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Profiles of resources and body image in health and illness: A comparative study among females with rheumatoid arthritis, females with breast cancer and healthy controls

Brain and Behavior

Abstract and Figures

Background: The aim of this study was to examine whether or not profiles of resources (i.e., a multifaceted picture that simultaneously includes different types of resources), as described by the conservation of resources (COR) theory, and profiles of body image (i.e., a multidimensional picture that simultaneously includes different aspects of body image) differ between females that represent two clinical samples (rheumatoid arthritis [RA]; breast cancer [BC]) and a healthy control group. Method: The sample comprised 328 females, including 141 women with RA, 102 with a BC diagnosis, and 85 healthy women as a control group, and was collected from the general population. To measure the level of COR resources in each participant, we used the COR evaluation questionnaire (COR-E). Participants' body image was assessed with the aid of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). Results: A discriminant analysis revealed that females from the clinical groups differed with respect to their profiles of some resources and body image when compared to those of the healthy control group. In addition, we found differences in body image evaluations between women with RA and women with BC. Conclusions: Women with RA or BC differ substantially with respect to their subjectively assessed resources and body image when compared to women with no chronic diseases. Therefore, psychological counselling designed for females with RA or BC should be employed to help them restore the aspects altered by their respective illnesses.
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Brain and Behavior. 2020;10:e01488. 
 1 of 10
Chronic illness is a phenomenon that is growing in prevalence, af-
fecting an increasing portion of the population all over the world
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2018). Chronic illness can be
very stressful and is associated with major functional limitations
(e.g., arthritis; Shih, Hootman, Strine, Chapman, & Brady, 2006)
and even traumatic experiences that pose a real threat to life (e.g.,
Revised:16O ctober2019 
DOI: 10.1002/brb3.1488
Profiles of resources and body image in health and illness:
A comparative study among females with rheumatoid arthritis,
females with breast cancer and healthy controls
Marcin Rzeszutek | Małgorzata Pięta | Marek Huzar
This is an op en access article under t he terms of the Creat ive Commons Attributio n License, which permits use, dist ribution and reproduc tion in any medium,
provide d the orig inal work is proper ly cited .
© 2019 The Auth ors. Brain and Behavior published by Wiley Periodicals , Inc.
Faculty of Psychology, University of
Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Marcin R zeszute k, Facult y of Psych ology,
University of Warsaw, Stawki 5/7, 00-183,
Warsaw, Poland.
Funding information
Faculty of Psychology, University
ofWarsaw,Gr ant/AwardNu mber:
Background: The aim of this study was to examine whether or not profiles of re-
sources (i.e., a multifaceted picture that simultaneously includes different types of
resources), as described by the conservation of resources (COR) theory, and profiles
of body image (i.e., a multidimensional picture that simultaneously includes different
aspects of body image) differ between females that represent two clinical samples
(rheumatoid arthritis [R A]; breast cancer [BC]) and a healthy control group.
Method: The sample comprised 328 females, including 141 women with RA , 102
with a BC diagnosis, and 85 healthy women as a control group, and was collected
from the general population. To measure the level of COR resources in each partici-
pant, we used the COR evaluation questionnaire (COR-E). Participants' body image
was assessed with the aid of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire
Results: A discriminant analysis revealed that females from the clinical groups dif-
fered with respect to their profiles of some resources and body image when com-
pared to those of the healthy control group. In addition, we found differences in body
image evaluations between women with RA and women with BC.
Conclusions: Women with RA or BC differ substantially with respect to their subjec-
tively assessed resources and body image when compared to women with no chronic
diseases. Therefore, psychological counselling designed for females with R A or BC
should be employed to help them restore the aspects altered by their respective
body image, breast cancer, resources, rheumatoid arthritis
2 of 10 
cancer; Kangas, Henry, & Br yant, 2005). In other words, chronic dis-
ease can induce a profound change in patients' lives and well-be-
ing, and thus, appropriate stress-coping mechanisms are necessary
to help patients adapt to the sometimes overwhelming situation of
coping with an ongoing illness (e.g., Dempster, Howell, & Mccorr y,
2015). Until now, the vast majority of studies on coping with chronic
disorders have focused on the transactional model of stress and
coping (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; for reviews, see also Kato, 2013;
Moskowitz, Hult, Bussolari, & Acree, 20 09). Taking this into account,
it is impor tant to note that there are several limitations to the afore-
mentioned model in depicting the process of coping with disease
(e.g., Skinner, Edge, Altman, & Sher wood, 20 03); in our study, we
focus on the massively understudied conservation of resources
(COR) theory (Hobfoll, 1989).
Conservation of resources theory focuses on the sociocultural
context of stress and coping, wherein the central attention is shifted
from a subjective appraisal of stress and coping (Lazarus & Folkman,
1984) to the objec tive resources defined as things that an individual
currently possesses and values (e.g., objects, states, or conditions) or
aims to achieve, maintain, and protect in the future (Hobfoll, 1989).
Therefore, in COR theory, stress and coping processes can be oper-
ationalized more specifically and are associated with an actual loss
of resources or the threat of losing them. The majority of studies
on COR theory have been conducted in nonclinical settings (e.g.,
Hobfoll, Johnson, Ennis, & Jackson, 2003; Jin, McDonald, & Park,
2016; va nWoe rk om ,B akker,&Nishi i, 2016) ,a nd th us,littleiskno wn
about the application of this model in a clinical environment (e.g.,
Banou, Hobfoll, & Trochelman, 2009; Dirik & Karanci, 2010). Thus,
in our study, we evaluate and compare the COR resources among
two clinical samples of female participants, those with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) and those with breast cancer (BC). We chose these
clinical entities mainly due to the biological links between them (i.e.,
there is a heightened risk of BC in RA females; see Tian, Liang, Wang,
& Zhou, 2014). Moreover, it remains unknown as to how clinical and
nonclinical samples differ in their resources' perception. Thus, we
also wanted to compare resource evaluations among the clinical
samples to those of a healthy female control group.
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the leading debilitating chronic
diseases worldwide and is characterized by joint des truction, chronic
pain, incremental disability, and heightened mortality compared to
that of the general population (Smolen, Aletaha, & McInnes, 2016).
The aforementioned factors are linked with persistent psychological
distre ss (Rzeszutek, O niszczenko, Schier, Bier nat-Kał uża, & Gasik,
2016), poor quality of life (Matcham et al., 2014), and, in the long
run,variousR A-relatedpsychiatricdisorders (Nicassioetal.,2012).
Nevertheless, manyresearchers have noticed variousbenefit sre-
lated to coping with RA. The literature on coping with RA , although
vast, is very heterogeneous with regard to conclusions and is based
mainly on L azarus and Folkman's (1984) model (e.g., Conner et al.,
2006; N ewth & Delongis , 2004). Until n ow, only Di rik & Karanci
(2010) had observed that resource loss, as described by COR theory,
was the strongest predictor of depression of all studied psychosocial
variables, and this effec t was most visible among female R A patients.
Along with RA , BC is one of the most prevalent health prob-
lems worldwide, being the second most frequently detected type
of cancer in the world and the first most frequently detected among
women (WHO, 2018). Women with BC face multidimensional psy-
chological distress stemming from it s threat to life (Saboonchi et al.,
2014) along with a significant drop in their quality of life and a de-
cline in their psychosocial functioning (Syrowatka et al., 2017). Like
in RA patients, appropriate coping abilities can be crucial in adapting
to this disease, which are linked with less anxiety, lower levels of
depression, and an increased quality of life (Arnaboldi, Riva, Crico, &
Pravettoni, 2017). However, until now, only Banou et al. (2009) had
demonstrated the role of interpersonal resources from COR theory
in diminishing cancer-related distress in women with BC.
The second reason we compared these two clinical entities is
their relationship with one psychological variable that plays a major
role in coping with them—that is, body image. Body image is a multi-
dimensional term that encompasses the thoughts, beliefs, emotions,
and behaviors associated with an individual's physical appearance
(Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). In RA patients, body image distortions,
which are very prevalent, are related to elevated pain and functional
limitations, all of which have been observed mainly among female
RA patients (Bode, Taal, Heij, & Laar, 2010; Gutweniger, Kopp, Mur,
& Gunther, 1999). Likewise, body image distortions in BC are the
strongest predictor of cancer-related distress and the deteriora-
tion of social functioning in females with BC (Carver et al., 1998;
Thomas & Usher, 2009). It has been determined that in females with
RA (Alleva et al., 2018; Bode et al., 2010) and those with BC (Fobair
et al., 2005; Harcour t & Rumsey, 2019), body image is shaped to a
greater ex tent by psychosocial factors than by illness-related fac-
tors, but no studies on the differences between COR resources and
body image in these patient groups have been conducted thus far.
1.1 | Current study
Taking the abovementioned research gaps into consideration, the aim
of our study is twofold. First, we want to examine whether or not the
profiles of resources and body image differ between the females that
represent different clinical samples (i.e., R A and BC patients) and a
healthy control group. Second, we aim to investigate the potential
differences between the profiles of resources and body image within
the aforementioned clinical samples. We formulated four hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 Clinical samples of the females differ with respect to the
profiles of resources, as described by the COR theory, from the
healthy control group of females.
Hypothesis 2 Females with RA differ with respect to the profiles of
resources, as described by the COR theory, from female partic-
ipants with BC.
Hypothesis 3 Clinical samples of the females differ with respect to
body image profiles from the healthy control group of females.
Hypothesis 4 Female participants with R A differ with respect to body
image profiles from female participants with BC.
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2.1 | Participants and procedure
The study sample comprised 328 females, including 141 women
with RA, 102 with a BC diagnosis, and 85 healthy women (i.e., with
no chronic diseases), and was collec ted from the general popula-
tion. The female par ticipants with RA were recruited from the pa-
tients of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology, and
Rehabilitation in Warsaw, Poland. The female participants with BC
were recruited from the Magodent Oncolog y Hospital in Warsaw.
The healthy control group was recruited from a nonclinical popula-
tion among the students of various Warsaw universities.
The study subjects filled out paper-and-pencil questionnaires
and participated in the study voluntarily, and thus, no remuneration
was provided for participation. In cases of clinical samples, the eligi-
bility criteria encompassed being 18 years of age or older and having
a confirmed medical diagnosis of RA or BC , which was screened by
medical doctors working in the hospitals where the research was
conducted. The exclusion criteria for clinical samples included cogni-
tive impairment, vision loss, or major joint changes that limited writ-
ing skills among RA patients and a poor emotional state among BC
patients, which was diagnosed by clinical psychologists. For the non-
clinical sample, the inclusion criteria encompassed being 18 years of
age or older and self-declaring no chronic illnesses. The research
project was approved by the ethics committee. Table 1 presents the
sociodemographic characteristics of all study par ticipants with sta-
tistical tests for differences between the groups.
The groups differed in terms of participants' age, education, em-
ployment , and place of residence. Post hoc analysis revealed that par-
ticipant s from the control group were significantly younger than RA
patients, p < .001, and BC patients, p < .001. The number of married
participants was significantly higher in the R A group than in control
group, χ2(1) = 4.87, p < .05, and the BC group, χ2(1) = 11.28, p < .01.
Education level was lower in the BC group than in the control group,
χ2(1) = 16.04, p < .001, and the RA group, χ2(1) = 10.40, p < .01.
Education level in the R A group was also significantly better than in
the control group, χ2(1) = 11.31, p < .01. The number of participants
without regular unemployment was significantly bigger in the control
group than in the RA group, χ2(3) = 54.72, p < .001, and the BC group,
χ2(1) = 100.69, p < .001. The number of participants living on the village
or in a small town was significantly bigger in the BC group, and the
number of partici pants living in cit ies with over 500 thousand re sidents
was significantly bigger in the control group, χ2(3) = 46.3 0, p < .001.
2.2 | Measures
To assess the level of subjectively possessed resources among the
participants, we used the COR evaluation questionnaire (COR-E;
Hobfoll, Lilly, & Jackson, 1992) in the Polish adaptation of Dudek et
al. (2006). The COR-E consists of two parts (A and B), each with 40
items. In part A, participants rated the ex tent to which they attach
importance to several resources, represented by objects, states, or
conditions, while in part B, they rated the extent to which they pos-
sess these resources. The items in parts A and B refer to the fol-
lowing resources: hedonistic and vital resources, spiritual resources,
family resources, economic and political resources, and power and
prestige resources. Higher scores on the COR-E indicate higher lev-
els of resources.
Participants' body image was evaluated using the
Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), con-
structed by Thomas Cash (20 00) and adapted to Polish by Br ytek-
Matera and Rogoza (2015). We paid an appropriate nominal fee
for the use of the MBSRQ in this particular research. The MBSRQ
consists of 10 scales that evaluate several elements associated with
body image: the appearance evaluation scale, the appearance ori-
entation scale, the fitness evaluation scale, the fitness orientation
scale, the health evaluation scale, the health orientation scale, the
illness orientation scale, the body areas satisfaction scale, the over-
weight preoccupation scale, and the self-classified weight scale. The
higher the results in each subscale, the more positive the assessment
of particular aspects of body image was reported by a participant.
2.3 | Data analysis
The introductor y portion of this study's statistical analysis comprised
descriptive statistics between the analy zed variables. The principal
part of the analysis was performed with the use of a discriminant
analysis (Mclachlan, 2004). Discriminant analysis is a statistical analy-
sis used to verify associations between interval explanatory variables
and categorical outcome variables. It creates variates called discrimi-
nant functions that consist of interval explanatory variables. These
variates are then used to discriminate between the outcome variable
categories, which allows for an analysis of bet ween-group differences
regardin g the levels of analy zed variables and t he differences b etween
them. Group membership was analyzed using the grouping variable;
the levels of resources and body image dimensions were analyzed
as independent variables using two separate statistical models. The
control group and both clinical groups significantly differed in terms
of age and other differences, including education and employment,
which were consequences of this age variability. The differences be-
tween groups in terms of demographic variables were verified with
theuseofaone-wayANOVAandPearson'sχ test for independence.
The mean age of participants from the control group was lower than
the mean values of age in both clinical groups. More participants from
the control group had received secondary education, were unem-
ployed, and lived in cities with over 500 thousand residents.
The difference in participants' ages was controlled for in both
statistical models. The choice of discriminant functions was based
on Wilks's lambda test (Mclachlan, 2004), which allows for the de-
ciding of how many extracted variates discriminate between the
categories of outcome variables. The interpretation of the acquired
discriminant functions, when significant, was based on the values of
standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients. A positive
4 of 10 
correlation meant there was a positive association between the ex-
planator y interval variable and the extracted variate. A positive and
a negative correlation between interval variables in the same vari-
ate meant that the difference between the two inter val variables
discriminated between the categories of the outcome variable. The
values of the functions at the group centroids were depicted on
graphs to make the interpretation easier. A partial eta-squared (η2)
effect size measure was used to make the interpretation of effect
sizes possible. Following the classic guidelines of Cohen (1988), the
values of η2 should be interpreted as small if the values are less than
.06, medium if the values are in the range from .06 to .14, and large
if the values are greater than .14.
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for all analyzed interval
variables in the study samples.
Theskewnessandkurtosisvaluesfellbet ween−1and1,andthus,
the use of parametric statistical methods was appropriate. To verify
Hypothe sis 1 and Hypothesis 2 , a discriminant anal ysis was performed.
The levels of all five types of resources and participants' ages were
analyzed as independent variables. Table 3 presents the values of the
standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients. Wilks's
lambda test revealed that only the first function, χ2(12) = 200.07, was
statistically significant (p < .0 01). The second func tion, χ2(5) = 7.43, was
(N = 85)
(N = 141)
(N = 102)
Age in years
(M ± SD)
25.89 ± 10.19 57.26 ± 12.36 54.45 ± 15.02 152.94 .001
Marital status
Married 53 (62.4%) 66 (64 .7%) 79 (56.0%) 2.57 .277
Single 32 (37.6%) 34 (33.3%) 62 (44.0%)
Elementary 0 (0%) 5 (4.9%) 23 (16.3%) 26.41 .001
Secondary 57 ( 67. 1% ) 49 (48.0%) 73 (51 .8% )
28 (32.9%) 48 (4 7.1 %) 45 (31.9%)
28 (32.9%) 20 ( 19. 6% ) 51 (36.2%) 123.45 .001
Unemployed 54 (63.5%) 0 (0%) 10 ( 7.1 %)
1 (1. 2%) 6 (5.9%) 2 5 (17.7%)
Retired 2 (2.4%) 1 2 (11. 8%) 55 (39.0%)
Place of residence
town up to
20 thousand
13 (15.3%) 13 (12.7%) 44 (31.2%) 51. 0 3 .001
City 21 to 100
2 (2.4%) 2 (2.0%) 2 7 (19.1 %)
City 101
to 500
1 (1. 2%) 2 (2.0%) 19 (13 .5%)
City over 500
67 (78.8%) 21 (20.6%) 49 (34.8%)
Lack of
1 (1. 2%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.7%)
Abbreviations: F, analysis of variance; M, mean value; SD, standard deviation; χ2, Pearson chi-
squared test of independence.
TABLE 1 Sociodemographic variables
in the studied samples
 5 of 10
statistically insignificant (p > .05), which means only the first discrimi-
nant function discriminated between the analyzed groups.
The highest values of standardized coef ficients in the first dis-
criminant function were obtained for the level of hedonistic and
vital resources and for the level of family resources. However,
the value for hedonistic and vital resources was positive, while
the value for family resources was negative, which indicates that
group differences are explained by the difference between these
two variables. Figure 1 presents the values of these functions at
the group centroids. The first (and the only statistically significant)
function differentiated between the control group and both clin-
ical samples.
The structure of the mean level of hedonistic and vital resources
and family resources shows that the level of hedonistic and vital
resources was higher in the control group, while the level of family
resources was higher in the clinical groups, η2 = .21, which supports
Hypothesis 1 (see Figure 2). The R A and BC groups did not differ with
regard to the levels of resources, which contradicts Hypothesis 2.
Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4 were also verified using a discrim-
inant analysis, but this time, body image dimensions and participants'
ages were analyzed as independent variables. Table 4 presents the val-
ues of the standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients.
According to Wilks's lambda test, the first function, χ2(22) = 276.52,
p < .001, was statistically significant, and the second function was sta-
tistically significant, χ2(10) = 49.10, p < .001, which means only the first
discriminant function discriminated between the analyzed groups.
Besides participants' ages, the first function was that of the rela-
tionship between health orientation, orient ation to the disease, and
health assessment. The values of health orientation and orientation
to the disease were positive, and the value of health assessment was
negative, which indicates that the difference between health assess-
ment and health orientation and that bet ween health assessment
and orientation to the disease accounted for the between-group
differences. The second function was the function of fitness ori-
entation, satisfaction with the areas of the body, evaluation of ap-
pearance, fitness assessment, and preoccupation with weight. All
values of these body dimensions were positive. Figure 3 presents
the values of the functions at the group centroids. The first function
differentiated between the control group and the RA group, and the
second function differentiated between the BC group and both the
control group and the R A group.
TABLE 2 Descriptive statistics and pearson correlation
coefficients between analyzed variables in the whole study sample
(N = 328)
Variables MSD S K
1. Hedonistic and vital
146.35 57.9 3 −0.30 −0 .26
2. Spiritual resources 104.75 33 .76 0.58 3.37
3. family resources 153.72 50.40 0.40 −0.82
4. Economic and politi-
cal resources
111.0 3 45.08 0.82 0.86
5. Power and prestige
40.00 24.16 0.32 0.92
6. Appearance
3.30 0.77 0.80 0.87
7. Appearance
3.35 0.61 0.32 0.46
8. Fitness evaluation 3.02 0.83 −0.01 −0.13
9. Fitness orientation 3.06 0.74 0.77 0.69
10. Health evaluation 3.22 0.66 −0.14 0.36
11. Health orientation 3.40 0.58 −0.30 0.46
12. Illness orientation 3.39 0.73 0.13 0.36
13. Overweight
2.58 0.83 0.13 0.59
14. Body areas
3.28 0.77 0.41 0 .97
15. Self-classified
weight scale
3.27 0 .76 0.20 0.80
Abbreviations: K, kurtosis; M, mean value; S, skewness; SD, standard
TABLE 3 Standardized canonical discriminant function
coefficients for the level of resources
Level of resources Function 1 Function 2
Hedonistic and vital resources −1. 3 2 0. 24
Spiritual resources 0.01 −0.57
Family resources 0.82 0.11
Economic and political
0.27 1.06
Power and prestige resources 0.27 0.14
Age 0.70 0.56
Note: Positive values of standardized canonical discriminant f unction
mean that the higher the values of resources, the higher the values of
extracted discriminant function, negative values meant that the higher
the values of resources, the lower the values of ex tracted discriminant
FIGURE 1 The values of the functions at group centroids in all
study samples
6 of 10 
Figure 4 presents the mean values of health orientation, orienta-
tion to the disease, and health assessment in the control group and
the RA group only. The acquired differences support Hypothesis 3,
η2 = .08.
Figure 5 presents the mean values of fitness evaluation, fitness
orientation, appearance evaluation, weight preoccupation, and body
area satisfaction in the control group, the RA group, and the BC
group. The means of all the aforementioned variables were lower in
the BC group than in the RA group or the control group, η2 = .06, and
these dif ferences are in line with Hypothesis 4.
The results of our study were in line with Hypothesis 1, as females
from the clinical groups declared lower levels of vital and hedonistic
resource s but higher levels of family resources compared with th ose
of the healthy control group. At the same time, we did not find any
differ ences in the profil es of resources bet ween the clinica l samples,
and thus, no confirmation of Hypothesis 2 was obtained. It seems
that living with RA or BC may result in similar resource evaluations,
and this finding is interesting in itself because no previous studies
have been conducted on this topic thus far. However, in comparison
with healthy individuals, R A patients and BC patients mainly expe-
rience a lack vigor and energy and problems related to the active
pursuit of one's interests and goals or the search for pleasure or
enjoyment. This latter result is especially prevalent in RA patients,
for whom one of the central symptoms is chronic fatigue (Pollard,
Choy, Gonzalez, Khoshaba, & Scott, 2006), which is strongly re-
latedtodailypain,sleepproblems,and depression(Nicassioet al.,
2012). Impor tantly, some authors have obser ved that females with
RA report more fatigue when compared to men with RA and thus
experience much higher rates of R A pain and functional limitations
(Thyberg et al., 2009). Similarly, several studies have pointed to the
prevalence of cancer-related fatigue among females with BC, which
may be obser ved during treatment (Ancoli-Israel et al., 20 06) but
are especially observed after mastectomy (Bardwell et al., 2008).
In addition, experiencing the studied illnesses may increase the
subjective importance of family relationships. This corresponds to
several systematic reviews that show that one of the most important
predictors for quality of life and illness adaptation among both RA pa-
tients (Sharpe, 2016)andBCpatients (Mols,Vingerhoets, Coebergh,
& Poll-Franse, 2005) is satisfaction gained through close family re-
lationships. More specifically, for females with RA or BC, the major
sources of support stem from intimate relationships, as these diseases
pose multidimensional problems to self-esteem because they are es-
pecially associated with sexual problems (Essam et al., 2016; Pumo et
al., 2012).
This latter observation was somewhat observed while con-
firming Hypothesis 3, which is related to body image profiles; in
FIGURE 2 Profiles of hedonistic and vital resources and
family resources in control group and clinical samples with
95% confidence intervals computed with the use of Bonferroni
TABLE 4 Standardized canonical discriminant function
coefficients for body image scales
Body image Function 1 Function 2
Appearance evaluation −0.04 0.30
Appearance orientation −0.33 −0 .17
Fitness evaluation 0.02 0.30
Fitness orientation 0.16 0.60
Health evaluation −0.59 0.19
Health orientation 0.72 −0.33
Illness orientation 0.42 0.23
Overweight preoccupation −0.08 0.32
Body areas satisfaction 0.06 0.37
Self-classified weight scale 0.18 0.21
Age 0.93 0.05
Note: Positive values of standardized canonical discriminant f unction
mean that the higher the values of body image dimension, the higher
the values of extr acted discriminant func tion, negative values meant
that the higher the values of bo dy image dimension, the lower the
values of extracted discriminant function.
FIGURE 3 The values of the functions for body image at group
centroids in all study samples
 7 of 10
the clinic al sample of RA , greater health and disease orientation
were noticed, while in the control group, a more positive health
evaluation was obser ved. In other words, it seems that females
from the R A sample experienced their body image as a function of
the illness's progression, which is in line with some recent studies
Webb, 2019). However, one of the most interesting but somewhat
counterintuitive results deals with Hypothesis 4, which relates to
the differences in body image profiles between R A females and
BCfemales. Namely,comparedwithBCfemales,R Afemalesde-
clared a greater fitness evaluation and fitness orientation, higher
weight preoccupation, increased body area satisfaction, and bet-
ter appearance evaluation. Women with BC have a very distorted
body image, as they perceive their bodies as incomplete, having
had a symbol of femininity and sexuality (i.e., the breasts) taken
away from them regardless of whether or not they have under-
gone mastectomy (Gumus et al., 2010). This state of constant in-
security, relating not only to their femininity but also to their very
lives, is a great psychological burden (Helms et al., 20 08; Shichen
et al., 2018; Puigpinós-Riera et al., 2018) and may be responsi-
ble for the very poor body satisfaction observed among the BC
4.1 | Strengths and limitations
This theory-driven study is the first comparative research on re-
source evaluation to use the COR theory and body image between
these two clinical samples with an additional healthy control group,
which is its streng th. However, we should bear in mind that the
cross-sectional design of the study makes it difficult to draw a causal
conclusion from the obtained results. Specifically, due to the study's
design, we were able to assess not resource loss nor resource gain
over time among the par ticipants, but only the current level of the
subjectively assessed resources. In addition, the study samples dif-
fered substantially regarding many demographic variables. These
FIGURE 4 Profiles of health
orientation, orientation for the disease,
and health assessment in the control
group and the RA groups with 95%
confidence intervals computed with the
use of Bonferroni correction
FIGURE 5 Profiles of fitness
evaluation, satisfaction with the A areas
of the body, appearance orientation,
fitness assessment, and preoccupation
with weight in the control group, the RA
sample and the BC sample
8 of 10 
differences are particularly visible regarding age between the
healthy group and the clinical samples. Finally, we did not have data
on the severity of the illnesses' progression among the clinical sam-
ples, and thus, medical variables were not controlled sufficiently in
our research.
Despite these limitations, this study adds to the literature on the psy-
chological aspects of living with R A or BC among women. It seems
that females with R A or BC differ with respect to the subjec tively
assessed resources and body image evaluation when compared to
healthy women. Therefore, psychological counselling specifically de-
signed for R A and BC females may help these women restore these
aspects of their identities that have been altered by their respective
This study was financed by the research subsidy number
5011000220/2019 from the Faculty of Psychology, University of
Wars aw.
Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest: Author A declares that
he has no conflict of interest. Author B declares that she has no
conflict of interest. Author C declares that he has no conflict of
Research involving human participants and/or animals: All proce-
dures performed in studies involving human par ticipants were in
accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or na-
tional research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration
and its later amendments.
Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants in-
cluded in the study.
Marcin Rzeszutek
Data are available upon the request.
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How to cite this article:RzeszutekM,PiętaM,HuzarM.
Profiles of resources and body image in health and illness: A
comparative study among females with rheumatoid arthritis,
females with breast cancer and healthy controls. Brain Behav.
2020;10:e01488. https ://
... Окремо слід зазначити, що специфіка тілесного Я у випадках соматичних хвороб уже була висвітлена в багатьох дослідженнях. Наприклад, встановлено вплив на тілесне Я та його деривати (образ тіла, фізичне Я тощо) у випадку ревматоїдного артриту (Rzeszutek, Pięta & Huzar, 2020), раку (Hopwood et al., 2001;Rzeszutek, Pięta & Huzar, 2020), хронічних хвороб (McCarthy, 2015), ДЦП (Nuara, Papangelo, Avanzini, & Fabbri-Destro, 2019), фізичних дисфункцій (Taleporos & McCabe, 2002;Чухрій, 2017) та психічних хвороб і розладів, наприклад шизофренії (Stanghellini et al., 2014), РХП (Derenne & Beresin, 2006;Fogelkvist et al., 2020;McLean & Paxton, 2019;Smolak & Levine, 2001;Walker, White & Srinivasan, 2018) та депресії (Noles, Cash & Winstead, 1985). ...
... Окремо слід зазначити, що специфіка тілесного Я у випадках соматичних хвороб уже була висвітлена в багатьох дослідженнях. Наприклад, встановлено вплив на тілесне Я та його деривати (образ тіла, фізичне Я тощо) у випадку ревматоїдного артриту (Rzeszutek, Pięta & Huzar, 2020), раку (Hopwood et al., 2001;Rzeszutek, Pięta & Huzar, 2020), хронічних хвороб (McCarthy, 2015), ДЦП (Nuara, Papangelo, Avanzini, & Fabbri-Destro, 2019), фізичних дисфункцій (Taleporos & McCabe, 2002;Чухрій, 2017) та психічних хвороб і розладів, наприклад шизофренії (Stanghellini et al., 2014), РХП (Derenne & Beresin, 2006;Fogelkvist et al., 2020;McLean & Paxton, 2019;Smolak & Levine, 2001;Walker, White & Srinivasan, 2018) та депресії (Noles, Cash & Winstead, 1985). ...
Підлітковий вік є кризовим періодом розвитку особистості, під час якого заново актуалізуються питання, пов'язані з освоєнням власного тілесного досвіду та його потягів, що потребує активації, перевірки та залучення нових психічних захистів. У ситуації фізичного захворювання та соціальної стигматизації цей процес стає більш складним і набуває певних особливостей. Мета цієї роботи – викласти результати емпіричного дослідження впливу механізмів психічного захисту на формування тілесного Я підлітків зі сколіозом, що навчаються в спеціалізованому закладі, та обговорити їх з урахуванням психоаналітичного підходу. У результаті емпіричного дослідження виявлено, що механізми психічного захисту впливають на кожну з трьох оптик тілесного Я підлітків: візуальну, мовну, емоційно-реляційну. У візуальній оптиці тілесного Я підлітків було виявлено предиктори щодо одного показника – «Горизонтальне розташування аркуша» в методиці «Автопортрет». Серед виявлених прямих предикторів були зазначені анулювання, розщеплення, соматизація та ізоляція; серед обернених – реактивне утворення, пасивна агресія, відігравання, ідеалізація, заперечення. У мовній оптиці тілесного Я ми встановили предиктори щодо двох показників: «Негативне ставлення до тіла» та «Негативне забарвлення тексту». Прямими предикторами першого показника стали аутистичне фантазування та заперечення; прямим предиктором другого – аутистичне фантазування. В емоційно-реляційній оптиці тілесного Я було встановлено предиктори трьох показників: «Сприйняття власного здоров’я зараз», «Сприйняття власної тілесності зараз» та «Тілесність, якої можна досягти в майбутньому». Прямими предикторами першого стали пасивна агресія, знецінення, дисоціація; оберненими – раціоналізація та соматизація. Прямими предикторами другого стали реактивне утворення та знецінення, оберненим – сублімація. Прямим предиктором третього показника стало реактивне утворення. У цей же час виявлено вплив механізмів захисту лише на візуальну оптику тілесного Я підлітків: показники «Наявність цілого тулуба» та «Горизонтальне розташування аркуша». Прямим предиктором першого стало зміщення, а оберненим для обох показників – відігравання. Отже, порівняно з контрольною групою підлітки експериментальної групи демонструють непрямі ознаки більш інфантильного сприймання та обходження зі своєю тілесністю на рівні життя захистів Я через низьку кількість та якість їх задіяння (із точки зору їхньої зрілості). У контексті психоаналітичних теорій ми розуміємо ці знахідки так: (а) оскільки спеціалізований навчальний заклад своєю назвою та фокусом уваги постійно означує фізичну ваду цих підлітків і нагадує про неї, то зустріч із власною символічною кастрованістю, як це відбувається в їх здорових однолітків, ускладнюється; натомість підлітка «переслідує» нібито реальна тілесна кастрація, захист від якої неможливий або ускладнений. Такі обставини можуть створювати додаткове підґрунтя для підтримки кастраційної тривоги; (б) інтенсивність задіяння скопічного потягу, однак незадоволеність змістом отриманого погляду може призводити до конфліктної напруги та виражати труднощі задіяння інших захистів, крім відігравання та зміщення; (в) сколіоз, окрім суто тілесного, займає ще й словесний, символічний простір, що постійно експлуатується відповідним оточенням та підпорядковує собі світ уяви.
... Finally, preserving the self-esteem of breast cancer patients appears to be a major clinical issue, given the impact of breast cancer treatments (e.g. chemotherapy and surgery) on body image (Batchelor, 2001;Manos et al., 2005;Moreira & Canavarro, 2010;Rzeszutek et al., 2019). If changes in the body's appearance are inevitable in the treatment of cancer, it could be interesting to target patients' self-evaluations by preserving or improving their self-esteem. ...
... Indeed, some sentences did not seem to be adapted to patients; in particular, the items referring to the dimension of physical attractiveness (e.g. the statement "I am pleased with my appearance" may be difficult to visualize for patients who are severely affected by the physical changes associated with treatments). This is consistent with the many studies that have shown the significant impact of breast cancer treatments on body image (Batchelor, 2001;Manos et al., 2005;Moreira & Canavarro, 2010;Rzeszutek et al., 2019). The inadequacy of the sentences targeting physical self-perceptions may have led to difficulties in the mental visualization task. ...
Low self-esteem is a vulnerability factor for depressive disorders, and the prevention of psychological disorders is essential in cancer patients. The enhancement of self-esteem in breast cancer patients may therefore be an appropriate clinical target. Previous studies have shown the efficacy of the Lexical Association Technique to enhance self-esteem in healthy subjects. This study aims to test the clinical efficacy and acceptability of the Lexical Association Technique on the self-esteem of cancer patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted on 63 breast cancer patients during their radiotherapy treatment. Global self-esteem measures were taken using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale before and after the Lexical Association Technique and 1 month after its end. The results showed a significant improvement in global self-esteem in patients immediately after performing the Lexical Association Technique compared to an active control group. However, the positive effects did not last 1 month. These results confirm the efficacy and suitability of the Lexical Association Technique for cancer patients. Avenues of research are This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
... It is evident that body image has some specifics in the case of somatic illness, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, *Address correspondence to this author at the Kryvyi Rih, Almazna street 12, Apt. 2, 50025, Ukraine; Tel: +380988977284; E-mail: cancer [27,28], chronic illnesses [29], unilateral cerebral palsy [22], physical disabilities [30], psoriasis [31], scoliosis [32]. Similarly, it has its specifics in case of psychic, personal or behavior disorders, e.g., schizophrenia [33], eating disorders [34][35][36][37][38], and depression [39]. ...
... For instance, the research participants from the experimental group drew a visible curvature of the drawn person's back more frequently, though both groups drew their whole bodies . This is in line with the other evidence that somatic illnesses (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, unilateral cerebral palsy, psoriasis, etc.) tend to predict the specifics of the body image [22,27,28,31]. It may be commented on as both their acceptance or disturbance with their scoliosis, which could be specified only by the interview. ...
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Background and Aims: Inadequate nutrient provision causes neonatal growth failure and malnutrition. Therefore, this study aimed to 1) quantify infant growth velocity from birth to hospital discharge, 2) determine the incidence of neonatal malnutrition at the time of discharge from a government hospital newborn unit in Nakuru, Kenya. Methods: After ethical approval, data was collected for infants (n=104) hospitalized >14 days (June 2016 - December 2018) including: birth gestational age (GA), birth and discharge weight (grams, g) with z-scores (2013 Fenton Preterm or 2006 World Health Organization 0-2 Year growth chart), hospital length of stay (LOS) days. Growth during hospitalization was calculated in g/day [(discharge weight – birth weight)/LOS] and g/kilogram(kg)/day [1000xln(birth weight/discharge weight)/LOS). Malnutrition was diagnosed by birth to discharge weight z-score change (decline): mild = 0.8-1.2 standard deviations (SD), moderate = >1.2-2.0 SD, severe = >2.0 SD. P-value <0.05 was significant. Results: 94/104 (90.4%) infants were preterm with median birth GA 32 weeks, weight 1500 g (z-score -0.33), LOS 21 days and discharge weight 1735 g (z-score -1.95). Median weight gain was 8.2 g/day or 5.2 g/kg/day with weight z-score change -1.34 SD. Linear regression predicted each hospital day decreased z-score by -0.031 (p<0.001). At discharge, 81.7% of infants met malnutrition criteria—27.1% mild, 49.4% moderate, 23.5% severe. Conclusions: Infants with LOS >14 days in a government hospital newborn unit in Nakuru, Kenya, experience growth rates below recommended velocities by the World Health Organization (23-34 grams/day from 0-4 months). Nutrition intervention is necessary to support appropriate growth.
... It is evident that body image has some specifics in the case of somatic illness, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, *Address correspondence to this author at the Kryvyi Rih, Almazna street 12, Apt. 2, 50025, Ukraine; Tel: +380988977284; E-mail: cancer [27,28], chronic illnesses [29], unilateral cerebral palsy [22], physical disabilities [30], psoriasis [31], scoliosis [32]. Similarly, it has its specifics in case of psychic, personal or behavior disorders, e.g., schizophrenia [33], eating disorders [34][35][36][37][38], and depression [39]. ...
... For instance, the research participants from the experimental group drew a visible curvature of the drawn person's back more frequently, though both groups drew their whole bodies . This is in line with the other evidence that somatic illnesses (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, unilateral cerebral palsy, psoriasis, etc.) tend to predict the specifics of the body image [22,27,28,31]. It may be commented on as both their acceptance or disturbance with their scoliosis, which could be specified only by the interview. ...
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The body image is to be reconstructed during adolescence, which is more difficult in the case of somatic illness and social stigma. This research aimed to study adolescents' body image with scoliosis, students of a special educational institution in Ukraine socially identified with stigma as 'a school for scoliotics'. The participants (n=104) of the research were adolescents (13-15 years old) with scoliosis from the institution mentioned above (n=52, 24 males, 28 females) and adolescents without scoliosis from the same city (n=52, 24 males, 28 females). Two methods were used to collect the data: (1) Self-portraits; (2) Dembo-Rubinstein Self-Assessment Scale. The adolescents with scoliosis and labeled as 'scoliotics' face additional obstructions in their psychic body development compared to their peers. For instance, they tend to overinvest in the desired image of a healthy body and do not feel able to get it. We found the markers of four different ways to cope with the situation by the adolescents with scoliosis: (a) identification as 'a scoliotic' instead of hope to be cured soon; (b) psychological distancing from the others to preserve the desire of a more attractive body image; (c) repression or denial of the body parts which could relate to scoliosis; (d) infantilization, aimed to slow down the discovery of their maturing corporeality. Consequently, adolescents with scoliosis affected by stigma experience the gap or conflict between their current, desired and perceived realistic body image.
... Until now, the majority of studies on Hobfoll's theory have been carried out in non-clinical settings (e.g. [19,20,22,48]) and much less is known about the application of this theory to the clinical environment, especially in patients struggling with chronic illness [8,43]. For example, Dirik and Karanci [8] showed that loss of resources as described by COR can be an important predictor of illness-related distress (see depression and anxiety) among rheumatoid arthritis patients. ...
... For example, Dirik and Karanci [8] showed that loss of resources as described by COR can be an important predictor of illness-related distress (see depression and anxiety) among rheumatoid arthritis patients. In addition, Rzeszutek et al. [43] observed the role of family resources from the COR theory for better psychological functioning among females suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and females with breast cancer. ...
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Purpose: The aim of the study was first to examine the heterogeneity of body image and resources, as described by the conservation of resources theory (COR), in a sample of psoriatic patients and explore whether heterogeneity within these variables explains the possible differences in levels of life satisfaction among the participants. Second, we aimed to investigate if life satisfaction level among the observed profiles of psoriatic patients, extracted on the basis of their body image and resources, differed from that of the healthy comparison group. Methods: The sample consisted of 735 participants, including 355 adults with a medical diagnosis of psoriasis and 380 healthy adults recruited from a non-clinical general population. Participants filled the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire and the COR evaluation questionnaire. Results: Latent profile analysis revealed four classes of psoriatic patients with different levels of resources and body image. The group with the highest level of resources and the most positive body image did not differ from the healthy comparison group regarding satisfaction with life. The group with the lowest level of resources and the most negative body image was characterized by the lowest satisfaction with life. Conclusions: The results of our study may change the simplifying trend that highlights the traditionally very poor well-being of psoriatic patients. Moreover, the discovery of specific profiles of these patients, which differ with regard to psychological variables, can lead to rethinking contemporary forms of psychological counselling in psoriatic patients.
... Les altérations physiques liées aux traitements du cancer sont fréquentes et vont entrainer une modification de l'image de soi et du corps (Batchelor, 2001;Fobair et al., 2006;Paterson et al., 2016;Rzeszutek et al., 2019 ...
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Self-esteem is recognized as an essential psychological resource. Low self-esteem is a trans-diagnostic symptom of many psychological disorders. Considering its association with coping skills and psychological adjustment strategies, the preservation of self-esteem appears to be an important clinical issue in oncology care as it would allow patients to better cope with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This thesis, through a meta-analysis of the interventions proposed to increase self-esteem in adults, has highlighted some of their characteristics that limit their efficacy and clinical applicability. Then, seven randomized controlled studies were conducted and allowed the development of a new short and self-administered technique for self-esteem increase, easily applicable to cancer patients. The lexical association technique aims at improving self-esteem by reinforcing the associative links between the Self and positive concepts stored in memory, through the activation of semantic and episodic forms of self-knowledge. This reinforcement is based on a reading and mental visualization exercise. In this thesis, the efficacy of the lexical association technique on global self-esteem was highlighted in students and breast cancer patients. Various studies aiming to simplifying and increasing the clinical applicability of the technique have demonstrated the need for retrieval of detailed memory traces, as well as the importance of contact with the experimenter in the efficacy of our technique. These results enabled us to develop and test a second format of the lexical association technique on global self-esteem, optimizing the activation of episodic self-perceptions, and proposing personalized and engaging exercises. Self-perceptions, on which self-esteem is based, are rooted in the individual's memory system. This thesis has contributed to highlighting that their reinforcement requires a combined activation of the different forms of self-knowledge that constitute them. However, the clinical applications of the lexical association technique as a transdiagnostic intervention have yet to be defined.
... First, physical damage related to cancer treatment is common and leads to changes in body image (Batchelor, 2001;Fobair et al., 2006;Paterson et al., 2016;Rzeszutek et al., 2019). This impact on body image would lead to a modification of selfviews and could induce a decrease in self-esteem (Pintado, 2017). ...
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Numerous studies showed that cancer significantly increases the risk of developing depressive and anxious symptoms. It has been shown that self-esteem is an important psychological resource and is associated with many health behaviors. Furthermore, the vulnerability model of low self-esteem, which has received strong empirical support, highlights that low self-esteem is a real risk factor in the development of depressive disorders. This article aims at providing an overview of the involvement of self-esteem in the psychological adjustment to cancer. After briefly reviewing the literature, we suggest that its implication in the development of depressive disorders and its association with coping strategies and social support in cancer patients justify the consideration of self-esteem in oncology psychological care, especially in young adult patients and those with significant physical impairment following treatment.
... Stigma in WBC proved to be a concern of different social contexts, especially in populations with cultural bias against women (Lam & Fielding, 2003). As a result of these prejudices, WBC find themselves in the self-struggles imposed by internalized shame for their condition, which predispose them to experience a great deal of distress (Cho et al., 2013 (Rzeszutek et al., 2020), society perpetuating ES adversely affects their internalized appearance ideals, leaves them ashamed of their condition to perceive their BI as defected. As self is a social entity, shame and embarrassment can be seen as one's self-(de)valuation through the (internalized) viewpoints of others (Scheff, 2003). ...
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Aims To investigate the roles of total stigma, enacted stigma, and internalized stigma in the prediction of psychological distress among breast cancer patients, and to evaluate the mediating effect of body image in this process. Design Cross‐sectional. Methods Between Oct‐2014 to May‐2015, a cross‐sectional study was conducted with participation of 223 patients from three cancer centres located in Tehran, Iran. The study variables were assessed using the stigma scale for chronic illnesses 8‐item version (SSCI‐8), body image scale (BIS), and depression anxiety stress scale (DASS‐21). Structural equation modelling using MLR estimator was employed based on the two‐step procedure to validate both the full measurement models and the structural models. Five models were tested to determine predictability of all stigma constructs for psychological distress, including stress, anxiety, and depression, through the mediation of body image. Three equivalent models were further examined to re‐evaluate the direction of the relationships. Results Psychological distress and body image were largely predicted by total stigma, enacted stigma, and internalized stigma. The effect of stigma on psychological distress was mediated through body image. In a serial mediation model, the significance of the pathway of enacted stigma > internalized stigma > body image > psychological distress was confirmed. The serial model in which internalized stigma precedes body image was also supported by the equivalent models. Conclusion Stigma has been identified as a major source of psychological distress among women with breast cancer. Enacted stigma not only psychologically disturbs the patients but also triggers a chain of other identity transformations (i.e. internalization of stigma and distortion of body image), their ultimate result being a full‐blown psychological distress. Impact Both enacted and internalized stigma distorts breast cancer patients' perception of their body image, which in turn renders them psychologically distressed. The serial process of enacted stigma, internalized stigma, and body image plays an important role in perpetuating distress in these patients. To break this chain of psychological consequences and for interventions to have a greater impact on overall well‐being of patients, the effect of enacted stigma on distress via the sequence of two mediators needs to be specifically targeted at each stage.
Purpose: There may be a correlation between self-esteem as an important psychological resource for individuals and Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR), but the relationship between the two is unclear. The aim of our investigation was to evaluate the association of FCR and self-esteem in cancer survivors. Methods: Cross-sectional sampling was used to select cancer survivors. The study instruments used included: General information questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale, Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory- Shorter Form. We used logistic regression, where models were adjusted considering confounding variables to determine odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association of FCR with self-esteem. Results: Between February 2022 to July 2022, we screened 380 participants for eligibility, of whom 348 were included in the study. The percentage of cancer survivors who experienced clinical level of FCR was 73.9% and the self-esteem score was 27.73 ± 3.67 at a moderate level. The Pearson' s correlation coefficient indicated a significant inverse relationship between FCR and self-esteem (p < 0.001; r = -0.375). In a multivariable logistic regression model, FCR still has a negative correlation with self-esteem (OR, 0.812; 95%CI, 0.734-0.898). Subgroup analysis indicated that the correlation between FCR and self-esteem in cancer survivors was nearly the same in various strata, demonstrating its soundness and stability. Conclusions: This study confirms that elevated self-esteem in individuals surviving cancer may be a protective factor for FCR. Improving the level of self-esteem in cancer survivors can be one of the important directions of clinical interventions for FCR.
As breast cancer is on the rise, it is essential to understand the consequences of the diagnosis for patients. This article investigates whether there are differences in different psychosocial variables in Spanish women with breast cancer according to the type of surgery the patients underwent and in comparison with a control group. A study was carried out in the north of Spain in which 54 women participated (27 women were the control group, and 27 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer). The results of the study indicate that women with breast cancer have lower self-esteem and worse body image, sexual performance, and sexual satisfaction than women in the control group. No differences were found in optimism. These variables do not differ according to the type of surgery the patients underwent. The findings confirm the need to work on these variables in women diagnosed with breast cancer in psychosocial intervention programs.
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Yoga is increasingly being recommended as a health self‑management strategy for people with a range of disabilities. Mainstream yoga media have been criticized for limited representation of racial/ethnic, gender, age, and body size diversity within their publications; however, it is not known how these media outlets include visual representations of or textual information relevant for people with disabilities (PWDs). The purpose of this research was to understand if and how mainstream yoga media visually represent and include information for PWDs. We conducted a content analysis of the “Yogapedia” section of each Yoga Journal magazine published in 2015 and 2016 (n = 17). Two independent coders rated all of the images and text in these sections. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach informed by a prominent theoretical model of disablement. Results suggest that images contained no representation of disability. In contrast, magazine text included an abundance of references to disability; however, these mentions predominately aligned with constructs found early in the disablement process and strongly focused on physical and mobility limitations. These findings expand upon previous research examining the underrepresentation of marginalized groups within yoga media and illuminate a paucity of relevant information for individuals with disabilities who are interested in and may benefit from yoga practice.
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The purpose of the current study was to investigate how post-surgery multifaceted body image predicts negative affect (NA) 6 months post-surgery among women undergoing mastectomy. In total, 310 Chinese women undergoing mastectomy were recruited from a hospital in the Hunan province between 2012 and 2013. Upon enrollment (T1), all women were administered the Chinese version of Body Image after Breast Cancer Questionnaire (BIBCQ) (BIBCQ-C), NA subscale of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD). Two weeks later, BIBCQ-C was re-administered. Six months later (T2), the NA subscale was administered again. We first evaluated the psychometric properties of BIBCQ-C, and then investigated the long-term impact of different aspects of body image on NA using forced entry hierarchical regression analyses. The BIBCQ-C scores demonstrated acceptable internal consistency (all Cronbach’s α > 0.70) and test–retest reliability (all ICC > 0.86). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the six-factor model (CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.04). Regression analysis showed that two dimensions of body image, vulnerability (β = 0.217) and body concern (β = 0.119) at T1, significantly predict NA at T2 (all p < 0.05). BIBCQ-C was a good instrument for measuring multifaceted body image. Improvement of vulnerability and body concern, two aspects of body image, may reduce post-surgery NA among Chinese women undergoing mastectomy.
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Focusing on body functionality is a promising technique for improving women’s body image. This study replicates prior research in a large novel sample, tests longer-term follow-up effects, and investigates underlying mechanisms of these effects (body complexity and body-self integration). British women (N = 261) aged 18-30 who wanted to improve their body image were randomised to Expand Your Horizon (three online body functionality writing exercises) or an active control. Trait body image was assessed at Pretest, Posttest, 1-week, and 1-month Follow-Up. To explore whether changes in body complexity and body-self integration ‘buffer’ the impact of negative body-related experiences, participants also completed beauty-ideal media exposure. Relative to the control, intervention participants experienced improved appearance satisfaction, functionality satisfaction, body appreciation, and body complexity at Posttest, and at both Follow-Ups. Neither body complexity nor body-self integration mediated intervention effects. Media exposure decreased state body satisfaction among intervention and control participants, but neither body complexity nor body-self integration moderated these effects. The findings underscore the value of focusing on body functionality for improving body image and show that effects persist one month post-intervention.
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Stress has been extensively studied as a psychosomatic factor associated with breast cancer. This study aims to review the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), its associated risk factors, the role of predicting factors for its early diagnosis/prevention, the implications for co-treatment, and the potential links by which stress could impact cancer risk, by closely examining the literature on breast cancer survivors. The authors systematically reviewed studies published from 2002 to 2016 pertaining to PTSD, breast cancer and PTSD, and breast cancer and stress. The prevalence of PTSD varies between 0% and 32.3% mainly as regards the disease phase, the stage of disease, and the instruments adopted to detect prevalence. Higher percentages were observed when the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale was administered. In regard to PTSD-associated risk factors, no consensus has been reached to date; younger age, geographic provenance with higher prevalence in the Middle East, and the presence of previous cancer diagnosis in the family or relational background emerged as the only variables that were unanimously found to be associated with higher PTSD prevalence. Type C personality can be considered a risk factor, together with low social support. In light of the impact of PTSD on cognitive, social, work-related, and physical functioning, co-treatment of cancer and PTSD is warranted and a multidisciplinary perspective including specific training for health care professionals in communication and relational issues with PTSD patients is mandatory. However, even though a significant correlation was found between stressful life events and breast cancer incidence, an unequivocal implication of distress in breast cancer is hard to demonstrate. For the future, overcoming the methodological heterogeneity represents one main focus. Efficacy studies could help when evaluating the effect of co-treating breast cancer and post-traumatic stress symptoms, even if all the criteria for a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders diagnosis are not fulfilled.
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Purpose: Unmanaged distress has been shown to adversely affect survival and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Fortunately, distress can be managed and even prevented with appropriate evidence-based interventions. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to synthesize the published literature around predictors of distress in female breast cancer survivors to help guide targeted intervention to prevent distress. Methods: Relevant studies were located by searching MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases. Significance and directionality of associations for commonly assessed candidate predictors (n ≥ 5) and predictors shown to be significant (p ≤ 0.05) by at least two studies were summarized descriptively. Predictors were evaluated based on the proportion of studies that showed a significant and positive association with the presence of distress. Results: Forty-two studies met the target criteria and were included in the review. Breast cancer and treatment-related predictors were more advanced cancer at diagnosis, treatment with chemotherapy, longer primary treatment duration, more recent transition into survivorship, and breast cancer recurrence. Manageable treatment-related symptoms associated with distress included menopausal/vasomotor symptoms, pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. Sociodemographic characteristics that increased the risk of distress were younger age, non-Caucasian ethnicity, being unmarried, and lower socioeconomic status. Comorbidities, history of mental health problems, and perceived functioning limitations were also associated. Modifiable predictors of distress were lower physical activity, lower social support, and cigarette smoking. Conclusions: This review established a set of evidence-based predictors that can be used to help identify women at higher risk of experiencing distress following completion of primary breast cancer treatment.
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This study examines the mediating role of employee followership and job satisfaction in the relationship between person–organization (P-O) fit and turnover intention. Understanding the mechanisms that link P-O fit and turnover intention may provide useful intervention strategies for leaders and human resource professionals to effectively manage and interact with their followers. Using Hobfoll’s conservation of resources theory, we explore a three-step mediation model in which high P-O fit is related to turnover intention through employee followership and job satisfaction. This model is tested using cross-sectional survey responses from 692 faculty at an urban public university. The authors discuss the implications of the results as well as the limitations of the study for future research.
Background: Anxiety and depression are the most prevalent mental health pathologies among women with breast cancer. Social, clinical and contextual variables may influence emotional stress among women with breast cancer. The aim of this work is to study anxiety and depression in a cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer between 2003 and 2013 in Barcelona. We evaluate social and clinical determinants. Methods: We performed a mixed cohort study (prospective and retrospective) using a convenience sample of women diagnosed with breast cancer. The information sources were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression questionnaire and hospital medical records. Dependent variables were anxiety and depression; independent variables were social class, age, employment status, tumour stage at diagnosis, time since diagnosis, social network and social support. We performed a descriptive analysis, a bivariate analysis, and a multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 1086 (48.6%) women had some degree of anxiety-related problem. As for depression. In the case of depression, 225 (15%) women had some degree of depression-related problem. Low emotional support and social isolation were clear risk factors for having more anxiety and depression. Low social class was also a risk factor, and age also played a role. Discussion: Our results show that women long period of cancer survival have high prevalences of anxiety than depression, and this prevalence of anxiety is higher than the general population. In addition, we found inequalities between social classes and the isolation and social support are worse too in low social class.