Conference PaperPDF Available

Nautical chart data uncertainty visualization as the means for integrating bathymetric, meteorological, and oceanographic information in support of coastal navigation


Abstract and Figures

Most navigational charts are an amalgamation of geospatial information of varying quality collected using different techniques at different times. Data collected with high resolution multi-beam echo sounders or lidar systems may co-exist on the chart with data collected with lead-line as far back as the 18th century. Data quality on charts is currently provided as a series of Category Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) values. For every part of the chart, CATZOC values provide information about the horizontal and vertical uncertainty of bathymetric information, as well as the seabed coverage and feature detection. CATZOC is portrayed in ECDIS as an additional layer with glyphs using a rating system of stars: six to two stars for the best to lowest quality data and “U” for unassessed data. With the provided information mariners may interpret the seabed morphology, identify shoals that pose a threat for the plotted voyage, and select routes that maintain under-keel clearance, however it is not always well understood and utilized by mariners. The aim of this research work is the development of new visualization and integration methods of data quality on charts to support decision making on board. In this two-fold work we begin with investigating new visualization methods for the bathymetric data uncertainty on charts and we subsequently utilize the results of the visualization work for the integration of marine navigation related information in support of decision making and safe navigation of ships.
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C.Kastrisios1, C. Ware1, B. Calder1,
C.Kastrisios1, C. Ware1, B. Calder1,
T. Butkiewicz1, L. Alexander1, O. Hauser2
T. Butkiewicz1, L. Alexander1, O. Hauser2
T. Butkiewicz , L. Alexander , O. Hauser
1University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/UNH-NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH, USA.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey, Hydrographic Survey
Division, Pacific Hydrographic Branch, Seattle, WA, USA.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey, Hydrographic Survey
Division, Pacific Hydrographic Branch, Seattle, WA, USA.
Navigational charts are generated from geospatial
information sources of varying quality, collected at different VISUALIZATION
Hue Lightness
information sources of varying quality, collected at different
times, using various techniques. Requirements:
Hue Lightness
Textures consisting of lines using the following strategies:
times, using various techniques.
Starting in the 18th century, depth information was collected
Unambiguously visualize the different uncertainty levels.
Textures consisting of lines using the following strategies:
Emphasize uncertainty while reducing visual clutter in low-uncertainty areas by varying:
Line Density: Increasing the density of lines to indicate higher uncertainty values
Starting in the 18th century, depth information was collected
using hand deployed lead-lines. Improved techniques in the
20th century included single-beam echo-sounders. Most
Unambiguously visualize the different uncertainty levels.
Minimize the occlusion of navigational information.
Line Density: Increasing the density of lines to indicate higher uncertainty values
Opacity/Transparency: Decreasing the opacity of lines in areas with high-quality data
20th century included single-beam echo-sounders. Most
recently, high resolution depth information is collected using
Minimize the occlusion of navigational information.
Increase visual weight with the increase of data uncertainty.
Opacity/Transparency: Decreasing the opacity of lines in areas with high-quality data
Disambiguate uncertainty levels through the use of:
recently, high resolution depth information is collected using
multi-beam echo sounders and airborne lidar systems. The
challenge for chart users is how to assess the quality of the
Maintain compatibility and effectiveness in all ECDIS modes.
Disambiguate uncertainty levels through the use of:
Different texture orientations for “assessed” and “unassessed” levels.
challenge for chart users is how to assess the quality of the
depth information portrayed on the chart. Methods:
Use of solid or dashed lines for uncertainty quantification.
depth information portrayed on the chart.
Data quality on charts is mainly encoded in the meta-object
Investigate visual variables in terms of their suitability: Size Shape
Data quality on charts is mainly encoded in the meta-object
Quality of Data (M_QUAL) with one of the Category Zone
of Confidence (CATZOC) values. For every part of the chart,
Investigate visual variables in terms of their suitability:
Color / Hue
Size Shape
of Confidence (CATZOC) values. For every part of the chart,
CATZOC values provide information about the horizontal
Color / Hue
Most primary and secondary colors are already reserved for other uses in the ENC/ECDIS or are not suitable for all ECDIS modes.
CATZOC values provide information about the horizontal
and vertical uncertainty of bathymetric information, as well
as the seabed coverage and feature detection.
Color lightness and saturation
Both interact with base information and may alter the perception of the underlying chart features.
as the seabed coverage and feature detection. Both interact with base information and may alter the perception of the underlying chart features.
The portrayed layer can obscure ENC “Base Display” information.
The portrayed layer can obscure ENC “Base Display” information.
The portrayed layer of data quality can become dominant in dusk and night modes.
The identification of the different CATZOC levels becomes ambiguous whenever only a few of the levels are displayed.
The identification of the different CATZOC levels becomes ambiguous whenever only a few of the levels are displayed.
VISUALIZATION Orientation Density
Arbitrary shapes are not intuitive and require a legend.
CATZOC is portrayed in ECDIS as an additional
Orientation Density
Arbitrary shapes are not intuitive and require a legend.
Orientation,and density
CATZOC is portrayed in ECDIS as an additional
layer with symbols using a rating system of stars:
They can create an ambiguous visualization of the different CATZOC levels.
layer with symbols using a rating system of stars:
six to two stars for the best to lowest quality data
and “U” for unassessed data. INTEGRATION
Possible solution:
and “U” for unassessed data. INTEGRATION
Highlight features (e.g., soundings, wrecks, rocks, and obstructions) that pose a threat to the vessel.
Possible solution:
Use a sequence of textures, created by combining two or more visual variables.
Highlight features (e.g., soundings, wrecks, rocks, and obstructions) that pose a threat to the vessel.
Example workflow:
Use a sequence of textures, created by combining two or more visual variables. Example workflow:
User selects one of the available visualization/integration extents.
Visual Variables
User selects one of the available visualization/integration extents.
User defines THU and TVU values for ZOC D.
Visual Variables
Features that intersect the integration extent are selected (i.e., charted location + circle for THU)
Depths are “reduced” based on their vertical uncertainty.
Depths are “reduced” based on their vertical uncertainty.
Features shoaler than the safety depth are highlighted with circles around their charted location and
Features shoaler than the safety depth are highlighted with circles around their charted location and
“reduced depth” is displayed within the circles.
Integrate the quantitative information encoded in the ENC.
Support mariners in voyage planning and execution.
Support mariners in voyage planning and execution.
Investigate the possible extents of the visualization/integration:
Overview: Covers the entire ECDIS screen. Useful in route planning.
Safety Zone: A zone of fixed width for each leg of the voyage. Useful in hazards appraisal (similar to the existing Cross-Track Limits (XTL) in ECDIS).
Safety Zone: A zone of fixed width for each leg of the voyage. Useful in hazards appraisal (similar to the existing Cross-Track Limits (XTL) in ECDIS).
Safe Course: A zone of width equal to the horizontal uncertainty of the underlying M_QUAL. Useful for hazards appraisal but mostly for the route monitoring.
During route planning, the mariner checks for The task can be accomplished with the support of
Safe Course: A zone of width equal to the horizontal uncertainty of the underlying M_QUAL. Useful for hazards appraisal but mostly for the route monitoring.
Watch Area: A circle or cone around the vessel’s position based on the vessel’s characteristics. Useful for route monitoring (similar to Anti-Grounding or Look-
During route planning, the mariner checks for
features along the intended route shoaler than the
safety depth.
The task can be accomplished with the support of
ECDIS and a user-defined zone on both sides of the
planned course.
Ahead settings in ECDIS).
safety depth. planned course.
Possible solution:
Possible solution:
Develop the four extent options as additional layers in ECDIS. Potential depth and position of a 10m charted feature for
Develop the four extent options as additional layers in ECDIS.
Use as a sequence of steps in route planning and monitoring.
Potential depth and position of a 10m charted feature for
different CATZOC situations
Visualization of hazards:
Visualization of hazards:
Investigate color (e.g., magenta, black), type of line (e.g., solid, dashed, or dotted), size of font and line,
Investigate color (e.g., magenta, black), type of line (e.g., solid, dashed, or dotted), size of font and line,
location of the displayed reduced depth (e.g., over the shoal, on the outline of the circle).
Horizontal and vertical uncertainty for ZOCs D:
Propose numerical values.
Propose numerical values.
Seek opinions of professional mariners.
Portraying CATZOC with these star symbols creates visual clutter, which can obscure high-quality depth
PROBLEM STATEMENT Seek opinions of professional mariners.
IHO Engagement:
Portraying CATZOC with these star symbols creates visual clutter, which can obscure high-quality depth
IHO Engagement:
Present final research results to the respective IHO bodies for further evaluation and implementation.
Horizontal (THU) and vertical uncertainty (TVU) may not be adequately taken into account.
This work is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Grant NA15NOS4000200
Objective: Develop a better method for portraying CATZOC in ECDIS. Overview Safety Zone Safe Course Watch Area
This work is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Grant NA15NOS4000200
Objective: Develop a better method for portraying CATZOC in ECDIS. Overview Safety Zone Safe Course Watch Area
... With the aim to contribute to the efforts for expanding the holistic automated generalization approaches to the maritime domain, reduce the compilation time of fundamental chart features (land areas, depth areas and contours, soundings, buildings) and develop ENC-like products for applications beyond nautical charting, this work reviews available data sources and investigates the integration, testing, and improvement of existing generalization approaches. The work builds upon the professional experience of authors with nautical charting workflows and their research efforts to automate data collection [47] and individual data generalization tasks [15,32], to validate chart data requirements [6,35,[48][49][50][51][52], to model the nautical chart compilation workflow and generalize ENC Skin-of-the-Earth features with no topological errors [34], to shed light and gain knowledge on the capabilities of free and open software for use in ocean mapping workflows [53,54], to build innovative chart symbology [8,46,[55][56][57][58] and custom chart web services [45]. ...
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Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data are essential for safe maritime navigation and have multiple other uses in a wide range of enterprises. Charts are relied upon to be as accurate and as up-to-date as possible by the vessels moving vast amounts of products to global ports each year. However, cartographic generalization processes for updating and creating ENCs are complex and time-consuming. Increasing the efficiency of the chart production workflow has been long sought by the nautical charting community. Toward this effort, approaches must consider intended scale, data quality, various chart features, and perform consistently in different scenarios. Additionally, supporting open-science initiatives through standardized open-source workflows will increase marine data accessibility for other disciplines. Therefore, this paper reviews, improves, and integrates available open-source software, and develops new custom generalization tools, for the semi-automated processing of land and hydrographic features per nautical charting specifications. The ro-bustness of this approach is demonstrated in two areas of very different geographic configurations and the effectiveness for use in nautical charting was confirmed by winning the first prize in an international competition. The presented rapid data processing combined with the ENC portrayal of results as a web-service provides new opportunities for applications such as the development of base-maps for marine spatial data infrastructures.
... The following sections provide a summary of the research conducted at UNH/CCOM for a new intuitive QoBD symbology. The survey and in-lab experiment design and analysis are detailed in Kastrisios & Ware (2022a) and , respectively, while additional information on the overarching project on data visualization and integration in ECDIS may also be found in Kastrisios and Ware (2022b), Kastrisios and Ware (2021), Kastrisios, Ware, Calder, Butkiewicz, Alexander, and Broekman (2020), and Kastrisios, Ware, Calder, Butkiewicz, Alexander, and Hauser (2020). ...
Conference Paper
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Zones of Confidence (ZOC) are used with Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) to inform mariners about the confidence the producing nation places in bathymetric data. A major concern with the ZOC concept has been the utilized symbology with glyphs consisting of stars. Due to its recognized deficiencies, star symbology has been rejected for use with the Quality of Bathymetric Data (QoBD), the successor of ZOC in S-101, and, therefore, alternative methods are being investigated. Recognizing the importance of the visualization of bathymetric data quality, the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping of the University of New Hampshire (UNH/CCOM) has been working toward new intuitive symbology for the QoBD numerical scheme (1 for best quality and 5 for worst). One potential solution is with the use of see-through textures consisting of countable elements. Two countable textures were developed, one consisting of lines and one of clusters of dots, while three more color-based schemes were developed building upon ideas previously discussed within the hydrographic community. The five coding schemes were evaluated through an online survey specifically designed for professionals in the field working with nautical charts and an in-lab, controlled, experiment. This paper presents the coding schemes, the findings of the survey and experiment, discusses future work, and seeks feedback, recommendations for improvements, and IHO collaborators.
... Examples of the utilization of the visual variables of a) hue, b) value, c) size, d) shape, e) orientation, and f) density for the visualization of the six levels of QoBD on ENCs(Kastrisios et al., 2020a). ...
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The Zones of Confidence (ZOC) is a composite data quality indicator used in Electronic Navigational Charts. Accident reports show that failing to account for chart data quality can result in maritime accidents and loss of life. ZOC overlays are intended to help mariners in identifying potential seafloor hazards and in plotting routes safe for the vessel, but a major concern with the ZOC concept has been the utilized symbology with glyphs consisting of stars. Due to its recognized deficiencies, star-symbology has been rejected for use with the successor of ZOC, the Quality of Bathymetric Data (QoBD). This work presents a research effort toward a new QoBD representation. We define the requirements for the new coding scheme to be effective and propose two texture schemes incorporating countable elements, one consisting of lines and one of dot clusters. For comparison, we developed three alternative, color-based, coding schemes based on ideas previously expressed in the maritime community. Lastly, we present the design, dissemination, and results of an online user survey carried out to evaluate the five coding schemes. The survey results demonstrate that the proposed textures are the most preferred coding schemes among survey respondents.
... Elmore et al. (2018) utilized Bayesian and fuzzy logic to create an expert system to inject subjective experience. Similarly, Kastrisios et al. (2020) utilized an all-encompassing worldview approach to inject subjective experience for comprehensive decision-making. ...
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Due to the difficulty and expense of collecting bathymetric data, modeling is the primary tool to produce detailed maps of the ocean floor. Current modeling practices typically utilize only one interpolator; the industry standard is splines-in-tension. In this dissertation we introduce a new nominal-informed ensemble interpolator designed to improve modeling accuracy in regions of sparse data. The method is guided by a priori domain knowledge provided by artificially intelligent classifiers. We recast such geomorphological classifications, such as ‘seamount’ or ‘ridge’, as nominal data which we utilize as foundational shapes in an expanded ordinary least squares regression-based algorithm. To our knowledge we are the first to utilize the output of classifiers as input into a numerical model. This nominal information provides meta-knowledge about seafloor creation and growth into our models implicitly. We performed two suites of experimental studies designed to clarify when these techniques add value. In our first study, we utilized the MergeBathy software for DBM construction to extensively investigate existing interpolators for feature-favoritism on different synthetic, idealized morphologies. This study reduced the possibility that the interpolators were a significant source of error in sparse data regions. Two feature-favoring interpolators then served as our nominal-informed interpolators and ensemble members. In our second study, we utilized Friedman’s hypothesis testing to verify that our nominally informed ensemble method outperforms splines-in-tension in the presence of sparse data. To our knowledge, this is the first comparison study of interpolation over sparse bathymetric data to verify statistically significant improvement in sparse-data regions.
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Maritime transport has a significant share in world trade. The unsafe operation of ships causes loss of life, loss of cargo, and marine environmental pollution. Commercial ships are equipped with advanced types of equipment. The nautical charts as aids to navigation are used on commercial ships to navigate safely between ports. The officer of the watch can see the risks in the navigation area by checking these charts. The risks indicated on the chart should be taken into account during the navigation of ships, and if the correct calculations are not made, serious accidents may occur. These calculations are based on both sufficient maritime experience and knowledge. This research studied the category zone of confidence (CATZOC) areas in ECDIS on ships, the limitations of the system, and their solutions. Recommendations received from experts for the solutions to the identified problems were determined and explained according to the priorities with the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method.
Conference Paper
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Navigational charts contain a combination of geospatial information of varying quality collected at different times using various techniques. Bathymetric data quality is mainly encoded in electronic charts with the Category of Zones of Confidence (CATZOC). CATZOC provides information about the horizontal and vertical uncertainty of depth information, as well as the seabed coverage and feature detection. It is visualized in Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) as an additional layer with glyphs using a rating system of stars: six to two stars for the best to lowest quality data and "U" for unassessed data. The current symbology creates visual clutter which is worse in areas of high quality bathymetry. Furthermore, horizontal and vertical uncertainties may not be adequately assessed by the user. This paper presents a research program aimed at the development of a method for portraying bathymetric data quality and for integrating the quantified uncertainties in ECDIS.
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Data quality is visualized in ECDIS as an additional layer with symbols using a rating system of stars: six to two stars for the best to lowest quality data and “U” for unassessed data. This work presents an alternative methodology for consideration by the IHO Data Quality Working Group members.
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Presentation of an improved method for the visualization of zones of confidence (ZOC) and quality of bathymetric data (QoBD) on ECDIS.
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This paper is concerned with the implementation and realisation of a Worldwide Electronic Navigational Charts Database (WEND), adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and its members in supporting marine navigation. It identifies the issue of gaps and overlaps between adjoining Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) and explores its consequences to the operation of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and the fulfilment of International Maritime Organization (IMO) chart carriage requirements. As the ENCs production is directly dependent on states’ cartographic competences, this paper delves into the coastal states’ jurisdiction in accordance with international law of the sea, and in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and ΙΗΟ and IMO instruments. Through a case study on recently produced ENCs in the Mediterranean and more specifically in the Aegean Sea, this paper documents the necessity to respect states’ cartographic competences in realising the WEND concept and cautions that, otherwise, new and extended overlaps emerge, which pose a risk to the safety of navigation, and, at the same time, become means through which states may promote their geopolitical aspirations as to jurisdiction over certain marine areas.
Electronic navigation, although still relatively new, is becoming increasingly more common, particularly on commercial vessels. This handbook offers a wealth of detailed information about how different charting systems operate and answers the most commonly asked questions regarding electronic charts (ENC, RNC, DNC) and electronic chart systems (ECDIS, RCDS, ECS). The first resource to provide so much detail on all facets of ECDIS and Electronic Charting Systems, it is certain to serve as the bible for ECDIS users for years to come. It not only provides information for training programs but also for engineers maintaining ECDIS Systems in the field. The book will be of specific interest to those who need to know about selection, implementation, operational use, benefits, and management of these systems, without getting into the technical details of how ECDIS/GIS actually works.