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El Paso, Texas: Active Transportation System



The ULI Resilience Advisory Services Panel in El Paso studied how the region’s proposed new Active Transportation System can serve as a model for resilience by taking a holistic approach to environmental planning, land use, open space, housing development strategy and civic engagement. The City of El Paso faces challenges such as flash flooding, drought, water supply shortages, and urban heat island, all in conjunction with the tribulations and opportunities of sharing a significant international border with Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Bi-national trade and travel is a day-to-day reality in El Paso and ingrained in the city’s character. El Paso’s strong identity, cohesive communities, and commitment to planning all bolster its capacity for resilience. The city has also shown its commitment to enhancing local resilience through its participation in the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities program, its investment in a Chief Resilience Officer and its development of a city-wide Resilience Strategy.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Active Transportation System
El Paso, Texas
November 13–18, 2016
Active Transportation System
El Paso, Texas
DowntownChamizal–Medical Center
November 13–18, 2016
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
About the Urban Land Institute
THE URBAN LAND INSTITUTE is a global, member-
driven organization comprising more than 40,000 real
estate and urban development professionals dedicated to
advancing the Institute’s mission of providing leadership
in the responsible use of land and creating and sustaining
thriving communities worldwide.
ULI’s interdisciplinary membership represents all aspects
of the industry, including developers, property owners,
investors, architects, urban planners, public officials, real
estate brokers, appraisers, attorneys, engineers, finan-
ciers, and academics. Established in 1936, the Institute
has a presence in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific
regions, with members in 76 countries.
The extraordinary impact that ULI makes on land use deci-
sion making is based on its members sharing expertise on
a variety of factors affecting the built environment, includ-
ing urbanization, demographic and population changes,
new economic drivers, technology advancements, and
environmental concerns.
Peer-to-peer learning is achieved through the knowledge
shared by members at thousands of convenings each
year that reinforce ULI’s position as a global authority on
land use and real estate. In 2016 alone, more than 3,200
events were held in 340 cities around the world.
Drawing on the work of its members, the Institute recog-
nizes and shares best practices in urban design and devel-
opment for the benefit of communities around the globe.
More information is available at Follow ULI on Twit-
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Cover photo: Katharine Burgess/ULI
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El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
About ULI Advisory Services
gram is to bring the finest expertise in the real estate field
to bear on complex land use planning and development
projects, programs, and policies. Since 1947, this program
has assembled well over 600 ULI-member teams to help
sponsors find creative, practical solutions for issues such
as downtown redevelopment, land management strate-
gies, evaluation of development potential, growth manage-
ment, community revitalization, brownfield redevelopment,
military base reuse, provision of low-cost and affordable
housing, and asset management strategies, among other
matters. A wide variety of public, private, and nonprofit
organizations have contracted for ULI’s advisory services.
Each panel team is composed of highly qualified profes-
sionals who volunteer their time to ULI. They are chosen
for their knowledge of the panel topic and screened
to ensure their objectivity. ULI’s interdisciplinary panel
teams provide a holistic look at development problems. A
respected ULI member who has previous panel experience
chairs each panel.
The agenda for a five-day panel assignment is intensive.
It includes an in-depth briefing day composed of a tour of
the site and meetings with sponsor representatives; a day
of hour-long interviews of typically 50 to 75 key commu-
nity representatives; and two days of formulating recom-
mendations. Long nights of discussion precede the panel’s
conclusions. On the final day on site, the panel makes an
oral presentation of its findings and conclusions to the
sponsor. A written report is prepared and published.
Because the sponsoring entities are responsible for signifi-
cant preparation before the panel’s visit, including sending
extensive briefing materials to each member and arranging
for the panel to meet with key local community members
and stakeholders in the project under consideration,
participants in ULI’s five-day panel assignments are able to
make accurate assessments of a sponsor’s issues to provide
recommendations in a compressed amount of time.
A major strength of the program is ULI’s unique ability
to draw on the knowledge and expertise of its members,
including land developers and owners, public officials,
academics, representatives of financial institutions, and
others. In fulfilment of the mission of the Urban Land
Institute, this Advisory Services panel report is intended to
provide objective advice that will promote the responsible
use of land to enhance the environment.
ULI Program Staff
Tom Eitler
Senior Vice President, Advisory Services
Beth Silverman
Senior Director, Advisory Services
Daniel Lobo
Senior Director, Awards
Katharine Burgess
Director, Urban Resilience
Paul Angelone
Director, Advisory Services
Steven Gu
Associate, Education and Advisory Group
Leah Sheppard
Intern, Center for Sustainability
James A. Mulligan
Senior Editor
Laura Glassman, Publications Professionals LLC
Manuscript Editor
Betsy Van Buskirk
Creative Director
Deanna Pineda, Muse Advertising Design
Graphic Designer
Craig Chapman
Senior Director, Publishing Operations
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
About Urban Resilience Panels
LEADERS IN CITIES AROUND the world are thinking
about how to become more resilient in the face of climate
and extreme-weather challenges. Resilience has taken
on many meanings in many different contexts. The Urban
Land Institute has joined a number of partner industries to
create a shared definition of resilience: the ability to pre-
pare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more suc-
cessfully adapt to adverse events. Implied in that definition
is the ability not just to recover and bounce back but also
to bounce forward and thrive.
The Kresge Foundation has provided generous funding
support to ULI to undertake a series of Advisory Services
panels to assess how cities can better prepare for changes
deriving from global climate change. Those changes range
from rising sea levels and exacerbated drought and air
temperatures to more extreme conditions, such as floods
and wildfires.
The objective of such panels is to offer advice and guid-
ance to communities that will assist in their formulation of
plans and policies and that will, in turn, create stronger re-
sponses to and recoveries from such events. The guidance
from these panels is also intended to offer cities strategies
to more effectively address the impacts of climate change
on a day-to-day basis and make investments which will
not only improved preparedness but also strengthen social
cohesion, economic development opportunities, and
environmental performance.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
THE URBAN LAND INSTITUTE wishes to thank the city
of El Paso for sponsoring this panel, along with partners
including the Borderplex Alliance, the El Paso Metropolitan
Planning Organization, and the county of El Paso. Special
thanks is extended to the city of El Paso’s chief resilience
officer, Nicole Ferrini, and Sustainability Program Spe-
cialist Lauren Baldwin, who facilitated an effective week
of work, ensuring the panel’s access to critical informa-
tion and perspectives, and demonstrating their clear com-
mitment to resilience and their city. City Manager Tommy
Gonzales also provided excellent support and access to in-
formation about El Paso, the Active Transportation System,
and the city’s current program of work.
Other El Paso staff members who supported the panel’s
work included Jenny Hernandez, climate preparedness
specialist; Candice Heins, sustainable neighborhood
specialist; Ricardo Isaias, public affairs coordinator; Javier
Jaime, GIS specialist; Lieutenant Thomas Quinn, assistant
emergency management coordinator; Stephanie Santiago,
senior economic development specialist; Mariano Soto,
GIS specialist and planner; and Mark Weber, neighborhood
services coordinator.
The panel would also like to thank the Kresge Founda-
tion for its generous support of ULI’s Urban Resilience
Program, which has made these panels possible.
The panel also extends its thanks to the many stakehold-
ers from El Paso, including many representing com-
munities in Chamizal and downtown, who participated in
the panel through the interview process. This group of
interviewees included city community leaders, city staff,
elected officials, designers, real estate developers, and ac-
tive transportation activists. Throughout the week, the ULI
panel was continually impressed by El Paso’s commitment
to resilience and to the active citizens groups at work to
strengthen community life.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
ULI Panel and Project Staff ...............................................................................................................................8
Introduction and Executive Summary .................................................................................................................9
The Opportunity of the Active Transportation System .......................................................................................17
Implementing Effective Community Engagement ..............................................................................................25
Identifying Alternative Transportation Corridors ................................................................................................30
Developing Market-Informed Housing, Financial, and Land Use Strategies ........................................................47
Enhancing Partnerships, Cooperation, and Governance ....................................................................................60
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................62
Resources .....................................................................................................................................................64
About the Panel .............................................................................................................................................65
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
ULI Panel and Project Staff
Panel Chair
Kamuron Gurol
Former City Manager
City of Burien, Washington
Panel Vice Chair
Ladd Keith
Planning Lecturer and Director of Academic Initiatives
and Student Success
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Panel Members
Shane Farthing
Senior Adviser
Montgomery County Planning Board
Silver Spring, Maryland
Richard Henderson
Executive Vice President for Real Estate
Boston, Massachusetts
Anita Morrison
Founding Principal
Partners for Economic Solutions
Washington, D.C.
Carlos F. Perez
Perez Planning + Design LLC
Atlanta, Georgia
Jodi Slick
Founder and CEO
Duluth, Minnesota
Alejandro (Alex) Villegas
Rodgers Consulting
Largo, Maryland
ULI Project Staff
Katharine Burgess
Director, Urban Resilience
Paul Angelone
Director, Advisory Services
Rose Kim
Senior Director, Special Events
Leah Sheppard
Intern, Urban Resilience
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
A BINATIONAL CITY set in a dramatic desert envi-
ronment, El Paso faces challenges of water availability,
fragile natural ecosystem, weather extremes, and ag-
ing infrastructure. After more than 350 years of continu-
ous settlement, residents and businesses are well versed
in adaptation, but environmental challenges likely will
become more frequent and severe because of climate
change. The city is also addressing a range of other so-
cial and economic challenges, including relatively high and
chronic poverty rates, high per household costs for energy,
and lack of alternative transportation.
Located in far western Texas on the Rio Grande, El Paso
is across the U.S.-Mexico border from Ciudad Juárez,
Mexico. As of 2014, El Paso’s population numbered about
680,000, located within a larger region of roughly 2.5
million people. Together, El Paso, Ciudad Juárez, and Las
Cruces, New Mexico, function as a unique international
and bistate borderland area, forming the largest bilingual
and bicultural workforce in the Western Hemisphere. The
city has a land area of 256 square miles, with a density of
2,500 people per square mile. The El Paso metro area also
has five inland ports of entry, three of which are within city
limits; the largest military installation in the United States;
and the second-largest international trade crossing in the
United States.
El Paso has recently invested enormous resources to
study catalyst investments, job creation strategies, and
downtown revitalization strategies. Voters have favored
large tax-supported bond issues for public infrastructure,
and encouraging signs of new building and investment ex-
ist in downtown and neighborhoods. Some areas continue
to struggle, however. As of this writing, El Paso’s elected
officials continue to discuss the strategy for some of the
city’s investments that are intended to spur revitalization.
Current revitalization plans build from the blueprints set by
a number of impressive recent planning efforts. Through
participation in the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient
Cities program, El Paso has formalized and strengthened
many of its resilience planning efforts. The city hired a
Introduction and Executive Summary
El Paso forms a broader,
binational metropolitan region
with Las Cruces, New Mexico,
and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.
Las CrucesLas Cruces
Ciudad Juárez
El Paso
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
El Paso’s downtown is enjoying revitalization; residents and visitors
are greeted with street art (above) and local businesses such as the
Coffee Box (right) next to San Jacinto Plaza.
The panel built from previous planning work in El Paso, including the Plan El Paso
comprehensive plan and the recent City of El Paso Bike Plan.
chief resilience officer and has integrated resilience think-
ing into the city’s strategic plan. Plan El Paso, the city’s
comprehensive plan, has been lauded as one of the most
ambitious smart growth–inspired plans in the country,
offering a progressive land use, zoning, and development
strategy that prioritizes mixed-use development. The 2016
City of El Paso Bike Plan offers a citywide routing strategy
for enhanced bicycle infrastructure.
The city of El Paso, the Borderplex Alliance, the El Paso
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and the county
of El Paso were partner sponsors for initiating this ULI
Resilience Advisory Services panel to help identify a land
use strategy that would improve community resilience,
address climate risks, build community strengths, and
promote economic vitality. The panel’s assignment focused
on identifying resilient route options and a complementary
land use strategy for the “International Beltway” portion
of the city’s new Active Transportation System (ATS), a
funded project spearheaded by the local MPO. The ULI
Urban Resilience Advisory Services panel sought to apply
the priorities and values of El Paso’s resilience planning
efforts to the ATS site and set a blueprint for future
resilience building opportunities.
The Case for Resilience
The city of El Paso defines resilience as a “community’s
ability to respond positively to change,” considering shifts
in environmental, economic, and societal circumstances.
In addition to the ability to survive a short-term shock,
resilience comprises the many linked strengths and ca-
pacities that enable a community to overcome longer-term
stressors and thrive despite adversity. El Paso’s strong
identity, cohesive communities, and commitment to plan-
ning all contribute to its capacity for resilience.
The city’s recent investment in resilience planning signals
a commitment to work across the boundaries of municipal
departments to address complex challenges. The city’s
Strategic Plan recognizes core resilience challenges and
proposes strategies which will help strengthen the city’s
adaptability and prosperity.
Individual city projects, such as planning and constructing
the Active Transportation System, offer the opportunity to
address El Paso’s vulnerabilities and challenges, ultimately
achieving more resilient outcomes. If the ATS acknowledg-
es the city’s shocks and stressors and follows the pillars
of resilient design, it could be a model for future city plans
and investments, in terms of both design and process,
and a replicable example for other communities seeking to
build their capacity for resilience and strength.
The Panel’s Assignment
The ATS, spearheaded by the MPO, designated a frame-
work for an alternative transportation route through the
region that links key destinations and historic assets. Alter-
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Building on the work already underway
100 Resilient Cities Resilience
Award-winning Comp Plan
2016 Bike Plan
ATS Strategy
Many others…
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Building on the work already underway
100 Resilient Cities Resilience
Award-winning Comp Plan
2016 Bike Plan
ATS Strategy
Many others…
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
The panelists pose at an El Paso
bike sharing station.
Leaders from the city of El Paso
staff and the Housing Authority
of the City of El Paso briefed the
native transportation is defined as human mobility though a
self-propelled or otherwise nonmotorized means, typically
walking or bicycling. The panel was asked to help identify
a land use strategy for a portion of the ATS that would
improve community resilience, address climate risks, build
community strengths, and promote economic vitality.
Key questions for the panel included the following:
What ATS route between downtown and Chamizal offers
the best connectivity, access, and experience for users?
Should the MPO consider any secondary routes?
What would a resilient ATS trail look like in terms of
components such as bike lanes, trees, plantings, storm-
water infrastructure, and pedestrian infrastructure? How
do these components respond to resource management
and climate constraints and create a more bicycle- and
pedestrian-friendly environment? Could the panel create
a “Toolkit of Parts” for the MPO?
How can the Salazar Park site, and others currently up
for redevelopment in the study area, reflect resilient
design principles, address climate risk, public health,
and active design, and better incorporate open spaces
and links to pedestrian and cycle-friendly transportation
resources, like the ATS?
What private and public sector funding sources can be
used for resilience investments along the ATS and on
sites like Salazar Park? How can interagency and public/
private vehicles be involved in the delivery of resilience
Additional key questions to be considered were the
How can El Paso preserve and enhance cultural and
historical assets, which already exist in the community,
while enhancing and investing in resilience, mobility,
education, health care, open space, and infrastructure?
Beyond linkage through the new ATS, what are the op-
portunities to connect Chamizal and downtown?
How can the design of active transportation infrastruc-
ture and public spaces address El Paso’s drought, heat,
and nuisance flooding risks?
How can a system like the ATS, and housing sites such
as Salazar, promote active transportation and active,
healthy lifestyles in an often hot and arid environment?
How do the themes and strategies identified during the
panel relate to future active transportation projects, such
as Mission Trail?
How can future planning processes broadly consider
resilience in environmental, community, and economic
The panel focused on the stretch of the ATS identi-
fied as the “International Beltway,” running between El
Paso’s downtown, currently experiencing revitalization,
through Chamizal, an underinvested and largely residential
neighborhood, up to the area known as the Medical Center
of the Americas (MCA). The panel explored how the ATS
could best link these areas and promote healthy human
activity, along with a complementary land use strategy for
areas proximate to the trail and the surrounding area. The
panel also considered what public and private mechanisms
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
A Resilient ATS: Opportunities for Mitigation
A resilient ATS would address El Paso’s vulnerabilities in its design, in its development process, and even in its surrounding land uses. The ATS concept
addresses some of these vulnerabilities by its very nature, but others require proactive decisions related to design, land use, or the development process.
Topic Vulnerability Opportunity for mitigation
El Paso has a largely car-dependent transportation network.
In 2000, 92 percent of El Pasoans commuted to work by car,
and the average household owned more than one vehicle.
Bike infrastructure is not widely available across the city, and
the roads offer an often unsafe environment for cyclists and
pedestrians, as exhibited by the city’s high pedestrian and
cyclist fatality rate.
The ATS offers El Pasoans the opportunity for pleasant, safe,
and convenient bike connectivity and is likely to encourage
and increase bike use. A city with multimodal transportation
offerings is inherently more resilient, because it provides resi-
dents choices for their daily travel patterns and can enable
households to save money if they no longer require a car for
day-to-day needs.
Human health
and preventable
The National Equity Atlas found that 69 percent of adults
in El Paso were classified as overweight or obese in 2012,
and reducing obesity and diabetes through the promotion of
healthy living and active living was the local department of
health's top priority in 2013. Much of El Paso also currently
lacks sufficient neighborhood green spaces; for example, in
2013, northeast El Paso offered 4.22 acres of parkland for
every 1,000 residents, in comparison with the median of
12.5 acres per 1,000 residents in the Trust for Public Land’s
2015 City Park Facts report.
The ATS is designed to encourage exercise, active play, and
time in the outdoors. In addition, a resilient ATS could appeal
to a broader range of residents and families by including
green spaces within the networked transportation route. A
resilient ATS would not only offer a safe route for biking and
walking but could also include a complementary network of
green spaces, thereby enhancing recreational opportunities in
currently underserved areas.
Poverty Over a quarter of El Pasoans have incomes placing them
below the federal poverty level, and the residents of Cham-
izal, along the International Beltway portion of the ATS, are
among those with the lowest incomes in the city: 40 percent
of households survive on less than $10,000 a year.
A resilient ATS could connect residents with jobs and rep-
resent an investment leading to economic development
opportunities for the neighborhood.The ATS could also better
address social vulnerabilities in El Paso with a proactive and
inclusive community engagement strategy.
Extreme heat High temperatures occur regularly in El Paso and put the
elderly and other vulnerable residents at risk. The city’s
extremely hot days, with maximum temperatures over 95
degrees Fahrenheit, are expected to increase from 70 in
2015 to between 105 and 150 by 2100 (Garfin et al. 2016).
A resilient ATS could address the urban heat island effect in
its design, mitigating extreme heat through the incorporation
of natural materials and fewer hardscapes. Adjacent new
housing and development could also address heat in housing
design through the incorporation of landscaping, cool roofs,
and permeable surfaces.
Flash flooding El Paso has recently experienced increased frequency of flash
floods, which is likely to be further exacerbated by climate
change. The flash floods of 2006, which immobilized the city,
are one recent memory. Although the city receives an aver-
age of only eight inches of rainfall each year, concentrated
bursts of rain can cause significant harm, especially in areas
with minimal stormwater infrastructure.
A resilient ATS route could be designed to manage storm-
water and offer emergency flood relief. For example, the
Franklin Canal, which is the strongest candidate for a resilient
ATS, could provide El Paso with an additional resource during
a flood event. Although the canal is designed for irrigation
rather than stormwater management, the Water Authority has
the option and capability to open the canal to relieve the risk
of the Rio Grande overflowing.
Drought Drought is a regular occurrence in El Paso and across the
desert southwest. The city of El Paso depends on both sur-
face water supply from the Rio Grande and ground sources.
A resilient ATS could be designed to accommodate drought
with a native planting palette requiring minimal irrigation and
a design that reduces evaporation and supports water sup-
ply. A desert landscape could capture visual interest through
rocks as well as light desert plantings designed to celebrate
the agricultural and landscape history of El Paso.
Challenges of
border metroplex
Binational trade and travel is a day-to-day reality in El Paso
and an inherent part of the city’s character. Many residents
of Chamizal travel frequently to Juárez to visit friends and
family. Although these journeys are currently not a challenge
for residents, changes in border policies or permeability
would present challenges for residents as well as broader
economic challenges for the region.
A resilient ATS has an opportunity to address the interrelated
nature of El Paso and Juárez by connecting with the border
bridges and the complementary transit systems. Although the
International Beltway segment of the ATS does not connect
directly to Juárez or the border, it will connect to the pro-
posed new bike infrastructure in downtown, which is outlined
in detail in the 2016 bike plan.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
could be used to fund and deliver future investment. More
broadly, the panel explored how El Paso can integrate
discussions of climate risk and resource management,
promote thoughtful design for conditions of extreme heat
and flash flooding, and create inviting landscapes that are
well connected and accessible to all.
The panel also addressed two specific sites along the
ATS. These nodes were explored as potential exemplars of
resilient, healthy design principles and studied as potential
connection sites for the ATS.
Downtown, which has experienced revitalization, was
one focus area and a key economic development link for
Chamizal. The panel provides suggestions for supporting
existing uses and businesses and fostering complementary
new development that would be beneficial to each area
and supported by the market. The panel also highlights the
opportunity to create a meaningful connection and synergy
between downtown, through Chamizal, and connecting
to the MCA to support a long-term vision for community
The panel focused on how the
city could design a vibrant,
resilient ATS that responds to
local climate and community
needs, fostering a “share the
road” culture.
El Paso’s Vulnerabilities
Although El Paso faces a relatively minimal level of
environmental shocks, the city is frequently beset by
environmental stressors that include predictable weather
events, such as extreme heat, flash flooding, drought,
and freezing conditions, made increasingly more variable
by climate change. Of these stressors, extreme heat has
the highest likelihood of occurrence. In a high heat event,
temperatures can reach between 105 and 110 degrees
Fahrenheit in the midsummer months.
Throughout the year, El Pasoans also cope with an
increased risk of longer and more extreme drought and
flash flooding crises, which have devastating effects
on water supplies and necessitate costly repetitive
investments on flood disaster repairs. These weather
events have an immense impact on vulnerable community
members, such as children and the elderly, those who
lack access to air conditioning and transportation, and
those who are hindered by communication barriers. Given
the scenario of more common severe weather events,
the city of El Paso has prioritized mitigating damage
caused by such events and improving infrastructure and
technologies to provide increased adaptability.
Issues relating to socioeconomic mobility and access to
opportunity make up the lion’s share of El Paso’s social
vulnerabilities. Economic liabilities, health challenges,
long-term poverty, and energy and food security are also
major concerns for many residents of El Paso. Within
communities that are facing high levels of poverty, such as
the Chamizal community, the need and ability to survive a
variety of shocks and stressors with minimal resources has
become an observable cultural trait.
As one of the largest binational metropolises in the
Western Hemisphere, El Paso has many characteristics
that create potential economic opportunity but also their
share of economic vulnerabilities. The border culture
thrives in the city: El Paso is home to $54 billion in
binational imports and exports in addition to $64.7 billion
in goods that are transported through the city every year.
Friendships, families, and business ventures stretch across
the border, and more than two-thirds of the population
identifies as Hispanic. But many bilingual residents do
not have professional-level fluency in either English or
Spanish. Although the cost of doing business in El Paso is
22 percent lower than the national average, and the metro
region is home to five universities, the city has historically
struggled to build a reputation as a good place to do
business and promote private sector investment.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
The study area for the panel
included the portion of the
Active Transportation System
that stretches from downtown
(to the west) to Chamizal (to
the east), including the Franklin
The other area, in Chamizal, surrounding the Salazar
and Tays public housing developments, currently under
redesign and construction, is adjacent to a recycling center
and designed with minimal green space. The Salazar
development lacks inviting, healthy outdoor spaces as
well as key connectivity supportive of high quality-of-life
standards for residents and the surrounding community.
The panel also explores what a more connected, resilient,
and healthy community could look like, how the project
could be funded, how community stakeholders should be
involved, and how other public investments in the area
could be leveraged toward broader community benefit.
The bulk of the city’s resilience work has emphasized the
capacity of the built environment to impact quality of life,
urban ecology, human health, and economic growth. The
sponsor sought to use the ATS as a case study for this
approach through the ULI panel.
The Panel’s Primary
The panel’s recommendations fall into five strategic areas:
Use strategies to prepare for, and adapt to, the chal-
lenges of climate change and its environmental impacts
through built infrastructure, innovative strategies, and
programmatic means addressing the risks of drought,
urban heat, and flash flooding.
The Franklin Canal, which is
currently largely inaccessible to
the public, was a major focus
for the panel as a potential
opportunity area for the ATS.
Focus Area 1:
Focus Area 2: Chamizal
Franklin Canal
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Responding to Resilience Principles
A resilient ATS should respond to the city’s four core principles for building resilience. The result would be more than the
sum of its parts: a more active, healthy, and connected Chamizal, linked to the opportunities in downtown and the MCA
and connected to a welcoming network of community spaces.
Resilience principle Opportunity for a resilient ATS
Vibrant desert city The ATS should be designed to build from El Paso’s unique sense of place and assets,
recognizing the desert setting. Landscape and infrastructural elements should be
designed to accommodate drought and to use minimal water day to day. The ATS must
also recognize the barriers to active transportation, particularly in the hotter months, and
incorporate ample opportunities for shade.
Environmental economy A resilient land use and development strategy spearheaded by the ATS should take
advantage of El Paso’s emerging culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. The panel
considered opportunities for new job training programs, premises for small businesses,
and other economic development opportunities when examining the opportunities pre-
sented by the ATS.
Empowered El Pasoans A successful ATS plan requires not only planning but also authentic community engage-
ment. The city, MPO, and other agencies involved must work to understand the needs
and interests of local residents and develop programs and opportunities that respond
Resilient governance Consistent, transparent, and reliable governance and engagement are critical to the resil-
ience of any city. The development of active and collaborative partnerships and more open
communication between citizens and city decision makers are two key goals of El Paso’s
strategy for building resilience. The panel’s proposals for the ATS consider how the site
could serve as a case study for this transparent, open, and collaborative approach.
The panel team, including the staff from the city of El Paso who hosted
the panel, pose at San Jacinto Plaza before the final presentation.
Create and implement an effective and meaningful com-
munity engagement process that can be tailored to local
communities and replicated along the ATS.
Examine the options, benefits, and challenges for
alternative transportation corridors and associated com-
munity spaces in the study area, such as the example
options for the ATS corridor between downtown and
Chamizal and a potential new multipurpose trail along
the Franklin Canal.
Make market-informed choices for future land use,
employment, and housing options in the focus areas, in-
cluding opportunities on the Salazar site and a potential
relocation strategy for incompatible industrial uses.
Build on the foundation and enhance partnerships and
cooperation across the public sector, community and
nonprofit agencies, and the private sector to implement
these strategies and promote policy continuity and politi-
cal alignment.
The rest of the report provides more detail about these five
opportunity areas.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Additional Resources from ULI
Building Healthy Corridors: Transforming Urban and Suburban Arterials
into Thriving Places explores how to transform automobile-oriented
commercial corridors into more economically vibrant, equitable, and
sustainable places that support the people who live, work, and travel
along them.
This report lays out strategies for those who are rethinking the future
of commercial corridors. It outlines opportunities for integrating health
into decision-making processes, for forging partnerships with diverse
stakeholders, and for engaging surrounding communities to ensure that
urban and suburban arterials enhance health for all.
Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier explores
the interconnections among walking, bicycling, and real estate
development. It showcases the growing synergies between real estate
and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure investments.
As developers around the world seize a competitive advantage by
leveraging growing interest in biking and walking among residents and
tenants, municipalities are promoting health, equity, and sustainability
by investing in active transportation infrastructure projects such as
trails, bike lanes, and bike share systems. Together, these multisector
investments are producing opportunities to profitably enhance the
safety and convenience of nonmotorized travel.
Building Healthy
Places Initiative
Healthy Corridors
and Real Estate
Building Healthy
Places Initiative
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
vention define active transportation as “any self-propelled,
human-powered mode of transportation, such as walk-
ing or bicycling.” An ATS is a network of infrastructure de-
signed for travel powered by people, rather than motorized
vehicles. This infrastructure should be scaled for pedestri-
ans and cyclists, considering safety, connectivity, and user
El Paso’s proposed new ATS indicates the MPO’s commit-
ment to healthy transportation and multimodal connectivity
across the region. When implemented in conjunction with
a broader vision for resilience addressing environmental
concerns, land use, and open space, the ATS offers even
greater opportunities for El Paso. Inclusive community
consultation, compatible land use patterns, and ecologi-
cally sensitive design would all contribute to the resilience
of the ATS. A resilient ATS would address El Paso’s climate
vulnerabilities, enhance quality of life, and present oppor-
tunities to residents in underserved communities.
The panel recommends that the city of El Paso and the
MPO strive to design and implement a resilient ATS. This
report outlines how an ATS, specifically the “International
Beltway” segment from downtown through Chamizal to the
MCA, could be a resilient system and provide an example
for future investment in El Paso.
Preparing for Climate Change
El Paso is in one of the hottest and driest regions in the
United States. Natural climate variability has already
exposed the city to extreme heat and drought. Climate
change adds a new challenge to El Paso and the larger
region, with more extreme heat, less snowpack in the
mountains that feed many water sources, more extreme
rainfall events, and increased climate variability overall
(Melillo et al. 2014).
These climate impacts and extreme events will signifi-
cantly affect the city of El Paso and its residents. In 2015,
El Paso County recorded 106 consecutive days above
Benefits of Active Transportation
Recent findings from a nonmotorized transportation pilot
program conducted by the Federal Highway Administration
to gather statistical information on mode share shifts
when new infrastructure and education programs were
implemented in four communities showed that:
Roughly, 16 million miles were walked or bicycled
that otherwise would have been traveled by driving;
bicycling increased by 36 percent and walking
increased by 14 percent.
Emissions decreased by more than 7,700 tons of
carbon dioxide; this is equal to saving one gallon of
gas per person in the four communities or 1.7 million
gallons of gas overall.
Injuries were reduced: Even with the increased rates of
walking and bicycling, fatal crashes remained the same
or decreased.
The communities reduced the economic cost of
mortality by $6.8 million.
Similarly, Safe Routes to School infrastructure has been
shown to increase physical activity in children by 20 to
200 percent; also, the safety benefit generates up to a
49 percent decrease in childhood bicycle and pedestrian
collision rates.
Source: American Public Health Association/Safe
Routes to School National Partnership, Promoting Active
Transportation: An Opportunity for Public Health, 4.
The Opportunity of the Active
Transportation System
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Extremely Hot Days (Maximum Temperature over 95°F) in El Paso County
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Climate & Environment
Days with Max Temperatures Above 95°F
Source: NOAA, UTEP, University of Arizona, City of El Paso
Source: Garfin, LeRoy, and Jones, Developing an Integrated Heat Health Information System for Long-Term Resilience to Climate and Weather Extremes in the El Paso-Juárez-Las
Cruces Region (2016), figure 1 at 12.
90 degrees Fahrenheit, well above the historic average
(Garfin et al. 2016). Coupled with increased heat, El Paso
experiences the urban heat island effect, where the built
environment and local emissions amplify heat in the urban
area. This effect is particularly strong at night and prevents
the urban area from cooling down naturally.
The increase of heat through climate change and the
urban heat island effect directly affects public health.
Infants and young people, as well as those over 65, are
age groups most at risk for heat-related illnesses. Other
populations at risk include those who are overweight,
those who physically overexert during exercise and outdoor
work, and those who suffer from compounding illnesses
(Garfin et al. 2016). Vulnerable populations in energy-
inefficient housing, lacking access to air conditioning, and
who experience electronic communication or language
barriers are particularly at risk during extreme heat events.
Increased heat also affects local and regional rainfall in
several ways. One is that warmer winters regionally will
result in drastically decreased mountain snowpack, which
historically slowly melted and fed local El Paso water
supplies throughout the year. Streamflow totals in the
southwestern basins, including the Rio Grande, were be-
tween 5 and 37 percent lower from 2001 to 2010 than the
20th-century average flows (Melillo et al. 2014). Overall,
the potential for droughts that are extreme and longer in
nature is increased by climate change. The heat also dries
out the ground and soil more quickly, which affects the
water required for urban landscaping and nearby agricul-
ture. It also increases the risk for dust and dust storms,
which can have a significant health impact on those with
asthma and other breathing conditions.
Whereas El Paso is at greater risk of drought, the warmer
atmosphere also increases the probability of extreme rain-
Days with maximum temperature above 95 degrees F.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
fall events, because the heat enables the atmosphere to
hold more moisture. Such an event would be similar to the
July 2006 flood, which caused an estimated $200 million
in damage to homes and businesses and $100 million in
damage to the city’s infrastructure (KVIA 2016). During the
storm, the city received 15 inches of rain over four days,
with at least one intensive period of four to six inches in 15
hours. The heavy rains and mountain terrain led to signifi-
cant water runoff and more intense flooding than the city
had seen in 100 years. The numerous raised canals, rails,
and hardscapes such as roadways and parking lots in the
city have put particular areas at increased risk for these
flood events. After the flooding, the city earmarked $115
million of bond funding for reconstruction and repairs.
This change in weather has other effects, including the po-
tential for an increase in mosquito population in El Paso as
the warm season grows longer because of climate change
and the urban heat island effect (Brown et al. 2015). This
potential for increased vector-borne diseases, such as the
existing West Nile virus and the threat of Zika virus, could
have additional negative public impacts.
Additional environmental considerations include the
Urban Heat and Public Health
Source: Melillo, Richmond, and Yohe, Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment (2014), figure 20.6 at 470.
A dust storm in nearby New Mexico decreases visibility for travelers
and presents health risks.
Use of white
roofs, shade
tree planting,
and increased
use of
Energy Star
Application of smart-
grid technologies
and addition of solar
power generation for
summer peak
provision of
cooling centers
and programs to
check on elderly
and at-risk
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Local pollution sources (air quality);
Environmental contamination (brownfields); and
Complex border problems.
Vulnerable populations will be affected first and most
severely by climate change and other environmental
“Most of the Southwest border population is concentrated
in eight pairs of fast-growing, adjacent cities on either side
of the U.S.-Mexico border (like El Paso and Juárez) with
shared problems. If the 24 U.S. counties along the entire
border were aggregated as a 51st state, they would rank
near the bottom in per capita income, employment rate, in-
surance coverage for children and adults, and high school
completion” (Quoted in Melillo et al. 2014, 465).
Resilient Design Strategies for the
Active Transportation System
A resilient ATS for El Paso is not only one that withstands
and rebounds from extreme climate events, but also one
that thrives and brings the quality of life in the surrounding
community and region to a higher level. Resilience through
this lens includes consideration of social, economic, and
environmental factors and examination of the broader land
use patterns around the proposed ATS. Planning and de-
sign strategies for the ATS should achieve stacked benefits
Observed U.S. Trend in Heavy Precipitation
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Climate & Environment
U.S. Trend in Heavy Precipitation
Source: National Climate Assessment
Source: Melillo, Richmond, and Yohe, Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment (2014), figure 2.16 at 36.
Standing water, not properly
drained, presents a potential
public health risk, particularly
from vector-borne diseases such
as the Zika virus.
Relative number of extreme events (%)
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
San Jacinto Plaza offers an excellent precedent for new parks in El
Paso, including attractively designed spaces for stormwater capture.
if possible and accomplish multiple social, environmental,
and economic benefits for local neighborhoods, the city
of El Paso, and the broader El Paso–Juárez–Las Cruces
region. This result not only increases the return on the
investment in the ATS for the city, but also strengthens the
positive impacts of the ATS for the residents.
The ATS itself is a resilient response to numerous
challenges facing the city. The ATS promotes safe and
inclusive modes of alternative transportation such as
walking and bicycling, improves public health, decreases
carbon emissions, increases resident mobility, and has
the potential for economic development. Many resilience
design strategies also lower greenhouse gas emissions as
an added benefit. Encouraging walking and bicycling for
local trips means fewer car trips are made, thus reduc-
ing emissions from cars. Through the planting of native
drought-tolerant trees and landscaping, pollutants are
removed from the air and otherwise-present dust from
the currently barren area is minimized. The use of green
infrastructure, which helps decrease flooding risk, also
promotes water conservation by using rainfall instead of
other scarce water sources.
Specific resilience planning and design strategies for the
ATS include the use of green infrastructure, shading, cool-
ing centers, and drinking water availability.
Incorporate green infrastructure.The landscape and
design strategy for the ATS should incorporate green
infrastructure to wisely manage El Paso’s limited water
resources and create a more inviting public realm.
These investments are likely to lead to the conservation
of precious water resources and have the potential for
decreased maintenance and gray infrastructure costs
for the city. A landscape should include drought-tolerant
plantings appropriate to the local climate. Local grants
may be available for investment of this kind; for example,
the Border Environment Cooperation Commission may be
a potential source because of recent efforts in the Mexi-
can state of Nuevo Leon. Design elements could include
Rainwater basins;
Street-side curb cut-outs; and
Drought-tolerant planting.
Decrease hardscape to mitigate the urban heat
island effect. Reductions in hardscape are proven to
decrease the urban heat island effect. Hardscapes can
be replaced with plantings, as well as with permeable
surfaces that absorb less heat. Breaking up hardscapes
can also lead to a reduction in urban heat.
Include the community in the design process.
Involving neighbors in the design process can increase
community interest in the scheme and ensure that
culturally appropriate design elements, likely to be valued
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
A xeriscaping landscape scheme for a median in Tucson addresses
local climate through its resource-efficient design.
A trellis offers an example of an elegant shade structure in front of a
multifamily residential building.
by nearby residents, are included. Engagement in the
design process is also an opportunity for outreach and
education on water conservation. Strategies for involving
the community in ATS planning and the bigger picture for
such an engagement effort are detailed later in this report.
Incorporate ample shade, including manufactured
structures and tree canopy. Given the high number of
triple-digit heat days, El Paso is not always a welcoming
environment for pedestrians and cyclists. Accordingly,
the ATS must include ample shade structures to encour-
age use and make the system viable during times of
extreme heat, particularly at key stops and respite points.
Shade should include the following:
Tree shade: Deciduous trees that lose leaves in the
winter would be a wise investment. Because the
city is relatively cool in the winter, respite spots may
function better with sunshine.
Manufactured shade structures: Shade structures
can be designed as memorable design elements
of the ATS and should be multifunctional, including
other potential elements such as solar panels, plug-
ging stations, and trellises. These shade structures
could also offer opportunities for public art and
placemaking, engaging communities in design and
selecting motifs and themes that resonate with and
inspire local residents.
Identify “cooling centers” and incorporate them
along the route and in citywide strategies. Cooling
centers are public spaces with air conditioning, designed
to temporarily provide relief during heat waves. The
Chamizal Community Center could be a pilot for a cooling
center, located along the ATS in a neighborhood hub.
The cooling center could include elements of resilient
design, such as the ability to function off-grid (preferably
with renewable energy) to withstand extreme heat sce-
narios, particularly as peak demand is increasing, which
could lead to more blackouts and brownouts. The ATS
could be a useful tool for identifying other cooling center
or safe haven locations for neighbors during heat waves.
Ensure drinking water availability. Drinking water
availability is critical for ATS summer use. Unfortunately,
drinking water availability could be improved in El Paso’s
parks, although drinking fountains have been included
in some recent park investments such as San Jacinto
Plaza. Ideally, the system should include tamper-resistant
designs for drinking fountains that can also function as
bottle fillers. Water stations should be marked well and
coordinated with cooling centers for a wider benefit to
the neighborhood.
Increase use of solar energy. El Paso is fortunate to
have one of the best solar resources in the United States.
Panelists heard a desire for additional solar installations
but concern over the current cost of solar energy. In the
past seven years, solar panel costs have decreased by
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Energy, Health, and Jobs: Considering the Impact of Climate Change
As climate change impacts are felt, El Paso’s lowest-
income residents are most at risk of health issues and
financial instability. Currently, a significant gap exists
between affordable energy and the ability of El Paso’s
poor to pay. This situation will only be exacerbated as
additional cooling is needed to deal with extreme heat.
The panel heard from residents of Segundo and Chamizal
barrios an interest in improving the energy efficiency of
homes. The city of El Paso is addressing some of these
issues through its recently formed Regional Renewable
Energy Advisory Council, an ad hoc committee well
positioned to address some of these needs and consider
models that have been effective elsewhere. The Border
Environmental Cooperation Commission also indicated
funding opportunities for this type of work on the El Paso
side of the border. Currently, it is funding a similar program
in Ciudad Juárez.
According to the Home Energy Affordability Gap model,
the “affordable burden” for home energy bills is considered
6 percent of gross income with 2 percent related to
heating and cooling. Although the federal Low Income
Home Energy Assistance Program is able to help residents
at 200 percent of the federal poverty level or less, not
enough resources are available to help all households
in need. El Paso County alone is home to 22,272
households with incomes below 50 percent of the federal
poverty level. In just looking at this extremely low-income
population, El Paso is underfunded by $44 million per year
(or $1,968 per household) to make energy affordable. This
represents an average energy burden of 29.8 percent,
meaning that almost a third of a family’s household income
is being spent on its energy bills.
Developing policies and programs to address energy
affordability increases individual and community energy
and financial resilience and could provide multiple
cobenefits. Nationally recognized models to consider
include the following.
Duluth Energy Efficiency Program
The Duluth Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP) is a
one-stop-shop model for energy auditing, scope of work
development, financial bundling, contractor management,
and quality assurance. DEEP has used U.S. Department
of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S.
Housing and Urban Development Community Development
Block Grant funds along with local philanthropic dollars,
utility rebates, private investment, and earned income
to accomplish more than a thousand retrofits. The
third-party project management program was used to
help northeastern Minnesota recover from flooding in
2012. DEEP partnered with the Fond du Lac Tribal and
Community College to train and mentor home performance
workers and now includes a volunteer-based program to
assist low-income, disabled, elderly, and veteran/active
military personnel.
Green and Healthy Homes Initiative
The Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) model
is similar to DEEP in its efforts to have a coordinated
assessment and implementation of interventions. It
advances the DEEP model by layering efficiency and
healthy building improvements to reduce asthma and
other health conditions affected by the built environment.
GHHI leverages housing, energy, and health funding while
implementing targeted data-supported interventions,
which increases financial and health resilience while
lessening carbon emissions. GHHI has used pay-for-
performance funding models, and many states are
exploring waivers to be able to use Medicare funding for
interventions that show improvement in health indicators.
GHHI’s eight elements of a green and healthy home are
dry, clean, safe, well ventilated, pest free, contaminant
free, well maintained, and energy efficient.
Grid Alternatives
Grid Alternatives is a nonprofit organization working
throughout the United States to provide solar energy
to low-income families. The Solar Affordable Housing
Program is Grid Alternatives’ core program. It uses a barn-
raising model that gives volunteers and job trainees hands-
on experience they can use to get jobs in the growing
solar industry. Each project has a triple impact: energy
cost savings that help struggling families put food on the
table or pay medical expenses; a classroom-in-the-field
for solar aspirants that supports local employment and
the growing solar industry; and a reduction in greenhouse
gas emissions that helps local governments reach their
emissions targets and contributes to cleaner air for
everyone. The federal government also has programs to
encourage training of veterans for the solar industry.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
over 80 percent. Through 2020, a 30 percent federal
investment tax credit (ITC) exists. The panel recommends
El Paso explore opportunities to increase solar instal-
lations to take advantage of the ITC. Current program
offerings through the Solar Foundation could provide
a free SolSmart Advisor to assist the city of El Paso in
expanding solar opportunities and further reducing sys-
tem costs. In addition, the panel recommends targeting
solar production to reduce energy costs to low-income
Incorporate resilient power solutions. The new
community center has the opportunity to be a local and
regional model for resilient power supply, incorporating
the use of renewables to ensure preparedness for power
outages. A combination of solar and battery storage
could be an effective model and could be operated by a
nonprofit organization although the facility will be owned
by the city. The use of battery storage or battery backup
will permit community charging when the grid is down to
ensure communication in time of emergency.
Consider alternatives to traditional materials. Given
its long-term durability and aesthetic potential, concrete
has been recommended for use in the ATS route, includ-
ing in the panel’s primary proposal along the Franklin
Canal. Unfortunately, modern concrete has a high carbon
footprint, in large part because of the production meth-
ods for Portland cement. Portland cement is the “glue”
that binds rocks together in concrete. The calcination of
limestone, the main raw ingredient in Portland cement,
and the high temperatures at which Portland cement
must be produced (2,000 degrees Centigrade) are the
two main reasons for this high carbon footprint.
Options being explored to reduce this footprint include
the use of supplementary cementitious materials, such
as fly ash or slag, which are industrial byproducts that
can replace portions of Portland cement in concrete. In
addition, many new binder systems are being investigat-
ed, including geopolymers, or inorganic polymer binders.
These binders contain zero Portland cement and are
based primarily on waste materials such as fly ash, slag,
or waste glass. These novel, new binders have shown
great promise in terms of mechanical and durability
performance in comparison with Portland cement.
Research on these binders is being led by Dr. Mary
Christiansen at the University of Minnesota Duluth
under a model that could be adopted by the University
of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) School of Engineering. Dr.
Christiansen currently has a research team made up of
undergraduate and graduate students working to further
develop geopolymer binders and has installed demon-
stration projects to test materials on campus. This area
of research has potential to capture a variety of indus-
trial waste products for local reuse. UTEP could become
a center of research and application for lower-carbon
concrete most applicable to the southwest climate with
the ATS as a demonstration site.
Avoid maladaptations to climate change. One
important consideration for the ATS and resilience of
the community in general is to avoid maladaptations to
climate change. Maladaptations are resilience strategies
that initially appear to provide a benefit but that may have
hidden costs that actively promote more greenhouse gas
emissions or decrease community viability in another
way. One example of a maladaptation would be green
infrastructure planted with nonnative trees that increase
demands on water supply during a drought when rainfall
is limited. Another example would be water-harvesting
basins that are not maintained and become mosquito
and vector-borne disease growth mechanisms. Another
example would be patio water-misting systems that run
all day and cool the surrounding air but waste valuable
water resources.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
should be establishing an authentic community engage-
ment model that not only achieves successful routing and
design but also builds longer-term partnerships, expands
capacity of neighborhood residents and organizations, and
creates a sense of ownership that can lead to public/
private opportunities for ongoing maintenance of the ATS.
The panel heard repeatedly that the process for commu-
nity engagement for large-scale projects in El Paso could
be improved, and the ATS offers an opportunity to address
this issue. Foundational elements of community engage-
ment should include identifying adjacent neighborhoods
and commercial districts as key stakeholders, committing
to robust engagement opportunities that “meet people
where they are,” and establishing clear communications
and roles. Communities with high social vulnerability need
additional support to effectively participate, but the poten-
tial rewards of bringing in the neighborhood are high.
Social vulnerability refers to the resilience of communities
when confronted by external stresses and threats. As the
city of El Paso focuses on resilience, numerous stresses and
threats have related to the social inequities and low incomes
in the community. Chamizal has some of the highest social
vulnerabilities in the United States, so any planning initiative
must seek to address these issues, particularly given that
communities with high social vulnerability need additional
support in preparing for hazards and recovering from major
events. Low-income residents are also likely to have more
barriers to participation than higher-income households,
meaning that additional efforts may be needed to achieve a
welcoming and inclusive process.
A mismatch in expectations often exists when community
engagement is discussed. Public entities often check the
engagement box through one-way distribution of informa-
tion or by hosting limited public meetings to gather input
on preconceived strategies or projects. Residents and
business owners who could be affected by decisions often
find this method inadequate and are more likely to define
true engagement as the opportunity to collaborate or be
the true decision makers. Not designing opportunities to
cocreate results in a reduced willingness to engage in the
future or establishment of strong oppositional voices, cost-
ing projects time and money or resulting in projects being
The International Association of Public Participation has
created a continuum of engagement that assists communi-
ties in understanding the variable definition of engagement
and move toward deeper, more authentic processes and
increased social capital. The continuum ranges from dis-
tribution of information and limited engagement (outreach
and consultation) to formation of partnerships and trust
building through bi-directional communication and shared
decision making (collaboration and shared leadership). The
panel recommends that ATS planning be conducted as a
collaboration with opportunities for share leadership.
In short, to become a successful, resilient, and well-used
part of the community, the ATS must respond to the needs
of nearby residents. Accordingly, the city should more
proactively engage residents in the planning process and
in events and programs associated with the ATS after its
completion. A thorough community engagement process
will also make any project more efficient and effective by
Engaging more people, more efficiently, for less money;
Unearthing what matters most to the community to build
synergistic solutions;
Identifying issues in the design phase to reduce costly
changes later;
Implementing Effective Community
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Expanding potential in-kind and financial contributions
to a project;
Building trust over community decisions and greater
project ownership;
Developing long-term stewardship commitments, there-
by reducing operations and maintenance costs; and
Managing the conversation before it manages the
The panel recommends the following strategies to achieve
a more inclusive process for the International Beltway por-
tion of the ATS.
Café Mayapan: A Local Example
of Social Resilience
La Mujer Obrera is an El Paso–based nonprofit
organization that supports local women and
advocates for workers’ rights and human rights in the
disadvantaged communities of El Paso County. Café
Mayapan is one of the organization’s social enterprises:
a traditional Mexican restaurant that provides job
training for local women and strengthens the local
economy in the South Central neighborhood through
employment and contracts with local businesses.
Café Mayapan also supports local food production
and responsible resource use, having provided more
than 300 pounds of compost to local community
gardens since 2012. The café is adjacent to Lum
Metik, a fair-trade shop featuring artisanal products
made by women, including partners from indigenous
communities in Mexico.
Beyond their commercial functions, Café Mayapan and
Lum Metik serve as a hub for community organizing
and educational programming led by La Mujer Obrera.
In doing so, they are excellent examples of social
resilience, skill building, community cohesion, and
personal connections among local people, including
the disenfranchised. Having strong social organizations
and civic spaces such as Café Mayapan and Lum Metik
provides communities with connections, knowledge,
and networks to handle both shocks and day-to-day
Local public art, such as the murals in Lincoln Park, celebrate El
Paso’s character: they emerged as a result of strong community
cohesion and engagement.
The ULI panel team enjoys a meal at Café Mayapan.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Build from the existing social cohesion in the
community. Although the demographics in Chamizal
suggest high social vulnerability, a major mitigating
factor is strong social cohesion. Residents, community
groups, and others reiterated the strong familial and
multigenerational connections in the community, some
of which are endangered as the most recent generation
may be struggling with housing. Neighbors and families
have a system of social ties and interdependence. Many
families also appreciate the convenient and walkable
access to Juárez because of family and community ties
between the sister cities.
The Chamizal community has a number of strong civic
institutions that connect the community. The panel
found a strong desire in the community to build from
these connected networks to create authentic part-
nerships with the city and inform processes. Some
examples are Bowie High School, which is well recog-
nized and respected, including a tremendous amount
of alumni pride, and Café Mayapan, which offers the
community a fantastic resource as both a gathering
place and a hub for social enterprises.
Work with existing neighborhood groups to design
the participation process. Strong social cohesion dem-
onstrated in the study area neighborhoods is an asset
that can be leveraged to get the word out. Resident-led
organizations such as Familias Unidas del Chamizal and
the Southside Neighborhood Association can serve as
trusted messengers to residents and have demonstrated
their desire to enable neighborhood action for greater
resilience. The panel recommends pursuing efforts that
can build neighborhood capacity and leadership.
The El Paso cycling community and Bicycle Advisory
Committee can also work with the city to find ways to
support resident-led neighborhood organizations. The
cycling advocacy group Velo Paso Bicycle Pedestrian
Coalition is already doing fantastic work in El Paso. A
comprehensive community engagement strategy would
ensure that Velo Paso is able to assist local residents’
groups and provide cycling educational materials,
events, and more.
Acknowledge the many projects underway in
the Chamizal area. Although establishing engage-
ment processes that increase the level of community
involvement, impact, trust, and communication flow
are important for all stakeholders, they are even more
imperative to build individual and community resilience
for traditionally marginalized populations with high
social vulnerability. Currently, members of the Chamizal
and Segundo barrios are being affected by multiple
public projects that have had variable commitment and
success in engaging the neighborhood. Interviews have
made clear that public entities strongly desire to include
the neighborhood perspectives in planning and projects;
however, because of staff capacity, scheduling limita-
tions, and budget constraints—or a limited framework
of engagement—these community engagement activi-
ties have not been as robust as they could be.
It should be noted that each public agency’s project is
just one of many being pursued within the study area.
Residents are concurrently dealing with major highway
projects, reconstruction and removal of different public
housing projects, potential closure of schools, and
multiple quality-of-life projects, including the Chamizal
community center and the new multipurpose arena.
Seek to streamline communications and acknowledge
the many stresses and unknowns in the community.
Imposing projects without good engagement can result
in reduced resiliency demonstrated through feelings
of powerlessness, increased complication to individual
lives, and channeling local activism away from important
challenges toward less important ones.
“What we would like is commitment,
communication, and consideration.
—Resident of Chamizal, responding to questions
regarding engagement by public entities
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
During panel interviews, a resident of Chamizal stated in
response to questions regarding engagement by public
entities, “What we would like is commitment, com-
munication, and consideration.” Residents from both
Chamizal and Segundo Barrio also discussed neighbor-
hood priorities that should be considered when making
infrastructure investments and creating engagement
processes. These included the following:
Addressing current infrastructure deficiencies such
as poor lighting and deteriorating sidewalks and
Assisting residents in home efficiency and improve-
ment projects;
Developing community gardens and access to healthy
Reducing toxic load on the community from industrial
and trucking activities;
Increasing safety for children and elderly or disabled
residents on pedestrian routes;
Maintaining housing within walking distance to
international bridges; and
Expanding job and educational opportunities for
Use neighborhood input to provide insight into po-
tential cobenefits. A resilient ATS will not only provide a
new active transportation connection but also suc-
cessfully leverage cobenefits related to the needs and
interests of the community. Some of these cobenefits
may directly address the needs articulated by communi-
ty residents, whereas others would address future areas
of opportunity. Essentially, resilient strategies look for
value-added propositions where a primary goal can be
met, with additional cobenefits developed. Investments
in the ATS that may be beneficial and of interest to the
local community could include the following:
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Community Context Chamizal
Major highway
Multiple efforts affecting community life.
and potential
School closure
and toxic
Quality of Life
The ATS is one of many projects currently underway in Chamizal. Others include major highway projects, housing redevelopments, school
closures, and projects addressing toxicity concerns and quality of life. Any engagement strategy needs to acknowledge both the extent of
change underway and residents’ likely fatigue from past planning efforts.
Major highway projects
Housing reconstruction projects
School closures and toxicity concerns
Quality-of-life projects
East Paisano Drive
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Principles of Community Engagement
El Paso should use the ATS project as a “best in class”
case study for community engagement and leadership.
In addition, the panel recommends creation of a process
that begins at the design phase and follows community
engagement principles (CTSA 2011, chap. 2):
Clearly determining the goal of the engagement effort
and the populations that will be engaged. Recognize
that traditionally marginalized communities may need
additional support to participate. Efforts should be made
to avoid tokenism in which working with one individual
or organization is seen to represent all.
Building knowledge about the culture, norms, economic
condition, history, and demographic trends. This
knowledge is important for the engagement process
sponsor but can also be a step in the process that
creates an option to establish a common context for
subsequent steps.
Understanding the community’s perceptions of those
initiating and participating in the engagement activities.
This step may include identifying past engagement
attempts successes and failures. From this information,
effective strategies can be developed to connect without
defaulting to “they weren’t interested” when the issue
may be initial lack of trust in agency, intentions, or
Establishing relationships with the formal and informal
leadership, and seeking commitment from community
organizations and leaders to create processes for
mobilizing the community. Providing in-kind or direct
resources to organizations to accomplish mobilization
strategies may be important. The level of involvement
needed may vary depending on perceptions identified in
the preceding guideline.
Remembering and accepting that collective self-
determination is the responsibility and right of all people
in a community. Good engagement design can augment
the sense of empowerment and build capacity for
residents to participate in future actions to strengthen
their community.
Recognizing that all aspects of community engagement
must understand and respect the existing social fabric of
the community. Awareness of the cultural context must
be paramount in planning, designing, and implementing
approaches to engaging a community.
Releasing control and establishing a flatter power
structure than currently exists is necessary for shared
decision making. Establishing greater power equity
through training, information sharing, and balanced
representation may be necessary.
Establishing true community collaboration will increase
project success and better future opportunities but
requires a long-term commitment. Each engagement
process can either build or destroy relationships and
trust. Committing to good process and community
collaboration will create the highest chance of
successful project implementation and long-term
dedication by residents in use, operations, maintenance,
and programming of the ATS.
Shade structures providing energy for emergency
charging. In this case, a primary need to mitigate
heat along the ATS provides the opportunity to im-
prove community access to energy and information
via smartphones and the Internet.
Height barriers designed to keep trucks off the ATS,
thereby providing space for creative placemaking or
public art projects. In this case, an effort to improve
air quality and reduce toxins could also provide
opportunities as a creative community outlet that
highlights neighborhood identity and involves local
young people.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
San Jacinto Plaza is a popular
open space downtown that has
provided a place for gathering
and community activities.
transportation network: ideally, the ATS can link a series
of parks, open spaces, and community spaces that are
meaningful destinations for community members and en-
courage active, healthy outdoor activities.
Parks and Open-Space System
Parks and open-space systems are critical to a commu-
nity’s quality of life. Over the last two decades, communi-
ties across the country are realizing the multiple social,
environmental, and economic benefits that these systems
provide. For example, in addition to addressing the varied
recreation and leisure needs and desires of residents,
parks and open-space systems help strengthen social
bonds, improve public health, promote environmental
stewardship, and generate economic development.
In addition, parks and open-space systems can play a
critical role in supporting and reinforcing a city’s strategy
for resilience. Flooding, health, and alternative transporta-
tion are examples of a few of the resiliency challenges that
many cities throughout the country are addressing through
the parks and open-space window. The city of Lenexa,
Kansas, for example, established a multipronged flood
mitigation, water quality, environmental conservation, and
recreation strategy branded as Rain to Recreation after the
city experienced a catastrophic flood that nearly crippled
the city in 1998. Washington, D.C; Portland, Oregon; and
Baltimore, Maryland are just a few of the cities that have
implemented park prescription strategies to help decrease
the impact of noncommunicable chronic diseases such
as obesity, asthma, and mental health disorders. Atlanta,
Georgia, is currently implementing the Atlanta BeltLine,
an ambitious linear green-space system that includes a
network of public parks, multiuse trails, and transit along a
historic 22-mile railroad corridor that circles the downtown
and connects directly to 45 of the city’s neighborhoods.
These are just a few of many examples from across the
country of how a park and open-space system can play
a vital role in a city’s long-term resilience. Common to all
these cities, however, is the unintentional but still important
role that the city’s park and open-space system is playing
in the city’s long-term resilience.
This is not the case with El Paso. El Paso is in a unique and
enviable position in that it has staff and resources dedicated
to enhancing resilience and creating a roadmap toward a
more resilient El Paso. As such, it has the unique opportu-
nity to intentionally integrate the city’s park and open-space
system into the city’s goals for enhancing resilience.
Key Needs
Community recreational space along the
International Beltway
Parks with clean air, particularly for current
housing adjacent to the recycling center
Safe pedestrian spaces, including a safe route
to school
Open spaces to better manage water in the event
of flash flooding
Identifying Alternative Transportation
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Chamizal National Memorial is
the largest green space in the
neighborhood. However, it is
separated from residential areas
by a high-speed thoroughfare
to the north and the border to
the south.
Furthermore, El Paso’s park and open-space system can
play a vital role in mitigating the shocks that challenged
the city’s resiliency in 2006, notably, flash flooding. Critical
to achieving all these strategies is working collabora-
tively with all the city’s departments, stakeholders, and
The city of El Paso completed its most recent Parks and
Recreation Master Plan in 2014. This plan built from a prior
master plan in 2006, incorporating the changes to the
city and the goals embedded in the Plan El Paso Compre-
hensive Plan. The recent parks and recreation plan offers
a sound methodology to improve park access in the city,
with a time frame from 2012 to 2024. The plan catego-
rizes parks, including local or “close to home” space,
regional space, and unique space, such as El Paso’s
heritage parks, and integrates the park classifications from
Plan El Paso, which focus on development of lively urban
public spaces.
Seven Measures of an Excellent
City Park System
1. A clear expression of purpose
2. Ongoing planning and community involvement
3. Sufficient assets in land, staffing, and equipment
to meet the system’s goals
4. Equitable access
5. User satisfaction
6. Safety from physical hazards and crime
7. Benefits for the city beyond the boundaries of
the parks
Source: Peter Harnik, The Excellent City Park System (San
Francisco: The Trust for Public Land, 2003), included in El
Paso’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Chamizal National Memorial
United States
Bowie High
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Despite this ambitious planning, today’s El Paso does not
offer a park system that caters to all residents. Today,
the city ranks 75th of 100 in the Trust for Public Land’s
ParkScore. The 2016 ParkScore index for El Paso esti-
mates that 51 percent of city residents are not served by
the current parks. Although nearly 20 percent of the city is
parkland, much of this is Franklin Mountains State Park—
a magnificent resource, but a site that unfortunately is not
easily accessible to all El Pasoans. Compared with other
cities across the country, El Paso also ranked relatively
low in terms of facilities, with average or below average
access to basketball courts, dog parks, playgrounds, and
recreation centers. For example, El Paso has only 0.8
recreation or senior centers per 20,000 residents; highly
ranked cities such as Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., and
Cincinnati have roughly three times as many.
While El Paso as a whole could have a more accessible
park system, the area around the International Beltway is
particularly underserved. Chamizal is a low-income area
with no significant public parks aside from the Chamizal
National Memorial. The Chamizal National Memorial is a
55-acre National Park Service–managed memorial park,
commemorating the peaceful settlement of a 100-year
border dispute between Mexico and the United States. The
park features ample green spaces and a cultural center
including an amphitheater, visitor center and museum,
galleries, and a theater. Although the park is a fantastic
resource, its location between the high-speed East Pai-
sano Drive and the border is not safely walkable from the
surrounding residential area. Within the residential areas,
few formal green spaces exist aside from Estrella Rivera
Park and some informal green spaces within the Housing
Authority’s Salazar development.
Paseo de los Heroes is a
neighborhood greenway, linking
Armijo Park and Hart Elementary
Creative Placemaking
The Kresge Foundation, the primary funder of ULI’s Urban
Resilience Program and a supporter of ULI’s Building
Healthy Places program, defines creative placemaking
as a comprehensive community development approach
that intentionally embeds arts, culture, and community-
engaged design into strategies to stabilize communities.
The panel believes many opportunities exist to use
creative placemaking approaches to advance vibrancy
and address issues along the ATS corridor. For example,
during the panel’s interviews, residents of Chamizal
expressed ongoing concerns regarding truck traffic in and
around their neighborhood. The concerns included air
quality issues as trucks idle during backups at the border
crossings and safety concerns as trucks use neighborhood
roads to try to gain an advantage in line. Residents
stated that attempts to reduce truck travel through the
neighborhood with bumpouts have not been successful
because trucks just drive over the curbs.
One potential solution is the strategic installation of truck-
height bars at the entrance to roads most frequently used
by trucks to avoid traditional highway routes. The panel
observed integration of art at the nexus of transportation
and green space in Chamizal’s Lincoln Park. Installation of
height bars could serve as another opportunity to address
a neighborhood concern while increasing neighborhood
identity and social cohesion. A creative placemaking
approach that combines art, culture, and resident
engagement could be developed around the installation of
height bars. The resulting project could provide public art
and an environmental solution.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
In short, Chamizal lacks community green spaces, and the
ATS offers an opportunity to enhance the existing green-
space network, both creating new community spaces and
linking existing assets. To be resilient, these green spaces
should be designed to be drought-ready, to manage water
in the event of flash flooding, and to respond to community
needs and interests.
Numerous precedents exist within El Paso for integrating
water management, active transportation, and public spac-
es, although no such space exists within the study area.
One relatively local example is Paseo de los Heroes Park, a
green link that is in fact a capped canal, running between
Armijo Park and Recreation Center and Hart Elementary
School. This linear green park, which is bordered on both
sides by low-speed, one-way streets, connects two neigh-
borhood civic buildings and offers a safe route to school
for neighborhood kids. The park includes historic trees,
seating at benches and tables, and a central walkway.
The park is not an example of cutting-edge design, and
ample opportunities for improved stormwater capture and
native plantings exist. However, the park is well used by
the community and indicates that a space need not be too
elaborate to capture community interest and encourage
pedestrian activity.
Chamizal Community Active
Transportation Corridor Alternatives
The development of El Paso’s ATS provides an opportunity
to add to the region’s mobility while improving numerous
other aspects of the city’s resiliency. The International
Beltway segment of the ATS proposes linking two areas of
El Paso experiencing renewed investment: downtown and
the Medical Center of the Americas. However, the con-
nection of these two areas will involve a route through the
traditionally underserved Chamizal neighborhood, which
presents its own set of exciting opportunities to bring ma-
jor improvements and address numerous chronic stressors
related not only to mobility, but also to health, environmen-
tal justice and sustainability, economic development, and
various limitations to community resiliency.
The following section discusses two potential International
Beltway routing opportunities for the ATS to be considered
by the Chamizal community and local and regional govern-
ments. The first option presents a lower-cost solution that
builds from El Paso’s Bike Plan. The second option, which
includes a revitalized Franklin Canal, offers a more holistic,
ambitious, and resilient design solution that will require
coordination between the MPO, the city of El Paso, and the
Housing Authority of the City of El Paso (HACEP). Although
more costly and time intensive, the second option offers
the opportunity for an infrastructural investment and land
use approach that will build the community’s resilience for
the long term. However, success will require engagement
with the residents of Chamizal to determine community
interest and vision.
The panel’s recommendations include the following:
Investing in pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure along
either Myrtle or Magoffin Avenue, for a lower-cost
Investing in ATS infrastructure along the Franklin Canal
for a more comprehensive and resilient solution;
Designing a Salazar-Chamizal community trailhead; and
Connecting to Bowie High School.
ATS Option 1: Multiuse Trails on Existing
Roadways—Myrtle or Magoffin Avenue
The Chamizal neighborhood is served by a network of
relatively wide (70-foot) east–west roadways. Of those,
the one-way pair of Myrtle Avenue and Magoffin Avenue
Austin’s Rio Grande Street cycle
lane, which is part of the city’s
larger Green Lane Project, is
celebrated at a ribbon cutting
with city council members.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
provides the best opportunity to create an on-road, two-
way, shared-use path that is safe and comfortable, fully
buffered from traffic. Both roadways experience relatively
low traffic volumes and speeds in their existing forms
and were identified by both community stakeholders and
current bicyclists as preferred routes even in their existing
El Paso’s 2016 Bike Plan recommends the Myrtle Avenue
corridor for the addition of a shared-use path, though it
contains no discussion of the rationale for selecting Myrtle
over Magoffin. With no obvious difference in the level of
opportunity presented by these two roadways, the decision
of which roadway would be most appropriate for active
transportation investment would be best left to the neigh-
borhoods, who have better and more localized understand-
ing of the effects on local mobility and patterns. Either
choice for an on-road shared-use path approach presents
a strong opportunity to improve mobility for those who walk
and bike in Chamizal.
However, the constraints of marrying such a path to an ex-
isting roadway corridor limit other opportunities to address
nontransportation resiliency factors. Thus, this on-road
An ATS segment along Myrtle
or Magoffin Avenue would
incorporate additional pedestrian
and cycle infrastructure to
improve safety and overall
experience while still providing a
clear thoroughfare for drivers.
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Chamizal Community ATS Corridor Alternatives
Multi-Use Trails on Existing Roadways
Myrtle Avenue and Magoffin Avenue
Currently a 70’ Right of Way, 50’ Pavement
One way street for higher speed traffic
Bicycle Master Plan proposes a standard on-road bike lane
Protected Multi-Use Path for higher volumes of people playing, walking and biking
Reduce Pavement width to 36’ with two way traffic
Option 1
Option 2
Active Transportation System Options
Myrtle Avenue
Magoffin Avenue
E. San Antonio
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
The Need for Safer Routes for Cyclists and Pedestrians
The Alliance for Biking and Walking’s 2016 Benchmarking
Report found that few El Pasoans commute by bike or foot
but highlights the need for improved facilities. According
to the report, 2 percent of El Pasoans walk to work and
0.1 percent of El Pasoans bike to work—a number that
has in fact decreased since the last measurement in
2007–2013, despite national trends toward increased bike
use. The report also notes that 66 percent of adults are
overweight or obese, highlighting the need for increased
active transportation and recreation facilities as well
as facilities that cater to “typical” citizens rather than
seasoned athletes.
The Benchmarking Report also notes the current lack of
safety for pedestrians and cyclists in El Paso, a factor
that may contribute to the low percentage of active
transportation enthusiasts. El Paso had 47 pedestrian
fatalities in 2011–2013, a number that had increased from
36 in 2008–2010 and 28 in 2005–2007. This represents
23 fatalities per 10,000 walking commuters and 25
percent of all traffic fatalities. In comparison, Boston
has two fatalities per 10,000 walking commuters and
Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, and Seattle have three
fatalities per 10,000 walking commuters. El Paso also
sees about ten fatalities per 10,000 biking commuters.
The ATS represents a chance for investment in enhanced
cycling and pedestrian infrastructure that will make roads
safer for those on foot and encourage active transportation
in a city where it is not currently popular.
Many of El Paso’s major roads, such as Paisano Drive, are
currently inappropriate for pedestrians or cyclists, in terms
of both safety and lack of vegetation and pedestrian-
scaled infrastructure.
The Alliance for Biking & Walking creates, strengthens, and unites state
and local bicycling and walking advocacy organizations. We give advocates tools to win
campaigns that transform communities into great places to bike and walk.
The Benchmarking Project tracks bicycling and walking trends across the
United States and publishes an updated report every two years. It is produced as a
resource for bicycle and pedestrian advocates, elected ofcials, agency staff, researchers,
media, and anyone searching for a means to measure bicycling and walking progress.
Made possible in part by:
20 16
in the United States
approach might best be viewed as a low-cost or short-
term alternative to the more robust and resilient Franklin
Canal Park Trail approach discussed below. If the Franklin
Canal Park Trail is ultimately pursued, the on-road alterna-
tive will continue to provide access to the adjacent com-
munity and adds resiliency by providing a safe route during
flooding, construction, or other events that might require
temporary rerouting of pedestrians and bicyclists from the
Canal Park Trail.
An ATS portion on Myrtle or Magoffin would provide direct
connection to the downtown area of El Paso. Downtown is
already well planned for bicycle facilities and bike sharing
as part of the existing bicycle master plan. Both Myrtle
and Magoffin are comfortable to ride on portions of the
street; for example, Alameda Avenue has a sharrow and
sidewalks. However, beginner cyclists are likely to feel
uncomfortable on portions of either street in their current
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Although parts of Magoffin Avenue, particularly through the historic
district, are already pleasant to bike, other portions would make a
beginner cyclist feel exposed.
Today’s Franklin Canal is fenced off and largely inaccessible, although
it has potential to be a great amenity for nearby residents, including
those in high-density housing, such as the Tays North redevelopment.
An ATS along San Antonio
Avenue offers another option,
which would then connect to the
Franklin Canal.
A link from either shared-use path to the MCA is a more
challenging proposition. Connecting from either street
would likely require bicyclists and pedestrians to negotiate
the crossing of the Interstate 10 right-of-way. This could
be done by using Alameda Avenue or by seeking an alter-
nate crossing beneath the interstate south of Alameda.
Alameda Avenue provides a potential on-road option to
make this crossing. It is a state roadway with relatively
limited opportunities to improve bicyclist and pedestrian fa-
cilities unless El Paso pursues taking jurisdiction, with the
accompanying capital and maintenance responsibilities.
Although this option presents an interesting set of pos-
sibilities, the needs of most pedestrians and experienced
bicyclists could be served by the addition of wayfinding
signage and shared-use markings for the small segment
of Alameda that would be necessary to pass below the
Recognizing that the use of Alameda Avenue is not ideal
because of the inability to provide dedicated bicycling
space and adequate buffering along portions of the street,
El Paso should also seek opportunistic easement opportu-
nities to allow a connection beneath the elevated portion of
I-10, wherever right-of-way can be secured.
ATS Option 2: Investing in Infrastructure along
Franklin Canal Park Trail
The Franklin Canal is an irrigation canal that runs through
the heart of Chamizal. The panel’s study area in Chamizal
contains about two miles of the canal, which is largely
inaccessible to the community because of fencing. The
canal is an underused resource that could offer great
recreational, connectivity, and environmental benefits for
those who live nearby and lack neighborhood green space
or safe cycling routes. This linear corridor presents a vari-
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Chamizal Community ATS Corridor Alternatives
Multi-Use Trails on Existing Roadways
Seamless east-west connection from Trailhead to Downtown
Currently a 66’ Right of Way, 46’ Pavement
Bicycle Master Plan Route standard on-road bike lane
Proposed two way traffic in a reduced pavement section with protected Multi-Use
Path for higher volumes of people playing, walking and biking
Bowie High School-Chamizal Park Connector
Downtown Connection from Franklin Canal
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
ety of public-serving opportunities that could strengthen El
Paso’s resilience.
Although the Franklin Canal is designed to function solely
as a water management facility, it could be an ideal
transportation and recreation corridor, providing a high-
quality trail and linear park for Chamizal and the region.
The 28-mile-long canal draws its water from the Upper Rio
Grande Valley and has a flow capacity of 325 cubic feet
per second. The canal alignment follows East San Antonio
Avenue, providing the opportunity for a direct connection
to downtown.
For much of its length in Chamizal, the canal is bordered
on both sides by sites entirely owned by HACEP that are
currently under redevelopment. Considering these sites
holistically—including the canal, the ATS project, and the
current housing redevelopment—offers the opportunity to
integrate the ATS into a broader land use, water man-
agement, and recreational project. Improving the canal
structure to support active transportation, its varying 60-
to 100-foot right-of-way can improve resiliency in a variety
Key Franklin Canal Opportunities
Linear park
Recreational spaces
Connectivity between neighborhoods and
employment hubs
Connectivity between neighborhoods and
community resources, such as the cooling center
Trail promoting active transportation
Stormwater management facility
Space for drought-tolerant landscape pilot projects
Emergency flood control
Potential for economic development and
job training
of ways and directly serve the public while enhancing its
performance and economic value as a water management
Chamizal Neighborhood Trail (South Dallas Street to
South Latta Street)
Although the full trail corridor would run from downtown
to the MCA with a mix of on-road and off-road infrastruc-
ture, the true transformation of the present Franklin Canal
would begin near its intersection with South Dallas Street
and continue to its intersection with South Latta Street.
Given width variations in the canal’s right-of-way, the
linear park and trail design would alternate between a
side-by-side trail-and-canal design, similar to the India-
napolis Cultural Trail, and a box culvert design in which the
trail sits atop the canal itself. Each configuration has its
advantages: side-by-side design presents aesthetic and
design opportunities to provide an attractive water feature
to the public when flow is sufficient, and the box culvert
Indianapolis’s Cultural Trail
is an eight-mile bike trail
connecting downtown to other
neighborhoods and cultural
destinations. The trail includes
segments through busy
downtown streets and stretches
along a canal.
The Cape Cod Canal, which is
an artificial waterway in Bourne,
Massachusetts, features an
eight-mile bikeway, maintained
by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and used as an Army
access road.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
A New Use for Playa Drain
El Paso Water Utilities is setting a model for the study
area by creating a two-mile park along the Playa Drain.
This $2.75 million endeavor will formalize and legalize
a corridor that already is used for walking and riding
bikes. The Playa Drain project will create a healthier
and more active community as well as beautify
a barren-looking strip. It will also better connect
Ascarate Park to Riverside High School.
design allows the opportunity to limit water loss through
Both alternatives would involve the installation of a con-
crete channel but would eliminate or significantly decrease
ongoing maintenance costs for regular sediment removal.
The box culvert option is estimated to have an upfront cost
of $350 to $450 per linear foot. With about 7,500 linear
feet of canal in the study area, the total cost of installing
a concrete channel would be $2.6 million to $3.3 million.
But this work could pay for itself over time in water savings
and decreased maintenance costs for the water utility.
Salazar-Chamizal Community Trailhead
The Franklin Canal offers the opportunity to create not
only a linear greenway but also a network of active open
spaces. The initial access point on San Antonio Avenue
offers one great opportunity for a gateway site for the
ATS, featuring a number of resilient design conditions. The
gateway site is close to the Salazar apartment complex, an
HACEP property slated for redevelopment.
This high-visibility site would connect the neighborhood to
the canal and offer an attractive and convenient space for
gathering and for higher-profile resilience investments. In
short, this trailhead provides an opportunity for community
engagement, recreation, and activity and provides an ideal
opportunity for expansion of the bike-share system.
Franklin Canal and Salazar Housing
Today, the Salazar apartment complex sits on 21.42 acres,
containing 286 units zoned A-2, medium density (density
13 dwelling units/acre). The A-2 Apartment District is
defined as “Medium densities of dwelling units supported
by higher intensity land uses located at the periphery of
single-family neighborhoods providing that the overall
character and architectural integrity of the neighborhood
is preserved. Permit building types designed for transi-
tion from areas of low density residential neighborhoods
to other residential areas, and certain nonresidential uses
and support facilities.”
With HACEP’s plans to possibly relocate the apartment
complex from this site and the investment in the ATS
adjacent to the site, an opportunity exists to create a more
resilient land use pattern incorporating active transporta-
tion, green space, and enhanced housing. Incorporating
green space—and finding a relocation and site reclama-
tion plan for the adjacent recycling center site—would
improve local air quality and environmental conditions.
Within this broader land use plan, the ATS segment would
include both the midtrail gateway marking the transition
from downtown into the Chamizal community and from the
canal trail to an on-road shared-use path along the exist-
ing roadway network.
The city of El Paso has an infill development incentive
program with lower impact fees and faster review and
approval times. As the city considers working on amend-
ing the infill development guidelines to encourage more
development, especially along the streetcar corridor, the
panel recommends applying incentives to properties along
the ATS route as well.
HACEP could take advantage of the incentives when envi-
sioning a future Salazar and may redevelop with a higher
Signs along the canal
demarcate it as off limits.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
density (typical medium density with three- to four-story
apartments can range from 15 dwelling units per acre to
20 dwelling units per acre, or 300 to 400 units) or replace
the same number of units in a smaller footprint. Such one-
for-one replacement with higher density would require only
Culvert 1 data summary
Barrel shape: Concrete box
Barrel span: 7.00 feet
Barrel rise: 7.00 feet
Barrel material: Concrete
Barrel Manning’s n: 0.0120
Culvert type: Straight
Inlet configuration: Square edge (90º)
Inlet depression: None
Source: ULI.
Channel Report
Trapezoidal Highlighted
Bottom width (ft) = 35.00 Depth (ft) = 2.89
Side slopes (z:1) = 2.00, 2.00 Q (cfs) = 300.00
Total depth (ft) = 4.00 Area (sq ft) = 117.85
Invert elev (ft) = 100.00 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.55
Slope (%) = 0.02 Wetted perim (ft) = 47.92
N-value = 0.015 Crit depth, Yc (ft) = 1.29
Top width (ft) = 46.56
EGL (ft) = 2.99
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cfs) = 300.00
Source: ULI.
Franklin Canal Section
Elev (ft) Section
Reach (ft)
Depth (ft)
99 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
14 to 19 acres, leaving the reminder of the property for
trailhead open space or park.
East San Antonio Avenue Connection to Downtown
West of South Dallas Street, the Franklin Canal turns
southward, away from downtown and toward several
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Green spaces within today’s Salazar are tired and not designed to
withstand extreme heat.
Paisano Drive bisects Salazar Park, leaving numerous residents
with dangerous proximity to speeding traffic and car emissions and
making a large portion of the area undesirable public space.
Addressing the location of the recycling center should be part of the
broader efforts to create a resilient ATS and a comprehensive green-
space plan in Chamizal.
barriers. East San Antonio Avenue provides a seamless
east–west connection toward downtown. The bicycle mas-
ter plan proposes a standard bike lane for this roadway
segment. However, as a connector to a robust trail and
park segment, it has the potential for higher volumes of
people playing, walking, and biking and therefore merits a
more protective and inviting form of improvement.
Bowie High School–Chamizal Park Connector
Providing safe routes for students to reach schools and
for neighborhood residents to reach Chamizal Park is
important to improve safe mobility. Douglass and Zavala
This example from NACTO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide illustrates how a cyclist crossing can be clearly marked on a high-volume road.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
rectify this lack of safety and access, Estrella Street could
be converted into a low-speed bicycle boulevard as recom-
mended in the bicycle master plan. Given roadway speed
and anticipated bicyclist and pedestrian volumes, the
intersection of Estrella and Paisano should be treated as
an urban-style intersection, using National Association of
Elementary Schools and Bowie and Father Yermo High
Schools are located near the proposed Canal Park Trail.
Unfortunately, Bowie High School and Chamizal Park are
separated from the proposed trail by a wide, high-speed
segment of East Paisano Drive with no safe crossing. To
Today, San Antonio Plaza dead ends at the canal, which is surrounded by fenced-off
portions of the recycling center plant.
The canal gateway would welcome cyclists and pedestrians to the trail and could
include community facilities such as a shade structure that doubles as photovoltaic-
powered charging station.
The Franklin Canal is currently largely inaccessible, although it offers a potentially
convenient route through Chamizal and borders two multifamily housing developments
that could benefit from green space.
A resilient ATS would not only provide a trail, but also connect the two housing
developments, offering amenities such as attractive landscaping, community art, and
water management features potentially using reclaimed water for recreational use.
Current Canal Gateway
Current Canal
Future ATS Gateway
Future Canal ATS
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
The following land use plans
propose general concepts
for redeveloping Salazar and
integrating the new ATS along
the Franklin Canal. All of these
proposals incorporate an
improved network of green space,
connecting residents to the ATS
and creating broader recreational
Salazar Land Use Concepts
This land use plan places the
ATS through Chamizal, along the
Franklin Canal, with additional active
transportation infrastructure along
Magoffin Avenue. The plan indicates
the location of the recycling center,
which currently threatens air and
environmental quality at Salazar.
The recycling center site also sits
between the proposed transportation
investments along the Franklin Canal
and Magoffin Avenue, presenting an
opportunity for connectivity.
This concept proposes the
development of a green space at the
former recycling center, linking the
Franklin Canal with Magoffin Avenue.
This green space would be of sufficient
size to include sports fields and
larger recreational spaces, which are
currently lacking in Chamizal. Capping
the existing site would address
contamination, keeping residents away
from hazardous materials, controlling
the release of gases from waste-
containing chemicals, and ensuring
that stormwater does not carry
previously contaminated soil off site.
Option 1: Existing Conditions plus the ATS
Option 2: Option 1 plus Recycling Center Relocation
Park space and ATS
Educational facility
HACEP housing
Recycling center
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
This follow-up concept extends the
green space across the Franklin
Canal, introducing some new green
space into the redeveloped Salazar
property. Salazar could then be
redeveloped at a higher density with
links to the canal and green network.
This final concept includes maximum
green space, as well as an expanded
campus for Bowie High School,
further reducing the size of the
Salazar housing site.
Option 3: Option 2 plus Expanded Green Space
Option 4: Option 3 plus Expanded School Campus
Park space and ATS
Educational facility
HACEP housing
Recycling center
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Alameda Ave
N Hammett St
City Transportation Officials (NACTO)-protected intersec-
tion design standards and high-visibility approaches such
as colored markings and lighting.
Connection Alternatives to the Medical Center
of the Americas (I-10 Barrier Issues)
Interstate 10 presents a significant barrier to creating a
continuous, off-road trail experience eastward to the MCA.
Currently, a grade-separated pedestrian overpass of the
interstate serving Zavala Elementary School provides an
acceptable route for pedestrians, but it is unlikely to be
suitable for people on bikes.
People on bikes can currently detour northward along
Hammett Street to Alameda Avenue, which is a state route
with no bicycling accommodations but a relatively wide
sidewalk allowing travel beneath the interstate bridges.
Each of these alternatives should be considered interim
options because both provide a substandard experience
for trail users. Ultimately, a grade-separated crossing
should be improved either by retrofitting the pedestrian
bridge to bicycle- and ADA-accessible standards, or by
creating multiuse trail conditions on Hammett Street and
along Alameda Avenue beneath the bridges.
Once past the interstate, bicyclists can return to the canal
as it emerges from beneath the roadway by traveling
southward along Gateway Boulevard. From there, the canal
trail can continue along the zoo to Washington Street,
where trail users can turn northward to Dunne Avenue,
and along Hadlock Street to Alameda—where another
protected intersection allows access to the MCA.
Zavala Elementary School
Facilities such as Zavala
Elementary School and
the Medical Center of the
Americas are located on high-
speed thoroughfares, putting
pedestrian and bicyclists
traveling to these destinations
at risk.
Bicyclists traveling to MCA resort to using Hammett Street rather
than riding on the busy interstate highway.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Engaging Underserved Communities in Biking
In many U.S. cities, biking is assumed to be a recreational
activity for the wealthy and healthy. Moreover, some
demographic groups are assumed to be uninterested
in biking.
Cities that have strategically sought to expand bicycling
beyond its traditional participants have proven both
assumptions untrue. A city that wants to expand the reach
of bicycling to broader social, economic, and demographic
groups can do so.
Community events and outreach programs are key to
raising awareness about biking and should be implemented
alongside investment in improved physical infrastructure
and cycling.
Bike repair facilities offer another key means of both
encouraging biking and developing skills relevant to the job
market. Bike repair facilities are to biking as gas stations
are to driving; they are necessary for biking culture. Where
communities lack repair options, biking will not thrive. So
cities can do the following:
Invest in outdoor DIY repair stands, such as the DeRo
Provide grants to support mobile bike clinics at
gathering places; for example, the Washington Area
Bicycling Association cohosted bike repair clinics in
D.C.’s Anacostia neighborhood in partnership with the
local library, matching up participants with mechanics
and fixing as many as 50 bikes per clinic;
Encourage the formation of nonprofit bike co-ops
and earn-a-bike programs that build community
and repair bikes at low cost; Phoenix Bikes offers a
fantastic example of a nonprofit that provides youth
with training in bike repair and helps participants earn a
bike by participating in a training program and gaining
proficiency in bike repair; and
Ultimately—seek to foster brick-and-mortar bike shops
as small business opportunities for local residents.
Phoenix Bikes runs a range of programs that train local youth in
bike repair and raise awareness about cycling.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Trail Safety Tips
New trails attract new riders who may not be familiar with
trail safety rules and etiquette. Governments should work
to share information and, in areas of low income or limited
access to bike shops, provide safety equipment such as
lights and bells.
Key tips for signage and community trail programs include
the following:
1. Pedestrians have the right of way.
2. Everyone—bicyclist and pedestrian—should walk
or bike to the right and pass only on the left. Watch for
oncoming traffic when passing.
3. Bicyclists should pass pedestrians and other cyclists
only when there is room to do so on the left and should
ring a bell or say “passing” to notify the person being
4. Keep pets on a leash and under control on your side of
the path.
5. Bicyclists should have working lights (white in front,
red in back, just like a car), and angle the front light so
it shines on the trail in front of you—not in the eyes of
people coming the opposite direction.
6. Be predictable.
7. Be visible.
8. Ride at a pace that allows you to see and avoid
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
implementation of the ATS, a more ambitious and resilient
approach such as the Franklin Canal proposal, including
some of the land use concepts explored for Salazar, would
require additional resources. This need for additional fund-
ing should not deter the MPO and the city from approach-
ing the project in a more resilient way, given the potential
for community cobenefits and long-term environmental
performance and cost savings. In particular, the ATS proj-
ect offers the opportunity to address deteriorating housing
and suboptimal land use patterns across Chamizal, emerg-
ing with a more resilient and connected land use pattern
including the ATS.
A big-picture vision for the ATS in Chamizal would also
include improved housing. Although an ATS is likely to
improve quality of life and increase housing value, housing
within Chamizal will probably continue to require subsidiza-
tion, and many of the sources of such funding are con-
strained or declining. Regardless, the ATS has the potential
to be a key part of any revitalization strategy, offering
improved active transportation access, recreational space,
and neighborhood links. Given that the Franklin Canal
portion of the ATS borders two wholly owned HACEP sites
in transition, the city has the opportunity to leverage future
redevelopment plans to create more active and appreci-
ated public spaces for housing residents and enhanced
neighborhood connectivity via the ATS.
Despite El Paso’s relatively affordable housing market
compared to other parts of the country, a substantial
need exists for affordable units. Some 40,000 people in
El Paso currently live in housing provided by the Housing
Authority, or about 6 percent of the city’s population. The
inadequacy of the supply of good-quality affordable hous-
ing is indicated by the 13,500-household waiting list for
public housing. Given the health consequences of living in
substandard and overcrowded housing, the lack of access
to good-quality affordable housing is a major stressor that
tests the area’s resilience.
The tools currently available to fund affordable housing are
limited by federal budget resources and state allocation
policies. Federal funding for housing has been declining
for many years in spite of population growth and trends
of increasing rental and sales prices. The allocation plan
for low-income housing tax credits in Texas emphasizes
placement of new affordable housing in areas of economic
opportunity, defined by access to high-performing schools
and lack of other low-income housing in the area. That
formula operates against accessing funds to rebuild or
expand the supply of assisted housing in Chamizal and
other barrios.
Many low-income homeowners are struggling to maintain
and update their existing houses. Preservation of existing
affordable housing through rehabilitation efforts has been
constrained greatly by the scale of public funding available
to local providers.
Developing Market-Informed Housing,
Financial, and Land Use Strategies
The affordable housing located
adjacent to the proposed
Franklin Canal portion of the
ATS should be integrated into
the design of the trail, providing
an integrated recreational
resource for residents.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Market for New Housing
Development in Chamizal
The economics of new private-market housing develop-
ment in the nondowntown portions of the study area are
still quite difficult. Market rents do not yet generate suf-
ficient revenues to cover operating costs, repay mortgage
debt, and provide an adequate return on private invest-
ment. Expansion of downtown housing, development of
additional amenities, and transportation improvements to
downtown and the MCA will increase the interest and will-
ingness of market-rate renters to consider near-downtown
housing options. With growing market demand, rents will
increase to support development costs. In the meantime,
development incentives are needed to close the gap
between development costs and the private investment
justified by future rental income.
To avoid gentrification and displacement of current
residents from Chamizal, Segundo Barrio, and other
historic neighborhoods, policies and projects encouraging
market-rate development should be approached cau-
tiously. As discussed later in this report, renovation and
stabilization of existing barrio housing coupled with public
space improvements could preserve these communities
while enhancing tourism.
New housing development outside downtown should be
focused near the Magoffin Avenue neighborhood and pos-
sibly the Texas Avenue corridor, emphasizing replacement
or adaptive use of industrial and commercial structures,
and infill development rather than replacement of existing
A major challenge of developing market-rate housing in the
area will be reconciling continued industrial and warehouse
activities with housing.
HACEP Developments in Chamizal: Now Is
the Time
Housing in Chamizal varies greatly in condition and could
be improved to enhance residents’ quality of life and
health. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated the impor-
tance of good-quality housing conditions and children’s
health in long-term academic achievement. Priorities for
enhancing housing conditions include improving residential
energy and water efficiency, creating access to alternative
energy sources, and improving access to open space.
The HACEP developments in Chamizal directly border
the proposed ATS route along the Franklin Canal and are
both at different stages of redevelopment. They present a
rare opportunity to consider the development of the ATS,
adjacent land uses, and surrounding public spaces holisti-
cally, aiming for a resilient approach that will foster better
resident quality of life and environmental performance. The
The RAD Program
HACEP recently began participating in the Rental
Assistance Demonstration (R AD) program. This
voluntary program, which is offered by the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
is intended to provide public housing agencies with
more stable funding for improvements to properties.
The program is available on a limited basis for 60,000
units of the total 1.3 million public housing units in the
United States. HACEP is the largest participant in RAD
with about 6,100 units, or over 10 percent of the federal
Through RAD, HUD has given ownership of the city
of El Paso’s public housing to HACEP. This move
enables HACEP to leverage the value of these assets
to invest in housing rehabilitation using low-income
housing tax credits and other types of private financing.
Rehabilitation is a priority for HACEP, given that housing
properties are aging, including some properties from
the 1940s, and many are plagued with asbestos. The
program is intended to revitalize public housing units
rather than expand supply. Rehabilitations will seek
to provide safer living conditions and improve energy
HACEP estimates that RAD could bring as much as
$500 million of investment to El Paso with no cost to
local taxpayers. The program also aligns with citizen
feedback and strategic housing objectives outlined in
the Plan El Paso comprehensive plan update.
For more information, visit
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
city’s ownership of the HACEP sites also presents a rare
opportunity to advance this vision and catalyze a bigger-
picture land use strategy along the Franklin Canal, creating
a district with better access to open space and easier
connectivity to jobs downtown and at the MCA.
Whereas the strategy for Tays South is already underway,
plans for Tays North and Salazar have not yet advanced to
construction. Now is the time to incorporate the ATS and
broader resilience objectives, perhaps seeking additional
funding sources to do so.
The HACEP developments include the following:
Tays: Renovation of HACEP’s Tays North community is
planned to begin soon, and redevelopment of the Tays
South community is already underway. If located along
the Franklin Canal, the ATS will bisect the Tays develop-
ment, providing direct walking and biking connections to
downtown, the MCA, and other destinations. As part of
the resilience strategy for Chamizal, these developments
should include investment in high-quality landscaping
with native plants that will contribute to and enhance
the public realm in conjunction with the adjacent ATS.
Renovation plans should incorporate high-efficiency fix-
tures and appliances, insulation, and other improvements
wherever possible.
The community may prefer to see the affordable housing
units renovated and preserved rather than demolished
for creation of open space or other uses. Review of area
demographics, particularly the low household incomes,
suggests that private renovation as market-rate units
would not be successful. The community’s relative isola-
tion and the impact of proximity to the elevated portion of
Paisano Drive (U.S. 62) would depress achievable market
rents below the level needed to support investment in
The panel recommends the following approaches for a
land use strategy including the ATS and the housing and
adjacent industrial sites along the International Beltway:
Ensure that Tays redevelopment and landscape
strategy incorporates the ATS along the Franklin
Canal. El Paso is in the unique and enviable position of
owning both large sites along the Franklin Canal, which is
likely to become the future International Beltway portion
of the ATS. Both sites—Tays North and Tays South—are
fully owned by the Housing Authority and are in different
stages of redevelopment. Rather than planning the
Franklin Canal redesign on its own, the city should en-
sure that HACEP is fully engaged and able to leverage its
funds for landscape and public realm improvements for
the canal. Safety and access to the canal must also be a
key portion of discussions, because the canal is currently
separated from both Tays sites and walled off. The future
ATS would be an open, connected route punctuated with
parks and must be designed to benefit the residents.
Consider working with a nonprofit partner for the
Salazar redevelopment. By tapping several differ-
ent funding sources, a nonprofit organization with solid
experience in developing affordable housing might be
able to bridge the gap between required investment to
bring the units up to code and the amount of investment
supported by future rents if the Salazar property could
be contributed at little or no cost. This would likely entail
use of 4 percent low-income housing tax credits, which
are allocated automatically to projects that use multi-
family revenue bond financing rather than through the
The Tays South redevelopment is nearly complete.
Salazar: HACEP is likely to call for closure of the Salazar
development, replacing the units with new construction
in a high-opportunity area in East El Paso. HACEP has in-
dicated its intention to restructure or replan the property.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
competitive process used to allocate the more valuable
9 percent credits. That would not be enough to cover the
total development costs. Filling the remaining gap would
require creative combination of multiple loans and grants
from local foundations, city-controlled HOME Investment
Partnership Program funds, and other programs.
Address proximity to metal-recycling industry and
begin a relocation strategy. The Salazar housing site,
adjacent to portions of the ATS, suffers from proxim-
ity to a large recycling site. A recent study by a UTEP
researcher found contamination in a number of public
spaces in the housing site, including toxic levels of cop-
per in the adjacent playground. Copper in the playground
soil measured 1,110 parts per million, or 22 times the
levels in normal soil, according to the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. This constitutes a seri-
ous environmental and social justice issue. Leaving a site
of this nature adjacent to a children’s outdoor play area
is inappropriate. The site is currently closed to local chil-
dren, meaning they have lost their place to play outdoors.
Continue to take advantage of federal, state, and
local incentive programs for home rehabilitation.
HACEP’s initiatives to renovate or replace its entire port-
folio by 2020 promise significant upgrades to conditions
for public housing residents. Other nonprofit organiza-
tions also develop affordable housing using a variety
of federal and state incentives and funds. The private
market provides a range of affordable units, primarily in
older buildings; however, many of the rental units located
in the study area are aging, deteriorating, and not in
good repair.
Engage with local nonprofits to examine the poten-
tial for rehabilitation of homes in Salazar. El Paso has
an extremely strong civic and cultural community with
engaged residents’ groups, many of whom participated
in the panel. HACEP should look into the opportunity to
work directly with local nonprofits to examine the poten-
tial for the homes in Salazar.
Consider selling Salazar land at nominal value, but
require standards for reuse consistent with public
purposes. HACEP has planned to redevelop Salazar
and is likely to sell the site. For example, HACEP could
require rehabilitation to code or require demolition within
two years. HACEP could also ensure that land is reused
in ways consistent with public purposes, such as open
Capitalize on the convenient, rail-served location for
future industrial tenants. Chamizal’s location close to
Recycling Relocation
The recycling business is a pillar of the local community
and has been on its current site for generations.
The business occupies a number of sites throughout
Chamizal, a convenient location because of its access
to the highway and two different rail lines.
However, although the business has been well served
by its location for a long time, ownership sees potential
for relocation in the next decade, given the likely
increased value of the land because of its proximity to
downtown and unsuitability for this type of use through
the next generation. With an increasingly revitalized
downtown nearby, metal recycling may no longer be the
highest and best use of the land.
The city has an opportunity right now to be proactive
in assisting the recycling center with a full or partial
relocation. Relocation would benefit the residents
of Chamizal and Salazar, given the environmental
concerns, particularly regarding air quality. The
city should focus on finding potential alternative
sites, prioritizing those with access to rail, and
craft an incentives package. Relocation could then
open up some of the previously industrial sites for
redevelopment and create opportunities for open
spaces along the ATS.
The playground is
inappropriately located next to
the recycling center and recently
tested positive for contaminants.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
rail, highways, bridges, and the border offers numerous
advantages in terms of connectivity and logistics. The
location is likely to become increasingly desirable and
convenient for businesses as downtown and the MCA
continue to grow and draw more employers. The city
should promote this area as a convenient place to do
business, particularly given these proximities. The ATS
will offer further connection of these two centers and a
convenient option for employees.
Work with businesses on upgrading energy ef-
ficiency and renewable energy with the PACE
program. Physically, many of the smaller industrial
and warehouse buildings that occupy the area north of
Chamizal are not as critical to the city’s economic fabric
as they have been in the past. Many likely lack modern,
efficient heating and ventilation and other building sys-
tems. PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing
allows a business to finance energy and water efficiency
improvements or alternative energy equipment through
assessments on property tax bills, processed the same
way as other benefit assessments, such as sidewalks
and sewers. Few small businesses are aware of this
funding mechanism or how to access it, though local
efforts are underway to promote the relatively newly
adopted program. Focused outreach to area businesses
to guide them through the process could be an effec-
tive strategy for improving their operational efficiency.
Property owners could also use PACE financing to help
prepare their buildings for new uses.
Reduce trucking impacts in area. Given the presence
of light industrial and metal recycling in Chamizal, the
area already has a significant trucking presence, which
has led to air quality concerns. The Texas Department
of Transportation closure of the Paisano Drive ramp
should reduce cut-through traffic and idling problems by
orienting trucking toward the I-10 corridor. To reduce
trucking impacts overall, the city should establish clear
truck routes focused on keeping trucks off neighborhood
streets. This can be accomplished using both signage
and policy changes.
Incorporate local hiring preferences into public
housing rehabilitation. Resilient futures will depend on
improving the economic strength of neighborhood resi-
dents. Public investments that affect the communities,
such as the future ATS facilities, should bring with them
explicit commitments to employ local residents in their
development, maintenance, and operation. This goal can
be accomplished through required contractor participa-
tion in apprenticeship or internship programs, local hiring
requirements, and contracting with locally based com-
munity organizations and small businesses.
Possible Avenues for Locating Funding
The panel recommends considering the following ap-
proaches to identify funding for the ATS that will assist
with the open-space strategy:
Investigate Water District savings and consider
options for bonds. Savings from reduced maintenance
and reduced water loss could potentially be bonded or
service a loan to help pay for the Franklin Canal portion
of the ATS.
Local Hiring Practices
Developers receiving city and county incentives should
be required to commit to hiring local residents and
local businesses. Several cities urge developers whose
activities may affect local communities to negotiate a
community benefits agreement that defines specific
actions the developer will take to ensure the community
receives commensurate benefits, often including
apprenticeships or use of local businesses.
Although the ATS will provide low-cost, safe access
to the downtown and MCA employment centers,
the project could also be an exemplar of economic
development and opportunity on its own. The new
community center and local schools should also
incorporate additional job training and mentoring
programs, in partnership with MCA and major
downtown employers. Trail maintenance also could
become a new business opportunity, with training
offered on managing the resilient and drought-tolerant
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Leverage local and national alternative funding
sources, including open-space and conservation
grants. A plethora of federal, state, local, and philan-
thropic programs support the creation and maintenance
of high-quality open space, particularly in underserved
areas. The city of El Paso should investigate options
relating to active transportation, transportation beautifi-
cation, land conservation, recreational trails, and other
relevant topic areas. Funders such as the local El Paso
Community Foundation or the Paso Del Norte Health
Foundation may be interested in the project if executed
holistically, such as the redevelopment proposal for Playa
Drain. National nonprofits specializing in parks and open
spaces, such as the Trust for Public Land and Rails to
Trails, may also offer guidance and resources.
Economic Development
As a border city, El Paso has an economy that is subject to
a number of potential shocks and stressors, many of which
are totally beyond local control—the national economy, the
Alternative Funding Sources for Parks
Funding opportunity* Funding source type Facilities requirement
American Academy of Dermatology Shade Struc-
ture Grant Program
Nonprofit (American Academy of
Permanent shade structures
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Federal government (U.S. Department
of Commerce)
Broadband and technology facilities
Clean energy grants Federal government (DOE) Renewable and energy-efficient facilities
Community development block grants Federal government (HUD) Community development
Economic Development Administration grants Federal government (Economic Development
Economic development
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Grant Program Federal government (DOE) Renewable and energy-efficient facilities
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program Federal government (EPA) Environmental justice activities
Every Body Walk! Micro Grants Program Nonprofit organization (America Walks) Pedestrian improvements
FHA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Federal government (U.S. DOT FHA) Bicycle and pedestrian facilities
Historic preservation grants Federal, state, local governments Historic preservation
KaBOOM! playground grants Nonprofit organization (KaBOOM!) Playground equipment
Kids Gardening Grant Program Nonprofit (Kids Gardening) Youth gardening facilities
Land and Water Conservation Fund Federal government (National Park Service) Recreation and conservation
Lowe's Foundation grants Corporate (Lowe's) Neighborhood stabilization
Major League Baseball's Baseball Tomorrow Fund Sports organization (MLB) Baseball facilities
Playground grants Corporate (Play&Park Structures/Playcore) Playground equipment
Recreation grants State government (Texas Parks + Wildlife) Recreation facilities
Recreational Trails Program Federal government (U.S. DOT FHA) Trails and trail-related facilities
Skatepark grants Nonprofit (Tony Hawk Foundation) Skate parks
Transportation Enhancement Program Federal government (U.S. DOT FHA) Facilities related to surface transportation,
including pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
Urban and Community Forestry grants Federal government (USDA & U.S. Forest
Urban forestry
U.S. Tennis Assocation Facility Assistance grant Sports organization (USTA) Tennis facilities
*These programs were in place at the time of the Advisory Services panel. Although funding availability may change in the future, this list is intended to illustrate the range of
resources available for different types of park facilities.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
exchange rate, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
controls at the border, trade policy, energy costs, and the
U.S. Department of Defense policies affecting Fort Bliss.
Economically, the region’s resilience lies in its ability to
respond and adapt to these external shocks. Developing
more local jobs within reach of area residents is one im-
portant strategy for helping individual communities adapt
to such economic shocks.
Future opportunities for Chamizal, Segundo Barrio, and
intervening neighborhoods will be driven by strategies to
improve the economic strength of their residents: giving
them the skills to compete for future higher-wage jobs and
supporting the creation and growth of local businesses.
Market opportunities for new investment and development
will respond to improved earning capacity and financial
health of area households. Each investment and strategy
should be evaluated, in part, by how well it contributes to
that goal. Forging stronger and long-lasting partnerships
among institutions, businesses, foundations, and com-
munity organizations is key to the long-term success of
resilience strategies.
A resilient ATS offers the opportunity to promote economic
development and support a range of initiatives already un-
derway in the city. Beyond the ATS, the panel considered
two focus areas, including downtown. Many downtown
redevelopment and economic development initiatives will
affect the success of the ATS and have the potential to
make the project more successful, impactful, and resilient.
For low-income residents, convenient access to jobs is
often a key barrier, particularly for those who do not own
cars. The ATS, Brio, and streetcar investments will have
important economic consequences as they improve public-
transit connectivity. Their value will be even greater if
designed to maximize connections to job centers, including
the MCA, downtown, and cross-border opportunities.
Workforce Development
Looking to the future, the region is emphasizing growth in
life sciences, advanced logistics, advanced manufacturing,
defense and aerospace, business services, and tourism.
The rapid expansion of the MCA promises to create 8,000
to 9,000 jobs in the area just east of the study area. The
MCA could be an excellent partner to guide, advise on, or
develop an effective job training program to help com-
munity residents qualify for and access some of those
jobs. Meanwhile, the U.S. census reports that residents
of Chamizal and Segundo Barrio are most often employed
in grounds maintenance, construction and extraction, and
food service industries.
Improved job skills and job readiness could expand local
residents’ access to future higher-wage jobs. The panel’s
recommendations for enhanced workforce development
opportunities to be carried out in conjunction with the ATS
include the following:
Create additional job training programs for exist-
ing and new businesses. Customized job training for
existing and new businesses is a powerful economic
development incentive used by Workforce Solutions
Borderplex that could be expanded within El Paso. It
is a regional workforce development organization that
serves six counties, including El Paso. A publicly funded
nonprofit organization, it establishes relationships with
stakeholders within the region to improve education, em-
ployment, and economic development. Programs focus
on job training based on expressed need and matching
employees with jobs.
As or more important is early childhood education,
continuing through elementary, middle, and high school,
to provide children with a vision of the opportunities po-
tentially available to them with educational achievement.
Business and institutional partnerships that encourage
collaboration and mentoring can change a child’s life
through practical skills about navigating life and the
workplace as well as encourage them to aspire to a
better future. One local school, the El Paso Leadership
Academy, focuses on helping underserved populations
prepare themselves to go to college and take future
leadership positions, helping its students envision and
achieve a different future for themselves.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Include job training programs in the facilities invest-
ments from the Quality of Life bond program. The
existing building proposed to house the new recreation
center in the Chamizal neighborhood funded by Quality of
Life bonds is expected to have additional space beyond
that which can be improved for recreational uses. Job
training activities close to the community could be an
appropriate use for that additional space.
Provide assistance to small businesses. Entrepre-
neurs and small businesses abound in the Chamizal
community. Helping these entrepreneurs succeed
can involve assistance to meet bonding and insur-
ance requirements, business finance, marketing, and
compliance with the many licenses and regulations that
affect the running of a business. The Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce, the UTEP Small Business Development
Center, and the Women’s Business Development Center
of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) all assist
local businesses.
Building a track record of success is one of the most
important steps in establishing and growing a business.
Programs to link these small businesses to subcontract-
ing opportunities with larger general contractors can
create meaningful partnerships and long-term relation-
ships for future collaboration.
Access to capital is typically the most difficult hurdle in
developing a successful business. Additional sources of
revolving loan funds targeted to companies in under-
served communities could be very helpful in supporting
business expansion and their ability to tackle larger
projects. Foundations and local financial institutions
could be approached to invest in a revolving loan fund
with SBA guarantees.
Consider models for ATS maintenance that would
facilitate the creation of small businesses ready
to participate in the “resilience economy.” The city
should encourage established community organizations
to create service businesses that could participate in
development and maintenance of the ATS and related
public spaces.
The International Beltway portion of the ATS will link
Chamizal with downtown, which is currently experiencing a
revitalization that presents a strong opportunity for Cham-
izal residents to better access employment opportunities
as well as the shopping and recreational amenities of
New housing development will be critical to the long-term
success of downtown development because it provides a
base of customers and pedestrian activity that will enliven
the downtown seven days a week, in the evening and on
weekends. Downtown residents support local restaurants,
retailers, and service providers while contributing to the
pedestrian activity critical to creation of places for work,
live, and play.
The downtown housing market has gained substantial
momentum in the past year. Beginning with several reha-
bilitation projects such as the Martin Lofts and Essex Alley
Apartments, the market has recently seen two new con-
struction projects that are nearing completion. ArtSpace is
a tax credit–supported affordable housing project meant to
spur the creative economy by providing a downtown loca-
tion for artists to live, while 501 South Campbell Avenue is
an 87-unit market-rate apartment complex. Both new and
rehabilitated market-rate units are reportedly filling rapidly
Downtown El Paso comprises a number of walkable retail and office
districts that are currently experiencing a wave of new development.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
and achieving rents up to $1.65 to $1.80 per square foot,
attracting more interest from the private development
Interest is growing in downtown and near-downtown hous-
ing, although private developments still need public assis-
tance to close the financial gap. Current market conditions
do not yet support strictly private sector development of
market-rate housing, though those conditions are improv-
ing continually. Public/private partnerships will be key to
the near- and medium-term development of additional
market-rate housing until the point where market rents
cover the costs of developing and operating the housing.
The panel’s recommendations for continuing this momen-
tum include the following:
Continue to offer incentives for downtown residen-
tial development. The city has been aggressive in its
provision of incentives for housing development. That ap-
proach will need to continue for some time as the market
improves and developers can demonstrate the potential
for successful operations to their lenders and investors.
In 2015, Texas established a 25 percent historic tax
credit that can be used in combination with 20 percent
federal tax for rehabilitation of historic structures. El Paso
County is currently conducting an architectural survey
that will inventory downtown’s historic structures; this
may lead to a national historic district designation that
allows building owners to more easily qualify for the tax
Focus housing development in areas close to
downtown’s attractions, such as San Jacinto Plaza.
As downtown struggles to develop a critical mass of
housing, retail, and other uses that create a 24-hour
environment, it will be important to focus housing
development initiatives in the parts of downtown close
to San Jacinto Plaza and the cluster of new attractions,
including the stadium, the Museum of History, and the
Children’s Museum. Focused development will reinforce
these investments as well as the major downtown hotel
developments already underway or planned. Develop-
ment should also build on the connectivity provided by
the ATS, the trolley to downtown, UTEP, and MCA.
Key Themes
A downtown in transition
High vacancies in retail spaces and historic
Major private investments in new and renovated
hotels and housing
Growing demand for downtown and near-
downtown housing
Retail demand likely to follow hotel and housing
Continued public/private partnerships for near-term
and medium-term market-rate housing
ArtSpace is one of the high-
profile redevelopment projects
underway downtown and
will soon provide affordable
apartments for artists.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Consider developing one or more municipal park-
ing garages, as well as shared use public parking
garages, to unlock additional development potential.
The lack of convenient parking is inhibiting the renovation
and adaptive use of historic towers and other downtown
buildings. The city should consider building one or more
municipal parking garages in key locations to unlock the
potential of these historic structures. The city’s current
search for a development partner to build a mixed-use
development with structured parking at the corner of
East Mills Avenue and North Campbell Street is a good
first step. The city’s program to offer downtown residents
a year-long parking pass for metered spaces also is
helpful, but significant growth in the housing stock would
overwhelm the metered supply and depress the avail-
ability of spaces for retail activity.
The city and county should also develop strategies
to support housing development through shared use
of public parking garages. For example, Sun Metro’s
Union Plaza Transit Terminal garage provides spaces for
residents of the nearby Essex Alley Apartments. Several
potential development sites exist in the immediate
vicinity of the County Courthouse Garage at East First
Avenue. The county should consider offering long-term
overnight or weekend spaces to residents of new devel-
opment projects who may live in downtown but drive to
work elsewhere in the city, and 24-hour spaces to the
extent availability exists.
Replace or reuse obsolescent buildings no lon-
ger well suited to industrial use. The city’s suite of
incentive programs should address the opportunities
presented by many of the downtown-area buildings that
are no longer well suited for industrial use. Meanwhile,
mixed industrial and commercial development remains
appropriate between Paisano Drive, Overland Avenue,
Oregon Street, and Virginia Street.
Preserve and enhance the character of existing his-
toric neighborhoods while seeking to help prevent
gentrification pressures. The city should take care to
not incentivize projects that encroach into the historic
Segundo Barrio residential neighborhood. Numerous
underused sites exist for new construction proximate to
the new streetcar line and the main employment, retail,
and cultural centers. City incentives should be tied to
performance metrics that include retention of exist-
ing tenants and historic structures. With the growth in
heritage tourism, visitors are seeking authentic settings
and experiences. Segundo Barrio and Chamizal, with
their long histories and cultures, could showcase El
Paso’s past.
In several cities across the southwest, barrios have
benefited from major public investments to preserve and
improve historic structures and the Chicano experience.
They have evolved into major tourist destinations while
still protecting local residents and ensuring their ability
to stay in their neighborhoods. Balancing new develop-
ment, heritage tourism, and existing communities and
homes is a delicate challenge. However, the city should
Downtown redevelopment
projects are likely to be most
successful if clustered, given
the relatively early phase of
downtown revitalization.
Active Transportation System, El Paso, TX, Nov. 2016
Market Opportunities
Historic buildings focused around San
Jacinto Plaza, the stadium and
Mixed industrial/commercial areas
between Paisano Dr and Overland
Ave, Oregon St to Virginia St
Build on the connectivity provided by
the ATS and the trolley to downtown,
Replace or reuse obsolescent
buildings no longer well suited to
industrial use
Help prevent gentrification pressures
from transforming Segundo Barrio
Downtown Housing Potentials
Potential New
Housing Development
San Jacinto Plaza is already
seeing development momentum,
which additional investment will
E. San Antonio Avenue
E. Paisano Drive
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
strive to achieve this goal and support Segundo Barrio to
evolve as a cultural district where families have lived for
Ensure that gateway improvements build on historic
character. The Paso Del Norte International Bridge is
the key gateway to El Paso for visitors from Mexico, a
major source of market support for El Paso retailers, but
it lacks the sense of arrival and grandeur that one might
expect. The city proposes investing in signage and light-
ing to enhance the entry and shopping experience along
Precedent: Barrio Preservation in Tucson
The preservation of barrios requires a multidimensional strategy and
a strong appreciation of culture to support the area’s economic and
social vitality. Tucson, Arizona, offers an excellent example of historic
preservation of barrios, where the mixed-vintage blocks’ historic character
was maintained while contributing to economic vitality. Key strategies for
Tucson barrio preservation included the following elements.
Conduct careful research and inclusive data collection. The city
of Tucson used a life-cycle assessment analysis to compare the relative
environmental impacts of building reuse and renovation versus demolition
and new construction. The results, published in a series of reports titled
Older, Smaller, Better, explains the value of older, smaller structures and
their positive associations with social, economic, and cultural diversity
and vigor, effectively valuing historic preservation of barrios.
Celebrate unique culture and history of barrios. Barrios are home
to many communities that have faced devastating social and economic
issues while retaining rich unique culture. The perseverance of these
at-risk communities should be celebrated to emphasize community
strengths while recognizing devastation. A local theater company in
Tucson tells the story of the barrios’ troubled times by literally walking
theatergoers through history. The celebration of the barrios’ culture and
history tells a story of social resiliency and could inspire others to aid in
adaptive use.
Use city-offered incentives for adaptive use. Historically designated
properties tend to experience both increased costs and benefits. To
aid property owners in covering these costs during the preservation
and redevelopment of barrios, the city offered and identified financial
resources at the city, state, and federal levels. The Tucson historic
preservation office offers its services in finding the right incentives for
adaptive use.
Encourage overlay zones. Tucson’s Historic Preservation Zones
date to the early 1970s. Since its inception, this zoning overlay
requires compliance with specific development standards and design
guidelines to preserve historical exterior alterations and culture of the
areas. To further protect historic structures, the city also created Infill
Incentive District overlay zones to encourage creation of high-density
neighborhoods that are not only pedestrian- and transit-oriented,
but also offer development incentives permitting modification of
development requirements.
Seek nonprofit advocacy. Local nonprofit organizations tend to
have strong connections with community groups and stakeholders.
Through events such as the Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation’s
walking tours, local culture is promoted in a way bound to encourage
community development and raise awareness. A ULI Advisory Services
panel recommended to further involvement with community members
by appointing a citizen representative, given Tucson’s complicated past
with urban development.
Downtown’s Plaza Theatre is
a recent revitalization project
that stayed true to downtown’s
historic character, preserving the
theater facade that frames a key
downtown public space.
Barrio Libre (Spanish for “Free District”) is one of the preserved
historic districts in downtown Tucson.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
El Paso Street, using leftover parking meter funds. Any
investments should build from the existing character and
not seek to “sanitize” or transform the distinctive retail
along El Paso Street. As is the case with the plans for the
future ATS, community engagement in this initiative will
be key.
The Border and Its Impact on the
Study Area
Delays and congestion at the border crossings heavily
affect the study area. Miles-long backups of trucks and
other vehicles waiting to cross the border create significant
pollution that directly affects the health and well-being of
study area residents. Truckers seeking to shorten their
time in line routinely cut through residential neighbor-
hoods, further disrupting daily life and creating safety
hazards for local children. The delays also impose major
economic costs on the businesses and individuals using
the border crossings.
Economically, cross-border movements are one of the
most important drivers of the El Paso economy. Therefore,
the city and the business community are pursuing a num-
ber of initiatives in cooperation with the federal govern-
ment to speed processing and reduce border delays. The
city directly contributes to the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection’s overtime budget to ensure that as many lanes
as possible are open. Other technological investments are
speeding inspection times, and many large businesses
have invested in the certifications that allow them trusted
traveler passes to bypass the lines.
Continued focus on border-crossing improvements will be
critical to reduce wait times and the resulting air pollution.
Police enforcement of truck routes that prohibit trucks
from driving through residential neighborhoods is unlikely
Emerging Downtown Markets: Office and Hotel
Spurred by strategic public investments in transportation,
open space, sports, and culture, as well as the city’s
Sustainable Cities Incentives, downtown El Paso is
starting to see significant new private investment and
redevelopment. The redevelopment of the Anson Mills
Building in 2012 has been followed by several other
historic building restorations for hotel, residential, and
mixed uses, such as the Martin Lofts apartments and the
Hotel Indigo.
Office Market
The downtown office market is lagging behind other
sectors, with limited demand and weak rents that will not
support significant reconstruction or new development
except for specific needs. Gross rents range from the low
to mid-teens, even in Class A buildings, because many of
El Paso’s main economic drivers, such as manufacturing
and back-office support, require a suburban footprint.
The panel does not see substantial near-term growth
prospects for this market; however, with the increased
amenity of downtown, potential exists for limited growth
from relocation of professional services or other civic-
minded corporate players. The Hunt Companies is planning
a new tower that will serve as its corporate headquarters
and has had some success in securing other tenants
willing to pay a premium for modern space.
Hotel Market
Driven by cultural events and cross-border tourism, several
projects are transforming the downtown hotel market.
The 119-room boutique Hotel Indigo opened downtown in
January 2016, and conversion of the 15-story downtown
Bassett Tower into a 100-room Starwood Aloft hotel has
begun. Both projects were assisted by city incentives, as
will be the planned $70 million renovation of the Camino
Real Hotel. A 42-room independent boutique hotel is under
development and has already attracted an eclectic group
of eating and drinking establishments to its ground floor.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
given the myriad of other demands on police resources.
One option is height bars at major road entrances to the
neighborhoods to prevent truck passage. Coupled with
public art, these could enhance and celebrate the com-
munity while reducing a significant nuisance.
Addressing an Environmental Injustice: The Greening of the Port
of Los Angeles
As part of a $60 million settlement, the port and city
of Los Angeles agreed to reduce air pollution by trucks
and ships transferring intermodal flow within the cities of
San Pedro and Wilmington. Funds, paid entirely by port
revenues, focused on the following:
Creating incentives to clean up independently owned
trucks serving the port;
Reducing air pollution from port operations;
Offsetting aesthetic impacts in Wilmington and San
Replacing four 16-story cranes with lower-profile cranes
to reduce visual impact; and
Creating a traffic plan for the terminal and other parts
of the port.
To ensure the settlement was enacted, the port created
the Healthy Harbor Program, which brought the
environmental activities under one umbrella and led to
the 2005 Green Port Policy. This policy includes program
elements protecting and restoring wildlife, reduces harmful
air emissions, improves water quality, treats polluted
soil and sediments, better engages the community, and
implements sustainable practices and design. In 2010, the
port further enhanced its program by setting the goal to
be a zero-emission port complex. As of 2016, over $200
million has been spent toward correcting an environmental
injustice. Financing has included the issuance of green
bonds through a sustainability market.
By implementing a green port policy, El Paso could build
trust and lead by example.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
sponsibilities and opportunities to address community
challenges, promote economic vitality, and improve quality
of life. El Paso’s strategy for enhancing resilience includes
goals to enhance the city’s internal knowledge, culture,
and practice of resilience principles. Because of its natu-
ral assets and track record of success, El Paso has every
reason to set its vision and expectations high. To keep the
success going, the panel defined several areas that are
worth attention, including the following:
Emphasizing implementation of the city’s adopted plans
and policies;
Enhancing community trust and relationships;
Enhancing partnerships and collaboration with local and
state partners;
Defining and implementing a future land use strategy to
address key opportunities; and
Focusing leadership on the future.
The panel was impressed with the high degree of experi-
ence, commitment, and subject matter knowledge among
the public staff leaders and managers. However, some ero-
sion has occurred with loss of expertise and opportunities
for improved coordination across departments and agencies.
The highest-performing agencies ensure that departments
have the resources and tools they need and that policy
direction and operations are aligned consistently.
Ensure Policy Continuity and
Political Alignment
Elected public leaders have a critical function to establish
a vision for the future and to guide the city organization to
implement that vision. Why is vision important? If policy
direction swings dramatically, or if leaders struggle to find
consensus, the performance of public organization can
deteriorate. Therefore, policy continuity and political align-
ment genuinely help ensure that taxpayer resources and
time are spent wisely and effectively.
A vision is also key to aligning implementation efforts. By
working together with public agency, private sector, and
community partners, the city will achieve more than it can
on its own. El Paso has the skills and experience to work
collaboratively and to fulfill its role to lead, organize, and
implement the efforts to create a resilient community. By
setting and articulating a clear vision and by aligning the
efforts across public, private, and nonprofit sectors, results
are not just possible but likely.
Elected leaders have many demands and little time, so
they should focus on policy making, long-term goals, and
building relationships with other agencies and stakehold-
ers to help the city be successful. If the council can serve
its policy-making role well, the city manager and staff can
better focus on implementation and administration. Council
members are wise to think long term and citywide in mak-
ing policy decisions and to think “big picture.” In addition to
budgeting for staff training and professional development,
high-performing councils have invested in time and training
to improve the working relationships among themselves
and with other public agencies.
Promote Partnerships
El Paso has opportunities to build upon and create new
partnerships. For example, the panel heard that the
relationship and coordination between the city and El Paso
Independent School District could be enhanced. This could
involve a review of student enrollment projections and
Enhancing Partnerships, Cooperation,
and Governance
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
opportunities to examine facility needs, open space and
recreation programming, and transportation patterns.
El Paso has many city streets that are actually state
highways, owned, controlled, and maintained by the Texas
Department of Transportation. Although doing so has
cost implications, the city may need to consider assuming
control of key corridors to better reflect local transportation
goals and respond to a broader array of local needs, es-
pecially those related to resilience, such as along the ATS.
Exploring this option with peer cities, the Texas Municipal
League, and the MPO would be useful to see if the added
maintenance cost would be outweighed by the benefits of
Build on and Implement Past
Policy Work
El Paso’s adopted comprehensive plan (Plan El Paso) is
intended to limit sprawl and focus new growth in a more
compact pattern that is easier and cheaper to serve
with public facilities and services. The panel heard that
implementation of that goal has been inconsistent and
that well-intentioned tools to promote the desired land use
pattern are not consistently used or applied. When new
development furthers the adopted plan, the city should
make the permit process fast and predictable.
In the study area, the panel saw an opportunity to
undertake a future land use discussion for Chamizal and
nearby industrial areas to reconcile the significant land
use conflicts that have existed for many years and develop
relocation strategies for incompatible uses. For example,
if a new home for the industrial uses could be found, an
opportunity would be created to further protect the unique
and valuable barrio-style residential uses in the neighbor-
hoods and better serve them with infrastructure. In addi-
tion, since HACEP may divest the Salazar site, the chance
to reenvision that area arises.
The panel heard that El Paso would benefit from develop-
ing a specific capital plan to help guide new investments.
Although finding new revenues is always a challenge, the
panel heard how the city successfully made the business
case for new street investments by restoring a Saturday
parking fee, something the business community supported
because they could see the nexus between the source and
use of the funds.
Mobilizing Stakeholders to
Achieve a Vision
Most people think that leadership means getting people
to follow and to do what you want them to do. But the
bigger challenge is to help people recognize those
needs themselves and to take the necessary actions
to change their own values, practices, and priorities.
To give their communities the best chance at success,
leaders must have difficult conversations about tough
issues, and they must mobilize people to confront
reality, solve problems, and make progress.
Adapted from Dean Williams, Orienting Concepts for the
Exercise of Leadership, Center for Public Leadership,
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
and sometimes conflicting land uses, incomplete trans-
portation networks, little usable open space, and commu-
nities of residents with lesser means. El Paso as a whole
also both enjoys and is challenged by a significant interna-
tional border with several busy crossing bridges connect-
ing El Paso to Juárez, Mexico. The natural environment,
local communities, and public infrastructure in El Paso are
strongly linked and interdependent. Therefore, traditional
and siloed solutions are less likely to be effective.
Resilient land use strategies will not just help better
prepare El Paso to handle the challenges of flash flooding,
drought and water supply shortages, urban heat island
issues, and potential human-caused stressors and shocks,
but will also continue the community’s path toward healthy
living and help implement the vision and goals of El Paso’s
award-winning comprehensive plan. In fact, the panel ob-
served that El Paso has many such plans and that focusing
on plan implementation may yield more benefits in the
near term than additional planning.
The importance of making future land use decisions
through consultation, involvement, and collaboration with
residents and businesses also bears emphasis. Ensur-
ing the community feels its voice is heard and its input is
valued will make any decision more durable and promote
shared ownership.
After studying the opportunities of the ATS and the resil-
ience challenges and opportunities in El Paso, the panel
identified some bigger-picture opportunities that would re-
quire cross-agency collaboration, enhancing resilience and
reducing siloed planning. For instance, if El Paso chooses
to protect and nurture the unique residential barrios of
Chamizal and Segundo, to make investments in sustain-
ably designed trails and community spaces responsive to
El Paso’s unique climate vulnerabilities, and to relocate
the industrial uses to a better place with adequate rail and
multimodal service, then a valuable opportunity arises to
create a truly more resilient and delightful community in
the study area.
The panel heard from local groups and associations who
have long-term knowledge and history with these neigh-
borhoods. Their involvement in this and other planning
processes is both necessary and valuable. Landowners
and businesses also have a stake in these decisions, and
their input should be sought along with that of residents and
neighborhood groups. The panel believes considering these
issues together with the routing planning for the ATS is a big
idea that deserves more analysis and community comment.
The panel’s recommendations should also help promote
local assets and strengths, leverage El Paso’s unique mar-
ket advantages, and address potential weaknesses. The
opportunity exists to better tell the story of El Paso, inform
and improve the community’s self-perception, and com-
municate the opportunity El Paso presents to the outside
The panel focused on proposing strategies both for low-cost
improvements to bike infrastructure, such as sharrows, and for more
ambitious proposals, such as the creation of the Franklin Canal ATS
as part of an integrated recreation, housing redevelopment, and land
use strategy.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
world.El Paso has many strengths and valuable assets,
and opportunities exist to leverage those even better to
further enhance community resilience.
Finding and using effective ways to better coordinate
public sector agencies and decision making, and exploring
ways to share and leverage public facilities and resources
will be one key to success. The panel heard that relation-
ships between the city of El Paso and other public agen-
cies could be improved. Historical and current reasons
may exist for this situation, and overcoming those hurdles
may not be easy. But by deliberately promoting better
political alignment and policy continuity across political and
organizational lines, by setting a common course through
an inclusive process, and by actively implementing the
vision through tangible actions informed by local voices, El
Paso has the opportunity to serve as a national model of
resilience and success.
Colorful murals and signs punctuate the streetscapes of El Paso.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Brown, Heidi E., Alex Young, Joceline Lega, Theodore G.
Andreadis, Jessica Schurich, and Andrew Comrie. 2015.
“Projection of Climate Change Influences on U.S. West Nile
Virus Vectors.” Earth Interactions 19 (18).
CTSA (Clinical and Translational Science Awards Consor-
tium, Community Engagement Key Function Committee).
2011. Principles of Community Engagement. 2nd ed. NIH
Publication No. 11-7782. Washington, DC: U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office.
Garfin, Gregg, Sarah LeRoy, and Hunter Jones. 2016.
Developing an Integrated Heat Health Information System
for Long-Term Resilience to Climate and Weather Extremes
in the El Paso-Juárez-Las Cruces Region. Tucson, AZ:
Institute of the Environment.
KVIA News. 2016. “10 Years Ago Storm 2006 Damaged
Hundreds of Homes, Caused Hundreds of Millions in
Damage.” August 1, updated September 21. http://www.
MacAdam, James. 2012. Green Infrastructure for South-
western Neighborhoods. Tucson, AZ: Watershed Manage-
ment Group.
Melillo, Jerry M., Terese Richmond, and Gary W. Yohe,
eds. 2014. Climate Change Impacts in the United States:
The Third National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Global Change Research Program.
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
Kamuron Gurol
Panel Chair
City of Burien, Washington
Gurol has served as Burien city manager since April 2014.
Burien is a city of 50,000 residents bounded on the west
by environmentally valuable Puget Sound shorelines and
on the east by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. He
is leading a lean and nimble city organization to leverage
the city’s unique locational assets, walkable and charm-
ing downtown, and strong residential neighborhoods to
promote new economic development.
Before Burien, Gurol served as community development
director for the city of Sammamish for nearly nine years
where he successfully navigated an innovative Town
Center plan (using a hybrid of performance and traditional
zoning tools) and new Shoreline Master Program (using an
incentive-based strategy to improve habitat while recogniz-
ing property rights) through the rough waters of state
agency approval and city council adoption. Sammamish
also received a 2009 Governor’s Smart Community award
for its over-the-counter permit approval process.
Gurol also worked as a corridor planning manager for the
Washington state Department of Transportation Urban
Planning Office, where he oversaw corridor improve-
ment plans for several large state highways in the greater
Seattle area. As director of the Kitsap County Department
of Community Development, he was responsible for all
aspects of a community development department (building
plan review and inspections, land use permits, long-range
planning, and a Community Development Block Grant
program) serving about 250,000 residents.
As manager of the Snohomish County Planning Division,
he was responsible for successful policy development for
the county comprehensive plan and various subarea plans,
for planning policy issues with 20 cities, and for county
GIS and demographic work products. He began his work in
public administration, planning, environmental and natural
resources with King County where he created a nationally
recognized transfer of development rights program.
He holds a BS in geology from the University of Washing-
ton and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University.
Ladd Keith
Panel Vice Chair
Tucson, Arizona
Keith is a planning faculty member and director of aca-
demic initiatives and student success at the University of
Arizona’s College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape
Architecture. He leads the Sustainable Built Environments
degree program and other strategic initiatives related to
the college’s academic programs. His research interests
are in the integration of climate change science for the
planning and design of more resilient cities. He has taught
several courses on topics including sustainable design and
planning, public participation, and planning theory.
An active member of the Urban Land Institute, Keith
currently serves on the Center for Sustainability Advisory
Board and is a member of the Sustainable Development
Council. He was previously the chair of ULI Southern Ari-
zona and was a founding member of both the ULI Southern
Arizona Young Leaders Group and ULI NEXT. In 2016,
Keith was recognized as one of the ULI’s 40 under 40,
who represent the best young land use professionals from
around the globe, as selected by members of ULI.
About the Panel
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Keith also serves on the city of Tucson’s Planning Commis-
sion, where he led the commission’s public participation
process for the General & Sustainability Plan, which will
guide planning policy for the next decade.
Shane Farthing
Silver Spring, Maryland
Farthing is an attorney, policy professional, entrepreneur,
and nonprofit leader who works at the intersection of
economic development, sustainability, and transportation.
He currently serves as senior adviser to the Planning Board
of Montgomery County, Maryland. In that role, he assists
the board in master planning for new transit-oriented
communities; placemaking and urban park activation;
economic attraction and revitalization; and transportation
network improvements.
He also leads the public policy practice at Four Sparrows
LLC, focusing on issues of nonprofit management and
program design, advocacy strategy, and urban policy.
Previously, Farthing served as executive director of the
Washington Area Bicyclist Association and director of the
District of Columbia’s Office of Green Economy.
A believer in the benefits of urbanism to both the urban
areas served and the undeveloped areas preserved, Far-
thing has participated in several ULI Technical Assistance
Program panels and spoken at many ULI events. He holds
degrees in religious studies, law, and public policy.
Richard Henderson
Boston, Massachusetts
Executive vice president for real estate at MassDevelop-
ment in Boston, Massachusetts, Henderson advances
planning and redevelopment projects and manages real
estate assets in communities throughout Massachusetts.
His projects at MassDevelopment have included 100
Cambridge Street, a rehabilitation of a former state office
building into a 600,000-square-foot mixed-use complex;
large-scale land redevelopment projects including the
former Army base at Devens and several former state
hospital sites; the Transformative Development Initiative,
focused on revitalization of urban neighborhoods; and
Boston’s new General Electric headquarters.
Henderson has long been on the forefront of economic
development in Massachusetts. As director of planning
and development for the Massachusetts Port Authority,
he played an instrumental role in planning and developing
Boston’s Innovation/Seaport District and other sites around
Boston Harbor. Before his work at MassPort, Henderson
was assistant secretary of economic affairs for the Com-
monwealth and principal author of the state’s economic
strategy, Choosing to Compete. Henderson earlier served
as director of policy planning for the Boston Redevelop-
ment Authority.
He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Williams College and
holds a master of philosophy in urban design and regional
planning from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Anita Morrison
Washington, D.C.
Morrison founded Partners for Economic Solutions after
more than 30 years of economic and development consult-
ing. During her career, she has specialized in public/private
partnerships, real estate advisory services, redevelopment
strategies, and economic impact analysis. From large cities
to small towns, she applies her understanding of real es-
tate economic fundamentals to questions of development,
redevelopment, and smart growth. She helps decision
makers and the community to understand how econom-
ics and land planning interact. She prepared workforce
development strategies for the Sustainable DC Plan.
Her work with major transit-oriented development (TOD)
spans three decades, including analysis of alternative cor-
ridors for extension of Washington, D.C.’s transit network,
the economic and fiscal impacts of Metro’s Green Line, the
economics of developing major downtown and neighbor-
hood transit stations, market and financial feasibility of
TOD at commuter-rail stations, and potentials for intermo-
El Paso, Texas, November 13–18, 2016
dal transit stations. She has been involved in a wide variety
of TOD feasibility analyses and development strategies for
station area and corridor plans for the District of Columbia,
the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and
various Maryland and Northern Virginia jurisdictions.
Morrison’s redevelopment planning experience encom-
passes large and small business districts, corridors, and
neighborhoods, including Dickinson Avenue corridor in
Greenville, North Carolina; Liberty Heights corridor in West
Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, D.C.’s Georgia Avenue
and Rhode Island Avenue; Hull Street in Richmond and
Chesterfield County and Crescent District plan in Lees-
burg, all in Virginia; Howard County, Maryland’s U.S. 40
corridor; West Savannah, Georgia, neighborhood; and U.S.
11E in Birmingham, Alabama.
She has served on multiple ULI panels. Morrison earned a
master of public policy from the University of Michigan.
Carlos F. Perez
Atlanta, Georgia
Perez is the founding principal of Perez Planning + Design
LLC. He specializes in planning and designing active
transportation systems and comprehensive parks, open
spaces, and recreation systems. He has worked with more
than 40 agencies nationwide, including Seattle; Raleigh,
North Carolina; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta; and Miami. In
addition, Perez is the principal trails planner for the PATH
Foundation, a nonprofit organization that has built over
200 miles of trails in the Atlanta Metro area.
An active member of the Urban Land Institute, Perez is
a graduate of the Atlanta Urban Land Institute Center for
Leadership Class of 2014.
Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Perez received a bachelor’s
in landscape architecture from the University of Florida;
a master’s in city and regional planning from the Georgia
Institute of Technology; and a master’s in urban design
from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also a
board member and vice chair of the Atlanta nonprofit orga-
nization Park Pride—a parks and green-space advocacy
organization that promotes more and better parks. He is
fluent in spoken and written Spanish.
Jodi Slick
Duluth, Minnesota
Slick is the founder and chief executive officer of Ecolib-
rium3, a nonprofit organization with a mission to lead and
inspire community change toward an equitable and sus-
tainable future. Ecolibrium3 focuses on developing com-
munity resilience in economic and environmental systems
in the low-income neighborhoods of Duluth, Minnesota.
She was named a White House Champion of Change for
Building Resilient Communities and coordinated Minne-
sota’s application to the National Disaster Resilience Com-
petition. She served as the chair of regional flood recovery
efforts after a 500-year rain event in 2012 and developed
a new model for resilient recovery. Slick serves as the
principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Energy’s
Local Energy Matters Solar Market Pathways Project,
is the facilitator for Duluth’s participation in the federal
Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator,
and administers the nationally recognized Duluth Energy
Efficiency Program. As chair of the Duluth Energy Systems
board, she is leading efforts to convert a downtown district
heat system to regionally derived fuels.
In addition to energy work, Slick works on urban food
system development, community-informed resilient
housing design, and neighborhood-integrated transporta-
tion. Her past experiences include community organizing
with homeless individuals, training of state inmates in
construction trades, administration of a county solid waste
and recycling department, facilitating a green jobs action
planning process, and serving as both a housing author-
ity commissioner and as a school board president. She
founded Common Ground Construction, a green affordable
housing social enterprise that completed more than 125
projects, including national demonstration projects for the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
Slick received her master of educational administration and
BS in broad field science (chemistry and physics) from the
University of Wisconsin Superior. She has also completed
training with the Graduate School of Business at Stanford
University in Social Entrepreneurship.
Alejandro (Alex) Villegas
Largo, Maryland
Villegas is a principal at Rodgers Consulting Inc., a legacy
land development, planning, and engineering consulting
firm that is guided by its core values and clients’ needs.
Villegas is focused on advancing the firm’s strategic
objectives of delivering a consistently exceptional client
experience and geographic diversification.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in engineering and a
master’s degree in management from Pontifical Bolivar-
ian University in Colombia and the University of Maryland,
University College, respectively. His career in real estate
development started in 2002 as an entry-level engineer.
Over 15 years, he has emerged as a regional and national
leader and is well respected in the fields of land develop-
ment, planning, and engineering. He is a member of the
board of directors for the Maryland Home Building Industry
Association and an active member of the Urban Land
Institute; NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development
Association; and the Independent Council of Shopping
He has lived and worked in Maryland for more than 17
years and is intimately familiar with zoning regulations,
county codes, and plan processing in Prince George’s
Count y.
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report
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Conference Paper
Full-text available
The workshop, Developing an Integrated Heat Health Information System for Long-Term Resilience to Climate and Weather Extremes in the El Paso-Juárez-Las Cruces Region, was held in El Paso, Texas, on July 13, 2016. Sponsored by a collaborative of universities and local and federal agencies, the workshop brought together individuals in government, practitioner, and academic communities from Mexico and the United States to discuss the intersection of the region’s climate and weather with factors affecting public health risks related to extreme heat. The region is home to approximately 2.4 million people, most of whom are living in or near the urban centers of Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), El Paso, and Las Cruces (New Mexico). These cities share characteristics, such as a high proportion of residents of Hispanic origin, median income below the U.S. national average, and a range of climate-related environmental issues that include drought, flooding, air pollution, dust storms, and frequent occurrences of extremely high temperatures during the late spring and early summer. With hotter temperatures and more frequent and persistent heat waves projected for the El Paso-Juárez-Las Cruces region, it is critical to develop more robust systems of institutions, social learning, and partnerships to understand risks and strengthen public health resilience.
While estimates of the impact of climate change on health are necessary for health care planners and climate change policy makers, models to produce quantitative estimates remain scarce. This study describes a freely available dynamic simulation model parameterized for three West Nile virus vectors, which provides an effective tool for studying vectorborne disease risk due to climate change. The Dynamic Mosquito Simulation Model is parameterized with species-specific temperature-dependent development and mortality rates. Using downscaled daily weather data, this study estimates mosquito population dynamics under current and projected future climate scenarios for multiple locations across the country. Trends in mosquito abundance were variable by location; however, an extension of the vector activity periods, and by extension disease risk, was almost uniformly observed. Importantly, midsummer decreases in abundance may be offset by shorter extrinsic incubation periods, resulting in a greater proportion of infective mosquitoes. Quantitative descriptions of the effect of temperature on the virus and mosquito are critical to developing models of future disease risk.
Damaged Hundreds of Homes, Caused Hundreds of Millions in Damage
  • Kvia News
KVIA News. 2016. "10 Years Ago Storm 2006 Damaged Hundreds of Homes, Caused Hundreds of Millions in Damage." August 1, updated September 21. http://www.
Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods
  • James Macadam
MacAdam, James. 2012. Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods. Tucson, AZ: Watershed Management Group.