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Abstract and Figures

Indian subcontinent is greatly vulnerable to air pollution, especially during the winter season. Here, we use 15 years (2003–2017) of satellite and model reanalysis datasets over India and adjoining Seas to estimate the trend in hazy days (i.e. days with high aerosol loading) during the dry winter season (November to February). The number of hazy days is increasing at the rate of ~2.6 days per year over Central India. Interestingly, this is higher than over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (~1.7 days/year), a well known global hotspot of particulate pollution. Consistent increasing trends in absorbing aerosols are also visible in the recent years. As a result, the estimated atmospheric warming trends over Central India are two-fold higher than that over Indo-Gangetic Plain. This anomalous increment in hazy days over Central India is associated with the relatively higher increase in biomass burning over the region. Moreover, the trend in aerosol loading over the Arabian Sea, which is located downwind to Central India, is also higher than that over the Bay of Bengal during the dry winter season. Our findings not only draw attention to the rapid deteriorating air quality over Central India, but also underline the significance of increasing biomass burning under the recent climate change.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
Recent Increase in Winter Hazy
Days over Central India and the
Arabian Sea
Abin Thomas
1, Chandan Sarangi2* & Vijay P. Kanawade
Indian subcontinent is greatly vulnerable to air pollution, especially during the winter season. Here,
we use 15 years (2003–2017) of satellite and model reanalysis datasets over India and adjoining Seas
to estimate the trend in hazy days (i.e. days with high aerosol loading) during the dry winter season
(November to February). The number of hazy days is increasing at the rate of ~2.6 days per year over
Central India. Interestingly, this is higher than over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (~1.7 days/year), a well
known global hotspot of particulate pollution. Consistent increasing trends in absorbing aerosols are
also visible in the recent years. As a result, the estimated atmospheric warming trends over Central
India are two-fold higher than that over Indo-Gangetic Plain. This anomalous increment in hazy days
over Central India is associated with the relatively higher increase in biomass burning over the region.
Moreover, the trend in aerosol loading over the Arabian Sea, which is located downwind to Central
India, is also higher than that over the Bay of Bengal during the dry winter season. Our ndings not
only draw attention to the rapid deteriorating air quality over Central India, but also underline the
signicance of increasing biomass burning under the recent climate change.
Aerosols are ubiquitous in the atmosphere. While natural aerosols constitute the largest fraction of global aero-
sol burden, regional hotspots of high aerosol loading coincide with regions of high population density, urban-
ization and industrialization, or biomass burning. e long-term measurements of aerosols13, observational
campaigns46, and remote sensing from ground and space7,8 have provided requisite datasets to improve our
understanding of the physical, optical and chemical properties of aerosols. e extensive observational and mod-
elling eorts over the last two decades have aided remarkably to advance our knowledge of aerosols inuence of
the climate9. For instance, the cooling eect from increasing aerosols has masked about one-third of the increas-
ing greenhouse warming over the past half-century10. However, the lack of understanding of the variability of
aerosols and their eects at regional scale contribute to the existing large uncertainty in aerosol feedbacks in
future climate predictions.
e Indian subcontinent and adjoining Seas experience a tropical and sub-tropical climate and have been a
focus of the study for aerosols over the last two decades. Observational campaigns (e.g. Indian Space Research
Organization-Geosphere Biosphere Programme, ISRO-GBP; Indian Ocean Experiment, INDOEX; Arabian Sea
Monsoon Experiment, ARMEX) have shown large aerosol negative radiative forcing at the surface and relatively
large atmospheric warming than top of the atmosphere (TOA)1113. e wintertime hazardous air pollution sce-
narios over the densely populated regions of India have recently received the utmost scientic attention. e win-
ter season is characterized by a shallower boundary layer, lower wind speed and low precipitation, leading to the
accumulation of aerosols near the surface2,14,15. Along with the obvious health impacts, studies have shown that
the high aerosol loading in winter can reduce radiation reaching to the surface by about 25%, thereby decreasing
crop yield1618. Nonetheless, aerosols act as cloud condensation nuclei and aect cloud formation and rainfall19.
erefore, accurate knowledge of trend in aerosols over India during the winter season is extremely essential for
reducing uncertainty in future climate, health, and economic predictions.
In India, several recent studies have used satellite and ground based measurements spanning over decade to
nd the trend in aerosol loading over Indian region2,2028. Dey and Girolamo20 and Dey et al.26, found a signicant
rise in anthropogenic aerosols over the Indian subcontinent during 2000–2010 using MISR aerosol optical depth
(AOD) data. ese studies highlighted that the rural areas of IGP are more polluted than that of urban cities in the
1Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500046, India.
2Pacic Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, 99352, USA. *email: chandansarangi591@gmail.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
peninsular India. Kaskaoutis et al.22, found an increasing trend in AOD over Kanpur (located in IGP), especially
during the post-monsoon and winter seasons based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) AOD data from
2001 to 2010. Hsu et al.25, also found an increasing trend in ne mode anthropogenic aerosols over North India
and Bay of Bengal (BoB), particularly during the dry winter and post-monsoon seasons using SeaWiFS measure-
ment from 1997 to 2010. Ramachandran et al.23, attributed the incremental trend in aerosols over New Delhi to
anthropogenic aerosols and over Northeast India to increase in forest re and biomass burning emissions. Babu
et al.2, showed an increasing trend in anthropogenic contribution to total aerosol loading during the dry winter
season. Moorthy et al.21, also found an increasing trend in aerosol loading in the current decade than its value in
1985. Srivasthava24 highlighted that the more than 70% of the Indian subcontinent shows a positive trend in AOD
from 2 to 6% during the winter and pre-monsoon seasons, with a trend of >6% over BoB. Kumar et al.27, recently
found a relatively high aerosol loading over IGP as compared to other parts of India, but a statistically insigni-
cant increasing trend of 0.002 AOD/year using MODIS-TERRA and nine ground-based stations data. ey also
observed a strong seasonality in aerosol loading with the dominance of ne mode aerosols over IGP, especially
during the dry winter season. Most of these previous studies highlight the increasing trend of aerosol loading over
highly polluted IGP and northern BoB in last two decades due to anthropogenic emissions.
Using 15 years of satellite (MODIS and OMI) observations and reanalysis (MERRA-2) data products, we illus-
trate that aerosol loading over Central India and the Arabian Sea during the dry winter season is increasing at a
greater rate than that over IGP and the BoB in the recent years. We focused our analyses for the dry winter season
(November to February) since the number of hazy days is highest during the season. A hazy day is referred to as
the day with high aerosol loading (i.e. AOD greater than 66th percentile value over a location).
Results and Discussion
Trend in the number of hazy days. e entire time period (2003–2017) is split into two sub-periods; past
years (2003–2007) and recent years (2013–2017) to highlight changes in aerosol loading in the current decade
compared to that of the previous decade. Figure1 shows averaged spatial distribution of MODIS columnar AOD
and OMI UV aerosol index (UV-AI) over India and adjoining Seas for the past and the recent years. e increased
Figure 1. Averaged spatial distribution of MODIS AOD for November through February over the time periods
(a) 2003–2007 (past years), (b) 2013–2017 (recent years) and (c) the percentage dierence between the recent
and the past years. e study regions are bounded by solid black line shown in (b); IGP: Indo-Gangetic Plain,
AS: Arabian Sea, CI: Central India and BoB: Bay of Bengal. Averaged spatial distribution of OMI UV-AI for
November through February over the time periods (d) 2003–2007, (e) 2013–2017, and (f) the percentage
dierence between the recent and the past years.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
aerosol loading in the recent years (2013–2017) is clearly evident, analogous to several previous studies2,2025,27.
e rate of change in the aerosol loading between the past and the recent years is distinctive regionally due to
the variability in aerosol emission rates and latitudinal diverse climatic conditions. OMI retrieved UV-AI, which
is a measure of UV-absorbing aerosol particles such as soot/smoke and mineral dust, show similar distinctive
enhancement as that of AOD over Central India. is suggests the incremental dominance of absorbing aerosols
over Central India in the recent years.
We rst compare the number of days from low to high aerosol loading between the past and the recent years.
In order to do this, the daily AOD observations are segregated into three percentile bins: AOD less than 33rdper-
centile, between the value 33rdand 66th percentile,and greater than 66th percentile values over each 1° × 1° grid
based on the AOD values for November through February of the year 2003. e bins are identied as three dis-
tinct aerosol loading regimes; low (<33rd percentile), medium (33–66th percentiles), and high (>66th percentile).
en, the number of days for each of these regimes is counted during the past (Fig.2(a)) and the recent (Fig.2(b))
time periods. e number of days with low and medium aerosol loading has reduced in the recent years as com-
pared to the past years (Fig.2(a,b)). But, the days with high aerosol loading (>66th percentile) have increased
in the recent years over India and adjoining Seas (Fig.2(a,b)). Interestingly, the rate of increase in the number
of high aerosol loading (i.e. hazy) days over CI is higher (~2.6 days/season) than over IGP (~1.8 days/season)
(Fig.S1). is rate is also higher over the AS (~1.9 days/season) than over the BoB (~1.1 days/season). Noticeably,
all the four regions have about two-fold high aerosol loading days in the year 2017 as compared to the year 2003
(Fig.S1).is indicates that the aerosol burden over India is typically shied to higher values in the recent decade
relative to the previous decade. It should be noted that MODIS retrieved AOD over IGP in the dry winter season
is oen plagued under foggy conditions, but we have removed AOD > 1.0 to avoid fog/cloud contaminated AOD
retrievals in our analysis29,30. Wintertime fog thickens overnight and on till about an hour aer sunrise. en,
Figure 2. Trend in the number of days with aerosol loading from low to high regimes. (a) e number of days
with low (<33rd percentile value of AOD), medium (33–66th) and high (>66th) aerosol loading for November-
February of 2003–2007 (b) same as (a) except that for 2013–2017. (c) Trend in the number of days with <33rd,
33–66th and >66th percentile values of AOD for November–February of 2003–2017. Black dots indicate
statistical signicance using Student’s t-test at a condence interval of 95%.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
it gradually disperse or thin out by noontime via eective ventilation31 and since AQUA instrument onboard
MODIS has overpass over India at about 1:30 pm local time, chances of fog to inuence the results are negligible.
Further, the trend in the number of days for each of the percentile regime is calculated from 2003 to 2017
(Fig.2(c)). e trend in the number of days with low to medium aerosol loading days is found to be negative
over India and adjoining Seas. But, the trend in the number of days with high aerosol loading days is found to
be positive, with signicantly positive values over CI and the AS as compared to IGP, analogous to our nd-
ing from Fig.2(b). Previous studies have reported increasing aerosol loading trend over India using both the
ground-based2,21,22,28 and satellite observations1,20,23,24,32. But, we nd that the increasing aerosol loading trend
is more pronounced over CI and the AS, with >2 days per season over the time period from 2003 to 2017.
Moorthy et al.33, also revealed that the rate of increase in columnar AOD was more rapid (~4%) during the time
period from 2000 to 2011 compared to the previous decade and that Central Peninsular India showed the highest
increasing trend (3.63%/year) than the Southern Peninsular and Northern India, with higher rates during the
winter season as compared to other seasons. A recent study also showed less signicant increasing trends in AOD
over IGP over last decade27.
e dierence in the percentage frequency distribution for MODIS AOD between the past and the recent years
shows a decreasing frequency of low aerosol loading (AOD bin of 0.1), whereas it shows an increasing frequency
of medium to high aerosol loading (AOD bin >0.4) (Fig.3(a)) over all study regions. We also nd that MERRA-2
reanalysis data is able to reproduce similar intensity-frequency variation in the AOD (Fig.3(b)). In order to exam-
ine the changes in various aerosol species associated with the observed increasing trend in total aerosol loading,
we calculate the percentage frequency distribution for species-wise AOD separately for the past and the recent
years for dierent regions of India (Fig.S2). e dierences in the percentage frequency distribution for these
variables between the past and the recent years are then plotted in Fig.3(c,d). e BC and OC AOD is clubbed
together as they are co-emitted from various local sources, both anthropogenic aerosols and biomass burning.
e natural emissions like sea salt (SS) and dust AOD, which are mostly transported into CI and IGP domain, are
also shown in Fig.S3. Intensity-frequency variability similar to that seen for composite AOD (Fig.3(a,b) is pres-
ent for BC + OC and sulfate (Fig.3(c,d)) species over both IGP and CI regions. Interestingly, similar changes are
not seen for the case of transported species i.e. SS and dust AOD which indicates that the change in total aerosol
loading may be attributed to increase in the local emissions. Moreover, the intensity-frequency variation is more
prominent over CI and the AS compared to that over IGP. Further, the dierences in the vertical aerosol mixing
ratio proles illustrate signicant enhancement in BC and OC from the surface to 700hPa (~3.1 km) which imply
near-surface sources (Fig.S5). But, the anomalous enhancements in BC and OC mixing ratios are higher over CI
in the recent years than over the IGP.
Interestingly, the intensity-frequency changes in AOD observed over the AS region is more prominent com-
pared to the BoB region. In addition, the anthropogenic species over the AS, particularly BC, OC, and sulfate,
are found to be three times higher than SS aerosols during the winter season (Figs.3 and S3). e mean wind
Figure 3. e percentage dierence in the frequency distribution of (a) MODIS AOD, (b) MERRA-2 AOD,
(c) MERRA-2 (BC + OC) AOD and (d) MERRA-2 sulfate AOD between the past and the recent years over
dierent study regions.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
circulation clearly illustrates predominant northeasterly ow over the continental region mostly owing into the
AS i.e. the AS is located in the downwind regions of CI (Fig.S4). us, the BC, OC, and sulfate aerosols over the
AS are probably transported from local anthropogenic emissions over the CI. is also explains the high percent-
age change in aerosol loading over the AS than the BoB in the recent years (Fig.3). is suggests that the increase
in continental aerosol emissions has profound impact on the aerosol loading over the adjacent marine regions.
is nding is dierent from previous investigators as those studies indicated that the aerosol loading over the
BoB is higher than over the AS, and that the relative contribution of anthropogenic aerosol mass tend to be higher
over the BoB3437. It could be noted that most of these studies used data prior to the year 2012, except the recent
study by Srivastava24, further highlighting the signicance of our nding on aerosol perturbations in the recent
years (2013–2017).
Rapid urbanization in developing nations like India is generally the primary source of the overall aerosol bur-
den38,39. For example, out of the ten most populous metropolitan areas in India, ve of them lie within CI region
(Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Nagpur and Pune) and these cities are known for rapid change in the land use
and land cover over the last decade40. It should be noted that forests, shrubs, and cropland contributes to a large
fraction of the land cover over Central India. As a result, the biomass burning activities peak within the two central
states (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra), accounting for about 36% of the total re counts in India41. Besides,
the Eastern Ghats in Central Eastern India is a dense active re hotspot, owing to shiing cultivation practices and
clearing of mixed deciduous forest in the late winter season42,43. erefore, biomass burning (e.g. forest res, crop
residue burning, trash/wood burning), which is a major sources of aerosol loading over India44, can contribute
signicantly to this anomalous enhancement in AOD in the recent decade. Figure4(a–c) presents spatial map of
× 1° gridded total re counts over India during the past and the recent years and dierence between them. e
spatio-temporal variability in re counts over CI (Fig.4(a,b)) is consistent with the spatial variability in aerosol
loading and AI (Fig.1). Further, the monthly re count dierence (Fig.S6) correlates spatially with the monthly
trend in the number of days with high aerosol loading (Fig.S7), particularly over CI. We have then counted the
Figure 4. (a) Spatial map of 1° × 1° gridded total re counts (FC) for November-February of 2003–2007 (past
years). (b) Same as (a) except that for 2013–2017 (recent years). (c) e dierence between the past and the
recent years. (d) e change in percentage contribution of re counts over CI and IGP for November-February
of 2003 to 2017.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
number of re hotspots for each year over IGP and CI, and calculated the percentage contribution of re counts
from both the regions. Note that the number of 1° × 1° gridded pixels in IGP and CI are equal (n = 75). e rela-
tive percentage of re counts over CI and IGP are plotted in Fig.4(d). e percentage contribution of re counts
over CI has increased at a rate of 20% from 2003 to 2017 indicating that the re counts over CI is higher than that
over IGP in the recent years. us, the greater rate of enhancement in high aerosol loading days over CI in the
recent years (Fig.2(b)) can be associated with relatively large enhancement in re emissions over CI (Fig.4(c))
compared to IGP. Moreover, a recent study show that a large fraction of aerosols from biomass burning activities
over northern western states can also extend over parts of Central India45 as well as northwestern parts of Bay of
Bengal34. erefore, the observed enhancement in the recent aerosol loading over CI can be a combined result of
rapid urbanization, enhanced localized re emissions, and long-range transport of aerosols from the IGP region.
Change in aerosol direct radiative forcing. Aerosol direct radiative forcing counteracts, in part, the
warming due to greenhouse gases10,46, but the eects may vary temporally and spatially. High aerosol direct radi-
ative forcing is usually found over India due to the combined eect of dust, smoke and other aerosols32. In this
section, we present the change in the ADRF at the top of the atmosphere, on the atmosphere and at the surface
using MERRA-2 data. FiguresS8–S10 presents the averaged spatial distribution of the ADRF at the TOA, on
the atmosphere and at the surface, respectively, during the past and the recent years and the dierence between
these two time periods. Nair et al.47, have shown that aerosol forcing at the TOA is modulated mostly by anthro-
pogenic aerosols. It is clear that the increasing trends in aerosol loading over India and adjoining Seas, especially
o the eastern and western coasts, led to increased cooling at the TOA in recent years (Fig.S8). Kaskaoutis et
al.34, have observed signicant fraction of soot aerosols over northwestern BoB during the winter. In fact, the
aerosol-induced atmospheric forcing eciency was found higher for the BoB (31 W/m2) as compared to the AS
(18 W/m2)48, but we nd that ADRF on the atmosphere is higher over the AS in the recent years. It is apparent that
there is increased atmospheric warming (Fig.S8), increasedsurfacecooling (Fig.S9), and increased TOA cooling
(Fig.S10) over India and adjoining Seas owing to increased aerosol loading (Figs.1 and 2) in the recent years.
To illustrate how the forcing has changed over the study period, we calculate ADRF for each region separately
(Fig.S11). e overall atmospheric (positive) and surface (negative) forcing is highest over IGP compared to CI
and adjoining Seas (Fig.S11). But, what is interesting is that the dierence between the recent and the past years
in atmospheric warming over CI (4.50 W/m2) overtakes IGP (2.01 W/m2) (TableS2). Concurrently, the mean dif-
ference in ADRF on the atmosphere between the recent and the past years is higher over the AS (3.67 W/m2) than
that of the BoB (0.48 W/m2), as opposed to previous studies48,49. is suggests that aerosols exerted as much as
seven times more atmospheric warming over the AS than the BoB in recent years. e regionally averaged ADRF
on the surface and at the TOA are also higher over the AS than the BoB (TableS2), contradicting to the previous
study which showed larger values over the BoB for February 200350. ese ndings imply that the increasing re
activity over CI has altered the forcing at much expected level over CI and downwind AS than the polluted IGP.
e enhanced atmospheric heating and surface cooling over CI and the AS can lead to increase in lower tropo-
spheric stability. e stable atmospheric condition would then favor more accumulation of aerosols close to the
surface and can further accelerate occurrence of hazy days (Fig.S12), and thus, creating a positive feedback mech-
anism. Nonetheless, the increase in LTS can itself be inuenced by the increase in aerosol-induced atmospheric
warming51. erefore, this aerosol-LTS coupling can induce a positive feedback cycle on aerosol accumulation in
the boundary layer and enhance aerosol loading over CI and the AS. Moreover, enhanced atmospheric stability
may also enhance low-level cloud amount over the AS and the BoB, leading to a negative feedback on the climate
system in a warming anthropogenic future.
Indian subcontinent, one of the world’s fastest growing regions in terms of urbanization and population, is greatly
vulnerable to particulate pollution. e winter time hazy scenarios and their radiation feedbacks exert a profound
impact on the weather and climate. Using 15 years (2003–2017) of satellite and reanalysis datasets, this study
investigates the trend in the number of hazy days (i.e. days with high aerosol loading) and the aerosol-induced
direct radiation feedbacks on the surface-atmosphere system over India and adjoining Seas for the dry winter
season (November–February).
e major ndings of this study are as follows;
1. Overall, aerosol loading over India and adjoining Seas is rapidly increasing in the recent years.
2. e number of hazy days are increasing at the rate of about 2 days per year over India, with a higher rate
over CI (~2.6 days/year) than that of over IGP (~1.7 days/year).
3. Since the AS is located downwind to the CI, the number of hazy days over the AS is also higher than that
over the BoB during the dry winter season.
4. Collocated similar enhancements in UV aerosol index as that of AOD suggests the dominance of absorb-
ing aerosols over Central India in the recent years.
5. Consequently, aerosol-induced atmospheric warming (4.50 W/m2) and surface cooling (9.44 W/m2) due
to aerosol direct radiative forcing is highest over CI as compared to other study regions in the recent years.
e enhanced atmospheric warming over CI is about two-fold to that of over IGP (2.01 W/m2).
6. e higher aerosol loading over CI is attributed to the recent increase in biomass burning activities over
the region.
7. Surprisingly, aerosols exerted as much as seven times more atmospheric warming over the AS in the recent
years than over the BoB. is contradicts to majority of previous studies which showed higher atmospheric
warming over the BoB than the AS during the winter season. is nding is substantiated by the mean
changes in wind speed and lower tropospheric stability over CI and the AS.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:17406 |
Although the high aerosol loading is observed over IGP than other regions, our study reveals that aerosol
loading over CI has escalated greatly in the recent years. us, our ndings provide new insights to better con-
strain aerosols role in the climate over Indian subcontinent.
In this study, we have used the geographical region bounded by latitude, 7–38°N, and longitude, 66–94°E. is
region further divided into four sub-regions viz., Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), Central India (CI), Arabian Sea
(AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB) (Fig.1b). e columnar composite AOD from Moderate-resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard AQUA is used. The modeled aerosol species concentration (sulfate,
BC, OC, sea salt, and dust) in terms of their optical depth and radiation uxes are used from the Modern-Era
Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application - version 2 (MERRA-2). ese observations and modelled
values at daily resolution over the time period from 2003 to 2017 for the time period from October through
February are used. Also the composition of aerosols and the meteorological conditions have insignificant
monthly variability during the dry winter season18. TableS1 summarizes data products and their temporal and
spatial resolution.
MODIS. e Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer sensor onboard polar orbiting Earth Observing
System (EOS) satellite AQUA ies at an altitude of 705 km, with a swath width of 2330 km and equator crossing
at 13:30 local time. It measures the reected solar radiance and terrestrial emission in a wavelength band ranging
from 0.41–14.4 μm divided into 36 channels, categorized with horizontal resolutions varying between 0.25 and 1
square kilometer52. Here, we have used the level3 Dark Target and Deep Blue combined AOD of collection 6.1 at
0.55 µm at a grid resolution of 1° ×5355. e estimated maximum uncertainty is approximately ±0.05 × AOD
over Oceans and ±0.15 × AOD over continents. e technical details, algorithm and validation details can be
found in Remer et al.52. e collection 6 MODIS active re location product at 1 km resolution was also used
as proxy for biomass burning hot spots. e product utilizes thermal anomalies in infrared wavelengths (4 and
11 μm)56.
OMI. In addition to MODIS, AURA Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) daily UV aerosol index (UV-AI)
is used (OMAERUVd.003) in this analysis. AURA OMI is a nadir-viewing spectrometer onboard NASA’s Aura
satellite. It measures direct and backscattered solar radiation in the UV-visible range from 264 to 504 nm. e
retrieval technique and validation is given in Bucsela et al.57. UV-AI is based on a spectral contrast method in a
UV region where the ozone absorption is negligible. Positive values of UV-AI indicate absorbing aerosols (smoke
and dust) whereas near-zero or negative values indicate non-absorbing aerosols (sulfate and sea salt) and clouds58.
While, UV-AI is good indicator of absorbing aerosols, its value is dependent on the smoke plume altitude59.
e OMI retrieval algorithm for aerosol detection has been validated with ground-based measurements60. OMI
UV-AI is available from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences, Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC;
MERRA-2. e Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application - version 261 uses the
Goddard Earth Observing System-5 (GEOS-5) atmospheric general circulation model62 that is coupled with the
Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model (GOCART)63. e GOCART model
simulates AOD for ve major aerosol species like OC, BC, sea salt, dust and sulfate using multi-satellite based
(MODIS,AVHRR and MISR) and ground-based (AERONET) AOD data. GEOS-5 model provides the data from
1980 to present in hourly and monthly gridded data with the resolution of 0.5° × 0.625° in latitude and longitude
from the surface to the top layer of 0.01 hPa with 72 vertical levels64. e MERRA-2 simulated AOD compares
well with ground-based and satellite measurements globally64,65. It is freely available from NASA Goddard Earth
Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) In order to calculate
clear-sky aerosol direct radiative forcing (ADRF) from the radiative uxes from MERRA-2 data65, the dierence
between the radiation ux under clear sky condition in the presence of aerosol and without aerosol is calculated.
e hourly variables; SWGNTCLR (surface net downward shortwave ux assuming clear-sky), SWGNTCLRCLN
(surface net downward shortwave ux assuming clear-sky and no aerosol), LWGNTCLR (surface net down-
ward longwave ux assuming clear sky) and LWGNTCLRCLN (surface net downward longwave ux assuming
clear-sky and no aerosol) are used to calculate ADRF at surface (ADRFSURF). Concurrently, ADRF at the top of
the atmosphere (ADRFTOA) is calculated from hourly variables, SWTNTCLR (TOA net downward shortwave ux
assuming clear sky), SWTNTCLRCLN (TOA net downward shortwave ux assuming clear-sky and no aerosol),
LWTUPCLR (upwelling longwave ux at TOA assuming clear-sky) and LWTUPCLRCLN (upwelling longwave
ux at TOA assuming clear-sky and no aerosol). ese radiation variables can be found in the MERRA-2 prod-
uct, tavg1_2d_rad_Nx. Overall, MERRA-2 simulated radiative uxes agrees well with CERES EBAF Edition 2.8
satellite product over 2001–201566. MERRA-2 simulated both shortwave and longwave radiative uxes are used to
derive the total aerosol direct radiative forcing (ARDF). ADRF at the surface (ADRFSUR) and at top of the atmos-
phere (ADRFTOA) are calculated by the following formula.
e ADRF on the atmosphere, which indicates the energy trapped by all aerosols in the atmosphere, is calculated
by taking the dierence between ADRF at the TOA and ADRF at the surface.
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GDAS. We used potential temperature at the free troposphere pressure level (i.e. 700 hPa) and the surface
to calculate lower tropospheric stability (LTS) using the NOAA-NCEP (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration National Centers for Environmental Prediction) Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)
assimilated meteorological datasets67. e variables are available at 1° × 1° spatial resolution with 21 vertical lev-
els (1000 hPa 100 hPa) at synoptic hours. LTS is calculated as; LTS = θ700 θsurface.
Data availability
Satellite (MODIS-AQUA and AURA-OMI) and model reanalysis (MERRA-2) datasets are freely accessible to the
public from irrespective websites (Refer to TableS1 in the Supplementary Material).
Received: 21 June 2019; Accepted: 29 October 2019;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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V.P.K. would like to thank the University Grants Commission, Government of India for Start-Up Grant (Ref. No.
F.4-5/230-FRP/2015/BSR) and Department of Science & Technology (DST)-SERB Grant (ECR/2016/001333).
Satellite (MODIS-AQUA and AURA-OMI) and reanalysis (MERRA-2) datasets used in this study are
acknowledged. Authors are thankful to anonymous reviewers for their critical comments and suggestions that
helped to improve the impact of the paper.
Author contributions
C.S. and V.P.K. conceived the study. A.T. and C.S. did the data analysis. A.T. and V.P.K. wrote the initial
manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
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... But numerous studies have showed that the general trend is exactly opposite. AOD loadings over these regions tend to be highest during winter due to limited vertical mixing and increased anthropogenic contributions from biomass burning and industrial emissions (Mehta 2015;Prasad and Singh 2007;Thomas, Sarangi, and Kanawade 2019). As mentioned before, while most sensors do tend to get aerosol loadings wrong over Indian subcontinent, Sen2Cor's inability to even capture the general trend could be a significant limiting factor behind its underperformance. ...
... Overall, the method captures the source regions fairly clearly. For the Indian region, the local sources are important during the winter and post-monsoon seasons, and both the local (within it was shown that the increase in hazy days in the central Indian region is due to increased biomass burning during the winter season (Thomas et al. 2019). Thus, the sources over the Central Indian region (also identified here as a major source) may be attributed to biomass burning, in addition to the emissions from other sources. ...
The increasing atmospheric aerosol loading and their related effects on health, weather/climate, cloud microphysics, and the local/regional circulation patterns over the South Asian region are well recognized. However, a composite view of the sources of aerosols that directly link to the aforementioned aerosol’s effects is limited. In addition, the understanding of how well the aerosols are transported for long distances in various models is also limited. This study uses the modified conventional Concentration Weighted Trajectory method over an extended domain over the Indian region to elucidate major aerosol sources for the Indian domain using the aerosol datasets from satellite (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer: MODIS-Terra) and reanalysis (Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version-2: MERRA-2) datasets. It is found that the major aerosol source regions such as the Northwest regions of India, North Arabian Sea, Indo-Gangetic Plains, Arabian Peninsula, Northeast of India, and central India are captured well with varying spatial strength and seasonality. The Arabian Sea and Northeast India are the important virtual sources of aerosols where a significant accumulation of aerosols happens and are later transported to regions over India. The fidelity of the method is qualitatively evaluated using natural mineral dust and sea-salt aerosols (whose source locations are reasonably known) simulated by MERRA-2. Based on spatial pattern and seasonality, it appears that MERRA-2 simulation of dust aerosols is low biased in relation to MODIS-Terra indicating limitations in model physics and hence reflected in the long-range transport of aerosols. Analysis using methods such as these by synergistically linking satellite observations, air mass trajectories, and model simulations of aerosol species will allow an understanding of model capability/limitations in the long-range transport of aerosols allowing future improvements in aerosol modeling and impact studies.
... However, over the Northern, North-western, IGPs, Central, Western and Eastern Indian regions, near surface ozone chemistry is mainly governed by large precursor emissions in Winter months, as weather conditions are slightly unfavourable in Winters in higher latitudes concerning deep tropical sites [ Fig. 4e-g]. These sub-regions turn into a hot spot for biomass burning in the Winter season (Kaskaoutis et al. 2012;Thomas et al. 2019;Jose et al. 2020), leading to an annual higher CO in the Winter months over India, shown in Fig. 4g. ...
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This study aims to investigate the factors influencing seasonal and long-term (2003–2021) changes in the near surface ozone (850 hpa) concentrations over different climatic sub-regions of India. Detailed comparison of daily (2019–2021) near surface ozone values of ERA-5 and CAAQMS (Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations) ground-based measurements revealed that ERA-5 is temporally in phase with CAAQMS measurements falling indifferent climatic sub-regions of India. ERA-5 near surface ozone shows statistically significant long-term (2003–2021) positive trends [2–4 percent per decade (ppd)] over most of the climatic sub-regions, over Indo-Gangetic Planes (IGPs), Southern and Central India trends are particularly strong. Trends were also estimated for each season separately, which were largely positive (2–6 ppd) over Central and Southern India in the Autumn and Winter seasons. Extensive climatological analysis reveals that the reversal of winds in the Indian monsoonal system plays a vital role in such trend patterns across the Indian subcontinent. South-westerly winds from June through September presumably bring ozone deficit air of marine origin, thus causing a dilution effect while the North-easterly winds during late Autumn and early Winters plausibly bring ozone-rich air from the stratospheric-tropospheric efflux dominated Himalayan region. It allows near surface ozone enhancement over Central and Southern India. Seasonal Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that precursor gases (CH4 and NO2) and climatic variables especially specific humidity (SH) are the primary drivers of near surface ozone variability in the Winter season, while in Spring, climatic variables like boundary layer height (BLH), temperature (T) and SH have a significant role. Principal component regression (PCR) reveals a long-term increase in near surface ozone levels mostly dominated by precursor concentration over IGPs and Southern sub-regions. Whereas, BLH, T and SH significantly explain near surface ozone trends over North-eastern and Coastal India.
This study apportions sources of carbonaceous aerosols using isotopic characteristics of total carbon (TC) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM10 aerosols using filter-based CTO-375 method for pre-monsoon (summer), post-monsoon, and winter (2019–2021) over Hyderabad, India. Highest secondary organic carbon, SOC (primary organic carbon, POC) of 13.78 ± 10.25 (7.87 ± 2.48) μg/m3 was during post-monsoon 2020 (2019), while lowest was 8.90 ± 5.55 (4.18 ± 0.92) μg/m3 during pre-monsoon 2021 (post-monsoon 2020), respectively. Average effective carbon ratio (ECR) > 1 indicates dominance of light scattering aerosols during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. δ13CTC and δ13CEC varied from – 28.1 to – 24.7 ‰ (avg. – 26.5 ± 0.7) and - 32.5 to – 24.6 ‰ (avg. – 27.4 ± 1.1), indicating contribution from C3 plant burning and liquid fuel combustion. Positive value of δ13COC – δ13CEC and heavier δ13CTC, along with gradual enrichment in δ13CTC and δ13CEC from December 2020 to March 2021, suggested photochemical aging of carbonaceous aerosols. Lighter δ13CTC and OC/EC > 4 for all seasons indicates dominance of biomass burning (wood and crop residue burning), photochemical oxidation and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. The tropical study experiences dominance of lighter δ13CEC compared to subtropical, high latitude regions.
We evaluate the performance of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in simulating aerosol optical depth (AOD) climatology, variability, and trends over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) considered for the period of space-borne MODIS satellite observations during 2003–2014. The multi-model ensemble (MME) mean of CMIP6 models, is considered when better correlations (≥0.5) of models against the MODIS-derived AOD observations using standard statistical skill metrics. Analysis suggests that the CMIP6 MME successfully reproduces the spatial distribution of AOD climatology and its seasonal variability, albeit with some discrepancies. In particular, CMIP6 MME underestimates AOD spatial distributions across the IGP region (∼ bais varies between 0.2 and 0.4 during different seasons). CMIP6 MME captures coarse-mode aerosol distribution similar to AERONET over the IGP, while it has limited skill in capturing the fine-mode aerosol distribution, which could be due to uncertainties pertinent to anthropogenic aerosol emissions. Furthermore, the CMIP6 MME captures the seasonal evolution of aerosols over the IGP and its sub-regions (i.e., eastern and western IGP regions). Notably, the CMIP6 MME successfully captures the dominance among various aerosol species and their contributions to total AOD over the IGP. The CMIP6 MME mimic the observed AOD trends (varies between 0.01 and 0.03 year−1) well across the study regions, except the western IGP, where the MME is unable to replicate declining AOD trends during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons compared to MODIS. By conducting a principal component analysis on AOD data, it is apparent that the CMIP6 MME captures AOD variances that are comparable to MODIS observations, albeit with some discrepancies. This finding of the present research will help in policymaking, and mitigation strategies in the region.
The present study investigated the aerosol-radiation-cloud interaction of anthropogenic black carbon (BC) during a severe fog-haze event by utilizing WRF-Chem, multi-satellite and in-situ observations, reanalyses datasets, and HYSPLIT model. The WRF-Chem model adequately captured the regional distribution of aerosol, cloud, and meteorological variables over the study domain. The maximum BC surface concentration (≥7 μg m􀀀 3) was predominantly evident over densely populated central and lower Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) regions. Although smoke aerosols usually persisted within 4 km above the surface at daylight hours, they reached as high as 6 km during nighttime, specifically over the central IGP regions. The heavily influenced areas by BC aerosols expanded to almost the entire landmass and the continental outflow region upon doubling the anthropogenic emission. The geographical distribution of maximum perturbations in net shortwave radiation flux at the surface closely matched the spatial patterns of the highest BC concentration, indicating a crucial role of BC in directly preventing the incoming sunlight from reaching the surface. Consequently, the reduced solar radiation at the ground might result in substantial surface cooling (between 􀀀 0.3 and 􀀀 0.5 ◦C), eventually prohibiting surface evapotranspiration and diminishing the outgoing sensible and latent heat fluxes. Also, more amplified cooling in the polluted atmosphere can prevent further development of the planetary boundary layer (PBL), increasing particle entrapment near the surface via an ‘aerosol-radiation-PBL’ feedback loop. However, the most striking contrast between the two scenarios (typical and polluted) was the prolonged and intensified warming (0.5–0.8 ◦C) in the mid-troposphere, causing a remarkable drop in moisture (more than two to three times) and hence burn-off of liquid cloud droplets due to the semi-direct effect of increased BC aerosols. The intense mid-tropospheric heating could remarkably enhance the updraft velocity, supporting the vertical transport of the additional moisture to higher altitudes, forming more ice clouds at night. Therefore, the current study highlighted the urgency of mitigating anthropogenic BC emissions in highly polluted regions since increased emissions could considerably worsen severe fog-haze conditions and influence both liquid water and ice clouds, depending on the atmospheric conditions.
Cross-country assessment of aerosol loading was made over several South Asian megacities using multiple high-resolution remote-sensing database to assess how aerosols vary within the city and its suburbs. Parameters sensitive to aerosol optical and microphysical properties were processed over city-core and its surrounding, separated by a buffer zone. Cities across the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP; AOD:0.52-0.72) along with Mumbai (0.47) and Bangalore (0.46) denote comparatively high aerosol loading against non-IGP cities. City-core specific AOD was invariably high compared to surrounding, however with varying gradient having robust geographical signature. Exceptions to this general trend were in Kathmandu (ΔAOD:-0.07) and Dhaka (ΔAOD:-0.01) while strong positive AOD gradient was noted in Bangalore (+0.11), Colombo (+0.08) and in Mumbai (+0.07). While all mainland cities exhibited robust intraannual variability, distinction between city-core and its surrounding AOD exhibited varying seasonality. City-specific geometric coefficient of variation indicated insignificant association with mean AOD as opposed to European and American cities. Both pixel-based and city-specific analysis revealed a strong increasing AOD trend with highest magnitude in Varanasi and Bangalore. Higher relative abundance of carbonaceous smoke aerosols within city-core was noted, without having significant distinction for mineral dusts and urban aerosols.
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Intense episodes of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution often overwhelm large areas of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) in northern India during the post-monsoon season, a time when crop residue burning is at its peak. We conduct idealised emission sensitivity experiments using the WRF-Chem model to investigate the leading causes and spatiotemporal extent of one such extreme episode from 31 Oct to 8 Nov 2016, when hourly PM2.5 levels exceeded 500 μg m⁻³ across much of the IGP on several days. We utilise the anthropogenic emissions from EDGARv5.0 and the latest FINNv2.5 for fire emissions and evaluate modelled and observed ambient PM2.5 and black carbon (BC) concentrations across the IGP. The model captured the PM2.5 and BC peaks during the latter half of the episode and underestimated on other days. We find that biomass burning (BB) emissions during this episode have the strongest effect across the source regions in the upper (NW) IGP, followed by Delhi (middle IGP), where it contributes 50–80% to 24 h mean PM2.5. Complete elimination of BB emissions decreases PM2.5 concentrations by 400 μg m⁻³ (80–90%) in the upper IGP and by 280 μg m⁻³ (40–80%) across the middle IGP during this episode. Contributions from the BB source to daily varying BC concentrations are 80–90%, 40–85% and 10–60% across upper, middle and lower IGP, respectively. BB emissions dominantly contribute to daily mean secondary organic aerosols (80%), primary organic aerosols (90%), dust (60%), and nitrate (50%) components of PM2.5 across the upper and middle IGP. In comparison, the anthropogenic share of these compounds was nearly one-third everywhere except across the lower IGP. The buildup of the episode across the middle IGP was facilitated by prolonged atmospheric stratification and stagnation, causing BB-derived BC and PM2.5 to be trapped in the lowest 1 km. Our work emphasises the need for rigorous policy interventions during post-monsoon to reduce agricultural crop burning, together with targeted anthropogenic emissions control across the IGP, to minimise such extreme episodes in the future.
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We examine long-term trends in the near-surface black carbon mass concentration, using multiyear primary data obtained from a dense network (ARFINET) of observatories over the Indian region. We report for the first time the statistically significant decreasing trend in black carbon mass concentration, based on primary data from this region, at an average rate of ~242 ± 53 ng · m ⁻³ · year ⁻¹ during the period 2007–2016. This finding contrasts with the generally increasing trend in the columnar aerosol optical depth, reported earlier, and the steadily increasing trend in anthropogenic activities over this region. The roles of different possible mechanisms, including possible changes in the vertical redistribution of aerosols, are discussed. Over the period 2007–2015, a significant though weak, increasing trend is seen in the contribution from aerosols above 1 km to the columnar aerosol optical depth. These observations imply possible long-term climate consequences.
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The representation of the long-term radiative energy budgets in NASA's MERRA and MERRA-2 reanalyses has been evaluated, emphasizing changes associated with the reanalysis system update. Data from the CERES EBAF Edition 2.8 satellite product over 2001-15 were used as a reference. For both MERRA and MERRA-2, the climatological global means of most TOA radiative flux terms agree to within ~3 W m ⁻² of EBAF. However, MERRA-2's all-sky reflected shortwave flux is ~7 W m ⁻² higher than either MERRA or EBAF's, resulting in a net TOA flux imbalance of -4 W m ⁻² . At the surface, all-sky downward longwave fluxes are problematic for both reanalyses, while high clear-sky downward shortwave fluxes indicate that their atmospheres are too transmissive. Although MERRA-2's individual all-sky flux terms agree better with EBAF, its net flux agreement is worse (-8.3 vs -3.3 W m ⁻² for MERRA) because MERRA benefits from cancellation of errors. Analysis by region and surface type gives mixed outcomes. The results consistently indicate that clouds are overrepresented over the tropical oceans in both reanalyses, particularly MERRA-2, and somewhat underrepresented in marine stratocumulus areas. MERRA-2 also exhibits signs of excess cloudiness in the Southern Ocean. Notable discrepancies occur in the polar regions, where the effects of snow and ice cover are important. In most cases, MERRA-2 better represents variability and trends in the global mean radiative fluxes over the period of analysis. Overall, the performance of MERRA-2 relative to MERRA is mixed; there is still room for improvement in the radiative fluxes in this family of reanalysis products.
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Measurements and models show that enhanced aerosol concentrations can modify macro- and micro-physical properties of clouds. Here, we examine the effect of aerosols on continental mesoscale convective cloud systems during the Indian summer monsoon and find that these aerosol-cloud interactions have a net cooling effect at the surface and the top-of-atmosphere. Long-term (2002-2016) satellite data provide evidence of aerosol-induced cloud invigoration effect (AIvE) during the Indian summer monsoon. The AIvE leads to enhanced formation of thicker stratiform anvil clouds at higher altitudes. These AIvE-induced stratiform anvil clouds are also relatively brighter because of the presence of smaller sized ice particles. As a result, AIvE-induced increase in shortwave cloud radiative forcing is much larger than longwave cloud radiative forcing leading to the intensified net cooling effect of clouds over the Indian summer monsoon region. Such aerosol-induced cooling could subsequently decrease the surface diurnal temperature range and have significant feedbacks on lower tropospheric turbulence in a warmer and polluted future scenario.
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Using city-level census data this paper examines the trends, patterns and determinants of metro city growth in India and finds that the post-economic reforms period has heralded a rapid pace of metropolitan development, causing a dispersed pattern of metropolitan growth in the last two decades. The empirical results show that metro cities located along a riverbank and situated in the northern, eastern and southern regions of India; cities with better quality public services and those which are state capitals are revealed to grow faster than others. A proximity to a large city also spurs on nearby urban centres to become larger, highlighting agglomeration effects. In contrast, initial city size has a negative impact on metro growth, reflecting some conditional convergence in population growth across cities. It is also found that the older cities have not grown at a rapid pace, with many of them flagging remarkably low demographic growth, suggesting a process of population drift towards the periphery from the core city areas, thereby leading to an ‘agglomerated trend’ of metropolitan development in India. Finally, we argue that diverting investment and development projects towards regressive regions as well as to secondary cities for strengthening their infrastructure and economic bases may herald sustainable and balanced metropolitan development.
Crop residue burning (CRB) is a recurring problem, during October–November, in the northwestern regions (Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh) of India. The emissions from the CRB source regions spread in all directions through long-range transport mechanisms, depending upon the meteorological conditions. In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out dealing with the impact of CRB on the air quality of Delhi and surrounding areas, especially in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (also referred to as Indo-Gangetic Plain). In this paper, we present detailed analysis using both satellite- and ground-based sources, which show an increasing impact of CRB over the eastern parts of the Indo-Gangetic Basin and also over parts of central and southern India. The increasing trends of finer black carbon particles and greenhouse gases have accelerated since the year 2010 onward, which is confirmed by the observation of different wavelength dependent aerosol properties. Our study shows an increased risk to ambient air quality and an increased spatiotemporal extent of pollutants in recent years, from CRB, which could be a severe health threat to the population of these regions.
Changes in urban air quality and its relationship with growing urbanization provide an important insight into urban development strategies. Thus, we collected remotely sensed PM 2.5 concentrations, as well as urban population datasets, and analyzed the scaling relationship between changes in urban population and concentrations of PM 2.5. The majority of large cities in North America and Europe had PM 2.5 concentrations which decreased significantly. Only 2.0% of large cities in the U.S. were found to have significant positive trends. PM 2.5 concentration trends of less than 0.5 µg/m 3 ·year were found in all large cities of Africa and Latin America. However, PM 2.5 concentration trends of more than 1.0 µg/m 3 ·year were found in 56.7% of the large cities in Asia, where only 2.3% of the cities in China were found with significant negative trends, and no cities in India were found with significant negative trends. Large cities in Asia were found with contributions of 4.12 ± 4.27 µg/m 3 ·year per million people, particularly large cities in China (5.40 ± 4.80 µg/m 3 ·year per million people) and India (4.07 ± 3.07 µg/m 3 ·year per million people). Significant negative or positive relationships were obtained between PM 2.5 trends and population change rates in large cities of North America (R 2 = 0.9195, p < 0.05) or Europe (R 2 = 0.9161, p < 0.05). Moreover, a significant inverse "U-type" relationship (R 2 = 0.8065, p < 0.05) was found between PM 2.5 trends and population change rates in large cities of Asia. In addition, the positive or negative relationships between the trends in population and PM 2.5 were obtained in typical low-and mid-income countries (e.g., China and India) or high-income countries (e.g., USA), respectively.
Long-term aerosol climatology is derived using Terra MODIS (Collection 6) enhanced Deep Blue (DB) AOD retrieval algorithm to investigate decadal trend (2006-2015) in columnar aerosol loading, future scenarios and potential source fields over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), South Asia. Satellite based aerosol climatology was analyzed in two contexts: for the entire IGP considering area weighted mean AOD and for nine individual stations located at upper (Karachi, Multan, Lahore), central (Delhi, Kanpur, Varanasi, Patna) and lower IGP (Kolkata, Dhaka). A comparatively high aerosol loading (AOD: 0.50±0.25) was evident over IGP with a statistically insignificant increasing trend of 0.002 year-1. Analysis highlights the existing spatial and temporal gradients in aerosol loading with stations over central IGP like Varanasi (decadal mean AOD±SD; 0.67±0.28) and Patna (0.65±0.30) exhibit the highest AOD, followed by sta-tions over lower IGP (Kolkata: 0.58±0.21; Dhaka: 0.60±0.24), with a statistically significant increasing trend (0.0174-0.0206 year-1). In contrast, stations over upper IGP reveal a comparatively low aerosol loading, having an insignifi-cant increasing trend. Variation in AOD across IGP is found to be mainly influenced by seasonality and topography. A distinct “aerosol pool” region over eastern part of Ganges plain is identified, where meteorology, topography, and aerosol sources favor the persistence of airborne particulates. A strong seasonality in aerosol loading and types is also witnessed, with high AOD and dominance of fine particulates over central to lower IGP, especially during post-monsoon and winter. The time series analyses by autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) indicate con-trasting patterns in randomness of AOD over individual stations with better performance especially over central IGP. Concentration weighted trajectory analyses identify the crucial contributions of western dry regions and partial contributions from central Highlands and north-eastern India, in regulating AOD over stations across IGP. Although our analyses provide some attributes to the observed changes in aerosol loading, we conclude that the spatial and temporal pattern of aerosol properties is highly complex and dynamic over IGP, and require further investigation in order to reduce uncertainty in aerosol-climate model.
Tropospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) over India was simulated by GEOS-Chem, a global 3D chemical-transport model, using SMOG (Speciated Multi-pOllutant Generator from IIT Bombay) and GC (current inventories used in the GEOS-Chem model) inventories for 2012. The simulated AODs were ~80% (SMOG) and 60% (GC) of those measured by the satellites (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS, and Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer, MISR). There is no strong seasonal variation in AOD over India. The peak AOD values are observed/simulated during summer. The simulated AOD using SMOG inventory has particulate black and organic carbon AOD higher by a factor ~5 and 3, respectively, compared to GC inventory. The model underpredicted coarse-mode but agreed for fine-mode AOD with AERONET data. It captured dust only over Western India, which is a desert, and not elsewhere, probably due to inaccurate dust transport and/or non-inclusion of other dust sources. The calculated AOD, after dust correction, showed the general features in its observed spatial variation. Highest AOD values were observed over the Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP) followed by Central and Southern India with lowest values in Northern India. Transport of aerosols from IGP and Central India into Eastern India, where emissions are low, is significant. The major contributors to total AOD over India are inorganic aerosol (41-64%), organic carbon (14-26%), and dust (7-32%). AOD over most regions of India are a factor of 5 or higher than over the United States.
The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) updates NASA’s previous satellite era (1980 – onward) reanalysis system to include additional observations and improvements to the Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5 (GEOS-5) Earth system model. As a major step towards a full Integrated Earth Systems Analysis (IESA), in addition to meteorological observations, MERRA-2 now includes assimilation of aerosol optical depth (AOD) from various ground- and space-based remote sensing platforms. Here, in the first of a pair of studies, we document the MERRA-2 aerosol assimilation, including a description of the prognostic model (GEOS-5 coupled to the GOCART aerosol module), aerosol emissions, and the quality control of ingested observations. We provide initial validation and evaluation of the analyzed AOD fields using independent observations from ground, aircraft, and shipborne instruments. We demonstrate the positive impact of the AOD assimilation on simulated aerosols by comparing MERRA-2 aerosol fields to an identical control simulation that does not include AOD assimilation. Having shown the AOD evaluation, we take a first look at aerosol-climate interactions by examining the shortwave, clear-sky aerosol direct radiative effect. In our companion paper, we evaluate and validate available MERRA-2 aerosol properties not directly impacted by the AOD assimilation (e.g. aerosol vertical distribution and absorption). Importantly, while highlighting the skill of the MERRA-2 aerosol assimilation products, both studies point out caveats that must be considered when using this new reanalysis product for future studies of aerosols and their interactions with weather and climate.
The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), is NASA’s latest reanalysis for the satellite era (1980 onward) using the Goddard Earth Observing System, version 5 (GEOS-5), Earth system model. MERRA-2 provides several improvements over its predecessor (MERRA-1), including aerosol assimilation for the entire period. MERRA-2 assimilates bias-corrected aerosol optical depth (AOD) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments. Additionally, MERRA-2 assimilates (non bias corrected) AOD from the Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer over bright surfaces and AOD from Aerosol Robotic Network sunphotometer stations. This paper, the second of a pair, summarizes the efforts to assess the quality of the MERRA-2 aerosol products. First, MERRA-2 aerosols are evaluated using independent observations. It is shown that the MERRA-2 absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) and ultraviolet aerosol index (AI) compare well with Ozone Monitoring Instrument observations. Next, aerosol vertical structure and surface fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are evaluated using available satellite, aircraft, and ground-based observa- tions. While MERRA-2 generally compares well to these observations, the assimilation cannot correct for all deficiencies in the model (e.g., missing emissions). Such deficiencies can explain many of the biases with observations. Finally, a focus is placed on several major aerosol events to illustrate successes and weaknesses of the AOD assimilation: the Mount Pinatubo eruption, a Saharan dust transport episode, the California Rim Fire, and an extreme pollution event over China. The article concludes with a summary that points to best practices for using the MERRA-2 aerosol reanalysis in future studies.