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The Effects of Magnesium -Melatonin -Vit B Complex Supplementation in Treatment of Insomnia

  • Specijalisticka lekarska ordinacija iz oblasti psihijatrije Psihocentrala Beograd


Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep and/or stays asleep. Insomnia commonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell. The most common treatment of insomnia includes GABAA receptor positive allosteric modulators or Melatonin agonists. Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex supplement in the treatment of insomnia. The study included 60 patients diagnosed with insomnia. The patients were randomly divided into study group (N = 30), and control group (N = 30), and study group was treated with Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex (one dose contains 175 mg liposomal magnesium oxide, 10 mg Vit B6, 16 μg vit B12, melatonin 1 mg, Extrafolate-S 600 μg) once a day 1 hour before sleep, during the 3 months. The severity of insomnia symptoms was measured by self-reported Athens insomnia scale (AIS), with a cutoff score by Soldatos (AIS score ≥ 6). Mean AIS score at zero points was 14.93 ± 3.778 in the study group and 14.37 ± 4.081 in the control group (p = 0.476), indicating the compatibility of the groups, and both scores correspond to mild to moderate insomnia. Mean AIS score after 3 months of the Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex supplementation was 10.50 ± 4.21 corresponding to mild insomnia, while median AIS score in the control group was 15.13 ± 3.76 which is referred to moderate insomnia, and difference among groups was significant (p = 0.000). Our founding's indicating that 3 months of the Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex supplementation has a beneficial effect in the treatment of insomnia regardless of cause.
Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Sep 30; 7(18):3101-3105. 3101
ID Design Press, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2019 Sep 30; 7(18):3101-3105.
eISSN: 1857-9655
Global Dermatology
The Effects of Magnesium Melatonin - Vit B Complex
Supplementation in Treatment of Insomnia
Gorica Djokic1, Petar Vojvodić1, Davor Korcok2, Anita Agic2, Anica Rankovic1, Vladan Djordjevic1, Aleksandra Vojvodic3,
Tatjana Vlaskovic-Jovicevic1, Zorica Peric-Hajzler4, Dusica Matovic4, Jovana Vojvodic1, Goran Sijan5, Uwe Wollina6, Michael
Tirant7, Nguyen Van Thuong8, Massimo Fioranelli9*, Torello Lotti10
1Clinic for Mental Disorders “Dr. Laza Lazarevic”, Belgrade, Serbia; 2Abela Pharm, Belgrade, Serbia; 3Department of
Dermatology and Venereology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; 4Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia;
5Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; 6Department of Dermatology and
Allergology, Städtisches Klinikum Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 7Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome, Italy; 8Vietnam
National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology, Hanoi, Vietnam; 9Department of Nuclear Physics, Sub-nuclear and
Radiation, G. Marconi University, Rome, Italy; 10Department of Dermatology, G. Marconi University, Rome, Italy
Citation: Vojvodić P, Korcok D, Agic A, Rankovic A,
Djordjevic V, Vojvodic A, Vlaskovic-Jovicevic T, Peric-
Hajzler Z, Matovic D, Vojvodic J, Sijan G, Wollina U,
Tirant M, Van Thuong N, Fioranelli M, Lotti T. The Effects
of Magnesium Melatonin - Vit B Complex
Supplementation in Treatment of Insomnia. Open Access
Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Sep 30; 7(18):3101-3105.
Keywords: Insomnia; Magnesium; Melatonin; Athens
insomnia scale; Supplement
*Correspondence: Massimo F ioranelli. Department of
Nuclear Physics, Sub-nuclear, and Radiation, G. Marconi
University, Rome, Italy. E-mail:
Received: 13-Jun-2019; Revised: 04-Jul-2019;
Accepted: 05-Jul-2019; Online first: 30-Aug-2019
Copyright: © 2019 Gorica Djokic, Petar Vojvodić, Davor
Korcok, Anita Agic, Anica Rankovic, Vladan Djordjevic,
Aleksandra Vojvodic, Tatjana Vlaskovic-Jovicevic, Zorica
Peric-Hajzler, Dusica Matovic, Jovana Vojvodic, Goran
Sijan, Uwe W ollina, Michael Tirant, Nguyen Van Thuong,
Massimo Fioranelli, Torello Lotti. This is an open-access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Funding: This research did not receive any fi nancial
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no
competing interests exist
Abbreviations: APA- American Psychiatric Association;
DSM-5- Diagnostic Criteria from Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition; ACP- The
American College of Physicians; CBT- Cognitive
behavioral therapy; 5-HT2- Serotoninergic receptors type
2; GABA-A- Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors type A;
H1- Histamine receptors type 1; D2- dopamine receptors
type 2; OR1- orexin receptors type 1; OR2- orexin
receptors type 2; Mel 1- melatonin receptors type 1; Mel
2- melatonin receptors type 2; 5-HT- Serotonin receptor
system; DA- Dopamine receptor system
Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep and/or stays asleep. Insomnia commonly leads to daytime sleepiness,
lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell. The most common treatment of insomnia includes GABAA
receptor positive allosteric modulators or Melatonin agonists. Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of
Magnesium- melatonin-vitamin B complex supplement in the treatment of insomnia. The study included 60
patients diagnosed with insomnia. The patients were randomly divided into study group (N = 30), and control
group (N = 30), and study group was treated with Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex (one dose contains
175 mg liposomal magnesium oxide, 10 mg Vit B6, 16 μg vit B12, melatonin 1 mg, Extrafolate-S 600 μg) once a
day 1 hour before sleep, during the 3 months. The severity of insomnia symptoms was measured by self-reported
Athens insomnia scale (AIS), with a cut-off score by Soldatos (AIS score ≥ 6). Mean AIS score at zero points was
14.93 ± 3.778 in the study group and 14.37 ± 4.081 in the control group (p = 0.476), indicating the compatibility of
the groups, and both scores correspond to mild to moderate insomnia. Mean AIS score after 3 months of the
Magnesium- melatonin- vitamin B complex supplementation was 10.50 ± 4.21 corresponding to mild insomnia,
while median AIS score in the control group was 15.13 ± 3.76 which is referred to moderate insomnia, and
difference among groups was significant (p = 0.000). Our founding’s indicating that 3 months of the Magnesium-
melatonin-vitamin B complex supplementation has a beneficial effect in the treatment of insomnia regardless of
Insomnia is a sleep disorder with difficulties to
fall asleep or stay asleep or both. It is the most
common sleep disorder, according to the American
Psychiatric Association (APA), with approximately
30% of all adults and 6-10% of those who have
severe symptoms diagnosed as insomnia disorder [1].
Diagnostic Criteria from the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition
(DSM-5) include:
- Difficulty in initialisation or maintaining sleep
Global Dermatology
or early-morning awakening that leads to low quantity
or quality of sleep.
- Sleep disturbance that leads to impairment
in social, occupational, educational, academic,
behavioural, or other important areas of functioning.
- Patients experience this even with adequate
opportunity to sleep, at least 3 nights per week, and
for at least 3 months.
- Insomnia is not explained by the presence of
mental disorders or medical conditions and is not
associated with another sleep disorder [2].
Pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical
treatments are recognisable for insomnia. The
American College of Physicians (ACP) advised
cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a first-line
treatment for chronic insomnia in adults. Sleep
hygiene training (avoiding caffeine, exercise near
bedtime, watching TV or surfing the internet from the
bed) can help you change some of these disruptive
behaviours [1].
Medications that have insomnia as an
approved indication are:
- Benzodiazepine receptor agonist (non-
selective GABA-A receptor positive allosteric
modulator)-estazolam, eszopiclone, flunitrazepam,
flurazepam, lormetazepam, nitrazepam, quazepam,
temazepam, triazolam, zaleplon, zolpidem (alpha 1
subunit selective benzodiazepine receptor agonist).
- Norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake
inhibitor and 5-HT2 receptor antagonistdoxepine in
very low doses 3mg and 6mg for insomnia in the USA
- H1 and D2 receptor antagonist
- OR1 and OR2 receptor antagonist
- Mel1 and Mel2 receptor agonist ramelteon
and melatonin [3].
The hormone melatonin is produced during
the sleep cycle. Studies are inconclusive regarding
whether melatonin can help treat insomnia in adults,
but melatonin could promote sleep by helping to
regulate the body’s bio clock and sleep-wake cycles
and to adhere to more healthful sleep patterns.
Research indicates that melatonin may shorten the
time it takes to fall asleep, increase overall sleep
amounts, and may increase REM sleep [4], [5], [6].
Few sleep-promoting nutrients enhance sleep
and relaxation. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and
inducer of the deeper sleep. Circadian rhythms
dysregulation and compromised lifestyle also increase
magnesium excretion, leading to deficiency [7].
Magnesium supplementation improves sleep
efficiency, sleep time and sleep onset latency, early
morning awakening, and insomnia objective measures
such as the concentration of serum renin, melatonin,
and serum cortisol, in older adults [8]. Dietary
magnesium intake may have long-term benefits in
reducing the likelihood of daytime falling asleep in
women [9]. Anxiety can cause insomnia, and vice
versa which can result in a self-perpetuating cycle,
which leads to chronic insomnia. According to
Australia’s Sleep Health Foundation, anxiety and
worrying are leading causes of insomnia [1]. Existing
evidence is suggestive of a beneficial effect of Mg on
subjective anxiety in anxiety vulnerable samples, and
for mild-to-moderate depression in adults within 2
weeks [10], [11]. According to the National Sleep
Foundation, insomnia promotes depression and
depression-induced insomnia. A meta-analysis of 34
studies concluded that insomnia is significantly
associated with an increased risk of depression, which
has implications for the prevention of depression in
non-depressed individuals with insomnia symptoms
[12]. Melatonin and the nonselective MT1 /
MT2 receptor agonist agomelatine have displayed
anxiolytic-like action and have been used in the
elderly, but exact mechanisms of action are still
unknown [13], [14]. Recent studies suggest that the
MT2 receptor is implicated in the antidepressant-like
effects of melatonin [15], [16].
The recent results showed mixed effects of
vitamin B12 on sleep patterns [17] and promoting an
effect of vitamin B6 on the reduction of psychological
distress, which could induce sleep disturbance [18].
Contrary to that, there is clear evidence on the
antidepressant effect of vitamin B12 [19] and vitamin
B6 for therapy of hormone-related depression in
women [20].
Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of
Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex supplement
in the treatment of insomnia.
Material and Methods
The study included 60 patients diagnosed
with insomnia who refused to take drugs for insomnia
and have a positive attitude towards the supplements.
The patients were randomly divided (bias coin
randomization) into study group (N = 30), and control
group (N = 30), and study group was treated with
Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex (one dose
contains175 mg liposomal magnesium oxide, 10 mg
Vit B6, 16 μg vit B12, melatonin 1mg, Extrafolate-S
600 μg) once a day 1 hour before sleep, during the 3
months. The manufacturer advertises it as mild rapid-
acting natural sleep medicine containing magnesium,
melatonin, and vitamin B complex. It is recommended
to use one capsule daily, evening dose, an hour
before sleep. We followed the manufacturer’s
recommendation regarding the supplement intake.
The severity of insomnia symptoms was measured by
self-reported Athens insomnia scale (AIS), with
Djokic et al. The Effects of Magnesium - Melatonin-Vit B Complex Supplementation in Treatment of Insomnia
Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Sep 30; 7(18):3101-3105. 3103
Gamma-aminobutyric off score by Soldatos (AIS
score ≥ 6). The severity of insomnia measured by AIS
was graded according to Morin’s criteria: AIS score 7-
14- mild insomnia; AIS score 15-21- moderate
insomnia; AIS score 22-28- severe insomnia. AIS and
CGI-S scores were evaluated at zero points and after
3 months of supplement consumption.
Statistical analysis
All collected data were analysed using the
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (IBM SPSS, IBM
Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) software, version 22.0. The
descriptive statistics are presented as a central
tendency (means) and variability (standard deviation
and variation interval). Means were compared with the
independent samples t-test, while for testing data of
different categories, we used Pearson’s χ2 test and
Mann-Whitney test. We used repeated-measures
analysis of covariance (RM ANCOVA) for the
assessment on t0 and t90 between and within the
groups. The level of statistical significance was set at
p < 0.05.
Gender distribution was 67% male and 33%
female in the study group and 77% male and 23%
female in the control group. The average age in the
study group was 51.40 ± 14.61 years, and 44.93 ±
14.40 years in the control group, the age distribution
of subjects indicating the comparability of the studied
groups (p = 0.090). Mean AIS score at zero points
was 14.93 ± 3.778 in the study group and 14.37 ±
4.081 in the control group (p = 0.476), indicating the
compatibility of the groups, and both scores
correspond to mild to moderate insomnia. Mean AIS
score after 3 months of the Magnesium-melatonin-
vitamin B complex supplementation was 10.50 ± 4.21,
corresponding to mild insomnia, while the median AIS
score in the control group was 15.13 ± 3.76 which
refers to moderate insomnia, and difference among
groups was significant (p = 0.000) (Table 1).
Table 1: AIS score at zero and endpoint
X ± SD; Med
X ± SD; Med
Study group
14.93 ± 3.78; 15
10.50 ± 4.21; 9
Control group
14.37 ± 4.08;
13.5 (9-24)
15.13 ± 3.76; 14
*Mann-Whitney test; **Wilcoxon test.
Mean CGI-S at zero point was 3.57 ± 0.568 in
study group, and 3.43 ± 0.58 in control group (p =
0.328). Difference become significant at the end point
visit (p = 0.05) with mean CGI-S score 2.97 ± 0.77 in
the study group, and 3.53 ± 0.63 in control group
(Table 2).
Table 2: CGI-S at zero and endpoint
X ± SD; Med (min - max)
X ± SD; Med (min - max)
Study group
3.57 ± 0.57; 4 (3-5)
2.97 ± 0.77; 3 (1-4)
Control group
3.43 ± 0.57; 3 (3-5)
3.53 ± 0.63; 3 (3-5)
*Mann-Whitney test; **Wilcoxon test.
Mean CGI-I score after 3 months was 3.23 ±
0.73 (minimally improved), which is significantly
different in comparison with mean CGI-I score in
control group 4.07 ± 0.25 (no change) (p = 0.000)
(Table 3).
Table 3: CGI-I at the endpoint
X ± SD; Med (min - max)
Study group
3.23 ± 0.73; 3 (2-4)
Control group
4.07 ± 0.25; 4 (4-5)
*Mann-Whitney test.
The results of this study demonstrate that
supplementation with Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B
complex for 3 months has a significant positive effect
on sleep disturbances and is highly effective for the
treatment of patients with insomnia. Regardless of the
insomnia aetiology, Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B
complex supplementation reduces insomnia
symptoms, as well as its consequences, thus
improving the patients’ quality of life and preventing
potential unwanted clinical, social, economic, or
emotional repercussions.
Magnesium is one of the most important
minerals in the human body. It is involved in more
than 300 enzyme systems responsible for the
maintenance of normal homeostasis [9]. One of the
more recently discovered functions of magnesium is
its effect on cellular timekeeping and regulation of
circadian rhythm. Studies that back up this theory
have shown that inadequately low levels of serum
magnesium are associated with low quality sleep and
insomnia [17]. Lack of magnesium intake seems to be
involved in the development of depression, which
increases the risk of insomnia [12].
A study performed by Abbasi et al. [8]
examined the independent role of magnesium in the
treatment of insomnia. After 8 weeks of magnesium
supplementation, the patients had increased sleep
time, as well as sleep efficiency. The results
demonstrate that magnesium supplementation brings
significant improvement, both subjective and
objective, to the patients who have insomnia. These
results are consistent with the results of our study,
which demonstrates that magnesium, isolated or as a
part of a combination supplement, is successful in
treating insomnia. Interestingly, a statistically
significant increase in serum melatonin concentration
was recorded in the experimental group that received
Global Dermatology
dietary magnesium supplementation compared to the
placebo group. This finding suggests the complicated
interaction between these two elements that are both
important for the regulation of sleep and the day-night
Melatonin is a hormone produced and
secreted by the pineal gland. It has an important role
in the maintenance of the organism circadian rhythm,
which is being expressed through a wide range of
different physiologic, neuroendocrine, and behavioural
functions. Its plasma concentrations reach a peak
during nighttime, while during the daytime, they are
barely measurable [15]. Animal and human studies
have demonstrated that melatonin binds to the
receptors in the central nervous system, producing an
effect on sleep promotion and sleeping phase shifts
[13], [16].
Pharmacological agents that are prescribed
for insomnia cannot reproduce the properties of
physiological sleep and are associated with adverse
effects like sedation, anxiety, tremor, tolerance to the
drug or dependence [13]. The research conducted by
Ochoa-Sanchez et al., [21] revealed that melatonin
receptor agonists had much more favourable
pharmacological properties in terms of sleep
promotion and regulation when compared to
prescribed benzodiazepines. Also, melatonin and its
agonists did not produce adverse effects commonly
attributable to benzodiazepines.
The study of Grima et al. [5], which dealt with
melatonin administration for sleep disturbances after
traumatic brain injury, reported a significant
improvement in sleep quality and sleep efficiency, as
well as a reduction in fatigue and anxiety symptoms,
after only 4 weeks of melatonin treatment. This result
is consistent with our study, although patients in our
experimental group did not receive isolated melatonin,
as a part of the Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B
complex supplement, and they received it for a
substantially longer period as well.
From the B vitamins group, the best examined
in terms of sleeping interactions is vitamin B12. The
direct relationship between insomnia and vitamin B12
levels is yet to be established. However, vitamin B12
deficiency is known to be involved in the
pathophysiology of depression, which can commonly
be associated with insomnia [19].
Lichstein et al. [18] examined the influence of
different vitamin supplementation on sleep quality and
duration. The results suggest that the use of
combined multivitamin supplements, as well as single
vitamins, including vitamin B complex, hurts sleep
maintenance, causes a higher rate of insomnia, and
requires greater use of sleep medicine. In contrast to
this study, our results show that vitamin B complex, in
combination with magnesium and melatonin, has a
positive effect on sleep regulation and can be used to
treat insomnia. This could be attributed to the
combined additive effect of the three components of
the prescribed supplement, in contrast to the single
effects of isolated molecules that were previously
Although there are studies that investigated
the effect of different combined supplements for the
treatment of insomnia, to the best of our knowledge,
this is the first study that investigated the particular
combination of Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B
complex supplement. The research conducted by
Rondanelli et al. [22] investigated the influence of the
supplement consisting of melatonin, magnesium, and
zinc on insomnia in the elderly.
Their results showed that these elements
were effective in managing sleep disorders after 2
months of treatment. This finding is consistent with
our study, which shows that common elements from
both studies magnesium, and melatonin have a
significant effect on sleep regulation.
Our findings indicate that 3 months of the
Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B complex
supplementation has a beneficial effect in the
treatment of insomnia regardless of cause. According
to our results, Magnesium-melatonin-vitamin B
complex augmentation improves AIS and CGI-S score
with statistical significance relative to the control
group. The global improvement according to the CGI-I
score, was minimal but significant different compared
with the control group where there was no change.
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... Increasing levels of vitamin B improves sleep quality in insomnia patients but causes a decrease in sleep duration. Although naturally occurring levels of B12 are not associated with sleep disturbance, vitamin B supplements may be associated [13,[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. Furthermore, research dating to the 1960s has found that vitamin B causes an increase in body fat and, consequently, an increase in body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance. ...
... This finding has been present in many previous studies [7,21,23]. However, upon a detailed exploration of existing sleep data, it becomes apparent that the real rest time decreased [17][18][19][20]22,35]. These findings were explored in the present study, and though participants' sleep time increased such changes were not statistically significant. ...
... As with the BMI data, these changes did not reach significance at the group level ( Table 5). In previous studies, the increase in sleeping time is obvious, but sleeping patterns were affected and resulted in decreased resting time [17][18][19]35]. This finding requires further exploration -future studies should assess changes in sleeping time and patterns related to the intake of vitamin B supplements. ...
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Introduction B vitamins help generate energy within cells. A significant portion of populations in developed countries suffer a deficiency in one or more B vitamins. This study assesses the use of vitamin B supplements and their effects. Methodology This cross-sectional study was conducted using public participants in Saudi Arabia. Participants from all over Saudi Arabia were recruited through self-conducted surveys to study the effects of using vitamin B supplements on appetite, BMI, energy, and sleep, and to identify any side effects in participants. Inclusion criteria included age (18 years or older) and use of vitamin B supplements. Children, pregnant women, adults who had never used vitamin B, and those not willing to participate in the study were excluded. Results In total, 1,521 adults were recruited. Most of the participants were young Saudi Females. While taking vitamin B supplements, a minority of participants complained of mild gastrointestinal upset, but a significant proportion experienced no side effects. In this study, a significant proportion of participants experienced an increase in appetite, which was associated with a significant increase in BMI after taking vitamin B supplements. This study also explored increases in energy, which were significant and associated with significant increases in sleeping time. Male participants in the present study noticed a significant increase in erectile dysfunction (ED). Conclusions This study found significant effects of vitamin B supplements on BMI, appetite, energy, and sleep, as well as an increase in ED in male participants. More studies are needed to further explore these findings.
... Studies in both invertebrat vertebrates have found that GABA/5-HTP mixture regulated the sleep duration a creased the sleep quality more than single administration [20][21][22]. Gorica Djokic found that magnesium-melatonin-vit B complex supplementation reduces ins symptoms [23]. Research from Carmela Bravaccio et al. demonstrated that the addi tryptophan and vitamin B6 appears to have stronger influence on night awakenin duction than melatonin only [24]. ...
... Studies in both invertebrates and vertebrates have found that GABA/5-HTP mixture regulated the sleep duration and increased the sleep quality more than single administration [20][21][22]. Gorica Djokic et al. found that magnesium-melatonin-vit B complex supplementation reduces insomnia symptoms [23]. Research from Carmela Bravaccio et al. demonstrated that the addition of tryptophan and vitamin B6 appears to have stronger influence on night awakenings reduction than melatonin only [24]. ...
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Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder due to which people have trouble sleeping, followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood. It may result in an increased risk of accidents of all kinds as well as problems focusing and learning. Dietary supplements have become popular products for alleviating insomnia, while the lenient requirements for pre-market research result in unintelligible mechanisms of different combinations of dietary supplements. In this study, we aim to systematically identify the molecular mechanisms of a sleep cocktail’s pharmacological effects based on findings from network pharmacology and molecular docking. A total of 249 targets of the sleep cocktail for the treatment of insomnia were identified and enrichment analysis revealed multiple pathways involved in the nervous system and inflammation. Protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and molecular complex detection (MCODE) analysis yielded 10 hub genes, including AKT1, ADORA1, BCL2, CREB1, IL6, JUN, RELA, STAT3, TNF, and TP53. Results from weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis of insomnia-related transcriptome data from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) showed that a sleep cocktail may also ease insomnia via regulating the inflammatory response. Molecular docking results reveal good affinity of Sleep Cocktail to 9 selected key targets. It is noteworthy that the crucial target HSP90AA1 binds to melatonin most stably, which was further validated by MD simulation.
... Sixteen of the 53 reviewed products (30.2%) contained, among other components, vitamin B6, which was the most frequently used component other than melatonin. Although it is attributed a positive impact on sleep in some cases, [5][6][7] there is limited evidence and its administration is usually studied in combination with other components. Furthermore, its association with insomnia is not as clear as it is with magnesium, whose role in sleep regulation is more clearly established. ...
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Introduction: sleep disorders in paediatrics are a growing problem. Melatonin is the drug of choice and it is common to receive advertising for multiple products containing melatonin in primary care. In this paper, a comparative analysis of these products is carried out, examining the most recent scientific evidence, in order to determine whether their use is justified or not. Methods: a descriptive study was conducted on melatonin-containing products sold in pharmacies in Spain and aimed at the paediatric population. Subsequently, a systematic review of documents on the use of melatonin in children and on each extra component present in the products collected was carried out. Results: fifty-three products were analysed. The most common form of administration was drops or millilitres. The usual recommended dose of melatonin was 1 mg per day. The most frequently reported added component was vitamin B6, and lemon balm and passionflower were the most frequently used herbs. None of the products were specifically listed in the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, and no bibliographical references were found in the advertising of any of the products. Conclusions: although the efficacy of melatonin in sleep disorders is well known, there is currently no consensus on its effective dose in children. The substances most frequently associated with melatonin have little literature to support their results in sleep, and there are no standardised doses for them either, or doses lower than these are used due to a lack of studies in the paediatric population.
... There is however one more alternative, more feasible until now, to potentially manage/regulate the circadian clock, that is the use of dietary supplements of melatonin (3 mg/capsule). According to the National Sleep Foundation, the consumption of foods high in vitamin B [47] is promoted to potentially regulate melatonin levels. There are also foods (fruits, such as cherries) containing melatonin and its precursors (tryptophan and serotonin). ...
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Circadian rhythm consists of complicated molecular mechanisms to orchestrate environmental stimuli to intrinsic molecular clocks. However, circadian rhythm is frequently deregulated in modern society by both extrinsic and biological factors leading to Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders (CRSD).
... Insomnia commonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell. One of the most common treatments for insomnia involves the use of GABA A receptor-positive allosteric modulators [2]. ...
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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Dimdazenil, a positive allosteric modulator with selectivity for α1, α5 subunit-containing GABAA receptors, on sleep variables in patients with insomnia disorder. Methods: In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, adults (18-65 years) with insomnia disorder were randomized (1:1:1:1 to receive daily oral placebo, Dimdazenil (1.5, 2.5, or 5 mg) for 14 days. The primary efficacy outcome was the total sleep time (TST) on Day 1/2 and Day 13/14, measured by polysomnography. The secondary outcome measures included 1) latency to persistent sleep (LPS), sleep efficiency (SE), wake after sleep onset (WASO) and number of awakenings (NAW) on Days 1/2 and Day 13/14; 2) the average subjective sleep latency (sSL), total sleep time (sTST), wake after sleep onset (sWASO) and number of awakenings (sNAW) recorded in sleep diary and sleep questionnaire, and the evaluation of insomnia severity index (ISI). Rebound insomnia, withdrawal and treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE) were also assessed. Results: Of 569 patients screened, 288 (76.4% female) were randomized and received one dose. For the primary outcomes, TST was significantly improved in the Dimdazenil 1.5, 2.5 and 5 mg group compared with the placebo group at Day 1/2, and significantly improved in the Dimdazenil 2.5 and 5 mg groups compared with the placebo group at Day 13/14. The Least Squares Means (standard errors) and 95% Confidence Intervals for the three active doses compared to placebo are 25.5 (8.31), (9.16, 41.89) for the 1.5 mg dose; 17.4 (8.19), (1.29, 33.55) for the 2.5 mg dose; 22.8 (8.15), (6.72, 38.80) for the 5 mg dose on Day 1/2. Corresponding data on Day 13/14 are 7.6 (8.07), (-8.24, 23.53) and 19.3 (8.06), (3.43, 35.17) and 18.2 (7.95), (2.49, 33.80). LPS was significantly reduced in the Dimdazenil 5 mg group compared with the placebo group on Day 1/2. SE was significantly improved in the Dimdazenil 1.5 and 5 mg group compared with the placebo group at Day 1/2. In the subjective sleep parameters, sSL on average was significantly lower in the Dimdazenil 1.5, 2.5 and 5 mg groups compared with the placebo group. sTST on average was significantly higher in the Dimdazenil 1.5, 2.5 and 5 mg groups compared with the placebo group. The most common TEAEs were dizziness, vertigo and weakness with no clinically-relevant treatment-related serious adverse events. Conclusion: Dimdazenil of 1.5, 2.5 and 5 mg improved certain objective and subjective sleep outcomes in people with insomnia disorder, with a favorable safety profile. These findings suggested that Dimdazenil may represent a promising new treatment for insomnia disorder, a prevalent condition with limited effective and safe treatments available.
... However, in the present study, daytime sleepiness was not found to be a risk factor for female infertility, despite its association with difficulty falling asleep. The most common sleep issues are difficulty falling asleep and excessive daytime sleepiness [39], difficulty in falling asleep commonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell [40]. However, difficulty falling asleep and excessive daytime sleepiness are two different sleep issues with distinct symptoms, causes, and mechanisms [41]. ...
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Background This study aims to investigate the association between sleep quality and infertility among women and to explore the mediating effects of DNA methylation in this association. Methods This study is a population-based case–control study. The relationship between sleep quality and infertility was investigated in women with anovulatory infertility (n = 43) and healthy controls (n = 43). Genome-wide DNA methylation was profiled from peripheral blood samples using the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 850k BeadChip. Differentially methylated CpGs between cases and controls were identified using the ChAMP R package. The mediating effect of DNA methylation between sleep quality and infertility among women was investigated using the Bayesian estimation method provided by the R package “mediation”. Results The survey included 86 women of reproductive age, with 43 participants each in the case and control groups. The average age of the women was 27.6 ± 2.8 years (case group: 27.8 ± 3.0 years, control group: 27.4 ± 2.7 years). A total of 262 differentially methylated CpGs corresponding to 185 genes were identified. Difficulty falling asleep was a risk factor for infertility in women (OR = 3.69, 95%CI = 1.14, 11.99), and a causal mediation effect of DNA methylation CpGs was found. The mediating effect coefficient for cg08298632 was 0.10 (95%CI = 0.01–0.22), and the proportion of the total effect mediated by this methylation site increased to 64.3%. Conclusion These results suggest that DNA methylation CpGs (cg08298632) play a significant role in the relationship between difficulty falling asleep and infertility in females. These findings contribute to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms that connect difficulty falling asleep and infertility in women. Further studies are necessary to fully understand the biological significance and potential therapeutic applications of these findings. The identified DNA methylation sites provide new and valuable insights and potential targets for future studies aiming to prevent and treat female infertility.
A BSTRACT Background Many studies across the globe have observed the significant effect of sleep disturbance on the academic achievement of medical students. Objective: This research was conducted to define the prevalence of sleep disturbance and to discover the consequences and management of this condition among undergraduate pharmacy students of Mohammed Al-Mana College for Medical Sciences (MACHS). Methods We conducted a questionnaire-based online survey among different levels of MACHS pharmacy students. Results A total of 165 students participated in the study, of whom 132 (80%) were females and 33 (20%) were males. Most of the participants, 142 (86.06%), were staying with their parents, whereas few of them were staying alone (23; 13.94%). While a handful of them, 29 (17.58%), did not have their bedrooms, most of them had their bedrooms (136; 82.42%). When asked about drinking caffeine-rich products in the afternoon or at night, most of them responded “sometimes” (78; 47.27%), followed by the category “always” (61; 36.97%), “rarely” (15; 9.09%), and then the category of students who responded “not at all” (11; 6.67%). Overall, 35 (21.21%) of the study participants had a smoking habit, 72 (43.63%) tried to treat their sleep disturbance, whereas 42 (25.45%) were getting treatment for insomnia. Conclusion Most pharmacy students at MACH College, especially females, have sleep problems. Mostly, the prevalence is common during exam periods, and it mildly affects their grade point average.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a novel dietary supplement, including melatonin and magnesium, delivered via coffee pods on sleep quality, resting metabolic rate (RMR), and body composition in individuals with poor sleep quality disturbances. Using a double-blinded, randomized, crossover trial, we recruited 35 participants to a 4-week intervention with both supplements (1.9 mg melatonin + 200 mg elemental magnesium before sleep) and placebo conditions, considering a 7d washout period between treatments. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire was applied, RMR (kcal) was measured using indirect calorimetry (canopy ventilated open-circuit system) and body composition was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Decreases in PSQI and anger - hostility scores, as well as in energy intake and fat mass, were observed (p < 0.05) for both conditions, from baseline to the end of each 4-week intervention. Differences between conditions were also observed for these parameters along with energy spent in activity, number of sedentary breaks, sleep efficiency, latency time, time in bed, total sleep time, awakening time, and movement index (p < 0.05) favouring the supplement condition. However, the final PSQI questionnaire scores still indicated poor sleep quality on average (PSQI > 5), in both conditions, with no changes regarding RMR. A melatonin-magnesium supplement, in a coffee pod format, showed improvements in sleep quality in otherwise healthy individuals with sleep disturbances, however PSQI questionnaire scores still indicated poor quality on average (PSQI > 5).
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Objectives: Conduct a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial on adults with nonclinical insomnia symptoms to examine the effectiveness of magnesium supplementation on sleep quality and mood. Methods: Participants (N = 31 adults, M age = 45.49) were randomized to either the Magnesium (1 g/d) or Placebo Condition for 2 weeks. Following a two-week washout, participants engaged in the alternative condition. Standardized self-reports (i.e., Insomnia Severity Index, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Berlin Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Restorative Sleep Questionnaire, Pain and Sleep Questionnaire, Flinders Fatigue Scale, Trait Anxiety Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale, Profile of Mood States) were completed at Baseline and Post Conditions along with daily objective measures of sleep/activity (i.e., Oura Ring). ISRCTN registry is ISRCTN70584524. Results: Magnesium supplementation resulted in significant improvements compared to Placebo for sleep quality, mood, and activity outcomes (e.g., sleep duration, deep sleep, sleep efficiency, readiness, activity balance, and HRV Readiness), p’s < .05. Nonsignificant improvements for the magnesium condition compared to the placebo condition were evidenced for the Restorative Sleep Questionnaire, Anxiety, Perceived Stress, and Flinder’s Fatigue Scale, p’s > .05. No adverse events were reported and adherence was 100%. Conclusion: Magnesium may be an effective nonpharmacological intervention to promote sleep and mental health. Longer term clinical trials conducted in a variety of populations and settings are encouraged.
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Sleep is vital for optimal mental and physical health. For athletes, optimizing sleep is becoming a popular strategy to enhance athletic performance. Athletes often complain of sleep problems including insufficient sleep and insomnia symptoms and are also at a higher risk for sleep disordered breathing. Sleep disorders and insufficient sleep can contribute to excessive sleepiness, daytime dysfunction, and performance problems. In contrast, better sleep provides benefits for physical health and athletic performance. For athletes, multiple factors can contribute to insufficient sleep. Sport-specific factors include frequent travel across time zones, competition and training schedules, high training loads, and sleeping in an unfamiliar environment. Non-sport-related factors include work, social, and family commitments; attitudes and sleeping beliefs; individual characteristics, such as chronotype or preference for morning or evening; and lifestyle choices. Fortunately, there are strategies that can be implemented to improve sleep in athletes including (a) education and emphasis on the importance of sleep; (b) sleep screening; providing extra sleep opportunities like (c) banking sleep and (d) napping; improving sleep hygiene like (e) proper light exposure; (f) a good pre-sleep routine; (g) a conducive sleep environment; (h) a strategy for supplementation; (i) utilizing circadian timing adjustments; and (j) jet lag management. Increased recognition of the importance of sleep from sport professionals and screening for sleep disorders and disturbances will be key for future athlete health, well-being, and performance.
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(1) Background: In clinical trials, dietary magnesium use can improve insomnia symptoms. However, little is known about the association between dietary magnesium consumption and sleep disorder symptoms including daytime falling asleep, sleepiness and snoring at the population level. (2) Methods: We used data from 1487 adults aged 20 and above attending the Jiangsu Nutrition Study. At baseline in 2002, dietary magnesium was assessed by 3-day weighed food records. At follow-up in 2007, sleep disorder symptoms, including daytime falling asleep, sleepiness and snoring at night, were gathered using a sleep questionnaire. (3) Results: The mean intake of magnesium was 332.5 mg/day. In total, 5.3%, 13.2% and 35.7% of the subjects reported daytime falling asleep, daytime sleepiness, and snoring during sleep, respectively. Compared with the lowest quartile of magnesium intake, the highest quartile was associated with decreased likelihood of falling asleep (odds ratio (OR) 0.12 (0.02, 0.57)) in women but not in men after adjusting for demographic, anthropometric, lifestyle factors, hypertension, and overall dietary patterns. No associations were found between dietary magnesium intake and daytime sleepiness nor night snoring in either gender. (4) Conclusions: Dietary magnesium intake may have long-term benefits in reducing the likelihood of daytime falling asleep in women.
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Background: The study aimed to determine the efficacy of melatonin supplementation for sleep disturbances in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: This is a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled two-period two-treatment (melatonin and placebo) crossover study. Outpatients were recruited from Epworth and Austin Hospitals Melbourne, Australia. They had mild to severe TBI (n = 33) reporting sleep disturbances post-injury (mean age 37 years, standard deviation 11 years; 67% men). They were given prolonged-release melatonin formulation (2 mg; Circadin®) and placebo capsules for 4 weeks each in a counterbalanced fashion separated by a 48-hour washout period. Treatment was taken nightly 2 hours before bedtime. Serious adverse events and side-effects were monitored. Results: Melatonin supplementation significantly reduced global Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores relative to placebo, indicating improved sleep quality [melatonin 7.68 vs. placebo 9.47, original score units; difference -1.79; 95% confidence interval (CI), -2.70 to -0.88; p ≤ 0.0001]. Melatonin had no effect on sleep onset latency (melatonin 1.37 vs. placebo 1.42, log units; difference -0.05; 95% CI, -0.14 to 0.03; p = 0.23). With respect to the secondary outcomes, melatonin supplementation increased sleep efficiency on actigraphy, and vitality and mental health on the SF-36 v1 questionnaire (p ≤ 0.05 for each). Melatonin decreased anxiety on the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale and fatigue on the Fatigue Severity Scale (p ≤ 0.05 for both), but had no significant effect on daytime sleepiness on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (p = 0.15). No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Melatonin supplementation over a 4-week period is effective and safe in improving subjective sleep quality as well as some aspects of objective sleep quality in patients with TBI. Trial registration: Identifier: 12611000734965; Prospectively registered on 13 July 2011.
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Current treatment options for depression are limited by efficacy, cost, availability, side effects, and acceptability to patients. Several studies have looked at the association between magnesium and depression, yet its role in symptom management is unclear. The objective of this trial was to test whether supplementation with over-the-counter magnesium chloride improves symptoms of depression. An open-label, blocked, randomized, cross-over trial was carried out in outpatient primary care clinics on 126 adults (mean age 52; 38% male) diagnosed with and currently experiencing mild-to-moderate symptoms with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores of 5–19. The intervention was 6 weeks of active treatment (248 mg of elemental magnesium per day) compared to 6 weeks of control (no treatment). Assessments of depression symptoms were completed at bi-weekly phone calls. The primary outcome was the net difference in the change in depression symptoms from baseline to the end of each treatment period. Secondary outcomes included changes in anxiety symptoms as well as adherence to the supplement regimen, appearance of adverse effects, and intention to use magnesium supplements in the future. Between June 2015 and May 2016, 112 participants provided analyzable data. Consumption of magnesium chloride for 6 weeks resulted in a clinically significant net improvement in PHQ-9 scores of -6.0 points (CI -7.9, -4.2; P<0.001) and net improvement in Generalized Anxiety Disorders-7 scores of -4.5 points (CI -6.6, -2.4; P<0.001). Average adherence was 83% by pill count. The supplements were well tolerated and 61% of participants reported they would use magnesium in the future. Similar effects were observed regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, baseline magnesium level, or use of antidepressant treatments. Effects were observed within two weeks. Magnesium is effective for mild-to-moderate depression in adults. It works quickly and is well tolerated without the need for close monitoring for toxicity.
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Background: Anxiety related conditions are the most common affective disorders present in the general population with a lifetime prevalence of over 15%. Magnesium (Mg) status is associated with subjective anxiety, leading to the proposition that Mg supplementation may attenuate anxiety symptoms. This systematic review examines the available evidence for the efficacy of Mg supplementation in the alleviation of subjective measures of anxiety and stress. Methods: A systematic search of interventions with Mg alone or in combination (up to 5 additional ingredients) was performed in May 2016. Ovid Medline, PsychInfo, Embase, CINAHL and Cochrane databases were searched using equivalent search terms. A grey literature review of relevant sources was also undertaken. Results: 18 studies were included in the review. All reviewed studies recruited samples based upon an existing vulnerability to anxiety: mildly anxious, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), postpartum status, and hypertension. Four/eight studies in anxious samples, four/seven studies in PMS samples, and one/two studies in hypertensive samples reported positive effects of Mg on subjective anxiety outcomes. Mg had no effect on postpartum anxiety. No study administered a validated measure of subjective stress as an outcome. Conclusions: Existing evidence is suggestive of a beneficial effect of Mg on subjective anxiety in anxiety vulnerable samples. However, the quality of the existing evidence is poor. Well-designed randomised controlled trials are required to further confirm the efficacy of Mg supplementation.
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Background Observational studies suggest that insomnia might be associated with an increased risk of depression with inconsistent results. This study aimed at conducting a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies to evaluate the association between insomnia and the risk of depression. Methods Relevant cohort studies were comprehensively searched from the PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure databases (up to October 2014) and from the reference lists of retrieved articles. A random-effects model was used to calculate the pooled risk estimates and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs). The I² statistic was used to assess the heterogeneity and potential sources of heterogeneity were assessed with meta-regression. The potential publication bias was explored by using funnel plots, Egger’s test, and Duval and Tweedie trim-and-fill methods. Results Thirty-four cohort studies involving 172,077 participants were included in this meta-analysis with an average follow-up period of 60.4 months (ranging from 3.5 to 408). Statistical analysis suggested a positive relationship between insomnia and depression, the pooled RR was 2.27 (95 % CI: 1.89–2.71), and a high heterogeneity was observed (I² = 92.6 %, P < 0.001). Visual inspection of the funnel plot revealed some asymmetry. The Egger’s test identified evidence of substantial publication bias (P <0.05), but correction for this bias using trim-and-fill method did not alter the combined risk estimates. Conclusions This meta-analysis indicates that insomnia is significantly associated with an increased risk of depression, which has implications for the prevention of depression in non-depressed individuals with insomnia symptoms.
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Recent literature has identified links between vitamin B12 deficiency and depression.We compared the clinical response of SSRI-monotherapy with that of B12-augmentation in a sample of depressed patients with low normal B12 levels who responded inadequately to the first trial with the SSRIs. Patients with depression and low normal B12 levels were randomized to a control arm (antidepressant only) or treatment arm (antidepressants and injectable vitamin B12 supplementation). A total of 199 depressed patients were screened. Out of 73 patients with low normal B12 levels 34 (47%) were randomized to the treatment group while 39 (53%) were randomized to the control arm. At three months follow up 100% of the treatment group showed at least a 20% reduction in HAM-D score, while only 69% in the control arm showed at least a 20% reduction in HAM-D score (p<0.001). The findings remained significant after adjusting for baseline HAM-D score (p=0.001). Vitamin B12 supplementation with antidepressants significantly improved depressive symptoms in our cohort.
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Melatonin (MLT) is a pleiotropic neurohormone controlling many physiological processes and whose dysfunction may contribute to several different diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, circadian and mood disorders, insomnia, type 2 diabetes and pain. Melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland during the night and acts through 2 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), MT1 (MEL1a) and MT2 (MEL1b). Although a bulk of research has examined the physiopathological effects of MLT, few studies have investigated the selective role played by MT1 and MT2 receptors. Here we have reviewed current knowledge about the implications of MT2 receptors in brain functions. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and articles reference lists for studies on MT2 receptor ligands in sleep, anxiety, neuropsychiatric diseases and psychopharmacology, including genetic studies on the MTNR1B gene, which encodes the melatonin MT2 receptor. These studies demonstrate that MT2 receptors are involved in the pathophysiology and pharmacology of sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer disease and pain and that selective MT2 receptor agonists show hypnotic and anxiolytic properties. Studies examining the role of MT2 receptors in psychopharmacology are still limited. The development of novel selective MT2 receptor ligands, together with further preclinical in vivo studies, may clarify the role of this receptor in brain function and psychopharmacology. The superfamily of GPCRs has proven to be among the most successful drug targets and, consequently, MT2 receptors have great potential for pioneer drug discovery in the treatment of mental diseases for which limited therapeutic targets are currently available.
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Nearly 50% of older adults have insomnia, with difficulty in getting to sleep, early awakening, or feeling unrefreshed on waking. With aging, several changes occur that can place one at risk for insomnia, including age-related changes in various circadian rhythms, environmental and lifestyle changes, and decreased nutrients intake, absorption, retention, and utilization. The natural N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) antagonist and GABA agonist, Mg(2+), seems to play a key role in the regulation of sleep. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of magnesium supplementation to improve insomnia in elderly. A double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted in 46 elderly subjects, randomly allocated into the magnesium or the placebo group and received 500 mg magnesium or placebo daily for 8 weeks. Questionnaires of insomnia severity index (ISI), physical activity, and sleep log were completed at baseline and after the intervention period. Anthropometric confounding factors, daily intake of magnesium, calcium, potassium, caffeine, calories form carbohydrates, and total calorie intake, were obtained using 24-h recall for 3 days. Blood samples were taken at baseline and after the intervention period for analysis of serum magnesium, renin, melatonin, and cortisol. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS19 and P values < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. No significant differences were observed in assessed variables between the two groups at the baseline. As compared to the placebo group, in the experimental group, dietary magnesium supplementation brought about statistically significant increases in sleep time (P = 0.002), sleep efficiency (P = 0.03), concentration of serum renin (P < 0.001), and melatonin (P = 0.007), and also resulted in significant decrease of ISI score (P = 0.006), sleep onset latency (P = 0.02) and serum cortisol concentration (P = 0.008). Supplementation also resulted in marginally between-group significant reduction in early morning awakening (P = 0.08) and serum magnesium concentration (P = 0.06). Although total sleep time (P = 0.37) did not show any significant between-group differences. Supplementation of magnesium appears to improve subjective measures of insomnia such as ISI score, sleep efficiency, sleep time and sleep onset latency, early morning awakening, and likewise, insomnia objective measures such as concentration of serum renin, melatonin, and serum cortisol, in elderly people.
Objective To review articles on the relationship of dietary and circulating micronutrients with sleep patterns, and to identify issues surrounding implications for future research and public health practice. Design A systematic review was conducted. PubMed, Embase and Scopus were searched through January 2016. Setting Both experimental and observational studies were included. However, studies that focused on secondary sleep impairment due to comorbidities were excluded. Subjects Individuals in different age groups, from infants to older adults. Results A total of twenty-six articles were selected. In the articles reviewed, researchers generally supported a potential role of micronutrients, particularly Fe and Mg, in the development of sleep stages among infants and in reversing age-related alterations in sleep architecture in older adults. Micronutrient status has also been linked to sleep duration, with sleep duration positively associated with Fe, Zn and Mg levels, and negatively associated with Cu, K and vitamin B12 levels. The mechanisms underlying these relationships include the impact of micronutrients on excitatory/inhibitory neurotransmitters and the expression of circadian genes. Conclusions Although the number of studies on the relationship between micronutrient status and sleep remains low, evidence has emerged that suggests a link between dietary/circulating micronutrients and sleep. Future research is needed to investigate the dose-dependent as well as the longitudinal relationships between micronutrient levels and human sleep across populations, test the interactions among micronutrients on sleep outcomes, and ultimately examine the clinical relevance of micronutrients on sleep health.
Sleep deprivation (SD) has been associated with memory impairment through induction of oxidative stress. Melatonin, which promotes the metabolism of many reactive oxygen species (ROS), has antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. In this study, the effect of melatonin on memory impairment induced by 4 weeks of SD was investigated using rat animal model. Animals were sleep deprived using modified multiple platform model. Melatonin was administered via oral gavage (100 mg/kg/day). Spatial learning and memory were assessed using the radial arm water maze (RAWM). Changes in oxidative stress biomarkers in the hippocampus following treatments were measured using ELISA procedure. The result revealed that SD impaired both short- and long-term memory (P < 0.05). Use of melatonin prevented memory impairment induced by SD. Furthermore, melatonin normalized SD-induced reduction in the hippocampus activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). In addition, melatonin enhanced the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione GSH/GSSG in sleep-deprived rats (P < 0.05) without affecting thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels (P > 0.05). In conclusion, SD induced memory impairment, which was prevented by melatonin. This was correlated with normalizing hippocampus antioxidant mechanisms during chronic SD.