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Mindful Leadership: The Ability of the Leader to Develop Compassion and Attention without Judgment - A Case Study of the Leader of Buddhist Higher Education Institute


Abstract and Figures

The objective of this research is to describe the practice of mindful leadership at the IABS-Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet, France, looking at the abbot's pattern and role in developing and managing the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies and the monastery. This research uses the approach of qualitative research with the method of a single case study. The research data collection uses the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation study. The research procedure used in this research consists of several research steps utilizing the case study method of Robert K. Yin: research planning, research design, research preparation, research data collection, research data analysis, and doing the research report. The research analysis is done by pattern matching. The data validity testing through data source triangulation and technique triangulation. The result of this research shows that mindful leadership can develop the ability to develop compassion and attention without judgment. The study shows that a leader has compassion towards global issues and can accept with openness. A leader who practices mindfulness for a long time can direct towards openness of one's self to others. The leader can lead with compassion and care and also understand hi members well. The ability to develop this compassion shows the ability to listen without judgment, not blame, and not discriminate..
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Research Article doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.9.1.51
European Journal of Educational Research
Volume 9, Issue 1, 51 - 65.
ISSN: 2165-8714
Mindful Leadership: The Ability of the Leader to Develop Compassion and
Attention without Judgment - A Case Study of the Leader of Buddhist
Higher Education Institute
Burmansah Burmansah*
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA
Rugaiyah Rugaiyah
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA
Mukhneri Mukhtar
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA
Siti Nabilah
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA
Ahmad Jauhari Hamid Ripki
Arum Fatayan
Universitas Muhammadiah Prof Dr
Received: June 6, 2019 Revised: September 24, 2019 Accepted: November 22, 2019
Abstract: The objective of this research is to describe the practice of mindful leadership at the IABS - Plum Village Buddhist
Monastery Upper Hamlet, France, looking at the abbot's pattern and role in developing and managing the Institute of Advanced
Buddhist Studies and the monastery. This research uses the approach of qualitative research with the method of a single case study.
The research data collection uses the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation study. The research procedure used
in this research consists of several research steps utilizing the case study method of Robert K. Yin: research planning, research
design, research preparation, research data collection, research data analysis, and doing the research report. The research analysis is
done by pattern matching. The data validity testing through data source triangulation and technique triangulation. The result of this
research shows that mindful leadership can develop the ability to develop compassion and attention without judgment. The study
shows that a leader has compassion towards global issues and can accept with openness. A leader who practices mindfulness for a
long time can direct towards openness of one’s self to others. The leader can lead with compassion and care and also understand hi
members well. The ability to develop this compassion shows the ability to listen without judgment, not blame, and not discriminate..
Keywords: Mindful leadership, mindfulness, deep listening, compassion, non-judgment, qualitative case study.
To cite this article: Burmansah, B., Rugaiyah, R., Mukhtar, M., Nabilah, S., Ripki, A. J. H., & Fatayan, A. (2020). Mindful leadership:
The ability of the leader to develop compassion and attention without judgment - A case study of the leader of Buddhist higher
education institute. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(1), 51-65.
It is known that the leadership issue and crisis make many leaders and practitioners eager to apply applicative and
practical teaching practices in order to face the 21st century. In the dynamic workplaces today, leaders who can
challenge the status quo are needed in order to inspire and influence the organization members, and also help to
develop and take care of the workplace well (Lunenburg, 2011). The real crisis happening today in leadership is on how
to become trustworthy, selfless, honest, and caring. These are extraordinary qualities. If leaders consistently display
these behaviors, the workplace and its employees will perform better in many things. However, not all leaders,
including those who are famous and successful, show these qualities (Hougaard, Carter, & Dybkjaer, 2017). Leaders
must respect and take advantage of opportunities to increase their self-awareness fully about characteristics, skills, and
behavior that are relevant. Leaders must develop flexible and adaptive skills in a world that is full of changes,
uncertainty, difficulty, and pressure (Yukl & Mahsud, 2010).
Mindful leadership has a positive and significant correlation between mindfulness and flexibility of leadership. Leaders
who are more mindful have more ability to perform a leadership style that is more flexible (Baron, Rouleau, Grégoire, &
Corresponding author:
Burmansah, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Kampus A UNJ, Gedung Bung Hatta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia.
© 2019 The Author(s). Open Access - This article is under the CC BY license (
52 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
Baron, 2017). Mindfulness practice is a strong and effective tool to help leaders face adaptive changes in this era.
Becoming mindful ensures leaders to be able to keep focusing on the vision and goals that are in progress. Most leaders
do not have a clear vision and goals for themselves or their organizations (Hunter & Chaskalson, 2013). Furthermore,
other mindful leadership studies reveal that continuous mindfulness practices in leadership reduces stress, increases
health, and can affect transformational leadership. Therefore, it increases intrinsic motivation and performance (Kroon,
Van Woerkom, & Menting, 2017; Wasylkiw, Holton, Azar, & Cook, 2015). When leaders consider ways that can increase
effectivity and also reduce their stress, mindfulness can offer practices for both. It is a strong commitment to reducing
stress and leadership behavior that is effective, and it also boosts progress for education leaders (Wells, 2015).
Mindfulness helps leaders to have skills in awareness, love, sympathy, self-care, care for others, and care for nature.
However, they will be humble in their contributions. They have high motivation in giving their service for others and
find peace in themselves by practicing meditation and mindfulness and also nurturing compassion, understanding, and
peace (Xuan Bach, 2014). Mindful leaders are aware that the combination of presence, awareness, calmness, focus,
clarity, balance, positivity, compassion, and flawlessness makes them become better leaders, and they continue to make
an effort to develop these skills further (Chatterji & Zsolnai, 2016). Great leaders face the uncertainties of the world
with hope: they inspire with a clear vision, optimism, and deep faith in their abilities and their people to transform
dreams into reality. Great leaders face sacrifices, difficulty, challenges, and opportunities with empathy and love for the
people they lead and serve (Boyatzis & McKee, 2005). Their people are developed through training and accompaniment
with compassion. Compassion and non-judgmental are the center of mindfulness (Wells, 2015).
Literature Review
In an educational institution, management is related to functions. Meanwhile, leadership is based on the process of
influencing consciously and the relationship with members. Experts define leadership as a process of influencing the
leader and the followers to achieve an organization’s goals through changes in a process in which influence is
intentionally given to another party to counsel, construct, facilitate activities, and relate with a group or organization
which is organized by having real results which reflect their everyday goals (Achua & Lussier, 2010; Daft, 2015;
Hughes, Ginnet, & Curphy, 2012; Yukl, 2009). The dimension of leadership in education institutions consists of the
vision, values, and transformational which focus on human resources (Muraru & Patrascu, 2017).
Leadership in education occurs when the leader takes the initiative to facilitate the existing condition to apply changes
in teaching and learning. They must create opportunities to make it possible for followers to develop personal
understanding and form social groups to make it possible to support each other during the process of change. They
must also have the drive to think about training (Ibrahim & Abdalla, 2017; Wulandari, 2019). Leadership in educational
institutions is an essential factor in achieving high performance. The leader makes a significant change in any
organization (Atkinson, 2013). Leadership in education may also be understood as a process of influencing based on
values and explicit beliefs, and even direct a vision for the organizational institution (Bush, 2007). Leadership is also a
process of creating changes in maintaining the status quo which exists in management. Focus on self-awareness,
reflection, and setting priorities becomes self-mastery in leading change in an organization (Antonio & Jonathan, 2007).
Within a leader, leadership is unique because every leader has characteristics and a leadership style that is different
from others in initiating and directing followers. Leadership is a tender process in giving reciprocal influence which
combines thoughts, feelings, and actions. This yields cooperation in serving the goals which are embraced by both of
the parties the leader and the followers (Bolman & Deal, 2008; Burmansah, Sujanto, & Mukhtar, 2019). The
realization of leadership activities in a group and sharing activities in teams is essential in terms of leadership actions
(Ersozlu, 2016). Leaders need to value and take advantage of opportunities to increase their mindfulness about
relevant traits, skills, and behaviors. Leaders must develop skills to be flexible and adaptive in a world full of change,
uncertainty, difficulty, and stress (Yukl & Mahsud, 2010). There is a lack of leaders who are fully aware of, whether in
politics, religion, organizations, business, education, sports, and other institutions. So, there is an urgent need for
leaders who are competent, principled, sensitive, compassionate and fully aware (Go & JE, 2015).
Relationship with the construct of mindfulness with leadership actions that is the ability to be aware, able to direct
attention now and now, able to develop patience, listen deeply, build trust, develop compassion, balance without
discrimination, the ability to let go of the remembrance of a view, not blame and judge, and not be reactive (Wells,
2015). Mindfulness and the application of mindful practices can have a great impact on leadership. Being fully aware
and taking the time to be present and aware in a routine job can make a significant difference both for employees and
the organization (Beverage, DeLong, Herold, & Neufeld, 2014).
Mindfulness correlates with emotional intelligence, which is connected to good social skills, the ability to work
together, and the ability to look at other perspectives. Practicing mindfulness has been repeatedly shown to gain other’s
attention, increase performance, increase productivity and satisfaction at work, and also improve the relationship
European Journal of Educational Research 53
between colleagues. Therefore, it reduces stress at work. A mindful person can control their behavior better, and
he/she is ready to set aside or change his/her internal thoughts and feelings and also take action based on impulse
(Chaskalson, 2011). Mindfulness is defined by the experts as an activity of inner presence or awareness quality to pay
attention to things just as they are intentionally and pay attention to things that we often miss, and also be aware of our
experiences at the moment and now when they occur, without judgment, and with compassion (Black, 2015; Goldstein,
2016; Gonzalez, 2012). Mindfulness is a certain way to give attention and the awareness that emerges through
attention and also a way to look closely into ourselves with the motivation to know and understand ourselves (Kabat-
Zinn, 2005). Mindfulness practice is needed to create an effect which is beneficial related to the role of the practice
itself formally and informally. Understanding this issue is essential to support the maintenance of these mindfulness
practices and to maintain the endurance and prosperity in the long term (Birtwell, Williams, van Marwijk, Armitage, &
Sheffield, 2018). Mindfulness practice is an effective strategy to improve leadership (Wasylkiw et al., 2015).
Mindfulness practice is the condition of the individual which is transformative; it nurtures leadership practices that are
transformational and mindful. In the end, it creates an organizational culture that is mindful (Ulmcke, 2016). By having
mindfulness in working, we can change how we respond to difficult work hours. In turn, this can change the culture of
an organization. Mindfulness can give us a new way of working, and the workplace can be more humanistic (Gelles,
Mindful Leadership
Mindful leadership is based on strong basic endurance. Strengthening the leader’s ability to face various things and
changes. The ability to investigate, innovate, and find new ways and perspectives together. Mindful leadership has a
positive relationship with work performance as a whole and related with the prosperity of employees and also shows
the potential role to lead the organization with mindfulness so that the leaders can control themselves and the team
and also their organization more effectively (Koole, 2014; Reb, Chaturvedi, Narayanan, & Kudesia, 2018). Mindful
leadership is defined by experts as attention which is given for the moment and now without judgment and paying
attention to characteristics and also helps to maintain the condition of the mind to be optimal, develop intelligence in
the process of influencing others in achieving goals by nurturing a healthy condition and becoming a beacon of
kindness, responsive and clear, flexibility in thoughts and actions, ending the autopilot behavior and habits and also
doing the best in certain conditions, even the most difficult ones (Adams, 2016; Bunting, 2016; Chatterji & Zsolnai,
2016; Dickmann & Stanford-Blair, 2009). Mindful leadership is also defined as the relationship between the mind and
leadership and also focusing on the moment and realizing it (Beverage, DeLong, Herold, & Neufeld, 2014).
In mindful leadership, mindfulness is the basis of leadership which distracts attention to uncertain territory, without
losing attention toward this moment and now. Mindful leadership ensures that the team and the organization have
awareness about what they are doing. Also, for that, they must learn to shift between actions and reflections (Koole,
2014). Mindful leadership combines mindfulness practices with management techniques and practical leadership,
which enables leaders to involve their various capacities with existing challenges. Mindful leadership experiences the
internal and external world, and this directs the attention of the individual and group on the situation and what is
desired by ourselves and them. Mindful leadership serves as a practice to observe the strong drive when reacting, the
tendency of the mind to limit focus under the pressure of stress, the dynamics of awkward conversation can sometimes
be solved by achieving the least general denominators to achieve agreement on the most skillful choice, and negative
effects from excessive information (Adams, 2016; Koole, 2014; Marturano, 2014).
In relation to the development of a vision and communication, mindfulness is a unique source and key aspect for
leaders to combine attention and reflection to communicate successful vision in emotional expression levels which are
displayed by leaders in behaving and acting when understanding strategic goals clearly in the organization and
department units (Walsh & Arnold, 2018). Wells describes more holistically the connection between mindful
leadership and actions in leadership. Those leadership actions are forming a vision, developing culture, communicating,
influencing, having power, modeling change, nurturing the organization, working together, capacity building in the
organization, developing the main purpose, and solving problems and conflicts. The relationship with the mindfulness
construct is the ability to realize, the ability to direct attention to this moment and now, the ability to develop patience,
listen deeply, build trust, develop compassion, achieve balance without discrimination, the ability to drop certain
perceptions, not blame and judge, and not behave reactively (Wells, 2015). Mindful leadership nurtures compassion
and possesses real quality; it completely and perfectly increases the ability to pay attention without judgment in the
current moment and leaves an impression of his presence on the people around him (Marturano, 2014).
The Ability of the Leaders to Develop Compassion and Attention with Non-Judgment
The presence of leadership is of real quality. It requires complete attention without judgment in the present moment.
Those around the mindful leader see and feel that presence (Marturano, 2014). The ability to see ourselves objectively
is called mindful self-awareness. We have an awareness that is balanced and non-judgmental both from the outside
world and our inner world. Thoughts and ego become the object of our awareness (Tenney & Gard, 2016). A leader that
practices mindfulness and develops compassion within himself will strengthen his leadership and ability to make
54 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
decisions (Lewis & Ebbeck, 2014). Compassion is the readiness to respond to other’s difficulty without revenge or hate
with the motivation to make the suffering disappear (Stoeber, 2005). Having compassion means identifying when
someone is experiencing difficulty from another party, is in an unfortunate condition, ignoring the fear of rejection
towards him, and the natural care and kindness flows towards others who are experiencing difficulty. The experience
of compassion does leave the tendency to combat emotional discomfort. It is full acceptance from other parties,
difficulty, and our reaction towards problems (Germer, 2009). Showing compassion is a mindful action of self-
identification (Moore, 2008). Leaders who are mindful act coherent and consistent, and show behavior that is full of
compassion. Leaders who are compassionate have deep concern without attachment. They do their best all the time in
any situation. They understand the importance and they respect self-compassion because they know that without
taking care of themselves, their ability to serve and work at a high level would discontinue (Gonzalez, 2012).
A great leader faces the uncertainties of the world today with hope and inspiration through clear vision, optimism, and
trust. The followers hope that their dreams will come true. The leader can face sacrifices, difficulties, and challenges. It
is the opportunity to develop actions that are empathic and compassionate for the people they lead and serve (Boyatzis
& McKee, 2005). The leader develops others through training and counseling with compassion. Compassion and no
judgment is the center of mindfulness practices (Wells, 2015). Mindfulness practices strengthen empathy and prevent
negative labeling and evaluate someone’s feelings and inner mind with depression or judgment and blaming in every
moment for the sake of individual prosperity (Atkins, 2013; Barcaccia et al., 2019). Fear, disappointment, frustration,
and helplessness can cause the leader to isolate their hearts and be emotionally detached from those who need help.
Mindfulness enables leaders to stop being judgmental and, as a replacement, choose to expand their compassion
(Giovannoni, 2017). Mindfulness can even make leaders more flexible in their vision and help individuals not to be
attached and let go of representation and solution strategies in the past (Kudesia, 2015). It is being non-judgmental in
mindfulness, accepting the current condition as a part of the constant flow of changing experiences. This paradigm
shows that is not attached, and letting go of judgment strengthens the mind, and it challenges the illusion that
something that is overthought gives power to it (Bauback & David, 2009).
Besides, mindfulness can become the main competence of a leader in which they can attain bravery, enthusiasm, and
awareness. The leader nurtures mindfulness to use the ability of the mind to apply leadership practices. Mindful
leadership is defined as the practice of mindfulness, non-judgmental towards others by being present in the moment.
Mindfulness is assumed as the key competence of leadership where leaders can gain peace, courage, enthusiasm, and
awareness. Leaders that nurture their presence so that they can use the power of their mind to do their leadership
duties (Chatterji & Zsolnai, 2016). What a leader that is mindful needs to pay attention to is the ability to observe and
respond to each situation in the healthiest way and also accept anything that happens and respond with kindness,
compassion, and understanding. With awareness of the organization as a form of respect towards the organization's
culture and values, in regards to the mindful leadership behavior with a meditation practice that involves current
monitoring, it is something priceless to understand and be aware of the organization (Carroll, 2007).
Research Setting
The research was carried out at the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies (Institut Des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques) -
Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet of France. The study was conducted in August 2017 until March 2019.
Research Design
This research is a case study using a qualitative research approach that produces descriptive data in the form of written
or oral words from interviews with people and the observed behavior of people. The purpose of using this case study
method is to understand real-life phenomena in-depth (Yin, 2009). In this study, researchers used a single instrument
case study, in this case, the mindful leadership of the leader of IABS - Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet of
France. In a single instrument case study: the researcher focuses on an issue or problem and then choos es one limited
case to describe this problem (Creswell, 2007).
Research Questions
The research questions are as follows: (a) How does the leader able to face difficulties and challenges? (b) How does
the leader develop empathetic, compassionate, and non-judgmental actions through the mindfulness practice? (c) How
does the leader apply the quality of compassion, empathy and non-judgmental in interacting with different people in
the community (organization)? (d) How does the leader pay attention to and deal with each situation? (e) How does the
leader show leadership with compassion and care for all the people?
Research Informants
Interviews with the informants are an important source of case study evidence because most case studies are related to
human events or behavior (Yin, 2009). Researchers used purposive sampling and snowball sampling. To obtain data
European Journal of Educational Research 55
information, researchers set informants as targets for research conducted in accordance with the quality and
characteristics of the informants. In the process of collecting data, this research involved researchers and interviewed
the leaders of IABS Upper Hamlet, Implementing Coordinators, Daily Board of Management, Dharma Teachers,
Students (Monks, Nuns, Sramanera, and Sramaneri). Those who were involved in this research are listed in the
following table:
Table 1 Research Informants
Code of Informant
(Key Informant)
Dharma Teacher
The Abbot (Leader) of IABS Plum Village Buddhist Monastery,
Upper Hamlet, France
The Coordinator of Caretaking Council
The Coordinator of Short-term Education and Training Program
The Coordinator of IT and Website
Dharma Teacher
Dharma Teacher
The Coordinator of Office
The Coordinator of Building and Maintenance
The Assistant of Dharma Teacher
The Coordinator of Monastic Library
Lay Practitioner
The Coordinator of General Students
Lay Practitioner
The Coordinator of Caretaking Council for Lay Practitioner
The Mentor of the Long-Term Program
Collecting Data Techniques
The principles that need to be considered in collecting case study data are, "(1) use multiple sources of evidence; (2)
create a case study database; (3) maintain a chain of evidence ”(Yin, 2009, pp. 114–122). İn this research, data
collection has been done in various settings, various sources, and multiple ways. Data collection techniques carried out
by participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data collection activities are collected from
brochures (extensive forms), documents (documentation), and the results of records (archival records), interviews,
observation, and physical artifacts. Recorded information is obtained from records, interviews and observational
protocols. Data is stored in notes, transcripts, and files on a computer. Data collection procedures are carried out
directly in the field with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, and documentation
techniques while the instruments in this study were not used because they were not mass-produced and the
informants of the research were policymakers at the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies - Plum Village Buddhist
Monastery Upper Hamlet of France.
The following three data collection techniques are performed: (a) Observation, researcher are involved with the daily
activities of IABS’ leader who is being observed or used as sources of research data. (b) Interviews, the interview guide
used only outlines the issues that will be asked, understand the situation and the right time conditions for the
interview. (c) Documentation, in this research documentation study, is collecting documents and data needed for
research problems and then analyzed intensively so that it can support and increase the trust and proof of an event.
The results of the interview is more reliable and supported by documents related to the research focus. The types of
documents include (1) personal documents and diaries, (2) personal letters, (3) autobiographies, (4) official
documents, (5) photography, (6) statistical data and other quantitative data. The document is a transcript of data in the
form of written interviews or other information products. The document category includes personal documents, official
documents, and popular culture documents.
Validity of Data
Checking the validity of the data in this research includes four techniques, namely: data credibility, triangulation,
transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Triangulation is a technique for checking the validity of data by
comparing data collected, both in terms of data source techniques and theories. As for the types of triangulation that
researchers use as follows: triangulation of sources, triangulation of methods, and triangulation of theory.
Procedure Data Analysis
The research procedures used in this study consisted of six research steps (Yin, 2009), namely: plan, design, prepare-
share, collect-design, analyze-collect or collect, analyze, and share. Data collection techniques were done by participant
observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data collection activities were collected from extensive forms,
documentation and archival records, interviews, observation, and physical artifacts (Yin, 2009). The tools in this study
were not used because it was not mass-produced and the resource persons of the researchers were policymakers and
policy actors at the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies - Plum Village Buddhist Monastery, Upper Hamlet of France.
56 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
Data analysis procedures include testing or testing data validity, grouping data according to sub-focus, combining data
in the form of matrix or tables, or recombining the evidence that has been obtained, to draw conclusions based.
Analysis of evidence (data) consists of testing, categorizing, tabulating, or recombining the evidence to show the initial
proposition of a study. Three data analysis techniques are used through pattern matching, making explanations, and
analyzing time-series data (Yin, 2009).
The following are the findings derived from the informants:
Developing Empathy and Compassion
A-CPH practices mindfulness and develops compassion within himself, and this strengthens leadership and ability in
making decisions. A-CPH’s ability in developing compassion is the readiness to respond to other’s difficulty without any
revenge or hate with motivation to erase that suffering. A-CPH, who is mindful behaves coherently and consistently and
displays compassion. A-CPH who is compassion has deep concern without attachment. He does his best at all times in
any situation. A-CPH understands the importance and respects self-compassion because they know that without caring
for one’s self, the ability to serve and work at a high level would discontinue. Informant 1-TDK said that A-CPH has
compassion towards global issues, and he can accept with an open mind:
I think he has a lot of love and compassion for the suffering of the world and seeing that a lot of the suffering is caused by
people who are caught in the prison of themselves, and they are making themselves suffer and other people around them.
So it's an openness, a total openness of acceptance, of people have their own lives to live, have their own direction, but also
a love and compassion to want to support in any way possible.
The difficulty level of each person is certainly different. The informant experiences difficulty in the relationship with
the IABS community, in general, the year before. The informant asked for help from the A-CPH concerning the problem
he is facing. A-CPH gave him room to open himself towards the problem he was facing. The tea-drinking meditation left
a deep impression on the informant because the mindfulness practice was there and is rooted deep into the openness
that emerged from A-CPH. This also affected the situation and condition of the informant who was facing a problem.
The leader was able to display his leadership with compassion and concern for many parties. One of them is how he
understands the members of his community well. This was stated by informant 1-TDK:
I think when I see the Abbot, he understands the different stages of development that one goes through with mindfulness
practice. So he will understand what a novice is facing. He will understand what a young Biksu is facing. He will
understand what an older Biksu is facing. He’ll understand what a young Dharma teacher is facing. So I think first and
foremost he sorts of communicates with different groups in different ways. He sees that for a young novice, there are
certain ways to offer compassion and care. And then for a young Biksu, there's a different way to offer compassion and
A-CPH understands the level of differences in development by means of mindfulness practices. A-CPH understands
what is faced by his community members. The application of compassion is done by showing compassion and concern
which is contextual. Informant 1-TDK adds that A-CPH also observes and listens to his community members so that he
knows how he should set his leadership tone, “on their journey by observing them, listening to them. And then, from
that space, he knows how he should tone his leadership.” Informant 1-TDK also explains in his interview that:
It also naturally leads to one understanding their own difficulties, and then through that it leads to compassion for other
people's difficulties and space for other people's difficulties. So I think when you have the seed of anger, and it's quite
strong within you, when you're quite young in the community, you can judge very quickly other brothers. But I think as the
years go on, maybe 10-15 years later of practice, that seed of anger has been transformed in a way, and in its place is more
stronger seeds of things like compassion, empathy, non-judgmental.
Based on the information from the informants above, it can be observed that A-CPH develops mindfulness with
openness, self-care, understanding of everyone, loving speech, and good listening skills. Informant 2-TBH adds that:
In practicing mindfulness, we practice to not use ego in relates to the things or to our environment. So, instead of ego, we
practice compassion and love in relation to the other people or the environment. So when we practice mindfulness, we have
a good mind state which is more calm and peace. This allow the response to the environment with the compassion and
understanding [....] As he's practicing mindfulness, then of course he has the art of stopping and the art of clarity. With this
kind of clarity, then we can have compassion. Because the empathy, it needs the mindfulness in order to change into
compassion. Because otherwise, the empathy will go into distress. So, with the practice of mindfulness, the empathy can
grow into compassionate and understanding.
In practicing mindfulness, this practice instructs you to not use ego which is related to certain things and our
environment. As a replacement, the ego is used with a compassionate approach, and it has an affective characteristic.
Mindfulness practices make the practitioner have thoughts that are calmer and more peaceful, and able to respond with
European Journal of Educational Research 57
compassion and understanding. A-CPH practices mindfulness and has the ability to “stop” and show clarity from within.
This enables him to be compassionate. The empathy that already exists within manifests into compassion and more
understanding. Informant 2-TBH also adds that this compassion is automatic; when the mindfulness practice is done,
the seeds manifest into the mind of the leader. Being mindful of the environment and others basically is a level of
compassion. This is formed from the activities of the leader when thinking, speaking, and listening to others.
The compassion is automatic. When it practices mindfulness, you have the seed manifested into your mind. And so that, in
the mindfulness environment and everyone basically has certain level of compassion to each other when we relate; either
we think about other people, either we speak to the other people or we listen to the other people.
The ability to develop this compassion brings out the ability to listen without judgment. A-CPH only listens and does
not involve thoughts towards others. Therefore, after listening, he allows his thoughts to respond based on a mind that
is mindful, compassionate, and non-discriminative. This listening method includes openness, compassion, and
understanding which is as stated by informant 2-TBH:
I think he has to be able to listen without judging. He has to be just listen; so that he does not involve in that thinking of
other people. So after listening, then he allows his mind to respond based on mindfulness and compassion and non-
discriminative mind. In that way of listening, then the opening is there, the openness is there, the compassion is there, the
understanding is there.
Informant 4-TPB states that A-CPH is a good friend. When with him, the informant never sees him blame or give
judgment on others even if that person did a mistake. He has a strong sense of friendship. This closeness is without
distance and hierarchy of leader and follower, “I think he is a really good companion. He's really… when he comes to your
room, I never see him judge somebody even if it's wrong what somebody does. He has this strong sense of friendship. Really
brotherhood friendship without hierarchy.”
Furthermore, informant 4-TPB states how A-CPH shows compassion and concern in his leadership through
mindfulness practices. A-CPH does not discriminate. He will always be there for everyone, I think he does practice. He's
not discriminative. If you are tall, short, big, or small… [...] He is really good in that practice, non-discrimination. He will be
there with you like with me or with another one. It's the same.” Furthermore, informant 4-TPB adds that A-CPH has an
open mind. He is relatively young but very mature, “I think he is really open-minded. He's very young, but he's very
mature.” Informant 7-TBT supports this statement by saying that the mindfulness practice influences A-CPH in facing
difficulties and challenges through four mental states which are compassion, love, happiness, and no discrimination.
In mindfulness practice, in responding towards situations, we... when we practice mindfulness, our responses towards
conditions start to change. The response that we give after practicing mindfulness is usually compassion, love, happiness,
and no discrimination.
Informant 8-SAP states that “empathy, compassion from within him is the fruit of his practice for many years as a
practitioner here” Furthermore, informant 8-SAP also adds that “empathy and compassion are brought out from the
awareness to help others and to solve their suffering.” More concretely, informant 8-SAP explains that:
The application of empathy and compassion is reflected in... first, how he thinks. He shares how he thinks with us. From
there, we can see his empathy and compassion. Also, through how he communicates with us, well, we can see that there is
empathy and compassion, and from his actions, well, towards us in the community and towards others, from outside, yeah.
All of that reflects empathy and compassion. We can see this from his neutrality when a difference arises, yeah. Then, how
he understands something from many points of view, how he tries to look at a problem deeply, how he practices loving
speech, how he listens to us.
Based on the information from the informants, it can be concluded that A-CPH practices mindfulness and develops
compassion within himself. After a while, mindfulness practices can direct towards openness towards all parties. A-CPH
gives them room to open themselves toward the problems faced. A-CPH understands the level of difference in
development through mindfulness practices. A-CPH understands what is being faced by his community members. The
application of compassion is done by giving compassion and concern which is contextual. The empathy that already
exists within manifests into compassion and more understanding. The ability to develop compassion brings out the
ability to listen without judgment. A-CPH only listens and does not involve thoughts our ideas towards others.
Therefore, after listening, he allows his thoughts to respond based on mindful thoughts, compassion, and no
Developing Attention with Non-Judgemental
Mindfulness practices strengthen empathy and avoid negative labeling and evaluate someone’s feelings and inner
thoughts with anxiety and depression or judgment and blame every time for the sake of the individual’s prosperity.
Fear, disappointment, frustration, and incapability can cause a leader to isolate himself and be emotionally detached
from those who are supposed to be helped. Mindfulness enables leaders to stop judging and blaming. Based on
information from Informant 1-TDK, A-CPH solves his community members’ problems which are in difficulty or affective
58 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
value issues within himself as a leader by understanding the condition and situation which is being faced by his
members so that he knows what must be said and what should not be said. This is a quality of compassion, empathy, no
judgment, and also not blaming when interacting with the members of his community, as stated by informant 1-TDK:
So that when somebody shares a difficulty, you can actually relate to that person from the heart. Really feel the ir pain and
sort of understand what is being said and also what is being not said. Like between their words. And I think the leader is
able to... I think the leader has just by his own practice) and all the stuff that he has gone through within the community is
able to... It's not really any effort for him to be compassionate, empathetic, and non-judgmental in interacting with
different people in the community because it is infused in who he is.
Furthermore, in developing this ability, informant 1-TDK also shares information concerning how A-CPH understands
and responds to every situation in his community.
He judges first the seriousness of each situation, you know, very quickly. I think he very quickly understands. If I tell him
something, he very quickly understand, for example, there is a conflict between two brothers last year, and, you know, he
saw that, okay, we're not gonna continue until these brothers sit down and do beginning anew. So he saw that actually that
conflict is causing a difficulty within the wider Sangha.
ACPH has the ability to see and understand the existing problems really quickly. Informant 1-TDK provided the
example that two years ago, there was a conflict and A-CPH gathered the two parties who were in conflict to sit
together and understand the situation from both sides and solve it by beginning a new page which is the formal way
done in this Buddhist higher education institution so that it does not develop into a bigger conflict.
You know, that people didn't feel safe so much anymore because of that difficulty. So I think first he is very able to judge the
seriousness of the situation and understand clearly what he needs to be getting involved with and what he doesn't need to
be getting involved with. And I think that only comes through mindfulness practice and lots of experience. And how does
the leader pay attention to deal with these situations is he first of all judges the seriousness of the situation. Then I feel like
he takes refuge in the practice of the whole community and the elder brothers especially. And then... You know, if it is a
situation he feels that he needs to get involved with, he will... he will really take refuge in the community all the time in
finding the solution to each situation.
The ability of A-CPH to let go without blame and judgement towards various parties in duty and service can be
observed based on the information revealed by informant 1-TDK:
Yeah. I think this is probably one of his greatest abilities is that there have been times where I have done things or other
brothers have done things. Like I did something quite bad, you know, last year and I noticed that his ability to offer me non-
judgmental space and to let go of what I did was incredible. And I noticed that his friendliness and his love for me increased
at that time because he sensed that I needed it. I needed to have an arm around my shoulder at that time. And then when
he sensed that actually I can stand on my own two feet again, he sorts of stepped away from me again. You know, he sort of
stepped away from me and said, "Now you're able to..." without saying anything, without communicating anything, he was
able, I think, with mindfulness practice too to step away again.
Informant 1-TDK explains that A-CPH’s extraordinary ability is shown when the informant did a mistake. A-CPH never
directly made a judgment towards him concerning what he did. A-CPH could even give space without blame and let go
without being affected by the mistake conducted. The informant believes that the action committed by A-CPH in
responding this problem is an ability which is achieved from his mindfulness practice in his life. Informant 2-TBH also
stated that A-CPH only facilitates his community without any personal interests. Regarding that, in many ways, A-CPH
always practices no discrimination towards various ideas and suggestions he gives. A-CPH will not take sides. A-CPH
only represents the community and lets the community harmonize by itself. A-CPH can contribute to various kinds of
ideas or suggestions to the community. However, in the end, the community will consider consolidating all of the ideas
and create a harmonious decision. In his decision-making, applies the following in his community:
Yeah, because he just facilitates the community. So, in presenting the proposal to the community, he should not have any
preference. So in this case, he always practice his non-discrimination to all proposal. He does not take side. His job is just to
present its case to the community and let the community harmonize themselves. He, of course, can contribute in a form of
idea or suggestion to the community. But at the end, the community, we'll consolidate all the ideas and come out with
harmony decision. And this is the decision that he'll apply in the community.
Aside from that, informant 2-TBH also explains further that A-CPH also has a strong mindfulness energy in his
mentality and mind so that he can facilitate all groups in the community harmoniously with love and compassion. He
needs to be stable, happy, and fresh. It is possible through the practice of mindfulness which is manifested in his
mentality and mind.
Yeah, he needs to have a quite strong mindfulness energy in his mind in order to be able to facilitate all groups in the
community harmoniously with love and compassion. He needs to be stable; he needs to be happy. He needs to be fresh. And
with the practice of mindfulness, allow all of these to manifest in our Mind.
European Journal of Educational Research 59
Informant 2-TBH states that mindfulness is behaving compassionately, without judgment, and without blame.
Concerning no judgment and blaming towards what happens at that moment and how the leader accepts and
approaches others, “I think mindfulness in itself is a kind of attitude of compassion and non-judgment.” Furthermore,
informant 4-TPB states that A-CPH really is skillful in giving space towards others, when there is something to share, he
is there to listen carefully without the expectation to give answers. A-CPH gives appropriate space for every party. He
always ensures that this is understood by both parties in various situations. The informant never sees various parties
react towards A-CPH because he is very skillful.
I think the Abbot is really skillful in giving an offer in the space to others, so if there's something to share he would be there
listening and without expecting to give answer. Sometimes it's just listening. He doesn't have answers. Sometimes he offers
just his space for listening. But there is another occasion, he also happy to receive the space from others. For example, if
you are a novice, he will give you the space you deserve. And then you have to understand also in other situation you have
to offer the space, not for him but for others, for other things. So I think he's playing really skillfully. So I never feel
somebody react to him or… I never see it.
Informant 7-TBT also states that in practicing mindfulness, A-CPH does not judge by listening carefully.
Listening carefully is one of the things we practice, one of the practices of mindfulness that we just explained. This is a
practice in which we are trained to listen carefully. This means that we listen without judgement, without interpretation
until the explanation is complete. And this can be done individually or collectively.
Informant 4-TPB also shares information that A-CPH knows what are the priorities. A-CPH ensures that everything is
done with good and efficient results. For certain things, he will give a chance to the community members to experience
things and grow. It all depends on the context in that moment, and if it is not relevant, he will let it go and let others to
do it all.
I feel I think he knows what is important. When it is important of course he doesn't want to… He wants to make sure that
everything ends up beautiful, efficient. When it is a bit less important, he will give you just the space to do it. it's also to
give you a chance to grow and experience. So it depends how important is the topic. If it's not really relevant, he will let go
and let you do everything.
Informant 7-TBT also states that in practicing mindfulness, in the context of dealing with other parties, A-CPH is guided
by four approaches of no judgment.
The first is friendship or family relationship. The second is accepting, accepting others’ flaws. The third is developing
harmony or happiness. The fourth is because we can accept flaws and we can develop family relationships, so no
discrimination is also there. Not discriminating is what help us to be non-judgmental.
Aside from that, informant 7-TBT adds that:
Mindfulness practices conducted by A-CPH or mindfulness training is ethics. It is a training which bridges all differences.
The first function is connecting everyone. The second function is we are asked to be aware of our thoughts, our words, and
our actions towards others. This training brings out the four types of mental states.
Furthermore, informant 9-TFN states that A-CPH can become a bridge. He is able and skillful in keeping information to
other information and how to convey that information to all parties. A-CPH has also let many of his ideas go and
considered how to harmonize all ideas.
He can be a bridge to... like a keep information from the brothers and sisters and how to also tell everybody about what's
they want, what's our teacher want. So I think in doing that, he also have a lot of letting go of his own idea and to see how
to harmonize the idea.
Based on the information from the informants, it can be concluded that in developing compassion and attention
without judgment, A-CPH has the ability to develop compassion and bring out the ability to listen without judgment. A-
CPH only listens and does not involve thoughts or ideas towards other parties. Therefore, after listening, he lets his
mind respond based on mindful thoughts, compassion, and no discrimination. In listening, openness, compassion, and
understanding are involved.
The characteristic of mindful leadership in the ability to develop compassion and attention without judgment shows
that the leader has compassion towards others issues and he can accept with openness. A leader that practices
mindfulness in the long term will result in openness to all parties. The leader can conduct leadership with compassion
and concern and also the ability to understand his community members well. This research shows how the A-CPH can
face difficulties and challenges with a total openness of acceptance, love, and compassion to want to support in any way
possible. A-CPH is coherent and consistent by showing a compassionate attitude, having deep attention without
attachment. A-CPH understands the importance and values of self-compassion because he knows that without looking
after himself. His ability to serve and work at a high level is unsustainable. Besides, he has a compassionate attitude
60 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
towards global problems, and he can accept openness. A-CPH helps the problems that are being faced by a member of
his community by giving him space to open up to the problems being faced. One of them with the practice of mindful
drinking tea gives a deep impression of his members who are facing difficulties because the practice of mindfulness is
there and is deeply rooted in an openness that arises from A-CPH. A-CPH, as a leader, can bring the attitude of
leadership with an attitude of compassion and care for many parties. A-CPH develops empathetic, compassionate, and
non-judgment actions through the mindfulness practice.
This research shows that A-CPH practices mindfulness, and he can 'stop' and bring out focus and clarity within. This
practice allows him to be compassionate. The attitude of empathy already present in self manifests into an attitude of
compassion and more understanding. This attitude of compassion is automatic, when the practice of mindfulness is
present, the seeds of mindfulness reveals in the mind of A-CPH as the leader. He is fully aware of the environment, and
other parties are the level of compassion. It is formed from the leadership actions when thinking, speaking, and
listening to other parties. Previous studies also reveal that this mindfulness practice has a strong connection to the
development of compassion to others in one’s self (Dudley, Eames, Mulligan, & Fisher, 2018; Van Wietmarschen,
Tjaden, Van Vliet, Battjes-Fries, & Jong, 2018). Thought the practice of mindfulness and the ability to ‘stop’ and bring
out clarity from within. Because of this clarity, the empathy that already exists within manifests into compassion and
understanding. Wamsler and the other experts, in their research, state that mindfulness practices can bring about
understanding, not only on the individual level but also on all levels (Wamsler et al., 2018).
A mindful leadership approach also provides qualities that are able to accept rather than reject reality and not blame
others, have attention and do not become busy or disturbed not just observing with intention, being able to realize the
moment at any time without regretting in the past and worrying about the past front, develop compassion and care
without judgment and easily criticize others, able to let go of a defensive attitude towards a view, able to listen deeply,
develop patience, be able to respond without anger or with an attitude of avoidance, and be able to build trust in others
(Wells, 2015). The results of these studies and the effects of previous studies reveal similar findings, and mindfulness
practices strengthen the ability to develop compassion within the leader.
Furthermore, A-CPH resolves the problems of his community members who are in difficulties and affective values in
themselves as leaders by understanding the circumstances and situations faced by his members, so he knows what to
say and what not to say. That practice is the quality of compassion, empathy, non-judgmental, and blaming when
interacting with members of the community. Another mindful practice undertaken by A-CPH is the practice of
‘beginning anew’ that is practiced to solve a problem. A-CPH never immediately gave others judgment on what they did,
even A-CPH could provide space without blame and let go, without being affected by the mistakes made earlier. A-CPH
responses to this problem is an ability obtained from the practice of conscious living that it lives. A-CPH only facilitates
its community without personal interests.
For that reason, many things A-CPH practices without discriminating against the ideas and suggestions that it provides.
A-CPH will not take sides. A-CPH only presents to the community and lets the community harmonize itself. A-CPH can
contribute to various forms of ideas and proposals to the community. But in the end, the community will consolidate all
existing ideas and produce harmonious decisions. The application of compassion is done by giving contextual
compassion and concern. The leader also observes and listens to his community members so that he knows how he
must set the tone of his leadership. The leader develops compassion in mindful leadership with openness, self-care,
understanding of all parties, loving speech, and careful listening. Mindfulness practices and compassion increase the
leadership and decision making of the leader (Lewis & Ebbeck, 2014). The qualities of compassion are wisdom,
strength, warmth, and no judgment (Gilbert & Procter, 2006). The leader must play various roles in different contexts
for multiple purposes. Skills and personality traits have become essential for carrying out these roles which are
centered on effective human relations. One of them is self-monitoring skills (Konan, 2016).
In practicing mindfulness, this practice directs us to not use ego in relation to certain things and our environment. The
ego should be used with a compassionate approach and affectively. Mindfulness practices make the practitioner have a
level of thought that is calmer and more peaceful, and also able to respond with compassion and understanding. Neff, in
his research, states that strengthening the development of this compassion should be beneficial towards the individual
by helping them to change the critical tendency which is destructive, strengthening the relationship with others, and
able to control their emotions with calmness and peace (Neff, 2003). Besides, the mindfulness practices can develop the
internal state of leaders is related to behaviour and emotional state of self. Leaders also provide democratic qualities in
the delivery of opinions and decision-making processes both personally and collectively, strengthens the effectiveness
of its leadership, and develops essential behaviours related to emotional and social intelligence (Burmansah, Rugaiyah,
& Mukhtar, 2019).
This compassion is automatic when the mindfulness practice is there, the seeds will manifest into the leader’s thoughts.
Being mindful of the environment and others is the level of compassion. This is formed by the leader’s activities when
thinking, talking, and listening to others. The ability to develop compassion brings out the ability to listen without
judgment. The leader only listens and does not involve his thoughts or ideas towards others. Therefore, after listening,
he lets his mind respond based on thoughts that are mindful, compassionate, and non-discriminative. Regarding the
way to listen, there is openness, compassion, and understanding. The leader is a good friend. He never blames or judges
European Journal of Educational Research 61
others even though they make a mistake. He has a strong sense of friendship. His closeness is without distance and
hierarchy of leader and follower. The leader displays his leadership with compassion and concern through mindfulness
practices. Weber, in his research, reveals that balanced mindfulness is a key mediation factor in acting without
judgment and the ability to develop compassion (Weber, 2017). The leader does not act discriminatively. He will always
be there for all parties and have an open mind. Mindfulness practices influence the leader is facing difficulties and
challenges through four mental states, namely compassion, love, happiness, and no discrimination in mindfulness
training. Empathy and compassion within the leader is a result of mindfulness training for years as a practitioner here.
Empathy and compassion are brought out from the awareness to help various parties and to solve their suffer ing. The
application of empathy and compassion is reflected in the method of thinking. Atkins states that mindfulness practices
can increase empathy and also increase authentic leadership (Atkins, 2013). Furthermore, in his findings, Giovanni also
adds that empathy is a basis for concern and compassion (Giovannoni, 2017). It shows that in his ability to develop
compassion through mindfulness practices, it begins with the emergence of empathy within the leader. Empathy is a
basis for developing compassion within the leader. It can be concluded that this research and previous research have
the same findings.
The leader’s way of communicating with his community members and his leadership actions reflect empathy and
compassion towards those around him. He understands something from various angles and how he tries to view a
problem deeply. The leader also practices loving speech and the ability to listen carefully. It is similar to the research
done by Koller, which reveals that mindfulness practices influence the leadership style of leaders by increasing
empathy, compassion, and not bringing views for the interest of the individual but a common goal (Koller, 2017). This
research reveals findings that are different from previous research in that leaders can listen carefully and speak with
constructive language. This research adds the quality of leaders in developing compassion and attention in developing
compassion and attention without judgment. The leader can see and understand the existing problems very quickly.
When a conflict happens, and the leader solves the practice of beginning a new page, which is the informal method done
in the Buddhist higher education institution so that it does not develop into a more significant conflict. The leader never
judges him directly concerning what he did. A-CPH is even able to give space without blame and let go without being
influenced by the mistakes done. The members of the community believe that the actions done by the leader in
responding to this problem are an ability gained from his mindfulness practice in life.
The leader only facilitates his community without any personal interest. Concerning that, for many things, he always
practices no discrimination towards various ideas and suggestions he gives. The leader will never take sides because he
only represents the community and lets the community harmonize by itself. The leader can contribute to many forms of
ideas and suggestions to the community. The community can influence used by leaders using friendliness, openness,
closeness, and firmness (Cetin, 2016). However, in the end, the community will consolidate all the available ideas and
create a harmonious decision. The leader will apply this decision in the community. Mindfulness is a compassionate
attitude without judgment and blame. Concerning no judgment and blame towards what is happening in the current
situation and how the leader accepts and approaches others. The leader is skillful in giving space towards others, when
there is a problem with a particular party, he is there to listen carefully without any expectation to provide answers.
The leader provides the appropriate “space” to all parties. He always tries to make those parties understand in various
situations. The mindfulness practice which is done by A-CPH in the context of being non-judgmental is by listening
carefully. Listening carefully is in training for leaders. It is training where leaders are trained to listen carefully. It
means that leaders listen without judgment, without interpretation so that the explanation can be complete. It can be
done individually or collectively. In the context of leadership, the mindfulness practice related to other parties is based
on four approaches without judgment, namely: first is friendship and family relationship. Second is accepting, accepting
others’ flaws. Third is developing harmony or happiness. Fourth is because the leader can accept flaws, and the leader
can build family relationships, no discrimination is there. The action of no discrimination helps the leader to be non-
Mindfulness practices that are done by leaders are ethicsa training that bridges all differences. Mindfulness is a state
of mind that most people can attain, but to maintain it for more extended periods, it needs practicing, for example,
through mindfulness meditation (Rupprecht, 2017). The first function is connecting everyone. The second function is
we are asked to be aware of thoughts, speech, and actions in the leadership of leaders towards others. Using this
training, all four of the mental states will emerge so that the leader can become a bridge. Able and skillful in keeping
one piece of information to another and how to convey that information to all parties. The leader has also let go of many
of his ideas and seen how to harmonize all ideas. The leader solves the problems of his community members who are
facing difficulty or issues concerning affective values within himself as a leader by understanding the condition and
situation which is faced by his members so that he knows what must be said and what must not be said. It is the quality
of leadership from compassion, empathy, and no judgment and also no blaming when interacting with the members of
his community.
62 BURMANSAH ET AL. / Mindful Leadership
A-CPH through mindful leadership has the ability to develop compassion and attention without judgment. This ability
to develop compassion and non-judgmental attention shows that leaders have an attitude of compassion towards
global problems and can accept A-CPH can bring his leadership actions with compassion and care and able to
understand members of the community well. This ability to develop compassion raises the ability to listen without
being judgmental, not blaming, and not discriminating. He has a strong sense of friendship. Closeness without distance
and hierarchy as a leader and subordinate by showing his leadership with an attitude of compassion and care. A-CPH
also focuses on the performance of community members but also seeks to fulfill the potential of its members. IABS
leaders with this leadership style have high ethical and moral standards for the knowledge learned and skills acquired.
A limitation in this research is the practice of mindful leadership emphasizes the construct of mindfulness in
developing leadership functions and actions within the international multicultural community. So that it becomes more
challenging to explore information from informants because researchers must genuinely understand the demographics
and culture and background of the informants and add time to field research to understand and explore it outside the
context of research as proximity and life in a state of affairs in this research location. To further researchers in further
researching the object of research from this single case study. That is, not limited to research in Buddhist tertiary
higher education institutions and Buddhist monasteries. The research can be expanded through comparative
quantitative and qualitative studies covering all types and levels of educational institutions with the hope of obtaining
different results from the leadership practices of the leaders' mindful leadership.
Mindful leadership is expected to be the foundation of other types of leadership that can increase the effectiveness of
performance and reduce the level of stress in leaders through sustainable, mindfulness practices. Especially in
Indonesia, in the science of management education, this mindful leadership can be a new approach in the concept of
leadership science and practice that can provide answers in the development of leadership characterized in this era of
disruption 4.0 in the management and development of educational institutions and outside the world of education.
The researcher would like to thank the research funding support provided by the Yayasan Triyanavardhana Indonesia
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... Mindful leadership is a leadership approach characterized by a leader's self-awareness, presence, and attentiveness to the present moment (Wibowo & Paramita, 2022). According to Burmansah et al. (2020), mindful leadership fosters an environment where empath, compassion, and open communication thrive. Hunter and Chaskalson (2013) defines mindful leadership as "the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally". ...
... The findings underline the importance of leadership styles that support autonomy, competence, and relatedness, as posited by SDT, in enhancing team cohesion and performance The study also contributes to the literature by empirically substantiating the role of mindful leadership in enhancing team cohesion and performance within the high-stress context of competitive sports. Unlike prior research, which has primarily focused on corporate or educational settings, this study delves into the unique psychological dynamics of sports teams (e.g., Burmansah et al., 2020;Hansen et al., 2020). Furthermore, the inclusion of teamwork quality as a moderator unveils complex interdependencies between leadership, team cohesion, and team performance. ...
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The current study anchors on the self-determination theory (SDT) to predict the influence of mindful leadership on sports team performance through the mediator effect of team cohesion and the moderating role of teamwork quality. The study samples athletes and coaches from various sports teams in China and assesses the hypothesized model using Mplus software, appropriate to gauge multilevel modeling (N = 342). Besides, the authors gather data across a two-time wave in order to predict the causal relationships amongst variables. Our findings indicate that mindful leadership significantly predicts team performance via the mediating path of team cohesion. In addition, teamwork quality significantly and positively moderates the linkage between mindful leadership and team creativity (and then team performance via team cohesion). The study explores a moderated mediation model capturing the unique dynamics of leadership and team phenomenon in sports teams. Our findings contribute substantial insights for both theory and practice by assessing the critical roles of leadership and team dynamics to influence team outcomes.
... Burmansah et al., 2019) to be able to generate the capacity not to judge and discriminate and enhance capacity to make decisions for a conflict with such an arrangement according to organizational goals (B. Burmansah et al., 2020). In conflict management, it takes the internal state of individuals who have stability and a state of calm, peace, and clarity so that they are impartial, and mindfulness can present the ability to see and listen deeply (Assi et al., 2022). ...
... The previous research stated that mindfulness could enhance transformational leadership by developing leader and educator' leadership abilities, such as developing focus, clarity, and creativity (B. ; developing the ability to cultivate the community building and maintenance of the relationship (Burmansah Burmansah et al., 2020a); developing of the ability to cultivate the nonjudgement and non-discrimination approach (B. Burmansah et al., 2020). Practicing mindfulness in their daily routine so that leaders and educators will cultivate mindfulness in their habits and then slowly transform into a mindful leader and educators (Burmansah Burmansah et al., 2022). ...
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This study explores the dual role of educational practitioners as leaders and educators in the education sector, focusing on conflict management through mindfulness, ten principles of Buddhist governance, and transformational leadership. The research, involving 116 Buddhist monks and nuns with leadership experience in Indonesian Buddhist education institutions, employed statistical analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics, parametric inferential statistics, and SPSS 27. The findings indicate that transformational leadership directly impacts conflict management, while mindfulness and the ten principles of Buddhist governance have indirect effects mediated by transformational leadership. Additionally, mindfulness has a direct influence on conflict management, as do the ten principles of Buddhist governance. The study underscores the importance of developing mindfulness, incorporating Buddhist principles, and fostering transformational leadership among educational leaders and practitioners to enhance conflict management skills.
... Mindful leaders are also compassionate toward organizational relations (Bishop et al., 2004;King and Badham, 2018). They are able to identify with, and serve, others when needed on their own terms, and to adjust their own behavior to the needs of others (King and Badham, 2018;Rupprecht et al., 2019;Burmansah et al., 2020;Nübold et al., 2020). They show a readiness to respond when they sense that others are struggling, and they seek, without egocentric intentions but with genuine interest, to help heal the struggles and suffering of others, and to allay their fear of rejection (King and Badham, 2018;Burmansah et al., 2020). ...
... They are able to identify with, and serve, others when needed on their own terms, and to adjust their own behavior to the needs of others (King and Badham, 2018;Rupprecht et al., 2019;Burmansah et al., 2020;Nübold et al., 2020). They show a readiness to respond when they sense that others are struggling, and they seek, without egocentric intentions but with genuine interest, to help heal the struggles and suffering of others, and to allay their fear of rejection (King and Badham, 2018;Burmansah et al., 2020). Mindful leaders have a greater interpersonal attunement to understanding others' internal state, thoughts, and feelings (Stedham and Skaar, 2019), making them better at guiding others through difficult periods (Ehrlich, 2017;Rupprecht et al., 2019). ...
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Mindfulness has been practiced by global leaders and companies as an efficient way to build effective leadership. Because of its popularity, plus the lack of a comprehensive theoretical framework that explains it in a leadership context, the research literature has called for a coherent account of the qualities that is derived by those leaders that practice mindfulness. Here, we aim to answer that call, by clarifying what leadership qualities can develop from practicing mindfulness. We report on a semi-systematic literature review of extant research, covering 19 research articles published between 2000 and 2021, plus other relevant supporting literature from the disciplines of leadership and neuropsychology. Our proposed framework consists of three main qualities of the mindful leader: attention, awareness, and authenticity. We call them the “three pillars of mindful leaders.” We also propose that mindfulness meditation must be integrated into our proposed framework, as we are convinced that leaders who hope to benefit from these qualities must integrate a regular mindfulness meditation practice into their daily leadership life.
... Penelitian oleh Burmansah et al (2020), menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan yang berfokus pada kesadaran dan perhatian tanpa penghakiman, yang merupakan bagian dari praktik mindfulness, dapat efektif dalam menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang komprehensif dan beretika. Kepemimpinan jenis ini mendorong pengembangan kasih sayang dan pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap isu-isu global, memperkuat nilai-nilai etis dan komitmen moral dalam pendidikan. ...
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Transformasi digital telah memberikan tantangan dan peluang baru dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM), khususnya di lembaga pendidikan Buddha. Penelitian ini mengkaji dampak penerapan nilai-nilai Dharma dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) di lembaga pendidikan Buddha di era digital. Melalui kajian pustaka dan analisis bibliometrik terhadap studi dari tahun 2016 hingga 2024, ditemukan bahwa nilai-nilai Dharma seperti keadilan, integritas, dan empati dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan, kesejahteraan psikologis, serta menciptakan lingkungan kerja inklusif dan produktif. Implementasi nilai-nilai Dharma mencakup rekrutmen berbasis nilai, pengembangan berkelanjutan, manajemen kinerja, dan program kesejahteraan holistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sinergi antara teknologi dan spiritualitas memperkuat budaya organisasi, keberlanjutan, dan reputasi lembaga. Integrasi nilai-nilai Dharma dalam manajemen SDM tidak hanya meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi tetapi juga kesejahteraan dan keterlibatan karyawan, menjadikannya penting untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang harmonis dan mendukung pertumbuhan pribadi serta spiritual.
... There are several aspects of mindfulness, which include the element of awareness and the aspect of attention. The awareness aspect makes individuals conscious of their experiences, while the attention aspect focuses on awareness and involves remembering to pay attention to experiences over time [1], [2]. Mindfulness offers significant benefits and objectives [3]. ...
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This study examines the influence of mindfulness in communication on tolerance and harmony among Buddhists at Wihara Dipa Prabhava. Using a survey method with a sample of 112 respondents, the research found that the application of mindfulness-based communication significantly enhances tolerance and harmony among individuals. These findings emphasize the importance of mindfulness in fostering harmonious communication and reducing conflicts within the Buddhist community. The results indicate a significant positive effect of mindfulness in communication on tolerance and harmony among Buddhists, with a t-value of 10.729, a significance value (p) of 0.000 < 0.05, And an R Square value of 0.511 obtained from the simple regression analysis. This means that mindfulness in communication influences tolerance and harmony by 51.1%, while other factors affect the remaining 48.9%.
... The most important part of mindfulness practice is getting used to what is felt, becoming more aware, and becoming better at focusing to maintain full attention. Mindfulness is related to the ability to be fully present in the moment and aware of the environment and activities without overreacting or feeling overwhelmed [6], [7]. This is often associated with meditation, which aims to develop mental awareness. ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of mindfulness practice on students' learning anxiety. Students often face problems such as a lack of understanding of the material presented during lessons and difficulty completing assignments. This study uses a quantitative approach, using a survey method. The population consists of 118 students, with a sample of 81 respondents selected through Proportional Random Sampling. The study was conducted on high school students in the 2024/2025 academic year. The study showed a significant favorable influence between mindfulness practices and learning anxiety, with a t-value of 7.303 and a significance level of 0.000 (<0.05). Simple regression analysis produced an R-squared value of 0.375, indicating that mindfulness practices explain 37.5% of the variation in learning anxiety, while other factors influence the remaining 62.5%.
... Kita akan mampu menciptakan landasan kebebasan, kedamaian, dan kasih dalam diri kita [29]. Praktik berkesadaran penuh mampu mengembangkan kualitas welas asih dan tanpa penghakiman di dalam diri setiap orang [37]. ...
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Kompetensi pribadi dalam Agama Buddha jelas bukan hanya sekedar praktik kontemporer untuk beradaptasi dengan perbedaan dan keberagaman, tetapi juga dapat dikatakan sebagai kemampuan personal untuk menapaki jalur pembebasan sejati sehingga mampu membawa kualitas-kualitas kebuddhaan di dalam kehidupannya, membawa kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya baik untuk dirinya maupun semua makhluk. Kompetensi pribadi Buddha adalah menjadi pribadi yang buddhistik dan dharmik dalam pikiran, ucapan, dan perbuatannya, yang mampu menyadari apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi dan tidak terjebak oleh kekotoran batinnya sehingga ia mampu menerjemahkan berbagai situsai dan kondisi di dalam dan luar dirinya dengan membawa sukacita, kebahagiaan, dan kebermanfaatan bagi kehidupan. Kompetensi pribadi Buddha membawa kemampuan spiritualitas dan etika bagi personal untuk menghadirkan wawasan dan pengalaman spiritual sehingga menyadari akan penderitaan yang disebabkan oleh bicara tanpa berkesadaran penuh dan ketidakmampuan untuk mendengarkan pihak lain, setiap individu akan bersedia untuk menumbuhkan ucapan cinta kasih dan mendengar dengan welas asih demi mengurangi penderitaan dan upaya menciptakan rekonsiliasi dan kedamaian dalam dirinya dan sesama orang lain, etnik, sahabat religius, dan antar negara. Kualitas dari kompetensi pribadi Buddha ini akan mengetahui bahwa kata-kata dapat menghadirkan kebahagiaan maupun menciptakan penderitaan, aku bersedia berbicara sesuai keadaan yang sesungguhnya dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang dapat menumbuhkan keyakinan, suka cita, dan harapan. Karakteristik dari kompetensi pribadi Buddha adalah membantu meringankan penderitaan pihak lain dan mencari cara untuk keluar dari situasi sulit dengan berlatih semangat ketekunan benar untuk memupuk kapasitas pengertian, cinta kasih, suka cita, dan sikap inklusif, serta secara perlahan-lahan mentransformasikan kemarahan, kekerasan, dan ketakutan yang terselubung jauh dalam kesadarannya.
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This study aimed to find the effect of adversity quotient intelligence on the learning outcomes of Buddhist religious education. The problems that occur in students are that there are students who admit that they have never received a ranking, rarely study at home, and there are also students who cannot focus for a long time when studying, and the teaching method is less effective. In addition, learning carried out by teachers is still primarily done conventionally, and the lack of learning facilities is also the cause of weak student learning motivation in carrying out the learning process. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population in this study was 133, with a sample of 100 obtained by the Proportional Random Sampling sampling technique. The study results showed a significant adverse effect between adversity quotient intelligence on the learning outcomes of Buddhist religious education with a t count of-3.804 and a significance value (p) of 0.000 <0.05. From the results of the simple regression analysis calculation, the R Square value was obtained at 0.136. This means that adversity quotient intelligence influences the learning outcomes of Buddhist religious education by 13.6%, and other factors influence the remaining 86.4%. The adversity quotient value measures an individual's ability to handle and overcome challenges. Students with high AQ may feel burdened if students face challenges or difficulties in the learning process regularly. Excessive stress and fatigue can harm learning outcomes.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of work-life quality and job involvement perceived by teachers to their affective commitment so that they feel a strong emotional bond to their work and school organization, are able to identify the goals and values of the school organization well, and really want to be there. This research uses causal survey method by using path analysis technique. This study uses the sample from 138 teachers in eight buddhist senior high schools in Jakarta, which were selected using the Slovin formula. The result of the study reveals that first, there is a positive effect between the quality of work life and the affective commitment of the teachers in school. Second, there is a positive effect between job involvement and affective commitment of teachers in school. Third, there is a positive effect between quality of work life and job involvement teachers in school.
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This research is a single case study using a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data consisting of written or oral words resulted from interviews and observation. The research was carried out at Buddhist Higher Education Institute, the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies – Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet of France. The research procedures used in this case study consist of six steps of case study research by Robert K. Yin. The research data collection was obtained by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data analysis techniques are used through pattern matching, explanation making, and analyzing data time series. This research found that mindful leadership can develop concentration and be more focused and have clarity. Clarity within the leader can bring up conditions of calm and peace that give a significant effect on how to respond to an existing condition. By being calm, then the leader has clarity and creativity. This situation helps the leader to recognize what is happening and helps further to decide what to do. This decision helps leadership in responding to the situation. Mindful leadership focuses on actions and internal circumstances, not on intellectual quality. The development of the leaders’ internal state is related to the behavior and emotional state of each of them. Leadership that provides democratic qualities in the delivery of opinions and decision-making processes both personally and collectively strengthen the effectiveness of his leadership, and develop essential behaviors related to emotional and social intelligence.
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In this study, we investigate the self-regulatory role of mindfulness in buffering the relationship between leaders’ emotional exhaustion and self-rated leadership behavior (transformational leadership and abusive supervision). Specifically, we propose that leader mindfulness buffers the relationship between emotional exhaustion and both negative affect and impaired perspective taking, which link leader emotional exhaustion and leadership behavior (i.e., moderated mediation). Using a time-lagged survey of leaders (N = 505) we found that leader perspective taking and negative affect mediated the relationships between emotional exhaustion and self-reported leadership behavior. Furthermore, we found that leader mindfulness buffers the relationship between emotional exhaustion and negative affect, which weakened the mediated relationship between emotional exhaustion and both transformational leadership and abusive supervision. However, leader mindfulness did not moderate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and perspective taking. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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Background Primary care physicians are subjected to a high workload, which can lead to stress and a high incidence of burnout. A mindfulness training course was developed and implemented for primary care physicians to better cope with stress and improve job functioning. Aim To gain insight into the effects of the mindfulness training on perceived stress, self-compassion, and self-reflection of primary care physicians. Design & setting A pragmatic mixed-methods pre–post design in which physicians received 8 weeks of mindfulness training. Method Participants completed validated questionnaires on perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]), self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale [SCS]), and self-reflection (Groningen Reflection Ability Scale [GRAS]) before the training, directly after, and 6 months later. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants after the training and a content analysis was performed to gain in depth understanding of experiences. Results A total of 54 physicians participated in the study. PSS was reduced (mean difference [MD] -4.5, P<0.001), SCS improved (MD = 0.5, P<0.001), and GRAS improved (MD = 3.3, P<0.001), directly after the 8-week training compared with before training. Six months later, PSS was still reduced (MD = -2.9, P = 0.025) and SCS improved (MD = 0.7, P<0.001). GRAS did not remain significant (MD = 2.5, P = 0.120). Qualitative analysis revealed four themes: being more aware of their own feelings and thoughts; being better able to accept situations; experiencing more peacefulness; and having more openness to the self and others. Conclusion Mindfulness training might be an effective approach for improving stress resilience, self-compassion, and self-reflection in primary care physicians.
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Mindfulness has transdiagnostic applicability, but little is known about how people first begin to practice mindfulness and what sustains practice in the long term. The aim of the present research was to explore the experiences of a large sample of people practicing mindfulness, including difficulties with practice and associations between formal and informal mindfulness practice and wellbeing. In this cross-sectional study, 218 participants who were practicing mindfulness or had practiced in the past completed an online survey about how they first began to practice mindfulness, difficulties and supportive factors for continuing to practice, current wellbeing, and psychological flexibility. Participants had practiced mindfulness from under a year up to 43 years. There was no significant difference in the frequency of formal mindfulness practice between those who had attended a face-to-face taught course and those who had not. Common difficulties included finding time to practice formally and falling asleep during formal practice. Content analysis revealed “practical resources,” “time/routine,” “support from others,” and “attitudes and beliefs,” which were supportive factors for maintaining mindfulness practice. Informal mindfulness practice was related to positive wellbeing and psychological flexibility. Frequency (but not duration) of formal mindfulness practice was associated with positive wellbeing; however, neither frequency nor duration of formal mindfulness practice was significantly associated with psychological flexibility. Mindfulness teachers will be able to use the present findings to further support their students by reminding them of the benefits as well as normalising some of the challenges of mindfulness practice including falling asleep. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s12671-018-0951-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
There is great interest in educational leadership in the early part of the 21st century because of the widespread belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. There is also increasing recognition that schools require effective leaders and managers if they are to provide the best possible education for their learners. Schools need trained and committed teachers but they, in turn, need the leadership of highly effective principals and support from other senior and middle managers. While the need for effective leaders is widely acknowledged, there is much less certainty about which leadership behaviors are most likely to produce favourable outcomes. I examine the theoretical underpinnings for the field of educational leadership and management, assess different leadership models, and discuss the evidence of their relative effectiveness in developing successful schools.
This original contribution to business ethics brings together chapters by leading European and Indian scholars and practitioners. Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors aim to create a dialogue and interchange between Indian and European cultural traditions. Topics include spiritual orientations to business in Hindu, Buddhist and Christian traditions; the effect of spirituality upon contemporary leadership theories; sustainable business models in India and Europe and a comparison between Indian and European philosophies of leadership. In exploring what India and Europe can offer to one another in the development of ethical business leadership, Ethical Leadership aims to demonstrate ways to achieve sustainability, peace and well-being.
Literature reviews have shown that trait-mindfulness is significantly correlated to emotional wellbeing, both in adults and in children. Particularly, being judgemental towards one's inner thoughts, feelings and sensations, and acting unawares, is associated with higher maladjustment. In the present cross-sectional study, we explored the role of the different facets of mindfulness in both anxiety and depression, controlling for the effects of gender, age, rumination, and worry, and analysed which facets of mindfulness have the strongest effect in predicting depression and anxiety. Two-hundred seventy-four community adults were assessed in the domains of depression, anxiety, rumination, worry, and mindfulness. Regression analyses showed that, among the facets of mindfulness, a judgemental attitude towards one's thoughts and feelings is the strongest predictor of both depression and anxiety. Our study highlights the importance of a normalising, accepting, non-judgemental attitude to decrease anxiety and depression, and to foster wellbeing.