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This review delineates the methods used to control Varroa mites and their effectiveness. Varroa mites are the most destructive parasites of honey bees worldwide that cause a weak colony population, resulting in significant economic losses. Varroa infestation in honey bee colonies increases the sensitivity of bees to other pathogens including viruses and bacteria. This requires appropriate measures against Varroa mites. The most widely applied Varroa control method is the application of chemicals by beekeepers. Due to the development of acaricide-resistance in Varroa mites and chemical residues in honeybee products, the application of chemicals does not provide complete control against Varroa. Alternative products and methods have been developed in recent years in order to avoid the mentioned issues. Alternative strategies include the use of natural products such as essential oils, organic acids, and biotechnical methods such as mite-trapping. Moreover, the combinations of different control methods in an integrated pest management program have been applied by different researchers that are effective against Varroa mites. Consequently, economic losses can be reduced by effective treatment, avoiding excessive chemical use and residue problems in bee products.
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 2/Issue 11/November2019
© 2019, IJASRW, All right reserved
Control Methods against Varroa Mites
Adnan AYAN*1, Hidayet TUTUN2, Osman Selçuk ALDEMİR3
1Department of Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey
2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University, Burdur, Turkey
3 Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Turkey
Email: *1
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3548388
This review delineates the methods used to control Varroa mites and their effectiveness. Varroa mites are the most
destructive parasites of honey bees worldwide that cause a weak colony population, resulting in significant economic losses.
Varroa infestation in honey bee colonies increases the sensitivity of bees to other pathogens including viruses and bacteria.
This requires appropriate measures against Varroa mites. The most widely applied Varroa control method is the application
of chemicals by beekeepers. Due to the development of acaricide-resistance in Varroa mites and chemical residues in
honeybee products, the application of chemicals does not provide complete control against Varroa. Alternative products and
methods have been developed in recent years in order to avoid the mentioned issues. Alternative strategies include the use of
natural products such as essential oils, organic acids, and biotechnical methods such as mite-trapping. Moreover, the
combinations of different control methods in an integrated pest management program have been applied by different
researchers that are effective against Varroa mites. Consequently, economic losses can be reduced by effective treatment,
avoiding excessive chemical use and residue problems in bee products.
Keywords: Acaricide, essential oil, organic acid, Varroa
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) is usually affected by a large spectrum of bacterial, viral and fungal infection such as chalkbrood,
American foulbrood (AFB), which decrease productivity, performance, and welfare of them [15,20,24]. Varroa mites (especially
Varroa destructor) are the most destructive parasite impacting honey bee health and contribute to elevated colony loss rates
worldwide [1-3,23,40]. Today, various methods including physical, biological and chemical, are used to control the Varroa
population. Complete control of Varroa is not possible with the currently applied methods. The chemical control method is of
great importance to reduce parasite intensity. As a result of the widespread use of chemical-based drugs for Varroa control, the
beekeeping industry is facing two important public health issues. Firstly, the Varroa mites develop resistance to these chemicals
when used repeatedly. The second major problem is the presence of chemical residues in bee products [37].
There are a great number of preparations used in the chemical market to combat bee pests. The majority of these drugs are used
to control Varroa. Amongst these, synthetic chemical compounds (tau-fluvalinate, flumetrine, amitraz and coumafos), organic
acids (formic acid, oxalic acid, lactic acid) and volatile oils (thymol, carvacrol, and menthol) are most commonly used drugs
[11,15,28]. The aim of this paper is to review the application of control methods of Varroa mite.
Chemical Control
Several chemical control strategies have been devised against Varroa. The control strategies for these mites mainly based on
chemical treatments. Organophosphates, formamidine, and synthetic pyrethroids have come forth in the chemical control of
Varroa. Coumaphos, amitraz, flumethrin, and fluvalinate are the most common drugs in chemical control [37]. Frequent reports
have been received from beekeepers complaining of colony damage and a high number of Varroa mites during the winter
months. Therefore, the recommended treatment against the mites normally performs in mid and late summer [13].
Amitraz is a main member of the formamidine, a new group of acaricide-insecticides. It is generally synthesized with xylene or
petroleum products and has been around since the 1960s. Amitraz acts as an agonist of the α-2 adrenergic receptor which is a G
protein-coupled receptor located in post-synaptic adrenergic neurons [41]. Coumaphos, an organophosphate pesticide, inhibits
the activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE), which hydrolysis acetylcholine (ACh) into choline and acetic acid. Drugs
containing coumaphos are successfully used worldwide to control both Varroa and bee lice infections in honey bees [43].
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 2/Issue 11/November2019
© 2019, IJASRW, All right reserved
Pyrethroids such as flumethrin and fluvalinate are highly effective in Varroa control and act on neural function by inhibiting the
Varroa mite voltage-gated sodium channel [14]. The use of synthetic drugs for controlling the parasitic mites leads to the
development of drug-resistant mites.The acaricides residues in the beehives as a result of treatment and these synthetic
compounds distort the image of pure honey [12].
Providing new treatments for Varroa control is becoming very important. The most widely used biopesticides in the fight against
Varroa are organic acids. Organic acids do not pose negative effects on the population of the queen, adult bee, and offspring in
the colony provided their use at appropriate time and dosage [11]. Formic acid (HCOOH) is the first of a homologous series of
organic acids. The use of formic acid in conjunction with integrated control systems can maintain the population of Varroa at the
desired level, confirmed as a part of integrated control in many countries [38]. The volatile nature of formic acid is used in the
control of Varroa. Its efficacy requires slow evaporation; therefore, the efficacy of formic acid depends on weather conditions,
season of application, volume of the evaporation container, and the distance between container and hatching cells. Formic acid
is successful when the air temperature is between 10ºC and 25ºC [9]. Even though application of formic acid using spray method
is more effective, rapid evaporation increases the toxic effects of formic acid. Consequently, application of formic acid gel can
be used to reduce the risk of toxicity [19].
Lactic acid is used as a better choice for controlling honey bee mites. Like other drugs used in classical treatment, organic acids
should be applied in early spring or late autumn when honey is not present in the hive. Otherwise, the evaporation of these acids
leaves a sour taste when honey is consumed. Another drawback of using lactic acid in mite control is the precise dosage required
in order to kill a high percentage of mites. Therefore, the dosage should be well adjusted to avoid high bee mortality [5,36].
Oxalic acid (H2C2O4), an organic compound found in many plants, is one of the natural products widely used as an alternative
therapy of Varroa. More than one application can increase the death of bees and may slow down the growth of colony in the
next spring [31].
Plant-Based Control
Varroa mites have developed resistance to a wide range of synthetic acaricides due to the misuse and overuse thus decreasing
the effectiveness of these synthetic acaricides [6]. Natural treatments consisting of organic acids and plant extracts are an
emerging alternative cure in controlling honey bee mites. Essential oils, highly volatile compounds are plant products found in
only specific parts or in all parts of a plant. It has been reported that many essential oils and their components are alternative to
synthetic acaricides for control of Varroa mites [4,15]. Beekeepers use essential oils obtained from the market for acaricidal
properties. About 15 plant species with acaricidal properties are used directly or by mixing with each other. Essentials oils are
inexpensive, safe and free of adverse side effects when used properly. However, their standardization is very difficult during
application [29,39].
The most common essential oils used in mite control are cinnamon oil (Cinnamomum cassia), citronella oil (Cymbopogon
nardus), eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globulus), peppermint oil (Mentha piperita), rosemary oil (Rosmarinus officinalis),
spearmint oil (Mentha spicata), tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), wintergreen oil (Gaultheria procumbens), neem oil
(Azadirachta indica), thyme oil (Thymus vulgaris) and lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus) [15,27,32,42]. The most
commonly used components are eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, camphor, citronellal and citral [15,17,26,34]. These plant-based
substances should be used together with other integrated control methods against mites. The single application of essential oils is
often insufficient in the control of Varroa mites [4,33].
Biological Control
Biological control methods have been developed to control V. destructor without the use of chemicals. Biological Varroa control
methods include the use of the bee's biology. Desirable properties of bees selected to form a mite resistant colony include higher
hygienic and grooming activities, shorter post-capping periods, low attractiveness of the brood to mites, and low mite fecundity
factors. The selection and establishment of resistant colonies are the best and cheapest methods for the control of Varroosis [25].
As a biotechnological approach, the “trapping comb method” has been used successfully. The principle is to remove the sealed
honey bee comb hatching mites from the colonies, which can be highly effective due to the uneven distribution between the
brood mites and bee mites. Most applications focus solely on the removal of the drone brood, which can be eliminated without a
negative impact on colony size or honey production [37].
Pollen trap is a device made of plastic or metal placed in or under the hive entrance where bees returning from the field can
hardly pass. At the entrance of the hive, the bees passing through the holes in the pollen traps leave the load of pollen, Varroa
mites get trapped in most cases, separated from the bees, and fall from the trap screen. A study on the efficacy of pollen traps for
controlling Varroa (V. destructor) showed that using pollen traps alone increased mite capture over control, and colonies with
pollen traps produced higher honey yields than those without pollen traps. This method alone is not highly effective; however, it
is useful to apply together with other methods [18].
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 2/Issue 11/November2019
© 2019, IJASRW, All right reserved
Wire cage and drawer bottom application are Varroa control methods based on inserting a collection tray to hold any mites
falling. Approximately 20% of adult mites in recently mature bees will fall to the bottom of the hive within the first three days.
In order to catch the falling mites, a deep removable tray to the bottom board of hives and a wire grid where bees cannot pass
but Varroa mites can pass is placed on the top of the tray. The mites fall under the wire cage failing to cross over to the bees and
die of cold and starvation. The deep tray is not a stand-alone treatment to control mite populations, they must be used in
conjunction with other mite control treatments [7,8].
Other biological methods include work-intensive applications like heat treatment. Varroa mites are more sensitive to
temperatures above 34ºC than bee larvae and pupae. The optimal temperature for development of the mites is between 32.5 and
33.4°C. The reproduction ability of female mites is significantly reduced at temperatures above 36.5 °C, and mites above 38°C
die without reproduction [44]. This method seems to be impractical in commercial beekeeping.
Colony management techniques provide many advantages in combating the mites. Varroa mites prefer to drone brood. The
ability of young queen bees to lay low ratio of unfertilized eggs provide to reduce the number of drone brood thereby depressing
the number of Varroa mites in the hive [8]. Especially when the queen replacement is mixed with other Varroa combat methods,
the bees will not only be successful in the fight against Varroa but will also have the young queen bee for the coming season.
When sufficient autumn feeding is made in the Requeen colonies, the production of the brood in the colonies can be increased
and the colonies can be overwintered successfully [30]. Also, limiting the drone production by removing the drone brood areas
on the honeycomb is a method of reducing the number of Varroa mites and can serve as a valuable component in an integrated
pest management program for control of Varroa mites [35].
Entomopathogenic fungi have been used for the biological control of pests as environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical
insecticides [16]. Entomopathogenic fungi such as Metarhizium anisopliae (MetschinkoV; Deuteromycetes: Hyphomycetes),
Hirsutella thompsonii can infect insects and mites including V. destructor through specialized spores and grow within the
hemocoel and soft tissues of the host, killing the hosts. Moreover, no residue was seen in the honey in addition to no undesirable
effects on worker bees especially the queen bees. Microbial control with fungi can be a useful component of an integrated pest
management program for controlling Varroa mites [21,22].
Several chemicals like coumaphos, fluvalinate have been widely used for control of Varroa mites. The alternative strategies
against the use of the chemicals with residual and resistance problems are organic acids, plant products, biological control, and
mechanical methods. However, no method alone is successful in Varroa control. Using these methods together in an integrated
pest management strategy for control of Varroa mites can improve treatment success. Also, economic losses can be reduced by
being treated more effectively, avoiding excessive chemical use and residual problems in bee products.
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... There are various methods including genetic, mechanical, biological, and chemical for Varroa control. However, there is no single best method to control the Varroa population ( Figure 1) (5,98). ...
... All acaricidal chemicals used for controlling Varroa mites are called "Varroacides". Synthetic acaricides including pyrethroids (tau-fluvalinate, flumethrine), formamidines (Amitraz), and organophosphates (Coumaphos) have been the major effective method used for years in the control of Varroa (1,5). As a result of the widespread use of chemical-based drugs for Varroa control the beekeeping industry is facing two important public health issues. ...
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Bees are the major pollinators in natural ecosystems and in the agricultural production of several crops used for human consumption. However, they are exposed to multiple stressors that are causing a serious decline in their population. We highlight a major one among them, the Varroa destructor mite (Varroa) that causes severe impacts on the health of honey bee colonies, transmitting a variety of viruses that can affect the survival ability of individual bees and entire colonies. Diagnosis and mite control methods have been intensively studied in recent decades, with many studies in different areas of knowledge having been conducted. This overview summarizes these studies with a focus on colony defense systems, biological characteristics of the parasite Varroa, diagnostic methods used to establish the infestation level of colonies, and currently used control methods.
... So, if the temperature reaches a value higher than 8°C, the reproduction of the mite would be rendered ineffective. But the effort to reach a reduced mite population and at the same time, maintain a healthy bee colony is rather difficult compared to other solutions [3]. ...
We present the design of a Varroa destructor trap for beekeeping by using pheromones. The trap is to kill the main enemy of the European or North American honey bee, the so called Varroa mite or Varroa destructor, with vaporized pheromones. The literature review gives a summary about the actual methods for Varroa treatment. Furthermore, it includes methods which can be used to build up a Varroa trap system with a vaporizer and high voltage grid and some additional parts. First of all, an enclosure where the vaporizer and the high voltage grid can be installed, has to be designed and the high voltage grid installed. To use the high voltage grid, a circuit which is the source for the high voltage has to be designed. After this is done, a vaporizer has to be designed and a suitable temperature control for vaporizing the pheromones is developed. This is done with a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor, a measurement circuit for the NTC resistor, the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) of a microcontroller and a switching circuit for the heating element. The last step includes the design of a PCB and the implementation of all software routines to get a working system. All necessary hardware parts are combined on a single PCB and all software parts are implemented and programmed into the microcontroller. Furthermore, this system is tested to ensure the vaporizing and the high voltage grid is working properly. The tests have shown that the vaporizer and therefore the temperature control performs as required. In addition, the high voltage generation and high voltage grid had been verified which means the desired functionality of these parts is also given. All in all, the system is a well working prototype which can be used for beekeeping.
... Furthermore, many studies have used combinations of different control strategies in an integrated pest management program that are successful against Varroa mites. As a result, proper treatment can reduce economic losses by preventing excessive chemical use and residual concerns in bee products [23] . From the results of the current study, Garlic oil outperformed all other treatments in terms of reducing the number of Varroa mites after treatment, with a significant difference of (Mean± Std. ...
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The biggest difficulty for beekeepers in the globe is the Varroa mite. So, the honey production and the mortality of adult honeybees are damaged by this pest. Therefore, this study tested some essential oils and chemicals (amitraz), for the control integrated on Varroa destructor and affected of (Apis mellifera L.). Five essential oils (garlic oil, Peppermint oil, Cinnamon oil, thyme oil, Lavender oil) of plant natural products and chemical pesticide (amitraz), the Varroa mites infected in the honeybee colonies were examined and the falling mites were monitored by a sticky card on the base of the hive. Data was recorded after 1,3, 7, 15, 22 days of treatment, under colony conditions. The natural approaches employed in the control and spread of bee illnesses have been demonstrated to be effective. Garlic oil and thyme oil were found to be particularly efficient against Varroa Mites and honeybees (Apis mellifera L.), Garlic oil has surpassed all other treatments to reduce the amount of Varroa with a substantial change following treatment of(Mean± Std. Error) (9.330± 2.392) throughout the study, with increased Varroa mortality in all treatments compared to during the pretreatment phase. Also, the daily dead bees were counted during the study period, there were insignificant differences between honeybee colonies with different treatments in the daily dead worker bees treated with certain oils and chemicals. In addition, all the treatments were safe for worker bees at the applied dose. The natural approaches employed in the control and spread of bee illnesses have been demonstrated to be effective, and that essential oils can improve the health of bee families.
... Although there are various synthetic drugs used in chemical struggle of Varroa mites including formic or oxalic acid, amitraz, coumafos and derivatives, complete control of the parasites is still impossible. On top of it, constant application, misuse, and overuse of these drugs has created drug resistance in mite populations, stress development and loss in bee colonies and yield drop and chemical residue in honey bee products [16][17][18][19]. Reduction of unrequired consequences caused by chemical struggle is possible only by implementation of the proper method as early as possible. ...
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The major honey bee parasite Varroa destructor reduces hive vitality and honey yields by preventing growth of heathy bees and causes drastic loss in apiculture. Therefore, mite infestation in honey bee needs to be constantly controlled by beekeepers. To minimize this loss, a system called Var-Gor has been developed with the aim of controlling Varroa mite infestation before/just after entering the hive instead of the late period. Var-Gor is a hive entrance attachable device box consist of bee passage tunnels (width: 25 mm, height: 15 mm, and depth: 50 mm), autofocus detection camera combined with interface (process sensor: IV-HG10) and supportive image capturing equipment. Energy requirement of the device was provided by sustainable and eco-friendly solar panels and power batteries placed close to hives. Additionally, a Wi-Fi-like network connection and easy to use mobile application software was designed for the early warning of the beekeepers in case of Varroa destructor infestation. All the systems were designed compatible with cloud storage and 5G smart technology developments. Var-Gor was trained with 60% Varroa mite containing honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and 40% not containing ones. The matching range of shapes to regular honey bee and Varroa mite was 70%. Following the training system, it was able to detect existing Varroa mites with the highest accuracy within the trained samples. Even though the system requires further training based on the location and color of the mite on bee, it is a promising smart technology device for early detection of the Varroa mites.
... In the fight against bee diseases, unconscious longterm medication resulting from the wrong practices and overdosing should be considered as an important problem. As a result of the use of unlicensed drugs, bee disease factors and pests that have developed resistance against related active substances have occurred (10,26,27). In addition, although drug use is prohibited in beekeeping for many years, illegal practices are still being carried out, which causes residual problems especially in bee products (28,29,30). ...
... In the fight against bee diseases, unconscious longterm medication resulting from the wrong practices and overdosing should be considered as an important problem. As a result of the use of unlicensed drugs, bee disease factors and pests that have developed resistance against related active substances have occurred (10,26,27). In addition, although drug use is prohibited in beekeeping for many years, illegal practices are still being carried out, which causes residual problems especially in bee products (28,29,30). ...
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In this study, it was aimed to investigate the toxic effects of biocidal and nano silver-containing disinfectants, which were used in beekeeping, on bees. Biocidal and nano-silver-containing preparations used in disinfection of hives were obtained from commercial companies. Syrup (1/1 sucrose-water) was given to the control group (Group 1; n = 10). Biocidal preparation (Group 2; n = 10) and nano-silver containing preparation (Group 3; n = 10) were given to one of the experimental groups via an automatic pipette, orally 2 µl per bee. 24 hours after the application, the bees that died in all groups were counted and the midgut tissues of the bees that survived in the groups were taken for histomorphological analysis. No application was performed in the control group (Group 1). Different disinfection solution was used in the group 2 (biocidal ingredient) and Group 3 (nano silver contents). The preparations were applied to the groups by spraying and bee deaths were recorded. Two disinfectants applied to the hives under field conditions, were found to cause more bee deaths than the control group. The highest bee death was in the nano silver group. In laboratory trials, the nano-silver-containing preparation was observed to cause high number of bee deaths and serious damage to the midgut epithelium in histomorphological examinations. The results of the study showed that direct application of disinfectant substances on bees caused serious deaths in the colony. Biocidal and chemical based preparations and hive disinfection should be applied in the empty beehives.
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O artigo em tela tem como escopo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica, referente a cadeia produtiva apícola brasileira, descrevendo o contexto histórico e biológico das abelhas introduzidas no Brasil, as técnicas de manejo e os produtos gerados. Na década de 1950, pesquisadores brasileiros cogitaram a possibilidade de que as abelhas tropicais se adaptassem melhor ao clima quente de sua região e isso resultasse em uma maior produção apícola. Convencidos de que assim poderia ser, decidiram empreender um projeto de melhoramento genético de abelhas europeias no Brasil, por meio da hibridização destas com espécies africanas para melhorar ambas as variedades e que se expressassem em favor da apicultura nacional. A apicultura é a ciência e a arte de criação de abelhas do gênero Apis para produção de produtos obtidos em colmeias, como mel, cera, veneno de abelha, pólen, própolis e geleia real. Nas últimas décadas, através do aumento da produção com a hibridização, há o desenvolvimento de inúmeras pesquisas científicas aplicadas à apicultura que garantam melhorias de manejo e produção por meio das técnicas desenvolvidas. As diversas atividades produtivas envolvidas na apicultura são muito influenciadas pela população de abelhas adultas presente em cada colônia. Portanto, os apicultores devem conhecer as necessidades nutricionais e de sanidade das colmeias, incluindo também conhecer a idade das rainhas, avaliar periodicamente o desempenho de suas colônias, podendo intervir no processo de substituição natural das rainhas quando necessário. A cadeia apícola brasileira apresenta-se em processo de desenvolvimento e inovação, dispondo de muito potencial ainda inexplorado.
Temel Fetal Kalp Muayenesi
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The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is the primary health problem of honey bees (Apis mellifera) worldwide. Africanized honey bees in Brazil have demonstrated tolerance to the mite, but there is controversy about the degree of mite tolerance of Africanized bees in other countries. This study was conducted to quantify the effect of V. destructor parasitism on emergence, hemocyte concentration, wing integrity and longevity of Africanized honey bees in Mexico. Africanized bee brood were artificially infested with V. destructor mites and held in an incubator until emergence as adults and compared to non-infested controls. Deformed wing virus (DWV) presence was determined in the mites used to infest the bees. After emergence, the bees were maintained in an incubator to determine survivorship. The percentage of worker bees that emerged from parasitized cells (69%) was significantly lower than that of bees emerged from non-infested cells (96%). Newly-emerged parasitized bees had a significantly lower concentration of hemocytes in the hemolymph than non-parasitized bees. Additionally, the proportion of bees with deformed wings that emerged from V. destructor-parasitized cells was significantly higher (54%) than that of the control group (0%). The mean survival time of bees that emerged from infested and non-infested cells was 8.5 ± 0.3 and 14.4 ± 0.4 days, respectively, and the difference was significant. We conclude that V. destructor parasitism and DWV infections kill, cause deformities and inhibit cellular immunity in developing Africanized honey bees, and significantly reduce the lifespan of adult bees in Mexico. These results suggest that the tolerance of Africanized bees to V. destructor is related to adult bee mechanisms.
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In this study, the effectiveness of combining various biotechnical methods with thymol was investigated against the mite, Varroa destructor during late summer. Experimental colonies were randomly selected and six study groups were formed with nine colonies in each group. Experimental colonies were created as follows: colonies of renewed queen bees (RQ); colonies in which the queen is trapped on one comb, but worker bees can come and go to carry out their duties (CT); colonies in which ten grams of powdered thymol was added to 90 g of the bee cake, and 100 g of the bee cake with thymol was applied to the colonies (TY); colonies in which the requeen method plus the thymol method were used (RQ+TY); colonies in which the comb trapping method plus the thymol method were used (CT+TY); and untreated control colonies (CC). During the late summer period, the mite infestation level, sealed brood areas, bee population, and effectiveness of applications were determined in the groups. There was no significant difference in the infestation rate, sealed brood areas, and bee populations in the treatment groups before brood interruption. The efficacy of the requeen method, the comb trapping method, the thymol method, the requeen plus thymol method, and comb trapping plus other groups against V. destructor infestation were 40.23, 39.76, 80.45, 98.28 and 97.93%, respectively. These results showed that combining biotechnical methods with thymol is a safe, easy and effective alternative to late summer therapy against V. destructor.
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The honey bee is a crucial pollinator of agricultural crops and also an economically important producer of commodities such as honey and beeswax that find diverse uses in the food industry, cosmetics and medicine. At present, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is viewed as the most damaging pest of the honey bee worldwide. Without treatment, colonies generally collapse within a few years. To keep the population of the Varroa mites low, beekeepers relay on the use of synthetic and organic acaricides, the most popular commercially available ones include amitraz, coumaphos, flumethrin, fluvalinate, formic acid, oxalic acid and thymol. These conventional acaricides are cheap and easy to apply, but prolonged use causes Varroa mites to rapidly develop resistance and bee products can become contaminated. Residues of acaricides are present in high concentrations throughout the hive and bees are exposed to them all year around. The present review summarises the current knowledge of the deleterious effects of conventional acaricides on honey bee health. Numerous commercially available acaricides and their active substances have been shown to have negative effects on honey bee brood development, queen and drone reproductive health, learning, longevity and colony strength. Acaricides do not only act alone, but also in synergic combinations to affect bee health. Since some drugs cause substantial weakening of bee colonies, they can make them more susceptible to other diseases such as nosematosis or to extreme climatic events. As wax combs are contaminated with high concentrations of acaricide residues and Varroa mites are chronically exposed to them, the parasite may develop resistance faster. In combination with other stressors, acaricides could be a contributing factor to colony collapses.
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The aim of the present study was to identify the haplotypes of the Varroa destructor mite which infects honeybees (Apis mellifera) in the province of Aydın in Turkey, using two different modified techniques for the mitochondrial Cox1 gene of the mite. In order to confirm the haplotype, two different primer pairs were selected. 376 bp DNA in size was amplified using the first primer pair. SacI restriction enzyme was applied to the amplified products; however, this restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA. 570 bp DNA in size was amplified using the second primer pair. XhoI and SacI restriction enzymes were used for the amplified products. Although, the SacI restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA, the XhoI restriction enzyme cut the amplified DNA into two fragments (bands), with the sizes of 270 and 300 bp two bands 270 and 300 bp. While comparing the results, these bands were found specific for Korean haplotype of V. destructor. In conclusion, all of the 200 samples of V. destructor examined in this study were identified to be the Korean haplotype.
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The widespread geographical distribution of Rhipicephalus decoloratus in southern Africa and its ability to transmit the pathogens causing redwater, gallsickness and spirochaetosis in cattle makes this hematophagous ectoparasite of economic importance. In South Africa, the most commonly used chemical acaricides to control tick populations are pyrethroids and amitraz. The current amitraz resistance mechanism described in R. microplus, from South Africa and Australia, involves mutations in the octopamine receptor, but it is unlikely that this will be the only contributing factor to mediate resistance. Therefore, in this study we aimed to gain insight into the more complex mechanism(s) underlying amitraz resistance in R. decoloratus using RNA-sequencing. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified when comparing amitraz susceptible and resistant ticks in the presence of amitraz while fed on bovine hosts. The most significant DEGs were further analysed using several annotation tools. The predicted annotations from these genes, as well as KEGG pathways potentially point towards a relationship between the α-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor and ionotropic glutamate receptors in establishing amitraz resistance. All genes with KEGG pathway annotations were further validated using RT-qPCR across all life stages of the tick. In susceptible ticks, the proposed model is that in the presence of amitraz, there is inhibition of Ca2+ entry into cells and subsequent membrane hyperpolarization which prevents the release of neurotransmitters. In resistant ticks, we hypothesize that this is overcome by ionotropic glutamate receptors (NMDA and AMPA) to enhance synaptic transmission and plasticity in the presence of neurosteroids. Activation of NMDA receptors initiates long term potentiation (LTP) which may allow the ticks to respond more rapidly and with less stimulus when exposed to amitraz in future. Overactivation of the NMDA receptor and excitotoxicity is attenuated by the estrone, NAD+ and ATP hydrolysing enzymes. This proposed pathway paves the way to future studies on understanding amitraz resistance and should be validated using in vivo activity assays (through the use of inhibitors or antagonists) in combination with metabolome analyses.
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The most common honey bee diseases are American foulbrood (AFB) caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae, Chalkbrood caused by fungus Ascosphaera apis and diseases caused by parasitic mites such as Acarapis woodi, Varroa destructor. These diseases and pests not only cause economic loss but also cause ecological problems related to the role of honey bees, as the most important pollinators on Earth. Synthetic acaricides and antibiotics are used to keep the diseases and mites in control. Use of the drugs lead to the development of drug-resistant organisms, detrimental effect on non-target organisms and the residue problem in bee products. For this reasons, the need for alternative control methods has become compulsory in recent years. It has been known that some plant oils used widely in perfumery and food industry for flavor and smell have been used as repellent to certain insects, bactericide and fungicide. Therefore, intensive studies have been carried out on plants with anti-mites, antibacterial and antifungal potentials and these studies are still going on. Recently, studies in this area have shown that essential oils of plants such as thyme, cloves, mint, lemon grass, cinnamon, grapefruit, rosemary, marigold, are lethal to some mites, bacteria and fungi. In addition, it has been reported that some components, isolated from these plants such as sanguinarine, thymoquinone, capsaicin, carvacrol, citral, eugenol, thymol, show these effects on the organisms. As a result, in countries rich in biodiversity due to endemic plant species, the essential oils used in control of these diseases should be favored instead of or in combination with conventional drugs in integrated the disease management programs because of the lack of harmful effects of essential oils on non-target organisms and environment.
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Objectives: Varroa destructor is the most damaging ectoparasite to the beekeeping economy. The mite has different haplotypes. It is aimed to determine which haplotype is present by examining the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene region of V. destructor found in honey bees in Siirt region. Materials and Methods: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) methods were applied in the analysis of the COI gene region of V. destructor in Siirt region. To do this, V. destructor samples were collected from 387 enterprises in the Siirt region. DNA extraction followed the PZR. Subsequently, 1.5% agarose gel images were obtained by electrophoresis. The PCR products were then subjected to XhoI and SacI restriction enzymes and 2% agarose gel images were obtained. 38 of the samples (10%) were sent to a private enterprise for sequencing. The obtained sequences were blasted and compared with the corresponding reference sequences in GenBank. Results: According to the results of PZR and RFLP obtained from the 387 V. destructor samples in the study towards the COI gen region, all of the samples were found to be Korean haplotypes and Japanese haplotypes were not found in any of 387 samples. At the same time, it was also confirmed that the 38 sequenced samples were Korean haplotypes. Discussion: The results obtained from this study are significant in terms of forming a groundwork for future studies.
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Entomopathogenic fungi have been developed as environmentally friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides in biocontrol programs for agricultural pests and vectors of disease. However, mycoinsecticides currently have a small market share due to low virulence and inconsistencies in their performance. Genetic engineering has made it possible to significantly improve the virulence of fungi and their tolerance to adverse conditions. Virulence enhancement has been achieved by engineering fungi to express insect proteins and insecticidal proteins/peptides from insect predators and other insect pathogens, or by overexpressing the pathogen's own genes. Importantly, protein engineering can be used to mix and match functional domains from diverse genes sourced from entomopathogenic fungi and other organisms, producing insecticidal proteins with novel characteristics. Fungal tolerance to abiotic stresses, especially UV radiation, has been greatly improved by introducing into entomopathogens a photoreactivation system from an archaean and pigment synthesis pathways from nonentomopathogenic fungi. Conversely, gene knockout strategies have produced strains with reduced ecological fitness as recipients for genetic engineering to improve virulence; the resulting strains are hypervirulent, but will not persist in the environment. Coupled with their natural insect specificity, safety concerns can also be mitigated by using safe effector proteins with selection marker genes removed after transformation. With the increasing public concern over the continued use of synthetic chemical insecticides and growing public acceptance of genetically modified organisms, new types of biological insecticides produced by genetic engineering offer a range of environmentally friendly options for cost-effective control of insect pests.