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This study presents a citation-based systematic literature review on banking sector performance, particularly in terms of profitability, productivity, and efficiency. Specifically, the study aims to identify the leading sources of knowledge in terms of the most influential journals, authors, and papers. The paper presents a content analysis of the 100 most cited papers. In total, 1996 peer-review papers were found relevant in the Scopus database by using a comprehensive list of keywords. The results show that the Journal of Banking & Finance appears to be the leading journal in terms of publication count and citations. Based on total citations, Allen Berger is the most prolific author. The most cited paper is "Problem loans and cost efficiency in commercial banks" by Allan Berger and Robert DeYoung. The content analysis of the top 100 papers identifies five essential themes: determinants of efficiency, methodology, ownership, financial crises, and scale economies. In terms of estimation approaches, 74% of papers employed frontier analysis, which includes 34% parametric and 40% nonparametric methods, and remaining 26% have used financial ratio analysis. Additionally, stochastic frontier and data envelopment analysis are widely used in parametric and nonparametric methods, respectively. An intermediate approach is extensively adopted for the specification of inputs and outputs.

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... In this study, return on assets (ROA) was employed as a surrogate for performance. Most empirical studies on performance concerning insurance firms use ROA as the measure of performance (Opeyemi et al., 2020;Ahmad et al., 2019;Nattarinee, 2018;Titilayo et al., 2022). ROA indicates a company's profitability in relation to its total assets, providing insight into whether management has been efficient in utilizing the company's assets to generate earnings. ...
... Audit quality is influenced by various factors, including auditor independence, audit tenure, firm reputation, and corporate governance (Aigbovorhiuwa, Adediran, & Achimugu, 2022). Researchers have used several proxies to measure audit quality, such as audit size, fees, and discretionary accruals, highlighting the importance of rigorous auditing practices in safeguarding financial integrity (Ahmad, Naveed, Ahmad, & Butt, 2019;Gazi et al., 2021). ...
... Audit fees refer to the charges paid to an external auditor, often influenced by the company's size and complexity, and risk level (Gazi et al., 2021). Studies have shown that companies with higher audit fees often exhibit better financial performance, measured by return on assets, due to the complexity and risk involved in auditing these firms (Ahmad, Naveed, Ahmad, & Butt, 2019). Similarly, audit independence, the separation of the auditor from the company, is critical to ensuring credible financial reporting and maintaining stakeholder trust. ...
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Financial performance of any firm is a function of continuous improvement, while audit quality is essential in influencing financial performance by ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial reports key factors for stakeholders' decision-making and corporate transparency. In Nigeria’s insurance sector, financial performance, particularly Return on Assets (ROA), serves as a fundamental indicator of success. This study examines the impact of audit quality on the financial performance of listed insurance companies, focusing on audit fees, audit independence, and audit firm size. Using an ex-post facto research design, secondary data was collected from 22 listed insurance firms between 2017 and 2021. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the relationship between audit quality and ROA. The results reveal that audit fees have a significant positive effect on ROA (β = 3.71, p < 0.05; F = 4.37, p < 0.05), while audit independence also positively influences ROA, though less strongly (β = 4.89, p < 0.05; F = 0.67, p < 0.05). In contrast, audit firm size has a significant negative impact on ROA (β = -0.24, p < 0.05; F = 11.90, p < 0.05). The study’s models were validated by Durbin-Watson statistics, indicating minimal autocorrelation. These findings underscore the importance of audit quality, particularly audit fees and independence, in enhancing financial performance, while larger audit firms may hinder it. The study offers key insights for auditors, regulators, and stakeholders focused on improving financial transparency and the overall performance of insurance companies.
... Tanzania boasts a sizable banking industry; financial reforms led to the establishment of the nation's commercial banks. Significant changes were observed in the country's commercial banks following the liberalization of the financial system in 1991 (Ahmad et al., 2020). The modifications were made with the intention of improving the country's financial system by removing barriers to banks entering the market. ...
... Conversely, the results of Ahmad et al., (2020), stated that the Efficiency Structure Hypothesis (ESH) implies that the bank may have lower operating expenses as a result of running more profitably than its rivals (Ahmad et al., 2020). This suggested that banks' operating expenses may be reduced, which would raise their profitability. ...
... Conversely, the results of Ahmad et al., (2020), stated that the Efficiency Structure Hypothesis (ESH) implies that the bank may have lower operating expenses as a result of running more profitably than its rivals (Ahmad et al., 2020). This suggested that banks' operating expenses may be reduced, which would raise their profitability. ...
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The profitability of any commercial bank is very essential and can be determined by operational efficiency. The aim of this paper is to assess the connection between operational efficiency and profitability from Tanzanian listed commercial banks at Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE). Efficiency Structure Hypothesis was used in this study. A quantitative research approach adopted in this research, cross sectional research design was used in this study, was applied in the study. The sample size of the study includes 70 observations in total from population of 7 listed commercial banks at DSE between 2014 and 2023 (Annual data). Data extracted from the reliable source DSE. Data for the paper was collected through documentary review from various financial statement reports. Random sampling procedure was opted in this study. The data from the study were analyzed using panel data regression. The findings indicated that there is a statistical significance between commercial banks' profitability and operational efficiency from Tanzanian listed commercial banks at DSE (P-value = 0.672) >0.05). The study concluded that operational efficiency has an impact on the bank profit of Tanzanian listed commercial banks at DSE. This applied that the banks should maintain their profitability while running at low cost. The study recommended that Tanzanian listed commercial banks at DSE must preserve their operational efficiency in order to save the operational expenses so as to boost the bank profit.
... Financial institutions constantly seek ways to improve their performance appraisal systems to survive in a competitive market. Performance appraisal systems are key factors in ensuring the successful implementation of an institution's strategies and techniques to achieve its objectives (Ahmad et al., 2020;Ferreira & Otley, 2009;Kim, 2018). Because financial institutions can have a diversified product portfolio, there is a fruitful environment for a more comprehensive approach to the performance evaluation of bank branches (Bidinoto et al., 2015;Friedrich et al., 2022). ...
... Because financial institutions can have a diversified product portfolio, there is a fruitful environment for a more comprehensive approach to the performance evaluation of bank branches (Bidinoto et al., 2015;Friedrich et al., 2022). While management accounting studies discuss the need for comprehensive and multi-dimensional performance measurement systems in organisations (Ferreira & Otley, 2009;Hall, 2008;Kaplan & Norton, 1996), there is no consensus in the literature on the most appropriate technique for evaluating bank branch performance (Ahmad et al., 2020;Paradi & Zhu, 2013;Souza et al., 2008). ...
... The most frequently used methods to measure the performance of Brazilian commercial banks and their branches were data envelopment analysis (DEA) (Becker et al., 2003;Cavalcante & Macedo, 2011;Friedrich et al., 2022;Macedo & Cavalcante, 2009;Souza et al., 2008), analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (Bidinoto et al., 2015), and principal components analysis (PCA) (Crocco et al., 2002). Bidinoto et al. (2015) provide a brief commentary on the different methods used to measure the performance of bank branches, and Ahmad et al. (2020) offer a more comprehensive review. ...
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Financial institutions have implemented fund transfer pricing in response to demands from regulatory bodies to better manage their risk and as part of their cash-pooling strategies. For banks, implementing a fund transfer price causes a redistribution of income between the various bank branches depending upon the determined transfer price and the volume of resources demanded or offered by each branch. In this context, this study's objective is to examine the effect of the potential implementation of fund transfer pricing on the performance of Brazilian bank branches. This study examines and runs a linear regression of 21 years of monthly banking statistics (2000-2020), lists the most relevant factors contributing to interbranch transfer volume, and demonstrates how an interbranch transfer volume analysis determines the fund transfer price effect in the performance of bank branches. Contrary to the expectations of prior studies, the total volume of interbranch transfers between Brazilian bank branches for the period examined is not zero, which means that, on average, bank branches generate resources that are allocated to other parts of the bank that are not bank branches. This study finds evidence that branches short of funds may be financing their income with resources from branches with excess funds and that implementing funds transfer pricing does not have a null effect in Brazilian bank branches. On average, the branches' incomes increase. While implementing a price for the transfer of funds leads to an increase in the bank branches' average income, it is not necessarily the case that a greater number of bank branches will register an increase in their income. This evidence is important because it demonstrates that a bank's strategy regarding the supply or demand of interbranch resources should inform decisions on whether or not to implement a fund transfer pricing policy.
... O aumento da incidência de crises bancárias e financeiras nas últimas décadas desencadeou uma agenda de pesquisas sobre o comportamento do setor bancário, não apenas sobre as causas subjacentes das crises, mas também sobre o impacto na economia real (Kose et al., 2010;Ahmad et al., 2019). Nesse sentido, a literatura de eficiência bancária tem recebido grande atenção, principalmente pelo impacto das reformas regulatórias, da competição bancária e das novas tecnologias de informação que foram inseridas no sistema bancário (Diallo, 2018). ...
... Nos últimos anos, as preocupações com a mensuração de desempenho das instituições financeiras têm adquirido maior atenção dos pesquisadores (Ahmad et al., 2019). Os motivos são diversos, como preocupações com os riscos de falência bancária, problemas de estabilidade financeira, fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento financeiro etc. (Abreu et al., 2019, Ahmad et al., 2019. ...
... Nos últimos anos, as preocupações com a mensuração de desempenho das instituições financeiras têm adquirido maior atenção dos pesquisadores (Ahmad et al., 2019). Os motivos são diversos, como preocupações com os riscos de falência bancária, problemas de estabilidade financeira, fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento financeiro etc. (Abreu et al., 2019, Ahmad et al., 2019. Nesses estudos, tem-se utilizado com frequência a DEA para avaliar a eficiência das instituições financeiras. ...
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The objective of this work is to analyze the performance of the Brazilian banking sector and its determinants. The present research was divided into two parts, the first part seeks to determine the technical efficiency by the DEA-BCC model in the main Brazilian banks in the period from 2010 to 2019. In the second part, the determinants that can influence the performance of banks are evaluated. Esti-mates indicate that large banks are, on average, more efficient than small and medium-sized banks. In addition, when looking at the type of ownership, foreign banks tend to perform better compared to national banks. In addition, the deter-minants point out that the net interest margin and non-interest income are sig-nificant and contribute positively to the level of efficiency. In turn, the capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loans and inflation have a negative impact on technical efficiency.
... A literature review can be done in two ways: traditionally and systematically (Ahmad et al., 2020;Tranfield et al., 2003). Both methods use methods such as summarizing, analysing and evaluating other authors' ideas; however, the traditional method is more subjective without clear criteria for paper selection and analyses of only a limited number of publications (Ahmad et al., 2020). ...
... A literature review can be done in two ways: traditionally and systematically (Ahmad et al., 2020;Tranfield et al., 2003). Both methods use methods such as summarizing, analysing and evaluating other authors' ideas; however, the traditional method is more subjective without clear criteria for paper selection and analyses of only a limited number of publications (Ahmad et al., 2020). These shortcomings are eliminated by SLR, which starts with the formulation of research questions to be answered by data from the studies included in the review. ...
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The circular economy represents an effective way to address limited resources and mitigate the impact of human activity on the planet. To summarize the possible effect of circular economy implementation on business performance and its possible measurement, a systematic literature review on a final sample of 28 papers was conducted. The main findings reveal that the circular economy can help to improve business performance and that numerous indicators could be used to measure it, especially the balanced scorecard approach, which seems suitable for such classification (however, more research on this topic is needed). Additionally, it was revealed that the circular economy concept itself has no clear and generally used definition, which complicates the summarizing of the revealed indicators. To simplify future research, we proposed a research framework based on this systematic literature review and emphasized the research gaps.
... We used the PRISMA analysis approach (de Freitas Netto et al., 2020;Alkhowaiter, 2020;Ahmad et al., 2020). It is a systematic approach to conduct literature reviews that promotes transparency and accuracy in the review process. ...
... The PRISMA model is widespread not only in evidence-based medical research, but also increasingly in other disciplines. Although its diffusion is management studies, the model has already been applied in systematic reviews of finance literature studies (Voorberg et al., 2015;de Freitas Netto et al., 2020;Alkhowaiter, 2020;Khan et al., 2022;Ahmad et al., 2020). Our PRISMA flow diagram is based on a four-step sequence. ...
... Determining the current state of knowledge is done via systematic literature review (SLR). SLR overcomes the shortcomings of traditional types of literature review such as subjectivity, bias, lack of rigor or a limited number of reviewed papers (Ahmad et al., 2020;Tranfield et al., 2003). The procedure for conducting SLR is formed by a combination of the authors' previous procedures (Manoharan & Singal, 2017;Tomašević, Stojanović, Slović, Simeunović, & Jovanović, 2020) and carried out in four phases: keyword definition; database definition and article sourcing protocol; search for papers; and data analysis of the created portfolio. ...
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The paper aims to map the area of ESG and its impact on business performance via systematic literature review and apply the findings to the Czech environment. The research questions are stated and answered via systematic literature review of articles indexed in the Web of Science database. The results show that the data for the existing research come from third-party databases that have created their methodologies for establishing ESG scores or ratings. The data in research papers are from large market-listed enterprises or directly from stock market indicators. The hypotheses of all the analyzed papers were tested using statistical tools, and the positive relationship between ESG and financial performance was proven, except for the banking sector. The findings of this research are applied to the Czech environment, a research question for empirical research is developed, and possible directions are suggested for further research activities in this area.
... to address the objectives, developing an accurate appraisal of the performance of the indian banks has become more illuminating. the previous studies have evaluated the performance of banks employing various measures (haslem et al., 1999;Mercan et al., 2003;avkiran, 2006;ho & Wu, 2006;spokeviciute et al., 2019;ahmad et al., 2020;ansari et al., 2023) and reported a strengthened banking sector will boost economic synergies. however, the majority of the studies were undertaken in developed economies (staub et al., 2010;avkiran, 2011;Řepková, 2014;shawtari et al., 2015;Yuan et al., 2022;Jigeer & koroleva, 2023). in the indian context, (Bhattacharyya et al., 1997;saha & Ravisankar, 2000;Mukherjee et al., 2002) were the earlier studies that examined various performance-related issues in the indian banking sector followed by (kumar & gulati, 2009;Roy, 2014;goyal et al., 2019;ghose & Maji, 2022;Rakshit, 2023). ...
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This study examines the banking sector’s performance by conducting a two-step analysis using balanced panel data from 46 commercial banks operating in India between 2011 and 2023. Initially, we utilized the Data Envelopment Window Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index measures to analyze the efficiency and total factor productivity index. Second, applying panel regression, we used the CAMELS framework to regress various bank and country-specific factors against Indian banks’ performance indicators. The results show that the banking industry in India witnessed a consistent pattern throughout the study period. Despite this, an examination of each bank’s performance at the individual level reveals that public banks consistently display the highest average efficiency score, whereas foreign banks are more productivity-advanced. The regression results suggest that Indian Banks have been significantly affected by bank, country-specific and market structure factors. Government initiatives to consolidate banks, positively affect the profitability, productivity, and efficiency of banks, and smooth resource mobilization might cushion an emerging economy such as India.
... The model follows a predetermined scientific approach and is accompanied by a protocol (Khan et al., 2022). This method for conducting a literature review is structured in a way that encourages transparency and reliability (Ahmad et al., 2020). The study flow plan, together with its three phases of identification, screening and included articles, is presented in Fig. 2. a) Identification. ...
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ChatGPT and Bard (now known as Gemini) are becoming indispensable resources for researchers, academicians and diverse stakeholders within the academic landscape. At the same time, traditional digital tools such as scholarly databases continue to be widely used. Web of Science and Scopus are the most extensive academic databases and are generally regarded as consistently reliable scholarly research resources. With the increasing acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic writing, this study focuses on understanding the reliability of the new AI models compared to Scopus and Web of Science. The study includes a bibliometric analysis of green, sustainable and ecological buying behaviour, covering the period from 1 January 2011 to 21 May 2023. These results are used to compare the results from the AI and the traditional scholarly databases on several parameters. Overall, the findings suggest that AI models like ChatGPT and Bard are not yet reliable for academic writing tasks. It appears to be too early to depend on AI for such tasks.
... Thus, articles studying the hotel sector productivity and efficiency are derived from that database (Ahmad et al., 2020b(Ahmad et al., , 2020aMassaro et al., 2016;Menegaki et al., 2021). We have relied on the Scopus database because it combines the good features of other competing databases and offers its users a high level of utility and visibility (Ahmad et al., 2020c;Asatullaeva et al., 2021;Falagas et al., 2008;Naveed et al., 2022Naveed et al., , 2023 (Anwar et al., 2022(Anwar et al., , 2021Pranckutė, 2021). Scopus provides more citation analyses than the Web of Science, but covers significantly shorter time periods (Ahmad & Bibi, 2023;Ahmad et al., 2022;De Bem Machado et al., 2022;Falagas et al., 2008;Smajić et al., 2023). ...
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This paper conducts an extensive systematic literature review on the measurement of efficiency in the hotel sector, which is the cornerstone of tourism. Thus, scrutinizing its performance measurement is vital for the advancement and strategic development of the sector. Exploiting the Scopus database, the paper offers a unique methodology for documenting sample transparency and selection objectivity and can constitute an example for future literature reviews. A range of articles is assessed to discern prevailing trends, key authors, and influential journals. A division of parametric and non-parametric nature, various efficiency measurement methodologies, the input and output variables, geographical covering as well as various other metrics and benchmarks have been included. The study reveals a predominant focus on technical efficiency and commonly employed input variables such as the number of hotel rooms and employees. The paper suggests future research directions, advocating for a broader exploration of efficiency dimensions, including profit and cost aspects, the integration of emerging variables like dig-italization and environmental factors and the use of larger samples. This study provides a comprehensive overview beneficial for academics, industry practitioners , and policymakers, synthesizing a clear orientation in the subject and indicating critical research routes
... Therefore, the non-performing loans (NPLs) of the banks that comprise the borrowers of high credit risk, would decrease since the banks with a bigger credit risk tend to have higher NIMs (Agarwal, 2021;Naili & Lahrichi, 2022). The bank orientation (BO) is also critical to yield high NIM as elaborated by Angori et al. (2019) and Ahmad et al. (2020). Operating cost (OC) is another factor that can predict a bank's NIM. ...
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In response to the emergent need for gender diversity in corporate management pursuant to sustainable development goals (SDGs), this study investigates the under-examined role of women on board on the profitability through net interest margin (NIM) of commercial banks in Pakistan as a test case of developing economies. In this way, the study aims to strengthen women's empowerment, thereby contributing to the broader efforts geared towards achieving sustainable development goals. The panel data of 14 years, for 2007-2020, on gender diversity along with control variables are used to assess their impact on the NIM of the banks. The results of fixed effects model (FEM) show that gender diversity has a significant positive impact on the NIM of commercial banks. Among control variables, bank orientation, GDP and market concentration are also found to have a significant positive influence on the bank profits. In contrast, operational cost, bank size, and credit risk are seen to significantly predict NIM with negative coefficients. The results further show that risk aversion and inflation do not determine bank profits. This study has implications for bank management and policy makers.
... In the first stage, the concept of ''least developed countries'' was selected and expressed using the search criterion, ''Least Developed Countr*''. In the second stage, the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were selected due to the breadth and quality of their content (Ahmad et al., 2020;Gao & Guo, 2014). In the case of (WoS), a total of 1,233 documents were retrieved. ...
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Plain language summary This work aims to analyse the evolution and concentration of studies on the issue of Least Developed Countries to detect the topics that researchers have most discussed. These are matters of great economic and social importance, affecting two-thirds of the planet. It analyses the work and research carried out to detect how these countries can achieve sustained economic growth with full use of their capacities, allowing access to new forms of production that could generate products and activities with greater added value. The work is therefore structured as follows: First, a description is given of the characteristics of LDCs and the different initiatives that have been taken over the last 50 years to reduce poverty and improve their socio-economic situation. Secondly, following the analysis carried out in the first part, it describes the problems that prevent LDCs from progressing in their objectives and highlights the main contributions in the existing literature on the subject. This is a summary of the different perspectives and theories that attempt to explain the problems related to LDCs, the most appropriate model designs that have been proposed, the most successful strategies, the validity of the data used, on which the conclusions of the studies will depend. Thirdly, we apply a bibliometric analysis of the works that have addressed the issue of LDCs. This method includes the topics that have been dealt with the most, the trend followed by these publications, the concentration of authors and the responses that scientific journals offer on LDCs. It should be noted that this is one of the few research studies to have used this methodology to address this issue. This article is of great interest to experts, public institutions and researchers sensitive to problems of such great importance and so widespread that they affect a large part of the world population.
... The analysis of bank 4 performance is become a complex process since they are providing intangible services. Bikker & Bos (2008) and Ahmad et al. (2020) analysed bank performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and profitability. Productivity is measured as an alternative measure of a bank's performance. ...
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on the productivity of banking sector in India. Theoretical framework: This research considered various digital banking services offered by bank and how it affects the actual bank performance in terms of productivity, by adopting a two-stage model i.e., Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) and panel data regression. Design/Methodology/Approach: The empirical study was based on eight-year balanced panel data from 2012 to 2020. The sample of the study consists of forty-four commercial banks from India. This study is completely based on secondary data collected from the website of the database of the Indian economy and the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI). To achieve the research goals, a two-stage approach has been used. Initially, Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) was employed to estimate the total factor productivity changes. In the second phase, panel regression analyses were used to study the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on bank productivity. Findings: The findings show that the Digital Financial Services (DFS) variables such as mobile banking, online banking, Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) and Point of Sale (POS) transactions are significantly improved the productivity of the Indian banking industry. Research, Practical & Social implications: The study addresses the issues such as identifications of factors affecting the productivity of banks including Digital Financial Services (DFS). In the world of digital revolution, it analyses whether bank can retain, continue and enhance their performance by offering modern product and services to their customers. Originality/Value: This article has conducted extensive analyses of Digital Financial Services (DFS) and banks' productivity. The authors also provide suggestions for the policymakers for the future implementation of digital banking services.
... Many researchers have tried to measure and analyze efficiency performance of traditional financial institutions such as banks [51][52][53][54], non-bank financial companies and institutions [55,56], microfinance institutions [57][58][59], insurance companies [60,61] using Data Envelopment Analysis. However, there is no study measuring the efficiency of fintech companies. ...
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FinTechs have gained an important place in the financial sector with their dynamic and customer-oriented structures and innovative approaches and business models. In recent years, the competition between actors in the financial sector has intensified. In a rapidly developing sector, where competition is intense and challenging, efficiency is a very important performance indicator for fintechs. This study aims to measure and examine the efficiency performance of FinTech companies. Data Envelopment Analysis was used for efficiency measurement. By establishing a two-stage data envelopment analysis model, "profitability", "marketability" and "overall process" efficiencies of fintechs were measured and analyzed. Efficiency of FinTechs operating in eight different sub-sectors was measured for the period of 2010–2019. The results show that, fintechs’ profitability efficiency performances are higher than their marketability efficiency performances. Besides, efficiency performance of the fintech companies differs on the basis of sub-sectors. This paper is a pioneer study in efficiency measurement of FinTechs.
... These ratios were widely used in earlier studies to measure and evaluate financial performance, particularly during national or worldwide crises and difficulties. According to Ahmad et al. (2020), these indicators enable a synthesis of the information obtained from the statements and give a wide range of important information about the firm that may help them make financial decisions. Such financial analysis is especially relevant during times of crisis as the COVID-19 pandemic (Bhavani et al., 2021;Kitowski, 2022;Rutkowska-Tomaszewska et al., 2022). ...
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Research background: The corporate debt situation can be considered a crucial factor influencing the future development of the financial performance of the firm. It is essential for every business entity to know its financial health, its strengths and weaknesses, and how its business has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and all the changes it has brought. Purpose of the article: The main aim of this paper is to explain and quantify the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, analyze changes in the growth of crucial determinants, and identify new trends in Slovak enterprises throughout the monitored period of 2018‒2021. Methods: Hence, a statistically significant difference between the individual indicators due to the period in which the firms achieved these values was determined using the Friedman test. It determined whether the average values of the financial indicators remained constant over the period under review (the years 2018 and 2019 are considered pre- COVID-19 years, while 2020 and 2021 are years when the globe was already being impacted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic) or whether the individual values of the indicators differed significantly. Findings & value added: Considering that there are statistically significant differences in the indicators of self-financing ratio, current indebtedness ratio, and equity leverage ratio in all monitored periods except for the years 2020 and 2021, where the average values of these debt indicators are the same, the results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic also negatively impacted the indebtedness of Slovak enterprises. Although this research paper, focusing on the financial performance of the firms in the post-pandemic period, is pioneering in Slovakia, the biggest contribution of the study is the application of the latest information, which could help in more precise monitoring of corporate financial stability and debt policy during the current challenging period. The obtained results provide important universal guidelines for building financial strategies improving long-term financial resilience of enterprises.
... SLR is "a review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyse data from the studies that are included in the review" (Moher et al., 2009, p. 1). Compared to SLR, traditional types of literature reviews can be biased, lack rigour (Tranfield et al., 2003), or be subjective because they do not specify criteria for paper selection and include only a limited number of studies (Ahmad et al., 2020). These shortcomings are addressed by the use of SLR. ...
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This paper focuses on innovative learning methods (serious games, simulation games, virtual and augmented reality, the learning-by-doing concept, and Massive Online Open Courses) used in project management education. The use of these learning methods in project management education is crucial, as this subject needs to be practiced in real life. This paper aims to examine the current state of research in this area to determine which learning methods are most commonly used in project management education, what impact they have on the ability to learn, and whether these methods are beginning to transfer to the online environment. To this end, a systematic literature review was conducted in the Web of Science database, which resulted in 53 papers. The results show that game-based learning is the most frequently researched method (43 times). The impact of the analysed methods on the ability to learn was found to have been confirmed 23 times, especially in game-based learning research (18 times). On the other hand, the online environment is not predominant, and these methods are mostly taught on-site (28 times).
... Most importantly, DEA permits accounting for undesirable outputs (inputs) that are incompatible with Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) methods 23 . According to Ahmad et al. (2020) 30 , out of 74 papers that used the frontier approach to estimate efficiency, 34 employed parametric techniques and 40 nonparametric techniques. Given the constraints imposed by parametric techniques 3,27 , the present study employs one of the most common non-parametric techniques. ...
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The present paper examines the possible impact of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) on the efficiency estimates of banks. The bootstrapped efficiency scores of 44 domestic banks of India have been examined over a period of 12 years from 2010–11 to 2021–22. The results indicate that public-sector banks performed well in the efficiency aspect as compared to private-sector banks. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test discerned that there is a significant impact of NPAs over the efficiency estimates. The results divulge that non-consideration of NPAs leads to underestimation of the efficiency of banks. The results are expected to be fruitful for policymakers, regulators, banks, and researchers. The inference is very crucial for researchers as well as regulators while comparing the efficiency of public and private sector banks because public sector banks seriously suffer from the problem of mounting NPAs. The comparison of efficiency scores in different years unveils the strong relationship of efficiency estimates with money deposited into banks and the amount lent by banks. The outcomes of the study hold significant potential for policymakers, regulators, and banks alike, as they seek to get a comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics surrounding lending, deposits, and the overall efficiency of banking institutions. Further, since the impact of not including NPAs was found to be worse on managerial efficiency, the managers have to make rational use of banking inputs in order to maximise outputs. The study is likely to be a useful reference for researchers interested in researching various aspects of efficiency.
... analysed to compute efficiency scores through two approaches viz., traditional approach and frontier-based approach. The traditional approach includes the use of a ratio analysis like return on asset, net interest margin, return on equity, non-performing loan etc., to get an idea of the overall picture of the financial soundness of a business unit (Ahmad et. al, 2020). In the frontier based approach, the concept of efficiency can be defined in terms of graphical representation of business units also. The pure technical approach can be explained in terms of graphical distance of a unit to the production frontier, whereas the overall economic efficiency can be expressed in terms of distance to a cost, ...
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During last two years entire world experienced an unprecedented phase owing to the pandemic. To devastate the economy, Coronavirus gradually took a toll on almost every sector. The freakish impact of pandemic not only influenced the financial performance of the sector but also the level of their operating efficiency. Being a forefront of economy, banking sector also experienced oscillations during last few years. In this context, the present paper examines the efficiency level of Indian domestic banks over last three years from 2018 to 2021 by applying Bootstrapped Data Envelopment Analysis model. The efficiency scores of banks have been compared by using Mann-Whitney U test to investigate any possible impact of ownership as well as outbreak of coronavirus over banking efficiency. The analysis of efficiency scores revealed that banks exhibited a decline in the mean efficiency scores after the onset of coronavirus on January, 2020. However, as a sign of recovery, an increase in the mean efficiency scores was observed during 2020-2021, The results witness significant impact of ownership as well as Covid-19 over banking efficiency. The findings proclaim that public sector banks have been proven relatively more efficient than private sector banks. Further, the results indicate a significant impact of coronavirus on the efficiency of public sector as well as private sector banks in India.
... Citations are a tool for measuring the attention and recognition of a paper on a published research topic and are a basic metric for authors and researchers; it is assumed that the higher the number of citations that a published work of research has, the more likely it is to deserve continued attention in the future (Menegaki, Ahmad, Aghdam, & Naz, 2021). A similar approach was also used in the field of business performance by Ahmad, Naveed, Ahmad, & Butt (2020), who focused on papers from the 20 most influential journals based on the total number of citations. Because the process of locating, retrieving and reading the literature is time-consuming (Antony, Psomas, Garza-Reyes, & Hines, 2021) and including all sources in the analysis is inefficient, the Pareto principle of 80/20 was applied considering the frequency of citations for each paper -i.e. ...
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Digitalization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, the Fourth Industrial Revolution – any of these terms carry along with them the possibility or necessity to apply digital technologies to the current form of business, the world and life. Augmented reality is one of these digital technologies. Augmented reality offers broad applications within both business and society. The aim of this paper is to systematically analyse the use of augmented reality in the context of marketing and find answers to the established research questions. For these purposes, a bibliometric study of publications listed in the Web of Science database was conducted. Using the Pareto principle, an analysis of abstracts in papers that obtained 80% of the total times cited was performed. The results are summarized and presented in a structured manner according to the types of immersion and marketing purposes. After a discussion of the findings, directions for future research activities in this field are suggested. The completed research shows an increasing interest in the area in question and suggests that AR has earned a strong place in marketing, either in the field of tourism and cultural heritage or in the area of positively influencing consumer purchasing behaviour.
... Firstly, only SCOPUS was searched to identify published articles. SCOPUS is commonly used to carry out citation-based systematic literature reviews (Sainaghi,Köseoglu [72], Ahmad, Naveed [73], Geetha and Kothainayaki [74][75][76]), as it includes the widest range of articles with complete reference sets in a consistent and reliable form [77]. Another limitation is that all publications related to the management of brain metastasis may not have been identified; however, we identified more than 1000 articles related to using the specific keywords and then limited the search to 720 articles for the final analysis. Yet another limitation is publication bias, which is inherent in all review articles. ...
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Simple Summary The brain is a common site of metastases from cancer. Approximately 10% of all patients develop brain metastasis during their illness. Brain metastasis used to be frequently associated with significant morbidity and short survival, measured in months. However, with advances in treatment, a significant number of patients can now expect to live for several years, with a better quality of life. We reviewed the literature published over the last 50 years, to identify patterns of care of patients diagnosed with brain metastases. Techniques such as whole brain radiotherapy are used sparingly only. A more in-depth knowledge about the cancers, and advances in radiotherapy techniques, such as focused radiation to the site of metastases, and targeted therapy which crosses the barrier between the blood and the brain have revolutionized the care, especially in patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma. This type of literature review not only helps to summarize the evolution of clinical practice, but also helps to identify the current trends for researchers. Abstract A systematic review of the published literature was conducted to analyze the management evolution of brain metastases from different cancers. Using the keywords “brain metastasis”, “brain metastases”, “CNS metastasis”, “CNS metastases”, “phase III” AND/OR “Randomized Controlled Trial” (RCT), relevant articles were searched for on the SCOPUS database. A total of 1986 articles were retrieved, published over a 45-year period (1977–2022). Relevant articles were defined as clinical studies describing the treatment or prevention of brain metastases from any cancer. Articles on imaging, quality of life, cognitive impairment after treatment, or primary brain tumors were excluded. After a secondary analysis, reviewing the abstracts and/or full texts, 724 articles were found to be relevant. Publications significantly increased in the last 10 years. A total of 252 articles (34.8%) were published in 12 core journals, receiving 50% of the citations. The number of publications in Frontiers in Oncology, BMC Cancer, and Radiotherapy and Oncology have increased considerably over the last few years. There were 111 randomized controlled trials, 128 review articles, and 63 meta-analyses. Most randomized trials reported on brain metastases management from unselected tumors (49), lung cancer (47), or breast cancer (11). In the last 5 years (2017 to 2022), management of brain metastasis has moved on from WBRT, the use of chemotherapy, and radio-sensitization to three directions. First, Radiosurgery or Radiotherapy (SRS/SRT), or hippocampal-sparing WBRT is employed to reduce radiation toxicity. Second, it has moved to the use of novel agents, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and third, to the use of molecularly directed therapy such as TKIs, in asymptomatic low volume metastasis, obviating the need for WBRT.
... The analysis of bank performance is become a complex process since they are providing intangible services. Bikker & Bos (2008) and Ahmad et al. (2020) analysed bank performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and profitability. Productivity is measured as an alternative measure of a bank's performance. ...
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on the productivity of banking sector in India. Theoretical framework: This research considered various digital banking services offered by bank and how it affects the actual bank performance in terms of productivity, by adopting a two-stage model i.e., Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) and panel data regression. Design/Methodology/Approach: The empirical study was based on eight-year balanced panel data from 2012 to 2020. The sample of the study consists of forty-four commercial banks from India. This study is completely based on secondary data collected from the website of the database of the Indian economy and the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI). To achieve the research goals, a two-stage approach has been used. Initially, Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) was employed to estimate the total factor productivity changes. In the second phase, panel regression analyses were used to study the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on bank productivity. Findings: The findings show that the Digital Financial Services (DFS) variables such as mobile banking, online banking, Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) and Point of Sale (POS) transactions are significantly improved the productivity of the Indian banking industry. Research, Practical & Social implications: The study addresses the issues such as identifications of factors affecting the productivity of banks including Digital Financial Services (DFS). In the world of digital revolution, it analyses whether bank can retain, continue and enhance their performance by offering modern product and services to their customers. Originality/Value: This article has conducted extensive analyses of Digital Financial Services (DFS) and banks' productivity. The authors also provide suggestions for the policymakers for the future implementation of digital banking services.
... The analysis of bank performance is become a complex process since they are providing intangible services. Bikker & Bos (2008) and Ahmad et al. (2020) analysed bank performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and profitability. Productivity is measured as an alternative measure of a bank's performance. ...
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on the productivity of banking sector in India. Theoretical framework: This research considered various digital banking services offered by bank and how it affects the actual bank performance in terms of productivity, by adopting a two-stage model i.e., Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) and panel data regression. Design/Methodology/Approach: The empirical study was based on eight-year balanced panel data from 2012 to 2020. The sample of the study consists of forty-four commercial banks from India. This study is completely based on secondary data collected from the website of the database of the Indian economy and the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI). To achieve the research goals, a two-stage approach has been used. Initially, Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) was employed to estimate the total factor productivity changes. In the second phase, panel regression analyses were used to study the impact of Digital Financial Services (DFS) on bank productivity. Findings: The findings show that the Digital Financial Services (DFS) variables such as mobile banking, online banking, Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) and Point of Sale (POS) transactions are significantly improved the productivity of the Indian banking industry. Research, Practical & Social implications: The study addresses the issues such as identifications of factors affecting the productivity of banks including Digital Financial Services (DFS). In the world of digital revolution, it analyses whether bank can retain, continue and enhance their performance by offering modern product and services to their customers. Originality/Value: This article has conducted extensive analyses of Digital Financial Services (DFS) and banks' productivity. The authors also provide suggestions for the policymakers for the future implementation of digital banking services.
... The SC has broader coverage than the WoS. Accordingly, we utilized SC to find all the relevant studies for the current study (Ahmad, Naveed, Ahmad, et al., 2020;Anwar, Bibi, & Ahmad, 2022;Asatullaeva, Aghdam, & Ahmad, 2021;Menegaki et al., 2021). ...
This study aims to provide a bibliometric literature review (BLR) on the applications of high-frequency data in finance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first BLR on this topic. It aims to map the evolution of the literature, identifying the leading sources of knowledge in terms of the most influential journals, articles, and authors. It also provides a chronological development of the conceptual and intellectual structures of the networks in this topical research area. Using the Scopus database, the study identifies 2920 articles on the application of high-frequency intraday data in finance. These had been published in 393 journals during the period from 1977 to 2019. A thorough content analysis of the 100 most influential papers (ranked based on average citations per year) is also provided concerning research attributes in terms of datasets, asset classes, country of analysis and the major themes and sub-themes of these papers. The Journal of Banking and Finance is the leading journal in terms of the number of publications, whereas the Journal of Finance is the leading journal in terms of citations received on this topic. Tim Bollerslev is the leading author in this area in terms of the total number of publications (36), total citations (7241) and h-index (30). The most cited article in terms of total citations and average citations per year is Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Labys (2003) titled “Modeling and forecasting realized volatility”, which has appeared in Econometrica. The majority of the top 100 surveyed papers are empirical (66%). Volatility modeling as a major theme is the front runner with 29% of the surveyed papers. The theme “Volatility modeling” has most often been studied with Realized Volatility. The Trade and Quote (TAQ) database and 5-minute interval data appear to be the most favored choices in terms of data usage in high-frequency finance research. 56% of the surveyed papers have used the data on stocks, with NYSE stocks being the most popular, while US financial markets are the most commonly studied markets (65%).
... With reference to the measurement of efficiency, there are two approaches viz., the traditional approach and the frontier-based approach. The traditional approach applies ratio analysis to capture the financial soundness and profitability of a business unit (Ahmad, Naveed, Ahmad, & Butt, 2020). The Frontier based Approach measures the performance of a firm relative to the best practice firm located at the frontier. ...
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The recent demonetization announced in India led to a massive flow of deposits in banks, which called for efficient disbursement of available funds. Realizing its implication for the financial sector, researchers explored the possible impact of demonetization on the performance, profitability, and efficiency of Indian banks. However, these studies overlooked the non-performing assets, which are a serious concern for banks and have emerged as an undesirable output of the credit creation process. To fill this research gap, the present study investigates the impact of demonetization on the efficiency of domestic banks with due consideration of such undesirable assets. To get bias-free efficiency estimates, bootstrapped data envelopment analysis has been done. The study period has been divided into two sub-periods viz., pre-demonetization period and post-demonetization period. The results indicate that the efficiency of the majority of banks remains unaffected by demonetization. Only 13 banks have got a significant impact, out of which eight banks exhibited better efficiency while five banks were found to be less efficient during the post-demonetization period. However, these changes have been contributed to bank-specific factors, and demonetization cannot be accounted for the same. The findings are useful to banks, regulators, and policymakers.
... Specifically, do collaborations, content, scope, accessibility and quality of the studies explain the observed variations in citations of frontier studies? Lampe and Hilger (2015), Ahmad et al. (2020) and conducted citation-based reviews on efficiency studies globally. Using inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS) transformation to citations, Azoulay and Lynn (2020) studied the determinants of self-citation in the life sciences. ...
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Whilst there is some literature on the effect of inward foreign direct investment on domestic investment for the whole economy and the agricultural sector, that of foreign divestment on domestic investment for food manufacturing is rare. This paper contributes to the literature by estimating the crowding effect of foreign divestment on domestic investment in the food manufacturing sector using an unbalanced panel of 29 countries from 1991 to 2019. Foreign divestment crowded out domestic investment for developed countries in the short and long runs. In terms of the absolute reduction in domestic investment, the short-run effect is higher than the long-run effect. Policies to attract inward foreign direct investment and retain it should be pursued.
... In the literature, there are different techniques to estimate the efficiency of production units; however, DEA is the most frequently used technique in the literature. For example, in the systematic literature review on efficiency in financial sector performance by Ahmad et al. (2020), they analysed one hundred papers finding that 74% of the articles on efficiency used DEA as an analysis technique. ...
What shapes banks' response to capital requirement reforms? While prereform capitalization is important in the short term, we posit that profitability is key in the medium term, as it underpins banks' capacity to build capital. We examine the impact of capital surcharges on systemically important banks. Through a novel application of textual analysis to identify when banks react, we show that less profitable banks contract when faced with higher requirements, especially if they are closer to the thresholds that determine their surcharges. Conversely, more profitable banks continue to expand, improving banking efficiency but raising concerns about concentration and exposure to tail risks.
This paper investigates the method for calculating funding banks must provide to Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSs) according to the “ex-ante” and “risk-based” criteria introduced by Directive 2014/49/EU (DGSD). We aim to further support the existing documents providing an approach to identify risk indicators and assign weights thereof to determine fundings to be paid to DGSs. It is worth noting that such an approach could enhance current practices as it takes into account the risk and performance of banks as opposed to the overall banking market. By doing so, a more targeted funding can be encouraged. Our results consider the Texas ratio as one of the indicators to look out for. Likewise, such methods could serve as self-assessment frameworks for Institutional Protection Schemes (IPSs) and banks, fostering sound and prudent management, in turn warding off “moral hazard” issues.
The nonlinear nature of financial data series and the intricate incorporation of data into market prices necessitate a comprehensive exploration of key research findings, prevailing trends, intense debates, and subfields in the market behavior realm. Studies exploring the way in which technical analysis can exploit the deviation from market efficiency in stock markets, based on new prediction techniques (machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence), are lacking. This study presents a comprehensive bibliometric assessment of market behavior using the Scopus database from 1972 to 2022. A thorough assessment process, which included keywords, filters, and data cleaning, was employed to narrow down the literature from 30,551 to 8,289 relevant papers. The research framework delineates seven primary themes that underpin this study: market efficiency, behavioral finance, technical analysis, volatility, fractals, asset pricing, and price discovery. For practitioners, investors, and policymakers, our study presents evidence regarding emerging themes, such as technical analysis, adaptive market hypothesis, and machine learning, which diverges from the findings of the proponents of equilibrium models based on investors' rationality. Moreover, an in-depth inquiry into the role of technical analysis in shaping portfolio investment presents a promising future research avenue.
This systematic literature review examines cryptocurrency forecasting trends, influential sources, and research themes. Following PRISMA guidelines, 168 articles from Q1 or A‐tier journals in the Scopus database were analyzed using bibliometric techniques. The findings reveal a significant increase in cryptocurrency forecasting research output since 2017, particularly in 2021. “Finance Research Letters” emerges as the most productive journal, whereas “Economics Letters” receives the highest number of citations. Elie Bouri is identified as the most prolific author, and China is the top contributor country. Key research themes include bitcoin, cryptocurrency, volatility, forecasting, machine learning, investments, and blockchain. Future research directions involve utilizing internet search‐based measures, time‐varying mixture models, economic policy uncertainty, expert predictions, machine learning algorithms, and analyzing cryptocurrency risk. This review contributes unique insights into the field's growth, influential sources, and collaborative structures and offers a foundation for advancing methodology and enhancing cryptocurrency forecasting models.
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Corporate error and managerial concerns stakeholders have expressed worry about the state of the banking industry, therefore the study looked into how board characteristics affected the deposit money banks in Nigeria's financial performance. The study's data were collected from the sampled companies' annual reports and accounts for the years 2018 through 2022. Board meetings, size, and independence serve as proxies for board characteristics. With ROA, financial performance was proxied. The study's conclusions showed that board meetings and independent contractors have a small but favorable effect on ROA. Whereas board size has a negligible and adverse effect on ROA. The study recommended that in order to increase the ROA of the sampled banks, board meetings and board independence should be sufficiently maintained. In order to increase the ROA, size should be kept low.
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This study investigated effectiveness of tax incentives in enhancing profitability of manufacturing companies in Southwest Nigeria, as there are few studies on the subject, particularly in the Nigerian context. The study was guided by optimal theory, investment behavior theory, and agency theory. There were four research questions and hypotheses developed. A cross-sectional research survey was used in the study. The population of the study included all top management personnel from the three thousand and sixty-four (3064) manufacturing companies. The study data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. A modified questionnaire was used, and its face and content were validated by experts, while the construct validity requirements were met using the Fornell-Larcker criterion. Cronbach's alpha was used to test for reliability, and average value was larger than 0.7. Purposive sampling was used to choose 86 companies based on the availability and suitability of their records for the study data needs. A total of 172 respondents were chosen from 86 manufacturing companies, with two (2) respondents from each. Tax incentives had a significant effect on profitability (Adj R2 = 0.942, F(5,137)= 461.796, p= 0.000) and return on investment (Adj R2 = 0.882, F(5,137)= 213.859, p= 0.000. It was concluded that tax incentives have a significant effect on financial performance and that firm size positively strengthen the effect of interaction between tax incentives and financial performance in southwest Nigerian manufacturing companies. It was recommended that the government review tax incentive policies on a regular basis and increase tax incentives to boost economic growth through manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, companies should seek ways to raise sufficient funds to enable them to operate on a relatively large scale in order to improve financial performance. 1
The study examines the intricate relationship between monetary policy and the value creation process within the banking sector. Through a critical lens, the paper assesses how various aspects of monetary policy impact the ability of banks to generate value. By analyzing relevant literature, empirical data, and case studies, the research sheds light on the multifaceted dynamics at play. The study's focus is on unveiling the mechanisms through which monetary policy tools, such as interest rates and quantitative easing, affect banks' profitability, risk management, lending behavior, and overall financial health. This critical review contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between central banking decisions and the operational landscape of banks, enabling policymakers, financial institutions, and researchers to make informed decisions and predictions about the consequences of different monetary policy strategies on the banking sector's value creation endeavors.
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The paper studies the productivity change of the commercial banks in the CEE countries over the post-crisis period 2013–2018. The productivity change is measured by the Malmquist Productivity Index and its sub-components, applying two approaches—the asset-oriented and profit-oriented intermediation approaches. The analysis uses data from a balanced panel of 181 commercial banks in 11 CEE countries. We find that commercial banks’ productivity, measured with the asset-oriented intermediation approach, decreased in most of the CEE countries over 2013–2018, with a decline ranging, on average, from 1% to 6.9%, driven mainly by a decline in technical efficiency. Nevertheless, estimates using the profit-intermediation approach point to productivity growth in commercial banks in all CEE countries, ranging, on average, from 0.5% to 6.3%. The empirical findings imply the need for the CEE commercial banks to further digital transformation and cost rationalization.
Purpose This systematic literature review analyzes the academic literature to understand SC risk and resilience across different organizational sizes and industries. The academic literature has well discussed the causes of supply chain (SC) risk events, the impact of SC disruptions, and associated plans for SC resilience. However, the literature remains fragmented on the role of two fundamental elements in achieving SC resilience: the firm's size and the firm's industry as firms' contingent factors. Therefore, it is important to investigate and highlight SC resilience differences by size and industry type to establish more resilient firms. Design/methodology/approach Building upon the contingent resource-based view of the firm, the authors posit that organizational factors such as size and industry sector have important roles in developing organizational resilience capabilities. This systematic literature review and analysis is based on the structural and systematic analysis of high-ranked peer-reviewed journal papers from January 2000 to June 2021 collected through three global scientific databases (i.e. ProQuest, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar) using relevant keywords. Findings This systematic literature review of 230 high-quality articles shows that SC risk events can be categorized into demand, supply, organizational, operational, environmental, and network/control risk events. This study suggests that the SC resilience plans developed by startups, small and mdium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large organizations are not necessarily the same as those of large enterprises. While collaboration and networking and risk management are the most crucial resilience capabilities for all firms, applying lean and quality management principles and utilizing information technology are more crucial for SMEs. For large firms, knowledge management and contingency planning are more important. Originality/value This study provides a comprehensive review of the literature on SC resilience plans across different organizational sizes and industries, offering new insights into the nature and dynamics of startups', SMEs', and large enterprises' SC resilience in different industries. The study highlights the need for further investigation of SC risk and resilience for startups, SMEs, and different industries on a more detailed level using empirical data. This study’s findings have important implications for researchers and practitioners and guide the development of effective SC resilience strategies for different types of firms.
This chapter introduces the main concepts and models underlying the evaluation of efficiency using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique. It starts with a historical overview of the origin of DEA models, including a brief description of the theory underlying the representation of the technology of production and the efficient frontier in DEA. The main models for evaluating efficiency are reviewed before discussing recent developments in the DEA literature. The chapter also includes a discussion of well-established and emerging areas of analysis. Successful applications of DEA, both for the support of organisations’ management and the design of public policies, are examined. In the end, some considerations regarding the role of efficiency assessment techniques in modern societies and opportunities for future developments are presented.
In the monetary framework, banks assume a significant part and their reality is basic to the strength of the economy. Banking organizations had played a huge effect in the financial improvement of India since the country’s freedom in 1947. The financial area controls the greater part of the country’s monetary resources, laying out it as the prevailing power in the country’s monetary business sectors. Banks in India are encountering huge changes because of the monetary area changes that are being executed dynamically the country over. This examination work means fostering an effective and sufficient model for the financial business in India using a measurable technique in light of the major proportions. It gives a concise measurable investigation of the twelve bank-explicit factors for every 22 banks. It concentrates on the hole in monetary execution between various banks by doing a similar concentrate on the relapse strategies.KeywordsFundamental ratiosStatistical analysisBanking sectorRegressionIndian market
Guided by comparative human resource management (HRM) research, we review and critically assess the literature on gender equality in work settings. To this end, we consider quantitative articles published between 1980 and 2021. We apply a multi-level and multi-dimensional framework focused on three gender equality perspectives (i.e., Hofstede, GLOBE, and socioeconomic) and the HRM chain (e.g., policies and practices) as well as individual and organizational outcomes. Consistent with previous literature in the field of comparative HRM, we find that the three gender equality perspectives explain significant differences in the HRM chain as well as in both individual-level and organizational-level outcomes. Extending comparative HRM literature, we find that the three gender equality perspectives influence our research community differently, show similarities and differences in outcomes, associate with different effects (i.e., enabling and enhancing), and differ in the direction of such effects. Our study contributes to evidence-based policy and practice in organizations that align their HR strategies to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality).
The commercial banking system plays an important role in providing capital to businesses and other organizations, so bank capital receives great attention from many different subjects in the economy. This position is even more crucial for Vietnam, a developing country because the corporate bond market is relatively small in comparison to the size of the economy. As a result, commercial bank business efficiency is a problem that requires attention since it has a direct impact on the efficiency with which capital is provided to firms, as well as the market's stability. The research study concerning the effect of bank capital on bank profitability was conducted using data gathered from 22 Vietnam commercial banks from 2011 to 2020, using Pooled OLS, FEM, REM, and GMM methodologies. The results show that bank capital has a negative relationship with profitability. Bank profitability is also positively affected by bank size, credit risk, credit growth, and capital adequacy ratio. This study offers a new understanding of the relationship between bank capital, and bank profitability in Vietnam and proposed implications for Vietnam commercial banks' governance solutions, a country whose financial system depends mainly on banks, has transformed its capital management direction according to Basel 2 guidelines and is preparing for Basel 3 standards.
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Exchange rate policy is regarded as a critical macroeconomic policy. Especially the misalignment of exchange rates is significantly impact on imported goods, particularly oil imports, which ultimately effect external and internal imbalances. This study conducts a systematic literature review on exchange rate misalignment, as well as an intriguing content analysis of the top 100 most cited articles. Further it identifies the most influential authors, papers and the journals in the field using citation analysis. The relevant articles are identified using the Scopus database. Three hundred and seventy‐two scholarly papers have been found relevant. The results of the content analysis show that the purchasing power parity is the most frequently used theoretical foundation, followed by the Behavioural Equilibrium Exchange Rate. Additionally, the analysis reveals that the authors primarily utilised time series data. The identification of essential and core journals is made through Bradford's Law. Schuh ( American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 56, 1974, 1) is a pioneering study that discussed the misalignment of exchange rates in the US agriculture sector. Valérie Mignon is the most prolific author in terms of both productivity and impact. The paper authored by O'Connell ( Journal of International Economics , 44, 1998, 1) titled ‘overvaluation of purchasing power parity’, is recognised as the most influential paper in terms of average citations per year.
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Industry 4.0, digitization and digital transformation are undoubtedly some of the main trends of a transforming economy, society and business. They represent a fundamental topic that is currently resounding in both the real business world and the academic sphere. New modern digital technologies and their use have a crucial impact on the existing operation of entrepreneurial entities. These technologies require them to make radical changes in the management of business processes and particular activities. The presented paper reflects the need to focus research activities on the digitalization of various business areas; specifically, it focuses on the field of human resource (HR) management. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the existing literature on HR digitalization, specifically by exploring the current state of the art in this area. For this purpose, a systematic literature review in the Scopus database was carried out. This study summarizes and presents existing knowledge in a structured manner and also identifies possible directions for future research activities. Selected papers were analyzed and classified according to area of interest into two main categories of human resource digitalization. The first includes papers that deal with HR digitalization as such, i.e. the digitalization of the discipline of HR management. The second area deals with HR as a support for digitalization, i.e. fields in which HR can help with the digital transformation of other business activities or processes. Digitalized human capital has become the primary common denominator of the majority of articles across both categories.
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency level of BUMN Islamic banking after the merger, analyze the value of input slack and output slack technical efficiency of BUMN Islamic banking after the merger in order to know which input or output causes inefficiency, and analyze the calculation of the ideal input and output values for efficiency. in state-owned Islamic banking after the merger. The data analysis technique in this research is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Bank Syariah Indonesia after the merger at the beginning of its formation was declared inefficient in the period of February 2021 and April 2021. This is because there are obstacles in its input and output. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be seen that the average Technical Efficiency (TE) is 0.988 indicates that the maximum output that can be generated by BSI using available inputs and technology is around 98.8% of the potential of Bank Syariah Indonesia.
Background: Professionalism is an important competence in medical practice, yet a complex area. We describe the landscape of published articles on teaching, learning and assessment of professionalism in medical schools. This study aims to review the temporal trend of literature published and cited on the subject, and includes frequently publishing authors, journals, and network analysis. The study further aims to present the themes of the most commonly cited articles. Methods: A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature was carried out to describe the current patterns of research in professionalism using the terms “professionalism” AND "medical education" OR "medical college" OR "medical school". The title and abstract of the selected documents were skimmed to include only relevant articles. ‘Relevant’ articles were defined as articles describing teaching, learning or assessment of professionalism in undergraduate medical curricula. Articles describing professionalism, but not directly related to teaching, learning and assessment were excluded. Results: Over the study period spanning from 1973 to 2020, a total of 1053 articles were identified as relevant. A surge in the number of publications was observed from the year 2000. Over 400 articles were published in 5 leading journals in medical education. Of the 50 top-cited papers, 18 (36%) articles explored opinions of stake holders through questionnaires and surveys about different aspects of professionalism, there were 13 (26%) ‘Commentary’ and 7 (14%) review articles. The primary objectives of more than 50% of the top-cited articles were assessment methods (14%), teaching by humiliation (14%), personal identity formation (8%), barriers to professionalism (8%), and teaching ethics (8%) and empathy (8%). Conclusions: We describe the landscape of published articles on teaching, learning and assessment of professionalism in undergraduate medical schools. The surge in publications since 2000, top publishing journals and frequently publishing authors were identified. Of the most cited articles, assessment methods, personal identity formation, and teaching empathy and ethics predominate as the main themes.
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This study reviews the empirical literature on banking efficiency by conducting a meta-regression analysis. The meta-dataset consists of 1661 observations retrieved from 120 papers published over the period 2000–2014. While the role of study design and method-specific characteristics of primary studies is evaluated, the focus concerns regulation in banking. The results are fourfold. First, parametric methods always yield lower levels of banking efficiency than non-parametric studies. Second, banking efficiency is higher in studies using the value-added approach rather than the intermediation method. Third, efficiency scores also depend on the journal's ranking and on the number of observations and variables used in the primary papers. Finally, regulation matters: primary papers focusing on countries with a liberalized banking industry provide higher values for efficiency scores.
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In this paper, we develop a bank network revenue function to evaluate banks’ network revenue performance. The bank network revenue function, which extends the environmental revenue function and the two-stage network cost function, is constructed as the difference between total revenue and the reserves for possible loan losses to incorporate the roles played by non-performing loans in bank production. The second part of the paper then applies Nerlove's revenue inefficiency model. We consider revenue maximization in two stages. We apply this function to Japanese banks operating from September 2000 to March 2013.
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Context: An enormous number of papers (more than 70,000) have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since its inception in 1968. To better characterize and understand this massive research literature, there is a need for comprehensive bibliometrics assessments in this vibrant field.
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This article aims to provide a systematic and comprehensive comparison of the coverage of the three major bibliometric databases: Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science. Based on a sample of 146 senior academics in five broad disciplinary areas, we therefore provide both a longitudinal and a cross-disciplinary comparison of the three databases. Our longitudinal comparison of eight data points between 2013 and 2015 shows a consistent and reasonably stable quarterly growth for both publications and citations across the three databases. This suggests that all three databases provide sufficient stability of coverage to be used for more detailed cross-disciplinary comparisons. Our cross-disciplinary comparison of the three databases includes four key research metrics (publications, citations, h-index, and hI, annual, an annualised individual h-index) and five major disciplines (Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Sciences and Life Sciences). We show that both the data source and the specific metrics used change the conclusions that can be drawn from cross-disciplinary comparisons.
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We examine the relationship between FD and economic growth in the SEMC and the EU-MED in 1985–2009 using several variables, taking into account the effects of both quantity and quality. Credit to the private sector and bank deposits are negatively associated with growth, which suggests deficiencies in credit allocation as well as weak financial regulation and supervision. Stock market size and liquidity play a role in growth, especially when accounting for the quality of institutions. Investments, whether domestic or foreign, contribute to economic growth. Stronger institutions and low inflation are growth factors. Initial GDP has a persistently and significantly negative impact on growth, which confirms the catching-up hypothesis.
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Several rounds of banking reforms in China have aimed to increase the competitive condition and further enhance stability in the Chinese banking sector, while the joint effects of competition and risk-taking behaviour on the profitability in the banking sector have not been studied well enough so far in the literature. The current study contributes to the empirical literature by testing the impacts of risk and competition on profitability in the Chinese banking industry (state-owned, joint-stock and city commercial banks) over the period 2003–2011 under a one-step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) system estimator. The results do not show any robust finding with regards to the impacts of competition and risk on bank profitability, while it is found that Chinese bank profitability is affected by taxation, overhead cost, labour productivity and inflation. The study provides policy implications to the Chinese banking industry and different ownership types of Chinese commercial banks.
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One learns two main lessons from studying the great quantity of banking efficiency literature. These lessons regard the heterogeneity in results and theabsence of a comprehensive review aimed at understanding the reasons for thisvariability. Surprisingly, although this issue is well-known, it has not beensystematically analyzed before. In order to fill this gap, we perform a Meta-Regression-Analysis (MRA) by examining 1661 efficiency scores retrieved from120 papers published over the period 2000–2014. The meta-regression isestimated by using the Random Effects Multilevel Model (REML) because it controls for within- and between-study heterogeneity. The analysis yields four main results. First, parametric methods yield lower levels of banking efficiency than nonparametric studies. This holds true even after controlling for theapproach used in selecting the inputs and outputs of the frontier. Secondly, weshow that banking efficiency is highest when using the value-added approach,followed by estimates from studies based on the intermediation method, whereasthose based on the hybrid approach are the lowest. Thirdly, efficiency scores arealso determined by the quality of studies and the number of observations and vari-ables used in the primary papers. As far as the effects of sample size, dimensionand quality of papers are concerned, there are significant differences in sign andmagnitude between parametric and nonparametric studies. Finally, cost effi ciency is found to be higher than profit efficiency. Interestingly, MRA results are robust to the potential outliers in efficiency and sample size distributions.
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Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss a comprehensive literature survey of studies focusing on the efficiency and productivity of the banking sector using parametric and non-parametric frontier techniques. Design/methodology/approach – Critically reviewing 106 studies published across the world from 1994 to 2011, a conceptual framework is developed for the studies assessing the efficiency and productivity of the banking industry using non-parametric DEA frontier approach. Findings – Both the frontier approaches, parametric and non-parametric, are gaining an edge over the traditional financial performance measures. In the non-parametric approach, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is widely applied to measure a bank’s efficiency and productivity. Studies conducted in developed countries such as the USA, the UK and Europe are now emerging with the new concepts of banking efficiency. Research limitations/implications – These findings are based only on the critical review of 106 studies. This study suggests the direction for future research and identifies the gap in existing literature with the development of a conceptual model. Originality/value – This study is original in nature and included literature published in recent issues of 2011. Keywords Banking, Productivity, Efficiency, Parametric and non-parametric frontier approach, Data envelopment analysis, Productivity rate Paper type Literature review
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One learns two main lessons from studying the great quantity of banking efficiency literature. These lessons regard the heterogeneity in results and the absence of a comprehensive review aimed at understanding the reasons for this variability. Surprisingly, although this issue is well-known, it has not been systematically analyzed before. In order to fill this gap, we perform a Meta-Regression-Analysis (MRA) by examining 1,661 efficiency scores retrieved from 120 papers published over the period 2000-2014. The meta-regression is estimated by using the Random Effects Multilevel Model (REML), because it controls for within-study and between-study heterogeneity. The analysis yields four main results. Firstly, parametric methods yield lower levels of banking efficiency than nonparametric studies. This holds true even after controlling for the approach used in selecting the inputs and outputs of the frontier. Secondly, we show that banking efficiency is highest when using the value added approach, followed by estimates from studies based on the intermediation method, whereas those based on the hybrid approach are the lowest. Thirdly, efficiency scores also depend on the quality of studies and on the number of observations and variables used in the primary papers. As far as the effects of sample size, dimension and quality of papers are concerned, there are significant differences in sign and magnitude between parametric and nonparametric studies. Finally, cost efficiency is found to be higher than profit and production efficiency. Interestingly, MRA results are robust to the potential outliers in efficiency and sample size distributions.
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Measuring and improving the efficiency of the Chinese commercial banking system has recently attracted increasing interest. Few studies, however, have adopted the two-stage network DEA to explore this issue in the Chinese context. Because the entire operational process of the banking system could be divided into two sub-processes (deposit producing and profit earning), the evaluation of the sub-process efficiencies could be used to assist in identifying the sources of the inefficiency of the entire banking system. In this study, we utilize the network DEA approach to disaggregate, evaluate and test the efficiencies of 16 major Chinese commercial banks during the third round of the Chinese banking reform period (2003–2011) with the variable returns to scale setting and the consideration of undesirable/bad output. The main findings of this study are as follows: (i) the two-stage DEA model is more effective than the conventional black box DEA model in identifying the inefficiency of banking system, and the inefficiency of the Chinese banking system primarily results from the inefficiency of its deposit producing sub-process; (ii) the overall efficiency of the Chinese banking system improves over the study period because of the reform; (iii) the state-owned commercial banks (SOBs) appear to be more overall efficient than the joint-stock commercial banks (JSBs) only in the pre-reform period, and the efficiency difference between the SOBs and the JSBs is reduced over the post-reform period; (iv) the disposal of non-performing loans (NPLs) from the Chinese banking system in general explains its efficiency improvement, and the joint-equity reform of the SOBs specifically increases their efficiencies.
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Traditionally, the most commonly used source of bibliometric data is Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge, in particular the Web of Science and the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which provide the yearly Journal Impact Factors (JIF). This paper presents an alternative source of data (Googl Scholar, GS) as well as 3 alternatives to the JIF to assess journal impact (h-index, g-index and the number of citations per paper), Becatise of its broader range of data sources, the use of GS generally results in more comprehensive citation coverage in the area of management and international business. The use of GS particularly benefits academics publishing in sources that are not (well) covered in ISI. Among these are books, conference papers, non-US journals, and in general journals in the field of strategy and international business. The 3 alternative GS-based metrics showed strong correlations with the traditional JIR. As such, they provide academics and universities committed to JIFs with a good alternative for journals that are not ISI-indexed. However, we argue that these metrics provide additional advantages over the JIF and that the free availability of GS allows for a democratization of citation analysis as it provides every academic access to citation data regardless of their institution's financial means.
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This introductory article reviews past research on the topic of financial institution efficiency, surveys the contributions in this special issue, and suggests how future research on this important topic might proceed.
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This article presents a meta-regression analysis of 32 studies on frontier efficiency measurement in banking, focusing on the sensitivity of the reported estimates to the methodological design. Our findings suggest that study design is crucial for the resulting scores. The differences between the scores estimated using parametric and non-parametric approaches arise when the Fourierflexible functional form is used since this functional form yields lower scores. Generally, the higher the number of observations, the higher is the average estimated efficiency. The removal of scale effects using equity capital increases the profit efficiency but it is insignificant for other scores. The efficiency analysis should distinguish the commercial banking from other bank types because the former tends to deliver lower efficiency scores.
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This paper examines the efficiency and price effects of mergers by applying a frontier profit function to data on bank megamergers. We find that merged banks experience a statistically significant 16 percentage point average increase in profit efficiency rank relative to other large banks. Most of the improvement is from increasing revenues, including a shift in outputs from securities to loans, a higher-valued product. Improvements were greatest for the banks with the lowest efficiencies prior to merging, who therefore had the greatest capacity for improvement. By comparison, the effects on profits from merger-related changes in prices were found to be very small.
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This paper addresses a little examined intersection between the problem loan literature and the bank efficiency literature. We employ Granger-causality techniques to test four hypotheses regarding the relationships among loan quality, cost efficiency, and bank capital. The data suggest that problem loans precede reductions in measured cost efficiency; that measured cost efficiency precedes reductions in problem loans; and the reductions in capital at thinly capitalized banks precede increases in problem loans. Hence, cost efficiency may be an important indicator of future problem loans and problem banks. Our results are ambiguous concerning whether or not researchers should control for problem loans in efficiency estimation.
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BackgroundIn 2004 the concept of evidence-based software engineering (EBSE) was introduced at the ICSE04 conference.AimsThis study assesses the impact of systematic literature reviews (SLRs) which are the recommended EBSE method for aggregating evidence.MethodWe used the standard systematic literature review method employing a manual search of 10 journals and 4 conference proceedings.ResultsOf 20 relevant studies, eight addressed research trends rather than technique evaluation. Seven SLRs addressed cost estimation. The quality of SLRs was fair with only three scoring less than 2 out of 4.ConclusionsCurrently, the topic areas covered by SLRs are limited. European researchers, particularly those at the Simula Laboratory appear to be the leading exponents of systematic literature reviews. The series of cost estimation SLRs demonstrate the potential value of EBSE for synthesising evidence and making it available to practitioners.
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This paper analyzes empirically what explains the low profitability of Chinese banks for the period 1997–2004. We find that better capitalized banks tend to be more profitable. The same is true for banks with a relatively larger share of deposits and for more X-efficient banks. In addition, a less concentrated banking system increases bank profitability, which basically reflects that the four state-owned commercial banks – China’s largest banks – have been the main drag for system’s profitability. We find the same negative influence for China’s development banks (so-called Policy Banks), which are fully state-owned. Instead, more market-oriented banks, such as joint-stock commercial banks, tend to be more profitable, which again points to the influence of government intervention in explaining bank performance in China. These findings should not come as a surprise for a banking system which has long been functioning as a mechanism for transferring huge savings to meet public policy goals. URL:
This paper addresses a little-examined intersection between the problem-loan literature and the bank-efficiency literature. We employ Granger causality techniques to test four hypotheses regarding the relationships among loan quality, cost efficiency, and bank capital. The data suggest that problem loans precede reductions in measured cost efficiency; that measured cost efficiency precedes reductions in problem loans; and that reductions in capital at thinly capitalized banks precede increases in problem loans. Hence, cost efficiency may be an important indicator of future problem loans and problem banks. Our results are ambiguous concerning whether or not researchers should control for problem loans in efficiency estimation.
We analyse and present the current mainstream research on banking efficiency by assessing recent articles from major finance journals. We examine 87 papers that were published between January 2011 and July 2017. We classify these manuscripts based on study type, approach, objective, and method. We apply clusters and citation networks to identify the evolution of the studies, including research gaps and paradigms. We also analyse the origin of the studies through geographical coordinates to visualize the global connections among the articles. Our study contributes to a future research agenda, studies’ integration at international level, and a dissemination of relevant findings on the topic. Moreover, using Lotka's Law, we find that the field of banking efficiency had low productivity, without a significant number of prolific specialized authors or institutions.
This study is driven by a motivation to examine the key determinants of bank's performance as proxied by bank's liquidity (LR), non-performing loans (NPL), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), loan growth (FEXP) and default risk premium (FQL) within the framework of credit creation theory of banking. Using random effect model as an estimation tool on 93 banks in Middle East, Africa and Indian subcontinent over study period from 2009 through 2016, the findings reveal that there are significant relationships between bank's performance and its loan growth. Both ROA and FEXP are also found to be positively correlated. In contrast, the NPL and CAR are found to be negatively correlated with ROA. As a whole, it is evident that loan growth plays a very important role in supporting bank's long term performance.
The objective of this study is to present a systematic literature review in the context of bank efficiency and productivity. It focuses on the recent developments related to empirical methodological advances and new dimensions added to the ever-growing field of bank performance analysis. Selected research papers were coded in terms of their key objectives and were segregated into 11 themes-Branch, Comparison, Consolidation and Expansion, Deregulation and Regulation, Environment, Input-output, Methodological advances, Non-traditional activities, Risk, Stock performance and Others. The 103 selected studies were further analysed based on efficiency measures, input-output approaches and methodology. While summarising the extant literature on bank efficiency and productivity, the ongoing debate regarding the optimal input output approaches and ideal frontier techniques for bank performance analysis has also been dealt with. The current study also highlights the possible future research avenues in this area. JEL classification: G21, D24, N20
In the last decade, a growing number of studies focused on the qualitative/quantitative analysis of bibliometric-database errors. Most of these studies relied on the identification and (manual) examination of relatively limited samples of errors. Using an automated procedure, we collected a large corpus of more than 10,000 errors in the two multidisciplinary databases Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), mainly including articles in the Engineering-Manufacturing field. Based on the manual examination of a portion (of about 10%) of these errors, this paper provides a preliminary analysis and classification, identifying similarities and differences between Scopus and WoS. The analysis reveals interesting results, such as: (i) although Scopus seems more accurate than WoS, it tends to forget to index more papers, causing the loss of the relevant citations given/obtained, (ii) both databases have relatively serious problems in managing the so-called Online-First articles, and (iii) lack of correlation between databases, regarding the distribution of the errors in several error categories. The description is supported by practical examples concerning a variety of errors in the Scopus and WoS databases.
This article reviews twenty research articles on Chinese bank efficiency. The methodologies on efficiency and the relationship between efficiency and its correlates are summarized and compared. The primary empirical results and the impact of regulation are categorized and discussed. The implications for future regulation enactments are clarified. We also point out several research remarks for future directions.
This chapter presents a survey of empirical literature on bank efficiency. Four key research areas have been identified where most of the research efforts have been devoted in last two decades. These research areas are (i) impact of financial deregulation on bank efficiency, (ii) bank efficiency across ownership types, (iii) cross-country differences in bank efficiency, and (iv) impact of mergers and acquisitions on bank efficiency. In addition, two prominent research issues in the banking efficiency literature have also been discussed in this chapter. The first issue relates with the selection and specification of inputs and outputs in a study on the subject matter. The second issue is on the selection of appropriate frontier efficiency technique to measure bank efficiency. Regarding the first issue, we note that though both intermediation and production approaches are not perfect to model the production process of banking firms, but the former dominates the latter in the empirical applications because it is better suited to capture the decisions taken to minimize the cost of the financing mix. On the second issue, we note that a bank’s efficiency score can differ completely due to the measurement technique, and there is virtually no consensus on the preferred estimation method of bank efficiency.
Large metal deformation and highly nonlinear contact conditions arise during tube bending. Instability conditions like wrinkling and tearing persist in the problem. With the advancement of computational facilities and numerical methods like finite element methods (FEMs), it became viable to model these nonlinearities and instabilities inside the computer. Here a finite element model was developed using commercial package ABAQUS/CAE. The solution of the developed model was obtained using finite element solver, ABAQUS/EXPLICIT, which has capability of handling these non-linearities and instabilities. The results of the model were validated by comparing the thickness variation with the experimental values. To find out the optimum process parameters for avoiding wrinkle effects, various process parameters like clamping die position, tube-clamp die interaction, wiper die position, tube-wiper die interaction, mandrel position, and tube-mandrel interaction were studied. The model predicts the behaviour of the tube during bending and is sensitive to the various process parameters. It was found that tubeclamping die interaction property, clamping die position, wiper die position, and mandrel position are responsible for the formation of wrinkles, and that optimum selection of these parameters is helpful in avoiding wrinkles during tube bending.
This paper aims at establishing the link between economic performance and financial stability in the European Union. We use the seminal framework of Beck and Levine (2004) – both in terms of variables and econometric method – to estimate this causal relationship, independently from but controlling for the level of financial depth. Using a panel GMM with instrumental variables, our contribution involves testing how different measures of financial instability (an institutional index, microeconomic indicators, and our own statistical index derived from a principal component analysis) affect economic performance (or components of aggregate dynamics like consumption, investment and disposable income). We find that financial instability has a negative effect on economic growth.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss a comprehensive literature survey of studies focusing on the efficiency and productivity of the banking sector using parametric and non‐parametric frontier techniques. Design/methodology/approach Critically reviewing 106 studies published across the world from 1994 to 2011, a conceptual framework is developed for the studies assessing the efficiency and productivity of the banking industry using non‐parametric DEA frontier approach. Findings Both the frontier approaches, parametric and non‐parametric, are gaining an edge over the traditional financial performance measures. In the non‐parametric approach, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is widely applied to measure a bank's efficiency and productivity. Studies conducted in developed countries such as the USA, the UK and Europe are now emerging with the new concepts of banking efficiency. Research limitations/implications These findings are based only on the critical review of 106 studies. This study suggests the direction for future research and identifies the gap in existing literature with the development of a conceptual model. Originality/value This study is original in nature and included literature published in recent issues of 2011.
This study investigates the competition and challenges of mobile banking system in Thailand. The analyses of the competitive landscape of mobile banking innovations are based on the Managing Migration Paths Model. The empirical study focuses on the leading banks in Thailand: Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Krung Thai Bank and Bank of Ayudhya. The study discusses the strategies, SWOT analyses of the mobile banking industry in the move towards the m-money economy. The results have shown that banks see mobile banking as a convenient delivery channel to provide value-added services to the bank customers. The competition forces banks to seek strategic alliances (network collaboration between the banking and ICT industries) to offer innovative solutions in the payment market. The results provide insightful implications on future challenges and increasing competition under 3G and 4G mobile phone networks whereby the e-payment market will get bigger when Thailand would enter the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC — upcoming regional competition in AEC countries) in 2015.
This article explores how to search and critique the research literature. This involves explaining how to generate a robust literature review question, search databases in the most effective manner and produce a robust analysis of the literature. The article also outlines how a novice literature reviewer might develop the skills required to undertake a critical analysis of the available evidence. In this manner, the reader is able to present a coherent debate on the state of the literature and how this might be used to construct a comprehensive rationale for why further research or analysis of clinical practice may be needed in relation to a particular topic of interest.
The recent global financial crisis has spurred renewed interest in identifying those reforms in bank regulation that would work best to promote bank development, performance and stability. Building upon three recent world-wide surveys on bank regulation (, and ), we contribute to this assessment by examining whether bank regulation, supervision and monitoring enhance or impede bank operating efficiency. Based on an un-balanced panel analysis of 4050 banks observations in 72 countries over the period 1999–2007, we find that tighter restrictions on bank activities are negatively associated with bank efficiency, while greater capital regulation stringency is marginally and positively associated with bank efficiency. We also find that a strengthening of official supervisory power is positively associated with bank efficiency only in countries with independent supervisory authorities. Moreover, independence coupled with a more experienced supervisory authority tends to enhance bank efficiency. Finally, market-based monitoring of banks in terms of more financial transparency is positively associated with bank efficiency.
The banking industry has been the object of DEA analyses by a significant number of researchers and probably is the most heavily studied of all business sectors. Various DEA models have been applied in performance assessing problems, and the banks' complex production processes have further motivated the extension and improvement of DEA techniques. This paper surveys 80 published DEA applications in 24 countries/areas that specifically focus on bank branches. Key issues related to the design of DEA models in these studies are discussed. Much advice is included on how to design future experiments and studies in this domain. A number of areas where further research could be fruitful are suggested.
The recent introduction of Google Scholar has renewed hope that someday a powerful research tool will bring continuing education literature more quickly, freely, and completely to one's computer. The authors suggest that using Google Scholar with other traditional search methods will narrow the research gap between what is discoverable and available. They present results of an investigation in which the names of two scholars were submitted to research queries using traditional library databases and Google Scholar. While not all of the scholars' academic publications were identified in the search, more were identified by Google Scholar than the other databases. However, other databases identified some that Google Scholar did not. It was evident from this informal analysis that utilizing Google Scholar with other traditional research methods adds value and discoverability in the search for relevant continuing education literature.
What can service firms do to improve their ability to offer new services? In this paper we argue that new service development success results from building a competence in the management of service development resources and routines. We conceptualize new service development competence as a multidimensional, second-order latent construct that is represented by a system of four interrelated and complementary dimensions: (1) formalized new service development processes, (2) market acuity, (3) new service development strategy, and (4) information technology use and experience. We hypothesize that the growth of new service development competence is related to improved new service development performance. Using structural equations modeling, we analyze survey data from 166 retail banks and report three key empirical findings. First, we show that the four hypothesized dimensions are statistically significant in defining new service development competence. Second, contrary to conventional wisdom in new product development, we find that formalized processes play a lesser role in the success of new service development compared with the other three dimensions. Instead, market acuity—which captures the firm's ability to see the competitive environment clearly and to anticipate and respond to customers' evolving needs and wants—was the most important new service development competence indicator. Finally, we demonstrate the positive effect of new service development competence on new service development performance and show that new service development competence is also significantly related to business-level performance. Together, our empirical results suggest that complementary benefits arise from the adoption of a more holistic approach to the management of new service development at the program level.
The collapse in the capitalization of banks is at the heart of the recent financial crisis. In this paper, we investigate whether a bank's experience during the 1998 crisis, which was viewed as the most dramatic crisis since the Great Depression, predicts its experience during the recent financial crisis. One hypothesis is that a bank that has an especially poor experience in a crisis learns and adapts, so that it performs better in the next crisis. Another hypothesis is that a bank's poor experience in a crisis is tied to aspects of its business model that are persistent, so that its past performance during one crisis forecasts poor performance during another crisis. We show that banks that performed worse during the 1998 crisis did so as well during the recent financial crisis. This effect is economically important. In particular, it is economically as important as the leverage of banks before the start of the crisis. The result does not differ for banks having identical chief executives in both crises.
This paper empirically examines how capital affects a bank’s performance (survival and market share), and how this effect varies across banking crises, market crises, and normal times that occurred in the U.S. over the past quarter century. We have two main results. First, capital helps small banks to increase their probability of survival and market share at all times (during banking crises, market crises, and normal times). Second, capital enhances the performance of medium and large banks primarily during banking crises. Additional tests explore channels through which capital generates the documented effects. Numerous robustness checks and additional tests are performed.
The recent financial crisis has raised several questions with respect to the corporate governance of financial institutions. This paper investigates whether risk management-related corporate governance mechanisms, such as for example the presence of a chief risk officer (CRO) in a bank’s executive board and whether the CRO reports to the CEO or directly to the board of directors, are associated with a better bank performance during the financial crisis of 2007/2008. We measure bank performance by buy-and-hold returns and ROE and we control for standard corporate governance variables such as CEO ownership, board size, and board independence. Most importantly, our results indicate that banks, in which the CRO directly reports to the board of directors and not to the CEO (or other corporate entities), exhibit significantly higher (i.e., less negative) stock returns and ROE during the crisis. In contrast, standard corporate governance variables are mostly insignificantly or even negatively related to the banks’ performance during the crisis.
This paper surveys the parametric and non-parametric approaches adopted in estimating x-efficiencies and scale economies in banking. Specifically, the traditional stochastic cost frontier and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodologies, including recent refinements incorporating the profit efficiency frontier and a profitability test are also extensively reviewed. Recent empirical studies covering the late 1990s and early 2000s, and countries other than the U.S. are also reviewed and compared with the findings of earlier studies (1980s and early 1990s). The results are still mixed, suggesting more questions than answers. To a large extent the empirical evidence seems to support the view that smaller banks are more efficient than larger banks in most countries. The exceptional cases of cost efficiencies reaped by larger banks may be simply due to sheer size and market power. The pursuit of consolidation and deregulation of the banking system should therefore be implemented with caution, particularly in developing banking systems.
We investigate whether a bank’s performance during the 1998 crisis, which was viewed at the time as the most dramatic crisis since the Great Depression, predicts its performance during the recent financial crisis. One hypothesis is that a bank that has an especially poor experience in a crisis learns and adapts, so that it performs better in the next crisis. Another hypothesis is that a bank’s poor experience in a crisis is tied to aspects of its business model that are persistent, so that its past performance during one crisis forecasts poor performance during another crisis. We show that banks that performed worse during the 1998 crisis did so as well during the recent financial crisis. This effect is economically important. In particular, it is economically as important as the leverage of banks before the start of the crisis. The result cannot be attributed to banks having the same chief executive in both crises. Banks that relied more on short-term funding, had more leverage, and grew more are more likely to be banks that performed poorly in both crises.
The paper analyses technical efficiency of the Japanese banks from 2000 to 2007. The estimation technique is based on the Russell directional distance function that takes into consideration not only desirable outputs but also an undesirable output that is represented by non-performing loans (NPLs). The results indicate that NPLs remain a significant burden as for banks' performance. We show that banks' inputs have to be utilised more efficiently, particularly labour and premises. We also argue that a further restructuring process is needed in the segment of Regional Banks. We conclude that the Japanese banking system is still far away from being fully consolidated and restructured.
Using the GMM estimator technique described by Arellano and Bover (1995), this paper analyzes the profitability of 372 commercial banks in Switzerland over the period from 1999 to 2009. To evaluate the impact of the recent financial crisis, we separately consider the pre-crisis period, 1999-2006, and the crisis years of 2007-2009. Our profitability determinants include bank-specific characteristics as well as industry-specific and macroeconomic factors, some of which have not been considered in previous studies. The inclusion of these additional factors as well as the separate consideration of the crisis years allow us to gain new insights into what determines the profitability of commercial banks.