Urban Governance in Europe: What Is Governed?
This chapter contains sections titled: Government of European Cities - What is Governed? - Territories of Urban Governance: Uncertain Metropolitan Governments - References
... We suggest that the most innovative and suggestive insights might emerge from contexts which have not yet played a strong role in shaping urban concepts, or which have been seen as beyond conceptualization in some way, often treated as empirical fodder for pre-given theorizations, or as exceptions to wider theoretical analyses. To some extent, the cutting edge of urban theory is emerging on its former margins -the informalities which once marked the non-urban now define core urban qualities of association and emergence (Simone, 2001;Le Galès, 2011); the once exceptionalism of places like China are now central to conceptualizing the future of urbanisation (Wu, 2015. We explore these emergent theorizations here under the rubrics of: searches for theoretical integration (e.g. ...
... Here the invitation is to invent new concepts, to generate understandings relevant to distinctive urban situations, which would be available to launch into a wider world of urban conceptualization, possibly to be put to work in new situations. In this vein, for example, the concepts of informality, so characteristic of many poorer cities, have generated a hugely productive approach to emergent urban social formations in many contexts (Simone, 2001;Le Galès, 2011;Schindler, 2013;Hentschel, 2015;Tuvikene, Neves Alves and Hilbrandt, 2016). There are quite some openings, then, for urban social theory to recraft itself in the face of the differentiated, changing and globalizing urban world. ...
... Governance can be conceptualized in different ways and is linked to the area of knowledge under study. However it is generally understood as a system that coordinates social groups, institutions and actors aimed at achieving particular goals, collectively defining and discussing in fragmented and uncertain environments (Le Galès, 2011). It can also be understood from four dominant meanings: a) governance as 'corporate governance'; b) governance as New Public Management; c) governance as multilevel governance or intergovernmental relations, and; d) governance as network governance, referring to something that occurs within networks of public and non-public actors and their interactions, besides focusing on complex interactions between actors (individuals, groups, organizations and groups of organizations) (Klijn & Koppenjan, 2016). ...
Public policies on sustainability are characterized by intersectoriality and the engagement of multiple actors working together toward common goals. Network governance addresses the interconnection of actors through various networks in order to achieve stipulated goals; in this sense, it is worth investigating the possibility of reviewing public policies on sustainability based on network governance. It is in this context that this article seeks to understand the scenario of scientific production on network governance with emphasis on public policies on sustainability. The Scopus database was used as a research source. Exploratory, descriptive research with a quantitative approach was adopted, with a systematic search and bibliometric analysis. The categories of analysis were divided into descriptive and of networks. For the former, results found concern historical, geographic and academic variables. The latter investigated the networks of co-authorship, co-citation and co-occurrence of keywords. Research in the field of network governance is in full progress, with a gradual increase in annual publications. Most studies focus on the European continent, North America and Australia. There is strong integration between the field of network governance and the areas of public administration and public policies, in addition to studies linked to sustainability policies, especially those related to climate change and sustainable development. However, there are several gaps to be filled and research opportunities to be seized in the area of network governance with an emphasis on sustainability policies, especially linked to the Brazilian context.
... Des villes peuvent se caractériser par l'articulation de l'ensemble ou partie de ces modes de régulation ou par la domination de l'un d'entre eux. Patrick Le Galès explique ainsi que raisonner en termes de "gouvernance urbaine" permet de considérer toutes les spécificités qui caractérisent le développement des villes.Cette approche invite à identifier quels sont les mécanismes de coordination dominants au sein d'une ville et ouvre la possibilité de caractériser des situations de gouvernance faible, quand la coordination ne s'impose pas à tous les acteurs d'un secteur (LeGalès, 2011), ainsi que des situations de gouvernance forte, comme dans le cas des « régimes urbains » tels qu'identifiés aux États-Unis et en Europe. Cette approche permet d'aller rechercher les rapports de pouvoir tant du côté des institutions gouvernementales, que du côté des acteurs économiques dominants ou des valeurs largement partagées dans une société. ...
Depuis les années 1990, des investisseurs financiers transnationaux investissent dans les marchés d’immobilier d’entreprise de Mexico, comme dans ceux de la plupart des principales métropoles de pays « émergents ». Ces acteurs d’un genre nouveau contribuent à renforcer l’expansion spatiale de la métropole et sa structuration à une échelle régionale. Cette contribution particulière à la production urbaine de Mexico est expliquée en deux temps : d’une part, les spécificités des investissements financiers transnationaux sont expliquées par le fonctionnement interne contraignant du réseau financier transnational qui s’organise autour de concepts et d’outils définis hors du Mexique ; d’autre part, leur concentration à la périphérie de l’Etat central de la métropole de Mexico - le Distrito Federal (DF) – se comprend à travers une analyse de la construction historique des différents territoires qui constituent l’espace métropolitain. Au sein du DF, l’insertion des investisseurs financiers transnationaux dans les marchés immobiliers se voit freinée par des promoteurs et investisseurs concurrents, inscrits dans des réseaux sociaux fermés, caractérisés par un fonctionnement communautaire et un système de faveurs ancien. A la périphérie, à l’inverse, les investisseurs financiers transnationaux parviennent à s’insérer plus facilement dans les marchés immobiliers, encastrés dans des territoires plus récemment urbanisés et où les ressources politiques et économiques sont plus dispersées. Cette thèse cherche ainsi à contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des modalités par lesquelles se réalise la financiarisation des marchés immobiliers et de la production urbaine dans une métropole d’Amérique Latine, telle que Mexico. Elle montre que la diffusion de pratiques, de concepts et d’une nouvelle division du travail, promus par le réseau financier transnational, est l’objet d’une lutte de pouvoir avec d’autres manières, préexistantes et concurrentes, de développer et d’investir dans l’immobilier
... For policy analysis purposes, governance is a set of relational dynamics of multiple state and nonstate actors interconnected by formal and informal institutional settings in order to produce the necessary capacities for effective governmental action (Capano et al., 2015;Filgueiras, 2019;Le Galès, 2011). ...
This paper explores how diverse governance modes can be and how they require different bureaucratic capabilities. We test two main hypotheses: different policy sectors require particular governance modes, and different governance modes operate with distinct bureaucratic skills. The inquiry uses a survey applied to over three thousand civil servants of the Brazilian government that covered these two dimensions of the bureaucracy’s performance: relationships and skills. The paper’s findings confirmed both hypotheses. The analysis showed that infrastructure and productive development sectors relate more with the private sector; security and citizenship with state governments; and social/environmental sectors with municipalities in a decentralized context. Regarding bureaucratic skills, they vary according to the governance modes, highlighting the core of government as the most qualified sector. In conclusion, the analysis highlights that particular institutional arrangement, policy nature, and sector dynamics must be taken for granted to understand how modes of governance are built and operated.
... The underlying reasoning is derived from the argument that urban governance is a transitory arrangement, always incomplete and fragmented (Le Galès 1998). Therefore, once a mayor is elected, no matter how far-reaching is his/her agenda, due to a number of contingencies (Pierre and Peters 2012), there will always be room left for other instances of power (public/private, formal/informal, legal/illegal) to "govern" what "nobody governs" (Le Galès 2011). Those political voids will be, in parts, fulfilled by local politicians and, most remarkably, by those who better cultivate territorialization (Hsing 2010) strategies, i.e., the "politicization of place." ...
This research takes the case study of São Paulo, Brazil during two different legislatures (2013-2020) to shed light over the role of the local Legislative politics in urban governance. In the exercise of looking for the specificity of the urban politics in large cities, I highlight a political facet of the "place," the territory, that tend to be more exacerbated in the case of large urban agglomerations. In short, due to the paradoxical simultaneity of concentration and scarcity of resources characteristic of large cities, the finitude of the "governing" agenda will leave behind political voids, in parts, fulfilled by local legislators' politics. In this task, the use of polity-dependent pork-barrel mechanisms, like the targeting of individual budget amendments (IBAs), will be more or less instrumentalized to foster territorialization strategies following the electoral connection of the different "types of aldermen." However, impacting public policy implementation and, hence, the access to services in specific policy sectors and spaces of the city to induce electoral bias, not rarely, based on clientelist practices.
... Dès lors, les processus par lesquels les métropoles cherchent à se positionner comme des acteurs collectifs demeurent largement tributaires de leur capacité à penser et à mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles modalités de gouvernance (Lascoumes et Le Galès, 2004 ;Pinson, 2009 ;Le Galès, 2011). La gouvernance métropolitaine ne se résume pas à la réorganisation institutionnelle qu'implique l'élargissement des échelles de gouvernement au niveau local, mais doit aussi prendre en compte l'ensemble des transformations culturelles et sociales qui rendent possible l'émergence d'un nouveau rapport entre système économique, société locale et institutions politiques. ...
Le territoire en tant que système de lieux, de liens et d’acteurs se construit et se renouvelle sans cesse en fonction de son contexte socio-culturel, géographique, politique, historique... Il est à la fois acteur et facteur de développement économique et social à différentes échelles imbriquées. L’enjeu analytique et opérationnel n’est plus seulement une question de dotations en ressources, de distance et d’accès au marché, mais repose sur la compréhension et la mise en capacités d’un système complexe en constante mutation. Le rôle joué par les institutions locales, les interactions entre les acteurs et effets de proximité multiples sont autant d’éléments qui conditionnent aussi les processus de développement des territoires.
Des facteurs endogènes du développement local s’articulent aux facteurs exogènes, qui vont à leur tour influer sur les dynamiques territoriales. En ce sens, le développement territorial repose sur la question du dedans et du dehors, sur celle des flux internes et externes qui irriguent les territoires, mais aussi des liens multi-scalaires que construisent et entretiennent les acteurs.
Comment ces systèmes ont-ils évolué sur un temps long ?
Le présent manuscrit met en évidence la diversité des impacts territoriaux suite aux chocs, aux crises ou au contraire aux périodes fastes au cours des deux derniers siècles.
L’étude de ces processus territorialisés nécessite des cadres conceptuels, des outils, des méthodes propres à l’analyse territoriale. La mobilisation d’indicateurs et de théorie purement macro-économiques appliqués à des échelles infranationales ne peut être satisfaisante. Au fil des pages qui suivent, des notions, concepts et méthodes de l’aménagement et de la géographie sont mises en œuvre pour tenter de comprendre les mutations des systèmes territoriaux.
... From a regulatory perspective on governance (Le Galès, 2011), such reciprocity mechanisms historically emerged ahead of redistributive mechanisms. Regulation based on reciprocity takes multiple forms including family solidarity, the neighborhood organization of services, and the creation of solidarity networks. ...
In response to the economic crisis in Southern European cities, citizens have turned to political unrest. This article analyzes these responses in terms of the return of ?reciprocity practices? parallel to forms of informality more commonly seen in cities of the Global South. Citizen self-organization to cover basic needs can be read as a strategy of resistance similar to that identified as quiet encroachment; but to the extent that it is politicized, it also becomes part of the political struggle for rights. Through the case of Barcelona, this article analyzes how social groups are politicizing their survival practices, using the case of sub-Saharan migrants living in abandoned factories in the city. The article?s aim is to show how in the context of weakening citizenship rights, there is a growth of informal practices that become unevenly politicized among different groups.
This paper analyzes different forms of criminal governance in two metropolises, Mexico City and São Paulo. It answers the questions: Who governs these two cities and how do they do it? What is governed? Why is it that in one metropolis there is an almost monopolistic criminal organization of coercion, but not in the other? Official sources include documents, press archives, statistics and a specialized bibliography. Results indicate that city governance and crime governance are interconnected, constituting micro-regimes that control territories, populations, goods, wealth, uses of force and power, thus bringing together the local, regional and transnational.
urban governance; criminal governance; state monopoly on violence; Mexico City; São Paulo
Este artigo analisa as formas de governança criminal em duas metrópoles, Cidade do México e São Paulo. Procura responder às seguintes perguntas: como se governa o crime nas cidades? O que se governa? Por que em uma metrópole existe uma organização criminal quase monopólica da coerção, mas na outra não? As fontes de informação incluem documentos oficiais, notícias de imprensa, estatísticas e bibliografia especializada. Resultados indicam que a governança da cidade e a governança do crime estão interconectadas, constituindo microrregimes que controlam territórios, populações, bens, riquezas, usos da força e poder, articulando o local, o regional e o transnacional.
Most research on urban planning, policy and development only considers legal practices and actors, and treats illegal ones as insignificant anomalies, unable to structurally affect the governance of urban space. However, this approach is inadequate for explaining urban governance in contexts (e.g. several countries in the Global South, the former Soviet bloc and Southern Europe) where illegal practices such as corruption and organized crime infiltration are widespread in many public and economic sectors. This paper addresses the role of illegal actors and practices in urban governance in the Italian context, using urban regime theory as the theoretical frame of reference. The research centres on the analysis of two case studies in the city of Rome (the In-between world investigation of a criminal network that had infiltrated the local administration and shaped several urban policies , and the investigation of episodes of corruption related to the project for the new A.S. Roma soccer stadium). It shows the existence of two shades of 'grey urban governance': firstly, the presence of a dark urban regime, centred on a criminal organisation and parallel to the 'regular' one; secondly, the use of corruption as a customary practice with which real estate entrepreneurs influence municipal decisions. Overall, this research contributes to moving away from a rhetoric of 'gentlemanly' urban capitalism and politics, and suggests the need to revise several aspects of urban regime theory-as well as other approaches to urban governance dynamics in general-in order to incorporate the role of illegal actors and practices.
El Estado y la administración pública no tienen la capaci- dad para atender por sí mismos la cantidad, intensidad y complejidad de los problemas que hoy día afectan a los
ciudadanos de nuestra región. Pese a que los ciudadanos son el sujeto y objeto de la administración pública, según los resultados de las encuestas de Latinobarómetro de los últimos 10 años, des- confían de una manera sostenida y creciente de las mismas insti-tuciones públicas, cuya razón de existencia es velar por la mejora sostenible de sus vidas.
Hablar de gobernanza es asumir la importancia de otros actores que hacen vida en el espacio público y que, con una fluida y coherente colaboración, cooperación y comunica- ción, pueden contribuir a resolver de una manera efectiva problemas complejos.
Abordar la sostenibilidad en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, es reconocer otras dimensiones sociales, económicas y ambientales que la teoría clásica y las prácticas administrativas descartaban como poco relevantes o inexistentes.
Aproximarse a la ciudad es aceptar que el Estado-Nación no es el único protagonista de la vida social e internacional, y asu- mir la ciudad como una realidad indetenible con unas oportunida- des notables para atender los grandes problemas de las mayorías de nuestros países.
Este reconocimiento, producto de la envergadura de los desafíos que enfrentan las administraciones públicas, con- lleva priorizar nuevos valores y competencias. Valores como el liderazgo colaborativo, la comunicación efectiva, el trabajo en equipo guiados por una ética firme de vocación al servicio público son competencias indeclinables que los directivos públicos deben practicar profundamente para atender estos nuevos retos.
La aceptación e inclusión de otros actores, situaciones y pro- blemas públicos conlleva a ejercitar valores y mecanismos típica- mente democráticos como la participación ciudadana, el diálogo y la comunicación, la transparencia y el acceso a la información. No se puede actuar usando solo relaciones verticales de supra- subordinación, sino radiales o en redes fluidas.
Este libro es testimonio de la firme creencia del CLAD en el Estado y la administración pública, como actores instituciona- les que deben liderar la superación de los grandes problemas que atraviesa Iberoamérica a través de las herramientas de la gober- nanza y el protagonismo de las ciudades, que apuntan a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Theorien, Konzepte und analytische Frameworks des Neoinstitutionalismus und der Governance-Forschung wurzeln nicht in den Planungswissenschaften. Ihre planungstheoretische Relevanz erhielten diese beiden Forschungsrichtungen folglich erst, nachdem sie von Planungswissenschaftlern für ihre Zwecke entdeckt und weiterentwickelt sowie auf planungspraktische empirische Kontexte bezogen wurden. Planungstheoretische Texte sowohl des Neoinstitutionalismus als auch der Governance-Forschung sind jeweils stets eingebettet in ein weites Feld sozial- und vor allem politikwissenschaftlicher Forschungsansätze, die selbst oftmals nur marginale planungstheoretische Bezüge aufweisen.
La multiplication des implantations d’entrepôts dans les grandes périphéries métropolitaines est intimement liée à la mise en œuvre de nombreuses actions publiques locales dans ces territoires : aménagement de zones d’activités et d’infrastructures de transport, autorisations d’urbanisme. Ce développement économique suppose en ce sens une forte interdépendance des sphères politiques et économiques. Or celle-ci est au fondement de l’approche des « régimes urbains » (Stone, 1989) et fait écho aux concepts de « development regimes » (Stone, 1993) et de « growth coalitions » (Logan, Molotch, 1987). Cet article propose donc d’appliquer cette approche et ces concepts au cas des grandes périphéries métropolitaines concernées par le développement logistique. Il repose de cette façon la question de leur transfert des villes américaines aux villes européennes (Le Galès, 1995) en mettant en relation les capacités publiques des gouvernements locaux et les modalités de participation des acteurs économiques privés à l’action publique locale dans le contexte de la financiarisation de l’immobilier d’entreprise et des discontinuités de gouvernance. Apparaissent ainsi dans la grande couronne francilienne des coalitions public-privé relativement stables et dominées par les grandes firmes de l’immobilier logistique, conduisant à une privatisation silencieuse de la production des espaces logistiques.
A Companhia de Saneamento do Estado de São Paulo – Sabesp é uma das instituições que recentemente empregou o termo governança como estratégia de atuação em parceria com as lideranças residentes em torno dos córregos participantes de seu programa Córrego Limpo. Para tanto, criou fóruns de governança colaborativa na cidade de São Paulo, com objetivo duplo de disseminar informações sobre seu programa e elaborar projetos de preservação em conjunto com essas lideranças. O presente trabalho aponta como a participação da população em processos de decisão e implementação de políticas públicas pode ser discutida a partir do contraste entre a literatura de participação social e a de governança, utilizando os fóruns implementados pela Sabesp como referencial empírico.
Il saggio suggerisce che la connessione tra la governance metropolitana e le disuguaglianze consente di considerare queste ultime non solo come un esito delle politiche ma anche come componente del modo in cui le stesse vengono implementate. Superando una visione razionale o positivista della governance, sosteniamo che i processi di governo delle città non siano mai né completi né lineari: sono in continua costruzione e producono significative differenze nelle diverse città e nel corso del tempo. L’analisi sistematica della letteratura mostra la necessità di descrivere e documentare in modo sinergico 1) il modo in cui i processi di governance agiscono in relazione ai progetti di sviluppo urbano e all’implementazione delle politiche pubbliche e 2) cosa questo comporti in termini di disuguaglianze.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor um modelo teórico-metodológico para a avaliação da efetividade da participação social. Para tanto, parte-se da análise de um caso empírico de fóruns de governança colaborativa implementados pela Sabesp em cinco áreas de córregos em São Paulo. com base no contraste entre duas abordagens, por um lado, a literatura de participação social, e, por outro, a literatura de gestão de bens comuns, são identificadas variáveis estruturais que incidem sobre esses espaços institucionais. o argumento é que a combinação das duas literaturas fornece um instrumental mais amplo para a análise dos resultados de cada fórum, em especial no que diz respeito aos atributos do ambiente físico.
This paper proposes a theoretical and methodological model for evaluating the effectiveness of social participation. it was taken as a starting point the analysis of an empirical case of collaborative governance forums implemented by Sabesp, in five stream areas in São Paulo. Basing the analysis on two contrasting approaches, on the one hand, the literature of social participation and, on the other, the literature of common goods management, structural variables that influences these institutional spaces were identified. The claim is that the combination of the two literatures provides a broader instrumental analysis for the results of each forum, especially regarding to physical environment attributes.
The considerable logistics development of metropolises catalyzes new economic functions in the suburban spaces. However, this economic dynamic depends on several local public policies. In order to analyze these policies, the urban regime approach appears to us particularly heuristic. To do that, we will support our communication with four study cases: Mitry-Compans, Val Bréon, Sénart in the Paris Region and Venlo in the Netherlands. They show different types of coalition whose main variables are the form of the economic activity strictly speaking, such as its local embedding, and the regime of the production of logistics spaces. These two elements structure the relationship between the economic sphere and the public policies. Then, the shift of the analysis towards suburban spaces and peripheral economic activities shed a new light on the concept itself and on the issue on its transfer from American cities to European cities. Indeed, within the metropolises, the fringes where the institutional density is lower (Lorrain, 2011) seem to entail to 'governance discontinuities' (Borraz, Le Galès, 2010) leading to deeper participations of private firms within public policies. When the door of the European city-centers is locked, would urban regimes enter through the window of the suburbs and the peripheral economic activities?
Our starting point is to challenge the often-made assumption that large cities are so complex that they have become ungovernable or that globalisation pressures make political and policy choices irrelevant. By going beyond rational or positivist views of governance, it argues that the process of governing a city is never fully complete, nor linear. The paper refers to a systematic review of the academic literature. Urban societies are more or less governed and that may change from one city to the next, from one period to the next. Processes of government and governance are always work in progress, but make crucial differences over time. Case studies show that modes of governance have long term consequences for their inhabitants and governing failures may have severe negative effects (e.g. housing shortages, low levels of educational attainment, crime, low productivity, health). The review shows also a lack of comparitive studies.
The paper highligths questions that lie at the heart of contemporary research on large metropolises. It articulates the main achivements of the literature, in terms of cumulative knowledge about the delivery of urban policies, development and infrastructure projects. It explores broader questions over how contemporary forms of governance operate including democratic systems of accountability and decision-making functions. Large metropolises are characterized by a myriad of actors, powerful interest groups, diverse inhabitants, networks and assemblages of public sector institutions and global investors, developers, and others involved in the development industry. The systematic analysis of the literature shows the need to describe and document at the same time (1) how processes of governance operate in relation to major urban development projects, the implementation of public policies and (2) the implications of such practices for urban politics, inequalities, sustainable development and growth; so to say articulating an analysis of the governance processes and their outcomes.
Our starting point is to challenge the often-made assumption that large cities are so complex that they
have become ungovernable or that globalization pressures make political and policy choices irrelevant. By going beyond rational or positivist views of governance, it argues that the process of governing a city is never fully complete, nor linear. The paper refers to a systematic review of the academic literature. Urban societies are more or less governed and that may change from one city to the next, from one period to the next. Processes of government and governance are always work in progress, but make crucial differences over time. Case studies show that modes of governance have long-term consequences for their inhabitants and governing failures may have severe negative effects (e.g. housing shortages, low levels of educational attainment, crime, low productivity, health). The systematic analysis of the literature shows the need to describe and document at the same time (1) how processes of governance operate in relation to major urban development projects, the implementation of public policies and (2) the implications of such practices for inequalities; so to say articulating an analysis of the governance processes and their outcomes. The paper suggests that the link between metropolitan governance and inequalities allow considering inequalities not only as the outcomes of policy choices, but also as part of the way in which metropolitan policies are implemented.
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