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Journal of Education for Business
ISSN: 0883-2323 (Print) 1940-3356 (Online) Journal homepage:
An application of virtual reality in education: Can
this technology enhance the quality of students’
learning experience?
Enda McGovern, Gerardo Moreira & Cuauhtemoc Luna-Nevarez
To cite this article: Enda McGovern, Gerardo Moreira & Cuauhtemoc Luna-Nevarez (2019): An
application of virtual reality in education: Can this technology enhance the quality of students’
learning experience?, Journal of Education for Business, DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2019.1703096
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Published online: 18 Dec 2019.
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An application of virtual reality in education: Can this technology enhance
the quality of students’learning experience?
Enda McGovern
, Gerardo Moreira
, and Cuauhtemoc Luna-Nevarez
Department of Marketing, Welch College of Business and Technology, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA;
Department of Management and Marketing, College of Business, Texas A&M University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Virtual reality (VR) technology is making its mark across market sectors (e.g., gaming, health-
care, tourism). This paper examines the use of VR in education, specifically in business
classes, to better understand how this technology can help students improve their commu-
nication skills associated in delivering effective presentations and participating in public
speaking events. The VR application allowed students to assess their presentation skills, to
then practice in upgrading their skills, and gain more confidence in delivering effective pre-
sentations. Overall, this research demonstrates that the adoption of VR can be extremely
beneficial to business educators in helping students enhance their presentation skills.
Business education;
communication skills; digital
pedagogy; virtual reality
In recent years, the use of digital technologies in edu-
cation has grown significantly at all academic levels,
from elementary schools to post-graduate institutions.
This has opened more opportunities for educators to
embrace these technologies and improve the learning
experience for incoming students who are born digital
natives. While the adoption of digital technologies can
help students increase their learning motivation and
enhance their skills, educators face the challenge of
identifying, evaluating and selecting the best technolo-
gies to achieve these goals. It is critical for educators
to stay relevant on topics related to their discipline in
order to find the appropriate technologies that can
enhance their students’learning experience.
An important learning goal in most disciplines is
to improve students’communication skills through
class presentations. Presentations assess students’abil-
ity to prepare and display knowledge, while improving
upon their communication skills. A presentation can
be defined as a practiced speech that is delivered by a
presenter, yet it is not memorized or read (Levin &
Topping, 2006). In a classroom setting, students are
not often aware of how well or poorly they may be
performing in their presentations until after they
receive a grade. While some professors may be com-
mitted to providing feedback (Wardrope & Bayless,
1994), others may opt to not provide direct feedback
on students’presentation performance as students
could perceive it as a personal criticism. According to
Coffelt, Baker, and Corey (2016), developing presenta-
tion skills is highly valued by many institutions, such
as the National Association of College of Employers
(NACE) and the Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB). These organizations
have positioned effective oral communication as one
of the top three most sought-after qualities when hir-
ing individuals (NACE, 2018). Although the import-
ance of presentations in education has been
extensively studied, the context in which this research
examines presentations is innovative because of the
use of virtual reality (VR) technology. The VR appli-
cation, called Ovation VR, provides students with a
unique practice environment, an immersive “virtual”
learning experience, and “unbiased”detailed feedback.
Moreover, the Ovation software allows students to get
real-time feedback during and after their prac-
tice sessions.
Given the relevance of understanding the value and
impact of new technologies in business education, this
paper examines the adoption of VR in business classes
through an application that allows students to practice
their presentation skills. Additionally, this paper ana-
lyzes the effectiveness of VR in enhancing the learning
CONTACT Enda McGovern Department of Marketing, Welch College of Business and Technology, Sacred Heart
University, 5151 Park Ave, Fairfield, Connecticut 06825, USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
experience of business students and discusses further
implications of this technology in business education.
The business world has dramatically changed over the
past two decades. Most of these changes are directly
associated with the adoption of the Internet and
related applications and devices, such as smartphones,
tablets, and computers. These technologies are con-
tinually evolving and becoming more influential in
our daily lives. Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet
of Things (IoT), Robotics, Augmented Reality (AR)
and Virtual Reality (VR) are currently dominating the
latest advances in the technology domain. As more
businesses adapt to these emergent technologies, some
sectors have lagged in the knowledge of being able to
protect, or deflect, their existing operational models
from this technological disruption. One sector that
has struggled to engage this digital disruption to its
full potential is the education sector, and more specif-
ically, higher education. The cause of this resistance
can be broken down into two key challenges. The first
challenge is structural in form and refers to the inabil-
ity of universities to fund the digital investment neces-
sary to build new hardware and software technologies,
while potentially needing to mothball existing resour-
ces. The second challenge refers to professors’inability
or lack of appeal to adapt and engage the latest tech-
nologies in meeting the emerging demands
of students.
A technology that is slowly entering the education
sector is virtual reality (VR). VR can be defined as “a
medium composed of interactive computer simula-
tions that sense the participant’s position and actions
and replace or augment the feedback to one or more
senses, giving the feeling of being mentally immersed
or present in the simulation (a virtual world)”
(Sherman & Craig, 2002, p. 16). The interest in VR
has been trending up and down for the past 20 years.
This is primarily because VR applications rely heavily
on the latest advances in technology, necessary to
facilitate the use of VR. The recent Internet develop-
ments with the creation of a 5 G network have
become critical in developing the network to operate
VR at exponentially increased speeds and traffic cap-
acity (Newman, 2018).
Over the last decade, the adoption of VR has been
examined in applications related to tourism
(Bogicevic, Seo, Kandampully, Liu, & Rudd, 2019;
Eckhaus, 2017; Tussyadiah, Jung, & Tom Dieck,
2018), medicine (Levac et al., 2016), gaming (Isar,
2018), firefighting (Williams-bell, Kapralos, Hogue,
Murphy, & Weckman, 2015), the legal profession
(Young, 2014) and construction management
(Ahmed, 2019), among others. Tussyadiah et al.
(2018) provided strong evidence in support of the
effectiveness of VR in shaping tourists’attitudes and
behaviors in a positive direction, leading to a higher
level of visitor intention. In a more recent study,
Bogicevic et al. (2019) evaluated the benefits of view-
ing three different hotel previews to deliver integrated
tourist experience prior to booking of the actual hotel.
Their results demonstrated that a VR preview
“induces higher elaboration of mental imagery about
the experience and a stronger sense of presence pre-
view, thereby translating into enhanced brand experi-
ence”(p. 55).
Although VR has been proven valuable in tourism,
medicine and other areas, research regarding the
implementation of VR in educational settings is some-
what scarce. Procedures, including intubation and
laparoscopy (fiber-optic instrument is inserted
through the abdominal wall) along with eye surgery
are areas showing strong development of using VR
training techniques (Ruthenbeck & Reynolds, 2015).
VR has been also utilized in preparing nursing stu-
dents with basic nursing skills (Smith & Hamilton,
2015). Furthermore, the impact of VR applications
has been evaluated on students’performance in the
engineering discipline with positive results recorded
among a group of 48 students (Alhalabi, 2016). The
option of VR being used as a content delivery plat-
form for class material has been explored in a busi-
ness class. Students rated their enjoyment and interest
to be higher, increasing their engagement in learning
activities (Seung Hwan et al., 2017). A more recent
educational use of VR occurred in Wako, Japan,
where citizens were able to explore a model of a
supernova in the immersive three-dimensional format
(Impey et al., 2018). As the adoption of VR continues
to spread in the education sector, more research is
needed to understand the actual value and impact of
such technology in higher education, and more specif-
ically, in business education.
Participants and research materials
This study was undertaken at a private northeastern
university during the regular semester session. Due to
the research design, between 1 and 1.5 hours were
required to run the VR software with each student.
The sample consisted of 71 students in three different
sections of Introduction to Marketing classes (20, 25
and 26 students, respectively), and included 39 male
and 32 female participants, with 14 freshmen, 37
sophomores, 13 Juniors, and 7 Seniors. This sample
size is consistent with previous studies that engaged
VR technological applications (Albert, Patney, Luebke,
& Kim, 2017; Smith & Hamilton, 2015). None of the
students who participated in the study had ever expe-
rienced the use of Ovation VR software or other VR
applications in an educational setting.
The Oculus Rift, which is one of the most popular
VR tethered headsets, was selected for the study.
Running the Ovation VR software on the Rift allowed
participants to deliver their virtual presentations while
facilitating researchers’data collection. Ovation is rec-
ognized as a VR market leader platform that helps
users overcome their fear of making presentations or
speaking at public events ( It
offers several virtual settings for users to practice in
front of different audiences, including a classroom,
courtroom, boardroom and banquet room. When
practicing in a virtual setting, participants are allowed
to adjust their environment. They may stand at a
podium or move around in the virtual room, use a
hand held microphone (in the form of a controller),
and/or use a prompter positioned either in front or
behind them. As Ovation can record each presenta-
tion, participants can share their progress with other
Ovation users and request external feedback as part of
their learning process. Overall, Ovation seemed to be
a natural fit for this research as it is well known that
employers seek business graduates with strong com-
munication skills. Thus, it is important for business
educators to explore new technologies that can help
students build and improve such skills.
The research procedure included the following steps:
Step 1
All participants were provided with an elevator-pitch
in the form of an 8-slide presentation deck, entitled
“Why Should High School Students go to College? Top
5 Reasons.”This was necessary to allow all partici-
pants to work from the same script and connect with
a topic relevant to them.
Step 2
Before performing their virtual presentations, partici-
pants were required to visit the VR lab and familiarize
themselves with the hardware and software. In the
lab, students were provided with the Oculus Rift head-
set (already loaded with the Ovation software), and
required to put on the headset and navigate into the
virtual classroom. At this time, they were not allowed
to practice and were not informed about the software
features. This was important in order to establish a
baseline for each student’s current level of presenta-
tion skills. During this visit, students signed a consent
waiver and completed a brief Qualtrics online survey.
The survey included questions related to their current
level of confidence in making presentations, their
motivation, and the perceived difficulty in completing
the upcoming task.
Step 3
When students became familiar with the VR technol-
ogy, they were required to put on the Oculus Rift
headset and enter the Ovation virtual classroom to
prepare for their first presentation. Participants in the
virtual setting used an in-world representation (i.e., an
avatar) to give their presentations. Once participants
felt comfortable in the virtual classroom setting, they
started delivering their first presentation (P
), which
was recorded on the Ovation platform.
Step 4
When participants finished their presentation (P
), the
data collected by Ovation was presented to each partici-
pant individually using a screen display (see Figure 1).
This was the first time that participants were informed
about the three main categories of metrics recorded
by Ovation, namely Gaze,Voice and Gesture. These
categories and corresponding metrics are explained
as follows:
This category includes two metrics: Attention
Distribution and Audience Stare.Attention Distribution
measures the presenter’s eye contact with the audience
during the presentation, while Audience Stare measures
whether the presenter focuses too long staring at one
person or spot in the room, normally recorded if the
stare remains fixed for more than 5 seconds.
This category includes two metrics: Words per Minute
and Filler Words.Words per Minute measures the
speaking speed of the presenter. Ovation adopts a
speaking rate of between 120 and 180 words per
minute (wpm), which is the optimum band range for
the audience to be able to follow the narrative. Filler
Words records the number of filler or hesitation
words that a presenter uses in the spoken narrative.
Words such as “ah,”“so,”“but,”and “just”are consid-
ered examples of hesitation in Ovation. The higher
the number of filler words, the greater the likelihood
that the presenter is losing the audience’s attention
because their focus is being disrupted through con-
stant hesitation.
The only metric in this category is Hand Gestures.
This is measured by the presenter’s level of movement
of the two Oculus Rift hand controllers, presented on
a percentage scale.
Additionally, Ovation calculates a Total Score or
grade for each presentation. This metric allows users
to assess their overall performance during the presen-
tation and use this score as a reference point for
future practice sessions.
The results for all metrics were discussed with each
participant in a 30-minutes session. Once this discussion
was completed and all participants’questions were clari-
fied, participants move to their second presentation (P
Step 5
Participants performed their second presentation (P
All metrics were recorded, and the results were dis-
cussed with each participant and stored on Ovation
for further analysis.
Step 6
Before leaving the VR lab, participants were required
to complete a Qualtrics online survey, including ques-
tions related to their experience using the VR applica-
tion and their improvement in presentation skills.
Data analysis, results and discussion
A paired samples t-test was used to compare partici-
pants’performance between presentations 1 (P
) and
), and assess whether the mean scores from P
were statistically different than the mean scores from
, for the six metrics calculated by Ovation (attention
distribution, audience stare, words per minute, filler
words, hand gestures and total score). Table 1 shows
a means comparison (P
vs. P
) and other descriptive
statistics for the six variables measures by Ovation.
The results of the paired samples t-test (see Table 2)
are explained as follows.
Attention distribution
Participants showed a better attention distribution
during their second presentation, relative to their first
one (M
¼0.539, M
¼0.646; p<.01). It seems that,
during P
, participants were not aware of the import-
ance of looking at and visually engage the audience
around the classroom. On many occasions, partici-
pants focused their attention on the slides, which lim-
ited their ability to interact with the audience.
Conversely, during P
, participants were actively scan-
ning both sides of the classroom and adapted their
presentation style to better engage the audience.
Audience stare
The results of the paired sample t-test demonstrate a
significant improvement for participants’audience
stare from presentation 1 to presentation 2
¼0.576, M
¼705; p<.05). The instances of
participants staring at one location during P
was evi-
dent. Some participants stated that they did not realize
that they were doing this until the results were shared
Figure 1. Screen display of recorded student data and feedback provided by Ovation.
with them (after completing P
). Participants
expressed how much they wanted to improve this skill
for P
, as there were many different details running
through their mind in P
, i.e., it was “involuntarily
easy”to stare and not realize that it was occurring for
the short period of time.
Words per minute
Results showed no statistically significant difference
for words per minute (wpm) between presentations 1
and 2 (M
¼0.829, M
¼0.867; p>.10). This is not
surprising because Ovation’s acceptable range for this
metric (between 120 and 180 words) is somewhat
broad, thus most students stayed within this range
during both presentations. However, it is important to
note that there were some exceptions. For instance,
one participant was extremely nervous and spoke
above the 180 wpm mark for the majority of P
. After
discussing the results for P
with him, he continued
to exceed the limit during P
. After his second presen-
tation, he commented that he knew he had to relax
more and slow down but, once he started his presen-
tation, he became so nervous that he just “wanted to
get it finished.”
Filler words
Participants used significantly less filler words during
presentation 2 relative to presentation 1 (M
¼0.788; p<.01). During P
, participants were
using excessive filler words to either pause or stumble
during the presentation. Feedback on this metric
(after P
) was surprising for many participants, as
they did not realize that they were doing this. During
, students made a significant effort to not fall into
this trap and focus more on delivering a clearer mes-
sage. It is important to note that the filler words
metric needs to be used carefully. In many presenta-
tions, people may use some filler words (e.g., “so”)to
help themselves deliver their message more effectively.
Establishing a baseline on the use of these words
should be considered in any analysis. Ovation soft-
ware calculates the number of hesitation words, such
as “um,”“uh”and “etc.”but does not require
a baseline.
Hand gestures
Results demonstrate that participants improved their
hand gestures from presentation 1 to presentation 2
¼0.189, M
¼0.405; p<.01). Using hand ges-
tures to help explain important points during a pres-
entation can add value to the integrity of the
presenter’s message. It is evident that, during P
many participants were not aware of moving their
hands to help them make a better presentation.
Recording participants’movement of hands was very
helpful, as many of them did not use hand gestures.
After P
, participants discussed how they wanted to
focus more on this skill, as they now understand the
importance of displaying more confidence and control
by using hand gestures.
Total score
Overall, the total score of participants was signifi-
cantly higher for presentation 2 relative to presenta-
tion 1 (M
¼0.579, M
¼0.685; p<.01). As
explained before, the total score is calculated from the
integration of three metric categories: gaze, voice and
gestures. The total score was very valuable for partici-
pants because it helped them understand their overall
performance in one single metric. Participants
expressed that, with more practice sessions, they could
work on improving their total score and increasing
their confidence in preparation for actual live presen-
tations in the classroom (i.e., facing the professor and
classmates and not “virtual people”).
Table 1. Means comparison for the six metrics calculated by
Ovation (P
vs. P
Mean Standard deviation Standard error mean
Attention distribution
0.539 0.313 0.037
0.646 0.257 0.031
Audience stare
0.576 0.437 0.052
0.705 0.424 0.050
Words per minute
0.829 0.290 0.035
0.867 0.261 0.031
Filler words
0.734 0.147 0.017
0.788 0.126 0.015
Hand gestures
0.189 0.343 0.041
0.405 0.434 0.053
Total score
0.579 0.173 0.021
0.685 0.168 0.020
Table 2. Results of a paired samples t-test (P
vs. P
) for the
six metrics calculated by Ovation (n¼71).
tdf Sig. (2-tailed) p-value
Attention distribution –2.774 70 .007
Audience stare –2.148 70 .035
Words per minute –1.308 70 .195
Filler words –5.049 70 .000
Hand gestures –5.072 70 .000
Total score –5.444 70 .000
Conclusions and recommendations for
future research
This research demonstrates the potential of adopting
VR technology to further enhance business education,
in this instance, by enabling students to practice and
improve their presentation skills. Our results provide
significant evidence that VR can enhance students’
ability to acquire a broader range of skills in nurtur-
ing their overall educational experience. The skillset
required to become successful business professionals
includes building strong presentation skills. Thus,
business educators must invest some time in exploring
and evaluating new technologies that can facilitate this
task. Aside from these findings, the timing for the
emergence of VR into the educational mainstream is
now ripe for two primary reasons. The upcoming 5 G
network will revolutionize the opportunity for many
technologies to take the next dive into disrupting
digital pedagogy across all educational levels.
Simultaneously, the new generations of students are
enthusiastic to embrace the latest technologies that
can help them develop the skills demanded by an
increasingly competitive job market.
Given that the adoption of VR in higher education
is relatively new, we encourage other professors to
seek out and collaborate with established VR compa-
nies developing educational software. Such companies
can greatly benefit from a collaborative relationship
with higher education institutions. The implementa-
tion of VR applications into the classroom can be ini-
tially challenging, as most students are not familiar
with the hardware and software required by VR tech-
nology. As a result, professors need to plan carefully
so that VR integration occurs as gradually and
smoothly as possible. It is strongly recommended that
such efforts engage the university’s Information
Technology (IT) office as their staff can assist faculty
in maximizing both the utilization and engagement of
the VR technology. For instance, the IT staff can help
professors convert an office space or a small room
into a functional VR space. In this study, researchers
created a small lab environment in the library. While
students were delivering their presentations behind a
closed glass door, we considered it important for stu-
dents to have privacy while presenting.
Lastly, while this paper explores the use of VR to
develop students’presentation skills and provides
positive evidence in support of the adoption of VR,
future research might focus on evaluating students’
performance when giving a presentation to a live
audience after practicing with the VR software. This
could further advance the potential benefits of adopt-
ing VR in business education.
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