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Gabriele Cavallaro1, Yakoub Bazi2, Farid Melgani3and Morris Riedel1,4
ulich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum J¨
ulich, Germany
2Department of Computer Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy
4School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland, Iceland
The classification of land-cover classes in remote sensing im-
ages can suit a variety of interdisciplinary applications such
as the interpretation of natural and man-made processes on
the Earth surface. The Convolutional Support Vector Ma-
chine (CSVM) network was recently proposed as binary clas-
sifier for the detection of objects in Unmanned Aerial Ve-
hicle (UAV) images. The training phase of the CSVM is
based on convolutional layers that learn the kernel weights
via a set of linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs). This
paper proposes the Multi-scale Convolutional Support Vector
Machine (MCSVM) network, that is an ensemble of CSVM
classifiers which process patches of different spatial sizes and
can deal with multi-class classification problems. The exper-
iments are carried out on the EuroSAT Sentinel-2 dataset and
the results are compared to the one obtained with recent trans-
fer learning approaches based on pre-trained Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs).
Index Terms—Multi-scale convolutional support vector
machine (MCSVM) network, supervised feature generation,
multiclass classification, sentinel-2, remote sensing
Passive optical sensors are a class of remote sensing instru-
ments able to collect natural radiation from the Earth’s sur-
face and convert it into imagery [1]. A wide variety of resolu-
tions, ranging from panchromatic to hyperspectral images, are
nowadays available to serve different thematic applications.
Among all the possible products that can be derived from re-
mote sensing images, classification products are among the
most frequently utilized. Supervised classification algorithms
can be used to distinguish between different types of land-
cover classes (e.g., streets, houses, grass, etc.) in order to
interpret processes, such as monitoring of urban growth, land
The results of this research were achieved through the Human Brain
Project PCP Pilot Systems at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre and the
DEEP-EST project, which received co-funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agree-
ment No. 604102 and No. 754304, respectively.
cover mapping, road network extraction, impacts of natural
disasters, crop monitoring, object detection, etc. [2].
Recently, deep learning has brought in revolutionary
achievements in many applications, including the classifi-
cation of remote sensing images [3]. The state-of-the-art
results have been achieved by the Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) [4, 5] due to their sophisticated hierarchical
structure able to extract more hidden and deeper features than
classic machine learning methods based on handcrafted fea-
tures (i.e., shallow classifiers). The performance of a CNN
classifier is considerably dependent on the amount of avail-
able training data (i.e., the larger is the training set the lower
is the chance that overfitting occurs). Despite the recent ad-
vances in Earth observation benchmark data creation (e.g.,
RSI-CB128 with 36,000 images and 45 annotated classes 1),
the gap with the data size of the computer vision datasets
(e.g., ImageNet with 14,197,122 images 2) is still a key lim-
iting factor for the development of effective deep network
classifiers for remote sensing data. The scarcity of large,
reliable and open-source annotated datasets is largely due
to the inherent interpretation complexity of remote sensing
data (e.g., RADAR images) and the time effort and cost in-
volved in the collection of training samples. One effective
approach to handle small/medium datasets is transfer learn-
ing [6]. It consists of acquiring the knowledge from networks
that were pre-trained on an auxiliary recognition task with a
higher number of labeled data (e.g., ResNet [7]) instead of
performing the training from scratch.
Bazi et al. [8] proposed the Convolutional Support Vec-
tor Machine (CSVM) network for binary classification of
datasets that have limited number of annotated samples. The
CSVM adopts a learning strategy based on SVMs [9] that
is alternative to the standard backpropagation algorithm [5].
The novelty was the introduction of the SVM convolutional
layers that learn the kernel weights via a forward supervised
learning strategy based on a set of linear SVMs. This paper
introduces the Multi-Scale CSVM network for multiclass
875978-1-5386-9154-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE IGARSS 2019
Fig. 1. Example of a MCSVM network that receives as input batches of two different spatial sizes. The architecture includes
two SVM convolutional layers, two reduction layers, a concatenation and feature generation step, and a classification layer
placed on the top.
classification problems. It is an ensemble of CSVM net-
works, where each CSVM takes in input a set of batches at
a defined spatial size. The experiments are conducted on the
EuroSAT Sentinel 2 dataset which consists of classifying 10
land cover classes. The comparison of the preliminary results
with the one obtained with pretrained CNNs confirms the
effectiveness of the SVM convolutional layers for multi-class
classification problems.
2.1. SVM Convolutional Layer
The MCSVM network (see Figure 1) is composed by N
CSVM networks that receive in input batches with different
sizes K={kj}N
j=1, with kj∈Z∗. Each CSVM network
includes many SVM convolutional layers, which are differ-
ent than the convolutional layers of standard CNNs. In the
following sub-sections, the structure of the first SVM convo-
lutional layer (i.e., SV M (j,1)
1,SV M (j,1)
2, ... , S V M j,1
n(1)) of
ajth CSVM network is described. The generalization to the
next layers is plain.
2.1.1. Formation of the Global Training Set
Let {Ii, yi}M
i=1 be the training set composed of M multi-bands
images with {Ii∈ <r×c×b}, where r,cand brefers to the
number of rows, columns and bands of the image, respec-
tively, while yi∈Z∗denotes the class label. From each im-
age {Ii}, a set of non-overlapped patches of size kj×kj×b
are extracted and reshaped as feature vectors xiof dimen-
sion dj=kj×kj×b. The result is a global training set
j={xi, yi}m(1)
i=1 of size m(1).
2.1.2. Training the set of SVM Filter Banks
A set of linear SVM filters are learned on distinct sub-training
sets T(1)
subj={xi, yi}l
i=1 by optimizing the unconstrained
optimization problem described in [10] (i.e., with the L2-
loss function). The lsamples are randomly extracted from
the global training set T(1)
j. After training, the SVM filters
j,z }n(1)
z=1 are computed. The term w(1)
j,z ∈ <g×djrefers to
zth-SVM filter weight matrix, while n(1) is the number of fil-
ters. Each filter matrix wj∈ <[g×dj]includes the weights that
are assigned to the features, with g=n class ∗(n class −
1)/2(i.e., the output attribute coef for multiclass cases with
the linear kernel 3). The complete weights of this convo-
lutional layer could be grouped into a filter bank W(1)
<g×dj×n(1) .
2.1.3. Generation of the Convolutional Feature Maps
Each training image {Ii, yi}M
i=1 is convolved with the SVM
filters to generate a set of 3-D hyper-feature maps {H(1)
j,i }M
Here, {H(1)
j,i } ∈ <r(1)×c(1) ×b(1) }is the new feature represen-
tation of image Iicomposed of n(1) feature maps. To obtain
the zth feature map h(1)
z,j,i, the zth SVM filter is convolved with
Table 1. Classification results of different pretrained CNNs and the proposed MCSVM for the EuroSAT dataset. The experi-
ments of the first four columns use the three features Red, Green and Blue colors while the last column, includes 14 features (i.e.,
the original 13 bands of Sentinel-2 concatenated with the NDVI). For each configuration, the average and standard deviation in
brackets of several metrics are reported (the values result from 5 different generated training sets).
DenseNet169 ResNet-50 VGG16 MCSVM MCSVM Metrics
3 features (RGB) 14 features (sentinel 2 + NDVI)
77.52 (3.77) 90.65 (0.56) 92.85 (0.26) 76.28 (0.96) 93.60 (0.37) OA
82.04 (1.49) 90.45 (0.55) 92.59 (0.28) 77.51 (0.63) 93.43 (0.34) AA
75.01 (4.19) 89.59 (0.63) 92.04 (0.29) 73.56 (1.07) 92.88 (0.41) Kappa
1043.17 (129.69) 405.12 (4.35) 277.20 (5.84) 2658.40 (8.08) 928.39 (11.05) Train+Test time [s]
a set of sliding windows of size kj×kj×b(with a predefined
stride) over the training image Ii
z,j,i =f(Ii∗w(1)
z,j ), z = 1, ..., n(1) (1)
where ∗is the convolution operator and fis the ReLU
activation function. The spatial size of the feature maps
j,i }M
i=1 is then reduced via a pooling operation (i.e., ei-
ther max of mean) as it is done in a pooling layer of a CNN
2.2. Generation of the Convolutional Feature Maps
At the last SVM computing layer L(convolution or reduction
depending on the architecture) of each CSVM, the hyper-
feature maps {H(L)
j,i , yi}M
i=1 are outputted. These maps
are then concatenated {H(L)
1,i ,H(L)
2,i , ..., H(L)
N,i , yi}M
i=1. Sub-
sequently, the feature generation step takes as input each
concatenated hyper-feature map {H(L)
1,i ,H(L)
2,i , ..., H(L)
N,i }for
the training image Iiand compute the mean or max value
for each feature map. A non linear SVM classifier with the
Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel is finally trained over
these features.
3.1. Dataset
The experiments have been carried out on the open-source
EuroSAT dataset [11]. It includes two subsets of Sentinel-2
satellite image patches (i.e., with spatial size of 64 ×64 pix-
els) 4: one with the RGB colors and the other with the all 13
original spectral bands acquired by the Sentinel 2 multispec-
tral sensor. Both subsets consist of 10 classes with in total
27,000 labeled images. The Normalised Difference Vegeta-
tion Index (NDVI 5) is also considered as additional feature
for the experiments of the MCSVM network.
3.2. Experimental Setup
Preliminary results are presented for a single layer MCSVM
network architecture. The EuroSAT dataset is split into a
training and test set at the ratio of 80:20. The MCSVM en-
sembles three CSVM networks which receive as input batches
with the following dimensions K={8,10,12}. Each CSVM
has only one SVM convolutional layer which includes 7 lin-
ear SVM classifiers. The 2D convolutional operations are
performed with the stride set to 5 and combined with a re-
duction layer (max pooling) with window shape and stride
set to 3 and 2, respectively. Each SVM filter is trained with
l= 1000 patches (100 for each class) that are randomly ex-
tracted. The estimation of the penalty parameter C for each
SVM is done via a 5-fold cross-validation procedure in the
range [10−1102].
The experiments are performed on the JURON supercom-
puter system at the J¨
ulich Supercomputing Centre. For im-
plementing the CSVM network (i.e., with Python 3.6.1),
the following software packages and respective versions were
used: the TensorFlow 1.7.0 (GPU) for the realization
of the convolution operations, the ThunderSVM (GPU) for
the SVM algorithm and the h5py 2.8.0 for interfacing the
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) files.
3.3. Evaluation
The performance of the MCSVM is evaluated in terms of the
standard metrics Overall Accuracy (OA), Average Accuracy
(AA) and Cohen’s Kappa coefficient (Kappa), as depicted by
Table 1. To rate the results, three popular pretrained CNNs are
run with the same input setting: DenseNet169 [12], ResNet-
50 [7] and VGG-16 [13]. For each pretrained network, the
weights resulting from the training of the ImageNet dataset
are frozen for all the layers (i.e., not trainable). Two addi-
tional layers are added on top (a fully connected layer fol-
lowed by a softmax layer with 10 outputs) and trained with
20 epochs. The classification results of MCSVM that are ob-
tained with the RGB dataset are not satisfactory, especially if
they are compared with the one of the VGG16 network. How-
ever, with the 14 bands dataset (i.e., 13 bands of Sentinel-2
and the NDVI), the MCSVM is able to achieve competitive
classification results. The pretrained networks are not eval-
uated with this dataset since their weights have been trained
with 3-channel images and their original architectures have to
be modified. Table 1 reports also the processing times (i.e.,
training plus test). The training time of the pretrained net-
works is only the fraction that was spent by the 20 epochs for
learning the two top additional layers.
The good performance of the MCSVM network is espe-
cially encouraging if considered within the whole satellite
image data framework. On the one hand, deep learning has
proved capable of outperforming traditional machine learn-
ing classifier. On the other hand, the majority of the proposed
deep networks operate with the limited RGB information. In
the light of the fact that many earth observation programmes
put a lot of effort and resources in designing sensors with
higher resolutions, new methods have to be developed in or-
der to avoid their underutilization.
This paper proposed a novel MCSVM network for multi-class
classification problems of remote sensing images. Its archi-
tecture can include several CSVM networks that take as in-
puts batches with different spatial sizes. With this configura-
tion the classifier can exploit both the spatial and spectral in-
formation and provide competitive classification results com-
pared to recent solutions based on knowledge transfer from
pretrained CNNs.
As perspectives, it is intended to investigate the effect of
the different tunable parameters and additional layers on the
performance of the network into more detail. Furthermore,
thanks to the availability of distributed-GPU systems at J¨
Supercomputing Centre, it is planned to scale up the training
phase by distributing the compute load (SVM training and
convolution operations) over different GPUs.
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