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Jigsaw Teaching Technique for Teaching Science

  • KIIT College of Education Gurgaon


With the changing scenario of education, various teaching strategies are being implemented. The objective of these strategies is to develop the interest of students through cooperation and collaboration. Among the cooperative learning strategies, the jigsaw learning technique has been found to be highly effective. The present study illustrates the concept and procedure of the jigsaw teaching method. This method was developed by social psychologist Elliot Aronson (1971) to strengthen the bond among pupils regardless of their race, gender or locality. A sample lesson plan has also been developed by the investigators on teaching 'Force and Pressure' from science textbook for class 8 th following jigsaw teaching technique.
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
Jigsaw Teaching Technique for Teaching Science.
Dr. Poonam Dhull*
*Assistant Professor, R.L.S. College of Education Sidhrawali, Gurugram
Ms. Gunjan Verma**
**Senior Research Fellow, Department of Education, M.D. University, Rohtak
With the changing scenario of education, various teaching strategies are being implemented. The objective of these strategies is to
develop interest of students through cooperation and collaboration. Among the cooperative learning strategies, jigsaw learning
technique has been found to be highly effective. The present study illustrates the concept and procedure of jigsaw teaching method.
This method was developed by social psychologist Elliot Aronson (1971) to strengthen the bond among pupils regardless of their
race, gender or locality. A sample lesson plan has also been developed by the investigators on teaching Force and Pressure from
science textbook for class 8th following jigsaw teaching technique.
Keywords: Jigsaw Teaching Technique, Cooperative Learning Strategy, Students.
In the field of education, cooperative learning is one of the cardinal innovative practice. It can be described as an instructional strategy
which employs motivational techniques to make learning more interesting and relevant (Cornelius-Ukpepi et al., 2016). Several
researchers suggested that if implemented well, cooperative learning strategies increased students’ motivation, learning, reasoning,
thinking skills, student achievement and, active learning. It was also found that these techniques lessen the anxiety and disruptive
behaviour of students. By working in a ‘team’ or ‘cooperative groups’ the students get an opportunity to develop interpersonal skills
which will be helpful in their future careers. Unlike personal learning or competition in the classroom, this approach encourages
students to sink or swim together. Here, the students are responsible for the learning of others as well as themselves.
Johnson et al., (1991) presented six characteristics of cooperative learning groups i.e., positive interdependence, individual
accountability, face to face promotive interaction, appropriate collaborative skills, group processing, and heterogeneous groups.
Cooperative learning has been used for several years for enhancing students’ achievement. In this strategy, learners are assessed
individually and are held responsible for sharing and mastery of subject matter. It is a methodology that employs a variety of teaching
activities to improve the understating of students.
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
Fig. 1.1: Types of Cooperative Learning Strategies
Jigsaw Teaching Strategy
The jigsaw teaching strategy is a collaborative learning approach, which was first developed by Elliot Aronson (1971). The goal of
the approach is to study the learning material in groups to achieve specific objectives. Aronson (2005) developed a detailed series of
steps to carry out jigsaw teaching strategy. This method is used often because of its flexible structure. The strategy was developed to
reduce racial conflict and promote students’ (belonging to minority) learning outcomes. The concept of this strategy is based on the
individuality of students. It is believed that each student is different and as a member of the team he/she contributes uniquely.
This strategy draws a direct image of a jigsaw puzzle where each student represents a piece of the puzzle. As the final image of a
puzzle constructed from fitting together separate pieces, each student presents his/her assigned academic tasks to complete the puzzle.
Thus, it can be concluded that each student plays a vital role to complete the assignments given by the teacher by cooperating with
other students. Although students can learn on their own, this strategy provides an opportunity to listen to the perspective of the other
students. It may also be inferred that this strategy enhances the quality of education. In addition to this, students learn to take personal
responsibility for their task.
Steps for Teaching Jigsaw Teaching Technique
The strategy can be implemented by using four steps. A detailed description of the steps is provided in the figure given below:
Fig 1.2: Steps for Jigsaw Teaching Technique
Types of
Round Robot
Team Pair
Steps for Jigsaw
1) Planning and
Preparation 2)
Implementation 3)
Observation 4)
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
1) Planning and Preparation:
The teacher selects the chapter to be taught in the class for the next lecture.
The chapter is divided into 5-6 subtopics (according to the number of students in a group).
The teacher should prepare an observation sheet to record the performance of students (individually and as a whole group).
The quiz should be prepared beforehand to assess the changes in the knowledge of students.
An assignment or project can also be given to the students to measure their work as a group.
The teacher should prepare clear instructions for students and he/she should also explain the critical terminologies so that
students can understand the topic easily.
2) Implementation:
The teacher should introduce the lesson and outline the sub-topics to be covered.
Next step is to divide the whole class into heterogeneous home groups/ teams. Each team is consisting of 5-6 students.
Each member of the home team is assigned a sub-topic to master.
After mastering the topic, each member of the home team meets with the other members of home teams to make expert
teams to study and discuss the sub-topics. Thus, these expert groups consist of students with identical sub-topics.
These experts discuss and present their topics. This step is very important because students hear the perspectives of others.
This helps to enhance their communication skills and help them to solve any query. This is particularly helpful for the
students who face the problem in understanding the task on their own.
Experts then return to their original home teams to teach their sub-topics to other members of the team. Here, students are
accountable for individual learning and the success of the group as well.
Fig. 1.3: Illustration of Home Groups and Expert Groups
3) Observation
The teacher observes the interaction among students. At this stage, the teacher also acts as a facilitator and guide. It is
important that every student presents their topics.
4) Reflection:
This step assesses the student by giving assignments and quizzes are given to the students individually.
The teacher also provides feedback based on the performance of an individual and whole groups.
Role of the Teacher in Implementing Jigsaw Strategy
The teacher is an organizer of resources and himself.
The teacher is a guide whose role is to direct the classroom procedures and activities smoothly.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
The teacher should be able to analyze the needs of the students. He/she determines and responds according to the learner’s
linguistic needs.
The teacher should monitor, encourage and bridge gaps in students’ use of strategies.
Use of Jigsaw Teaching Technique at Lower to Higher Level of Education for Various Subjects
Maden (2011) recommended that jigsaw teaching technique can be used for teaching language skills. This strategy also has a positive
effect on student success and participation in learning a language. It is also useful for teaching various subjects in schools by breaking
them down in parts. Walker et al., (2015) reported that jigsaw method is a new education tool for the medical curriculum, it allows
for peer discussion of a large amount of material in a short period of time. Aydin and Biyikli (2017) also concluded that the jigsaw
technique has positive effects on student success and participation in learning and making the physics experiments. They further
found that this method will be beneficial for the elimination of misconceptions about particular subjects. In support of this, Shahri et
al., (2017) recommended that jigsaw learning technique is a proper method for teaching physics. Karacop and Diken (2017) also
suggested that science teachers can develop the cognitive skills of students by employing the jigsaw technique and integrating it into
laboratory practices. They revealed that the jigsaw technique is effective for teaching theoretical and practical aspects of science.
Nurbianta and Dahlia (2018) reported that the jigsaw method motivated the students for learning and encouraged the students’ interest
in the English lesson. It is also an enjoyable and educational method to learn.
Lesson plan on Force and Pressure by using Jigsaw Strategy
Topic: Force and Pressure Class: 8th
Number of Students: 24 Duration of Lesson: 50 Minutes
Objective: The students will be able to understand the concept of force and pressure.
Sub-Topics: Concept of Force, Contact Forces, Non-Contact Forces, Concept of Pressure.
Day One:
The teacher will explain the jigsaw teaching technique in detail to the students.
4 heterogeneous home groups will be created by the teacher using random selection method. Each home group consists of 4
students (number of groups and students may vary according to the class size). The teacher must appoint a leader in every
group to manage the tasks.
After group formation, the teacher announces the topic (Force and Pressure) and outlines the sub-topics.
The teacher will assign sub-topics to each member of the home group.
After assigning the topics, students will be instructed to study by themselves. The teacher will make rounds to guide the
students and to explain critical terminology to the students.
Home Group 1 Home Group 2 Home Group 3 Home group 4
1) Concept of Force
2) Contact Force
3) Non-Contact Force
4) Concept of Pressure
A1 A2
A3 A4
C1 C2
C3 C4
D1 D2
D3 D4
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
Day Two:
After mastering their own topics, the students are instructed to form expert groups. Students with identical topics will meet
and form 4 expert groups.
At this stage, every student must prepare and present his/her topic. 10 minutes should be assigned to every student for
presenting the topic.
The teacher will also observe the students and explain critical terminologies like gravitational force, muscular force, etc to
Expert Group 1 Expert Group 2 Expert Group 3 Expert Group 4
Day Three:
After mastering the topics, the students will return to their home groups and discuss their topics.
The teacher will now prepare an observation sheet to assess each student and their progress. The desirable behaviour to be
noted may be: 1) Group 1 is able to proceed in a logical sequence starting from the concept and ending on the conclusion.
2) Students are able to have patience with each other. 3) Students can explain the concept by using the example. 4) Students
do not require any outside direction or help.
Day Four:
On the fourth day, the teacher assesses the knowledge of students through an individual test and a group assignment.
The questions should be prepared beforehand by the teacher to reflect on the whole process. Example- 1) Name the types
of force? 2) give examples of Non-contact Force?
A discussion should be held where the teacher asks the response of students regarding jigsaw teaching technique. To reflect
on the process some questions can be asked such as: What did you like about the activity? What did you dislike about the
activity? How did you feel about teaching your peers on force and pressure? What is the most important thing who have
learned from this activity? If given a chance what will you do differently next time?
Educational Value of Jigsaw Teaching Strategy
Many researchers have suggested that jigsaw teaching technique is successfully used in teaching various subjects. Darnon et al.,
(2012) found that the jigsaw technique proved beneficial for increasing students’ self-efficacy in vocational training courses. The
strategy can also be used to improve the learning of teachers. According to Van Wyk (2015), “Teachers expressed positive attitudes
towards jigsaw learning and enjoyed the group spirit”. Sabbah (2016) suggested that the jigsaw strategy empowers the students to
take charge of their learning, retention, peer tutoring, communication skills and, retrieval of concepts. It was also found that this
strategy decreases stress, tension and, absent-mindedness. Bhandari et al., (2017) also reported that subsequent presentation helped
the students in overcoming hesitation and shyness.
Distribution of Topics in Expert
Concept of Force
A1, B1, C1, D1
Contact Force
A2, B2, C2, D2
Non- Contact Force
A3, B3, C3, D3
Concept of Pressure
A4, B4, C4, D4.
Expert Groups
A1 B1
C1 D1
A2 B2
C2 D2
A3 B3
C3 D3
A4 B4
C4 D4
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
The Jigsaw teaching strategy is a collaborative learning strategy which can be extensively used at lower to a higher level of education.
According to Bogam and Khan (2016), “the traditional didactic lecture method needs to be replaced by an interactive method like
Jigsaw to facilitate learning among medical students”. Thus, it can be inferred that jigsaw is effective for any subject and at any level
of education. Hidayah et al., (2017) concluded that cooperative learning strategies such as the jigsaw model and make a match can
significantly increase the activeness of students in a third-grade classroom. In support of this, Garcia et al., (2017) also found that
students preferred non-traditional methods of teaching and collaboration as they resulted in effective learning.
Adams (2013) reported that pupils developed an interest in working with other students. They also cultivated good habits. It was also
found that students were able to answer the questions more confidently. In support of this, Garcia et al., (2017) also found that jigsaw
is an effective strategy which allows students to learn through cooperation instead of rote learning and isolation. Aydin and Biyikli
(2017) found that jigsaw technique created an effective learning environment. The students were noted to express their ideas better
as a result of a cooperative environment. In support of this Bhandari et al., (2017) also reported that jigsaw activity promoted better
bonding among students as well as teachers. Jigsaw method helps in the development of scientific process skills of learners. It was
also found that learners affective domain was also influenced by the jigsaw strategy (Karacop and Diken, 2017).
The main goal of teaching is to create a meaningful learning experience for students and teachers. Research studies in the area suggest
that jigsaw teaching technique is much more effective than lectures because it focuses on cooperation. Cooperation is a predominant
characteristic of humans which helps them in bonding. This strategy also focuses on several aspects such as maintaining a harmonious
relationship among students and helping slow learners. To achieve this objective a leader is appointed in every group so that every
student gets a chance to present their ideas without feeling inferior. To help slow learners, expert groups are created so that they can
learn from others and have enough time to understand the topic. Thus, it can be concluded that jigsaw teaching technique is an
effective method for enhancing the performance of students and maintaining an interactive classroom.
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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
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... Nevertheless, her practice suited her teaching contexts and was approved by her students, which addressed accountability issues such as students displaying effortless actions during Jigsaw processes as raised by Susanti and Subekti (2020). Our teacher participant's practice of dedicating more time to students she deemed having a low level of reading comprehension ability demonstrated her effort to reap the benefits of Jigsaw, i.e., everyone has a contribution and does not feel inferior in delivering their opinions and ideas (Dhull & Verma, 2019). ...
p style="text-align:justify">Active learning has been a curriculum mandate in the Indonesian education system since the 1980s. Nonetheless, practical gaps existed, as evidenced by the dominance of teacher-centered instruction in public schools. The field needs research depicting how active learning works and enhances learning. Thus, we conducted a qualitative case study focusing on one method within active learning pedagogies: cooperative learning. Specifically, we examined how one of its techniques, i.e., Jigsaw, operated and optimized English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' reading comprehension. We involved one EFL teacher and her students in eighth grade. Data were gathered through classroom observations, in-depth interviews, and analysis of instructional documents. Our data analysis revealed some missed steps in the teacher participants' lesson plans, specifically in the main learning activities sections that had the Jigsaw procedures. However, these activities were enacted in the actual classroom use. The teacher participant also modified her lessons to make Jigsaw more effective. Additionally, she tackled challenges that occurred during the process, especially in dealing with low levels of reading comprehension, unmotivated students, and limited time. For effective use of Jigsaw and considerations when making adjustments in classroom practice, we recommend that teachers understand cooperative learning principles and how they manifest in the procedures of the selected technique(s).</p
... 2,3 There are number of advantages of jigsaw mode of teaching, it is an important strategy where students are motivated, and they are more enthusiastic to learn. It increases student participation and helps in developing interpersonal skills like argumentation skill, creative & logical thinking skill, communication skill etc. [4][5][6][7][8] Jigsaw strategy is very effective when large content is to be taught in small duration in student centric, peer group assisted learning fashion. Effectiveness of jigsaw in learning a topic in various subjects of MBBS curriculum is well documented. ...
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Jigsaw technique as a teaching modalities is an important and fascinating mode of teaching students a particular topic in an effective and interesting manner. Though the effectiveness of Jigsaw implementation is documented by many researchers, not only for medical science subjects but also for various topics in chemistry, engineering and nursing courses, it’s application and feasibility is often being questioned. Many researchers find the implementation of Jigsaw a daunting task, which requires a lot of time, planning and number of resource person. This article emphasises upon feasibility of Jigsaw implementation and its effectiveness in spite of all odds like limitation of resource faculty, time, space etc. In this study Jigsaw planning was done impromptu for revision of the topic “Enzyme” for students of biochemistry in first MBBS. 49 out of total 62 students of batch A reported for tutorial session. They were divided into 6 experts groups[EG1-EG6]. Each EG was given one sub topic out of above. They were instructed to discuss it among their peers in EG. Later one student from each EG was mobilised to create home group[HG]. Total 8 HG were thus created and the students were asked to discuss their subtopic in HG in sequential manner; which means first of all student from EG-1 discusses the sub topic to rest of the members of his/her own HG, next the student from EG 2 explains the sub topic to rest of the members of his/her own HG. This fashion all the sub topics were sequentially discussed in all the HG parallelly and the whole topic of enzyme was discussed in each HG in peer assisted learning fashion. Students were later asked to write reflection on this activity. Same activity was repeated for batch B students. During analysis of reflection it was found that this exercise was appreciated by majority of students, and they perceived this activity as an interesting and effective modality of teaching learning. They even wanted repetition of Jigsaw activity in future for various other topics. It is concluded that in-spite of limitation of time and limited faculty backup, Jigsaw can be effectively implemented for benefit of students in a short notice.
... The results showed that the jigsaw learning model could improve students' critical thinking skills with an average increase of 43%. With the jigsaw learning model, students are responsible for the subject matter, helping each other and interacting with fellow students so that each of them is active in the learning process (Abed, Sameer, Kasim, & Othman, 2019;Bacsal, Ibañez, & Pentang, 2022;Rosita Elmagustilla, 2021;Verma, Dhull, & Gunjan Verma, 2019;Yimer & Feza, 2019). The syntax offered in the jigsaw learning model helps students understand learning material, and as a result, can improve students' critical thinking skills. ...
Critical thinking skills require an active learning process that involves deciding whether to agree or disagree with the information, making judgments to ensure correctness, and correcting inaccurate information to generate new ideas. This study employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the main objective of identifying learning models that can increase student involvement in learning mathematics and improve students’ critical thinking skills. This study aims to improve students’ critical thinking skills using the Jigsaw cooperative learning model. The teacher conducting the study used the applied learning model, while the researcher acted as an observer. This activity involved twenty-five tenth grade and was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Al Muayyad Surakarta. The results showed that by implementing the Jigsaw cooperative learning model, there was an increase in the process of learning mathematics in both cycles. The results showed the jigsaw learning model could improve students’ critical thinking skills with an average increase of 43% in critical thinking skills before the study.
... The posttest results also implied the findings of Huseein & Nemah (2019) in their research which stated that the Grade 3 students, who were exposed to the Jigsaw strategy, showed better scores in their achievement test in Chemistry than those students who were taught in traditional way of teaching. 14 24 24 15 21 23 The pretest and posttest were constructed by the researchers in such a way that the knowledge and understanding of the Grade 3 students about the topic about the factors that influence the consumer's choice of goods and services that they have learned using the Jigsaw strategy were targeted. The items in both pretest and posttest are all objective type of tests: ...
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In this quantitative quasi-experimental research, the researchers attempted to discover the effectiveness of the Jigsaw strategy, a kind of cooperative learning, to the 25 Grade 3 students, with 16 male and 9 female, at College of San Benildo-Rizal in enhancing their learning process especially in familiarizing and understanding concepts of a particular topic (Factors that Influence Consumer's Choice of Goods and Services) in Health, one of the components of their MAPEH subject, for the fifth week of the fourth quarter this school year 2022-2023. The researchers administered a validated 15-item pretest prior to the implementation of the Jigsaw strategy to measure their background knowledge about the said topic. During the face-to-face implementation of the Jigsaw strategy, the researchers grouped the students into two sets of groups (expert group and home group). There were five home groups and five expert groups, with five members each. Each member of the expert group was assigned with a sub-topic to study with their group mates and share what they have learned to their group mates in the home group. After two days of face-to-face Jigsaw strategy implementation, the researcher administered a validated 15-item posttest to measure the knowledge and understanding of the Grade 3 students about the topic with the use of the Jigsaw strategy. Results revealed that both male and female students' mean scores in the posttest increased. Based on the paired t-test results, there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the Grade 3 students with the P value of < .00001. In conclusion, based on the findings presented, the Jigsaw strategy is effective in improving the Health test scores of the Grade 3 students of this study.
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Stem cells research and associated therapies are advancing remarkably. The potential to separate stem cells from menstrual blood has created a new avenue in stem cells research that may one day provide mankind with therapeutic advantages. Aim: The current study aimed to examine the effect of jigsaw teaching strategy on internship nursing students' health literacy regarding menstrual blood banking. Methods: A quasi-experimental design (one-group pretest-posttest) was adopted. A convenience sample of 100 internship nursing students were recruited. Data were collected using two tools: structured self-administered questionnaire and menstrual blood banking attitude assessment scale. Results: Study findings revealed that, pre-intervention the mean knowledge score was 7.70±2.40 while at post-intervention it was significantly increased to 12.2±2.02 (p= 0.02). Concerning attitude, only 6.0% of students expressed positive attitude regarding menstrual blood banking pre-intervention as compared to 78.0% of them post-intervention (p<0.001). The current study declared that, there was a statistically significant correlation between knowledge and attitude at post-intervention (p =0.003). Conclusion: jigsaw teaching strategy had a significant positive impact on internship nursing students' health literacy towards menstrual blood banking. Recommendation: Utilization of such teaching strategy should be encouraged to improve health literacy among internship nursing students.
Bu çalışmada, Jigsaw II tekniğinin öğrenme ortamındaki etkinliğini artırmak için, tekniği ortaokul 5. Sınıflara göre revize etmek amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada özel durum çalışması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini 103 ortaokul beşinci sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Jigsaw II tekniğinin yürütülmesi için sınıf düzeyine uygun öğretim materyali hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan öğretim materyali birinci pilot çalışma ile test edilmiştir. Daha sonra tespit edilen eksiklikleri gidermek için bazı eklemeler ve değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Öğretim materyali ikinci pilot çalışma ile tekrar test edilerek Jigsaw II tekniğinin revize edilmiş versiyonu oluşturulmuştur. Orjinal Jigsaw II tekniğine göre hazırlanan öğretim materyali ile asıl çalışma yapılmış ve materyalin son halinin öğrenme ortamındaki etkisi ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Tekniğin öğrenme ortamındaki etkisi araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan gözlem formu kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Asıl uygulama sırasında gözlem formu yanında tüm süreç kamera kaydına alınmıştır. Elde edilen gözlem verilerinin analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, Jigsaw II tekniğinin kavram seçimi aşamasında görsel formlar ve videolar kullanılmasının öğrencinin motivasyonu ve güdülenmesi açısından daha uygun olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca, uzman çalışma gruplarında araştırma yapılmadan önce ‘sessiz okuma’ yapılmasının öğrencilerin daha iyi araştırma yapmasına yardımcı olduğu görülmüştür. Öğrencilerin ölçme ve değerlendirme aşamaları dışında tüm aşamalarda haftalar ilerledikçe tekniğe yavaş yavaş alıştıkları görülmüştür. Bu bulgular genel olarak, Jigsaw II tekniğinin ortaokul beşinci sınıflara yönelik iyileştirme yapılabileceği ve bu revizenin tekniğin öğrenme ortamındaki başarısını artırdığını göstermiştir.
Learning and reproducing the contents learnt during examination is a part of every student’s life especially in professional courses like nursing where the entire curriculum is made concise into four years. Making the teaching and learning strategies more student-friendly has helped to retain student’s attention and insist in them the interest to learn and perform better. Jigsaw Technique is one of the cooperative learning technique in which students equally participates, prepares and leads a group thus learning for themselves as well as preparing for their group. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of jigsaw learning technique on nursing students in learning a concept of Preeclampsia, as it is found beneficial in teaching. The technique also helps to revolve the learning material for peers in learning process and thereby help to build interpersonal and interactive skills among students. 50 B.Sc nursing students were selected and their pre-knowledge level on the concepts of preeclapmpsia was assessed. The same group was taught the Jigsaw Technique of learning to study the concept and the students were divided into 5 groups. A day was fixed to organize the Jigsaw classroom. After one week, their post knowledge was assessed. There was a significant difference in the performance of the students on the self-administered questionnaire before and after the intervention. The posttest score was increased (21.62) than the pretest knowledge mean score of 10.48. The calculated paired t’ test at 0.05 level of significance was 3.76 which is greater than the table value of 1.684. Thus, the Jigsaw Learning method proved to be an effective educational learning tool for nursing students.
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The theatre is one of the most popular cultural arts in the world. Mainstream theatre is a theatre for everyone, and that means everybody. People with physical disabilities have not long been a part of it. As use on technology and different kind of thinking like special workshop for person with disabilities with normal actor continues to make possible new kinds of performances that are accessible to anyone regardless of ability. It is important that theatre companies consider the needs and opportunities for diversity in this space. The Mainstream Theatre programme has become a useful training tool for persons with disabilities. It is directly enhance the communication skills with public. This article presents the attitude towards mainstream theatre by the persons with and without visual disabilities. The theatre in Bengal had trained non visual disability person to act along with person with visual disabilities by blind folding. Their experience of mainstream theatre were assessed and analysed based on their responses. Thus the study showed remarkable success in mainstreaming the theatre and creating inclusive society for all.
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In Nigeria, especially Cross River State, traditional instructional methods such as lecture method still prevail in the classroom even in the 21st century where innovative approaches are pre-dominant on the global stage. Some traditional, teacher-centred classrooms are generally chaotic, most so where the class size is large. Instruction is also heavily teacher-centred where students are mere recipients of information. Managing pupils’ classroom behaviour in such classrooms has become an issue for teachers. Many teachers find it difficult to manage their classrooms for productive teaching and learning to take place. The current demographic explosion, generational shift in learning styles and global best practices, requires an urgent need for teachers to change the way they pass on instruction to the pupils. This paper seeks to examine the meaning of cooperative learning strategy, the concept of classroom management, the significance of cooperative learning, and cooperative learning as a tool for classroom management. Keywords: cooperative learning, classroom management, group learning.
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Reading comprehension is a major objective of language instruction in English learning concept teaching in senior high school. As one of macro skill of English it is being important part in English Language Teaching. So, the teacher should teach actively to helpstudents get the ultimate goal of reading instruction. Jigsaw is one of cooperative learning which is interesting to be applied to boost students’ motivation in learning English especially to reading skill. The activities is centered to the students, so it can stimulated students activeness because they involved in active learning.Based on the tittle, the formulation of the problem was: 1) Is the prepared test curricularly valid and reliable?,2) What are the results of pretest and posttest using jigsaw method?, 3)Is there any significant difference result of pretest and posttest using jigsaw method? Design of this research was pre-experimental design by pretest-posttest one group. Research subject was students in SMPN 13 Berau while object of the research was the use of jigsaw method in reading instruction. The population of this research was 100 students of seventh grade of SMPN 13 Berau, and the sample was 30 students taken by random sampling technique. The instrument was test then analyzed by scoring, normality, homogeneity, mean, t test and hypothesis testing. The results of this research are; 1) The test instrument used in this research was appropriate in term of the objective and applicable in this particular situation because the prepared test curricularly valid and reliable, 2)The result of posttest slightly higher than pretest in conducted jigsaw method in SMPN 13 Berau, 3) There is significant difference of jigsaw method used that exists on respondents specifically students in SMPN 13 Berau during learning English as Second Language (ESL) specifically for reading instruction.The hypothesis of this researchis accepted because there is significant effect of Jigsaw Method in Improving Students Reading Comprehension to the First Grade At SMPN 13 Berau 2017/2018.
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Background: Cooperative learning considered as one of the greatest innovations in the educational system. Jigsaw learning technique, one form of cooperative learning method, has been successfully used to improve academic achievement among students. The present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of jigsaw technique with lecture-based teaching method for medical students’ physics course. Methods: A pretest was performed on the students to ensure their literacy. Relevant topics, i.e. bioelectricity (first subject) and application of electricity for diagnosis and treatment (second subject) were then presented to the two groups using mentioned methods. A questionnaire with a confirmed validity and reliability and a posttest were used to measure their learning and assess whether it was satisfactory or not. Results: The mean posttest scores differed significantly between the two groups (p < 0.001 for subject 1 and subject 2). More than 80% of the participants agreed or agreed with all the items that assessed their satisfaction with what they had learned in Jigsaw class. However, some of them were concerned about the sufficiency of their learning and their final score. Conclusions: Jigsaw learning technique is recommended as a proper method for teaching physics if the students’ concern about their final score can be resolved and the accuracy of the information conveyed to them is ensured.
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Jigsaw activity was introduced to promote peer interaction and cooperation for learning in Physiology. The activity was performed on 1st semester MBBS students after delivering didactic lectures on the selected topics. The topic selected was “Mechanics of Respiration”, which was further divided into 10 sub-topics. The students were randomly divided into 10 parent groups, with 10 students in each. Each member of the parent group was assigned a specific sub-topic to prepare. Thereafter, all the students from the parent groups with similar topics formed expert groups to discuss and excel the given sub-topic. Subsequently, all the students returned to their respective parent groups to explain the assigned topics to their group members. A member of each parent group was then asked to present a randomly selected sub-topic. A feedback questionnaire was administered to the students; they found the Jigsaw method to be a healthy way to interact with peers, making learning interesting & effective. It also enabled them to comprehend better and enhance their communication skills. They were fairly satisfied by this teaching learning innovation.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of laboratory approach based on jigsaw method with cooperative learning and confirmatory laboratory approach on university students' cognitive process development in Science teaching laboratory applications, and to determine the opinions of the students on applied laboratory methods. The participating student teachers were identified as the Jigsaw Group (n = 25), in which the laboratory approach based on Jigsaw method is applied, and as the Control Group (n = 23), in which confirmatory laboratory approach is applied. Scientific Process Skill Test and Student Opinion Scale were used as data collection instruments. As a result of statistical analysis made, it was found that the effect of laboratory approach based on Jigsaw method on the development of student teachers' scientific process skills is higher than those of confirmatory laboratory approach. It was also revealed that there is no statistically significant difference between the opinions of research groups on applied laboratory approaches.
It is educationally acknowledged that reading is an important skill for acquiring a second language academically. However, it has been noticed that students’ results in reading in the Foundation program in the Community College of Qatar (CCQ) are not satisfactory. This study used a quasi-experimental pre-posttest design to investigate the effect of using jigsaw cooperative strategy on ELS students’ achievement in reading comprehension. Convenience sampling of the two classes was used from the female students enrolling in Level 4 reading classes in the Foundation Program in the Community College of Qatar in the fourth quarter of the academic year of 2013-2014. It is a non-probability sampling technique where two classes were selected because of their convenient accessibility to the researcher as the researcher was supposed to teach them reading. The two classes were assigned randomly to two groups: the experimental group (n=16 students) which was taught seven units in Real Reading Textbook via the jigsaw strategy and the control group (n=10 students) which was taught via the traditional strategy-no grouping. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOV)was used to analyze students’ scores on the posttest. The results revealed significant differences in favor of the experimental group.
This study aims to compare the effects of Jigsaw I technique from the cooperative learning methods and traditional teaching method on academic achievement and retrieval of Turkish teacher candidates in the matter of written expression. The sample of the study consists of 70 students studying at the Department of Turkish teaching in the academic year of 2009-2010. One of the classes was randomly specified as control group (N=34) to which traditional teaching method was applied while the other as test group to which the Jigsaw technique (N=36) was applied. The study was predicated on "Non-equal control group pattern". Learning styles of the groups were determined by the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Data about their academic success were collected through Success Test for Written Expression (STWE) applied as pre-test and post-test and views of students about Jigsaw I technique were collected through a form questioning students' views (SVF). Then, the results obtained from them were analyzed. It was observed as a result of statistical analyses that there was not a significant variation in favor of the test group in terms of academic success and stability between the test group and the control group in teaching the written expression subject. It was also determined according to the results obtained from the study that the students stated positive views for the Jigsaw I technique. © 2011 Eǧitim Dani{dotless}şmanli{dotless}ǧi{dotless} ve Araşti{dotless}rmalari{dotless} İletişim Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti.