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Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interfaces (MI-BCI) present new opportunities to interact with digital technologies, such as wheelchairs or neuroprostheses, only by performing mental imagery tasks (e.g., imagining an object rotating or imagining hand movements). MI-BCIs can also be used for several applications such as communication or post-stroke rehabilitation. Though, their lack of reliability remains a barrier to a larger scale development of the technology. For example, one task between two is recognized on average 75% of the time. It has been shown that users are more likely to struggle using MI-BCIs if they are non-autonomous or tensed. This might, at least in part, result from a lack of social presence and emotional support, which have yet very little been tested in MI-BCI, despite recommendations from the educational literature. One way to provide such social and emotional context is by using a learning companion. Therefore, we designed, implemented and evaluated the first learning companion dedicated to the improvement of MI-BCI user training. We called this companion PEANUT for Personalized Emotional Agent for Neurotechnology User Training. PEANUT provided social presence and emotional support, depending on the performance and progress of the user, through interventions combining both pronounced sentences and facial expressions. It was designed based on the literature, data analyses and user-studies. We notably conducted various online user surveys to identify the desired characteristics of our learning companion in terms of appearance and supporting speech content. From the results of these surveys we notably deduced which should be the characteristics (personal/non-personal, exclamatory/declarative) of the sentences to be used depending on the performance and progression of a learner. We also found that eyebrows could increase expressiveness of cartoon-like faces. Then, once this companion was implemented, we evaluated it during real online MI-BCI use. We found that non-autonomous people, i.e., who are more inclined to work in a group, that are usually disadvantaged when using MI-BCI were advantaged compared to autonomous people when PEANUT was present with an increase of 3.9% of peak performances. Furthermore, in terms of user experience, PEANUT seems to have improved how people felt about their ability to learn and memorize how to use an MI-BCI by 7.4%, which is a dimension of the user experience we assessed.
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A physical learning companion for Mental-Imagery BCI
User Training
Léa Pillette, Camille Jeunet, Boris Mansencal, Roger N’kambou, Bernard
N’Kaoua, Fabien Lotte
To cite this version:
Léa Pillette, Camille Jeunet, Boris Mansencal, Roger N’kambou, Bernard N’Kaoua, et al.. A phys-
ical learning companion for Mental-Imagery BCI User Training. International Journal of Human-
Computer Studies, Elsevier, 2020, 136, pp.102380. �10.1016/j.ijhcs.2019.102380�. �hal-02434157�
A physical learning companion for Mental-Imagery BCI User
L. Pillette1, 2, C. Jeunet3, B. Mansencal2, R. N’Kambou4, B. N’Kaoua5, F. Lotte1, 2
1Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France
2LaBRI (Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux-INP), France
3CLLE (Univ. Toulouse, CNRS), France
4GDAC, UQAM, Quebec, Canada
5Handicap, Activity, Cognition, Health, University of Bordeaux, France
Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interfaces
(MI-BCI) present new opportunities to interact
with digital technologies, such as wheelchairs or
neuroprostheses, only by performing mental im-
agery tasks (e.g., imagining an object rotating or
imagining hand movements). MI-BCIs can also be
used for several applications such as communication
or post-stroke rehabilitation. Though, their lack
of reliability remains a barrier to a larger scale
development of the technology. For example, one
task between two is recognized on average 75% of the
time. It has been shown that users are more likely to
struggle using MI-BCIs if they are non-autonomous
or tensed. This might, at least in part, result from a
lack of social presence and emotional support, which
have yet very little been tested in MI-BCI, despite
recommendations from the educational literature.
One way to provide such social and emotional con-
text is by using a learning companion. Therefore,
we designed, implemented and evaluated the first
learning companion dedicated to the improvement
of MI-BCI user training. We called this companion
PEANUT for Personalized Emotional Agent for
Neurotechnology User Training. PEANUT provided
social presence and emotional support, depending on
the performance and progress of the user, through
interventions combining both pronounced sentences
and facial expressions. It was designed based on
the literature, data analyses and user-studies. We
notably conducted various online user surveys to
identify the desired characteristics of our learning
companion in terms of appearance and supporting
speech content. From the results of these surveys we
notably deduced which should be the characteristics
(personal/non-personal, exclamatory/declarative)
of the sentences to be used depending on the
performance and progression of a learner. We also
found that eyebrows could increase expressiveness
of cartoon-like faces. Then, once this companion
was implemented, we evaluated it during real online
MI-BCI use. We found that non-autonomous people,
i.e., who are more inclined to work in a group, that
are usually disadvantaged when using MI-BCI were
advantaged compared to autonomous people when
PEANUT was present with an increase of 3.9% of
peak performances. Furthermore, in terms of user
experience, PEANUT seems to have improved how
people felt about their ability to learn and memorize
how to use an MI-BCI by 7.4%, which is a dimension
of the user experience we assessed.
Keywords: Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer
Interface, Learning Companion, Social feedback,
Emotional feedback, User experience
Brain-computer Interface (BCI) enable their users
to send commands to digital technologies using their
brain-activity alone, often recorded using electroen-
cephalography (EEG) [65]. One of the most com-
monly used type of BCI is Mental-Imagery based
BCI (MI-BCI) which we will focus on in this article.
Such BCIs are controlled by their users by perform-
ing mental-imagery (MI) tasks, such as imagining
objects rotating or performing mental calculation. A
famous example of MI-BCI is a smart wheelchair that
is controlled by imagining left or right hand move-
ments, e.g., imagining waving at someone, to make
the wheelchair turn respectively left or right [6]. MI-
BCI applications are broad because they provide new
interaction tools. For example, they can also be used
to write by controlling a speller [64] or to foster brain
plasticity and improve motor rehabilitation for post-
stroke patients [3].
All the MI-BCI applications rely, on their ability to
send the correct command, i.e., the one selected by
the user, to the system. However, the accuracy still
has to be improved for the technology to undergo a
strong growth outside of research laboratories. For
example, when the system has to decide which task
the user is performing between two, e.g., imagining
a right versus a left hand movement, on average the
system is mistaken once every four guesses [1]. There
are several lines of research aiming at improving the
efficiency of MI-BCIs. A great deal of them focus on
improving the acquisition and processing of the brain
activity [42]. However, MI-BCI applications also rely
on users themselves. Indeed, on the one hand, the
computer has to learn to discriminate the different
brain-activity patterns for the tasks performed by a
user. But on the other hand, the user has to train
and learn how to produce a stable and distinguish-
able brain-activity pattern for each of the tasks in
order for them to be recognized by the computer [42].
When being asked to imagine hand movements, users
can adopt a great variety of strategies, e.g., imagin-
ing waving at someone or playing the piano. Dur-
ing the training, users have to find their own strate-
gies, i.e., characteristics of mental imagery, which
make the system recognize these tasks as correctly
as possible. However, the adequacy of the feedback
provided during the training has been questioned
both by the theoretical literature [40] and experi-
mentally [24]. The inadequacy of the training and
more particularly of the feedback are probably part
of the reasons why MI-BCIs remain insufficiently re-
liable [40]. Some users are more likely to struggle
when using MI-BCIs [27]. The more “tensed” and
“non-autonomous” people are (based on the dimen-
sions of the 16PF5 psychometric questionnaire [7]),
and the lower their performances tend to be. “Non-
autonomous” people are persons who rather learn in
a social context. Yet, while educational and neu-
rophysiological literature show the importance of a
social feedback [22, 41], this aspect of feedback as
well as emotional support have been neglected dur-
ing MI-BCI training. Nevertheless, educational liter-
ature shows that social presence and emotional sup-
port are very important to the learning process [29].
It seems promising to assess their impact on MI-BCI
Learning companions, a type of intelligent tutoring
system, are computer-simulated, human-like, non-
authoritative and social characters meant to foster
learning [8]. They have already proven their ef-
ficiency in providing social and emotional support
in different learning situations [47] but have never
been used for MI-BCIs. The work presented in this
paper aimed at designing, implementing and test-
ing the first learning companion dedicated to the
improvement of user experience and/or user per-
formances during MI-BCI training. We called this
learning companion PEANUT for Personalized Emo-
tional Agent for Neurotechnology User Training (see
Figure 1).
In the following sections, we first introduce the lit-
erature related to MI-BCI and learning companions.
Figure 1: A participant training to use a BCI. He
is learning how to perform different MI tasks (imag-
ining a left-hand movement, performing mental cal-
culation tasks and imagining an object rotating) to
control the system. Along the training, PEANUT
(on the left) provides users with social presence and
emotional support, using interventions composed of
facial expressions and pronounced sentences adapted
to their performance and progression.
Then we describe the different steps which guided
our design of the companion, starting with our main
contributions regarding: (1) the design of the behav-
ior of PEANUT, (2) the design of the physical ap-
pearance of PEANUT and (3) the implementation of
PEANUT. Our design approach was carefully moti-
vated and justified based on a review of the litera-
ture, the analysis of data from previous experiments
and several user-studies. We then present the ex-
periment which enabled us to test the adequacy of
PEANUT and its characteristics for improving MI-
BCI training to finally discuss these results 1.
1 Related work
1.1 MI-BCI User-Training
As their name suggests, BCIs require an interaction
between a human’s brain-activity and a machine [26].
Thus, the computer has to be able to understand
the mental command sent by the user. In order
to facilitate this process, the user must provide the
system with stable brain-activity patterns each time
the same MI task is performed. Brain-activity pat-
terns from the different MI-tasks must also be dis-
tinct from one another and be consistent with the
training set [1]. Like any other skill, the acquisition
1Preliminary results regarding the impact of PEANUT on
MI-BCI performances and user experience were previously
published in a short conference paper presented at the 7th
International BCI Conference [52]. Here we present addi-
tional and more complete results on the BCI experiments, and
present for the first time the experiments and results on the
design of PEANUT.
of this ability requires an adapted training process
[46]. To enable the learning process, once the sys-
tem has decoded the mental command sent by the
user, a feedback is provided. In standard MI-BCI
training protocols [50], this feedback is provided as
an extending bar on the screen which indicates the
user’s performance i.e., which mental command is
recognized and how confident the system is in its
recognition (see Figure 6). The direction of the bar
indicates the task which has been recognized and the
length of the bar represents the confidence of the sys-
tem in its recognition (i.e., the longer the bar is and
the more confident the system is in its recognition).
1.1.1 Why current standard feedback is in-
appropriate for training MI-BCI users
While instructional design literature recommends
the feedback to be, among others, explanatory/non-
evaluative, multimodal and supportive [60], the
standard MI-BCI feedback is evaluative/non-
explanatory, unimodal and non-supportive. Thus,
the fact that 15-30% of users cannot control an MI-
BCI is most likely partly due to the fact that current
feedback does not comply with recommendations
from the literature [40] and thus does not support
enough users in acquiring BCI-related skills.
1.1.2 How could the feedback be improved
MI-BCI users should be provided with an informa-
tive feedback. Such feedback would provide an expla-
nation to the users about how they should change
their strategies, e.g., imagining a right hand wav-
ing or playing the piano, for the system to recognize
them as well as possible. There is still a lack of theo-
retical cognitive model providing information about
the traits (e.g., computer anxiety) and states (e.g.,
motivation) of MI-BCI users which influence their
performances, and how these characteristics interact
[25, 34]. Neither do models providing an explanation
on why a given mental-imagery task performed by a
user is recognized or not exist. Therefore, providing
an informative feedback remains a challenge.
Regarding feedback multimodality, it has been shown
that providing feedback on other channels in addi-
tion, such as auditory feedback [16], or in comparison
to the visual one, such as tactile feedback [28], seems
to improve MI-BCI performance. Such results could
be caused by a competition between the visual feed-
back monitoring task and the motor imagery task for
the limited visual-related cognitive resources. Also,
standard visual feedback requires too many resources
to be processed [24]. The visual channel being of-
ten overtaxed in interactive situations, this feedback
overloads users’ cognitive resources, leading to a de-
crease in performance. Providing the feedback on
another channel may enable this overload to be pre-
vented, thus helping to achieve better performances
Finally, to our knowledge, the supportive dimen-
sion, that includes social presence and emotional sup-
port, has been very little formally investigated in
the context of MI-BCI user-training. Bonnet, Lotte,
Lécuyer showed that when playing a MI-BCI video
game, a 2 interacting players condition improved
the user experience, in particular fun and motiva-
tion, compared to a single-user condition. It could
even improve the performance of the best-performing
participants [5]. This reinforces the idea that a so-
cial presence is useful in MI-BCI. Two studies used
simple smiley faces as feedback [36, 37] to maintain
motivation along the MI-BCI training. While asso-
ciated with good performance and user experience,
neither of these studies offered a formal comparison
with the standard feedback to prove their efficiency.
However, in a neurofeedback study, i.e., people learn-
ing how to self-regulate a brain-activity, Mathiak et
al. have shown that using an avatar with a variat-
ing smile’s width was more efficient than a typical
moving bar to control a specific brain activity, i.e.,
the activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cor-
tex, monitored using functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging [41]. Providing emotional support and so-
cial presence seems to be a very promising approach
for improving MI-BCI training both in terms of per-
formance and user experience. Indeed, MI-BCI users
perform their training alone, in front of a computer
for often an hour or so. They lack any form of sup-
port, which is essential for maintaining motivation
and acquiring skills [45].
1.2 Using Learning Companions to
Provide Learners with Social
Presence & Emotional Support
Emotions have a significant impact on learning [45].
For instance, positive emotions, induced by emo-
tional support, can result in increased creativity and
flexibility during a problem solving task [21]. Fur-
thermore, a social reward (i.e., positive apprecia-
tion) can be considered just as much a reward as a
monetary one [22]. Some distance learning systems
propose the use of Learning Companions to address
the lack of social presence and emotional support
[57]. For instance, DragonBot is a learning compan-
ion which has been used to teach children about nu-
trition [59]. Learning companions are always on an
equal footing with the learner and they differentiate
from the other types of educational agent by their
non authoritative attitude [8]. We chose such type
of educational agent because we still lack a cognitive
model of the task (see section 1.1.2 How could the
feedback be improved). The knowledge of an agent
could not be significantly higher than the one of the
user. Thus, the user and the agent had to be on
an equal footing. Given Nass’s paradigm, learning
companions can be seen as social actors which are
just as capable of influencing users as any other so-
cial actor [55, 63]. Learning companions can have a
positive effect on motivation [38], interest in the task
and efficiency while performing the task [33]. They
can also induce emotions that favor learning, such
as self-confidence [2]. While being potentially bene-
ficial when well conceived, inappropriately designed
companions can also have a detrimental impact on
performance [32, 63]. For instance, discrepancies
between users’ expectations towards the companion
and its real capacities would lead to a bad perception
of the companion [48]. For example, such a situation
is likely to occur when the design of the companion
suggests a high level of functionalities (e.g., highly
realistic companion) whereas the implemented func-
tionalities are basic ones (e.g., no possible interaction
with the learner). As a consequence, the design pro-
cess of such a companion must be undertaken cau-
tiously [63]. In the following section we will present
the results of the review of the literature as well as
the different user-studies we led in order to create
a learning companion which would be consistent in
terms of physical appearance and behavior.
2 Designing the behavior of
As stated herein-above, theoretical knowledge is still
lacking to provide informative feedback to users with
an explanatory feedback. Moreover, during the
training, the users are asked not to move in order to
limit motor related artifacts that could create noise
in the recorded brain activity. Therefore, a complex
interaction between the user and the learning com-
panion was hardly feasible. The behavior of the com-
panion as well as its physical appearance had to be
consistent. They had to reflect the limited amount
of information that the learning companion would
be able to provide and focus on the emotional and
social feedback that we aimed at providing. As a re-
sult, PEANUT provided the user with interventions
composed of both a pronounced sentence and a fa-
cial expression expressing one or two consecutive of
the following emotions: Serenity, Joy, Ecstasy, Ac-
ceptance, Trust, Admiration, Distraction, Surprise,
Amazement, Sadness. All of them belong to the
wheel of emotions of Plutchik [53]. We mostly chose
positive emotions but also selected a few negative
ones. The use of negative emotions, enabled us to
display two consecutive emotions with a negative one
followed by a positive one to create a contrast and
increase the perceived intensity of the second emo-
tion displayed. Their use also aimed at improving
the empathy towards users and improve the social
feedback by reflecting the emotional state users were
likely to feel in the given learning phase [43]. For ex-
ample, when the performance, and/or progress, was
decreasing users might have felt sad to be failing. In
such situation, the companion could exhibit sadness
and then trust in order to maintain their motivation.
The interventions were solely selected with respect
to the MI-BCI performance and progression, which
are objective measures reflecting the MI-BCI skills
of users. The performance is a measure of how con-
fident the system is in its recognition of the mental
task that the user is performing. The progress corre-
sponds to the evolution of the performance over time.
In the following paragraph we consider the context
as both the current performance and progress. In or-
der to design a relevant behavior for PEANUT for a
given context, different aspects had to be considered:
Support content - Which intervention (sentence
& facial expression) should the participant be
provided with according to the context (perfor-
mance & progression)?
Intervention style - How should the interven-
tion be expressed with respect to the context?
When expressing an opinion, the interpretation
remains subjective to the contexts and the par-
ticipants [31]. For example, when hearing the
sentence “You’re doing good”, someone could
perceive it as a supportive sentence in case of
improvement but in the context of a failure, it
could be perceived as ironic and this interpre-
tation is personal. Karamibekr, Ghorbani[31]
have hypothesized that it could depend on the
type of the sentence (e.g., exclamatory or declar-
ative). In line with their results, we also hypoth-
esized that the subject pronoun (e.g., second or
third) used in the sentence could influence its
perception. The second person would be more
explicit, e.g., “You’re doing good”, whereas the
third would be more implicit, e.g., “Results are
improving”. Therefore, we asked ourselves if a
sentence should be exclamatory or declarative;
personal (second person) or non-personal (third
person) to be perceived as motivational.
Performance and progression thresholds - To
deal with the continuum of performances
and progress specific to each user we chose
to separate them into three levels i.e.,
poor/average/good for the performances and
negative/neutral/positive for the progression.
Therefore we needed to define thresholds to de-
fine to which category a performance or progress
would belong to relatively to each participant.
The relevance of the interventions depends on
these thresholds.
2.1 Support Content
The support content was elaborated after a review of
both the educational and the intelligent tutoring sys-
tem literature. The intervention style was selected
based on a user-study. Hereafter is a list of the pos-
sible intervention categories of PEANUT, the con-
text for which they were created, their goal and the
literature justifying their use. An intervention corre-
sponds to the association of a sentence and a facial
expression (see also Figure 3 for an exhaustive de-
scription of the intervention selection rules).
Temporal interventions are related to the tem-
poral dimension of the experiment. They are
divided into 2 categories, Temporal-Start and
Temporal-End, the goal of which is to greet and
say goodbye to the users, e.g., “I am happy to
meet you”. Both these intervention types were
associated with a facial expression of Joy for
PEANUT. They aim at providing the compan-
ion with a polite behavior which is primordial
for social interactions [63].
Effort-related intervention categories i.e.,
General-Effort and Support-Effort, contain
sentences like “Your efforts will be rewarded”.
They value the efforts that are made by the
participant throughout training [11]. These
sentences focus on the fact that learning is the
goal, and are intended to minimize the impor-
tance of current performance while promoting
long-term learning [66]. More specifically,
General-Effort and Support-Effort interven-
tions are respectively adapted to negative or
neutral progression and positive progression.
Therefore, General-Effort and Support-Effort
interventions were respectively associated with
Trust and Joy.
The category expressing empathy, i.e. General-
Empathy, aims at letting users know that the
companion understands that they are facing a
difficult training process by using sentences such
as “Don’t let difficulties discourage you”. Learn-
ing has been suggested to correlate with the
amount of empathy and support received [18].
This type of intervention was preferably pro-
vided for negative or neutral progression, es-
pecially when combined with bad performance.
These interventions were associated with an an-
imation ranging from Sadness to Trust.
Categories associated with performance/results
and progression, i.e. Results-Good,Results-
VeryGood and Progress-Good, only target posi-
tive performance and progression, e.g., “You are
doing a good job!”. Positive intervention regard-
ing the performances or progress, should respec-
tively induce positive intrinsic motivation (i.e.,
performing an action for its own sake) or pos-
itive extrinsic motivation (i.e., performing an
action for its outcomes, e.g., grades or praise)
[49]. The sentences in this category were de-
signed to motivate users by focusing on the
positive performances and progress and there-
fore on the abilities users had already acquired
[23]. Results-Good and Results-VeryGood were
respectively associated to Joy and Admiration.
Progress-Good was associated to an animation
going from Surprise to Trust.
The last category consisted in strategy-
related interventions, i.e., Strategy-Change and
Strategy-Keep, with sentences such as “You seem
to have found an efficient strategy”. These
interventions aimed at encouraging people to
keep the same strategy when progression was
positive or to change strategy when it was
negative/neutral. Strategy-Keep and Strategy-
Change were respectively associated with Joy
and an animation going from Pensiveness to
2.2 Style of the Interventions
Each intervention could have been provided in dif-
ferent styles, e.g., exclamatory and personal “You’re
doing good!” or declarative and non-personal “This is
good.”. We hypothesized that depending on the con-
text, the users’ perception of these different styles
could vary. Therefore, we led a user-study to de-
termine the style in which the intervention should
be provided, depending on the context. This user-
study consisted in an online questionnaire simulating
a MI-BCI user-training process.
2.2.1 Materials & Methods
We created 3 online questionnaires, each of them
simulating an MI-BCI training process in a different
context of progress. The results of the participants
predefined for each of the questionnaires and their
evolution was either negative, neutral or positive de-
pending on the questionnaire. Each questionnaire in-
cluded 8 situations, with two possible interventions
for each situation (which resulted in 16 intervention
sentences per questionnaire). Each situation corre-
sponded to an MI-BCI task that the participant was
asked to perform (left-hand motor imagery, mental
subtraction or mental rotation - as explained in Fig-
ure 1), followed by a feedback indicating an alleged
success of the task (see Figure 2). This feedback was
fixed in each of the questionnaires. It did not cor-
respond to anything that the participant was doing
and the participants were informed of that. After
the situation was introduced, two different sentences
were displayed on screen. Participants were asked to
rate each sentence (on a Likert scale ranging from 1
to 5) based on five criteria: appropriate, clear, eval-
uative, funny, motivating.
Figure 2: Commented example of a part of questionnaire written in french as it was provided to participants.
The feedback bar indicates an alleged slightly good success to the participant. Then the participants are
presented with a potential sentence that the companion could say in this particular context “Try even harder,
we’re on the right track” and have to evaluate the sentence based on five criteria: appropriate, clear, evaluative,
funny and motivating.
The object of this questionnaire was to determine
the impact of the Context (negative, neutral or
positive progression), of the Type (exclamatory or
declarative) and of the Mode (personal or non-
personal) on the five dimensions introduced above.
Thus, four kinds of sentences were presented in
each context: exclamatory/personal, e.g., “You’re
doing good!”, exclamatory/non-personal, e.g., “This
is good!”, declarative/personal, e.g., “You’re do-
ing good.”, declarative/non-personal, e.g., “This is
good.”. 104 people answered the online question-
naires. Each of them was randomly allocated to one
questionnaire, which makes around 34 participants
per Context. We led five 3-way ANOVAs for repeated
measures, one per dimension, to assess the impact of
the Context (C3- independent measures), Type (T2
- repeated measures) and Mode (M2- repeated mea-
sures) on each dimension.
2.2.2 Results
For the 5 dimensions, the ANOVAs showed
Context*Type*Mode interactions: appropriate
[F(2,101)=5.861 ; p0.005, η2=0.104], clear
[F(2,101)= 21.596 ; p0.001, η2=0.300], evaluative
[F(2,101)=11.461 ; p0.001, η2=0.185], funny
[F(2,101)=4.114 ; p0.05, η2=0.075], motivating
[D(2,101)= 7.854; p0.001, η2=0.135].
These results (see Table 1) seem to confirm that
the Type and Mode of each intervention should be
adapted to the Context:
Negative progression - In this context, people defi-
nitely prefer declarative and personal sentences that
they find more appropriate, clear, funny, motivating
and less evaluative.
Neutral progression - Here, people prefer personal
sentences, but appreciate as much the declarative
and exclamatory sentences for all the dimensions.
Positive progression - In this context, declarative and
non-personal sentences are perceived as more clear,
appropriate and less evaluative. Exclamatory and
personal sentences are perceived as more funny and
2.2.3 Discussion
Our aim was to design a learning companion whose
interventions were adapted to the performance and
progress of the user. Based on our results, we
chose to provide users facing a negative progres-
sion only with declarative personal interventions and
those facing a neutral progression with randomly
chosen declarative or exclamatory personal interven-
tions. Finally, depending on the intervention goal,
we chose to provide participants showing a positive
progression with declarative non-personal sentences
(when the goal was to give clear information about
the task) or exclamatory personal sentences (when
the goal was to increase motivation) (see Figure 3).
One should note that when an exclamatory sentence
was used for the intervention, the emotion displayed
through the facial expressions of PEANUT was made
more intense than for an equivalent declarative sen-
tence (see more details about the facial expressions
in Section 3 Physical Appearance of PEANUT.).
These results are rather general and thus may prove
useful for other training applications involving a
learning companion, or more generally involving sup-
port during a training process. For instance, exclam-
atory sentences can be perceived as more aggressive
than declarative sentences, and should therefore be
avoided in situations of failure. Also, in case of fail-
ure, emotional support is very important. Thus, per-
sonal sentences should be favored to make the user
feel that the companion is really caring for them.
On the contrary, good performers seem to consider
that they do not really require this support and thus
prefer general, non-personal interventions.
2.3 Performance and Progression
For PEANUT to provide interventions based on the
user’s performances and progression, we had to de-
termine thresholds of performance/progression de-
limiting intervals within which specific interventions
should be provided. We decided to define 2 perfor-
mance thresholds delimiting 3 intervals: bad, average
and good performance. These thresholds were la-
beled the “low performance threshold” and the “high
performance threshold”. Similarly, we determined a
“negative progression threshold” and a “positive pro-
gression threshold”, separating negative from neu-
tral, and neutral from positive progression, respec-
tively. We estimated those thresholds and ensured
that these estimations could reliably predict perfor-
mance and progression thresholds in subsequent uses
of the BCI by the user. To do so, we re-analyzed
the data of 18 participants from a previous study re-
ported in [27]. In this experiment, the participants
had to learn to perform the same three mental tasks
as in the present study, over the course of 6 sessions,
using the same training protocol (without the com-
panion) as in the present paper. A session comprised
5 sequences called runs. A run was divided into 40
trials. Participants were asked to perform a specific
mental task during each of these trials. Run 1 of ses-
sion 1 was used to calibrate the system, i.e., for it to
be able to deduce which task the user is performing
by analyzing the differences in brain activity pat-
terns when the user performs each of the tasks. We
used the classification accuracy, i.e., the percentage
of EEG time windows that were correctly classified
as the mental task the user was asked to do for this
trial, as metric of performance for each trial (see Sec-
tion 5.1.3 EEG Recordings & Signal Processing for
details). In order to estimate the different thresh-
Positive Progress Negative Progress Neutral Progress
Exclamatory Declarative Exclamatory Declarative Exclamatory Declarative
Avg ±Std Avg ±Std Avg ±Std Avg ±Std Avg ±Std Avg ±Std
Appropriate Personal 3,68 ±0,13 3,73 ±0,12 3,73 ±0,12 4,02 ±0,12 3,54 ±0,13 3,64 ±0,12
Not personal 3,68 ±0,13 3,92 ±0,14 3,8 ±0,12 3,59 ±0,13 3,68 ±0,13 3,09 ±0,14
Personal 4,33 ±0,13 4,06 ±0,13 4,12 ±0,12 4,51 ±0,12 4,08 ±0,12 4,07 ±0,12
Clear Not personal 4,09 ±0,14 4,4 ±0,16 4,28 ±0,13 4,11 ±0,15 4,14 ±0,13 3,61 ±0,16
Personal 3,12 ±0,14 3,2 ±0,14 3,23 ±0,14 2,86 ±0,13 2,75 ±0,14 2,78 ±0,13
Evaluative Not personal 2,88 ±0,15 2,84 ±0,16 2,61 ±0,14 3,1 ±0,15 2,53 ±0,15 2,64 ±0,16
Personal 2,57 ±0,15 2,13 ±0,15 2,07 ±0,14 2,14 ±0,14 2,46 ±0,15 2,29 ±0,15
Funny Not personal 2,33 ±016 2,14 ±0,15 2,05 ±0,15 1,9 ±0,14 2,31 ±0,15 1,82 ±0,14
Personal 3,87 ±0,13 3,76 ±0,12 3,61 ±0,12 3,66 ±0,12 3,51 ±0,13 3,62 ±0,12
Motivating Not personal 3,53 ±0,13 3,59 ±0,14 3,36 ±0,13 3,21 ±0,13 3,42 ±0,13 2,74 ±0,14
Table 1: Mean rate given to the sentences depending on their Mode (Personal, Not personal), Type (Exclam-
atory, Declarative) and on the Progress (Positive, Negative, Neutral). We highlighted in yellow all the values
that deviated by more than one standard deviation from the group mean score. For the Appropriate, Clear,
Funny and Motivating dimensions, the highlighted values were higher than the average score plus one standard
deviation while for the Evaluative dimension, the highlighted values were lower than the average score minus
one standard deviation.
olds, the data was analyzed offline with Matlab.
2.3.1 Estimating the performance thresh-
We constructed the distribution of performance val-
ues over trials and defined the bad and good perfor-
mance thresholds as the 25th and the 75th percentiles
of that distribution, respectively. Thus, the bottom
25% of each participant’s performances were consid-
ered bad performances, the top 25% good perfor-
mances, and the remaining performances in-between
were considered neutral. The question was to assess
the feasibility of predicting future performance (and
thus thresholds) based on the data collected at the
beginning of the training (first run of the first ses-
sion). Indeed, the sooner we are able to determine
the performance thresholds, the sooner we can pro-
vide users with interventions adapted to their per-
formance, thus maximizing the relevance of these in-
First, we checked whether we could estimate those
thresholds on the first run with BCI use, i.e., on run
2 of session 1 (run 1 being the calibration run). We
thus estimated the performance thresholds indepen-
dently on run 2, and on runs 3, 4 and 5 of session 1
together. We then computed their correlations over
participants, to find whether thresholds estimated on
run 2 could be used to predict thresholds estimated
on run 3, 4, 5. We obtained significant correlations
of r= 0.6422 (p < 0.01) for bad performance thresh-
olds, and of r= 0.5482 (p < 0.05) for good perfor-
mance thresholds. Thus, in order to select the ap-
propriate behavior for PEANUT, we used the thresh-
olds estimated on run 2 to compute the thresholds
for runs 3, 4 and 5 of session 1 using the same ratio
as the ones found in these control data. However,
thresholds estimated on the data from a single run
are bound to be less reliable than thresholds based
on several runs. We thus studied whether thresholds
estimated on runs 2 to 5 of the first session, could
be used to predict the thresholds of the runs of sub-
sequent sessions. They appear to be correlated with
r= 0.6628 (p < 0.01) and 0.4438 (p= 0.07 - not sig-
nificant but a trend) for bad and good performance
thresholds respectively. Thus, to determine the be-
havior of PEANUT for subsequent sessions, we com-
puted the thresholds using the runs 2 to 5 of session
1 still using the same ratio as the ones found in these
control data.
2.3.2 Estimating the progression thresholds
To estimate progression thresholds, we used the per-
formances from N successive trials, and computed
the slope of a linear regression relating time (here
trial indexes) with performance. A positive/negative
slope indicated a positive/negative progression, re-
spectively. We then constructed the distribution of
these regression slopes over trials, and determined
the negative progression threshold as the 25th per-
centile of this distribution, and the positive progres-
sion threshold as the 75th percentile of this distri-
bution. Similarly as for the performance thresholds,
we studied whether we could predict the future pro-
gression thresholds from their estimation on the first
runs. Nonetheless, progression estimation requires
more trials than performance estimation (N versus
1). As such there are fewer progression measures
in a single run, which in practice made it impossi-
ble to reliably predict the progression thresholds of
runs 3, 4 and 5 by using run 2 alone for threshold-
estimation. However, it appeared to be possible to
predict progression thresholds for all the runs of ses-
sions 2 to 6, from the threshold-estimated based on
runs 2 to 5 of session 1. In particular, the posi-
tive progression threshold of the runs of the session
1 appeared to be significantly correlated with both
the positive (r= 0.4843,p < 0.05) and negative
(r=0.5476,p < 0.05) progression thresholds from
the runs of the subsequent sessions. Note that these
correlations were obtained for N= 6. Indeed, we
studied Nbetween 2 and 10, and selected the best N
as the one maximizing the correlations, to obtain the
most reliable thresholds. Therefore, the progression
thresholds from sessions 2 to 6 were estimated by
computing the positive progression threshold from
runs 2 to 5 of session 1 using the same ratio as the
ones found in these control data. The companion
thus provided progression related interventions only
from session 2 onward.
These analyses also guided the choice of the fre-
quency of the interventions of PEANUT. Since pro-
gression was measured over N=6 trials, we informally
tested different intervention frequencies of about one
every 6 trials. These informal tests with pilot testers
revealed that interventions every 6±2trials seemed
appropriate, as they were neither annoying nor too
rare. PEANUT thus intervened at that frequency,
the exact trial of intervention being randomly se-
lected in the 6±2trials following the previous inter-
2.4 Rule tree
Once all the parameters governing the behavior of
PEANUT had been determined, we were able to
build the rule tree that enables the system to se-
lect one specific intervention (i.e., sentence & sen-
tence style & facial expression) with respect to the
context. Figure 3 is a schematic representation of
this rule tree: based on a specific performance and
progression, it executes a set of rules to select the ap-
propriate intervention. For example, if the user had
a good performance and a neutral progress then the
rule tree would select an appropriate sentence which
would either advice him to try a new strategy in a
declarative sentence if it had been some time that
the progress did not change, e.g., “Maybe you could
try a new strategy.”, or an exclamatory or declara-
tive sentence of encouragement, e.g., “You’re doing
3 Physical Appearance of
Designing the appearance of PEANUT consisted in
two steps: designing its body, and designing its face
and facial expressions. The decisions concerning the
face have been made based on a user-study. Those
concerning the body were based on a review of the
3.1 Body of PEANUT
To increase social presence we decided to make a
physical companion instead of a virtual one [20, 58]
and used anthropomorphic features to facilitate so-
cial interactions [10].The combination of physical
characteristics, personality/abilities, functionalities
and learning function had to be consistent [48]. We
were inspired by TEEGI [14] and TOBE [17], two
avatars providing users with tools to explore their
inner state (EEG and physiological data, among oth-
ers). Since their functions are simple and they are
unable to interact with the user, their designers chose
to propose cartoon-like characters with anthropo-
morphic child-like body shapes, which can induce
positive emotions through design [62]. The function-
alities of our companion being basic as well, we also
decided to design a cartoon and child-like compan-
ion rather than a realistic one. We used the voice
of a child to record the interventions of PEANUT,
which also enabled us not to associate PEANUT with
a gender. We also took into account our own con-
straints deriving from the size of the smartphone we
used to display the face of PEANUT and the learning
environment. Finally, concerning the size of the com-
panion, since PEANUT was on the desk right next to
the computer screen on which the feedback was dis-
played, its proportions had to be suitable: not too
small so that the body was proportional to its face,
and not too large so that it could always be within
a user’s field of view without concealing the screen.
This process resulted in a 30 cm high companion, see
Figure 1.
3.2 Facial Expressions of PEANUT
Based on the results of PEANUT behavior design,
we wanted the companion to be able to express eight
emotions: Trust, Joy, Surprise, Admiration, Bore-
dom, Sadness, Anger and a Neutral expressions. We
asked a designer to create three styles of faces (see
Figure 4) 2. We wanted the faces to be cartoon-
like, so that they fitted the body and complied with
the recommendations from the literature [10, 48,
62]. The object of the user-study introduced here-
after was to find the best style (among three) for
PEANUT with respect to 5 dimensions: expressive-
ness, sympathy, appeal, childlike, consistent (with
the expression it was supposed to convey).
2To learn more about Marie Ecarlat’s work -
Figure 3: The rule tree corresponds to a set of rules that selects the interventions of PEANUT (i.e., type and
mode of sentence) depending on users’ performance and progression (“-”=negative, “=”=neutral, “+”=positive).
Type of sentences: “perso.” for personal, “NoPerso.” for non-personal ; Mode of the sentence: “decl.” for
declarative, “excl.” for exclamatory. Interventions: “GEff for general effort, “SEff for support effort, “GEmp”
for general empathy, “SK” for strategy keep, “SC” for strategy change, “RG” for results good, “RVG” for results
very good, “PG” for progress good, “PVG” for progress very good. Moreover, the “ sign represents the logical
operator “and” and the “ sign represents the logical operator “or”.
Figure 4: Three face styles, with the example of 2
emotions: Joy and Surprise. Participants of the ded-
icated user-study selected the face with eyebrows for
PEANUT. See annex file for the rest of the facial
3.2.1 Materials & Methods
We created an online questionnaire which was di-
vided into different items, with each item correspond-
ing to one emotion. These items were presented in
a random order. For each item, the three face styles
were presented (in a counterbalanced order), side by
side. Participants were asked to chose which of the
three styles corresponded the most to each of the fol-
lowing dimensions: expressive, sympathetic, appeal-
ing, childlike and consistent. They were also asked
to rate each style on a 5-point Likert scale, 1 corre-
sponding to “I don’t like it at all” and 5 to “I like it a
lot”. Ninety-seven participants answered the online
questionnaire. We first led a 1-way ANOVA to de-
termine if the rates associated with each style were
different. Then, we led a 3-way ANOVA for repeated
measures, to assess the impact of the face style (F3
- repeated measures), the type of emotion (E8- re-
peated measures) and the dimension (D5- repeated
measures) on the allocated score.
3.2.2 Results
On a 5-point Likert scale, the face with eyebrows was
rated 3.58 ±1.26, the face with a nose 2.96 ±1.37
and the simple face 3.86 ±1.10. The 1-way ANOVA
for repeated measures revealed a main effect of
the style [F(1,93)=8.442 ; p0.005, η2=0.083].
The simple face and the face with eyebrows were
significantly better rated than the face with a nose.
However, there was no difference of rating between
the simple face and that with eyebrows. Thus,
we then performed a 3-way ANOVA for repeated
measures to evaluate the effect of the face, of
the emotion and of the dimension on the rating.
Results suggested a main effect of the style of face
[F(1,93)=17.543 ; p0.001, η2=0.159], of the emo-
tion [F(1,93)=11.307 ; p0.001, η2=0.108] and of the
dimension [F(1,93)=12.184 ; p0.001, η2=0.116].
Moreover, face*dimension [F(1,93)=58.531 ;
p0.001, η2=0.386], face*emotion [F(1,93)
=11.307 ; p0.001, η2=0.108] and dimen-
sion*emotion [F(1,93)=17.543 ; p0.001, η2=0.159]
interaction effects were revealed. The face with the
eyebrows was significantly preferred to the others,
which was strengthened by participants’ comments
indicating that eyebrows increased expressiveness.
However, this face was not preferred for the Ecstatic
(i.e., high intensity of Joy) and Admiration items.
An analysis of the comments helped us improve
those expressions. Several people felt like the shape
of the eyes gave the impression the companion was
about to cry and that it was squinting.
3.2.3 Discussion
Based on our results, we selected the face with eye-
brows (see Figure 4) for PEANUT. We asked the
designer to improve the expressions of Ecstatic (i.e.,
high intensity of Joy) and Admiration with respect
to participants’ comments. In a second instance, the
designer animated each of the expressions. The ani-
mations enabled a transfer from a neutral expression
to a high intensity of each of the selected emotions.
For example, the Joy emotion had three possible lev-
els of intensity, i.e., serenity, joy and ecstatic. Once,
the behavior and appearance of PEANUT developed,
they had to be implemented in one whole system re-
lated to the BCI protocol which will be presented in
the following section.
4 System Architecture
Implementing the whole BCI system as well as
PEANUT required to design, assemble and connect
multiple pieces of hardware and software. Users’
EEG signals were first measured using EEG hard-
ware (g.tec gUSBAmp, g.tec, Austria) and then col-
lected and processed online using the software Open-
ViBE [56]. OpenViBE provided users with a visual
feedback about the estimated mental task, and com-
puted users’ performances which were then transmit-
ted to a home-made software, the “Rule Engine” us-
ing the Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol [35].
The rule engine processed performance measures re-
ceived from OpenViBE to compute progression mea-
sures and browsed the Rule Tree described in Fig-
ure 3 in order to select an appropriate interven-
tion (sentence and facial expression) for PEANUT
with respect to the context. The selected inter-
vention was then transmitted to an Android smart-
phone application, using WebSocket, which enunci-
ated the sentence and animated the facial expression
of PEANUT. This whole architecture is summarized
in Figure 5 and described in more details in the fol-
lowing sections.
4.1 Rule Engine
The Rule Engine software receives from OpenViBE
the markers indicating the start and end of trials,
as well as performance measures at the end of each
trial. It first computes a progression measure (see
section 2.3.2 Estimating the progression thresholds)
and then browses the rule tree in order to select the
intervention type to be triggered. Each intervention
type contained between 1 and 17 sentences. One of
them was selected randomly, taking care not to take
a sentence that had already been chosen in the same
run (thanks to a small cache of already triggered sen-
tences kept for each intervention type) in order to
avoid repetition. Finally, the Rule Engine sent inter-
vention identifiers to the smartphone application.
4.2 Smartphone - Sentence Enuncia-
tion, Facial Expression Animation
To display the facial animations and enunciate the
sentences, we used a smartphone. We designed an
application that displays the face of the companion,
plays animations and sounds when required. By de-
fault a neutral facial expression is shown, with eye-
blinks occurring from time to time. When interven-
tion identifiers were received from the Rule Engine,
the application animated the facial expressions and
enunciated the sentences. We used Praat software [4]
offline in order to realize phonetic alignment with the
companion’s mouth movements for each sentence.
5 Evaluation of the efficiency to
improve BCI user-training of
Once the companion’s behavior and appearance had
been designed and implemented, the next step con-
sisted in testing its efficiency to improve MI-BCI
user-training both in terms of MI-BCI performance
and user experience. Below we present the study
performed to test the efficiency of PEANUT.
5.1 Materials & Methods
5.1.1 Participants
Twenty-eight MI-BCI-naive participants (14 women
; aged 21.21±1.6 year-old) took part in this study,
which was conducted in accordance with the relevant
guidelines for ethical research according to the Decla-
ration of Helsinki. This study was also approved by
the legal and ethical authorities of Inria Bordeaux
Sud-Ouest (the COERLE, approval number: 2016-
02) as it satisfied the ethical rules and principles of
the institute. All the participants signed an informed
consent form at the beginning of the experiment and
received a compensation of 50 euros. The experimen-
tal group (N=10 ; 5 women ; aged 20.7±2.11 year-
old), received emotional and social support adapted
to their MI-BCI performance & progression through-
out the MI-BCI training sessions. For the control
Figure 5: Software and hardware architecture of PEANUT.
group (N=18 ; 9 women ; aged 21.5±1.2), data from
the 3 first sessions (out of 6) from a previous experi-
ment [27] were used. Participants from this study fol-
lowed the same training protocol without the learn-
ing companion. The same data was used to define
the equations to compute the thresholds (see Section
2.3. Performance and Progression Thresholds).
5.1.2 Experimental Protocol
Before the first session, participants were asked to
complete a validated psychometric questionnaire, the
16PF5 [7], that enabled us to compute their “auton-
omy” and “tension” scores. Each participant took
part in 3 sessions, on 3 different days. Each session
lasted around 2 hours and was organized as follows:
completion of questionnaires, installation of the EEG
cap, five runs during which participants had to learn
to perform three MI-tasks (around 60 min, includ-
ing breaks between the runs), uninstallation of the
EEG cap, completion of questionnaires, and debrief-
ing. The MI-tasks, i.e., left-hand motor imagery,
mental rotation and mental subtraction, were chosen
according to Friedrich et al. [15]. “Left-hand motor
imagery” (L-HAND) refers to the kinaesthetic con-
tinuous imagination of a left-hand movement, chosen
by the participant, without any actual movement
[15]. “Mental rotation” (ROTATION ) and “mental
subtraction” (SUBTRACTION ) correspond respec-
tively to the mental visualization of a 3 Dimensional
shape rotating in a 3 Dimensional space [15] and to
successive subtractions of a 2-digit number (ranging
between 11 and 19) from a 3-digit number, both be-
ing randomly generated and displayed on a screen
During each run, participants had to perform 45 tri-
als (15 trials per task, presented in a random order),
each trial lasting 8s (see Figure 6). At t=0s, an ar-
row was displayed with a left hand pictogram on the
left (L-HAND task), the subtraction to be performed
at the top (SUBTRACTION task) and a 3D shape
on the right (ROTATION task). At t=2s, a “beep”
announced the coming instruction and one second
later, at t=3s, a red arrow was displayed for 1.250s.
The direction of the arrow informed the participant
which task to perform, e.g., an arrow pointing to
the left meant the user had to perform a L-HAND
task. In order to stress this information, the pic-
togram representing the task to be performed was
also framed with a white square until the end of the
trial. Finally, at t=4.250s, a visual feedback was
provided in the shape of a blue bar, the length of
which varied according to the classifier output. Only
positive feedback was displayed, i.e., the feedback
was provided only when there was a match between
the instruction and the recognized task. Participants
were instructed to find strategies that would maxi-
mize the length of the blue bar. The feedback lasted
4s and was updated at 16Hz, using a 1s sliding win-
dow. During the first run of the first session (i.e.,
the calibration run, see next Section), as the classi-
fier was not yet trained to recognize the mental tasks
being performed by the user, it could not provide a
consistent feedback. In order to limit biases with the
other runs, e.g., EEG changes due to different vi-
sual processing between runs, the user was provided
with an equivalent sham feedback, i.e., a blue bar
randomly appearing and varying in length, and not
updated according to the classifier output, as in [15].
A gap lasting between 3.500s and 4.500s separated
each trial.
Figure 6: Timing of a trial.
The participants from the experimental group were
accompanied by PEANUT during their training,
from the second run of session 1 (after the calibration
run). The interventions of PEANUT were adapted to
each participants’ performance during the first ses-
sion, and to each of their performance and progres-
sion during the second and third sessions. Finally,
after the last session we asked participants from both
groups to assess the usability of the MI-BCI system
using a questionnaire focusing on the 4 following
dimensions: Learnability/Memorability (LM), effi-
ciency/effectiveness (EE), safety (Saf.) and satisfac-
tion (Sat.). Each dimension was associated with dif-
ferent sentences which the participants had to give
their opinion about on a Likert scale ranging from
1 (i.e., do not agree at all) to 5 (i.e., totally agree).
For example, the satisfaction was in part evaluated
though the sentence “Overall, I am satisfied with the
system”. Participants trained with PEANUT also
had a questionnaire assessing the adequacy of the
latter regarding its appearance, the content and the
frequency of its interventions and its general appre-
ciation. Once again, each evaluated dimension was
associated with different sentences which the partic-
ipants had to give their opinion about on a Likert
scale ranging from 1 (i.e., do not agree at all) to 7
(i.e., totally agree). For example, the content of the
intervention was in part evaluated though the sen-
tence “I think that the interventions of the compan-
ion were relevant”.
5.1.3 EEG Recordings & Signal Processing
The EEG signals were recorded from a g.USBamp
amplifier, using 30 scalp electrodes (F3, Fz, F4,
FT7,FC5, FC3, FCz, FC4, FC6, FT8, C5, C3, C1,
Cz, C2, C4, C6, CP3, CPz, CP4, P5, P3, P1, Pz, P2,
P4, P6, PO7, PO8, 10-20 system) [15], referenced to
the left ear and grounded to AFz. EEG data were
sampled at 256 Hz. In order to classify the 3 mental
imagery tasks on which our BCI is based, the follow-
ing EEG signal processing pipeline was used. First,
EEG signals were band-pass filtered in 8-30Hz, us-
ing a Butterworth filter of order 4. Then EEG sig-
nals were spatially filtered using 3 sets of Common
Spatial Pattern (CSP) filters [54]. The CSP algo-
rithm aims at finding spatial filters whose resulting
EEG band power is maximally different between two
classes. Each set of CSP filters was optimised on each
user’s calibration run (i.e., the first run of the first
session) to discriminate EEG signals for a given class
from those for the other two classes. We optimized 2
pairs of spatial filters for each class, corresponding to
the 2 largest and lowest eigen values of the CSP op-
timization problem for that class, thus leading to 12
CSP filters. The band power of the spatially filtered
EEG signals was then computed by squaring the sig-
nals, averaging them over the last 1 second time win-
dow (with 15/16s overlap between consecutive time
windows) and log-transformed. These resulted in 12
band-power features that were fed to a multi-class
shrinkage Linear Discriminant Analysis (sLDA) [39],
built by combining three sLDA in a one-versus-the-
rest scheme. As for the CSP filters, the sLDA were
optimized on the EEG signals collected during the
calibration run, i.e., during the first run of the first
session. The resulting classifier was then used online
to distinguish between the 3 MI-tasks during the 3
sessions. The sLDA classifier output (i.e., the dis-
tance of the feature vector from the LDA separating
hyperplane) for the mental imagery task to be per-
formed was used as feedback provided to the user.
In particular, if the required mental task was per-
formed correctly (i.e., correctly classified), a blue bar
with a length proportional to the LDA output and
extending towards the required task picture was dis-
played on screen and updated at 16Hz. This process-
ing pipeline led to a total of 64 classification outputs
per trial (16 per second for 4 seconds). OpenViBE
thus computed the user’s performance for this trial as
the rate of correct classification outputs among these
64 outputs, and sent it to the rule engine, which in
turn computed progression measures.
5.1.4 Variables & Factors
We used both the mean and the peak classification
accuracy as a measure of performance. These mea-
sures are traditionally used by the community. The
mean accuracy represents the percentage of time
windows from the feedback periods that were cor-
rectly classified. The peak classification was com-
puted by averaging the performances obtained dur-
ing the time window of the feedback period for which
the classification accuracy over all trials is maximal
(see Section 5.1.3 EEG Recordings & Signal Process-
ing for more details on the classifier). We studied
the impact of the group (no companion, PEANUT)
on participants’ MI-BCI performance, with respect
to the session and participant’s profile (“autonomy”
and “tension” scores according to the 16PF5 ques-
tionnaire [7]). We also evaluated the impact of the
group on MI-BCI usability and on the perception of
the companion, with respect to MI-BCI performance.
5.2 Results
We checked the normality of the variables that
we obtained using Lilliefors corrected Kolmogorov-
Smirnov tests. If the variables were Gaussian, we
performed t-tests to compare the two groups. In
the opposite case we performed Mann-Whitney U
tests. Mean and peak performances from each ses-
sion had a normal distribution (p0.1). We also
verified that there was no confounding factor be-
tween our two groups. Participants from the two
groups were statistically similar before the training.
There were no significant differences of age [Mann-
Whitney U test, U=50, p=0.06], initial performances
computed using a 5-fold LDA classification on CSP
characteristics from the first run of the first session
where PEANUT was not present for either group [t-
test, t(26)=0.85 ; p=0.4], tension [Mann-Whitney U
test, U=75.5, p=0.49] or autonomy [Mann-Whitney
U test, U=60.5, p=0.16].
5.2.1 Assessment of the influence of
PEANUT on MI-BCI Performances
Then, we compared the group’s MI-BCI perfor-
mance in terms of mean and peak classification ac-
curacy. We performed a 2-way repeated measures
mixed ANOVA with “Group*Sessionas indepen-
dent variables and the repeated measures of mean
or peak performance over the session as dependent
variable. When using the mean performances as de-
pendent variable, results revealed no significant ef-
fect of the “Group” [F(1,26)=0.63; p=0.43, η2=0.02],
“Session[F(2,52)=0.03; p=0.97, η2=0], nor “Ses-
sion*Group” [F(2,52)=0.79; p=0.46, η2=0.03], i.e.,
the evolution of the performances over the sessions.
Similar results were obtained with the peak per-
formances. They revealed no significant effect of
the “Group” [F(1,26)=0.87; p=0.36, η2=0.03], “Ses-
sion[F(2,52)=0; p=1, η2=0], nor “Session*Group”
[F(2,52)=0.46; p=0.64, η2=0.02], i.e., the evolution
of the performances over the sessions. Averaged over
all runs and sessions, the group with no compan-
ion (N=18) and the group with PEANUT (N=10)
respectively obtained peak performances scores of
65.73% ±6.21 and 63.14% ±8.4 and mean perfor-
mances scores of 52.76% ±5.62 and 50.74% ±7.77
(see Figure 7).
Nevertheless, we performed analyses to assess the
impact of users’ profile on performance, depending
on the group. The influence of the “autonomy” of
participants training without PEANUT on their MI-
BCI performances previously found in [27] when tak-
ing into account the 6 sessions of the participants’
training could still be found when taking into ac-
count only the first 3 sessions to compare the re-
sults of both groups. We observed a positive cor-
relation of the mean and peak performances with
the autonomy of the participants who had a clas-
sical training without PEANUT [Spearman correla-
tion ; mean: r=0.54, p=0.02 ; peak: r=0.5, p=0.03]
which means that participants who like to work in
group tend to be disadvantaged. Interestingly, an
opposite significant negative correlation between the
measure of autonomy and the mean and peak perfor-
mances over the sessions for the participants trained
with PEANUT [Spearman correlation, mean: r=-
0.78, p=0.01, peak: r=-0.75, p=0.01] which means
that participants who are prone to work in a group
tend to perform better than those who rather work
alone when PEANUT is part of the training. To
further investigate the influence of PEANUT and
the autonomy of the participants on their BCI per-
formances, we separated the participants into two
groups depending on their autonomy. The threshold
between high and low autonomy was defined using
the median autonomy score (i.e., score of 5, 10 be-
ing the maximum). We then led 2-way ANOVAs to
determine the influence of Group (PEANUT or no
PEANUT) and the Autonomy (Autonomous or non
Autonomous) on MI-BCI performances. Results in-
dicate a Group*Autonomy interaction for both mean
performances [F(1,24)=6.35 ; p=0.02, η2=0.21] and
peak performances [F(1,24)=7.23 ; p=0.01, η2=0.23]
(see Figure 8). Overall these results confirm the im-
portance of this personality trait for BCI training as
was suggested in [27]. They also indicate a possi-
ble differential influence of a learning companion on
MI-BCI performances depending on the personality
However, the previous influence of tension on MI-
BCI performances found on the participants trained
without PEANUT in [27] when taking into account
the 6 sessions of the participants’ training could not
be found when taking into account only the first
3 sessions [Spearman correlation ; mean: r=-0.25,
p=0.33 ; peak: r=-0.21, p=0.4]. It could neither be
found on the results of the participants trained with
PEANUT [Spearman correlation ; mean: r=-0.14,
p=0.7 ; peak: r=-0.13, p=0.72]. This aspect of psy-
chological profile influence on MI-BCI performances
might require further investigations with longer term
We also observed a strong negative correlation be-
tween the performances and the measure of sensibil-
ity (based on the dimension of the 16PF5 psychome-
tric questionnaire) of the participants trained with
PEANUT [Spearman correlation ; mean: r=-0.89,
p=103; peak: r=-0.91, p103]. The more sen-
sitive people were, the less likely to have good MI-
BCI performances they were. This correlation is not
found for the participants trained without PEANUT
[Spearman correlation ; mean: r=-0.04, p=0.88 ;
peak: r=-0.06, p=0.82].
Figure 7: Average mean and peak performances for both the experimental and the control group.
Figure 8: Average mean and peak performances of the participants depending on there Autonomy and the
Group they belonged to.
5.2.2 Assessment of the influence of
PEANUT on the user experience
Then, we analysed the influence of Autonomy and
Group on usability scores, which were divided into
4 dimensions: learnability/memorability (LM), effi-
ciency/effectiveness (EE), safety (Saf), satisfaction
(Sat) [19]. We performed four 2-way ANCOVAs (one
per dimension) with the Autonomy and Group as
factor, the usability score for the target dimension
as dependent variable and the mean or peak classi-
fication accuracy as co-variable for the LM, EE and
Saf dimensions to remove the influence of perfor-
mances on their evaluation (Spearman correlation;
mean: LM [r=0.58, p=103], EE [r=0.54, p102],
Saf [r=0.59, p=103], Sat [r=0.07, p=0.73] ; peak:
LM [r=0.56, p102], EE [r=0.56, p102], Saf
[r=0.548, p102], Sat [r=0.03, p=0.89]) (see Fig-
ures 9 and 10).
Results reveal a close to significant effect of the
group on the LM dimension [mean: D(1,28)=3.68,
p=0.07, η2=0.14 ; peak: D(1,28)=3.99, p=0.06,
η2=0.15]. In average, participants who were pro-
vided with PEANUT consider the system’s learn-
ability/memorability to be higher by 7.4% than
those without PEANUT. A Group*Autonomy in-
teraction [mean: D(1,28)=3.2, p=0.09, η2=0.12 ;
peak: D(1,28)=4.05, p=0.06, η2=0.15] on the EE
dimension also tends to be significant when using
the peak performance as covariate. Autonomous
participants reported feeling that they were more
Efficient/Effective by 13.4% when PEANUT was
present. To the contrary, non autonomous par-
ticipants reported feeling that they were less Effi-
cient/Effective by 1.8%.
5.2.3 Assessment of the characteristics of
Finally, we analyzed the results of the open ques-
tionnaire that participants in the experimental group
answered about the characteristics of PEANUT, i.e.,
appearance, content and frequency of intervention,
general appreciation. We summed the responses to
the Likert scales for each characteristic and divided
them in relation to the maximum score that could
have been given to these questions to obtain the fol-
lowing percentages. The higher the percentage is and
the better the participants rated the characteristic of
PEANUT. On average, the users rated the different
characteristics as follow: appearance [M=82,14%,
SD=13.07%], content [M=56.9%, SD=16.92%] and
frequency of intervention [M=80.36%, SD=13.1%],
general appreciation [M=67.14%, SD=19.22%] (see
Figure 11).
The appearance of PEANUT and the frequency of its
intervention seem to have been appreciated. Though,
improvements should probably be made regarding
the content of its interventions and the general ap-
preciation of PEANUT. The comments from the par-
ticipants provide further information. Two partic-
ipants reported not understanding its role and ex-
pected a more informative feedback. This is in line
with recommendations from the literature but pro-
viding an informative feedback still remains a chal-
lenge (see Section 1 Related work)). Two also re-
ported that the sentences did not always seem in
agreement with the visual feedback they received.
This could be because the rule tree took into ac-
count the last performance of the user when choosing
a sentence regarding the progression of the user but
could still lead to PEANUT congratulating partici-
pants when their last performance was not promis-
ing. For example, PEANUT could still tell partici-
pants that they were improving when their last per-
formance was considered as poor. Lastly, a posi-
tive correlation was found between the “tension” of
the participants and the responses they gave regard-
ing the content of intervention [r=0.671, p=0.034]
and the general appreciation [r=0.703, p=0.023] of
PEANUT. This indicates that the more tensed par-
ticipants tended be and the more they appreciated
PEANUT in general and its content of intervention.
5.3 Discussion
First of all, we found that non-autonomous users,
who had lower MI-BCI performances than the others
when using a classical feedback, seem to have better
performances by 3.9% than the others when using
PEANUT. Second, using PEANUT seems to have
improved the usability of the MI-BCI. Participants
who trained with PEANUT gave in average 7.4%
higher learning/memorability scores than the mem-
bers of the control group. Furthermore, autonomous
participants trained with PEANUT found that they
were more efficient than the ones trained without
PEANUT by 13.4% in average. However, PEANUT
had a negative impact on the performances of sen-
sitive and autonomous participants. This could be
related to the margin of improvement reported by
the participants regarding the content of the inter-
ventions of PEANUT who expected a more infor-
mative feedback. Even though PEANUT was pro-
viding feedback in-between trials, some participants
may also have been distracted by it and not have
benefited from the feedback as much as the others
[32]. Finally, the influence of a learning companion
depends on the task and the user’s personality [61].
Therefore, the impact of PEANUT could be limited
by the fact that it does not adapt to the user’s per-
sonality and because it does not reduce the complex-
ity of the task.
Through the feedback provided by PEANUT, par-
ticipants in the experimental group were informed of
the evolution of their performances and advised to
keep or change strategies. These meta-information
Figure 9: Usability scores, with respect to users’ group and autonomy, corrected using the average mean
performance if needed.
Figure 10: Usability scores, with respect to users’ group and autonomy, corrected using the average peak
performance if needed.
Figure 11: Percentage of appreciation of PEANUT regarding its appearance, content and frequency of inter-
vention and general appreciation.
regarding the performance, which were not present
for the control group, might also explain the observed
differences. However, as the improvement was only
present for the non-autonomous participants we be-
lieve that the social presence and the emotional feed-
back were the main factors underlying the improve-
ment of the performances. Despite the promising
results, our study suffers from the low number of
participants included in it. This limitation needs to
be overcome in future experiments to be able to gen-
eralize the results.
In this paper, we introduced the design, implemen-
tation and evaluation of the first learning companion
dedicated to MI-BCI user-training: PEANUT. The
strength of this experimental protocol is the design
of the companion: a combination of recommenda-
tions from the literature, the analysis of data from
previous experiments and user-studies. PEANUT
was evaluated in an MI-BCI study (10 participants
trained with PEANUT, 18 control participants, 3
sessions per participant). This study revealed that
using PEANUT had an impact on performances de-
pending on the autonomy of the users. Indeed, there
seems to be a beneficial influence of PEANUT on
non-autonomous persons, who were shown to have
lower performances than the others in previous stud-
ies [27]. Furthermore, PEANUT tends to have a
beneficial impact on the user experience. Both au-
tonomous and non autonomous users found it easier
to learn and memorize how to use the MI-BCI sys-
tem. While the specific target application explored
here was MI-BCI control, many of the results could
benefit other applications. First, our user studies
provided useful insights about the kind of interven-
tions, and more particularly concerning the style (ex-
clamatory/declarative, personal/non-personal) that
users prefer depending on their performance and pro-
gression. Second, our user studies suggested that the
use of eyebrows favor expressiveness in cartoon-like
companions, independently of BCI use, which is in
line with the work of Ekman who highlighted the
major influence of eyebrows for expressing numerous
emotions such as happiness, surprise or anger [12].
PEANUT could potentially be used to help users
train to control other applications. Since PEANUT
provides interventions based only on performance
and progression, it could possibly be used in other
application training procedures in which these two
metrics are relevant, e.g., biofeedback and physiolog-
ical computing [13] or even computer-assisted mo-
tor and sports training [30], in which a social and
emotional feedback should also be carefully consid-
ered [44]. To this end, we designed and implemented
PEANUT for a low cost, using only open-source and
free software. Ultimately, the emotional feedback
and social presence could be improved by adapting
it to the psychological profile of the users. For exam-
ple, autonomous participants do not seem to benefit
from the presence of PEANUT so it would be worth
specifically studying their expectations. Emotional
and social feedback could also be improved by using
emotion estimation algorithms. For instance by us-
ing passive BCIs [67], which enable the extrapolation
of some mental states of the users from their brain
activity, physiological computing, or emotion facial
expressions from video [9, 51].
In the future, other benefits than adding social and
emotional compounds to the feedback could arise
from the use of learning companions in MI-BCIs [52].
Indeed, learning companions could also be used to
provide a task related feedback. For example, one
or several learning companion(s) could show and ex-
plain how the brain activity is modified when the
user performs one task. They might also be able
to provide an informative feedback. For example,
an example-based learning companion might be able
to provide cognitive feedback based on the previous
strategies that the users tried. This could also con-
tribute to the creation of a cognitive model, i.e., a
model providing information about how the men-
tal imagery tasks should be performed, through out
the analysis of the examples’ effectiveness to improve
performances of the participants depending on their
profile. To conclude, this experiment tested just one
of the many advantages that learning companions
could bring to MI-BCIs. Many more remain to be
This work was supported by the French National
Research Agency (project REBEL, grant ANR-15-
CE23-0013-01), the European Research Council with
the Brain-Conquest project (grant ERC-2016-STG-
714567) and the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx) from
the University of Bordeaux, France. We also want
to express our thank to Marie Ecarlat for designing
the potential faces of PEANUT, and to all our par-
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... Dataset 3A, 3B and 3C use data from three different experiments [52,64,132,133]. They were all based on the same BCI paradigm, i.e., MT-BCI with three mental tasks: LH, ROTATION and SUBTRACTION. ...
... This relatively long time was due to the fact that the cognitive training without BCI was conducted between the first two BCI sessions. Finally, in dataset 3C [133], 10 subjects (5 women, 5 men; aged 20.7±2.1 year-old) were accompanied by a learning companion called PEANUT (personalized emotional agent for neurotechnology user-training) providing social presence and emotional support during 3 MT-BCI training sessions. The goal of this experiment was to evaluate the influence that a social presence and emotional support had on had on MT-BCI performances. ...
... To maximize the number of subjects, we used data from three different experiments [52,64,132,133]: Datasets 3A, 3B and 3C. They were all based on the same BCI paradigm, i.e., MT-BCI with three mental tasks: left-hand motor imagery, mental rotation and mental subtraction. ...
Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) are communication and control tools that enable their users to interact with computer by using brain activity alone (which is measured, most of the time, using electroencephalography - EEG). A prominent type of BCI is mental task (MT) based BCIs, that translate modifications in brain activity induced by MTs performed by the user (e.g., imagination of movements, mental calculation or mental rotation of an object among others) into control commands for a computer. Using an MT-BCI requires dedicated training. Indeed, the user has to generate stable and distinct brain signals for each task otherwise they will not be able to control the system. Indeed, the system will not be able to recognize which task the user is performing. Producing such brain signals is a skill to be acquired and mastered and the more the user practices the better he/she will get at it. The objective of my PhD project is to contribute to the understanding of BCI user training by first doing an experimental study of learning by participating in the CYBATHLON competition. We proposed and evaluated the design of a multi-class MT-based BCI for longitudinal training of a tetraplegic user with a newly designed machine learning pipeline based on adaptive Riemannian classifiers. Using a newly proposed BCI user learning metric, we could show that our user learned to improve his BCI control by producing EEG signals matching increasingly more the BCI classifier training data distribution, rather than by improving his EEG class discrimination. In addition, this study revealed the difficulty of setting up a reliable protocol dedicated to a long term BCI training. The second part of this work is dedicated to the understanding of MT-BCI performances using predictive computational models. We proposed various computational models of BCI user training that could predict the performances of various BCI users over training time, based on BCI systems component. As a BCI is a communication system between a user and a machine such components were related to the user-profile related characteristics but also factors extracted from machine-learning algorithms used to build the system classifier. Our results suggested that is was possible to predict BCI performances using neurophysiological characteristics of a user but also neurophysiological characteristics combined with stable characteristics (i.e., traits) or the user. In addition, our studies revealed that studying features extracted from data-driven methods could be interesting to better understand why some subjects have difficulties controlling a BCI. Indeed, reliable models of BCI performances were revealed using such features.
... Nous avons ainsi exploré différents types de feedbacks et de tâches d'entraînement, par exemple [31,37]. Pour ne détailler qu'un seul exemple, nous avons notamment proposé PEANUT (Personalized emotional agent for neurotechnology user training), un compagnon d'apprentissage artificiel pour guider et aider les utilisateurs dans leur apprentissage du contrôle d'une BCI [36] (cf. figure 3). ...
... Notre compagnon d'apprentissage au contrôle de BCI, PEANUT (le petit humanoïde en bas à gauche sur l'image), lors d'un entraînement au contrôle de BCI[36] (© Inria / Photo C. Morel). ...
... BCI efficiency is known to be modulated by several factors. Many researchers are working on improving this efficiency either from a "technical" point of view (e.g., signal processing Lotte et al., 2018), or-less often-from the human learning standpoint (Pillette et al., 2020;Roc et al., 2021). This is an important step forward: reaching high efficiency is a necessary condition for BCI adoption. ...
... It is the degree to which an individual feels they need a human presence for BCI use and the context in which they would need it. JUSTIFICATION: The study of Pillette et al. (2020) shows that the presence of a tangible companion, who provides social and emotional support, has positive effects for certain participant profiles. For rehabilitation, we find it especially relevant to measure social support since research on BCIs in clinical situation is conducted both in hospital and at home (Leeb et al., 2013;Zulauf-Czaja et al., 2021). ...
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Introduction Strokes leave around 40% of survivors dependent in their activities of daily living, notably due to severe motor disabilities. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have been shown to be efficiency for improving motor recovery after stroke, but this efficiency is still far from the level required to achieve the clinical breakthrough expected by both clinicians and patients. While technical levers of improvement have been identified (e.g., sensors and signal processing), fully optimized BCIs are pointless if patients and clinicians cannot or do not want to use them. We hypothesize that improving BCI acceptability will reduce patients' anxiety levels, while increasing their motivation and engagement in the procedure, thereby favoring learning, ultimately, and motor recovery. In other terms, acceptability could be used as a lever to improve BCI efficiency. Yet, studies on BCI based on acceptability/acceptance literature are missing. Thus, our goal was to model BCI acceptability in the context of motor rehabilitation after stroke, and to identify its determinants. Methods The main outcomes of this paper are the following: i) we designed the first model of acceptability of BCIs for motor rehabilitation after stroke, ii) we created a questionnaire to assess acceptability based on that model and distributed it on a sample representative of the general public in France (N = 753, this high response rate strengthens the reliability of our results), iii) we validated the structure of this model and iv) quantified the impact of the different factors on this population. Results Results show that BCIs are associated with high levels of acceptability in the context of motor rehabilitation after stroke and that the intention to use them in that context is mainly driven by the perceived usefulness of the system. In addition, providing people with clear information regarding BCI functioning and scientific relevance had a positive influence on acceptability factors and behavioral intention. Discussion With this paper we propose a basis (model) and a methodology that could be adapted in the future in order to study and compare the results obtained with: i) different stakeholders, i.e., patients and caregivers; ii) different populations of different cultures around the world; and iii) different targets, i.e., other clinical and non-clinical BCI applications.
... Many studies have shown that personalized approaches can effectively mitigate the negative effects of individual differences on MI-BCI performance. Based on the differences in the work, these studies are divided into two categories: the personalization paradigm [43][44][45][46] and the personalization algorithm [47][48][49][50]. ...
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Objective. Motor imagery-based brain–computer interaction (MI-BCI) is a novel method of achieving human and external environment interaction that can assist individuals with motor disorders to rehabilitate. However, individual differences limit the utility of the MI-BCI. In this study, a personalized MI prediction model based on the individual difference of event-related potential (ERP) is proposed to solve the MI individual difference. Approach. A novel paradigm named action observation-based multi-delayed matching posture task evokes ERP during a delayed matching posture task phase by retrieving picture stimuli and videos, and generates MI electroencephalogram through action observation and autonomous imagery in an action observation-based motor imagery phase. Based on the correlation between the ERP and MI, a logistic regression-based personalized MI prediction model is built to predict each individual’s suitable MI action. 32 subjects conducted the MI task with or without the help of the prediction model to select the MI action. Then classification accuracy of the MI task is used to evaluate the proposed model and three traditional MI methods. Main results. The personalized MI prediction model successfully predicts suitable action among 3 sets of daily actions. Under suitable MI action, the individual’s ERP amplitude and event-related desynchronization (ERD) intensity are the largest, which helps to improve the accuracy by 14.25%. Significance. The personalized MI prediction model that uses the temporal ERP features to predict the classification accuracy of MI is feasible for improving the individual’s MI-BCI performance, providing a new personalized solution for the individual difference and practical BCI application.
... Une autre possibilité pour lever l'ambiguïté liée à la compréhension d'une teinte ou d'une forme serait sans doute d'ajouter des caractéristiques anthropomorphiques à l'objet. Effectivement, les études 7 et 15 ( [55,76]) démontrent une préférence pour les interfaces disposant de caractéristiques anthropomorphiques (regards, voix) qui pourraient donc favoriser une incarnation "humaine". L'étude 7 souligne également le besoin d'avoir un mode "privé" ouvrant la question de l'éthique de l'exposition publique. ...
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La conscience des émotions est un pilier fondamental de la collaboration en permettant une meilleure compréhension entre les membres d'un groupe et en améliorant la communication. Les tâches collaboratives sont une méthode efficace pour l'apprentissage et soutenir la prise de conscience émotionnelle au sein d'un groupe permettrait d'en améliorer l'expérience. Ainsi, concevoir une interface qui matérialiserait les différents piliers de l'apprentissage collaboratif, et plus précisément la présence émotionnelle, pourrait grandement améliorer l'expérience d'apprentissage. Dans cet état de l'art nous présentons une quinzaine d’études qui explorent les relations entre les différents concepts sous-tendant l'apprentissage collaboratif et qui interrogent la manière dont l'interface pourrait transmettre les informations pertinentes au groupe. Nous aborderons leurs résultats sous le prisme de deux questions : quelles informations peuvent être pertinentes à recueillir et à présenter au groupe, et comment les présenter via l'interface tangible. Nous soulevons ainsi d'autres problématiques comme la question des données personnelles, de l'efficacité des mesures des émotions ou de leur temporalité. Cette problématique est peu explorée dans le domaine des Interactions Homme-Machine. Ce travail exploratoire a donc pour objectif de fournir à la communauté des informations qui permettraient la poursuite de recherches dans ce domaine.
When studying human brains in relation with digital technologies, or digital brains, a relatively recent technology may prove particularly promising to do so: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). Indeed, BCI can decode measures of users’ brain activity in real-time, in order to enable direct control of computers via brain activity or to monitor users’ mental states when interacting with technologies (so-called neuroergonomics). This chapter presents an introductory overview of this technology, i.e., it describes its motivations, brief history, components, principles of operation and various applications, e.g. for assistive technologies, neurorehabilitation or safety, performance and user experience assessment and optimisation. It also touches on the various current limitations of this technology, which makes it rather different from the science-fiction-like representations it may evoke. Altogether, we hope this chapter can offer a brief but clear glimpse into what BCI can and cannot do, and motivate readers to possibly consider them in their future research and/or developments.
La neurotecnología posee una gran tradición desde el ámbito clínico. Sin embargo, cada vez está más presente en el campo de la educación. Este trabajo de revisión trata de ofrecer una panorámica sobre las investigaciones basadas en neurotecnología educativa que consideren el componente ético en su diseño e implementación. Para ello, se siguieron las directrices PRISMA para la realización de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC y Science Direct. Tras el proceso de doble revisión con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión considerados, la muestra de la revisión quedó fijada en 12 artículos. Los principales hallazgos encontrados reivindican la efectividad de utilizar la neurotecnología en el campo de la educación, especialmente para el alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales. Asimismo, muestra su utilidad para la adquisición de aprendizajes instrumentales y obtener mejoras en diferentes ámbitos de desarrollo como la atención, la memoria o la motivación. Sin embargo, además de los beneficios implícitos, la inclusión de la neurotecnología educativa implica una serie de retos tanto para el profesorado, como para las instituciones educativas, relacionadas con la formación, la ética y la gestión administrativa y económica de estos recursos y herramientas. De igual modo, pese a existir diferentes estudios de naturaleza teórica, se hace un llamado para la realización de más estudios empíricos sobre esta temática
In recent years, with the rapid development of deep learning, various deep learning frameworks have been widely used in brain-computer interface (BCI) research for decoding motor imagery (MI) electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to understand brain activity accurately. The electrodes, however, record the mixed activities of neurons. If different features are directly embedded in the same feature space, the specific and mutual features of different neuron regions are not considered, which will reduce the expression ability of the feature itself. We propose a cross-channel specific-mutual feature transfer learning (CCSM-FT) network model to solve this problem. The multibranch network extracts the specific and mutual features of brain's multiregion signals. Effective training tricks are used to maximize the distinction between the two kinds of features. Suitable training tricks can also improve the effectiveness of the algorithm compared with novel models. Finally, we transfer two kinds of features to explore the potential of mutual and specific features to enhance the expressive power of the feature and use the auxiliary set to improve identification performance. The experimental results show that the network has a better classification effect in the BCI Competition IV-2a and the HGD datasets.
Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur (ou Brain-Computer Interface – BCI) sont des neurotechnologies très prometteuses pour de nombreuses applications. Mais elles sont actuellement encore insuffisamment fiables. Les rendre fiables et utilisables nécessite non seulement des améliorations côté machine (par exemple, en améliorant leurs algorithmes d’analyse des signaux cérébraux), mais aussi côté utilisateur. En effet, contrôler une BCI est une compétence qui s’apprend et qui demande de la pratique. Malheureusement, la communauté scientifique comprend encore très mal comment entraîner cette compétence efficacement. Dans cet article, nous présentons les recherches menées dans le cadre du projet BrainConquest, dont l’objectif est justement de comprendre, de modéliser et d’optimiser cet entraînement utilisateur dans les BCI. Nous illustrons ainsi au travers d’exemples les différents facteurs qui peuvent influencer les performances de contrôle d’une BCI (par exemple, la personnalité de l’utilisateur, ou son état mental), le type de retour perceptif (le feedback ) et le type d’exercices d’entraînement qui peuvent être proposés aux utilisateurs, ou encore les applications concrètes de ces entraînements BCI, par exemple des technologies d’assistance ou en matière de rééducation motrice.
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A brain–computer interface (BCI) is a computer-based system that acquires, analyzes, and translates brain signals into output commands in real time. Perdikis and colleagues demonstrate superior performance in a Cybathlon BCI race using a system based on “three pillars”: machine learning, user training, and application. These results highlight the fact that BCI use is a learned skill and not simply a matter of “mind reading.”
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Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are used in stroke rehabilitation to translate brain signals into intended movements of the paralyzed limb. However, the efficacy and mechanisms of BCI-based therapies remain unclear. Here we show that BCI coupled to functional electrical stimulation (FES) elicits significant, clinically relevant, and lasting motor recovery in chronic stroke survivors more effectively than sham FES. Such recovery is associated to quantitative signatures of functional neuroplasticity. BCI patients exhibit a significant functional recovery after the intervention, which remains 6–12 months after the end of therapy. Electroencephalography analysis pinpoints significant differences in favor of the BCI group, mainly consisting in an increase in functional connectivity between motor areas in the affected hemisphere. This increase is significantly correlated with functional improvement. Results illustrate how a BCI–FES therapy can drive significant functional recovery and purposeful plasticity thanks to contingent activation of body natural efferent and afferent pathways.
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Four experiments indicated that positive affect, induced by means of seeing a few minutes of a comedy film or by means of receiving a small bag of candy, improved performance on two tasks that are generally regarded as requiring creative ingenuity: Duncker's (1945) candle task and M. T. Mednick, S. A. Mednick, and E. V. Mednick's (1964) Remote Associates Test. One condition in which negative affect was induced and two in which subjects engaged in physical exercise (intended to represent affectless arousal) failed to produce comparable improvements in creative performance. The influence of positive affect on creativity was discussed in terms of a broader theory of the impact of positive affect on cognitive organization.
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Objective. While promising, electroencephaloraphy based brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are barely used due to their lack of reliability: 15% to 30% of users are unable to control a BCI. Standard training protocols may be partly responsible as they do not satisfy recommendations from psychology. Our main objective was to determine in practice to what extent standard training protocols impact users’ motor imagery based BCI (MI-BCI) control performance. Approach. We performed two experiments. The first consisted in evaluating the efficiency of a standard BCI training protocol for the acquisition of non-BCI related skills in a BCI-free context, which enabled us to rule out the possible impact of BCIs on the training outcome. Thus, participants (N = 54) were asked to perform simple motor tasks. The second experiment was aimed at measuring the correlations between motor tasks and MI-BCI performance. The ten best and ten worst performers of the first study were recruited for an MI-BCI experiment during which they had to learn to perform two MI tasks. We also assessed users’ spatial ability and pre-training μ rhythm amplitude, as both have been related to MI-BCI performance in the literature. Main results. Around 17% of the participants were unable to learn to perform the motor tasks, which is close to the BCI illiteracy rate. This suggests that standard training protocols are suboptimal for skill teaching. No correlation was found between motor tasks and MI-BCI performance. However, spatial ability played an important role in MI-BCI performance. In addition, once the spatial ability covariable had been controlled for, using an ANCOVA, it appeared that participants who faced difficulty during the first experiment improved during the second while the others did not. Significance. These studies suggest that (1) standard MI-BCI training protocols are suboptimal for skill teaching, (2) spatial ability is confirmed as impacting on MI-BCI performance, and (3) when faced with difficult pre-training, subjects seemed to explore more strategies and therefore learn better.
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The intention of the following chapter is to shed light on primary factors that play a role in defining what we coin as an optimal learning environment, an environment that buttresses an experience of flow for learners. The chapter begins by an overview of flow related research reframed for the purpose of measuring the ex-perience of flow in learning. A longitudinal study of flow experien-ced by students in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is des-cribed. The Flow in Education scale (EduFlow Scale) was used. It is described as well as the results of the study. They illustrate the po-tential value and relevance of measuring flow in learning as well as the relation to the extended concept of cognitive absorption. We conclude the chapter with a presentation of a model of heuris-tic learning: the Individually Motivated Community model. The model builds upon three major theories of the self: Self-Determination, Self-Efficacy and Autotelism-Flow.
Despite an increasing focus on the neural basis of human decision making in neuroscience, relatively little attention has been paid to decision making in social settings. Moreover, although human social decision making has been explored in a social psychology context, few neural explanations for the observed findings have been considered. To bridge this gap and improve models of human social decision making, we investigated whether acquiring a good reputation, which is an important incentive in human social behaviors, activates the same reward circuitry as monetary rewards. In total, 19 subjects participated in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments involving monetary and social rewards. The acquisition of one's good reputation robustly activated reward-related brain areas, notably the striatum, and these overlapped with the areas activated by monetary rewards. Our findings support the idea of a "common neural currency" for rewards and represent an important first step toward a neural explanation for complex human social behaviors.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the results of 11 interviews to beginner climbers aimed at investigating the role of emotions in learning climbing. Climbing is an extreme sport becoming increasingly popular thanks to a higher safety and to the spread of indoor gyms. Although the evolution of this sport from alpinism to indoor practice has made it accessible to all, the emotional involvement that it entails has remained. Our findings suggest that there can be a space for the design of technologies that help managing negative emotions by augmenting the communication between climbing partners with haptic feedback.
This chapter gives an idea of the current state of research of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) learning protocols. The BCI community now recognizes that in order to achieve an improvement in performance, the user must be included in the loop, and so learning protocols must be improved accordingly. It have also shown that by building on theories in disciplines such as the psychology of learning, it is possible to suggest new, promising approaches for improving user performance. The chapter focuses on protocols developed for teaching users how to use BCIs based on mental imagery (MI), also known as spontaneous BCIs. One protocol was suggested by researchers in Graz based on techniques of machine learning, and the other was suggested by the researchers at the Wadsworth center based on an operant conditioning approach. Finally, the chapter presents possible avenues for improving learning protocols, in particular based on an “anthropocentric” perspective.
A major technological trend is to augment everyday objects with sensing, computing and actuation power in order to provide new services beyond the objects' traditional purpose, indicating that such smart objects might become an integral part of our daily lives. To be able to interact with smart object systems, users will obviously need appropriate interfaces that regard their distinctive characteristics. Concepts of tangible and anthropomorphic user interfaces are combined in this dissertation to create a novel paradigm for smart object interaction. This work provides an exploration of the design space, introduces design guidelines, and provides a prototyping framework to support the realisation of the proposed interface paradigm. Furthermore, novel methods for expressing personality and emotion by auditory means are introduced and elaborated, constituting essential building blocks for anthropomorphised smart objects. Two experimental user studies are presented, confirming the endeavours to reflect personality attributes through prosody-modelled synthetic speech and to express emotional states through synthesised affect bursts. The dissertation concludes with three example applications, demonstrating the potentials of the concepts and methodologies elaborated in this thesis.