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A Targetron-Recombinase System for Large-Scale Genome Engineering of Clostridia

American Society for Microbiology

Abstract and Figures

Clostridia are a group of Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria of medical and industrial importance for which limited genetic methods are available. Here, we demonstrate an approach to make large genomic deletions and insertions in the model Clostridium phytofermentans by combining designed group II introns (targetrons) and Cre recombinase. We apply these methods to delete a 50-gene prophage island by programming targetrons to position markerless lox66 and lox71 sites, which mediate deletion of the intervening 39-kb DNA region using Cre recombinase. Gene expression and growth of the deletion strain showed that the prophage genes contribute to fitness on nonpreferred carbon sources. We also inserted an inducible fluorescent reporter gene into a neutral genomic site by recombination-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) between genomic and plasmid-based tandem lox sites bearing heterospecific spacers to prevent intracassette recombination. These approaches generally enable facile markerless genome engineering in clostridia to study their genome structure and regulation. IMPORTANCE Clostridia are anaerobic bacteria with important roles in intestinal and soil microbiomes. The inability to experimentally modify the genomes of clostridia has limited their study and application in biotechnology. Here, we developed a targetron-recombinase system to efficiently make large targeted genomic deletions and insertions using the model Clostridium phytofermentans . We applied this approach to reveal the importance of a prophage to host fitness and introduce an inducible reporter by recombination-mediated cassette exchange.
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A Targetron-Recombinase System for Large-Scale Genome
Engineering of Clostridia
Tristan Cerisy,
William Rostain,
Audam Chhun,
Magali Boutard,
Marcel Salanoubat,
Andrew C. Tolonen
Génomique Métabolique, Genoscope, Institut François Jacob, CEA, CNRS, Univ Evry, Université Paris-Saclay, Évry, France
ABSTRACT Clostridia are a group of Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria of medical
and industrial importance for which limited genetic methods are available. Here, we
demonstrate an approach to make large genomic deletions and insertions in the
model Clostridium phytofermentans by combining designed group II introns (target-
rons) and Cre recombinase. We apply these methods to delete a 50-gene prophage
island by programming targetrons to position markerless lox66 and lox71 sites,
which mediate deletion of the intervening 39-kb DNA region using Cre recombinase.
Gene expression and growth of the deletion strain showed that the prophage genes
contribute to fitness on nonpreferred carbon sources. We also inserted an inducible
fluorescent reporter gene into a neutral genomic site by recombination-mediated
cassette exchange (RMCE) between genomic and plasmid-based tandem lox sites
bearing heterospecific spacers to prevent intracassette recombination. These ap-
proaches generally enable facile markerless genome engineering in clostridia to
study their genome structure and regulation.
IMPORTANCE Clostridia are anaerobic bacteria with important roles in intestinal and
soil microbiomes. The inability to experimentally modify the genomes of clostridia
has limited their study and application in biotechnology. Here, we developed a
targetron-recombinase system to efficiently make large targeted genomic deletions
and insertions using the model Clostridium phytofermentans. We applied this ap-
proach to reveal the importance of a prophage to host fitness and introduce an in-
ducible reporter by recombination-mediated cassette exchange.
KEYWORDS clostridia, engineering, prophage, recombinase
The clostridia are Gram-positive obligately anaerobic bacteria that include human
pathogens as well as plant-fermenting species critical for healthy functioning of soil
and gut microbiomes. Clostridium (Lachnoclostridium)phytofermentans ISDg (1)isa
model plant-fermenting Clostridium that breaks down plant biomass using numerous
carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) and ferments the resulting hexose and pen-
tose sugars into ethanol, hydrogen, and acetate (2–4). C. phytofermentans is a member
of the Lachnospiraceae family that is abundant in soil (5), dominates the rumen (6), and
includes human gut commensals that play important roles in nutrition and intestinal
health (7). Because of their ability to directly ferment lignocellulose, plant-fermenting
clostridia have industrial potential for the transformation of plant biomass into value-
added chemicals. Clostridia have long been the focus of study due to their diverse
importance to human health, industry, and the environment (8). However, a lack of
methods for genetic manipulation of clostridia has hindered their application in
biotechnology and our ability to study the structure and function of their genomes.
The development of targetrons based on the Lactococcus lactis Ll.LtrB group II intron
(9) enabled targeted chromosome insertions in C. phytofermentans (10) and other
clostridia (11). Targetrons are designed group II introns that can be customized to insert
into specific DNA sequences by a retrohoming mechanism with efficiencies approach-
Citation Cerisy T, Rostain W, Chhun A, Boutard
M, Salanoubat M, Tolonen AC. 2019. A
targetron-recombinase system for large-scale
genome engineering of clostridia. mSphere
Editor Garret Suen, University of Wisconsin-
Copyright © 2019 Cerisy et al. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license.
Address correspondence to Andrew C.
Tristan Cerisy and William Rostain contributed
equally to this work. Author order was mutually
agreed upon by the coauthors.
Large-scale genome engineering in
Clostridia by combining targetrons and Cre
recombinase shows importance of prophage
to host fitness @andrew_tolonen
Received 24 September 2019
Accepted 23 November 2019
Synthetic Biology
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 1
11 December 2019
ing 100% of cells (12), obviating the need for antibiotic resistance markers to select for
their insertion. Domain IV of the intron can be modified to carry cargo DNA such as
single or two tandem lox sites (13). Lox sites are 34-bp elements of two 13-bp
palindromic arms separated by an 8-bp spacer that are recognized by Cre, a recombi-
nase that does not require host-encoded factors (14). Cre has previously been applied
in clostridia to excise an antibiotic resistance gene integrated by homologous
recombination (15). Modified lox sequences expand the utility of the Cre/lox system.
For example, lox66 and lox71 sites each contain arm mutations such that their
recombination results in a lox72 site with two mutant arms that is no longer
recognized by Cre (16). Orthogonal spacer mutants such as lox511 and loxFAS do
not recombine with each other (17), permitting simultaneous noninterfering lox
recombinations for recombination-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE). RMCE is a
method by which a plasmid and genomic cassette can be exchanged by recombi-
nation mediated by a site-specific recombinase such as Cre (18).
Here, we describe a way to make large precise deletions (Fig. 1A to D) and insertions
(Fig. 1E to H) in clostridial genomes using C. phytofermentans as a model. Targetrons
and Cre recombinase have been used together to make genomic insertions in Esche-
richia coli and deletions in E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus (13), showing that these
tools can be used together in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. We devel-
oped a targetron-recombinase system for clostridia and applied it to excise 50 genes
(cphy2944 to cphy2993) comprising a 39-kb prophage region in the C. phytofermentans
genome, which we chose because mobile elements such as prophages often reduce
genomic stability and their removal increases fitness in other Gram-positive bacteria
FIG 1 Overview of genomic deletion and insertion in C. phytofermentans. (A) pQlox71 is introduced for genomic
insertion of a lox71 (L71) site using the LtrA protein encoded by the targetron. (B) pQlox71 is cured and pQlox66
is introduced for genomic insertion of a lox66 (L66) site. (C) pQlox66 is cured, and pQcre1 is introduced for
Cre-mediated recombination to delete the sequence between the lox66 and lox71 sites. (D) In the resulting strain,
the deletion and lox72 site are confirmed by PCR (arrows show primers). (E) pQadd1 is introduced for genomic
delivery of a lox511/71 (L5-71) and loxFAS/66 (LF-66) cassette into the genome. (F) pQadd1 is cured and pQadd2
is introduced, bearing the desired insertion sequence flanked by lox511/66 (L5-66) and loxFAS/71 (LF-71) sites. (G)
pQcre2 is introduced for Cre-mediated RMCE. (H) The resulting strain has a genomic copy of the insert sequence
flanked by lox511/72 (L5-72) and loxFAS/72 (LF-72) sites in the genome, which is confirmed by PCR (arrows show
Cerisy et al.
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 2
(19). We also inserted an anaerobic flavin mononucleotide-based fluorescent protein
(20) into the C. phytofermentans genome by RMCE between genomic and plasmid-
based tandem lox cassettes and demonstrated that it acts as a carbon source-inducible
reporter. We discuss how these methods are an important component of an emerging
suite of tools to engineer clostridial genomes.
Plasmids for genomic deletion and insertion. Our strategy to make targeted
deletions (Fig. 1A to D) and insertions (Fig. 1E to H)intheC. phytofermentans genome
is based on sequential introduction and removal of conditionally replicating plasmids
carrying lox sites or Cre recombinase. We constructed plasmids for targetron-mediated
delivery of lox sites by inserting the lox cassettes into the unique MluI site in domain
IV of the intron, a site that supports DNA insertions while retaining targetron activity
(13). Targetrons can be programmed to insert into the genome in either orientation,
but both lox linkers must be in the same relative orientation in the genome for Cre to
delete the intervening region (Fig. 1C). Similarly, RMCE requires two Cre-based recom-
binations between tandem lox sites whose orientation determines that of the inserted
DNA (Fig. 1E to H). We thus constructed lox-containing targetrons in pQint (10) with
either orientation of lox sites: lox71 (pQlox71F and pQlox71R) and lox66 (pQlox66F and
pQlox66R) for genome deletions and a tandem lox511/71-loxFAS/66 cassette (pQadd1F
and pQadd1R) for genome insertion by RMCE (Table 1; see also Fig. S1 in the supple-
mental material). These plasmids all contain the erythromycin resistance gene from
Streptococcus pneumoniae Tn1545 (21) for selection in E. coli and C. phytofermentans
and the pAM
1 origin that replicates stably in C. phytofermentans but can be cured by
serial transfer in liquid medium lacking antibiotics (10).
TABLE 1 Plasmids and strains used in this study
Plasmid or Strain Description Source or reference
pAT19 erm (erythromycin resistance), pAM
1 origin, pUC origin, oriT 21
pQint pAT19 with targetron (Ll.LtrB-deltaORF intron, ltrA) expressed from
P3558 promoter
pRAB1 Source of PpagA-cre cassette 22
pRK24 RP4 conjugal genes, Tet
, Amp
pMTL82351 aad9 (spectinomycin resistance), pBP1 origin, colEI origin, oriT CHAIN Biotech
pMTC6 MlsR, Amp
,E. coli-Clostridium shuttle vector. PpFbFPm,lac operator,
thl promoter, thl terminator
pQlox71F, pQlox71R pQint with lox71 in either the forward (F) or reverse (R) orientation
inserted into MluI site
This study, Addgene 135655, 135656
pQlox66F, pQlox66R pQint with lox66 in either the forward (F) or reverse (R) orientation
inserted into MluI site
This study, Addgene 135657, 135658
pQcre1 pAT19 with PpagA-cre inserted between EcoRI and XbaI sites This study, Addgene 135659
pQcre2 pMTL82351 with PpagA-cre cassette from pQcre1 inserted in EcoRI site This study
pQadd1F, pQadd1R pQint with lox511/71 and loxFAS/66 cassette inserted into MluI site This study, Addgene 135660, 135661
pQadd2 pAT19 with lox511/66-loxFAS/71 cassette inserted between the PstI
and EcoRI sites
This study. Addgene 135662
pQadd2_P3368_FbFP pQadd2 with P3668-FbFP inserted between SpeI and XhoI sites of
the lox cassette
This study
E. coli 1100-2 mcrA0,endA1, mcrB9999 strain used as a conjugal donor 10
E. coli NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli cells used for gene cloning New England BioLabs
C. phytofermentans ISDg Reference strain ATCC 700394
C. phytofermentans IntR2944 cphy2944::lox71F.int2944.591s This study
C. phytofermentans IntF2944 cphy2944::lox71R.int2944.526a This study
C. phytofermentans DI-AS cphy2944::lox71R.int2944.591s, cphy2993::lox66F.int2993.177a This study
C. phytofermentans DI-SS cphy2944::lox71F.int2944.526a, cphy2993::lox66F.int2993.177a This study
C. phytofermentans Del-AS DI-AS-derived cphy2944-cphy2993 deletion strain with palindromic scar This study
C. phytofermentans Del-SS DI-SS-derived cphy2944-cphy2993 deletion strain with lox72 site This study
C. phytofermentans Int1575 cphy1575::lox511/71_loxFAS/66.96a This study
C. phytofermentans Int1575-FbFP cphy1575::lox511/72_P3368-FbFP_loxFAS/72.96a This study
Clostridia Targetron-Recombinase Engineering
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 3
To express Cre recombinase in C. phytofermentans for genomic deletion between
lox71 and lox66 sites, we constructed pQcre1 (Fig. S1; Table 1) in which cre is expressed
from the Bacillus anthracis PpagA promoter, a well-characterized constitutive promoter
that is widely functional in Gram-positive bacteria (22). Initially, we attempted to deliver
a tandem lox cassette and cre on a single plasmid for RMCE but were unable to
construct such a plasmid likely because of interactions between Cre and the lox
cassette, requiring us to cotransform C. phytofermentans with separate plasmids bear-
ing the lox cassette and cre gene. We found that the pBP1 origin from Clostridium
botulinum (23) replicates stably in C. phytofermentans and can be cured using the same
methods as for pAM
1 plasmids and that the aad9 adenyltransferase gene from
Enterococcus faecalis (24) confers spectinomycin resistance in C. phytofermentans. More-
over, we found that plasmids bearing pAM
1 and pBP1 origins can be simultaneously
maintained in the same C. phytofermentans cell, provided they have different antibiotic
resistance markers. Thus, we constructed pQcre2 in which the PpagA-cre cassette from
pQcre1 was inserted into pMTL82351 (Table 1), which carries the pBP1 origin and aad9.
Targetrons position genomic lox sites. Both lox sites must be in the same
orientation for Cre-based recombination to result in deletion of the intervening DNA
(25). To excise the 39-kb prophage region (cphy2944-2993)intheC. phytofermentans
genome (Fig. 2A), pQlox71R was modified to insert a lox71 targetron at 591 bp from the
cphy2944 start codon in the sense direction relative to gene transcription, yielding
pQlox71R.2944. Plasmid pQlox66F.2993 was similarly built to insert a lox66 targetron in
the antisense orientation at 177 bp from the start of cphy2993. Both cphy2944 and
cphy2993 are transcribed on the reverse strand of the genome, such that the lox71 and
lox66 sites inserted by pQlox71R.2944 and pQlox66F.2993 are in the same direction the
genome (Fig. 2A).
Conjugal transfer of lox71 and lox66 targetron plasmids into C. phytofermentans
consistently yielded 10 to 20 transconjugant colonies, of which 80% to 100% contained
the expected targetron insertion, indicating that the efficiency of delivery and integra-
tion of lox-containing targetrons is similar to that in previous targetrons studies
in C. phytofermentans (10,26,27). Following sequential delivery and curing of
FIG 2 Construction of a C. phytofermentans strain with targetron-mediated insertion of a lox71 site in
cphy2944 and a lox66 site in cphy2993. (A) Genome region with the lox-containing targetron insertions
in cphy2944 and cphy2993. Positions of primers used in panels B and E are shown. (B) PCR confirmation
of lox insertions into cphy2944 (primers 2944_1/2) and cphy2993 (primers 2993_1/2) in 3 DI-AS isolates
(DI1 to DI3). DNA chromatograms from DI1 of the lox71 site in cphy2944 (C) and the lox66 site in cphy2993
(D) with the 8-bp central spacer outlined and arm mutations relative to loxP shown in red. (E) Inverse PCR
(primers int_1/2) shows the 3 DI-AS isolates (DI1 to DI3) contain only the 2 expected genomic targetron
insertions. The 3.5-kb band corresponds to the targetron insertion in cphy2944 and the 1.3-kb band to
the insertion in cphy2993.
Cerisy et al.
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 4
pQlox71R.2944 and pQlox66F.2993, PCR amplification of cphy2944 and cphy2993
showed targetron insertions in both genes (Fig. 2B), and sequencing of these PCR
products established the presence of the expected genomic lox71 in cphy2944
(Fig. 2C) and lox66 in cphy2993 (Fig. 2D). We refer to this double insertion strain as
DI-AS (Table 1). Off-site targetron insertions are common (27), which would result
in unexpected recombinations. Thus, we applied an inverse PCR assay (27) using
primers that anneal to the targetron in order to quantify the number and sequence
of genomic targetron insertions. This assay confirmed that DI-AS contains both
expected genomic targetrons without any additional off-site insertions (Fig. 2E).
Cre-mediated prophage deletion. We introduced Cre recombinase into C. phyto-
fermentans strain DI-AS by conjugal transfer of pQcre1 and diagnosed the Cre-mediated
deletion using 3 PCR amplifications: amplicons spanning each genomic lox site and
an amplicon spanning the genomic region between the two lox sites. Cre-mediated
recombination was highly efficient in C. phytofermentans such that when DI-AS was
transformed with pQcre1, all colonies yielded a product using primers 2944_1/2993_2
spanning the region between lox71 and lox66 and no colonies yielded PCR products
using primers flanking each of the individual lox sites (2944_1/2 and 2993_1/2) (Fig. 3A).
FIG 3 Cre-mediated genomic deletion in C. phytofermentans. (A) PCR of the cphy2944 gene (primers
2944_1/2), the cphy2993 gene (primers 2993_1/2), and the 38.9-kb genomic region (primers 2944_1/
2993_2) before pQcre1 transformation (strains DI-SS and DI-AS) and after pQcre1 transformation (strains
Del-SS and Del-AS). (B) DNA chromatogram of the intron fragment in strain Del-AS with palindromic
positions shown in red. (C) DNA chromatogram of the lox72 site in Del-SS with 8-bp central spacer
outlined and arm mutations relative to loxP in red. Model of how Cre-mediated deletion of the genomic
region between lox71 and lox66 sites results in a bidirectional intron that recombines into a 28-bp intron
fragment lacking a lox72 site in strain Del-AS (D) and a unidirectional intron containing a lox72 site in
strain Del-SS (E).
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We refer to the strain with a Cre-mediated deletion as Del-AS (Table 1). While all 10
Del-AS transconjugants yielded PCR products with primers 2944_1/2993_2, the product
was 400 bp rather than the expected 1.5-kb product (Fig. 3A). The sequence of this PCR
product revealed that all that remained of the expected lox72-containing targetron was
a palindromic fragment corresponding to the first 28 bp of the targetron (Fig. 3B).
Cre-mediated recombination between lox sites in opposing targetrons produces a
targetron fragment consisting of a 500-bp inverted repeat that may be unstable. We
tested if the relative orientation of the genomic targetrons influences the final product
of Cre recombination by generating a second C. phytofermentans strain with both
targetrons in the same orientation. To this end, we modified the lox71-targetron of
pQlox71F.2944 to insert in cphy2944 in the sense orientation with respect to transcrip-
tion at 526 bp from the gene start. As the orientation of both the intron targeting and
lox71 are reversed relative to that in pQlox71R.2944, the orientation of lox71 in the
genome is preserved. We constructed a second double insertion strain, DI-SS (Table 1),
with both genomic targetrons in the same orientation by sequential delivery and curing
pQlox71F.2944 and pQlox66F.2993 using the same procedures as for DI-AS. Following
delivery of pQcre1 to DI-SS, we observed by PCR using primers 2944_1/2993_2 that all
10 transconjugants yielded a 1.5-kb product (Fig. 3A) whose sequence confirmed the
expected recombination resulting in a single targetron containing a lox72 site (Fig. 3C).
We refer to this strain as Del-SS (Table 1). We thus conclude the Cre-mediated deletion
in Del-AS results in an inverted repeat that is excised by homologous recombination to
leave only a short palindromic targetron fragment (Fig. 3D), whereas the intact intron
containing a lox72 site in Del-SS is stable in the genome (Fig. 3E).
Prophage excision reduces growth on nonpreferred carbon sources. Wild-type
and DI-SS strains grow similarly on monosaccharides (glucose and xylose), a disaccha-
ride (cellobiose), and a polysaccharide (galactan) (Fig. 4A to D), indicating that targetron
insertions in cphy2944 (phage cell wall peptidase) and cphy2993 (phage DNA-binding
protein) do not affect growth under these conditions. In contrast, growth of Del-SS was
significantly reduced relative to that of the wild-type (WT) on carbon sources other than
glucose (Fig. 4A to D), suggesting that the prophage contributes to cell fitness. The
organization and sequences of the 50 genes in the C. phytofermentans prophage region
are similar to those in Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1, which has a linear, double-
stranded 44-kb DNA genome with all genes transcribed in the same direction (28).
While it is unknown if this C. phytofermentans prophage can form lytic particles, it
harbors genes for the major phage functions: bacterial cell wall binding and degrada-
tion, phage tail assembly, phage head assembly, and DNA synthesis/replication (see
Fig. S2). However, the contribution of these genes to cell fitness on nonglucose carbon
sources is not evident from gene annotations.
We compared the mRNA expression in C. phytofermentans WT of the 50 prophage
genes on these four carbon sources as measured by transcriptome sequencing (RNA-
seq) (3), revealing that cphy2976 transcription is upregulated 68-fold on cellobiose,
15-fold on xylose, and 86-fold on galactan relative to that on glucose (Fig. 4E to H). As
such, cphy2976 is among the top 10 most highly expressed genes in the cell on
cellobiose and galactan. The cphy2976 gene is cotranscribed with cphy2975 (29)inan
operon that opposes all other genes in the prophage region (Fig. S2). Neither gene
encodes domains of known function nor has significant similarity to genes in the NCBI
database, and so we cannot postulate their roles in the cell. However, our data indicate
that deletion of these 50 putative prophage genes unexpectedly decreased C. phyto-
fermentans growth on nonpreferred carbon sources, and the extremely high upregu-
lation of cphy2976 suggests that it plays an important role in cell fitness under these
Genomic insertion by RMCE. To effectuate targeted genomic insertions in C.
phytofermentans by RMCE, the targetron of pQadd1R (Fig. S1) was customized to insert
tandem lox sites with incompatible linkers (lox511/71 and loxFAS/66) at 96 bp from the
start of cphy1575 (Fig. 5A) to produce pQadd1R.1575. The cphy1575 gene is homolo-
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November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 6
gous to B. subtilis AprX, a nonessential S8 subtilisin serine protease that degrades
heterologous protein in stationary phase (30, 31). The cphy1575 gene is contained in a
cluster of 6 genes with 50% or greater amino acid similarity (cphy1571 to cphy1576) that
likely have overlapping function, further suggesting that inserting heterologous DNA
into cphy1575 would have minimal impact on the cell. We transformed C. phytofermen-
tans with pQadd1R.1575, confirmed the insertion of the intron into cphy1575 by PCR
(Fig. 5B), and cured the plasmid to yield strain int1575 (Table 1). We confirmed that
int1575 did not contain any additional off-site targetron insertions by inverse PCR,
which yielded only the expected 5.1-kb band corresponding to the insertion in
cphy1575 (Fig. 5C).
pQadd2 contains tandem lox511/66 and loxFAS/71 sites (Fig. S1) to facilitate RMCE
with the complementary cassette integrated in the genome of strain int1575 (Fig. 5A).
The lox sites in pQadd2 are separated by SpeI and XhoI sites into which we cloned a
version of the FbFP oxygen-independent green fluorescent protein from Pseudomonas
putida that has been codon optimized for clostridia (32). The FbFP gene is expressed
from the promoter of cphy3368 (P3368), encoding a GH48 cellobiohydrolase (33) whose
transcription is highly upregulated on cellobiose relative to that on glucose (3). The
resulting pQadd2 plasmid bearing the P3368-FbFP cassette was called pQadd2.P3368-
FbFP. We sequentially transformed strain int1575 with pQadd2.P3368-FbFP and
pQcre2. As these plasmids have different origins of replication and antibiotic resistance,
they can be maintained simultaneously in the C. phytofermentans cell (Fig. 5D).
Following transformation of strain 1575 with pQadd2.P3368-FbFP and pQcre2, PCR
amplification of the cphy1575 genomic region (Fig. 5E) of 10 transconjugants showed
FIG 4 Growth of C. phytofermentans WT (), DI-SS (Œ), and Del-SS () strains on glucose (A), cellobiose (B), xylose (C), and galactan (D). Data points are means
from 4 cultures; shaded areas show standard deviations (SDs). mRNA expression measured by RNA-seq of cphy2944-cphy2993 in C. phytofermentans WT on
glucose (E), cellobiose (F), xylose (G), and galactan (H). Bars show mean log
(RPKM) SD from duplicate cultures; stars show genes differentially expressed on
other carbon sources relative to glucose. RNA-seq measurements and differential expression statistics are based on a previous study (3).
Clostridia Targetron-Recombinase Engineering
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 7
that they all contained the intended insertion of the P3368-FbFP cassette (Fig. 5F). The
sequence of this PCR product confirmed the insertion of the P3368-FbFP cassette
flanked by lox511/72 and loxFAS/72 sites. As such, Cre-based recombination for RMCE
is highly efficient in C. phytofermentans, similarly to genome deletion using Cre. We
cured the plasmids, yielding strain int1575_FbFP (Table 1), and compared its fluores-
cence to that of the WT. The fluorescence of WT and int1575_FbFP cells was similar
when grown on glucose, whereas int1575_FbFP showed elevated fluorescence relative
to that of the WT on cellobiose (Fig. 5G). These results show that FbFP functions as a
fluorescent reporter in C. phytofermentans and that P3368 can be used to regulate
transcription of heterologous genes in a cellobiose-inducible manner.
This study describes a strategy to make genomic deletions and insertions by
leveraging two well-characterized genetic tools that are efficient and independent of
host factors. Targetrons delivered both single and tandem lox sites into the C. phyto-
fermentans genome in more than 80% of transconjugants, showing that splicing lox
sites into the targetron does not significantly reduce its efficiency. Further, Cre effec-
tuated recombination between lox sites for genomic deletion and RMCE-mediated
insertion in 100% of colonies. Targetrons and Cre recombinase have already been used
separately in other clostridial species, supporting that this approach can be generally
applied in clostridia. Unexpectedly, we found that if the two genomic targetrons are in
opposite orientations, the lox72 site and most of the targetron sequence are excised to
leave only a short scar following Cre-mediated recombination. While this secondary
recombination can be prevented by controlling the orientation of the lox sites or
potentially by introducing two nonhomologous targetrons based on Ll.LtrB and EclV, it
is potentially preferable to reduce the size of the scar relative to a lox-containing
Engineering of clostridia with streamlined genomes will enhance our ability to
optimize the production of target molecules and understand the contributions of
nonessential genes to cell fitness. Deletion of one or a few genes by double-crossover
homologous recombination-based integration of an antibiotic resistance marker has
been achieved in certain clostridial species (34–36). Moreover, CRISPR is proving to be
an efficient way to select for clostridia with markerless, homologous recombination-
mediated gene deletions by killing nonrecombinant cells using Cas nucleases (37–39).
CRISPR methods can select for small genomic changes because Cas nucleases can be
FIG 5 Genomic insertion in C. phytofermentans by RMCE. (A) Diagram of the cphy1575 region in strain int1575 including positions of
primers to confirm the targetron insertion in cphy1575 (1575_1/2) and the number of genomic targetron insertions (int_1/2). (B) PCR
of cphy1575 in WT and int1575 (primers 1575_1/2) strains shows insertion of the targetron containing the lox511/71_loxFAS/66
cassette in int1575. (C) Inverse PCR of int1575 genomic DNA (primers int_1/2) shows int1575 contains a single targetron insertion. The
5.1-kb band corresponds to the expected targetron insertion in cphy1575. (D) Plasmids pQadd2 and pQcre2 can be simultaneously
maintained in strain int1575. PCR compares int1575 before plasmid transfer (for pQAdd1 and pQcre2) and after transfer of both
plasmids (for pQadd1 and pQcre2) using primers to amplify the plasmid origins of replication. (E) Diagram of cphy1575 in
int1575_FbFP after RMCE to insert the P3368-FbFP cassette. (F) PCR of cphy1575 in int1575 () and int1575_FbFP () shows insertion
of the P3368-FbFP cassette in int1575_FbFP. (G) Fluorescence (448/20-nm excitation, 495/20-nm emission) of wild-type and
int1575_FbFP strains shows cellobiose-inducible FbFP expression. Bars show mean fluorescence normalized to cell density (OD
from triplicate cultures SDs.
Cerisy et al.
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 8
programmed to cleave any genomic site containing a PAM sequence (40). However,
CRISPR methods are still limited by the probability of initially introducing the desired
mutation by homologous recombination, because CRISPR-mediated DNA cleavage only
modestly induces recombination in bacteria (40) and most bacterial taxa lack the
proteins for nonhomologous end joining (41). As the efficiency of homologous recom-
bination decreases exponentially with distance between recombination sites (42),
CRISPR methods are generally confined to making genomic changes of a few kilobases
or less. Furthermore, the double-stranded DNA cleavage activities of Cas nucleases are
toxic, making them difficult to introduce into clostridial species with low transformation
efficiencies (41). In contrast, targetrons and Cre-lox are independent of homologous
recombination, do not cause double-stranded DNA breaks, and are efficient such that
large changes can be easily made without selection.
Insertion of heterologous genes and pathways into clostridia is fundamental to
being able to endow them with novel phenotypic and metabolic properties. The C.
phytofermentans int1575 strain containing a genomic lox511/71-loxFAS/66 cassette is a
chassis that can be generally applied for facile RMCE-mediated integration of genes and
pathways of interest. Genomic insertion by RMCE does not require selectable markers,
and the length of the inserted DNA is only limited by that which can be cloned into
pQadd2. A previous method for genomic insertion in clostridia termed allele-coupled
exchange (ACE) links expression of a selectable marker gene to the formation of a
double-crossover recombinant chromosome (43). ACE is advantageous relative to
RMCE in permitting serial accumulation of larger insertion fragments but disadvanta-
geous in requiring a uracil auxotrophy or genomic insertion of antibiotic resistance
genes. In conclusion, the targetron-recombinase method described here expands our
capabilities to engineer clostridia by enabling large markerless genomic deletions and
insertions. This approach complements other recent technologies such as CRISPR and
ACE to make a suite of tools to understand the biology of clostridia and exploit their
usefulness in industry and medicine.
Cell cultivation and conjugation. C. phytofermentans ISDg (ATCC 700394) was cultured anaerobi-
cally at 30°C in GS2 medium (44) containing 3 g liter
of either glucose (G5767; Sigma), xylose (X3877;
Sigma), cellobiose (C7252; Sigma), or galactan (P-GALLU; Megazyme). Growth on different carbon sources
was measured in 400-
l cultures in 100-well microtiter plates (9502550; Bioscreen) that were sealed in
the anaerobic chamber (2% H
, 98% N
) as previously described (45). Cell densities were measured using
a Thermo Scientific Bioscreen C as the optical density at 600 nm (OD
) with 30 s of shaking before each
Plasmids were introduced into C. phytofermentans by conjugal transfer from E. coli strain 1100-2
(pRK24) (10), and plasmids were maintained using erythromycin (200
in liquid medium, 40
in solid medium) or spectinomycin (600
in liquid medium and solid medium). Following
conjugation, ten transconjugant colonies were picked, and the presence of the plasmid was confirmed
by PCR using primers pAMB1_1/2 for pAM
1 origin plasmids and primers pBP1_1/2 for pBP1 origin
plasmids. Plasmids were cured by five successive transfers at 1:100 dilution in 5 ml liquid medium lacking
antibiotics. Plasmid loss was confirmed based on antibiotic sensitivity and lack of a PCR product. The
expected intron insertions in the C. phytofermentans genome were confirmed by PCR and sequencing
using primers flanking the genomic insertion site (primers are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental
Plasmid construction. Enzymes were purchased from New England BioLabs, and cloning was
performed using NEB 5-alpha Competent E. coli cells (C2987I; NEB). The lox66 and lox71 sites were cloned
by annealing complementary 5=phosphorylated oligonucleotides (L71_1/2 and L66_1/2) and cloning
them into the unique MluI site in domain IV of the Ll.LtrB-ΔORF intron of pQint (10). To enable
positioning of lox sites in either orientation in the genome relative to the intron insertion, lox66 and lox71
sites were cloned into pQint in both orientations yielding 4 plasmids: pQlox66F, pQlox66R, pQlox71F, and
pQlox71R. Using crossover PCR, the pQlox71F intron was targeted to insert in the antisense orientation
at 526 bp from the cphy2944 start codon (pQlox71F.2944), the pQlox71R intron was targeted to insert at
591 bp from the cphy2944 start codon (pQlox71R.2944), and the pQintL66F intron was targeted to insert
in the antisense orientation at 177 bp from the start of cphy2993 (pQlox66F.2993). pQcre1 was con-
structed by PCR amplifying the PpagA-cre cassette from pRAB1 (22) using primers PpagA-Cre_1/2 and
inserting it between the EcoRI and XbaI sites of pAT19 (21). PCR and sequencing using primers
OK_PpagA-Cre_1/2 confirmed the presence of the PpagA-cre cassette in pQcre1.
pQadd1F/R were constructed by annealing complementary 5=phosphorylated oligonucleotides
2ML4_1/2 encoding a double lox cassette (lox511/71 and loxFAS/66) and cloning it into the unique MluI
site of pQint. The pQadd1R intron was subsequently targeted to insert into cphy1575 in the antisense
Clostridia Targetron-Recombinase Engineering
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 9
orientation at 96 bp from the start codon to make plasmid pQadd1R.1575. pQadd2 was constructed by
annealing and PCR extending oligonucleotides 2ML9_1/2 encoding a double lox cassette (lox511/66 plus
loxFAS/71), and cloning the resultant product between the unique PstI and EcoRI sites of pAT19. The
P3368-FbFP cassette was inserted into pQadd2 by PCR amplifying the cphy3368 promoter region from C.
phytofermentans genomic DNA using primers P3368_1/2 and cloning the product into the SpeI and XhoI
sites between the lox511/66 and loxFAS/71 sites of pQadd2. The PpFbFPm gene was PCR amplified from
pMTC6 (32) using primers P3368_FbFP_1/2 and cloned between the XbaI and XhoI sites directly
downstream of P3368 to make pQadd2.P3368-FbFP. To enable cotransformation of pQadd2.P3368-FbFP
and a cre plasmid into the same cell, pQcre2 was built by PCR amplifying the PpagA-cre cassette from
pQcre1 using primers Cre2_1/2 and subcloning it into the unique EcoRI site of pMTL82351 (CHAIN
Biotech). The sequences of all plasmids were confirmed by Sanger sequencing.
Genomic insertion of lox sites. The C. phytofermentans strains carrying lox71and lox66 sites for
prophage deletion were made by sequential conjugal delivery and curing of plasmids pQlox71R.2944
and pQlox66F.2993 (strain DI-AS) or plasmids pQlox71F.2944 and pQlox66F.2993 (strain DI-SS). Following
delivery of each plasmid, we confirmed the intended targetron insertion in 10 transconjugants by PCR
using primers flanking the insertion site, cured the plasmid from 3 transconjugants, and demonstrated
plasmid loss by PCR and restoration of erythromycin sensitivity. Following delivery and curing of
plasmids for both lox sites, PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence and orientation of both the
lox71 site at 591 bp from the cphy2944 start in strain DI-AS and at 526 bp from the cphy2944 start in strain
DI-SS (primers OK_2944_1/2). Similarly, the location and orientation of the lox66 site at 177 bp from the
cphy2993 start were confirmed in both strains (OK_2993_1/2). The C. phytofermentans int1575 strain was
made by conjugal delivery and curing of pQadd1R.1575. The presence and antisense orientation of the
lox511/71_loxFAS/66 cassette at 96 bp from the start of cphy1575 in the int1575 genome was confirmed
in 8 of 10 transconjugants by PCR and sequencing (OK_1575_1/2).
The absence of additional, off-site genomic targetron insertions in strains DI-SS, DI-AS, and int1575
was confirmed by inverse PCR (27). To this end, genomic DNA was extracted and purified from 5 ml of
log-phase culture using the GenElute Bacterial Genomic DNA kit (NA2110; Sigma). DI-SS and DI-AS
genomic DNA (1
g) was digested with HindIII; int1575 genomic DNA was digested with EcoRI. Digested
DNA was purified with QIAquick PCR purification kit (28104; Qiagen) and ligated with T4 DNA ligase
(M0202S; NEB). Intron insertion sites were PCR amplified by Q5 polymerase (M0491; NEB) using primers
int_1/2 with a 7-min extension time. Targetron insertion sites were identified by gel extraction and
sequencing of the PCR products.
Genomic deletion and insertion using Cre recombinase. To effectuate Cre-mediated genomic
deletions, pQcre1 was conjugated into C. phytofermentans strains DI-SS and DI-AS, and its presence in 10
transconjugants was confirmed by PCR (primers pAMB1_1/2). Liquid cultures of the ten transconjugants
were grown in liquid medium containing erythromycin, and deletion of the 38.9-kb region between the
lox71 and lox66 sites was diagnosed using 3 PCRs: two reactions to confirm the absence of products
using primers 2944_1/2 and 2993_1/2 and a reaction to amplify a product spanning the deleted region
using primers 2944_1/2993_2. pQcre1 was cured from Del-SS and Del-AS as described above.
To make a Cre-mediated genomic insertion by RMCE, pQadd2.P3368-FbFP and pQcre2 were sequen-
tially conjugated into strain int1575, and the simultaneous presence of both plasmids in 10 transcon-
jugant colonies was confirmed by PCR using primers pBP1_1/2 for pQcre2 and pAMB1_1/2 for
pQadd2.P3368-FbFP. After 1 transfer in medium containing erythromycin and spectinomycin, PCR using
primers OK_1575_1/2 diagnosed insertion of the P3368-FbFP cassette into the int1575 genome, yielding
strain int1575_FbFP.
Measurement of FbFP fluorescence. Cellular fluorescence was compared between triplicate cul-
tures of C. phytofermentans WT and strain int1575_FbFP. Cultures were grown to log phase (OD
of 0.6)
in glucose or cellobiose medium. One milliliter of culture was centrifuged, and the cell pellet was washed
once in phosphate-buffered saline PBS and resuspended in 500
l PBS. The OD
of each culture was
confirmed, and the cellular fluorescence was measured in black 96-well Costar plates using a Safas Xenius
XMA (excitation, 448/20 nm; emission, 495/20 nm; photomultiplier, 850 V). Background fluorescence of
PBS was subtracted from measurements, and the fluorescence measurements were normalized to culture
density (OD
Data availability. Plasmids from this study have been submitted to the Addgene Plasmid Repository
and are available using the accession numbers listed in Table 1.
Supplemental material for this article may be found at
FIG S1, EPS file, 0.2 MB.
FIG S2, EPS file, 0.1 MB.
TABLE S1, XLSX file, 0.1 MB.
We thank Ralph Bertram and Christopher F. Schuster from the University of Tuebin-
gen, Germany, for providing pRAB1, Corinne Cruaud for DNA sequencing, and Peter
Enyeart for helpful discussions.
Cerisy et al.
November/December 2019 Volume 4 Issue 6 e00710-19 10
This work was funded by the Genoscope-CEA and the Agence Nationale de la
Recherche Grant ANR-16-CE05-0020.
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... Designed group II intron called targetrons enabled gene inactivation by targeted chromosome insertion in various Lachnospiraceae with efficiencies ranging from 12.5%-100% (Tolonen et al., 2009;Tolonen et al., 2015a;Cerisy et al., 2019a;Jin et al., 2022) (Figure 4D). Multi-gene fragments can be excised and inserted by modifying targetrons to deliver lox sites into the genome that act as anchor points for Cre-mediated recombination, which has been applied to delete a 39 kb prophage in L. phytofermentans (Cerisy et al., 2019b). ...
Full-text available
The Lachnospiraceae is a family of anaerobic bacteria in the class Clostridia with potential to advance the bio-economy and intestinal therapeutics. Some species of Lachnospiraceae metabolize abundant, low-cost feedstocks such as lignocellulose and carbon dioxide into value-added chemicals. Others are among the dominant species of the human colon and animal rumen, where they ferment dietary fiber to promote healthy gut and immune function. Here, we summarize recent studies of the physiology, cultivation, and genetics of Lachnospiraceae, highlighting their wide substrate utilization and metabolic products with industrial applications. We examine studies of these bacteria as Live Biotherapeutic Products (LBPs), focusing on in vivo disease models and clinical studies using them to treat infection, inflammation, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. We discuss key research areas including elucidation of intra-specific diversity and genetic modification of candidate strains that will facilitate the exploitation of Lachnospiraceae in industry and medicine.
... This strategy has been used to introduce lox sites to model and resident gut hosts where the intron containing the lox site acts as a "landing-pad" for a cargo vector containing complementary lox sites. Integration of the genetic cargo can then be incorporated into the target genome by expressing the Cre recombinase (62,63). Lox-based landing-pad sites have also successfully transferred genetic material to resident gut hosts when coupled with transposases, such as in the CRAGE system (64). ...
Full-text available
Techniques by which to genetically manipulate members of the microbiota enable both the evaluation of host-microbe interactions and an avenue by which to monitor and modulate human physiology. Genetic engineering applications have traditionally focused on model gut residents, such as Escherichia coli and lactic acid bacteria. However, emerging efforts by which to develop synthetic biology toolsets for "nonmodel" resident gut microbes could provide an improved foundation for microbiome engineering. As genome engineering tools come online, so too have novel applications for engineered gut microbes. Engineered resident gut bacteria facilitate investigations of the roles of microbes and their metabolites on host health and allow for potential live microbial biotherapeutics. Due to the rapid pace of discovery in this burgeoning field, this minireview highlights advancements in the genetic engineering of all resident gut microbes.
... 50 The results of this study provide a foundation for construction of genetic circuits with experimentally modulated gene expression in C. phytofermentans. These approaches complement previous technologies to study C. phytofermentans genetics using targetron-based gene inactivation, 30 large-scale genome insertion and deletion, 31 and in vivo directed evolution. 51 Cas12a could be used to make genomic changes in C. phytofermentans, as has been demonstrated in some other Clostridia. ...
Full-text available
Control of gene expression is fundamental to cell engineering. Here we demonstrate a set of approaches to tune gene expression in Clostridia using the model Clostridium phytofermentans. Initially, we develop a simple benchtop electroporation method that we use to identify a set of replicating plasmids and resistance markers that can be cotransformed into C. phytofermentans. We define a series of promoters spanning a >100-fold expression range by testing a promoter library driving the expression of a luminescent reporter. By insertion of tet operator sites upstream of the reporter, its expression can be quantitatively altered using the Tet repressor and anhydrotetracycline (aTc). We integrate these methods into an aTc-regulated dCas12a system with which we show in vivo CRISPRi-mediated repression of reporter and fermentation genes in C. phytofermentans. Together, these approaches advance genetic transformation and experimental control of gene expression in Clostridia.
... The cre/lox system has been used as a deletion system on many occasions, due to its ability to act in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In addition, the usage of mutant lox sites to facilitate deletions that result in an inactive lox has also been demonstrated in bacteria, such as being used to knock out single genes in series (Pan et al., 2011), or to knock out large but targeted genome region using either targetrons (Cerisy et al., 2019) or via recombineering (Xin et al., 2018). ...
Full-text available
The removal of unwanted genetic material is a key aspect in many synthetic biology efforts and often requires preliminary knowledge of which genomic regions are dispensable. Typically, these efforts are guided by transposon mutagenesis studies, coupled to deepsequencing (TnSeq) to identify insertion points and gene essentiality. However, epistatic interactions can cause unforeseen changes in essentiality after the deletion of a gene, leading to the redundancy of these essentiality maps. Here, we present LoxTnSeq, a new methodology to generate and catalogue libraries of genome reduction mutants. LoxTnSeq combines random integration of lox sites by transposon mutagenesis, and the generation of mutants via Cre recombinase, catalogued via deep sequencing. When LoxTnSeq was applied to the naturally genome reduced bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, we obtained a mutant pool containing 285 unique deletions. These deletions spanned from > 50 bp to 28 Kb, which represents 21% of the total genome. LoxTnSeq also highlighted large regions of non‐essential genes that could be removed simultaneously, and other non‐essential regions that could not, providing a guide for future genome reductions.
... In total, we found that 8/47 (17%) of papers surveyed had incorrectly labelled their lox sites. Of these, 7 of the 8 papers [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] had simply mislabelled the lox sites, ascribing the lox66 name to the canonical lox71, and vice versa. The remaining papers [24] correctly annotated the lox sites, but implied the directionality of the lox site was in the opposite direction to which it was written. ...
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The Cre-Lox system is a highly versatile and powerful DNA recombinase mechanism, mainly used in genetic engineering to insert or remove desired DNA sequences. It is widely utilized across multiple fields of biology, with applications ranging from plants, to mammals, to microbes. A key feature of this system is its ability to allow recombination between mutant lox sites. Two of the most commonly used mutant sites are named lox66 and lox71, which recombine to create a functionally inactive double mutant lox72 site. However, a large portion of the published literature has incorrectly annotated these mutant lox sites, which in turn can lead to difficulties in replication of methods, design of proper vectors and confusion over the proper nomenclature. Here, we demonstrate common errors in annotations, the impacts they can have on experimental viability, and a standardized naming convention. We also show an example of how this incorrect annotation can induce toxic effects in bacteria that lack optimal DNA repair systems, exemplified by Mycoplasma pneumoniae .
... The Cre/lox system has been used as a deletion system on many occasions, due to its ability to act in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In addition, the usage of mutant lox sites to facilitate deletions that result in an inactive lox has also been demonstrated in bacteria, such as being used to knock out single genes in series (Pan et al., 2011), or to knock out large but targeted genome region using either targetrons (Cerisy et al., 2019) or via recombineering (Xin et al., 2018). ...
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The Cre-Lox system is a highly versatile and powerful DNA recombinase mechanism, mainly used in genetic engineering to insert or remove desired DNA sequences. It is widely utilised across multiple fields of biology, with applications ranging from plants, to mammals, to microbes. A key feature of this system is its ability to allow recombination between mutant lox sites, traditionally named lox66 and lox71, to create a functionally inactive double mutant lox72 site. However, a large portion of the published literature has incorrectly annotated these mutant lox sites, which in turn can lead to difficulties in replication of methods, design of proper vectors, and confusion over the proper nomenclature. Here, we demonstrate common errors in annotations, the impacts they can have on experimental viability, and a standardised naming convention. We also show an example of how this incorrect annotation can induce toxic effects in bacteria that lack optimal DNA repair systems, exemplified by Mycoplasma pneumoniae . Data Summary The authors confirm all supporting data, code and protocols have been provided within the article or through supplementary data files.
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Site-specific recombinases such as the Cre-LoxP system are routinely used for genome engineering in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Importantly, recombinases complement the CRISPR-Cas toolbox and provide the additional benefit of high-efficiency DNA editing without generating toxic DNA double-strand breaks, allowing multiple recombination events at the same time. However, only a handful of independent, orthogonal recombination systems are available, limiting their use in more complex applications that require multiple specific recombination events, such as metabolic engineering and genetic circuits. To address this shortcoming, we develop 63 symmetrical LoxP variants and test 1192 pairwise combinations to determine their cross-reactivity and specificity upon Cre activation. Ultimately, we establish a set of 16 orthogonal LoxPsym variants and demonstrate their use for multiplexed genome engineering in both prokaryotes (E. coli) and eukaryotes (S. cerevisiae and Z. mays). Together, this work yields a significant expansion of the Cre-LoxP toolbox for genome editing, metabolic engineering and other controlled recombination events, and provides insights into the Cre-LoxP recombination process.
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DNA has been pursued as a novel biomaterial for digital data storage. While large-scale data storage and random access have been achieved in DNA oligonucleotide pools, repeated data accessing requires constant data replenishment, and these implementations are confined in professional facilities. Here, a mobile data storage system in the genome of the extremophile Halomonas bluephagenesis, which enables dual-mode storage, dynamic data maintenance, rapid readout, and robust recovery. The system relies on two key components: A versatile genetic toolbox for the integration of 10-100 kb scale synthetic DNA into H. bluephagenesis genome and an efficient error correction coding scheme targeting noisy nanopore sequencing reads. The storage and repeated retrieval of 5 KB data under non-laboratory conditions are demonstrated. The work highlights the potential of DNA data storage in domestic and field scenarios, and expands its application domain from archival data to frequently accessed data.
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The sustainable production of solvents from above ground carbon is highly desired. Several clostridia naturally produce solvents and use a variety of renewable and waste-derived substrates such as lignocellulosic biomass and gas mixtures containing H2/CO2 or CO. To enable economically viable production of solvents and biofuels such as ethanol and butanol, the high productivity of continuous bioprocesses is needed. While the frst industrial-scale gas fermentation facility operates continuously, the acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation is traditionally operated in batch mode. This review highlights the benefts of continuous bioprocessing for solvent production and underlines the progress made towards its establishment. Based on metabolic capabilities of solvent producing clostridia, we discuss recent advances in systems-level understanding and genome engineering. On the process side, we focus on innovative fermentation methods and integrated product recovery to overcome the limitations of the classical one-stage chemostat and give an overview of the current industrial bioproduction of solvents.
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Members of the genus Clostridium represent a diverse assemblage of species exhibiting both medical and industrial importance. Deriving both a greater understanding of their biology, while at the same time enhancing their exploitable properties, requires effective genome editing tools. Here, we demonstrate the first implementation in the genus of theophylline-dependent, synthetic riboswitches exhibiting a full set of dynamic ranges, also suitable for applications where tight control of gene expression is required. Their utility was highlighted by generating a novel riboswitch-based editing tool-RiboCas-that overcomes the main obstacles associated with CRISPR/Cas9 systems, including low transformation efficiencies and excessive Cas9 toxicity. The universal nature of the tool was established by obtaining chromosomal modifications in C. pasteurianum, C. difficile, and C. sporogenes, as well as by carrying out the first reported example of CRISPR-targeted gene disruption in C. botulinum. The high efficiency (100% mutant generation) and ease of application of RiboCas make it suitable for use in a diverse range of microorganisms.
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Plant-fermenting Clostridia are anaerobic bacteria that recycle plant matter in soil and promote human health by fermenting dietary fiber in the intestine. Clostridia degrade plant biomass using extracellular enzymes and then uptake the liberated sugars for fermentation. The main sugars in plant biomass are hexoses, and here, we identify how hexoses are taken in to the cell by the model organism Clostridium phytofermentans . We show that this bacterium uptakes hexoses using a set of highly specific, nonredundant ABC transporters. Once in the cell, the hexoses are phosphorylated by intracellular hexokinases. This study provides insight into the functioning of abundant members of soil and intestinal microbiomes and identifies gene targets to engineer strains for industrial lignocellulosic fermentation.
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The genus Clostridium is composed of bioproducers, which are important for the industrial production of chemicals, as well as pathogens, which are a significant burden to the patients and on the healthcare industry. Historically, even though these bacteria are well known and are commonly studied, the genetic tools to advance our understanding of these microbes have lagged behind other systems. New tools would continue the advancement of our understanding of clostridial physiology. The genetic tools available in several clostridia are not as refined as in other organisms and each exhibit their own drawbacks. With the advent of the repurposing of the CRISPR-Cas systems for genetic modification, the tools available for clostridia have improved significantly over the past four years. Several CRISPR-Cas tools, such as using wild-type Cas9, Cas9n, dCas9/CRISPRi and a newly studied Cpf1/Cas12a, are reported. These tools have the potential to greatly advance the study of clostridial species leading to future therapies or the enhanced production of industrially relevant compounds. Here we discuss the details of the CRISPR-Cas systems as well as the advances and current issues in the developed clostridial systems.
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Productivity of ruminant livestock depends on the rumen microbiota, which ferment indigestible plant polysaccharides into nutrients used for growth. Understanding the functions carried out by the rumen microbiota is important for reducing greenhouse gas production by ruminants and for developing biofuels from lignocellulose. We present 410 cultured bacteria and archaea, together with their reference genomes, representing every cultivated rumen-associated archaeal and bacterial family. We evaluate polysaccharide degradation, short-chain fatty acid production and methanogenesis pathways, and assign specific taxa to functions. A total of 336 organisms were present in available rumen metagenomic data sets, and 134 were present in human gut microbiome data sets. Comparison with the human microbiome revealed rumen-specific enrichment for genes encoding de novo synthesis of vitamin B12, ongoing evolution by gene loss and potential vertical inheritance of the rumen microbiome based on underrepresentation of markers of environmental stress. We estimate that our Hungate genome resource represents ∼75% of the genus-level bacterial and archaeal taxa present in the rumen.
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Productivity of ruminant livestock depends on the rumen microbiota, which ferment indigestible plant polysaccharides into nutrients used for growth. Understanding the functions carried out by the rumen microbiota is important for reducing greenhouse gas production by ruminants and for developing biofuels from lignocellulose. We present 410 cultured bacteria and archaea, together with their reference genomes, representing every cultivated rumen-associated archaeal and bacterial family. We evaluate polysaccharide degradation, short-chain fatty acid production and methanogenesis pathways, and assign specific taxa to functions. A total of 336 organisms were present in available rumen metagenomic data sets, and 134 were present in human gut microbiome data sets. Comparison with the human microbiome revealed rumen-specific enrichment for genes encoding de novo synthesis of vitamin B12, ongoing evolution by gene loss and potential vertical inheritance of the rumen microbiome based on underrepresentation of markers of environmental stress. We estimate that our Hungate genome resource represents ∼75% of the genus-level bacterial and archaeal taxa present in the rumen.
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Background: Lactobacillus casei is widely used in the dairy and pharmaceutical industries and a promising candidate for use as cell factories. Recently, genome sequencing and functional genomics provide the possibility for reducing L. casei genome. However, it was still limited by the inefficient and laborious genome deletion methods. Results: Here, we proposed a genome minimization strategy based on LCABL_13040-50-60 recombineering and Cre-lox site-specific recombination system in L. casei. The LCABL_13040-50-60 recombineering system was used to introduce two lox sites (lox66 and lox71) into 5' and 3' ends of the targeted region. Subsequently, the targeted region was excised by Cre recombinase. The robustness of the strategy was demonstrated by single-deletion of a nonessential ~ 39.3 kb or an important ~ 12.8 kb region and simultaneous deletion of two non-continuous genome regions (5.2 and 6.6 kb) with 100% efficiency. Furthermore, a cyclical application of this strategy generated a double-deletion mutant of which 1.68% of the chromosome was sequentially excised. Moreover, biological features (including growth rate, electroporation efficiency, cell morphology or heterologous protein productivity) of these mutants were characterized. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this strategy is the first instance of sequential deletion of large-scale genome regions in L. casei. We expected this efficient and inexpensive tool can help for rapid genome streamlining and generation restructured L. casei strains used as cell factories.
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CRISPR/Cas-based genetic engineering has revolutionised molecular biology in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Several tools dedicated to the genomic transformation of the Clostridium genus of Gram-positive bacteria have been described in the literature; however, the integration of large DNA fragments still remains relatively limited. In this study, a CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool using a two-plasmid strategy was developed for the solventogenic strain Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Codon-optimised cas9 from Streptococcus pyogenes was placed under the control of an anhydrotetracycline-inducible promoter on one plasmid, while the gRNA expression cassettes and editing templates were located on a second plasmid. Through the sequential introduction of these vectors into the cell, we achieved highly accurate genome modifications, including nucleotide substitution, gene deletion and cassette insertion up to 3.6 kb. To demonstrate its potential, this genome editing tool was used to generate a marker-free mutant of ATCC 824 that produced an isopropanol-butanol-ethanol mixture. Whole-genome sequencing confirmed that no off-target modifications were present in the mutants. Such a tool is a prerequisite for efficient metabolic engineering in this solventogenic strain and provides an alternative editing strategy that might be applicable to other Clostridium strains.
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Increasing the resistance of plant-fermenting bacteria to lignocellulosic inhibitors is useful to understand microbial adaptation and to develop candidate strains for consolidated bioprocessing. Here, we study and improve inhibitor resistance in Clostridium phytofermentans (also called Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans), a model anaerobe that ferments lignocellulosic biomass. We survey the resistance of this bacterium to a panel of biomass inhibitors and then evolve strains that grow in increasing concentrations of the lignin phenolic, ferulic acid, by automated, longterm growth selection in an anaerobic GM3 automat. Ultimately, strains resist multiple inhibitors and grow robustly at the solubility limit of ferulate while retaining the ability to ferment cellulose. We analyze genome-wide transcription patterns during ferulate stress and genomic variants that arose along the ferulate growth selection, revealing how cells adapt to inhibitors through changes in gene dosage and regulation, membrane fatty acid structure, and the surface layer. Collectively, this study demonstrates an automated framework for in vivo directed evolution of anaerobes and gives insight into the genetic mechanisms by which bacteria survive exposure to chemical inhibitors.
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Bacteria respond to their environment by regulating mRNA synthesis, often by altering the genomic sites at which RNA polymerase initiates transcription. Here, we investigate genome-wide changes in transcription start site (TSS) usage by Clostridium phytofermentans, a model bacterium for fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. We quantify expression of nearly 10,000 TSS at single base resolution by Capp-Switch sequencing, which combines capture of synthetically capped 5′ mRNA fragments with template-switching reverse transcription. We find the locations and expression levels of TSS for hundreds of genes change during metabolism of different plant substrates. We show that TSS reveals riboswitches, non-coding RNA and novel transcription units. We identify sequence motifs associated with carbon source-specific TSS and use them for regulon discovery, implicating a LacI/GalR protein in control of pectin metabolism. We discuss how the high resolution and specificity of Capp-Switch enables study of condition-specific changes in transcription initiation in bacteria.
Reductive soil disinfestation (RSD), alternatively called biological soil disinfestation or anaerobic soil disinfestation, is an environmentally friendly method used to control soil-borne diseases. Microorganisms are regarded as the key contributors for RSD; however, there is limited information on the relative importance of these microorganisms, which is essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying RSD. In this study, RSD was performed with four soils in a pot experiment, and the bacterial communities present during the RSD process were detected using MiSeq sequencing based on bacterial 16S rDNA. The results showed that RSD significantly changed the structure of the soil bacterial communities and reduced bacterial richness and diversity. The relative abundance of Firmicutes increased significantly, and the relative abundances of Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria decreased. Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Clostridiaceae, which belong to Clostridiales within Firmicutes, were the three dominant bacterial families during RSD in most soils. Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae, rather than Clostridiaceae (previously identified as the key contributor), were strongly related to the pH decrease during RSD, which is considered an indicator for the accumulation of short-chain fatty acids. In addition to these bacterial groups, the families Sphingobacteriales, Bacillales, Burkholderiales, and Bacteroidales were enriched in some RSD-treated soils. In conclusion, the RSD treatment, soil type, and their interactions jointly influenced the bacterial communities and compositions in the RSD-treated soils.