
Rola otoczenia instytucjonalnego w rozwoju przedsiębiorczości technologicznej

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W artykule podjęto problem wpływu otoczenia instytucjonalnego na rozwój przedsiębiorczości technologicznej w małych i średnich firmach. Przedsiębiorczość technologiczna wiąże się ze współpracą tych firm z jednostkami ze sfery badań i rozwoju oraz sektora finansów i wspierania biznesu. Służy ona zapewnieniu wyższego poziomu technologicznego i wytwarzania innowacyjnych oraz konkurencyjnych produktów. W oparciu o badania ankietowe w grupie 300 firm z regionu łódzkiego określono szereg wniosków i tendencji dotyczących relacji tych firm z organizacjami z otoczenia instytucjonalnego. Badane przedsiębiorstwa wykazują się zdolnością do identyfikowania organizacji z otoczenia, które charakteryzują się odpowiednim poziomem wsparcia. Z drugiej strony jednak wiele firm nie docenia istotnej roli różnorodnych instytucji w procesie transferu nowych technologii do sektora MSP.

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... The hitherto studies concerning SMEs management and development in Poland mainly concentrate on the statistical dimension of data about enterprises, their size, employment and activity profile (GUS, 2019b;PARP, 2019), as well as their legal forms (Jagodziński, 2015;Kosmal, 2019). Some of the reports and publications dealing with SMEs concern their innovativeness (Okoń-Horodyńska and Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, 2008;MPiT and Siemens, 2018;Ribau et al., 2017), macro-economic surroundings (Wach, 2016;Zygmunt and Zygmunt, 2016), legal surroundings (Kabut and Malesa, 2015;ZPiP, 2017), institutional support (Lachiewicz, 2016;Wójcik-Karpacz and Rudawska, 2016), labour costsy (Chłąd, 2016;Papaj, 2016), access to technology (Kaliszczak and Pawłowska-Mielech, 2019;Nowak and Wieteska, 2020) and to financing (Korzeniewska, 2016;Steinerowska-Streb, 2015). The subject of management succession appears in literature mainly in the context of family companies, where property and firm management are transmitted between generations (KPMG, 2020;IBR, 2019), whereas the issue of succession "from an entrepreneur to a professional manager" (Ballini, 2020;Blikle, 2013) is referred to extremely rarely, though it is crucial for the Polish economy, in which the first generation of entrepreneurs is just approaching the age of retirement. ...
... Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje otoczenie instytucjonalne, które można oceniać z perspektywy procesów zachodzących w przedsiębiorstwie takich jak np. zarządzanie kryzysowe (Lachiewicz 2016). ...
Management in crisis situations is constantly gaining in importance. Recently, it has become equally significant for small and medium-sized enterprises, which also have to overcome various crisis situations and are forced to manage crises. The paper attempts to explain what role the institutional environment can play in crisis management in SMEs. Both the theoretical aspect related to selected issues and the results of own studies conducted in Poland are presented. The first part of the paper indicates that from the point of view of SMEs, it seems important to distinguish the crisis itself from a crisis situation. In addition, it points out that the activities undertaken in the framework of crisis management by SMEs can be associated with their specifics. Certain limitations may therefore have an impact on the course and development of a crisis situation, starting with its recognition. Further on, it draws attention to the specificity of the problems encountered by SMEs and the way in which the institutional environment can contribute to the reduction of certain barriers. The third part of the article presents the methodologies and results of the conducted research. Nearly half of the surveyed companies indicated that they would willingly use the support of the external environment during a crisis. Interestingly, the support sought is not only about raising funds. In the opinion of the surveyed enterprises, non-financial support such as training, information gathering and consulting is equally important.
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The subject of the study pertains to issues associated with marketing and university social responsibility. The paper is of theoretical and empirical character. The theoretical section outlines concepts associated with marketing and university social responsibility. The empirical section discusses results of own studies. It also attempts to verify the hypothesis that the pursuit of social responsibility by universities may result in specific marketing outcomes being achieved. The paper outlines the results of a survey study among students representing two universities in Lublin region. The analysis encompasses students’ opinions regarding the educational offer and experiences linked with students’ progress through education. The study aimed to identify the aspects of students’ experiences correlated with the level of their loyalty towards the university and satisfaction with studying. The diagnosis of such experiences may offer grounds for improving the educational offer, and thus, become a valuable source of advantage on the competitive education market.
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The basis for technology entrepreneurship are the relationships between commercial entities and the business environment institutions, operating chiefly in the area of science and technology, whose fundamental aim is the transformation of research and scientific potential into commercial technological innovations leading to the development of products or services. When one considers the process of developing technology entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises, three basic sources of influence can be indetified: enterprise’s internal environment, its external business environment and interactions taking place between those two spheres. This issue also gains particular significance in case of organisations with global scope of operations and is linked to such concepts as idea global sourcing, knowledge process outsourcing or global sourcing advisory. Therefore the business environment of the enterprises, which in the case of entities related to advanced technologies is of an extremely dynamic, turbulent and complex character, becomes the essential source of development of technology entrepreneurship. On the other hand such environment has a high potential at its disposal, use of which can become a vital source of technological innovations. Taking the above into account, the aim of this chapter is to identify and assess the direction of influence the dynamic business environment of high technology companies has on the creation of technology entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
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The purpose of this article is to develop an integrative model of small business growth that is both broad in scope and parsimonious in nature. Such a “big picture” model provides an opportunity (1) to gauge how much we really know about small business growth, when we simultaneously consider the constructs from the dominant perspectives, (2) to assess the contribution of each of these perspectives, (3) to examine the indirect effects that some constructs from one perspective might have on small business growth through constructs from another perspective, and (4) to consider different levels of analysis. Based on an analysis of data from 413 small businesses, we derive a set of propositions that suggest how entrepreneurial orientation, environmental characteristics, firm resources, and managers’ personal attitudes directly and/or indirectly influence the growth of small businesses.
Zarządzanie technologiami
  • W M Grudzewski
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Przedsiębiorczość intelektualna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
  • S Kwiatkowski
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Absorpcja wsparcia w zarządzaniu rozwojem mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw -podejście strategiczne
  • M Matejun
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