
A case report of the Exostosis of ear of an elderly female: Successful healing with Integrated Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing approach as alternative to surgical intervention

  • Sri Ramana Trust
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Introduction: Exostosis of the external auditory canal is a relatively rare lesion but is the commonest tumor of the bony external ear. Canaloplasty alone is the surgical treatment of choice for Exostosis and other lesions of the external auditory canal. This case study presents how a patient with Exostosis was fully healed using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing system without need of surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of a 64 year old female patient diagnosed as having Exostosis,health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through ear specialist’s reports, as well as data collected from follow-up interviews of the subject. Results: Analysis of this case shows positive results of improvement without surgery obtained with use of YPV healing methods by healers and also some self-healing techniques practiced by the patient, enabling her to have normal hearing and overall health. Conclusions: ThiscasestudydocumentstheevidencegatheredontheeffectiveuseofYPVinhealingand treating Exostosis condition, besides healing some other ailments of the patient holistically. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternative, effective and low cost medicine for various other medical conditions. © 2019 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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... For example illnesses successfully dealt with by YPV® system and documented publications include difficult medical cases, diabetes, arterial heart block case, postherpetic neuralgia, exostosis of ear, vision improvements, high blood cholesterol and asthma, Improved wellbeing and immunity, cases of first-aid and emergency, speedy recovery of COVID-19 patients, hypothyroidism, serious snakebite. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Some empirical studies successfully conducted by YPV® researchers include, reduction in anxiety and depression of corporate employees, improved wellbeing and reduced criminal attitude of under-trial prisoners, improvement of IQ and social behaviour of mentally retarded children. [13][14][15] One study on improvement of academic performance by the use of planetary peace meditation of over 100 high school students was also among the published literature. ...
... Another YPV® group conducted a successful eye camp exclusively for people having vision problems. 2,5 Such camps are gaining popularity in rural areas where medical facilities are scanty. The outcomes from all these camps show that YPV® system is integrated and holistic to maintain and sustain overall health (composite health) in physical, mental and emotional domains of people. ...
Background: Free health checkup and treatment camps help villagers with health awareness and management of illnesses at no cost. This paper presents one such health camp conducted by Yoga Prana Vidya® (YPV®) healing team for 5 days in a village in the state of Haryana, India and with documented data and successful outcomes to the participants in the camp.Methods: An intervention with YPV® system healings was conducted, and patient data and feedback collected before and after the healings in the camp.Results: A total of 216 patients were registered in this camp with 20 types of illnesses identified for which treatment was sought by the patients. A group of 11 healers rendered healing services to all registered patients successfully.Conclusions: The camp served the intended purpose of rendering free service to the villagers in health awareness and improvements through YPV® healing techniques and protocols. Continuous increase in the number of participants in the camp and its popularity confirms the relief people got through healing during the camp. Many people got major relief in the ailments they were suffering over a time. It is the achievement of quick relief which drove many students’ and teachers’ interest in learning the healing techniques, and the teachings of YPV® were received by them with great enthusiasm.
... Some recent publications of noteworthy cases showing efficacy of YPV healing have appeared in peer reviewed journals cited in references. 1,[8][9][10][11] The concept of Yoga has to be viewed and understood in a broader and deeper sense as elucidated by the founder of the Yoga Prana Vidya System. 12 Yoga in recent times is used to refer to Asanas or postures of physical exercises and sometimes even to pranayama or a form of systematic breathing exercise. ...
... This finding is similar to the findings on holistic healing results of YPV reported earlier in the literature references. 4,[8][9][10][11] Conclusion This case report documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in healing high blood Cholesterol and Asthma. The general conditions under which YPV produces optimum results is also derived from the fact that YPV uses a combination of approaches, such as: (a) Physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (b) Salt free diet and fruit diet, (c) Meditation techniques, (d) Healing by trained and experienced healers, (e) Patient's participation in group healing, and (f) Regular self-practice of specified Sadhanas. ...
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Abstract Introduction: A 33 year old male had been suffering from Asthma since childhood and he was diagnosed with high cholesterol after he grew up. He has a strong family history of Cardiac Disease with high blood Cholesterol. The prescribed medications for asthma did not help him much. He did not take any medication for Cholesterol. Being a Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) trained Healer he used self-healing protocols. Materials and Methods: This is case study method with detailed analysis of medical records of the patient’s health conditions pre and post YPV healing treatment applied as alternative medicine. Results: Analysis of the patient’s health condition and medical case documents pre and post treatment show positive improvement obtained with YPV healing method for treating high blood cholesterol and Asthma. Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in self-healing and treating High Blood Cholesterol and Asthma. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches that include: Physical exercises, rhythmic yogic breathing, Salt free diet and fruit diet, Meditation techniques, healing by trained and experienced healers, participation in group healing, regular self-practice of specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternatively effective and low cost medicine for various medical conditions. Keywords: Asthma, Breathing Difficulty, Breathlessness, High Blood Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TCH, Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing.
... Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [2], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [3], Nephrotic Syndrome [4], Epilepticus [5], Snakebite [6], Urinary Fistula [7], Hyperthyroidism [8], High Cervical disc prolapse [9], Cholesterol and asthma [10], Exostosis of ear [11], Heart Block [12], Diabetes [13], Eye issues [14], Skin allergies [15], Dermatitis [16] and many other difficult medical cases [17]. This paper presents a report of 6 skin ailments healed by different healers successfully using the Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without any medical treatment. ...
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Introduction: Skin ailments are those diseases that affect the skin. They can be triggered either due to some bacteria or fungal infections or some dust or food allergies or imbalances in the digestive system causing eruptions or itching on the surface of the skin. Some skin ailments are also genetic in nature caused due to poor lifestyle and environmental conditions. Material and Method: This study uses the case study method by collecting data from multiple patients and recording their feedback. Results: The skin conditions treated in 6 cases were: Skin Infection, Folliculitis, Warts on the skin, Boils on the skin, Skin allergy, and Fungal moles using YPV healing protocols along with the practice of YPV Sadhana App component, with complete cure resulting after a few weeks of healing. The patients experienced complete cures after the respective healers healed the cases, without any medical intervention. Conclusion: It is observed that the no touch and no drug, distance healing Yoga Prana Vidya modality which is a holistic and integrated energy healing system has been effective in treating a variety of ailments including various skin issues. Further research using appropriate sample and methodology is recommended.
... This accelerates the complete healing process helping speedy recovery of the subject. Some examples of ailments successfully treated using YPV healing techniques are, treatment of Dislocation of knee cap, 3 Hodgkin lymphoma cancer, 4 Nephrotic Syndrome, 5 Epilepticus, 6 Snake bite, 7 Urinary Fistula, 8 Hyperthyroidism 9 , High Cervical disc prolapse, 10 Cholesterol and asthma, 11 Exostosis of ear, 12 Heart Block, 13 Diabetes, 14 Eye issues 15 and some difficult medical cases. 16 ...
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: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a consequence of diabetes in patients and causes impairment in vision. Despite advances in science the treatment of DR is challenging. This paper presents a case of diabetic retinopathy treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. : Case study method is used in this study going through patient medical records, YPV healer’s records and patient feedback. : Within 8 weeks of YPV healing intervention, blurriness in vision fully reduced, normal vision restored, and the patient could work longer on computer without feeling strain. Eye drop usage reduced upon medical advice to just once or twice daily. Also, the patient’s diabetes condition was very stable and under control, and stress levels reduced greatly as a result of sustained YPV practices. A follow up after 10 months revealed that the patient was able to sustain the changes, stable and happy. : The integrated and holistic system of Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols have enabled the diabetic retinopathy patient to regain normal vision and stable controlled diabetes with lower stress levels. Further research with appropriate methodology and sample is recommended. It will be helpful for frontline health workers to learn and practice YPV protocols to complement their specialties for holistic treatment of patients.
... Some examples of ailments successfully treated using YPV healing techniques are, treatment of Dislocation of knee cap [3], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [4], Nephrotic Syndrome [5], Epilepticus [6], Snake bite [7], Urinary Fistula [8], Hyperthyroidism [9], High Cervical disc prolapse [10], Cholesterol and asthma [11], Exostosis of ear [12], Heart Block [13], Diabetes [14], Eye issues [15] and some difficult medical cases [16]. ...
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Introduction: Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) refers to the bleeding in the space surrounding the brain and its membrane and occurs usually due to the bulging or ruptures in the blood vessels of the brain. Following SAH, cerebral vasospasm can occur which can lead to sudden death or brain damage if not treated correctly and immediately. This paper presents a case of a 35 years old male patient with SAH & cerebral vasospasm, who completely recovered after a successful surgery, and using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing techniques as complementary therapy. Method: This paper uses case study method going through patient medical records, YPV healers’ records and patient feedback. Results: The patient recovered within 4 hours from a complicated 7+ hours of SAH surgery, was able to recognize people and respond to body movements and also use the washroom comfort ability by himself. Within 14 days of YPV healing, the patient was discharged from the hospital and within 2 months of the surgery the patient resumed office and started leading normal life. Conclusion: It is observed that with Yoga Prana Vidya, which is a no-touch no-drug and distant healing modality, faster and complete recovery of patients takes place when used complementarily to medical and surgical treatments such as this case. YPV Healing techniques have been known to increase the life energy or prana in the energy body of a person thereby helping them with a speedy recovery. There is a great scope for further research on this topic using appropriate methodology and sample size.
... Thus, YPV is an integral approach addressing various conditions of a person holistically. Documented evidence suggests that YPV system effectively cured some difficult Medical cases [5] enabled Diabetes Management and Control [6] removal of heart block without surgery [7] management of PHN(postherpetic neuralgia) [8] treating Exostosis of ear without surgery [9] treatment of eyes and improving vision [10] lower blood cholesterol levels [11] speedy recovery of COVID 19 patients [12] controlling hypothyroidism [13] management of CVJ anomaly [14] and treatment of a rare case of urinary Fistula without surgery [15]. ...
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Healthy aging is a state of being and a concept that overlaps psychology and healthcare domains. A concern for most adults is how to successfully live through healthy aging. It has also aroused great interest in scientific community to conduct exploratory and interventional studies to identify factors contributing to healthy aging and recommend ways and means to achieve it. In this context it is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) is an integrated and holistic process of composite body-mind healing that represents explanations and techniques to promote and maintain healthy aging through light physical exercises, rhythmic yogic breathing, Yogic super brain asana, meditation, energy body healing and right diet thereby improving and sustaining composite health (mental, emotional and physical health) of adults of all ages. In the conclusion it maybe said that introducing YPV to children and youth from schooling/college stage will foster naturally healthy life in adulthood with minimal or no-disease life in old age. Keywords: Bio-field energy healing; Healthy diet; Successful Healthy aging of Adults; Yoga Prana Vidya System; YPV; Self-healing
... YPV System has been proven to be very effective through decades of field practice. YPV healing protocols and techniques have been found to successfully treat and cure difficult medical cases, [8] self-healing case of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma, [9] addressing and resolving eye problems and achieving improvements of Vision, [10] treating EXOSTOSIS of the ear without surgery, [11] successful management of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN), [12] treatment of heart block case-patient without surgery, [13] management and control of diabetes, [14] role of YPV in treating Emergency and First aid cases. [15] A Review article [16] found that integrated YPV practice is a booster of immunity, also safe, easy and effective for senior citizens to stay healthy and fit holistically in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. ...
The Aim of the study was to find out how the Yoga Prana Vidya System is helpful as a therapy to transform the Psychological Wellbeing and criminal attitude of under-trial prisoners. The results of a 3 month intervention concluded significant improvements for the participants.
... Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols and techniques have been found to successfully treat and cure difficult medical cases (Neravetla&Nanduri, 2019), self-healing case of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma (Nanduri&Vasavada, 2019), Addressing eye problems and achieving improvements of Vision (Nanduri&Chaitra, 2019), Treating EXOSTOSIS of ear without surgery (Gupta & Nanduri, 2019), Successful management of Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) (Sachdeva&Nanduri, 2019), Treatment of heart block case patient without surgery (Ramya&Nanduri, 2019), Management and control of diabetes (Ashalatha, Ramya&Nanduri ( 2019). A one-month intensive YPV residential programme enabled the participants to improve physical and mental health (Neravetla&Nanduri, 2020). ...
Introduction: First aid refers to the emergency or immediate care to be provided when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. For minor conditions, first aid care may be enough. For serious problems, first aid care should be continued until more advanced care becomes available. Medical emergencies outside hospital settings can be effectively handled by trained first aid providers. The authors have examined several case summaries in which Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) System was effectively used as first aid and as a result patients recovered. Main symptoms & clinical findings: Examples of cases of patients in a variety of conditions presented in this report, such as, Dengue, high BP, blood clot in brain, high fever, Knee OA, hole in heart, jaundice, pancreatic disease, urinary infection, breast cancer, Asthma & Bronchitis, insect bites, pain, Dyspnoea, ulcers, depression and suicidal tendencies, vertigo & headache, accidental fractures, Intracranial haemorrhage, post alcoholic hepatic disorders. Therapeutic interventions & outcomes: In the summary of cases presented in this report, Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Techniques were applied with successful results for patients, who responded positively to YPV healing therapies, and recovery took place in a short time. Conclusion: When used as first aid, Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of healing is complementary to the general medical and first aid procedures to save the patients until appropriate medical support is available. YPV techniques can be learnt easily and can be practiced effectively by all healthcare givers.
Introduction: Musculo-skeletal disorders (MSDs) are highly prevalent globally with 1.71 billion people in 160 countries, and patients need rehabilitation therapies to recover. This paper presents four cases of MSD that were healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) protocols. Method: This is a case study method, and the process of investigation consists of going through the case details of each patient and the healer's records. Results: A review of these four cases indicate that the patients recovered from their Musculo-skeletal conditions within 2 to 4 weeks of healing done daily, using YPV advanced treatment protocols. Conclusions: Being no-drug no-touch method of energy healing, YPV offers great scope in the treatment of MSD conditions as alternative low-cost treatment modality. Recommendations include looking into the possibilities of training doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers in the practice of YPV healing system, and conduct further research on the application of YPV in treating MSDs using appropriate sample size and methodology.
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INTRODUCTION: Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage (RSM) affects 1 to 2 % of women causing anxiety and worry for self and family. Ovarian cysts are perhaps the most common issue among women trying to conceive. This paper presents a case of a 29-year-old married woman having ovarian cyst and suffered two miscarriages, was treated successfully using YPV healing protocols. METHOD: This paper used case study method going through patient medical records, healer’s records and patient feedback. RESULTS: The patient experienced successful pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby boy after a C-section procedure. There were no health issues of baby and the mother post-delivery. A follow up after 9 months confirmed that the mother and her baby both were in good health. CONCLUSIONS: YPV system protocols have been established as complementary as well as alternative medicine to treat and cure a variety of health conditions. Further research is recommended. It will be worthwhile to consider imparting a working knowledge of YPV system protocols to frontline healthcare workers including doctors and nurses to enable them to render holistic treatment in a safe process at low cost CONCLUSIONS: YPV system protocols have been established as complementary as well as alternative medicine to treat and cure a variety of health conditions. Further research is recommended. It will be worthwhile to consider imparting a working knowledge of YPV system protocols to frontline healthcare workers including doctors and nurses to enable them to render holistic treatment in a safe process at low cost
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Introduction: Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis is a milder form of ulcerative colitis (UC) affecting the rectum and sigmoid colon and it is categorised in IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). It is considered a chronic condition with no established cure, and management of this condition is with chronic medication. This paper presents a case of 21 years old female patient with Ulcerative proctosigmoiditis treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya system protocols as alternate medicine. Method: This study used case study method of investigation going through patient case details, YPV healer’s interventional records and detailed feedback from patient after planned follow up. Results: After 30 sessions of healings performed by the healer, the patient experienced 80% recovery as noticed in the sigmoidoscopy test. There was a significant reduction in blood and mucous in the stool. On a follow up of the patient after a year and half, the patient was found sustaining the improvement. The patient further responded to 4 maintenance healing sessions and her condition was reported normal. Conclusions: This study revealed that Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) System of healing treatment worked successfully as alternative medicine enabling complete cure of the Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis disease. Further research is recommended using appropriate sample and methodology for wider application of this phenomenon. A working knowledge of YPV is considered helpful for frontline workers of healthcare to apply its protocols as complementary to their practice in holistically treating patients.
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Introduction: Fatty Liver is a disease in which there is excess amount of fat stored in the liver. If the condition is not treated, it may lead to serious liver disease. This paper presents a case of a patient detected with non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without the use of any medicines. Material and Method: This is a detailed case study method analysing the pre and post healing medical reports of a 58-year-old male who was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, who approached Yoga Prana Vidya healers for distant healing. Results: After 2 months of daily healing, the test reports of the patient showed no signs of fatty liver. A follow up test report after 2 years of the healing intervention also showed normal liver. Conclusion: It is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya healing which is a no touch, no-drug healing modality, which includes distant healing, has been used effectively in the treatment of Non- alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). YPV both as an alternative and complimentary medicine has been known to have successfully healed thousands of patients suffering from various ailments. This case is one of its kind as the ailment was treated completely without any other medication. There is a great scope for further research on this topic with appropriate sample sizes.
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: Dental Abscess is a collection of pus caused by bacterial infection and its symptoms include pain, inflammation and swelling of the face or jaw. Usual procedures of Dental Abscess are extraction or root canal treatment performed by Dentists. In this article a summary of four cases of Dental Abscess treated as complementary modality of treatment by means of non-invasive YPV distal healing for removing infection and pain is presented. Case study method is usedto collect data from four similar cases of Dental Abscess healed by two YPV healers independently, and analyzed. It is observed that in all four cases tooth infection and pain reduced completely within 7 to 15 days of healing, bringing great relief to the patients. The YPV healing has worked as preliminary or first aid treatment without the use of anti-biotics or pain killers before proceeding with further work such as tooth extraction or root canal procedure as may be needed to be performed appropriately by a dentist. Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of practices and healing techniques have been successfully applied to various types of physical and mental ailments and there is enough evidence available from documented cases and empirical studies. This paper has provided consistent successful results of application of YPV system of healing for treating infection and reducing pain in 4 cases of Dental Abscess, and it is recommended to conduct further studies on larger sample sizes.
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p class="abstract">Bones form a vital part of the skeletal system providing mechanical support, strength, structure and protection to the human body. Inability of the bone to resist any kind of stress caused accidently can result in a bone injury or a fracture. This article provides a summary of eleven cases of bone injury and fracture treated successfully by yoga prana vidya (YPV) techniques as a complementary medicine for faster recovery. The study was carried out by two healers who independently healed eleven cases of bone injury and fracture using the bone regeneration techniques of YPV. Further, the data was collected and the results were analysed. By application of YPV healing techniques complementarily, it is observed that full recovery took place within 10 days to 45 days for the 3 hospitalised cases, and within 3 to 8 days for the two patients who had bandage/dressing done at a medical facility. In case of the remaining 6 patients who sought YPV healing help in preference to seeking medical help the recovery took place within 5 to 20 days. helping the patients to lead a normal life thereafter. It is observed that YPV techniques can be used for faster recovery of patients with injured and fractured bones. This paper shows the successful results when the techniques were applied on eleven participants. It is recommended to conduct further studies on a larger scale for the healing of bone related cases such as injury and fractures.</p
: Epilepsy is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system and affects people of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds, and seen more commonly in children. Atypical febrile seizure with Status epilepticus is a disorder known for significant morbidity and mortality. Despite newer antiepileptic drugs, 30 % of subjects are refractory to the conventional treatment with a risk of recurrence and neuro-developmental disorder. This paper presents one such case of a child handled successfully by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Energy healing complementarily to conventional therapy. This is a prospective case study of a 2-month-old infant, an emergency case of atypical febrile seizures with status epilepticus, where YPV Healing intervention was done from the beginning while admitting doctors had given a guarded prognosis. This case study reports the normal physical, mental & psychological development of the subject following YPV Healing with 3-year follow up, and the subject was observed to be normal without any recurrence of the disease or neuro-developmental abnormality. : Although the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has been evaluated globally, there are few studies available on the use of Energy healing in various ailments. YPV Healing has been emerging as an effective modality of treatment for various physical, psychological ailments without any side effects. It can be effectively used from distance even without physically examining the subject. It has been used as a complementary or alternative modality of treatment in some severe life-threatening emergency conditions, and further studies may be conducted with appropriate sample sizes.
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Introduction: Currently, there are no definitive, proven treatments for COVID 19, although multiple pharmacological options are being explored. A spate of clinical trials has been initiated in the wake of the outbreak, with no conclusions as of now. Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of healing is a non-touch non-drug treatment that is known to be effective as complementary medicine to treat several diseases successfully. Study Design: This is a case study of 11 patients who were successfully healed and speedily recovered. A group of competent YPV healers were teamed up to heal the patients in distance mode, using appropriate protocols to match the conditions and symptoms of each individual patient. Results: Data analysis showed that one patient recovered within 4 days of healing, 9 patients recovered in 8 days, and one patient took about 3 weeks because of other comorbid conditions. Conclusions: Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of healing has been found to be effective as complementary medicine to support hospital efforts in treating, enabling faster recovery (reduction of 16.67% to 73.3% in average time taken from admission to discharge) and saving the lives of COVID affected patients, paving the way for undertaking scientifically designed pilot studies at multiple locations and populations. YPV system can also be used to strengthen the immune system or as preventive measure. Key words: COVID 19, Treatment, patient recovery, Yoga Prana Vidya, Alternative medicine,
This study has been undertaken to investigate the outcomes of a Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) intensive one-month fully residential intervention on 12 selected female participants for this programme. The intervention model included components of Physical exercises, Yogic breathing exercises, forgiveness sadhana, meditations and Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) energy healing protocols for self and others. Physical health parameters such as body weight, BMI, BP, HRV (Heart rate variability), Spirometric tests, and brain wave analysis were measured before and after the one-month under study. Analysis of the results using descriptive statistics showed group average reduction of BMI 3.5%, weight 3.2%, BP 16.24% / 19.48%, HRV 19.33%. Spirometric results showed an improvement of 6.9% of FEV1 value. Brainwave analysis showed reduction of left-right imbalance by 20.73%. Average Alpha wave measurements increased from 73.3 to 81. Other physical improvements experienced by the participants include 1.Body Posture, 2. Flexibility, 3. Increased Mobility in Walking/Running, 4.Physical Stamina/Energy and 5. Holding Breath for longer time. Health improvements experienced include 1.Pain-neck, Back, Body, Knee 2. Acidity/Constipation 3. Digestion/Appetite 4.Frequency & Urgency of Urination 5. Hearing Impairment 6.Dysmenorrhea 7. Diabetic conditions. Psychological improvements in Concentration/Focus/Attention, Courage/Self-confidence, Time Management and memory. Emotionally more stable, Overcoming fears successfully; Group adjustment and alignment manifesting, with receptiveness to criticism. The main factors of this intensive programme influencing these improvements are identified as: Physical and breathing exercises, Meditations, application of healing protocols, one-time full fruit diet in the morning and salt-less vegetarian diet. This model of integrated YPV group practice programme offers great scope as an integrated disease prevention protocol, and to boost immunity holistically.
Role of Canaloplasty: Editorial
  • M K Taneja
Taneja MK. Role of Canaloplasty: Editorial. Indian J Otology. 2013;19:159-163.
Diabetes Management and Control Using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing System
Diabetes Management and Control Using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing System. J Biol Life Sci. 2019;10(2):106-120.
A study into successful treatment of some difficult Medical cases using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing System as alternative medicine
A study into successful treatment of some difficult Medical cases using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing System as alternative medicine. Int J Scientific Engineering Res. 2019;10(7):882-887.