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Nursery Education in Schools, Significance for Career



To promote medical and technical work, different nursery training systems and multi- disciplinary medicines are introduced and discussed-including which character and quality is most important for students in nursery schools. This article addresses nursery training systems and disciplines that students may learn from and benefit for whole life.
Volume: 2.2Open Access Journal
Biomed Res Rev Volume: 2.2 1
Biomedical Research and Reviews
ISSN 2631-3944
Article Information
DOI: 10.31021/brr.20192113
Article Type: Review
Journal Type: Open Access
Volume: 2 Issue: 2
Manuscript ID: BRR-2-113
Publisher: Bofn Access Limited
Received Date: 13 December 2019
Accepted Date: 23 December 2019
Published Date: 27 December 2019
Nursery Education in Schools, Signicance for Career
Da-Yong Lu1*
Yu-Zheng Chen2
Da-Feng Lu2
1School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
2The Second Hospital of Neijiang District, Sichuan Province, China
Medical care and nursing advances greatly improve patient’s recovery and disease
 
and satisfactory is notable [1-7]. This editorial addresses this interesting topic from new
The key for nursery study a        
Carefulness, Literary skills, Insist braveness (not always a good thing) and others [8-11].
   
nursery students in the nursery sch
in their college grades and useful for the hospitals that may choose nurses in the future.
es can enter into the hospitals and familiar with work
in different departments (Table 1) shows category of nurses in general discipline [12-15].
            
nursery careers (Table 1).
Currently, different medications are gearing up in more global hospitals. It is very
       
the top of nursery training for economic consideration.
Major medical knowledge training in nu 
medical information of different disease categories and therapeutic disciplines. Through
   
*Corresponding author:
Da-Yong Lu
School of Life Sciences
Shanghai University
Shanghai, China
Citation: Lu DY, Yu-Zheng CY, Feng LD,
Copyright:   Lu DY, et al. This
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Nursery education in schools plays key roles for medical practice in nurse career.
To promote medical and technical work, different nursery training systems and multi-
is most important for students in nursery schools. This article addresses nursery training
Major disciplines Technical catalog Requirements
Surgery and anesthesia Local or whole-body Individual conditions
Psychiatric Cognitive, behavior and emotional Suicidal risk and custody
Emergency Blood, respiratory and life indicates Testing and support
Pharmacology  Careful observation
Nursery Different medical disciplines Physical and spiritual
Patient condition Gender and ages 
Table 1: Medical service by entering into hospitals
Biomed Res Rev Volume: 2.2
Journal Home:
Emergency medication [16,17], Viral infection and treatments
        
      
     
treatments [46-48].
After all, nurses should be familiar with all these knowledge of
          
        
Nursery services in the hospitals are affected by nurse education
Many new nursery training systems can be built from systematic
investigations and study.
1. Lu DY, Chen YZ, Lu DF, Che JY. Patient’s care and nursery in
different diseases. Hospice & Palliative Medicine International
2. Lu DY, Chen YZ, Lu DF, Che JY. Patient’s care and nursery in
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measurement strategies and its challenges ahead. Int J Qual
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6. 
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         
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 Lu DY, Che JY, Yarla NS, Putta S, Lin LP, et al. Human obesity,
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... Their disease treatments and recovery processes rely on multiple efforts, like drugs, nutrition and nursery. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] High-quality services and organization by efforts and systems of both doctors and nursing should be covered. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] their medical significance is beyond doubt. ...
... [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] High-quality services and organization by efforts and systems of both doctors and nursing should be covered. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] their medical significance is beyond doubt. At present, doctors are not the only factors for patient's recovery. ...
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The nursery medical services and knowledge is attracting unprecedent attentions. Nursery knowledge and education in areas of healthcare and medical fields change a lot. However, sustainable supporting in funding, position and technology can be further improving. The different pressures and personal condition of nurses may be eased in the clinic. This editorial discusses these medical translations for nursery services and knowledge in details.
... Human bone diseases ask for high-quality surgery, and effective food and drug treatments [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. In addition, technical assistance [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14], platforms [15] and nursery care [16][17][18][19] can also alleviate pains, immobility and psychiatric problems in the clinic worldwide. High levels of disease diagnosis, interventions and therapeutics call for excellent nursery and assistant therapy for large population of patients [16][17][18][19]. ...
... In addition, technical assistance [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14], platforms [15] and nursery care [16][17][18][19] can also alleviate pains, immobility and psychiatric problems in the clinic worldwide. High levels of disease diagnosis, interventions and therapeutics call for excellent nursery and assistant therapy for large population of patients [16][17][18][19]. Acupuncture is very important for bone disease treatments in China. ...
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Bone disease is a human health-problem all over the world. Generally, bone disease recovery needs long term and extensive nursery. In China, acupuncture is widely used for bone disease treatments. This editorial provides main medical practice by acupuncture for bone diseases.
... However, they are facing with high-risks of transmissibility in medical service. To boost medical services and reduce the rate of transmissibility, education to nurses is important [15][16]. ...
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The coronavirus (Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is the biggest public health crisis since this millennium. Global infection was larger than 250 million now. The large sum of viral infection is attracting intensive medical and healthcare attention. A lot of different problems were emerged.
... Patient treatment and recovery needs high-quality nursery service and supports [43][44][45][46][47]. Different types of nursery progress may more or less help a lot for health and human obesity in various medical disciplines. ...
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Obesity is an annoying metabolic phenotype that is attributed to a number of different patho-physiological risk factors. For obese people, lifestyle management, drugs and surgery are the major selections for recovering their healthy forms. Since a great diversity of risk factors can trigger human features of obesity, personalized medicine (biomarkers and genetic alteration) or others are one of future obesity treatments. This article briefly reviews these pathologic or therapeutic insights.
... Bone disease treatments take different forms (diagnosis, surgery and drug therapeutics) [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. In addition, rehabilitation, folk medicine and nursery also play key roles for disease treatment outcomes [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Their development is in different updating pace and clinical conditions. ...
... Bone disease diagnosis, interventions and therapeutics requires new breakthroughs [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. It needs different therapeutic strategies, magic bullets and paradigms [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. Different aspects of pathology, therapeutics and technology are unevenly progressed. ...
... Human bone diseases ask for high-quality surgery, and effective food and drug treatments [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. High levels of disease diagnosis, interventions and therapeutics call for excellent nursery and assistant therapy for large population of patients [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. However, there is a great difference in orthopedic treatment between Western countries and China [15]. ...
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Bone disease is a human health-problem all over the world. Generally, bone disease recovery is different between Western countries and China. In China, herbal plaster is widely used for bone disease treatments and recovery. This editorial provides main themes of medical recovery alleviated by herbal plasters in China.
To great promotion for nursery practice is indispensable. Knowledge for different patterns of healthcare services and nursery should be widen and more helpful. The different backgrounds and personal condition of nurses may be optimized in the clinic. This editorial addresses many interesting topic about nursery disciplines in the clinic.
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Abstract The outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2) is the biggest public health crisis since this millennium. Global infection surpassed 500 million cases. A lot of different problems were especially importance, such as emergency activity and human mortality. The covid-19 emergency in bigger scopes is discuused in this editorial.
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A great proportion of healthcare efforts need high-quality medication and nursery. For high-quality nursery, education plays key roles. Currently, nurse education is divided into two major domains—specific technical mastering and wide-range of medical knowledge. It is suitable to different patterns of educational systems, such as nurse recruitments, personal goals and career design. This editorial addresses this part of medical challenges of nursery education—including education from medical schools and special education and performances in hospitals and healthcare centers.
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The accumulation of fibrin/fibrinogen and other coagulation factors in and around solid tumors and metastatic foci has been recognized for a century as an aspect of cancer pathology. On this basis, anticoagulants and fibrinolytic agents have been deployed as adjuvant anticancer therapies, but they have proved clinically useful for only a small proportion of tumors and they only control the functions of the coagulant components. Overuse or long-term application of anticoagulants and fibrinolytic agents often lead to undesirable side-effects. Here, we propose that anticancer drugs that act by different mechanisms can inhibit tumor-associated coagulation, and it may be possible to develop drugs that specifically targeting tumor-related coagulation, have specific cytotoxic effects on tumor and metastatic cells. We provide laboratory and clinical evidence supporting the hypothesis and offer proposals for future applications.
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Background: Mental health nursing education, research, and practice is well examined in North America and Europe. But, evidence in literature relating to the future of nursing practice in Saudi Arabia is very limited. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the future directions of mental health nursing practice in Saudi Arabia by obtaining expert consensus and to recommend a future agenda for policymakers and researchers in the field of mental health nursing. Methodology: A Delphi method was used. The data was collected over three rounds. For the first round, the researcher utilized open-ended question questionnaire. Following the content analysis of the open-ended questions (639) responses were elicited. A 33 items questionnaire was then constructed with five major categories and were utilized later during the second and third round of the study. The initial sample consisted of (N= 87 males) and (N=63 females), Saudi and Non-Saudi. The rank of panel members were staff nurses, nurse managers, lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. The second round. consisted of (N=140), while the third round consisted of(N=120) of the experts panel who agreed to continue in participating in the study. Results: The results of the study showed that consensus among the experts was reached on 19 elements with agreement level of 80% or more. In conclusion, it was apparent that expert panel believes that there are many elements that should shape up the future of mental health nursing practice by 2025. However, less emphasis was apparent from the panel ratings on items such as the stigma associated with mental illness and mentally ill people. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that 19 items have achieved 80% and over of consensus and agreement by the experts. Most of the remaining items reached an agreement level by the experts panel ranging between 60% to 79%, which suggests that the future directions of mental health nursing practice in Saudi Arabia is not only limited to those items that achieved consensus by 80% or more, and that policymakers and nurse researchers should consider both thoroughly.
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This research aims to develop VR learning materials using smart phones, propose to use it in Nursing Seminar which prepares a variety of situations, and look into the possibility of effective learning methods. We filmed the seminar of Livelihood Support Skills on Home Care Nursing in June 2016 in which 54 third-year students, teachers, and nurses attended with a 360-degree camera and a wearable camera. We conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey of 134 students in a nursing college. They were asked to fill out 10 question items (five-point Likert scales for each item) on the use of VR learning materials and learning effects. A t-test was conducted to compare men and women's self-evaluation of learning effects. Pearson's correlation coefficient was also used to compute the correlation between question items for examining the content of learning effects. Results showed that on the learning effects of VR learning materials the average score of nine questions was over 4.0 and Cronbach's alpha was 0.828, showing high internal consistency. It showed that except for the question 8, which asked about whether a subject knows how to use VR learning materials, respondents tended to answer questions positively. VR learning materials helped students to learn their own skills objectively and repeatedly from a holistic view by realizing actual situations through watching videos. In this study we examined the evaluation of learning effects of VR learning materials from learners' subjective answers. In further study, we need to measure them in a more objective way for improving them.
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The purpose of that study is to investigate the virtues of personality education that current clinical nurses consider necessary for nursing education, and also confirm the current personality development level of nursing college students they evaluate. Finally 5O nurses participated in this study. According to the results of this study, clinical practitioners suggested that the most important virtue in personality education for nursing students is "sincere". The level of personality development of nursing college students perceived by clinical practitioners was higher in order of "sincerity", “collaboration", "responsibility" and “abstinence", "consideration", "respect" and "compliance". And, based on the necessity of education of personality items recognized by nurse practitioners and the difference of development level of current students, the order of virtues in nurse college students' character education is "sincere". Nursing educators will need to incorporate elements of these personality education items into the curriculum and the comparative activities.
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Each year, more than 300,000 American students have an international experience to earn academic credit on a variety of programs ranging from two weeks to a full academic year. Education Abroad (EA) enables students to “experience new perspectives, learn how to navigate different cultures, work with diverse peers, and communicate in other languages” [1]. In nursing, studying abroad has been shown to help with cultural awareness, personal growth, cultural immersion, and networking. EA opportunities help nursing students to gain “diverse cultural perspectives, as well as global competence” [2] in a world where they will be providing care for an increasingly diverse population. At a mid-size university in the American South, an associate professor in nursing who has previous EA experience, became interested in a health-related concept known as the Blue Zones, described below. She realized that this particular research area of interest could be applied to an opportunity for a health-related study abroad program for nursing students and other college students interested in the concept. In this article, the authors will describe the concept of Blue Zones, how an EA program focusing on the concept was developed, what was involved in the course connected with the program, and details of the experience.
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Chronic and aggressive diseases are commonly incurable. Palliative and nursery care are newly practiced that aims to disease managements outside normal therapy. Better medical service and symptom alleviations of incurable congenital diseases can satisfy patients with reduce therapeutic costs and a long period of times. In this article, relevant medical disciplines and drug developments are provided—from technique detail to medical knowledge as well as clinical applications in a broader-range.
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A great proportion of medical science needs high-quality nursery and technical assistance. Nursery assistance is pervasive across all medical disciplines in the hospitals. In addition, the nursery training system plays key role in medical performance worldwide. To promote medical and technical work, new nursery training systems must be studied according to medical progresses. This article addresses nursery training projects—from technique detail providers in nursery school and medical knowledge education after formal nursery career.
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Heart and brain stroke is one of deadest diseases admitted in emergency treatments. Three important factors are associated with therapeutic outcomes for heart and brain stroke. This editorial discusses with current and future therapeutics for this disease.
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A great proportion of healthcare efforts need to be promoted along with biomedical advances. The quality and diversity of nursing services arise rising attentions and accompany with patient’s recovery and survivals until now. This editorial addresses parts of medical challenges of nursery sciences-including education, capability and special services for different conditions and individuals.