Conference PaperPDF Available

Izazovi studiranja osoba s fizičkim i/ili mentalnim poteškoćama u Republici Hrvatskoj / Challenges of Studying Among People With Physical and/or Mental Disabilities in the Republic of Croatia



Osnovni je cilj ovog rada izložiti i problematizirati neke od izazova s kojima se suočavaju osobe s fizičkim i/ili mentalnim poteškoćama u hrvatskom visokoobrazovnom sustavu. Dodatni je cilj upozoriti na kritične točke sustava koji bi im trebao omogućiti i olakšati studiranje. Rad se usredoto­čuje na sociološke i etičke dimenzije navedene problematike uz puno uvažavanje svih drugih znanstvenih i stručnih disciplina koje se bave ovom tematikom. Povećanje ukupnog broja mladih ljudi koji ulaze u visokoobrazovni sustav podrazumijeva i više studenata s poteškoćama svih vrsta. Poteškoće su raznovrsne i različitih su intenziteta, a skupina o kojoj se govori brojna je i izrazito heterogena. Stoga ovo izlaganje nema ambiciju otvoriti sva relevantna pitanja, već želi ponuditi doprinos mapiranju ključnih mjesta te se njime daje pregled objektivnih (prostornih, transportnih, kadrovskih), normativnih (javnopolitič­ kih, zakonskih, pravilničkih) i društvenih (socioloških i etičkih) izazova koje su autori prepoznali kao problematične za studente s fizičkim ili mentalnim poteškoćama. The main objective of this paper is to highlight and problematize some of the challenges faced by people with physical and/or mental disabilities in the higher education system in Croatia, with the additional aim of pointing out the critical points of the system, a system that aims to ensure that studies are adapted to their needs and thus made possible. The presentation focuses on the sociological and ethical dimensions of these issues, with full consideration of all other scientific and professional disciplines on the subject. The increase in the overall number of young people entering the higher education system also means an increase in the number of students with disabilities of all kinds. There is a wide range of disabilities of varying intensity, so the group discussed here is numerous and heterogeneous. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation is not to raise all relevant issues about this problem. Instead, it offers a potential contribution to mapping the main issues. It provides an overview of objective (spatial, transportation, staffing), normative (public policy, law, regulations), and social (sociological and ethical) challenges that the authors have identified as problematic for students with physical or intellectual disabilities.
Hrvatski studiji, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska /
University Department of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Osnovni je cilj ovog izlaganja izložiti i problematizirati neke od izazova
s kojima se suočavaju osobe s fizičkim i/ili mentalnim poteškoćama u hrvat-
skom visokoobrazovnom sustavu. Dodatni je cilj upozoriti na kritične točke
sustava koji bi im trebao omogućiti i olakšati studiranje. Izlaganje se usredoto-
čuje na sociološke i etičke dimenzije navedene problematike uz puno uvažava-
nje svih drugih znanstvenih i stručnih disciplina koje se bave ovom tematikom.
Povećanje ukupnog broja mladih ljudi koji ulaze u visokoobrazovni sustav
podrazumijeva i više studenata s poteškoćama svih vrsta. Poteškoće su razno-
vrsne i različitih su intenziteta, a skupina o kojoj se govori brojna je i izrazito
heterogena. Stoga ovo izlaganje nema ambiciju otvoriti sva relevantna pitanja,
već želi ponuditi doprinos mapiranju ključnih mjesta te se njime daje pregled
objektivnih (prostornih, transportnih, kadrovskih), normativnih (javnopolitič-
kih, zakonskih, pravilničkih) i društvenih (socioloških i etičkih) izazova koje
su autori prepoznali kao problematične za studente s fizičkim ili mentalnim
The main goal of this presentation is to highlight and problematize some
of the challenges faced by persons with physical and/or mental disabilities in
the higher education system in Croatia, with the additional goal of pointing
out the critical issues of the system, a system that should ensure that the study-
ing is adapted to their needs and therefore made possible. The presentation
focuses on the sociological and ethical dimensions of those issues, with full
regard to all other scientific and professional disciplines regarding this topic.
The increase in total number of young people entering the higher education
system also implies the increase in the number of students with disabilities
of all sorts. There is a wide spectrum of disabilities of varying intensities, so
the group discussed here is numerous and heterogeneous. Therefore, the pres-
entation is not concerned with raising all of the relevant questions regarding
this problem. Instead, it offers a potential contribution to the mapping of key
points. It gives a layout of objective (spatial, transport, personnel), normative
(public policy, legal, rulebook) and social (sociological and ethical) challenges
that the authors have identified as problematic for students with physical or
mental disabilities.
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