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How Events Enter
(or Not) Data Sets:
The Pitfalls and
Guidelines of Using
Newspapers in the Study
of Conflict
Leila Demarest
and Arnim Langer
While conflict event data sets are increasingly used in contemporary conflict
research, important concerns persist regarding the quality of the collected
data. Such concerns are not necessarily new. Yet, because the methodolo-
gical debate and evidence on potential errors remains scattered across dif-
ferent subdisciplines of social sciences, there is little consensus concerning
proper reporting practices in codebooks, how best to deal with the different
types of errors, and which types of errors should be prioritised. In this
article, we introduce a new analytical framework—that is, the Total Event
Error (TEE) framework—which aims to elucidate the methodological chal-
lenges and errors that may affect whether and how events are entered into
conflict event data sets, drawing on different fields of study. Potential errors
are diverse and may range from errors arising from the rationale of the media
source (e.g., selection of certain types of events into the news) to errors
occurring during the data collection process or the analysis phase. Based on
Department of Political Science, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Centre for Research on Peace and Development (CRPD), University of Leuven, Belgium
Corresponding Author:
Leila Demarest, Institute of Political Science, Leiden University, Pieter de la Court-building,
Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden, the Netherlands.
Email: l.demarest@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Sociological Methods & Research
ªThe Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0049124119882453
the TEE framework, we propose a set of strategies to mitigate errors
associated with the construction and use of conflict event data sets. We also
identify a number of important avenues for future research concerning the
methodology of creating conflict event data sets.
conflict events, data error, bias, unreliability, media data, total survey error
With the quantitative turn in peace and conflict studies (e.g., Collier and
Hoeffler 2002; Fearon and Laitin 2003; Hirshleifer 1994:3), the collection of
detailed data on conflict events, actors, and casualty numbers has spurred
many research projects in the field. The development of conflict event data
sets has also accelerated in recent years. Major trends in new data projects
include an increased focus on disaggregated conflict events—both in time
and in space—as well as a focus on low-level forms of conflict such as
protests, as opposed to civil war (Bernauer and Gleditsch 2012:375-78;
Gleditsch et al. 2014:303-5, 308-9). News reports have been the most impor-
tant source of data on conflict events, as they are widely available and often
accessible at low cost. However, the widespread use of media reports as an
empirical source raises important concerns about the quality of event data.
The collection of political event data has a long history, both in the social
movement (e.g., Eisinger 1973) and in the international relations literature
(e.g., Azar 1980; McClelland 1976). Concerns about the validity and relia-
bility of media data for political science research are hence not necessarily
new (e.g., Danzger 1975; Franzosi 1987). Nonetheless, the increased avail-
ability of (online) media sources and the development of new data sets has
spurred new debates in this field. An important characteristic of many new
data sets is their geographical focus on the developing world. Examples
include the Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset (ACLED; Raleigh
et al. 2010), the Social Conflict in Africa Database (SCAD; Salehyan et al.
2012), the Urban Social Disturbance in Africa and Asia (USDAA) data set
(Urdal 2008), the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (UCDP GED; Sund-
berg and Melander 2013),
the Global Terrorism Database (LaFree and
Dugan 2007), Political Instability Task Force (PITF) Worldwide Atrocities
Dataset (Schrodt and Ulfelder 2016), the Mass Mobilization in Autocracies
Database (Weidmann and Rød 2015), and the Konstanz One-Sided Violence
Event Dataset (Schneider and Bussmann 2013). By contrast, much of the
2Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
methodological debate and evidence with respect to the use of media reports
to construct event data is found in Western-focused social movement
research (e.g., Earl et al. 2004; Hutter 2014) as well as in communications
studies (Galtung and Ruge 1965; Harcup and O’Neill 2016; Krippendorff
2013). Further, while in recent years, different methodological challenges
associated with generating new conflict event data sets have been critically
assessed (e.g., Eck 2012; Salehyan 2015; Weidmann 2015, 2016), this field
of study stands to benefit from further systematization of research findings.
To this aim, the current article introduces a new analytical framework that
captures the methodological challenges of using news reports for generating
conflict event data and recognizes a broad range of errors that may affect
whether and how events are entered into data sets. The Total Event Error
(TEE) framework draws on insights from the survey research literature and
the Total Survey Error (TSE) framework. In analogy with Groves and col-
leagues (2004:41-63), we distinguish between measurement errors and errors
of representation. The framework encompasses well-known forms of error
mentioned in the literature, such as selection bias, which arises when news-
papers deliberately select some events for publication, while leaving other
events unreported (Earl et al. 2004:68-72; Jenkins and Maher 2016; Ortiz
et al. 2005; Weidmann 2016). However, we also consider errors that are not
necessarily caused by the rationale of media sources and have received much
less attention in the literature. These errors arise during the data collection
process, such as the coding of key variables, or in the analysis phase, when
researchers make use of imputed values for missing data (e.g., the location of
an event). Further, while bias, or a systematic difference between the mea-
sured value and the real value, is an important form of error, we also direct
attention toward unreliability or random deviation from the real value, which
undermines precision.
The TEE framework offers a bridge between methodological insights
from conflict event studies and Western-focused social movement and com-
munications studies. This has the advantage that insights, methods, and
procedures that are common in these latter literatures are introduced and
discussed with regard to conflict events in developing countries. We devote
particular attention to the implications of focusing on developing contexts as
opposed to Western contexts. Indeed, while Western-centred studies have
commonly focused on protest events, we focus on a wider range of events,
including protests, but also violent armed conflict events. Finally, we discuss
and compare human as well as automated forms of data collection and cod-
ing. Although optimism has often been expressed with regard to the potential
opportunities and advantages of automated coding (e.g., Bond et al. 1997;
Demarest and Langer 3
King and Lowe 2003; Schrodt and van Brackle 2013), so far, it is not yet
widely used in conflict studies. Illustratively, human coding is used by all
data projects cited above. Arguably, the main reason for why human coding
has remained the common practice is that in recent years, conflict scholars
have aimed to construct conflict event data sets on the basis of increasingly
complex information drawn from media reports (e.g., Hammond and Weid-
mann 2014). Having said this, automated coding has important advantages
compared to human coding and is therefore likely to gain more relevance in
conflict studies in the coming years.
As an analytical framework, TEE offers an important methodological
basis for studies on conflict events and gives guidance to developers and
users of old and new data sets. For developers, the TEE framework system-
atically sets out the different types of errors to be reflected upon in data
codebooks, or articles introducing new data sets, and supports standardiza-
tion of reporting practices in the field. Indeed, as the collection of event data
and the use of media data have been taken up by different subdisciplines and
areas of social science, the types of errors researchers are concerned with, or
report on, appear to differ widely. As will also become clear from our
discussion of the state of the art, relatively little is known concerning errors
that may arise when collecting data on conflict events in the developing
world. To fill this gap, new empirical research is necessary. On the basis
of the TEE framework, we are able to identify a number of important avenues
for future research. The TEE framework is also extremely useful for conflict
event data users because it provides important insights concerning the range
of errors one has to take into account when using a specific conflict event
data set, and how these errors may potentially affect research findings.
In the following section, we develop the TEE framework and discuss in
depth the measurement and representation errors that can arise during each
step in the research process. Our discussion is supported by (necessarily
eclectic) empirical examples drawn from literature. In the third section,
based on the TEE framework, we introduce guidelines and strategies for
event data collection and future research. The fourth section concludes.
The TEE Framework
The TEE framework is inspired by the well-known TSE framework used in
survey research (Groves et al. 2004:41-63). In the TSE framework, measure-
ment errors occur when the measured value deviates from the real value. This
can arise from unclear question wording and answer scales, the presence of
an interviewer, which inhibits the respondent from answering truthfully (i.e.,
4Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
social desirability bias), or the incorrect processing of data. Errors of repre-
sentation occur when not all existing observations are sampled in the survey.
An essential characteristic of a survey is the sampling of only a subsection of
the population, implying that this form of error always occurs. What is
important is that observations are sampled randomly. This randomness can
be jeopardized by a flawed sampling frame, nonresponse, or data adjustments
based on a flawed external source (e.g., an outdated census). Clearly, two
forms of error can occur: bias, which causes a systematic deviation from the
real value, and unreliability, which arises from random errors, making the
results less precise.
The collection and use of event data resembles the survey process in
important ways. An important similarity is that sampling is inherent to the
process. By selecting media sources to capture conflict events, one is aware
that not all events that have taken place are necessarily reported. The chal-
lenge arises from the nonrandom processes steering media event inclusion, a
debate which can be related to concerns about nonresponse error in surveys.
Like respondents, news sources and reports can present information in a
biased way or they may simply not be able to provide the necessary infor-
mation, leading to missing data. While the interviewer commonly plays a key
role in the sampling of respondents for public opinion polls, the same is true
for a coder in charge of sampling relevant events into a data set. Furthermore,
unclear coding instructions or variable definitions and categories can lead to
unreliable or biased data, as can unclear survey questions. For both types of
data, researchers can attempt to validate data against an external source. This
can be a census or medical records for surveys or police and nongovern-
mental organization (NGO) reports for event data. Lastly, in the analysis
phase, researchers can choose to weight the data to compensate for nonre-
sponse or biased selection or they can choose to impute missing data to
preserve the number of cases in the analysis.
Figure 1 visualizes the TEE framework. Central to the figure are the
research steps taken in event data collection and analysis. These steps are
not necessarily sequentially taken and may interact in important ways. For
example, the development of the codebook is not necessarily finalized before
the coding process, as a coding pilot test helps in refining the codebook. In
case of automated coding, the coder has no role or at least a much more
limited one. The development of the codebook (or dictionary in automated
applications) becomes all the more important. In addition, comparisons to
nonmedia sources are not often realized, simply because of a lack of such
external data. In line with Groves et al. (2004:48) study, we associate each
research step with both measurement and representation error. Several
Demarest and Langer 5
Figure 1. Total event error.
sources of error have been touched upon above, but they are addressed in
greater depth in the following sections. We structure the discussion accord-
ing to the research steps identified.
News Source Sampling
News coverage. News source sampling can give rise to both measurement and
representation error. We start the discussion with representation error caused
by news coverage effects, as this relates to the relatively well-known prob-
lem of selection bias (Earl et al. 2004:68-72; Jenkins and Maher 2016; Ortiz
et al. 2005).
Nevertheless, while bias has been widely studied in the liter-
ature (Earl et al. 2004:68-72; Jenkins and Maher 2016; Ortiz et al. 2005),
coverage effects can also be associated with unreliability, much as is the case
with sampling error.
When deciding on collecting event data for specific types of conflict, time
periods, and geographical settings, researchers first decide on the news
source from which to extract data. This can be a newspaper, a news wire
service, or even television and radio news. The choice of a news source
implies that events included in the data set are dependent on media selec-
tion (or sampling) of events into the news. As a multitude of studies has
shown, this selection is far from random. A dual problem is apparent: News
source coverage can be determined by the characteristics of an event but
also by the characteristics of the news source itself. The first is seen as a
coverage effect common to different media outlets, but the second can be
source-specific and underscores that the question from which news sources
to extract data is an important one. We first discuss general, then source-
specific selection effects.
The seminal paper by Galtung and Ruge (1965) on the presentation of the
Congo, Cuba, and Cyprus crises in Norwegian newspapers set the basis for
news value theory in communications science, which investigates the char-
acteristics of an event that are likely to make it newsworthy (Harcup and
O’Neill 2001). Galtung and Ruge propose 12 news factors that determine
whether a foreign crisis event will be reported, including the event’s ampli-
tude or importance and the involvement of elite actors. Following their work,
other communications scientists have investigated the news values that deter-
mine selection into the news media and have increased or reduced the num-
ber of relevant factors (e.g., Harcup and O’Neill 2001, 2016).
Social movement scholars focus specifically on protest events (Hutter
2014; Koopmans and Rucht 2002). Summarizing the findings of previous
studies, Earl et al. (2004:69), Ortiz et al. (2005:398-400), Jenkins and Maher
Demarest and Langer 7
(2016:45-46), and Hutter (2014:350-51) note that large-scale protest events
with many participants, events characterized by violence (property or phys-
ical damage, police repression, arrests, etc.), events organized by movements
with professional (public relations) staff, and events involving high-profile
actors are all more likely to be reported. These findings are supported by
comparisons of event inclusion between media sources but also by compar-
isons of media reports with external sources such as police records.
Representation error has been far less investigated with respect to conflict
event data in the developing world. Recent interest in low-level conflicts,
including protests in developing countries, can perhaps assume the same
coverage preferences. For armed conflict events, we could assume that
because of the level of violence, selection into the news is highly likely.
However, the contexts in which armed conflicts arise are often different from
the Western settings commonly investigated. Civil wars often erupt in rural
areas away from the government’s center of power (e.g., Kalyvas 2006:38-
48), which has implications for the communications infrastructure present
in the region. Furthermore, although armed conflict attracts journalistic
attention, a climate of violence and infrastructure damage can obstruct
event coverage. In this regard, a study by Weidmann (2016) is highly
instructive. He compares a data set on armed conflict in Afghanistan col-
lected by the U.S. military—and revealed by WikiLeaks—with the UCDP
GED data set (which solely used media sources for this conflict) and finds
that cell phone coverage significantly increases the likelihood of events
being reported in the media, suggesting a systematic underrepresentation of
events in remote rural areas.
Important source-specific selection effects are related to the ideological or
political orientation of a news source, as well as its geographical scope (e.g.,
Davenport 2010:107-26). For example, in the analysis of protest events,
several studies find that conservative newspapers underreport violent demon-
strations to limit copycat behavior (for an overview see Ortiz et al.
2005:401). The second factor, the geographical scope of the news source,
relates to whether a local, national, or international target audience is
reached. We devote more attention to this issue here, as many recent data
sets make use of multisource inventories, such as Factiva, LexisNexis, or
Keesing’s Record of World Events,
which rely to an important extent on
international news wire services to code events occurring in a wide range of
developing countries, including violent armed conflict as well as protests.
Local news sources can cover local conflicts more extensively than
national sources, which implement an additional selection procedure. Inter-
national sources have an even more stringent selection process. However, for
8Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
some events, such as ongoing armed conflict, professional international news
wire services could potentially be more valuable than (disrupted) local media
services. Exactly how selection bias plays out when the scales of conflict and
news source scope interact is a highly relevant and perhaps insufficiently
addressed empirical question. Several studies do indicate its importance.
Herkenrath and Knoll (2011), for example, find that international newspa-
pers report substantially less protest events than national newspapers in
Argentina, Mexico, and Paraguay and that these differences are related to,
among others things, the use of violence but also to a general difference in
international media attention toward these three countries.
Bueno de Mesquita et al. (2015) developed a data set on political violence
in Pakistan based on national newspapers and record a higher number of
incidents than data sets relying on Factiva. Demarest and Langer (2018)
compared data sets based on international versus national news sources on
conflict events in Nigeria. They find that international sources underrepre-
sent conflict events, in particular protest events. Both studies also find that
relative underreporting affects the subnational distribution of events, an
increasingly important research line in conflict studies (e.g., Gleditsch
et al. 2014:303-05). Lastly, Barron and Sharpe (2008) used district-level
news sources to capture violent events in Indonesia and show that these
record more incidents than provincial newspapers and hence provide greater
insights into local causes of conflict.
In general, multisource inventories are argued to be more reliable than
single sources (Jenkins and Maher 2016:47-49), but it is important to keep in
mind that multisource inventories do not include the “universe of media
reports” (Ortiz et al. 2005:402). Especially for conflict in the developing
world, it is important to consider that the international, English sources
included in these inventories might not cover these settings sufficiently
(Schrodt 2012:552-53). Automated coding procedures in principle are not
sensitive to representation error, but they do require machine readable text
and predominantly draw on international news wire reporting services such
as Reuters and LexisNexis (e.g., Integrated Data for Events Analysis data set,
Bond et al. 2003; Global Data on Events, Location and Tone [GDELT] data
set, Leetaru and Schrodt 2013; Kansas Event Data System [KEDS] data set,
Schrodt 2006), which is an important characteristic to consider. The use of
local newspapers to investigate conflict events in developing countries is
likely to emerge as an important research line in conflict studies, not in the
least because local newspapers are increasingly available online (e.g.,
AllAfrica repository).
However, the use of local sources brings with it
new challenges, for example, related to media ownership and state control
Demarest and Langer 9
of media sources. So far, little systematic research appears to have been
conducted to assess the impact of these issues on the quality of conflict
event data.
News reporting. We now turn to the problem of measurement error arising
from the news source, which concerns the information news sources report
with regard to an event. This form of error can be linked to the concept of
description bias (Earl et al. 2004:72-73). When discussing description bias
problems, several scholars make a distinction between “hard news” and “soft
news” and argue that the former is less subject to bias than the latter (Earl
et al. 2004:72; Franzosi 1987:7; Raleigh et al. 2010:656).
Hard news is
suggested to include the “who, what, when, where, and why of the event”
(Earl et al. 2004:72), whereas soft news is said to include interpretations of
causes and consequences, portrayals of the actors, and so on. We first discuss
research on soft news dimensions and then focus on hard news. As argued
below, the distinction made in the literature between hard and soft news is,
however, not straightforward. Furthermore, not all reporting inaccuracies are
necessarily signs of bias but can also indicate unreliability due to challenges
for media sources to acquire certain types of information.
Soft news effects can be related to the concept of framing. Several def-
initions of framing exist; as an example, we cite Entman (1993:52): “To
frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more
salient in a communicating context, in such a way as to promote a particular
problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment
recommendation.” A substantial amount of research has focused on the way
in which media represent protest actions, albeit predominantly focused on
Western settings (e.g., Dardis 2006; McLeod and Hertog 1992). A major
research line focuses on differences in framing according to the ideological
profile (conservative or liberal) of the news source and whether conservative
newspapers are more likely to depict protesters negatively (e.g., Chan and
Lee 1984; Lee 2014; Weaver and Scacco 2012).
Although literature on the framing of conflict events provides interesting
insights into the orientations of different news sources, it is less clear to what
extent different representations of conflict can affect event data sets that
focus on dates, locations, and actors. Nonetheless, the line between soft news
and hard news is not necessarily clear-cut. A well-known example of a
commonly contested “hard fact” is the number of participants at a protest,
which can be exaggerated by activists or understated by police authorities
(Day, Pinckney, and Chenoweth 2015:130). Furthermore, fatality estimates
are often regarded as hard facts that are difficult to establish (Raleigh et al.
10 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
2010:656; Sundberg and Melander 2013:527). The source—police versus
protesters or government versus rebels—that is preferred by a sampled news-
paper can bias event data statistics.
Relatively few studies have compared external data with the reporting of
hard facts in the media. McCarthy et al. (1999:117-26) compared data from
police records with print (and electronic) media reports for protest events in
Washington, DC. They found good correspondence for protest dates and
purpose but weaker agreement concerning protest size. The latter could be
related to bias or unreliability, however, as the analysis does not describe
how the variables relate to each other. Weidmann (2015) investigated dif-
ferences in the reporting of hard facts between the U.S. military data set on
armed conflict events in Afghanistan and UCDP GED. He finds that for most
events, the casualty numbers of the military data set fall within the low–high
casualty estimate of the UCDP GED data set. There are more events for which
UCDP GED gives a higher estimate though, which could indicate a slight bias
toward reporting higher casualty numbers in news reports. There are also
differences between UCDP GED and the military data set in the reported
location of an event. Based on his analyses, Weidmann (2015:1143) argues
that researchers should not use data for analyses below a range of 50 km. His
research indicates that even a hard fact such as “location” is also not always
reported reliably, in particular when considering armed conflict events.
Although fatalities are considered difficult to establish reliably, Weidmann’s
research suggests that their reporting appears relatively free of error.
News coverage and reporting relate to some of the best-known errors
described in the literature. Nonetheless, many studies focus on Western con-
texts and protest events and only to a lesser extent on developing contexts and
events of violent (armed) conflict. While important principles and lessons can
be drawn from social movement and communications studies, there is a clear
need for more empirical research on these forms of errors in conflict studies. In
the following sections, we turn to errors that are arguably less widely discussed
in current scholarship. These errors do not necessarily arise from the workings
of media sources but are more related to data collection procedures.
News Report Sampling
Issue and page sampling. While some researchers draw on all reports available
from a specific source, others rely on the additional sampling of specific
newspaper issues or pages (Earl et al. 2004:68; Krippendorff 2013:112-25).
When it comes to recent conflict data sets (see Introduction), this additional
sampling stage is not included, as they commonly rely on reports drawn from
Demarest and Langer 11
multisource inventories, using key terms and date and country specifications.
For studies relying on national or local newspapers, especially when a rela-
tively extensive period is being studied, this additional sampling may be
necessary to reduce coding costs. For example, for their seminal study on
protest events in four Western-European countries, Kriesi et al. (1998:253-
63) used one national newspaper per country but only the Monday edition.
They covered the period from 1975 to 1989. Even if no systematic biases are
associated with specific newspaper editions, this additional sampling engen-
ders further unreliability. It is also possible to select only the first page of a
newspaper issue, which could for instance reinforce bias toward the inclusion
of high-profile events characterized by violence.
Report content. Journalistic or editorial preferences can also be an important
source of error at the level of the news report. For example, Chojnacki et al.
(2012:390-92) draw attention to the fact that news reports often quote
sources that have incentives to provide biased information. They use the
example of a report in which a rebel leader claimed to have killed 30 gov-
ernment soldiers. In their data set (Event Data on Conflict and Security
[EDACS]), they created an additional variable, indicating that the informa-
tion might be biased if doubtful sources are used.
In addition to the biases that can arise from reporting preferences, news
reports themselves can be important sources of unreliability. First, reports
on events can be detailed or vague. Some reports might provide information
on the size of a group of protesters, whereas another report on the same
event might only mention that the protest occurred. Similarly, the capture
of territory by a rebel group can be reported but not necessarily whether
there were any casualties. In some cases, multiple reports can provide
valuable additional information, yet for others, vague reports might be the
sole source of information and a substantial degree of missing data can
result. The newsworthiness of an event canalsoaffectthedepthofreport-
ing and the length of the news article devoted to it. For example, a large-
scale protest can attract more news attentionthananeventoflimitedsize,
and hence, more information on the event might also be reported. None-
theless, while some events can gain strong news attention, such as grave
human rights abuses in armed conflict, the “fog of war” can also prevent the
collection of reliable information.
Second, reports can also explicitly cast doubts on whether and how an
event occurred, on the identity of the actors, or on the validity of a casualty
estimate. Reports can, for example, state that the identity of attackers or
12 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
suspected rebels is uncertain. These forms of measurement error can only be
captured if such indicator variables are included in the codebook.
Third, coding challenges can arise from conflicting reports. While the
incompleteness of news reports leads many researchers to draw from multi-
ple reports to construct event data variables, this can also raise additional
questions concerning the way in which reports are combined (Weidmann and
Rød 2015:125-26). A crucial problem arises when information is inconsis-
tent. Some data sets provide instructions to coders to aggregate the informa-
tion in particular ways. For example, SCAD states that in the case of multiple
casualty estimates, the mean is taken (Codebook version 3.1.), whereas
ACLED states that the lowest number should be used (Raleigh and Dowd
2017:20). Other solutions to conflicting reports suggest coding each report
individually. Based on their work on protest events for the Nonviolent and
Violent Campaigns and Outcomes data set, Day et al. (2015:130-31) recom-
mend the coding of different reports, together with including a metric ambi-
guity range variable in the final event data set.
Similarly, Weidmann and Rød (2015) propose the creation of an inter-
mediate data set, which includes the event coding by news report, and an
event data set, which aggregates the information across reports. As all report-
ing information is provided, aggregation rules (mean, minimum, etc.) can be
altered. Coding news reports separately can increase transparency and replic-
ability, as opposed to allowing coders to aggregate news reports themselves.
This coding choice can also have important implications for the monitoring
of the coding process and intercoder reliability scores (see below). Coding
news reports separately can, however, increase research costs.
Codebook Development
Sampling instructions. Codebook instructions are crucial to avoid coder con-
fusion and to support consistent sampling as well as coding of relevant
events. When using machine coding, the dictionary and coding program
determine selection and coding of cases into the data set based on the iden-
tification of relevant actors, wordings, and so on, rather than a coder.
erally, codebooks and dictionaries are revised after an initial coding test
phase, in which potential sources of error are revealed. Sampling instructions
are an important concern: Which events should be included in the data set
and which should be excluded?
When developing instructions for human coders, researchers can either
adopt a definition or provide a list of eligible events (e.g., Kriesi et al.
1998:263-69). Many conflict event data sets mainly rely on event definitions,
Demarest and Langer 13
but a potential caveat is that the stricter the definition, the more difficult it
becomes to consistently code vague reports of events. Reports do not always
give details on actors, which actor used violence, or the number of partici-
pants at an event, for example, which can create confusion and sampling
inconsistencies when categorization requires this information. It can also be
important to include instructions on how to handle cases for which a report
casts doubts on its occurrence or eligibility for inclusion.
When sampling events from online repositories, the same concerns apply.
In databases such as LexisNexis, one can develop a search string of relevant
key words and apply these to extract news stories about a specific topic or
event. Afterward, a subsample can be manually verified by coders to select
the usability and efficiency of the search string and the amount of “noise.”
Nevertheless, a coder’s decision to include or exclude events still requires
consistency and replicability and consideration of the aforementioned issues.
A news report that includes relevant key words such as “violence” might
report more than one event, for example, all of which need to be sampled
consistently. Furthermore, the use of search strings does not assure that all
events sampled from a news source are also sampled by using specific terms.
Although search strings often include many key terms, some events can still
be overlooked.
The issues of noise and the overlooking of events are also a major concern
when using automated coding procedures. It is useful, however, to first point
out the benefits of machine coding. While the development of dictionaries is
time-consuming, including as many key verbs and phrases, variations, names
of actors (e.g., United States, US, USA, President Trump) as possible, once
developed, they offer the potential to go through large volumes of data in
seconds (Bond et al. 1997; Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013). Further, a revi-
sion of the dictionary does not result in a time-consuming recoding process.
Instead, the program can just rerun on the same data with the revised dic-
tionary. Finally, dictionaries can be shared between researchers and be used
for new projects. A major point of discussion is however whether machine
coding is able to identify the “right” events and whether these events are
coded correctly (see below), with human coding often taken as the standard.
The ability of machine coding procedures to include a sufficient high
number of relevant events (“recall”), while at the same excluding irrelevant
events (“precision”)—events related to sports competitions are common
false positives—is an important sampling challenge.
Several researchers
have empirically investigated recall and/or precision for machine coding
applications compared to a training set developed by human coders. For
instance, Bond et al. (1997) find that the original KEDS’s sparse parsing
14 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
performs as least as well as (new) human coders in identifying
relevant events (around 80 percent). King and Lowe (2003) test the VRA
reader and find that it performs as well as human coders for recall (93 percent
correct) but less for precision (23 percent correct). Overall, they are positive
about the potential of machine coding, however.
Besides comparisons with human coders, there have also been compar-
isons between programs which are continually developing. Boschee, Natar-
ajan, and Weischedel (2013) compare the TABARI program developed by
Schrodt as a follow-up to the original KEDS program and find that with
regard to recall and precision, its sparse parsing procedure is significantly
outperformed by the BBN SERIF program that relies on natural language
Most recently, Croicu and Weidmann (2015) developed a
machine learning classifier system that shows recall and precision percen-
tages of around 90 and 50, respectively, again as compared to human coders.
Heap et al. (2017) propose a joint human/machine process for the selection of
relevant text by supervised machine learning to improve recall and precision.
Besides natural language processing and machine learning, another area of
progress in automated coding lies with conditional random fields (Schrodt
and Van Brackle 2013:38; Stepinski, Stoll, and Subramanian 2006).
It appears that automated coding has important and increasing benefits
for event sampling. There continue to be a number of challenges to con-
sider, however. The first crucial challenge concerns duplication or the
inclusion of the same event into the data set multiple times (Bond et al.
2003:737-38; Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013). There is no real automatic
procedure yet to filter out duplicates, except to discard events with the same
time, location, actors, and so on. Human review of the data set can be
required to exclude further duplicates and can still be a costly exercise
when considering large volumes of data. Another challenge concerns lan-
guage, as most dictionaries and applications predominately focus on the
English language (Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013:45), while extensions to
other languages can lead to the inclusion of more diverse and non-Western
sources. Nonetheless, the use of English is also not uniform, and specific
word choices and sentence structures can also vary across regions or coun-
tries and can be more pronounced for domestic than international events
(Schrodt, Simpson, and Gerner 2001). Even the news source itself can vary
in language use (Boschee et al. 2013).
Automated coding has primarily been used for the collection of political
event data in the field of international relations (e.g., Schrodt 2006). Increas-
ingly, the use of automated coding is also used to investigate domestic con-
flicts, including in developing contexts (e.g., Leetaru and Schrodt 2013).
Demarest and Langer 15
This implies that the challenges withregardtodictionaryconstruction
described above are becoming increasingly pertinent to deal with, both when
concerning the selection of events and the coding of events, as will be
discussed below.
Coding instructions. Unclear coding instructions can create representation
errors as well as measurement errors. Again, the problem of defining events
arises. For example, the USDAA codebook includes 12 event definitions, but
it is argued that these conflict types “are by no means mutually exclusive
categories. [ ...] While we have tried to be consistent in the coding of such
events, one should be careful in treating the categories as clearly distinguish-
able phenomena” (Urdal 2008:11). This problem stems from missing or
conflicting information in event reports. In some data sets, for example, the
mentioning of an association behind the protest can make the difference
between categorization as a spontaneous or as an organized protest (e.g.,
Yet, this can also be influenced by the depth of reporting.
When developing the codebook, researchers potentially have to choose
between very generic categories of events, actors, and so on, which can be
coded reliably, or very specific categories, for which coding is more unreli-
able. This is an important trade-off to be made. While broad or generic
categories might create more consistency, they might not provide the level
of information precision that researchers strive for. A generic actor cate-
gory such as “attackers” might be coded very reliably, for example, but one
would also want to know, where possible, whether the attackers were par-
ticular rebel groups or ethnic militias, political parties, and so on. Unfor-
tunately, the need for detailed event information to pursue particular
research questions is not always accommodated by the information pro-
vided in media sources.
For automated coding, the complexity of event coding is not only chal-
lenged by the information available in news reports but also by the dictionary
and the nuances predefined sentence structures can capture. Bond et al.
(1997) also analyzed event categorization besides event sampling and find
again that machine coding performs similar to human coding. King and
Lowe (2003) have similar findings but also show that more general event
classifications are coded more reliably than detailed ones. The fact that
detailed event definitions are not always workable is also discussed by
Schrodt and Van Brackle (2013:33).
In general, automated coding is deemed to work better when the variables
that need to be extracted are not too complex. One challenge here is that the
field of peace and conflict studies is increasingly moving toward more
16 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
complex event definitions and characteristics, as well as detailed collection
of time and location information. As discussed above, subnational location
information for events is increasingly sought after in empirical research, yet
automated coding is argued to work better on the country level (Bond et al.
2003:739; Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013:46). Hammond and Weidmann
(2014), for instance, argue that the GDELT data set should be used with
caution for subnational analyses as it differs substantially from human coding
and seems to show a bias toward country capitals. Hickler and Wiesel (2012)
are more optimistic when comparing spatial information for human and
machine coded data in the framework of the EDACS data set, yet concerns
are still raised.
When human coding is used, the development of the codebook is an
important start, yet how it is implemented is to a large extent the responsi-
bility of the coders. Machine coding rules out coders or gives them a more
limited (supervising) role (e.g., Heap et al. 2017). In the following section,
we will focus on errors arising from the coder in a typical human coding
project. Interestingly, even though machine coding is commonly compared
to a human coding benchmark, human coding itself is also subjected to
substantial errors. This is indeed the core argument of Bond et al.
(1997:555) who early on lamented the poor quality of human coding.
Coding Process
Coder sampling. Following codebook instructions, coders sample events into
the data set and extract information on key variables. Thus, the coder can also
be a source of representation error and measurement error, and both unrelia-
bility and bias can arise. When sampling, coders can overlook events com-
pletely at random due to, for example, inattentiveness. Bias occurs when
coders routinely overlook certain events or regularly misinterpret instruc-
tions on what constitutes a relevant event. Unfortunately, it is likely that
smaller, low-scale events more often go unnoticed than high-profile events
announced in headlines (e.g., Kriesi et al. 1998:270), which is why coder
sampling error can potentially reinforce selection bias. Coder sampling error
is not often measured (or reported), but some researchers have attempted to
quantify it. In their work on social movements in four Western-European
countries, Kriesi et al. (1998:270) report that in paired comparisons, around
60 percent of protest events were registered by both coders. A follow-up
project reached about 70 percent identification agreement between coders
(Hutter 2014:355). Although they used a different data source than news
reports—reports from the United Nations Secretary General on peacekeeping
Demarest and Langer 17
operations—Ruggeri, Gizelis, and Dorussen (2011:348-51) also note severe
coder sampling error. They find that independent coders only double-
identified 18–41 percent of relevant events. This necessitated the research
team switching strategies and having the team leaders identify and highlight
relevant events, which were then coded by the assistants.
Coder reliability. For research that makes use of media content analysis, the
calculation of intercoder reliability to indicate measurement error is regarded
as a methodological imperative in communications science (Krippendorff
This imperative has also made its way into protest event
analyses in (Western) social movement studies (Hutter 2014:354-55). How-
ever, many conflict event data sets focusing on the developing world do not
report such measurements (Ruggeri et al. 2011:356-59; Salehyan 2015:107-
08). By conducting intercoder reliability tests, however, one can check
whether the same measurement instrument (the codebook) leads independent
coders to reach similar results (Krippendorff 2013:273-75). Common mea-
sures are Krippendorff’s aand Cohen’s k, which both correct for chance
agreement by weighing inconsistency in less frequent response categories
more heavily in the final coefficient. Intercoder reliability checks can be used
to refine the codebook or select the “better” coders after a pilot stage. It is
recommended to conduct tests regularly throughout the coding process as
only conducting postdata collection tests can reveal the need to discard or
recode a substantial amount of data. The tests can be conducted on a small
subset of the data (5–10 percent).
When interpreting intercoder reliability, it is also important to be aware
that low intercoder reliability can arise if each coder makes random errors
(coder unreliability) or if each coder routinely interprets rules in a different
way (coder bias). However, if all the coders routinely misinterpret a coding
rule, this bias will not be captured by the reliability statistic. The calculation
of intercoder reliability statistics can be particularly important for research
into causal interpretations or framing in media reports. Nevertheless, it is not
necessarily safe to assume that hard facts are coded relatively free from
errors (e.g., Eck 2012:130-35).
Lastly, it is worth noting that intercoder reliability is generally calculated
at the level of the news report in communications studies. Indeed, this level
allows for the closest monitoring of coder work. However, when coders are
instructed to aggregate event reports and information, this monitoring pro-
cess can become more complicated. Key challenges can arise when attempt-
ing to retrace coder decisions: For example, did coders notice all reports of an
event, are all reports indeed about the same event, have all reports been
18 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
processed consistently, and so on. Hence, aggregation by coders, without the
separate coding of news reports, can make it difficult to establish the source
of low intercoder agreement in event inclusion and coding.
Nonmedia Data Comparison
To investigate errors arising from media preferences, several researchers
have compared event data with nonmedia data sources. Although such data
and comparisons are rare, they can give important indications of media
errors. However, the external data themselves may have significant (and
unknown) errors, which can jeopardize the validity of findings from media
Police records are most frequently used to investigate the media coverage
of protest events in Western contexts. Jenkins and Maher (2016:44) note that
studies generally find a single newspaper covers no more (and often less)
than 20–40 percent of events identified in police records. While many studies
have used police records to investigate coverage error (confirming the selec-
tion effects discussed in News Coverage section), we noted that they have
also been used to study reporting error. We refer in particular to the study of
McCarthy et al. (1999:117-26) with regard to “hard facts” about demonstra-
tions in Washington, DC (see News Reporting section).
Caution is nevertheless needed to avoid overly relying on the quality of
police records, as they are not necessarily collected systematically and can
lack important details of events (Oliver and Myers 1999:48). For events in
developing contexts—the geographical focus of many conflict event data
sets—police records might be subject to more serious errors than in Western
contexts as well as having access problems (e.g., Bocquier and Maupeu
For studies focusing on armed conflict or violence against civilians, NGO
reports are another external source and are commonly used for the construc-
tion of conflict event data sets (often in addition to media data). As Daven-
port and Ball (2002) show for state violence in Guatemala, NGO reports
document more state violations and different trends in state violence over
time than newspaper accounts, although whether this is due to measurement
or representation error cannot be established. Interestingly, interview data
show yet another picture. Further, although the purpose of many NGOs in the
field is to provide independent, reliable information, reporting can be depen-
dent on donor attention to “hot topic” events or deliberately created to draw
international media attention. In turn, NGO reports often rely on media
reports. Hence, NGO reports could potentially reinforce media bias toward
Demarest and Langer 19
particular countries or conflicts in event data sets. While a military data set
can reveal important insights into the coverage of armed conflict (Weidmann
2015, 2016), it can also serve particular organizational goals and does not
necessarily provide a true reflection of reality.
Data Adjustments
Data weighting. The last step in the event research process is the analysis
stage, during which researchers can apply corrections to the event data set
to compensate for sampling or measurement error. A first type of correction
involves weighting the data to correct for underrepresentation of specific
events. Although the intention is to reduce error, this type of correction can
also create it. Indeed, there is often no external data that match the media-
based event data set. Corrections are then made based on different studies,
and these findings are assumed to hold over space and time. Hug and Wisler
(1998), for example, propose statistical corrections for selection bias (e.g.,
weighting) based on a comparative study of police records and local news-
papers from four Swiss cities. They argue that corrections for coverage
preferences of violent events and events with more participants might also
be useful in other contexts. Ortiz et al. (2005:408-11) argue to the contrary
that this can be a bias-increasing procedure if the relevance of selection
factors as well as their magnitude does not translate to other contexts.
Other recently proposed corrections do not rely on comparisons with
external sources but rather with other media data. Hendrix and Salehyan
(2015) use a mark and recapture method to estimate the true number of
events based on information from multiple media sources. SCAD draws on
Associated Press (AP) and Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports. The coding
scheme, starting from 2012, records whether an event was reported in AFP,
AP, or both sources. By estimating the correspondence between the sources,
it is possible to make corrections to the data for events not covered in both
data sets. A similar approach is used proposed by Cook et al. (2017). Impor-
tantly, the method requires data sets to consistently report all sources that
have reported on an event, which is not common practice. Indeed, while data
sets often cite a particular source, this does not imply that the event was not
included in other sources. SCAD is a notable exception. However, it does
rely on the same types of media sources, international news wire services,
while local newspapers could capture a substantial number of additional
events (see Data Coverage section). To correct for differential attention
toward particular countries by international news media (e.g., Herkenrath
and Knoll 2011), it has also been proposed to include a variable for the total
20 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
number of nonconflict related news reports devoted to a particular country in
a given year as a control variable in substantive analyses (Hendrix and
Salehyan 2017:1664-65).
Missing data imputation. A second type of correction that can be made to
conflict event data is the imputation of missing data to compensate for
measurement error. These adjustments can in turn lead to erroneous statis-
tics. Missing data corrections are often performed for dates, geolocations,
and fatality estimates. For example, UCDP GED gives a date and a time to
each event, but for some events, uncertainty arises about the precision of
these variables (Croicu and Sundberg 2016:5-6). Sometimes only the week,
month, or year of an event is known. In these cases, UCDP GED accords the
earliest possible date to the event. It is also common to give the geographical
coordinates of the center of the administrative unit or country when exact
locations are unknown. Imputation of time and location data is often accom-
panied by variables indicating a level of uncertainty in the coding. Similar
approaches are taken by ACLED (Raleigh and Dowd 2017:14-16). Impor-
tantly, it is not clear to what extent precision indicators are actually used in
empirical applications of conflict event data, for example, by excluding
uncertain events as a robustness check.
Lastly, imputations for fatality estimates also exist. One example is the
splitting of the casualty count when an event occurred at multiple locations
or over the course of multiple dates (e.g., ACLED but not SCAD). Another
example relates to words being used to describe casualty numbers, which is
relatively common (e.g., several, some, dozens). Chojnacki et al.
(2012:391-92) choose to write the word down in the data set but not to
quantify it. SCAD (Codebook 3.1., updated November 20, 2017:5) makes
use of a distinction for missing but more (“probably large”) or less
(“probably small”) than 10. ACLED (Raleigh and Dowd 2017:20) chooses
to quantify the description: Several, many, plural, or unknown is set to 10,
dozens is set to 12, hundreds is set to 100. Such quantification could
potentially risk jeopardizing data quality.
Event Data: A Way Forward
The TEE framework outlined in the previous section has allowed for a
comprehensive discussion of the sources of error that can affect the
quality of conflict event data, cutting across subdisciplines of specializa-
tion. We have also discussed potential strategies to mitigate these errors
proposed in the literature as well as their limits. Table 1 offers an
Demarest and Langer 21
Table 1. Total Event Error: Errors, Guidelines, and Future Research.
Research Step Error Risks Available Estimates
Solutions Future research Directions
News source
Representation and Measurement:
News coverage and reporting are
dependent on:
– Characteristics of event: more
probable selection of violent
events, events with a higher
number of participants/information
of protests easier to establish than
armed conflict events (e.g.,
– Characteristics news source:
ideology, geographical scale of
target audience (local, national,
international), source preference
(e.g., government sources)
– Characteristics contexts: for
example, poor infrastructure for
access to (or verification of)
information, government control
on information
– National news reports versus
police records
: 20–60 percent of
protest events
– National news reports record
around 10 times less lethal violence
than nongovernmental
organization (NGO) documentary
sources and around 2 times less
than interviews
– International news reports versus
military data
: 28.5 percent of
lethal events
– International versus national news
: 1.5–5 percent of protest/
riots; around 25 percent of lethal
events; around 0.7 times the
number of terrorist events
– National versus provincial news
: around 0.3 times the
number of deaths
– Protest report correspondence
with police records
: >.98 (date),
>.65 (purpose), >.61 (size)
– Armed conflict report
correspondence with military
: - 80 percent within 50 km of
real location; 50 percent
correspondence casualties, small
– Draw data from multiple news
sources, including media sources
(with different political
orientations) as well as external
sources (e.g., NGO reports)
– Use national or local news sources
for single-country studies.
International sources can be
necessary for large-scale cross-
national studies but hold
representational risks
– Adapt the scale of conflict events
studied to the scale of the news
source. Local sources can be better
suited to study low-level events
(e.g., protests versus terrorist
attacks) and to conduct
subnational analyses
– Apply corrective weights to
compensate for coverage effects
based on comparisons between
media sources or with external
data (e.g., police records)
– Control for the amount of non-
conflict-related reports to account
for differences in media attention
toward countries or regions
– Explicitly code differences between
sources and take these into
account for substantive analyses to
account for reporting error
– Which conflict events are more
likely to be selected into the news?
How do biases differ according to
the type of event (e.g., protest
versus violent conflict)?
– How do coverage and reporting
differ between local, national, and
international news sources?
– How can we use automated coding
procedures on local news sources
taking into account access to
digital data, language differences
– How does political orientation of
the news source affect event
coverage and reporting?
– How does press freedom affect
event coverage and reporting?
Table 1. (continued)
Research Step Error Risks Available Estimates
Solutions Future research Directions
News report
– Issue sampling (e.g., Monday issues)
and page sampling (e.g., first page)
increase unreliability and can
reinforce coverage bias
– Reports can rely on biased sources
(e.g., government, rebels, political
– Reports have missing information
on date, locati on, acto rs,
– Reports explicitly cast doubt on
event occurrence, actor identity,
fatality estimates
– 11–18 percent of events without
precise time, 23–49 percent
without precise location
– Uncertainty indicators make little
– Code all issues and pages for a
(random) subset of the data and
compare with reduced sample.
Potentially apply corrective
– Include indicators for unreliability
and bias in the codebook for event
occurrence, actor identities,
fatality estimates etc.
– Code reports on the same event
separately and include an ambiguity
range in the final data set or allow
users to test different
specifications (e.g., minimum and
maximum fatalities)
– What are the effects of different
report sampling mechanisms on
event statistics (e.g., front page
sampling, full issue sampling, search
string in online repository,
automated procedure)?
– How does the inclusion of
unreliability and bias indicators
affect substantive findings in
conflict analyses?
– Unclear and/or ambiguous
selection/coding instructions can
create inconsistencies in the coding
process and unsystematic as well as
systematic differences between
– Dictionaries for automated coding
can leave too many relevant events
out and too many irrelevant ones in
and code variables incorrectly
– Sampling of a relevant event
: 80–
97 percent recall, 23–58 percent
– Correct categorization of event
7–96 percent
– Calculate intercoder selection/
reliability measures between
human coders in a pilot phase and
throughout the coding process to
adapt instructions where needed
– Refine the dictionary for
automated procedures after data
checks and rerun the coding
– How do codebook instructions
affect intercoder selection/coding
– Which types of instructions work
best given the reality of the data
(e.g., vague reports)?
– What level of complexity can we
reach with human and automated
– What are the possibilities to
improve and extend automated
coding to other languages,
contexts etc.?
Table 1. (continued)
Research Step Error Risks Available Estimates
Solutions Future research Directions
Coding process Representation:
– Coders miss relevant events or
include irrelevant events
– Causes unreliability but also
potential bias when coders tend to
miss specific events more often
(e.g., low-profile protests)
– Coders wrongly categorize events
or actors, make mistakes in time
and location data etc.
– Can cause unreliability or bias when
coders systematically misinterpret
– 60–70 percent overlap between
independent coders in the
selection of protest events
– Cohen’s ks show substantial
agreement for event category,
actors, fatalities, cause
– Krippendorff as for event category,
actors, fatalities <0.77
– Monitoring of the coding process
– Calculate intercoder selection/
reliability measures in a pilot phase
and throughout the coding process
– Retain coders who spot the most
relevant events/have higher
reliability scores after an initial test
– Have a separately trained research
team preselect relevant events to
be coded by a different team
– What are intercoder selection/
reliability measures for currently
well-known data sets?
– Are selection reliabilities higher
when using search strings or
semiautomated procedures?
– How does selection interact with
the characteristics of the event
(e.g., violent) and the news source
(e.g., common usage of
– How reliable is the coding of hard
facts (e.g., date, location, actor)
versus soft facts (e.g., ascribed
cause of the event)?
– What are the characteristics of
“good coders” (e.g., education
level, length of contract)?
Nonmedia data
Representation and Measurement:
– External data (e.g., police records,
military data, NGO reports) can
also suffer from bias and
– When used to correct media-based
data, errors in external data can
create additional uncertainty or
reinforce biases
– NGO reports contain about 4
times more deaths than interview
– Compare different nonmedia
sources (e.g., NGO reports,
interviews, surveys) to investigate
source-specific coverage and
reporting effects
– Drawn on media as well as external
sources, code reports separately
and include indicators of potential
uncertainty and bias in the final data
– What choices do writers of NGO
reports make and how can this
affect event data (e.g., are they
likely to exaggerate atrocities to
advocate for more support)?
– To what extent can we rely on
police records/military data in
developing contexts?
Table 1. (continued)
Research Step Error Risks Available Estimates
Solutions Future research Directions
– Corrective weights to compensate
for selection effects can induce bias
when selection bias is not constant
over time and space.
– Imputation of missing data on dates,
locations, fatalities, etc., can lead to
a false sense of reliability
– Time and data imputation can affect
in particular analyses requiring fine-
grained time and location data
– Bias in significance and direction of
regression coefficients
– Create weights in the data set,
ensure transparency on their
creation, and allow users to
incorporate weights or not
– Include indicators for imputation of
– How do corrective measures
affect substantive findings?
– How does selection bias differ
over time, space, and news
– How does data imputation affect
substantive findings?
Note: ACLED ¼Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset.
Percentages are used when the events/fatalities were matched, otherwise we calculate the difference in number of events/fatalities registered (X times less or
Jenkins and Maher (2016); Myers and Canigla (2004).
Davenport and Ball (2002).
Weidmann (2016).
Demarest and Langer (2018), Herkenrath and
Knoll (2011), Bueno de Mesquita et al. (2015).
Barron and Sharpe (2008).
McCarthy et al. (1999), print media estimates.
Weidmann (2015).
UCDP data, respectively.
Schrodt and Ulfelder (2016).
Bond et al. (1997), Croicu and Weidmann (2016), King and Lowe (2003).
Bond et al. (1997), Boschee et
al. (2013), King and Lowe (2003), Stepinski et al. (2006).
Hutter (2014), Kriesi et al. (1998).
Salehyan et al. (2012).
Demarest and Langer (2018).
and Ball (2002).
Ortiz et al. (2005).
overview of these error sources, available estimates of their size, and
mitigation strategies. The estimates of the degree of error are based on
the studies reviewed here and hence on different geographical contexts,
time periods, (automated) coding procedures, and so on. Moreover, the
estimates show the extent to which information can diverge but not
necessarily how this impacts substantive research results. While this
should be taken into account, they do provide researchers indications
on how to assess data quality. Finally, the available (and unavailable)
estimates also indicate where more empirical research is needed. In this
section, we focus mostly on the methodological questions which have so
far been insufficiently addressed in the literature. The last column of
Table 1 contains an extensive list of questions which require further
research and which together constitute a research agenda concerning the
methodology of creating and using conflict event data sets.
Most attention in the literature has been directed to coverage error and for
important reasons. Indeed, the available estimates on event selection reveal
that the distorting effects of coverage error on research findings may be
substantial. While most evidence of such bias has been established in the
context of protest movements in Western contexts (e.g., Jenkins and Maher
2016), there is indication that violent conflict as well is underreported
(Davenport and Ball 2002; Weidmann 2016). Besides the form of conflict,
another important challenge concerns the widespread use of international
news wire reports to investigate (violent) conflict in the developing world.
Evidence suggests that this may be problematic (Bueno de Mesquita et al.
2015; Demarest and Langer 2018; Herkenrath and Knoll 2011). This prob-
lem could be mitigated by the increased availability of online local sources
and, potentially, new evolutions in automated coding. Interestingly, the
available estimates on reporting error appear to indicate that the facts of
protests (McCarthy et al. 1999) and violent conflict (Weidmann 2015) may
be reported relatively error free. Nevertheless, reporting error can also be
dependent on the context. This is especially important to take into account
when considering local media sources subjected to government control. No
estimates appear to be available for these types of contexts, however.
Errors arising from the logic of the media source require careful
consideration and further research. Other features of the data collection
protocol require attention too, however. This is also revealed by the
estimates of errors related to the coding process. In this regard, it is
important to point out that while different indicators can be used to
assess particular methodological choices (selection agreement, intercoder
reliability, recall, and precision), there is for now no real consensus in the
26 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
literature concerning the use of such indicators and, consequently, their
reporting. Many new data sets in peace and conflict studies for instance
rarely provide information on coder selection and reliability or the gen-
eral degree of imputed data in the data set. By contrast, automated coding
developers appear to show more agreement on the need to report recall
and precision rates.
The measurement of such errors is important to establish where most
data collection efforts should be directed in order to achieve the largest
gains in terms of data quality. For example, Schrodt and Ulfelder
(2016:29) argue that including indicators of uncertainty about events,
actors, and so on (see Table 1, “codebook development”), did not add
much value to PITF’s atrocities data, and they left out these indicators in
later versions. The same questions canberaisedwithregardtothe
coding of reports separately to account for differences between them
(Day et al. 2015; Weidmann and Rød 2015). More research is needed
in order to determine the merits of such procedures to be able to assess
their use for new data sets.
Users as well should direct sufficient attention to event error sources.
This applies to the selection of particular data sets to address substantive
research questions but also in reporting and robustness checks. Event error
sources are necessary to understand the limits of particular studies, for
instance, both in the academic and policy domains. Furthermore, when data
developers provide indicators of data quality, we argue that researchers
focusing on substantive questions should not only report these indicators
in their studies but should also reflect upon the implications of these indi-
cators for the validity of their findings and conclusions. This includes in
particular missing data imputation indicators that are not commonly used in
quantitative conflict studies even though the field is increasingly focusing
on fine-grained details on events both in time and in place (Gleditsch et al.
2014). Although event data weighting is still not commonly used, again the
effect of weighting should be carefully compared with results based on
nonweighted data, and a preference for some results over others should
be explicitly motivated.
The quality of conflict event data can be affected by a wide range of errors.
The discussion in this article was guided by the current state of the art
concerning conflict event studies and also drew on social movement and
communications studies. The major advantages of the TEE framework is
Demarest and Langer 27
that it offers a holistic perspective on the sources of error affecting conflict
event data and, by consequence, analytical clarity into an arguably broad
field of study. Indeed, while many error sources have been discussed in the
literature, these debates have not always allowed for further systematization.
By doing just this, the TEE framework offers a baseline tool for new and
established data developers and users, as well as guidance for future research.
Furthermore, while TEE has focused on human and automated event data
collection practices, it can be extended into new areas. The emergence of
“citizen reporting” via social media, for example, is becoming an important
new source for event data collection but similar concerns with regard to
coverage and reporting effects, as well as data collection procedures apply.
Finally, it is worth noting that while errors can and should be minimized,
they can hardly be ruled out completely. Hence, event data will never be a
true reflection of reality. However, this is not unlike other empirical data
sources in the social sciences, including public opinion surveys. Going back
to our initial analogy, it is worth considering that the sources of error are
widely recognized in survey research but also that the real exercise lies in
minimizing errors by taking into account limited resources. As with “survey
errors and survey costs” (Groves 1989), the balance between event errors and
costs constrains event data set developers. In order to improve guidelines and
standards for data collection, however, conflict event data methodology
needs to be considered as a research agenda in its own right. The TEE
framework and the research questions laid out in Table 1 offer important
directions to do so.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study received funding from the
Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).
Leila Demarest https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6887-9937
1. Earlier versions of UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset included only conflict
events in Africa; a new global data set is currently available (version 5.0). Note
28 Sociological Methods & Research XX(X)
that especially for violent conflict event data sets, developing countries are pre-
dominant, even if the data set has a global focus.
2. An extensive range of studies has been written on the topic of media selection
bias alone. We provide an overview of key ideas here and direct readers to the
references cited in this section, and Data Weighting section for corrections on
selection bias, for further information.
3. All the conflict event data sets mentioned in the introduction predominantly use
these inventories, except for Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset, which
also draws from local newspapers.
4. The use of local news sources has, however, been more frequently the case to
investigate Hindu–Muslim riots in India (e.g., Wilkinson 2004).
5. Note that in literature, hard news is also conceptualized as having a high degree
of newsworthiness such as news regarding politics, economics, and social mat-
ters, whereas soft news has less substantive informational value, for example,
gossip, human interest stories, and so on (e.g., Reinemann et al. 2011). This
distinction is related to, but differs from, the one used in this article.
6. While the dictionary and the coding program are in principle separate entities in
automated coding procedures (Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013:24), we do not
explicitly separate the two in our discussion here. We also do not go into pro-
gramming errors or characteristics (e.g., speed).
7. Recall is equal to the number of true positives divided by the sum of the number
of true positives and the number of false negatives. Precision is equal to the
number of true positives divided by the sum of the number of true positives and
the number of false positives. The F1 statistic captures the harmonic mean of
recall and precision (Heap et al. 2017).
8. The sparse parsing procedure breaks down sentences in relevant text based on
actors, targets, and transient verbs.
9. It is, however, important to mention that the use of TABARI in their work has
been criticized by Schrodt (Schrodt and Van Brackle 2013:27).
10. See Codebook 3.1, updated November 20, 2014, pp. 3-4.
11. In addition to intercoder reliability one can pay attention to intracoder reliability
or stability, that is, does a coder code previous reports in the same way at a later
point in time (Krippendorff 2013:270-71).
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Author Biographies
Leila Demarest is an assistant professor of African politics at the Department of
Political Science, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Her research interests include
social movements and political mobilization in Africa, political communication, and
quantitative and qualitative social science research methodology. Her most recent
publications (with Arnim Langer) are “The Study of Violence and Social Unrest in
Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Three Conflict Event Datasets” in African Affairs
(April 2018) and “Peace Journalism on a Shoestring? Conflict Reporting in Nigeria’s
National News Media” in Journalism (first online, August 2018).
Arnim Langer is a professor in international relations at KU Leuven and director of
the Centre for Research on Peace and Development (CRPD) at the Faculty of Social
Sciences. Currently, he is also Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of
Heidelberg, Germany. He has published extensively on the causes of violent con-
flict in heterogeneous societies and the challenges to sustainable peacebuilding.
Some of his recent publications include “Conceptualising and Measuring Social
Cohesion in Africa: Towards a Perceptions-based Index” (published in Social Indi-
cators Research) and “A General Class of Social Distance Measures” (published in
Political Analysis).
Demarest and Langer 35