

  • universitas jenderal achmad yani yogyakarta
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Background : Decubitus prevention need the knowledge, attitude, motivation, and behavior of nurses. Objective : To identify the description of nurses role’s in decubitus prevention in Internal medicine ward of hospital in Yogya. Method : This was a descriptive design by using cross sectional time approach. The number of samples was 15 respondents selected through total sampling technique. The analysis applied descriptive statistic. Result : The majority of nurses had positive role’s in decubitus prevention as many as 10 respondents (66.7%), the nurses role’s according to some characteristics were as follows; The nurses role in the assessment on decubitus risk factor was in good category as many as 9 respondents (60.0%), the nurses role in skin care for patients was in good category as many as 9 respondents (60.0%), the nurses role in patients nutritional status enhancement was in good category as many as 10 respondents (66.7%), the nurses role in support surface was in sufficient category as many as 12 respondents (80.0%), and the nurses role in providing education was in good category as many as 13 respondents (86.7%). Conclusion : The nurses role’s in decubitus prevention in internal medicine ward of hospital in Yogya is in good category. Keywords : Decubitus prevention, Nurses role’s,Positive role’s

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Pressure ulcer remains a significant problem in the healthcare system. In addition to the suffering it causes patients, it bears a growing financial burden. Although pressure ulcer prevention and care have improved in recent years, pressure ulcer still exists and occurs in both hospital and community settings. In Jordan, there are a handful of studies on pressure ulcer. This study aims to explore levels of knowledge and knowledge sources about pressure ulcer prevention, as well as barriers to implementing pressure ulcer prevention guidelines among Jordanian nurses. Using a cross-sectional study design and a self-administered questionnaire, data was collected from 194 baccalaureate and master's level staff nurses working in eight Jordanian hospitals. From September to October of 2011, their knowledge levels about pressure ulcer prevention and the sources of this knowledge were assessed, along with the barriers which reduce successful pressure ulcer care and prevention.ANOVA and t-test analysis were used to test the differences in nurses' knowledge according to participants' characteristics. Means, standard deviation, and frequencies were used to describe nurses' knowledge levels, knowledge sources, and barriers to pressure ulcer prevention. The majority (73%, n = 141) of nurses had inadequate knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention. The mean scores of the test for all participants was 10.84 out of 26 (SD = 2.3, range = 5-17), with the lowest score in themes related to PU etiology, preventive measures to reduce amount of pressure/shear, and risk assessment. In-service training was the second source of education on pressure ulcer, coming after university training. Shortage of staff and lack of time were the most frequently cited barriers to carrying out pressure ulcer risk assessment, documentation, and prevention. This study highlights concerns about Jordanian nurses' knowledge of pressure ulcer prevention. The results of the current study showed inadequate knowledge among Jordanian nurses about pressure ulcer prevention based on National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel guidelines. Also, the low level of nurses' pressure ulcer knowledge suggests poor dissemination of pressure ulcer knowledge in Jordan, a suggestion supported by the lack of relationship between years of experience and pressure ulcer knowledge.
The purpose of this paper is to identify factors influencing performance of hospital nurses in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia. Specific objectives were to estimate self-reported performance, and determine whether differences in employee demographics, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, influenced performance. In total, 15 hospitals were randomly selected. The questionnaire was sent to all nurses (1,834) in these facilities and 923 nurses responded. Statistical analysis included correlation, t-test, and regression analysis. The study finds that job performance is positively correlated with organizational commitment, job satisfaction and personal and professional variables. Both job satisfaction and organizational commitment are strong predictors of nurses' performance. Job performance is positively related to some personal factors, including years of experience, nationality, gender, and marital status. Level of education is negatively related to performance. The findings of this study have a limited generalisability due to the fact that all measures used are based on self-reports. Future research may be directed to other objective measures of performance. Emphasis should be placed on effective supervision, empowerment, and a better reward system. Cultural diversity is a reality for most health organizations in Saudi Arabia; therefore, they need to adopt effective human resources strategies that aim to improve commitment and retention of qualified workers, and build a high performance organizational culture based on empowerment, open communication, and appreciation of impact of national culture on work attitudes. This study fulfills a research gap in the area of nursing performance, and its relationship with work attitudes in Saudi Arabia. The paper also highlights the impact of national culture on job performance and work attitude among nurses in Saudi Arabia, and other countries facing the issue of multi-national work force.
Analisis Faktor Lingkungan dan Individu yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Perawat
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Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Status Fungsional Pasien Paska Open Reduction (Orif) Fraktur Ekstremitas Bawah Di RS. Ortopedi Prof. Soeharso Surakarta'. Tesis. Magister Ilmu Keperawatan. Universitas Indonesia
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Protecting Fragile Skin: Nursing Interventions to Decrease Development of Pressure Ulcers in Pediatric Intensive Care
  • C A Schindler
  • T A Mikhailov
  • E M Khun
  • J Christoper
  • P Conway
  • D Ridling
Schindler, C.A., Mikhailov, T.A., Khun, E.M., Christoper, J., Conway, P., Ridling, D., dkk. (2011). Protecting Fragile Skin: Nursing Interventions to Decrease Development of Pressure Ulcers in Pediatric Intensive Care. National Librarry of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Vol 20, No. 1. Hal 26-34. Diakses dari pada 3 Agustus 2017.
Manfaat Serat dalam Menu Makanan
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Nutrition for Preventing and Treating Pressure Ulcer. University of Michigan Health System : Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • K Koller
  • S Dan Price
Koller, K., dan Price, S. (2015). Nutrition for Preventing and Treating Pressure Ulcer. University of Michigan Health System : Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Dengan Perilaku Perawat Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Dekubitus Di Rumah Sakit Cakra Husada Klaten'. Skripsi. Sarjana Keperawatan. STIKES Kusuma Husada Surakarta
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Exploring Nurses' Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Carry Out Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment
  • Al Kharabsheh
  • M Alrimawi
  • R Al Assaf
  • R Saleh
Al Kharabsheh, M., Alrimawi, R., Al Assaf, R., dan Saleh, M. (2014). Exploring Nurses' Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Carry Out Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment,