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January 2020 · Volume 9 · Issue 1 Page 1
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sarala V et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx
pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Original Research Article
A study on prevalence of anemia in pregnancy in South India
Sarala V., Ushadevi Gopalan*
Anemia during pregnancy is a major health problem in
South Asian countries and developing countries.1 It is still
more prevalent in India. Sowmya G et al, in their study
found the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy as 64.5%.2
Maternal deaths are more in antenatal patients suffering
from anemia than healthy mothers. The fetal outcome is
also poor with increased perinatal morbidity and
mortality.3 Anemia is the most common medical disorder
during pregnancy. The oxygen carrying capacity of the
blood is reduced in anemic patients. The most important
cause of anemia is nutritional. More than 70% of
pregnant women suffer from nutritional anemia in South
East Asia.4 This can be overcome by early oral iron
therapy because the most common type of anemia is iron
deficiency anemia (75%).5,6 This is mainly due to lack of
knowledge regarding the importance of nutrition on
maternal health, and poverty inhibits them from buying
healthy nutritious food.7,8 The aim of the present study is
to find out the prevalence of anemia and analyze the
distribution of the age, education, socio economic status
Background: Anemia in pregnancy is a major health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries like
India. Maternal and fetal outcomes are poor in pregnant patients with anemia. The most important cause of anemia is
iron deficiency anemia which can be prevented by early oral iron supplementation.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of our tertiary
care teaching institution for a period of one year. 1290 pregnant women coming to the antenatal OPD were screened
for anemia and 490 women. Patients who were not anemic were excluded. 800 patients were enrolled in the study.
Each patient was interviewed using a structured interview schedule and the data obtained was analyzed.
Results: The percentage of anemia in pregnant women was 62% in our study of which 40% were mildly anemic, 55%
were moderately anemic and 5% were severely anemic. Maximum number of anemic women -mild, moderate and
severe was seen in the age group 20-24 years. Mild and severe anemia was seen more in the secondary educated
women. Maximum percentage of anemia was seen in the lower socio-economic status followed by middle and was
lowest in the higher socio-economic status group. Prevalence of anemia was almost equal in primigravida and
multigravidas (around 50%) but 80% of severely anemic patients were multigravida. Almost 68% took iron and folic
acid tablets regularly.
Conclusions: Treating anemia in pregnant women will go a long way in improving maternal and fetal outcome.
Hence a future healthy younger generation can be produced. Iron tablets can be distributed at school to young girls to
prevent anemia in future women.
Keywords: Anemia, Hemoglobin, Iron supplementation, Maternal mortality
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20195617
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Ammapettai
Village, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Received: 14 November 2019
Revised: 20 November 2019
Accepted: 25 November 2019
Dr. Ushadevi Gopalan,
E-mail: ushag7@hotmail.com
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Sarala V et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 9 · Issue 1 Page 2
and parity in pregnant anemic women and their
acceptance of oral iron therapy.
This cross-sectional study was conducted in the
department of obstetrics and gynecology of our tertiary
care teaching institution for a period of one year between
January 2018 to December 2018. A total 1290 pregnant
women coming to our antenatal OPD were screened for
anemia using laboratory tests and 490 women who were
not anemic were excluded. A total 800 patients were
enrolled in the study.
Inclusion criteria
• Pregnant women
• Hb% less than 11 gm%.
Exclusion criteria
• Non pregnant women
• HB above 11 gm%.
Study population
Pregnant women attending the antenatal OPD of our
tertiary teaching institution between the ages of 18 to 50
years from nearby villages in Kancheepuram district were
• Total no. of AN Women - 1290
• No. of anemic patient - 800
• Percent of anemic patient - 62%.
Approval was obtained from the Institutional Ethics
Committee prior to the commencement of the study. Each
participant was explained in detail about the study and
written informed consent was obtained prior to the data
collection. Each patient was interviewed using a
structured interview schedule to obtain information
regarding the age, parity, educational and socio-economic
status. The severity of anemia was estimated and the
intake of iron supplementation by the pregnant patient
was also studied.
Statistical analysis
The data obtained was organized according to the
severity of anemia Data was entered and analyzed using
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and the various degrees of
anemia were expressed in percentage.
Out of 1290 OPD pregnant women 490 had Hb% above
11 gm/dl. So, the prevalence of anemia was 62% of
which 40% were mildly anemic (Hb-9-11 gm%), 55%
were moderately anemic (Hb-7-9 gm%) and 5% were
severely anemic (Hb-less than 7 gm%) according to
WHO classification (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Prevalence of anaemia among
pregnant women.
Table 1: Age distribution.
Mild anemia
Moderate anemia
Severe anemia
< 20 years
35 (10.9%)
63 (14.3%)
6 (15%)
104 (13%)
150 (47%)
320 (72.73%)
24 (60%)
494 (61.75%)
125 (39%)
44 (10%)
8 (20%)
177 (22.12%)
> 30
10 (3.1%)
13 (2.95%)
2 (5%)
25 (3.72%)
The 800 anemic women were included in the study. Mean
age of the participants was 22.6%. Maximum numbers of
anemic women were in the age group 20-24 years
(61.75%) followed by 22.1% in 25-29 years and 13% in
less than 20 years group. The least anemia was seen in
the age group more than 30 years (3.72%) (Table 1). Of
the antenatal women 11.5% were illiterate, primary and
secondary educated 36.5% and 44.75% respectively and
7.25% were graduate and above. Anemia was seen more
in the secondary educated women (44.75%) followed by
primary educated women (36.5%) and illiterate (11.5%).
Least percentage of anemias was seen in the graduate
Sarala V et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 9 · Issue 1 Page 3
women (7.25%) (Table 2). On analyzing socio-economic
status as expected maximum percentage of anemia was
seen in the lower socio-economic status (63.75%)
followed by middle (32.625%) and was lowest in the
higher socio-economic status group (3.625%) (Table 3).
Prevalence of anemia in primigravida (49.25%) and
multigravida (50.75%) were almost equal but 80% of
severely anemic patients were multigravida. (Table 4).
Almost 68% took iron and folic acid tablets regularly
(Table 5).
Table 2: Educational status.
Mild anemia
Moderate anemia
Severe anemia
48 (15%)
40 (9%)
4 (10%)
92 (11.5%)
64 (20%)
218 (49.5%)
10 (25%)
292 (36.5%)
176 (55%)
160 (36.36%)
22 (55%)
358 (44.75%)
Graduate / PG
32 (10%)
22 (5%)
4 (10%)
58 (7.25%)
800 (100%)
Table 3: Socio economic status.
Mild anemia
Moderate anemia
Severe anemia
192 (60%)
286 (65%)
32 (80%)
510 (63.75%)
106 (33.1%)
149 (33.86%)
6 (15%)
261 (32.625%)
22 (69%)
5 (1.14%)
3 (5%)
29 (3.625%)
800 (100%)
Table 4: Parity.
Mild anemia
Moderate anemia
Severe anemia
Primi Para
162 (50.6%)
224 (50.9%)
8 (20%)
394 (49.25%)
Multi Para
158 (49.4%)
216 (49%)
32 (80%)
406 (50.75%)
800 (100%)
Table 5: Iron supplementation.
Iron tab consumption
256 (80%)
264 (60%)
24 (60%)
544 (68%)
64 (20%)
176 (40%)
16 (40%)
256 (32%)
800 (100%)
In this present study, the percentage and severity of
anemia in pregnant women was analyzed. The prevalence
of anemia in pregnancy in our study was 62%. The
severity of anemia was graded as per WHO classification
of anemia. 40% of the women were mildly anemic, 55%
were moderately anemic and 5% severely anemic.
Similar, results were obtained by Singh P et al.1 As per
our study, anemia was most prevalent in age 20-24 years
old (61.75%). This finding is almost the same as Gaurah
et al (77.9%) and Shwetha et al (70%).9,10 Regarding
educational qualification anemia was more prevalent in
primary and secondary educational level, 36.5% and
44.75% respectively. In our study of socio-economic
status, anemia was more common in lower strata of
women (63.75%). This finding correlates with that of
Ahmad N et al.11 Comparing primigravida with
multigravida women, anemia is almost equally
distributed among both (50.75%). In studies by Bison et
al and Sowmya et al, they have also reported the same
distribution (50%).2,12 All anemic patients were given
iron supplements oral or parenteral. Only 68% took the
treatment continuously (Table 5). Rest of them
discontinued at different periods.
Treating anemia in pregnant women will go a long way in
improving maternal and fetal outcome. Hence a future
healthy younger generation can be produced. Iron tablets
can be distributed at school to young girls to prevent
anemia in future women. Educating young girls regarding
hygiene, nutritious diet, iron supplement even in pre
pregnancy stage will prevent anemia to a great extent
during pregnancy.
Sarala V et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 9 · Issue 1 Page 4
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethics Committee
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Cite this article as: Sarala V, Gopalan U. A study on
prevalence of anemia in pregnancy in South India. Int
J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2020;9:xxx-xx.