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Exploring the Impact of Communication on Employee Performance


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to examine types of communication such as horizontal communication, downward communication and upward communication that impact employee performance in a property development company in Malaysia. Survey questionnaire approach was applied to collect data in this study. A total of 120 respondents participated in this research. The results indicated that downward communication (DC) and horizontal communication (HC) have significant positive impacts towards employee performance. The research finding is able to provide insights and important information to the property development firms to better understand the importance of communication among employees in enhancing employee performance. For this to happen, management may focus on the development of soft skills to increase the ability to express and communicate among the employees. Management should organize more activities such as inter-departmental meetings to create quality bonding among superiors and subordinates. Proper training and development plan should be established to realize effective communication in the organization.
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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3S2, October 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C12131083S219/2019©BEIESP
Abstract: This study aims to examine types of communication
such as horizontal communication, downward communication
and upward communication that impact employee performance in
a property development company in Malaysia. Survey
questionnaire approach was applied to collect data in this study. A
total of 120 respondents participated in this research. The results
indicated that downward communication (DC) and horizontal
communication (HC) have significant positive impacts towards
employee performance. The research finding is able to provide
insights and important information to the property development
firms to better understand the importance of communication
among employees in enhancing employee performance. For this
to happen, management may focus on the development of soft
skills to increase the ability to express and communicate among
the employees. Management should organize more activities such
as inter-departmental meetings to create quality bonding among
superiors and subordinates. Proper training and development
plan should be established to realize effective communication in
the organization.
Keywords : Downward Communication, Employee
Performance, Horizontal Communication, Upward
Human use communication as a channel to interact with
each other in day to day life [1]. Good communication is a
necessary tool in achieving high quality of performance and
maintaining strong working relationships within the
organization. The trust among employees can be build up if
everyone is spending time into delivering clear
communication. Effective communication boosts employee
productivity and binds employees together. It builds team and
increases employee performance and at the same time it
reduces employee turnover in the organization. However,
weak communication in the organization will lead to loss of
confidence and ineffective operation [2]. Organizations that
are deficient in their communication do not achieve the same
performance as those that communicate well [3]. Researchers
such as Bakar, Walters and Halim [4] had expressed the
Revised Manuscript Received on October15, 2019.
* Correspondence Author
Ong Choon Hee*, Azman Hashim International Business School,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Email:
Delanie Ang Hui Qin, Azman Hashim International Business School,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Tan Owee Kowang, Azman Hashim International Business School,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Maizailtulaidawati Md Husin, Azman Hashim International Business
School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Lim Lee Ping, Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
importance of communication in organizations. Yet, they
found that the importance of communication among
employees has often being neglected in the organization.
Hence, this study intends to bridge the gap by raising the
below research questions:
1. What is the relationship between horizontal
communication and employee performance?
2. What is the relationship between upward communication
and employee performance?
3. What is the relationship between downward
communication and employee performance?
A. Employee Performance
Employee performance is a behavior of an employee when
he or she is performing a job or task [5]. It is something or
outcome produced by the employees in the organization [6].
Employee performance involves the achievement of each
employee in accordance with the organization’s regulations,
requirements and expectation. Employee performance is the
result of ability, effort and perception of task from the
employees [7], [8]. It helps to enhance the productivity of the
organization by improving efficiency and effectiveness of the
tasks. Excellent employee performance creates outcomes like
high quality and high productivity among employees in the
organization [9]. The morale and energy of the employees
will be boosted when people surrounding them are doing their
job effectively [5]. The way on how organization
communicates with its employee reflects the performance of
its employees. Effective communication allows employees in
an organization to become productive and efficient [10].
B. Horizontal Communication
Horizontal Communication is the employee
communication across the same level in the organization [1].
The message is transmitted along the similar level within an
organization. Horizontal communication directly shares
information, solves problem and works together efficiently
[11]. It usually produces a higher quality of information
exchange as it occurs directly between employees working in
the same level [12]. Horizontal communication coordinates
the activities of different departments in the organization [13].
It helps in developing stronger relationship for employees in
both similar department and different departments.
Exploring the Impact of Communication on
Employee Performance
Ong Choon Hee, Delanie Ang Hui Qin, Tan Owee Kowang, Maizaitulaidawati Md Husin,
Lim Lee Ping
Exploring the Impact of Communication on Employee Performance
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C12131083S219/2019©BEIESP
Horizontal communication also enhances the involvement
of employees in the organization [12]. The availability to
express views and opinions improves employee performance.
Effective horizontal communication decreases
misunderstanding and conflict in the organization and
increases the network and assists employees in performing
their jobs [13]. This makes the employees happier and more
successful in the organization. Hence, it is hypothesized that:
H1: Horizontal communication positively influences
employee performance.
C. Upward Communication
Upward communication is a communication from
subordinates to their superiors in the organization [1]. The
message is transmitted from bottom to top along the
hierarchy. This usually happens when subordinates request
for opinions from their superiors. It is a type of
communications that triggers decision from the top
management [14]. Upward communication promotes
cooperation and gains support from the superiors. Upward
communication enables employees express their feelings
about jobs and procedures in the organization [15]. Apart
from that, upward communication also reflects the ability of
employees in performing their jobs [14]. For example,
subordinates should know the expectations of their superiors
and discuss with them in relation to job interest and future
career development. In this case, superiors and subordinates
could work cohesively to produce better results and attain
excellent performance. Therefore, it is hypothesized that:
H2: Upward communication positively influences employee
D. Downward Communication
Downward communication is a communication from
superiors to subordinates in the organization [1]. The message
is transmitted from top to bottom along the hierarchy.
Superiors normally share information with their lower level
employees [16]. This would assure that employees understand
the organization goals clearly [17]. The more information is
shared the more productive the employee is expected [10].
Effective downward communication improves leadership
communication by sharing regular updates in the organization
[11]. Superiors who provide subordinates with useful and
accurate information could reduce uncertainties among them
[16]. This makes the employees to understand the reasons for
management decision [16]. In addition, downward
communication transfers work-related information to the
subordinates effectively and ensure employees work for the
best interest of the organization. Superior could also use
downward communication to provide feedback on employee
performance so that individuals are able to improve it from
time to time. Therefore, it is hypothesized that:
H3: Downward communication positively influences
employee performance.
A. Population and Sample
The total population of this study consists of 120
employees in a property development company. According to
Krejcie and Morgan [18], the minimum sample size is 92 for a
population of 120. However, this study selects all the
population as samples as it is possible to reach each
respondent of the population.
B. Measures
The measures of employee performance (12 items) were
adapted from the study of Abelsen et al. [19]. The items of
horizontal communication (6 items) were adapted from
Bakar, Walters and Halim [4] while the items for upward
communication (6 items) were adapted from Michael [20].
Measures for downward communication (6 items) were
adapted from Abelsen et al. [19]. Likert scale was used to
measure the level of agreement for all the study variables. The
scale was anchored by 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3
(Neutral), 4 (Agree) and 5 (Strongly Agree).
C. Data Collection Procedure
Online questionnaires were used in this research because it
is an efficient way to collect data from the respondents. The
questionnaire is set to be completed by the respondents in 10
minutes. Online questionnaires were distributed to the
respondents via emails and mobile applications. Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to
analyze the data obtained.
A. Profile of the Respondents
Among the 120 respondents, 42 were males and 78 were
females. Majority of the respondents were aged between 26 to
35 years old which accounted for 54.2% of all the
respondents. In terms of marital status, 95 of the respondents
were single (79.2%) and 25 (20.8%) were married. In the
category of education background, most of the respondents
(104, 86.7%) were bachelor’s degree holders.
B. Factor Analysis and Reliability Test
Factor Analysis was conducted by employing Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) to assess validity of the study
variables. Based on the results obtained from the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), one of the independent
variables, upward communication has been eliminated. The
elimination of upward communication was due to cross
loadings with other study variables. Table 1 shows the results
of factor analysis for the independent variables (i.e.
downward communication and horizontal communication).
Table 2 indicates a single factor for the dependent variable
(i.e. employee performance). All the variables were deemed
reliable as they had achieved the alpha values beyond 0.70 as
suggested by Tavakol and Dennick [21].
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3S2, October 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C12131083S219/2019©BEIESP
Table 1. Factor Analysis for the Independent Variables
Factor Loading
My superior provides
sufficient amounts of useful
information that I understand.
My superior share and
respond to information in a
timely manner.
My superior actively listen to
my viewpoints.
My superior always speaks
politely and this motivates me
to model him/her.
I know what I am expected to
achieve when I am given a task
at work.
My superior maintains
essential information flows to
I always avoid using harsh
language when communicate
with colleagues.
I use polite language to advise
my colleagues.
I use appropriate language to
address others.
I try to interact with
colleagues nicely at work.
I always respect my
colleagues’ views.
I helps someone without being
Percentage of Variance Explained (%)
Cumulative Percentage (%)
Reliability Coefficient (Cronbach
Note: KMO = 0.893, Bartlett’s test of Sphericity;
Approx.Chi-Square = 1788.899, p < 0.001.
Table 2. Factor Analysis for Employee Performance
I receive meaningful recognition for
work well done.
I receive useful feedback from
superior on my job performance.
My work has made contribution to the
good of the organization would please
I like to feel that I am making some
contribution not for myself but for the
organization as well.
I persist in overcoming obstacles to
complete a task.
I meet the formal performance
requirements of the job.
I put in extra hours to get work done
on time.
I am enthusiasm in performing my job.
I am initiative in doing my work.
My work hard leads to good
My work hard leads to high
My work hard leads to doing my job
Percentage of Variance Explained (%)
Cumulative Percentage (%)
Reliability Coefficient (Cronbach Alpha)
Note. KMO=0.923, Bartlett’s test of Sphericity: Approx.Chi-Square
= 1930.637, p < 0.001.
C. Correlation Analysis
The results tabulated in Table 3 show that downward
communication (r=0.772, p<0.01) has the strongest
correlation with employee performance, followed by
horizontal communication (r=0.523, p<0.01). The results
indicate that there are positive correlations between employee
performance and the independent variables.
Table 3. Correlation between the Independent Variables
and Employee Performance
Communication (HC)
Communication (DC)
Employee Performance
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
D. Multiple Regression Analysis
Table 4 shows the multiple linear regression analysis
among the independent variables and employee performance.
The results indicate that 63.9 percent (R2=0.639) of the
variance of employee performance can be explained by the
two independent variables. The analysis shows that all
independent variables have a significant positive relationship
with employee performance. Downward communication
(β=0.672, p<0.001) has the strongest relationship with
employee performance, followed by horizontal
communication (β=0.229, p<0.001). Therefore, hypothesis
H1 and H2 are accepted.
Table 4. Multiple Regression Analysis among the
Independent Variables and Employee Performance
Employee Performance (DV)
ation (HC)
ation (DC)
Exploring the Impact of Communication on Employee Performance
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C12131083S219/2019©BEIESP
F value
R Square
***Significant at the 0.001 level.
The findings showed that there is a significant positive
relationship between horizontal communication and
employee performance (β=0.229, p<0.001). This implies that
the higher the horizontal communication, the higher the
employee performance. This finding is supported by Ince and
Gil [15], who exerted that in increasing horizontal
communication among employees, it would affect employee
performance in a positive way. Other researchers such as Kibe
[22], Sgobbi and Cainarca [23] also postulated that there is a
positive relationship between horizontal communication and
employee performance. The researchers found that horizontal
communication encourages learning and decision making at
the lower level of hierarchy in the organization. It enables a
higher degree of teamwork among staffs and reflects higher
performance in their works. As reported in the multiple
regression analysis results, downward communication was
found to be significantly related to employee performance
(β=0.672, p<0.001). This finding is supported by Okyere [1],
who postulated that there is a positive significant relationship
between downward communication and employee
performance. Downward communication is expected to share
information between superiors and subordinates. Frequent
downward communication can reduce unnecessary burden
and improve employee performance in the organization.
Other researchers such as Abdullah and Hui [24], found that
downward communication inspires employees with the way
the information is delivered and received. Junior staffs usually
receive information about their works from senior staffs in the
organization. Hence, downward communication enables
junior staffs to understand expectations from the senior
leaders in performing their tasks [10].
The findings of this study provide empirical evidence to the
management to ensure effective downward and horizontal
communication take place in the organization. For this to
happen, management may focus on the development of soft
skills to increase the ability to express and communicate
among the employees. Management may organize more
activities such as inter-departmental meetings to create
quality bonding among superiors and subordinates. Proper
training and development plan should be established to
realize effective communication in the organization [25].
The authors thank the Ministry of Education Malaysia,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (GUP Tier 2: 15J99) and
Azman Hashim International Business School for providing
financial support to publish this paper.
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: C12131083S219/2019©BEIESP
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... Organizational communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and messages among members of an organization with the goal of achieving shared objectives and ensuring effective operations (Ufuophu-Biri & Ayewumi, 2022).Effective communication ensures that employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Clear instructions and feedback help employees align their efforts with organizational goals, thereby enhancing their performance (Hee et al., 2019). So that the higher the organizational communication will increase employee performance. ...
... employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Clear instructions and feedback help employees align their efforts with organizational goals, thereby enhancing their performance (Hee et al., 2019). ...
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Research Aims: This study aims to determine the effect of organizational culture, organizational communication mediated by working commitment on employee performance of PT Tata Bara Utama in Central Kalimantan. Design/methodology/approach: This research is a quantitative study by examining the cause-and-effect relationship of the variables of organizational culture, organizational communication mediated by work commitment to the performance of employees a sample of 46 respondents who are still working on the Central Kalimantan project. This research was processed using SmartPLS 3.2. Research Findings: 1) directly organizational culture and organizational communication have a significant and positive effect on employee performance. 2) commitment has no effect on employee performance. 3) Organizational culture has a significant and positive effect on employee performance. 4) organizational communication has no effect on employee performance. 5) indirectly organizational culture and organizational communication have no effect on employee performance mediated by commitment. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: with the research, steps that can be taken by management, namely the need to approach lower-line employees to increase commitment so that it can affect employee performance. Keywords: organizational culture, organizational communication, commitment, employee performance, project.
... The organizational climate is the independent variable and is measured with 5 items adopted from a study by (Hussain et al., 2022). .Employee performance is a dependent variable as measured with 12 items from (Hee et al., 2019). Further, the knowledge transfer is the mediator between OC and EP and it is measured with 3 items adopted from (Kun, 2022;Shannak et al., 2017). ...
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... Multiculturalism may not be avoided if an organisation is willing to utilise the best talents from across the world [4]. Globalisation and multiculturalism have a significant impact on the expansion of trade, economic landscape, social sphere, political system, and international relations [12]. Communication is a powerful tool in a multicultural organisation through which not only the exchange of information happens but also a collaborative trust and relationship among employees can be built and maintained [5]. ...
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Objectives: This study examines the various communication patterns and behaviours driven by cultural and gender diversity differences in a highly diverse multicultural workplace. Furthermore, it is also examining the relationship between effective communication patterns/ techniques and employee’s engagement and productivity. Methods: The Descriptive Analysis, Reliability, Pearson Correlation and Hypotheses testing through Regression analysis conducted by SPSS version 22 software and AMOS software version 22. Results: Analyses of data collected in this study is significant in order to test the hypothesis and answer the research questions for making accurate prediction about the results. The quantitative analysis and interpretation of data was carried out in two phases based on the results of the questionnaire. Conclusions: The study is focused on analysing the impact of meaningful multicultural communication among employees and the role played by supervisor-employees communications on employees’ self-esteem, job engagement, intention to change the job and overall job satisfaction. To satisfy the scope of the study existing review of literature, secondary available data, case studies, qualitative and quantitative research techniques are used. The core literature was sourced from various studies conducted around the world on diversity.
... Communication is very important for all organizational functions, because operational and management systems are driven by communication [24], [25]. Communication is also a means of coordinating between various subsystems in an organization. ...
This study aims to investigate the influence of communication and work environment on the performance of cooperative management, with competence as an intervening variable, in Malang City. The research’s focus is multi-business cooperatives that have cooperative ddentification number certificates from the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. The sample in this study were all cooperative management who had attended cooperative training, and were collected using conditional simple random sampling with a total of 173 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis tool from the AMOS statistical software package was used for analysis. The results of the study show that the way cooperative leaders communicate with members plays a role in improving the performance of leaders. Cooperative management is shown to be effective when there is mutual trust between management employees, indicating that a non-physical work environment directly influences the performance of cooperative management. Increasing the competency of individual cooperative leaders also plays an essential role in improving performance. These findings indicate that the effectiveness of communication and the non-physical work environment will enhance the performance of management the competence of cooperative administrators is increased. Keywords: competence, communication, non-physical work environment, cooperative management
... nship between employee training, career counseling, employee mentoring, and career advancement on employee performance, emphasizing the importance of these factors in enhancing performance.Kareem (2019) emphasized the positive impact of human resource development practices, including training and career development, on organizational effectiveness.Hee et al. (2019) identified a significant positive relationship between communication and employee performance, aligning with Lantara's (2019) findings that organizational communication climate and work enthusiasm affect work satisfaction and employee performance. Furthermore,Indrasari et al. (2019) highlighted the significant and positive effect of com ...
The major objective of the study is to analyze the effect of career development program, commitment and communication on employee’s productivity in Nepalese commercial banks. This study uses questionnaires survey method using multiple choice, ranking scale. Likert scale and other demographic information were used to collect primary data. The Likert scale on different variables like career development, commitment, communication, training, reward and work environment measured in 5-point Likert scale and weighted mean value of each variable were used to examine the relationship between dependent and independent variables as for the study purpose. This study showed career development, commitment, communication, training, reward and work environment have positive impact on employee productivity in Nepalese commercial banks. This indicates that better career development program, commitment, communication, training, reward and work environment leads to increase employee productivity in Nepalese commercial banks. The study also concludes that training followed by reward and work environment is the most influencing factor that explains employee productivity in Nepalese commercial banks.
... Workplace efficiency is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of organizational performance (Arnetz et al., 2024;Kuber & Rashedi, 2020). It is generally defined as the ability of an organization to maximize output while minimizing input, ensuring that resources are used optimally to achieve the desired results (Hee et al., 2019). This efficiency is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage, ensuring sustainability, and fostering a productive work environment. ...
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This study explores the impact of cultural diversity on workforce efficiency within Pakistan's private banking sector. With globalization increasing diversity in age, gender, geographical location, and language, the research aims to understand how these dimensions influence labor efficiencies. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys of employees from various private banks with qualitative interviews to gather comprehensive insights. Findings indicate that cultural diversity enhances creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving due to a broader range of perspectives. However, challenges such as communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts can hinder collaboration and productivity. The significance of the study lies in its practical recommendations for fostering an inclusive work environment that leverages the strengths of a diverse workforce. Effective management practices are highlighted as crucial for mitigating potential downsides, thereby boosting overall efficiency and competitiveness in the banking sector. This research contributes to the broader discourse on workplace diversity, offering valuable insights for both academic and industry stakeholders.
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The study evaluates the role that upward communication plays in enhancing effective communication. It is however vital for petroleum retail service stations, and the petroleum industry as a whole to prevent the occurrence of accidents and to ensure safety. Upward communication in an organisation underline the significance of employee feedback in improving organisational performance and shaping decision-making. It promotes a culture of transparency and trust, encouraging employees to share suggestions, ideas, and concerns with management. The study is conducted in the petroleum sector and focuses on the selected petroleum retail service stations in South Africa. The study adopted a quantitative approach to address the objectives and prove the hypothesis. The data was collected from 740 retail service station employees in South Africa. The data collection method that was utilised for the study was closed-ended questionnaires that were personally administered. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 25) and includes both inferential and descriptive statistics. The result of the study proves that there is a relationship between upward communication and effective communication in the South African petroleum sector. The manner in which top-level employees communicate impacts on how effective communication is in sites. The conclusion drawn from the study have shown that upward communication have a positive and significant association with effective communication. The study recommends that there should be various options for communication media, also accommodating technological advances. The study also recommends the creation of an open communication environment where barriers to communication are minimised. This be in need of accessible feedback, manager training, clear communication in the daily operation to promote continuous improvement, transparency, and trust.
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Given the rapid advancements in the digital transformation era, digital leadership has become essential for enhancing employee performance and organizational commitment. This study specifically examines the mediating role of digital transformation in the relationship between digital leadership, employee performance, and organizational commitment, drawing on data collected between June and August 2024 from 579 participants across diverse industries. The findings demonstrate that digital leadership significantly enhances employee outcomes by driving digital transformation, which serves as a crucial intermediary that amplifies the positive effects of leadership. This research underscores the importance of aligning leadership strategies with digital transformation initiatives, especially in the DT-driven business landscape, to promote sustainable growth and maintain a competitive edge. By highlighting the combined influence of leadership and digital transformation on employee performance and organizational commitment, this study provides valuable insights for organizations addressing the complexities of digital change. It also emphasizes the pivotal role of leadership in fostering innovation and organizational resilience in the digital transformation era.
The objectives of this study are to examine the impact of Knowledge management process on worker performance in Hail health cluster, to inspect the mediating role of smart technologies between Knowledge management process and worker performance. Further, to explain the importance of training/skill development as moderator between use of smart technologies and worker performance in the context of Hail health cluster Saudi Arabia. This study is quantitative in nature and data is collected with the help of well-developed questionnaire randomly from 302 employees working in different hospital in Hail health cluster. Smart PLs is used, for analyzing the PLS-SEM of conceptual framework. After the Analysis, this study found positive and significant relationship of knowledge management process (knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition and knowledge utilization) with worker performance. Further, smart technologies play important role in enhancing the worker performance directly and also play mediating role between of knowledge management process (knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition and knowledge utilization) with worker performance. Moreover, training/skill development has positive moderating role between smart technologies and worker performance. This study not only has theoretical and empirical implications but its practical implication, this study provides the open horizon for utilization, sharing and acquisition of knowledge for increasing the performance of worker in healthcare sector. Further, this study explains the smart technology mediating role to link these variables. Moreover, it is considered that training/skill development is important for utilization smart technologies for enhancing the performance of healthcare workers. Overall, this study is very beneficial for the ministry of health, administration and policy makers for development of this heath sector by boost up the productivity of employee. This study is very important in the context of health cluster of Hail. With the best of authors’ knowledge this study is one of the initial studies related to unveil the impact of knowledge management process with its important dimension such as (knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition and knowledge utilization) with worker performance. Further smart technologies are mediator and training/ skill development is moderator.
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This study aims to see and analyze the influence of work motivation, work discipline and communication on funding sales team performance at the Overseas Bank using a quantitative descriptive approach. The data used are primary data using a questionnaire distributed to 61 respondents. The sampling method uses saturated model sampling. The measurement scale in this study uses a Likert scale and the data is processed using the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) method. The results of this study indicate that the variable work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, communication variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between human resource management practices (training and development, compensation and benefit, performance management) and career satisfaction. Data was collected through questionnaire from 80 employees of various banks in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The results of the regression analysis showed that training and development and compensation and benefit were significantly related to employee career satisfaction. The findings suggested that training and development is the most important factor that influence career satisfaction followed by compensation and benefits. Performance management was found to be not significant in predicting career satisfaction.
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Background and Objective: Transformational leadership and employee engagement have been much studied in the private industry but very little has been done in the public sector. This study was conducted in the Malaysian public sector to discover its impact on employee performance. This study aimed to develop a conceptual model and to examine employee engagement as a mediator between transformational leadership and employee performance in the public sector of a developing country. Materials and Methods: The data were collected through a survey of 200 employees in a public sector organization in Malaysia. Self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample size was determined according to the sample size at the level of confidence of 95% and significant level of 0.05. Stratified random sampling technique was used to achieve the objectives of this research. The survey instruments used in this study consisted of 34 items relating to 3 constructs namely employee engagement (EE, 11 items), employee performance (EP, 13 items) and transformational leadership (TR, 10 items). Results: Results of the partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) revealed that transformational leadership was positively related to employee performance. In addition, the analysis also showed that employee engagement fully mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. Conclusion: This study suggested that policy makers should introduce organizational interventions that encapsulate both transformational leadership and employee engagement to enhance employee performance in the public sector.
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Based on analyzing to some previous research, this study is developed by using constructs to explain how the dimension of corporate culture impacts employees commitment. This study uses examination model based on the literature reviews of previous research and then the hypotheses were be expended as a methodology. The result of the study shows that the employee commitment to organization can be improved through corporate culture that consists of teamwork, communication, training development and reward-recognition. To maintain efficiency, effectivity and organization productivity could be conducted by optimizing employee commitment to organization by creating and implementing corporate culture consistently. The concept of employee commitment to organization is described with causal relation toward corporate culture which is decomposed into the dimension of teamwork, communication, training development and reward-recognition.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between personality traits and customer-oriented behavior among nurses in the selected public hospitals in Malaysia. The respondents consisted of female and male nurses with majority of them were staff nurses. A quantitative, cross sectional survey method was used in this study. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the data collected. The findings of this study revealed that personality traits (i.e., extraversion and agreeableness) were positively related to customer-oriented behaviour. Agreeableness made the strongest influence in explaining the variance of customer-oriented behavior. This study provides theoretical and managerial implications by using the concept of customer-oriented behavior in enhancing nurses' job performance in the hospitals.
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The human resources' training function plays an important role from the beginning of the employment. In the same time, the development function of HR is equally important for the future of the employment relationship. This study reviews the previous studies on the impact of training on firms' performance. The review shows that few determinants and factors on the training program are related to firms' performance. Factors such as number of training programs conducted, training policy, nature of training, effort in evaluating training programs, flexibility of the training programs, training cost, identifying training needs and training program design found to have significant impact to firm performance. In addition, some studies have shown a positive correlation between training and firms' sales and productivity. This indicates that increase in training activities can help organizations to perform better and improve firm's future value. In conclusion, it is undeniable that training is one vital function in HRM that can impact firms' performance. HR practitioners that wanted to play more strategic role in the organizations must embark into this function effectively.
This paper examined the impact of organizational commitment dimensions on employees’ performance among academic staff of Oyo State owned tertiary institutions. The researchers adopted multi-stage sampling procedure for the selection of the participants. The first stage, two higher institutions of learning through purposive sampling technique were selected, while simple random sampling technique was used to select 25% of total population of respondents from two selected higher institutions of learning respectively. Therefore, the total sample size is made up of 197 respondents from the pay roll list of two institutions. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information from the study’s participants which were Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) and Employees performance Questionnaire (EPQ). Both Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficients and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analysis the data. Result revealed that organizational commitment dimensions jointly and independently influence employees’ performance among academic staff of Oyo State owned tertiary institutions. Therefore, the paper recommended that management of tertiary institutions and policy makers should take measures to enhance academic staff’ performance through increased commitment level.
Organizational peace, communication and justice perception are very important factors in order to be successful. The objective of this study is to examine the relationships between the degree of organizational communication and organizational justice perception of employees. Besides, there is another objective which is identifying the relationships between employees' demographic features and organizational communication. The research was done on 98 employees who are working for Provincial Directorate of Agriculture allied to Karaman governorship. Data derived from the survey method research is analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 software program. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one way variance analysis, correlation and regression analysis are used during the assessment of the data. At the end of the research, findings show that there is a significant relationship between communication and interactive justice. Further, findings state that there is a difference on employees' organizational communication degree according to their education status.