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Analysis of The Changes in Certain Agrıcultural Indicators of Turkey By The European Union Rural Area Classification - Avrupa Birliği Kırsal Alan Sınıflamasına Göre Türkiye’de Bitkisel Ve Hayvansal Üretim Değerlerindeki Değişimin Panel Veri Analizi Yöntemi İle Analizi



There are different opinions about the definition of the concept rural area because it has contained various elements. In Turkey, while taking account of the number of population of the settlements in the definition of the concept of rural areas, the population and population density in km2 are taken into consideration on definition of rural area in European Union (EU) for which Turkey many reforms including agriculture and rural development policy were filed and has been being made since 1959. While the share of industry and service sectors in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been increasing day by day, the share of agriculture sector has been decreasing, and the transformations of agriculture sector in rural area are outstanding. The increase in urbanization, falling the tendency level of the young population to stay in agriculture sector, the loss of agriculture sector's advantage over other sectors in terms of income play a major role in this transformation. In this study, the changes in agricultural production values were analyzed by panel data analysis between 1995-2018 years according to the EU rural area classification of Turkey’s provinces. In addition, demographic change between the regions and the transformation in the agricultural sector were tried to be demonstrated according to this new classification made on a yearly basis. In conclusion, according to a new classification of rural areas, 60.20% of total agricultural land in Turkey is in the predominant rural area, 32.40 of it is in intermediate area, and the rest of it is in urban areas. While agricultural areas in urban areas are decreasing, especially animal husbandry (bovine) developments have been determined positively Kırsal alan kavramı içerisinde barındırdığı öğelerin çeşitliliğinin çok olması nedeni ile tanımlanması konusunda değişik görüşler hakimdir. Türkiye’de kırsal alan kavramının tanımlanmasında yerleşim yerlerinin nüfusu dikkate alınırken, ortaklık başvurusunda bulunduğumuz 1959 yılından bu yana tarım ve kırsal kalkınma politikalarının da dahil olduğu bir çok reformları yaptığımız ve yapmaya da devam ettiğimiz Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) kırsal alan tanımında sadece nüfus değil bunun yanında km2’deki nüfus yoğunluğu da göz önüne alınmaktadır. Türkiye’de sanayi ve hizmetler sektörünün gün geçtikçe Gayri Safi Milli Hasıla (GSMH) içindeki payı artarken tarımın payı azalmakta kırsal alanda da tarım sektöründe dönüşümler göze çarpmaktadır. Kentleşmenin artması, kırsal alanda genç nüfusun tarımda kalma eğilimlerinin düşmesi, tarımın getiri yönü ile diğer sektörlere göre avantajını kaybetmesi bu dönüşümde büyük rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada 1995-2018 yılları arasında AB kırsal alan sınıflaması baz alınarak illerin kırsallık durumlarına göre tarımsal üretim değerlerindeki değişim panel veri analizi ile incelenmiştir. Ayrıca yıllar bazında yapılan bu yeni sınıflamaya göre bölgeler arasında demografik değişim ve tarım sektöründeki dönüşüm ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda yeni sınıflamaya göre Türkiye’de toplam tarımsal alanın %60,20’sinin baskın kırsal alanlarda, %32,40’ının geçiş (orta) bölgelerinde geri kalan kısmın ise kentsel alanlarda olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Kentsel alanlarda tarımsal alanlar azalırken özellikle hayvancılık (büyükbaş) konusunda olumlu yönde gelişmelerin olduğu belirlenmiştir
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Red meat also reveals the level of development of countries with its social and economic functions as well as its importance in human nutrition. The red meat sector is important for the national economy as it creates both consumption and a wide production area in Turkey. However, the sector has problems that need to be solved in downstream and upstream. The continuation of imports of live animals and red meat in Turkey reveals the necessity of policies to provide structural solutions.
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z: Bu çalışmada, bölgesel Düzey 'e göre tarım sektörünün son on iki yıldaki teknolojik değişim, etkinlik ve toplam faktör verimliliği farklılıkları Malmquist Toplam Faktör Verimlilik Endeksi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bu on iki yıllık süreçte Türkiye'de tarımsal üretim değeri, en fazla TR3 bölgesinde gerçekleşmiştir. Çünkü TR3 bölgesi, bitkisel ve hayvancılık faaliyetinde kullanılan girdiler açısından birinci sıradadır. Bu durumun gerçekleşmesinde bölgeye verilen desteklerin önemli katkısı olduğu söylenebilir. Bu dönemde ulusal düzeyde Toplam Faktör Verimliliğinde yıllık ortalama %1 oranında büyüme olmuştur. Bu dönem sürecinde Toplam Faktör Verimliliği (TFV), 2011 yılında maksimum düzeye ulaşmış fakat bu yıldan sonra Toplam Faktör Verimliliğinde azalma olmuştur. Bölgesel düzeyde performanslar değerlendirildiğinde, en şaşırtıcı performansı TFV'nde yıllık ortalama %10.7 büyüme ile TR1 bölgesi göstermiştir. Geriye kalan bölgeler arasında, güçlü performans gösteren bölgeler TRA ve TR9'dur. Bu bölgelerinin TFV büyüme oranları sırasıyla %5.1 ve %2.7'dir. 12 yıllık süreçte TFV'nde en fazla azalma %5.4 ile TRC bölgesinde olmuştur. Abstract: In this study, the differences in technological change, efficiency and total factor productivity of the agricultural sector over the last twelve years according to NUTS I level region have been evaluated by the Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index. Thus, during this twelve year, the value of agricultural production in Turkey was highest in the TR3 region. It is due to the fact that TR3 region occupies the first place in terms of inputs' use in vegetable and animal husbandry activities. Thus, it can be viewed by the significant contribution of the support given to the region. Thereby, over this period, annual Total Factor Productivity (TFP) was grown by 1% at national level and also the Total Factor Efficiency reached its maximum level in 2011. Nevertheless, after this year the Total Factor Efficiency was decreased. The regional performance assessment pointed out the most surprising performance is in the TR1 region with an average annual growth rate of 10.7% in the TFP. Among all the remaining regions, the strong performing regions were TRA and TR9. Therefore, the TFP growth rates of these regions were respectively 5.1% and 2.7%. On other hand, the TRC region was registered the highest decrease in 12 years with 5.4%.
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In this chapter we study the asymptotic distributions for ordinary least squares (OLS), fully modified OLS (FMOLS), and dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimators in cointegrated regression models in panel data. We show that the OLS: FMOLS, and DOLS estimators are all asymptotically normally distributed. However; the asymptotic distribution of the OLS estimator is shown to have a non-zero mean. Monte Carlo results illustrate the sampling behavior of the proposed estimators and show that (I) the OLS estimator has a non-negligible bias in finite samples, (2) the FMOLS estimator does not improve over the OLS estimator in general, and (3) the DOLS outperforms both the OLS and FMOLS estimators.
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This study performed a detailed analysis of climate and hydro-climatologic characteristics along with climate change and variability of the Akhisar and Manisa districts in order to climatologically determine nature and degree of observed increasing water scarcity and desertification processes over the Akhisar and Manisa plains during the period of about last 30 years. In the study, the data of stations having the long-term climatic series of observations have been made use of. The stations chosen for the study consist of Manisa, Salihli, Turgutlu and Akhisar meteorology stations of the Turkish State Meteorological Service, representing the Lower and Upper Gediz, Manisa and Akhisar plains, respectively. Long-term climatic variations and trends over the Manisa and Akhisar districts were analyzed by using time-series of annual and seasonal normalized precipitation index (NPI) and annual aridity index (AI). Nature and magnitude (statistical significance) of the observed long-term trends in the NPI and AI time-series were investigated with the non-parametric MannKendal rank correlation coefficient (τ) and the parametric least-squares linear regression methods. Trend tests applied to the NPI and AI time-series indicate that the Akhisar and Manisa districts have faced an apparent drying trend, and this trend has become stronger since the 1980s along with the severe drought events during the period of 2007 to 2008
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The study aims to determine major drought periods, their starting and ending times and severity at Konya, Karaman, Aksaray and Karapınar stations over the Konya sub-region of the Central Anatolia Region, using the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). The PDSI is based on precipitation, evapotranspiration and available water capacity of the soil (field capacity). Amount of the evapotranspiration was computed by the Thornthwaite’s method making use of monthly mean temperature and precipitation totals. In this frame, first, monthly PDSI values were calculated by using monthly precipitation and calculated evapotranspiration totals and available water capacity of the soil for the period from beginning of the station records to 2006. Major results reached by examining monthly PDSI and Moisture Anomaly Index time-series are as follows: (i) Decreases in the precipitation amounts in the common periods determined for four stations vary between 30% and 80%. Decreases of the precipitation during these periods are more evident particularly in winter and autumn seasons. (ii) According to the analysis of the Mann-Kendall rank correlation coefficient performed for both usable water amount (P-PE) and the PDSI time-series, although there is no any statistically significant trend in these series, a general decreasing trend (i.e. a run towards the drier conditions) is evident. (iii) The drought events of 1972-1974 and 1999-2001 were considerable severe