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Kingdom Come: Deliverance. A Bohemian Forest Simulator


Abstract and Figures

Review of the video game Kingdom Come: Deliverance
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance. A Bohemian Forest Simulator
Eugen Pfister
Review of the video game Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Keywords: Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Review, Czech History, Authenticity,
To cite this article: Pfister, E., 2019. Kingdom Come: Deliverance. A Bohemian Forest
Simulator. gamevironments 11, 142-148. Available at http://www.gamevironments.uni-
Riding and hiking alone through the lush forests between Sázava and Rataje (now
part of the region Středočeský kraj), I felt strangely at peace with myself. Most of the
time I had no definite destination, no explicit goal. I mean, sure, if I would have taken
the time to check my quest log, I would have found a handful of pending tasks. But I
didn’t care. I wanted to stay a little longer in the glade, check out this little creek in
the valley, explore that hidden trail. These were for me most definitely the best
moments of Kingdom Come: Deliverance (2018), moments of sincere serenity in the
midst of a virtual 15th century Bohemian forest. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is sold as
a historically authentic RPG set in medieval central Bohemia. Its development was
funded by the he Czech billionaire Zdeněk Bakala and an additional Kickstarter-
crowdfunding campaign where it gained much attention through its proclaimed aim
to “to make the experience as authentic as possible” (Warhorse Studios 2019a).
The aspiration of the developers to simulate “accurate melee combat” (Warhorse
Studios 2019a) means, that, if I accidentally met some brigands, I had no intention to
fight them and tried to keep out of their way. I wouldn’t have survived the encounter.
The game always worked best for me, when my avatar was left alone. Even a brief
attempt at hunting ended rather frustrating, when the hunted hare, surrounded by
fifteen of my arrows, that most apparently have missed him, stared back at me with
an unnerving calm. The same can be said for all my attempts at socializing with the
locals. They did not have much to say and I did not know what to ask. We were never
meant to exchange pleasantries or to get to know each other. My short-lived
friendship with the son of the baron was therefore ill fated. This does not mean that I
constantly avoided all other human NPCs. I was still curious. I wanted to visit their
settlements, their castles and of course the affectionately reconstructed Sázava
Monastery. I liked to watch them working in the fields, gossiping at the taverns or
working in their shops. They had their daily routines, their life seemed to me full of
purpose and peace, at least for those who were not slaughtered by barbaric invaders.
But the closer I looked the more they began to resemble hollow automatons. A
moment exemplified by the mother of the protagonist dusting the earth floor in front
of their house. And what is worse, almost all women look the same, and almost all of
them had nothing of purpose to say (Brandenburg 2018).
That is precisely my problem with this game, it has a beautiful backdrop and some
intricately costumes, but no actors/agents to fill the gameworld with life. Of course,
the same can be said about almost all open-world games. It is extremely difficult to
program lifelike NPCs.
Figure 1: Women’s roles are extremely limited in Kingdom Come: Deliverance © Warhorse Studios.
The trouble is, that Kingdom Come: Deliverance was sold by its Czech developer
Warhorse Studios (2019b) as the most historically accurate RPG:
“KC:D is an open-world, realistic RPG set in the late Middle Ages. The game’s
focus is threefold: lavish visuals, realistic first-person melee combat and an
immersive, credible story played out in an authentic setting that provides a
refreshing alternative to corny, save-the-world scenarios”.
So, where do we find this historical accuracy, maybe in the story? Not so much. The
story is the umpteenth rerun of the ever-same story of a young boy, who secretly is a
prince and rescues the world.
You are playing young Henry, son of the local blacksmith who loses both his parents,
when Cuman soldiers under the control of Sigismund, king of Hungary and Croatia
attack the small village of Skalitz. You then get a chance to avenge your parents when
Sir Radzig Koblya accepts you as his envoy. It is later revealed that you are in fact an
illegitimate son of Radzig. Sounds familiar? A little bit like the story of the young
William Thatcher in A Knight’s Tale (2001), or like the young blacksmith Balian in
Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven (2005), or – truth to be told – the story of Luke
Skywalker in George Lucas’ Star Wars (1977). The story works because it successfully
taps to the fantasy of so many teenage boys in the whole world, who dream of
secretly being a prince that rescues the world. And there is nothing wrong with that.
It sometimes works for me, too. But as a historian, I most definitely have a problem
with the claim of the developers, that Kingdom Come: Deliverance is more historically
accurate than any other RPG. Because it is not.
Figure 2: Henry, the game’s protagonist © Warhorse Studios
Let me explain: Sure, there are no orcs, no dragons, no demons, no warlocks, no elves
and all of the mentioned historical personalities have really existed. It is also true, that
the developers have spent many working hours to painstakingly recreate the
architectural façade of a medieval Bohemia. The beautiful Sázava Monastery is the
most remarkable example for this. But as I said, it is first and foremost façade, a
historicizing background for a timeless young boy fantasy. The problem is the idea of
historical accuracy transported here. For Warhorse Studios, this means the
reconstruction of medieval architecture and costumes and the landscape. But we
learn almost nothing about the true everyday life of Bohemian peasants or craftsmen
in the 15th century, we learn almost nothing about their way of thinking – an intricate
and intelligently woven side quest about Hussites being the noteworthy exemption.
Figure 3: Sázava Monastery in Kingdom Come: Deliverance © Warhorse Studios.
This is why I have a problem with creator Daniel Vávra’s declaration: “Since the Czech
historians were kind of cut off from the world, there was no one to tell our history. So
basically, we are using pop culture to spread the word” (Brillaud 2017). If asked, any
medievalist will tell you, that the history of Bohemia in the Middle Ages is very well
researched, especially the military history. There have been hundreds of conferences,
anthologies, monographies. In fact, the Czech colleagues that were credited as
historical consultants of the game in the credits are very well connected
internationally. Vávra’s claim should therefore be read solely as a marketing tool.
Trouble is, it is more because his claim is fueling national sentiments of a neglected
Czech nation:
“For the purposes of Deliverance, it’s enough to say that setting a game during
the struggle of for power between Sigismund and Wenceslas IV is loaded with
historical significance relevant to the modern day. By turning them into easy
symbols for good/Czech versus evil/foreign, they foreshadow a nation’s
century long fight for sovereignty, recalling a more recent past in which the
Czech lands have had to contend with Soviet, Nazi and Austro-Hungarian
domination” (McCarter 2018).
And in the end, the game teaches us nothing new about Czech history, it dresses an
almost ancient fantasy in a historical costume, a beautiful historical costume, but only
a costume.
A Knight's Tale. 2001 [film] Brian Helgeland. USA: Sony Pictures Releasing.
Brandenburg, A., 2018. „Kingdom Come: Deliverance“ ist Realsatire. Geekgeflüster,
[blog] 2 September. Available at
deliverance-ist-realsatire, accessed 21 November 2019.
Brillaud, B., 2017. History's Creed (4/10), [video]. Available at, accessed 21
November 2019.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance, 2018. [video game] (Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4,
Xbox One) Warhorse Studios, Deep Silver.
Kingdom of Heaven. 2005 [film] Ridley Scott. USA: 20th Century Fox.
McCarter, R., 2018. Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Myth-making and Historical
Accuracy. Unwinnable, [online] 2 March. Available at
accuracy/, accessed 21 November 2019.
Star Wars. Episode IV - A New Hope. 1977 [film] George Lucas. USA: 20th Century Fox.
Warhorse Studios, 2019a. Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Available at,
accessed 1 December 2019.
Warhorse Studios, 2019b. Our games. Available at
games/, accessed 21 November 2019.
... Questions remain concerning Kingdom Come's vision of history, whether the promise of historical authenticity was fulfilled, and whether the game does not in fact convey a nationalist interpretation of that history (e.g. Bártfai, 2018;Let's Play History, 2018;McCarter, 2018;Taylor, 2018;Webster, 2018;Pfister, 2019, Wright, 2020. It is not the purpose of this paper to explore these debates, more thoroughly examined by Wright (2020). ...
Full-text available
This paper examines the strategies employed in the medieval role-playing game (RPG) Kingdom Come: Deliverance (2018) to deliver and contextualise lore, or historical & background knowledge, to the player. These strategies are compared to the approach employed in other RPGs, in particular the faux-medieval fantasy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011). It is argued Kingdom Come actively seeks to highlight the historical status of its content, projecting an impression of historical clarity, only occasionally highlighting uncertainty. By contrast, Skyrim conveys its lore in a nuanced and playful way that seems to acknowledge the limitations of the historical process.
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Situated within historical and regional (CEE) game studies, this article is an overview of games made in Poland after 1989 about Polish history up to the eighteenth century. It also outlines research made on those games, and it comments on changing cultural and political factors shaping the development of Polish history/heritage-themed games over the last three decades. We group the games in thematic-chronological categories: early medieval Slavic settings up to 1000, medieval to Renaissance Poland, and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1569–1795. Main findings: (a) Slavic fantasy became very popular with game developers after Witcher 3, but it has received little scholarly attention beside the witcher series. (b) Medieval Polish monarchies have barely caught the eye of game developers, which translates to the absence of related research. (c) The PLC period is well-represented in digital and nondigital games, and well-researched in historical games studies by Polish scholars in Polish and English.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance" ist Realsatire. Geekgeflüster
  • A Brandenburg
Brandenburg, A., 2018. "Kingdom Come: Deliverance" ist Realsatire. Geekgeflüster, [blog] 2 September. Available at, accessed 21 November 2019.
History's Creed (4/10)
  • B Brillaud
Brillaud, B., 2017. History's Creed (4/10), [video]. Available at, accessed 21 November 2019. 148_____
Kingdom Come: Deliverance -Myth-making and Historical Accuracy. Unwinnable
  • R Mccarter
McCarter, R., 2018. Kingdom Come: Deliverance -Myth-making and Historical Accuracy. Unwinnable, [online] 2 March. Available at, accessed 21 November 2019.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  • Warhorse Studios
Warhorse Studios, 2019a. Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Available at, accessed 1 December 2019.