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Viburnum and Health

  • Tokyo Medical University Hospital


Viburnum is a genus of about 150–175 species of flowering plants in the moschatel family Adoxaceae. Many species of viburnum have become popular as garden or landscape plants because of their showy flowers and berries, fragrance, and good autumn colour of some forms. The bark of some species is used in herbal medicine, as an antispasmodic and to treat asthma. Some research indicates that cramp bark fruit extracts help relax muscles and blood vessels, which can relieve pain and reduce blood pressure. Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) — also known as guelder rose, highbush cranberry, and snowball tree — is a tall, flowering shrub with red berries and clusters of white flowers.
Viburnum and Health.
Hayk S. Arakelyan. Full Professor in Medicine,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ph.D , Grand Ph.D .
Senior Expert of Interactive Clinical Pharmacology , Drug Safety,
Treatment Tactics, General Medicine and Clinical Research.
Narine L. Gzraryan.
M.D. ,Ph.D
“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”
Viburnum is a genus of about 150–175 species of flowering plants in the
moschatel family Adoxaceae. Many species of viburnum have become popular
as garden or landscape plants because of their showy flowers and berries,
fragrance, and good autumn colour of some forms. The bark of some species is
used in herbal medicine, as an antispasmodic and to treat asthma. Some
research indicates that cramp bark fruit extracts help relax muscles and blood
vessels, which can relieve pain and reduce blood pressure. Cramp bark
(Viburnum opulus) — also known as guelder rose, highbush cranberry, and
snowball treeis a tall, flowering shrub with red berries and clusters of
white flowers.
Other Name(s):
Bois à Quenouille, Boule de Neige, Common Guelder-Rose, Crampbark,
Cranberry Bush, European Cranberry-Bush, Guelder Rose, Guelder-Rose, High
Bush Cranberry, High-bush Cranberry, Obier, Rose de Gueldre, Snowball Bush,
Viburno Opulus, Viburnum opulus, Viorne Aquatique, Viorne Aubier, Viorne
Obier, Viorne Trilobée.
Health Benefits of Viburnum.
Dried bark has traditionally been used to treat pain from muscle cramps,
especially period cramps, although other parts of the plant may also offer
benefits. Viburnum shows promising potential to relieve pain and promote
healthy kidney function, and emerging research suggests that it may offer
many other benefits as well.
May promote healthy kidney function.
Cramp bark may help prevent kidney stones. Some people can develop kidney
stones due to a lack of citrate in their urine. Healthcare providers often recommend
that these people consume a kidney stone diet. This includes foods high in citrate,
such as lemons and limes.Cramp bark fruit is also high in citrate, which makes it a
viable alternative for people who develop kidney stones. Cramp bark is high in
flavonoids and carotenoids — two antioxidants that can help prevent and
reverse cellular damage in your body. They may also help reduce your risk of
developing type 2 diabetes. In fact, these antioxidants have been found to have
antidiabetic effects. Antioxidants in cramp bark may help treat endometriosis, a
disease that affects the female reproductive system. In addition, cramp bark is
commonly used in alternative medicine to treat insomnia and anxiety. Some
people use cramp bark for cancer, hysteria, infection, nervous disorders, a
vitamin-deficiency condition called scurvy, and pain and swelling (inflammation)
of the uterus (uteritis). Cramp bark is also used to increase urine flow and to
cause vomiting, emptying of the bowels, and sleepiness. Chemicals in cramp bark
decrease muscle spasms. These chemicals might also lower blood pressure and
decrease heart rate.
Noli Nocere!!!!
If you are pregnant or nursing, you should consult your healthcare provider
before using cramp bark. Also, be aware that raw cramp bark berries, although
edible, are considered mildly toxic and may cause digestive upset if consumed
in large amounts.
If you have any questions concerning “ Viburnum and Health”, interactive
clinical pharmacology , or any other questions, please inform us .
Prof. Hayk S. Arakelyan
Narine L. Gzraryan
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