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Data was collected in the field, from an office building located in Frankfurt, Germany, over the period of 4 years. The building was designed as a low-energy building and featured natural ventilation for individual control of air quality as well as buoyancy-driven night ventilation in combination with a central atrium as a passive cooling strategy. The monitored data include in total 116 data points related to outdoor and indoor environmental data, energy related data, and data related to occupancy and occupant behaviour. Data points representing a state were logged with the real timestamp of the event taking place, all other data points were recorded in 10 minute intervals. Data were collected in 17 cell offices with a size of ~20 m², facing either east or west). Each office has one fixed and two operable windows, internal top light windows between office and corridor (to allow for night ventilation into the atrium) and sun protection elements (operated both manually and automatically). Each office is occupied by one or two persons.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2019) 6:293 |
Long-term monitoring data from a
*r & Andreas Wagner
e introduction of the European “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” in 2001 gave a strong incentive
to reduce excessive energy consumption through a holistic approach in terms of building design and integrated
energy concepts. Within this context, the program SolarBau, introduced by the German Federal Ministry of
Economic Aairs, funded ambitious demonstration projects within the non-residential building sector setting
benchmarks in terms of low primary energy consumption. Buildings in Germany are benchmarked through their
primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and domestic hot water (DHW). e moni-
tored building described here had a projected value of 107 kWh/m²a.
Within this program, a strong focus was set on various passive cooling strategies in combination with a higher
insulation standard than required by German regulations in the year of construction (see Table1 for details).
Daylight factors above standard at the workspaces were achieved by proper window design and light directing
devices (venetian blinds with dierent blind positions and ceiling panels above the desks). At the same time,
occupants’ interactions with windows and blinds – essential aspects in the context of passive cooling concepts –
was addressed13 as well as their thermal comfort under these conditions. A two-year monitoring aer commis-
sioning of the building was compulsory for a proof of concept for all funded buildings.
Inuencing factors on the occupants’ behaviour with regard to the operation of windows and blinds are,
among others, the indoor and outdoor environmental conditions such as temperatures, relative humidity levels,
air quality levels, and lighting levels4,5. Due to their daily and seasonal variation, long-term monitoring data, i.e.
at least a full year, is essential to capture their inuence on occupants’ behavioural patterns.
e monitored building is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Key characteristics of the building are
presented in Table1. An important design feature to enhance natural night ventilation is a large atrium with
an extended “chimney” around which the oces are located. is enables a buoyancy-driven airow from the
windows through the oces themselves, into the trac zones, and then up into the chimney where the air leaves
the building. e airows through the oces are levelled out by the opening angle of the top lights, located above
the manually operable windows. Directly exposed concrete ceilings in the oces enable the activation of thermal
mass as an essential part of passive cooling by night ventilation. Furthermore, the atrium increases the usage of
natural lighting for the interior trac zones.
Only the meeting rooms, the oces to the south behind the double-skin facade, oces with suspended ceil-
ings and a number of special purpose areas are actively cooled, but are not part of this dataset.
e occupant is able to open the windows manually. For operating the top–light windows (see Fig.1) occu-
pants have to use the control panel which is located beside the door (opposite to the façade). rough this panel,
Building Science Group, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Englerstr. 7, 76131, Karlsruhe, Germany. *email: marcel.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2019) 6:293 |
occupants can also control the exterior Venetian blinds and the articial lighting of the oce. Outdoor noise due
to trac was only present in the area of the south facing rooms, which are not part of this dataset. No other noise
sources are known. Outdoor air quality was high, given outdoor CO2-levels (included in data) being mean 465
ppm ± 52 (standard deviation).
e dataset published consists of long-term data from January 2005 to December 2008, i.e. starting 2 years
after the construction, when initial problems with controls where already solved. The data published has a
10-minute interval for continuous data and the event data with individual time stamps and consists of data from
17 oces.
e data has been analysed and used by several authors. A rst analysis of the indoor environmental con-
ditions and energy revealed that indoor air quality levels were high, that the primary energy consumption was
at a low level as predicted, and that the monitoring was a useful measure towards an optimized operation6,7.
Schakib-Ekbatan et al. questioned the t between occupant behaviour and the building concept and found several
occurrences of occupants’ window opening behaviour contradicting the natural ventilation concept8. An addi-
tional analysis of the data applied a data mining framework for identifying occupancy patterns and found four
archetypal working proles9.
 In order to collect long-term data automatically and frequently, all sensors were con-
nected to the building management system (BMS) of the building. Data were gathered in 10-minute intervals or
as event data. Data was stored for one day locally and send at night as csv-les to the server of the researcher. Data
was stored in a MySQL database.
A weather station was located on the top of the building at 2 m above the roof, i.e. around 30 m above street
level. e weather station is providing data regarding the outdoor conditions for all oces, such as temperature or
wind speed. However, the microclimate on the façades can dier, e.g. depending on the intensity and direction of
wind. e precipitation meter was not heated. However, snowfall is seldom. ere are no direct obstacles close-by
aecting the wind speed or direction. Still, wind speed and direction might have been aected by the buildings
in the neighbourhood.
All oces included in this data base have a size of ~20 m2 and are facing east or west (see also Table2). Each
oce has one xed and two operable windows with top light windows above, internal top light windows between
oce and corridor (to allow for night ventilation into the atrium) and external sun protection elements (operated
both manually and automatically). One or two persons occupy each oce.
Presence of occupants was measured by an infrared sensor located in the middle of the ceiling panel, which is
suspended from the ceiling above the work places.
Type of building Multi-storey oce building
Dimension 17,402 m2 (8,585 m2 heat ed)
No. of Employee ~350 employees
Location Frankfurt, Germany
ermal characteristics High energy standard of building envelope
Walls: U-values 0.24 to 0.5 W/m2K)
Windows: U-values 1.5 W/m2K, solar transmittance <40%, light transmittance 70%
Structural system Reinforced concrete construction
Type of observed spaces Oce rooms
Year of construction 2002
No. of oors 2-level underground car park +4 oce oors + 1 oor apartments on top
Window dimensions Windows:
Top lights
Windows, orientation Mostly E and W
Window opening
All windows open inwards. No obstacles prevented window opening except those potentially added by
occupants (e.g. plants or papers placed in front of window)
Windows: Manual opening through window handle by occupants only, windows had hinges on one side and
could be fully opened (rotated) to any degree up to 90° opening angle Top lights: automatic control + manual
opening through switch next to oce door by occupants, windows had hinges at the bottom and opened on top;
any degree up to ° was possible at manual control; at automatic control for night-time ventilation the angle was
predened in order to balance pressure dierence between oors and achieve almost the same volume ow for
each oor and oce.
Window control options Automated 10 minutes ush ventilation before working hours through top lights in the façade and between
oce and corridor
Aerwards: Top lights: Tilt (automatic + occupant driven mode), Windows: Tilt-and turn (occupant driven)
Shading devices External sun protection (automatic + occupant driven mode) with dierent angle of blinds in the upper part to
provide daylight guidance. Sun protection consists of light metal Venetian blinds with a slats width of 80 mm
and a reectance of 60%..
Predicted annual primary
energy consumption 107 kWh/m²
Monitored annual primary
energy consumption 100 kWh/m² in third year of monitoring
Tab le 1. Building characteristics.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2019) 6:293 |
Air temperature, relative humidity and CO2-level were measured inside each oce close to the oce door at
1.1 m height through a device attached to the walls separating the oces from the corridor.
Occupants can change the status of top-light windows, blinds, and lighting through a set of buttons close
to the oce door. Windows can be opened directly at the façade. Status of windows was measured through
reed-contacts connected to the buildings’ BMS system. Position of the blinds was measured based on blinds
motor run time.
e data points available in the database are presented in Table3. ese data can be grouped into outdoor
environmental data, indoor environmental data, energy related data, and data related to occupancy and occupant
All data records listed in this section are available from the project pages10 on Open Science Framework (OSF)
and can be downloaded without an OSF account. We licensed the data under a CC0 1.0 Universal license.
 File format: comma separated values le (.csv). Data is available as one le for each sensor
including date and time column. All date formats are in the format day, month, year, i.e. Devices in
use are recorded with 1 or 100, those not in use with 0. is translates to open windows being in the data recorded
as 1 and completely closed blinds with values 100.
Fig. 1 Window positions and dimensions of one oce.
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2019) 6:293 |
 File format: comma separated values le (.csv).
Incoming datasets were analysed according to their completeness and validity. An error message was sent to the
researchers in case these checks revealed problems. ese analyses mainly targeted for checking availability of
data and to lter implausible or missing values. Missing values in air temperature, relative humidity, and CO2
were marked by a value of “0” and ltered automatically. Implausible values, e.g. indoor air temperatures above
35 °C, were agged by the monitoring soware and manually inspected using the visualization tools of the mon-
itoring soware. e monitoring soware used was MoniSo11.
e air temperature sensors were checked and calibrated during commissioning by the facility management
and later comparison through a high-quality comfort meter equipment in sample rooms showed good con-
formity. All other sensors had been calibrated by the manufacturer, but could not be calibrated again during
ID Room air
temperature Occupancy Window
control Top window
control Sun
protection Electricity
demand lighting Electricity
demand plugs CO2 Concen-
E01 E01Tair E01Occ E01W E01WT E01SP
E02 E02Tair E02Occ E02W E02WT E02SP
E03 E03Tair E03Occ E03W E03WT E03SP
E04 E04Tair E04Occ E04W E04WT E04SP E04CO2
E05 E05Tair E05Occ E05W E05WT E05SP
E06 E06Tair E06Occ E06W E06WT E06SP E06ElL E06ElP
E07 E07Tair E07Occ E07W E07WT E07SP E07ElL E07ElP E07CO2
E08 E08Tair E08Occ E08W E08WT E08SP
E09 E09Tair E09Occ E09W E09WT E09SP
E10 E10Tair E10Occ E10W E10WT E10SP
E11 E11Tair E11Occ E11W E11WT E11SP
Wes t
W01 W01Tair W01Occ W01W W01WT W01SP W01ElL W01ElP
W02 W02Tair W02Occ W02W W02WT W02SP
W03 W03Tair W03Occ W03W W03WT W03SP
W04 W04Tair W04Occ W04W W04WT W04SP
W05 W05Tair W05Occ W05W W05WTaW05SP W05ELP W05CO2
W06 W06Tair W06Occ W06W W06WT W06SP
Tab le 2. Orientation and variables available for each oce. aNote that no data le is provided for this sensor,
because no event was recorded over the monitoring period.
Categories of data Subcategories of
measured data Va riable Interval
Range Accuracy
Other Presence (all rooms) Event — —
Other Window state (open/closed) Event — —
Other Top-light window state (open/closed) Event
Other State of sun protection (open/closed) Event — —
Indoor conditions
Hygro-thermal Air temperature 10 minutes 0–40 °C ±0.1 K
Hygro-thermal Relative humidity (all rooms) 10 minutes 0–100% ±1%
Indoor Air Quality CO2-level (3 rooms) 10 minutes 300–3500 ppm ±3%
External conditions
Hygro-thermal Air temperature 10 minutes 40–+ 45 °C ±0.1 K
Hygro-thermal Relative humidity 10 minutes 0–100% ±2%
Visual Illuminance (4 orientations + horizontal) 10 minutes 0–100,000 lx ±5%
Solar radiation Horizontal solar radiation 10 minutes 0–1300 W/m² ±2.5%
Other Precipitation (Amount and event) 10 minutes — —
Other Wind speed and direction 10 minutes 0–360° 0–20 m/s
Heating/cooling Overall heat quantity pellet boiler and gas boiler 10 minutes ±1%
Lighting Lighting energy (3 meters for 5 rooms) 10 minutes ±0.5%
Equipment Plug loads separated by IT and other (3 rooms) 10 minutes ±0.5%
Other Total electricity use of building 10 minutes ±0.5%
Tab le 3. Variables, their categories and subcategories according to the ontology for building monitoring13, and
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SCIENTIFIC DATA | (2019) 6:293 |
By the general and open csv format the researcher is free to use whatever soware s/he nds suitable for analysing
or visualising the data. For comfort analysis the R-package comf is recommended12.
For further analyses, it needs to be considered, that top window and blind states were either changed through
the BMS or manually by occupants. e algorithm of automatic controls of top windows and blinds is unknown.
e authors assume that it will be possible to identify automated and manual controls by means of statistical
Window state and blind status changes were recorded by the BMS and are available with their original time
stamp. Blind events are all changes, i.e. also changes of blind position e.g. between 20 and 80% closing.
Note that the ocial monitoring period by the original research team ended in October 2006. Aer that, data
was still automatically received, but the status of sensors not checked anymore. erefore, the number of sensors
having failures and not providing data continuously increases, which needs to be considered when using data
points aer 2006.
Custom code was used to validate the incoming data from the BMS for completeness and validity. e code
had been very specic according to the system conguration and is not available anymore. Its value for future
applications or future data usage would be very low because 90% of the code was written to check the syntactically
correctness of the data. While the authors expected such syntactical correctness being granted for data exported
from a BMS, the rst month of monitoring (not included in the database) showed several problems with the
structure of the data, which required many lines of custom code, very specic to the BMS in place and therefore
not generalizable to any other application.
Received: 8 May 2019; Accepted: 14 August 2019;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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is research was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) with the
project ID’s 0335007 F and 03ET1289B.
All authors provided feedback on all steps, especially critical feedback on the paper. M.S. prepared the data
repository and wrote the paper. M.K. was involved in the data collection, data preparation and writing of the
paper. A.W. was involved in the data collection and writing of the paper.
e authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.S.
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... 24 were unavailable in the ASHRAE OB Database. We supplemented them from the original paper's database [45]. In the Brick schema of Study no. ...
... For instance, Study no. 24 included automatic and manual control of the top light windows [45]. ...
Window operation significantly impacts energy use and indoor environmental quality in buildings. Individuals behave differently, making it difficult for models trained on a specific dataset to encompass the entire spectrum of these actions. As a result, a generalizable model that is capable of predicting the behavior of diverse occupants is necessary. Hence, this paper introduces a systematic approach for capturing its diversity in offices and building a model towards generalizability. The approach involves state and action modeling through a Random Forest algorithm on the ASHRAE Global Occupant Behavior Database. The data pre-processing, hyperparameter tuning, and evaluation are deeply described and applied to imbalanced window datasets. Our results demonstrate that including metadata in a state model and applying a G-means threshold moving technique can result in an F1-score of 0.74. This score slightly outperformed the state model, which was trained only on its own dataset and achieved an F1-score of 0.73. However, both models had similar accuracies of 77%. The action model did not fare as well as the state models, with an F1-score and accuracy score of just 0.42 and 49%, respectively. In contrast, the action model shows more explainable results for domain experts than state models.
... Integral tolerances are defined in the DIN 4108-2 and CIBSE TM52. Since in practice the question often arises as to how representative the various comparative parameters are and to what extent they agree with each other, the evaluation parameters were compared below in Figure 18.1 using an open dataset (13), which includes indoor climate measurements in eleven naturally ventilated offices over a period of three years and a time resolution of 10 minutes. A key finding of this comparison is the fact that both the relative and integral exceedance of the selected time-constant limit value of 26°C correspond poorly with the measurements of the maximum air temperature values. ...
... Agee, Nikdel and Roberts 20,21 proposed a dataset for a zero-energy building that consists of energy uses, photovoltaic (PV) production, and building air leakage data, but doesn't include detailed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system operational data. Schweiker, Kleber and Wagner 22,23 introduced a dataset for a naturally ventilated office building. However, the operation status of the manually operated windows is recorded as closed or open without specific information about the window opening percentage, which may be required to develop natural ventilation prediction and smart window controls. ...
Full-text available
This paper describes a two-year high-fidelity dataset for an ultra-low energy office building and living laboratory called HouseZero®. The building integrates multiple low-energy technologies, such as natural ventilation with automatic windows, ground source heat pump, and thermally activated building systems. The building’s performance is continuously monitored with an extensive sensor network. The dataset consists of breakdown energy end uses, photovoltaic (PV) production, zone-level indoor environment including indoor air temperature, CO2 concentration, and relative humidity, micro-climatical conditions, building façade temperature, and detailed system operations including zone-level BTU meter, valve status, slab temperature, window/skylight opening status, heat pump, and geothermal well operations. The data can be used to support data analytics of ultra-low-energy building operations, and data-driven modeling of low-energy building systems.
... For instance, [32,33,34] have deployed air quality sensors in smart buildings and residential houses along with proximity and light sensors, smart plugs to track occupancy and appliance usage of the buildings. Similarly, there are several works [18,35,36] that record air quality measurements along with air conditioning, smart plugs, and lighting loads, as well as other electrical appliance usage to determine building energy performance. However, most of such works [37,16,38,17] are restricted to measuring indoor comfort parameters such as temperature and humidity, entirely ignoring the pollution and ventilation context. ...
In recent years, indoor air pollution has posed a significant threat to our society, claiming over 3.2 million lives annually. Developing nations, such as India, are most affected since lack of knowledge, inadequate regulation, and outdoor air pollution lead to severe daily exposure to pollutants. However, only a limited number of studies have attempted to understand how indoor air pollution affects developing countries like India. To address this gap, we present spatiotemporal measurements of air quality from 30 indoor sites over six months during summer and winter seasons. The sites are geographically located across four regions of type: rural, suburban, and urban, covering the typical low to middle-income population in India. The dataset contains various types of indoor environments (e.g., studio apartments, classrooms, research laboratories, food canteens, and residential households), and can provide the basis for data-driven learning model research aimed at coping with unique pollution patterns in developing countries. This unique dataset demands advanced data cleaning and imputation techniques for handling missing data due to power failure or network outages during data collection. Furthermore, through a simple speech-to-text application, we provide real-time indoor activity labels annotated by occupants. Therefore, environmentalists and ML enthusiasts can utilize this dataset to understand the complex patterns of the pollutants under different indoor activities, identify recurring sources of pollution, forecast exposure, improve floor plans and room structures of modern indoor designs, develop pollution-aware recommender systems, etc.
... They proposed a hybrid stochastic model to predict window operation behaviors. Schweiker, Kleber, and Wagner (2019) implemented field sensing measurements to monitor naturally ventilated office building window operations over a four-year period. Shi and Zhao (2016) conducted a field study in eight naturally ventilated residential apartments for 14 months and built stochastic models to represent occupants' window operation behaviors. ...
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The book presents the current state of the art for assessing the overheating risk of buildings. This includes the main effects and correlations related to site climate (including meso- and microclimate), comfort assessment, building-occupant interaction, and building design. Findings and action strategies are summarised.
Occupant behavior plays a crucial role in enhancing indoor thermal comfort and achieving energy efficiency by influencing the operational modes of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems as well as windows. However, accurately quantifying the impact of occupant behavior on the indoor environment presents significant challenges in practical applications. This study introduces an innovative approach by leveraging the ASHRAE Global Building Occupant Behavior Database and harnessing the power of XGBoost in conjunction with Deep Q Networks (DQN) to construct a reinforcement learning model. This model enables precise prediction of the impact of occupant behavior on the indoor environment at the next time step under varying indoor-outdoor conditions, simultaneously targeting the dual objectives of indoor thermal comfort and energy conservation. By applying the XGB-DQN model in sample rooms of four international cities with distinct features, the results demonstrate a significant increase in indoor thermal comfort duration by 24 %, accompanied by a 24.7 % decrease in air conditioning usage compared to baseline models and actual occupant data. This research represents a pioneering effort in applying reinforcement learning techniques to accurately predict occupant behavior's impact on indoor environments, offering valuable insights for intelligent building design and energy management.
Research on building energy systems is shifting toward data-driven modelling due to the complications of setting up physics-based models. Data-driven learning from buildings faces an important challenge, namely, accessibility to input data for training the models. The scarcity of building energy data is mainly derived from privacy concerns, which are of greater importance for residential buildings. Restrictions imposed on information prevent researchers from sharing data for reproduction and benchmarking purposes and impede comparison between different models. Therefore, there is a clear void concerning open datasets of building energy consumption, which may impair the advancement of machine learning and data mining for building energy research. One viable solution to overcome the barrier for open data sharing is through data anonymization. Recent advancements in machine learning have introduced reliable models that suitably anonymize data with little information loss and high security. However, the building research community still face a number of challenges that are vital for the safe and reliable dissemination of data in an open manner. This chapter introduces the hurdles, describes the most promising methods, and provides a synthesis of the next steps to overcome the existing barriers to open data sharing in the building research community.
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The field of thermal comfort generated a number of thermal comfort indices. Their code implementation needs to be done by individual researchers. This paper presents the R package, comf, which includes functions for common and new thermal comfort indices. Additional functions allow comparisons between the predictive performance of these indices. This paper reviews existing thermal comfort indices and available code implementations. This is followed by the description of the R package and an example how to use the R package for the comparison of different thermal comfort indices on data from a thermal comfort study.
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Building data monitoring can provide performance feedback for operational optimization of existing facilities and improve future designs. It can support, amongst other things, energy and performance contracting, smart load balancing, and model-predictive building systems control. However, a closer look at the current practice suggests that the commonly deployed technical infrastructures are not mature enough and their hardware resilience and software interoperability are in need of improvement. To address these issues at a fundamental level, we introduce an ontology for the representation and incorporation of multiple layers of monitored building data in pertinent computational applications. The proposed ontology is grounded on the identification of six basic data categories, namely inhabitants, indoor environmental conditions, external environmental conditions, control systems and devices, equipment, and energy flows. The paper illustrates in detail how these data categories provide an effective classification framework to accommodate the multiplicity of empirical information obtainable from building monitoring systems.
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Occupant behavior is one of the major factors influencing building energy consumption and contributing to uncertainty in building energy use prediction and simulation. Currently the understanding of occupant behavior is insufficient both in building design, operation and retrofit, leading to incorrect simplifications in modeling and analysis. This paper introduced the most recent advances and current obstacles in modeling occupant behavior and quantifying its impact on building energy use. The major themes include advancements in data collection techniques, analytical and modeling methods, and simulation applications which provide insights into behavior energy savings potential and impact. There has been growing research and applications in this field, but significant challenges and opportunities still lie ahead.
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Driven by policy guidelines and interest of the real estate market, building performance evaluation is becoming a growing marketing factor. While methods and strategies for the monitoring of technical or economical characteristics are widely established, little is known about approved criteria for the socio-cultural dimension of buildings. Particularly there is a lack of time-and cost-effective procedures with regard to evaluation of comfort at workplaces. Based on surveys in office buildings an overall building index has been developed which is presented in this paper. Computations were done by Correspondence Analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with optimal scaling which both proved evidence for an overall building index based on simply summed mean scores derived from relevant comfort parameters. Beyond the index a praxis-oriented tool for the real estate market has been developed which provides information on the outcome of each parameter for supporting day-to-day operations in new (sustainable) and existing buildings.
Occupants’ presence and actions within the built environment are crucial aspects related to understanding variations in energy use. Within this chapter, first, a nomenclature for the field of research dealing with occupants in buildings is defined. This nomenclature distinguishes between occupants’ presence and behavior, states and actions, adaptive triggers, non-adaptive triggers, and contextual factors. Second, an extensive list of occupant behaviors is provided and categorizations of occupants’ actions are introduced. The list includes most of the possible phenomena that researchers may wish to study, measure, and ultimately model. The categories are physiological, individual, environmental, and spatial adjustments. Third, a list of adaptive and non-adaptive triggers together with contextual factors that could influence occupant behavior is presented. Individual elements are further grouped into physical environmental, physiological, psychological, and social aspects. Finally, a comprehensive table of studies related to occupant behavior and the corresponding significant and non-significant predictors, based on an extensive literature review, is shown. This table highlights areas of research where numerous studies have been conducted, as well as areas where hardly any research has been published. The conclusion highlights the importance of publishing future occupant monitoring campaigns with sufficient detail to inform future researchers and save redundant effort. Such detail is especially necessary in relation to the methodology, including, for example, a clear description of the type of variables monitored, and in relation to the results, where both the influencing factors that were found to be significant and insignificant should be documented.
Ventilation, cooling and air-conditioning contribute significantly to the energy consumption of many existing office buildings, particularly when primary energy factors are taken into account. “Lean” building concepts however can diminish this energy consumption by natural ventilation and passive cooling strategies. Compared to fully air-conditioned buildings the resulting indoor temperatures float in a broader band during summer and might exceed the boundaries for thermal comfort for short periods. This paper presents the monitoring results of a naturally ventilated and passively cooled bank building in Germany and shows that, even during the very hot summer of 2003, the indoor climate could be held in an acceptable range by only passive means if the rooms were operated properly. The air quality was shown to be high with natural ventilation. Investigations on the night ventilation strategy revealed an incorrect implementation of design parameters in the building management system. Further optimization potential for nocturnal airflow was found by simulations based on recorded data. The low total primary energy consumption for heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting of 115 kWh m-2a-1 confirmed an excellent performance of the building. Monitoring proved to be a necessary and efficient way to optimize the building' operation.
Based on building energy and indoor environment simulations, this study uses a recently developed method relying on Bayesian Network theory to estimate and compare the consequences for occupant performance and energy consumption of applying temperature criteria set according to the adaptive model of thermal comfort and the more conventional PMV model. Simulations were carried out for an example building with two configurations (with and without mechanical cooling) located in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climate regions. Even though indoor temperatures differed significantly between building configurations, especially in the tropical climate, the estimated performance differed only modestly between configurations. However, energy consumption was always lower in buildings without mechanical cooling, particularly so in the tropical climate.The findings indicate that determining acceptable indoor thermal environments with the adaptive comfort model may result in significant energy savings and at the same time will not have large consequences for the mental performance of occupants.