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Laser-speckle-projection-based handheld anthropometric measurement system with synchronous redundancy reduction

Optica Publishing Group
Applied Optics
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Abstract and Figures

Human body measurement is essential in modern rehabilitation medicine, which can be effectively combined with the technology of additive manufacturing. Digital image correlation based on laser speckle projection is a single-shot, accurate, and robust technique for human body measurement. In this paper, we present a handheld anthropometric measurement system based on laser speckle projection. A flexible retroreflective marker target is designed for multi-view data registration. Meanwhile, a synchronous redundancy-reduction algorithm based on a re-projected global disparity map is proposed. Experiment results validate that the proposed system is effective and accurate for different human body part measurements. Comparative experiments show that the proposed redundancy-reduction algorithm has high efficiency and can effectively preserve the features of complex shapes. The comprehensive performance of the algorithm is better than the other two tested methods.
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Research Article Vol. 59, No. 4 / 1 February 2020 / Applied Optics 955
Laser-speckle-projection-based handheld
anthropometric measurement system with
synchronous redundancy reduction
Xiao Yang,1,2Xiaobo Chen,1,2Guangkun Zhai,3AND Juntong Xi1,2,4,*
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Environment, Shanghai 200030, China
3School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
4State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai 200240, China
*Corresponding author:
Received 11 October 2019; revised 15 December 2019; accepted 15 December 2019; posted 16 December 2019 (Doc. ID 380322);
published 27 January 2020
Human body measurement is essential in modern rehabilitation medicine, which can be effectively combined
with the technology of additive manufacturing. Digital image correlation based on laser speckle projection is a
single-shot, accurate, and robust technique for human body measurement. In this paper, we present a handheld
anthropometric measurement system based on laser speckle projection. A flexible retroreflective marker target is
designed for multi-view data registration. Meanwhile, a synchronous redundancy-reduction algorithm based on
a re-projected global disparity map is proposed. Experiment results validate that the proposed system is effective
and accurate for different human body part measurements. Comparative experiments show that the proposed
redundancy-reduction algorithm has high efficiency and can effectively preserve the features of complex shapes.
The comprehensive performance of the algorithm is better than the other two tested methods. © 2020 Optical
Society of America
As a non-contact and precise measurement method, optical
3D measurement has been an important auxiliary method for
modern medical diagnosis and rehabilitation. The acquisition
of 3D shapes for specific body parts is essential in processes
such as body shape measurement and analysis [14], aug-
mentation mammoplasty [5], prosthesis design [6,7], fracture
immobilization object design [8,9], etc. As the CAD model
is created via optical 3D measurement, 3D printing technol-
ogy can be directly used to fabricate orthoses or prosthetics.
The 3D printed orthoses or prosthetics are more comfort-
able and effective compared to traditional plaster-made ones,
because 3D printing technology has more flexibility in material
selection and thus can provide products with various physical
properties [10,11].
Structured light stereo vision is a popular optical 3D mea-
surement method because it offers the advantage of large
data capacity to capture the whole field with high precision.
According to the number of projected patterns, structured light
stereo vision can be classified into multi-shot and single-shot
methods. The single-shot measurement method is more suitable
for human body measurement, because it is hard for a person to
keep still even for a very short time. Recent years, stereo vision
based on speckle projection has become a popular single-shot
3D measurement method [1214], as it is robust to ambient
light and has the same precision as the multi-shot structured
light method [15,16]. Moreover, speckles projected by a laser
source onto human skin have such properties as higher bright-
ness and isotropy, and the contrast and speckle clarity is better
than that projected by digital light processor (DLP) [17,18]. In
recent years, the technique of laser speckle projection has been
utilized for single-shot 3D measurement by Dekiff et al. [1921]
and Babovsky et al. [22], and found to achieve high precision
and temporal resolution.
Despite the fact that single-shot stereo vision based on laser
speckle projection is an effective solution for human body mea-
surement, it usually needs to register the range data obtained
from multiple views to create a 3D model of the injured part
(waist, back, leg, etc.). Commonly used methods include
iteration-based, multisensor-based, and auxiliary-device-based
registration. The most commonly used iteration-based reg-
istration method is iterative closest point (ICP) [23], which
is based on the principle of local optimization and requires
enough overlapping areas. The registration accuracy of ICP
can be high, but it requires strict initial conditions. If the initial
1559-128X/20/040955-09 Journal © 2020 Optical Society of America
... Structured light measurement is a highprecision area array measurement technology; stripe structured light generally needs to project multiple coded patterns to obtain complete high-resolution data, during the process the object needs to keep still. Speckle structured light is based on the principle of binocular stereo vision, which projects speckle patterns with high randomness and high contrast on the surface of the object, and then realizes accurate stereo matching by digital speckle correlation [13,14]. Therefore, the speckle projection-based 3D scanning technology is a single-shot 3D measurement technology with high precision. ...
... During the calibration process, the target blocks at both ends should be in the respective fields of view of the two sensors. The two target blocks are composed of two kinds of circular markers with different diameters, marker identification method can refer to our previous work [13]. It should be noted that the only difference between the two target blocks is whether there is a large circular marker in the center, so the two target blocks can be automatically distinguished during calibration. ...
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Human body scanning is an important means to build a digital 3D model of the human body, which is the basis for intelligent clothing production, human obesity analysis, and medical plastic surgery applications, etc. Comparing to commonly used optical scanning technologies such as laser scanning and fringe structured light, infrared laser speckle projection-based 3D scanning technology has the advantages of single-shot, simple control, and avoiding light stimulation to human eyes. In this paper, a multi-sensor collaborative digital human body scanning system based on near-infrared laser speckle projection is proposed, which occupies less than 2 m2 and has a scanning period of about 60 s. Additionally, the system calibration method and control scheme are proposed for the scanning system, and the serial-parallel computing strategy is developed based on the unified computing equipment architecture (CUDA), so as to realize the rapid calculation and automatic registration of local point cloud data. Finally, the effectiveness and time efficiency of the system are evaluated through anthropometric experiments.
... Shape reconstruction via the speckle correlation method is based on the principle of binocular stereo vision; high randomness and highcontrast speckle patterns are projected onto the surface of the object to be measured, and binocular stereo matching is realized using the digital speckle correlation method [1,2]. It has been revealed that the fundamental principles of the speckle correlation-based 3D shape measurement method and fringe structured light-based method are the same, as both are based on binocular stereo vision, or more rigorously, triangulation imaging. ...
Speckle correlation-based 3D shape measurement technology has an increasing number of applications in the fields of medical assistance, cultural relic protection, product manufacturing, and inspection. The foremost process of this method is the stereo matching of speckle image pairs using digital image correlation (DIC). It is challenging to improve the matching precision of DIC for complex shapes with large or abrupt curvature changes. Because the local curvature change and surface shape complexity of different objects vary, first-order and second-order shape functions have different abilities to describe the mapping relationship from the reference subset to the target subset. As a result, the systematic errors caused by subset under-matching and over-matching are also different. In this study, a pixel-by-pixel dynamic shape function selection algorithm is proposed for different measurement objects or different regions on the surface of the same object. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively suppress the measurement error caused by the limited description ability of a specific shape function.
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To reduce the uncertainty region of a three-dimensional (3D) position, a four-camera 3D digital image correlation (3D-DIC) system was built by orthogonally arranging two sets of two-camera DIC systems. The theoretical model proposed herein revealed the relationship between 3D coordinates and system parameters and the propagation of the matching error to the position error. Numerical simulation and experiment were conducted to verify the theory. The simulation and experimental results indicated that the 3D position error of the four-camera system was smaller than that of the two-camera DIC system. The present contribution proves the feasibility of using four-camera DIC systems to improve measurement accuracy.
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Digital image correlation (DIC)-based stereo 3D shape measurement is a kind of single-shot method, which can achieve high precision and is robust to vibration as well as environment noise. The efficiency of DIC has been greatly improved with the proposal of inverse compositional Gauss-Newton (IC-GN) operators for both first-order and second-order warp functions. Without the algorithm itself, both the registration accuracy and efficiency of DIC-based stereo matching for shapes with different complexities are closely related to the selection of warp function, subset size, and convergence criteria. Understanding the similarity and difference of the impacts of prescribed subset size and convergence criteria on first-order and second-order warp functions, and how to choose a proper warp function and set optimal subset size as well as convergence criteria for different shapes are fundamental problems in realizing efficient and accurate 3D shape measurement. In this work, we present a comparative analysis of first-order and second-order warp functions for DIC-based 3D shape measurement using IC-GN algorithm. The effects of subset size and convergence criteria of first-order and second-order warp functions on the accuracy and efficiency of DIC are comparatively examined with both simulation tests and real experiments. Reference standards for the selection of warp function for different kinds of 3D shape measurement and the setting of proper convergence criteria are recommended. The effects of subset size on the measuring precision using different warp functions are also concluded.
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Presented in this paper is an effective technique to acquire the three-dimensional (3D) digital images of the human face without the use of active lighting and artificial patterns. The technique is based on binocular stereo imaging and digital image correlation, and it includes two key steps: camera calibration and image matching. The camera calibration involves a pinhole model and a bundle-adjustment approach, and the governing equations of the 3D digitization process are described. For reliable pixel-to-pixel image matching, the skin pores and freckles or lentigines on the human face serve as the required pattern features to facilitate the process. It employs feature-matching-based initial guess, multiple subsets, iterative optimization algorithm, and reliability-guided computation path to achieve fast and accurate image matching. Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the validity of the proposed technique. The simplicity of the approach and the affordable cost of the implementation show its practicability in scientific and engineering applications.
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Background Applying 3D printing technology for the fabrication of custom-made orthoses provides significant advantages, including increased ventilation and lighter weights. Currently, the design of such orthoses is most often performed in the CAD environment, but creating the orthosis model is a time-consuming process that requires significant CAD experience. This skill gap limits clinicians from applying this technology in fracture treatment. The purpose of this study is to develop a parametric model as the design generator for 3D–printed orthoses for an inexperienced CAD user and to evaluate its feasibility and ease of use via a training and design exercise. Results A set of automatic steps for orthosis modeling was developed as a parametric model using the Visual Programming Language in the CAD environment, and its interface and workflow were simplified to reduce the training period. A quick training program was formulated, and 5 participants from a nursing school completed the training within 15 mins. They verified its feasibility in an orthosis design exercise and designed 5 orthoses without assistance within 8 to 20 mins. The few faults and program errors that were observed in video analysis of the exercise showed improvable weaknesses caused by the scanning quality and modeling process. Conclusions Compared to manual modeling instruction, this study highlighted the feasibility of using a parametric model for the design of 3D–printed orthoses and its greater ease of use for medical personnel compared to the CAD technique. The parametric model reduced the complex process of orthosis design to a few minutes, and a customized interface and training program accelerated the learning period. The results from the design exercise accurately reflect real-world situations in which an inexperienced user utilizes a generator as well as demonstrate the utility of the parametric model approach and strategy for training and interfacing.
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Large-scale surfaces are prevalent in advanced manufacturing industries, and 3D profilometry of these surfaces plays a pivotal role for quality control. This paper proposes a novel and flexible large-scale 3D scanning system assembled by combining a robot, a binocular structured light scanner and a laser tracker. The measurement principle and system construction of the integrated system are introduced. A mathematical model is established for the global data fusion. Subsequently, a robust method is introduced for the establishment of the end coordinate system. As for hand-eye calibration, the calibration ball is observed by the scanner and the laser tracker simultaneously. With this data, the hand-eye relationship is solved, and then an algorithm is built to get the transformation matrix between the end coordinate system and the world coordinate system. A validation experiment is designed to verify the proposed algorithms. Firstly, a hand-eye calibration experiment is implemented and the computation of the transformation matrix is done. Then a car body rear is measured 22 times in order to verify the global data fusion algorithm. The 3D shape of the rear is reconstructed successfully. To evaluate the precision of the proposed method, a metric tool is built and the results are presented.
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Single-shot stereo 3D shape measurement is becoming more popular due to its advantages of noise robustness and short acquisition period. One of the key problems is stereo matching, which is related to the efficiency of background segmentation and seed point generation, etc. In this paper, a more efficient and automated matching algorithm based on digital image correlation (DIC) is proposed. The standard deviation of image gradients and an adaptive threshold are employed to segment the background. Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based feature matching and two-dimensional triangulation are combined to estimate accurate initial parameters for seed point generation. The efficiency of background segmentation and seed point generation, as well as the measuring precision, are evaluated by experimental simulation and real tests. Experimental results show that the average segmentation time for an image with a resolution of 1280 × 960 pixels is 240 milliseconds. The efficiency of seed point generation is verified to be high with different convergence criteria.
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Consumer-grade red-green-blue and depth (RGB-D) sensors, such as the Microsoft Kinect and the Asus Xtion, are attractive devices due to their low cost and robustness for real-time sensing of depth information. These devices provide the depth information by detecting the correspondences between the captured infrared (IR) image and the initial image sent to the IR projector, and their essential limitation is the low accuracy of 3D shape reconstruction. In this paper, an effective technique that employs the Kinect sensors for accurate 3D shape, deformation, and vibration measurements is introduced. The technique involves using the RGB-D sensors, an accurate camera calibration scheme, and area- and feature-based image-matching algorithms. The IR speckle pattern projected from the Kinect projector considerably facilitates the digital image correlation analysis in the regions of interest with enhanced accuracy. A number of experiments have been carried out to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed technique and approach. It is shown that the technique can yield measurement accuracy at the 10 μm level for a typical field of view. The real-time capturing speed of 30 frames per second makes the proposed technique suitable for certain motion and vibration measurements, such as non-contact monitoring of respiration and heartbeat rates.
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Automatic and rapid whole-body 3D shape measurement has attracted extensive attention in recent years and been widely used in many fields. Rapid 3D reconstruction, automatic 3D registration, and dedicated system layout are critical factors to enable an excellent 3D measurement system. In this paper, we present an automatic and rapid whole- body 3D measurement system that is based on multinode 3D sensors using speckle projection. A rapid algorithm for searching homologous point pairs is suggested, which takes advantage of the optimized projective rectification and simplified subpixel matching techniques, leading to an improved time efficiency of 3D reconstruction. Meanwhile, a low-cost automatic system with a flexible setup and an improved calibration strategy are proposed, where system parameters of each node sensor can be simultaneously estimated with the assistance of a cubic and a planar target. Furthermore, an automatic range data registration strategy by employing two aided cameras is investigated. Experiment results show that the presented approach can realize automatic whole-body 3D shape measurement with high efficiency and accuracy.
Abstract The state of the art techniques used by medical practitioners to extract the three-dimensional (3D) geometry of different body parts requires a series of images/frames such as laser line profiling or structured light scanning. Movement of the patients during scanning process often leads to inaccurate measurements due to sequential image acquisition. Single shot structured techniques are robust to motion but the prevalent challenges in single shot structured light methods are the low density and algorithm complexity. In this research, a single shot 3D measurement system is presented that extracts the 3D point cloud of human skin by projecting a laser speckle pattern using a single pair of images captured by two synchronized cameras. In contrast to conventional laser speckle 3D measurement systems that realize stereo correspondence by digital correlation of projected speckle patterns, the proposed system employs KLT tracking method to locate the corresponding points. The 3D point cloud contains no outliers and sufficient quality of 3D reconstruction is achieved. The 3D shape acquisition of human body parts validates the potential application of the proposed system in the medical industry.