPM pro-
cesses, you can have native connectors (for example, with SAP or Dynamics CRM) and make connec-
tions based on SOAP or REST without using code and in a fast and simple way. For cases in which it
is not possible to integrate via API, we would opt for RPA to undertake a superficial integration at the
graphic interface level.
The main objective of intelligent automation is to improve the customer and employee experience and
boost productivity. In addition, it generates time and costs savings, significantly reducing human interven-
tion in the process cycle, which allows employees to have more time to focus on creative improvements,
strategy, making decisions, etc. Another objective is the reduction of errors in the processes, as well as
a reduction in paper usage, since this trend is completely oriented towards purely digital management.
In short, intelligent automation was born as a term related to digital transformation, but with the ad-
vantage of being better defined and proposes a real solution by combining four branches of technology:
BPM, RPA, Artificial Intelligence and Integration. An ideal case would be a company with a backbone
orchestrated by workflows (using BPM) that involve users, systems, data and documents; uses RPA in
specific moments and tasks (to tackle bottlenecks in previously manual tasks); with hybrid decision
making between managers and automations based on Artificial Intelligence. Finally, we complete the
picture if we connect all the systems used by our company through integrations (API level when possible,
and with RPA when not) and centralize the information generated by the processes in a main database.
The data will be analyzed and feed the AI machine learning, to ensure better documented decisions.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
The main objectives of Intelligent Automation are the same as always (and at the same time so
difficult to achieve): to improve end-to-end customer experience and improve the productivity of our
employees, getting rid of repetitive tasks and enabling employees to focus on tasks that add value for
the company (creative improvements, new strategies and solutions, decision making, etc.) and of course
savings in time and costs.
Comparison With BPM
Although Business Process Management (BPM) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) operate with
a similar process logic based on events, actions, conditions and loops, the context for their application
is vastly different. BPM ensures a solid operational and business process infrastructure, whereas RPA is
used to tackle tasks just as a person would, but at a much higher speed; therefore, it operates at a more
superficial level. Both are relatively quick to implement and allow a very agile adjustment to possible
changes in the processes.
BPM can be considered as the foundation for company operations, orchestrating a coordinated and
efficient workflow that integrates users, systems and data. RPA, for its part, allows certain tasks within
the company workflow to be undertaken in record time, notably improving the times for repetitive tasks
that may have caused bottlenecks.
In short, RPA and BPM are not in conflict with each other. Although both seek process optimiza-
tion, their area of influence is different, and each case will require greater presence of one or the other.
Indeed, in most circumstances, the best solution will be to implement both solutions Although RPA can
have a greater initial impact, what companies often need is to establish an efficient workflow between
its departments and employees, instead of optimizing a specific repetitive task.
How to Combine BPM and RPA
In general, the best strategy is to start by establishing an optimal workflow throughout the enterprise
and detecting all bottlenecks. BPM is the ideal tool for this, using statistical simulation to estimate times
and resources and then in production to ensure continuous improvement. Detecting the bottlenecks
and optimizing the processes with BPM is often sufficient, and if needed, RPA can be implemented to
expedite specific tasks.
How to Choose Between BPM and RPA
RPA makes sense when we speak of simple processes, with a high volume of repetitive transactions,
and a type of process in which human participation is not necessary. This means that there is no deci-
sion process in the transaction itself that can condition it, or that this decision process is very simple.
With this in mind, it is a good idea to consider the use of RPA when we want to:
Eliminate repetitive tasks
Reduce those small errors, that can come at a high cost for the proper functioning of the company
Perform simple but repetitive calculations
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
To choose an RPA, the Forrester analyst Craig Le Clair recommends the following rule of 5 (Le
Clair, 2018):
The first rule is based on the limited rules capacity of RPA: No more than 5 decisions per robot.
RPA does not have an effective decision rules management; decisions would need to be coded in
each robot, and if the rule changes each one would need reprogramming. Hence, it is better to use
another system for decisions that can connect with the robot.
The second rule comes about because robots are sensitive when apps change: No more than 5
connected applications. RPA does not connect with other applications via API, instead it mimics
the behavior of a human.
The final rule: No more than 500 clicks, is important because RPA tasks need structure. Thousands
of keystrokes, clicks and mouse movements point to a less structured Process.
In the case of a BPM, or DPA, this allows process automation, in many cases with little code, and
in some cases without code. BPM orchestrates the different processes in a company by automating au-
tomatic tasks; either using integrations with the other systems, or through integration with other tools,
such as RPA; and other tasks which require human participation. This automation also provides the
business user with the information necessary for decision-making, on a macro level, with information
for “complex event processing” (CEP) and “Business activity monitoring” (BAM) and allow business
users to continuously improve their business processes in a fast and agile way, with little or no involve-
ment from IT departments.
Implementing a BPM is therefore meaningful when we speak of process automation, which requires
participation from people and machines, and in which there is decision-making, and a workflow based
on the process decisions. BPM can automate processes of high-value and high volume but is not neces-
sarily the best option for highly repetitive tasks which don’t require human participation.
BPM allows the rapid adaptation of the company’s processes with minimal involvement of IT depart-
ments, overcoming the classic division between business users and the team in charge of technology
development and implementation. Furthermore, it can break down existing silos in any organization.
Improved Customer Satisfaction
Capturing new customers is five times more expensive than retaining current ones. Therefore, all sales
strategies should take customer satisfaction into account and leverage intelligent automation to boost
satisfaction and increase the retention ratio. For customers to be satisfied, we have to offer them posi-
tive experiences at all points of contact with the company before, during and after the purchase of the
product or service. The customer’s overall experience is a journey (customer journey), which can start
when a potential client does not even know the brand, through to buying the service and requiring after-
sales attention.
Each and every one of these touchpoints are unique opportunities for recruitment, loyalty and recom-
mendation. A high recommendation rate (Net Promoter Score, NPS) means that customers recommend
you because they are happy with your company.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
According to a 2016 Accenture report, 52% of the companies surveyed had changed providers in the
last year due to poor customer service. Seventy-three percent of them wanted a service more suited to
their needs, while 61% most valued speed when checking data and response to queries and incidents.
Financial services is one of the sectors that has evolved the most in recent years, digitizing their ser-
vices by implementing online banking and mobile banking. Even so, there are many manual tasks that
create inaccuracies, inefficiencies and long waiting times. Intelligent automation technologies can record
conversations between customers and banking staff and then automate all subsequent management. The
necessary documentation will be processed automatically so that it complies with the current legislation.
Knowledge is also created by analyzing data, spotting patterns and trends and creating algorithms
that can predict future behavior. The chatbot with voice recognition and Machine Learning will help
both telephone and online customer service. This automation and digitalization of the back office will
generate more time and resources for personalized attention.
According to a study by Capgemini, 63% of organizations have improved customer satisfaction
thanks to intelligent automation. (Connatty, 2018) It has resulted in improved response times with direct
processing, personalized service, 24/7 availability and customized products designed by customers. And
all thanks to the implementation of BPMS, RPA, IA and integration systems. It should be emphasized
that each customer touchpoint is important for overall satisfaction and, that using intelligent automation
technologies, will make it easier to gain customer loyalty and recommendations.
Efficient Management of Digital Processes
In the digital era, it is a race to adapt to the new market needs for organizations that must redefine their
work processes to be agile and competitive. The needs of digital organizations involve harnessing abun-
dant amounts of information to feed their processes and optimize response times, thus improving the
quality of the services they offer their customers.
During recent years we have seen how organizations undertake their transformation projects in line
with the new digital philosophy; agile and flexible. But the need to incorporate new tools that provide a
holistic view necessary to make automated decisions and directly impact on digital positioning has also
become evident. Process analysis must conclude which existing processes must be redefined, maintained
or eliminated and recreated from scratch.
Many organizations are skeptical when it comes to addressing the redefinition of their processes,
since for years they have given more than effective results. The new digital era puts strategies, past
performance and the way of working to the test, to get the best out of organizations and elevate them
towards new, more efficient, flexible and faster processes. New digital processes should facilitate the
cohesion of technological accelerators with new customer-centric scenarios
The correct redefinition of processes in the digital era implies starting from a position capable of
providing a global and centralized view. Organizations should work on the concept of “a business plat-
form” as a homogeneous element capable of integrating any data layer in a modular and transparent
way. This is the only way to build the intelligent scenario necessary to tackle a first phase of vision and
redefinition of processes, to later define and implement the digital strategy.
According to IDC, in 2023, 35% of workers will start working with bots or other forms of AI, which
will require company leaders to redesign operational processes, performance metrics and recruitment
strategies. (Murray, 2018) Organizations must have new solutions that help consolidate the “digital
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
business platform”. These business platforms must facilitate process visibility and streamline their op-
timization; in a simple and visual way they must:
Consolidate the information in business systems.
Homogenize processes and work methodologies.
Monitor all digital processes from a single point.
Facilitate employee access to the processes.
Automate decision making and help business agility.
Establish new KPIs (key performance indicators) and KBIs (key behavior indicators) apt for the
digital age.
Facilitate integration of new applications and data sources consolidating everything in the busi-
ness platform.
Drive agility and flexibility with great capacity for customization.
RPA Applied to the Digital Process
The adoption of a digital business platform is just the first step in the redesign of processes. Next, it is
necessary to endow that platform with automation capacity, which allows the consolidation and manage-
ment of the large amount of information coming from different sources. Finally, it will be necessary to
integrate an intelligence layer that facilitates automated decision making and recommendations to impact
the market as quickly as possible. These platforms must also update the interfaces to improve employee
collaboration and help increase efficiency, productivity and improve response times.
According to IDC, by 2023, 95% of organizations will have incorporated new sets of digital KPIs,
focused on product and service innovation rates, data capitalization and employee experience, to navi-
gate the digital economy. (Nicastro, 2019) These new KPIs should be defined, managed and reviewed
autonomously by digital business platforms based on the impact of the digital strategy.
Process Automation used by management teams to transform the chaos in their departments into
productivity. They need only define the process flow diagrams with the procedures that they want
their teams to follow.
Dynamic Case Management to make the right decisions fast by automating procedures and using
real-time information. Gathering all necessary information to perform accurate work throughout
the case lifecycle.
User Interface (UI) that allows you to adapt to the faster, smarter and hyperconnected digital
world, surprising its users with attractive portals adaptable to multiple devices and responding
immediately to their needs with agility and zero-code changes on the fly.
Mobility to face the daily challenge of working faster and better. The real-time digital business
in a 100% web environment eliminates bottlenecks and drives instant knowledge and innovation.
Analysis and Smart Decision leveraging a wide range of sophisticated functionalities includ-
ing Native Reporting, Deep BI, Impact Identification, Workload Distribution, Business Rules,
Analytics, BAM.
Document Management to enjoy the immediate benefits of accelerated business transactions and
processes leveraging the most complete systems to manage your documents and digital content.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Business Rules and Data to keep your information under control and seamlessly manage docu-
ments, digital content, dictionaries and more, combined with a powerful Business Rules Engine.
Integrated Artificial Intelligence for systems that learn, adapt and potentially act autonomously.
Connectivity and API to facilitate integration with external systems and applications to empower
a centralized management.
Technological leaders that want tackle a company’s digital transformation with guaranteed success
need to execute their digital strategy based on new intelligent business processes. To ensure efficient
management of their digital processes, a holistic approach must be considered; the organization is a living
organism in which all the functions are related and work together. According to the latest KPMG report,
83% of Spanish organizations are exploring several intelligent automation technologies, but only 15%
apply an integral approach. (Easing the pressure points: The state of intelligent automation, 2019) This
integrated coordination and mindset is what is needed to achieve a successful transformation.
If we approach business digitalization with this philosophy, all business processes will have to be
rethought and redefined, seeking agility, efficiency and productivity. It is important to understand that
digital transformation does not just implicate the technology department. On the contrary, it involves
the total reinvention of the company at all levels. Managers must redesign operational processes and
digital KPIs as by 2023, 35% of workers will use different forms of Artificial Intelligence. (Murray,
2018) This will even affect the human resources department as they develop recruitment strategies to
capture digital talent.
Digital Evolution
Some speak of digital evolution rather than transformation because the improvement and adaptation
process to the new business reality is constant. To redesign an organization’s processes, we must first
start by adopting a digital business platform, and then empower it with automation capacity. The final
step is to implement an intelligence layer that will complete the process. The coordination and synergy
achieved recognizes that the true value is an effective ‘business as a whole’, not just certain sections or
departments. The work methodology and processes become homogeneous, favoring the consolidation
of the information from diverse business systems. Furthermore, the intelligence applied to the data com-
bined with employee access to the processes, will allow companies to offer customers better products,
services and attention to their needs.
Business process management platforms will help you transform your entire business and achieve
your digital goals. Intelligent process automation, designed through flowcharts, without programming
a single line of code, will result in increased productivity. Rapid and accurate decisions can be made
thanks to dynamic case management, while integrated Artificial Intelligence with learning capacity will
optimize effectiveness. In the digital age, these new integrated digital processes will be a company’s
main asset to achieve success.
Evaluating Benefits of RPA
Robotic process automation (RPA) integrates automation with artificial intelligence (AI) to automate
processes through the deployment of custom applications. The use of AI is about leveraging intelligent
algorithms to resolve inefficiencies and drive enhanced customer experience at every point of interaction.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
An RPA solution emulates human actions to automate the tasks that require human intelligence,
without necessitating changes to the underlying systems and processes. RPA is about employing software
robots with the ability to replicate human actions to eliminate inefficiencies in processing of information
or data. Simply put, RPA envisages a virtual workforce with skills comparable to that of human beings.
The commoditization of financial services has spurred banks to improve front-end services and
customer experience. Backend operations, however, have not received as much attention, and offer
tremendous scope for improvement. Backend processing typically involves high volume, rule-driven,
repetitive tasks that are labor-intensive, and therefore, prone to errors. When automated using RPA,
these tasks will not require the constant intervention of skilled human resources who can thereby focus
on higher value-adding activities. The investment is minimal as RPA does not entail any changes to the
underlying legacy IT infrastructure. At the same time, it speeds up core processes, significantly enhances
productivity and accuracy, lowers costs, and cuts time-to-market for new offerings.
Measuring RPA Success
Perhaps it is the implied simplicity, or its general acceptance in the industry, but ROI (return on in-
vestment) is the ubiquitous approach to evaluating success of an investment. To establish a consistent
understanding of ROI, let’s define it as follows:
As for automation, the prevailing measure of “Gain from Investment” is cost reduction. While FTE
arbitrage is seemingly the easiest gain to derive, and gaining the most traction in headlines about RPA,
our point of view is that there are more meaningful interpretation of ROI when it comes to automation
and RPA.
Establish a Baseline
When evaluating automation, think of the robotic process as a digital employee. How do we evaluate
our human employees? Baseline metrics and comparison to others. We’ve all undoubtedly undergone a
performance review at least once during our career. Common employee evaluation techniques include
speed, accuracy, and monetary contribution to the company.
A Holistic View of RPA Benefits
Intrinsically, there are two categories of RPA benefits at a company: primary and secondary. Primary
benefits include those that are directly related to the implementation of RPA. Examples include im-
proved efficiency, increased accuracy, and headcount reduction. Secondary benefits are those benefits
made possible indirectly by RPA implementation. These benefits, while harder to quantify, can lead to
tremendous gains to the company, both in top line revenue growth and bottom line cost savings.
Figure 3. ROI calculation formula
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Primary Benefits:
Increased Efficiency: Perhaps the most frequently referenced (and most easily grasped) benefit
of automation, increased efficiency is realized through higher workload capacity and increased
speed, both resulting in increased throughput rate. In a bank, this might mean that a loan closing
and booking team can address more loans each day, improving the customer experience and re-
ducing the need to hire as volume increases.
Increased Accuracy: Any process that requires manual data entry or data transformation intro-
duces the opportunity for error. While humans experience fatigue and distraction, an automated
process can run 24-7-365 and utilizes computer memory and programmable rules to ensure con-
sistency and accuracy. In a bank, data entry and transcription errors can result in increased re-
work, decisioning based on inaccurate data, and negative financial impacts and fines.
FTE Reduction: Headcount reduction may be the most difficult benefit to discuss but is also
widely misunderstood. Workload redistribution and reduced future hiring needs are more realis-
tic options. An organization that embraces automation can address increased capacity related to
growth without adding headcount.
Secondary Benefits
Asset Redeployment: Workload Redistributions allow an organization to move headcount from
one area to another to address organizational needs. If automation produces increased capacity
and the workload doesn’t match the excess labor supply can be reallocated to new areas. For ex-
ample, consider how a bank would redistribute work in the front, middle, and back office if they
suddenly had more “free” time to work with. Keep in mind that resources and capital refer not only
to human capital, but also technology resources like computers and bandwidth.
Improved Customer Experience: All the primary benefits mentioned above relate to cost savings,
but viewed from another angle, these primary benefits enhance the customer experience which
can lead to increased revenues as well For example, as employees’ capacity increases (through
speed, efficiency, redistributed workload), more time can be allocated to customer-facing func-
tions and activities (like improved customer service, increased sales efforts, customer retention
activities). There are also benefits from increased speed-to-market through faster loan decisioning
and approval or improved competitive positioning through lower costs (reflected in reduced lend-
ing costs and interest rate margins) due to resource needs and efficiency improvements.
Faster Scalability: In today’s banking environment, top management should consider the ques-
tion, “how do you make your bank immediately scalable without increasing headcount?” As fi-
nancial institutions growth through acquisition and organically (new locations or branches), this
question becomes top-of-mind. While physical hiring requires times, an automated workforce
is distributed as a software resource. With automation you gain a pre-trained digital workforce.
Scalability is instantaneous as jobs can be added by purchasing software licenses and applying
them to an existing automation protocol. Literally load an automation workflow to a robot and
press “Go.”
Increased Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction surveys regularly reveal that the most engaged em-
ployees feel they are doing meaningful work that can be easily mapped to company success met-
rics. What can banks do to increase employee engagement and job satisfaction? Start by taking au-
tomatable functions away and allow these employees to be more customer-centric. Banks should
consider who will do this work in the future if they are not automated.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
While cost reduction is often touted as the most significant gain for banks implementing RPA, it’s
important to look beyond ROI and dig deeper into RPA’s capabilities to truly grasp the potential
benefits that come with implementing this tool.
While there is an unlimited number of use-cases for robotic process automation, certain business process
lend themselves to higher ROI by leveraging RPA. These processes tend to be rules-based, repetitive,
and large-scale. Or, simply so complex and mundane involving multiple disparate business applications
that nobody wants do the task over and over. Let’s take a look at a few scenarios where clients tend to
see greatest return on investment.
1. Claims adjudication
With insurance companies often relying on a multitude of legacy software platforms to keep track
of and adjudicate claims, RPA delivers exceptional savings as insurance processes fit perfectly into the
“rules-based, repetitive, and large-scale” categories.
2. Procurement
The integration of the purchasing department and the accounts payable systems is an ideal candidate
for RPA.
3. Supplier portal integration
Once automated, this process also leverages the software robot’s integration capabilities. A portal is
an important mediator between an organization and a supplier, and RPA can deliver a more consistent
and error-free integration for your suppliers.
4. Data entry
Data entry is the epitome of monotony. Can you agree? Since RPA has the capability for basic pat-
tern recognition, it can convert nearly all kinds of text into editable and searchable machine encoded
text, so the need for manual data entry is reduced. Therefore, fewer errors, faster results, fewer tired and
bored employees.
5. Reconciliation
By comparing documents such as cash and bank statements, the procedure is to ensure the reliability
of the records.
The software bot can perform data extraction from the bank statement, thereby increasing the pos-
sibility of accurate comparison. By finding and approving matched orders, bots can also match purchase
orders with delivery notes.
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
6. Price comparison
Software robots can track varying prices and automatically extract the data for the optimal price setting.
7. Sales activities
We talk about data duplication, creation and provision of invoices, smooth update of CRM (Customer
Relationship Management), and so on. Sales are an important aspect of all kinds of business, regardless
of size or domain.
Take a moment to think about the monotonous work of keeping CRM and accounting records data
consistent. The good thing is that software robots can handle this for you. For example, automation al-
lows you to send invoices to customers much faster than by doing it manually.
It is the earlier customer payment, which improves cash flow, resulting in improved customer satis-
faction as a result of this highly desirable result. More generally, the need for error-free sales activities
is justified by the desire to avoid customer complaints and dissatisfaction, which is the result of admin-
istrative mistakes.
8. Payroll
If your company relies heavily on legacy systems, it may not be easy to adopt the latest payroll soft-
ware. Software robots can be helpful to help automate the process.
9. Report generation
Regular reporting is necessary. Software robots can not only automatically summarize the data nec-
essary to create these reports, but they can also be distributed to all stakeholders. It is not difficult at all
to see how this relaxes the burden of compliance.
10. Customer service
With the advent of chat bots, RPA can be leveraged to instantly query legacy back-end systems
whenever a customer asks a question to deliver a much more personalized answer than what a chat bot
could deliver by relying on machine learning alone.
Robotic process automation’s workflow efficiency benefits have been of great value to financial services
organizations. According to KPMG, banks and other financial organizations that leverage RPA realize
75% cost-savings. (How Robotic Process Automation Shapes Fintech’s Future, 2018)
Bots can perform repetitive, clerical tasks such as processing customer applications and respond-
ing to basic customer queries faster and more accurately than human workers. Bots also behave more
predictably than people. They don’t deviate from their programming so they won’t make mistakes or
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
circumvent processes. Accordingly, RPA is a powerful risk management resource that many financial
institutions already use to monitor compliance and create audit trails.
But RPA’s contribution to operational efficiency is just the tip of the iceberg. Financial organizations
that venture deeper into RPA’s capabilities will find a wealth of transformational opportunities that can
reshape the customer experience. In particular, RPA is an enabler of new digital financial technology
(fintech) that enhances the quality of service and convenience for employees and customers alike.
According to a PwC report, RPA is the “starter piece” for long-term digital transformation initiatives.
(The Role of Robotic Process Automation in Banking and Financial Services, 2018) On the most basic
level, RPA can be used to bridge integration gaps between legacy software. For instance, RPA can act
as an integration mechanism that integrates legacy solutions to newer IT systems. This gives banks and
other financial organizations the opportunity to expand their fintech footprint gradually and with mini-
mal disruptions to existing processes. Rather than uprooting and replacing existing legacy tools, bots
can push and pull data between new and old applications to orchestrate workflows that might otherwise
dwell in silos.
Robotic process automation can also reduce the testing surface of new custom developments and fin-
tech applications. Software robots, which have roots in software QA automation, can be used to validate
the output of new custom developments. Consequently, new financial services can be developed with
minimal risk to existing processes.
Applied to customer-facing services, RPA is directly responsible for some of the most common fin-
tech utilities. Case in point, bots can automatically populate data fields based on photos of documents
that are uploaded via a mobile camera to a fintech application. This works for basic banking functions,
such as mobile deposits, but also more advanced processes such as applying for a loan or even initiating
peer-to-peer lending.
Robotic process automation can also catalyze new classes of fintech products. Consider the example
of what American Banker calls “robo-advisory services” for wealth management. Investment values
and information can change by the minute. Software bots can continuously interface with various data
sources to track market conditions, and customers can automatically receive recommendations based
on the most up-to-date information.
For the “more mature and astute investors,” American Banker noted that financial institutions can
build on RPA’s capabilities to offer a “hybrid robo-adviser service.” Bots and algorithms track the quan-
titative aspects of wealth management. Human financial advisers supply the qualitative consultations.
This is a perfect example of adding value to a customer relationship by liberating human workers to
focus on judgment-based services.
Putting RPA at the helm of quantifiable data-driven workflows will be especially important for innova-
tion enablement in the years ahead. The Internet of Things is expanding the realm of financial technol-
ogy services. Customers can now link their financial data to wearable technology and even household
appliances. Software bots’ ability to interface with the front ends of many application types can help
automate the real-time movement of information between systems.
Likewise, RPA is an enabler of blockchain technology. Blockchain uses a distributed digital ledger
system to verify data inputs through a consensus. No single source controls the ledger, which makes
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
it difficult for anyone contributor to commit fraud. For this to work properly, financial organizations
will need to continuously record data entries and attributes such as time stamps, geo-location and more
from many disparate APIs and IT systems. The benefit of RPA bots is that they can operate as fluidly as
humans can across IT infrastructure. This means RPA can effectively bridge multiple disparate systems
to the blockchain.
Robotic process automation may also be important for blockchain security. According to PwC,
financial services organizations will still need to prove the validity of their blockchain applications.
Auditors must answer important questions such as “Who controls the blockchain?,” “Who gets access?”
and “Who monitors activity?” Rather than manually auditing the blockchain, PwC proposes automating
these verification processes. And just as RPA can be used to validate data for compliance purposes, we
anticipate that it will have a role to play in auditing the blockchain.
Many businesses are already using bots to enable fintech innovation. But like we said at the beginning
of this post, most financial organizations have only skimmed the service of RPA’s potential.
RPA Market Predictions
The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) market size is anticipated to reach USD 8,781.2 million by
2026 growing at a CAGR of 29.5%. (Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Market Size, Share, Trends, &
Industry Analysis Report, By Process, 2018) Requirement of businesses to eliminate human errors due
to manual interference in processes along with reduction in time consumption are factors responsible
for positively influencing the adoption rate of RPA technology.
Previously artificial intelligence and robotic process automation were largely considered to be differ-
ent technologies. But, with advancements in the offerings it is observed these technologies are compli-
menting each other in terms of handling processes. It enables organizations in processing huge volumes
of data and in providing support for better decision making. Cognitive computing which covers wide
array of areas including adaptive learning, speech recognition, and pattern identification is integrated
in robotic process automation (RPA) solutions to transform and automate crucial business processes of
organizations across multiple industry verticals.
The potential of achieving robust ROI from deployment of RPA completely dependent on the organi-
zational requirements and business processes which are to be automated. In the near future, the market
is expected to witness growing base of RPA vendors as they target to gain revenue share from this ex-
panding market. This is expected through introduction of solutions which will cater to the rising need to
automate business process management processes. Furthermore, the adoption is expected to intensify as
the prices of RPA deployment are continually witnessing a declining trend. Moreover, this technology
adoption provides organizations the capability to accomplish better outcomes from their process with
benefits including reduction in costs, improved accuracy, and better compliance.
However, factors like reluctance in the transition phase from conventional business process to auto-
mation along with shortage in technical expertise required during deployment and integration of RPA
solution are challenges which might affect the growth in this market. Analysis for each region (North
America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa) is provided for all segmentation
of the robotic process automation market research report.
North America is expected to be largest regional market while Asia Pacific regional market is expected
to witness significant growth during the forecast period of 2018 to 2026. The region’s leading position
is attributed to significant demand and preference of the BFSI industry vertical towards automation of
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
business processes. Furthermore, presence of established and major players in North America region
and availability of infrastructure for effective adoption of RPA is another factor responsible for the boost
in adoption of robotic process automation solutions.
European region is expected to witness growth in this market as the region has a presence of significant
amount of companies in the manufacturing and logistics sector. Adoption of RPA technology provides
the capability to streamline pickup and drop operations. This eventually leads to reduction in cycle time
ultimately resulting in enhanced customer experience.
The major key players operating in the robotic process automation (RPA) market include UiPath Inc.
(U.S.), Blue Prism Group Plc (UK), Celaton Ltd. (UK), Softomotive (UK), Kofax Ltd. (U.S.), Xerox
Corporation (U.S.), Automation Anywhere Inc. (U.S.), Ipsoft, Inc. (U.S.), UiPath (U.S.), Verint Systems
Inc. (U.S.), Pegasystems Inc. (U.S.), Redwood Software (Netherlands), Daythree Business Services
(Malaysia), and Kryon Systems (Israel).
Research has segmented the global robotic process automation market on the basis of process, opera-
tion, type, industry, organization size, and region:
Robotic Process Automation by Process Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
Automated Solution
Decision Support and Management Solution
Interaction Solution
Robotic Process Automation by Operation Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
Rule Based
Knowledge Based
Robotic Process Automation by Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
Tool Based
Model-Based Application Tools
Process-Based Application Tools
Service Based
Integration and Development
Robotic Process Automation by Industry Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
IT & Telecom
Healthcare and Pharma
Travel & Hospitality
Robotic Process Automation by Organization Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs)
Large Enterprises
Robotic Process Automation by Region Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
North America
Robot Process Automation (RPA) and Its Future
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
No study is without limitations when it comes to the results, and neither is this one. All in all, the re-
search design for this study has been well-constructed, but as with all case studies, they share the aspect
that there is only limited generalizability. All the findings and conclusions apply only in the context of
this study, and any generalization outside the established setting should be done with caution. If a more
comprehensive understanding of RPA projects in different contexts is needed, then further research
must be conducted.
Another point to keep in mind when interpreting the results from this study is that in its core, the
research is centered on forming, analyzing and criticizing a process model. It is possible, that this ap-
proach, because of its focused nature, narrows the scope too much, leaving some important aspects
completely outside the selection. It could be, that some aspects are therefore completely ignored in the
study. The impact of this limitation on projects can be mitigated by being open and attuned to suggestions
for improvements in the process flow, essentially treating this established process as a solid template to
further build on.
RPA as a technology is still very new and the range of diversity of literature available is not too wide.
It is likely that because of this, the contents of the RPA literature review are not as comprehensive as
they could be. As the technology evolves, further studies should be conducted, to keep up-to-date with
the state of RPA and how this context could change in the future. However, due to the test case being
successful, the introduced process that was extracted from the literature is applicable and exhaustive
enough to serve as a basis for the process model.
Another matter to consider, caused by the novelty of RPA, is the pace at which the technology is still
advancing. Most of the sources for RPA literature are only a couple of years old, and with the comple-
tion of this thesis taking more than half a year in total, it is possible that during this timeframe there
were some significant findings or advances in the field. To this end, it is worth noting that it is possible
the findings of this thesis are already slightly outdated due to this fast pace. Again, further studies could
help in understanding how and why RPA is different and how it has evolved.
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AI: Artificial Intelligence. A branch of computer science that focuses on simulating human actions
and behavior.
BPM: Business process automation. A software tool used to improve an organization’s business
processes through the definition, automation, and analysis of business processes.
ROI: Return on Investment. The measure of gain or loss generated on an investment relative to the
amount of money invested.
RPA: Robotic process automation. Software that can emulate human actions.
... RPA is gaining popularity across various industries and evolving as a preferred technology for executives seeking to enhance business operations with agility and efficiency [25,30]. RPA is implemented in a variety of industries, including Banking, Auditing, Insurance, Retailing, Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply chain, Finance, IT & Telecom, Healthcare and Pharma, Travel & Hospitality, and others [17,25,31,32]. Companies generally find the highest ROI for tasks such as claims adjudication, procurement, supplier portal integration, data entry, reconciliation, price comparison, sales activities, payroll, report creation, and customer service [32]. ...
... RPA is implemented in a variety of industries, including Banking, Auditing, Insurance, Retailing, Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply chain, Finance, IT & Telecom, Healthcare and Pharma, Travel & Hospitality, and others [17,25,31,32]. Companies generally find the highest ROI for tasks such as claims adjudication, procurement, supplier portal integration, data entry, reconciliation, price comparison, sales activities, payroll, report creation, and customer service [32]. ...
Purpose: The aim of this article is to characterize the determinants and effects of implementing disruptive artificial intelligence (AI) innovations in banking operations, particularly regarding AI’s relevance to the development of a new generation of robotic banking process automation systems (i.e., cognitive RPA). Design/methodology/approach: Based on a comparative analysis of the literature and an empirical comparison of leading banks in the European Union, this article highlights the main areas of innovative improvement in banking activities through cognitive RPA applications and examines their potential to radically streamline future banking operations. Findings: The analysis of AI innovation has found that cognitive RPA is dramatically transforming banking processes. In practice, cognitive RPA enables banks to achieve higher levels of efficiency across all dimensions of their operations, particularly in optimizing the management of a bank's wide range of risks. Originality/value: Given the still nascent stage of AI innovation and its implementation in banking, this article combines the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence with empirical examples from leading European banks, presenting a research area that has not yet been addressed in Polish literature and remains underexplored in global literature.
Purpose Quality 4.0 is essential to the Industry 4.0 framework, notably in the electronics sector. It evaluates product quality in real-time using automatic process controls, quality tools and procedures. The implementation of Quality 4.0 criteria in the electronics industry is the subject of this study’s investigation and analysis. In this study, nine Customer Requirements (CRs) and 18 Design Requirements (DRs) have been defined to adopt Quality 4.0, aiming to increase yield while reducing defects. This study has developed a Quality 4.0 framework for effective implementation, incorporating the People, Process and Technology categories. Design/methodology/approach Many CRs and DRs of Quality 4.0 exhibit interdependencies. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) considers interdependencies among the criteria at various levels. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) can capture the customer’s voice, which is particularly important in Quality 4.0. Therefore, in this research, we use an integrated ANP-QFD methodology for prioritizing DRs based on the customers' needs and preferences, ultimately leading to better product and service development. Findings According to the research findings, the most critical consumer criteria for Quality 4.0 in the electronics sector are automatic systems, connectivity, compliance and leadership. The Intelligent Internet of Things (IIOTs) has emerged as the most significant design requirement that enables effective control in production. It is observed that robotics process automation and a workforce aligned with Quality 4.0 also play crucial roles. Originality/value Existing literature does not include studies on identifying CRs and DRs for implementing Quality 4.0 in the electronics industry. To address this gap, we propose a framework to integrate real-time quality measures into the Industry 4.0 context, thereby facilitating the implementation of Quality 4.0 in the electronics industry. This study can provide valuable insights for industry practitioners to implement Quality 4.0 effectively in their organizations.
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The paper proposes a novel architecture that combines Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDP), and the Integrated Smart System Platform (ISSP) to enhance urban automation. This synergy aims to improve operational efficiency in smart city management. RPA serves as a complementary sensing tool alongside IoT sensors and APIs, automating data collection and integration processes, while LCDPs simplify the development of automation solutions for users with varying technical expertise. The study involves a four-stage methodology: a literature review, defining the architecture, platform development, and implementation/testing through a case study at the Semarang City Disaster Management Agency. Evaluation using CATWOE analysis and the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) highlights areas for improvement in stimulation and dependability, emphasizing the need for addressing these issues for successful integration.
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Teknolojik değişme, ekonomik büyüme sürecinin arkasındaki temel güçtür. Robotik süreç otomasyonu ve robotlar, daha önce ortaya çıkan buhar teknolojisinin ve elektrik enerjisinin yarattığı etkiler kadar ekonomik büyüme sürecine önemli katkı yapabilecek yeniliklerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, robotların ve robotik süreç otomasyonun ekonomide yarattığı değişimleri açıklamak ve ileride sahip olacakları potansiyeli tartışmaktır. Bu çalışmada, ilk olarak, robotların ve robotik süreç otomasyonun ekonomide yarattığı değişimler açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, robotların ve robotik süreç otomasyonun emek üretkenliği, istihdam, işlerin niteliği, yatırımlar, hizmetler sektörü gibi alanlarda yarattığı dönüşümler ve gelecek dönemde yaratabilecekleri etkiler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada ikinci olarak, robotik süreç otomasyonun yarattığı etkiler, örnek bankanın ticari kredi tahsis ve fatura ödeme süreçleri üzerinden gösterilmiştir. Her iki süreçte de robotik süreç otomasyonu kullanılması, üretkenlik artışına neden olmuştur. Bu süreçlerde robotik süreç otomasyonundan faydalanılması, istihdam kaybına sebep olmamıştır. Ticari kredi tahsis ve fatura ödeme süreçlerinde robotik süreç otomasyonundan yararlanılması sonucunda çalışanlar, rutin manuel ve tekrarlı işleri yapmayı bırakmışlar, katma değeri daha yüksek olan faaliyetlere daha fazla zaman ayırma imkanına kavuşmuşlardır. Robotik süreç otomasyonu, bütün bu kazanımları diğer bankacılık uygulamaları ile karşılaştırıldığında oldukça düşük yatırım maliyeti ile gerçekleştirmiştir. Yarattığı bütün bu etkiler sayesinde robotik süreç otomasyonu, örnek bankada önemli değişim yaratmıştır.
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Celem artykułu jest prezentacja koncepcji tzw. wanny Taylora. Jest to metaforyczne ujęcie przemian zachodzących w organizacji, zarówno w ujęciu makro, jak i mikro. Koncepcja pokazuje, jak na przestrzeni kilku stuleci zmieniała się organizacja, przedsiębiorstwa oraz rynki. W opracowaniu skoncentrowano się na najbardziej dynamicznym okresie ostatnich dziesięcioleci. Koncepcja „wanny Taylora” nie jest idealną deskrypcją rzeczywistości. Ma swoje zalety oraz wady. W tekście odniesiono się nie tylko do pozytywnych stron tej koncepcji. Wskazano także na jej pewne mankamenty.
Abstract Robotic Process Automation is in its nascent stages, where it is still being explored for various business purposes and the functions for which it can be utilized. With the same effect on various processes as that of technology, RPA tends to decrease the monotonous, repetitive work, time, and cost and increase the efficiency by which an organization can work. This study aims to explore the effect of RPA in accounting. The study uses a technology adoption model to determine the factors that play an important role in adopting of robotic process automation in accounting fielding by professional accountants. The study also introduced one new dimension for the adoption of TAM, i.e., the increase in efficiency. The analysis of data was done through PLS-SEM (structural equation modelling). The results show that all the hypotheses were supported. The study could be helpful for managers, organizations, and individuals inthe adoption of technologies in processes like accounting.
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Steering angle controller is a core module of autonomous vehicles, where a slight miscalculation can cause severe accidents. Following safety precautions, development of robust and precise steering angle predictor is an active area of research. However, existing simulator based steering angle predictors lack in predictive performance and have not been evaluated on same benchmark datasets. Furthermore, most of them are evaluated on simulated datasets and their potential on real-world data as well as in cross-domain evaluation of both types data (real-world, simulated) remain unexplored. To accelerate and expedite research related to steering angle prediction contributions of this paper are manifold: 1) It presents two benchmark datasets that are developed using Udacity and CARLA simulators. 2) Following the need for comparative study, over both simulated datasets, it benchmarks the performance of existing predictors under 2 different evaluation settings namely: same-track and cross-track evaluation. 3) In cross-domain evaluation, it explores generalization potential of predictors by training predictors on simulated data and evaluating them on 2 real-world datasets and vice versa. 4) It presents a robust and precise steering angle predictor that utilizes skip connections for proper gradient flow among different convolutional layers. In same-track evaluation where predictors are trained and evaluated on same-track data, proposed predictor outperforms existing predictors by achieving least Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.13, 0.19 and 0.065 over lake track, jungle track and CARLA based datasets, respectively. Similarly, in cross-track evaluation where predictors are trained on one track and are evaluated on other track data, once again proposed predictor outperforms existing predictors by producing average least MAE errors of 0.33 and 0.06 over Udacity and CARLA datasets, respectively. Over two real-world datasets, Sully Chen and, the proposed predictor demonstrates superior performance compared to existing simulator-based predictors, achieving the lowest MAE of 2.41 and 0.50, respectively.
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(RPA) which is robotic process automation is a modern knowledge which may replicate or duplicate humanoid movements on supercomputer structures in the automation of robotic or software processes. Most of the present scientific research concentrates on the earlier stage of RPA, the implementation of robot process automation, for example, in the exploration of automation tasks. This written study explains how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is used and how future enterprise technology will automate business processes. The production efficiency of a company or corporation is actually important because there would be no end product if there isn't a production. And there would be no buyers if there are no finished goods that are the final products. One thing we have to take into account is that there is no benefit if there is no customer. The more the client we get the more revenue or benefit our company can generate; that's what we called a profitable company. In addition to this, we have to produce the finished goods quickly enough for the customer who looks forward to our products and there is the need for robot process automation (RPA) for becoming a successful organisation in the competitive business environment. The research proposed addresses the world's current problems now and describes how the company should use or include robotic process automation (RPA) in the business process to address this challenge.
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OpusCapita Group is a Finnish company offering financial processes and outsourcing services to medium-sized companies and large corporations. OpusCapita particularly focuses on comprehensive Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash processes. In hopes to stay ahead of the curve in financial process automation, OpusCapita is betting on Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This teaching case presents challenges faced by Mr. Petri Karjalainen, Senior Vice President at OpusCapita Group, who is looking for ways to introduce RPA to the market, and provide added value to new and existing customers.
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In this essay, I begin by identifying the reasons that automation has not wiped out a majority of jobs over the decades and centuries. Automation does indeed substitute for labor—as it is typically intended to do. However, automation also complements labor, raises output in ways that leads to higher demand for labor, and interacts with adjustments in labor supply. Journalists and even expert commentators tend to overstate the extent of machine substitution for human labor and ignore the strong complementarities between automation and labor that increase productivity, raise earnings, and augment demand for labor. Changes in technology do alter the types of jobs available and what those jobs pay. In the last few decades, one noticeable change has been a "polarization" of the labor market, in which wage gains went disproportionately to those at the top and at the bottom of the income and skill distribution, not to those in the middle; however, I also argue, this polarization is unlikely to continue very far into future. The final section of this paper reflects on how recent and future advances in artificial intelligence and robotics should shape our thinking about the likely trajectory of occupational change and employment growth. I argue that the interplay between machine and human comparative advantage allows computers to substitute for workers in performing routine, codifiable tasks while amplifying the comparative advantage of workers in supplying problem-solving skills, adaptability, and creativity.
Robotic Process Automation Shapes Fintech's Future. Arrow Digital
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What is RPA? A revolution in business process automation
  • C Boulton
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Robotic Process Automation-Robots conquer business processes in back offices
  • Capgemini Consulting
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Consumers are embracing AI and will reward organizations that offer more humanlike AI experiences
  • S Connatty
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Process Automation (RPA): Technology Vendor State of the Market Report
  • Everest Global
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The Robotic Process Automation market will reach $443 million this year
  • P S Fersht
Fersht, P. S. (2017, January 21). The Robotic Process Automation market will reach $443 million this year. Retrieved from
Robotic Process Automation: Benchmarking the Client Experience. Knowledge Capital Partners
  • J L Hindle
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