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The Impact of Biophilic Design on Workers Efficiency


Abstract and Figures

At the core of the definition of productivity is productivity and measurability, which aims is to achieve the maximum output for the benefit of people using resources at one's disposal. We can state that humanity ultimately strives to achieve better for itself and to support the development of others. As part of this, we might define employee performance as those techniques that improve both the performance as well as environment of workers, with the aim of encouraging workers to work both better and harder in order to enhance productivity. Academic literature reveals that factors such wages, working environment/conditions, administration-worker relations, and workplace communication all affect worker productivity. In particular, the impact that working environment can have on worker productivity focuses mainly on either positive or negative physical conditions such as ventilation, lighting, and noise. Many, more recent studies cite that working environments that are intertwined with nature have a positive impact on worker productivity. This notion is a reflection of biophilia. Biophilia puts forth that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and all other living systems. One extension of this is biophilic design, which incorporates natural materials, natural light, vegetation, and natural landscapes into the modern environment. Proponents of this thus quote that work productivity in workplaces increases as much as 8% in such environments. This study will focus on the relationship between biophilic design and worker productivity.
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Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi
Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
Assoc. Prof. Seda TOPGÜL
At the core of the definition of productivity is productivity and measurability, which aims is to achieve the
maximum output for the benefit of people using resources at one's disposal. We can state that humanity
ultimately strives to achieve better for itself and to support the development of others. As part of this, we might
define employee performance as those techniques that improve both the performance as well as environment of
workers, with the aim of encouraging workers to work both better and harder in order to enhance productivity.
Academic literature reveals that factors such wages, working environment/conditions, administration-worker
relations, and workplace communication all affect worker productivity. In particular, the impact that working
environment can have on worker productivity focuses mainly on either positive or negative physical conditions
such as ventilation, lighting, and noise. Many, more recent studies cite that working environments that are
intertwined with nature have a positive impact on worker productivity. This notion is a reflection of biophilia.
Biophilia puts forth that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and all other living systems. One
extension of this is biophilic design, which incorporates natural materials, natural light, vegetation, and natural
landscapes into the modern environment. Proponents of this thus quote that work productivity in workplaces
increases as much as 8% in such environments. This study will focus on the relationship between biophilic
design and worker productivity.
Keywords: Biophilia, Biophilic Design, Worker Productivity, Productivity, Working Environment
Biyofilik Tasarımların Çalışan Verimliliğine Etkisi
Verimlilik tanımının özünde, üretkenlik ve ölçülebilirlik vardır; amaç insanın yararı doğrultusunda ve insan için,
eldeki kaynakları kullanarak, en fazla çıktıyı elde etmektir. Daha iyiye ulaşma çabası, insanın gelişmesini
desteklemesi, insanın insan için mükemmeli arama serüveni olarak da ifade edilebilir. Bu serüven içerisinde
çalışanların performansı ve çalışma ortamını geliştiren teknikler olarak çalışan verimliliğini tanımlamak
mümkündür. Çalışanların daha iyi ve daha çok çalışmaya özendirilmesi böylelikle üretimde verimlilik artışının
sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan akademik araştırmalarda çalışan verimliliğinin, ücret, çalışma ortamı,
çalışma şartları, yönetici ile ilişkiler, işyeri iletişimi gibi faktörlerden etkilendiği ortaya konulmaktadır. Özellikle
çalışma ortamının çalışan verimliliği üzerindeki etkisi, havalandırma, aydınlatma, ses ve gürültü gibi fiziki
This paper has been presented at IV. International Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Symposium held in
Antalya, Turkey, October 19-21, 2019.
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Dept. of Labour
Economy and Industrial Relationships, Tokat/TURKEY, ORCHID: 0000-0003-1649-1732,
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
şartlarının olumlu ya da olumsuz etkileri üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Son dönemde ortaya atılan doğa ile iç içe
olan çalışma ortamlarının, çalışan verimliliğini arttırdığı belirtilmektedir. Doğa ile içe olma, biyofilya
kavramının bir yansımasıdır. Biyofili, insan benliği ve diğer yaşayan sistemler arasında içgüdüsel bir bağ
olduğunu öne sürer. Biyofilinin bir uzantısı olarak biyofilik tasarım, doğal malzemeler, doğal ışık, bitki örtüsü,
doğa manzaralarını modern çevreye dâhil etmektedir. Bu sayede işyerlerinde çalışan verimliliğinin yüzde sekiz
oranında arttığı belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada da biyofilik tasarım ve çalışan verimliliği ilişkisi incelenecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyofili, Biyofilik Tasarım, Çalışan Verimliliği, Verimlilik, Çalışma Ortamı
1. Introduction
The word biophilia is derived from two Greek words "bio", meaning life, and "philia",
meaning "love" or "lover of". The psychologist Eric Fromm was the first to introduce the
concept. Biophilia, thus, can be defined as the "love for all things living" (Bayraktaroğlu,
2014: 10). In his book The Secret Garden of Nature, the American biologist Edward O.
Wilson defined biophilia as "the in-born tendency towards life and life cycles" (Wilson, 1996:
165). Biophilic design, thus, draws attention to the emotional side of human beings, and states
that people adapt better in environments where there are elements and designs that are one
with, or reflect, nature. An evolutionary theorist and biologist, Wilson (1984) takes the view
that biophilia is "the in-born tendency towards life and life cycles." In this sense, working
areas that receive natural sunlight, where employees can access nature, and where there is
extensive flora in order curb noise and clean the surrounding are, not only affect worker
productivity, but they also transform workplaces into green buildings. Human beings work
not only more efficiently, but also learn better, and are generally healthier in structures that
grant them the opportunity to interact with nature. Many schools, hospitals, and office spaces
have begun to embody the basic principles of biophilic design. Therefore, we, too, can define
biophilia as an instinctive bond that brings living systems together.
That is to say, it is an intrinsic tendency bonding man with nature. The result of human beings
having transitioned from living amongst nature to living in enclosed spaces, means that we
have become forced to live in artificial buildings and cities in the name of modernity. This, in
turn, has removed us from nature, and revealed the need for us to establish our relationship
with nature. This is where biophilic design enters into the picture, in that it finds an
architectural solution to that need. Architects use natural materials, natural light, and natural
landscapes in order not only to enhance human health and productivity, but to also offer
people an alternative way of living, given that modern life cuts people off from nature.
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
Houses, workplaces, hospitals, schools, shopping centres, where people spend most of their
time are, more often than not, built without natural light, natural materials, or upon the
principals of natural architecture. However, for the health and welfare of people, we can
establish a link between nature and man-made structures through biophilic design. Oliver
Heath states that, biophilic design does not bring nature indoors. Rather, it connects many
aspects of nature, and strengthens those connections” . Therefore, we need to discuss
biophilic design within the framework of how natural light and natural materials heal people
(Erbay, 2018: 23).
2. Biophilic Design
Edward O. Wilson's book Biophilia has gained tremendous currency in recent years. Now that
people have transitioned from living in natural habitats to living closed and artificial habitats,
the need for us to re-connect with nature has once again emerged. Therefore, now is the time
to discuss biophilic design, as it aims to combines our need to re-connect nature with our need
to live in modern buildings. In doing so, it focuses on how living naturally can enhance both
human health and productivity, namely by integrating natural light, natural materials, and
natural landscapes into the modern world. Urbanization has caused us to lose our relationship
with nature. One indicator of modern life is that structures like homes, schools, workplaces,
and shopping malls, within which most of us spend a large portion of our lives, are designed
using artificial light, artificial ventilation, and artificial materials. This in turn threatens our
health, welfare, and level of productivity. Biophilic design heals people and motivates their
performance and productivity through environments that are connected to nature (Erbay,
2018: 23). Biophilic design may also be referred to as healing architectural design. Biophilic
primarily focuses on hospitals, schools, and work places in order to enhance healing/recovery,
learning, and productivity (Dünya, 2014).
Kellert (2005) states that biophilic design has two basic orientations: organic and regional
design. Inspired by biology, organic design refers to forms found in nature, including water,
trees, plants, landscape, and the like. All of these have the ability to affect people's
productivity, emotional state, and ability to recover and learn. Regional design, in contrast,
refers to the interaction between culture, history, and ecology, and is tied to one's sense of
appreciation towards nature. The process of one becoming detached from nature often
emerges into the process of one becoming detached from them themselves, and thus trying to
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
satisfy that detachment with power. Biophilia exists therefore exists in order to help us find
and fulfill our need for satisfaction and security within nature itself (Bayraktaroğlu, 2013: 37).
Kellert and Calabrese's "The Practice of Biophilic Design" describes that we experience
biophilic design in three ways: (1) directly experiencing nature, (2) indirect experiencing
nature, and (3) experiencing space. Directly experiencing nature refers to our direct contact
with nature ( e.g. the direct incorporation of natural light, air, flora, animals, and natural
scenery in artificial spaces). Indirectly experiencing nature refers more to representing and/or
giving off the appearance of nature in spaces through figurative means, such as landscape
paintings and other nature-themed works of art, natural colours, natural materials, and natural
shapes. Experiencing space enables human beings to connect with nature and make them feel
safe within spaces through the presence of visual transitions linking space and nature. We can
further divide these three experiences into 24 sub-experiences (Erbay, 2018: 24).
Table 1. Experiences in Biophilic Design
Directly experiencing nature
Indirectly experience nature
Experiencing place and space
Images of nature
Expectations and housing
Natural materials
Order and complexity
Natural colours
The integration of parts into a
Simulating natural light and air
Transition spaces
Natural shapes and forms
Mobility and navigation
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
Weather conditions
Calling nature
Cultural and ecological
attachment to space
Natural landscapes and
Wealth of knowledge
Age, change, and traces of time
Natural geometry
Source: Kellert and Calabrese, 2015: 10.
Biophilic design has two main dimensions: organic or natural, and spatial or regional. The
organic, or natural, dimension of biophilic design symbolically demonstrates whether human
beings are either directly or indirectly tied to the environment around them. Direct
experiences emphasize the direct relationship between man with nature, i.e. through daylight,
plants, and animals. Indirect experiences, symbolically bring human contact with nature
through elements like potted plants, fountains, and aquariums. We can define the space-based
or regional dimension, as our transposing the ecology and culture of a particular region or
geography onto both buildings and landscape elements. This dimension aims to transform
inanimate objects into living objects, with particular emphasis on social identity. These two
basic dimensions of biophilic design include seventy features detailed under six titles (Boz &
Cengiz, 2019: 35).
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
Table 2: Features of Biophilic Design
patterns and
Light and
that have
over time
Natural light
and space
on and
Wealth of
Filtered and
diffused light
p between
history and
Order and
Aging, change,
traces of time
Light and
link with
Curiosity and
Growth and
Reflected light
p between
culture and
Change and
Central focal
Light pools
Security and
Warm light
al features
that shape
and control
Formal light
Culture and
intimacy and
The spirit
of a space
Appeal and
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
series and
Discovery and
Geology and
The integration
of parts into a
Formal space
Habitat and
Fear and
balance and
indoor and
outdoor space
Respect and
organized ratios
and proportions
Source: Kellert Boz and Cengiz, 2019: 36.
This concept, which picks up where so-called "biological formation" leaves off, transposing nature onto
structures in terms of form by enlisting the support of both technology and biology (Uç Zeytün, 2014: 3). As
technology advances, we will se projects that incorporate certain types of micro-organisms into the systems of
structures as well as that integrate living DNA into coating materials and carrier systems (Uç Zeytün, 2014: 45).
These emerge from the continuous repetition of simple geometric shapes into an art form that explains
complexity that exists within the order of nature. The term fractal comes from the Latin "fract-", meaning
broken. (Young, 2019: 1).
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
3. Strategies in Biophilic Design
We can put forth biophilic design-based solutions using different scales that already are in use
in urban design. Wilson (2008) identifies strategies these being a different design scale in and
of themselves:
Table 3. Biophilic Design Strategies
The concept of biophilia during the early stage of
the design and planning process
Considering biophilic design strategies in the early
stages of the design process will provide us with
opportunities for building layout, architectural
form, interior, and exterior design.
Including biophilic design in all buildings---
especially those meant for children, the elderly,
and the sick
Natural elements help calm children down, better
acquaint people with nature, reducing patient
discomfort, and accelerating their road to recovery.
Integrating the teaching of ecology into buildings
Signs and indicators about natural elements and
features enable people to understand and value
what they see.
Integrating biophilic design into both existing as
well as new buildings
Most biophilic strategies can be applied to existing
buildings, albeit not to the extent that they can be
utilized new buildings.
Helping spread biophilic design criteria
We need to make an effort make society,
educational institutions, and health care services
about the importance of biophilic design.
Designing landscapes and buildings that create a
sense of mystique
Designing mystical landscapes and buildings
encourages users to explore, discover, and learn
about the complexities of nature.
Developing and strengthening the bond between
man and space
Ensuring an ecological, historical, and cultural
connection between man and the space helps
users/inhabitants to better connect to that space.
Doing so inspires them to want to protect the area,
as well as ensures significant that they become
loyal to, responsible for, and manage that space.
Provision of open spaces around buildings
In order to heighten our contact with nature, we
must increase the number of open, naturalized, and
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
landscaped spaces surrounding buildings. We must
also support the ecosystem by weaving as much
natural vegetation as possible into these spaces as
Preserving existing vegetation and natural
Preserving existing trees and natural landscapes
during land development and construction is one
of most effective ways in which we can create
natural landscapes.
Arranging plants around buildings and creating
natural environments
Well-designed landscaping areas need to be a
visible part of buildings. There should be as many
windows as possible overlooking vegetation and
water elements.
Establishing passageways in natural and regulated
Walking and cycling need to be established along
restored landscapes in both residential and
commercial areas.
Using various plants in place of impermeable
Vegetation not allows rain and snow to melt and
penetrate into the soil, but contributes positively to
the environment, transforming spaces in areas that
people want to see and explore.
Creating green facades
Green facade bring nature to the space, which is
important for the interaction between people and
Providing a view of nature
Architects/designers should design and position
windows in such a way that they allow people to
easily look outside.
Creating a transition between a space's interior and
Wherever possible, living and working areas
should open up to outdoor areas such as terraces,
courtyards, balconies, and gazebos, being set up in
such a way that they ensure that people use these
Uninterrupted line of view
When designing glass systems, deck railings, and
other elements interrupt the nature landscape, it is
imperative that the view be obstructed in any way.
Penetration of daylight
Practically-speaking, glass not only allow users to
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
look outside, but they do so in such a way that they
sync with the natural flow of light and shadow.
Providing functional windows
Those occupying the space should be able to take
in the scent of the surrounding flora and to access
clean air.
Creating green roofs
Low-pitched roofs should be transformed into
green roofs, thus providing both visual and
physical access.
Landscaping atrias and interior spaces
The main idea of planting atria is bring nature into
buildings and to create a relaxing indoor
environment for users. Atriums in hospitals, for
example, seem both to promote patient healing as
well as reduce patient stress. The atriums of such
structures can be multi-storied, and should also
contain walking paths.
Using green walls and other similar systems to
treat air and water in buildings
Green wall systems remove air pollutants.
Similarly, many buildings feature living systems
that treat wastewater.
Adding water elements into buildings
Water elements can provide numerous visual and
acoustic benefits.
Creating a sense of complexity in building design
The single most important element of biophilic
design is the relationship between complexity and
diversity within the natural structure.
Considering both spaciousness and shelter in
building design
Architects/designers can create spaces with
mimetic exteriors and places of shelter by
alternating ceiling height, just as Frank Lloyd
Wright's had done in many of his buildings.
Using organic forms in buildings
Architects/designers can integrate shapes and
forms that integrate nature in order to add depth
and diversity to spaces.
Using potted plants in interiors
Using potted plants indoors allows users become
more in touch with certain elements of nature.
Providing natural materials and natural art in
Especially in cases where nature cannot be brought
into the space, architects/designers might want to
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
incorporate natural building materials and
pictures/paintings depicting nature.
Setting up office spaces that provide users with a
view of natural landscapes
Architects/designers should position work desks in
offices in such a way that employees can see
windows as well as make the most of natural light
and other biophilic features.
Emphasising biophilic elements as part of the
From the angle of management and intelligibility,
it is important that architects/designers draw upon
signage and other makers in order to explain to
users biophilic elements.
Source: Wilson. Boz and Cengiz, 2019: 40.
4. The relationship between biophilic design and productivity
We can group the main factors that contribute to the biophilic effect under eight headings:
light, colour, gravity, fractals, curves, detail, water, and life. Light refers to the need for
natural sunlight. Natural light moreover is essential for three-dimensional vision and depth
perception. Receptors send colour directly to our brains, and in turn connects directly with our
emotions. Likewise, our brains associate grey and colourless surfaces with negative emotions
in the brain, thus ultimately negatively affecting our ability to work effectively. Gravity refers
to all objects being in balance with one another. Heavy elements in natural structures sit at the
bottom while lighter elements sit higher up. Fractals refer to complex systems containing
geometric structures. Humans respond to fractals positively because we have the same
structural properties in our bodies as well. Curves include the types of curves that we perceive
in nature; curves and symmetry generally stir our sensations. Details like the veins on stones
or tree ring are the details that we instinctively want to see. Due to its healing properties,
water expresses man's desire to be close and to see things. Life refers to our bonding with
natural forms, thus expressing the full definition of biophilia (cf. from Salingaros Şenozan,
2018: 33-35).
The key to leading a good life is to reduce stress. Establishing a connection with nature can
contribute significantly to this. Natural elements in the working environment also contribute
to increasing productivity by making employees feel good. For example, when you look out
the window, your level of stress is on par with that of nature. Natural tones such as green,
blue, and brown make the employees feel at ease, where gray generally has the opposite
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
effect. Similarly, the use of live plants and foliage in office environment also has a positive
impact on workers' over all well-being as well. Illumination and spaciousness, too, heightens
workers' sense of well being, whereas non-spacious environments, as one might expect, have
the opposite effect (Velarde, Fry & Tveit, 2007).
The ING Bank building in Amsterdam had succeeded in reducing workday loss by 15% by
introducing basic biophilic principles in 1987. Perakende, likewise, had increased its own
profits by around 40% by taking similar steps. They also managed to save as much as 2.6
million dollars worth of energy by using an energy system that paid itself off in 3 months
(Trenddesk, 2013: 10).
Figure 1: ING Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
A study conducted at the University of Texas revealed that the use of indoor plants not only
reduces worker stress, it also increases work efficiency by 12 percent (Trenddesk, 2013: 10).
Located right in the heart of nature in Madrid, the Selgas Cano Architectural Office is one of
the finest examples of biophilic design. Employees work along a massive windowsill in an
environment surrounded by nature. A 2 cm-thick curved window enables the northern wall to
run along the length of the building. The southern wall, on the other hand, is 11 pains of glass
thick, and made of fiberglass and polyester, and thus prevents exposing office workers to
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
direct sunlight and to overheating. The hinged opening is a attached to a weighted pulley
system, and allows varying degrees of natural ventilation (Şenozan, 2018: 22).
Figure 2: Selgas Cano Architectural Office, Selgas Cano, Madrid, Spain.
Two important effects of biophilic design in work environments include productivity and
creativity, meaning that it contributes significantly not only to worker productivity, but also to
worker well-being as well, therefore confirming the relationship between feeling good and
productivity. One study conducted in the UK and the Netherlands also links biophilic design
to productivity. Titled "The Relative Benefits of a Green Versus a Non-Green Office: Three
Field Experiments", the study examined two different groups of workers who had different
levels of contact with nature. What it found was that the productivity of the group of
employees whose offices were filled with plants had jumped 15% over a three-month period
(Nieuwenhuis, Knight, Postmes, Haslam, 2014: 210).
Another study dating back to 1993 and featuring 1,200 office workers discovered that workers
who were able to view nature from their windows had generally experienced less discontent,
and were more motivated to work. In 1994 The Rocky Mountain Institute published a study
that found that energy-efficient systems for lighting, heating and cooling enhance worker
productivity, curb absenteeism, and improve quality of output. The level of productivity in
particular resulting from this shift in design had increased by between 6 and 16% (Cramer and
Browning, 2008: 345).
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019, Cilt 5, Sayı 9, s. 11-26.
Those who work in office spaces lacking windows generally incorporate more window-
oriented decor into their offices than those working in offices with windows. The logic behind
is that workers attempt to circumvent that lack of nature (Heerwagen and Orians, 1986: 623).
Similarly, a lack of windows in an office space, excessive use of grey tones, and/or a lack of
plants and/or other natural elements also all have a negative impact on creatively and creative
output as well. In contrast, the presence of plants, sunlight, and the like make office workers
15% happier, 15% more creative, and 6% more productive.
Figure 3: The impact that natural elements have in office spaces
5. Conclusion
Biophilic design expresses a love for life and living systems. Thusly, the main purpose of
biophilic design is to create hospitals, schools, and work places in order to enhance
healing/recovery, learning, and productivity.
Biophilic design and its principles go beyond enhancing worker productivity and creating
environmentally friendly spaces that conserve water and energy, in that they also curb the
impact of our carbon footprint on the planet as well (Trenddesk, 2013: 10). Were we to apply
these principles both to existing as well as new building via interior design as well as
landscaping, we can ultimately create positive results throughout many a work environment.
The Impact Of Biophilic Designs On Worker Efficiency
In essence, increasing well being of the employees, reducing their overall levels of stress, and
creating efficient work spaces will also have an outstanding impact on worker productivity as
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... Sehingga dianjurkan bangunan publik memberikan fasilitas yang mampu merevitalisasi kondisi mental masyarakat (Azmi A. F., 2020). Dalam kasus menanggulangi tingkat stress pelajar/ mahasiswa ini dicoba reduksi dengan kenyamanan ruang perkuliahan yang mampu menciptakan kondusivitas pembelajaran (Topgul, 2019). Dilakukan Analisa dan peninjauan kembali terkait dengan kualitas ruang perkuliahan. ...
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In recent years, the emergence of global warming, extreme weather changes and finally the Covid-19 pandemic has effected on the disruption of physical health and human mental. In the post-pandemic revitalization effort, public buildings have begun to add infrastructure that supports a clean and healthy lifestyle. Not only public health facilities that provide a space atmosphere that can accelerate the healing process and minimize stress for patients. However, other buildings such as offices, schools and lecture buildings are also a concern to be able to provide clean and healthy spaces that are optimal in reducing stress and being able to increase productivity post-covid19. The biophilic design aspect, which is widely used as a hospital design concept, can also be applied to other buildings for post-pandemic revitalization 19. So that in his study, an analysis was carried out related to lecture buildings with a focus on the Al-asy'ari Unisma Building through the suitability of beneficial Biophilic Design aspects in increasing learning productivity. In terms of building quality and the shape or form of the building through qualitative and comparative methods so that the elements or elements of this lecture building can be analyzed and studied to the fullest. The study of lecture buildings and their elements towards the biophilic design aspect is able to be a correction to other lecture infrastructure facilities and an effort to increase student achievement with support from the quality of lecture facilities.
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Principles of lean office management increasingly call for space to be stripped of extraneous decorations so that it can flexibly accommodate changing numbers of people and different office functions within the same area. Yet this practice is at odds with evidence that office workers' quality of life can be enriched by office landscaping that involves the use of plants that have no formal work-related function. To examine the impact of these competing approaches, 3 field experiments were conducted in large commercial offices in The Netherlands and the U.K. These examined the impact of lean and "green" offices on subjective perceptions of air quality, concentration, and workplace satisfaction as well as objective measures of productivity. Two studies were longitudinal, examining effects of interventions over subsequent weeks and months. In all 3 experiments enhanced outcomes were observed when offices were enriched by plants. Implications for theory and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).
Conference Paper
Anahtar Sözcükler: Biyofili, Biyofilik Tasarım, Sürdürülebilirlik, İnsan-Doğa Etkileşimi
14 Patterns of Biophilic Design
  • W Browning
  • C Ryan
  • J Clancy
BROWNING, W., RYAN, C., CLANCY, J. 2014. 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design. New York: Terrapin Bright Green, LLC.
Adaptations to Windowlessness
  • J Heerwagen
  • G Orians
HEERWAGEN, J. and ORIANS, G. 1986. "Adaptations to Windowlessness", Environment and Behavior, 18 (5), 623-639.
Mimari Tasarımda Biyomorfik Yaklaşmlar
  • B Uç Zeytün
UÇ ZEYTÜN, B. 2014. Mimari Tasarımda Biyomorfik Yaklaşmlar. Yakındoğu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Lefkoşa.
Mimarlıkta Ekosistem Düşüncesi ile Tasarlamak
  • Ö E Bayraktaroğlu
BAYRAKTAROĞLU, Ö. E., 2013. Mimarlıkta Ekosistem Düşüncesi ile Tasarlamak.
Transforming Building Practices Through Biophilic Design
  • J S Cramer
  • W D Browning
CRAMER, J. S. and BROWNING, W. D. 2008. Transforming Building Practices Through Biophilic Design. New Jersey: John Wiley. DÜNYA 2014. "İyileştiren Mimari Tasarım: Biyofili",
İç Mekânda Güncel Bir Söylem "Biyofilik Tasarım" ve Uygulama Örneği Olarak Memorial Hastanesi
  • M Erbay
ERBAY, M. 2018. "İç Mekânda Güncel Bir Söylem "Biyofilik Tasarım" ve Uygulama Örneği Olarak Memorial Hastanesi", II. Ulusal İç Mimari Tasarım Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Basımevi, Trabzon.
Fraktal Geometri ile Sanatsal Pratikler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Sanat Çalışması Raporu
  • C Genç
GENÇ, C. 2019. Fraktal Geometri ile Sanatsal Pratikler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Sanat Çalışması Raporu. Ankara.