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Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) in an Undergraduate Course: Lessons Learnt from Experiences of Teacher and Students



The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences and challenges faced by teachers and students with Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) for an undergraduate course at university level. The Flipped Classroom lesson plan consisted of two components: one was out-of-class component consisting of learning material for reading for students and other was within-class component involving a class quiz, class activity and the feedback/further reading task. Besides, experiences, the research study also covered the adaptations made to improve their experiences with Flipped Classroom during the study. The phenomenological research strategy was used for this research study. The data consisted of weekly reflective journals documented by class teacher and students. The reflective journals were recorded by teacher and students while working in Flipped Classroom for an undergraduate course at university level. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The main challenges highlighted by teacher were related to effort and time required for planning, time management and students' guidance for shift of their role from passive to independent learner. The main challenges found in reflective journals of students were personal computers issue, electricity and internet speed issue. It is recommended to adapt to some locally useful lesson planning and classroom management techniques to enhance the effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Instruction in an undergraduate university level course.
Pakistan Journal of Distance & Online Learning
Volume: V, Issue I, 2019, 155-170
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) in
an Undergraduate Course: Lessons Learnt from
Experiences of Teacher and Students
Mubeshera Tufail
The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences and challenges
faced by teachers and students with Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI)
for an undergraduate course at university level. The Flipped Classroom
lesson plan consisted of two components: one was out-of-class
component consisting of learning material for reading for students and
other was within-class component involving a class quiz, class activity
and the feedback/further reading task. Besides, experiences, the research
study also covered the adaptations made to improve their experiences
with Flipped Classroom during the study. The phenomenological
research strategy was used for this research study. The data consisted of
weekly reflective journals documented by class teacher and students. The
reflective journals were recorded by teacher and students while working
in Flipped Classroom for an undergraduate course at university level.
Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The main challenges
highlighted by teacher were related to effort and time required for
planning, time management and students' guidance for shift of their role
from passive to independent learner. The main challenges found in
reflective journals of students were personal computers issue, electricity
and internet speed issue. It is recommended to adapt to some locally
useful lesson planning and classroom management techniques to enhance
the effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Instruction in an undergraduate
university level course.
Keywords: flipped classroom instruction, undergraduate students,
independent learner, technology-integrated classroom
Lecturer, Department of ECE & ETED, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,
Pakistan Email:
Tufail 156
Higher Education is increasingly focusing on the quality and
effectiveness of students' learning while making efficient use of available
resources. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide enough active
learning opportunities to students for effective experiences and better
learning outcomes (Tshabalala, Ndeya-Ndereya & Merwe, 2014: as cited
in Nat, 2015). It has been reported that personalized instruction can
provide customized and active learning experiences for students based on
unique needs of a particular individual (Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013). For
making instruction personalized, it needs to be relevant to students,
flexible in pace and presentation of content, and utilization of formative
assessment. Therefore, innovative instructional methods may be used for
personalized instruction and active learning. Traditional instruction cannot
ensure the provision of these services (Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013).
Various innovative teaching methods and new technologies are now
in practice at university level. The use of digital technologies in Higher
Education is also challenging the stance of traditional teaching at
university level by offering innovative and dynamic opportunities for
teaching-learning process (O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015). The use of
technology within classrooms can automate or eliminate time-consuming
tasks and assists a teacher to provide differentiated instructional services
for students. Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) is the innovative
technology-based instructional methods which effectively utilize within-
class and out-of-class components for providing personalized active
learning experiences for students.
In Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI), the delivery of course
content is moved out of class in the form of recorded video/PowerPoint
presentation/book readings; the in-class activities are used for active and
interactive instructional experiences, peer learning, problem-solving,
application and development based on what is learnt in out-of-class
component. In this way, the teacher-student interaction is used for
developing and extending beyond what is delivered through prerecorded
content (Amresh, Carberry & Femiani, 2013; Khan & Watson, 2018;
Nat, 2015; Wallace, 2014). However, it is not merely inverting the
traditional instructional sequence or technology integration; it
emphasizes the importance of active, engaged and autonomous learners
(Jenkins, Bokosmaty, Brown, Browne, Gao, Hanson and Kupatadze,
2017). Flipped Classroom Instruction can accommodate a variety of
needs, abilities and interests by providing differentiated instructional
services (Abeysekera & Dawson 2015; Wallace, 2014).
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 157
Active participation of students in classroom activities promoted the
understanding of subject concepts (Carpenter & Pease, 2012: as cited in
Nat, 2015) because active learning is often linked with concentration and
deeper approach to learning which promotes student achievement
(Richardson et al. (2012; as cited in Khan & Watson, 2018).
Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) has been researched in a variety
of disciplines for its implication for students' learning e.g., Information
Technology (Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013), nursing and medicine
(McDonald & Smith, 2013), actuarial studies (Butt, 2014), English
language learning (Hung, 2015), introductory computer program
(Armesh, Carberry & Femiani, 2013) and management education
(Bergfjord & Hegernes, 2016) to name a few. The implementation
experiences of Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) is largely dependent
on context-specific resources and learning outcomes. This study deals
with the challenges faced, strategies adopted and lessons learnt while
flipping an undergraduate course at university level within Pakistani
context. It particularly focused on effort and commitment for arranging
resources, flexibility and control, time management, teacher-student
interaction and classroom seating arrangement.
Review of Related Literature
Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) suggests for flipping the content
delivery component (traditional in-class component) as homework and
application-based homework/exercises (traditional after-class component)
as in-class component (O'Flaherty & Philips, 2015). It can also use "just-
in-time teaching" to provide direct instruction for student need based on
online question asked by him/her before class time (Berrett, 2012). Flipped
Classroom can be accomplished in a variety of ways:
i. Half-Flipped: Half-flipped approach (Westermann,2014: as cited in
Zupon,2017) provides students primary resources for study and
multiple peer-peer and student-teacher online collaboration
opportunities before final in-class meeting for assignment or
assessment. it provides many opportunities to a student for
processing content before class time.
ii. In-Class Flip: Gonzalez (2014: as cited in Zupon, 2017) explained
in-class flip as the one in which lectures are recorded before class
time and are available at one station in class. Students may attend
lectures within class. This approach is useful for students who were
absent or could not listen to lectures. It can also serve as an easy
Tufail 158
solution to technology problems. However, the drawback is that a
unit may take longer time to complete while using this approach.
iii. Total-Flip: Total-flip involves attending prerecorded lectures before
class time and working on interactive class activities involving
problem-solving, discussion and debates etc. (Rotellar and Cain,
2016: as cited in Zupon, 2017)
Flipped Classroom elements include learning outcomes, pre-recorded
lectures, well-designed class material, in-class support and frequent use
of formative assessment (Khan & Watson, 2018). Bergmann, Overmyer
& Wilie (2013) have listed some key features of effective Flipped
Classroom. It included (i) active learners (2) use of technology tools for
instructional purpose (3) exchanging the class work and homework in
such a way that homework consisting of pre-recorded lectures is
accomplished first and students working on activity/problem within class
time (4) class activities based real-world situations (5) class time may
involve working on some problem/activity and just-in-time teaching.
As an instructional method, not all elements of Flipped Classroom
Instruction (FCI) are new. In traditional classrooms, teacher gives pre-
class reading assignment such reading an article or a book (Davies, Dean
& Ball, 2013). It utilizes instructional technology for increased access to
learning resources such as textbooks, videos, simulations (Woolf, 2010:
as cited in Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013), and automation of some time-
consuming repetitive tasks in traditional classroom such as checking of
quiz, or attendance through class activity submitted/quiz attempted.
However, the way the instructional technology is used in a FCI matters
(Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013).
Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) can be used for missed lectures
and just-in-time teaching (Roach, 2014). Besides course content, other
benefits include development of communication, problem-solving
(Donleavy, 2012: as cited in Khan & Watson, 2018; Nat, 2015),
collaborative and team-building skills (Roach, 2014; Khan & Watson,
2018; Nat, 2015), cooperative learning Qiang, 2018) and use of
differentiated instruction to customize support for students (Davies, Dean
& Ball, 2013; O'Flaherty & Phillips, 2015). It can also serve as a source
of intrinsic motivation due to autonomy and sense of relatedness for
learners (Boekaerts & Martens, 2012: as cited in Abeysekera & Dawson,
2014), personalizing of assessment practices (Wanner & Palmer, 2015).
However, it must be noted that there is a flow and variety in various out-
of-class and in-class opportunities for working such as guest speakers,
short lectures, different group audio-visual and individual activities, and
dialogue or discussions to keep learners engaged (Graham, McLean,
Read, Suchet-Pearson & Viner, 2017).
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 159
It takes a lot of time and practice to effectively implement a Flipped
Classroom Instruction (FCI) for a course. Specifically, when a course is
first time offered using this innovative instructional method, it needs a
context-specific decision-making for online/offline resources and class
activities to make it relevant, beneficial and enjoyable for learners of a
particular discipline. This research study deals with the challenges,
strategies and lessons learnt after implementing Flipped Classroom
Instruction for a social science undergraduate course.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of the study was to explore the experiences and
problems faced by teachers and students while working in a Flipped
Classroom for an undergraduate course at university level.The research
paper also highlighted some strategies used by the class teacher to
improve the learning experiences of students in Flipped Classroom for an
undergraduate university level course.
Research Question
1. Which aspects of Flipped Classroom were considered supportive for
teaching-learning process by teacher and students at undergraduate
2. What were the problems faced by teachers and students while
working in Flipped Classroom Instruction at undergraduate level?
3. Which aspects of a classroom routine can be adapted to improve the
experiences of teachers and students for using Flipped Classroom
Instruction at undergraduate levels?
Research Methodology
The research study employed a qualitative research design. Data
sources for this study were weekly reflective journals written by teacher
and students while working in a Flipped Classroom. The duration of the
study was three and a half months. There were fourteen reflective
journals written by class teacher and 238 reflective journals documented
by students. These reflective journals were written within the context of
one undergraduate course taught through Flipped Classroom Instruction.
Coding and thematic analysis was used to generate themes and draw
findings of the study. In the first step, open coding was used then axial
coding was done to revise and reduce the number of codes. At the end,
themes were generated and the findings were discussed.
Tufail 160
Research Findings and Discussion
Table 1
Problems Highlighted in Reflective Journals of Teacher and Students
experienced in a Flipped Course
Reflective Journals of Teacher
Reflective Journals of Student
A lot of time is required for planning
and arranging learning resources for
teaching a course through Flipped
Classroom Instruction (FCI).
More time than one regular class
duration is required to complete a
Flipped lesson. Further, time
management skill of a teacher is key
to success for a lesson.
Class time was perceived as short
in the starting classes because the
class activity was incomplete.
More deliberate, comprehensive,
brief and explicit instruction is
required to keep students directed on
task at hand.
Teacher's feedback encouraged
students to perform better. Some
students preferred individual and
some asked for 'once for all'
Students revising the topic at the start
of class consumed a lot of class time.
It was time-consuming for students
to understand a topic clearly on
their own.
Pair class activity or individual
activity are more difficult to manage
and coordinate for a teacher.
Individual activity is difficult to
complete within given time. A
student has to do a lot effort to
successfully complete an activity
because nobody is there to support
or share responsibility/effort.
Majority students preferred videos
over PowerPoint presentations.
However, a few students were having
problem with accent and fast
instruction used in the videos.
Two students had difficulty in
understanding the concept because
videos had with fast verbal
instructions and different accent
than that of students.
There was some technical issue with
personal computers in some classes.
There was technical issue faced
with few personal computers in
some classes.
Slow internet speed and electricity
problems were faced during some
The internet speed was slow and
there was no electricity in some
The seating arrangement used in a
traditional classroom was not ideal
for a Flipped class.
There must be special seating
arrangement for a Flipped lesson
different from that of a traditional
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 161
The table 01 shows the issues highlighted in reflective journals of
teacher and students. It can be observed that there was a consensus
among teacher and students for majority of the problems of a Flipped
class i.e., class time, time consumed in students' revision at the start of
class, concern of some students for videos as a mode of learning,
internet/personal computers/electricity problems and seating arrangement
of classroom. However, there was a difference in nature of concern in
journals of teacher and students regarding class activity and teacher's
feedback/instructions. Teacher's reflective journal contained one more
aspect which was related to plenty of time required for planning and
arranging resources for a Flipped lesson.
The detailed findings for the issues mentioned above and strategies
for adopted for dealing with these issues are given below.
1. Effort and Time for Planning and Arranging Resources for
Course: As the teacher was, for the first time, teaching an undergraduate
course through Flipped Classroom Instruction, it took a lot of time for
arranging resources and planning lessons for this course. Teaching a
course through Flipped Classroom Instruction for the first time requires
more deliberate time and effort to arrange online and offline resources,
and to plan quiz and activities for each topic (Graham, McLean, Read,
Suchet-Pearson & Viner, 2017; Nat, 2015). Once these resources are
arranged for a course, then it could be updated with comparatively less
effort for upcoming semesters.
Littlejohn and Pegler (2007: as cited in Nat, 2015) has discussed a
number of issues related to privacy and confidentiality of online
resources and communication. The online platform used for this study
was password-protected and only instructor can enroll new students in
the class. Besides this, an online resource was shared with students along
with the web address from where it was obtained.
2. Flexibility, Autonomy, Responsibility and Control: The role of
teacher involved arranging online/offline resources for asynchronous
learning of students and managing in-class time for application-based
tasks. The course allowed for flexibility and autonomy for students for
preparing for a topic at their own pace within due date, before coming to
class (Davies, Dean & Ball, 2013). A student also had control over
activities and group partnerships. Greater control of students on activity
or context leads to greater student engagement (Graham, McLean, Read,
Suchet-Pearson & Viner, 2017). However, every student was bound to
achieve learning outcomes for a lesson.
Tufail 162
The students were responsible for coming to class prepared for a
topic. In the first-half of the study, it was very challenging for instructor
to ensure the practice of this culture. But persistent follow-up of a
classroom routine played an effective role for developing the habit of
students for preparing a topic before coming to class.
Attempting quiz before class activity ensured that students have
understood the concepts before applying it. DeLozier & Rhodes (2016)
mentioned testing as an effective learning strategy. The use of objective
type items was practiced because these items were auto-checked by the
system when answers were entered beforehand. The marks earned for
quiz also served as source of motivation for students. The students
studied carefully before class time because they knew that they had to
score well in quiz before proceeding to class activity. They also worked
to improve their quiz marks by re-studying the material and reattempting
the quiz in case, they did not score well first time.
One beneficial aspect of Flipped Classroom was that high achievers
did not have to wait. Every student was moving at his/her own pace for
achieving the lesson objectives; nobody is left behind. The students who
were absent, can check for resources, attempt quiz and activity through
online platform. The student could access teacher when they needed
some help otherwise they might study material on their own. However,
this flexibility of class routine needed organizational skills and capacity
of independent learning on the part of students (Graham, McLean, Read,
Suchet-Pearson & Viner, 2017). In the beginning, the students required a
lot of directions and assistance from their teacher for progressing further.
It took almost half of this study time period to train them for this flexible
arrangement. It also required the teacher to be flexible in kind of
activities for students while making the course more relevant and
understandable for them.
Group activity was preferred by students as compared to individual
activity because it helped them to share responsibility and learn from
each other. It was found by Forsey, Low and Glance (2013) that engaged
and variety of learning experiences along with peer learning enhanced
students' knowledge.
3. Time Management: The Flipped lesson plan for a topic had two
components: one component was out-of-class with reading material
(video/notes) for studying at home and second one was in-class
component involving a class quiz, activity and feedback to students by
teacher on that activity. The students studied the lesson content without
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 163
any time limit. They were allowed to revise the topic material before
attempting class quiz. For in-class components of lesson plan, time
management was a major issue during the study period. It was
experienced by the teacher during first class that regular class duration
was not enough to complete a flipped classroom lesson. Therefore, two
consecutive classes were arranged to execute in-class components of
flipped classroom lesson plan for the rest of the semester.
It was a new experience for students to work in a Flipped Classroom,
so it took almost one and a half month to adjust to this new routine
involving Flipped Classroom. While having two consecutive classes for a
lesson, the students were still not able to complete the activity within
given time during the first three classes of the semester. It may be due to
the reason that in traditional classroom, the students usually do not
perform activities based on the subject concepts. So, the teacher planned
relatively shorter lesson plans by dividing topics into sub-topics,
planning lessons for sub-topics, and arranging short/simple activities
during the first half of the semester; in this way, the lesson plan can be
completed successfully in one class otherwise it would affect the pace
and quality of lesson plan and students' learning progress.
A Flipped lesson plan with sufficient time allocation for each
component is very important to cover a topic effectively and efficiently.
Besides this, giving students time limits for each step of activity helped
to train them for its timely completion. In the first-half of the semester,
students needed time and support to adjust to new class routine. After
almost second-half of the semester, giving time limit for steps of an
activity was practiced when students were adjusted to this routine.
4. Teacher-Student Interaction: Technology tools can assist a teacher
in teaching-learning process for effective delivery and management of
learning material and activities. However, it can never replace a teacher.
The provision of learning material in the form of videos/PowerPoint
presentation was supplemented by online availability of teacher to
answer a question when asked by a student. The periodic availability or
pre-decided time can be a time-efficient option for this question-answer
session. This activity can be synchronous as well as synchronous in
While providing resources for upcoming class, a teacher can provide
a 2-minute short summary of topic for students. It would assist them to
understand material while studying it by themselves at home. Further, the
students required a revision of topic before attempting class quiz during
Tufail 164
the start of the class time. For this purpose, they may either revise the
learning material by themselves or listen to teacher's summary of topic.
The teacher experienced that instead of letting students to revise material
in class before quiz, if teacher summarize it then it will be more
beneficial and less time-consuming. As a result, class time can be
effectively used for activity. Students also recommended a short
summary by teacher at the start of class time. So, the best strategy would
be that the students must be given resources/videos for in-depth study of
a topic at home, and the teacher presents the summary of lecture in class
time for more clarification.
It was experienced by teacher that a more deliberate, brief and
explicit instruction is required to teach students about how they can
apply a particular concept they have learnt, in a class activity. According
to students, it gave them the main idea of the topic so, they were able to
understand the learning material more effectively. After first lecture,
when the activity was provided to students, none of them was able to
complete it successfully and gave up. Then the class teacher completed
that activity by explaining about each step and way of doing it. As the
students were first time practicing a class activity thatswhy they were
unable to do it. Further, unnecessary explanation and details of a
topic/class activity might confuse a student. Application of a concept
during class activity required more comprehensive and explicit
instruction. However, when the teacher guides students for this track,
their learning is ladder-like. They progress well while attempting class
activity. Therefore, brief and explicit instruction would serve as a
tailored support for students for learning course concepts and completing
class activities.
It was found that classroom interaction was helpful for students'
understanding of course concepts (Kim, Kim, Khera & Getman, 2014).
According to students, teacher's feedback on their performance for a
class activity/quiz encouraged them to perform better. There was a mixed
response of students on how the teacher might provide feedback to them.
Some students asked for providing feedback to every student
individually whereas some students wanted feedback once for all. So, the
teacher provided individual or collective depending upon the nature of
task. Some activities demanded collective feedback to class at once
whereas for some pair activities, the feedback was provided to every
student individually.
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 165
5. Classroom arrangement: Seating arrangement like a traditional
classroom would not work for Flipped Classroom.
______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
Figure:1 Seating Arrangement of a Traditional Classroom
If the seating arrangement of a classroom is like as shown in figure
01, then the seats must be rotated for students so that back-benchers may
get a chance to sit on front seats. During this study, the students sitting
on back-seats complained about it. However, most of the tasks they do
independently, the rotation will not benefit them a lot. Special classroom
arrangement with computer on one side and activity on other side might
work well so that the students who complete quiz earlier move for
individual/group activity without disturbing other students. Because for
class activity, students need instructions about procedure of class
activity. Further, if there is a group activity, there will be
noise/communication between group members and the students doing
quiz might be disturbed. So, it is better to allocate separate sections for
reading topic material/quiz and working on class activity. For example, a
horse-shoe or L-shaped seating arrangement might work well for a
Flipped Classroom.
Figure: 2 Recommendations for Seating Arrangement for a Flipped
PCs arr anged
around the cor ner
Class activity in
the middle of
PCs arr anged
around the cor ner
Class activity in
the middle of
Tufail 166
The seating arrangement shown in fig. 02 can be used in a Flipped
Classroom. It could not be implemented for this course because table
frames of personal computers were fixed on its places and immovable.
6. Accessibility and Use of Technology Tools: Videos were preferred
by the students as compared to other formats for learning material.
Multimedia was helpful when one issue/problem was faced by a
number/majority of students; in this case, the teacher can explain it
through multimedia instead of visiting each student's desk one by one.
Technology saves a lot of time but it requires a regular checkup and
maintenance preferably before the class time as mentioned in the
reflective journals of teacher and students, as mentioned by Jensen,
Kumer & Godoy (2015) that maintenance of technology is an ongoing
cost. There were also light and internet speed issues for some days so,
the alternatives used in this course included mobile phones and
Bluetooth. When there was some hardware or internet issue, the students
shared learning material with each other through Bluetooth or by sharing
android phone/PCs. When there was no light, the students used their
phones to study (all of the students had android phones with them).
Besides this, multiple internet devices i.e., 14 devices, were used during
class time, so if there was internet speed issue with on device, the
personal computer or phone can be connected with another available
The research study discussed the challenges and lessons learnt for
using Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) in an Undergraduate Pakistani
Classroom based on the reflective journals of teacher and students
involved in it. The findings of the study suggested that although FCI is
interactive and beneficial instructional method, its first time requires a lot
of effort and commitment on the part of teacher. Giving some autonomy
and control to learners during class activity can enhance the engagement
and interest of students in the class. The problems faced in time
management and maintenance of technology tools can be effectively
dealt with some adjustments for future use and experience. FCI may be
treated as a continuous method of teaching, rather than a on/off switch
(Bergfjord & Heggernes, 2016).
As this study is based on a social science subject, the experiences of
implementation of FCI in other subjects may be different and
Implementing Flipped Classroom Instruction (FCI) In an Undergraduate Course… 167
investigated. This course involved an average class size (below 30), the
effectiveness of FCI in over-crowded classes may be researched. The
future researches on Flipped Classroom Instruction may assess the effect
of FCI on drop-out rate of students in a class.
Tufail 168
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Citation of this Article:
Tufail, M. (2019). Implementing flipped classroom instruction (FCI) in
an undergraduate course: Lessons learnt from experiences of teacher and
students. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(1), 155-
This study aims to examine how flipped an English Grammar classroom would affect students’ English grammatical competence and attitude. The study was conducted for 6 weeks in two Business English classes of a vocational college in China. There are 50 students in the flipped classroom and 52 students in the traditional classroom. Achievement tests and a survey on learners’ attitudes of the model were used for collecting data. It was revealed the flipped classroom model exerted moderate impact on learners’ academic achievements compared to the traditional teaching methodology. Besides, students mostly had positive attitude towards applying the flipped classroom model in instructing English grammar.
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The flipped classroom aims to improve learning by engaging students in educational activities outside of traditional lessons. Flipped classrooms have steadily gained popularity in the last decade and are a topic of discussion in teaching and learning forums. However, its adoption in mathematics and statistics has been subdued. Most higher education mathematics and statistics are still delivered through traditional lectures where students are passive participants. In this study, experiences of flipping a large first-level statistics class are presented. The implementation included a combination of peer learning and tutorassistance in lectures. Student performance, in the form of final examination and overall marks over four semesters (two with traditional delivery and two flipped), were analysed for differences with respect to the two teaching modes after adjusting for demographic differences. In addition, student survey data were analysed with a view to revealing any relationship between attitude towards a flipped classroom and performance. The results showed that students' performance improved and an increased understanding of concepts was achieved through the flipped classroom approach. Evidence also indicated an increase in learner engagement. Student feedback indicated a higher preference for a flipped mode overall and in particular for ages 20 and below.
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There are numerous calls in the literature for research into the flipped learning approach to match the flood of popular media articles praising its impact on student learning and educational outcomes. This paper addresses those calls by proposing pedagogical strategies that promote active learning in ‘flipped’ approaches and improved practice of educational design in ICT supported learning environments. This paper makes two main contributions. It situates flipped learning strategies within a pedagogical framework, thus linking them to higher-level pedagogy. Additionally, it proposes an approach to both analysing and designing flipped learning strategies. This exploratory approach provides a guide for educators to map how their tactics fit amongst other instances of flipped learning. Examples of flipped learning approaches are provided to illustrate this mapping. The Flipped Learning Matrix, developed by this SoTL inquiry, is a tool for both critical reflection of existing approaches and course design, empowering the educator to design their own flipped version that is pedagogically sound and fit for purpose.
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Flipped classrooms refer to the practice of assigning lectures outside of class and devoting class time to a variety of learning activities. In this review, we discuss the range of approaches to the flipped classroom and focus on activities frequently used in these settings. Amongst these, we examine both out-of-class activities (e.g., video lectures) and in-class activities (e.g., quizzes, student discussions).We argue that the value of these activities reflects the particular cognitive processes engaged by the activity regardless of whether the setting is the traditional (lecture-based) classroom or the flipped classroom. Future work should continue to examine the influence of individual activities on student learning and behaviors, particularly when objective measures of learning, such as quizzes and exams, are held constant.
Conference Paper
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Many 21 st century universities utilise various technologies to support face-to-face classroom teaching and promote student learning. They offer video lectures, use simulations or online discussion forums to enhance student engagement. Universities put emphasis on student interactions as active learning is playing an important role in education and in literature its been reported that students score better grades and fail less when instructors use active learning methods in the classroom. Considering the needs of students and the universities, this paper explains a flipped classroom model, which is designed for developing universities in North Cyprus to enable especially first-year students, who are normally in large and lecture-based classrooms, become more active learners. The model was designed based on the needs of the universities and the students. It aims to facilitate active learning, student engagement and instructor-student interactions.
Along with the time change and promotion of 12-year compulsory education, traditional didactic instruction can no longer satisfy all students. The reform wave in education is therefore emerged in past years, where the "flipped classroom" model strikes a chord and becomes a trend. Applying nonequivalent pretest posttest control group design to the experimental research, 242 students of Xuchang University in Henan Province are proceeded the 2×2 experiment integrating flipped classroom teaching method with cooperative learning for 15 weeks, 3hrs per week. The research results show significant effects of 1. flipped classroom teaching method on learning motivation, 2. flipped classroom teaching method on learning outcome, 3. cooperative learning on learning motivation, 4. cooperative learning on learning outcome, 5. flipped classroom teaching method integrated cooperative learning on the promotion of learning motivation, and 6. flipped classroom teaching method integrated cooperative learning on the promotion of learning outcome. Finally, suggestions are proposed according to the results, expecting to assist domestic education in promoting students' learning motivation and outcome as well as teaching methods.
The flipped classroom approach, a form of blended learning, is currently popular in education praxis. Initial reports on the flipped classroom include that it offers opportunities to increase student engagement and build meaningful learning and teaching experiences. In this article, we analyse teacher and student experiences of a trial flipped classroom application in a third year undergraduate human geography course that challenges conventional thinking and practice in resource management, including an explicit focus on the marginalization of Indigenous knowledges in that context. The flipped classroom trial included empirical research with teachers and students to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of this mode of learning. Interviews, focus groups, surveys, reflections and participant-observation activities were conducted before, during and after the course. The research shows that this particular implementation of the flipped classroom approach generated multiple experiences for teachers and students, some constructive, others less so. Overall, space, time and flexibility matters not only to the kinds of pedagogical tools we employed to tailor learning to students’ differing needs, but also to the kinds of learning spaces – online and offline, individually and in groups – in which learning happens.
Abstract Flexible teaching and learning and the 'flipped classroom' are current buzzwords in higher education in Australia and elsewhere in the world. They are reflections of the progressive change in higher education over the last few decades towards more student-and learning centred pedagogies and practices, which are made possible through new technologies and more delivery of online and blended (combination of face-to-face and online components) courses. The increasing personalising and flexibility of learning in higher education requires equal attention spent to assessment practices to ensure a cohesive learning experience. This paper provides the findings and conclusions of a study about a flipped classroom, which also included flexible assessment components. The study showed that students enjoy and are more engaged in a flipped classroom, prefer a blended learning to a fully online learning approach, want and require clear structure and guidelines, and strongly value flexible assessment through more choices and control. The main concern of higher education teachers is the time commitment and lack of institutional support for flipping classrooms and providing flexible assessment. It is argued that personalising learning requires more personalising of assessment, and that it is mainly the responsibility of teachers and institutions to develop 'flexible students'.
This paper describes a structured attempt to integrate flip teaching into language classrooms using a WebQuest active learning strategy. The purpose of this study is to examine the possible impacts of flipping the classroom on English language learners’ academic performance, learning attitudes, and participation levels. Adopting a quasi-experimental design, three different formats for flip teaching were developed in this study. The results indicate that the structured and semi-structured flip lessons were more effective instructional designs than the non-flip lessons. With a varying extent, both the structured and semi-structured flip lessons helped the students attain better learning outcomes, develop better attitudes toward their learning experiences, and devote more effort in the learning process. Given the positive results, this paper concludes with a call for more research into this promising pedagogy to contribute to its knowledge base across disciplines.
The “flipped classroom” has begun to revolutionize the way that students receive information from their teachers and is ushering in a new era of active and creative thinkers. Although flipping the classroom has gained popular attention, very little research has focused on flipping the classroom at the collegiate level. This paper documents the implementation of a “partially-flipped” class over one semester of a large enrollment microeconomics course, as well as presents results of students’ perception towards flipped learning. I find that students respond positively to flipped learning, and that it is an instructional design that is beneficial across student groups.