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In Clouds (Nubes) of Aristophanes, Socrates appears as a sophist school owner, the Phrontisterion (‘thinkery’), in which he hosts students of all ages, in or-der to teach them not only philosophy, literature, physics but also effective sophistic techniques. In Clouds opposed ideas can be found like the aims of historical Socrates’ educational method, combined with Sophists’ modern ones. Aristophanes by using specific educational techniques, points out the educational contrasts and disagreements (Just Cause Vs Unjust Cause) and highlights the chasm between the empty theoretical discourse of young in-tellectuals and the real educational practical needs (learning skills, practical adjustment etc.). In this comedy, Aristophanes deals with many educational issues, which are common in every culture. What is his goal, however, when he appears with the Socratic method of learning and teaching (use of initia-tion vocabulary and terminology, ‘borrowings’ from the philosophic activity at the Thinkery?) What are the benefits for an apprentice student at Aristophanes’ Socrates and what is the purpose of the critical view of Aristophanes educa-tional system of his time?
Ideias e Críticas
Burning Socrates’ School down
with Aristophanes: Learning
and teaching under Clouds
Christos-Thomas Kechagias
PhD., M.A., Teaching Philosophy of Education;
Georgia Papaioannou
Alexandros-Stamatios Antoniou
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
In Clouds (Nubes) of Aristophanes, Socrates appears as a sophist school owner,
the Phrontisterion (‘thinkery’), in which he hosts students of all ages, in or-
sophistic techniques. In Clouds opposed ideas can be found like the aims of
historical Socrates’ educational method, combined with Sophists’ modern
educational contrasts and disagreements (Just Cause Vs Unjust Cause) and
highlights the chasm between the empty theoretical discourse of young in-
tellectuals and the real educational practical needs (learning skills, practical
adjustment etc.). In this comedy, Aristophanes deals with many educational
he appears with the Socratic method of learning and teaching (use of initia-
tional system of his time?
Keywords: Aristophanes, Philosophy of Education, Socrates, Dramaturgy,
Theory of Education, teaching terminology, Comedy.
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
Em As Nuvens
estabelecimento de ensino, o Frontistério ( Pensatório), onde ele recebe estudantes de
encontradas como as metas do método educacional do Sócrates histórico combinadas
dia, Aristófanes lida com diversos temas educacionais, os quais são encontrados em
nesse Sócrates apresentado por Aristófanes e qual o objetivo da revisão que Aristófanes
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
1) Comedy as eld of research – Plot of Clouds
In Clouds, which was performed in 423 B.C., Aristophanes, amongst others,
deals with the issue of teaching and learning, combining elements of Socratic
Philosophy with ones of the art of Sophists, resonant during Aristophanes’
teaching physics, language, rhetoric, philosophy, etc., neither at Agora nor at
rence place which it is called “Thinkery” (the original greek term is ‘Phrontisterion’).
This is the summarized plot of Clouds, in which the aristophanic learning
and teaching techniques of Socrates are interpolated:
Strepsiades is not capable of paying the debts created by his pro-
digal son, Phidippides, who has spent all of his paternal fortune in horse bre-
eding, which was an aristocratic habit. Being desperate, he decides to go and
be an apprentice at (sophistic) school of Socrates, the “Thinkery”. Thus, with
and the judges. In this way, he persuades his son to join the “Thinkery” ins-
tead of him, because he is uneducated. The result of that, though, is comple-
tead of an auspicious ending. Strepsiades is not only a farmer (as in other
Aristophanes’ works such as Dikaiopolis [in The Acharnians], Trygaeus [in
Peace], Chremylus [in Plutus]), but also rough, raw and boorish. Thus, by
trying to join Socrates, the most important philosopher of the ancient world,
predispose us about the following gags.
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
If someone, though, secludes the comedy issue in Clouds, is it possible for
tem or the principal ideas of a historic society? Rumor has it that Dionysius,
the tyrant of Syracuse, sometime asked Plato about life in Athens. Plato res-
ponded by sending to him comedies of Aristophanes, urging him to answer
his questions by studying these works: 
learn their polity” (KOSTER
reality ends and where the comedy or the truth starts”, according to Ehrenberg
sation against Socrates in the Clouds” (=τὴν κατὰ Σωκράτους ἐν Νεφέλαις κατηγορίαν”,
see: KOSTER XXVIII: 46-9), it is really weird if and how Plato would send to
Dionysius a theatrical play (Clouds), which humiliates his mentor, Socrates,
and which later was used — one way or another — in order to condemn the
greatest philosopher of the ancient world. According to ‘Vitae of Aristophanes’
(Koster XXIXa; XXIIb; XXXIII 2), his goal was to answer the questions of
theatrical ones. It is a reasonable question if nowadays someone would act
in the same way by recommending the complete works of a famous poet or
literature of the 21
the study of dramatic poetry or Comediography1. This is the reason why the
literature works usually indicate — if not represent — the structure of the
society they refer to (see SEAFORDKECHAGIAS
2) Linguistic terminology and aims of education in Clouds
DOVER, 1993) that would sound “technical” to the audience of Athens. This
but a loanword
FUNGHI, 1997: 33-4; JANKO in: 
tion about the way that his son, Phidippides, thinks: “Reform your habits as qui-
. [ἔκστρεψον ὡς τάχιστα τοὺς σαυτοῦ
τρόπους, / καὶ μάνθαν’ ἐλθὼν ἅν ἐγὼ παραινέσω
Clouds. The Comedies
of Aristophanes. London. Bohn
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
(‘μάνθανε’), encouragement (‘παραίνεσις’) is also crucial for the teaching proce-
dure. The alteration of the way of thinking and the one of habits would lead
is the wide basis on which learning can occur (VRETTOS
thing happens in :
Καὶ τί σοι μαθήσομαι;)
Go’ (‘ἴθι’) at the beginning of the sentence indicates the
encouragement (‘παραίνεσις-
ght’=‘διδάσκου’) completes with clarity this encouragement. Phidippides then,
answers with a question:  (=‘Καὶ τί σοι μαθήσομαι;’). He is
learn for you?” Strepsiades responds: “You will learn Unjust Cause, so we can
pay our debts.”  This is the way that the issue of need for teaching
Clouds. Strepsiades asks his son to be a
The pair ‘teach – learn’ appears again in , when Strepsiades de
cides to join Socrates’ ‘Thinkery’ on his own (‘αὐτός-
fusal: ‘..διδάξομαι...μαθήσομαι’. The original reaction of the people at the “Thinkery”
is to consider him as ‘uneducated’, rough, raw, without manners, because
(‘σύγγνωθί μοι’, -
ty: ‘for I here am come as a disciple/student to this Thinkery’ (‘ἥκω μαθητὴς ἐς τὸ
φροντιστήριον’, ). Strepsiades comes to them to become a student. He
is not yet one, nor was he. He shows his will to learn and, as a consequence,
he thinks he knows. The student who is responsible for welcoming and gui-
ding him into the “Thinkery”, introduces him at once into the core of the ba-
sic idea that rules this “School”: ‘I will tell you; but you must regard these as
mysteries’ (‘νομίσαι δὲ ταύτα χρὴ μυστήρια’, Nub.143]. These secrets–mysteries refer
to Schools of brotherhoods, such as the one of the followers and disciples of
Pythagoras of Samos, where the rules are being considered as a dogma. Silence
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
the name and the fame of Socrates, but he creates a fantasy world of a non-
-Socratic School: a thinkery which produces Sophists.
and methods (like ‘how high a bug can jump in relation to the human foot?’,
and asks the student to start the “Thinkery” immediately, in order to take part
and learn ((=‘μαθητιῶ γὰρ’, -
there:  (=ἵνα με διδάξῃς), -
ak’ (=‘βουλόμενος μαθεῖν λέγειν’), ‘but teach me the other one of your two causes’ (=δίδαξον
τὸν ἕτερον τοῖν σοῖν λόγοιν, ). He wants to be taught the Unjust Cause
‘pay scho-
ol fees’ὁμοῦμαι θεούς’).
Socrates starts the teaching procedure with his classic (Socratic) techni-
ques. He asks Strepsiades
(). The clear knowledge of things and how these things
trance, accompanied by loud claps of thunder, he asks for help Clouds, who
γνώμην’), “speech” (‘διάλεξιν’) and “mind” (‘νοῦν’), etc.
. These are
the ones that teach, learn, broaden the mind, propel the speech, etc.
derbolts in the atmosphere (-
gues further about the similarity of phenomena in the (Greek) language
(βροντὴ). This method is familiar to the Socratic way. Some attempts to origin
origins from ἀεί βάλλωνψυχή” from φυσέχη>φύσιν ὀχεῖ καὶ
ἔχει3. Aristophanes does not do anything more or less. He
both the famous ‘reliability check’ in the inside of the philosophical – scien-
much later by Epicure at ‘Letter to Herodotus’, in which he talks to a child in
Collection/Anthology of all the
examples at Ferrante
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
order to show him that he should not be afraid of thunderbolts, (
Δῖνος’). The com-
mentaries4 in Clouds (
(the presocratic philosophers) in his mind, with ‘δίνησιν αιθερίαν’. He correlates
Δῖνος’ with ‘’, because ‘αιθέριος
the way that ‘hippios=ἵππιος’ refers to Poseidon), while he cites the image of
Δίνου-Διός’ lies
in the basis of Strepsiades’ interpretation about the phenomenon of thunder.
ἐδίδαξας’ (‘you taught me’).
In another part of the play (
of his creditors, Amynias, who comes in order to protest about Phidippides’
debt to him, trying to collect the interest of his money at least. Strepsiades
uses the term ‘τόκος’ (=interest) with its double meaning: it means the interest
of a loan and a child as well. This double meaning can be also found in
 (). Strepsiades makes use here of a technique
of the last day of the month (‘ἕνη τε καὶ νέα’), when he is going to be impeached
at the jury paying the essential deposit, because it is not about one day, but
two days (‘ἕνη’ – ‘νέα’) ().
Socrates becomes upset with the fact that uneducated Strepsiades cannot
understand the importance of the ‘real’ language nor the immediate connec-
έτυμον’ (=original meaning) of the words.
Socrates, in Clouds
Strepsiades needs three whole lines in order to describe glass: ‘Have you ever
seen this stone in the chemist's shops, the beautiful and transparent one, from which
nition: 
In , the philosopher/sophist asks Strepsiades to cite some quadru-
ped male animals. Student/Strepsiades refers to the rooster (‘ἀλεκτρυών’), amon-
5 
…και γαρ Δίς και Ζήν και
Δήν και Ζάς και Ζής παρά Φερεκύδει κατά
κίνησιν ιδίαν’ κ.α.
6 
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corrects him, teaching him to call ‘ἀλέκτορα’ the male one and ‘ἀλεκτρύαινα’ the
female one: ‘Socrates: -
le and the male alektryon in the same way’ (see: PEPPLERCHANTRAINE-
– Strepsiades makes the same mistake in Nub.667 as for the “κάρδοπον” (=trou-
gh) and ‘καρδόπην
 ‘Amynias/
Amynia’ (in 
about the use of genres (grammatically; see: 
historical Socrates’ last words before drinking the hemlock was ‘ἀλεκτρυόνα’(=alek-
3) Socrates’ ‘Thinkery’
In the beginning of the play, Strepsiades makes a pun with the alliteration
of the words ἄνδρες (men) and ἄνθρακες
Socrates’ School (). In order to collate the learning procedure at that
πνιγεὺς’): He claims that Socrates’ Thinkery (‘phron-
tisterion’, ) is ‘ψυχῶν σοφῶν’ (a place of wise souls) where men who study
the sky and change other people’s minds inhabit (‘ἀναπείθουσιν’). This place is
are just coal(s) (‘ἄνθρακες’). They teach you to win in words for both the Just and
the Unjust Cause (‘λέγοντα νικᾶν καὶ δίκαια κἄδικα’), under the circumstance that
you pay them (‘ἀργύριον ἤν τις διδῷ’) (), despite the fact that Socrates con
sidered the teaching for money equal to the corporal prostitution.
Sophist- Socrates in Clouds and his students reside in Thinkery, in a pla-
GOLDBERG, 1976)
. In the dictionary
of Platonic philosophical terms
, ‘φροντίς’ (care) is the cogitation, the thinking
ἐκείνοις..ἴσως οὐδὲ εἷς περὶ
τούτου λόγος οὐδὲ φροντίςE). Someone has to take care of the mat-
ters of soul (‘τῆς ψυχῆς ὅπως ὡς βελτίστη ἔσται οὐ ἐπιμελεῖ οὐδὲ φροντίζεις’, 
), while ‘φροντιστής’ (indagator) is generally the researcher: ‘τά τε μετέωρα
φροντιστὴς καὶ τὰ ὑπὸ γῆς ἅπαντα ἀνεζητηκώςΦρόντισμα’ is the object
7 
8 Vocum
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
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of thinking, what someone thinks a thought. The term ‘phrontisterion’ is
being used by Philostratus the Athenean9
Socrates in Clouds is being called as ‘φροντιστής’ (someone who thinks de-
nically. It is worth mentioning that the noun φροντίς
Clouds (
(Burnet, 1924:76) and only four times more in all the other Aristophanes’ sa-
Chorus to mention the care, concern and not the thinking — study. Aristophanes
in Clouds calls Socrates and his students as ‘μεριμνοφροντισταὶ’ (=minute phi-
losophers, noble, in ), because ‘μέριμνα’ is conceptually similar to ‘φροντίδα
ἀπεριμερίμνως’ (=carelessly) by bru-
tally kicking the door of the Thinkery. For that reason, the student who opens
ἀμαθής’ (uneducated) (in
) Socrates appears inside the Thinkery, Strepsiades sees
him hanging (‘οὐπὶ τῆς κρεμάθρας’): ‘I am walking in the air, and speculating
about the sun’ (=ἀεροβατῶ11 καὶ περιφρονῶ τὸν ἥλιον
derworld’ (‘ἐρεβοδιφώσιν ὑπὸ τὸν Τάρταρον’). Strepsiades understands ‘υπερ-φρονώ
instead, which leads him to think that sophist — Socrates despises of Gods,
him as a teacher : 
 (
the care, and mortal Strepsiades is skill-less and uneducated as we saw pre-
nonym for ‘νήπιος’ (=infant, but also fool and uneducated) and is used only
once by Aristophanes at Clouds-
of Aeschylus. Infants are also Ulysses’
 etc.
Strepsiades is introduced to the Socratic Thinkery (), in pa-
rody of introduction ceremonies, the ‘ψυχῶν σοφῶν’ (=of wise spirits. ),
which combines elements from the teaching of Pythagoras (
10 
11 
9 
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
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the society of Athens [see 
ἱερόν σκίμποδα) and wears ‘chaplet’
(στέφανον’, 
of this aristophanic ‘School’ etc.
4) Teaching techniques
In Clouds it is crucial that Socrates teaches and Strepsiades cannot learn,
ment of Socrates’ appearance (), he starts incessantly to teach, to ask,
(teach) and ‘μανθάνω’ (learn) can be found widely throughout the play but as
certain terms can be found more than forty times, while Socrates is on stage
until the appearance of Just and Unjust Cause (). The teacher applies
ducated’, ‘barbarian’ (), ‘άπορος
‘forgetful’ (), rough () etc.
tandard and completely elementary. The lack of general and wide education
to the Thinkery (‘learn instead of me’=ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ μάνθανε’, ), he says to
him that ‘you will know yourself, how ignorant and stupid you are’ (=γνώσει δὲ
σαυτὸν ὡς ἀμαθὴς’, 
is inherently fond of learning (‘θυμόσοφος
to knowledge (). The educational techniques, though, that sophist
and can be summarized as follows:
7 
him in the modus that he (Strepsiades) already has, so that Socrates can be
able to know what kind of ‘καινὰς μηχανὰς
’, ).
mnemonic or not. Strepsiades,
they owe him money he can remember it, while when he owes money he
forgets it.
12La Scene de
l'initiation dans les 'Nubes' d’
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
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7 The teacher asks him if  (
gets disappointed.
7 As an antidote to his student’s ignorance, he threatens to punish him (‘μὴ
πληγῶν δέει’, ), but when Strepsiades answers correctly, he rewards
him ().
7 
he can be too ().
mined (
The Chorus encourages Strepsiades to concentrate fully on the problem and
when he comes to a dead-end (‘ἄπορον πέσῃς’) to change to another ‘meaning’
ne it again, in case of a dead-end thought ().
7 To distribute the parts of the problem (‘σχάσας..κατὰ μικρὸν
(‘ὀρθῶς καὶ σκοπῶν’, ).
7 
Clouds, that
Aristophanes uses the terms ‘learning’ and ‘teaching’ nearly throughout the
by Aristophanes’ Socrates, some of which are:
i. 
platonic dialogues, teacher — Socrates, though, instructs student — Strepsiades
ii. 
blowzy, while the bugs at Strepsiades’ blanket intensify the comedy issue.
iii. Obstetric method and practice. Some primary obstetric techniques are
being used and some related forms can be found, i.e. the distraction of thou-
ght of a student (φροντίδ᾽ ἐξήμβλωκας ἐξηυρημένην’), who was interrup-
ted while thinking due to the noise, that Strepsiades made by kicking the
door. Socrates, like a midwife, helps in the birth of new Ideas, and if this
procedure discontinues, then the encapsulated thoughts become aborted.
start again, following another path, if a searching method or a thought le-
ads to a dead-end.
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
Besides the comedy element / issue / thing, it is useful to keep on insisting
Criticism on both the despotic and the non-despotic education of his
5) Conclusion
The Agon between Just and Unjust Cause that occurs in a central scene of the
play (), represents the struggle between two worlds and two edu-
cational methods: On the one side lays the old, traditional, the classic past
metime during the play, criticizing both of them. He is interested, though, in
Education (-
tice of sophistic tricks taught by the principal — Socrates in Thinkery” —
since the establishment of the teacher’s role:
O my dear, my dear!
Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia – LADI – UnB – Vol. 7, Ano 3
Ideias e Críticas
of your complexion!
“Thinkery” School, he does not manage to learn anything, apart from some so-
ὁρᾷς οὖν ὡς ἀγαθὸν τὸ
μανθάνειν;’ (). Phidippides,
phist, the only thing that he manages to do by using this knowledge, is to show
As for the general purposes of knowledge, the teaching at the sophists’ “Thinkery”
School failed completely. The regularity of the drama that has been distorted,
because (in Hermes words) sophist — Socrates and his students (‘τοὺς θεοὺς
Perhaps this idea was so well–spread amongst the ancient Athenians that (co-)
in the 423 B.C. in Athens, the poet of Frogs, who at the most crucial moments
of modernist Euripides, chooses to burn the sophist Thinkery–School in
tead of the sophistic art at its basis. This educational choice of Aristophanes
th century B.C.
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comm., concordance, and new bibliography). London and Indianapolis.
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When the majority of UK citizens voted to exit the EU almost nobody could tell the main impact of the most important event in global politics in the beginning of the 21st century. Two years after the referendum none is sure what exactly Brexit means, especially on the relationship the UK will have with EU in the future. The UK invoked the Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and until 1 January 2021 there will be a transition period which is necessary for both parts to prepare and strike their own new trade deals. What lessons can a modern political thought learn from antiquity? According to Thucydides, the inventor of political science, and theorist of political and financial autonomy, there might be a new set of ways of thinking and values, for both UK’s major political parties. Through his political view of the cultural and institutional explanation of the democratic Athenian paradigm we could find some of the fundamentals of the first known democracy in the world and transfer them to our times. How could an observer conceive the risks and the opportunities of the future UK role after Brexit putting Thucydides’ theory into praxis? What is the relationship between modern UK politics decisions with the strategies of Pericles, Cleon, and Alcibiades, during the Peloponnesian War? Article visualizations: </p
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The scope of this article is to analyze the meanings attributed to the concept of ‘measure and mankind’ in Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound (Vinctus). According to this drama, all of man’s technical and cognitive skills derive from this hero who is credited with the creation of humanity: Prometheus, the titan defies Zeus by stealing the fire and giving it to humanity. He becomes the author of human sciences and disciplines such as mathematics, geography, astronomy, and medicine. Even though in Aeschylus the two levels of being, divine and the human, are co-existent in harmony, Prometheus insists that he can act against Zeus’ will in every level, because he holds the knowledge of the future. Fearless he chooses to struggle (‘agon’) for mankind’s existence in order to fight and improve human life, through the knowledge of fire. It seems that the ontological and functional role of ‘fire’ and ‘time’ is of such great significance in this philosophical conception that constitutes them as the primary and organizing principles and measure over many others. Friendship for the human race is the motivation that guides the titan in rescuing and ‘humanizing’ men. Prometheus’ excessive struggle to save people, by ‘deed’ and not ‘myth’ stands in stark contrast with the firm decision of Zeus to destroy the human race. These are the two extremes on which the tragedy balances and the struggle of Titan is the one that, as I argue in this article, gives the measure of humanization itself.
This paper aims to highlight poetry’s position in the latest curricula for primary and secondary education, designed and implemented in 2011. My primary goal here is to bring to the fore the most important characteristics of the NCS through the perspectives of Critical Pedagogy, Cultural studies and Reader-Response literary theories. My attempt to detect and present the groundbreaking aspects of the new curricula is organised around three main points pertaining to the teaching of poetry in school: a) the new teaching context delimited and defined by the NCS; b) the reinstatement of the student to the position of reader; c) the connection of poetry itself to the lived experiences of students within their concurrent cultural and temporal reality, and the consequent recovery of the historicity of the poetic texts. Key-words: Curricula – Critical Pedagogy – Teaching Poetry – Cultural Studies
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The scope of this article is to explore the body of Aeschylus’ play Prometheus Bound and to analyze the meanings attributed to the concept of teaching and learning. According to Aeschylus, all of man’s technical and coginitive skills derive from Prometheus: especially teaching at a very early stage using specific techniques and skills such as guidance, education, the ability to improve, managing student behavior, setting goals, and understanding. It seems that the history of the duality ‘teaching-learning’ is deeply rooted in the ancient theatrical play Prometheus Bound. It appears that the educational role of ‘fire’ and ‘time’ is of such great significance in Aeschylus’ philosophical conception that constitutes them as the primary principles over many others. And Prometheus, the ontological equivalent of these principles, teaches mankind to teach itself, through sciences and disciplines such as mathematics, geography, astronomy, and medicine.
The contributions to this book illustrate how linguistic study of Greek comedy can deepen our knowledge of the intricate connections between the dramatic texts and their literary and socio-cultural environment. Topics discussed include the relationship of comedy and iambus, the world of Doric comedy in Sicily, figures of speech and obscene vocabulary in Aristophanes, comic elements in tragedy, language and cultural identity in 5th-century Athens, linguistic characterization in Middle Comedy, the textual transmission of New Comedy, and the interaction of language and dramatic technique in Menander. Research in these topics and in related areas is reviewed in a bibliographical essay. While the main focus is on comedy, the book adopts a diversity of approaches (including narratology, pragmatics, lexicology, dialectology, sociolinguistics, and textual criticism).
By examining linguistic variation in Aristophanic comedy, Andreas Willi opens up a new perspective on intra-dialectal diversity in Classical Attic Greek. A representative range of registers, technical languages, sociolects, and (comic) idiolects is described and analyzed. Stylistic and statistical observations are combined and supplemented by typological comparisons with material drawn from sociolinguistic research on modern languages. The resulting portrayal of the Attic dialect deepens our understanding of various socio-cultural phenomena reflected in Aristophanes' work.
Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates and Crito (ed. with notes)
  • J Burnet
Burnet, J. (1924). Plato's Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates and Crito (ed. with notes). Oxford.
Aristophanic Comedy. Berkeley and Los Angeles Dover
  • Kenneth J Dover
Dover, Kenneth J. (1972). Aristophanic Comedy. Berkeley and Los Angeles Dover, Kenneth J. (1993). Aristophanes: Frogs (ed. with introd. and comm.). Oxford. Duranti, Alessandro (1997). Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge.